


The Book of Cullompton

Compiled by the People of the Parish

(Halsgrove Press, Tiverton, 2001)


Index (F-M)

Prepared by Sandra Harris

Index (A-E)            Index (N-Y)

F. BATTEN'S CYCLE SHOPPhotograph; now Crossley & Son Funeral Directorsabt 190463
FACIE, ThomasOne of witnesses to deed of watercourse by Thomas AbbotMay 6, 135685
FAIRFamily name in Langford records19th Century47
FAIRFAX, Sir ThomasArrived in Cullompton from HonitonOct. 12, 16459
FARE & SONSFirst premises to receive electricity1920s85
FARE'S GROCERY SHOPLocated on High Street East1930s-40s66
FARMER, I.Photograph St. Andrew's School PTFA Christmas Fayreabt. 197121
FARMER, Mrs.Photograph of St. Andrews School PTFAabt. 196822
FARRANT, AshtonBook subscriber; Cullompton, Devon2001158
FARRANT, SheridanBook subscriber; Cullompton, Devon2001158
FARRELLY, ColinBook subscriber; Plymouth, Devon2001158
FARRELLY, SallyBook subscriber; Plymouth, Devon2001158
FEBRY, DavidBook subscriber; Searchlight, Fulford Barnyard, Cullompton, Devon2001158
FEBRY, KarenBook subscriber; Searchlight, Fulford Barnyard, Cullompton, Devon2001158
FENLON, JaneIn photograph of Town Council; administrative assistantMarch, 2001154
FENLON, Jane (Mrs.)Assistance with book20017
FEW, PamelaIn photograph at Drevon & Brownabt 193992
FIELD, BettBook subscriber; Cullompton, Devon2001158
FINLAYSON, SamanthaChild in photograph of Noah's Ark PlaygroupJuly, 199331
FINLAYSON, VictoriaChild in photograph of Noah's Ark PlaygroupJuly, 199331
FIRBANKS, S. J.Book subscriber; Cullompton, Devon2001158
FIRBANKS, Mrs. S. J.Book subscriber; Cullompton, Devon2001158
FIRKINS, DavidPhotograph of Willowbank Infants School Choir198924
FIRST STUDIO HAIRDRESSERSLocated where Brooks Ironmongers used to be200168
FISHER familyBook subscriber; Blackborough, Devon2001158
FLEMING, ChrisBook subscriber; Portsmouth (grandson of Harold DENNING)2001158
FLETCHER, DougieTown Crier of Topsham198212
FLO PAUL'S GENERAL STORELocated on High Street East1930s-40s66
FLOWER, Mrs.In photograph of St. John Ambulance1960118
FLOWER, Mrs.In photograph of St. John Ambulance1960118
FLOYD, D.In photograph of Cullompton Rangers Football Club2000123
FOAN, GrahamAwarded Queen's Scout Honour196535
FOOT, Rev. UriahTo Cullompton Baptist church1842-186955
FORCE, J.In photograph of Cullompton Rugby Team1951/52124
FORCE, JackHeron's Dairy, Colebrook Lane1960s?80
FORCE, MarionPhotograph of Cullompton Guidesabt 194633
FORD, A.. G.In photograph of St. Andrew's bell-ringers194654
FORD, ClivePhotograph of Bible Class members1950104
FORD, KateMother of Reginald Richard FordWW1109
FORD, MarionPhotograph of Cullompton Guides (Brownie Leader)abt 194633
FORD, Mr.Part owner of Dolphin Inn1903+77
FORD, Mr.In photograph of St. Andrew's bell-ringers196254
FORD, Mr. and Mrs.Had house on High Street East1930s-40s66
FORD, Mrs.Photograph of Cullompton Guidesabt 194633
FORD, Mrs.Photograph St. Andrew's PTFA Summer Fayreabt. 196920
FORD, Reginald RichardKilled in WW1 109
FORD, RichardFather of Reginald Richard FordWW1109
FORD, SheilaPhotograph of Girls' Friendly Society Choir194936
FORRESTER, G.One of school board managersabt. 190315
FORRESTER, G.Wrote article in Parish MagazineFeb., 190313
FORRESTER, Rev. G.Article in St. Andrew's Parochial MagazineFeb., 189861
FORRESTER, Rev. GeorgeNamed as Vicar of Cullompton on clergy plaque photograph189352
FORRESTER, Rev.Involved in deputation against large number of licensed houses190375
FORSE, N. V. (Mrs.)Book subscriber; Cullompton, Devon2001158
FORSE, W.In photograph of Cullompton Rugby Club1892/3124
FORTH, Rev.To Cullompton Baptist Church186955
FOSTER, C.In photograph of Cullompton Rangers Football Club1949/50122
FOSTER, HeatherPhotograph of Girl Guides "Thinking Day"197032
FOSTER, JamiePhotograph of Cullompton Scout Troopabt 191034
FOSTER, Mr.Held license for Fountain Inn from 1859 and his father 30 years before1859+77
FOSTER, M. T.First referee of Cullompton Football Club1892/3125
FOSTER, M. T.In photograph of Cullompton Rugby Club; Hon. Secretary1892/3124
FOSTER, Murray J.Ran Foster's chemists shop1930s+70
FOSTER, Murray T.Wrote Short History of Cullompton 99
FOSTER, Murray ToogoodLeased land to Cricket Clubuntil 1960s134
FOSTER'S CHEMISTS SHOPLocated on Fore Street West1930s+70
FOUNTAIN INNLocated in Fore Streetabt. 1829+77
FOWLER, ClivePhotograph St. Andrew's School195420
FOWLER, P.In photograph of Globe Hotel Darts Team [male]1950-5176
FOX BROTHERSOf Wellington; built branch in town1900-197789
FOX, Bishop RichardOf Winchester; bought Langeforde , founded Corpus Christi College, Oxford and donated property1518+47
FOX, JamesChild in photograph of Noah's Ark PlaygroupJuly, 199331
FOX, TonyPhotograph of Boys' Class at Glanherne School - studentabt 194227
FOX BROTHERSPhotograph of outing1960s88
FOX BROTHERSPhotograph of textile workers191289
FRANK STEVENS' RADIO SHOPLocated on Fore Street East1930s-40s66
FRANKPITT, TracyBook subscriber, Mutterton, Devon2001158
FRANKPITT, TraceyDid research for Regeneration Group's website; promoted farmers' market1998; 1997145
FRED STEVENS' JEWELLERSLocated on Fore Street East1930s-40s67
FRENCH familyBook subscriber, Dulford, Cullompton, Devon2001158
FRENCH, AlanHelped with survival of donated monkey tree to Community Association lands1970s134
FRESH 'N' FRUITYLocated on Fore Street East200166
FRISBY'S SHOE SHOPLocated on Fore Street East1930s-40s67
FRITH, Brigadier E. H.C.Opened new Cullompton school196517
FROST, D.In photograph of Cullompton Rugby Team1951/52124
FROST, Eric A.Book subscriber, Cullompton, Devon2001158
FROST, Gavin J.Book subscriber, Cullompton, Devon2001158
FROST, Julie (née CHILCOTT)Book subscriber, Cullompton, Devon2001158
FROST, KatherinePhotograph of Girl Guides "Thinking Day"197032
FROST, MikeBook subscriber, Cullompton, Devon2001158
FROST, Mrs.In photograph of Mothers' Union OutingJuly, 1957128
FROST, PeterPhotograph of Bible Class members1950104
FROST, RegPhotograph of Cullompton Scout Troopabt 191034
FROST, Suzanne D.Book subscriber, Cullompton, Devon2001158
FROST, W.Owned Victoria Hall/Glanherne School building to produce toysafter WW241
FRY'S OUTFITTERS SHOPLocated on Fore Street East1930s-40s66
FULFORDS ESTATE AGENTSLocated on Fore Street East200167
FULKER, MarianBook subscriber, Cullompton, Devon2001158
FULLER, AngelaDeals with advertising for The Cully Cobblerabt 2001146
FURNEAUX, WilliamOne of witnesses to deed of watercourse by Thomas AbbotMay 6, 135685
FURRY FRIENDSBusiness located on Fore Street West200170
FYSSHACRE, Sir EdwardNamed as Vicar of Cullompton on clergy plaque photograph141552
GALPIN, ElizabethBorn in Cullompton; gt gt grandmother of Ross McBride; dau of William; married John Bowles1853149
GALPIN, MargaretIn photograph of Wartime fte1940s107
GALPIN, PatPhotograph of Bible Class members1950104
GALPIN, SarahSister of Elizabeth and William; married Charles Salwaylate 1800s149
GALPIN, ThomasHad 5 children1731-42149
GALPIN, WilliamEldest brother of Elizabeth; ag labourer; lived at 33 New Streetlate 1800s149
GALPIN, William (Sr.)Father of Elizabeth, William and Sarah; was handloom weaver in wool industry1800s149
GAMBON, ThomasOne of witnesses to deed of watercourse by Thomas AbbotMay 6, 135685
GAMELIN, Odo FitzHeld the Manor of Hillersdon when the Survey of Domesday was taken 41
GARNHAM, AllanIn cricket club photograph1989121
GARNSWORTHY, CIn photograph of Cullompton Rangers Football Club2000123
GARRETT, JohnFormer owner of the Manor House - clerk178541
GATEHOUSE, Tiverton RoadPhotograph1800s?79
GATES, JackPhotograph of St. Andrews staffearly 1970s23
GEAR, MissIn photograph with Dutch children in holiday in Cullompton1945104
GEORGE, HelenaBook subscriber, Cullompton, Devon2001158
GEORGE, PatrickBook subscriber, Cullompton, Devon2001158
GEORGE SPICER CHARITYCharity incorporated in Cullompton United Charities1953135
