


Devon Quarter Sessions - Epiphany 1833 [DRO - QS32/114]

Transcribed by Brian Brassett

Devonshire - Epiphany Sessions - Tuesday, January 1st, 1833 - W.P. Courtenay, esq, Chairman.


In the Gaol
Remaining on Former Orders.
Charles BurgessConvicted Lent Assizes 1823 - Arson [Insane] Imprisoned during H.M. Pleasure.
Samuel EdwardsConvicted Lent Assizes 1826 - Stabbing with intent to kill [Insane] Imprisoned during H.M. Pleasure.
William SewardConvicted December General Sessions - Using threatening language - Imprisoned 1 Year or find sureties.
William ColmerConvicted Epiphany Sessions 1832 - Assault - Imprisoned 2 Years
Margaret Wilson alias CarriganConvicted Midsummer Sessions - Uttering counterfeit coin - 6 months in Gaol and find sureties for 6 months, self in £10 and 2 in £5 each.
Mary ReddallsConvicted at Lammas assizes 1832 - Felony - Transported for Life.
Edward HuthnanceConvicted September 20th 1832 - Enlisting into the Royal Marines being at the time of enlisting a Substitute in the Militia - Imprisoned 6 calendar months or pay £20.
Christopher TrickeyConvicted October 5th 1832 - Want of sureties in Bastardy.
John SalterConvicted December 5th, 1831 - Offence against the Revenue of Customs - Imprisoned till he pays £100.
Samuel FinchConvicted January 14th, 1832 - Offence against the Revenue of Customs - Imprisoned till he pays £100.
Roger YeomanConvicted February 11th, 1832 - Offence against the Revenue of Customs - Imprisoned till he pays £100.
Thomas StrawbridgeConvicted February 25th, 1832 - Offence against the Revenue of Customs - Imprisoned till he pays £100.
Josias KingcombeConvicted May 7th, 1832 - Offence against the Revenue of Customs - Imprisoned till he pays £100.
Samuel WoodConvicted May 12th, 1832 - Offence against the Revenue of Customs - Imprisoned till he pays £100.
Robert CouchConvicted May 12th, 1832 - Offence against the Revenue of Customs - Imprisoned till he pays £100.
Archibald BrownConvicted May 12th, 1832 - Offence against the Revenue of Customs - Imprisoned till he pays £100.
Tabitha LyonsConvicted July 10th 1832 - Offence against the Revenue of Customs - Imprisoned till she pays £6-8s.
William BassConvicted July 26th 1832 - Offence against the Revenue of Customs - Imprisoned till he pays £100.
Henry BlakeConvicted September 28th 1832 - Offence against the Revenue of Customs - Imprisoned till he pays £100.
John GibbsConvicted Michaelmas Sessions 1832 - Assault - Imprisoned for want of sureties to keep the Peace.
James TozerConvicted Michaelmas Sessions - Assault on his female Apprentice - Imprisoned 12 calendar months and fined £50.
Ellen FarquharConvicted Michaelmas Sessions - Felony - Imprisoned 12 calendar months to hard labour.
Maria NewtonConvicted Michaelmas Sessions - Felony - Imprisoned 12 calendar months to hard labour.
Sarah NewtonConvicted Michaelmas Sessions - Felony - Imprisoned 6 calendar months to hard labour.
Ann WiddecombeConvicted Michaelmas Sessions - Felony - Imprisoned 3 calendar months to hard labour.
William WarrenConvicted November 3rd 1832 - Using threatening language - Imprisoned 6 calendar months or find sureties.
Joshua PartridgeConvicted November 5th 1832 - Assaulting his wife - Imrisoned 12 calendar months or find sureties.
Benjamine AustinConvicted November 7th 1832 - Disorderly Apprentice - Imprisoned 2 calendar months.
John WhitburnConvicted November 9th 1832 - Assault - Imprisoned 2 months or pay 40s.
John KellyConvicted November 11th 1832 - Assault - Imprisoned 2 months or pay £5.
