Inquests Taken Into Suspicious Or Unexplained Deaths
For the County of Devon
Taken from the Western Times
[Printed in Exeter]
Coroner's Inquests were usually held within the space of 48 hours following a death that appeared to be of a suspicious or unexplained nature. They were usually held in a local public-house, ale house, municipal building, or parish workhouse, but sometimes in the building where the death occurred. The Coroner usually came from a legal or medical background and more often than not, appointed for life by the respective County. The Coroner and a Jury of between 12 and 24 persons, usually men of substantial standing, were empanelled to examine the body, hear witnesses, and the Jury then to come to a Verdict as to Cause of Death. The account of the Inquest appearing in local newspapers, included the name of the deceased, where they died, and how they died. Sometimes, age, occupation, parish or address, and other relatives' names can be found. In later years when Hospitals appear, people can be dying away from their parish after having been admitted to that institution, and the Inquest is therefore conducted where the death occurred, rather than where the person was living.
Provided by Lindsey Withers
[No's in brackets indicate the number of times that name occurs]
Names Included:- Alderman; Alford; Ambrose; Arnold; Baker(3); Balkham; Barnicoat; Barriball; Barrow; Bartlett; Bastin(2); Bealy; Beck; Bickle; Bitson; Blight; Bloxam; Boot; Boulton; Boundy; Bowden(2); Braddick; Bradford(2); Bragg; Brailey; Burgess; Burrows; Calvert; Capron; Carter; Casson; Chandler; Chapple; Clarke; Clements; Coad; Cockeram; Collings; Coombe; Coombes; Cooper; Copplestone; Corney; Cornish(2); Cox; Crabtree; Cross; Crump; Damarell; Daniel; Darvill; Davey; Dayman; Deakin; Deane; Delve; Demaine; Denford; Dessauer; De Viell; Dove; Drake; Drew; Drewe; Drower; Dunley; Dunn; Eames; Easton; Edwards; Edworthy; Endicott; Ewins; Featherstone; Finnimore; Florence; Frost; Fry; Gear; Gibbett; Gorley; Gorwyn; Gould; Grant(2); Green; Greenslade; Grills; Guscott; Hall; Hare; Harvey; Heale; Helley; Hemborough; Hewett; Hill(2); Holland(2); Holmes; Holt; Hurford; Hutchings; Ireland; James; Jenkins; Johns; Jones; Jury; Keene; King; Langworthy; Lawrence; Leigh; Light; Linter; Lisle; Lloyd; Lock(2); Lucas; Luke; Luxton; Mair; Manning(2); March; Markham; Marsh; Martin; Marzails; Maunder; McKenny; Milford(2); Mills; Moast; Mobbs; Moore; Moxey; Murrell; Nankivell; Nash; Newbery; Newcombe; Nicholls; Oke(2); Olding; O'Leary; Owens; Palmer; Parsons; Pedersen; Peek; Pennyfather; Pike(2); Pinckstone; Pratt; Pritchard; Prowse; Rendell; Ridge; Roberts; Routh; Rowe; Rowsell; Salisbury; Sandford; Sansom(2); Saunders(2); Setten; Shepherd; Short(4); Skynner; Slade(2); Sleeman; Smale; Smith(4); Snell(2); Soper(2); Southcott; Sparkes; Speare; Spencer; Spinks; Squires; Stagg; Steele; Stevens(2); Stuckey; Tapp; Tavener; Taylor(3); Thorne(3); Tooze; Trickey; Tripe; Truscott; Tucker; Tuckerman; Vanstone; Vass; Veitch; Vicary; Vickery; Vincent; Vodden; Waldron; Walters; Ward; Warren(2); Webber(2); Webster; Wheeler; White; Whitelock; Williams(3); Winsor; Wonacott; Wood; Yalland; Yeo; Younan.
Western Times, Friday 2 January 1920
TIVERTON - Tiverton Man's Fall. Jury's Rider As To Lighting Of Dangerous Spot. - The Borough Coroner of Tiverton, Mr F. R. D. Clutsom, has held an Inquest at the Tiverton Hospital, into the circumstances attending the death of JOHN CARTER, aged 71, a retired mason, residing with his daughter, MRS C. LOWE, in Backway, who was found on Christmas Eve lying unconscious across the town leat in Backway, a courtway leading off Fore-street, and who died later from a fractured skull. The Jury added to their verdict of "Accidental Death," a rider to the effect that they considered there were insufficient lights there and that this state of affairs should be remedied as soon as possible.
Western Times, Saturday 3 January 1920
EXMOUTH - Effects Of The War. Exmouth Man's Depression Leads to Suicide. - Dr E. R. Tweed, Coroner for East Devon, held an Inquest at Exmouth Police Court yesterday, relative to the death of CHARLES HENRY PIKE, a discharged soldier, of the Devonshire Regiment, who was discovered in the corner of an orchard lying off the Exeter-road, at Exmouth, on Wednesday, with a gash in the throat, which had evidently been self-inflicted. - MRS PIKE, widow, said her husband's age was 33 years and he was a market gardener. She last saw him alive on Monday morning, at 9.20 when he left the house, saying he was going to the Labour Exchange. He was a discharged soldier on the unemployment list, but when he was well enough he intended to work for his aunt, MRS EMMA PIKE, at Gulliford, Lympstone. As he did not return to his dinner on Monday, witness thought he had gone to his aunt's, and on Tuesday morning, as he was still absent, she went to Gulliford, and was informed by MRS PIKE that her husband was not there, but that she had seen him on the previous day at Halsdown Cross, when she was driving home. He told his aunt he was not going far and refused to go with her to Gulliford. She recognised the razor produced as belonging to her husband, and when she noticed it was missing from the mantelpiece she became anxious. Her husband was not in good health when he returned last November, from Egypt, and was demobilised, he having been a private in the 8th Devon Regiment. He had never threatened to take is life, but was very much depressed and suffered from kidney trouble. He was attended by Dr Walker. There was no reason whatever why he should take his life, and he seemed very fond of his two children, aged six and four years. - In reply to Mr W. J. Petherick, witness said her husband was cheerful and bright before he went to Egypt, and it was after his return from that country that he complained of being ill. He was wounded in the left arm in 1917, while in France. - MRS EMMA PIKE, of Gulliford, said her husband had promised to take deceased into his employ as market gardener as soon as he was well enough. Deceased complained that he felt so ill he was afraid he would not be able to do his work, but witness tried to cheer him up by telling him he would soon be better. - P.C. Turner stated when found deceased was lying face downwards, partly on his right side, and when witness turned him over he found a deep wound in the throat, and also discovered a razor lying underneath the body among some leaves. The razor case was found in the man's pocket. - Dr C. Beesley said the wound had all the characteristics of being self-inflicted. He considered death must have taken place within a few minutes of the act. - The Foreman of the Jury, Mr Rowe, said the Jury were of opinion that deceased took his own life in a fit of depression. - One of the Jurymen said he had a son who was often depressed since his return from the Army and he thought it was caused by what they had seen and gone through in the war. - The Coroner agreed, and said unfortunately there were many young men who suffered in the same way. - A verdict of "Suicide during Temporary Insanity" was returned and the Jury kindly handed their fees to the widow, to whom the Coroner expressed sympathy.
EXETER - Sudden Death Of Retired Solicitor At Exeter. - At an Inquest at the Exeter Court House, last evening, relative to the death of CHARLES SAMUEL ROUTH, aged 70, retired solicitor, of Wendover, lately residing at Fairpark House, Exeter, who dropped down while walking in Fore-street on Thursday and died, evidence was given to the effect that deceased retired a few months ago owing to hart weakness, and he was advised to avoid walking hills or doing anything involving exertion. Dr C. N. Lovely said deceased, after falling down, was taken into a shop where he died in a few seconds. - The cause of death was heart disease. The Coroner gave a verdict of "Death from Natural Causes," and expressed sympathy with the relatives and friends.
Western Times, Monday 5 January 1920
BIDEFORD - Appledore Woman Dies From Burns. - The North Devon Coroner, Mr G. W. F. Brown, returned a verdict of "Accidental Death from Burning" at an Inquest at Bideford on Saturday, on MRS ELIZA GRACE STEVENS, aged 59, of 33 New-street, Appledore. On August 30th, whilst putting on some fuel the deceased fell on the fire and set alight to her clothes, sustaining very severe burns. Peter Ralph ran to her assistance on hearing her calls, and extinguished the flames with a mat, and sent for a doctor. Dr Valentine attended to the burns and ordered the woman's removal to Bideford Hospital where she remained until December 7th, when she was removed to the Union Infirmary, where she died on New Year's Day. Dr Grose said everything possible was done for the deceased, who succumbed to exhaustion and inflammation, following extensive burns.
BATH, SOMERSET - Death Of An Exeter Nurse. Inquest On MISS EMILY MILFORD, at Bath. - The sad circumstances attending the death of MISS EMILY MILFORD, nurse, who was found dead in a bath at a lodging house in Pulteney-street, Bath, on Thursday night, were Inquired into by the Bath Coroner, on Friday evening. Miss Ella Williams, a fellow nurse, described the conditions under which MISS MILFORD was found. She said deceased had been very depressed of late, had no appetite, and complained of sleeplessness. On Monday witness asked her if she had anything on her mind, and she said she had not. Her mother died recently at Exeter, and MISS MILFORD went there from December 18th to December 23rd; she was depressed because her mother's home had been broken up. - Dr J. Maurice Harper, Police Surgeon, said there was absolutely no doubt that death was due to drowning. - No note or message had been found and the Coroner said the case was rather a mysterious one, as there was no reason why deceased should have put an end to her life. On the evidence of the nurse and doctor it would appear to be almost impossible for it to have been a case of accident. - The Coroner, who sat without a Jury, entered a verdict of "Suicide through Drowning."
Western Times, Wednesday 7 January 1920
BELSTONE - Belstone Tragedy. Circumstances Surround The Death Of MR PALMER - - Mr H. C. Brown held an Inquest at Church Hayes, Belstone, on Monday, relative to the death of JOHN PALMER, aged 68 years, a retired farmer, of Belstone, whose body was found in the River Taw, near Belstone village. - MRS M. C. CHING, daughter of deceased, stated that her father went out about 3 o'clock on Saturday afternoon. He was out for a walk and not having returned by 5 p.m. she became anxious and enquiries were made. He had never threatened to take his life, but had been in the habit of wandering or losing himself. Witness thought suicide an impossible thing for him to attempt. - P.C. Saunders said he, with others, made a search for deceased on Saturday evening, but without success. On Sunday morning Miss Oliver, of Belstone, found a sock - which was later identified as that of deceased's - in the River Taw, about 400 yards above Tawcroft House, Belstone. Shortly after the body was found about half a mile further down the stream. - George Rutley said he saw deceased on the Saturday and George Moorlock, Belstone, deposed to finding the body in the River Taw about 10.15 on the Sunday morning. Some of the clothing had caught in the branch of a tree, and the body was held up near the village of Belstone. Dr Jefferies, Okehampton, said there was a large lacerated wound on the back of deceased's head. He assumed that deceased suffered concussion in falling in the water, and was probably unconscious when he got there. Death was due to drowning. - The Coroner found that death resulted from Drowning, and that there was no evidence as to how deceased got into the water.
BARNSTAPLE - At an Inquest at Barnstaple on MARY ANN TAYLOR, wife of a lace hand of Lower Maudlin-street, the husband said his wife had been addicted to drink and imbibe rather freely during the past fortnight. She had previously threatened to take salts of lemon, but had never done so. Mrs B. Walkey, a neighbour, said on Monday she was called to MRS TAYLOR who said she had taken salts of lemon. An emetic was administered and Dr Gibbs was sent for. Dr Gibbs said a post-mortem revealed absolutely no evidence of poison. MRS TAYLOR had been under his treatment for some time and death was due to heart failure accelerated by alcoholic indulgence. - The Coroner returned a verdict accordingly.
Western Times, Tuesday 13 January 1920
EXETER - At an Inquest at the Court House, Exeter, yesterday afternoon, held by Mr W. Linford Brown, on the body of AGNES ANNIE WHITE, aged two months, daughter of a petty officer in the Navy, a verdict of Natural Causes was returned. The cause of death was stated by Dr Kelly to be a convulsion due to undigested food.
Western Times, Wednesday 14 January 1920
COMBE MARTIN - Hair Alight. Combe Martin Woman Who Never Recovered From The Burns. - At Combe Martin, yesterday, Mr George Brown, North Devon Coroner, held an Inquest on the body of ELLEN LOUISE PINCKSTONE, 46, a window, who for some time had been the landlady of the Castle Hotel, Combe Martin. - Mrs Julia Whiting deposed that on 17th January 1919, she was at the Castle Hotel staying, and about 7 a.m., she heard moaning in the deceased's bedroom. She went up and found her lying on the bed, partly dressed, with her hair on fire. Witness threw a rug over her and put the fire out. The deceased was badly burnt about the neck, head and face. Deceased told her she was reaching across the dressing table to get some hairpins and caught her hair alight in the candle. Dr Manning was sent for, and attended her, the deceased being quite incapacitated for five months. Then she seemed to get better and resumed her household duties and witness left. - Ruth Rook, a domestic servant at the Hotel, said on the morning of January 8th last she saw her mistress in the kitchen, about 9 o'clock, apparently quite well. A few minutes afterwards she heard a fall and on going in found MRS PINCKSTONE on the floor. She was quite unconscious and with help deceased was got to her room. She never recovered consciousness. - Dr Manning spoke to having attended the deceased for about five months following her burning accident last year. He said that although deceased got better, the burns never really healed up, even to the present time. He had spoken to her concerning her drinking habits, and she promised on several occasions to give it up; he also advised her to leave the business, as it was a temptation to her. On January 8th last he was called to see her again; she died on the 10th inst., without having regained consciousness. In a post-mortem examination he found a large haemorrhage on the right lobe of the brain, and considerable effusion at the base of the brain. All deceased's organs were healthy and normal, and the cause of death was haemorrhage of the brain. - The Coroner returned a verdict of "Death from Natural Causes."
Western Times, Thursday 15 January 1920
MARYLEBONE, LONDON - Tragic Death Of Exonians In London. - "Death from Misadventure" was the verdict returned on Tuesday at a Marylebone Inquest concerning the deaths of GEORGE SANDFORD, aged 68, a carpenter and WILLIAM J. B. DUNLEY, 66, a compositor, who were found dead in bed, by a son of the latter on Sunday. For some time past, it appears, the two men had occupied a bachelor's flat in Bell-street, Edgware-road. Both occupied the same bed. On Saturday night they were out together in company with DUNLEY, junr. When the latter arrived on the following day, according to appointment, to his father's flat, he found the room full of gas, despite the fact that the door was slightly opened and both men were dead in bed. A gas jet just over the head of the bed was turned on. It was their custom to keep the gas lighted at night and a Police Sergeant said that his opinion was that during the gale on Saturday night the draught from the window to the door blew out the flame of the gas jet. Both of the deceased are well-known in Exeter. WILLIAM DUNLEY served his apprenticeship at the "Western Times" office under the late Mr Thomas Latimer and continued to be employed there for many years. He was also an Oddfellow, a member of Loyal "Bickham" Lodge.
ILFRACOMBE - Ilfracombe Child's Death. - At Little Town Cottage, Ilfracombe, Mr Geo. Brown, North Devon Coroner, held an Inquest concerning the death of EVA MAY THORNE, a six weeks' old child. - The mother stated that on the night of the 8th inst. she fed the child before going to sleep, and then laid it in the bed on her right side. About 3 a.m. she awoke and was going to feed it again, when she found the child dead. It was lying in the same position as where she placed it. - Dr Soltan attributed death to suffocation, either the mother overlaying it or being a heavy sleeper breathing on its face. The Coroner returned a verdict of Accidental Death, namely, suffocation by overlaying, and commented on the very dangerous practise of taking infants in bed with parents, especially where the mother was deaf and could not hear if the child cried.
Western Times, Friday 16 January 1920
TAWSTOCK - An Inquest was conducted by Mr G. W. F. Brown, yesterday, touching the death of VERA ANNIE, infant daughter of MR and MRS WILLIAM SQUIRES, of Charlacott, Tawstock. Dr Meaden said death was due to convulsions and a verdict was returned accordingly.
Western Times, Monday 19 January 1920
TIVERTON - Lady's Fatal Fall At Tiverton. - The Borough Coroner of Tiverton, Mr F. R. D. Clutsom, held an Inquest (without a Jury) at the Tiverton Hospital, on Saturday evening, on the body of SUSAN SANSOM, who was found dead in the back-yard of her residence at 32 Park-street, Tiverton, the previous afternoon. - Dr Cullin said he was called to 32 Park-street, about 3.10 on Friday afternoon. He found deceased lying on her back in the yard, quite dead. He examined the body and found she was suffering from a fractured skull, the frontal bone being smashed. The injuries were consistent with a fall. He had attended her for heart trouble and he thought it might have caused her to have fits of giddiness at times. Death was due to a fractured skull. - THOMAS SANSOM said deceased was his sister, who was 62 years of age and unmarried. On Friday morning he left home about 10.30 and returned about 2.15. He went into the kitchen and waited some minutes, but not hearing or seeing her about, he went into the garden to look for deceased. When he got to the back door he found his sister lying on her face and hands in the back yard. He touched her, and found her quite dead. He had never heard her complain about feeling giddy and he thought she must have slipped, striking her head against a large washing tray which stood on a stool near by. Witness fetched Mr Symons, a neighbour and then sent for Dr Cullin. - Ex.-Police Sergt. Henry Symons, of 26 Park-street, said he knew deceased well and saw her on Friday morning at about 12 o'clock. He had a few minutes' chat with her and she seemed, apparently, all right. He did not hear or see anything of her again until he was fetched by MR SANSOM at 2.30. He found deceased lying on her face and hands in the yard. Witness and the previous witness turned her over and found her quite dead. He thought she had tripped over the leg of the stool, knocking her head against the tub of water standing on a stool near by. The body was warm. - A verdict of "Accidental Death" was returned.
Western Times, Tuesday 20 January 1920
ALPHINGTON - Exeter Tailor's Suicide. Sad Sequel To Depression Following Influenza. - Mr G. H. Stephens, Deputy Coroner, held an Inquest at Alphington yesterday, relative to the death of FRANK CROSS, aged 56, a tailor, of 35 East Grove-road, employed by Messrs. J. and G. Ross, High-street, Exeter, and whose body was found on the line near Marsh Barton, Alphington. - Mr Harry Shore, 36 East Grove-road, said he last saw deceased alive on Friday last. After tea he went for a stroll, which was not unusual for him. He had been in ill-health for some time and had not properly recovered from an attack of influenza which he had in 1918. He seemed to be mentally depressed. Witness became alarmed when deceased had not arrived home on Friday, and the Police were then informed at midnight. - William Newbery, farmer, Marsh Barton, Alphington, was working in his garden on Saturday, when he saw the body lying on the four foot up line. It was terribly mutilated. He called a Council employee and the body was removed and Inspector Mapledoram and staff were telephoned for. About ten minutes after witness found deceased's hat, on the inside of which were the words, "A good wife," in chalk. - Dr W. C. Gent, Exeter, said he had attended the deceased for the past five or six months for extreme depression and want of sleep, and deceased had complained that he could not get on with his work. He had never threatened to take his life. On December 8th he came to witness and said he would like to see another doctor. Eventually he saw Dr Gordon. About a fortnight ago he came off the panel as he was desirous of working. - A verdict of "Suicide whilst of Unsound Mind" was returned.
Western Times, Wednesday 21 January 1920
UFFCULME - Uffculme Old Lady's Sudden Death. - Dr E. R. Tweed held an Inquest at Uffculme on Monday on the body of MRS ELIZA JANE HEWETT, aged 75, of Conemare-lane. It was stated that she had lived alone in Conemare-lane for 18 years, and would allow no one to enter her house since her husband and daughter died within a short time of each other many years ago. She was peculiar on religious matters and attended churches at Exeter, Tiverton and Cullompton, rather than her own parish church. A touchy point with deceased was that she could not draw money from the post-office bank as her name was misspelt 'Hewitt.' On Thursday a neighbour informed the Police that she did not hear deceased moving about in her house. The Police investigated matters and found MRS HEWETT lying across the bed, partly undressed, quite dead. Dr Laidlow said he thought death was due to natural causes. Further evidence showed that the deceased was keen and sensible in business matters, but when an advance of a social nature was made she would not speak. The doctor said she thought someone was trying to blacken her character and once said to him Uffculme was a wicked place. The Coroner returned a verdict of "Natural Causes."
Western Times, Thursday 22 January 1920
AXMINSTER - Father And Son. Sad Inquest Story Unfolded At Axminster. - "Death from Natural Causes" was the verdict recorded by the Coroner, Dr E. R. Tweed, at an Inquest held at Axminster Police Station yesterday, on ALBERT EDWARD DROWER, 55, widower, foreman packer, employed at Messrs. Coate and Co., London Brush Works, Axminster, who died suddenly at his lodgings in Lyme-street, Axminster, on Monday night. Deceased's eldest son, a printer's clerk, of Hornsey, who has been in the Army, said he had not seen his father for two years. A difference of opinion arose between them as to where they should live. - The Coroner said he ought to have visited his father, reminding him that a son had a certain duty to his father. - The witness said they were only private family reasons. - The Coroner: It is a pity you did not visit your father. Life is not very long and it is a pity you should let him come down here and die without seeing him. - Mr H. E. C. Bond, managing director of the brush factory, said the deceased, who came there three months ago, faithfully discharged his duties and he had remarked that he was happier at Axminster then he had ever been. - Mrs Charles, deceased's landlady, said on Monday night deceased went to bed, and later called for her. He said he could not breathe and thought he was dying. Witness sent for assistance and for a doctor, but he died shortly afterwards. He said "I am dying. Good-bye all." He left no message. - Dr Padbury, who made a post mortem examination, attributed death to asphyxia, caused by an epileptic fit. - The Coroner recorded a verdict of "Death from Natural Causes."
Western Times, Friday 23 January 1920
BURLESCOMBE - Tiverton Canal Tragedy. - At the Inquest at Burlescombe, Tuesday, on RHODA TOOZE, aged 22, a Tiverton servant, whose body was found in the Tiverton Canal, her employer said on January 3rd, deceased asked to be allowed to leave early as she wanted to go somewhere. She did not return and left no communication except a letter in a sealed and stamped envelope. He knew the girl was keeping company with a man, but was not aware of any engagement. She had no trouble so far as he knew. - Dr Brown said death was due to drowning and from appearances he believed the girl was pregnant. A verdict of "Suicide whilst of Unsound Mind" was entered.
Western Times, Saturday 24 January 1920
EXETER - Exeter Burning Fatality. Story Told At The Inquest: Lady's Hair Caught Alight. - The circumstances attending the death of MISS EDITH EDGECOMBE EDWARDS, 44, 8 Edgerton Park-road, Exeter, who was found with fatal burns in the scullery of her residence Thursday morning, were Enquired into by the City Coroner (Mr W. Linford Brown) yesterday afternoon. - FRANCIS EDGECOMBE EDWARDS, brother, identified the body as that of his sister. Deceased was the daughter of the late MR EDGECOMBE EDWARDS, of Springfield, Crediton, barrister-at-law. - MISS LORNA EDGECOMBE EDWARDS said her sister had been suffering from neuritis and had been attended by Dr Andrew. On Wednesday night when she went to bed she was in her usual state of health. During the past few days her mother had not been well, and had some warm drink at night. There was in the kitchen a gas stove with a ring. About 3 o'clock on Thursday morning witness was awakened by her mother coming to her room and saying, "you screamed, have you a nightmare?" Witness replied that she had not and remembering that her mother had a cold asked why she was out of her room. Her mother said she heard a scream and that EDITH was not in her room. Witness then went downstairs and found her sister in the kitchen with her back to the door. The place was black with smoke and having found that her sister was dead she ran out for help. Deceased had very long hair which she let hang down in front, and often witness had remonstrated with her for not putting it back when near a light. Once before she had nearly caught herself on fire. It was quite possible that in leaning over the gas the flame caught her hair and she was too stiff to move out of the way quickly. - P.C. Norton stated that when he was called he found deceased lying on the floor with her clothes burning. He put out the fire, but found that life was extinct. The gas ring was burning and there was a kettle filled with water, but it was not on the ring. His opinion was that before her collapse deceased had tried to reach the door. - Dr Andrew, who was called to see deceased, said death was due to shock from severe burns. Deceased was very crippled. - The Coroner found that death was Accidental and expressed his deep sympathy with the relatives.
Western Times, Wednesday 28 January 1920
EXETER HEAVITREE - At an Inquest held at Heavitree yesterday on EMILY HALL, aged 71, who was found dead in bed at 6 Commins Buildings, Wonford, a verdict of "Natural Causes" was returned. Dr Whaite said death was due to syncope and heart failure.
BRIXHAM - Fatal Fall Into Steamer's Hold At Brixham. - Mr T. Edmonds held a Coroner's court at Brixham Lower Market Hall on Monday relative to the death of a lad, ARTHUR WILLIAM BRADFORD, aged 12 years, who fell into the hold of the s.s. 'Storaker,' in Brixham Inner harbour, on Sunday, January 18th. After the father had given evidence of identification, John Gardiner, a lad of 12 years, said BRADFORD was on the twin deck of the steamer with him. It was dark. Witness shouted to BRADFORD to follow him. He heard a fall and shouted to the other boys on the main deck that an accident had happened. - Chief Officer A. Juel Thorbjornsen, of the 'Storaker', deposed that on Sunday, 18th inst., he heard that a lad had fallen from the twin deck to the bottom of the ship. He called other officers, but when they got there a man was carrying deceased up from the hold. He was taken to the chief engineer's cabin and Dr Frere was called. They had been troubled by the boys coming up the gangway. When they sent them off they got abuse. Most of the boys got aboard when none of the crew were looking. - P.C. Hill stated that he found BRADFORD bleeding very badly from the nose and ears. He was unconscious. Dr Frere gave orders for his removal to the Brixham Cottage Hospital, where he died on Saturday. Dr A. H. Frere said the base of the skull was fractured. Deceased never regained consciousness. A verdict of "Accidental Death" was returned, no blame being attached to anyone.
Western Times, Thursday 29 January 1920
TORQUAY - At an Inquest held at Torquay yesterday afternoon, relative to the death of EDWARD DREW, labourer, who resided at No. 28 Wellesley-road, and who died at the Torbay Hospital on Sunday evening soon after admission, he having the previous evening fallen at the back of his house, the medical evidence showed that death was due to pneumonia, aggravated by heart and liver disease. A verdict of "Death from Natural Causes" was returned.
DITTISHAM - Suicide Near Dartmouth. - An Inquest was held at Dittisham on Tuesday by Mr Edmonds, Deputy Coroner, concerning the death of JOHN LUCAS, naval pensioner, of Dartmouth, whose body was found hanging at Lapthorne on Monday morning. Deceased had been in very bad health for some time. On Sunday night he got up and left the house and some hours later his body was found, close to a farmhouse, about three miles from the town. The Coroner, who sat without a Jury, found that deceased Committed Suicide while of Unsound Mind, brought on by the serious illness from which he suffered.
Western Times, Friday 30 January 1920
CLAYHIDON - Victim Of Delusions. Silent Husband Who Worried About Everything. Clayhydon Farmer's Suicide. - A sad story was unfolded to Dr E. R. Tweed, the District Coroner, at the Inquest held on Monday afternoon at Clayhydon on WILLIAM HENRY VINCENT, a farmer, 63 years of age, of Garland Hayes, Clayhydon. - MRS ELIZABETH NORTON VINCENT, widow, said her husband was of a silent disposition. He would go as long as a week without saying anything. Before Christmas he was more cheerful than he had been for some years, but during Christmas he was very melancholy. During the past week he had been very silent. He said to his son that he believed he was going wrong in his head and witness sent for a doctor, who recommended a change. Deceased, however, said he would not go away or stay at home. Witness made several suggestions, one of which was that he should either go to his son at Stoodleigh, or take a cottage, but he would not do so; he kept saying that he would go nowhere. Deceased threatened to take his life so often that the family took no notice of it. He had no financial worries. On the morning of January 23 he had breakfast - consisting of tea, an egg and three large pieces of toast and butter - in bed, and he said he was sorry to give witness so much trouble. At 10.30 a.m. deceased got up, looked out of the window, and saw his son and another man with a colt and this seemed to worry him. The postman brought his son a letter in which it was suggested that he should go to Exeter to fetch something. This made the deceased form the erroneous impression that his son was going away and he worried over this. Deceased said he had to feed the bullocks, but felt unable to do so. Witness left him and while in an adjoining room deceased took his gun from the passage and left the house. Witness went into the back kitchen and saw deceased enter the back door. He groaned and was suffering from a wound on the chin and throat, from which blood was flowing profusely. He took witness's hands and put them on his head, but could not speak. - Dr Helyer gave evidence of how deceased suffered from melancholia. He was conscious when witness arrived, but could not speak. In witness's opinion the wound was self-inflicted. - The Coroner recorded a verdict that the deceased died from haemorrhage and shock, following the wound, which was Self-inflicted.
EXMINSTER - Killed On The Line. Exminster Fatality Remains A Mystery. Open Verdict At Inquest. - Mr H. W. Gould, County Coroner, conducted an Inquest at the Railway Inn, Exminster, last evening, respecting the death of EDWIN ERNEST ALBERT MOBBS, railway clerk on the G.E.R., of 118 Mill-road, Great Yarmouth, whose body was found on the railway near Exminster on Tuesday morning. - The deceased's wife identified the body of her husband, who was 35 years of age. She last saw him alive at Paddington Station, when she was sending him off to Dawlish, where he became a patient of the Railwaymen's Convalescent Home. He was then in the best of spirits and had never spoken of suicide. Apart from his health he had no trouble. Deceased was suffering from nervous breakdown, which turned to neurasthenia. - Miss Elizabeth Pearce, matron of the Railwaymen's Convalescent Home, Dawlish, stated that deceased was admitted on Friday, suffering from neurasthenia. He was tired when he came, but otherwise was very bright and showed no suicidal tendencies. There was no evidence of depression. Patients were allowed out till 9 p.m., and deceased went out at 8 p.m. on Monday and was not missed until it was found that he had not returned at the usual time. When he left he said he would be home to supper. Some patients went out to look for him and as he could not be found, she reported to the Police. - Henry George Fear, relief Stationmaster, Exminster, said it was reported by the driver of the train which arrived from Newton Abbot at 1.55 on Tuesday that a body was lying on the line at the long distance signal between Exminster and Starcross, 700 yards from the former Station on the up line side. Witness went there and found the deceased lying on his back, with his head towards Starcross. Witness had seen deceased that morning at 10 o'clock, when he came to the booking office and asked if he might dry himself. The front of his coat was wet with rain. He stayed by the fire for a few minutes and then showed witness his hand, which was bruised, the result, he said, of a fall on some stones. Deceased said he was going to Dawlish and when told the train left at 11.14 he went away and witness did not again see him. There was nothing unusual about him. - P.C. Mardon having spoken of the removal of the body, Dr McPherson of Topsham, said the left side of the body had received a crushing blow, breaking most of the ribs. The left arm was nearly severed just above the elbow and the left side of the head and face carried away. - Mr Mapledoram, for the G.W.R., Co., replying to the Coroner, said there was nothing to show which train had knocked deceased down. - The Coroner thought it was possible that the deceased was walking down the line and was knocked down by accident, but there was no definite evidence and he could only return an Open Verdict.
Western Times, Monday 2 February 1920
TIVERTON - Tiverton Carter's Death. Passes Away While Under An Anaesthetic. - The Tiverton Borough Coroner, Mr F. R. D. Clutsom, held an Inquest (without a Jury) at the Tiverton Hospital on Saturday evening on the body of FRANCIS PRATT, aged 57, a farm carter, who died under an anaesthetic administered preparatory to an operation being performed for acute cellulitis of the neck at the Tiverton Hospital on the 29th January. - Mary Christine Clarke, House Surgeon at the Tiverton Hospital, said deceased was brought to the Hospital at 4.15 on the afternoon of the 29th January, suffering from acute cellulitis of the neck, or, in effect, blood-poisoning. Deceased's condition was very bad and he was delirious. There were no external wounds. An Operation was the only chance of saving the man's life, and owing to his very excited condition an anaesthetic was absolutely essential. He went under well, but on removing the mask from his face he took a dozen breaths and expired. - Dr Pollock corroborated and agreed that an anaesthetic was absolutely necessary owing to the man being so obstreperous. Death was due to heart failure whilst under the influence of the anaesthetic. - Mr Robert Frost, farmer, of Kingsford Farm, Kentisbeare, said deceased had been in his employ as a carter for over 22 years and lived in the house. He was in fairly good health. Deceased first complained on the 23rd January of severe pains in the stomach, and he vomited a bit. Dr Gidley, of Cullompton, was sent for, but he was too busy to come that night, so sent a bottle of medicine. Dr Gidley came next morning, and thought deceased was suffering from swollen glands. On Monday deceased became worse and was delirious at times, and when Dr Gidley came on Wednesday he arranged to have deceased removed to the Tiverton Hospital. Witness could in no way account for the deceased's illness, nor had he heard of any accident occurring to him. Nothing of any suspicious nature had occurred on his farm with his horses or any of his stock. Deceased was a very steady man. A verdict in accordance with the medical evidence was returned.
Western Times, Tuesday 3 February 1920
BIDEFORD - Mysterious Death Of A Farm Hand Near Bideford. - The evidence given at the Inquest at Gammaton Farm, near Bideford, on Saturday, failed to throw any light whatever upon the cause which led to MR WALTER JOHN CLEMENTS being found dead in bed on Friday morning by his brother, CHARLIE, who had been sleeping with him. The farm work was attended to as usual on Thursday, supper had at 6 o'clock and the cows milked. Between 8 and 8.30 deceased and his brother JOHN, went out to see if the ewes wanted attention, and having been up late that morning attending a party deceased and CHARLIE went to bed about nine o'clock, deceased not having had anything to eat since 6 o'clock. Just after 6 a.m. CHARLIE thought he heard his brother give a slight moan, but this was rather discounted by the doctor, who considered MR CLEMENTS had been dead some hours before this. Deceased had appeared in his normal health, had not complained of anything and was not known to have any trouble whatever. His category for the Army was C3, but owing to his farming occupation he was not called up. - Dr Littlewood, who was fetched from Bideford, said when he saw deceased about 8 o'clock he considered he had been dead about five hours. The heart and other organs were healthy and his post-mortem examination did not show or suggest any cause of death. - The Coroner, Mr G. W. F. Brown, adjourned the Inquest to the 14th inst. for a report from the county analyst on the contents of the stomach.
GREAT TORRINGTON - Extraordinary Case. Remarkable Story Unfolded At Torrington. Wild Stories Refuted. - Mr G. W. F. Brown, North Devon Coroner, held an Inquest at Torrington Workhouse yesterday on the body of JOHN HILL, a casual farm labourer, of no fixed abode, who died in the Institution on Friday. Mr G. M. Doe (Clerk), attended on behalf of the Guardians. Deceased had been working for some years in and around Winkleigh, and John Harris, in the employ of Mr J. Ashplant, of Winkleigh, said he was on his master's farm premises about 8 p.m. on 28th January. Hearing shouting, he, with another man, took a lantern and found HILL on his hands and knees in a gutter. He had been drinking, and as he was unable to walk, they took him into the barn and laid him on some straw, and witness informed his master. - Mr John Ashplant said he had known deceased for 20 years as a man who worked a few weeks at a time at different places. He went down to the barn with the Constable and subsequently fetched Dr Clements. They made the man as comfortable as they could, gave him hot drinks and he visited him several times up to 4 o'clock in the morning. The next evening they took him to the Union in a car. He was a man of weak intellect and witness heard he had been drinking for a fortnight. - In reply to Mr Doe as to whether the man lay in his wet clothes all night, witness said he was in his clothes, laying on some straw and covered with some corn bags. - Dr J. H. Clements, District Medical Officer, said he was called between 10 and 11 p.m. by Mr Ashplant and found the man in the barn as described. He was drunk and incoherent, and there were some superficial abrasions on the forehead and cheek. Witness washed his face and everything was done for him and witness saw him three times during the night. In fact, he was up all night over it. The man was in a drunken stupor, suffering from acute alcoholism, and witness had constantly attended him for chronic alcoholism and irregular action of the heart due to alcoholism. Witness wished to contradict the wild stories circulated in Torrington that this man was stripped naked. Everything was done for him with the kindliest intention by Mr Ashplant, his (Mr Ashplant's) sister and himself. - Replying to questions by the Coroner, witness said the man's clothes were muddy, but his underclothing was not wet, and as soon as he was able to tell them where his other clothes were they were fetched, he was given a hot bath and they were put on him. - Mr H. G. Waspe, Master of the Workhouse, said when admitted the man seemed to be recovering from a drunken stupor and the Matron and Miss Pester (Nurse) both gave evidence as to his condition, and did not think it necessary to call the doctor immediately. He was called next day, but the man died just before the doctor's arrival. - The Master said the statement that the man was stripped and covered with sacks was made by Mr Ashplant himself when he brought him there. - Mr Ashplant: You are mistaken. - Dr Clements added that they could take it from him that this did not happen. - Dr W. F. Pridham, Medical Officer of the Workhouse, said he was unable to get to the House until just before 5.30 in the evening, when he saw the man propped up in bed in a most natural position, with his eyes open and he had apparently been dead a quarter of an hour. It was the most extraordinary case he had ever seen. As a result of a post-mortem, he attributed death to heart failure, due to alcoholism. - Asked by the Coroner if he thought lying in his wet clothes had anything to do with it, he replied in the negative, and that Mr Ashplant was the Good Samaritan in the case and that Dr Clements did quite right in letting him have a good rest, as had he been moved earlier he might have died en route. - P.C. French, who saw the man in the barn, said he was very drunk, and trying to crawl through a hole in the barn door. He regarded it as an ordinary case of drunk. - The Coroner said it was a case out of the ordinary and it seemed one in which there was mistaken kindness from the beginning. He should have been handed over to the Constable to deal with, when the liability would have rested on him. He returned a verdict of "Death from Natural Causes, heart failure, accelerated by chill and alcoholism."
Western Times, Thursday 5 February 1920
COLYTON - Sudden Death Of MR THEO MARZAILS At Colyton. - MR THEO MARZAILS passed away very suddenly on Monday at Elmgrove, Colyton. He had not complained of ill-health and was about as usual in the morning, but when Mrs Turl, with whom he resided, went to call him for dinner, she could not make him hear and on making a search found him apparently in a state of collapse. She called her husband, who went to MR MARZAILS' assistance. Dr W. H. Evans, who happened to be passing, was called in, and pronounced life extinct. An Inquest was held at Elmgrove yesterday by Dr Tweed, who, after hearing the evidence of Mr and Mrs Turl and Dr Evans, who had made a post-mortem examination, came to the conclusion that the deceased died from fatty degeneration of the heart. He was 70 years of age. - MR MARZAILS was, 25 years ago, well known in musical circles all over the world as the composer of "River of Years," and other well known songs, but for the last 22 years he has resided at Elmgrove, coming there with his sister, who predeceased him. His brother, SIR FRANK MARZAILS, has also passed away.
