


Devon Quarter Sessions - Midsummer 1826 [DRO - QS32/94]

Transcribed by Brian Brassett

Devonshire - Midsummer Sessions - Tuesday, July 11th, 1826 - Edmund Pusey Lyon, Esq. - Chairman.


Index to Prisoners for TrialAllin John
Avent Ann
Bartlett Elizabeth
Bartlett Thomas
Boon Eleanor
Bowen George
Bond Jacob
Burdon John
Burton James
Clarke John
Cook William
Connolly Thomas [Turned to Assizes]
Cooke William
Collyhole James
Copp Frances
Dart John
Dart William
Davey Joseph
Dare John
Dobb William
Dunkin William
Evans John
Foster John
Felbank John
Gay George
Garrett Elizabeth
Gerkin Grace
Goodier Samuel
Gooding Robert
Grant Fanny
Gregory George
Hine Mary
Holmes Henry
Isaac Grace
Jordan Susanna
Johnson Mary
Kenny James
Knight Richard
Lake William
Luscombe Richard
Mews Richard
Moore Robert
Nelson John alias Johnston Magnus
Palk Samuel
Huxham Rebecca
Plimsaul John
Parker Sarah
Pincent Mary
Piper John
Piper William
Retallick Thomas
Riddle John
Riddicliffe Ann
Salter Esther
Skinner Jacob
Slader Margaret
Stapleton John
Vicary Richard
Vinnecombe James
West John - Assize burglary
Wilcox John
Wilkinson William
Williams Edward
Willis John
Wood James
In the Gaol
Remaining on Former Orders
Brailey AlexanderCommitted March 26th 1815Detained as a dangerous and Insane person for want of sureties
Burgess CharlesLent Assizes 1823 Arson [Insane] Imprisoned during H.M. Pleasure
Marshall WilliamLammas Assizes 1824 Murder [Insane] Imprisoned during H.M. Pleasure
Redall MaryLammas assizes 1824 Felony Imprisoned 18 months
West CharlesLammas Assizes 1824 Felony [Death] Imprisoned 12 months
Parker MaryEpiphany Sessions 1826 Felony Transported 7 years
Edwards SamuelLent assizes Stabbing with intent to kill [Insane] Imprisoned during H.M. Pleasure
Brooks ElizabethLent Assizes Felony Transported 7 years
Callahan AnnEaster sessions Felony Imprisoned 6 months
Metters Mary AnnFelony Imprisoned 6 months
Ward JohnCommitted 7th June Hawking without a Licence Imprisoned 3 months or pay £10
Edwards JamesCommitted 28th June Desertion
Wooding JamesCommitted 28th June Desertion
Swan ThomasCommitted 28th June Desertion
Clarke ThomasCommitted 29th June Breach of Contract in Husbandry Imprisoned 1 month
Nettle WilliamCommitted 2nd July Desertion
Jones RichardCommitted 5th July Desertion
Taylor ThomasCommitted 23rd July 1825 Smuggling Imprisoned till he pays a fine of £100
Ham ChristopherCommitted 12th Nov 1825 Smuggling Imprisoned till he pays a fine of £100
Crocker SampsonCommitted 10th Dec 1825 Smuggling Imprisoned till he pays a fine of £100
Rowe WilliamCommitted 10th Dec 1825 Smuggling Imprisoned till he pays a fine of £100
Woodgate WilliamCommitted 31st Dec 1825 Smuggling Imprisoned till he pays a fine of £100
Sydenham AbrahamCommitted 31st Dec 1825 Smuggling Imprisoned till he pays a fine of £100
Newton JohnCommitted 31st Dec 1825 Smuggling Imprisoned till he pays a fine of £100
Potter JohnCommitted 3rd Jan 1826 Smuggling Imprisoned till he pays a fine of £100
Latherope RobertCommitted 7th Feb 1826 Smuggling Imprisoned till he pays a fine of £50
Mitchell ThomasCommitted 8th Feb 1826 Smuggling Imprisoned till he pays a fine of £100
Beale JohnCommitted 25th Feb 1826 Smuggling Imprisoned till he pays a fine of £100
Harris JohnCommitted 12th Mar 1826 Smuggling Imprisoned till he pays a fine of £100
Coulam WilliamCommitted 28th April 1826 Smuggling Imprisoned till he pays a fine of £100
Parsons ArthurCommitted 4th May 1826 Smuggling Imprisoned till he pays a fine of £100
Bond SamuelCommitted 17th May 1826 Smuggling Imprisoned till he pays a fine of £100
Hardy JamesCommitted 25th May 1826 Smuggling Imprisoned till he pays a fine of £16:4s
Tucker RichardCommitted 12th June 1826 Smuggling Imprisoned till he pays a fine of £100
Lucas MaryCommitted 17th June 1826 Smuggling Imprisoned till he pays a fine of £100
West JamesCommitted 1st July 1826 Smuggling Imprisoned till he pays a fine of £25
Thirty-Four Prisoners for Trial at the Lammas Assizes, 1826. 
