


Will of James Crosse, of Cullompton, Devon

Proved 20 February 1836

© Crown Copyright

National Archives Catalogue Reference PROB 11/1857/232
Records of the Prerogative Court of Canterbury Stowell Quire Numbers 51 – 100


Transcribed by  Art Ames


In the name of God Amen 
I James Crosse of Knowle in the parish of Cullompton in the County of Devon esquire being of sound and disposing mind memory and understanding (praised be God for the same) do make publish and declare this my last Will and Testament in manner and form following 
I give devise and bequeath unto my nephews Henry Crosse and James Crosse sons of my late brother Henry Crosse of Cullompton gentleman deceased all that my moiety or other right estate and interest which I now have or may be possessed of and entitled to at my death of and in all that capital messuage barton and farm called Pounsford Farm otherwise Knowle 
And also of and in all those parcels of land called Barton Down with the appurts and part and parcel of the manor of Ponsford Farm aforesaid lying within the said parish of Cullompton and now occupied by myself 
And also of and in all the tythes of corn grain and grass of in and upon the said capital in Barton farm parcels of land closes fields heredits and premises or any part thereof 
And also of and in all those two cottages and gardens situate at or near Knowle in Cullompton aforesaid now in the possession of Edward Langsford and John Sims 
And also the entirety of all the tythes of corn and grain arising continuing and ensuing in and upon all those closes or parcels of land called or known by the name of Broomhills now or late in the possession of Samuel Melhuish and situate in the parish of Cullompton aforesaid 
And also of the entirety of all that close of a ground containing three acres more or less called Langlands formerly two closes part of a certain tenement called Yerberrys or Hills Tenement with the great tythes of corn and grain thereof also in Cullompton aforesaid late in the possession of John Adkins or his tenant 
And also all that close or piece of ground commonly called or known by the name of the Cross Close containing by estimation one and acre and a quarter lying in Cullompton aforesaid on the left hand of the way leading from Cullompton town to Knowle now in my own possession 
And also all and singular my Estate farm and lands called Higher Secarly and two fields called Murleys with their respective rights and appurts situate lying and being in the parish of Halberton in the said County of Devon and now or late in the occupation of Thomas Hill 
And also all my estate right and interest of and in a certain piece or parcel of close called Culliford Meadows now in the occupation of Robert Chatty as tenant thereof and situate lying and being in the parish of Tiverton in the said County of Devon 
And also my right estate and interest of and in a certain farm called Lower Secarly situate in the said parish of Halberton in the occupation of the said Thomas Hill 
And also all and singular my estate and lands called or known by the name of Hawk Ridge otherwise Hawkerage Overland and Hawkings otherwise Hoopers Moors situate lying and being in the parish of Morebath in the said county of Devon now in the occupation of James Hill 
To hold the same said several and respective premises with their rights estates and interests unto my said nephew Henry Crosse and James Crosse sons of my said late brother Henry Crosse their heirs executors administrators and assigns for ever as tenant in common and not as joint tenants 
Subject nevertheless too and I do hereby expressly charge and make liable the said estates land and premises and every part thereof to and with the payment thereout of the following legacies or sums of money which I hereby give and bequeath to the persons hereinafter named that is to say 
To my nephew John Siddenham the sum of one hundred pounds and to my his sister's family Margaret and Mary the sum of one hundred pounds each to be respectively paid them within two years after my death 
I also grant to my nephew Robert Pring Crosse the sum of three hundred pounds to my niece Alice Crosse the sum of one hundred pounds to my nephew Edward Heathfield Crosse the sum of two hundred pounds to be respectively paid within twelve months after my death 
I give and bequeath to my nephew Charles Cobley the son of one hundred pounds to be paid within two years after my death 
I give and bequeath to my nephew the Reverend James Crosse the son of my beloved brother the Reverend Edward Crosse the sum of five hundred pounds to my niece Mary Crosse the sum of hundred pounds to my niece Anne Strong the wife of the Reverend Charles Strong the sum of one hundred pounds to my nephew Richard Crosse the like sum of one hundred pounds and to my nephew John Webber Crosse the like sum of one hundred pounds to be paid to them respectively in two years after my death 
And I do hereby declare it is my will and desire that in case either of my said nephews or nieces shall happen to depart this life before me that then it is my wish that their brother or sisters or brothers or sisters my surviving or other nephews or nieces as the case may be shall take and be entitled to the share or shares of such nephew or niece dying which should have arrived or become due to him or her 
All the rest residue and remainder of any estate and effects real and personnel whatsoever and wheresoever situate not hereinbefore otherwise by me effectually disposed of after payment of all my debts and funeral expenses and the charges and expenses approving this my Will I give devise the same and to any part thereof unto my said nephews Henry Crosse and James Crosse their heirs executors admors and assigns forever as tenants in common to and for his distinct own use and benefit 
And I do hereby make ordain constitute and appoint my said nephews Henry Crosse and James Crosse joint executors and residuary devisees of this my last Will and Testament hereby revoking and making void or former and other Wills by me at any time heretofore made 
In witness thereof I the said James Crosse the testator have to this said last Will and Testament contained in this and the two preceding sheets of paper to the two first whereof set and subscribed my name and to this third and last my hand and seal this twelfth day of September in the year of our lord one thousand eight hundred and thirty four    James Crosse 
Signed sealed published and declared by the said testator James Crosse as and for his last Will and Testament but in the presence of us who in his presence at his request and in the presence of each other have subscribed our names as witnesses hereto
Thomas L. J. Rendell Solr Tiverton James Wood Thomas Laskey his clerks
I James Crosse of Knowle in the parish of Cullompton in the county of Devon esquire request this to be taken as a codicil to my said Will
Whereas I have and also given and bequeathed to my nephews John Webber Crosse the sum of one hundred pounds now I do hereby revoke and make void the said gift and bequest to my said nephew John Webber Crosse in testimony whereof I have to this my codicil to my said Will subscribed my hand and seal this eighteenth day of June one thousand eight hundred and thirty five James Crosse   
Signed sealed published and declared by the said testator James Crosse as and for a codicil to his said last Will and Testament in the presence of us who in his presence at his request and in the presence of each other have subscribed our names as witnesses hereto 
Thos L. J. Rendell    Edward Langsford
Proved at London with a codicil 20 Feby 1836 before the judge by the oaths of Henry Crosse and James Crosse the nephews the executors to whom admon was granted having first sworn by comon duly to adm