Western Times, Friday 6 February 1920
HARTLAND - Hartland Fatality. Boy Knocked Down By Motor-Car While Playing In Street. - At Hartland yesterday, Mr George W. F. Brown, North Devon Coroner, held an Inquest on AUSTIN SHORT, three-and-a-half years of age, who was killed on Tuesday through being accidentally knocked down by a motor car. - Thomas Heard, a farmer, of East Titchbury, said he was driving his car through Hartland about 5.30 on Tuesday evening and was not going more than six or seven miles an hour. He saw some little boys playing in the road and one ran across in front of the car. He slowed up and put his foot on the brakes, when another boy, the deceased, ran directly in front of the car and the off front wheel ran over him. He stopped the car within a foot and his nephew jumped out and picked the boy up from between the wheels. The boy was crying, but there were no outward signs of any injury, and witness, at the time, did not think he was hurt. The accident was quite unavoidable. - John George Williams, of the King's Arms Hotel, who witnessed the accident, estimated the speed of the car at five to six miles an hour. It was impossible for Mr Heard to have avoided the accident. - Dr Kay, who saw the lad within a few minutes of the occurrence, said he was in a state of collapse and despite all that was done for him, died in twenty minutes. A post mortem revealed internal injuries and death was due to internal haemorrhage. - The Coroner returned a verdict of "Accidental Death."
SEATON AND BEER - Beer Cliff Mystery. Haunting War Memories Of An Ex-Soldier. Last Seen Picking Twigs. - A sad story unfolded at the Inquest held at Beer yesterday by Dr E. R. Tweed, on ARTHUR HENRY VICKERY, 53, cabinet maker of 3 Pyrland-terrace, Rowbarton, Taunton, whose dead body was found on Tuesday morning on the rocks at the foot of the cliff at Seaton Hole. - Deceased, who was employed by Mr A. E. de Breffe, 16 Fore-street, Taunton, enlisted in August 1914 in the Rifle Brigade, and since his return in March from Palestine, where he had served for three and a half years, he had been very depressed, suffered from loss of memory and said the daughter would not converse with anyone unless asked a question. About three months ago he told her that he could not have found his way home had he not taken a tram. On Sunday deceased went for a walk with Mr Jilling, a friend, who told the Court that deceased described to him the horrors he had seen in the war, and said that he had "helped to bury hundreds." - Deceased was a well-known sportsman in Taunton, and was "on the committee of everything." On Monday morning he left presumably for his work and as he had not returned by half-past six, the Police were informed. A friend told the daughter that he travelled in the same compartment with the deceased from Taunton to Chard on Monday morning. Deceased was then very quiet, reading the paper. - A Drop Of 150 Feet. - In the afternoon of that day Edward Agland, a gardener of Beer, saw deceased behaving in what appeared to be a strange manner. He was picking twigs from a thorn bush two or three yards from the edge of the cliff. The drop from the cliff to the base at this point is about 150 feet. Deceased was still picking twigs when Agland left at 4.45 p.m. The watch found on the body of the deceased had stopped at 5.45 p.m. - The body was found with the head under the side of a rock at 10.309 on Tuesday morning by Madeline Corbett, a visitor from London. The left leg was badly fractured and there was a severe wound over the left eye. P.C. Anstey found a hat quite dry above high water mark. On it were chalk marks similar to the chalk of the cliff. The officer expressed the opinion that deceased went over the cliff, but not from the bush unless he fainted. - The body was apparently washed into the position in which it was found. There were no signs of a struggle on the cliff. On Monday evening a strong south-westerly wind prevailed. - Dr Tonge, who was called, and who subsequently made a post-mortem examination, attributed death to drowning, and said that in his opinion the injuries were received while deceased was alive. Death had apparently occurred 12 or 14 hours previous to the discovery. Sand on the finger nails suggested that deceased had clung on to something. - Dr A. E. Joslin, Taunton, deceased's panel doctor, said VICKERY suffered from mental depression as the result apparently of the after-effects of malaria and he had an irregular heart. Deceased was 48 years of age when he joined the Army and in witness's opinion he ought never to have gone. - The Jury returned a verdict that death was due to Drowning, there being insufficient evidence to show how the accident occurred.
WITHERIDGE - Witheridge Infant's Death. Shock Caused By Scalds From Boiling Water. - The District Coroner, Mr Henry W. Gould, held an inquest at Bradford Cottage, Witheridge, yesterday, relative to the death of MAUD NOEL GIBBETT, aged four years, daughter of a farm labourer. - Evidence was given by the father to the effect that on 1st February, about 6.30 p.m., he was taking a kettle of boiling water off the fire when he slipped on the stone floor. The kettle upsetting, the water fell on the deceased, who was standing near. Witness went immediately for the nurse and doctor. The deceased died at 8.30 a.m. on the 3rd inst. - Hilda Maude Mary Weir, parish nurse, said she found the deceased had been scalded on the right side of the body. Having dressed the wounds, witness saw the deceased the next morning. The child then seemed to be going on well. Every care and attention appeared to be shown by the parents. - Dr Price, of Witheridge, who saw the deceased on the morning after the accident, said he found that the wound had been very well dressed and she appeared to be very comfortable. Next morning he was informed that the child had had a fit, and before he could get off another messenger came and informed him that the child was dead. The cause of death was shock following the scald. It was a common occurrence after a scald. - A verdict of "Accidental Death" was returned.
Western Times, Saturday 7 February 1920
BIDEFORD - Nun's Death At Bideford. Four Years In Belgium During German Occupation. - The North Devon Coroner, Mr G. W. F. Brown, held an Inquest at the Convent, Bideford, yesterday on SISTER NORAH O'LEARY, nun, 51 years of age, who died suddenly on Wednesday night last. Deceased came from another Convent on December 27th last for the benefit of her health and to help. She had a cold eight or ten days ago, but did not complain of being seriously unwell until a quarter to ten on Wednesday night, having gone to bed about eight. - Dr Ackland, who was sent for and came at once, said the sister passed away just as he entered the room. He had made a post-mortem examination, and found that death was due to extensive heart disease of long standing. There were also symptoms of previous severe chest trouble, and it was surprising that deceased should have lived so long. - The Mother Superior mentioned that deceased, who was a native of Ireland, was in Belgium for four years during the German occupation and underwent severe privations and hardships. The Coroner said the evidence was quite satisfactory and returned a verdict of "Death from Natural Causes."
Western Times, Tuesday 10 February 1920
SIDMOUTH - Cliff Tragedy. Retired Officer's Suicide At Sidmouth. Long Mental Illness. - At Sidmouth Cottage Hospital on Friday, Dr E. R. Tweed, Coroner, and a Jury Inquired into the circumstances attending the death of HARRY TORRIANO PRITCHARD, aged 53, a retired captain of the King's Own Scottish Borderers, who was found lying in an unconscious condition at the foot of the Alma Cliff last Tuesday evening. - Colonel C. D. Leroyd said he had been acquainted with deceased for over thirty years. He saw him last in London, about three weeks ago, in Lord Knutsford's Hospital for special cases; it was an officers' hospital for those who had suffered from shell shock. Deceased told him then that he had lost control of himself and could not pull himself together. He was frightfully low-spirited and dejected. He was sent to Sidmouth from the home in the hope that he would get some sleep, he having suffered from insomnia. He was on the best of terms with his wife, who was not well enough to attend the Inquest. Deceased had not served in the war overseas. He retired about ten years ago. He afterwards joined the Lincolnshire Yeomanry but was invalided out. He had also been in the Indian Staff Corps, and had a civil appointment in the India Office. - Harry Taylor, of Sidmouth, aged eleven, stated that on Tuesday evening, just after five o'clock, he was playing with other boys on the cliff near the Alma Flagstaff, when he saw a man's stick and coat lying on the bank inside some railings. They told a lady, who informed Mr George Turner. They had not seen a gentleman on the cliff previously. - George Turner, Sidmouth, said he found the deceased lying at the foot of the cliff, having evidently fallen over. The tide was getting high at the time and it was almost dark. - P.C. Moore stated that deceased and his wife came to Sidmouth on January 22nd last. The captain was suffering from depression. He left the Hotel where he was staying at five o'clock on Tuesday and as he did not return his wife went in search of him. She was informed that he had fallen over the cliff. Deceased, when found, was suffering from a scalp wound and other injuries and was removed to the Hospital, where he died a few hours later. The cliff at the spot was 150 feet high and was well protected at the top. There were marks on the cliff showing that the deceased had practically jumped over. - Dr Grant Wilson spoke to attending the deceased at Sidmouth. Deceased told him of his family history, which was a very sad one. In witness's opinion, death was due to the injury to the thorax, which resulted in haemorrhage and pressure, caused by the fall. Deceased had been mentally ill for four years, and witness thought he had deliberately committed suicide, whilst suffering from acute melancholia. People in such a state had waves of deep depression, and often tragedies occurred unless they were closely guarded. - Dr Robert Spencer Bernard said deceased was brought to the hospital in a state of collapse. There were two wounds, one over the left eye-brow and one at the back of the head, whilst he also had four punctured wounds. The patient recovered consciousness in the operating room, but made no statement. Death was due to shock and internal haemorrhage. - The Jury, of which Mr W. Cook was Foreman, returned a verdict of "Suicide whilst Temporarily Insane," and expressed sympathy with the widow and members of the family.
Western Times, Thursday 12 February 1920
GEORGEHAM - A verdict of "Death from Natural Causes" was returned by Mr Brown at an Inquest conducted by him at Georgeham, relative to the death of JOHN TAVENER, 67, casual farm labourer, who was taken suddenly ill while working at Pickwell, and died within a short time.
Western Times, Friday 13 February 1920
PARRACOMBE - Mr G. W. F .Brown, North Devon Coroner, held an Inquest at Parracombe on the body of ALEXANDER MAIR, aged 25, son of MR R. W. MAIR, late of High-street, Barnstaple, and now residing at Lorna Villa, Parracombe. - Dr Shaw, who made a post mortem examination, said both lungs were affected and there had been haemorrhage, which had caused asphyxia. The Coroner returned a verdict of "Death from Natural Causes." Deceased was an old boy of Barnstaple Grammar School.
Western Times, Thursday 19 February 1920
NEWTON ABBOT - Shot Whilst Rabbiting. Tragic Death Of A 13-Year-Old Boy At Ideford. - An Enquiry into the circumstances of the shooting fatality at Ideford, near Newton Abbot, which occurred on Saturday last, when a lad aged 13, named CHARLES THOMAS WALDRON, was hot whilst out rabbiting, was held by Mr T. Edmonds, Deputy Coroner, at Newton Abbot on Tuesday. - The father of deceased, MR A. J. WALDRON, of Orchard Cottages, Ideford, said the boy, although still attending school, was in the habit of rabbiting. - One of the party, William George Rice, aged 16, in the course of his evidence, stated that he was carrying a gun and that deceased was on the road side of a hedge on Well Farm looking after the ferrets. There were two others with witness at the time watching a lane hedge. Seeing a rabbit running along the bottom of the hedge witness fired, but missed and immediately after Mr Hall fired. Witness did not where deceased was, and did not see him at the moment he fired, although he was subsequently found near the spot where the rabbit was when witness fired. - Mr J. Dolbeer (Foreman of the Jury) expressed the opinion that it was a most dangerous practice to fire at a hedge. - Henry Hall, farmer, of Ideford, said he was about 20 yards from the hedge when the rabbit bolted and he fired immediately after the previous witness. - The Coroner: It seems extraordinary that you did not see deceased. - Witness replied that the boy must have been tight on to the hedge. There was the possibility that having heard the rabbit he raised his head to give the alarm. - In reply to Mr Harold Michelmore, who represented the father of deceased, witness said he killed the rabbit on the ground and it was impossible for him to have shot deceased, as he fired from a different direction. - Dr J. J. Scrase stated that the shots must have been fired at the boy from short range. P.C. Frost said the spot where Rice said he was standing was 49 feet from the inside of the hedge; almost in line with the spot where the body was found. - Police-Sergt. Horn said the car which conveyed the deceased to Newton Hospital was given up by Mr Stevenson, of Teignmouth, when asked for. - The Coroner said deceased was probably standing close to the hedge in the road and hearing the rabbit bolt he lifted his head at the same time as Rice shot. The limit for firing was 50 feet from the centre of the road, and in this case they were 49 feet from the inside of the hedge. He did not think the Jury would be justified in saying that Rice was criminally liable. - A verdict of "Accidental Death" was returned, and the Jury expressed their sympathy with the parents, an expression in which the Coroner joined.
BIDEFORD - Farmer's Death Near Bideford. - At Bideford on Thursday, Mr G. W. F. Brown, County Coroner, held an adjourned Inquest re; the death of WALTER JOHN CLEMENTS, 24, eldest son of MR J. CLEMENTS, Gammaton, Bideford, who died a fortnight ago. The Inquest had been adjourned to enable an analysis of the stomach to be made by Mr Tickle, the County Analyst. The Coroner now stated that Mr Tickle had made a careful analysis of the small intestines of the stomach, but he could find no trace of poison of any sort. It was stated that the deceased had been working an oil engine for some months past, and Dr Littlewood said he had seen the analyst's report and the only suggestion he could make was that death might have been caused by carbon monoxide (the gas from the oil engine). There was nothing to show it, but it was possible for carbon monoxide to have been absorbed very slowly and as deceased had been working the engine in a somewhat enclosed place it was possible the carbon monoxide had affected his heart. - The Coroner: It may have been gradually absorbed? - Dr Littlewood: Gradually absorbed, without leaving any signs which could be discovered by the post-mortem. - The Coroner: As to the cause of death? - Dr Littlewood: It is a purely theoretical suggestion. I cannot find any post-mortem signs of it, but it appears to me to be the only theory possible. - The Coroner: It is a case of considerable rarity and the only verdict I can return is that of "Accidental Death," that was of syncope accelerated by carbon monoxide poisoning. - The father of deceased said his son had complained of shortness of breath lately, but it is understood that he was working the engine the evening previous to his being found dead in bed by his brother, with whom he was sleeping.
Western Times, Friday 20 February 1920
TWITCHEN - How The Poor Live. Sad Story Told At A North Devon Inquest. Mother's Pathetic Appeal. - Mr G. W. F. Brown, North Devon Coroner, held an Inquest at Slew Cottage, Twitchen, yesterday, on the body of FRANK TAPP, the infant son of WILLIAM TAPP, a farm labourer. MRS TAPP, the mother, stated that three weeks ago she was confined of twin boys, one of whom died three days after birth. The other, the deceased, seemed to be going on all right up to Monday last, when it appeared to get weak and she sent for the District Nurse, also for Dr Baker, both of whom came and saw the child, which, however, died on the afternoon of the 17th. She stated that she was the mother of nine children, and had lived in that cottage for eleven years. For two years there had been a large hole in the roof, through which the rain had poured into the upper rooms. The cottage had never been lime-washed, or had anything done to it during the eleven years she had been there. Her husband was a farm labourer, and his net wages were only 20s. for full weeks' work, including the whole of Saturday. He, however, had two meals a day at the farm where he worked. - The Coroner enquired of witness if this were all the money with which she had to maintain, clothe, and feed herself and nine children and her reply was in the affirmative. The ownership of the house had recently changed hands and she gave the names. Witness pleaded with the Coroner not to deal harshly with her, as she had done her best for the children. - Answering further questions by the Coroner, she said that although she was confined only three weeks ago, she had been for the last week doing the whole of the housework and looking after the children. - Miss Beatrice Mildon, District Nurse, of North Molton, stated that she attended the mother in her confinement, and had visited her since, and seen that she was provided with necessaries. She gave evidence as to the feeding of the child, and added that the mother had done her best, under the circumstances, for all her children. - Dr Baker attributed death to syncope from malnutrition. He attached no blame to the mother, as he had known her for many years and she had always done well with her other children under most trying circumstances. In his opinion, the cottage was absolutely unfit for human habitation. - The Coroner, in summing up, said the mother's appeal to him not to deal harshly with her was most pathetic. He had not the slightest intention of so dealing with her, but said he would very much like to deal harshly with some of the people mentioned in the case. The condition of the house was absolutely disgraceful: it was not fit for a sow to farrow in. He commented on the woman's statement that the house had not been touched with a whitewash brush, to her knowledge, for eleven years, also the bad condition of the roof; while there were only two bedrooms for the man and his wife and nine children. Luckily, observed the Coroner, one of the children had grown strong enough to go out to service. It seemed absolutely disgraceful in these days that a woman should have to bring up such a family on such a sum as she had stated she received, especially with the purchasing value of the sovereign at about 8s. It was perfectly marvellous how she had done as well as she had. In returning a verdict of "Death from Natural Causes" he exonerated the mother from any blame, sympathised deeply with her in her plight and promised to do his utmost to get matters remedied.
BROADHEMPSTON - Sad Tragedy Near Newton Abbot. - A sad tragedy is reported as having occurred in the village of Broadhempston, near Newton Abbot, on Tuesday morning, when a widow named MRS SOPER was found hanging in a cowshed. It is stated that, together with her late husband, deceased had until recently run a business, which included a dairy. A few months ago her husband, who had acted as special constable in the war, took part in a tug of war during the local peace celebrations, and died rather suddenly as the result of a strain. This loss, coupled with business worry, had preyed upon the woman's mind. Tuesday morning a scream was heard from the direction of the cowshed belonging to the premises, and MRS SOPER was found there hanging. Deceased was 43 years of age. - Mr T. Edmonds, Deputy Coroner, held an Inquest yesterday and returned a verdict of "Suicide while of Unsound Mind." The evidence showed that deceased had no financial worries, but that she had recently suffered from influenza, and had been considerably depressed as the result of her husband's recent sudden death. It was further stated that only a quarter of an hour before deceased was found hanging, she visited her mother, who lives close by.
Western Times, Tuesday 24 February 1920
EAST BUDLEIGH - Burnt To Death. Terrible Fate Of Salterton Nonagenarian. The Inquest Story. - Her hands enveloped in surgical bandages, Miss Mary Dunsford, an aged shop keeper, of Fore-street, Budleigh Salterton, gave a graphic account at the Inquest yesterday of her attempt to rescue from a fire in the bedroom, MRS ELIZABETH CRABTREE, 91, widow of MR DANIEL CRABTREE, who kept an eating-house in South-street, Exeter. The shop was occupied by the two ladies. MRS CRABTREE, who had not been well, was in bed on Friday evening. Miss Dunsford and a friend, Mrs Ellen Mary Cowd, had been sitting with her, but left the room for a few minutes. "Suddenly," said Miss Dunsford (whose hands were severely burnt), "I heard a shriek and a dog bark. Had not the dog barked I should never have heard it. I went upstairs and saw MRS CRABTREE on the floor. She was in flames. All her clothes were on fire. I pulled off the bed clothes, covering her with them, to extinguish the flames. I trampled on the clothes as well as I could, and called for help, but no one heard me. I could then feel that she was dead, so ran downstairs, called again for assistance and returned to the bedroom. The bottom of the lamp, which was on a table by the side of the bed when I left her, was on the floor." Miss Dunsford explained that deceased had been in bed for a week. She was unable to get up or sit down without assistance. It was Mr L. Linscott, who lived next door, who summoned assistance. - Mrs Cowd told the Coroner, Dr E. R. Tweed, that she had been in the habit of visiting the deceased two or three times a week. Miss Dunsford took every care of deceased, who could read without glasses and hear better than Miss Dunsford. As the deceased had been wandering in her mind - a most unusual thing - it was thought advisable on Friday evening to send for Dr Semple. Witness left the deceased about 7.40 and intended to return to hear the opinion of the doctor. Shortly afterwards, witness was informed of the accident. - Dr Semple, who had attended the deceased for some years, said the room was full of smoke when he arrived and he could hardly see across it. The bed was empty and he found deceased on the floor, under a heap of clothing, which was smouldering. She was dead and the clothes were burning on her. Witness's opinion was that the deceased accidentally upset the lamp by pulling off the table cloth; and, also that the lamp fell on the bed; otherwise the glass would have been broken. Deceased then probably got out of bed and in her enfeebled state collapsed. - The Coroner said the body of deceased had been cooked by the flames like a ham. She was burnt from head to foot. It was the most curious case of burning that he had ever seen. - Death, said Dr Semple, was due to shock, caused by the burns. - The Coroner recorded a verdict of "Accidental Death."
Western Times, Thursday 26 February 1920
LOXBEARE - Loxbeare Fatality. Farm Labourer Killed By the Side Of His Horses. - An Inquest was held by Mr G. H. Stephens (Exeter) at Leigh Barton, Loxbeare, Tiverton, yesterday, on the body of HUBERT THORNE, farm labourer, aged 18, of Tiverton. Evidence of identification was given by the father, MR GEORGE THORNE, of 8 West Exe South, Tiverton, who said his son was employed on a farm at Lidborough. Deceased lives on the farm and witness had not seen him since Sunday week. He had never suffered from fits or faintness. - Albert George Kerslake, Washfield, said that on Monday, at 3.30, he saw the deceased at the wheelwright's shop at Loxbeare. He was in charge of a cart with two horses attached. He afterwards went down the road, which would be the way to the farm. - Alice Mary Hill, also of Lidborough, deposed to seeing deceased go to the wheelwright at about 2.45 p.m. At 4 o'clock witness went to the post, and on the way back she recognised two horses attached to a cart as the ones deceased had been driving. She saw near by deceased lying on the left side of the cart, flat upon his face with the near wheel pressing against his neck on the left side. The right portion of his body was under the cart. She called to him, but received no answer, whereupon she went for assistance. The lane was a very narrow one and the shafts of the cart were very high. - Lewis W. G. Alford, Loxbeare, gave corroborative evidence. - Dr J. R. R. Pollock, Tiverton, said he considered death was due to suffocation, caused by the pressure of the wheel of the cart. - A verdict of "Accidental Death" was returned.
Western Times, Friday 27 February 1920
OTTERY ST MARY - Fatal Trap Accident. Rockbeare Man Dies From Internal Injuries. - Dr E. R. Tweed, Coroner, held an Inquest at the Ottery Town Hall, on Tuesday night, relative to the death of AMOS SNELL (59) a colt breaker, of Allercombe, Rockbeare, in the employ of Mr J. O. Maunder. On Saturday deceased was driving a horse and trap accompanied by Mr William Youlden, of Rockbeare. Mr Maunder was riding a horse a few yards ahead and between them was an unhaltered colt which they were taking back to Allercombe. They were proceeding at a walking pace, and at West Hill the horse SNELL was driving suddenly took fright from some unknown cause and jumped on one side of the road. The left wheel of the trap mounted the side of the hedge, turning the vehicle over and both men were thrown out in the road. Youlden escaped injury, but SNELL received a blow to the head and was rendered unconscious. He was taken to Ottery Cottage Hospital and found to be suffering from concussion and some internal injury. An operation was performed on Monday, when it was found that the right kidney was broken in two parts and he died on the following morning. - The Coroner found that death resulted from haemorrhage of the right kidney caused by being Accidentally thrown out of the trap, and no blame was attached to anyone.
TIVERTON - Wished He Were Dead. Grief Preys On A Tiverton Man's Mind. Determined Suicide. - THOMAS SANSOM, formerly landlord of the old Bampton Inn, Tiverton, which house has been for some years done away with, was found in his house in Bampton-street, Tiverton, on Wednesday, dead, with a bullet wound in the temple. The discovery was made by ex-P.S. Symons, a neighbour. The latter had taken a cup of tea to deceased, and deceased saying there was no sugar in the tea, Symons proceeded to his house to obtain some. When he returned to SANSOM'S house he found him dead on the floor, with a bullet wound in his temple and a revolver lying on the floor by his side. SANSOM was well known in the district. He went to Canada some years ago and on returning to this country was engaged in Army canteen work during the war. Deceased sustained a severe shock a few weeks since when he lost his sister, who died as the result of a fractured skull, the injury being sustained through her falling down in the yard. This loss seemed to have preyed on deceased's mind and it is stated that on more than one occasion since his sister's death, he had said he "wished he was up above." Deceased was 58 years of age, and single. - At the Inquest held last evening, Dr Cullin told the Coroner, Mr F. R. D. Clutsom, that he found deceased sitting in a chair dead, with a bullet wound in the forehead, which he (witness) had no doubt was self-inflicted. - Ex P.S. Symons said that he called to see deceased by appointment. The landlady and a builder were going to call that evening in regard to some repairs to the house. Deceased was under the impression that he would have to pay for these repairs and troubled about it. He also troubled because he had to leave the house at Lady-day. Witness had been with the deceased every day, but had never known before that he had a revolver. Deceased had often expressed the wish that he were dead since his sister's death. - Mrs Elizabeth Underdown, of Northleigh, near Honiton, a cousin of deceased, identified the body. - Police-Sergt. Denning found in the revolver one spent cartridge. In deceased's pockets he found over £60 and several loose cartridges. - The Jury, over which Mr Richard Grater was Foreman, returned a verdict of "Suicide whilst of Unsound Mind."
UGBOROUGH - Hanging From A Tree. Wrangaton Hotel-Keeper's Tragic End. Suicide In A Lane. - The discovery of the body of MR CHARLES SOPER, proprietor of the Wrangaton Station Hotel, hanging by a rope halter from the branch of a tree near his home, caused a great sensation throughout the neighbourhood of Wrangaton, near South Brent, this week. - Deceased, who was a married man with no family, was 49 years of age and was formerly manager of the Avon Inn, Avonwick. As a rule he was of a cheerful disposition and had a host of good friends. It had been noticed, however, since his demobilisation from the Army that he had not been his former self, and that at times he appeared to be somewhat strange and worried, especially when his stock of saleable goods was low. For the past fortnight, it seems there had been nothing to sell at the Hotel and SOPER had been depressed. Those around him, however, had no suspicions of any rash intent. - On Monday morning and again on Tuesday he got out of bed exceptionally early, and there was unmistakable restlessness in his whole demeanour as he walked up and down the lanes in the neighbourhood of his house. It was about half-past eight o'clock that he thus strolled out on Tuesday morning. that was the last time he was seen alive. Then, like a bombshell, came the news of his tragic end. It was brought by a man named Cole, who, rushing into the Hotel, shouted, "Maister is in the lane hanging up in a tree." All was consternation. - Before reaching the Hotel, Cole had met a man on horseback and had told him of the discovery. It was this gentleman who cut the halter by which deceased was suspended and who informed the Police. - The Deputy Coroner, Mr T. Edmonds, in investigating these circumstances on Wednesday, returned a verdict of "Suicide by Hanging."
Western Times, Monday 1 March 1920
ILFRACOMBE - Ilfracombe Lady's Death. London Hospital Lady Doctor And The Death Certificate. - At the Tyrrel Cottage Hospital, Ilfracombe, on Saturday, Mr G. W. F. Brown, North Devon Coroner, held an Inquiry concerning the death of MRS ADA LISLE, wife of MR HARRY C. LISLE, of the Promenade, Ilfracombe, the circumstances of which the Coroner said were rather unusual. Deceased had a stroke of paralysis whilst getting off a 'bus in London in December and subsequently underwent an operation at the National Hospital for Paralysis and Nerve Diseases. On February 14th the husband was requested to remove her from the Hospital, but in his opinion she was not in a fit state to be moved and after certain negotiations she was allowed to remain until the 18th February, when he was assured she was well enough to be moved. The husband took her back to Ilfracombe by train and on the day after her arrival she was seen by Dr Langridge, being then evidently in a serious condition and she died on the 24th. The circumstances were such that it required a certificate of death, and Dr Langridge quite properly decided he could not give it, as, naturally, no doctor was entitled to give a certificate unless he was absolutely certain of the circumstances which caused death. Communication was made with the surgeon of the Hospital where deceased had been, and a bare certificate, with no accompanying letter, was furnished. In his (the Coroner's) opinion, the certificate was not a proper one, being in the first place undated, and no mention was made on it of the operation. The Registrar-General's rules on such matters were perfectly clear, and after consultation with Dr Langridge, he (the Coroner) suggested that the Hospital doctor should be given an opportunity of forwarding a proper certificate which would satisfy him and the Registrar-General. The necessary information not being forthcoming, he considered it advisable to hold an Inquest and a post-mortem examination was made by Dr Shaw, of Barnstaple and Dr Langridge. - MR LISLE, in evidence, said he did not think his wife was in a fit state to travel when he was requested to take her out of Hospital, and protested and she remained a few days' longer. Dr Blandy then told him whilst she did not wish to hurry him, she would be pleased if she could be taken out as soon as possible. On the 18th February he had great doubts as to whether she was fit to travel, but was assured by Dr Blandy she would be all right, and he moved her that day, and a special carriage was fitted up for the journey to Ilfracombe by train. - Answering questions by the Coroner, he said as far as he knew his wife had every care and attention at the Hospital during the time she was there. She made certain complaints to him, but the state of her mind was such that he did not attach any importance to them. She was upset, however, at seeing another patient being prepared for an operation, which caused her to get into a nervous condition. She was rather noisy at times, but he did not think she could help it. - MISS IDA LISLE, daughter, said her mother was very noisy at night whilst in Hospital, but after the operation she was quieter and steadily improved in health. Her mother had some peculiar lapses of memory at times. - Dr Blandy, lady doctor at the Hospital, gave evidence as to deceased's condition from the time she was admitted to Hospital until she left. The operation revealed chronic meningitis and after it was performed, deceased got better than they expected. - Questioned regarding deceased having been upset at seeing another patient prepared for an operation, witness said all precautions were taken to prevent such happening and she was not certain deceased had actually seen what she said. She often imagined things. As to deceased undertaking the journey to Ilfracombe, she thought she would stand the journey all right; but said at the time she wished she was not going so far. - The Coroner handed witness the certificate she supplied after being notified of the death by Dr Langridge and asked if she thought it was a proper certificate to give under the circumstances. - Witness replied that the omission of the date was a slip. She had sent a vast number of certificates on patients who had had operations, but this was the first time anything like this had occurred. After Dr Langridge pointed out the mistake she realised her fault. - Answering further questions, she said she had consulted with Dr Shaw, and agreed with the result of his post-mortem examination and it coincided with her certificate. - Q.: You practically did not know what was the cause of her death on the 24th did you? - I had Dr Langridge's word. - You did not know whether the journey down affected her? - A.: If it had she would have died at once. - She regretted that she did not date the certificate or mention the operation on it. - In her reply telegram witness said she stated that the operation was neither the contributory nor direct cause of death. Witness assured the Coroner that no harshness was shown towards deceased when in Hospital. - Dr Langridge also gave evidence. - Dr Shaw said the post-mortem examination revealed chronic meningitis of old standing and the cause of death was a recurrence of haemorrhage in the right internal capsule of the brain. She had evidently had a small haemorrhage in December and about 48 hours before death she had another larger one. The operation would have been quite good for her had it not been for the second haemorrhage. - Summing up, the Coroner said it was rather unfortunate they should have had to have an Inquest on the deceased, but under the circumstances they had no other choice. The only person who was slightly to blame was Dr Blandy, in giving a certificate in the way she did, and not complying with their request to mention the operation when communicated with by Dr Langridge. He thought MRS LISLE received every treatment possible at the Hospital, and Dr Shaw agreed that the operation certainly relieved the congested state of the brain. He therefore returned a verdict of "Death from Natural Causes." [Western Times, Wednesday 31 March 1920 - HARRY FENN, otherwise HARRY CONRAD LISLE, of Ilfracombe, yesterday appeared before Mr .C. Jones at Ilfracombe Police Court, on a warrant charging him with committing perjury at a Coroner's Inquest held by Mr G. W. F. Brown, on a woman described as ADA LISLE at Ilfracombe, some weeks ago. P.S. Champion gave evidence of arrest and asked for a remand in custody until today (Wednesday) at 2.15. This was granted.] [Western Times - Tuesday 22 June 1920 - Devon Assize, Trials of Prisoners At Exeter: - Extenuating Circumstances. - HARRY FERN, otherwise HENRY CONRAD LISLE, pleaded guilty of falsely swearing at an Inquest at Ilfracombe that the body was that of his wife; he was further indicted for making a false statement before a Commissioner of oath for the purpose of obtaining letters of administration to the estate of deceased. - Mr Snell prosecuted. - Mr Mathias said the case was a sad ne. The Coroner himself said it was unfortunate that an Inquest had to be held at all. The parties worked together in partnership, and the deceased woman was ill, which meant that he had to earn the money. Prisoner was living apart from his own wife and he had acted very well, indeed, towards the deceased and her family. The false statements he had made were so made to protect the good name of the woman who died. The woman was badly treated by her first husband, who deserted her and her two children, whom prisoner had brought up as his own. - The Learned Judge said there were extenuating circumstances and justice would be done by binding accused over in the sum of £5.]
Western Times, Tuesday 2 March 1920
DARTMOUTH - An Inquest on the death of SIDNEY JOSEPH BALKHAM, the infant child of MR and MRS BALKHAM, Clarence-street, Dartmouth, was held at Dartmouth on Thursday afternoon by Mr A. M. Davson, Coroner. The child was one month old and was found dead in bed on Wednesday morning. The parents were sleeping in the same bed. - Dr Colmer attributed death to asphyxia, and the Coroner emphasised the importance of babies sleeping in cots.
Western Times, Thursday 4 March 1920
DARTMOUTH - Dartmouth Fatality. - Mr A. M. Davson, Dartmouth Coroner, opened on Tuesday the Inquest on WILLIAM CLEMENTS DAMARELL, Newport-street, Dartmouth, who died in the Cottage Hospital on Sunday from injuries sustained in an accident at Messrs. Philip and Son's shipbuilding extension works at Noss. - F. J. Tribble, of Kingswear, a foreman at Noss, said that between 7.30 and 8 a.m. on Friday, he called together a gang of 35 men to move a trolley laden with an iron girder, along a light railway. On reaching a crossing the front wheel of the trolley came up and the whole appeared to collapse. The girder was prevented from totally falling by the platform of a hand crane, but deceased and others were wedged in at the front end of the girder. - Dr Max Taylor attributed death to shock and internal haemorrhage. - The Coroner intimated that he proposed taking evidence on the loading of the girder, after a visit by the Jury to the scene, and adjourned the Inquest to Tuesday next at 2 p.m.
BIDEFORD - Appledore Fatality. Braunton Man Killed On Board His Vessel. - The North Devon Coroner, Mr G. W. F. Brown, held an Inquest at Bideford Hospital, yesterday, touching the death in the Institution, as the result of an accident on board the "Four Brothers," of Braunton, while lying off Messrs. Harris' shipyard at Appledore, on Monday, of MR FREDERICK CHARLES CORNEY, the Captain and part owner of the ship. Deceased, who was only 31 years of age, was a single man living with a brother at Tyne Holm, Braunton, and was well known and held in high respect by the seafaring fraternity of North Devon. In connection with the placing of a new motor in the vessel, the bed of the engine was being moved with tackle over the keelson, and it was while this was being done that the accident happened. Evidence was given by Messrs. Reginald Isaac and John Mitchell, Braunton, Robert Parkhouse, Wrafton, and Mr Sidney George Harris, Appledore, who, with the deceased, were all engaged in shifting the engine-bed, which weighed 10cwt. None of them actually saw what happened, but it was considered deceased must have thrown his weight on the engine-bed while it was being got over the keelson, and that this threw it out of balance and it fell on his left thigh. He was got out within a couple of minutes, and immediately after Mr Harris had rendered first-aid to arrest the haemorrhage, Dr Marshall, of Bideford, who happened to be passing, was in attendance and CAPT. CORNEY was subsequently removed to the Bideford Hospital, where he died at 11.30 the same night. - Dr Marshall, who with Dr Toye, also attended deceased at the Hospital, said the thigh was crushed to pulp, the bone being reduced to little bits. The shock was so great that amputation was then out of the question. Deceased was not a strong man, but very few men would survive the shock of such a severe accident. CAPT. CORNEY told him it was a pure accident. - MR ERNEST CORNEY, brother of deceased, said the latter told him while in Hospital, "It was my own fault. I could have avoided it if I had only thought." The tackle and everything in connection with the work was stated to be in excellent order, and nothing broke. - A verdict of "Accidental Death" was indicated, but the Enquiry was not closed pending an intimation from the Factory Inspector as to whether he wished to be represented.
Western Times, Saturday 6 March 1920
TORQUAY - Torquay Fatality. Cause Of Injuries To An Old Man Unexplained. - The Inquest on DAVID HILL, aged 79, a retired superintendent clerk of the Army Pay Corps, failed to clear up the mystery as to how the injuries to which he succumbed were sustained. Deceased, who was an active man for his age, with good hearing and eyesight, left his apartments in Sefton-gardens at eight o'clock on Monday evening to go to the Public Library, returning as usual by way of the sea front and Rathmore-road. Between 9 and 10 p.m., Capt. Lowe found him lying unconscious in the latter thoroughfare, and just before he had seen a motor-car coming from this direction to the Station, travelling at the rate of 20 to 25 miles an hour. If the car knocked deceased down, and he remained where he fell, it must have been on the wrong side of the road. - Benjamin Wakeham, motor-car owner and driver, South-street, said on Monday evening, about 20 minutes past 9 he left Torre driving a five-seater Hummer with the cover down. He went through Rathmore-road and the Station yard, and then turned to the left to the Hotel entrance from the sea front. He saw no one at all in Rathmore-road, and denied all knowledge of the occurrence. There were no blood marks on the car to his knowledge. - Dr Harold Aylmer de Morgan, House Surgeon at the Torbay Hospital, said deceased had a fracture of the base of the skull and also a bruise on the right temple, a fracture of the right side of the face, laceration of the abdomen and bruises on the right hand and arm. - Wm. Chalk, cab driver, said whilst at Torquay Railway Station about 9.25 on Monday evening he saw a motor-car go through the yard. It was a small touring car similar to the one that had been mentioned. Three or four minutes afterwards the accident was reported to him. No other car passed during this time. - The Deputy Coroner, reviewing the evidence, said he thought the Jury would be wise not to take it for granted that the car which did the mischief was that driven by Wakeham. - The Jury returned a verdict that deceased died from fracture of the skull and that there was not sufficient evidence to show how the injuries were caused.
TOPSHAM - Old Man Hanged. No Light On The Case Of The Topsham Tragedy. - Mr H. G. Gould held an Inquest at Topsham yesterday relative to the death of SAMUEL JAMES LUXTON, retired fisherman, of Topsham, aged 71, whose body was found hanging from the limb of a tree about 100 yards from the recreation ground. EDWARD LUXTON, son, stated that his father left home at 8 o'clock on Thursday morning to, as he thought, go to the stores for something for breakfast, which he had been in the habit of doing. His father suffered from rheumatism and on Sunday complained that he was getting deaf. There were, however, no signs of depression and witness knew of no trouble. He had never heard his father threaten suicide and could not account for his taking his life. - P.C. Membury said he was called to the pathway near the Retreat by the side of the River Exe and saw the deceased hanging by a cord from a tree overhanging a wall. He cut the body down and found it was still warm, although there was no sign of life. The feet were just touching the ground. Apparently the deceased had climbed the wall, tied the cord to the branch of a tree and around his neck and jumped off the wall. In the pockets were found a £1 Treasury note and 6s.10 ½d., a pocket knife and tobacco pouch. He was in receipt of an old age pension of 7s. 6d. and an Admiralty pension of 9s. - Dr McPherson said death was due to strangulation. - The Coroner said he was satisfied deceased took his own life by hanging. There was no evidence as to the state of his mind and he could not come to any conclusion as to that, and simply returned a verdict that deceased took his own life.
