


Devon Quarter Sessions - Midsummer 1784 [DRO - QS32/67]

Transcribed by Brian Brassett

Midsummer Sessions - Bridewell Calendar October 6th, 1784.

Sarah PurdyCommitted by J. Bulteel & Thomas Lane esq's 14th Oct 1783 Bastardy for 12 months.
Susanna RobbinsCommitted by B. Incledon & P.R. Webber esq's 25th Dec Bastardy for 12 months.
Hannah SeawardCommitted by Rev James Carrington & J. Pine clerks Jan 23rd 1784 Bastardy for 12 months.
Robert DenshamTried at Lent Assizes Mar 15th To be imprisoned for 1 year
Edward SmithCommitted by Rev James carrington clerk Apr 7th On suspicion of a burglary with William Clarke & William Coombes at Morebath. [Further] Detained by B.N. Bluett esq July 12th On suspicion of another Burglary & felony with the said William Clarke & William Coombes at thorn St Margaret in Somerset.
Mary Russell alias SmithCommitted by Rev James Carrington clerk Apr 7th for want of sureties to give Evidence against the above William Clarke, William Coombes & Edward Smith for a felony.
Mary EvansCommitted by P.R. Webber & H. Beavis esq's June 18th Bastardy for 12 months.
Esther MosesContinued at a Special Assize May 24th Upon her former order of Transportation having been discharged by Proclamation for being found at large after sentence, before the expiration of her term.
James DanielTried at Sessions Jul 14th For a Conspiracy - Fine Five Pounds - Imprisoned 6 months & until the fine is paid. And to get security for his good behaviour.
Ann ScallionCommitted by G. Buck & A.S. Willett esq Aug 24th Bastardy for 12 months.
Elizabeth CarnellCommitted by Rev James Carrington & G. Cooke clerks Aug 28th Bastardy for 12 months.
Richard SquanceCommitted by G. Buck & A.S. Willett esq's Sept 14th As a Disorderly Apprentice for 1Calendar month.
Thomas LoydeTried at Lammas Assize Aug 2nd To be imprisoned for 6 Calendar months
Patrick ConnellCommitted by Rev Edward. B. Blackett clerk Sept 20th As an evidence against John Bryant, Henry Fagan, James Courtney and John McQuire for a felony.
John StreetCommitted by Rev James Carrington clerk Aug 8th for feloniously stealing Eight Chains of Worsted.
William WhiteCommitted by Rev James Carrington clerk Aug 17th for feloniously stealing one pair of Shoes and a pair of Buckles. Also on suspicion of stealing Cloth, Buttons and other things. [comment: Acquitted].
Henry SandersCommitted by George Bickford esq Aug 26th for feloniously stealing ten ounces of Cale Seed in a Bag. [comment: Sentenced].
Elizabeth MasonCommitted by H.L. Brown esq Sept 30th for feloniously stealing One Ticking Pocket; a pair of Scissors and sundry other articles. [comment: No prosecution - Discharged].
Gabriel CoxCommitted by Richard Inglett Fortescue sq July 27th for leaving his family. [comment: Imprisoned 1 month - discharged].
Ann PepperellCommitted by Rev James Carrington clerk Aug 9th As a disorderly and dangerous person. [comment: Bill ignored - discharged].
Henry GrillsCommitted by H.L. Brown esq Sept 15th As an Idle & disorderly Person. [comment: no prosecution - discharged].
John FryCommitted by Rev H. Walrond clerk Sept 16th for breaking the Peace. [comment: No prosecution - discharged].
Andrew PopplestoneCommitted by Williamj Cholwich esq Sept 16th for breaking the Peace. [comment: No prosecution - discharged]
Thomas ElworthyCommitted by Rev H. Walrond clerk Sept 18th for leaving his family.
Samuel SatterlyCommitted by Rev W. Palmer clerk Sept 29th for want of sureties in Bastardy.
Richard AbletonCommitted by James Pitman esq Aug 4th Vagrant. [comment: Whipped and sentenced].
Jane CongdonCommitted by Ralph Mitchell esq Aug 26th Vagrant.
Mary SpryCommitted by Ralph Mitchell esq Aug 26th Vagrant.
Isaac WooleyCommitted by Samuel Eyre esq Sept 6th Vagrant.
Elizabeth WilliamsCommitted by Ralph Mitchell esq Sept 4th Vagrant.
George JonesCommitted by John Arthur esq Sept 4th Vagrant.
George HamCommitted by John Arthur esq Sept 4th Vagrant
Ann Nash alias Ann BallCommitted by Ralph Mitchell esq Sept 4th Vagrant
Elizabeth Taylor