GEORGIAN CAFÉIn Higher Bullring, received 1st licence (later names Bullring Restaurant)Dec., 196975
GIBB,. LloydPhotograph of Willowbank Infants School Choir198924
GIBBINS, LizBook subscriber, Rose Cottage, Plymtree, Devon2001158
GIBBS, GillPhotograph of Girl Guides "Thinking Day"197032
GIBSON, HarryIn photograph of pupils of Willowbank primary schoolJuly, 2000154
GIBSON, Harry J.Book subscriber, Cullompton, Devon2001158
GIDLEY, GustavusWife of local doctor; revived hand-weaving industryabt 191089
GIDLEY, Dr.Had surgery in High Street West1930s+71
GIDLEY, Dr.In photograph of Heyford House1901-372
GIDLEY, Dr.In photograph, rowing on Upton Lakeabt 1930?130
GIDLEY, Dr. G.Electrical generating station on his land in Tiverton Lane1920s85
GIDLEY, Dr. G.In photograph of Cullompton Orchestraabt 1922103
GIDLEY, Dr. GustavusSold Heyford House to Sisters of Our Lady of Dolours for a schoolbefore 193027
GIDLEY, Mrs.In photograph of members of 1st Women's Institute Committee; President1917130
GIDLEY, Mrs. G.Formed Women's Institute; doctor's wife1917131
GIGG, GeorgeKilled in WW11 109
GILBERT, Preb. JohnNamed as Vicar of Cullompton on clergy plaque photograph165252
GILL, L. T.Superintendent of police force193595
GILL, NancyDaughter of police superintendent193595
GILLARD, G.In photograph of Cullompton Rugby Team1951/52124
GILLARD, MargeryPhotograph of Cullompton Guidesabt 194633
GILLARD, TryphenaPhotograph of Girl Guides "Thinking Day"197032
GILLETT, KellyPhotograph of Willowbank Infants School Choir198924
GLANVILLE, FrankPhotograph of Cullompton Scout Troopabt 191034
GLANVILLE, OliveIn photograph of workers of the SalleJuly, 194891
GLANVILLE, Rosemary E.Book subscriber, Talaton, Devon2001158
GLASS, AngelaPhotograph of Knightshayes Girl Guide Camp194032
GLASS, AngelaIn photograph of jam factory workers1930s?92
GLASS, D.Photograph St. Andrew's School PTFA Christmas Fayreabt. 197121
GLASS, DorothyPhotograph of St. Andrews School PTFAabt. 196822
GLASS, Mrs.In photograph of St. John Ambulance1960118
GLASS, Mrs. D.In photograph of St. John Ambulance1960118
GLEESON, MatthewChild in photograph of Noah's Ark PlaygroupJuly, 199331
GLEESON, Pat (Mrs.)In photograph of Town CouncilMarch, 2001154
GLENN familyBook subscriber, Cullompton, Devon2001158
GLENN, DavidIn photograph of Town CouncilMarch, 2001154
GLOBE HOTELLocated in Fore Street1830-1930s77
GLOBE INNLocated on Fore Street West1930s+70
GLOVER, Christiana T. (Mrs.)Book subscriber, Cullompton, Devon2001158
GLYNN, Esq., G. D. V.Bought Hillersdon Manor from Sturgis Grant family and current owner198241
GLYNN, G. D. V. (Mrs.)Book subscriber, Hillersdon House, Cullompton, Devon2001158
GLYNN, G. D. V.Book subscriber, Hillersdon House, Cullompton, Devon2001158
GLYNN, G. D. V., Esq.Assistance with book20017
GODDARD, WilliamIn photograph of production of Jack and JillFeb., 2000132
GODE, C.In photograph at Coronation tea party1937?98
GOFF, BillBook subscriber, Cullompton, Devon2001158
GOFF, D.In photograph of Cullompton Rugby Football Club; President2000/2001125
GOFF, Derek E.Book subscriber, Cullompton, Devon2001158
GOFF, E.In photograph of Cullompton Rugby Team1951/52124
GOFF, EmilyBook subscriber, Adelaide, Australia2001158
GOFF, FrazerBook subscriber, Sydney, Australia2001158
GOFF, JamesBook subscriber, Adelaide, Australia2001158
GOFF, MandyBook subscriber, Cullompton, Devon2001158
GOFF, Mandy (Mrs.)Assistance with book20017
GOFF, Mr.Assistance with book20017
GOFFEY, TonyLeader of Cub Scouts197335
GOLDS PLACELocated in High Street West200171
GOLLOP, J.In photograph of Cullompton Rugby Team1951/52124
GONE BANANASBusiness located on Fore Street West200170
GOOD COMPANIONSFruit and flower shop located on High Street West1930s+71
GOODALL, EmmyPhotograph of Class of 2000, St. Andrews Primary School200023
GOODALL, SharonBook subscriber, Cullompton, Devon2001158
GOODALL, TrevorBook subscriber, Cullompton, Devon2001158
GOODHIND, G. W. D.Book subscriber, Leigh-on-Sea, Essex2001158
GOODING, C.In photograph of Cullompton Rangers Football Club; Captain1949/50122
GOODING, N. (Mr.)In photograph of Fire Brigade (Leading fireman)1970116
GOOE, CicelyPhotograph of Girls' Friendly Society Choir194936
GORDON, B.Book subscriber, Cullompton, Devon2001158
GORDON, KayPhotograph of Culm Vale Playgroup198530
GORDON, Kay (Mrs.)Assistance with book20017
GORDON, Kay (Mrs.)Of Tiverton Road, course tutor for playgroups, met Princess DianaSept. 26, 1990147
GORDON, P. K.Book subscriber, Cullompton, Devon2001158
GOSS, DonaldIn photograph of Cullompton Church Choirabt 193954
GOSS, George RobertKilled in WW2 112
GOSS, J. E. (Mr./Mrs.)Parents of George Robert GossWW2112
GOULD, C. (Mr.)In photograph of Fire Brigade1970116
GOULD, MauricePhotograph of Cullompton Senior School193514
GOVE, C. (Mrs.)In photograph at Coronation tea party1937?98
GOVE, J.In photograph at Coronation tea party1937?98
GOVIER, DoreenPhotograph of Cullompton Guidesabt 194633
GRAHAM, JaneTeacher at Willowbank School198025
GRAHAM, JanePhotograph of St. Andrews staffearly 1970s23
GRAHAM PRESCOTT DOMESTIC APPLIANCESBook subscriber, Willand, Devon2001159
GRANDFIELD, JunePhotograph of Girls' Friendly Society Choir194936
GRANT, Dolly (Miss)Lived in High Street West1930s+71
GRANT, Rev. Francis B.Named as Vicar of Cullompton on clergy plaque photograph186452
GRANT, James MalcolmFather of Walter Stewart GrantWW2112
GRANT, Kevin R.Book subscriber, Willand, Devon2001158
GRANT, MinnieMother of Walter Stewart GrantWW2112
GRANT, Mrs.Lived in High Street West1930s+71
GRANT, T. P.One of school board managersabt. 190315
GRANT, W. C.Lord of Hillersdon Manor who replaced house184741
GRANT, Esq., W. J. A..Son of W. C. Grant; inherited Hillersdon Manor and noted explorer after whom Cape Grant in Antarctica is named; died in 19351877+41
GRANT, W. J. A.Explorer who brought the mummified hawk to Hillersdon from Egypt; died in 1935 at age of 841887148
GRANT, Walter StewartKilled in WW2 112
GRANT-STURGIS, PatrickOwns mummified hawk, The Bleeding Hawk of Hillersdon2001148
GRANT-STURGIS, Robin JulianKilled in WW2 112
GRAVE'S SWEET SHOPLocated at top of Station Road1930s-1940s66
GRAVESGame, rabbit and poultry shop on corner of Higher Mill Lane1930's-40s66
GRAY, TedIn photograph of workers of the SalleJuly, 194891
GRAY, Rev. WalkerNamed as Vicar of Cullompton on clergy plaque photograph181452
GRAY, Revd. WalterVicar, donated lands for school182213
GRAY, Revd. WalterTrustee of schoolabt. 181613
GREEN AWAY, KathleenPhotograph of Cullompton school prefects1930?14
GREENALL, JackPhotograph of Class of 2000, St. Andrews Primary School200023
GREENING, Betty (Mrs.)Assistance with book20017
GREENING, KarenPhotograph of Girl Guides "Thinking Day"197032
GREENING, MaryIn photograph at Drevon & Brownabt 193992
GREENING, OliverPhotograph of Class of 2000, St. Andrews Primary School200023
GREENSLADE, ReginaldKilled in WW1 109
GREENSLADE, RonIn photograph of Cullompton Church Choirabt 193954
GREENSLADE, W.In photograph of Cullompton Rugby Club1892/3124
GREENWOOD, Ronald B.Lt. Colonel, Chief Constable of police1967-79115
GRIFFITH, FrancisDiscovered the Roman For through aerial reconnaissance for Council198439
GRIFFITHS, P. J. J. (Mrs.) (née DISCOMBE)Book subscriber, The Green, Cullompton, Devon2001158
GROSE, ChristianDaughter of John Grose who married Abraham Petre; widow of Richard Lee1600s43
GROSE, JohnFather of Christian1600s43
GROVES, Mrs.Assistance with book20017
GROVES, SusanBook subscriber, Cullompton, Devon2001158
GRUBB, Rev.VicarWW2106
GRUBB, Rev.In photograph of Cullompton Church Choirabt 193954
GRUBB, Rev. Geoffrey WatkinsNamed as Vicar of Cullompton on clergy plaque photograph193752
GUBB, AlanBook subscriber, Cullompton, Devon2001158
GUBB, KatrinaPhotograph of Willowbank Infants School Choir198924
GUBB, LorraineBook subscriber, Cullompton, Devon2001158