Western Times, Tuesday 9 March 1920
EXETER - An Exeter Tragedy. Coroner On Pedestrians' Right To The Road. Old Lady's Death. - Mr W. Linford Brown, the Exeter City Coroner, sitting without a Jury, held an Inquiry at Heavitree Police Station yesterday into the circumstances of the death of MRS ELIZABETH BARNACOAT, aged 68, a widow, of 10 Baker-street, who died on Friday morning as the result of injuries sustained through being knocked down by a cyclist. Mr M. J. McGahey was present to represent relatives of deceased. - WM. JAMES BARNICOAT, son, said his mother had suffered from neurasthenia for some years. She had as a companion a Miss Leat. Her hearing was perfect, but she wore glasses to assist her sight. - By Mr McGahey: She only had a companion because for twelve months she had been living alone and thought she would like company. She was quite capable of looking after herself and attend to household duties and do her shopping alone. - FRANCIS BARNICOAT, another son, agreed that his mother was able to hear distinctly and see quite well with the aid of glasses. - Miss Julia M. Leat, deceased's companion, said deceased's only feebleness was that due to age. She went out alone on Thursday afternoon and a little later came back with a constable and a lady. She walked back, but appeared dazed. Dr Whaite came and bandaged her head and she was put to bed. She became unconscious during the night and did not regain consciousness. - By Mr McGahey: Deceased was quite able to sew and read without the aid of glasses. - Cyclist Rang Bell And Shouted. - Miss Gertrude Bellamy, a ward maid at Wonford House, stated that on Thursday afternoon she and a friend, Miss Norah Roberts, were in the bit of road between Livery Dole and Magdalen-road, when she saw a man whom she now knew to be Mr Arthur Lendon Starr, come round the top corner on a cycle from the direction of Heavitree. He was going very slowly and apparently his brakes were on. Deceased was in the middle of the road two or three paces in front of witness and going towards Livery Dole. The cyclist rang his bell and shouted to the lady, but as she did not get out of the way he tried to avoid her by going to the left. At the same moment the deceased moved in the same direction, and the front wheel of the cycle struck her and knocked her down. The cyclist was thrown on top of her. A gentleman and lady came along and, picking up deceased, took her to a shop close by. - By Mr McGahey: The cyclist rang his bell three times and shouted. She could not say what there was to prevent him pulling up and jumping off. - Miss Norah Roberts, also a ward maid at Wonford House, bore out the previous witness's evidence. - Arthur Lendon Starr, of 4 Summerland-terrace, furniture porter, elected to give evidence. He said he was turning from Heavitree-road to Baring-place and when about five yards down the slope he noticed an elderly lady on the right hand side and she made to cross the road. He rang his bell twice and called to her. He made a turn to avoid her, but she stepped aside, and the handle-bar of his cycle struck her. Witness, answering Mr McGahey, said no doubt it would have been better if he had stopped, but he thought he would clear deceased and would have done so if she had kept on in the direction she was going. He appreciated that pedestrians had as much right to the road as cyclists. - Dr Whaite said death was due to cerebral haemorrhage following concussion of the brain. There was a blow on the head. - No Criminal Negligence. - The Coroner said this bit of road was 18ft. wide and the cyclist must have seen the lady when he came round the corner. It was quite true he rang his bell and shouted to her, but one could not help feeling that pedestrians had as much right to the road as people in motor cars and on cycles, but some of these people seemed to have the idea that as long as they rang a bell or sounded a horn they could go on, and everybody must get out of the way. That was not the proper thing. In this case, he thought the cyclist was going about six miles an hour and it would have been better if he had jumped off. At the same time there was no evidence of criminal negligence. He hoped, however, when the cyclist saw anyone in the road again under similar circumstances he would dismount. The Coroner returned a verdict of "Accidental Death."
Western Times, Wednesday 10 March 1920
REWE - An Inquest was held at Upexe yesterday on WALTER GEORGE DRAKE, Pale, Farm, Upexe, who was found dead in bed on the 7th inst. Deceased retired to rest on the 6th inst., after eating a hearty supper. He appeared to be quite well. During the night he was breathing heavily and shortly after MRS DRAKE concluded that her husband was dead. - Dr O. C. Jones, Silverton, attributed death to cerebral haemorrhage. A verdict of "Natural Causes" was returned.
EXETER - Mr W. Linford Brown held an Inquest at the Court House, Exeter, yesterday, relative to the death of WILLIAM HENRY DREWE, fitter on the L.S.W.R. of Trafalgar-square, Exeter. Deceased, who fell down and expired on Monday morning, while on his way to work, had suffered from chronic indigestion and pains in the head and chest, but recently enjoyed better health than usual. - Dr A. R. Down attributed death to disease of the heart and a verdict of "Natural Causes" was returned.
Western Times, Thursday 11 March 1920
PAIGNTON - Mr T. Edmonds, Deputy District Coroner, Tuesday held an Inquest at Paignton touching the death, under sudden circumstances, of ELLEN LOUISA COPPLESTONE, aged 52, spinster and dressmaker of Well-street, Paignton. Dr Healy, who made a post-mortem examination, attributed death to cerebral haemorrhage, and a verdict accordingly was returned.
Western Times, Monday 15 March 1920
GEORGEHAM - North Devon Fatality. Remarkable Will Found On Lady's Body. To Be Buried At Sea. - At Georgeham on Saturday, Mr George Brown, Coroner for North Devon, held an Inquest on the body of MISS MARJORY DEAKIN, aged about 40, who was found at the foot of Baggy Cliff, Croyde, on Wednesday last. - Mrs Jennings, a neighbour, identified the body and said deceased had resided at Croyde, in an adjoining cottage to her, for the last six months, and they used the same kitchen. She last saw deceased alive about 12 o'clock on the 9th inst., when she was in the kitchen. Deceased appeared to be quite normal. Witness never thought deceased was a depressed woman, and had never heard her threaten to take her life, or heard her say that she was tired of life. She certainly was not in want of money. Deceased did not come back to the house on Wednesday night and witness did not know whether she had left to stay with neighbours. The following morning witness found that deceased had not returned and enquiries were made. Deceased had been in the habit of walking to Baggy Point to do painting. The body was eventually discovered on the beach at Baggy Point. - Frederick Carder said while searching for the deceased he noticed footmarks leading down a little path to the shore at Baggy Point and on going down he saw the deceased's body at the bottom lying on the pebbles. She had evidently fallen about 12 feet and, when found, was lying on her face and quite dead. The tide had been over the body. There was blood on the stones and it was evident that deceased had struck her head. - Dr Wright, of Braunton, who made a post-mortem examination, said there was a deep wound over the skull, just over the left eye, but there was no fracture. He attributed death due to shock from the severe injury over the skull. - P.S. Hill, of Braunton, and P.C. Stevens, Georgeham, produced a number of papers and jewellery which were found tied around deceased's body underneath her clothing. The papers consisted of her will, some certificates (including her birth certificate) and some broken notes for about £2,000. There was also an old cloth containing eight gold and precious stone rings, four brooches, a necklace and gold locket. The papers had been saturated by the water, but by careful treatment they were made legible. The will, which had been drawn up by the deceased herself in 1915 and witnessed by another person, apparently during her stay in Cornwall, among other things, stated that she was in perfectly sound mind. She expressed the wish to die quietly by herself, her body to be placed in a lead coffin and buried at sea at Porthpean, a small fishing village near St Austell, Cornwall, where she had spent many happy days. She named two fishermen called Axhorn whom she decided should take her body out to sea in their fishing boat and as they were going fishing, "without any gaping crowd or any relatives or hypocrites expressing false sorrow." She disposed of her property by appointing a public trustee of all her money, which was to be held in trust for a niece. - The Coroner returned a verdict of Death from Shock as a result of the injury sustained to the head, but there was no evidence to show how she received the injury or how she got to the place where she was found. He remarked that deceased had certainly had her wish gratified for no more lonely place could be found than Baggy Point on a winter's night. - A sister of the deceased arrived after the Inquest had been held. She stated that she had been delayed in her arrival, the Liverpool Police having informed her that her sister's accident had taken place in London. She said she had spent all Friday in applying to the various Police Stations in London to ascertain whether they knew anything of the occurrence. - It was stated in the course of the evidence at the Inquest that on the night deceased left the cottage the weather became very foggy. - Deceased belonged to an old Liverpool family, her father being the owner of some salt mines.
PAIGNTON - Torquay Fatality. Doctors Assistant And Financial Worries . "Only A Stumbling Block." - The tragic death of GEORGE DOVE, aged 66, a retired doctor's assistant, whose body was found hanging in a thicket at Yalberton Tor on Wednesday afternoon, formed the subject of a Coroner's Inquiry at Paignton on Friday evening. - Miss Mary McDougal, residing at 21 Weston-road, St Marychurch, Torquay, said the deceased - her uncle - had been living at the same address. On the 5th inst. he left at 1 p.m., presumably to go for a walk, and she did not see him again. Deceased had become depressed as his house had been sold, and he was afraid he would have to leave it. He was also worried about his financial position, believing he "was too poor to go on," although, in witness's opinion, he troubled himself more than was necessary. - The Deputy Coroner, Mr T. H. Edmonds: Has he ever said anything about taking his life? - Witness: During the last three weeks he has threatened several times, but promised faithfully not to do so for my sake. - Deceased had recently consulted Dr Pitt-Palmer about his health and was informed he was suffering from a weak heart. After her uncle disappeared, witness received two letters from him, one on the following morning by the post, the other being found in the letter-box. - One of these letters asked her to try to forgive and forget. As he felt he would end his days in a lunatic asylum, he decided to end his life, his brain being "in a whirl." - The other letter was worded: "Really, I don't know what to say to you. I have done the utmost to throw off the awful depression, but failed. I am no use to anyone - only a stumbling block. When you get over the shock you will find the home much better without me." - Mr Emmin Whiting Wortabet, of 31 Reddinhill-road, Babbacombe, a friend of deceased, gave evidence of receiving, on the afternoon of the deceased's disappearance, an unsigned telegram which said, "Go to Dougal's; something serious has happened." The next morning witness received a letter from the deceased, in which he said, "When you receive this letter I shall be no more. This worry and anxiety has killed me, and I see nothing but starvation looking me in the face, brought on by my own stupidity." - The discovery of the body was described by Charles Freer, boot repairer, 4 Prospect-place, Collyend, Paignton, who said that whilst rabbiting with his father at Yalberton Tor on Wednesday afternoon, he found the deceased hanging from a thorn tree. A handkerchief was tied around the branch and was connected to the neck by a strip of the man's shirt. The feet were touching the ground. Deceased's coat was resting on a wall near by. The body was cold and stiff and witness returned to Paignton to inform the Police. - Harry Freer, father of the previous witness, and Police-Sergt. Lewis also gave evidence. The latter said the branch from which the body was hanging was about five feet from the ground and deceased was practically in a kneeling position. - The Coroner returned a verdict of "Suicide by Hanging whilst Temporarily of Unsound Mind."
Western Times, Tuesday 16 March 1920
PARKHAM - Farm Bailiff Dies From Injury Received In July Last. - At Melbury Farm, Mr G. W. F. Brown, North Devon Coroner, Inquired into the circumstances attending the death of CHARLES THORNE, aged 55, farm bailiff, in the employ of Lord Clinton. The widow stated that on or about 18th July last her husband was assisting a workman to plough a field with a motor tractor. He rode on the back of the plough and by some means caught one of his fingers in the gear and badly crushed it. He never recovered from the effects of the accident and about three weeks ago got worse, gradually got weaker and died. Before the accident he was a very healthy man. - Dr L. B. Betts spoke to attending deceased in July last following the accident and to taking off the top of the injured finger, which was hanging. It was septic for a long time until October, when it seemed to heal up. Deceased never recovered his usual health. Then he became covered with boils and an abscess formed under the knee. In October, deceased complained that he had pricked his knee with a thorn, but he could find no sign of this. In his opinion death was due to septic poisoning primarily due to the accident in July, from which he never completely recovered. - Dr Littlewood, who made a post mortem examination, attributed death to toxaemia. - Dr Toye, who attended the Inquest on behalf of the Insurance Company, stated he saw the deceased on November 9th, and found the finger stump had been soundly healed and there were no signs of suppuration from it. He was then suffering from suppuration of the left knee. He did not see any boils on the left knee. He saw the deceased again on the 27th February, when he was in bed and had a temperature of 100. As a matter of fact witness attached more importance to the prick of the thorn than to the wound on the finger. He had seen the notes of Dr Littlewood's examination and entirely agreed with them as to his opinion of the cause of death. - The Coroner thought deceased never recovered from the effect of the accident in July. He returned a verdict of "Death from Toxaemia from the wound on his finger, crushed on the 18th July when working the motor tractor plough."
BROADHEMBURY - Roadside Tragedy. Brakes Fail To Act Near Broadhembury. Carpenter Killed. - A verdict of "Accidental Death" was returned at an Inquest held by Dr E. R. Tweed at Broadhembury, yesterday, on WILLIAM COOMBES, 51, carpenter, employed at the Grange. Deceased was killed while cycling near Shillingford Bridge on the Honiton and Cullompton main road on Saturday evening. - The evidence showed that COOMBES had been to Honiton. He had walked up Hembury Fort Hill and down past the turning to Broadhembury with a Mr Harris. He evidently got on his bicycle lower down the road, where it was not so steep. He had mentioned earlier that both brakes on his bicycle were defective, and that the back one would not act at all. - His wife expected him home between 8 and 10, but as he did not return, she went to bed, leaving the lights burning. As he had not returned by six a.m. she became alarmed, went downstairs, turned out the light and sought the assistance of Mr Jewell, a friend, who searched the neighbourhood. - In a ditch, 15 inches deep and 15 inches wide, on the left side of the road near Shillingford Bridge, deceased was found with his bicycle on top of him and his head downhill. The body "bayed" back the water coming down the ditch. The Police were called and also Dr Barrow, of Clyst Hydon. The skull had been fractured in two places and blood was issuing from the left ear and nose. - Dr Barrow said death was probably instantaneous. He had suffered from haemorrhage of the brain and concussion. - An examination of the road was made by the Police. There were marks ten yards up the hill from where the body was found, where the deceased had skidded across the road and had nearly run into the gutter. There was another mark on the right side of the road as of a pedal having caught a bank and removed the grass. There was no evidence of anyone or any vehicle having passed. Deceased must have laid there until discovered in the morning. - The Jury expressed sympathy with the widow, with which the Coroner concurred. - The Jury gave their fees to the widow. Deceased leaves two sons and one daughter.
EXETER - At an Inquest at the Heavitree Police Station yesterday, on the body of WILLIAM HENRY BOWDEN, 12 Gordon-place, Heavitree, a verdict of "Death from Natural Causes" was returned. Dr Whaite said death resulted from cerebral haemorrhage on senile decay. The Coroner, Mr W. Linford Brown, expressed his sympathy with the widow.
Western Times, Friday 19 March 1920
EXETER - Exeter Baby's Death. - At an Inquest at the Court House, Exeter, yesterday, on the body of an infant child named ARNOLD, a verdict of "Accidental Suffocation" was returned. MR F. W. ARNOLD said the child was 24 hours' old. Dr W. C. Gent said death was due to suffocation. The brain and other organs were healthy.
Western Times, Monday 22 March 1920
NEWTON ABBOT - The Newton Fatality. Inquest On The Victim Of The Railway Line Accident. - An Inquest was held at Newton Abbot on Saturday, by the Deputy Coroner, Mr T. Edmonds, on WILLIAM JOHN WARREN, aged 65, a married man, of 16 Western-road, Newton Abbot. It was stated in evidence that WARREN was engaged in oiling points and was last seen on the down line. The fireman of the Paddington-Torquay express said as the train came round the bend near the Hackney sidings, the deceased seemed to "pop out" from somewhere just in front of the engine, which struck him. In answer to the Coroner, witness said the whistle was sounded some distance from where the man was struck. - Mr P. C. Cornish-Bowden, who appeared for the relatives, commented on the fact that one man was employed on the work instead of two, as was the custom before the introduction of the eight-hour day. - The Jury returned a verdict of "Accidental Death," and asked the Coroner to draw the Company's attention to the fact that a look-out man should have been provided, as the man was engaged in a dangerous spot. The Jury also passed a vote of sympathy with the relatives.
Western Times, Tuesday 23 March 1920
TORQUAY - An Inquest was held at the old Town Hall, Torquay, on Friday afternoon, by Mr T. Edmonds, Deputy Coroner, into the death of MARY JANE BAKER, spinster, aged 80, of 20 Abbey-road, Torquay, who died on Wednesday night. Dr G. Y. Eales, who had attended deceased for years, said death was due to heart failure, caused by the shock of a fall from a chair, which resulted in a fracture of the neck and the thigh bone. - A verdict of "Death due to Natural Causes" was returned.
Western Times, Wednesday 24 March 1920
SOUTH MOLTON - East Anstey Accident. Man Dies From Effects Of Horse Stepping On His Foot. - Mr George Brown, North Devon Coroner, held an Inquest at South Molton Workhouse yesterday afternoon, on the body of HENRY TAYLOR, aged 69. - Leonard Webber, Relieving Officer, spoke to removing deceased to the Union for medical treatment on February 19th, on the order of Dr Sydenham, of Dulverton, Medical Officer for the District. Deceased had a bad toe and forefinger and told him a horse had stepped on his toe while he was acting as ostler at the Froude Arms, East Anstey. Witness did not ask him if he had any compensation, and he made no statement as to that at all. He removed deceased from Oak Cottage, East Anstey, where he was lodging with Mrs Hooper. He was destitute, and, as far as witness knew, had been attended by Dr Sydenham as a pauper patient. He did not report either to the Master or the Clerk that the man had met with an accident. He had no health insurance card on him. - Fred Singerton, of Rackenford, whose mother keeps the Froude Arms, said deceased occasionally worked for her, as odd man, about once a week, and sometimes twice, and he believed he received 2s. a day and his food. Deceased had not said anything to him about meeting with an accident. They knew he was laid up with a bad foot, but they did not know its cause. - In reply to the Coroner as to whether his mother insured her workers, witness said she insured a girl and an occasional workman. She had not paid him any compensation. Deceased had never told them he met with an accident, or anything. Asked as to whether his mother did not enquire why he did not come to work when it happened, witness said sometimes they did not see him for a fortnight or three weeks; he would work anywhere. He used to get a bad foot occasionally, and deceased told witness his foot was getting bad again a fortnight before he met with the accident. In reply to Mr Attree Powell, Clerk to the Guardians, witness said he did not think his mother had given any notice to the Insurance Company that the man had had an accident. - Mrs Elizabeth Ann Hooper, of East Anstey, said deceased had lodged with her for twelve years, and worked at different places, including the Froude Arms. She heard nothing about his meeting with an accident until a few days after the 26th January, when he was believed to have sustained the injury. He went out for nearly a fortnight afterwards, and told her that Mr Westcott's horse had stepped on his foot at the Froude Arms, and said something about taking the horse out of the stable when Mr Westcott was going away. A fortnight after that he was confined to his bed and Dr Sydenham visited him. She understood that Mr Fry, of Dulverton, a cousin, had asked the doctor to come. She believed deceased had other relatives at King's Brompton. Witness did not inform the Singertons that he had met with an accident. He had no insurance card. She never gave a thought as to compensation, as she did not know if it arose from accident. He had a bad foot four or five years ago. She was not sure if it was the same foot. She told Dr Sydenham that the horse had stepped on his foot. - Dr Seal, Medical Officer to the South Molton Union, said n the 19th February he saw deceased at the Workhouse Infirmary, and he had septic poisoning of the left foot, and one finger of the left had the remains of a whitlow. The foot was very much inflamed and witness was told that about a month before a horse had stepped on it. Deceased gave him no further particulars. He treated the injury for about three weeks, when it became gangrenous. He asked Dr Mortimer to see it with him on Saturday week last, and they decided to amputate the limb, and did so from the knee joint the next morning. Deceased recovered from the operation, which stopped the gangrene, but deceased was in a feeble state of health generally and died on Saturday, the 20th, the cause of death being heart failure, due to shock from the amputation, arising from the injured foot. Asked by the Coroner if the condition of the foot was consistent with a recent injury, as described, he said it was, quite. The horse stepping on it would bruise the tissues and that would lower their vitality. - The Coroner thought from the evidence it was quite apparent deceased met with an accident, as described by him, on or about 26th January last, on the occasion of East Anstey Auction, by the horse stepping on his foot when he was about to put it into a cart. It appeared that no claim had been made for compensation from his employer, which of course deceased would have been entitled to if he met with this accident. No doubt deceased was in a very low state of means and the Workhouse Infirmary was the best place, where he could get every attention. The matter was one for the Guardians to deal with hereafter. His verdict was one of "Accidental Death, namely from shock, the result of the amputation of the left leg, caused by the accident to his foot in January last."
Western Times, Thursday 25 March 1920
TEIGNMOUTH - Teignmouth Woman's End. Remarkable Story Told At Yesterday's Inquest. - At the Town Hall, Teignmouth, last night, Mr T. Edmonds, Deputy Coroner, conducted an Inquest on the body of MRS GERTRUDE MAUDE LINTER, wife of WILLIAM HERBERT LINTER, shipwright, of 24 Alexandra-terrace, Teignmouth. - The husband stated that he was working at Dartmouth, and he last saw his wife on Monday morning about 7 o'clock. She was then in bed. She told him she had not slept during the night. For the past 12 months she had been suffering from nerve trouble, and told him when he took her up a cup of tea that she would try to get a couple of hours' sleep before getting up. Her mind was not affected, although she had told him that life was not worth living. She had not expressed any intention of taking her life. Dr Morton Palmer had been attending her and he had sent her to London to see if she would get better. A lady next door and a friend were frequently with her. He was away during the whole of the war and he thought that accounted for the state of his wife's health. - Dr F. W. Morton Palmer said deceased was a patient of his and was suffering from neurasthenia. She was very despondent and sleepless and often talked of suicide. He had asked the husband to send her away for a change, and on February 17th she went to London, she having promised witness to stay there three months. She was always depressed when her husband was not with her and he had written to the Commanding Officer of the ship asking that her husband might come home. The request was granted and MR LINTER got a home appointment at Dartmouth. In his opinion she would have got n well had her husband been home as they were a mot devoted couple. - P.C. Harris said on Monday, at 10.30 a.m., he was informed that MRS LINTER had not been seen about as usual, and in company with another Constable he went to the house, which was locked up. He obtained a key from a neighbour and unlocked the front door. He smelt gas strongly coming from the scullery. On going there he found deceased with her head in the gas stove, wrapped up with a table cloth. Her face was downwards, and the cloth was over her head and shoulders, so that the gas could not come out. She had been dead several hours. - The Coroner returned a verdict of "Death by Gas Poisoning, the deceased at the time being of Unsound Mind."
Western Times, Friday 26 March 1920
BOVEY TRACEY - At Bovey Tracey on Tuesday afternoon, an Inquest was held concerning the death of the newly-born child of a domestic named LAURA ENDICOTT. The verdict, returned after hearing the medical testimony of Dr M. Parson, was one of Accidental Death by Suffocation. Mr T. Edmonds, Deputy Coroner, conducted the Inquiry, and Mr A. Godsland was Foreman of the Jury.
Western Times, Tuesday 30 March 1920
EXMOUTH - Exmouth Infant's Death. - Dr E. R. Tweed, Coroner, held an Inquest at Exmouth yesterday, relative to the death of the female child of ALICE LLOYD, (20), a single woman, and domestic servant at Bath House, Exmouth. Mr E. H. Wickings was Foreman of the Jury. - The Coroner pointed out that the death of the child occurred at birth, on Friday last, and he asked the Jury to pay particular attention to the fact as to whether the infant had a separate and independent existence. - Mrs Miles, wife of General Miles, of Bath House, said the girl had been in her service since December last. She came of a respectable family and witness had no suspicion of her condition. On Friday morning she complained to a fellow-servant of feeling bilious, and witness told her to go to bed, but she did not go. Witness subsequently left the house, and on returning discovered that the girl was in the lavatory. As she remained there some time, witness asked her to open the door, but she would not and appealed to witness not to send for a doctor, saying she had a bilious attack and would soon be well again. Witness's husband went for a doctor and when witness told the girl of this, she said, "Well, you know what's happened?" Witness replied "No," and the girl added, "I have had a child." Witness told the girl to stay where she was till the doctor arrived. The girl's general behaviour had been good while in her service. Witness did not think the fellow-servant knew of the girl's condition. Witness was aware that she was engaged to be married to a gunner of the R.A. who was in India, and that he had sent her £1 a month, but the girl had since told witness that the man to whom she was engaged was not the father of the child, and that the father was an Australian. The girl had not expressed either pleasure or sorrow as to the death of the child. - Dr G. R. Gray said he was called about 6.20 p.m. on Friday. He found the young woman in the lavatory in a semi-fainting condition and the body of a dead child on the seat by her side. Having given the woman assistance, he examined the body of the child, but found no marks of violence. The body was quite cold and death had taken place some time previous. As the result of a post-mortem examination he concluded that the child must have made some attempt to breathe, but the lungs were not fully inflated and he thought it likely that the child had not had a separate existence. The mother had since told him that she did not know the baby was then going to be born, when it actually was. When he first saw her she was suffering from shock, consequent upon the birth and made no statement then. - The Coroner: Do you believe the child ever had a separate existence, or was a still-born child? - Witness: It would be a matter of a few seconds only, one way or the other. - The Coroner: One thing you are sure of - there were no finger marks around the neck, and that the child had not been suffocated in any way? - Witness: There were no marks whatever. - The Coroner said that if the Jury were not satisfied in their minds, he would have to adjourn the Inquest as the girl was not yet in a fit state to give evidence. - The Jury agreed to a verdict that the child was Still-born, and that the mother did not intentionally cause the death of the infant.
TORQUAY - A Torquay Suicide. Last Note to "The Best Wife A Man Ever Had." - The Deputy Coroner, Mr T. Edmonds, conducted an Inquest at Torquay on Saturday afternoon on the body of CHARLES BITSON, a retired commercial traveller, who was discovered on Thursday morning at his residence, Hardsworth House, Ruckamore-road, Chelston, with his throat cut. - Mrs Lydia Haywood said deceased, her brother, was 67 years of age. On Thursday morning she took his breakfast to him in his bedroom, and he told her to return at 10 o'clock. She did so and found he had gone to the back premises. Deceased had been a great sufferer for several years and could not sleep at nights. However, he had never spoken of taking his life. Deceased was discovered by his wife with his throat cut, and witness sent for Dr Wightwick. Death took place soon after his arrival. Witness found a note written by deceased, in which he said: "Good-bye to the best wife a man ever had..... I cannot stand this sleeplessness any longer. Love to all - CHARLIE." - Dr A. Wightwick stated that when he was called to the house shortly after ten o'clock on Thursday morning, deceased was sitting on the floor of the lavatory, and was reclining against his wife, who was supporting him. Deceased attempted to speak but could not do so. Witness found two cuts in the throat, one a deep one 3 inches long and one of a shallow description, 2 ¾ inches in length. Haemorrhage was the cause of death as the result of the cuts, which appeared to have been self-inflicted. A blood-stained razor, partly opened was found near by. - The Deputy Coroner returned a verdict of "Suicide whilst Temporarily Insane."
Western Times, Wednesday 31 March 1920
TAVISTOCK - Tavistock Woman's Death. Lack Of Nourishment: Whole Family Down With Influenza. - Mr R. R. Rodd held an Inquest at Tavistock on Monday on the body of SELINA JANE LUKE, aged 51, wife of a farm labourer, living in a two-roomed cottage in Exeter-street, Tavistock. Dr J. Leslie Watt was of opinion that death was due primarily to influenza, accelerated by exhaustion, caused by want of proper nourishment. He was informed that deceased had only taken within a week half a pint of milk and one piece of bread and marmalade. It was stated that she was offered food, but would not take it. In the same bedroom he found the deceased's two sons, aged 18 and 20, both pensioners from the War, ill in bed with influenza. He had them removed to the Workhouse Infirmary. The husband of the deceased, who also appeared weak from influenza, was in the downstair room. The daughter was also there, and she, too, seemed too unwell to be about. The family appeared to be doing the best they could for one another. - The Coroner remarked that if the family were living in a cottage in some out-landish district they could understand their being left to themselves, but that particular cottage was in the heart of Tavistock, and the poor woman had died from starvation. - As other members of the family were not well enough to give evidence, the Inquiry was adjourned until April 10th.
Western Times, Tuesday 6 April 1920
HONITON - "Accidental Death, resulting from a broken neck, due to cerebral haemorrhage, which caused him to fall," was the verdict returned at an Inquest held by Dr E. R. Tweed, at Cheney's Farm, Honiton, yesterday, on MR CHARLES LOCK, a well-known local agriculturist, who died suddenly on Saturday evening shortly after his return from Honiton market. - According to the evidence, deceased left Honiton on Saturday evening with Mr Crabb, butcher and farmer of Upottery, who drove him in his trap as far as Gravel Pits Gate which leads into a field at Cheneys. Deceased was apparently in good health when Mr Crabb left him. Upon reaching some railings leading to the yard his son spoke to deceased and he answered. Suddenly the son heard a thud and looking round, saw his father on the ground by the railings, unconscious. With the assistance of his brother, MR LOCK was taken indoors. Dr D. Steele-Perkins was called and pronounced life extinct.
TAVISTOCK - Mr R. R. Rodd held an Inquest at Tavistock on Thursday relative to the death of ARTHUR HARVEY, aged 63, a retired miner, of 49 West Bridge Cottages, Tavistock, who was found dead in bed by his wife at two o'clock that morning. Dr J. Leslie Watt said death was due to fatty degeneration of the heart and the Coroner returned a verdict accordingly.
Western Times, Wednesday 7 April 1920
EAST STONEHOUSE - Death Caused By Swallowing False Teeth. - At Stonehouse, Devonport, yesterday, verdict of "Accidental Death" was returned at an Inquest held on the body of SAMUEL LEWIS LAWRANCE, a Naval Ordnance Officer attached to H.M.S. Vivid, and residing at Ford, Devonport. Deceased was admitted to Hospital and an X-Ray examination revealed the fact that false teeth were lodging in the gullet. The first operation to remove the teeth failed, but a subsequent operation resulted in the removal of three teeth on a plate (measuring about one square inch) with a metal hook. Deceased improved, but on March 29th became worse and died on Good Friday from septic pneumonia, caused by the foreign body which had lodged in the gullet.
Western Times, Friday 9 April 1920
BARNSTAPLE - Supposed Death From Anthrax At Barnstaple. - WILLIAM HENRY JONES, a labourer aged about 60 years, has died at the North Devon Infirmary, Barnstaple, from what is believed to be anthrax. The deceased worked at the Tannery at Swymbridge and was admitted to the Hospital ill on April 1st, and subsequently died. An Inquest has been opened by the Borough Coroner, Mr T. A. R. Bencraft. Only evidence of identification was given by James Scott, porter at the Hospital, who said he had known the deceased since boyhood, and the Coroner adjourned the Inquiry until Friday afternoon.
Western Times, Saturday 10 April 1920
NORTH TAWTON - North Tawton Fatality. The Danger Of Children Riding On Back of Vehicles. - Mr H. C. Brown, Coroner, held an Inquest on a child - WILLIAM JOHN TRICKEY, aged 4 years 5 months - who died as the result of a motor accident on Tuesday evening at North Tawton. There was no Jury. - Dr Izard, practising at North Tawton, stated that the child was brought to his surgery in an unconscious state, having been struck by a motor car. He examined the child and advised removal to the house in High-street, where the child shortly afterwards died. Witness made a post-mortem examination and found one of the vertebrae broken. He also found marks on the face and throat, where the child was evidently struck and knocked violently backward. He considered the case hopeless from the first. - EMILY TRICKEY, who identified the body, said she had warned her child many times not to run behind vehicles. - Walter Martin, D.C.M., the driver of the motor-car, stated he was going up High-street and had just passed Exeter-street, when he blew his horn. A timber wagon was approaching. He was on his right side and the road was perfectly clear. His car was going about eight miles an hour. As he got closer to the wagon a child came from behind and towards the motor car. He put on all brakes and stopped dead. He could not possibly see the child if it were riding on the pole at the back of the timber wagon. He then took the child to the surgery and afterwards to its home. - MRS TRICKEY, replying to the Coroner, said she felt nothing more could have been done by Mr Martin, who she considered was free from blame. - Robert Arscott deposed that he saw two boys hanging on to a timber wagon. He saw the motor car stop at the corner of Exeter-street and then move towards the wagon. He considered the car was moving quite slowly. He saw deceased knocked down after running out suddenly. The car stopped dead. The driver did everything possible. - Mary Jane Vanstone, an eye-witness, corroborated. - The Coroner returned a verdict of "Accidental Death," and exonerated Martin from all blame. He felt sympathy was due to a careful driver, such as he was, in these days when so many children ran behind and rode at the back of vehicles. He also sympathised with the mother, who had explained that she was on an errand when the accident occurred.
EXETER - An Unbalanced Mind. Suicide Of A Commercial Traveller In St. Thomas. - The City Coroner, Mr Linford Brown, held an Inquest at the Court House, Exeter, yesterday, on ENOCH HEALE, 66, of 3 Barton-terrace, Alphington-street, Exeter, a chemist's traveller employed by Messrs. Stone, Fore-street, who was found hanging in an outhouse at the rear of his residence on Thursday morning. The evidence showed that at a quarter past ten MRS HEALE went to the butcher's, leaving her husband sitting by the fire in the kitchen. Upon her return a quarter of an hour later, MR HEALE had disappeared. The house was searched and deceased was discovered hanging from a hook in a shed by a piece of rope tied round his neck. - Mr Benjamin Lear, who assisted to cut the body down, said he saw the deceased on Wednesday. On that day he was very depressed, and said if he saw any of his old customers he would commence to cry. Deceased seemed worried because he could not go to business. - ERNEST NEWTON HEALE, son, of Taunton, said deceased had not been well since he had a seizure nine weeks ago. - Dr Vlieland said deceased had had a slight apoplectic fit, which affected his speech and left his mind unbalanced. Death was due to strangulation caused by hanging. - The Coroner recorded a verdict of "Suicide while of Unsound Mind."
BARNSTAPLE - Death From Anthrax. Swymbridge Man Loses His Life Through Scratch On The Neck. - At the North Devon Infirmary, Barnstaple, yesterday, the Borough Coroner, Mr T. A. R. Bencraft, resumed the Inquest on the body of WILLIAM HENRY JONES, a labourer, of Swymbridge, who died at the Institution on April 3rd. - MISS ANN JONES, sister of the deceased, giving evidence, said that she acted as housekeeper to deceased, who worked in the Swymbridge Tanneries as a fleshing machine minder. On Wednesday, 31st March, when deceased came home to dinner, she noticed blood on his neck and in answer to her question he said that it was nothing serious; he had merely caught it in a belt. In the evening he complained of a little pain, and witness washed the injured part in clean water and rubbed a little turpentine into it. Deceased went to bed and in the morning complained of feeling very unwell and told witness that he thought he had blood-poison or something equally serious and had decided to go to Barnstaple to consult a doctor. The last time MISS JONES saw her brother alive was between 5 and 6 that afternoon in the North Devon Infirmary. - In answer to Mr Joseph Owner, H.M. Inspector of Factories, Plymouth, MISS JONES said that she noticed a kind of boil on the neck of the deceased when he complained of the pain. He had never had any kind of rash, and had always been very healthy. - Mr Samuel Lamington Evans, managing director of the Amalgamated Tanneries, Ltd., of Swymbridge, said that on the day of the accident the deceased was minding a fleshing and a hairing machine, but witness could not understand how the accident could have occurred, as all the bands, except those which were out of reach, were guarded. Another curious point was that none of the men working in the same room as the deceased knew anything about the accident. They were working on dry bullock hides from Abyssinia and Mombassa, but on the day in question they had only touched the hides from Abyssinia. The men were provided with rubber gloves, for the protection of their hands against the chemicals used in tanning processes. The gloves came into contact with the hides and infection of an anthrax nature might be communicated to the gloves. There was no means of telling whether there was any infection in the skins. Witness had tanned over a million hides in 40 years and had never come across a case of the kind in England. Before deceased got hold of the hides they were soaked in pits of lime and sulphate of sodium. The factory was not like a drawing-room by any means, but it was kept as clean and sweet as possible. Witness was away at the time of the accident, but he had closely cross-examined the men working in the same room as the deceased, and could find out nothing. In answer to Mr Owner, witness said the Abyssinian skins were badly flayed by the natives, but there was no evidence amongst them to show that any were "fallen" hides - that is, hides of animals that had died, not been killed. There were no bad patches on the skins. On a bad run of hides sometimes 20 per cent. was lost, but these were a particularly good lot, which they were tanning for a London firm on commission and not 2 per cent. were bad. The men were not periodically inspected by a foreman to see if they had any open wounds which might take in disease. Witness promised the Inspector that, in view of the recent sad occurrence, he would ask his foreman to keep the men under strict observation and send any suspected cases to the infirmary. Answering Mr C. E. Roberts Chanter, Mr Evans said the apparatus for dealing with cuts and wounds was kept at his house, which was on the works. Cuts, etc., were dressed, while serious cases were immediately sent to the North Devon Infirmary by car. - Dr F. L. Thomas, one of the consulting Physicians at the Infirmary, said that on the morning of the 1st inst. deceased came to him suffering from a yellow postule on the neck and a big red swelling down to the collar-bone. Deceased told witness he had scratched it on the previous day. Witness diagnosed it as a case of anthrax, treated him for the same and sent him to the infirmary. As there was no anti-serum in the Hospital, some was telegraphed for. Witness attributed death to poison through anthrax, through an abrasion on the neck. Answering the Coroner, Dr Thomas said the anti-serum, if there had been any in the Hospital, would have been very useful, but could not have saved MR JONES'S life. A supply was not kept at the Infirmary, as they had not had a case of the kind for ten years. - The Coroner returned a verdict of "Death from Anthrax, the result of an abrasion on the neck."
Western Times, Monday 12 April 1920
TAVISTOCK - Sad Tavistock Story. All The Family Down With Influenza In One Room. - At the Tavistock Guildhall on Saturday, Mr R. R. Rodd resumed the Inquiry, adjourned from 31st ult., relating to the death of MRS SELINA JANE LUKE, 51, wife of HENRY LUKE, farm labourer, 44 Exeter-street, Tavistock, who attended the Inquest in a weak condition. Sergt.-Major D. Bowles was Foreman of the Jury. - The husband said a week before his wife's death his daughter was taken ill with influenza and went to bed. Then the disease attacked the other members of his family, including his wife and himself, and they were practically all down at the same time. They did the best they could for one another. During the deceased's illness she had two pieces of cake, with marmalade, and half a large cup of milk and on the day she died she had three cups of tea. He was the only member of the family up on the day of her death. The other four were in the same bedroom, in which he had also slept. He did not call in assistance, because they thought they were all going to get better every day. - The Coroner: How could your wife get better on the diet she was receiving? It was a diet of starvation. The doctor told the Jury at the last sitting that she was a healthy woman, and that the only cause of death was exhaustion, due to want of food and proper nursing. - Witness: She could not eat. - The Coroner: I agree she could not eat what you had in the house. She wanted a slop diet and if she had had a doctor and a nurse, there would have been no difficulty at all. - Witness: She said she did not want a doctor. - The Coroner: I don't understand your not recognising your responsibility and sending for one. - Witness: We did not think we needed help. - The Coroner: That is a very poor explanation. I suppose you did not like the idea of your all being huddled up in one room? - Witness: I did not mind that, because I had put up a curtain between the two beds. We could not help living as we were, because we could not get any other house. - In reply to the Coroner, the witness stated that during the week in which his wife died 29s. was coming into the house - 12s 6d. from one son and 16s. 6d from the other. When the facts became known, food and money were given to them by charitable people, and particularly the Vicar (Rev. H. L. Bickersteth). - The Coroner said that in this case the family did the best they could to nurse one another, with the result that they did not attempt to call in any outside assistance, and as a consequence this poor woman died from starvation. They had heard the explanation as to what he was going to describe as the neglect of the head of the family, but he had no doubt they would, after observing the husband and hearing his evidence, say that his conduct was not criminal, but attributable to ignorance and want of judgment. The Jury returned a verdict of "Death was caused by Neglect, but that such neglect was not culpable."