Jane CollinsConvicted November 16th 1832 - Assault - Imprisoned 2 months or pay £5.
Elizabeth SmithConvicted November 16th 1832 - Assault - Imprisoned 2 months or pay £5.
George Frederick HooperConvicted November 27th 1832 - Performing a Local Burlesque at Teignmouth Theatre, the same not having been submitted to the Lord Chamberlain - Imprisoned 6 calendar months or pay the sum of £50.
William SandersConvicted November 27th 1832 - want of sureties in Bastardy.
William HamlinConvicted December 5th 1832 - want of sureties in Bastardy.
Elizabeth Johns alias Mary. A. MallettConvicted December General Sessions - Felony [2nd offence] - Transported for Life.
Susannah FosterConvicted December General Sessions - Felony [2nd offence] - Transported for 14 Years.
Ann WoodleyConvicted December General Sessions - Felony - [2nd Offence] - Transported for 7 Years.
Harriet ClarkeConvicted December General Sessions - Felony [2nd Offence] - Imprisoned 6 calendar months to hard labour.
Elizabeth PrattConvicted December General Sessions - Felony - Imprisoned 1 calendar month to hard labour - first and last weeks in solitary.
Louisa KentConvicted December General Sessions - Uttering Counterfeit Coins - Imprisoned 12 calendar months to hard labour - 1 week in each 3 months to solitary.
Thomas Hawkins
James Parrott
Convicted December General Sessions - Assault - Imprisoned 6 calendar months.
George RuddConvicted December General Sessions - Assaulting a Constable - Imprisoned 3 calendar months 3 weeks solitary.
Bartholomew StapledonConvicted December 13th 1832 - Assault - Imprisoned 2 calendar months or pay £5.
William HoreConvicted December 13th 1832 - Assault - Imprisoned 2 calendar months or pay £5.
Robert LeeConvicted December 13th 1832 - Assault - Imprisoned 2 calendar months or pay 16s-6d.
Thomas HalseConvicted December 15th 1832 - A prisoner in the Debtors Ward for threats and violent conduct towards Mr. Drewe the Keeper - Confined for want of sureties also detained as a Debtor.
William DrakeConvicted October 27th 1832 - Offence against the Customs - Imprisoned until he pays £100.
Brutus ThomasConvicted October 27th 1832 - Offence against the Customs - Imprisoned until he pays £100.
Chila AugusteConvicted October 27th 1832 - Offence against the Customs - Imprisoned until he pays £100.
Robespierre JacquesConvicted October 27th 1832 - Offence against the Customs - Imprisoned until he pays £100.
Pierre la RodaileConvicted October 27th 1832 - Offence against the Customs - Imprisoned until he pays £100.
William ManleyConvicted October 28th 1832 - Offence against the Customs - Imprisoned until he pays £100.
Thomas CrosbieConvicted October 28th 1832 - Offence against the Customs - Imprisoned until he pays £100.
Philip LightConvicted November 6th 1832 - Offence against the Customs - Imprisoned until he pays £100.
Richard MoormanConvicted November 6th 1832 - Offence against the Customs - Imprisoned until he pays £100.
Richard NewmanConvicted December 14th 1832 - Offence against the Customs - Imprisoned until he pays £100.
Robert ArnopConvicted December 14th 1832 - Offence against the Customs - Imprisoned until he pays £100.
Jeremiah HegartyConvicted December 14th 1832 - Offence against the Customs - Imprisoned until he pays £100.
Daniel CollinsConvicted December 14th 1832 - Offence against the Customs - Imprisoned until he pays £100.
John Drewe alias BondConvicted December 26th 1832 - Offence against the Customs - Imprisoned until he pays £100.
John ForwardConvicted December 31st 1832 - Threatening to injure his wife - Imprisoned 1 calendar month or find sureties for 12 months.
For Trial at the next Lent Assizes, Twelve. 
Index to Prisoners for Trial. 