GUBB, PaulHelps maintain Regeneration Groups' website2001146
GUEST, GordonActing head of St. Andrews School1993-199423
GULLIVER, D.In photograph of Cullompton Rangers Football Club2000123
GUNN, Ian. B.Book subscriber, Cullompton, Devon2001158
GUNN, MissTeacher at school where Magistrates Court is now1930s37
GUNN, MissTeacher at Cullomptonabt 1910151
GUPPY, S.In photograph of Cullompton Rangers Football Club2000123
GUSH, KathleenIn photograph of Cullompton Young Farmers Club Milking Class1837144
GWYNNE, MauriceTwo Woods bowling champion1993119
GYLESHad long farming ties with Langford1800s-1900s47
HAGUE, PaulYouth worker with the Cullompton Community Association for over 20 yearsabt 1980s36
HAGUE, PaulYouth Worker with Devon County Council1981100
HAIRCRAFTBusiness located on Fore Street West200169
HAKE, AudreySister of Ron Hake; married Mr. Phillips1930s+149; 151
HAKE, BarrySon of Jack and Netta; worked as lecturer in Hollandabt 1950-60?151
HAKE, BessieIn photograph of their thatched cottage in Higher Streetabt 1930s150
HAKE, EmmaIn photograph of their thatched cottage in Higher Streetabt 1930s150
HAKE, EmmaGrandmother of Ron Hake; lived at 23 Higher Street1930s149
HAKE, GillianBook subscriber, Tiverton, Devon2001158
HAKE, HarryGrandfather of Ron Hake; lived at 23 Higher Street1930s149
HAKE, HarryIn photograph of their thatched cottage in Higher Streetabt 1930s150
HAKE, J.In photograph of Cullompton Rugby Team1951/52124
HAKE, JackBrother of Ron Hake1930s+149
HAKE, JohnFather of Ron Hake; lived at 26 Higher Street1900s+149
HAKE, John (Jack)Brother of Ron Hake; born 1915; became plumber; wife, Netta1930s+149; 151
HAKE, MaudMother of Ron Hake; lived at 27 Higher Street1900s+149
HAKE, NettaBook subscriber, Cullompton, Devon2001158
HAKE, ReneSister of Ron Hake; married Mr. Richardson1930s+149; 151
HAKE, RonAssistance with book20017
HAKE, RonArticle on the Hake family2001149-51
HAKE, RonBook subscriber, Tiverton, Devon2001158
HAKE, SarahDaughter of Jack and Netta; worked for Probation Service in Surreyabt 1950-60?151
HALES, GeorgeFather of William James HalesWW1109
HALES, Louisa J.Wife of William James HalesWW1109
HALES, William JamesKilled in WW1 109
HALF MOONPhotograph of business on Fore Street 72
HALF MOONPub originally in High Street1830s+77
HALF MOON HOTELLocated on Fore Street West1930s+70
HALLET, Mr. and Mrs.Owned house on High Street East1930s-40s66
HAMILTON, ArthurIn photograph of Cullompton Church Choirabt 193954
HAMILTON, Gerald de Courcey1st Chief Constable (police)1856113
HAMILTON, Jane S.Book subscriber, Cullompton, Devon2001158
HAMILTON, Mr.Businessman involved with Bowling Club; from Lloyds and Midland Bank1931119
HAMILTONSLocated in High Street West200171
HAMMETT, ArthurIn photograph of Cullompton Church Choirabt 193954
HAMMETT, ArthurIn photograph with Dutch children in holiday in Cullompton1945104
HAMMETT, R.In photograph of Cullompton Rugby Football Club2000/2001125
HAMMETT, Tracey D. (Mrs.)Book subscriber, Willand, Devon2001158
HAMMOND, Dr.Ran surgery a Heyford House, when school closed1960s27
HAMMOND, Dr. B.Chairman of Parish councilJuly 1967138
HAMMOND, Rev. Edward GuyNamed as Vicar of Cullompton on clergy plaque photograph195152
HAMMOND, Revd.In photograph of Mothers' Union OutingJuly, 1957128
HANCOCK, Janet C. (née PHILLIPS)Book subscriber2001158
HANKS, Glen N.Book subscriber, Cullompton, Devon2001158
HANN and SEDDON Estate AgentsBook subscriber, Cullompton, Devon2001158
HANNEY, Mr.Landlord of White Hart Hotel1930s-40s66
HARDCASTLE, ?In photograph of Cullompton Rugby Team1951/52124
HARDING, ArthurKilled in WW1 109
HARDING, MarjoriePhotograph of Cullompton Senior School193514
HARDING, Miss1st librarian193865
HARDING, W.In photograph of Cullompton Rugby Club1892/3124
HARPER, N. (Mr.)In photograph of Fire Brigade1970116
HARRIS , Rev. CharlesNamed as Vicar of Cullompton on clergy plaque photograph190452
HARRIS, Adrian J.Book subscriber, Cullompton, Devon2001158
HARRIS, AlicePrincipal in pantomime, Ali Baba and the Forty Thieves; group picture1953132
HARRIS, Alice (Mrs.)Assistance with book20017
HARRIS, AlisonIn photograph of production of Jack and JillFeb., 2000132
HARRIS, Alison (Mrs.)Wrote article on Cullompton Pantomime Club2001133
HARRIS, B. J.Book subscriber, Cullompton, Devon2001158
HARRIS, J.Had house on Exeter Road with mysterious unexplained knocking at doorFeb. 1925+148
HARRIS, J. M.Book subscriber, Cullompton, Devon2001158
HARRIS, Jeremy K.Book subscriber, Butterleigh, Devon2001158
HARRIS, Mr.Founding member of Ye Culm Valley LodgeJuly 5, 1921137
HARRIS, Mrs. AliceArticle on St. Boniface Roman Catholic Church 57
HARRIS, R.S.Article written on return from AustraliaSept. 24, 189211
HARRIS, RonIn photograph of Ron Harris Bandabt 1950103
HARRIS, S.In photograph of Cullompton Rugby Football Club2000/2001125
HARRIS, SamuelKilled in WW1 109
HARRIS, ShirleyPhotograph of Girl Guides "Thinking Day"197032
HARRIS, Stephen M.Book subscriber, Cullompton, Devon2001158
HARRIS FOWLER SOLICITORSLocated in High Street West200171
HARRIS FOWLER SOLICITORSNow operate out of Heyford House200172
HARRIS, FOWLER SolicitorsBook subscriber; Cullompton, Devon2001158
HART, John (Dr.)Book subscriber, Cullompton, Devon2001158
HARVEY, Godfrey JamesKilled in WW1 109
HARVEY, MaryMother of Godfrey James HarveyWW1109
HARVEY, RichardFather of Godfrey James HarveyWW1109
HATHAWAY, DavidAssistance with book20017
HATHAWAY, DavidIn photograph of Town CouncilMarch, 2001154
HATHAWAY, DavidCouncillor who put in unsuccessful bid for money for CCTV1998146
HAWKE, JohnIn photograph of Cullompton Ambulance1995117
HAWKE, JohnAssistance with book20017
HAWKE, Wendy (Mrs.)Assistance with book20017
HAWKE, WendyIn photograph of Cullompton Ambulance1995117
HAWKE, WendyIn photograph of St. John Ambulanceabt 1984118
HAWKES, Mr. J.Railway stationmaster; photographabt. 195282
HAWKINS, AmandaBook subscriber, Cullompton, Devon2001158
HAWKINS, HayleyChild in photograph of Noah's Ark PlaygroupJuly, 199331
HAWKINS, Henry CharlesKilled in WW1 109
HAWKINS, RoyIn photograph of St. Andrew's bell-ringers196254
HAWKINS, SimonChild in photograph of Noah's Ark PlaygroupJuly, 199331
HAYES, LukePhotograph of Class of 2000, St. Andrews Primary School200023
HAYWOOD, DavidIn photograph of St. John Ambulanceabt 1984118
HAZELDINE, PhilipBook subscriber, Kentisbeare, Devon2001158
HEAD, DavidIn photograph of Cullompton police officersabt 1950113
HEAD, DavidDied after 30 years' police serviceJan., 2001115
HEAD, Constable DavidWound clock from old Police Station after the building was sold1978+40
HEAL, FredFounding and continuing member of Rangers FC committee1945-1995+123
HEALE, D.In photograph of Cullompton Rangers Football Club1961/62122
HEALE, DouglasPhotograph of Cullompton school193014
HEALE, Francis JamesKilled in WW2 112
HEALE, Laura HesterMother of Francis James HealeWW2112
HEALE, WilliamFather of Francis James HealeWW2112
HEARD, AndrewCounty Triples bowling champion1996119
HEARD, AndrewPlayed for Middleton Cupafter 1930119
HEARD, BillIn photograph of Cullompton Tennis Clubabt. 1950126
HEARD, BillPhotograph of Bible Class members1950104
HEARD, BillBrother-in-law of Mike Lawrence; worked at Rawlings' grocery shop1930s-40s67
HEARD, BillPlayed for Middleton Cupafter 1930119
HEARD, G,In photograph of Cullompton Rangers Football Club1949/50122
HEARD, GeorgeTreasurer, later president of Culm Vale Bowling Club1962-1988119
HEARD, GeorgePlayed for Middleton Cupafter 1930119
HEARD, GeorgeCounty Triples bowling champion1972, 1975119
HEARD, GillianPhotograph of Girl Guides "Thinking Day"197032
HEARD, JackIn photograph of hunting at Growen1900s?141
HEARD, JanePhotograph of Girl Guides "Thinking Day"197032
HEARD, JeanIn photograph at Coronation tea party193798
HEARD, JoanIn photograph of Royal British Legion Entertainment Gang1960s? 