EXMOUTH - Patient's Delusions. Sad Tragedy At Exmouth Nursing Home. - An Inquest without a Jury was held by Dr E. R. Tweed, Coroner, at Exmouth Police Station on Saturday afternoon, respecting the death of MISS KATE EAMES, daughter of MR THOMAS PALMER EAMES, a former agriculturist of Chard. The deceased lady died from extensive burns in her bedroom on the previous day at the San Remo Nursing Home at Raleigh Terrace, Exmouth. - RICHARD B. EAMES, a brother, said deceased was 48 years of age and had been living with another brother and sister at Cotleigh, near Chard. She left there a fortnight ago and came to Exmouth with her sister at Carlton House, where she kept house for her brother. Witness had heard from Dr Martyn of his sister's health and on the advice of the doctor it was thought advisable that she should go to a nursing home. - Evelyn Annie Almy said deceased was admitted to the San Remo Nursing Home, kept jointly by her sister and herself on Wednesday evening, upon the recommendation of Dr Martyn. It was described as an extreme nervous case and directions were given by Dr Martyn to keep the patient in bed, and a night nurse was specially obtained for her. On Friday morning deceased seemed depressed and morbid and spoke of some loathsome disease she thought she had, advising witness not to come near her. Deceased ate a good breakfast and Dr Martyn saw her about 11 a.m. Soon after he had left the Home, witness detected a smell of burning. She went up to the room occupied by deceased and found her kneeling by the fire, attired in her nightdress which was smouldering. Deceased was excited and said she was very sorry witness had come in as she wished to finish what she was doing. She then said she was suffering from some dreadful disease which could only be cured by burning out, and rather than take any medicine which was likely to poison her, she would end her life. She expressed sorrow for the trouble she had given and again said she wanted to end her life. Witness put a blanket round her and extinguished the smouldering nightdress which had practically burnt away, causing extensive wounds over the chest, arms, hands and legs. The fire in the grate was very small and when witness arrived in the room deceased struggled to get her hands into the fire, she (witness) having a difficulty in holding her back. There was no guard over the fire. - The Coroner remarked that he considered it essential that fire guards should be used in such institutions as these. - Witness further stated that deceased was put back to bed and her wounds dressed. She never lost consciousness, but died at 5.15 p.m. the same day from exhaustion and shock. - Dr R. Martyn said he was satisfied deceased had every care at the Home. She was suffering from delusions and he agreed that in a room where a person was in this state, a fire should be guarded. He had not given any instructions as to this, and hardly observed that there was a fire in the grate. Death was the result of shock, due to extensive scorching. - The Coroner returned a verdict that the deceased lady brought about her own death by setting fire to her nightdress intentionally, while in a state of Unsound Mind.
Western Times, Tuesday 13 April 1920
OTTERY ST MARY - Whimple Motor Smash. Man Killed And Wife Injured At Dangerous Crossing. Veritable Death Trap. A crossing known as Straightway-head, on the main Exeter to Honiton road, was the scene on Saturday of a collision between a motor-car and a motor-cycle with side-car, resulting in the almost instantaneous death of the driver of the latter, and injuries to his wife, who was seated in the side-car. - It appears that MR FRED ARTHUR WHEELER, a cabinet-maker of 17 Lynmouth-road, Fortis Green-road, London, had taken his wife in a motor-cycle and side-car to Exmouth for an Easter holiday. They were apparently returning to London on Saturday and about half-past twelve, proceeding from the direction of Daisymount Cross, they had reached the corner of the road, and were turning into the main road to proceed towards Honiton, when a motor-car, coming from that direction, dashed into them. the motor-cycle and side-car were knocked across the road and WHEELER was killed almost at once, lingering only a short time after the accident. His wife was injured, but not so badly as was at first thought and was removed in a car to the Ottery St. Mary Cottage Hospital for treatment and detained, the body of her husband being also conveyed to Ottery. - The driver of the motor-car was Lieut.-Col. George Phillipi, of the R.A.F., who came from Winchester with a friend, intent on a holiday in Devon and they were making for Exeter. The car, nearly a new one, had its head lamps smashed and the windscreen damaged, but otherwise it did not suffer much from the collision, and it was taken to the London Hotel at Ottery, both Lieut.-Colonel Phillipi and his friend (an elderly gentleman) being much distressed at the unfortunate occurrence, which has had a tragic ending to the holiday of one couple and spoilt the anticipated pleasure of an outing about to begin. - We are informed that the cross-road where the collision occurred is a particularly dangerous one, and has been the scene of several accidents, one of these quite recently resulting in a car being burned there. - The Inquest. - The Inquest on the body of FREDERICK ARTHUR WHEELER, 36, was held at Ottery Town Hall, and a Jury, of whom Mr E. J. Manley was Foreman. - Mr C. F. Hiscock, of Southampton, was present on behalf of Lieut.-Colonel G. Philipi, the owner of the motor-car concerned in the fatal collision and Supt. Braddell watched the proceedings on behalf of the Police. - THOMAS WILLIAM WHEELER, brother, said the deceased and his wife and witness and his wife left Teignmouth on Saturday morning, both parties travelling by motor cycles with sidecars. Deceased had been driving about three week and had probably ridden some 500 miles, a portion of his travels being amongst London traffic. Witness had acted as instructor to his brother. They intended going as far as Shaftesbury on Saturday and the average pace of travelling was about 10 to 12 miles an hour. Witness considered his brother was a thoroughly efficient driver and he had previously ridden a push bike and had never met with an accident. His brother had ridden in Devon for some years past. Witness had been leading throughout the journey up to Daisymount Cross and he stopped at the top of the road, about 100 yards from the turning into the main road, to see if his brother was getting up all right. Deceased then passed him and in reply to witness he said his belt had slipped al little bit coming up the hill. He shouted out, "Are you all right?" and then passed on and went out of sight. - The Coroner: Do you think he was going at excessive pace? - Witness: No; he was going at a walking pace. - Have you any reason to suppose he speeded up afterwards? - No, I don't think he did. - Proceeding, witness stated that when he arrived on the scene of the accident, he saw Col. Phillipi trying to help his brother off the machine. He assisted the colonel, as his brother was pinned on the cycle and apparently the motor car had caught the motor cycle almost broadside on. The corner was a very dangerous one and there was nothing to indicate an approach to the main road. There was no warning of any kind. He had since found that even the telegraph wires there were obscured by trees. There was a sign post at the corner, but it was charred, and it was impossible to read the directions on one arm. - In reply to the Coroner, witness said he was an experienced driver, having driven for seven years, but the same accident might have happened to him. - Lieut.-Col. George Phillipi, R.A.F., said he left Stockbridge about 9 o'clock on Saturday morning and left Honiton about 12 o'clock, driving an open car. He considered his speed during the journey averaged about 15 to 20 miles an hour, and at the spot where the accident occurred, he would probably have been travelling from 10 to 15 miles an hour, as the approach to it was uphill. He had sounded his horn before arriving at the point, but was unable to see a sign post owing to the contour of the road. The rise in the road made it impossible to see what was in front, and it was this fact which caused him to sound the horn. The first thing that caught his eye was MR WHEELER'S motor cycle and sidecar coming around the corner. There was a very steep bank with undergrowth and trees, which entirely obscured the view of the cross-road. The first thing witness did was to pull his car to the right, his reason for this being as the distance was so short, he thought it would give the occupants of the side-car a chance to avoid the accident. Witness considered that he pulled up in about a hundred feet. - The Coroner: If you had seen a warning at the cross-roads, in your opinion would an accident have been avoided or not? - Witness: I am inclined to think not. - You mean to say no precaution could be taken to avoid what occurred? - He thought signposts, to be effective, should be erected further down the road on each side of the crossing, and that there should be notice boards at the crest of the hill and on the side road. - You consider you took every precaution? - Yes. - And you were driving carefully when the accident occurred? - Yes. - You say the whole thing was a pure accident? - Yes. - You impute no blame to the deceased driver? - Well, it is a very difficult question to answer. - Proceeding, the witness stated that the motor-cycle and side-car were nearly facing him as he approached and continuing its course in a turning process. Then the cycle made a half-turn, and though witness pulled his car to the right side he could not avoid an accident and crashed into the machine. - In reply to Supt. Braddell, witness thought deceased was going at about 8 to 10 miles an hour in rounding the corner, and apparently he had two distinct purposes in mind, one of which was trying to decipher what was on the signpost and riving on at the same time. He should have gone straight out into the road until he got to the other side to continue the journey. - Supt. Braddell: Was he cutting the corner? - Witness: Distinctly. - By Mr Hiscock: He had been a motor driver for 13 years. - MRS DORA BEATRICE WHEELER, (34), wife of deceased, had given her evidence to the Coroner at Ottery Hospital. She stated that her husband on rounding the corner was slowing up to read the signpost but he was unable to read it, as it was too indistinct. She said to him: "You had better go straight across the main road," and he was trying to do so when the accident occurred. Her husband did not sound his hooter, and neither of them heard the horn of the motor-car. She thought the motor from Honiton was coming at top speed. That was her impression. She attributed the accident more to the absence of warning notices than to any fault on the part of the driver of the motor-car. Had there been a notice board she thought the accident would not have occurred. - Dr J. W. Johnston said the deceased expired before he was brought to the Hospital. There was a fracture of the right arm, and deceased must have had a tremendous blow on the right side, as the whole of this side seemed to be loose. Death was due to shock caused by the blow. MRS WHEELER was suffering from dislocation of the left hip, but was likely to do all right. - The Coroner pointed out that motor traffic was increasing every year, and thought steps should be taken to remove these dangerous corners before any more deaths occurred. - Mr Glanville (a Juryman) pointed out that the sign post was burnt and it was a death trap at this spot. - The Jury returned a verdict of Accidental Death due to Shock, and exonerated Col. Phillipi from all blame. It was thought there had been neglect in erecting a proper sign post at this corner, and the attention of the proper authorities, it was thought, should be called to the matter. - The Coroner agreed with the verdict and Mr Hiscock promised to communicate with the authorities in regard to the absence of notice boards. He expressed sympathy with the widow and relatives of deceased on behalf of his client. - Deceased's brother said they did not attach any blame to Col. Phillipi, and he desired to thank all who had assisted in the unfortunate affair.
Western Times, Thursday 15 April 1920
EXETER - The Sudden Death Of An Exeter Assistant Schoolmaster. - At the Court House, Exeter, last evening, Mr W. Linford Brown conducted an Inquest to investigate the facts surrounding the death of SAMUEL NEWCOMBE, aged 47, an assistant schoolmaster, 3 Okehampton-road, Exeter, who died on Monday at St. Thomas Boys' School. - WILFRED NEWCOMBE identified the body as that of his father. Deceased was staying with witness at Evesham for the Easter holidays and seemed in good health up to last Thursday. - William Balchin stated that he was in company of deceased in the stokehold of the school while the boys were at play on Monday afternoon. Just before the lads were going back to school deceased asked him to see his class in as he was not feeling well. As he had not come back at 3.35 witness sent a teacher named Blackmore to see whether he was still there. Deceased was found on the floor apparently dead. - The widow told the Coroner that recently her husband had been enjoying good health. Although on Monday morning he complained of feeling unwell he said he was better at midday. - Dr S. E. Atkins, who had known deceased for eleven years, said he always considered him a weakly man. He had had two operations. There was never any sign of anything being the matter with his heart. He had suffered badly from indigestion, which had caused heart trouble, and he considered death resulted from heart failure due to indigestion. - A verdict was returned accordingly.
Western Times, Friday 16 April 1920
DAWLISH - Dawlish Train Tragedy. Communication Cord Which Failed To Act. - At Dawlish, yesterday, Mr S. Hacker, Coroner, returned a verdict of "Accidental Death" in the case of MR H. B. FEATHERSTONE, chief engine-room artificer, of H.M.S. Starfish, who, it was explained, met his death by falling out of a passenger train on the G.W.R. between Dawlish and Dawlish Warren in the early hours of Tuesday morning. - During the evidence, two witnesses stated that after deceased had been found missing from the compartment they pulled the communication cord on the train, but nothing resulted. One of the witnesses said he walked along the corridor to find an official of the train, but was unable to do so as the communication doors were locked. It was not before the train reached Exeter that an official on the train was got to. - The guard of the train, replying to the Coroner, said the communication cord was in perfect order; he tested it at Exeter. He did not think the witness could have pulled it sufficiently. - A witness, interposing, remarked that him and an R.E. Sergeant pulled the same cord together. - The Coroner: If cords are likely to go wrong like this it is serious. Something must have been overlooked. - The guard replied that the cord was tested at Millbay before the train left. - Inspector Mapledoram said the Company's expert at Paddington had tested the cord and reported it in perfect order. He also pointed out that the action of pulling the chain opened a valve, which had the effect of automatically stopping the train.
Western Times, Monday 19 April 1920
EXMOUTH - Infant Death Roll. Coroner's Advice At An Exmouth Inquest. - Dr E. R. Tweed, Coroner, held an Inquest at Exmouth on Saturday respecting the death of the infant male child of MR and MRS FRANK JAMES, of Rosebery-road. The father, a stoker petty-officer of the Royal Navy, stated that the child was born on Wednesday morning, and on the following morning about seven o'clock his wife called his attention to the child which had been lying between them in bed. It was then blue in the face and witness patted it on the back as his wife could not do much. - Mrs Jane Hancock, wife of Fred William Hancock, corn-merchant's manager, said she was called by Mrs O'Brien (sister-in-law of MRS JAMES) who, after seeing the child, went to fetch the doctor. Witness said she was the mother of fifteen children and had fourteen grandchildren. MRS JAMES'S baby was in bed and witness took it up, shook it and rubbed it, thinking it had had a fit, and might bring it round. The child was black in the face and livid for about twenty minutes after she took it up. She failed to bring it around and it died in her lap. - Asked by the Coroner if the appearance of the child gave her the impression that it had been overlaid, witness said she did not know what was the matter with it. She had seen children in fits and she considered this child had a convulsion. She was not a relation, but a friend of the parents. "I am a friend to anyone who wants my help," she added, and the Coroner rejoined, "Then your neighbours are fortunate." - May Downing, registered nurse, said she was engaged to attend MRS JAMES as midwife in her confinement, which took place on Wednesday morning. She left the mother and child at 11 a.m., and they were then all right. She had no idea anyone was going to sleep with the mother and she always advised people to keep babies in cots. - The Coroner said thousands of children died from suffocation through being overlaid, and it was important that mid-wives should bring this fact to the knowledge of expectant mothers, so that a basinette or cot could be provided. - Dr W. J. D. Smythe, said he was called about 11 o'clock on Tuesday night and remained till the child was born about 2 a.m., on Wednesday. He found the usual preparations had been made by the nurse and the child was apparently perfectly healthy. He saw it again at midday, and everything was satisfactory. He had since made a post mortem examination and found a certain amount of congestion of the lungs and considered death was caused by asphyxia, due probably to being overlain, but it was quite possible the child may have died from a convulsion. - The Coroner said it appeared that this child's life, like many others, had been thrown away through being overlaid and from lack of knowledge, if not carelessness. He returned a verdict that death was due to Asphyxia, the result of being Accidentally Overlaid whilst in bed with its father and mother.
TOTNES - Fatal Fall At Totnes. - The death of WILLIAM ROBERT WOOD, 84 years of age, was the subject of an Inquest at Totnes Workhouse Boardroom on SAturday by Mr S. Hacker, County Coroner. Mr W. Beer, Workhouse Master, said deceased was admitted to the Institution on March 11th, and died on April 15th. Evidence was given by Henry Guest, who said his wife and himself looked after MR and MRS WOOD, the latter being an invalid, that deceased apparently slipped on the stairs at 7.45 p.m. on March 10th and fell to the bottom. - Dr F. S. Bowes, who had attended the deceased since the beginning of this year for old age and rheumatism, said he was called and saw him soon after the accident, finding that his right thigh was fractured. Next day he was removed to the Infirmary. Deceased was upset by the death of his wife in the Institution. His own death was the result of shock from the accident. - Frank Revell, Relieving Officer, gave evidence that deceased was taken to the Infirmary on the ambulance on March 11th, and his wife, who was 93, the following day. They were old-age pensioners. - The Coroner expressed himself satisfied and entered a verdict in accordance with the Medical Evidence.
Western Times, Tuesday 20 April 1920
BARNSTAPLE - Boy Scalded To Death At Barnstaple. - Under pathetic circumstances, DOUGLAS K. SMITH, 3 ½, son of a journeyman baker, of Union-street, Barnstaple, has been scalded to death. - At the Inquest last evening, the father stated that on the boy trying to jump into his mother's arms, near the fireplace, to kiss her on going to bed, the mother put out her arms to catch him. In doing this she upset a kettle of boiling water on the fire, the boy being terribly scalded on the shoulder and arms. Dr Gibbs was summoned, but death occurred from convulsions following shock. - Mr Coroner Bencraft returned a verdict of "Accidental Death," and expressed sincere sympathy with the family in their bereavement.
BIDEFORD - Tale Of The Gale. Appledore Master Dies At Bideford From Septic Poisoning. - At Bideford Hospital yesterday afternoon Mr G. W. F. Brown, North Devon Coroner, held an Inquest on CAPT. JOHN YEO, 41, of Myrtle-street, Appledore, master of the ketch "Renown," abandoned in a gale after her masts had been carried away in the Channel, off the "Hangman," while on a voyage with gravel from Appledore to Bristol, on March 25th. The evidence showed that deceased's right leg was caught between the vessel and the boat which was launched and although the skin was not broken, he suffered great pain. With the other members of the crew, he was picked up by a passing steamer and landed at Ilfracombe. When the weather moderated another steamer succeeded in taking the "Renown" to Cardiff and deceased went there, returning to Appledore a week later. He was then found to be suffering from the effects of exposure and a swollen leg. He was removed to Bideford Hospital and an operation gave some relief, but showed that the shin bone had become acutely diseased owing to the severity of the inflammation. Septic poisoning set in and although the leg was amputated as a last resource this proved unavailing and death took place from septic poisoning. The Coroner returned a verdict of "Death from Accidental Causes."
BUCKLAND BREWER - North Devon Tragedy. Farmer's Son Shoots Himself At Buckland Brewer. - At Lower Wrangworthy, Buckland Brewer, last evening, Mr George Brown, Coroner, held an Inquest on HENRY BLIGHT, aged 20, son of a small farmer, who was found dead with a gun by his side, on Sunday evening in a field. - The father, JOHN BLIGHT, said he was away from his farm on the previous day, and knew nothing of the occurrence until he returned on Sunday night. Deceased had complained of faintness, but had not been depressed, and there was nothing to worry him. He had never threatened to take his life. Witness could not suggest anything that would make deceased commit such a rash act. - William Thomas Marshall, neighbour, said on Sunday evening deceased's aunt told witness she did not know where her nephew was. Witness made a search and found the dead body about 100 yards from the deceased's home. There was a double-barrelled gun close by and a forked stick, and witness was of opinion that deceased had released the trigger of the gun by means of the stick. Between eleven and twelve on Sunday morning witness heard the report of a gun from the direction of the place where the body was found. - P.C. Hurford produced the gun and forked stick. There was a discharged cartridge in one barrel, while the other chamber was loaded. There was nothing on the body, or in the man's room, to throw any light on the occurrence. - The mother of deceased stated that she was also away during a portion of Sunday. At the time she left, deceased was in bed, not very well. He was delicate. She missed the gun from its accustomed place and it being Sunday, it struck her as being strange that the weapon was missing. She knew no one had borrowed it during the day. - Dr Betts described the wound in the stomach and said there were extensive internal injuries. Death was due to shock, caused by gunshot wounds. He had known deceased ten or eleven years and had attended him for epileptic fits. - The Coroner entered a verdict of "Suicide while Temporarily Insane."
Western Times, Wednesday 21 April 1920
EXETER HEAVITREE - Exeter Trader's Death. Accidentally Drowned Through Sudden Giddiness. - Mr W. Linford Brown, City Coroner, yesterday held an Inquiry at Honeylands, Whipton, into the death of MR JAMES HARE. Mr G. Norrington, of Messrs. Daw and Son, represented the family. - MR H. HARE (son), said his father was 72 years of age and was subject to giddiness. He had never, as far as he (witness) knew, had a fainting fit. - MRS HARE (the widow) deposed that as late as Saturday her husband went to business as usual. He had lately complained of giddiness several times. It was his custom to take a very hot bath on Sunday mornings. Last Sunday, he took his usual bath and hearing no sound from him, witness went to the bathroom. She found her husband lying upon his back in the bath, with his head under water. - Dr Bell said when he arrived he found the body wrapped in blankets by the side of the bath. There was no sign of a struggle. His theory was that in getting from the hot bath deceased became faint or giddy and slipped and went under water. Death was due to asphyxia. - The Coroner returned a verdict of "Accidental Drowning."
Western Times, Thursday 22 April 1920
MOREBATH - Morebath Tragedy. Labourer's Body Found In Dyke: A Dangerous Footbridge. - Mr Gilbert H. Stephens, Deputy Coroner, held an Inquest at Staghound Cottage, Exe Bridge, Morebath, yesterday, relative to the death of DAVID SMITH, 54, labourer, employed at the Chemical Works at Morebath. ELIZA MILDRED SMITH, the daughter, stated that her father was in a normal state of health when he left home to go to work at 7 a.m. on Monday. Four years ago he broke one of his legs and had walked lame ever since. He always went to and from his work by way of the footpath, crossing a bridge over a dyke near the river. He had often complained, especially in frosty weather, of the dangerous bridge, but she had never heard him say that he had slipped on it. Some years ago the bridge was washed away and witness believed the Chemical Works proprietors replaced it for the convenience of their workmen. She did not think the Council had ever repaired the bridge. - Frederick Coggins, labourer, who saw the deceased leave work at 4.30 p.m., said deceased was in the habit of returning home immediately. - Wm. Chilcott, labourer at the works, said on Monday evening, at 6.30, when passing over the footbridge, his attention was attracted by the disturbed state of the brambles and grass. He picked up deceased's walking-stick. Crossing the bridge, witness saw a man lying on his right side with his head underwater. His left arm was stretched out of the water as though he had tried to cling to something. Witness recognised it was the deceased. From the position he found the body he concluded that the deceased's right leg had given way and that he had fallen through between the plank and the first rail and had rolled over. The dyke held two feet of water and was flowing very fast. With assistance from the village witness got the body out about 20 minutes later. He could not have got at the body with safety himself without assistance. The path, which he had known for 30 years, had always been a public path and was a short cut to Morebath from Exe Bridge. He had known several slip into the dyke from the bridge, which he considered dangerous. - Dr G. F. Sydenham, Dulverton, attributed death to drowning. - The Jury returned a verdict of "Accidentally Drowned."
Western Times, Tuesday 27 April 1920
COMBE MARTIN - Combe Martin Infant's Death. - A verdict of "Death from Natural Causes," namely, from convulsions as the result of malnutrition, was returned at an Inquest held at Combe Martin, on Saturday, on the body of an infant named BARBARA DOREEN ALDERMAN. The Corner, Mr George Brown, censured Miss Hilda Colwill, of Ebrington House, by whom the child was kept, for not calling in a doctor when she saw the child was not thriving, or getting expert advice as to its proper feeding. - In the course of the evidence it was stated that Miss Colwill received the deceased - who was very thin at the time - and another child to keep on April 13th from a Miss W. G. Smith, of Weir Cottage, Combe Martin, following a report to the Guardians by Miss Robbins, the Infant Life Protection Officer, concerning the accommodation at Miss Smith's. Miss Robbins said she had not seen Miss Colwill prior to the children being taken there, and knew nothing of the arrangements until afterwards.
EXETER - Naval Pensioner's Sudden Death At Exeter. - A naval pensioner named HENRY SALISBURY, aged 69, of King William Terrace, Exeter, who was apparently in good health, returned home about 9.30 p.m. on Friday, had his supper and went to bed. A quarter of an hour later he was heard to be groaning. His son, ERNEST, found him holding the bed rail, and in an agony of pain in the stomach. Dr Duncan was fetched. Death ensued at 3.30 on the following morning. - At the Inquest held by the City Coroner, Mr W. Linford Brown, at the Court House, yesterday, the deceased's son said his father had ague several years ago, but had not required medical attention for a considerable period. Before going to bed on Friday night he appeared to be in good health. - Dr Duncan said a post-mortem examination revealed that the common bile duct was ruptured, and from the opening bile had escaped. Death was due to acute peritonitis following rupture of the common duct. - The Coroner returned a verdict of "Death from Natural Causes".
Western Times, Friday 30 April 1920
ROCKBEARE - An Inquest was held at Pitt Head House, Marsh Green, by Dr Tweed, Coroner for the Honiton Division, on the body of HAROLD JAMES BASTIN, Little Upcott. Evidence was given by the father and mother that on April 17th deceased was left asleep in bed and on waking got out and went to the windowsill, which was only 1ft. 10ins. high and by some means opened the window. In doing so he fell out on to a gravelled path, a depth of 10ft., sustaining injury to the head. Drs. Sandoe, Orr-Ewens and Ponting were called but nothing could be done to save the child's life and he died from concussion and inflammation to the brain. A verdict of "Accidental Death" was returned.
SOUTH MOLTON - Suicide On Wedding Eve. Pathetic Letters To Intended Bridge. South Molton Tragedy. - Mr G. F. Brown, North Devon Coroner, held an Inquest Wednesday at Menagerie Cottage, near South Molton, on the body of HENRY HOLLAND, aged 68, a rabbit trapper. - MRS BESSIE BRYANT deposed that she had acted as housekeeper to the deceased since 1918, and had arranged to be married to him. On Friday last she went to South Molton to purchase some clothes for the wedding, which was to have taken place on the following Saturday. When she left the cottage deceased was very cheerful, wished her good-bye and asked her how long she would be. When witness returned about 6 o'clock deceased was not at home and witness enquired of her daughter and son-in-law, who lived with her, if they had seen him, but they had not. Deceased could not be found. Witness knew no reason to cause deceased to take his life. He was very cheerful and very desirous of getting married. - JAMES BRADFORD, son-in-law of the last witness, also spoke as to the deceased's cheery disposition and to his looking forward to the wedding which, he said, was with their full approval. When MRS BRYANT informed him that deceased was missing he (the witness) went to a shed where deceased usually sat and smoked and there saw deceased's coat and hat, together with a note addressed to witness, which referred to other notes which were found in his pocket. Witness informed P.C. Harris as to deceased being missing and handed over the letters to the Constable. - P.C. Harris told the Coroner that he found the dead body of deceased in a disused quarry near the house, in about six feet of water. Among the notes was one addressed to J. BRADFORD, stating "I have given you all my clothes and watch. Good-bye and God bless you." Another note addressed to "My Darling BESSIE BRYANT" said "I have given you £100 and the remainder to my daughter and son John. God bless you, good-bye. No blame to Menagerie." There was another note addressed to his "Darling BESSIE BRYANT," in which deceased spoke of her as being "a friend" to him. - Dr Seal, South Molton, said there were no marks of violence on the body and he attributed death to drowning. - The Coroner said it was a most extraordinary case. Evidently deceased would have been happily married to MRS BRYANT, who was about his own age. There was no blame to be attached to anyone. He (the Coroner) returned a verdict of "Suicide."
Western Times, Saturday 1 May 1920
EXMOUTH - Dawlish Disaster. Death Of MR DEMAINE Was Due To Shock. Tragic Boating Trip. - An Inquest was held at Exmouth yesterday on the body of MR WILLIAM DEMAINE, aged 50, a retired policeman of the Lancashire Constabulary, which was picked up in the sea off the Langstone Rocks about three miles out from the Dawlish coast on Tuesday afternoon. The deceased was boating in the company of Station Officer Baker, of the Dawlish Coastguard, who was rescued from the water and brought to Exmouth, and a son-in-law named Patrick Dean, a ship's corporal of H.M.S. Valiant, whose body has not been recovered. - Dr E. R. Tweed, Coroner, conducted the Inquiry and the chief witness, Petty Officer Baker, (who was brought back to life when in the last stages of drowning), has made a good recovery and was assisted to the Exmouth Police Station, where the Inquiry was held, on the arms of two Coastguard officers. - Mr G. Isaac was chosen Foreman of a Jury of seven and Mr Herbert C. Adams was present to represent the solicitor to the Treasury. Lieut.-Commander Field, of Exmouth, the divisional officer of Coastguards, was also present. - Petty Officer Baker stated that on Tuesday afternoon, accompanied by WILLIAM DEMAINE and Petty Officer Dean, he went out sailing. They started from the Dawlish Coastguard Station in a 14 feet dinghey service boat, fitted out for sailing. They left between 1.45 and 2 p.m. The weather was not too bad at the time and there was a nice breeze for sailing. Witness had been in the Navy a good many years, and had considerable experience of sailing. When they got off Langstone Rock the wind seemed to be freshening and squally and it was suggested that they should return home. Witness put the boat about and tacked twice, but in making a third tack he had considerable trouble. Petty Officer Dean then said, "Let me try her, Mr Baker." Dean then got hold of the tiller and headed her off the wind. A squall caught her and away she went. All three occupants were thrown into the water. - The Coroner: It was just a squall of wind? - Witness: Yes. - Mr Dean was actually sailing the boat the third time round? - Yes; he took the tiller and said, "Let me see what I can do." Then the squall caught her and away she went. MR DEMAINE was about four yards from the overturned boat when witness came up in the water and Dean and himself swam to his assistance, and brought him back to the boat. DEMAINE was lying face downwards in the water and did not seem to move at all. He showed no signs of life whatever. When they brought him back to the boat, and they endeavoured to support him there for some time. Dean and himself had great difficulty in hanging on to the boat, which kept turning over and over all the time. They were again thrown into the water, and DEMAINE was picked up another four yards away and brought back again. Dean came back to the boat again with him and they hung on for about an hour altogether. "It seemed to me about six hours," added the witness. We could see no help coming. Dean and myself supported DEMAINE until we could do so no longer and after we had hung on to the boat for some time longer Dean seemed to give away altogether. He (Baker) was himself getting weak owing to the boat turning over and over and he tried to get a lifebelt on to Dean, but had not the strength to do so. Had he been stronger he could have got the lifebelt on him properly. Dean let go all of a sudden and seemed to go straight down. It seemed as if he could not hang on to the boat any longer. - The Coroner: He disappeared altogether? - Witness: Yes. - Then what did you do? - To tell you the truth I was going to give up myself. I then saw a boat and thought I would try to last out and when the boat came to me I had lost my senses altogether. - You were rescued by Mr Cotton? - Yes. I remember seeing two shadows, Mr Cotton's boat and another coming on. I did not know who was in the second boat. I heard Cotton shout, "Hang on, hang on," and it encouraged me to do so. - When you started away from the Coastguard Station, you were all perfectly sober? - Yes. - You swear that? - Yes I swear to it. - In reply to Mr H. C. Adams, witness said that when he first put the boat about she did wonderfully well, and he tacked twice. The third time the boat would not go at all. They did not "wear" the boat, but tried to tack. They were sailing with a jib and foresail. - Richard James Legg, a coastguard, of Dawlish, with 28 years' service, said he was on the railway bridge just outside the Dawlish Coastguard Station at the time of the accident and he noticed the boat "go over" at 2.30 p.m. Witness at once communicated with Teignmouth, asking them to call out the lifeboat and explaining what had happened off the Langstone Rock, about three miles out of Dawlish. He also called to the fisherman Cotton, who proceeded out in his boat from the cove, followed by the brothers Rackley. Witness considered from what he saw that a sudden gust of wind caught the boat, as it seemed to go over with a violent jerk. He blamed no one in the boat, and put the accident down entirely to squally weather. - Ernest Cotton, boatman, of Dawlish, a Royal Naval Reservist, with 23 years' service, gave evidence of the rescue of Baker. He stated that he overran Baker (who was clinging to the upturned boat) the first time and then put the oars out and rowed around to him. Witness grabbed Baker by the hair of his head and Baker caught him by the wrist. Witness had to make him release his hold before he could get him into the boat, which he accomplished with difficulty. He then went on to Exmouth and landed Baker, leaving him in charge of Petty-Officer J. Battershill at the Coastguard Station. - In reply to the Coroner, witness said he only noticed one lifebelt, but Mr Legg (former witness) said he was quite sure the boat had three when it left Dawlish. - Richard Rackley, boatman, of Dawlish, stated that his brother and himself, also put off in a boat and picked up the body of DEMAINE, which was lying in the water with face downwards. They tried to get him into the boat, but the boat was too frail, and it would have been dangerous to persist in it owing to the rough state of the sea, so they lashed the body head uppermost to the stern with a rope. They saw no signs of another body and made for Exmouth, which was the only place they could get to. - Dr Smythe, of Exmouth, spoke of the restoration of life of Baker, and said it was evident that the deceased man DEMAINE had died from shock as his body was floating in the water. - The Jury agreed to a verdict of Death from Shock, following the accident and attributed no blame to anyone. They commended the action of Baker, Cotton and the brothers Rackley, and sympathised with the relatives of deceased. The Jury's fees were handed to the widow of deceased. - The body of MR DEMAINE was later conveyed to the Railway Station by P.C.'s Webber, Pearce, Holland and Waterson for removal to Lancashire for the funeral.
Western Times, Tuesday 4 May 1920
EXETER - Exeter Lady's Death. The Inquest. - Mr W. Linford Brown held an Inquest at the Court House, Exeter, yesterday relative to the death of MARY JANE GREENSLADE, aged 66 years, who was found dead in the lavatory of her house, No. 4 Coombe-street, Exeter, on Sunday morning. - MRS B. M. MILFORD, Cowick-street, identified the body as that of her mother. She was a widow and was last seen alive on Saturday night. She then seemed fairly well. She had a bit of a cold and had occasionally complained of pains in the chest. Her heart troubled her a little. - FLORENCE GREENSLADE, another daughter, gave evidence of finding her mother dead. - Dr Clapp said he attended deceased previously, and she had not been in very robust health. She had suffered from bronchial catarrh. A verdict of "Natural Causes" was returned.
EXMINSTER - Killed On The Line. Open Verdict In an Exminster Inquest. Saltash Officer's Death. Mr H. W. Gould conducted an Inquest at the Stowey Arms, Exminster, yesterday, touching the death of JAMES STANLEY SMITH, 31, an ex-Army officer of Saltash, whose mutilated body was found on the railway line near Exminster on Saturday. - Dr R. T. Meadows, of Saltash, identified the body by the clothing. Witness had known deceased since he was a boy. He was a demobilised lieutenant in the R.F.A. Before he joined the Army deceased was a farmer. He produced a letter written by deceased to his wife on the day of his death. It bore the postmark 12.45 a.m. - The Coroner stated that he had read the letter and it did not indicate suicide. - Witness continued that deceased was demobilised as a result of neurasthenia, and had been under witness's care for the same trouble since December. As he seemed to get no better efforts were made, through the Ministry of Pensions in London to get him into a sanatorium. As there was so much delay in getting him to Bristol, he was sent to Exeter instead. His complaint was the result of active service. While under the care of witness he was neither suicidal nor homicidal. He had no delusions of any kind. He arrived at the Exeter Pensions Hospital on Thursday when his wife and friend drove him to Exeter in a car. He was very anxious to go to the Hospital, as he regarded himself as a worry to the people with whom he was living. Witness did not agree that neurasthenies were inclined to commit suicide. They talked about it, but very seldom did it. - Dr David Matthew, neurologist at Pensions Neurological Hospital, Exeter, said deceased was admitted to the Hospital on Thursday last, and witness came to the conclusion that he was a good case for treatment. His chief complaint was insomnia. As he was just an ordinary case witness gave him a pass to go where he pleased on Friday afternoon. He did not come back, but his absence did not cause alarm, as it was not an uncommon thing for patients to stay a night with friends without giving notice. He was not regarded as a suicide case. - Nurse Eva Leo (V.A.D) said she last saw deceased alive a few minutes after eight on Friday evening, when his condition was normal but he was evidently very tired. He then went out to post a letter. - P.C. Mardon (Exminster) stated that the body was found on the line by a platelayer at 6.45 a.m. on Saturday. The body was above Countess Weir railway bridge. There were signs that deceased was struck whilst on the up-line under the centre of the bridge. Here his gloves were found and the ballast had been disturbed. The body, terribly mutilated, was 74 yards further along the line. One portion of the body was 86 yards from the centre of the bridge. A diary showed that deceased was in the 35th Divisional Artillery. He went to Gallipoli and was at the evacuation. In 1916 he was gazetted and went to France in 1917. - The Coroner returned an Open Verdict, and expressed sympathy with the widow and deceased's friends.
Western Times, Thursday 6 May 1920
TIVERTON - A Fatal Scratch At Cullompton. - An Inquest was held at the Tiverton Hospital last evening by the Borough Coroner, Mr F. R. D. Clutsom, on the body of JOHN LEIGH, aged 35, farmer's assistant, of Garlandhayes, Clayhidon, who died at the Hospital on Monday night. - MRS LOUISA FARLEY PEARCE, of Manning's Farm, Ashill, Craddock, Cullompton, said deceased, her brother, was staying at Manning's Farm and while helping to move some furniture on Sunday, April 25, he scratched his knuckle of his left hand, but took little notice of it and continued at work, doing some gardening, until Tuesday. The next day a doctor was called in and on the following Monday deceased was taken to the Hospital. - Dr Alexander Willmott Uloth, House Surgeon at the Tiverton Hospital, said when deceased was admitted to the Institution he was in a collapsed condition, his arm being badly swollen and inflamed. In consultation with Dr Seymour, it was decided to perform an operation at once. Deceased recovered consciousness, but his temperature was very high after the operation, and he passed away at 11.40 p.m. the same day. In his opinion, the cause of death was general toxaemia, arising from cellulitis of the arm, probably caused by the scratch. - The Coroner returned a verdict in accordance with the medical evidence and emphasised the necessity for more care being taken to protect wounds of this kind against germs.
Western Times, Friday 7 May 1920
ABBOTSKERSWELL - Child Killed By Motor. Dangerous "Hopways" At Abbotskerswell. - The circumstances in which the seven-year-old daughter of MR and MRS F. C. TRUSCOTT of Abbotskerswell, was knocked down and killed by a motor 'bus on Saturday afternoon were revealed at an Inquest held by Mr T. Edmunds, Deputy Coroner, at Abbotskerswell, on Tuesday afternoon. There was no Jury. - The father said his daughter, LOUISA MAUD, lived with him at Prospect Cottage. On Saturday afternoon at 2.30, witness left home with his wife, leaving the child in the cottage. When they had gone fifteen or twenty yards down the road his wife turned round and screamed. Turning as well, he saw the child right in the front of the car, deceased having run out of the hopway after her hoop. She was knocked down and the 'bus passed over the back of her head. The driver of the 'bus could not help himself - the road was only nine feet wide where the hopway abutted on to the road, and two walls on either side prevented him from seeing the child before she got into the road. Witness considered the driver absolutely free from blame. - JANE TRUSCOTT, deceased's mother, confirmed her husband's statement, adding that the driver did his best to avert an accident. The car was being driven very slowly. - Another eye-witness of the accident, a schoolboy named Ernest Edward Buckpitt, detailed similar circumstances and Alfred John Harris, of Court House, Ipplepen, the driver of the car, said he was conveying a party from Ipplepen to Newton. It was impossible to see if anyone was coming out of the hopway and he had no chance to pull up before the child was under the car. He sounded his horn when coming around the bend fifty yards away. - The Coroner said it seemed to be one of those accidents that would happen, and it was clear there was no blame attached to the driver. He made the suggestion, however, that drivers should keep the horn sounding whilst passing the hopways. There were several dangerous places in the village. He returned a verdict of Accidental Death.
PLYMOUTH - Young Torquay Officer Killed At Plymouth. - A verdict of "Accidental Death" was returned at the Inquest at Plymouth yesterday on the body of LIEUTENANT JOHN WILFRED CHANDLER, 22, 1st Devonshire Regiment, a native of Torquay, who was riding a motor-cycle on Saturday and in turning into Raglan Barracks, Devonport, ran into the railings and died of his injuries.