Thomas Rollings [45]Committed by J. Hawker esq charged on the oaths of John Renols and others, with having on or about the 4th december last, feloniously taken, stolen, and carried away, in the parish of Stoke Damerel, nine pieces of copper bolt the property of Banjamine Bullocke, value 14s. Warrant dated 7th April, 1826. [comment: Bill ignored].
William Dobbs [26]Committed by J. Dene clerk for feloniously stealing at Tawstock on the 4th April, last, some hay from the hay-rick of John Dennis, yeoman, value 2d. Warrant dated 8th April, 1826. [comment: Bill ignored].
James Kenny [31]Committed by E. Lockyer, esq, charged on the oaths of William Weavil and others with having on the 10th of April last at Stoke Damerel, feloniously taken, stolen and carried away, a silver watch, a steel chain, a metal seal, and a metal key, the property of the said William Weavil, value 20s and upwards. Warrant dated 10th April, 1826. [comment: 6 months Bridewell to hard labour].
George Bowen
George Gay [26]
Jacob Bond [25]
Committed by J. Hawker esq, charged on the oaths of Eliza Hennings and others, with having on the 13th of April last at Stoke Damerel, feloniously taken, stolen and carried away, a silk handkerchief, the property of the said Eliza Hennings, value 6s. Warrant dated 14th April, 1826. [comment: Bowen Imprisoned 3 calendar months Bridewell to hard labour/Gay and Bond both Acquitted].
John Dart [40]
William Dart [28]
Committed by J. Sillifant esq, charged on oath, with having stolen a quantity of poultry the property of Mr. William Dicker, of Upton Hellions, and a bag of wheat and a quantity of cider, the property of Mr. William Harris Lane, of crediton. Warrant dated 17th April, 1826. [comment: John Dart Transported 7 years/William Dart Imprisoned Bridewell 6 calendar months to hard labour].
John Burdon [22]Committed by P.W. Furse, clerk, charged on the oaths of Francis Payne and William Thomas, with having feloniously stolen, taken and carried away, from the dwelling-house of the said Francis Payne, a pair of worsted stockings, value 6d. Warrant dated 15th April, 1826. [comment: Imprisoned 6 calendar months Bridewell to hard labour].
Elizabeth Bartlett [24]
Susannah Jordan [25]
Committed by T. Husband, esq, charged on the oaths of Henry Nathan and others with having on the 14th April last, stolen from the stores of Messrs. Phineas, Levi, and Co, certain pieces of copper, their property. Warrant dated 17th April, 1826. [comment: Each Imprisoned 1 year Bridewell to hard labour].
Eleanor Boon [42]Committed by J. Hawker, esq, charged on the oaths of Elizabeth Pearse, [the wife of William Pearse] and others, with having on or about the 15th April last, at East Stonehouse, feloniously taken, stolen and carried away, a flock bolster, a pillow, a blanket, and a piece of curtain, the property of the said William Pearse, value 7s and upwards. Warrant dated 18th April, 1826. [comment: Imprisoned 24hours].
Sarah Parker [13]Committed by W. Ellicombe, clerk, charged on the oaths of Simon Levy and others with stealing a gold-mounted brooch. Warrant dated 24th April, 1826. [comment: Imprisoned 3days to hard labour].
James Burton [18]Committed by E. Lockyer, esq, charged on the oaths of Agnes Evans and others, with having on the 20th of April last, at Stoke Damerel, feloniously taken, stolen, and carried away, 2aprons, 3pieces of calico, and 1cloth, her property, value 3s and upwards. Warrant dated 24th April, 1826. [comment: 1 month Bridewell to hard labour].
Richard Luscombe [40]Committed by W. Kitson, clerk, charged on the oath of Mary Hodgson, with feloniously stealing a silk handlerchief and a pair of stockings. Warrant dated 26th April, 1826. [comment: 1 week to hard labour].
William Cook [31]Committed by G. Baker, clerk, charged on the oaths of Catherine Harvey and others, with uttering a counterfeit shilling, and having in his possession a counterfeit sovereign, and 2counterfeit shillings, knowing the said sovereign and shillings to be false and counterfeit. Warrant dated 28th April, 1826. [comment: No prosecution].
Joseph Davey [28]Committed by P.W. Furse, clerk, charged on the oaths of Richard Bailey and others, with having between the 2nd and 5th November last, feloniously stolen, taken and carried away, a tiller and saw, value 10s from a Saw Pit, at Huish. Warrant dated 10th May, 1826. [comment: Imprisoned Bridewell 2 calendar months to hard labour].
Fanny Grant [23]Committed by E.P. Lyon, esq, charged on the oath of Charlotte Channon, with stealing a quantity of clothing, in the charge of the said Charlotte Channon, as a washerwoman. Warrant dated 10th May, 1826. [comment: 3 months Gaol].
Margaret Slader [49]Committed by Hon. J. Fortescue, clerk and T.P. Acland, esq, charged on the oaths of John Frayne and others, with having feloniously taken, stolen and carried away, 3muslin handkerchiefs, from the shop of the said John Frayne, [being part of his dwelling-house]. Warrant dated 10th May, 1826. [comment: 6 calendar months Bridewell to hard labour].
John West [30]Committed by G. Burrington, clerk, charged on the oaths of Edward Ebdon and others, with having feloniously and burglariously entered the granary of Thomas Cousins, of Ashburton, between 1 and 2o'clock in the morning of the 11th may, last, with intent to steal a quantity of oats, the property of the said Thomas Cousins. Warrant dated 12th may, 1826. [comment: Turned over to the Assizes].
John Wilcox [43]Committed by R.W. Bampfylde, clerk, charged on the oath of Jane his wife, with having on the 31st of march last, violently assaulted her, by beating her with his fist about the head, knocking her down, and kicking her several times, and continuing to use threats towards her, and for want of sureties to keep the Peace. Warrant dated 13th May, 1826. [comment: No prosecution].
Ann Avent [41]Committed by J. Hawker, esq, charged on the oaths of Elizabeth Truscott and others, with feloniously taking, stealing and carrying away at Stoke Damerel, on the 19th of May last, a feather pillow, and a pillow slip, the property of Louis Truscott, value 3s and upwards. Warrant dated 23rd may, 1826. [comment: Imprisoned 1 calendar month to hard labour].
Jacob Skinner [29]Committed by J. Sweetland, esq, charged on the oath of Charles Ellis of Woodbury, with having in the morning of the 27th of May last, entered the field of the said Charles Ellis, and there milked a cow, and feloniously stolen, taken, and carried away, about 5pints of milk. Warrant dated 27th May, 1826. [comment: 2 calendar months Bridewell to hard labour].
Grace Gerkin [26]Committed by E. Lockyer, esq, charged on the oaths of Elizabeth Bickmore and others, with feloniously taking, stealing and carrying away at Stoke Damerel, on or about the 3rd of September last, a blanket, a bolster, a bolster case, a flat heater, and an ironing box and heater, the property of the said Elizabeth Bickmore, value 15s and upwards. Warrant dated 27th May, 1826. [comment: Imprisoned 1 week Bridewell to hard labour].
Thomas Bartlett [26]Committed by E. Lockyer, esq, charged on the oaths of Jane Haley [wife of Samuel Haley] and others, with feloniously taking, stealing and carrying away at Stoke Damerel, on the 31st May last, a shirt the property of the said Samuel Haley, value 3s and upwards. Warrant dated 1st June, 1826. He stand further charged before E.P. Lyon, esq, with stealing on the 16th June last, a silk handkerchief, the property of Charles West, a fellow prisoner. Warrant dated 16th June, 1826. [comment: 1st charge: Imprisoned 3 calendar months Bridewell to hard labour/2nd charge No prosecution].
John Clarke [26]
James Wood [33]
Committed by E.P. Lyon, esq, charged on oath with stealing a quantity of wheat, upwards of 21pecks, the property of Gilbert Ware, of Rewe, on the 27th May last. Warrant dated 2nd June, 1826. [comment: Not Guilty - both Acquitted].
John Stapleton [23]Committed by A. Hawkins, esq, charged on the oath of George Cutmore, with feloniously stealing at East Allington, on the 2nd June last, a pair of worsted stockings, value 11d, the property of Henry Cutmore. Warrant dated 2nd June, 1826. [comment: 1 calendar month to hard labour].
John Dare [61]Committed by W. Tucker, esq, charged on the oath of James Pepperill, with taking a quantity of barley, value 1s from a bag of barley in the barn of John Gage, of Coombpyne. Warrant dated 5th June, 1826. [comment: No bill].
William Lake [46]Committed by G. Gregory, clerk, charged on the oath of Henry Polesland, of South Tawton, with stealing a coulter part of a plough, his property value 1s. Warrant dated 6th June, 1826. [comment: Bill ignored].
Grace Isaac [16]Committed by W.P. Furse, clerk, charged on the oaths of Thomas Gay and others, with stealing divers articles of wearing apparel, the property of the said Thomas Gay. Warrant dated 8th June, 1826. [comment: Imprisoned Bridewell 6 calendar months to hard labour].
Ann Riddicliffe [46]Committed by E.A. Bray and R.V. Willesford, clerks, charged on the oath of Sarah Tonkin with feloniously stealing a jcket, value 3s:6d, on the 19th June last, the property of the said Sarah Tonkin. Warrant dated 9th June, 1826. [comment: 3 months hard labour].
Thomas Connolly [35]Committed by E. Lockyer, esq, charged on the oaths of edward billing and others, with having at Stoke Damerel, on or about the 6th June last, feloniously taken, stolen and carried away, a leghorn bonnet, the property of the said Edward Billing, value 20s and upwards. Warrant dated 8th June, 1826. [comment: Turned over to Assizes].
Thomas Retallick [22]Committed by J. Hawker, esq, charged on the oaths of William Bate, [assistant to Sarah Bate], and others with having at Stoke Damerel on the 7th June last, feloniously taken, stolen and carried away, a quantity of silk twist, the property of the said Sarah Bate, value 2s:6d and upwards. Warrant dated 9th June, 1826. [comment: 2 months hard labour].
William Cooke [25]Committed by W. Ellicombe, clerk, charged on oath, with having feloniously stolen 4 iron bolts, the property of Messrs. Kingdon, and Co, of Exeter, on the 8th June last. Warrant dated 12th june, 1826. [comment: Imprisoned 6 weeks to hard labour].
Richard Knight [34]Committed by P. Glubb, clerk, charged on the oaths of George Denford and others, with feloniously taking, stealing and carrying away, a hive of bees the property of the said George Denford. Warrant dated 17th June, 1826. [comment: 2 calendar months hard labour].
Richard Vicary [32]Committed by W. Barker, clerk, charged on the oath of William Roberts, of Thorverton, with stealing a fowl, the property of Thomas Kingdon, on the 16th June last. Warrant dated 20th June, 1826. [comment: 2 calendar months Bridewell to hard labour].
James Vinnecombe [17]
Edward Mews [17]
Henry Holmes [18]
Committed by S. Pym, esq, charged on the oaths of William Crocker and others, with having on the 20th June last, at Stoke Dameral, feloniously taken, stolen and carried away, a blanket, a pair of stockings, a pillow slip, 2shirts, and a pair of flannel drawers, the property of William Crocker, value 6s and upwards. Warrant dated 22nd june, 1826. [comment: Vinnecombe & Mews = 1 calendar month to hard labour/Holmes = Acquitted].
John Nelson alias Magnus JohnstonCommitted by S. Pym, esq, charged on the oaths of John Crawley and others, with feloniously taking, stealing and carrying away, at Stoke Damerel, on the 21st June last, a pair of shoes, the property of the said John Crawley, value 9s. Warrant dated 22nd june, 1826. [comment: Imprisoned 1 month Bridewell to hard labour].
Esther Salter [21]Committed by J. Clarke, clerk, charged on the oaths of E. Locock, Sarah Locock, and Margaret Summerhayes, on suspicion of having broken open a box, and taken away several sovereigns, together with some silver, the property of the said Edward Locock. Warrant dated 27th June, 1826. [comment: No bill].
James Collyhole [19]Committed by P.J. Taylor, esq, charged on the oaths of James Henwood, constable of Wolborough, and Ebenezer Metherel, constable of Highweek, with riotous and disorderly conduct, also with knocking down the said James Henwood in the execution of his office. Warrant dated 28th Jue, 1826. [comment: Not Guilty].
William Wilkinson [16]
Edward Williams [24]
Committed by J. Hawker, esq, chatged on the oaths of Samuel Folley and others, with having on the wwnd June last, at Stoke Damerel, feloniously taken, stolen and carried away, a silver watch, steel chain, 2seals, and a key, the property of the said Samuel Folley, value 20s and upwards. Warrant dated 30th June, 1826. [comment: Both Acquitted].
George Gregory [21]Committed by E.A. Bray and R.V. Willisford, clerks, charged on the oaths of Nicholas Raymont and others, with having on the 29th June last, feloniously stolen from the garden of the said Nicholas Raymont, at Coryton, a brass kettle, the property of the said Nicholas Raymont, value 2s:6d. He stands further charged on the oaths of John Harvey and others, with having on the 29th June last, feloniously stolen from the courtyard of the said John Harvey, at Brentor, a brass pan, the property of the said John Harvey, value 1s:6d & a halfpence. Warrants dated 3rd July, 1826. [comment: Imprisoned Bridewell 3 months hard labour on each charge].
Mary Johnson [25]
Elizabeth Garrett [39]
Committed by T. Husband, esq, charged on the oaths of Frances Richards and others, with having stolen from the furnished lodgings of one Frances Richards, of Stoke Damerel, a blanket, sheet, pillow and pillow slip, value 7s and upwards. Warrant dated 3rd July, 1826. [comment: Johnson = Imprisoned 6 weeks to hard labour/Garrett = Imprisoned 1 month to hard labour].
Mary Hine [25]Committed by J. Hawker, esq, charged on the oaths of Mary Williams and others, with having on or about the 10th June last, at Stoke Damerel, feloniously taken, stolen and carried away, 2blankets, a sheet, and a pillow, the property of the said Mary Williams, value 15s and upwards. Warrant dated 3rd July, 1826. [comment: Imprisoned Bridewell 12 months to hard labour].
George Reed [33]Committed by N.V. Lee, esq, charged on the oaths of John Davey and William Tucker, with stealing a pair of boots, value 10s the property of the said John Davey. Warrant dated 6th july, 1826. [comment: Imprisoned Bridewell 2 months to hard labour].
John Forster [24]Committed by R.H. Froude, clerk, charged on the oath of Peter Rayner with having stolen a scythe, from the said Peter Rayner, at Dartington on the 9th July inst. Warrant dated 7th July, 1826. [comment: 2 months hard labour].
Frances Copp [52]Committed by William Thomas, clerk, charged on oath with having stolen 12ducks, the property of Robert Bastin of Broadclist. Warrant dated 10th July, 1826. [comment: Bridewell 3 calendar months to hard labour].
George Bowen [56]Committed by B. Fulford, esq, charged on the oaths of George Follett and others, with stealing a quantity of wearing apparel, the property of the said George Follett. Warrant dated 11th July, 1826. [comment: 3 calendar months].
Rebecca HuxhamMilking 2Cows. [comment: Gaol 2 calendar months].
Mary DykesStealing Silver Spoons. [comment: 2 calendar months].
Elizabeth RobertsonAssault. [comment: 1 month Bridewell].
Rubin TaplinAssault. [comment: 1 month Bridewell].
John ElsonAssault. [comment: 1 month Bridewell - fined 1s and to enter into recog in £10 to keep the peace for 12 months].
In the Bridewell
Robert Moore [35]Committed by C.O. Osmond, clerk, for assaulting and beating Thomas Tadford, of the parish of Kentisbeare and for want of sureties. Warrant dated 1st May, 1826. Also charged with assaulting John Broom, of the parish of Kentisbeare, and for want of sureties. Warrant dated 1st May, 1826.
Mary Pinsent [45]Committed by G. Burrington, clerk, for threatening to kill Alice Wyatt, of the parish of Ilsington, and for want of sureties. Warrant dated 15th may, 1826.
Peter Dunkin [29]Committed by John. D. Perkins, D.D. for leaving his family chargeable to the parish of Dawlish. Warrant dated 18th May, 1826.
John Piper the younger [18]
William Piper [17]
Committed by Thomas Husband, esq, for violently assaulting and beating John Piper, of the parish of Stoke Damerel, and for want of sureties. Warrant dated 27th June, 1826.
John Evans [24]Committed by H. Laroche, esq, for violently assaulting Thomas Cotwell, of the parish of Holcombe Rogus, by striking him divers blows with his fist, on his head and face, and for want of sureties. Warrant dated 5th July, 1826.
Samuel Palk [53]Committed by E. Lockyer, esq, for violently assaulting and beating Henry Matthews, of the parish of Stoke Damerel. Warrant dated 7th July, 1826.
Samuel Goodier [63]Committed by G. Burrington, clerk, for being drunk and for want of sureties. Warrant dated 7th July, 1826.
John Felbank [61]Committed by A. Hawkins, esq, for wandering abroad and begging at Norton, in the parish of Churchstow. Warrant dated 17th April, 1826.
John Allen [18]Committed by J.I. Fortescue, esq, for want of sureties to indemnify the parish of Shebbear, in Bastardy. Warrant dated 5th June, 1826.
John Riddle [29]Committed by E. Lockyer, esq, for want of sureties to idemnify the parish of East Stonehouse, in Bastardy. Warrant dated 7th June, 1826.
John Willis [18]Committed by G. Baker, clerk, for want of sureties to idemnify the parish of Chivelstone, in Bastardy. Warrant dated 12th Jan, 1826.
Robert Gooding [21]Committed by J.B. Cresswell, esq, for want of sureties to idemnify the parish of Topsham, in Bastardy. Warrant dated 28th June, 1826].
Remaining on Former Orders
Alderman AmosFelony 12 calendar months
Arnold JaneVagrancy 3 months
Burrows GeorgeMisdemeanor 12 calendar months
Barlow WilliamStealing 2books 3 months
Bennett JaneFelony 9 months
Burgess FannyFelony 6 months
Bibbey RobertFelony 6 months
Bazeley EliasFelony 6 months
Backwell MaryFelony 9 months
Brown WilliamFelony 4 months
Battershall ThomasDisobeying an Order in Bastardy 3 months
Bartlett AgnesBastardy 6 calendar months
Blight SamuelBreach of Contract 2 months
Bloy DavidDisobeying an order in Bastardy 3 months
Bale JohnOffence under the Turnpike Act 1 month
Caryl EdwardDisobeying an order in Bastardy 3 months
Crabb AnnMisdemeanor 12 calendar months
Cleeve ElizabethBastardy 9 months
Clunen BriantFelony 6 calendar months
Curtis GeorgeFelony 12 months
Clarke FrederickFelony 6 months
Cressleman ThomasFelony 12 months
Combs JohnFelony 6 months
Callihan FannyDisorderly Apprentice 3 months
Cross GeorgeFelony [Death] 2 years
Curtis JamesVagrancy 1 month
Calf ThomasVagrancy 3 months
Conybeer WilliamVagrancy 2 months
Davis WilliamVagrancy 1 month
Davey RebeccaVagrancy 1 month
Doney RichardFelony 6 calendar months
Davey WilliamFelony 12 months
Dodd ThomasDisorderly Apprentice 1 month
Dalton JosepgDisobeying an order in Bastardy 3 months
Earle SetiddaFelony 6 weeks
Ellis WilliamEntering the Regulars being a Militia man 6 months
Eustin RobertVagrancy 1 month
French ElizabethVagrancy 1 month
Furks RichardFelony 12 calendar months
Flower RobertFelony 12 calendar months
Gin GeorgeFelony 12 calendar months
Gilham CyrusMisdemeanor 2 years
Gray ElizabethBastardy 6 calendar months
Garland WilliamVagrancy 1 month
Goff GeorgeCourt martial 42 days
Geadan ElizabethVagrancy 1 month
Geadan SarahVagrancy 1 month
Gould JamesLeaving his Family 1 month
Hobbs William TuckerFelony [Death] 18 calendar months
Hillman JosephFelony 13 months
Harvey DanielLeaving his Family 6 months
Hawkins RobertFelony 8 months
Hunt WilliamFelony 12 months
Hore ThomasStealing Lead 3 months
Holmes WilliamCourt martial 4 months
Hoskin JohnDisorderly Apprentice 1 month
Hooper JospehLeaving his Family 2 calendar months
Hunt MaryDisorderly Apprentice 1 month
Hopkins HenryDriving a cart furiously 1 month
Jarvan EdmundVagrancy 1 month
Jose -Vagrancy 1 month
James BetsyVagrancy 1 month
Keene MaryDestroying a hedge 3 calendar months
Knapman RobertDisorderly Apprentice 3 months
Lavis WilliamOffence against Game Laws 3 months
Lagan JamesVagrancy 2 months
Love HenryVagrancy 14 days
Lagan AnnVagrancy 1 month
Larkworthy WilliamLeaving his family 1 calendar month
Manning ThomasFelony [Death] 2 years
More JohnFelony [Death] 2 years
M'Gennis JohnFelony 9 calendar months
Marley JohnFelony 12 months
Moulton WilliamFelony 6 months
Morris ElizabethFelony 4 months
Maunder ThomasFelony [Death] 1 year
M'Ginnis RoseVagrancy 1 month
M'Ginnis MaryVagrancy 1 month
Moore JohnVagrancy 1 month
Monroe JohnLeaving his Family 1 calendar month
M'Marnice DanielVagrancy 1 month
Newenoff FrancisFelony 12 calendar months
Norrish JamesVagrancy 1 month
Nicholson MaryBastardy 1 month
Netherton WilliamDisorderly Apprentice 3 months
Nosworthy JamesLeaving his Family 6 weeks
Parker RichardDangerous and Insane for want of sureties
Pickard JasperDangerous and Insane for want of sureties
Pritchard JamesFelony 8 calendar months
Pulling WilliamFelony 12 months
Pullman ThomasFelony 12 months
Parry RobertVagrancy 1 month
Rugg WilliamAssault on his wife 6 weeks and find sureties
Ridgeway JacobFelony 8 calendar months
Radford ThomasFelony 12 months
Reef ElizabethFelony 6 months
Rowland EdwardBreach of Contract 1 month
Rolitho RichardVagrancy 1 month
Sherrill JosephFelony 2 years
Shearer GeorgeMisdemeanor 2 years
Smith ElizabethBastardy 12 calendar months
Symons WilliamFelony 12 months
Smith GeorgeFelony 6 months
Snell WilliamFelony 12 months
Scott JamesFelony 6 months
Stone JohnFelony 6 months
Stoyle MaryBastardy 3 months
Simmons JohnVagrancy 14 days
Slade FannyDestroying Underwood 3 calendar months
Shepherd FrancisDisorderly Apprentice 2 months
Sackwell SarahVagrancy 1 month
Sanders JohnDisobeying an order in Bastardy 3 months
Thomas AnnFelony 12 calendar months and 1 week
Tozer MaryBastardy 3 calendar months
Tuckerman WilliamDisorderly Apprentice 3 months
Toms WilliamLeaving his Family 2 months
Veysey GeorgeFelony [Death] 18 calendar months
Vinicombe BenjamineDangerous and Insane for want of sureties
Wadland NicholasDangerous and Insane for want of sureties
Whitmore WilliamFelony 6 calendar months
Wood RichardFelony 6 months
Woodlake MaryFelony 6 months
Walker WilliamFelony 6 months
Wiley ThomasPossessing Kings Stores unlawfully 3 months
Watson WilliamVagrancy 1 month
Walker JosephVagrancy 2 months
White JohnVagrancy 1 month
Wallis ElizabethVagrancy 1 calendar month
Weeks JamesVagrancy 2 years
Yeo JamesFelony [Death] 2 years
For Trial at the AssizesDowning Ann
Martin Thomas
Rouseau Joseph
Visiting JusticesE.P. Lyon, esq
S.F. Milford, esq
James Pitman, esq
James Coleridge, esq
J.B. Creswell, esq
Rev. Doctor Drury
R. Stephens, esq
Rev. David Horndon
Rev. W. Ellicombe
Edward Divett, esq
John Kennaway, esq
Baldwin Fulford, esq
William ColeKeeper of the Gaol and House of Correction for Devon.