HEARD, JoyceIn photograph at Coronation tea party193798
HEARD, JoycePhotograph of Knightshayes Girl Guide Camp194032
HEARD, MargaretIn photograph of Cullompton Tennis Clubabt. 1950126
HEARD, MargaretPhotograph of Cullompton Guidesabt 194633
HEARD, MargaretIn photograph at Coronation tea party193798
HEARD, MargeryPhotograph of Cullompton Guides (Lieutenant)abt 194633
HEARD, MargeryIn photograph at Coronation tea party193798
HEARD, MargeryPhotograph of Knightshayes Girl Guide Camp194032
HEARD, Mary S.Book subscriber, Cullompton, Devon2001158
HEARD, OliveIn photograph at Coronation tea party193798
HEARD, PeterIn photograph of Cullompton Church Choirabt 193954
HEARD, PeterIn photograph at Coronation tea party193798
HEARD, PhylisIn photograph of Cullompton Church Choirabt 193954
HEARD, PhyllisIn photograph at Coronation tea party193798
HEARD, PhyllisPhotograph of Cullompton Senior School193514
HEARD, SamCounty Triples bowling champion1972, 1975119
HEARD, SamPresident of Culm Vale Bowling Club1973119
HEARD, SheilaPhotograph of Cullompton Guidesabt 194633
HEARD, SheilaIn photograph of Cullompton Tennis Clubabt. 1950126
HEATHCOAT, JohnUsed Victoria Hall/Glanherne School as part of the lace factory; from TivertonWW241
HEATHCOATS FACTORYPhotograph re Mrs. Drew's retirement; Tiverton Road195788
HEATMAN, WilliamLandlord of The Angel1901+75
HELLIERUndertakers of Cockpit Hill1940s149
HELLIER, AlisonBook subscriber, Cullompton, Devon2001158
HELLIER, AshleyBook subscriber2001158
HELLIER, BarbaraBook subscriber, Cullompton, Devon2001158
HELLIER, ChrisBook subscriber, Cullompton, Devon2001158
HELLIER, GraceIn photograph of Wartime fte1940s107
HELLIER, JennyBook subscriber, Cullompton, Devon2001158
HELLIER, Mr.Proprietor of Culm Florist1930s+70
HELLIER, NormanBook subscriber, Cullompton, Devon2001158
HELLIER, NormanPhotograph of Cullompton school prefects1930?14
HELLIER, NormanAssistance with book20017
HELLIER, Oliver JohnKilled in WW1 109
HELLIER, Rosa (Mrs.)Mother of Oliver John HellierWW1109
HELLIER, SteveHelps maintain Regeneration Groups' website2001146
HELLIER, SteveBook subscriber, Cullompton, Devon2001158
HELLIER, SteveAssistance with book20017
HELLIER, SteveIn photograph of Town CouncilMarch, 2001154
HELLIER, ThoraPhotograph of Knightshayes Girl Guide Camp (Lieutenant)194032
HENDERSON, SueWriter of article contributed on Cullompton Pre-School; past chairman and administrator 29-30
HENDRE, Sir Stephen, Knt.Named as Vicar of Cullompton on clergy plaque photograph137052
HERRING, PhilipAssistance with book20017
HERRINGTON, E. (Mrs.)Sister of Edgar (Jock) RichardsWW1111
HEWER, BobIn cricket club photograph1989121
HEWITT, BobIn photograph of production of Jack and JillFeb., 2000132
HEYFORD HOUSEPhotograph of house being built1901-372
HEYWOOD, GeorgeOwned farm from which some of lands for Community Association were purchasedabt 1970134
HEYWOOD, GeorgeIn photograph with Dutch children in holiday in Cullompton1945104
HEYWOOD, IdaIn photograph at Coronation tea party193798
HEYWOOD, IvyIn photograph with Dutch children in holiday in Cullompton1945104
HILL, BarbaraDaughter of William and Lucy, set up Glanherne School in Victoria Hall1938+27
HILL, BridgetAssistance with book20017
HILL, BridgetResearched names for Cullompton War Memorial 108
HILL, Dorothy AcklandBook subscriber, Cullompton, Devon2001158
HILL, John and HenryEstablished charity to provide kersey, a local cloth, for coats; incorporated in Cullompton United Charities1800s -1953135
HILL, MikeBook subscriber, Cullompton, Devon2001158
HILL, MissIn photograph of members of 1st Women's Institute Committee1917130
HILL, Mr.Manager of Culm Meat Supply1930s+69
HILL, Mr. and Mrs. BillHad house in High Street West1930s+71
HILL, Mrs. LucyRan Gurdlestone Schoolmid 1930s+27
HILL, P.In photograph of Cullompton Rugby Team1951/52124
HILL, PeterAssistance with book20017
HILL, PeterPhotograph of Boys' Class at Glanherne School - studentabt 194227
HILL, S.In photograph of Cullompton Rangers Football Club2000123
HILL, SarahBook subscriber, Cullompton, Devon2001158
HILL, StaffordWith prize heifer19344
HILL, StaffordChairman of Town CouncilDec. 196187
HILL, StanPast player and manager and now Chairman of Rangers FC2001123
HILL, Stanley J.Book subscriber, Cullompton, Devon2001158
HILL, StanleyIn photograph of Cullompton Rangers Football Club' Chairman2000123
HILL, W.Bought Victoria Hall193841
HILL, W. (Mr.)Owned field where Young Farmers Club held Show and Sale of stock1930s145
HILL, WilliamHusband of Lucy, bought Victoria Hall in Tiverton Road193827
HILLERSDON familyBought manor of Cullompton 9
HILLERSDON, Esq., RichardHis death caused extinction of the Hillersdon line17th Century41
HILLIARD, NicholasReference in Worth's book 11
HILLIER, AlecPhotograph of Cullompton Scout Troopabt 191034
HILLMAN, E. M. (Mrs.)Wife of Walter George Tree HillmanWW2112
HILLMAN, LenMarried Phyllis OsmondWW2107
HILLMAN, RogerPhotograph St. Andrew's School195420
HILLMAN, Walter George TreeKilled in WW2; son of W. D. T. Hillman killed in WW1 112
HILLMAN, Walter George TreeKilled in WW1 110
HILTON, CherryBook subscriber, Cullompton, Devon2001158
HILTON, DoreenPhotograph St. Andrew's PTFA Summer Fayreabt. 196920
HILTON, MarionPhotograph of Girl Guides "Thinking Day"197032
HILTON, StanBook subscriber, Cullompton, Devon2001158
HILTON, SusanPhotograph of Girl Guides "Thinking Day"197032
HINES, M. J.Book subscriber, Langford, Cullompton, Devon2001158
HINES, MaryPhotograph St. Andrew's School195420
HINES, MikeArticle on Langford 47
HINES, MikeAssistance with book20017
HINES, R. V.Book subscriber, Langford, Cullompton, Devon2001158
HIPPOTEKLocated in High Street West200171
HIRON, RobinIn photograph of Cullompton police officersabt 1950113
HISCOX, GordonPhotograph of Cullompton Senior School193514
HISCOX, LilIn photograph at Heathcoats195788
HITT, AndrewSon of Michael Hitt, who received Newcourt Barton Farm from father199747
HITT, Ernest EdwardKilled in WW1 110
HITT, GeorgeHe and brother Thomas rented half of Langford Court181547
HITT, George FrankKilled in WW1 110
HITT, HenryFather of Ernest Edward HittWW1110
HITT, MichaelBook subscriber, Cullompton, Devon2001158
HITT, MichaelBought Newcourt Barton Farm and Langford Mill Tenement with wife, Sheila; gt-gt-grandson of Georgeabt 199047
HITT, MichaelAssistance with book20017
HITT, SheilaBook subscriber, Cullompton, Devon2001158
HITT, SheilaBought Newcourt Barton Farm and Langford Mill Tenement with husband, Michaelabt 199047
HITT, SusanMother of Ernest Edward HittWW1110
HITT, ThomasHe and brother George rented half of Langford Court181547
HOARE, AnthonyBook subscriber, Cullompton, Devon2001158
HOARE, FelicityBook subscriber, Cullompton, Devon2001158
HOBBS, RebeccaPhotograph of Willowbank Infants School Choir198924
HODGE, C. (Mr.)Assistance with book20017
