


Devon Quarter Sessions - Michaelmas 1784 [DRO - QS32/66]

Transcribed by Brian Brassett

Devon to wit. A Calendar of the prisoners in his Majestys High Gaol for the County of Devon at the General Quarter Sessions of the peace held at the Castle of Exeter October, 6th, 1784.

George EastlakeCommitted June 19th 1784 by Ralph Michell esq charged on Oaths of Williamj Jacobs & Judith Wyatt Guillims on a violent Suspicion of feloniously taking & carrying away three Holland Shirts property of Henry Harrison esq. [comment - Acquitted].
Frances HannahCommitted July 14th for not appearing to an Indictment last Midsummer Sessions for an assault but stood out in Contempt of the Court. [somment - Sentenced].
Joseph ThirseCommitted Aug 26th by R. Michell esq charged on oath of John Haynes & John Jones on a violent suspicion of feloniously taking & carrying away one Gander property of said John Haynes. [comment - Sentenced].
James BoylandCommitted Aug 26th by R. Michell esq charged on oath of Thomas Harris with feloniously taking & carrying away one Copper Tea Kettle property of said Thomas Harris. [comment - Sentenced].
David ConnellyCommitted Sept 3rd by R. Michell esq on oath of jacob Bickford with violently assaulting & beating him. [comment - Sentenced].
James Garnett
Hugh Boyle
Committed Sept 29th by R. Michell esq charged on oaths of Thomas Ribby & William Brook on a violent suspicion of feloniously taking & carrying away a Quantity of Apples property of John Culme esq. [comment - Garnett sentenced/Boyle Acquitted].
From the County Bridewell
No prosecution - discharged].
John StreetCommitted Aug 8th by the Rev James Carrington clerk for feloniously stealing Eight Worsted Chains. [comment - Sentenced].
William WhiteCommitted Aug 17th by Rev James Carrington clerk charged on oath of Richard Quash with feloniously stealing one pair of shoes & one pair of buckles also on suspicion of stelaing Cloth & other things. [comment - Acquitted].
Henry SandersCommitted Aug 26th by George Bickford esq for feloniously stealing ten ounces of Cale seed. [comment - Sentenced].
Elizabeth MasonCommitted Sept 30th by H.L. Brown esq for feloniously stealing one Ticking Pocket, a pair of Scizzers, & sundry other articles. [comment - No prosecution discharged].
For the Assize
William ClarkCommitted Apr 7th by Rev James Carrington clerk for burglary.
James FootCommitted Apr 12th by John Law esq Mayor of barnstaple for felony.
Robert BarkerCommitted July 19th by R. Michell esq for Murder.
William CoombesRemoved Aug 2nd from Taunton by Habeas to take his Trial for Burglary.
John LoneCommitted Aug 15th by R. Michell esq for felony.
Phillip PeakeCommitted Aug 6th by P.R. Webber esq for felony.
Robert RuthCommitted Aug 9th by John Jago esq for felony.
James La RoueCommitted Aug 9th by J. Arthur esq Mayor of Plymouth for felony.
Joseph Pasco
William Brown
Committed Aug 9th by R. Michell esq for felony.
Mary DickerCommitted Aug 12th by William Coffin gent for Murder.
William Douglas NixonCommitted Aug 16th by R. Michell esq for felony.
Thomas Acres
John Smith
Committed Aug 18th by Thomas Moore esq mayor of Torrington for felony.
Elizabeth SmaleCommitted Aug 23rd by Henry Osmand esq for felony.
John BallCommitted Sept 9th by John Baring esq for felony.
William BrawnCommitted Sept 13th by Benjamine Incledon esq for felony. On Bail.
Mary DaweCommitted Sept 17th by John Arthur esq Mayor of Plymouth for felony. On Bail.
William ThornCommitted Sept 18th by R. Michell esq for felony.
John Hawkings
Humphrey West
Committed Sept 20th by Rev Edward. B. Blackett D.D. for felony.
John Bryant
Henry Fagan
James Courtney
John McQuire
Committed Sept 20th by Rev Edward. B. Blackett D.D. for felony.
James Duffy
James Phillips
Committed Sept 22nd by R. Michell esq for felony likewise Duffy for another felony.
Joseph HudsonCommitted Sept 27th by R. Michell esq for felony.
Remain on former Orders.
Joseph Tilson
Nicholas Wolfe
Sentenced Christmas Sessions to be imprisoned one year & until they pay a fine of 20s each & give security for their good behaviour.
James HeysSentenced Easter sessions to be imprisoned one Year & give Security himself for his good behaviour.
Elizabeth BallamyCommitted by J.B. Cholwich & T. Putt esq's until she pays a fine of £5.
James GangeCommitted by J.B. Cholwich & T. Putt esq's until he pays a fine of £20-10s.
Edward Henvill esq
Humphrey Wade
Sentenced last Assize that is the said Edward Henvill esq to be imprisoned one year & until he pays a fine of one Thousand Pound & the said Humphrey Wade two Years & until he pays a fine of one Hundred pounds.
Joseph HertonSentenced last Assize to be sent to the River Thames one year.
Richard Berry
Thomas Murray
James Spurway
John Earl
Sentence last Assize to Die but since Reprieved.