


Devon Quarter Sessions - January 11th 1769 [DRO - QS32/45]

Transcribed by Brian Brassett

A Calendar of all ye prisoners in his Majestys Goal for ye County of devon January 11th 1769.

Richard SmithCommitted August 6th 1768 by Frederick Rogers esq for want of sureties for his Appearance at the Next Assizes.
Grace TallinCommitted August 11th 1768 by R. Thorn esq she stands charged on a Violent suspition of ye Murder of a Male bastard child born of her Body in ye parish of Barnstaple she confess that she did murder ye said Male bastard child.
George ButlerCommitted August 23rd 1768 by William Phillips esq charged by ye oath of Lazarus Parker with high treason in Counterfeiting ye current coin of this Kingdom and having tools in his custody for that purpose.
Elizabeth HillCommitted October 8th 1768 by William Bastard Coroner she stabds charged for ye wilful Murder of her bastard child in ye parish of Mamhead.
Thomas PugsleyCommitted October 8th 1768 by R. Webber esq charged by ye oath of John Danill of Luxhore for unlawfully entring the dwelling house of John Danill and breaking open his coffer and stealing ye sum of twenty nine pounds or thereabout.
John Gidley
John Blansford ye younger alias Allen
Committed October 10th 1768 by Ja. Carrington clerk ye stands charged on oath with a strong suspicion of feloniously stealing one piece of white serge the property of Roger Wolsford of Crediton and John Wolsford and also one shift ye property of Samuel Haine of Crediton. John Blansford ye younger stands further charged by ye oath of William Austy with a strong suspicion of feloniously stealing a Bed Sheet two shorts and other pieces of Bed and Table and wearing linnen ye property of William Austy.
Samuel PopjoyCommitted ctober 19th 1768 by John Holles esq for want of sureties for his appearance at ye next general Quarter Sessions.
Thomas HarrisCommitted October 26th 1768 by John Holles esq charged by ye oath of Elizabeth Craige a Child about ten years of age and others for an assault and with intent to commit a rape on the body of Elizabeth Craige.
Thomas MarsCommitted October 27th 1768 by Ja. Carrington clerk charged on ye oaths of William Parker and William Nott with a strong suspicion of feloniously stealing a light Bay Gelding ye property of William Parker out of a certain field in ye parish of Sandford on ye 12th day of May last.
Thomas Price
James Murphy
Committed October 29th 1768 by William Foulks esq charged on oath with feloniously entring a certain garden belonging to James Clarke in ye parish of Topsham on ye 29th of this instant and stealing a great quantity of potatoe's.
John SandersCommitted October 31st 1768 by R. Lewis clerk on ye oath of david Phillips of Hunniton that in ye Night his house was broak open and their was stoalen theirout one Loaf of Bread half of a [ram] Milk Cheese a honiton bag and six or seven peck of wheat.
Henry GloverCommitted November 15th 1768 by John Holles esq charged by ye oath of Joseph Gardner of ye parish of Stoke Damerall with feloniously stealing one blue wast coat value three shillings and sixpence. He likewise stands charged by ye oath of William Clowter with feloniously stealing one pair of Everlasting Breeches value five shillings.
Ann WindsorCommitted November 18th 1768 by William Gould coroner She stands charged for ye wilfull Murder of a Infant base child in ye parish of South Molton.
Susanna TraskCommitted January 2nd 1769 by John Hollas esq charged by ye oaths of Thomas Reed, Elizabeth Blanchard and others with feloniously and Burglarously entering ye dwelling house of Thomas Reed in ye parish of Buckland Monochorum and stealing four pound of butter a linnen cloth ye Cream of two panns of Milk and a white stone Mugg ye property of Thomas Reed a Camblett safeguard a Ribbon a pair of silver studs five shillings in half pence and five shillings in silver and severall other things ye property of Elizabeth Blanchard.
John PenroseCommitted January 7th 1769 by John Hollis esq charged on ye oaths of William Paine of ye parish of Stoke Damerall and Mary Waite with feloniously stealing one silver watch out of ye lodging room of William Paine ye property of ye said William Paine.
Richard Crocker
Thomas Esworthy
Under fines.
John PatchFor life.