Devon Quarter Sessions - Epiphany 1782 [DRO - QS32/51]
Transcribed by Brian Brassett
Devon [to wit] Traverses to be tried at Epiphany Sessions 1782.
Edward George | 6th Aug 21st Geo 3rd For Assaulting John Birth. Witness John Birth |
John Elliott gent | 15th Sept 21st Geo 3rd For Assaulting John Saunders. Witnesses John Saunders, Mary Saunders, William Godfrey, William Channon, William Finnemore. [comment]. Convicted and Committed till the rising of the Court and fined £5. |
John Reynolds | 7th January 19th Geo 3rd For Assaulting Humphrey Mortimore and unlawfully and maliciously driving his Post Chais against a one Horse Chaise of the said Humphrey Mortimore and overturning it whereby he was affrighted hurt and bruised. Witness, Humphrey Mortimore. [comment] Not Guilty. |
licio | |
John Clements Elizabeth Hart | 21st March 21st Geo 3rd For Assaulting John Vicary junr and for wilfully and maliciously setting on and encouraging a certain Bull Dog to seize and Bite him - 2d Common Assault. Witnesses John Vicary, Elizabeth Vicary. [comment] John Clements - Guilty; Elizabeth Hart - Not Guilty. |
Ann Ash | 31st July 21st Geo 3rd For Assaulting Mary Lacey [wife of John]. Witness Mary Lacey. |
Thomas Viney Matthew Wakely | 7th Aug 21st Geo 3rd For Assaulting Jane Mace singlewoman with an Intent feloniously to Ravish and carnally know. 2Ca Com Ass. Witness Jane Mace. [comment] Both Acquitted of the charge. |
David Johnson | 17th Sept 21st Geo 3rd For Assaulting Samuel Harris. Witness Samuel Harris, William Hill. [comment] Guilty. |
Thomas Harris | 11th Oct 20th Geo 3rd For Assaulting Nicholas Cuming and unlawfully Imprisoning and detaining him for the space of four hours. 2d Comm Ass. Witness Nicholas Cuming. [comment] Not Guilty. |
John Mitchell jnr | 20th Feb 21st Geo 3rd For Assaulting Joshua Tapley and setting on and Encouraging a large spotted dog to seize and bite him. 2Co Common Ass. Witnesses Joshua Tapley, John Tibbs. |
Henry Copp | 2nd Sept 21st Geo 3rd For Assaulting John Carter. Witnesses John Carter, Elizabeth Carter, Elizabeth Godfrey. [comment] Submitted - fine 1s. |
Henry Spriddle Ann Spriddle [his wife] | 20th July 21st Geo 3rd For Assaulting William Treeborne [an officer of the Customs] and unlawfully resisting opposing him from seizing Two Casks of foreign Brandy containing of 9gallons each and 3 Casks of foreign Geneva containing 9gallons each, the same being uncustomed and liable to pay Duties which had never been paid - with two other counts. Witnesses William Treeborne, Hercules Cuming, Lancelot Stambury. [comment] Both found Not Guilty. |
Stoodley Parish Rackenford Parish | 6th July 21st Geo 3rd For not repairing the Road in Length half of a Mile and in Breadth 16 ffoot leading from East Harestone through the said parishes of Stoodleigh and Rackenford across the Tiverton Turnpike Road to Willicrop Moor and from thence to Stoodleigh Beacon and Bampton - presented by Thomas Melhuish Clerk and fined 10£ each if not repaired before Michaelmas last. [comment] Not Guilty. |
William Walter John Coombe | 5th Sep 21st Geo 3rd For unlawfully having in their custody one Iron Bolt val 1s, one Iron Chissell val 3d, Nine Iron Spike Nails val 9d, one Iron Staple val 1d, and 17 small Iron Nails value 2d of the Warlike and Naval Stores of our Lord the King with 3 other counts. Witnesses Richard Blackler, Pasco Sargent, Richard Berryman. [comment] Both found Guilty and fined 20s each. |
John Furler junr | 22nd Sept 20th Geo 3rd For unlawfully obtaining from James Mortimer Nine weather Sheep, one Ewe Sheep, and Six Lambs of the price of £9-9s-0d under false pretences. Witnesses James Mortimer, William Ponsford. |
Felonies | |
George Wills Simon Beer Samuel Newberry Elizabeth Vicary William Thomas Mary Eeles John Labdon |