MERTON - Merton Man's Death. Partially Buried By Several Tons Of Clay At Petersmarland. - Mr George W. F. Brown, North Devon Coroner, Monday, at Merton, Inquired into the circumstances attending the death of FREDERICK HUTCHINGS, 39, a clay miner of Merton, who was killed on Saturday by a fall of clay at the North Devon Clay Company's pits at Petersmarland. According to William Dunn, foreman of the miners at the clay pits, deceased, who had been employed by the Company for nine years, was, about noon on Saturday, engaged with two other workmen in digging overhead to ease a prop which they desired to knock out in the cutting, when, without any warning, a lump of clay, weighing about two or three tons, suddenly fell and partly buried the deceased. His head and shoulders were visible, and witness and the other men there at once dug him out, but on doing so found that life was extinct. Deceased had been engaged on this kind of work many times before and the men were removing the props in the customary way. - Dr Morse, of Torrington, attributed death to compression of the brain, due to haemorrhage, consequent on deceased being crushed by the weight of the clay. There were no fractures. - The Coroner, in summing up, remarked on the sadness of the occurrence, and said Inspector Frazer, who had inspected the mine, was satisfied with its working, and that there was no negligence on anyone's part in connection with the accident. Mr Brown remarked that it was satisfactory to think that that was the first fatal accident they had had for so many years. It was a case of purely Accidental Death, no blame attaching to anyone, or to the works, and he returned a verdict accordingly. - Mr Vincent expressed the deep regret of the Company at the fatality and their sympathy with the widow in her bereavement.
Western Times, Saturday 8 May 1920
EXMOUTH - Dawlish Disaster. Inquest On The Body Of The Second Victim. "Accidentally Drowned." - At Exmouth Police Court yesterday, an Inquest was conducted by Dr E. R. Tweed, Coroner, without a Jury, on the body of PATRICK DEANE, a ship's corporal, of H.M.S. Valiant, who, with two other men, was thrown into the sea off Dawlish last Tuesday week through the capsizing of a Coastguard dinghey. The deceased, with his father-in-law, perished on that occasion and the other occupant of the boat, Frederick Baker, an officer at the Dawlish Coastguard Station, was rescued just in time. - The Coroner stated that Frederick Baker was unable to travel from Dawlish that day to give evidence owing to the injuries he had sustained. - Mary Wilkinson, widow of Sergt. E. Wilkinson, of the 6th Royal Fusiliers, said she was sister to the deceased, PATRICK DEANE, who was 32 years of age. - Henry McCabe, boatman, of Exmouth, said he had taken two passengers across to the Warren from Exmouth on Wednesday evening last. On returning to Exmouth a man came down to the beach and said: "I believe that's the body on the land wash, near the bungalow called the "Western Way." Witness then pushed off again with two others and landed on the Warren, where the sea was smooth. The body was floating near the shore in a trough of sea, and a big sea was running. The body was without a coat, or boots, or stockings and it was towed into the dock entrance by the landing steps at Exmouth. - Richard Legg, a Dawlish coastguard, who witnessed the capsizing of the boat from the shore, said he had nothing further to add to the evidence already given. - In reply to Mr H. C. Adams, representing the solicitor to the Treasury, witness said there was no doubt that the dinghey went over in a sudden squall of wind. He was quite sure there were three lifebelts in the boat when it set out. - Ernest Cotton, a boatman, of Dawlish, again described his rescue of Baker. He saw no signs of the body of DEANE in the water at that time. He had previously seen the three men set out in the dinghey. They were then rowing, but subsequently sailed the boat. - In reply to Mr Adams, witness said it was always squally off the Warren when the wind was in the direction it was that day. - Richard Rackley, a boatman, of Dawlish, who recovered the body of Mr William Demaine, stated that there were hard puffs of wind on the day of the accident which would require precaution in sailing, but the weather was not too bad to go for a sail. He did not attribute blame to anyone. - The Coroner said they had the evidence at the previous Inquest on the body of Mr Demaine and he considered that PATRICK DEANE was Accidentally Drowned at the same time, and returned a verdict accordingly.
Western Times, Tuesday 11 May 1920
LITTLE TORRINGTON - A verdict of "Death from Natural Causes", pulmonary tuberculosis, was returned by Mr George Brown, North Devon Coroner, at an Inquest held by him yesterday at Cleave, Little Torrington, on the body of MARGARET ELIZABETH AMBROSE, widow of DR AMBROSE, of Bristol. Deceased, who was 45 years of age, formerly resided at Bristol and about two years ago at Torquay and Paignton. She came to North Devon in April 1st.
EXETER - Waggoner's Death. Sequel To An Accident Near Exeter. A Fall Unobserved. - The Exeter City Coroner, Mr W. Linford Brown, held an Inquest at the Royal Devon and Exeter Hospital, last evening, relative to the death of JOHN RICHARD WILLIAMS, married, aged 41, waggoner, of King Edward-street, Cowley-road, in the employment of Mr Geo. Shore, timber merchant, of Broadclyst. WILLIAMS met with an accident on the Stoke Canon road on the 1st inst., and died at the Hospital on the 7th. - Mr Norman Lake watched the Inquiry on behalf of the employer. - Thomas Duddridge, waggoner, also employed by Mr Shore, said deceased had been lodging with him since July last. On May 1st deceased and witness were on the way from Silverton to Exeter with timber waggons. To deceased's waggon two quiet horses were attached. When they reached the Exeter side of the Stoke Canon Paper Mills witness found deceased lying on the road a few feet from the hedge. His face was bleeding and he had evidently been dragged along. Asked what had happened, he said, "Go after the horses," which had gone on. Witness caught up to deceased's horses and waggon a quarter of a mile further on the road. A man was on the top of the waggon, sitting behind. Witness asked him if he did not see the deceased drop off the waggon. He replied "No," and added that he thought deceased was still in front. Deceased was unconscious on witness's return to the scene of the accident and he was conveyed in a trap to the Hospital, where on the Sunday he told witness that he was getting off to put on the brakes when his coat caught in the shafts; he slipped, and the wheels caught him. Deceased was unable to say whether the wheels actually passed over him. - By Mr Lake: Deceased had two children, who were living with the widow at Devonport. - Joseph Burridge, of Shepherd's Bush, said he was walking with a friend named Davey to Exeter on May 1st, when deceased offered them a lift. Witness, however, was the only one who accepted, and he got on the timber near the public-house. He never noticed deceased fall off, nor saw him on the ground. He was facing the horses and covering himself up to protect himself from the rain. Deceased was riding on the shafts. - P.C. Brooke said he found that the deceased had been taken to the Hospital by Mr Alford. The road was 16 feet wide. There were signs that deceased had been dragged 16 feet. The waggon was only one foot clear of the hedge, and there was not room for him to get back to apply the brakes. To have done this he ought, in witness's opinion, to have got off the waggon quite 20 feet earlier. The previous witness appeared to have been unable to see the deceased in front through the timber obstructing his view. A certain amount of noise would have been caused by the horses, which, through the brakes not being applied, trotted down the hill. The last witness was quite sober and gave a clear account of the affair. - The Coroner said it seemed strange that the man did not see the deceased, but some persons were naturally non-observant. - Richard Weyland Smith, House Surgeon at the Royal Devon and Exeter Hospital, said deceased, when admitted to the Institution, was suffering from fracture of both bones of the left leg and also from bruises. A post-mortem examination revealed a ruptured bladder. The cause of death was peritonitis, following a ruptured bladder and was the result of the accident. - The Coroner returned a verdict in accordance with the medical testimony. - Mr Lake expressed, on behalf of Mr Shore, sympathy with the deceased's family. Deceased was a hard-working, steady man.
ST MARYCHURCH - Torquay Tragedy. Retired Lieut-Colonel Who Took Fatal Step. Knocked Down By Tram Car. - Sitting with a Jury, the County Coroner, Mr Sydney Hacker, yesterday afternoon conducted an Inquest at St Marychurch Town Hall, Torquay, on VALENTINE FRANCIS ROWE, aged 78, a retired lieutenant-colonel of the Royal Engineers, who resided at Argotti, Manor-road, and who met his death after being knocked down by a tram-car on Saturday. - Mr G. H. Easterbrook represented the Torquay Tramway Company, and Mr J. H. Nisbett, the manager, was also present. - MISS ETHEL E. J. ROWE, said the deceased, her father, was in the habit of taking a walk alone every day. He left home just before two o'clock on Saturday afternoon and was then in his usual health. Deceased was very active for his age and his sight was fairly good. He was, however, rather deaf. Her father was brought home in a semi-conscious condition at 2.30 the same afternoon, and died at noon the next day. - The Coroner: It is stated he was walking in the middle of the tramway track. - Witness: I have known him to do this before. It is a thing he usually did. Just a habit. - Arthur Richard Elson, storeman, living at Ilsham-road, stated that he was proceeding up the Babbacombe-road towards his allotment just after two o'clock on Saturday afternoon. When near the lane leading to Anstey's Cove, he heard a bell being rung by a tram-car coming down St Marychurch. Witness turned around and saw a man walking along between the tram track. He did not appear to be aware of the approach of the car. Witness heard the driver shout, "Step out." Unfortunately the deceased, instead of stepping to the right, moved to the left. He was struck by the right side f the car and fell on his back, striking his head. The car was proceeding at a very moderate speed at the time - not much faster than a man could walk. - Mr Easterbrook: If the deceased had kept straight on there would have been no accident? - Witness: That is so, but he took the fatal step to the left. - George Sanders, an errand boy, of Lower Thurlow-road, said he was riding on top of the tram-car when just after it had passed the Rifle Range in Babbacombe-road, his attention was attracted by the continued ringing of the bell. Witness looked ahead and saw deceased in the middle of the tracks. Suddenly, without looking around, deceased stepped to the left and walked into the tram-car. - Miss Jane Kirkley, a visitor, who was also a passenger on the tram-car, gave further evidence, stating that the car was not travelling fast at the time of the occurrence. - Dr G. M. Winter said he was called to Argotti at 2.30 on Saturday afternoon and attended to the deceased. He was suffering from a severe injury to the brain, but the only external sign was a badly blackened eye on the right side. Deceased was then semi-conscious, but early the next morning he lapsed into unconsciousness and died about 12 o'clock. Death was due to haemorrhage within the scalp. Deceased was one of few men who had previously recovered from a fractured skull, having done so whilst a young man, when he was unconscious for a month. He had been active until recently, but during the last six months had been going down-hill. He persisted in walking out alone although witness advised him not to do so. - Donald Hodge, the driver of the tram-car, said he first noticed deceased when he came around the bend at the Rifle Range. He was then walking in the space between the two tracks in the same direction as witness. The gong was immediately sounded. There was then ample room for the tram-car to pass, but just as deceased was overtaken, he stepped to the left and his legs were struck by the life-guard. Witness estimated the speed of the car at four miles an hour when coming round the corner and six miles afterwards. He did not deem it necessary to slow down any more as there was no possibility of danger until deceased suddenly stepped to the left, apparently through instinct that something was coming. - The Coroner thought it would have been prudent had the driver reduced his speed considering how close the man was walking to where the car would have to pass. He hoped this would be recognised by drivers in similar circumstances in future. - Without retiring, the Jury returned a verdict of "Accidental Death," and expressed the opinion that the driver was free from any blame. - Mr Easterbrook, on behalf of the Tramway Company, joined the Coroner in an expression of sympathy with the widow and daughter.
Western Times, Wednesday 12 May 1920
EXETER - Exeter Tragedy. Married Woman Dies From Carbolic Acid Poisoning. - Mr W. Linford Brown conducted an Inquest at 4 Queen's-road, Exeter, yesterday, to Enquire into the circumstances attending the death of MARY FLORA GORLEY, 44, who died under tragic circumstances on Saturday last. - Mr W. Parkhouse represented deceased's husband. - WILLIAM JOHN GORLEY, master mariner, identified the body as that of his wife. Returning from a voyage, he came home to Exeter on Saturday, April 24th, when he found his wife was unwell and he called Dr Stokes. Money matters had been mentioned between them, but he could not say there had been any unpleasantness. She had been worried over money matters for some time, he thought. His wife complained of being sick. On Monday morning she left the house early without telling him. At 6.20 a.m. he missed her and searched, but could neither find her nor any letter. He notified the Police, and about noon she returned. By that time she was demented and talked of having walked to Starcross to look for her father. As a matter of fact her father had been dead for some time. Witness at once employed a nurse and his wife's condition improved until April 28th. In the morning he took her breakfast and went downstairs to get his meal. He was then called by his daughter, who said her mother was very ill. He went to her and saw she was in a critical state. He called for someone to fetch a doctor, and then detected a smell of carbolic. A bottle containing carbolic was found in the bathroom. She had talked of taking her life. An advertisement about her appeared in the papers, but she had not seen it. She once wrote to him to say he would never see her unless he forgave her and he telegraphed to her to come back. The financial trouble had only existed for three months, but despite this they lived very happily. He had made her an ample allowance and had settled several bills. He did not know the carbolic was in the house. - Nurse Black stated that deceased was very depressed. - Dr Stokes said deceased, on her return on April 24th, was wandering in her mind. He saw her after she had taken the carbolic, and treated her. She received every attention. There were three nurses. She died on May 8th from carbolic acid poisoning. - The Coroner found that deceased Committed Suicide whilst Temporarily Insane.
Western Times, Saturday 15 May 1920
CHAGFORD - Aged Labourer's Death At Chagford. - Mr H. C. Brown, Coroner, held an Inquest at Chagford, Thursday, relative to the death of GEORGE OLDING, aged 67, farm labourer, of High-street. - Frank Tarr said about 7.30 on Tuesday evening he was walking along the road at Week Down when he heard groans, and on looking over a hedge he saw OLDING lying on his back in a field. - Dr Hunt said OLDING complained to him on Tuesday evening of pain at the back of his head and shoulders and he gathered from him that he was on a fence and felt giddy and fell. In his opinion the man had a rupture of a blood-vessel at the base of the brain, and that caused death. - Verdict accordingly.
Western Times, Tuesday 18 May 1920
TORQUAY - Torquay Burning Fatality. The Danger Of Children Playing With Matches. - The sad death of DOREEN MACNAMARA GREEN, the two years and eleven months old child of MR and MRS EDWARD GREEN, of 151 Lymington-road, Torquay, which occurred on Saturday from burns, formed the subject of an Inquiry held by the County Coroner, Mr S. Hacker, at Upton Schools yesterday afternoon. - The father, a builder and house decorator, said about seven o'clock on Friday evening the deceased went out of the room in which he and his wife were sitting. A few seconds afterwards he heard the child shrieking and found her half-way up the stairs with her clothing in flames. The curtains further up were also on fire, the child having apparently descended some stairs after her clothes became ignited. Witness took off the clothing, rolled deceased in a blanket and took her to the Torbay Hospital, where she died the next morning. Witness found the outer portion of a match-box on the staircase, but could not say how the deceased obtained any matches. His fourteen-year-old daughter was the only other child in the house at the time. - Dr Harold de Morgan, House Surgeon at the Torbay Hospital, stated that the child sustained extensive burns on the body and legs and died from shock, as the result of these injuries. - GWENDOLINE MACNAMARA GREEN, aged 13, a sister, gave evidence to the effect that the deceased was in the kitchen just prior to the occurrence, but it was hardly possible for her to obtain matches there as they were kept on the mantle-shelf. Witness was of the opinion her sister took the matches from one of the bedrooms. - The Coroner returned a verdict of "Accidental Death."
LYNTON - At Lynton, on Saturday, Mr Geo. Brown, North Devon Coroner, Enquired into the circumstances attending the death of ELIZABETH RIDGE, wife of CHARLES T. RIDGE of 2 Orchard-terrace. On Saturday morning she complained of feeling ill shortly after rising and went to bed again, but died almost immediately. Dr Falkner attributed death to syncope from fatty degeneration of the heart and a verdict accordingly was returned.
Western Times, Friday 21 May 1920
TOTNES - Old Man's Death At Totnes. - At Totnes Guildhall yesterday, Mr Hacker, County Coroner, held an Inquest on NICHOLAS LAMSHOOD SMALE, 82, dockyard pensioner, who was found dead at 3 Fore-street, Totnes, on Tuesday evening. Mrs Tucker said deceased had rented two rooms from her. He used to go out during the day and got his own food. He locked his door when he went out and came in. She knew the place was very dirty, but could not get him to have it cleaned. For that reason she gave him notice to leave. She last saw him on Monday going to the Steamer Quay. The Relieving Officer had been five times to get him to go to the Infirmary, but deceased had said he would rather make a hole in the water or take a dose. Henry Guest, who saw deceased n Monday at 12.30 .m., said he stated he did not feel very well, but refused to have a doctor. P.S. Mortimore said that on Tuesday, at 6.30 p.m., he burst open the door of deceased's room and found him dead in bed. The bedding was in a filthy condition, and in his thirty years' experience he had never come across anything like it. The stench was horrible. Dr E. S. Bower, who made a post-mortem examination, attributed death to pleurisy and pneumonia. The Coroner said he was satisfied death was due to Natural Causes.
Western Times, Tuesday 25 May 1920
EXMOUTH - Death After Burns. The Sad End Of An Exmouth Infant. - An Inquest was held by Dr E. R. Tweed, Coroner, at Exmouth Police Court yesterday, touching the death of CHARLES HENRY ROWSELL (11 months) son of MR and MRS T. ROWSELL, of Egremont-road, Exmouth, who was burnt about a fortnight ago and died on Friday last after a convulsion. - MRS ELIZABETH ROSE ROWSELL, wife of THOMAS ROWSELL, a bricklayer, of 19 Egremont-road, Exmouth, stated that on May 6th last witness went to her next door neighbour to get a red handkerchief for her little girl who was going to a Band of Hope concert. While returning another neighbour told her the house was on fire. She went into the house but could not see into the kitchen for flame and smoke. Witness had some washing hanging up in the kitchen and was going to do some ironing. She had left the baby on the hearthrug in front of the fire which was properly guarded. The baby's dress was on fire as well as his toys, a book and a teddy bear. She picked the child up and crushed the fire out with her hands, afterwards handing the child to P.C. Waterson. Her little boy WILFRED ARTHUR, who was nearly three years of age, was left playing with the baby on the hearthrug. He told her he had pushed a piece of paper into the fire. Witness was not absent from the house more than five minutes. The boy did not tell her he dropped the burning paper on the baby and set its clothes on fire, but she thought that was what happened. - The fire-guard was in its proper position when she left the house. - P.C. Waterson said he lived near and hearing someone shout "Fire," about 3 p.m. on May 6th he went immediately to MRS ROWSELL'S house and saw her coming out of the door with the child in her arms. MRS ROWSELL had done her best to extinguish the child's burning dress, but in coming out into the open-air, the dress again began to smoulder and witness took the child to the house next door and rolled it in a blanket. He afterwards helped to extinguish the fire in the kitchen. He knew MRS ROWSELL to be a good and careful mother. - Dr J. F. Walker said the child was suffering from burns about three to four inches in length on the right side of the head under the ear and extending from the shoulder to the elbow. About seven days after the accident there was evidence of gastro-enteritis, and the child showed signs of cutting a tooth. The burns had been dressed twice a day by District Nurses up to the time of the child's death and the sores had healed. The child had a convulsion, however, on Friday and death ensued. He considered death was caused in some measure by the burns. - P.S. Hambly stated to the Coroner that he was satisfied the mother took every legal precaution to safeguard the child from fire. - The Coroner recorded a verdict that death was due to Convulsion following gastro-enteritis and considered that it was partly caused by the Accidental Burning a fortnight ago.
Western Times, Wednesday 26 May 1920
EXETER - An Unfortunate Mistake. Remarkable Story Told At An Exeter Inquest. Plymouth Auditor's Death. - Mr W. Linford Brown made an exhaustive Enquiry at the Royal Devon and Exeter Hospital, Exeter, last evening, into the circumstances of the death of TROUGHEAR STAGG, 46, a stock taker and auditor, of Plymouth. - Mr A. Martin Alford and Inspector Trump represented the London and South Western Railway Company. - John Wonnacott, travelling ticket inspector, said he saw deceased looking for a seat in the train at Salisbury and helped him to find one. He had plainly been hurrying to catch the train and twice dropped his attache case when walking to the carriage. When he went to examine his ticket at Yeovil Junction he appeared to be asleep and as he was unable to rouse him, in the presence of the other passengers, took his ticket from his waistcoat pocket. Having seen that he was for Exeter he replaced the ticket. At Exeter he again saw deceased after he had been taken out on the platform and he told Inspector Goddard that he thought he was under the influence of drink. - The Coroner: Wasn't that rather jumping at conclusions? - Witness: Well, he had every symptom of it. Besides it was the day of Salisbury Races and the Bath and West Show. I don't now say that he was drunk. - MR ALFRED CHARLES STAGG, brother of deceased, who had previously identified the body: It seems natural that, under the circumstances, he might have jumped at that conclusion. - William Henry Walsh, engine driver, who was a passenger in the same carriage, stated that deceased had hurried for the train and seemed exhausted when he got to the carriage. He stumbled in getting in, and witness gave up his corner seat to him and helped to make him comfortable. There was a considerable discharge from his nose, but neither witness nor the eight other passengers thought he was ill. Witness thought he had been to the races and had had too much to drink. At Exeter he saw that deceased had also been sick. While in the carriage he appeared to be sleeping. - Charles Heath, goods guard, Albert Henry Goddard, inspector in charge and Charles Vosper, night porter, explained that when the train arrived at Exeter, as deceased had not alighted, he was taken out of the carriage and placed on the platform, where his attache case was placed under his head. He was afterwards removed to the waiting room and made comfortable. All these witnesses came to the conclusion that deceased was sleeping off the influence of drink, although there was no smell of drink. The fact that he had come from Salisbury, where there had been a Show and the Races, prompted them to come to this conclusion. They did not imagine that he was ill, and considered that his condition was normal for a man who had been drinking. The Inspector gave the night porter instructions to call a doctor if deceased seemed to be ill later. Vosper visited him at 1 a.m., 3 a.m., and 5 a.m., and thought he seemed better on the occasion of his last visit than he was when he came. - William Henry Stockman, railway inspector, said when he came on duty he was told about the man in the waiting room. He tried to rouse him, but was unable to do so. As he had been there so long he thought there must be something the matter, and he called one of the staff, who was an ambulance man. This man expressed the opinion that the man was unwell and witness sent for Dr Pereira Gray, who ordered his removal to the Hospital. - Dr Annie Mules said deceased was unconscious when admitted to the Hospital. He never regained consciousness and died at five minutes past two the same afternoon. The cause of death was cerebral haemorrhage. It was likely that an inexperienced person might mistake his condition for that of drunkenness. - The Coroner: Do you think that if he had been brought to the Hospital before, instead of being kept at the Station, as he was, that he might have lived? - Witness: From his condition when I saw him I do not think he would have lived. I do not think it would have made any difference in this particular case. There was no sign of drink about him, but the other witnesses may have formed the conclusion that he was drunk from his heavy breathing and the fact that he had been sick. - The Coroner found that death was due to Natural Causes. He had no doubt everyone acted with the kindest of motives, and with the best of intentions. In future he had no doubt the officials would be more careful, and if they found anyone unable to take care of themselves in the train, would call a doctor to determine whether they were drunk or ill. In this case the medical evidence was to the effect that deceased would probably not have lived had he been brought immediately to the Hospital. He had nothing to do with the question of liability. Had there been negligence on the part of the officials the question of manslaughter might have arisen. Fortunately it did not. There had been an unfortunate mistake, due to want of judgment, and there his verdict must rest.
UPLYME - East Devon Fatality. Carter's Sad Death: Inquest At Uplyme. - The District Coroner, Mr C. R. Tweed, held an Inquest at Hunters Lodge Inn, Uplyme, yesterday, relative to the death of WALTER SPINKS (32) who was killed near Reeds Barn, in the Hawkchurch parish, on the 21st inst. There was a Jury, of which Mr Thos. Gammon was chosen Foreman. - WILLIAM JAMES GRIBBLE, grandfather, of deceased, stated that he had lived with him practically all his life. Deceased had served four years in the Army and since his discharge had started in a small way as a haulier. He was always steady and of good behaviour. - Fred Willmington, landlord of the Hunters Lodge Inn, stated that between 4.30 and 5 o'clock on the evening of the 21st he left Hunters Lodge with SPINKS. They were in charge of two horses in a putt and were going to Gommershay Farm to fetch two hogsheads of cider. The leading animal was a young colt, the property of SPINKS. They arrived at their destination in safety, loaded the cider and returning, were within half a mile of Reeds Barn, when the colt, which was led by SPINKS became restive. Witness was leading the shaft horse. He called out to SPINKS to go steady, but before they had proceeded many yards he saw his companion fall. He was not able to say whether the colt kicked him, or whether he tripped, but both horses, as well as the putt, passed over him. Witness went about 50 yards and then succeeded in leading the horses into a ditch. He then went back and found deceased lying in the road. Witness spoke to him, but received no answer. He then hastened to Woodcote, where he found Messrs. H. G. Vercoe and H. G. Lansley. The latter immediately started for Axminster in his motor, to obtain medical aid. Messrs. Vercoe, Cox and himself returned to the scene of the accident. Dr Langran arrived about half an hour later and on examination certified life to be extinct. Deceased was perfectly sober. - Dr Langran said death was due to a fracture of the cervical vertebrae. The verdict returned was one of "Accidental Death," with no blame attaching to anyone. The Coroner complimented the Police on their preparation of the plans.
EXETER - Baby's Death In A Train At St. David's Station Exeter. - Yesterday, Mr W. Linford Brown, City Coroner sat at the Court House, Exeter, to Inquire into the circumstances attending the death of an infant, named JAMES HUGH EWINS, son of HANNAH EWINS, a single woman, of Chester, who died in the train at St. David's Station, Exeter, on Thursday. The Inquest should have been held Monday, but the mother did not attend. When the mother entered the witness box yesterday, the Coroner asked her "Why did you not come to Exeter yesterday?" - Witness: I did come, but the train was delayed. - The Coroner: If you had come by the proper train you would have been here in time. The Inspector telephoned and the train was not late. As it is you have put everybody to the inconvenience of coming here twice. In any case you were told not to leave the City. - Witness identified the body as that of her illegitimate son. She was a chemist's assistant at Chester until recently, but was now out of employment. The child was prematurely born and had been weakly since birth. About a week before she started for Redruth she asked the doctor who had been attending her in the name of 'MRS ROBERTSON', whether the child was fit to stand the journey. He said he thought it was, but remarked that it was very weak. On the journey she could not get the infant to take any food, but he seemed bright when they left Taunton. Between there and Exeter its nose started bleeding and discharging. The infant died when the train was in St. David's Station. - Joseph Johns, Railway Inspector, said his attention was called to the fact that the child was ill by a gentleman who had travelled in the compartment. He saw the mother and suggested that she should alight and consult a doctor, but she wanted to continue her journey. Witness satisfied himself that the infant was very ill and sent for Mrs Woodley, the Waiting-room Attendant, who took charge of it and Dr Pereira Gray was summoned. - Mrs Woodley stated that there was no sign of life in the child when it was handed to her. - Dr Pereira Gray deposed that he had made a post-mortem examination and found the body small, emaciated and very bloodless. There was a bad abscess under the scalp at the back of the head. Death was due to congenital syphilis. - The Coroner returned a verdict of "Death from Natural Causes" and said he had made enquiries at Chester and elsewhere because when the mother was questioned she tried to pass herself off as Mrs Robertson.
Western Times, Thursday 27 May 1920
SEATON AND BEER - Boy Cyclist's Death. Dangerous Heap Of Stones On An East Devon Road. Motorist Not To Blame. - Dr E. R. Tweed, County Coroner, held an Inquest at Seaton yesterday, respecting the death of VICTOR ANDREW NEWBERY, 11, of Kilmington, who was run over by a motor lorry near Axmouth Vicarage on Whit Monday while cycling. The lad was the son of MR JAMES NEWBERY, of Nap, Kilmington. - HERBERT GEORGE NEWBERY said his brother had cycled since he was four years old and had until now never met with an accident. VICTOR rode, on an average, five miles a day. The bicycle he was riding was a lady's Rudge Whitworth and deceased could reach it in comfort. The bike was in good repair, having recently been fitted with a new front brake, new pedals and back mudguards. Witness had worked in a cycle repair shop and considered the bicycle quite safe. Deceased was in his usual health on the Monday morning. He had never had fits. - FRANCIS CHARLES NEWBERY, another brother, deposed that he was with deceased and two other fellows and they were returning from Seaton to Kilmington. The two other chums were riding in front and witness was with his brother. Near Axmouth Vicarage witness saw a large motor car coming towards him. He called to his brother to keep in to the side. The car was coming rather fast, and he did not hear any horn sounded. The car was on the wrong side of the road and he just managed to clear it and it knocked his leg in passing. Witness was on the left side of the road. Just near this spot were a heap of stones. He was between them and the car. Deceased ran into the heap of stones as there was no room between them and the car. He fell off in front of the car and the driver picked him up and took witness and deceased to Seaton. Witness pointed out to the driver that he (the driver) was on the wrong side of the road, but witness did not remember what answer the driver gave. Witness saw his brother as he turned round. He was on the heap of stones. Just after, the car went over him. Deceased's free wheel gave out at Seaton, and witness towed him by means of some string, which was fastened underneath witness's seat. Just before the heap of stones was reached he let deceased go. When they reached the top of the hill the free wheel was working all right again. - Lionel Snell, 20 Steward Cottage, Kilmington, said he was cycling from Seaton with the brothers NEWBERY. At Axmouth they met a large car, which was proceeding at a steady rate. It was sounding its horn and coming up the hill round the bend. The boys were going up the hill on their right side. Witness and a chum passed the car safely and he saw the deceased just after lying about two feet from the heap of stones. His feet were towards the stones. - Peter Ronald White, driver of the car, said he was a mechanical driver and learnt his trade at Standfield and White, Exeter. He was employed by the firm for about 5 ½ years. He held a license 12 months before the war, and during that time it was not endorsed. It was renewed on April 11th this year. He had never had any previous accident. On the day in question he was driving from Seaton Junction to Beer with five passengers. He was travelling from eight to ten miles per hour in top gear. The fastest he could go up a hill would be 20 miles per hour. As he came around the corner he noticed four cyclists in the road, which was not a wide one. He did not think it possible to pass another motor-car in the road at this spot safely. As soon as he saw the boys he sounded his horn and they pulled into the side. Deceased, who was the last boy, seemed to lose his nerve, mounted the heap of stones and fell underneath the car. The car was six feet wide, and there was about five feet between witness's side of the car and the heap of stones. He pulled up within a couple of feet of his own length. He considered the heap of stones a danger to the public. - P.S. Brown said from hedge to hedge the width of the road was 22ft. At that spot there were a heap of cracked stones which took up 7 feet 6 inches of the road. At this spot it was dangerous for the amount of traffic which passed that way. The wheels of the car skidded and the distance from the edge of the stones to the wheel marks was 4ft. 6 inches. - Mr Bastable (a Juryman) remarked that had it not been for the war the whole road would have been altered. The intention was to take away all the angles. - Dr Hartley said deceased had a fracture at the base of the skull. There were compound fractures of both joints and various bruises. The skin was broken on the knee joints. - The Coroner said had the stones not been there the boy would probably been living that day. - The Jury returned a verdict of "Accidental Death," and expressed their sympathy with the family. The driver was exonerated from all blame. They considered that the stones constituted a public danger.
EXETER - Exeter Burning Fatality. Young Woman's Apron Drawn Into A Copper Fire. - At an Inquest held at the Royal Devon and Exeter Hospital yesterday relative to FLORENCE DAISY WARREN, aged 26, of Manor-road, St. Thomas, who died at the Institution on Monday, as a result of burns received earlier in the day, evidence was given by the mother (a widow) to the effect that while engaged in washing, her daughter reached over the copper to get a polishing box and her clothes were ignited by the copper fire. Witness threw water over her and neighbours came to her assistance. The draught through the door must have drawn deceased's apron into the fire. - P.C. Wise said he found the deceased sitting in a chair, wrapped in a blanket. Her arms, neck and face were badly burned. After applying oil to the burns he had her removed to the Hospital. - The Coroner congratulated the witness on what he did to assuage the deceased's sufferings. - Dr Mules said when admitted to the Hospital deceased was suffering from extensive burns. Her face had been scalded by steam. The body, arms and legs were burnt. She died from shock due to the burns. - The Coroner returned a verdict of "Accidental Death."
CREDITON - Life For A Brother. Crediton Lad Drowned In The River Creedy. - The Deputy Coroner for the District, Mr G. H. Stephens, held an Inquest at Crediton Police Station yesterday on the body of ROBERT HENRY HOLMES, aged eleven, whose death resulted while gallantly attempting to rescue his younger brother, WILLIAM, from drowning in the river Creedy, on Tuesday. - ALBERT JOHN HOLMES, 5 Oxford-terrace, Crediton, father of the deceased, said he had previously warned his sons against bathing in the river, and he had taken away their boots to prevent them so doing. - A bright lad, of the same age as the deceased, named J. Narrcott, residing at 12 Oxford-terrace, said he went to the river in order to catch some minnows, and WILLIAM HOLMES was stripped. He saw him fall into the waster as he was crossing some stones. Some other lads who were present, said to deceased, "Go in and save your brother." Deceased, who had his shirt and trousers on, dived in without a moment's hesitation and pushed his brother along. He then disappeared under the water. - James Coles, Jockey Cottages, Crediton, a workman in the employ of Sir John Shelley, deposed to recovering the body from the water, and trying to restore animation. P.S. Webber also assisted. Their efforts, however, had no effect. - Dr Walter Scott Campbell said death had taken place some considerable time before he arrived. - The Coroner before returned a verdict of "Accidental Death," said it was very plucky on the part of the deceased to attempt to rescue his brother and it would be some consolation to the parents to know that he had succeeded.
Western Times, Friday 28 May 1920
HOLSWORTHY - Attacked By Cow. Sad End Of Holsworthy Farmer's Wife. The Inquest Story. - Deputy Coroner, G. J. Atkinson held an Inquest at North Arscott Farm yesterday morning, touching the death of MRS ELLEN NORA FRY, the wife of MR FRY, of North Arscott Farm, who met her death on Monday under tragic circumstances, passing away very early on Tuesday morning. - CECIL GORDON FRY, eldest son of deceased, identified the body as that of his mother, who was aged 54 years. Witness described how he went to the moors and fetched the cow, which had just calved, and brought it as far as the end of the lane, when his brother, GERALD, drove it on, his younger sister following. The cow seemed perfectly quiet, and he had no trouble with it. A few minutes later he found that his mother had been knocked down. - GERALD FRY, aged 10 years, who was with his brother, said he saw the cow running after his mother, and saw her fall, but did not see it toss her. - MARGERY ELLEN FRY, younger sister, told a similar story and said she went for Miss Jones, and the doctor was sent for after her mother had been removed to the house. - P.S. Spicer: Did you see the cow strike your mother? - No. - Dr E. O. Kingdon (Holsworthy), said he found MRS FRY lying unconscious with an extensive fracture of the base of the skull. There was blood coming from her nose and left ear. It was a hopeless case. His opinion was she was suffering from concussion and shock resulting from the fracture of the skull. - Mrs Jones, a widow, living at Greyland Gate, stated she saw four small bruises on deceased's neck between her shoulders such as could be caused by a cow's horns. There was also very dark bruises on the right leg. - A verdict of "Accidental Death" was returned. - The funeral took place yesterday afternoon, borne by hearse to the Holsworthy Parish Church, where the service was conducted by the Rev. Holman (Milton Damerell). Appropriate music was impressively rendered by Mr B. Oke. The mourners comprised the husband and children, there being a very large attendance of the general public of the neighbourhood out of respect for the bereaved, to whom great sympathy is extended. There were a choice number of floral tributes from the bereaved family and a few friends.
Western Times, Monday 31 May 1920
GREAT TORRINGTON - Fatality At St. Giles. Torrington Man Killed While Felling Trees. - A verdict of "Accidental Death" was returned by Mr George Brown, North Devon Coroner, at an Inquest held by him on Saturday at the Cottage Hospital, Torrington, on the body of THOMAS JURY, aged 52, a woodman, of Torrington, who met with an accident while working in Dadscott Wood, St Giles, the previous afternoon. - Laurence Lock said he was working with deceased at the time, cleaning off a fir tree which they had felled about an hour previously. Whilst so engaged, a large bough of an oak tree, which had been partly broken off by the other tree in falling, came down unexpectedly, striking deceased on the head. The bough fell from a height of about 35 feet and was estimated by Robert Baker, a foreman, to weigh about two cwt. The latter witness said about ten minutes before the accident happened, he observed the oak bough hanging, and told the men he thought it was quite safe for them, as it seemed to have been only half broken off. - Dr Pridham said deceased sustained a fracture of the base of the skull, from which he died. - The Coroner considered it was a pure accident, and returned a verdict accordingly.
BELSTONE - Cycling Fatality. Yeovil Gentleman's Death Near Okehampton. - An Inquest was held at Belstone on Friday relative to the death of MR WILLIAM MARSH, aged 69 years, a deputy-lieutenant for the county of Somerset, and a colonel of the Territorial Force, of Old Sarum House, Yeovil, who died as the result of a cycling accident at Belstone, where he had been staying since the 15th inst. - Charles Henry Westlake, labourer, East-street, Okehampton, said about 10 a.m. on Thursday he was in charge of a waggon and two horses going towards Taw Green from Belstone village, when he saw deceased coming down the road on a bicycle from the direction of Moor Hall. When deceased came to about 15 feet from the leading horse, the bicycle seemed to skid under him and he fell on his left side and he and the bicycle slid along the road for about eight feet. Witness helped to get deceased on to the grass close by the road, and left him there, speaking to some ladies who had come along. - Dr T. S. Wright, of Okehampton, said he was called to see deceased, who was suffering from fracture of the base of the skull on the left side. The case was hopeless. - A verdict of "Accidental Death" was returned.
Western Times, Wednesday 2 June 1920
DREWSTEIGNTON - Drewsteignton Tragedy. A Lady's Depression From Extreme Pain. - At the Inquest at Drewsteignton on Monday on ELLA LAMBERT GORWYN, aged 37, whose body was found in a weir pool in the Teign near Fingle Bridge on Saturday, MRS A. L. GORWYN, widow, and mother of the deceased, said her daughter had been suffering from a septic finger, which had given her great pain. Last Friday, about 3 a.m. she said she would go downstairs as she thought she would be easier. She dressed and went down and shortly afterwards called to witness to know if she would like a cup of tea. Witness said she would rather rest, and must have gone off to sleep. When she woke and got up deceased was missing. Deceased had been depressed for twelve months past, but witness could not say for what reason. She had never threatened to take her life, and, in fact, she had spoken against such a thing. - P.C. Barnacott said on Saturday he received a message from Dr Gray, a visitor at Chagford, that he had seen a dead body in a pool near Fingle Mill. Witness went there and found the body of deceased, fully clothed. - Dr Hunt, (Chagford), said he had known deceased for some years and had never suspected any mental disturbance. Recently he had been treating her for septic poisoning in the finger. This would cause extreme pain, and it was well known extraordinary depression accompanied such a case. He had examined the body and found no marks of violence and was satisfied death was caused by drowning. The Coroner entered a verdict that deceased threw herself into the water while in an Unsound State of Mind.