Bennet Henry
Bennett Thomas
Bevens James
Brimble Mary Ann
Callicott John
Dawe John
Dolman John
Granville George
Gorvett James
Harvey Richard
Jones Richard
Richards John
Rippon William
Roberts John
Rugg Thomas
Salter John
Williams James
Worth Peter
Prisoners for Trial
Edward Jones [24]Committed by Thomas Husband, esq, charged with stealing, on or about the 12th January last, from George's Square Barracks, Devonport, a silver-cased watch, and two gold seals, the property of William Harley, a private in the 89th Regiment. Warrant dated 7th December, 1832.
Mary Ann Brimble [25]Committed by Thomas Husband, esq, charged with stealing on the 6th instant, at devonport, a blue cloth jacket, a black cloth waistcoat, a pair of blue cloth trowsers, and a black silk handkerchief, the property of James Hasley. Warrant dated 7th December, 1832.
John Dolman [19]
James Williams [20]
Thomas Rugg [17]
Committed by John Milner, esq, charged with stealing on the 10th of December instant, a shirt and a neckcloth, the property of John Pitt, of the parish of Cullompton. Warrant dated 11th december, 1832.
Richard Harvey [40]Committed by George Gregory, clerk, charged with stealing at Moretonhampstead, on the 14th instant, about six pecks of potatoes, the property of john Piller. Warrant dated 17th December, 1832.
John Salter [17]Committed by William Nation, esq, charged with stealing on the 12th instant at Sowton, two silver tea spoons, one silk handkerchief, and one gold pin, the property of William Langsford. Warrant dated 26th December, 1832.
Peter Worth [16]
John Roberts [16]
Committed by Hugh Mallett and James.H. Veale, esq's, charged with stealing in the parish of Highhampton, on the 24th instant, a goose, the property of William Tucker. Warrant dated 26th December, 1832.
James Bevens [40]Committed by Edward. S. Drewe, esq, charged with stealing from a pig-sty, at Cullompton, a quantity of barley-meal and potatoes, mixed together, the property of John Driller.
John Richards [17]Committed by John Foote, esq, charged with stealing at Devonport, two shoes, the property of John Addiscott. Warrant dated Dec, 1832.
Misdemeanors for Trial
John Dawe [20]
Henry Bennett [20]
Thomas Bennett [19]
George Granville [19]
Committed by Thomas.H. Ley, clerk, charged with having on Sunday the 4th instant, at the Tything of Volter's Home, assaulted Richard Edwards Bowden. Warrant dated 8th November, 1832.
John Callicott [45]Committed by James John Gordon Bremer, esq, charged with having on the 8th instant, at Stoke Damerel, violently assaulted his wife, Joanna Callcott. Warrant dated 12th November, 1832.
William Rippon [46]Committed by John Foote, esq, charged with having on the 7th instant, at East Stonehouse, violently assaulted his wife. Warrant dated 22nd November, 1832.
James Gorvett [30]Committed by John. D.I. Fortescue, esq, and William B. Coham, clerk, charged with having been found in a certain wood and inclosed plantation, in the parish of Buckland Filleigh, between the hours of ten at night and four in the morning, on the 5th of December instant, having a gun, for the purpose and with the intent to take and kill pheasants, and did kill two cock pheasants, and one hen pheasant, the property of John Inglett Fortescue, esq. Warrant dated 8th December, 1832.
In the Bridewell
Remaining on Former Orders
Arnell WilliamConvicted of a felony - Imprisoned 1 Year.
Allen RichardConvicted of disobeying an order in Bastardy - Imprisoned 3 months.
Bickell JamesConvicted of a Felony - Imprisoned 9 calendar months.
Baily ThomasConvicted of Felony - Imprisoned 6 months [6 weeks solitary].
Baker JamesConvicted of Felony - Imprisoned 4 months [2 weeks solitary].
Bass JamesConvicted of Felony - Imprisoned 6 months [4 weeks solitary].
Beale WilliamConvicted of Felony - Imprisoned 6 months [6 weeks solitary].
Bickford JamesConvicted of disobeying an order in Bastardy - Imprisoned 3 months.