HODGE, C. (Mr.)In photograph of Fire Brigade1970116
HODGE, CarolynPhotograph of Girl Guides "Thinking Day"197032
HODGE, Cliff and MabelProvided home for food preparation for bell-ringers' outingspost WWII53
HODGE, CliffordMember Ye Culm Valley Lodge elected to town's Coronation committeeJan. 1953138
HODGE, HilaryIn photograph of Wartime fte1940s107
HODGE, Rev. JohnNamed as Vicar of Cullompton on clergy plaque photograph183052
HODGE, M. (Mrs.)In photograph at Coronation tea party1937?98
HOLDEN, MajorLived in the Walronds until WW11900s45
HOLLETT, K.In photograph of Cullompton Rangers Football Club1949/50122
HOLLEY, Marilyn L.Book subscriber, Sampford Peverll, Devon2001158
HOLLOWAY, LindaWriter of article contributed on Culm Vale Playgroup 30
HOLLOWAY, C.In photograph of Cullompton Rugby Team1951/52124
HOLLOWAY, Jane (Mrs.)In photograph of Town Council; town mayorMarch, 2001154
HOLLOWAY, KathrynPhotograph of Willowbank Infants School Choir198924
HOLLOWAY, Linda (Mrs.)Assistance with book20017
HOLLOWAY, Linda (Mrs.)Excerpt from parish report by mayor2001153/5
HOLLOWAY, Linda (Mrs.)In photograph - Town Mayor CouncillorJuly, 2000154
HOLLOWAY, LindaWrote article on the Regeneration Group2001145-6
HOLMDEN, Mary ElizabethMother of William Alfred HolmdenWW1110
HOLMDEN, RichardDeceased father of William Alfred HolmdenWW1110
HOLMDEN, William AlfredKilled in WW1 110
HOLWAY, AnnieIn photograph at Heathcoats195788
HOLWAY, K.In photograph of Cullompton Rugby Football Club2000/2001125
HOOKWAY, MartinIn photograph of Cullompton police officersabt 1950113
HOOPER, AlbertFather of Lionel Albert Jeffery HooperWW2112
HOOPER, BobGave flag and flagpole for new Scout headquarters195135
HOOPER, BrianHead of St. Andrews School1981- 199323
HOOPER, BrianRan barn dances for St. Andrews PTA1963+19
HOOPER, BrianAssistance with book20017
HOOPER, FlorenceMother of Lionel Albert Jeffery HooperWW2112
HOOPER, Lionel Albert JefferyKilled in WW2 112
HOOPER, MichaelBook subscriber, Cullompton, Devon2001158
HOOPER, PeggyPhotograph of Knightshayes Girl Guide Camp194032
HOOPER, PhyllisWife of Lionel Albert Jeffery HooperWW2112
HOPKINS, A. W.Representative of County Education Committee on school boardabt. 190315
HOPKINS, Mr. E.Purchaser on invoice from William BroomMay 2, 192294
HOPKINS, JohnWent trout fishing with Ron Hakeabt 1930s?151
HOPKINS, JohnPhotograph of Cullompton Senior School193514
HOPPER, DavidAssistance with book20017
HOPPER, DavidSergeant of police1980s115
HOPPER, DavidSergeant with Cullompton police1976-1988113
HORNE, Rev. JohnTo Cullompton Baptist Church1892-190155
HOROBIN, Tessa M. E.Book subscriber, Cullompton, Devon2001158
HORRELL, A.In photograph of Cullompton Rangers Football Club2000123
HOSKINS, F. (Mr.)In photograph of Fire Brigade1970116
HOSKINS, Mrs.In photograph of St. Regis Paper Mill outingabt. 195891
HOUSE, DeborahPlay leader with Noah's Ark Playgroup1990s31
HOWE, AnnieMother of Thomas Frederick Howe and Sidney John HoweWW1110
HOWE, Sidney JohnKilled in WW1 110
HOWE, ThomasFather of Thomas Frederick Howe and Sidney John HoweWW1110
HOWE, Thomas Frederick (Fred)Killed in WW1 110
HOWELL, Lesley (née OWENS)Book subscriber, St. Stephens, Cornwall2001158
HSBCLocated on High Street West200170
HUBER, JillPhotograph of St. Andrews staffearly 1970s23
HUDD, RoyRe St. Andrews' School Fete - PTA member?1963+19
HUGHES, Walter Bernard ChammingsKilled in WW1 110
HULME, Mrs.Left Willowbank School198426
HULME, Mrs. MargaretFirst head of Willowbank School198025
HUMPHREY, Rev. RobertFrom Stogumber; came to Cullompton Baptist Church1807-183155
HUNNINGS, E.Photograph St. Andrew's School PTFA Christmas Fayreabt. 197121
HUNNINGS, IanIn photograph of workers of the SalleJuly, 194891
HUNNINGS, Mrs.In photograph of workers of the SalleJuly, 194891
HUNT, Norman F.Book subscriber, Cullompton, Devon2001158
HUNTER, JessicaPhotograph of Willowbank Infants School Choir198924
HUTCHINGS, J. (Mr.)In photograph of Fire Brigade (Leading fireman)1970116
HUTCHINGS, MalcolmPhotograph St. Andrew's School195420
HUYSHE, FrancisTrustee of schoolabt. 181613
IAN'S FISH BARLocated on High Street East200166
IMPERIAL CANCER RESEARCHLocated on Fore Street East200167
INGERSENT, JamesKilled in WW1 110
INGERSENT, JeanetteBook subscriber2001159
INGERSENT, MikeIn cricket club photograph1989121
INGERSENT, MikeBook subscriber2001159
INGERSENT, Mrs.In photograph of WI production of The Merry Wives of Windsor1935131
INGERSENT, Mrs.In photograph at Heathcoats195788
INGERSENT, PteIn photograph of Cullomptonians in IndiapreWW1108
INGERSENT, W.In photograph of Cullompton Rugby Club1892/3124
INSTEP FOOTWEARLocated on Fore Street East200167
INTERNATIONAL STORESHigh Street East1930s-1940s66
IRISH, BillDelivered coal around town with horse and cartpost WW283
ISAAC'S GARAGELocated on High Street East19302-40s66
JACOBS, DavidChaired broadcasts at St. Andrew's School1963+19
JAGO, Mr.Manager of Lloyds Bank1930s-40s66
JAGO, MurielIn photograph with Dutch children in holiday in Cullompton1945104
JAMES, DulcieIn photograph of workers of the SalleJuly, 194891
JAMES, G.In photograph of Cullompton Rugby Club1892/3124
JAMES, KathIn photograph of workers of the SalleJuly, 194891
JAMES, Mrs.In photograph at the Half Moon Inn; mother of Kath Norrisabt. 1950s78
JAMES, WilfredKilled in WW1 110
JAMES, WilfredPhotograph of Cullompton Scout Troopabt 191034
JAMESON, Rev. Cecil WilliamNamed as Vicar of Cullompton on clergy plaque photograph192152
JANE, Barbara (Mrs.)Book subscriber, Cullompton, Devon2001159
JANE, FrederickBook subscriber, Cullompton, Devon2001159
JARVIS, GertieIn photograph of Cullompton Young Farmers Club Milking Class1837144
JARVIS, MayIn photograph at Drevon & Brownabt 193992
JEFFERY, AlbertKilled in WW1 110
JEFFERY, ElizabethMother of Albert JefferyWW1110
JEFFERY, HenryFather of Albert JefferyWW1110
JEFFERY, RoyBook subscriber, Cullompton, Devon2001159
JEFFERY, RoyTrustee of Cullompton Community Associationabt 2001134
JENKINS, Mr.Founding member of Ye Culm Valley LodgeJuly 5, 1921137
JENNINGS, Rev. WilliamNamed as Vicar of Cullompton on clergy plaque photograph157352
JEWELL, Mr.Founding member of Ye Culm Valley LodgeJuly 5, 1921137
JOCELYNE, SirNamed as Vicar of Cullompton on clergy plaque photograph123152
JOE TANCOCK'S IRONMONGERYLocated on Fore Street West1930s+70
JOHN LANES CHARITYCharity incorporated in Cullompton United Charities1953135
JOHNS, MichaelBook subscriber, Crowthorne, Berkshire2001159
JOHNS, RichardBook subscriber, Grays, Essex2001159
JOHNS, S.Police constable193595
JOHNS, VioletIn photograph at Heathcoats195788
JOHNS, WallyAbsent from photograph of Town CouncilMarch, 2001154
JOHNSON, SuperintendentHead of Devon Constabulary had house on Fore Street East1930s+69
JOLLIFFE, Carol (Mrs.)Assistance with book20017
JOLLIFFE, ColinPhotograph of Cullompton school prefects1930?14