Western Times, Saturday 5 June 1920
EXETER - Baby In Box. Exeter Jury's Difficulties Over Verdict. The Medical Evidence. - The Inquest on the newly-born female child of ANNIE LOUISA BOWDEN, aged 18, domestic, at 5 Leighton-terrace, was resumed at the Court House, Exeter, last evening. It will be remembered that the mother being ill, Dr Pereira Gray was fetched, and on his arrival a box was pulled from under the bed. In the box the child's body was found. An attempt to revive the infant by artificial means failed. - A Jury was empanelled, and Mr Martin Alford appeared on behalf of the mother. - Evidence was given by Mrs Kate Bradshaw Smith, in whose employment LOUISA BOWDEN had been for nearly eighteen months, to the effect that on the 27th April the girl did her housework, but just before tea complained of feeling unwell. She, however, had a good tea, and went to bed. At eight o'clock the next morning she brought witness, as usual, a cup of tea and said she was much better. Just after nine o'clock witness looked over the banisters of the stairs and saw BOWDEN in the scullery. Asked by witness whether there was anything the matter with her, she replied, "Oh, no; I am only poorly again." Witness took her into the kitchen and sat her in a chair. BOWDEN said she had strained herself by lifting the piano. Witness fetched Nurse Rowe and BOWDEN was taken to the bedroom, but she objected to being put to bed. Witness noticed a box at the foot of the bed and the nurse said this was a case for a doctor. They ultimately got the girl to bed, but witness had not the slightest idea of her condition. - MARY BOWDEN, the mother, wife of a farm labourer of Woodbury Salterton, said her daughter had always been very steady. Witness saw her daughter five weeks ago, but did not notice anything the matter with her. She was then wearing a long coat. - Dr Pereira Gray, Police Surgeon, who saw the girl on the morning of April 28th, about 11.30, said that she admitted her condition. The nurse remarked to him, "What's in this box?" at the same time drawing a card-board hat box from under the bed and opening it. Under some clothes the body of the infant was found, its face congested and dark. Witness attempted artificial respiration, without success. Tied around the child's neck he found a lady's vest, twisted and underneath a small handkerchief, which was tied very tightly round the neck and had to be cut by a pair of scissors. When he first saw the child he thought, from its appearance, he might be able to get life into it. With Dr Bell he subsequently made a post-mortem examination of the child, which weighed about 7lbs. It was born alive and had a separate existence. The cause of death was suffocation, due to strangulation, caused by the handkerchief round the neck. - In answer to a Juryman, witness said he could not say what was the state of the mother's mind at the actual birth, but she was of sound mind when he saw her. - Dr C. E. Bell said the child was fully developed. There was a deep discoloured indenture round the neck, caused by something having been tied round it during life. There was evidence that the child must have breathed freely after birth. He agreed with the last witness that the child had a separate existence and that death was due to strangulation. - In answer to a Juryman, witness said nobody could say how long the child lived. - Detective-Sergt. Walters said on Tuesday, May 11th, he arrested the girl, on a warrant, on a charge of murdering her infant. She replied that she knew nothing about it. Witness took her in a cab to the Police Station, her mother being with her. On the way she mentioned the name of a man whom she alleged to be the father, and said, "He ought to suffer." - The girl was present yesterday afternoon, but Mr Alford said he did not intend to call her at this stage. - The Jury returned a verdict that the child was strangled by some person unknown. - The Coroner: It is your verdict, gentlemen: it is not mine. - Subsequently, a Juryman said the verdict was not unanimous. - The Coroner said he could take a verdict on which seven of the ten Jurymen were agreed, but if there were not that number, he should have to send them before the Judge. - Those who were in favour of the verdict were then asked to stand up. - Six only responded, whereupon a Juryman, turning to his neighbour, Mr C. Turner, said, "You were in favour of it just now." Mr Turner, after hesitation, said he would stand up. Then there were seven. But another Juryman who was standing up said the verdict was not given precisely as he intended. - Mr Billett (another Juryman) said there was evidently a misunderstanding as to the words used in the verdict. - The Coroner said he could not discuss the matter. - The Foreman (Mr Mock) said the members of the Jury certainly had agreed that death was due to strangulation, according to the doctors' evidence, and that it was caused by some person unknown. "Have you now altered it?" he asked - The Coroner said he must have a verdict on which seven of them were agreed. - A Juryman asked if they were absolutely bound to give a verdict against some definite person. - The Coroner replied that they need not do so unless the evidence convinced them they should do so. - At 6.45 they again retired and after an absence of ten minutes they returned and the Foreman announced that by a majority of one they had come to the following verdict: "That the child died from Strangulation, according to the Doctors' evidence, but that sufficient evidence has not been produced to enable us to return a verdict against any person." - The Coroner: You mean a verdict of "Murder against some person or persons unknown?" - The Foreman: Yes; that is what we mean.
Western Times, Monday 14 June 1920
CLYST HONITON - A Birthday Tragedy. Boy Killed By Motor Car On Honiton Clyst Road. - A boyish prank resulted in a distressing fatality on the Honiton Clyst road on Friday about mid-day. It was a birthday tragedy, the unfortunate victim, WALLACE BASIL CAPRON, being eight years old on the day of the tragedy. Details of how it occurred were revealed at the Inquest conducted by the East Devon Coroner, Dr C. N. Tweed, before a Jury of which Mr Henry Mortimore, of Honiton Clyst was the Foreman, at the Duke of York Hotel, Honiton Clyst on Saturday afternoon. The driver of the car which caused the boy's death, Mr G. F. Burton, was represented by Mr M. J. McGahey of Exeter. - WILLIAM JOHN CAPRON, a blacksmith, of Honiton Clyst, and the father of deceased, gave evidence of identification. - Charles Smith, a steam wagon driver, employed by Messrs. Warren Bros., furniture removers, of Exeter, deposed to having been driving a motor lorry on the main road at the time of the accident. As he was passing through Honiton Clyst towards Exeter he saw three boys going in the same direction on the right-hand side of the road. Witness was close in on the left-hand side, not two feet from the grass on the roadside. When they heard the rattle of his engine and the vans it was pulling, they turned round, apparently with the intention of getting on to the tail of the lorry. When the head of his engine was level with the children he saw a motor topping a rise about 120 feet away, and heard the sound of the horn. The car was travelling at about 10 to 12 miles per hour, while the driver appeared to be going very carefully, and was evidently trying to slow up to pass the children and the lorry. The former, who up to then were still close on the right-hand side of the road, suddenly made a dive across to the back of the lorry and the next thing witness saw was that one boy had tumbled into the hedge and another, the deceased, was lying in the road. The third was unhurt and ran off, while the second quickly followed him. When the car was passing Smith he heard the driver shouting as well as sounding his horn to warn the boys. In witness's opinion it was a pure accident caused by the lads diving across the road. - Evidence corroborating that of the last witness was given by Ernest Davey, who was also on the engine. - George Frederick Burton, a farmer, of Tollerton Alne, near York, said he was driving a motor car from Exeter in the direction of Honiton Clyst at about 12.30 on the day in question. When he arrived near the bridge he saw a motor wagon coming towards him on its proper side of the road, and also three boys on the grass close to the hedge on the other side. He sounded his hooter a considerable distance away from them, and just after he had passed the head of the wagon the children dived across the road as though to get behind the lorry. Witness commenced to shout as well as to again sound his hooter. He also applied his brakes. He was travelling at perhaps 15 miles per hour on the brow of the hill, but to pass the wagon he slowed to about 10 miles. The children would have been perfectly safe if they had not made the dive across the road. When they did so the car caught the deceased boy between the mud guard and the left spring, while the mud guard caught the second and spun him into the hedge. The car went over the deceased and witness stopped dead and found the boy immediately behind the car. He saw that the lad was severely hurt. He was alive but died within about ten minutes. Witness personally tried to give him brandy. Soon Dr Sandoe came on the scene and they took the deceased to his home. - By Mr McGahey: witness had driven some 40,000 miles since 1915 and had never had an accident. - Corroborative evidence was given by Mrs Burton, his wife. - Dr John W. Sandoe, of Honiton Clyst, said that when he saw the child in the motor he was just alive. Examination showed that he was bleeding from both ears, nose and mouth. Witness came to the conclusion that death resulted from a fracture to the base of the skull. - The Jury returned a verdict of "Accidental Death," and considered that no blame whatever was attached to the driver of the car.
Western Times, Tuesday 15 June 1920
NORTH MOLTON - "Worried To Death." North Molton Trader Cuts His Throat: A Last Letter. - At an Inquest conducted by Mr George Brown, at North Molton yesterday, on the body of WILLIAM JAMES LOCK, aged 51, a general store dealer of the village, who was found yesterday morning in his bedroom with his throat cut, it was stated deceased had been worried over an application from the Income Tax authorities to make a report of his stock-in-trade, and also by the receipt of news from Canada that his sister had been burned to death. - The Coroner said it could not be a very tremendous job in a small place like North Molton to go through the stock. - In a note found in deceased's pocket, and produced by P.C. Holman, deceased stated, "I am worried to death with trade prices, etc. The shock of my sister is terrible." He also left instructions as to his business and other matters. - The Coroner, in returning a verdict of "Suicide," mentioned that several years ago he held an Inquest on deceased's son, who met with his death by hanging.
EXETER - Exeter Boy's Death. Gallant Attempts At Rescue In The Exe. Coroner's Tribute. - At an Inquest at the Court House yesterday relative to the death of THOMAS MOXEY, aged six years and eight months, of Tabernacle-court, Coombe-street, who fell into the river at the Exeter Quay on Friday evening, and was drowned, evidence was given by the father, a general labourer, to the effect that about 6 o'clock he told the child, who was at play outside the house, not to go away. A six-year-old boy named James McGahey, who was with the deceased, said MOXEY was playing at some pools in the road, and accidentally fell over the quay. - John Richard Brookman, of Alexandra-terrace, who was in a boat on the river, said he rowed towards the spot where it was supposed the child had fallen in. Seeing something blue disappearing he jumped in, but failed to find the deceased. He had served in the war, had lost an eye, and became exhausted. - Mark Osborne, whose attention had been called by shouts, said he dived several times at the spot where he was told the body had disappeared. He ultimately pulled up the body with grappling irons 15 or 16 yards farther on. - P.C. Lovick said he dived three times, but failed to find the body. - Dr Pereira Gray stated that death was due to drowning. - The Coroner, in returning a verdict of "Accidental Death," said it was very gratifying to know that several men attempted a rescue. They all showed great spirit and pluck, particularly the discharged soldier, who, although unfit, did his best. He believed six or seven men went in and it redounded to their credit and to the City.
SAMPFORD PEVERELL - Found Drowned At Sampford Peverell. - Mr G. H. Stephens, Deputy Coroner, held an Inquiry at Sampford Peverell last evening relative to the death of JOHN DUNN, 71, Army Pensioner, of Rose Cottage, Sampford Peverell, who was found in the water under the G.W.R. Canal bridge at Sampford Peverell. - MRS EMMA DUNN, a widow, identified the body as that of her late husband's brother. She last saw him alive on Saturday, after he was in bed, between 9 and 10 p.m. He had suffered in his head of late and had fallen down several times. He was seen by a doctor about two months ago. Deceased was in the habit of going for a walk before breakfast, saying he would have a "sea breeze." He went downstairs about 6.30 a.m. on Sunday, and was in the habit of lighting the fire. Witness got down ten minutes after and found the fire alight. Deceased, however, was not to be seen. He had never intimated that he was tired of life. By a "sea breeze" he meant a walk by the canal, which was close to witness's home. - Mark Palmer, quarryman, who slept in the same room as deceased, said DUNN appeared in his usual health on Sunday. Witness saw deceased leave his room. - P.C. Beavis said he went to the spot upon receiving information and found deceased in a standing position, with his head partly above water. He was out of witness's reach, whereupon he obtained a boat and went to the spot again. Near the spot there was a steep slope, which deceased probably went down. The body was recovered and artificial respiration tried, but without effect. - Dr Wm. M. Browne, Sampford Peverell, said he had occasionally attended deceased for minor ailments. He had never seemed depressed, quite the reverse in fact. Witness examined the body and found that death was caused by drowning. He had been in the water about half an hour. - A verdict of "Found Drowned" was returned.
Western Times, Wednesday 16 June 1920
EXETER - At an Inquest by the Exeter City Coroner, Mr W. Linford Brown, yesterday, on FLORENCE ROSE MAUD FINNIMORE, an infant four months old, daughter of MR and MRS FINNIMORE, of 41 Commercial-road, Exeter, Dr W. C. Gelt attributed death to convulsions brought on by very early teething and a verdict was returned accordingly.
KILMINGTON - "Well, I am sure heart specialists would be surprised were they to attend inquests and hear what is said!" declared Dr E. R. Tweed, the East Devon Coroner, at an Inquest at Kilmington, held last evening on GEORGE MILLER COX, bachelor, 60 years of age, who had been employed for the past 14 years as a labourer by Mr William Norton Wright, Studhayes Farm, Kilmington. - Mr Wright said deceased always did his work carefully, never complained that he found it a difficulty, was quite as cheerful and appeared to be just as strong as any of the other workmen. "In fact," added witness, "he was a stronger man than I am." - According to the evidence deceased helped Mr William Norton Wright's son, Walter, who occupies Dulcis, an adjoining farm, to unload some hay at the latter place and then walked on to Studhayes. Walter followed five minutes later with the waggon. Deceased when he returned to the hayfield at Studhayes to load the hay was very cheerful. When about a quarter had been loaded Walter heard a faint noise and looking up could not see COX. On going round to the other side he saw him lying on the ground. - Deceased sat up but could not speak. His forehead was bathed with water and brandy was also fetched, but deceased could not swallow it; death having apparently taken place. - Dr Langran, of Axminster, who was called, said deceased had a small contusion on the left side of the forehead. A post-mortem examination revealed no cerebral haemorrhage. Death was due to sudden heart failure caused by mitral disease of the heart. - The Coroner, sitting without a Jury, recorded a verdict in accordance with the medical evidence.
Western Times, Tuesday 22 June 1920
EXETER - In accordance with the evidence of Dr Bradford, the City Coroner, Mr W. Linford Brown, returned a verdict of "Accidental Death" caused by shock received through falling down by her doorstep and sustaining injuries to her arm, at an Inquest he conducted on the death of MRS JANE PENNYFATHER, 77, wife of a retired farmer, of Oxford House, Oxford-road, Exeter, yesterday. The accident occurred on the 8th inst., and Dr Bradford had been in daily attendance on MRS PENNYFATHER until her death, which took place on the 19th.
Western Times, Friday 25 June 1920
EXETER - Last evening the Exeter City Coroner, Mr W. Linford Brown, held an inquiry into the death of MRS JANE ANN SPENCER, aged 76, who died suddenly on Wednesday afternoon at her house, No. 13 Stafford-road, St. Thomas, Exeter. Dr S. E. Atkins attributed death to heart failure caused by fatty degeneration, and the Coroner returned a verdict in accordance with this. It was stated that MRS SPENCER had not had a doctor for several years.
MOREBATH - Morebath Woman's Suicide. A Last Note Says She Could Bear It No Longer. - At Morebath, near Tiverton, Tuesday, an Inquest was held by Mr G. H. Stephens, Deputy Coroner, on the body of MARY HEWITT STUCKEY, aged 48, who committed suicide by cutting her throat with a razor at Morebath on the 20th inst. The evidence adduced went to show that the deceased was discovered by her husband on the bed at 12.30 p.m., on the day in question. She was partly dressed with a large gash in her throat and quite dead. The whole length of the blade of the razor was in her throat, the handle lying against the right side of her neck. A note was left by the deceased as follows:- "Dear ALF, - I can bear this in my poor head no longer. Good bye. God bless you. My love to all." The evidence of Dr Fisher, who had attended deceased, who had suffered from hysteria, said the wound appeared to have been self-inflicted. - The Jury returned a verdict of "Suicide while Temporarily Insane."
UFFCULME - Torquay Motorist's Death. Inquest On MR LEONARD MARCH, At Uffculme. - For two and a half hours, on Wednesday, at the Lamb Inn, on the Wellington main road between Uffculme and Burlescombe, Mr Tweed (Coroner) conducted an Enquiry into the circumstances surrounding the death of FREDERICK LEONARD MARCH, aged 28, chemist, of Torquay, killed the previous day while driving a motor cycle and side-car back from his holiday. The body was identified by deceased's father, a chemist, of Belgrave-road, Torquay, who said his son managed a branch business, enjoyed perfect health and was returning from a fortnight's holiday. He had wrote from London on the 18th, but witness assumed that he started early on Tuesday morning from Taunton School, where a younger brother was being educated. - Samuel Morrell, driver of the traction engine drawing two trucks of stone, which suddenly confronted deceased as he crested the brow of a short, sharp hill in a "dip" intersection by a cross road, said when the look-out man signalled an approaching vehicle he turned his head, and saw the motor and side-car tip up twice, throw the rider high in the air and fall on his head. The machine somersaulted and came over in an instant. He was dead when the engine men got to him. Witness thought deceased could have passed had he been going a decent pace, but he was going very fast - Edgar Cottrell, the signalman in the last truck, estimated deceased's speed at 40 to 50 miles an hour. Deceased had room to pass, but might have brushed the vegetation on the banks. - Mark Tooze, labourer, whom deceased passed just before he crested the hill, said the machine was going, perhaps, forty miles an hour. It was early in the morning, and the road there was straight and clear. - Dr Laidlaw said death was due to a fractured skull (frontal bones), and there were other injuries. - P.C. Rinall gave measurements of the road and said the overhanging vegetation took five feet. He thought deceased was frightened when he saw the engine and trucks in the comparatively narrow winding road in front of him, and tried an acute turn into a bye-road leading to Burlescombe, and so capsized. The side-car tyre was partly torn off the rim. - The Coroner and Jury shared that view, and found that the occurrence was Accidental, no blame attaching. - Before the verdict was reached, a Juror observed that deceased, by his license did not appear to have been driving very long. - Reg. Talbot Richards, a friend, was then sworn, and allowed to testify that although deceased had only had this, his first, machine a month, he had done a good deal of driving, and was careful. The witness (himself an experienced motorist) said he had not known deceased exceed 25 miles an hour. - The Coroner said this was the sixth enquiry into similar accidents he had held of late and it was time the authorities pared the hedges and otherwise did what was possible to save human life. If they preferred to pay in human life, instead of in £ s. d., he was sorry for them. - The Jury concurred and sympathy was expressed with the bereaved.
EXETER - Exeter Widow's Death: The Inquest. - At the Court House, Exeter, yesterday, the City Coroner, Mr W. Linford Brown, conducted an Inquest relative to the death of MRS EMILY CLARKE, 62, a widow, of 4 Bartholomew-street, who was found dead in her bed early yesterday morning. - EMILY CLARKE, daughter of the deceased, said that her mother had complained of feeling giddy and faint lately, and had been worse during the night before her death. She had not been attended by a doctor for two years. - Dr Pereira Gray attributed death to heart failure due to great fatty degeneration of the heart, and the Coroner returned a verdict of "Death from Natural Causes."
Western Times, Tuesday 29 June 1920
DUNSFORD - The Char-A-Banc Smash. Inquest Opened At Dunsford Yesterday. Only Formal Evidence. - Mr H. W. Gould, District Coroner, opened the Inquest at the Royal Oak, Dunsford, yesterday, on WILLIAM BENJAMIN DENFORD, known as SHAW, of 15 West View-terrace, Exeter, who was killed in the motor char-a-banc accident on Saturday. Deceased's family was represented by Messrs. Dunn and Baker. - The Coroner intimated that he should formally open the Inquest, take evidence of identification and the medical testimony and then adjourn to a convenient date. - Mrs Mary Elizabeth Rowland, of 15 West View-terrace, Exeter, identified the body, and said she had lived with deceased as housekeeper for 33 years. He was a wood turner, aged 51. She saw him leave Bonhay-road at 9 a.m. on Saturday with a char-a-banc party for Plymouth. - Dr E. E. Nicholl, of Dunsford, said he was called to deceased about 9.50 a.m. He found him lying in a field adjoining the spot where the overturned char-a-banc was lying. DENFORD was quite dead and on examination he found no superficial injuries. His opinion was that death was due to shock. He could find nothing to actually account for death. The neck might have been broken, but he could not say definitely. - The Coroner made an order for a post-mortem examination. - P.S. Horn, replying to the Coroner, said it would be seven days before the driver of the char-a-banc would be able to give evidence. - The Inquest was then adjourned until 11 a.m. on July 19th at Dunsford. [The full story of the disaster appears on P.2 of this newspaper.]
Western Times, Wednesday 30 June 1920
EXETER - The City Coroner, Mr W. Linford Brown, held an Inquiry at the Court House, Exeter, yesterday, on the death of HILDA MAY SHEPHERD, the two months old child of MISS SHEPHERD, of Mary Arches-street. The mother said the child was in good health on Saturday last and died at 6 a.m. on Sunday in bed. Dr Hubert Temple, who conducted a post mortem examination, said the child seemed healthy and there were no marks of violence. He attributed death to suffocation. The Coroner adjourned the Inquest for further evidence.
WERRINGTON - Distressing Tragedy Near Launceston. - At Plane, Werrington, on Monday evening, Mr Brown, Coroner, Okehampton, Inquired into the tragic circumstances attending the death of SAMUEL BARRIBALL, 10 years of age, son of MR JOHN BARRIBALL, small holder. From the evidence given it appeared that on Saturday evening, whilst the father and mother were at Launceston market, deceased and his brother, JAMES, aged 12, were in the kitchen. JAMES got a gun, which was kept in the corner, and loaded it with a cartridge from a drawer of the dresser. He was pointing the gun away from his brother, but in knocking the gun to get the cartridge out, he swung it around and at the same time it went off, shooting his brother, SAMUEL, in the face, causing immediate death. - Replying to the Coroner, the boy JAMES said it was quite an accident, and he had had no trouble or quarrel with his brother. - The Coroner returned a verdict of "Death from Misadventure through being Accidentally Shot," and said it seemed a very unfortunate thing that a gun should be left on the floor of the kitchen instead of being placed somewhere out of reach. He supposed the parents realised that now and that cartridges should not be in a drawer with young children about.
Western Times, Thursday 1 July 1920
BULKWORTHY - Inquest Story Of The Jingle Accident Near Bideford. - At the Inquest conducted by Mr George Brown yesterday, on the body of MRS MAHALAH MOORE, wife of MR JOHN MOORE, of Eastacott Farm, Bulkworthy, near Bideford, who met with fatal injuries while driving a jingle to Bideford Market on Tuesday, the husband stated that deceased had driven the pony hundreds of miles. It was a free going animal which sometimes took notice of things on the road but it was not accustomed to shieing. - Joseph Hammett, a carter employed in drawing wood to Bideford and whom the deceased passed at Frithelstock Stone, said there was plenty of room. She cleared the head of his horse and was still keeping in to the right in order to pass another cart laden with timber a few yards in front when, for some reason, she ran up over the hedge. In his opinion the wheel of the vehicle struck an old stake sticking out from the fence and thus overturned the trap. Deceased was thrown right across the road, and her daughter was pinned under the trap and had to be released. - Dr Littlewood of Bideford, said there was a compound depressed fracture of the front of the skull and another fracture to the base of the skull. Death was caused by laceration of the brain. - A verdict of "Accidental Death" was returned.
IPSWICH, SUFFOLK - Fatal Accident To An Exonian At Ipswich. - On Monday MRS DE VIELL, 1 Oakfield-road, St. Thomas, received a telegram from Marlesham Heath, Ipswich, stating that her husband, FLIGHT-SERGT. DE VIELL, had met with a fatal accident. It appears he, with a mechanic, was repairing an aeroplane engine, when the "jack" slipped, killing MR DE VIELL and seriously injuring his companion. Death was instantaneous. MR DE VIELL joined up in June 1915, and for four years was stationed at Farnborough. He was promoted to flight-sergeant, and when the accident occurred he was stationed at the experimental station, Ipswich. He is the son of MR and MRS DE VIELL, Cecil-road, St. Thomas, and was 31 years of age. An Inquest has been held and a verdict of "Accidental Death" returned. The body is to be brought to Exeter for burial.
Western Times, Friday 2 July 1920
BURLESCOMBE - Fatal Fall At Burlescombe. - An Inquest has been held at Cudley Farm, Burlescombe, by the County Coroner, Mr H. W. Gould, on the death of CHARLES BRADDICK. - MARTHA ELIZABETH BRADDICK, wife of WILLIAM R. BRADDICK, of Cudley Farm, said deceased, who was her brother-in-law, was 65 years of age, and he assisted and lived with witness and her husband on the farm. - On June 29th, after returning from Wellington, about 5 p.m., witness found deceased was not at home. She went to a field, out of which cows had broken out several times, and found the deceased lying on his back on the ground. He had done a good bit of work towards repairing the hedge and his body was warm. He appeared to have fallen from the hedge, which was five or six feet high. - Dr S. F. Huth, of Culmstock, who made a post-mortem examination, attributed death to a broken neck, sustained through a fall. - A verdict of "Accidental Death" was returned.
ILSINGTON - South Devon Tragedy. Man Found Hanging: Fight Story Told At Inquest. - A tragic discovery was made on Wednesday morning of the body of a man hanging in a stable at Star Inn, Liverton, near Newton Abbot. It was identified as that of RICHARD MANNING, 50, a single labourer, who had recently been working on the highway for a firm of tar-sprayers. Deceased does not seem to have had any settled home, but had for some time assisted farmers in the district. - The Inquest. - At the Inquest held by Mr Coroner Hacker, at Cold East Schoolroom, Liverton, last evening, evidence of identification was given by deceased's stepmother, ELIZABETH MANNING, a widow, residing at Love-lane, Bickington. Deceased had been lodging for the past fortnight with John Manning, of Ash Hill, Highweek, who said deceased had only slept in his house four nights during that period. Deceased was found in the stable at 6.30 a.m., Wednesday morning, by Edwin Cox, who went to fetch some tools he had left there. On entering, he wished deceased "Good morning," before he noticed what had happened. He informed Thomas Warren, who lives with his mother, the landlady of the Star Inn, and together they cut the body down. - William French, of Gloucester, foreman to Messrs. Fothergill Bros., tar spraying contractors, of Exeter, said deceased had been at work with him on the roads in the district for about three weeks and witness paid him for his work up to Saturday. - Answering the Coroner, witness admitted there was a fight between him and deceased, owing to a dispute about the time deceased had worked. - The Coroner: What happened? - Witness: He came and knocked me down and I retaliated. - The Coroner: Did deceased go down, too? - Witness: Decidedly. - The Coroner: After the fight, he did not think you would take him on again? - Witness: That is so. The fuss was over, however, and I promised him work on the following day. - P.C. Saunders said the only mark on the deceased, beside that round the neck, was a black eye. - The Coroner: You gave him that black eye, French? - The witness: Most likely, sir. - A verdict of "Death by Hanging" was returned.
Western Times, Saturday 3 July 1920
HOLSWORTHY - Mr G. J. Atkinson, Deputy Coroner, without a Jury, held an Inquest at Arscott Farm, Holsworthy, yesterday, touching the death of JAMES SLEEMAN, the ten years old son of MR S. J. SLEEMAN. - MRS SLEEMAN, the mother, identified the body. She stated that her son had been delicate from birth, was deformed, and not permitted to attend school. About 6 p.m. on Wednesday deceased had a supper of new potato pie. He did not eat more than usual. After supper he went out to play, and returned at about 7.45 complaining of pains in the stomach and he screamed once. Witness undressed the boy and carried him upstairs and put him to bed. Whilst this was being done he (as she thought) went to sleep. The neighbours, however, when they saw the boy, said he was dead. The father had gone for the doctor. Deceased complained of pains in his stomach on Sunday evening, but they passed off again. - Dr W. G,. Gray, who made a post mortem examination, found a large perforation in the stomach and a large quantity of blood in the abdominal cavity. There was evidence of food and one large piece of new potato had passed through the perforation. Deceased had evidently been suffering from gastric ulcer (tubercular). - Death was attributed to haemorrhage caused by the perforation of the stomach brought on by over-feeding a weak stomach.
TEIGNMOUTH - Teignmouth Bathing Fatality. London Visitor Breaks His Neck While Diving. - Sitting without a Jury at Teignmouth Town Hall, yesterday, Mr S. Hacker, County Coroner, held an Enquiry into the circumstances attending the death of MR GEORGE VICARY, proprietor of the Distiller's Arms, Fulham-palace-road, Hammersmith, aged 54, who dived into the water from the diving-board on the east side of Teignmouth Pier on Wednesday afternoon and failed to reappear. - George Ley Langmead, of Milburn House, Moretonhampstead, with whom deceased was staying for a holiday, said they paid a visit to Teignmouth on Wednesday afternoon, and whilst deceased was in the water with his daughter-in-law, witness remained n the beach with VICARY'S wife. Deceased had been in the water for some time and had taken several dives from the board before the fatal plunge, which he took with the appearance of tippling over on his head. As deceased failed to rise, several went to his rescue and he was brought out and taken to a tent, apparently dead. During the time VICARY was bathing, the position of the diving plank had not been altered, neither had the depth of the water varied. - Mr A. P. Dell, (representing the bathing machine proprietor): Do you think deceased fainted? - I think something must have happened. He did not dive as before, although he ran up the plank like a boy. Deceased had been unwell for some time and was under medical treatment for his heart. - Leo Permouth, a visitor to Teignmouth from Basingstoke, saw deceased before the occurrence in the water. He judged that there could not have been more than three feet of water for deceased to dive into, whilst the distance from the water to the top of the plank was about four or five feet. Witness applied artificial respiration, but without success. - Dr Little, who made a post-mortem examination, said deceased had a fracture of the neck, which was the cause of death. There was a good deal of blood under the scalp, corresponding with a bruise on the top of the head. Deceased was a heavy man, and had fatty degeneration of the heart. Witness could not say whether deceased fainted or not, but in any case he must have struck the bottom of the sea direct with the top of his head. Probably there was a rush of blood to the head. - Albert George Crook, bathing master, said deceased had been in the water about 20 minutes. The tide was flowing. When he put the lank in position there was about 2 ½ feet of water below it, but no one was bathing at that time. - The Coroner thought a good deal of care should be given to the bathing plank. Someone knowing little about diving might go over if there was only two feet of water below it. - Witness: I often warn people. I generally arrange for the plank to be above four feet of water. - The Coroner: On this occasion, there was only 2 ½ feet of water? - But the tide was flowing. - The Coroner suggested that the proper thing to do would be to keep the plank at four feet of water, and asked that this should be done in future. - Mr Dell pointed out that a mechanical contrivance would be required to keep the water at four feet. - Witness said there was the difficulty of having the water too deep for some people. - The Coroner said steps should be taken to provide four feet of water below the plank as far as possible. It was a simple matter, and he wanted an assurance that steps would be taken to assure that. Otherwise he should have to make representations to the Board of Trade. - Mr Dell suggested a notice should be placed on the plank warning bathers not to use it without consulting the attendant. - The Coroner insisted on the assurance he asked for, and this was given by Mr Dell, who added that the Urban Council in any case, proposed to place a notice of warning on the plank. - A verdict of "Accidental Death" was returned.
Western Times, Tuesday 6 July 1920
PAIGNTON - Killed By A Bull. Farm Labourer's Tragic End At Paignton. - A farm labourer named GEORGE EDWARD BARTLETT, who was employed by Mr John Coaker, of Blagdon Barton, was on Saturday evening killed by a bull. - It appears that BARTLETT had his attention called to the fact that a bull had strayed into a field of mowing grass and he took a fork to drive it back. BARTLETT apparently got the animal across the field, but on entering a second, the animal must have turned on him and killed him. - Two or three fellow workmen arrived on the scene, when it was too late, and drove the bull off to the farmyard. There were many signs of a struggle around the body, which was taken to deceased's home by the Police. The bull was recently sold for 210 guineas to a farmer at Helston, Cornwall. - The Inquest. - At the Inquest at Collaton, yesterday, on BARTLETT, George Damerell, farm labourer, said he called deceased's attention to the fact that the bull had broken out of a field where it was kept, and deceased went into the field and drove the bull on with a fork, while witness and his brother went on to Collaton. Going through the first field the bull went quite quietly, and on reaching the second field both deceased and the bull were out of sight. About five minutes later he heard deceased shout and went back to the cottages and got help, he and others arming themselves with sticks. - The Coroner questioned witness as to whether it would not have been better to have gone straight to deceased's assistance. Witness said he would not attempt to go to a bull unless armed with something; neither he nor his brother were armed with anything. - Witness further stated that he saw deceased from the roadway as he went back. He was lying on the ground and the bull was some distance away, but he thought it must have been all over then. - Samuel Henry Damerell, brother of the last witness, corroborated, and did not think they could have done any good by going straight to the scene unarmed. - Samuel Henry Parnell said the Damerells came to his father's house for assistance and he went over to the bull and drove it away. It was still watching the man, but did not attack witness, though it stood for some time before they could turn it. - William Stafford Coaker, son of the owner of the bull, said it was very quiet, but had broken once before the same day - and he took it back with the use of a staff and halter. - Dr Adams said when he got to the scene the man was dead. There were severe injuries to the head, several ribs were broken and the head had been punctured by one of the horns. It looked as if he had been pounded on the ground. - The Coroner returned a verdict of "Accidental Death."
Western Times, Wednesday 7 July 1920
EXETER - Baby's Sad Death At Exeter. "Very Unusual For A Child To Turn Over," Says The Doctor. - The Exeter City Coroner, Mr W. Linford Brown, conducted an Inquest at the Court House, Exeter, on the body of a male child, the son of MR and MRS T. VANSTONE, of Cowley-road, Exeter. Nurse F. A. Harland, a nurse at the Dix's Field Maternity Home, said the child was born in the Home at 6.45 p.m. on Saturday last. She had been attending the child on Sunday evening. At 3.30 a.m. on Monday morning she fed the baby, and attended it again at five. Witness was, with the exception of a few seconds, in the room with the baby throughout the night. She had only one other baby to attend and that was in the same room. At 6.10 when she wanted to feed the baby, she saw that it had turned over and its face was white and blue. Witness immediately took it to the midwife who attended the mother and Dr Thomas was sent for. The child was dead but was still warm. - The midwife, Nurse E. Bowker, said that the child was in quite a normal state of health at its birth. - Evidence as to the care taken of children at the Home was given by Matron A. Walking. - Dr Thomas, Medical Officer to the Home, said both sides of the heart were engorged with blood, also the liver and the lungs, while the brains were also slightly congested with blood. He made a post-mortem examination, and attributed death to suffocation, caused by the child turning over. - In answer to the Coroner, Dr Thomas said that it was very unusual for a child to turn over, but there were cases on record. - The Coroner returned a verdict in accordance with the medical evidence.
Western Times, Friday 9 July 1920
EXETER - The Dunsford Tragedy. Inquest On Second Victim Of Char-a-Banc Tragedy. - The Inquest on the second victim of the char-a-banc accident at Six-Mile Hill, Dunsford, on 26th June, was opened last evening at the Royal Devon and Exeter Hospital by the City Coroner, Mr W. Linford Brown, and a Jury. The deceased, JOHN THOMAS HELLEY, aged 60, groundsman at the Bonhay Pleasure Ground, succumbed to his injuries early on Wednesday morning. Evidence of identification was given by the widow, MRS HELLEY, who stated that her husband had enjoyed very good health prior to the accident. She saw him at the Hospital on the afternoon of 26th June, but he could not speak very rationally then, and when she visited him again on 6th July he said he felt very bad, and should be better when the injured arm was off. He did not tell her how the accident happened. - Richard Smith, House Surgeon at the Hospital, said deceased was admitted on 26th June at 11.30 a.m. He had a severe lacerated wound in the left forearm, with compound fracture of both bones, fractured ribs on both sides and a grazed face. He did on 7th July from bronchitis and bronchial pneumonia, following on the severe injuries received. In reply to the Coroner, witness said this often happened in the case of elderly people, and, answering the Foreman of the Jury, Dr Smith said the injuries were undoubtedly the primary cause of death. - The Inquest was then adjourned to 21st July, at the Police Station.
GREENWICH, LONDON - Tragic Death Of An Ottery St Mary Man in London. - The death of MR FRANK BAKER, of Brockley, London, and son of MRS T. HALLETT, of Broad Oak, Ottery St. Mary, has taken place under somewhat tragic circumstances, he having been poisoned with weed killer. Deceased was a gardener working in a private garden at Brockley, where he had been employed over 10 years. One morning last week, about 10.30, when his mistress was about to take him out some lunch, she noticed him fall prostrate on the steps leading to the house. He stated that he had been poisoned and had drunk some weed killer. He said his chum handed the bottle over the garden wall to him and thinking it was beer he drank some. BAKER was removed to Miller's Hospital, Greenwich, but he succumbed to the poison. At the Inquest deceased's chum, an aged gardener, stated that he handed the bottle over the wall for BAKER to keep for him. It was an ordinary beer bottle with label on it and contained weed killer. He went and got the bottle afterwards and buried it in his own garden, so no one should know anything about it. Witness was severely questioned by the Coroner with regard to where he got the bottle of weed killer from, and he replied it was given him by a man some twelve months ago, but he could not tell who as his memory was very bad. The Jury subsequently brought in a verdict to the effect that deceased died from Drinking Poisonous Weed Killer through Misadventure. Deceased, who was 39 years of age, was interred in the cemetery at Brockley. BAKER was formerly employed in the gardens at Stover House, near Newton Abbot.
KINGSKERSWELL - Kingskerswell Tragedy. Labourer Hangs Himself At The Foot Of His Bed. - An Inquiry was held at Kingskerswell yesterday by Mr S. Hacker, into the death of a general labourer, named JAMES WONACOTT, aged 54, who was found dead, hanging at the foot of his bed on Wednesday morning. - MRS OLIVE MAY WONACOTT, daughter-in-law, said deceased had lived with her husband and herself for a month and had been complaining of pains in his head and throat. On Wednesday morning she found him dead at the foot of the bed, with a bandage around his neck, the other end being attached to the bedpost. - JOHN HENRY WONACOTT, son, stated that his father had been ill for two years, and had been unable to work for the past three months. He had been complaining of pains in the head, side and throat, especially on Tuesday, when a linseed poultice was applied, the bandage of which was found around his neck the next morning. - James Wilkinson, Warrant Officer in the Navy, said when he was called by MRS WONACOTT he found the deceased was quite dead, there being no pulse beat. He fetched the Constable and subsequently cut the body down. - The Coroner: The first thing one should do when a man is found hanging is to cut him down and feel his pulse afterwards. You see you might have been mistaken in your thought that he was dead. - Dr J. R. Hatfield stated that deceased had been "seedy" for the past two years and was upset by having to give up his work three months ago. He was suffering from a nervous breakdown after an attack of acute neuritis. Death was due to strangulation. - The Coroner returned a verdict of "Suicide whilst of Unsound Mind."
Western Times, Saturday 10 July 1920
EXETER - Found Dead At Exeter. - An Inquiry into the death of JOHN MORPHEN HOLT, who was found dead at No. 16 Telford-road, ST David's, Exeter, was conducted by the City Coroner, Mr W. Linford Brown, at the Court House yesterday afternoon. - MRS ROSINA HOLT said she and her husband were staying at No. 16 Telford-road, St. David's, Exeter, and that deceased was an officer in the Indian Educational Service. He suffered from "heart block," and had injections in India. In that country he had been very ill, having frequently severe heart attacks. He had an attack about the 2nd June. They came to England on the 25th of that month. On July 6th he was comparatively well and accompanied witness to the station as she was leaving for Guernsey to see about a house. On Wednesday, in response to a telegram, she returned. - Mr Henry Baker, the occupier of the hotel at which deceased was staying, and of which No. 16 was an annexe, said MR HOLT had told him that he left India as he considered his health was not suited to such a climate, owing chiefly to heart trouble. Witness, as deceased did not come down to breakfast, went upstairs to see him. On entering the bedroom he found HOLT lying on the floor, dressed in his pyjamas, having apparently fallen forward while bathing his feet. His face was contracted and black looking. - Dr Pereira Gray attributed death to heart failure, caused by "heart block" which was a kind of paralysis of the heart and the Coroner returned a verdict accordingly.