Bright WilliamConvicted of disobeying an order in Bastardy - Imprisoned 3 months.
Bartley WilliamConvicted of Vagrancy - Imprisoned 1 month.
Bolt WilliamConvicted of offence against Game Laws - Imprisoned 3 calendar months and find sureties.
Byne MarthaConvicted of Assault - Imprisoned 2 calendar months.
Bissett. A. CornishConvicted of breaking glass - Imprisoned 2 calendar months.
Bickford JohnConvicted of stealing apples - Imprisoned 6 calendar months.
Bragg FrederickConvicted of stealing apples - Imprisoned 1 calendar month.
Bowden WilliamConvicted of stealing apples - Imprisoned 2 calendar months.
Ball TomasConvicted of Vagrancy - Imprisoned 1 month.
Bargent CharlesConvicted of Vagrancy - Imprisoned 1 calendar month.
Carter WilliamConvicted of Felony - Imprisoned 3 calendar months.
Carter ThomasConvicted of Assault - Imprisoned 4 calendar months [2 weeks solitary].
Cobley WilliamConvicted of Bigamy - Imprisoned 3 calendar months.
Chapman ElizabethConvicted of Bastardy - Imprisoned 12 calendar months.
Clark JohnConvicted of Offence against the Game Laws - Imprisoned 3 calendar months or find sureties.
Cole FannyConvicted as an Disorderly Apprentice - Imprisoned 3 calendar months.
Cobley GeorgeConvicted of stealing apples - Imprisoned 3 months.
Coombes SamuelConvicted Disorderly Apprentice - Imprisoned 1 month.
Cording MaryConvicted of stealing Turnips - Imprisoned 3 calendar months.
Chudleigh GeorgeConvicted of offence against Game Laws - Imprisoned 2 calendar months.
Cook JohnConvicted of Vagrancy - Imprisoned 1 month.
Cowley SamuelConvicted of Vagrancy - Imprisoned 1 month.
Crowden GeorgeConvicted of vagrancy - Imprisoned 3 calendar months.
Crockford MaryConvicted of possessing Soldiers Regimental Clothing - Imprisoned 4 months.
Davey ThomasConvicted of Felony - Imprisoned 6 calendar months [6 weeks solitary].
Dart MaryConvicted of Felony - Imprisoned 1 Year.
Dart WilliamConvicted of Assault - Imprisoned 1 Year.
Dyson JamesConvicted at Court Martial - Imprisoned 12 months.
Dunn RichardConvicted of disobeying an order in Bastardy - Imprisoned 3 months.
Elston WilliamConvicted of stealing Filberts - Imprisoned 2 months.
Eastman ThomasConvicted of stealing Filberts - Imprisoned 2 months.
Ford FrancisConvicted of Sheep stealing - Imprisoned 1 Year [Death].
French JohnConvicted of Felony - Imprisoned 3 calendar months.
Firks AnnConvicted of Felony - Imprisoned 6 calendar months [6 weeks solitary].
Force JamesConvicted of Felony - Imprisoned 6 weeks [1 week solitary].
Ford JaneConvicted of Bastardy - Imprisoned 12 calendar months.
Fisher MatthewConvicted of stealing Apples - Imprisoned 3 calendar months.
Govier RichardConvicted of a Misdemeanor - Imprisoned 2 Years.
Gear GraceConvicted of Bastardy - Imprisoned 12 calendar months.
Goddard JamesConvicted of leaving his family - Imprisoned 1 calendar month.
Hawkins ElizabethConvicted of Felony - Imprisoned 1 Year.
Haddy Henry alias AnnConvicted of Felony - Imprisoned 6 calendar months [4 weeks solitary twice whipped].
Holmes GeorgeConvicted of Felony - Imprisoned 6 calendar months [3 weeks solitary twice whipped].
Hewings JohnConvicted of Felony - Imprisoned 3 calendar months [3 times whipped].
Herring ElizaConvicted of felony - Imprisoned 6 weeks [2 weeks solitary].
