


Cruwys Morchard Wills and Inventories

Transcribed by Debbie Kennett

Provided here by kind permission of the Literary Executor of Margaret Cruwys's estate

The following abstracts have been extracted from a notebook at the Devon Record Office in Exeter entitled "MS list of records at Cruwys Morchard House" (deposit no. 1285). According to the staff at the Devon Record Office the booklet was deposited in 1964 by Mrs Margaret Campbell Speke Cruwys. The document is a bound booklet of 171 foolscap pages. There is nothing in the book itself to indicate authorship or ownership but it has been confirmed that Margaret Cruwys was indeed the author. Some of the pages are handwritten and others are typewritten. The transcriptions below were taken from a microfiche copy of the booklet. In some parts the fiche was very faint and difficult to read. In some cases the wills appear to be duplicates of the registered copies in the Prerogative Court of Canterbury (PCC) collection at The National Archives which are now available to download: https://www.nationalarchives.gov.uk/help-with-your-research/research-guides/wills-1384-1858/. The remaining wills in the Cruwys Morchard collection appear to be the only surviving copies. No reference is given to the location of the original documents but it is assumed that they are still held at Cruwys Morchard House in Cruwys Morchard, Devon. As these records are still in private hands they are not available for public inspection.

22 October
Will of Henry Cruwys.
To be buried in the upper aisle of CM [Cruwys Morchard] Church.
20/ to sister Mary Dymond.
To Brother in law Francis, John and Hugh Jermyn 10/- a piece for rings.
To widow Dorothy for life of all goods and when ....? then John son and issue. Residue to Dorothy, Executor, Overseers, Kinsman John Nott the younger and brother in law W[illia]m Jermyn.

A typewritten abstract of this will is included in the Murray and Moger collection at the West Country Studies Library (ref O.M. Coll 8/36). The copy of the will held at the Exeter Probate Registry is now lost.

25 June
Will of Alexander Cruwys.
Brother Henry Cruwys.
Executor of all goods without doors and of all lands by right belonging to him.
Wife Frances use of all goods within doors after her death to Henry Cruwys.
Uncle Humphrey Cruwys and have chamber and diet in house during life as formerly and annuity of £5.
Overseer brother in law Francis Colman and cousin Robert Hatch.
Will proved by Henry Cruwys.

The PCC copy of this will has been transcribed and published online on Genuki:

10 March
Copy of Will of Arthur Pollard of South Molton, gent.
To Anne wife mess[uage] and ten[emen]t in George Nympton. Mess[uage] and ten[ement] where he now lives on high street of South Molton for life. House curtilage and garden on S[outh] Street for life.
If she continues widow use of £30 worth of household goods.
To Anne Pollard daughter mess[uage] houses gardens which I hold by lease of John Molfit [?].
To Johan Pollard daughter mess[uage] and dwelling house the "Signe of the Royal Oake" of 99 years.
To Christian Pollard daughter £150 three years after my decease.
To Grace [?] Takell daughter of John Takell deceased £5.
Poor of S[outh] Molton on day of burial 40/-.
One moiety of lands purchased from John Davy Esq to Margaret daughter wife of George Sharland my son in law for her life and her heires, if none to my heires.
Other moiety of lands purchased from John Davy to Mary wife of John Watts rector of Romansleigh my son in law. For her life and to her heires if none to mine.
George Sharland and Mary Watts Executors. Signed Arthur Pollard. Witnesses Robert Pollard, Thomas Escott, Frank Chichester, Jo[?] Thomas