Western Times, Monday 12 July 1920
BIDEFORD - Found Drowned At Bideford. - At Bideford on Saturday, Mr Coroner G. W. F. Brown held an Inquest into the cause of death of LEWIS ROBERTS, 42, a fireman employed on the s.s. Glen Doon, now working for the Hansen Shipbuilding Company, Ltd., Bideford. - The Captain of the Glen Doon, John Clements, of Bideford, said the deceased was married and his home was at 4 Treslissick-terrace, Hayle. On Thursday last witness left the ship at 10.15 p.m., having drawn her five or six feet from the jetty and put down the ladder for getting aboard which was fastened to the ship. - By the Coroner: He had never seen deceased the worse for drink. - By Mr U. R. Bazeley (representing the Company): Deceased was out of his control from 5 p.m. to 7 a.m. - Jas. Ryan, of Cardiff, a sailor on board the steamship, said with deceased they left the vessel between 4 and 5 o'clock on Thursday afternoon, and went to Bideford, where they visited several public-houses and stayed until closing time. - Q.: What was your condition then? - I must admit I was not sober. Witness could not remember what was the last time he saw deceased, but he thought he said he should go down to the boat. Witness got down there, and as the boat was swung off and there was o ladder there, he could not get aboard, and he slept in the boiler house at the works. He believed he left deceased in Cooper-street, when he said he was going to get some lodgings. - William Yarnold deposed to the men finding the body just after they had started work on Friday morning. It was about 45 feet away from the vessel. - Thomas Shute, night watchman, said he found Ryan asleep in the furnace house and he was under the influence of drink. He took him to the jetty to put him aboard, but the ladder which was there when he visited the spot an hour earlier was missing, and he allowed Ryan to sleep where he was. - Robert Lichman said he was in company of deceased and left him after closing time, when he said he was going down to go aboard the ship, and was going to take Ryan down. - The Coroner: It was a case of the blind leading the blind. - Witness: No, not at all. - P.C. Wills said the deceased's watch had stopped at 11.58. - The Coroner said the men had evidently been drinking together, but how deceased came into the water no one could tell. The verdict would be one of "Found Drowned."
ST MARYCHURCH - Old Man's Despair. Pathetic Evidence At A Torquay Inquest. - At St Marychurch Town Hall, Torquay, on Friday afternoon, the County Coroner, Mr S. Hacker, conducted an Inquiry into the circumstances attending the death of CHARLES RENDELL, a naval pensioner, who was found with his throat cut at 1 Broadmead-road, on the previous day. - MRS FLORENCE HINGSTON, living at 2 Brunswick-terrace, Torre, stated that the deceased - her father - was 68 years of age. His sight had lately been failing. Five years ago he underwent an operation for a growth in the mouth, and since then he had suffered considerably from pains in the head, which made him depressed. - Miss Lilian Epps, of 1 Broadmead-road, where deceased occupied an upstairs room, said RENDELL had recently told her he was unable to sleep at nights. On Wednesday evening he appeared quite normal, although he complained of feeling unwell. During the night witness heard him singing and moving about the room. The next morning she saw blood dropping from the ceiling in her kitchen, apparently having oozed through the floor of RENDELL'S room above. Witness called to deceased and receiving no answer, went up to his room, where she saw him lying in a pool of blood. Witness was aware that deceased was subject to pains in the head. He told her that "terrible things he saw in the newspapers" affected him. - P.C. Foden said near the body he found a bucket, in which a razor, stained with blood, had been placed. - Dr G. M. Winter said deceased had a deep wound in the throat, which appeared to have been self-inflicted. - After hearing further evidence, the Coroner returned a verdict of "Suicide whilst of Unsound Mind."
Western Times, Wednesday 14 July 1920
MORCHARD BISHOP - Suicide At Morchard Bishop. - The County Coroner, Mr W. H. Gould, held an Inquiry, yesterday, at Morchard Bishop, into the death of WILLIAM DAVEY, shoeing smith, of Frost's Cottages, Morchard Bishop. GEORGE DAVEY identified the body, and said deceased seemed very depressed and in low spirits since the death of his wife. - Frederick Leach, Frost's Cottages, gave evidence as to finding deceased hanging in an unoccupied cottage. A verdict of "Suicide whilst Temporarily Insane" was returned.
Western Times, Friday 16 July 1920
OKEHAMPTON - Car On The Path. An Okehampton Widow Killed By A Motor. - ELIZABETH COAD, 76, widow, of 58 Northfield-street, Okehampton, met her death on Saturday under tragic circumstances. The Inquest was conducted by Mr H. C. Brown on Monday. - William George Ash, of Belstone, motor driver, in the employ of the Monmouth and South Wales Colliery Company, said that on Saturday morning he was driving the local manager of the company through East-street, and when near the Fountain Hotel he noticed two cars standing by the kerb just beyond the Hotel. on the opposite side, coming up the street, were a horse and van belonging to Messrs. Passmore and Son, and drawing an agricultural implement at the rear. The horse and van were on the correct side and close in. Witness drove between the stationary cars and the horse and van, there being plenty of room. After he had passed the van his car swung around to the right of itself, and that was the first he knew that anything had gone wrong. He came into contact with the tail of the implement, but only just touched it - not sufficient to damage the car. The car mounted the kerb and knocked deceased against the pillar at the end of the bridge. He was travelling from seven to eight miles an hour. Witness later examined the car and found the radius rod had dropped and caused the car to get out of control. The piece of iron (produced) was the lower half of the ball socket, which was handed to him after the accident: it was picked up in the street. He had been driving a car 17 months and had no previous accident. - William Ernest Wood, motor engineer, of Okehampton, said he had examined the car, and found that the radius rod had dropped and the cup joint was broken. In that condition the car would be out of control. - Dr G. V. Burd stated that he was called to see the deceased and found that her right arm had been broken and the right knee shattered. She was removed to the Infirmary, where, with Doctors Jeffries and Court, an operation was performed, deceased's right leg being amputated above the knee. She came out of the anaesthetic all right, but died soon after and he attributed death to shock and loss of blood. - A verdict of "Accidental Death" was returned and the Coroner was asked to communicate with the Okehampton Town Council with a view to a recommendation being made for the fixing of a speed limit for motor vehicles in the borough.
LYNTON - Cliff Fatality. Sad Death Of A Lady Visitor To Lynton. - At Lynton on Monday, Mr G. W. F. Brown, North Devon Coroner, Inquired into the death of MRS LISBETH YOUNAN, aged 32, wife of LIEUT-COLONEL YOUNAN, of Bayswater, whose body was found at the foot of the cliffs at Lynton on Saturday evening. - Alfred A Rutter, a visitor, and P.C. Perriam, each spoke of seeing deceased going towards the Valley of Rocks on Saturday afternoon, the last-named witness saying she appeared to be quite normal. Later he received the body from Mr Bevan, and conveyed it to the mortuary. Later he found deceased's brooch and gloves by the edge of the cliffs, and she must have fallen over the North Walk. - Dr H. G. Falkner, who had attended MRS YOUNAN for catalepsy, stated that he saw her in bed on Saturday about 12.30 when she looked strange in her eyes. At the mortuary, in the evening, the body bore extensive injuries, caused by a fall, and the cause of death was fracture of the skull. - Mr C. N. Bevan spoke to recovering the body. - LIEUT.-COLONEL ARTHUR CHARLES YOUNAN deposed that his wife and himself had been staying at the Lyn Valley Hotel since July 1st. His wife had recently undergone an operation and was suffering from nervous shock. On Saturday she got up from bed about 2 p.m., and they went into Lynton to do some shopping. When he went into a chemist's shop, she said she would go to a jeweller's, but he would subsequently neither find her there nor in the direction of the North Walk. Later he was told she had been seen going that way at a rather fast rate, and the body was afterwards found on the shore. He never knew his wife had any suicidal tendencies, but two members of her family had taken their own lives. - A verdict of "Suicide whilst Temporarily Insane" was returned.
Western Times, Saturday 17 July 1920
EXMINSTER - Exeter Canal Tragedy. Tramp With Stone Tied Round His Neck. A Determined Suicide. - The County Coroner, Mr W. Gould, conducted an Inquest at the Railway Inn, Exminster, yesterday, relative to the death of the man who was found drowned in the Canal on Thursday. - P.S. Hambly, of Exmouth, identified the body as that of JOHN BOOT, 39, of no occupation, and no fixed address, being practically on tramp. Deceased had told witness that he was a native of Manchester, and had lived there for some time. Witness was able to identify him as he was arrested at Exmouth on June 22nd on a charge of obtaining credit by false pretences, tried at the Assizes and the charge was dismissed on the 26th. Witness could identify deceased on account of blasting marks on the forehead and cut thumb. Deceased had told witness, when in custody at Exmouth, that he had no relatives in the world. He had 9d., a purse, a knife, and a metal watch and chain, 2 keys and two metal rings when arrested. All these were found on his body with the exception of the 9d. The watch had stopped at 9.51. - Wm. Preston, of Clapperbrook Cottages, Alphington, a labourer, said that about 7.30 a.m. on Thursday he was in a boat with two other men on the Exeter Canal. When between the Lime Kilns and the sluice he saw the body of deceased in the water, with the head downwards and feet upwards. He discovered that a stone (produced) was tied to the neck. The stone was of lime, and of a similar kind to that used on the bank for repairs. Witness then sent a man on a bicycle to inform the Police. - P.C. Marden, of Exminster, said the stone tied around deceased's neck weighed 25lb. The body had the appearance of having been in the water some considerable time. On searching the body, witness found the articles enumerated by the first witness, and a newspaper bearing the date Tuesday, July 6th and a paper bearing the words "Rex. v. BOOT, " which was handed to him at the Assizes. - Dr Macpherson of Topsham, who examined the body,. said that it had the appearance of having been in the water not less than eight or nine days and witness attributed death to drowning. - The Coroner said that having regard to the circumstances of the death, he could only say that the deceased had drowned himself, though the date could not be ascertained. This, of course, had been between the 6th and 15th inst. He had no evidence as to the state of the mind of deceased, and he therefore returned a verdict of "Suicide in Exeter Canal in the Parish of Exminster."
DARTMOUTH - Dartmouth Child's Death Following Scalds. - Mr Hayne Smith, Deputy Coroner for Dartmouth, held an Inquest yesterday at the Dartmouth Guildhall, relative to the death of IVY SMITH, aged 3 ½ years, stepdaughter of F. T. CAPLE of Clarence Hill. - MRS AMY CAPLE said deceased was her daughter. On July 7th witness was washing clothes, and in lifting some from the copper to the wash-tub some of the drippings fell on IVY'S neck and left shoulder. She treated the scald with flour and oil dressings and the child seemed to make progress until July 14, when she became worse. On the latter date her husband, IVY'S stepfather, went for a doctor, who came at 8 p.m. - Dr Colmer deposed that the child was then suffering from a septic throat and her condition was hopeless. She died that night at 11 o'clock. Death was due to suffocation associated with septic poisoning, following burns. There were four other children in the house with canker of the mouth and IVY, in playing with them, was probably infected. - By the Foreman: He believed the scald resulted in the septic throat. - The Deputy Coroner commented on the fact that a week elapsed before the parents called in the doctor. - The Jury found a verdict that death was in accordance with the medical evidence; that there was no neglect on the part of the parents, who called in neighbours and used remedies and they expressed their sympathies with the parents.
Western Times, Tuesday 20 July 1920
DUNSFORD - Dunsford Disaster. Resumed Inquest on Char-a-Banc Victims. The Driver's Evidence. His Plucky Action After Gears Had Slipped. Jury's Verdict. - The char-a-banc tragedy at Six mile-hill, near Dunsford, on the last Saturday of June, which resulted in the deaths of two passengers and serious injury to eight others, was Inquired into at length yesterday, by Mr H. W. Gould, District Coroner, and a Jury, of which Mr F. Halmon was Foreman. The occasion was the resumed Inquest on BENJAMIN DENFORD, or SHAW, aged 51, wood-turner, of West View-terrace, Exeter, which had been adjourned for three weeks and the proceedings took place in the Royal Oak Inn, Dunsford. - It will be recalled that the char-a-banc, "The Kid" belonging to the Exeter and District Touring Company, was secured by Mr W. J. Coombes, landlord of the Princess Alexandra Inn, Bonhay-road, Exeter, to convey a party numbering thirty to Plymouth and back, on Saturday, June 26th, the outward journey to be via Moretonhampstead and Dartmoor, and the return route by way of Newton Abbot and Haldon. The party left Exeter shortly before nine o'clock and when negotiating the steep descent of Six Mile-hill, the trip came to a tragic conclusion, through the vehicle coming into contact with the near hedge, overturning and throwing the occupants violently into the roadway. SHAW was killed outright; THOMAS HELLEY, of Bonhay-road, Exeter, succumbed to his injuries in the Royal Devon and Exeter Hospital, on July 7th; whilst several of the other eight persons who were detained at the Institution are still undergoing treatment there. - At the previous sitting of the inquiry regarding the death of the man DENFORD, evidence of identification was given by the deceased's housekeeper, Mary Elizabeth Rowland. - Mr Ernest E. Nicholl, surgeon, of Dunsford, deposed to examining deceased, and finding no superficial injuries, and nothing to indicate the cause of death. - The Coroner asked Dr Nicholl to make a post-mortem examination. - Painful memories must have been awakened in the minds of some of the excursionists who journeyed out in a wagonette from Exeter to give evidence at yesterday's Inquiry, travelling over the same road as on the morning of the accident. The upstairs room at the Royal Oak, in which the investigation proceeded, was filled by the Jury, legal representatives, numerous witnesses and Police Officers. Mr S. Ernest Crosse represented the owners and driver of the char-a-banc; Mr M. J. McGahey was for the relatives of the deceased and the injured passengers. - Dead In Three Seconds. - The Coroner having read over the previous depositions, called upon Dr Nicholls to complete his evidence. The surgeon stated that since the adjournment of the Inquest he had made a post-mortem examination and found that the deceased had six ribs smashed on his left side, the heart had been perforated, presumably by one of the ribs, and the lower part of the liver was torn away. Death probably took place within two or three seconds. - A Juryman: The man was not absolutely dead within a few seconds, doctor? - Yes; I should say so. - The Juryman: He was living when I got there, or at any rate he was breathing. - He must have been unconscious. - John Edgcombe Doyle, 49 St Leonard's-road, Exeter, a retired captain of the Royal Air Force, and now a char-a-banc proprietor, was next called. He was formally cautioned by the Coroner that anything he said might be used in evidence against him. Having been sworn, he was given permission to sit down, as he has lost a leg in the war. In answer to the Coroner, he said he was a partner in business with Henry Collin Woodward, of 38 Burleigh Mansions, St Martin's-lane, London, in the undertaking named the Exeter and District Touring Company, which was started in the beginning of March last. The char-a-banc in which the deceased was travelling did not belong to his Company, but to the Rotary Engineering Company, and his firm obtained it n the hire-purchase system on June 4th last. - The Coroner: I suppose under your agreement you were responsible for all repairs? - Yes. - Proceeding, witness said that since the char-a-banc "The Kid" had been with his Company it had been out about eleven times, and had done about 400 miles. The order for a char-a-banc for this particular journey was booked about six weeks in advance, the char-a-banc being required at the Alexandra Inn, Bonhay-road, at 7.30 a.m. The car was not out on the 25th June, but on Thursday, 24th June ,it went to Steps Bridge, Dunsford, in charge of James Marshall. No report was made of any defect being found, but on 25th June lighter springs were substituted at the rear of the vehicle for the springs already there, these being considered too heavy. The work was done by the Exeter Garage Company, who promised to do their best to complete it the same day. As a matter of fact, it was not finished till the Saturday morning, at about 8.30 o'clock. "The Kid" was a Maudsley car, with 34 -40 h.p. - Are there any Board of Trade or other regulations governing the running of these cars? - Yes; with regard to dimensions and the weights of the back and front axles. The car was inspected by the Exeter authorities previous to his company using it. - The Coroner enquired the weight of the car, and witness, after some hesitation, said he believed it was 4 ton 10 cwt., but the driver corrected this to 4 ton 18 cwt. - Witness said he did not see the car on 26th June until after the accident. The driver had never made any complaint to him about the car. - Repairs To The Car. - Mr McGahey asked the witness if it was a fact that at 8 o'clock on the Saturday morning both the back wheels were off and very considerable work was being done to the car on that morning. - I do not know. - Don't you think that, as an expert, you ought to have been represent to examine the car before it left the garage? - No. - But surely before the lives of thirty people were put on the car someone ought to pass it, or test it? - Yes; certainly. - Who did test it? - There was a driver, with fourteen years' experience, and a mechanic. I was no more in a position to say whether the car was roadworthy than the driver. - Don't you think, as proprietor of the company, that it was your duty to see that the car was in proper order? - No. - You leave it to your driver? - The Coroner: No; he leaves it to the Exeter Garage Company. The repairs could hardly be considered complete until the Garage Company had tested the vehicle. - The Coroner: You were present when Mr Abbot examined the car for me? - I assisted him. - Did he point out a defect in the foot brake, and also point out that the hand brake went the full length of its travel? - No. - According to Mr Abbott's report to me he pointed that out. - I have no recollection of that. - At any rate, it did not go the full length? - It did not and to be best of my belief Mr Abbot expressed himself satisfied with the side brake. - Mr McGahey: You left this to your driver? - Yes. - Who went straight away and took up these thirty people? - Yes. - In other words, he was testing the car with these people on it? - No; he tested it first. - How do you know, you were not there! - Mr Crosse suggested that questions of this kind should be put to the driver of the car, and the Coroner agreed. - Mr McGahey said the Exeter Garage Company would have to take off the rear wheels and brakes to put on the new springs and asked witness again, if he did not think he as an expert should have been present to inspect the car before it went out. - Witness: I certainly think I should be present if there was nobody else competent to test it. There was a man in charge who has for many years been in charge of a car himself entirely and he was himself in sole charge of this car. - Further cross-examined by Mr McGahey, witness said the excursion to Steps Bridge on the Thursday was an ordinary advertised trip. An Exeter Cycling Club party went to Princetown in the car on the Sunday previous, and witness had received no complaint from them as to the car's running. - In reply to Mr Crosse, witness said the car was thoroughly overhauled before his firm took it over, and witness himself drove it from Salisbury to Exeter. - Further questioned, witness said the Feroda lining of the near side foot brake was burned away, one portion of from five to six inches being completely gone. - Harry Heard Camp, of 2 Kimberley-road, Exeter, foreman mechanic to the Exeter Garage Company, said he had been with the company since last August, and had had 22 years' experience with motor cars. He proceeded to describe the work done on the car in changing the springs, and explained that he did not know, at first, that the car would be required so early on the following day. When he learned of this he put an extra man on the job. The work could not be completed on the Friday and on Saturday morning it was just a matter of putting on the wheels, adjusting the side or hand brake, and putting on the running bar at the side. Witness pointed out that they did not disturb the foot brake, which was in another part of the car altogether. - The Coroner: Was the car tested before it left your supervision? - The only test I made was as to the side brake holding. This was done by jacking up the wheel and putting three or four men to rotate the wheel. That was all the test that was necessary. It was quite satisfactory, both to me and the driver. - The Coroner: Assuming that either the side or the foot brake required adjusting, was the driver, in your opinion, competent to do it? - Yes. He is quite capable. - Proceeding, witness said that after the accident, on the same day he removed the car from the spot where it had turned over, to the bottom of the hill, doing it by its own power - first, second and third gears. He tried the brake going down and found the foot brake useless but the hand brake seemed all right. - In answer to the Coroner, the witness said the car was in perfect order when it left the garage, so far as the side brake and wheels were concerned and, so far as he could say, was fit to go on the road. The driver was quite satisfied. - Mr McGahey (cross-examining): You only refer to the work you did? - Yes. You never looked at the foot brake or the steering gear? - No. Witness agreed with Mr McGahey that in one place the racket on which the hand brake worked was so worn that the actual brake would have to be held in position. That, however, was quite common. - In further reply to Mr McGahey, Camp said the steering gear was quite all right after the accident and he used the hand brake driving the char-a-banc down the hill. - Mr McGahey: How do you account for the foot brake not working? - It seemed to me it was burned, probably during the previous hill. - Mr McGahey was proceeding to question witness as to the steering gear, when Mr Crosse interposed, and remarked that something had appeared in the Press which purported to be an interview with the driver after the accident, but the driver denied the accuracy of nearly the whole of it. - The Coroner said he had purposely refrained from reading any account of the accident in the Press and so he was absolutely unbiased. - George Coles, traction-engine driver, said he was a member of the excursion party and sat next to the driver of the "Kid," which was the first of two cars to leave, but was passed by the other car at Dunsford Hill. When coming down Culver Hill smoke came from under the seat and some members of the party thought a coat pocket was on fire. The driver's attention was called to the smoke and he said it was alright. On the top of Six Mile Hill witness saw the driver put on the hand brake on the right hand side, but it did not appear to act. As they went down the hill witness thought there was a different sound with the car, which appeared to be gaining speed. He turned to the driver and said, "Is it alright, driver?" and the reply was, "Alright, boys." - The Coroner: What happened then? - I consider the driver swerved the car into the hedge to avoid an accident and over we went. - Were you going at a great speed at the time? - Anything from 40 to 45 miles per hour, I should think; but I am no judge of that. - In your opinion did the driver do all that was possible in the circumstances? - Yes, sir. - Was he quite sober? - Yes, sir. - In reply to Mr McGahey, witness said he could not say why it was arranged that the "Kid" should go first. - The Coroner: Probably it was to avoid the dust. - William John Gibbons, labourer of 12 Market-street, Exeter, said he sat in the left corner of the front seat. Witness played a few tunes as they were going up Dunsford Hill. It seemed a struggle for the "Kid" to get up and so the other car went to the front. Witness corroborated the evidence of Coles as to the smoke and the increasing speed of the car when going down Six Mile Hill. - Henry Walter Howard, engineers' fitter, Cecil-road, Exeter, whose right hand was bandaged and in splints, also described the accident, and said DENFORD seemed to be thrown out by the suddenness of the stop of the char-a-banc. - James Marshall, aged 40, of Northernhay-street, Exeter, driver of the car, who was formally cautioned by the Coroner, said he had 14 years' experience as a driver-mechanic. He was quite satisfied with the adjustment of the handbrake before he left the garage and that the footbrake was then in perfect order. He used it scores of times on the journey before he came to Six-Mile Hill and also the side brake. He used both brakes on Culver Hill and they were working properly. His attention was drawn to the smoke when coming down Culver Hill, and he attributed it to the exhaust and to vapour from congealed oil around the heated brake drum. When he came to Six-Mile Hill, knowing the hill and wanting to be on the safe side he left the engine in second gear, so as to act as a brake. He tried the side brake and found that it did not hold like it did when coming down the previous hill. He then immediately applied the foot brake, which never acted at all. He knew that if his second gear were kept in, as it ought to have kept in, he would be safe, by the compression of the engine acting as a brake. On the steepest part of the hill, where the speed increased to five or six miles an hour, the car jumped forward; it seemed to have slipped its gear. He pulled the car to the left hand side of the road intending to take the next bend in a wide sweep. The car was on the edge of the ditch, not in it and he found that, owing to the state of the road, particularly the way in which it sloped towards the ditch, and the momentum, the car would not answer the wheel promptly, when he tried to pull her out towards the middle of the road. - The Coroner: She took possession of herself? - Witness agreed, and described how the car went on and ran into the culvert, jumped it, struck the bank and turned over. Witness believed the telegraph pole was struck by the back part of the car. He thought that if the culvert had not been there the car would have got around the corner safely. When the car overturned he was pinned underneath by one arm. Witness added that he had driven the car over the same road on the Wednesday before the day of the accident and had no difficulty with it then, or, indeed, on any of its previous journeys. It had always been a perfect car. Witness had never had any occasion to adjust either the footbrake or the side brake. - Cross-examined by Mr McGahey, witness said he examined the brakes always before taking the car out for any trip. - Mr McGahey: It is a funny thing that the side-brake, which had never gone wrong before, should go wrong immediately after these alterations were made. - Witness: It is fate, I suppose. - And was it fate that the footbrake would not act? - Yes. - And was it fate that the steering gear would not act properly? - You can't foresee these accidents, you see, sir. - Witness said he attributed the failure of the foot-brake to act to something having gone wrong with the mechanism. When he found the brakes were not holding properly he pinned his faith on the compression of the engine to hold the car. It had never failed him before. - Mr McGahey: Were you interviewed by Press representatives? - Witness: I told two of them something about what had happened. - Were they together? - No; separate. - Did you tell them that something went wrong with the steering gear? - No. - Remember they were not together! - I know; but a reporter makes a lot out of nothing. - (laughter). - Witness went on to say that what he tried to convey to the Press representatives, was not that the steering gear went wrong, but what he had stated in evidence, namely that owing to the peculiar circumstances at the moment the car would not answer the wheel as promptly as it would ordinarily have done. Witness further stated that the culvert was concealed by grass and weeds at the time of the accident, but it had been cleared since. - Victor S. Strong, Coombe Farm, Dunsford, said the car was travelling down the hill faster than any he had seen there before He believed the telegraph pole was struck by the front near wheel and that the back of the car then swung around and struck the stump of the pole. - Bertram William Jackson, motor mechanic, Shilston, Pennsylvania, Exeter, said he had examined the brakes of the car. The fabric lining of the side brake was not burned at all, and he believed the ineffectiveness of the side-brake was due to oil and grease in the drums and was a temporary condition, which the run down the hill would probably have righted. He examined the foot-brake and found the lining of the near side shoe was burned away. - Wm. George Abbot, O.B.E., A.M.I.M.E., works manager for Messrs. Gold Bros., Exeter, who examined the char-a-banc on the Monday after the accident, when it was at the bottom of Six Mill Hill, said the foot-brake was absolutely useless. The lining had been damaged by excess strain at some time, and the brake needed re-adjustment. The brake was in proper order with the exception of the damaged lining and that could have been burned out on one hill. He believed that in the present case the brake lining had been torn away That might have happened on level going, but the driver would be warned by the pedal going down. On examining the side brake he found the lever went its full travel and came in contact with the dash-board. With the side-brake on he was unable to rotate the wheels by hand, so that the brake caught to some extent. - In reply to Mr Crosse, witness said the only real test for the side-brake, was to test it with a load up. He further stated that he was of opinion that the "camber" on the road where the accident took place was on the wrong side for the corner. And the concealed culvert was a danger to motorists. - In answering the Coroner, witness said it was quite possible for the engine to slip out of gear, as had been described by the driver of the car. - The Coroner said the Jury had to consider whether the overturning f the char-a-banc was caused by an accident, or by culpable neglect of duty on the part of any individual. Camp was in charge of the alterations to the car springs, and the driver was responsible for the running of the car. Culpable neglect amounted to manslaughter in this case, but an error of judgment was not a crime. In this case it was pretty obvious that both brakes were defective. He thought it possible that they might have got out of adjustment after leaving the garage. He felt he must pay a tribute to the conduct of the driver in going down the hill. He seemed to have stuck to his post most gallantly, and to have done all he possibly could under the circumstances. He wished to express his sympathy with the relatives of the deceased men, and with all those who were injured in that unfortunate accident. - The Jury, after a sitting which had lasted six hours, retired to consider their verdict, and within five minutes returned a verdict of "Accidental Death." The Foreman said they were satisfied that the car was alright when it left the garage at Exeter and they attached no blame to anyone. - Mr Crosse, on behalf of the owners, expressed sympathy with the relatives of the deceased.
HONITON - Sudden Death At Honiton. - An Inquest was held at Honiton Police Station yesterday on MINNIE GOULD, 40, dressmaker, of Honiton, who died suddenly on Saturday. Dr Mills said death was due to pulmonary tuberculosis and heart failure, due to degeneration. The Coroner, Dr E. R. Tweed, sitting without a Jury, returned a verdict accordingly.
Western Times, Thursday 22 July 1920
EXETER - Dunsford Motor Smash. Inquest at Exeter On Second Victim. Passengers' Evidence. - The Inquest on JOHN THOMAS HELLEY, aged 60, groundsman of the Bonhay Pleasure Ground, the second victim of the char-a-banc accident at Six Mill Hill, Dunsford, who died at the Royal Devon and Exeter Hospital on the 7th inst., was resumed at the Court House, Exeter, yesterday. [Four columns of evidence very similar to the previous Inquest held on the 1st victim a few days previously at Dunsford, ending:] The Jury returned a verdict of "Accidental Death, " but expressed an opinion that "more care should have been taken all through the case." The Foreman said that they did not wish to add a rider, but they thought the matter had been rushed. The Inquiry lasted five hours.
BUDE, CORNWALL - Bude Fatality. Inquest On Two Ladies Drowned While Bathing. Dangerous Pits. - Dr Thompson, with the assistance of a Jury, yesterday Enquired into the circumstances attending the deaths of MISS MAUD DANIEL, 20, of 4 Victoria-road, Bude, and her cousin, AMY F. DANIEL, 13, of Burrow Farm, Holsworthy, who were drowned while bathing at Bude on Monday evening. - It was stated that neither of the deceased could swim. - George Johnson, the patrol man, employed by the Bude Urban Council, told a graphic story of the disaster and attempts at rescue. Deceased, he said, went into the water about three o'clock - half an hour before low water. He saw them bathing and then they were leaving the sea. They were up to their knees in the water when suddenly they fell forward and did not rise. He rushed forward into the water, throwing off his clothes as he went. He swam out to the spot, but could not find either of the girls and returned to the shore for the life-line. Having told the spectators on the beach what to do when he signalled to them, he swam out beyond the spot where he saw deceased fall into a pit. The current was strong and as he could not see anything he signalled to be hauled ashore. This was done and he stood in the water up to his armpits to see which way the current was setting. Telling the onlookers to keep a close watch, he went out again. The body of MISS MAUDE DANIEL was noticed in the breakers. He reached it, and was again hauled ashore. The other body was afterwards seen 300 yards further north. As he was exhausted, he accepted the offer of the Rev. Farley, who assured him he was a good swimmer, to take his place. He recovered the second body. - The Coroner asked the Clerk of the Urban Council whether there was any power to prevent people from bathing at low tide? - The Clerk said he knew of no such power. There was no obligation for the Council to provide a patrol man, but they did so. He was engaged full time on the work. - The Foreman of the Jury said the danger was caused by the deep pits and holes below low water. - The Coroner returned a verdict of "Accidental Death."
Western Times, Friday 23 July 1920
SUTTON, SURREY - Suicide Of A Former Devonshire Rector. - At an Inquest at Sutton, on the body of REV. RICHARD PEEK, Rector of St. Magnus Martyr, Lower Thames-street, and a former rector of Drewsteignton, Mr Craster, a neighbour, said on Sunday he saw MR PEEK lying on the pathway at the side of his house in Cedar-road. - The Coroner's Officer said he forced the bedroom door and found the window open and a chair near by. The distance to the ground was 35 feet. - A son-in-law said MR PEEK suffered from delusions in regard to health and other matters. a verdict of "Suicide during Temporary Insanity" was returned.
EXETER - Fatal Fall While Drunk. Exeter Man Found Lying In A Pool Of Blood. - "Death was primarily due to shock, caused by a broken nose," said Dr Pereira Gray at an Inquest held at Exeter yesterday, on WILLIAM BICKLE, aged 75 years, a wheelwright, of 42 Okehampton-street, Exeter. - The evidence showed that deceased, who was given to drinking, came home the worse for liquor on Sunday night and was found by his landlady, Mrs Mears, lying on the floor of the back kitchen in a pool of blood, with a cut on the bridge of the nose. He was put to bed and though he seemed better on the following day, his condition worsened on Tuesday and he passed away before the arrival of a doctor. - The Coroner recorded a verdict of "Accidental Death consequent upon a fall while drunk."
Western Times, Saturday 24 July 1920
BURLESCOMBE - Westleigh Man's End. Inquest Story Of A Public House Disturbance. Death Follows Ejectment. - A disturbance at the Royal Oak Inn, Westleigh, Burlescombe, on Tuesday night last, which resulted in the death of a young quarryman named ROBERT WEBBER, was investigated yesterday by the Deputy Coroner, Mr G. H. Stephens, and a Jury of which Mr John Lewis was Foreman, at an Inquest held in the United Methodist Chapel, Westleigh. Mr W. H. Martin, of Tiverton, appeared on behalf of the landlord of the Inn, Frederick Clode, and his son. - FRANCIS WEBBER, a quarryman, stated that the deceased was his son, who lived with him in a cottage at Westleigh, was 31 years of age, and was also a quarryman. Deceased occasionally drank to excess and sometimes spent the night in a chair in the kitchen, but was never violent in the house. On Wednesday morning witness's daughter told him ROBERT was in the wash-house and witness, on seeing him lying unconscious, sent for a Policeman. His son had not been to bed at all during the night. Deceased was a strong, healthy man, and witness did not consider him to be of a quarrelsome nature. - Charles Hellings, a young Westleigh carter, said he called at the Royal Oak Inn on Tuesday evening at nine o'clock. There were several people in the bar, including deceased and his brother, HARRY WEBBER. The landlord's son, Fred Clode, was serving. Witness stayed till the public-house was being closed. The landlord, Frederick Clode, senr., came into the bar at about 9.20 o'clock. Deceased was using very bad language and the landlord told him he had better go outside if he could not stop it. Deceased did not desist, and when the landlord turned away, used foul language towards him. The landlord again asked him to be quiet, or leave. Deceased "mumbled to himself" and the landlord took him by the shoulders and put him outside, but did not use unnecessary force. The landlord's son followed. Deceased attempted to strike the landlord, but the son prevented the blow and hit the man in the chest. WEBBER fell heavily on his back in the roadway and remained prone. The landlord tried to lift him up, but failed and the Clodes then re-entered the house, leaving WEBBER lying in the road. When witness went out at 10 o'clock he saw deceased lying nearer the railings. HARRY WEBBER tried to arouse him, but failed, so witness and four others carried him home, where, at HARRY WEBBER'S suggestion, they put him in the wash-house. Witness thought deceased had had enough to drink when he saw him at the Royal Oak Inn. - In reply to Supt. Joslin, witness said deceased was not sober enough to stand still when the landlord put him out, but witness did not see him get any drink at the Royal Oak. - Answering Mr Martin, witness said the landlord, on coming into the bar, told the deceased that he would not allow such filthy language in the presence of his wife, who was behind the glass partition in the bar. - Dr W. M. Browne, Sampford Peverell, said he was called to see deceased on Wednesday morning at 10.30 o'clock. The man was in bed, unconscious and bleeding from the nose. At 7 p.m. the same day he was in the same condition. The only external sign of any injury was a small abrasion on the back of the head, but his condition was serious. When witness called at the house on Thursday, the man was dead. A post-mortem examination revealed three fractures to the skull, one of which was about four inches long at the back of the head. There was also a contusion on the right side of the chest in the region of the sixth rib. Two of the fractures to the skull were of such a character that witness believed death must have ensued no matter what the attention available. The fractures could not have been caused by a direct blow from a fist. - Thomas Carter, farm labourer of Holcombe Rogus, also described what took place at the Royal Oak Inn, and said deceased was "very excited, hollering and raving." The landlord cautioned him three times before putting him out. Witness, in reply to Mr Martin, said he knew deceased was a quarrelsome man, and stated that he would have done the same as the landlord, hearing the language being used in the presence of a woman. - Mrs Hurford, of Westleigh, stated that she went to the Royal Oak at 9.30 o'clock and saw the landlord putting the deceased outside. There was a scuffle in the passage of the Inn, and both the landlord and the deceased fell, but they got up again quickly. She saw no blow struck in the passage. Both men fell again just inside the gate. She went home then. She did not see any blows struck, but just as she got to the house, about 150 yards away, she heard a "flump", and looking around, saw that the deceased was lying on his back on the ground. Deceased was a quarrelsome man. - FLORENCE LILY WEBBER, sister of the deceased said she did not know the deceased was not sleeping in the house on Tuesday night, but when she went to the wash-house next morning she found him lying on several overcoats and covered with an overcoat and mackintosh. She spoke to him, but he did not answer, so she called her father. Witness had never known the deceases to sleep in the wash-house all night before. - At this stage, after a sitting of four hours, the Inquiry was adjourned to Wednesday next, at 10.20 a.m.
Western Times, Tuesday 27 July 1920
TORQUAY -Torquay Burning Fatalities. Inquest On The Victims Of The Carnival Tragedy. - Mr Coroner Hacker, at Torquay, last evening, conducted an Inquest on the bodies of PETTY OFFICER GILBERT PRESTON COLLINGS, and a Cook's Mate named GEORGE WILSON FLORENCE, who died in Hospital as the result of extensive burns received by their clothing catching fire while taking part in a carnival tableau at Torquay on Saturday afternoon. Both men belonged to the Royal Arthur, of the Atlantic Fleet. On Saturday they were taking part in a pre-historic tableau of the "Ancient Briton," and whilst in the Recreation Ground the fire was caused on the waggon n which the men were seated. The highly inflammable character of the tow with which their bodies were covered resulted in very severe injuries being inflicted within a few seconds. COLLINGS, aged 33 years of age, was a single man of Manchester and the sole support of his widowed mother, while FLORENCE, aged 27, was married and a native of Loanhead, near Edinburgh. - The evidence went to show that COLLINGS struck a match on the wheel of the waggon for the purpose of lighting a cigarette which he had in his mouth. The man was in a stooping position and as soon as he applied the match to the cigarette the hemp about his face caught fire. "It went up like gunpowder," said one of the witnesses. The deceased man FLORENCE and other men went to COLLINGS' assistance. - The Coroner said he was satisfied that COLLINGS was set alight whilst wearing an inflammable costume, by a match which he was using to light a cigarette, and that FLORENCE was set alight in going to the rescue of his companion. Verdicts of "Accidental Death" were returned and the Coroner expressed sympathy with the relatives and the inhabitants of Torquay on the sad occurrence,. - The funerals take place at Torquay tomorrow, and will be of a naval character.
