The Will of Alexander Cruse of Cruwys Morchard
Proved 6 October 1648
© Crown Copyright
National Archives Catalogue Reference PROB 11/105,
Records of the Prerogative Court of Canterbury, Essex Quire Register Numbers: 108-149
Transcribed by Debbie Kennett
Alexander CRUWYS was the eldest son of Lewis CRUWYS of Cruwys Morchard and Sarah TREFFRY of Fowey in Cornwall. He was baptised on 23rd January 1599/1600 in Cruwys Morchard. Alexander married Frances MALLETT of Dulverton, Somerset, on 2nd September 1624 at Halse, Somerset. Frances was the daughter of Michael MALLETT. Alexander became Lord of the Manor of Cruwys Morchard in 1641 upon the death of his father but his tenure was short lived as he died seven years later in 1648. He was buried in Cruwys Morchard on 29th June 1648. Frances survived for just one month after the death of her husband. She was buried on 25th July 1648 at Cruwys Morchard. Alexander and Frances had only one child, a son, Humphrey, who was baptised on 17th January 1627/8 in Cruwys Morchard. He lived for just a few weeks and was buried on 20th February 1627/8 in Cruwys Morchard. After Alexander's death the Cruwys Morchard estate passed to his younger brother Henry CRUWYS.
In the name of God Amen the twenty fifth day of June One thousand six-hundred Fourty eight I Alexander Cruse being sicke in body but of perfect memory yet considering my mentall condition and present weakeness doe therefore make and ordaine this my last will and testament First I yield up my Soule into the hands of god trusting to be saved by the alone [?] merite of Jesus Christ And my body to Christian burial and for my estate both reall and personall I doe dispose in manner following First I doe make ordaine and appoint Henry Cruse my brother to be my whole Executor of all my goods without dores, and alsoe of all my Lands as of right belonging unto him Item I ordaine that my wife Frances Cruse shall have the use of all the goods within dores dureing her naturall life And afterwards the said goods to remain to the use and behoofe1 of my Executor above named Item I give to my said wife the best bed and the furniture belonging to the same in the greene chamber to carry the same with her if shee goe from the house Also I give unto my wife my best gelding Item my will and desire is that my Uncle Humphrey Cruse have his chamber and dyet in the house as in former time dureing his life and his annuitie of five pounds yearely to be constantly paid unto him as heretofore Lastly I desire my brother Francis Coleman2 and my cosen Robert Harder to afford their assistance and direction whereby this my will and testament may be carefully observed and performed The marke and seale of Alexander Cruse Signed and Sealed the day and yeare above written in the presence of those whose names are subscribed William Franck3 the marke of Henry Cockram John Reeve his signe
Probatum fuit h[uius]mo[d]i testamentum suprascriptum apud London cora[m] Venerabili et Egregrio viro D[omi]no Nathaniel[e] Brent Milite Legum D[o]c[to]re et Curiæ Prærogativæ Mag[sit]ro sive Custode l[egi]time constituto sexto die Mensis Octobris Anno D[omi]ni Mill[es]imo Sexcentesimo quadragesimo octavo Juramento Henrici Cruse fratris naturalis et l[egi]timi dict[i] defunct[i] et Executoris in h[uius]mo[d]i testamento nominat[i] Cui com[m]issa fuit Administratio o[mn]ium et singulorum bonorum iurium et creditorum dict[i] defunct[i] de bene et fideliter administrando eadem Ad sancta Dei Evangelia (vigore Com[m]issionis) Jurat[o].
This above-written will was proved at London before the Worshipful and Wise Sir Nathaniel Brent, Knight, Doctor of Laws, Master Keeper or Commissary of the Prerogative Court, lawfully constituted on the sixth day of the month of October in the year of our Lord One thousand Six hundred and forty-eight by the oath of Henry Cruse the natural and lawful brother of the said deceased and the Executor named in this will To whom was granted the administration of all and singular of the goods, rights and credits of the said deceased for well and faithfully administering the same, having been sworn on the Holy Gospel of God (by force of a Commission).
1 Behoof. An Old English word meaning benefit or convenience.
2 Francis Colman was married to Alexander's sister Bridget and was in fact his brother-in-law.
3 William Frank was the rector of Cruwys Morchard from 1629 until 1674.
I would like to thank the Latin-L Rootsweb mailing list for transcribing and translating the Latin section of the above will. I would also like to thank Elizabeth Glover Howard for her invaluable advice and assistance.