24 July
Will of Humphrey Holmead of Cruwys Morchard yeoman.
40/ to poor of Cruwys Morchard.
Great chest and chests in Hall chamber to Hum[phrey] Melhuish grandson.
To all grandchildren sons and daughters of Edward Leigh and Humphrey Melhuish (except H....? son of Ferdinando Melhuish) 5/ apiece.
Annuity of £8 to Hum[phrey] Melhuish grandson [?]out of Ford, to be paid by daughter Jone Melhuish.
To Joane Melhuish granddaughter Ford which was not formerly settled in marriage on Edward Leigh & Mary Leigh my daughter, & also the Gratton part of Woodplace.
At death of Joan Ford Gratton to Humfrey grandson, Humphrey paying 50/- year divided among grandchildren.
If Humphrey lives to 21 years then all residue in Ford and Gratton to him.
50/- a ......? if Humphrey die before 21 and after death of Jane then all estate in Ford and Gratton to William Maunder Senior and William Eveleigh[?] Senior in trust for grandchildren.
Residue of goods & chattels not before bequested to Mary Leigh and Joan Melhuish, joint Executrixes.
Mark of Hum[phrey] Holmead.
Witnesses John Norries & Matthew Melhuish, John Copp

Will of William Eveleigh of Washfield yeoman.
£50 and choice of goods to Sarah wife and interest in Higher Knapp over and above her jointure in Filknapp.
To mother in law Margaret Cartheny 40?-, sisters in law Margaret and Alice Carthew £10 each.
To William Eveleigh son all mess[uages], ten[ement]s lands etc. If William die before 21 years of age the mess[uages], lands etc held by lease to Sarah, Margaret and Alice daughters.
To cousin Mary wife of Richard Bennett of Tiverton £10.
To Mary's daughters Mary and Dorothy 50/- each.
To John, Roger, William and Robert sons of John Bowden of Bishops Nympton (who married his sister) 20/- each.
To Adam P?yer of Tiverton 40/-.
To Thomas, Margaret and Elizabeth son and daughters of my brother in law Thomas Carthew 20/- each.
To poor of Cruwys Morchard £5.
To poor of Washfield £5.
All debts to John Bowden to .....?
To Mary Berry [?] sister in law an annuity of 10/-.
To John Worth of Worth, John Cruwys of Cruwys Morchard, Thomas Carthew of Tiverton and George Abolam[?] of Washfield all goods and chattels ..? before given and make them Executors.
Silver tankard to wife for life.
..........? ....? value 20/- to Executors.

17 December
Will of John Cruwys of Cruwys Morchard Proved by Samuel Cruwys.
Settled manors and lands on Cruwys Morchard & Templeton on marriage with my now wife to raise £1500 to be distributed among my younger children at 21 or marriage.
Six sons and two daughters £1800 equally, to younger children at 21 or marriage. William to be excluded from any share in case he be instituted to the Rectory of Cruwys Morchard.
To daughter Dorothy Cruwys £100 to be paid shortly after decease.
To wife. Residue to son Samuel.
Witnesses: Will[iam] Maunder Tho[mas] Haydon.

A copy of this will is also included in the PCC wills collection. A transcription has been published on Genuki:

9 March
Will of Stephen Cruwys of Cruwys Morchard gent.
£20 to sister Dorothy.
To sister Bridget £10.
To Samuel, John, Will[iam] and Matt[hias] Cruwys, brothers one ring Hat Band? & gloves each.
Cousins Sam Burridge Elizabeth Burridge and Mrs[?] Clark[?] and Blundell one scarf and Gloves each.
Mrs Mary Richards one ring, scarfe and gloves.
Residue to brother Henry Cruwys Executor.
Witnesses Phill Westron, Robert Gay, Junior.

2 November
Will of Ferdinando Melhuish the Elder of Cruwys Morchard carpenter.
1/- to daughter Elizabeth Hosegood, 1/- to Robert Lytheby, 1/ to John Haine son in law, 1/ to daughter Hester Melhuish.
Witnesses: George Maunder senior, Susanna Maunder Wm [?] Maunder.

16 April
Will of Sarah Cruwys.
To son John and daughters Dorothy and Bridget right & title in ...? Bixton alias Higher Maily [?] in Tiverton equally divided.
£200 to Bridget at 21.
If she dies before 21 then £100 to John, £50 to Matthias, £50 to William.
Camilet [?] bed and chairs to John Cruwys.
Gold ring to Samuel, Henry, William and Mathias, wearing apparel, linen, beds, pewter, & household stuff equally between Bridget and Dorothy.
Residue to Dorothy.
Dorothy & Samuel Executors.
Witnesses: Sam[uel] Newte, Ann Melhuish.

5 May
Inventory of Mrs Sarah Cruwys Goods, taken by Mr Shortrudge & Mr Bodley.

4 February
Will of Sir William Oldes Knt Gentleman Usher of the Black Rod.
Chariot and horses, my picture and carpet and warm cloath chain [?]to Mrs Frances Bretton.
£500 to nephew William Oldes.
To Mrs Frances Bretton annuity of £20 for 99 years. After Mrs Bretton's death to John Warner [?] for remainder of term in trust for Susannah widow Samuel Cruwys.
£20 to Susanna Cruwys.
£10 to Thomas Hardy, servant, & wearing apparel.
One year's wages to the servants.
To Mrs Elizabeth Sidmer and Mrs Susannah Hockeril Mrs Frances Bretton's sisters £20 each.
John Warner [?] and John .......? and Mrs Frances Bretton £20 each for being Executors.
20 rings @ 20/- each to friends.
£1000 in trust for Thomas Oldes and after to nephew William.
£200 in trust for godson John Cruwys.
Witnesses: Will[iam] Oldes, Charles Sanderson, Joshua Geekie, W[illia]m Cartwright.

This will is included in the PCC wills collection on Documents Online: Will of Sir William Oldes, Gentleman, Usher of the Black Rod, 6th November 1718 PROB 11/566.

6 April Samuel Cruwys Executors ...? to John Cruwys. Inventory of John Cruwys Goods

6 October
Will of Sir Coplestone Warwick Bampfylde of Poltimore, Devon.
To wife Gertrude £2500.
To daughter Mary Bampfylde £20,000 which shall be inclusive of the p........? and ....? ...? ..? .........? any marriage settlement the same to be paid to her at the ........?
If son Richard die leaving no issue male on interest ..? ...? ....? ....? then ....? to ....? £20,000 ...?
To servants Mary Br...?. and John Adams 10 guineas each. All wearing clothes [?] ..? John Adams.
To Richard Culnie [?] and Henry Smyth of Leigh 20 guineas each Suit of mourning.
To all my Livery men and maid Servants 2 guineas each and a suit of mourning.
To every clergyman at my funeral a mourning ring.
Residue to Sir W[illiam] Carew Bart, Sir Hugh Acland, Bart, John Bampfylde my brother and John Worth Esq in trust for my son Richard until he is 21.
Witnesses: W[illia]m Bradford, Sarah Carew, Law: [?] Coward.
Sir Coplestone Warwick Bampfylde died 7 October 1727.

This will is also included in the PCC wills collection in Documents Online: Will of Sir Coplestone Warwick Bampfylde of Poltimore, Devon, proved 25th November 1727,
PROB 11/621.

25 December
Will of Susanna Cruwys of Carey Street St Clement Danes, Middlesex, widow of Samuel Cruwys.
Jewels and plate to Thomas Augustus Cruwys.
£50 to son John.
To servants.
Residue to Thomas Augustus Cruwys sole executor.
g Witnesses: Stan: Sanderson Ones: Sheere.

A transcript of the PCC version of this will has been published on Genuki:

Inventory of Goods of Mrs Susanna Cruwys.

1 March
Will of Mary Baker, widow of Chittlehampton.
£30 to Grandson Henry Baker at 21.
£10 each to grandchildren who attain 21.
£50 to son Henry Baker.
£5 to Ann Baker w. of son Henry.
£5 to John Sharland son-in-law.
£5 to Margaret Baker, widow, daughter in law.
£0 5/- [?] to poor of Chittlehampton.
£2 2 0 to Mary King [?] servant.
Residue to Mary Sharland daughter Executrix.
Witnesses George Yonge, John Jenkins.

6 February
8 copies of will of John Cruwys.

12 January
Will of John Sharland of South Molton, gent.
Goods, chattels & personal Estate to Mary Sharland wife to be disposed of as she likes after her decease.
Wife executrix a residuary estate. Copy.