


Estate Duty Office Will of Ambrose Shere of Cullompton (1840)

Died 28 Sept 1844 - Proved 7th August 1840  Archdeaconry Court Exeter

© Crown Copyright

Devon Heritage Centre 1078/IRW/S/575

Transcribed by  Art Ames


Died 17th June 1840

Proved 7th August 1840 in the Archdeaconry Court of Exeter by John Mills of Kentisford Kentisbeare, farmer and Humphrey Blackmore Mills of Cullompton paper maker


This is the last Will & Testament of me Ambrose Shere the elder of Cullompton in the county of Devon, farmer. 
First I give devise & bequeath unto John Mills of Kentisford in the parish of Kentisbeare in the sd county, farmer & Humphrey Blackmore Mills of Cullompton afrsd, papermaker all my estate called Yeates’s estate in the sd psh of Cullompton. 
Also all my indoor and outdoor stock cattle implements in husbandry household goods and furniture monies securities for money & everything that I may die possessed of of what nature or quality the same be & wheresoever situate. 
In Trust as follows requesting them as soon as convenient after my decease to sell & dispose of my said estate called Yeates’s & all other my effects except my bureau which I give unto my daughter Mary & pay or cause to be paid unto my wife Elizabeth the sum of eight shillings per week during her life and allow her to have one of my beds performed if requested & I charge my estate called Yeates’s to &  with the payment of the same & the amount of each sale or sales together with what money I may die possessed of
I give to my children in the following manner I give & bequeath unto my daughter Elizabeth wife of James Bivens of Cullompton aforesaid wheelwright the sum of fifty pounds independent of her present or any future husband & her receipt alone shall be a suffct discharge for the same & as to the remaining part I give and bequeath the same unto my three sons & two daughters namely Thomas, William, Ambrose Mary & Ann widow of the late William Bennett of Cullompton, butcher share & share alike except my son Ambrose whom I give twenty pounds more than I do to either of my other said children. 
And I subject all that I die possed of to & with the payment of my just debts funeral expences & the expense of proving this my Will. 
And lastly I do hereby nominate constitute and appoint the said John Mills & Humphrey Blackmore Mills executors in trust of this my Will & testament. And my Will is & I do hereby direct that my sd executors and trustees shall each of them be answerable for his own act & receipts only & not the one of them for the other of them & that they shall not be answerable for any loss or miscarriage by any security or securities that may happen in any estate & also they shall retain all their costs charges damages & expences out of the estate & effects in them respectively vested in by this my Will & the trusts therein contained. 
In witness whereof I the said Ambrose Shere the elder have to this my last Will & testament set & subscribed my hand the twenty eighth day of April one thousand eight hundred and forty
Signed published & declared by the said testator Ambrose Shere the elder as & for his last Will & Testament in the pres. of us who at  his request in his pres & in the pres of each other have hunto subsbd our names as Wits thto the interlineation in the tenth & twelfth line &  the erasure in the sixteenth line being first made
Henry Hill
Henry Hill jr.