JONES, ArthurPhotograph of Cullompton Scout Troopabt 191034
JONES, ChristineBook subscriber, Cullompton, Devon2001159
JONES, DaveyPhotograph of Willowbank Infants School Choir198924
JONES, EmmaBook subscriber, Cullompton, Devon2001159
JONES, Rev. H.From Exeter; preached sermon at laying of stones for Baptist Church manseNov. 9, 190555
JONES, J.Son of Mr. Jones who bought traction engines; in photographabt. 195282
JONES, JamesIn photograph of production of Jack and JillFeb., 2000132
JONES, MarcPhotograph of Willowbank Infants School Choir198924
JONES, Mr.Bought traction engines; photograph; of Tauntonabt. 195282
JONES, Mrs.In photograph of members of 1st Women's Institute Committee1917130
JONES, PamPhotograph St. Andrew's School195420
JONES, PeterBook subscriber, Cullompton, Devon2001159
JONES, T.In photograph of Cullompton Rugby Team1951/52124
JONES, TrevorIn photograph of St. Andrew's bell-ringers196254
JONES, Tricia (née BRADBEER)Book subscriber, Montford Bridge, Shrewsbury2001159
JONES, W.Son of Mr. Jones who bought traction engines; in photographabt. 195282
JULIAN, Dorothy (Mrs.)Assistance with book20017
JULIAN, DorothyIn photograph at Heathcoats195788
JULIO, FatherPriest at St. Boniface Roman Catholic Church in Cullomptonafter 196057
JUNCTION 28 GALLERYLocated in High Street West200171
KEEN, Douglas William AlfredBook subscriber, Cullompton, Devon2001159
KELLAWAY, DerekPupil and then teacher at Cullompton schoolabt. 1970+18
KELLAWAY, DerrickBook subscriber, Cullompton, Devon2001159
KELLAWAY, JoyceBook subscriber, Cullompton, Devon2001159
KELLAWAY, Muriel E.Book subscriber, Cullompton, Devon2001159
KELLY, FionaBook subscriber, Cullompton, Devon2001159
KELLY LUXTON'S FURNITURE SHOPLocated on Fore Street West1930s+70
KEMP, JohnPhotograph of Bible Class members1950104
KEMP, LesleyPhotograph of Girl Guides "Thinking Day"197032
KEMP, MauriceBook subscriber, Cullompton, Devon2001159
KEMP, Mrs. MauriceBook subscriber, Cullompton, Devon2001159
KEMP, Sandra P.Book subscriber, Cullompton, Devon2001159
KENNEDY, Dorothy (Mrs.)Book subscriber, Cullompton, Devon2001159
KENNEDY, JanetBook subscriber, Manaton, Devon2001159
KENSOLE (Messrs)Built new Hillersdon Manor over 4 years; from Heavitree1847+41
KERSLAKE familyHad successful float in carnival parade1940s?95
KERSLAKE, Mr. E.Commissionaire/ticket collector at Regal Cinema1930s+70, 71
KERSLAKE, EileenPhotograph of Knightshayes Girl Guide Camp194032
KERSLAKE, EileenIn photograph at Coronation tea party193798
KERSLAKE, EileenIn photograph of workers of the SalleJuly, 194891
KERSLAKE, F. E.In photograph of St. Andrew's bell-ringers194654
KERSLAKE, JohnFormer owner of the Manor House 41
KERSLAKE, JosieIn photograph at Coronation tea party193798
KERSLAKE, KerryWrote article on St. Andrew's Lodge 40972001137
KERSLAKE, RobertKilled in WW1 110
KERSLAKE, S.In photograph of Cullompton Rugby Club1892/3124
KERSLAKE, Stuart W. L.Book subscriber, Paignton, Devon2001159
KERSLAKE, T.In photograph of Cullompton Rugby Team1951/52124
KERSLAKE, TerryAssistance with book20017
KERSLAKE, TerryOn staff at St. Andrew's School195719
KERSLAKE, TerryPhotograph St. Andrew's School staffmid 1960's22
KERSLAKE, TerryPhotograph of St. Andrews staff - deputy headearly 1970s23
KIELY, Father WilliamPriest at St. Boniface Roman Catholic Church in Cullomptonafter 196057
KING EDWARD IIIGranted Charter for market to John Langeforde133347
KING, JoanIn photograph of Cullompton Church Choirabt 193954
KING, JoanIn photograph of Cullompton Orchestraabt 1922103
KING, LindaPhotograph of St. Andrews staffearly 1970s23
KING, LindaTeacher at Willowbank School198025
KING, Mr.Postmaster1930s+67
KING, PhilipArranged for and distributed leaflets promoting Farmers' Market; produced magazine, The Cully Cobbler1998 
Dec., 1997+146  
KING'S HEADLocated at 35 High Street and named after Charles IIprior to 190377-78
KING'S HEAD PUBLocated on High Street East1930's & 200166
KLEE, Kenneth E.Book subscriber, Cullompton, Devon2001159
KNIGHT, Gordon A.Book subscriber, Cullompton, Devon2001159
KNIGHT, MichaelPhotograph St. Andrew's School195420
KNIGHT, MikeBook subscriber, East Grinstead, West Sussex/formerly of Cullompton2001159
KNIGHT, Mr.Part owner of Dolphin Inn1903+77
KNOTT, E. H.Hon. Secretary Sports Committee for Coronation sports eventsMay 12, 1937127
KNOWLES, BarbaraIn photograph of Cullompton Young Farmers Club Milking Class1837144
KNOWLES, DoreenIn photograph of Cullompton Young Farmers Club Milking Class1837144
LABDON familyOwned land on Station Road on which Girl Guide Hut erectedabt 194033
LABDON familyBought land on which Half Moon was situatedabt. 189677
LABDON, B.Photograph of Cullompton Scout Troopabt 191034
LABDON, BerniceTeacher in photograph of Cullompton Senior School193514
LABDON, Elizabeth (Mrs.)Assistance with book20017
LABDON, EuniceMother of Percy Miller LabdonWW1110
LABDON, Fred L.Father of Percy Miller LabdonWW1110
LABDON, JohnPhotograph of Boys' Class at Glanherne School - studentabt 194227
LABDON, Mr.His lorry was in Silver Jubilee parade193595
LABDON, Mrs. P.Book subscriber, Cullompton, Devon2001159
LABDON, Mrs.Lived at St. George's Well1930s+149
LABDON, P.Book subscriber, Cullompton, Devon2001159
LABDON, Percy MillerKilled in WW1 110
LABDON, PercyPhotograph of Cullompton Scout Troopabt 191034
LABDON, PeterWrote article on Cullompton United Charities2001136
LABDON, PeterAssistance with book20017
LABDON, S.In photograph of Cullompton Rugby Club1892/3124
LABDON, WillPhotograph of Will, his wife and her parents (unnamed) at Belle Vue Terraceabt 1900150
LABDON'SLocated on Fore Street East1930s-40s66
LABDON & SonsHelped out financially with new Scout headquarters on New Street195135
LABDON & SONSBuilt Heyford House1901-372
LADY GYTHAWidow of Earl Godwin, mother of King Harold10209
LADY GYTHAFled to Exeter10879
LAKE, J.In photograph of Cullompton Rangers Football Club1949/50122
LAKE, J.In photograph of Globe Hotel Darts Team [male]1950-5176
LAMBERT, P. (Mr.)In photograph of Fire Brigade1970116
LAND, B. (Mr.)In photograph of Fire Brigade1970116
LAND, BernardAssistance with book20017
LAND, BernardIn Cullompton Fire Service1980s115
LAND, BernardBook subscriber, Cullompton, Devon2001159
LAND, JenniferBook subscriber, Cullompton, Devon2001159
LAND, Mrs.In photograph of St. Regis Paper Mill outingabt. 195891
LAND, OwenBook subscriber, Cullompton, Devon2001159
LAND, Wendy (Mrs.)Assistance with book20017
LAND, WendyWriter of article contributed on Noah's Ark Playgroup 31
LANE, JohnOccupied house in Church Street1500-155011
LANE, JohnBuilt "Lane's Aisle" in St. Andrew's Church1525-649
LANE. JohnBest known cloth merchant in townabt 152689
LANE, LynneIn photograph at Cullompton Festival pram races198097
LANE, PaddyPhotograph St. Andrew's School195420
LANGEFORDE, John (de)Became King's Constable and Keeper of Carisbrooke Castle on Isle of Wight; died 1343133447
LANGEFORDE, John (de)Received market charter for Langeforde133347
LANGFORD, AnnDaughter and heiress of Sir John Langford, sold Langeforde to Bishop Richard Fox151847
LANGFORD, Sir JohnLast of Langeforde linelate 1400s47
LANGFORD, R. E.Book subscriber, Cullompton, Devon2001159
LAWRENCE, E. junrParish Council representative to school boardabt. 190315
LAWRENCE, MickBook subscriber, Helston, Cornwall2001159
LAWRENCE, MickAssistance with book20017
LAWRENCE, MickPhotograph of Bible Class members1950104
LAWRENCE, MikeArticle on High Street and Fore Street in the 1930s and '40s1930s-1940s66
LAWRENCE, Robert2nd Young Farmers Club leader1934145
LAWRENCE, TheodoreHelped out financially with new Scout headquarters on New Street195135
LAWRENCE'S PAPER & STATIONERY SHOPLocated on Fore Street East1930s-40s67
LAWS, BillTeacher at Willowbank School198025
LEACH, Pat (Mrs.)Book subscriber2001159
LEE, Geoffrey H.Book subscriber, Uffculme, Devon2001159
LEE, Maude (Mrs.)Book subscriber, Cullompton, Devon2001159
LEE, RichardMayor of Totnes; 1st husband of Christian Grose1600s43
LEE, RyanPhotograph of Class of 2000, St. Andrews Primary School200023
LEIGHTON, Mrs. P. (née GILL)Book subscriber2001159
LEISURE SHOPLocated on Fore Street East200166
LEMON, J.Book subscriber, Woodbury, Exeter, Devon2001159
LEN MURRAY'S HAIRDRESSING SALONLocated on Fore Street West1930s+70
LeROY, JackIn photograph of Ron Harris Bandabt 1950103
LET'S GO TRAVELLocated on Fore Street East200167
LEWES, Revd James TownsendVicar of Halberton, school trusteeabt. 181613
LEWITT, GeorgeSpecial Sergeant and supervisor of police1965113
LEY, Mrs.Photograph of Boys' Class at Glanherne School - teacherabt 194227
LEY, Mrs.Photograph of Glanherne School class at Heyford House - teacherabt 195828
LINDSELL, NormanAssistance with book20017
LLOYD, MissIn photograph of Cullompton Young Farmers Club Milking Class (instructress)1837144
LLOYDS TSBLocated on Fore Street East1930's & 200166
LOCK, DoreenPhotograph of Cullompton school prefects1930?14
LOCK, J.Uncle of Mr. Jones who bought traction engines; in photographabt. 195282
LONDIS storeLocated on Fore Street East200166
LONDON CENTRAL MEAT CO.Located on Fore Street East1930s-40s66
LONDON INNLocated in Low Street1830-190378
LONG, B.In photograph of Cullompton Rangers Football Club1961/62122
LOTZ, Mrs. M. C.Book subscriber, Langford, Cullompton, Devon2001159
LOTZ, M. C.Book subscriber, Langford, Cullompton, Devon2001159
LOVELL, HowardPhotograph of St. Andrews staffearly 1970s23
LOVERING, Pippa (Mrs.)Book subscriber2001159
LOVERING, WilliamKilled in WW1 110
LOWRY, ThelmaPhotograph of Cullompton Guides (District Commissioner)abt 194633
LUKE, Brenda E.Book subscriber2001159
LUNN, S.In photograph of Cullompton Rugby Football Club2000/2001125
LUSCOMBE, MargaretBook subscriber, Willand, Nr Cullompton, Devon2001159
LUSH, ClaireBook subscriber, Cullompton, Devon2001159
LUSH, JustinBook subscriber, Cullompton, Devon2001159
LUXTON, ElieIn photograph at Heathcoats195788
LUXTON, JackWith brother, Kenneth (Kelly), ran furniture businessmid 1900s+94
LUXTON, Keith and JackBrothers kept Luxtons going after WW2WW2-1960s93
LUXTON, KennethRented fishing rights on part of Culm for sport of businessmen1943143
LUXTON, Kenneth (Kelly)Ran furniture business with brother, Jack; obtained fishing rights and organized fireworks displaysmid 1900s+94
LUXTON, Mrs.In photograph of Royal British Legion Entertainment Gang1960s?136
LUXTON, ObieLed carnival paradeabt 195095
LUXTON, Oburn (Obie)He and horse Snowball operated as driver and courier1900s77
LUXTON, Stephen J.Book subscriber, Taunton, Somerset2001159
LUXTON, Waldron FrederickKilled in WW1 110
LYLE, Mrs.Assistance with book20017
MacDONALD, ChrisPhotograph St. Andrew's School195420
MADDOCKS, NickyPhotograph of Girl Guides "Thinking Day"197032
MADGE, CliveRan auctions for St. Andrews PTA1963+19
MAIDMENT, SandyPhotograph of Culm Vale Playgroup198530
MANCHESTER BUILDING SOCIETYLocated in High Street West200171
MANFIELD, AnnPhotograph of Girl Guides "Thinking Day"197032
MANFIELD, BettyPhotograph of Girls' Friendly Society Choir194936
MANFIELD, BettyIn photograph of jam factory outing1930s92
MANFIELD, GeorgeIn photograph of Cullompton Church Choirabt 193954
MANFIELD, GeorgeBook subscriber, Cullompton, Devon2001159
MANFIELD, JeanPhotograph of Girls' Friendly Society Choir194936
MANFIELD, JeanBook subscriber, Cullompton, Devon2001159
MANFIELD, Jean (Mrs.)Assistance with book20017
MANFIELD, LindaPhotograph of Girl Guides "Thinking Day"197032
MANFIELD, Mrs. JeanArticle on Girls' Friendly Society 36
MANFIELD, N. (Miss)Book subscriber, Tiverton, Devon2001159
MANFIELD, Mr. T.Part owner of traction engines; of Cullomptonabt. 195282
MANLEY, MargaretPhotograph of Cullompton Guidesabt 194633
MANNING, Christine A..Book subscriber, Cullompton, Devon2001159
MANNING, ElsieBook subscriber, Cullompton, Devon2001159
MANNING, StevenAwarded Chief Scouts Award198835
MANNING, Rev. ThomasNamed as Vicar of Cullompton on clergy plaque photograph175652
MANOR HOUSE HOTELSuffered fireDec. 24, 198178
MANOR HOUSE HOTELBusiness located on Fore Street West200170
MAPSON, Rev. JohnArticle on St. Andrew's Church 49
MAPSON, Revd JohnAssistance with book20017
MAPSON, Rev. John VictorNamed as Vicar of Cullompton on clergy plaque photograph197752
MARDON, JackFormer Missionary in the Sudan, then Vicar of St. Andrew's and later a Prebendary of Wells1900s51
MARDON, Rev. John HedleyNamed as Vicar of Cullompton on clergy plaque photograph196652
MARKET HOUSE INNLocated in Fore Street; originally called the Shambles183078
MARKET HOUSE PUBLocated on High Street East1930's & 200166
MARKS, SusanPhotograph St. Andrew's School195420
MARKS, TheresaPhotograph of Cullompton Guidesabt 194633
MARLOW, Mr.Manager of Frisby's shoe shop1930s-40s67
MARLOW, ? (female)In photograph of Royal British Legion Entertainment Gang1960s?136
MARSHALL, EmmaPhotograph of Willowbank Infants School Choir198924
MARSHALL, PennyBook subscriber, Cullompton, Devon2001159
MARTIN, Adam SanfordFather of Frederick Adam Sanford MartinWW1110
MARTIN, FredPhotograph of Cullompton Scout Troopabt 191034
MARTIN, Frederick Adam SanfordKilled in WW1 110
MARTIN, KeithIn cricket club photograph1989121
MARTIN, Miriam FrancesMother of Frederick Adam Sanford MartinWW1110
MARTIN, Mr.Had house in High Street West1930s+71
MARTINSCROFT, Mrs.Photograph St. Andrew's PTFA Summer Fayreabt. 196920
MARTINSCROFT, Mrs.Town councillor on committee forming Cullompton Community Associationabt 1965134
MATTHEWS, Mr. J.Employee in photograph with traction enginesabt. 195282
MATTHEWS, Paul H.Book subscriber, Cullompton, Devon2001159
MAUNDER, DaveIn cricket club photograph1989121
MAUNDER, FrancesBook subscriber, Cullompton, Devon2001159
MAUNDER, TinaPhotograph of Willowbank Infants School Choir198924
MAY, BarbaraPhotograph of Girls' Friendly Society Choir194936
MAY, Mrs.In photograph of members of 1st Women's Institute Committee1917130
MAY, Mrs.In photograph of Mothers' Union OutingJuly, 1957128
MAY, Reith M.Book subscriber, Cullompton, Devon2001159
MAY, S.In photograph of St. Andrew's bell-ringers194654
MAY, SidIn photograph of St. Andrew's bell-ringers196254
MAYNARD, ClairePhotograph of Willowbank Infants School Choir198924
MAYNARD, J.Book subscriber, Clyst Hydon, Devon2001159
MAYNARD, Mrs. J.Book subscriber, Clyst Hydon, Devon2001159
MAYNARD, StuartPhotograph of Willowbank Infants School Choir198924
MAYNE, MarionIn photograph at Drevon & Brownabt 193992
MAYNESWatchmakers shop in Fore Street19th Century40
McBRIDE, RossWrote article on his Galpin family1731+149
McBRIDE, RossAssistance with book20017
McCLELLAN, PatPhotograph of St. Andrews staff - parent-helperearly 1970s23
McDOULLE, HelenPhotograph of Girl Guides "Thinking Day"197032
McFARLANE, BrianIn photograph of production of The Happiest Days of your Life1952132
McGEE, FatherPriest at St. Boniface Roman Catholic Church in Cullomptonafter 196057
McMILLAN, Mrs. P.Book subscriber, Browse, Cullompton, Devon2001159
McMILLAN, P.Book subscriber, Browse, Cullompton, Devon2001159
McNAMEE, FatherPriest at St. Boniface Roman Catholic Church in Cullompton1960s57
MDE COMMUNICATIONSBusiness located on Fore Street West200170
MEARS, Mr.Scoutmaster195135
MEECHAM, DennisBook subscriber, Honiton Road, Cullompton, Devon2001159
MEECHAM, JeanBook subscriber, Honiton Road, Cullompton, Devon2001159
MEFFE, AdamPhotograph of Class of 2000, St. Andrews Primary School200023
MELDON, G.In photograph of Cullompton Rugby Football Club; Captain2000/2001125
MELHUISH, MissIn photograph of Mothers' Union OutingJuly, 1957128
MERRY HARRIERSPub at Westcott1870+78
METCALF, ColinBook subscriber, Willand, Devon2001159
METCALF, DanielPhotograph of Class of 2000, St. Andrews Primary School200023
METCALF, JulieIn photograph at Cullompton Festival pram races198097
METCALF, JulieBook subscriber, Willand, Devon2001159
MIDDLE, HenryCousin mentioned in news article written by HarrisSept. 24, 189211
MIDDLE, ThomasGrandfather mentioned in news article written by HarrisSept. 24, 189211
MIDDLEMISS, RachelPhotograph of St. Andrews staffearly 1970s23
MIDDLETON, JennieBook subscriber2001159
MIDLAND BANKLocated on High Street West1930s+70
MIDWINTER, Krista M.Book subscriber, Coulsdon, Surrey2001159
MILFORD, BettyIn photograph of Cullompton Church Choirabt 193954
MILFORD, FlorenceIn photograph of Cullompton Church Choirabt 193954
MILFORD, KeithIn cricket club photograph1989121
MILFORD, LucyIn photograph of Cullompton Church Choirabt 193954
MILFORD, VeronaIn photograph at Drevon & Brownabt 193992
MILLER, AudreyIn photograph at Coronation tea party193798
MILLER, Rev. BenjaminTo Cullompton Baptist Church1872-189255
MILLER, DickieBusinessman involved with Bowling Club1931119
MILLER, GladysIn photograph at Coronation tea party193798
MILLER, GladysIn photograph of Cullompton Church Choirabt 193954
MILLER, Mr. R. F.On Board of Directors of Cullompton Hotel193077
MILLER, P.In photograph at Coronation tea party1937?98
MILLER, RichardPhotograph St. Andrew's School195420
MILLER, VeronicaPhotograph of Knightshayes Girl Guide Camp194032
MILLMAN, RodHorse trainer for National Hunt2001?143
MILLS, CharlotteMother of Henry John MillsWW1110
MILLS, George and VeronicaFounder members of Culm Vale Playgroup on Hayne Barton site1977+30
MILLS, GeorgeStarted a Youth Club at the John Tallack Centre1980s36
MILLS, Henry JohnKilled in WW1 110
MILLS, Henry JohnFather of Henry John MillsWW1110
MILTON, Laura L.Book subscriber, Cullompton, Devon2001159
MILWARD, Rev. JohnNamed as Vicar of Cullompton on clergy plaque photograph157352
MINGO, A. J.In photograph of St. Andrew's bell-ringers194654
MITCHELL, ArthurPhotograph of Cullompton Scout Troopabt 191034
MITCHELL, BrianIn photograph of Town CouncilMarch, 2001154
MITCHELL, DickIn photograph of Wartime fte1940s107
MITCHELL, EdieIn photograph of jam factory workers1930s?92
MITCHELL, EdnaPhotograph of Knightshayes Girl Guide Camp194032
MITCHELL, JinetteOne of founding members of Town Festival1981100
MITCHELL, JoanPhotograph of Cullompton school193014
MITCHELL, MargaretPhotograph of Girls' Friendly Society Choir194936
MITCHELL, MissIn photograph of St. John Ambulance1960118
MITCHELL, RalphPhotograph of Cullompton Senior School193514
MITCHELL, RyanPhotograph of Class of 2000, St. Andrews Primary School200023
MITCHELL, Samuel jr.Post office proprietor187865
MOGER, OliveArchivist who compiled Petre papers192742
MOGFORD, WendyPhotograph of Willowbank Infants School Choir198924
MOLYNS, Sir PeterNamed as Vicar of Cullompton on clergy plaque photograph134952
MOON, I.In photograph of Cullompton Rugby Football Club2000/2001125
MOONLIGHT PIZZASLocated on Fore Street East200167
MOORE, GeorgeLast of Moorhayes family - death171149
MOORE, MaraIn photograph of Royal British Legion Entertainment Gang1960s?136
MOORE, R. V. (Mrs.)Book subscriber, Cullompton, Devon2001159
MOORHAYES familyHas chapel area in St. Andrew's Church 49
MORGAN, MichaelIn photograph of production of The Happiest Days of your Life1952132
MORGAN, Mrs.In photograph of St. John Ambulance1960118
MORGAN,. Mrs.In photograph of St. John Ambulance1960118
MORGAN, Paul AlecBook subscriber, Cullompton, Devon2001159
MORGAN, PteIn photograph of Cullomptonians in IndiapreWW1108
MORGAN, S.In photograph of Globe Hotel Darts Team [male]1950-5176
MORRIS, JudyBook subscriber, Cullompton, Devon2001159
MORRIS, JudyIn photograph of Town Council; Town clerkMarch, 2001154
MORRIS, Judy (Mrs.)Assistance with book20017
MORRIS, JudyDid research for Regeneration Group's website1998146
MORRIS, MajorChief Constable (police)1938113
MORRIS, MissIn photograph of Cullompton Orchestraabt 1922103
MORRIS, MissIn photograph of members of 1st Women's Institute Committee1917130
MORRIS, SteveBook subscriber, Cullompton, Devon2001159
MORTIBOYS, MarkIn cricket club photograph1989121
MOSS PHARMACYBusiness located on Fore Street West200170
MUDDITT, RogerDid research for Regeneration Group's website; manages Farmers' Market1998; 2001146
MUDDITT, RogerAssistance with book20017
MUNN, Christine E.Book subscriber, Cullompton, Devon2001159
MUNN, GeoffIn photograph of Town CouncilMarch, 2001154
MUNN, GeoffAssistance with book20017
MUNN, Ivan D.Book subscriber, Cullompton, Devon2001159
MURPHY, Dr.Had surgery in High Street West1930s+71
MURPHY, HaydnPhotograph of Willowbank Infants School Choir198924
MURRAY, IanPhotograph of St. Andrews staffearly 1970s23
MURRAY, IanInvolved in organizing school trips (St. Andrews school)1982+23
MURRAY, LenCounty over 60s bowling champion1984119
MURRAY, LenCounty Triples bowling champion1972, 1975119
MURRAY, LenCounty Pairs bowling champion1964, 1968119

Brian Randell, 16 Sep 2002