Western Times, Friday 30 July 1920
BURLESCOMBE - Burlescombe Tragedy. The Jury Return A Verdict Of Manslaughter. Landlord's Story. - A disturbance at the Royal Oak Inn, Westleigh, Burlescombe, one night last week, which resulted in the death of a young quarryman named ROBERT WEBBER, was investigated on Friday by the Deputy Coroner, Mr G. H. Stephens, and a Jury of which Mr John Lewis was Foreman, at an Inquest held in the United Methodist Chapel, Westleigh. Mr W. H. Martin, of Tiverton, appeared in behalf of the landlord of the Inn, Frederick Clode, and his son. - Deceased, who was a quarryman, and 31 years of age, was the son of FRANCIS WEBBER, of Westleigh. At the preliminary hearing evidence was given that deceased, who occasionally drank to excess, was at the Royal Oak Inn on Tuesday evening. There were several people in the bar and the landlord's son, Fred Clode, was serving. Deceased was using very bad language and the landlord, having warned him, was eventually compelled to take him by the shoulders and put him outside. Deceased attempted to strike the landlord, but the son, who had followed, prevented the blow and hit the man on the chest. WEBBER fell heavily on his back. Later, at the suggestion of his brother, HARRY WEBBER, deceased was carried home and placed in the wash-house. Seen in bed next day by Dr W. M. Browne, the man was unconscious and bleeding from the nose. On Thursday he was dead and a post mortem revealed three fractures of the skull and a contusion on the right side of the chest. - The witnesses at Friday's hearing included FRANCIS WEBBER (deceased's father), Charles Hellings, carter, of Westleigh, Thomas Carter, farm labourer of Holcombe Rogus and Mrs Hurford of Westleigh, FRANCES LILY WEBBER (sister of deceased), and Dr W. M. Browne, of Sampford Peverell. - After a sitting of four hours, the Inquiry was adjourned till Wednesday. - Foreman's Caustic Remark. - HARRY WEBBER, deceased's brother, said he only heard his brother use one bad word in the public house. The landlord took him by the shoulders and put him out. Witness did not think his brother deserved being ejected, but he made no remark, as he had no desire to interfere with the landlord. Witness left his brother downstairs at home, as he showed no signs of reviving, and on other occasions had slept there till sober again. He admitted deceased was laid down on the way home, till people said he would die from the cold. - The Foreman (Mr J. Lewis) remarked that in his opinion deceased was treated more like an animal than a human being. - Edith Hill, daughter of P.C. Hill, said looking from her window she saw deceased and Fred Clode (landlord's son) facing each other. The deceased put up his hands as if preparing to fight and Clode, jun., put up his hands and either struck or pushed deceased. - Mrs Hill, mother of the last witness, said she thought Clode was going for deceased. - Annie Down said both were in a fighting attitude. - Frederick George Clode, the landlord, said it was because of deceased's bad language in the hearing of his wife, rather than because of his condition as regarded drink, that he ejected him. He took deceased by the shoulders and pushed him out. Deceased slipped down in the passage and witness fell on one knee. He lifted him up and got him through the gate of the yard in front of the Inn, and going back into the bar met his son bringing out a bottle to a customer. When through the gate, deceased held up his fist. Witness did not use more force than was necessary to put deceased out. - Fred Clode's Version. - Fred Clode (son of the landlord) said when he went out with the bottle deceased was using filthy language, witness presumed to his father, who had just ejected him. When witness had served the customer, deceased threw his arms about and said something about fetching the Policeman. Witness told him to go home and deceased then came towards him in a fighting attitude, and would have struck him had not witness put out his hand, which he did against deceased's chest, and WEBBER fell back. Witness did not attempt to lift him up, but went back to the bar. He did not appear to be hurt. Witness did not see deceased again till some men were carrying him up the road. - By the Coroner: He had seen deceased drink a lot more and go away better. - The Foreman: Why did you push him when your father did not find it necessary to do so? - My father is stronger than me. - The Coroner, in a long summing up, commented on the difficult and conflicting character of the evidence, and advised the Jury not to place too much weight on the evidence of the witnesses, who spoke of what they saw through a window at some distance off. Neither should they allow themselves to be prejudiced by what they had heard outside. If they had a doubt as to whether young Clode acted in self-defence, they should give Clode the benefit of the doubt. - After one hour's deliberation in private, the Jury returned a verdict of Manslaughter against Fred Clode, and exonerated the landlord, considering he did only what was necessary to keep order in his house.
EXETER - Death Of A Septuagenarian At Exeter. - At an Inquest at the Court House yesterday relative to the death of SAMUEL SHORT, aged 72, old age pensioner, formerly a dock labourer, of 66 Clifton-street, Exeter, evidence was given to the effect that deceased had never been known to have a doctor, and he would never have one. On the night of the 26th he went to bed as usual and he was found dead in bed by his daughter-in-law on the following morning. MRS SHORT said her father-in-law often complained of pains in his chest. When she went to his bedroom about 8.30 in the morning he was dead, evidently having passed away in his sleep. Dr Pereira Gray, who made a post mortem examination, attributed death to shock, owing to an obstructed hernia, which, no doubt, caused the pains which deceased had thought to be due to indigestion. A verdict of "Death from Natural Causes" was returned.
Western Times, Monday 2 August 1920
BIDEFORD - Fatal Burns At Bideford. - A verdict of "Accidental Death" was returned by Mr George Brown, North Devon Coroner, on Friday, at an Inquest held by him at Bideford on the body of SUSAN VODDEN, aged 52, wife of JOHN VODDEN, a labourer, of 21 Bull Hill, Bideford. Mrs Jollow, a neighbour, stated that on March 29th inst., she smelt something burning, and on looking out of her door, saw MRS VODDEN standing on her doorstep with her clothes on fire. She put a wet apron over her and extinguished the flames, and then took her indoors, removed her clothes and sent for a doctor. - Dr Grose said deceased was very severely burned all over the left side, and he ordered her removal to the Cottage Hospital, where she remained for about two months. She, however, never properly recovered from the shock and died on July 29th of exhaustion, the result of severe burns. Deceased was unable to state exactly how the accident occurred, but it was presumed that she was leaning over the fire to get a kettle when her clothes became ignited.
Western Times, Wednesday 4 August 1920
FARRINGDON - The White Cross Fatality. Char-a-Banc Driver Exonerated From Blame. - At the "Cat and Fiddle," Farringdon, last evening, Dr E. R. Tweed held an inquest on SARAH JANE TUCKER, (72) a widow, of Waldrons Villa, Farringdon, who was knocked down and killed by a char-a-banc in the Sidmouth-road on Monday morning. Mr M. J. McGahey (Exeter) represented the driver, Harold Eveleigh, and the owner of the char-a-banc, Mr W. A. Dagworthy, of Sidmouth. - The first witness was the driver, Harold Eveleigh, of Pyne Cottage, Sidmouth, who said he had been driving for nine years and eight months. For five years he was in the Royal Air Force and during that time drove a motor car for some period. On Monday he was driving a char-a-banc, containing 14 passengers, from Sidmouth to Ilfracombe. He left Sidmouth at 8.45 a.m., and coming down the hill, about ten or twelve miles an hour, near Waldrons Villa, witness saw a lady standing on the left-hand side of the road, which at that point was fairly straight. Witness sounded his horn as soon as he saw deceased, who appeared to be looking across the road. - The Coroner: Do you think she saw you? - Witness: Not until I sounded my horn. - Witness, proceeding, said deceased stood and looked at the char-a-banc, which would then be between 10 and 12 paces off. When the car had proceeded another six paces, deceased started to run across the road and fell. Witness had to swing the char-a-banc to the left in an effort to avoid her and in doing so it went on a bank. Witness applied his brakes, which were in perfect order, and the car stopped within three lengths. Witness had never previously had an accident. - Replying to the Coroner, witness said had deceased not fallen, another two or three paces would have brought her clear of the char-a-banc, which, apparently, struck her as she attempted to rise. He pulled up as soon as he saw deceased fall. - Evidence of identification was given by HENRY DAVEY, 95 Tiverton-road, Exeter, nephew of deceased, who said she was the widow of JOHN TUCKER, a farmer. Witness said she was very spry for her age, her hearing and sight, being very sharp. - Arthur Deebanks, builder, of Birmingham, a passenger in the char-a-banc, said deceased had a bucket in her hand. After the sounding of the horn she started to go across the road, hesitated, then dashed across. Deceased then, apparently, caught her foot in her skirt, and fell. As the char-a-banc approached her she tried to get up and appeared to reel sideways towards the right. Witness was sure that the deceased fell before the car reached her. The char-a-banc travelled down the hill at about 10 miles per hour and about three miles when it struck the deceased. Witness, who had previously been driven in a char-a-banc by Eveleigh, considered him a careful driver. - The Coroner: Did you go on to Ilfracombe after the accident? - Witness: No. The party returned to Sidmouth with the same driver. - Similar evidence was given by Harold William Drewe, Market-place, Sidmouth, another passenger. He agreed that the car must have struck the deceased as she was rising. It would be about 140 feet from the deceased when the hooter sounded. - Mr McGahey: When the deceased darted across the road and fell, could the driver have done anything to avoid her? - Witness: No. - Dr Ashford said he thought that death, which was due to shock, was instantaneous. The left ribs were driven into her lungs and fractured. There was a scalp wound on the left side of the head and a dislocation of the left shoulder. - The Coroner, in summing up, said the evidence pointed to Eveleigh being a particularly careful driver, and he did not think any blame could be attached to him. As far as the evidence went, he drove creditably. - Mr McGahey, on behalf of the driver and the owner of the char-a-banc, expressed sympathy with the relatives. - The Jury returned a verdict of "Accidental Death," and exonerated the driver from blame.
Western Times, Tuesday 10 August 1920
KENTON - Kenton Fatality. Killed By Fall Of Stone At A Mamhead Quarry. - Mr G. H. Stephens yesterday conducted an Inquest at the Gas House, Kenton, relative to the death of JOSEPH SKYNNER, 54, general labourer, who was killed on Friday by a fall of stone at Jack Daw Quarry, Mamhead. - Mr J. Owner (Factory Inspector) was present. - EDITH ANN SKYNNER, living at Kenton, identified the body as that of her husband, who worked as a general labourer for the St Thomas Rural Council, by whom he had been employed for thirty years. He had frequently worked in the quarry, and she had heard him say at different times that the work was dangerous and that somebody would be killed there one day. She did not believe, however, that he had ever formally complained about the danger. - Edward Crump, roadman, of Cockwood, who was working in the quarry it when the accident happened, said about 11 a.m. a quantity of stone and clay slipped away from the top of the pit. Witness saw it falling and shouted to deceased, who started to run back, but the fall caught him on the left side and knocked him down. He was buried up to the knees and witness and another workman pulled him out. Deceased died within a minute after being got out. He did not speak. Work in the pit was dangerous to a certain extent. Witness considered this accident was caused as a result of the continual rain which got behind the clay. - Replying to the Factory Inspector, witness said the face might be under cut to the extent of a foot. It was not their practice to "fall" the stone It was very rare to have a fall at the quarry. - Charles White, of Mamhead, who was also working in the quarry, said the slip was quite unexpected. About a ton of clay and stone had been taken down earlier because it was considered to be dangerous. SKYNNER previously expressed the opinion that the top was safe, but they afterwards under-cut it slightly. The fall which caused SKYNNER'S death weighed about a couple of tons. - Dr J. H. Iles said death was due to internal haemorrhage caused by the sharp ends of fractured ribs, some of which were broken. - John Samuel Madge, surveyor for the St Thomas rural District Council, said when he was at the quarry just over a week before the accident everything was in order and the fall was not undercut. Witness had personally instructed deceased that the fall must not be undercut. There was no reason why the men should not work according to instructions. SKYNNER was the man in charge and he should have conveyed the instructions to the others. The fall was not from the top, but from the side and was the result of a clay pocket. - The Jury returned a verdict of "Accidental Death," and added a rider that the Council should insist on their instructions for the safety of their workmen being obeyed.
Western Times, Wednesday 11 August 1920
KILMINGTON - Found Drowned AT Kilmington. - An Open Verdict of "Found Drowned" was returned at an Inquest held by Dr E. R. Tweed at Kilmington on Monday, on ROSE HURFORD, 51, wife of HARRY EDGAR HURFORD, grocer, Kilmington. Deceased was found lying face downwards in the river Axe, near Culverwell Gabe, South View-lane, Kilmington, on Sunday. Dr Padbury was called and pronounced life extinct. The doctor said he had attended deceased for loss of appetite. He last visited her on August 4th. The Coroner (sitting without a Jury) found there was not sufficient evidence to show how deceased came into the water.
COPPLESTONE - Took A Short Ladder. Copplestone Man's Fatal Fall While "Lopping" Trees. - "Accidental Death" was the verdict returned by a Jury sitting under Mr G. H. Stephens, Deputy Coroner for the County, at Copplestone yesterday, on the circumstances attending the death of MR CHARLES FROST, of Copplestone Cottage, Copplestone, a coachman in the employ of Mr J. M. Pope, of Copplestone House, which took place on Monday. They found that the deceased met his end through being knocked down by a limb from a tree which he was "lopping". - William Kivell, haulier and forage merchant of Portland-street, Exeter, deposed to finding deceased unconscious on the Copplestone-Coleford road about noon on the day of his death, bleeding from the ears and nose. A ladder was lying flat up against the hedge and a saw was beside deceased. A limb of a tree which FROST had apparently been "lopping" was hanging over the hedge into the road. Witness went for assistance. Dr Herbert Rowse Bastard, of Bow, who came along shortly afterwards, said he came to the conclusion that deceased had fractured the base of his skull. There was a small abrasion on the top of his skull. FROST was conveyed to his house on a stretcher, where he died a few minutes afterwards. Mr J. M. Pope, the deceased's employer, said FROST, who had been in his employ for over 20 years, had evidently taken a short ladder, which he would have had to place in the hedge, but he could have had a longer one as witness gave him no instructions as to which to take, being away at the time. On most occasions deceased had had help for lopping trees, and could have had assistance on Monday if he had wished.
Western Times, Thursday 12 August 1920
TORQUAY - Torquay Tragedy. A Lady Victim To Chronic Alcoholism. An Inquest Story. - An Inquest was held at Torquay yesterday, by the County Coroner, Mr Sidney Hacker, respecting the death of BLANCHE MARY BECK, aged 58, of 95 Abbey-road, Torquay. - It was stated by Mrs G. M. Chubb, of London, that for about six weeks deceased had been living by herself. Previously she had had a companion help. Deceased derived her income from cottage property, her business affairs being in the hands of Mr Clarke, solicitor, of Tiverton. About a month ago, Mrs Chubb paid a visit to her cousin, in consequence of the latter's illness. Deceased had been a heavy drinker for the last thirty years. - The Coroner: Were any efforts made to get her into a home? - Witness said MRS BECK was placed in an Inebriates' Home, where she was for three years. That was ten years ago. When she came out (witness continued) she took her for 12 months, when she was better. She had normal treatment and was amused as much as possible. - The Coroner inquired whether her husband had any influence upon her? - Witness said there was a relapse soon after the woman returned to Torquay. The husband had religious mania and was placed in an Asylum. Prior to this, her husband would not have her with him until he could have assurance that an improvement was effected. - "You have been her best friend," commented the Coroner. - "Her other relatives would not have anything to do with her," replied Mrs Chubb, who added that whisky was her particular drink. They could not stop her having it, despite what the doctor said. - Dr E. Y. Eales said MRS BECK came under his attention about ten years ago. Ever since he had known her she had been a chronic alcoholic. When sober, a nicer woman could not be found on the face of the earth. She worried about her husband and about her business. She would have regular bouts. Her husband kept her fairly straight when he was there and he told her she was killing herself, but she obstinately declined to give up drinking. Looking at it from a medical point of view, he did not think she could have done so, having lost all moral control in that sense. If the servants would not get drink for her, she would make a tremendous fuss and get into a towering rage. About three weeks ago he told MRS BECK that it was neither honest nor right for him to take her money unless she would do as he told her. She declined to give up spirit drinking. - Dr Adams said he was called in during August, and he advised MRS BECK to go to a nursing home, but she got into such a violent temper that the subject was dropped. - A verdict was returned that deceased died of Alcoholic Poisoning.
Western Times, Friday 13 August 1920
TORQUAY - Fatal Fall At Torquay. Lady's Accident After Watching Peace Procession. - At the Old Town Hall, Torquay, yesterday, Mr F. Hacker, County Coroner, conducted an Inquest concerning the death of EMMA GRANT, 65, of 21 St Margaret's-road, St Marychurch, Torquay, who died in Torquay Hospital on Tuesday morning, following injuries received by falling through a circular dome on the balcony of the Carnegie Library on the occasion of the Peace Carnival procession on July 24th. - WILLIAM HENRY GRANT, brother of deceased, said he went on the balcony with his sister and other friends to watch the procession. After it had passed, witness went into an adjoining room, and while there heard a crash. Immediately afterwards he was told that his sister had fallen through the dome into the hall below. The dome was 3ft. 6ins. in diameter, and eight or nine inches high in the centre. It was cracked across the middle, and could not be mistaken for the floor. It was certainly not intended to be walked on. He went to his sister and found she was unconscious. She was removed to the Hospital, and subsequently regained consciousness and spoke to other members of the family. - JESSIE GRANT, niece of deceased, said she heard someone say, "Mind the glass." At the same time she saw her aunt lose her balance by tripping against the raised light. She was falling on the glass, and there was nothing by which she could save herself. She struck the glass and fell through. Deceased knew the glass light was there, and no one walked on it. - Richard Halliday, Borough Librarian, said the balcony was very little used, being only frequented for the purpose of making public declarations. - Dr J. S. Armstrong attributed death to heart failure, due to the injuries received. - Major H. A. Garrett, Borough Surveyor, said there was a six inch rod all round the light. It was surrounded by a clear space of six feet. - A verdict of "Accidental Death" was returned.
Western Times, Saturday 14 August 1920
CREDITON - Crediton Child Accidentally Suffocated. - At Knowle Cottages, Crediton, yesterday, Mr G. H. Stephens, Deputy Coroner, held an Inquest relative to the death of HILDA SNELL, infant child of ROBERT SNELL, labourer, of Knowle. According to the evidence of the mother, the deceased, one of twins, was born on the 3rd July. Both children slept with witness and her husband, and about 2.20 in the morning she found the child dead. Dr Powne, who made a post-mortem, said the child was healthy and well nourished. There were no marks of violence, all the organs were sound, but the lungs pointed to suffocation being the cause of death. - The Coroner returned a verdict of "Accidental Suffocation."
Western Times, Tuesday 17 August 1920
THORVERTON - Drowned In The Exe. Sad End Of A Lady Visitor To Thorverton. - Quite a gloom was cast over Thorverton and district on Saturday night, by the tragic death of a visitor, MRS LILY MILFORD, wife of MR W. LEONARD MILFORD, of Leeds, a cousin of Mr and Mrs F. Milford, of Seaton Villa, Thorverton, whom she was visiting. In company with the ten-years-old son of her cousins, MRS LILY MILFORD, on Saturday, went for a walk along the banks of the River Exe. The water looked very tempting, and MRS MILFORD, remarking on the fact, took off her shoes and stockings and said she would have a paddle. - Just below the mill, she stepped off the bank on to a cement ledge. Almost immediately, she said to the little boy, "I feel very giddy; I can't get back." With the same, the lady slipped off into the river and was carried 450 yards down stream, where, an hour later, her body was found. An alarm was at once raised and Dr Clayton Jones called, but though he tried artificial respiration for a considerable time, it was of no avail and the body was conveyed to Seaton Villa to await the Inquest. - MR MILFORD arrived from Leeds on Sunday, and much sympathy is felt for him and his 13-year-old son, who was with his mother at Thorverton. The deceased was 36 years of age. - The Inquest. - The Inquest was held at Thorverton yesterday by Mr G. H. Stephens, Deputy County Coroner. The evidence adduced showed that MRS MILFORD, who was visiting her cousin, MRS E. E. E. MILFORD, at Seaton Villa, Thorverton, went to the river with her two young nephews late on Saturday afternoon, proceeding just below the weir. She sat down a little way from the bank and went to sleep for a short time; then she got up and sat on a piece of concrete on the riverside and bathed her feet in the water, staying in this position for about a quarter of an hour. She then complained to her elder nephew, BERTRAM F. MILFORD, who was sitting just behind her, that she felt giddy, and directly afterwards fell headlong into the water, screaming. The boy immediately ran away for deceased's son, who was in a field near by and told him that his mother was drowned, but the lad, who was only 13 years of age, would not believe it. A sister of BERTRAM MILFORD, who came on the scene with some tea, ran for her father. MRS MILFORD was seen by her nephew to rise three times in the water. Two fishermen and a lady on the bridge of the river were told of the accident and said they had seen something which they took to be a scarecrow pass under the bridge. Later the deceased was seen by MRS MILFORD, her cousin, floating down the river, and the body was recovered by Mr John Hayes, a carpenter, of Station-road, Thorverton, in a boat, assisted by Mr F. J. Milford, a postman, of Thorverton. The body was examined by Dr Owen Clayton Jones, of Silverton, who, with the Police Constables on the spot, tried artificial respiration for two hours, but without success. Dr Jones attributed death to drowning and a verdict in accordance with the medical testimony was returned. It was stated by MR W. L. MILFORD, deceased's husband, that she always enjoyed good health, but had sometimes complained of feeling giddy.
Western Times, Friday 20 August 1920
EXETER - Fatal Accident In The Harvest Field At St. Cyres. - The Exeter City Coroner, Mr W. Linford Brown, conducted an Inquest at the Royal Devon and Exeter Hospital yesterday relative to the death of WILLIAM HENRY SPEARE, 17, of Hayes Barton Farm, Newton St Cyres, who fell from a rick on to the prongs of a hay fork at Hayes Barton Farm. The prongs pierced his head and he died in Hospital a few hours afterwards. Evidence was given by Mr Tuckett, his employer and Arthur Cox, and Henry Matthews, who were pitching oats up to the deceased, and all of whom who had previously cautioned deceased about sliding down ricks with a fork in his hand. Dr R. W. Smith, House Surgeon at the Royal Devon and Exeter Hospital, attributed death to haemorrhage to the brain as the result of a punctured wound and the Coroner returned a verdict of "Accidental Death."
Western Times, Saturday 21 August 1920
EXETER - Dunsford Hill Disaster. The Inquest Opened On Third Victim. - The City Coroner, Mr W. Linford Brown, opened an Inquest at the Royal Devon and Exeter Hospital last evening relative to the death of WILLIAM COOMBE, aged 77, plasterer, Bonhay-road, Exeter, who died at the Institution on Tuesday as a result of injuries received in the char-a-banc disaster on Six-mile Hill, Dunsford on the 26th June. Mr S. Ernest Crosse attended on behalf of the proprietors of the char-a-banc and the driver. - Evidence was given by THOMAS COOMBE, brother, who identified the body; and Gwendoline Mary Rolfe, assistant House Surgeon, who said when admitted to the Hospital on the 26th June deceased was suffering from shock, was badly bruised, especially about the back, and had a small cut on the head. He had since been an in-patient. He never recovered from the shock. About three weeks ago bronchitis set in. Death was due to bronchitis, accelerated by the shock arising from the accident. - The Coroner said as the Inquiry would probably occupy four or five hours, and as there must be an adjournment, he suggested they should meet the next time early in the day. - The Inquest was adjourned till Monday morning next, at the Guildhall, at 10.30.
Western Times, Monday 23 August 1920
SAMPFORD PEVERELL - Sampford Peverell Tragedy. - Mr G. H. Stephens held an Inquest at Radford House, Sampford Peverell, on Saturday evening, relative to the death of EDWARD G. WILLIAMS, aged 20, The Gardens, Hestercombe, near Taunton. - MRS SARAH WILLIAMS, Northfield-road, Ilfracombe, mother of deceased, said that her son was a gardener and worked on the estate of the Hon. Mrs Portman. He was last seen alive by witness on August 4th at Ilfracombe. He was not very strong and was subject to fits of fainting. Witness did not remember her son having a doctor. He had never complained of feeling unwell, nor had he seemed depressed. He had not threatened to take his life - Edgar Jarvis, "Radfords," Sampford Peverell, engine fitter, deposed that deceased stayed with him for a weekend about a week ago. He seemed in good health during that time. When deceased left witness's house he did not say which way he was going to Tiverton. - Ellen Jane Jarvis, wife of the last witness, said deceased did not express any intention of going back to Tiverton by the Canal banks. During his stay with witness, deceased seemed very happy and contented. He said he liked his work. - Charles Henry Palt, Sampford Peverell, canal labourer, said when he was passing Battens Bridge he saw two mackintoshes by the side of the footpath. Witness took them to the house of the Police Constable The latter not being home, witness took them away again. Eventually the Policeman at Sampford Peverell took charge of them. - John George Middleton, of Halberton, said he saw the body of a man in the water near Battens Bridge. The body was in the middle of the water, the depth of which was about six feet. With assistance, the body was recovered. - Dr Mitchell Browne, of Sampford Peverell, said there were no external marks on the body, which bore the appearance of drowning. He considered the body had been in the water several days. - A verdict in accordance with the medical testimony was returned.
SIDMOUTH - Love And Kisses. Welsh Soldier's Suicide On The Railway Near Sidmouth Junction. - A verdict of "Suicide " was returned at an Inquest held by Dr E. R. Tweed at the Sidmouth Junction Hotel, on Saturday, on DRIVER ALFRED EDWARD WILLIAMS, 29, of the R.G.A., stationed at Topsham Barracks, who was knocked down and killed at Ash Occupation bridge by a train which left Sidmouth Junction for Sidmouth at half past five on Thursday evening. According to the evidence, deceased, formerly a miner in South Wales, joined the R.G.A. in 1926, was demobilised in December of last year and re-enlisted on May 31st last. Lieut. Bruford, R.G.A., deceased's section commander, said WILLIAMS was always quiet and reserved. He was reported as in the barracks at 10 p.m. on Monday, absent at 6 a.m. on Tuesday and had not since been heard of until this affair. - Gunner William Bruce said he was acquainted with the deceased, who was very reserved and, in his opinion, a very unhappy man, who "never joined in with the other men in the barrack room." Deceased was a very good worker, and he last saw him alive on Monday evening. Witness identified the discharge papers in an envelope found on the deceased as his (witness's) property, which he kept on the top of his kit. - Replying to the Coroner, witness said the following handwriting on the envelope containing his discharge papers: "Love" and crosses, was not there when it was in his possession. - Deceased's eldest brother, JOHN WILLIAMS, said deceased left home, in Glamorganshire at Whitsuntide and had not been heard of since. - Joseph James Matthews, the engine driver of the train, said on reaching No. 2 bridge, between Sidmouth Junction and Ottery, he saw a man jump in front of the engine. He was then about five yards away, and he shut off steam, applied the brakes and stopped as soon as possible. It was impossible for him to pull up so as to avoid running over the deceased. - Arthur George Vicary, the fireman, said he went back and found the deceased dressed in khaki lying by the side of the bank. - Dr J. W. Ponton expressed the opinion that death was instantaneous. Portions of the viscera and bone were scattered over a distance of some twenty yards. - The Jury returned the verdict as above and expressed the opinion that there was no evidence as to the state of the deceased's mind.
Western Times, Tuesday 24 August 1920
EXETER - The Dunsford Disaster. Inquest On The Third Victim Yesterday. Some Fresh Points. - The Exeter City Coroner, Mr W. Linford Brown, held, at the Guildhall yesterday, the adjourned Inquest on WILLIAM COOMBE, aged 77, of the Alexandra Inn, Bonhay-road, who died at the Royal Devon and Exeter Hospital on Tuesday, as the result of shock caused by injuries received in the char-a-banc disaster on Six Mile-hill, Dunsford, on the 26th June. Mr. S. Ernest Crosse represented the owners of the char-a-banc (the Exeter and District Touring Company) and the driver (James Marshall), and Mr J. McGahey appeared for the relatives of the victims. - The Jurors first met at the Court House, and decided, before hearing any evidence, to proceed to Six Mile Hill and view the scene of the accident. the Inquest was accordingly adjourned for an hour and the Jurors set out in two motor cars for Dunsford Hill. - Captain Abbott, M.B.E., as a technical expert, assisted the Coroner at the Inquiry. - Captain John Dolye, the partner in the Company with Henry Woodward, of London, repeated in the main his previous evidence. He said the car, which the Company had on the hire system, had been used eleven times before the accident. - In cross-examination by Mr McGahey, witness admitted that this particular car, "The Kid," had been dismantled on the previous day in order to have lighter springs substituted, was still unready at the time it was due the next morning (7.30) to take the party, and did not go out till an hour later. The driver (James Marshall) was responsible to see the car was all right before it was taken out. - Replying to Mr Crosse, witness said it was impossible for him to see every car that went out. The car was new in 1918, when the steering gear was in good condition. Before he took it over on June 4th, it had been thoroughly over-hauled by the Rotary Engineering Company. - The Garage Tests. - Henry Camp, motor engineer, employed by the Exeter Garage Company, described what was done to the car (the new springs which were fitted being supplied by the last witness), and the test of the side brake by rotating the wheels by five men - which, he said, was the only practical test that could be applied in a garage. He did not test the footbrake, which did no concern his job. If it was found when on the road that the side brake needed further adjustment, the driver could have done it. That was in the driver's province. When witness saw the car after the accident he found the hand brake was not at full travel; it was about three-quarters on. He drove the car to the blacksmith's shop and found the footbrake was useless. On the following Monday he found the footbrake lining of the near side brake burnt. The side brake was not against the dashboard and never had been. - In answer to a Juryman, witness said five men could be put at one time to rotate a four-feet wheel. It was the usual method in every factory for the preliminary test. - The Juryman said he could not understand how five men could be put around such a wheel. - In answer to Mr McGahey, witness said the foot brake was half the length of the car away from the part of the work he was engaged on. The hand brakes were all right when the car left the garage, and they were after the accident, when he got up the car on the wheels and drove it to the blacksmith's shop. He had heard that the lever of the brake was seen after the disaster to be at the full length of its travel, but that was no guide, as the lever would be affected by the upsetting of the car. After the accident everything was in perfect order in the steering gear of the car except the foot brake. All of the car that he had had anything to do with was in perfect order. - Answering Mr Crosse, witness said if the car had negotiated the two previous hills - Pocombe and Culvert, alternately using hand and foot brakes - all right, he should have regarded that as a proof that the brakes were in order. If the car had been kept in second gear, it could not have run away. - The Brake Question. - In answer to the Coroner, witness said the car seldom jumped out of gear. - In answer to further questions, witness said it was just as possible to test a brake efficiently on the level road as in going down a hill. - The Coroner: Do you seriously contend that? - Witness said if an expert like Mr Abbott disagreed with this, he should still hold to his opinion, which he had formed after 22 years' experience. - Henry Martin, a passenger on "The Kid," said he saw two men, and not five, test the wheel at the garage on the morning of the accident. Witness also described the suffocating smoke with a smell like greasy cloth burning, which emanated from under the centre part of the car on Pocombe and Dunsford hills. He heard nothing said about it to the driver. The deceased man, COOMBE, was sitting about three seats from the front. - By Mr McGahey: "The Kid" took the lead, but the second car, though of less power, passed it on Dunsford-hill, and they never saw it afterwards. - By Mr Crosse: He did not know of his own knowledge what was the power of either of the cars, but he had heard from outside that "The Kid" was the more powerful. The driver did not give him the information. He admitted there might have been five men rotating the wheel, to test the brake, at the garage, after he saw the two men engaged on it, but he never saw more than two. - Further evidence was given by several other passengers, including Geo. Coles, Edwin John Gibbings, John Crews, Walter Stapley and also by Victor Strong, who from a field saw the accident. - Was A Warning Given? - Stapley, in answer to Mr McGahey, said the car would have turned the bend in the road all right if it had not got into the culvert, which projected almost half-way into the road. Witness also said that on the level at the bottom of Culver-hill he heard two passengers, John Haydon and Walter Hemmens, advise the driver to stop and look at his brakes. - By Mr Crosse: He did not remember the exact words Haydon and Hemmens used, nor the driver's answer. - Who asked you about this point before you entered the box? - Nobody has asked anything. - Have you discussed this question with anyone? - Not at all. - Answering further questions, witness said both Haydon and Hemmens even stood up in the car. - Mr Crosse: I put it to you that the evidence given by Gibbings and Coles that nothing was said to the driver about the brakes at the bottom of Culver-hill is correct? - Witness: Oh! yes there was. - P.C. Horner, Chudleigh, also gave evidence. - James Marshall, the driver, said the footbrake of the car was tested the day before the accident, and the hand-brake at the garage on the morning of the day of the accident. - Witness added that the passengers never gave him the impression that they thought an accident was likely to happen. It was false to say that any passenger advised him to look at the brakes. When he descended the last hill before the accident the whole of the brakes were all right. - By Mr McGahey: The statement that the two passengers named by previous witnesses stood up and advised him to examine his brakes was absolutely a lie. - I put it to you that one of the main causes of the accident was your failure on the top of the hill to touch the footbrake to see if it were working? - It might be a sensible way of putting it in theory, but in practice it is never carried out. - Not, perhaps, in your practice? - Not one driver in a hundred does it in practice after it has taken him down a previous hill. - Answering further questions, witness said his hand-brake held to some extent, but not sufficiently. - Mr McGahey suggested that witness had changed his story about the hand-brake, but Mr Crosse protested against this insinuation, remarking that witness was one of the few witnesses who was telling the truth. - The Coroner said witness had previously said that his brakes did not hold. - Mr Crosse: He is trying to give you the explanation that he gave to the Dunsford Jury. - Mr McGahey (to witness): Have you always said at each of the Inquests that your hand-brake was no good and could not pull up the car? - Witness replied that it would not pull the car up, but it held to some extent. Witness did not believe his brakes were burning on Culver-hill. He had never told a representative of the Press that his steering gear went wrong. - Answering Mr Crosse, witness said had it not been for the culvert he could have got round the corner all right and the accident would have been prevented. - Evidence was also given by Mr Morton S. White, and Mr W. G. Abbott, O.B.E., both of whom examined the car after the accident. The last-named, who was called by the Coroner, explained that if the foot-brake shoes had been adjusted properly they would have been effective and the driver could have easily adjusted them on the top of the hill before commencing the descent. - By Mr Crosse: The culvert was very dangerous. - The Jury returned a verdict to the effect that death was due to Bronchitis as a result of an Accident. [ There followed a description of the funeral of Mr W. Coombe held at the Higher Cemetery, Exeter.]
Western Times, Friday 27 August 1920
SEATON AND BEER - Seaton Cycle Fatality. Liverpool Youth's Death Due To An Accident. - Dr E. R. Tweed held an Inquest at Seaton on Tuesday on JOHN G. VEITCH, 18, of Liverpool, who succumbed in the Seaton Nursing Home on Monday to injuries received in a motor-cycle accident between Long Chimney Cross and Buddhayes Cottage, Southleigh, on Sunday . MR THOMAS DRYSDALE VEITCH, the father, said his son was a very careful driver. He learnt to drive a few months before the motor-cycle was purchased for him. - Dr Tonge said deceased sustained a bruise on the left temple. His skull was fractured while the right collar-bone was badly dislocated. On the roadside and later at the Nursing Home, deceased had severe convulsions of an epileptic nature, caused by the accident. - Henry S. V. Mossop, clerk, said he met the deceased for the first time at Sidmouth on Saturday. They arranged with Edward Hanson to go to Beer on Sunday, and left at 11 a.m. Witness started on VEITCH'S cycle and then got on the carrier of Hanson's cycle to go back and look at a view of Sidmouth. Witness later rejoined VEITCH, who led. VEITCH failed to negotiate a bend in the road, his cycle "ran half-way up the hedge," and he fell into the road. - Evidence was given as to the speed being a moderate one. - P.C. Ball said the brakes of both motor-cycles were intact after the accident. - The Jury returned a verdict of "Accidental Death," and expressed the opinion that no blame attached to anybody.
EAST BUDLEIGH - Artery Like A Whipcord. The Sudden Death Of MAJOR CALVERT At Budleigh Salterton. - Dr E. R. Tweed, Coroner for East Devon, held an Inquest at Budleigh Salterton Cottage Hospital yesterday respecting the death of an ex-officer of the Royal Field Artillery, MAJOR GEORGE CALVERT, who expired suddenly on the platform of Salterton Railway Station, on Wednesday morning. - Lieut.-Colonel Charles R. Maclagan Hutchinson, of the Indian Army, stated that he had been acquainted with the deceased for about seven years, who was 53 years of age, and retired from the Royal Field Artillery in 1912. On Tuesday, deceased came to witness's house, at Beaconsfield. He then appeared in his usual health. Witness had met him almost daily ever since he came to Budleigh Salterton, in March last, with his wife and daughter. He did not know that deceased suffered in any way, but he became very breathless in walking uphill and easily got tired. The Major did not participate in games, but used to go fishing in the river, and when out in India he was a great rider, riding being his hobby. During the war, deceased served in Ireland from 1914 to 1918. - Arthur George Wills, 52 Waverley-road, Exmouth, manager of Perriam's Stores, Budleigh Salterton, stated that on Wednesday morning he arrived from Exmouth at Salterton about twenty minutes past eight and saw MAJOR CALVERT standing outside the booking office. Witness noticed deceased take out a cigarette case and it fell to the ground. He immediately after fell flat on his face and witness went to him and turned him on his back. Deceased was unconscious, but there was perspiration on his forehead and he was bleeding freely from the nose and cheek, and groaning heavily. Witness loosened his clothing. A porter bathed deceased's face while witness rubbed his hands. - Dr Charles Vincent Smith said he was called to the Station, and on arrival found MAJOR CALVERT had expired. He had since made a post-mortem examination, and found the heart very much enlarged and rather flabby with patches of degeneration. The coronary artery was blocked very badly and had the appearance of a whipcord, and to this he attributed the cause of death. He considered that deceased fainted and died suddenly. - The Coroner came to the conclusion from the medical evidence that death was due to Natural Causes, and expressed sympathy with the widow. - The London and South Western Railway Co., was represented by the Divisional Inspector, Mr Edward J. Stannard.
Western Times, Tuesday 31 August 1920
WHITCHURCH - Mr R. R. Rodd, County Coroner, held an Inquest on Friday on the body of MR SAMUEL MAUNDER, 66, farmer, Shortlands Farm, Middlemoor, Whitchurch. Deceased was pitching hay at about 1.30 on Thursday, when he complained of feeling giddy and sat down. His wife brought him dinner, but he could not eat it. A doctor was sent for, but death ensued within two hours of the deceased ceasing work. Dr J. Leslie Watt, of Tavistock, attributed death to fatty degeneration of the heart and a verdict to that effect was returned.
DARTMOUTH - Ship's Engineer's Suicide At Dartmouth. - The body of ANDERS CHRISTIAN PEDERSEN, second engineer on the s.s. Tranquebar, in Dartmouth Harbour, native of Herfolge, Denmark, was found, on Sunday night, on the ship's deck with a bullet wound in the mouth. The Captain, Holger Moller Harden, sent for medical assistance, but before Dr Harris could arrive, death had taken place. At the Inquest at Dartmouth Guildhall yesterday, before Mr A. M. Davson, Coroner, the evidence showed that deceased had been depressed, but did not make a confident of any of his mates. The Coroner returned a verdict of "Suicide during Temporary Insanity".
Western Times, Wednesday 1 September 1920
BURLESCOMBE - Old Lady's Sudden Death At Burlescombe. - The Deputy Coroner, Mr G. H. Stephens, held an Inquiry into the death of SUSANNAH HOLLAND, aged 69, at Leonard Moor, Burlescombe, on Monday. ALFRED ERNEST HOLLAND, who identified the body, said the deceased suffered from giddiness and on Thursday morning he went to her room and found her lying on the floor unconscious. She had a black eye and a wound on her cheek. - Dr William M. Brown, Sampford Peverell, said the black eye and wounded cheek-bone were consistent with a fall on the floor with her face downwards. Deceased had been suffering from haemorrhage of the brain and this caused the fall. A verdict of "Accidental Death" was returned.
Western Times, Thursday 2 September 1920
PAIGNTON - The Marldon Burning Fatality. - Mr T. Edmonds, Deputy Coroner, held an Inquest at Paignton yesterday, relative to the death from burns at Paignton Hospital, of MRS ADA ELIZABETH BLOXAM, widow, of Middle Westerland Farm, Marldon. - Rev. R. F. H. Trevaldwyn, Vicar of Marldon, stated that deceased had been living alone recently and was farming part of Middle Westerland Farm. - Thomas Phare, labourer, said after he had finished milking on Sunday evening he heard a bell ringing in the house. Going upstairs he found deceased in bed terribly burnt. She told him that while burning rubbish in an orchard the wind blew the flames right over her and her clothing caught alight. She said she had had nothing to eat since the morning and he concluded that was when the accident happened. There were traces of burnt clothing all over the yard, deceased having made straight for a water trough. He fetched his daughter-in-law, who attended to deceased and dusted her over with flour. - Dr J. George, who was sent for and conveyed MRS BLOXAM to the Hospital, deposed that she was practically burnt from head to foot, the chest being almost charred. It seemed a hopeless case and he was of opinion that she was wearing clothes of very inflammable material. He spent a long time dressing the wounds at the Hospital. Death was due to shock, the result of burns. - A verdict accordingly was returned.
Western Times, Monday 6 September 1920
TEIGNMOUTH - Old Lady Dies From Burns At Teignmouth. - Mr T. