


Will of George Pook, of Culmstock, Dealer in Pinions

Proved 14 September 1752

© Crown Copyright

PROB 11/797/26, Records of the Prerogative Court of Canterbury,
Volume number: 2 Quire numbers: 51-100

Transcribed by  Art Ames


God’s Will be done this is mine. I George Pook of Culmstock in the County of Devon, dealer in pinions, being of a sound disposing mind and memory and understanding do make and ordain this to be my last Will and Testament in manner and form following 

That is to say I give and bequeath unto my sister Elizabeth Hill, widow of Halberton the sum of five pounds of lawful money of Great Britain to be paid in one year after my decease. 

Also I give and bequeath unto my son Samuel Pook the sum of fifty pounds of lawful money of Great Britain in one year after my decease and my will and mind is that if my son Samuel Pook shall take care of his fifty so as he may put the same into business in order hereby to get more and be careful to mind his business according to his brothers liking he shall have fifty pounds more in two years after my decease but if he is not careful to save the first fifty pounds then he is to have no more forever from his father’s effects than the first fifty pounds which is given unto him. 

Also I give and bequeath unto my daughter Hannah Pook the sum of one hundred pounds of good and lawful money of Great Britain in two years after my decease. 

Also I give unto my daughter Elizabeth Pook the sum of one hundred pounds of lawful money of Great Britain in three years after my decease which said sums of moneys I order and ordain shall be raised and levied out of my goods and chattels and personal estate and which said legacys or sums of moneys I will and ordain shall be paid to the  respective legatees on this express condition that is to say that if it shall happen at any time or times hereafter that any of my dealers shall or should owe me anything or sums of moneys that is  like to be lost or not to be recovered by order of law so that it is utterly lost the said legatees shall bear an equal proportion toward the lost sum or sums of moneys according to their legacys 

And also shall be their part to any cost and charges in getting in any sum or sums of moneys at any time or times thereafter my  decease and also my will is that my sd wife and children may live in love and peace on with the other after my decease and if it shall happen at any time that any difference shall arrive by any misfortune concerning any of my affairs or otherwise that they agree altogether and thus  ? to decide the difference that shall happen between you all and if any or either of my Legatees will contend on with he other and will not agree that it may be decided by the Men that shall be chosen on purpose so that he she or they or any or either of them shall cause a Law Suit to be commenced the whole cost and charges shall be paid out of their legacys that was given to them. 

Also I give and devise and bequeath all that my cottage or dwelling house and garden and courtledge stable and all other outhouses thereunto belonging situate in the town of Culmstock and now in my own possession with the Rents Issues and Profits thereof unto my loving wife Miriam Pook from and immediately after my decease for and during the lease. 

And also I give all the rest and residue of my goods and chattels and personal Estate of what nature or kind soever unto my said wife Miriam her executors administrators and assignees whom I hereby make whole and sole executrix of this my last will and testament, I hereby revoking all former wills by me made on this express condition that she my said wife Miriam shall and will perform all my gifts and bequeaths in the best manner and form she can for peace and quietness to herself and children 

and also I do constitute and ordain and appoint my trusted friend William Brown of Culmstock in the county of Devon serge weaver and now residing at the Meeting House in the same parish called Spiceland to be my lawful trustee of this my last will and testament for my wife and children with this power and authority only given unto the said William Brown that if it shall happen at any time or times hereafter my decease that any differences that shall happen to arise between my wife or my children or any of my dealers concerning the moneys that shall be due to my account that cannot be composing by my said wife and children that she immediately call the said William Brown to her assistance and give and allow unto him reason able satisfaction for his thought that he shall take in composing such differences of yours as you require of him at any time. 

In witness thereof I the said George Pooke hath hereunto set my hand and seal this twenty second day of July one thousand seven hundred and fifty two and in the twenty sixth year of the reign of our sovereign lord George the second by the grace of god of Great Britain France and Ireland King Defender of the Faith and so forth. 

George Pook 

Sealed published and declared by the above named George Pook for and as his last Will and testament in the presence of us Ephraim Brown Richard Chaggey, Jon Brown.


This Will was proved at London the fourteenth day of September in the year of our lord one thousand seven hundred and fifty two before the right honourable Sir George Lee Knight Doctor of Laws Master Keeper and Commissioner of the Prerogative  Court of Canterbury lawfully constituted by the solemn and sincere Declaration or Affirmation of Miriam Pook widow the relict of the deceased and sole Executrix in the said will named to whom  was granted Administration of all and singular the goods chattels and credits of the said deceased having first made a solemn and sincere declaration or affirmation by commission duly to administer .