


Parish Registers in the Devon & Cornwall Record Society's Collection

Full details of the Society's large collection of Parish Register transcripts are given in:

Stride, S. (comp.) A Shelflist of the Society's Collections. Westcountry Studies Library, Castle Street, Exeter EX4 3PQ (June 1986) 30pp.

This publication, which is available from the former Westcountry Studies Library, details the Society's holdings under the following headings:

  • A Society's publications, old series
  • B Society's publications, newseries
  • C Society's publications, extra series
  • F Family information files
  • G Parish information files
  • P Inhabitant lists covering more than one parish, by year
  • Q Family histories, by name
  • R Miscellaneous records, alphabetically by type
  • S Periodicals, by title
  • W Nonconformist registers on microfiche
  • X Devon parish registers
  • Y Marriage indexes for Devon and Cornwall
  • Z Cornwall parish registers

The parish register transcriptions generally end in or before 1837; those that are in fact based on Bishops' Transcripts typically cover just a brief early period - only a few go through into the 18th or 19th centuries.

The collection is now mostly on open shelves at the Westcountry Studies Library

It would appear that the great majority of the Devon IGI entries come from these transcriptions.