Hutchings SarahConvicted of Bastardy - Imprisoned 6 calendar months.
Hore RebeccaConvicted as an Disorderly Apprentice - Imprisoned 3 months.
Hendy JosephConvicted of Vagrancy - Imprisoned 3 months.
Hurley JohnConvicted of a Misdemeanor - Imprisoned 2 calendar months.
Hingston RobertConvicted of Offence against Game Laws - Imprisoned 3 calendar months.
Jordan JosephConvicted of Assault - Imprisoned 12 calendar months and to find sureties to keep the Peace 1 Year.
Jones MaryConvicted of Felony - Imprisoned 6 calendar months [4 weeks solitary].
Jessop CharlesConvicted of Felony - Imprisoned 6 calendar months [4 weeks solitary].
Jones ThomasConvicted of Felony - Imprisoned 1 calendar month.
Jope JamesConvicted of Felony - Imprisoned 6 calendar months [3 weeks solitary].
Jarvis RichardConvicted as an Disorderly Apprentice - Imprisoned 3 months.
Jewell JohnConvicted as an Disorderly Apprentice - Imprisoned 3 calendar months.
Isaac JohnConvicted of Offence against Game Laws - Imprisoned 2 calendar months.
Jenkins WilliamConvicted of Vagrancy - Imprisoned 1 month.
Jones JohnConvicted of Vagrancy - Imprisoned 1 month.
Jones WilliamConvicted of leaving his Family - Imprisoned 3 months.
Kelly RichardConvicted of Assault - Imprisoned 6 calendar months.
Lander HenryConvicted of Assault - Imprisoned 2 Years.
Luney ThomasConvicted of a Misdemeanor - Imprisoned 1 Year.
Lyle RobertConvicted of a Felony - Imprisoned 6 weeks [1 week solitary].
Lane JohnConvicted of a Felony - Imprisoned 6 calendar months [3 times whipped].
Langabeer JohnConvicted as an Disorderly Apprentice - Imprisoned 3 calendar months.
Lapthorne JohnConvicted for Offence against Game Laws - Imprisoned 3 calendar months and find sureties.
Light SusannaConvicted of Bastardy - Imprisoned 12 calendar months.
Lowden CharlesConvicted as an Disorderly Apprentice - Imprisoned 2 calendar months.
M'Ginnerty ElizabethConvicted of a felony - Imprisoned 12 calendar months [6 weeks solitary].
Matthews FrancesConvicted of a Felony - Imprisoned 2 calendar months [2 weeks solitary].
Mugford AnnConvicted of Bastardy - Imprisoned 12 calendar months.
Martin WilliamConvicted as an Disorderly Apprentice - Imprisoned 3 calendar months.
Marshell WilliamConvicted of stealing Apples - Imprisoned 2 calendar months.
Marshell JohnConvicted of stealing Apples - Imprisoned 2 calendar months.
Milford JohnConvicted of Disobeying an order in Bastardy - Imprisoned 3 months.
Mariner WilliamConvicted of breaking Glass - Imprisoned 3 calendar months.
Maynard JohnConvicted of leaving his Wife - Imprisoned 3 calendar months.
Milford WilliamConvicted of Offence against Game Laws - Imprisoned 2 months.
Murry PatrickConvicted of Vagrancy - Imprisoned 14 days.
Nowlan JohnConvicted of a Felony - Imprisoned 6 months [6 weeks solitary].
Needs RichardConvicted of leaving his Wife - Imprisoned 3 calendar months.
Ousley HannahConvicted of Disobeying an order in Bastardy - Imprisoned 3 months.
Pickard JasperConvicted as Dangerous and Insane - Imprisoned for want of sureties.
Parker RichardConvicted as Dangerous and Insane - Imprisoned for want of sureties.
Prouse ThomasConvicted as an Disorderly Apprentice - Imprisoned 3 months.
Page GeorgeConvicted of Disobeying an order in Bastardy - Imprisoned 3 months.