Mary and John Taylor her children
Ann Godfrey
Committed by William Kitson esq Sept 9th Vagrants. [comment: Not whipped but discharged].
Elizabeth reddonCommitted by Rev Edward.B. Blackett clerk Sept 17th Vagrant. [comment: Not whipped - sent by pass].
Thomas LamarsonCommitted by Rev James Carrington clerk Sept 21st Vagrant.
Agnes Harris
Jane Bryant
Committed by William Kitson esq Sept 23rd Vagrant.
Roger CrokerArticles of Peace exhibited against him by William Glass at Easter Sessions 1783; Apr 2nd To be imprisoned untill he finds two sureties in 50£ each for his good behaviour.
Joseph ChipmanCommitted by Rev Thomas Baker clerk Oct 5th for disobeying an Order in Bastardy.
Out Upon Bail
Joseph RockettCommitted by Rev W. Palmer clerk Jul 27th 1784 for breaking the Peace - bailed 30th July.
Prisoners Discharged
William Cousins
Sarah Stroud
Thomas Tucker
Charles Isaac
Tried at Lammas Assizes Aug 11th 1783 To be imprisond 1 year.
Dorothy alias Eleanor JunerCommitted by Samuel Eyre & Thomas Putt esq's Sept 3rd Bastardy for 12 months.
Mary Whitrowe
William Hooper
Tried at Lent Assizes Mar 15th To be Imprisoned for 6 Calendar months. [comment: Hooper Dead].
Nicholas HoopoleCommitted by J. Splatt & James Yonge esq's Commissioners of Land tax April 17th for refusing to pay £20-16s-3d farthing which he collected as Sub-collector of the Land Tax. Discharged Aug 16th.
Mary Deacon
Mary Smith
Committed by Edward. B. Blackett clerk May 6th To give evidence against Thomas Loyd for a felony. Discharged Aug 5th.
Elizabeth ClarkeCommitted by Thomas Putt esq May 28th On suspicion of Sheep stealing. Discharged Aug 2nd.
Robert SiddawayContinued at Special Assize May 24th Upon his former Order of Transportation. Delivered on Board "Dunkirk" Sept 3rd.
Richard CallacottCommitted by William Spicer esq June 9th for want of sureties in Bastardy. Discharged Aug 16th.
George HuntCommitted by John Buller esq July 8th 1784 for want of sureties in Bastardy. Discharged Aug 27th.
William Burnett
Thomas Rogers
William Cooper
Tried at sessions July 14th Convicted of felonys to be imprisoned for 1 month.
Mary Williams
Joseph Potter
Mry Hearn
Tried at Sessions July 14th Convicted of felonys to be Imprisoned 2 weeks.
James AbletonTried at Sessions July 14th Convicted of felony to be imprisoned 1 week.
Sarah FrenchTried at sessions July 14th for a conspiracy. To be imprisoned for 1 month. Fine 1shilling.
Matthew Nicholls
Henry Phillips
Tried at Sessions July 14th for a misdemeanor. To be imprisoned 3 months. Fine 1s each.
Samuel SillifantCommitted by George Bickford esq July 21st for having in his possession Engines to destroy Game. For 3 months - discharged July 23rd.
Charles BakerCommitted by Rev G. Cooke clerk & James Pitman esq July 30th for stealing Potatoes, for 1 month.
James BryantCommitted by Rev Thomas Wood clerk July 7th for not performing according to an agreement. For 1 month.
Joseph KertonCommitted by Rev Thomas Baker clerk July 29th On suspicion of stealing two Coats, One waistcoat, and other things. Discharged Aug 2nd.
Elizabeth RadfordCommitted by Rev P. Beavis clerk July 30th for selling Ale without Licence for 2 months.
Thomas HalwayCommitted by J. Laroche esq Aug 9th for leaving his family for 1 month - Discharged Aug 29th.
Joseph Burnett
Michael Cafsell
Antony Gambell
Nicholas Salvey
Simon Dennett
Solomon Fillus
Nicholas Fusk
Christian Fusk
Committed by Ralph Mitchell esq Aug 27th Vagrants. Discharged Sept 22nd.
John CarpenterCommitted by James Pitman esq Sept 7th for want of sureties in Bastardy. Discharged Sept 29th.
Betty Pidgeon
Elizabeth Rowe
Johanna Horsham and her child
Committed by Francis Yarde esq Mayor of Totness Sept 8th As Idle & disorderly Persons for 1 month.
John Ware
John Wright
Thomas Mitchell
James Widgery
Committed by Rev H. Walrond clerk Sept 14th for Breaking the peace. Discharged Sept 18th.
William Chase
Richard Chase
Mary Stone
Committed by Rev James Carrington clerk Sept 15th On suspicion of stealing two Holland Bags. Discharged 24th Sept.