Passmore RobertConvicted of Disobeying an order in Bastardy - Imprisoned 3 months.
Pollard John alias CruseConvicted of Disobeying an order in Bastardy - Imprisoned 3 months.
Pomeroy RobertConvicted of Felony - Imprisoned 3 calendar months [3 times whipped].
Quantrall ThomasConvicted of Disobeying an order in Bastardy - Imprisoned 3 months.
Roach RichardConvicted of a Misdemeanor - Imprisoned 2 Years.
Roach RichardConvicted of Assault - Imprisoned 1 Year.
Reed JohnConvicted of a Felony - Imprisoned 1 Year.
Rablin SarahConvicted of a Felony - Imprisoned 3 calendar months.
Ratcliffe ThomasConvicted of a Felony - Imprisoned 6 calendar months [6 weeks solitary].
Rawlinson WilliamConvicted of a Felony - Imprisoned 4 calendar months [6 weeks solitary and once whipped].
Richards JamesConvicted of a Felony - Imprisoned 6 weeks.
Richards WilliamConvicted of Offence against Game Laws - Imprisoned 3 calendar months and find sureties.
Reed RobertConvicted of Vagrancy - Imprisoned 14 days.
Symons JaneConvicted of Misdemeanor - Imprisoned 1 Year.
Skinner ElizabethConvicted of a Felony - Imprisoned 12 calendar months [6 weeks solitary].
Sweeney JohnConvicted of Assault - Imprisoned 1 Year.
Somervill RobertConvicted of a Felony - Imprisoned 6 calendar months [6 weeks solitary].
Strong JohnConvicted of Felony - Imprisoned 3 months [2 weeks solitary].
Sargent GustavusConvicted of a Felony - Imprisoned 6 calendar months [6 weeks solitary].
Salter JamesConvicted of a Felony - Imprisoned 1 calendar month [1 week solitary].
Smith SarahConvicted for want of sureties to keep the Peace - Imprisoned 1 Year.
Smith WilliamConvicted of Disobeying an order in Bastardy - Imprisoned 3 months.
Spence DavidConvicted of leaving his Family - Imprisoned 1 calendar month.
Shute JohnConvicted of leaving his Family - Imprisoned 3 months.
Symons JamesConvicted of Vagrancy - Imprisoned 1 month.
Trevatham Han[nibal]Convicted of a Felony - Imprisoned 3 calendar months.
Thomas JohnConvicted of a Felony - Imprisoned 6 months.
Tucker Eliza AnnConvicted of a Felony - Imprisoned 4 calendar months [4 weeks solitary].
Tout JohnConvicted of Offence against Game laws - Imprisoned 12 calendar months and find sureties.
Thomas CharlesConvicted of Vagrancy - Imprisoned 1 calendar month.
Tooze JohnConvicted of breaking Glass - Imprisoned 4 calendar months.
Upton RichardConvicted of Disobeying an order in Bastardy - Imprisoned 3 months.
Vosper FrancisConvicted of Disobeying an order in Bastardy - Imprisoned 3 months.
Vicary WilliamConvicted of Housebreaking - Imprisoned 12 calendar months.
Vinnicombe BenjamineConvicted as Dangerous and Insane - Imprisoned for want of sureties.
Wadland NicholasConvicted as Dangerous and Insane - Imprisoned for want of sureties.
Wilkinson WilliamConvicted of a Felony - Imprisoned 1 Year.
Warren JaneConvicted of a Felony - Imprisoned 9 calendar months [4 weeks solitary].
Wilkes WilliamConvicted of a Felony - Imprisoned 2 calendar months [2 weeks solitary].
Wood RichardConvicted of Offence against Game Laws - Imprisoned 2 calendar months.
Walk ThomasConvicted of Vagrancy - Imprisoned 1 month.
Weeks BenjamineConvicted of Possessing Kings Stores - Imprisoned 3 calendar months.
Watts GeorgeConvicted of Assault - Imprisoned 6 weeks.
Keeper of the Gaol and House of Correction for DevonWilliam Cole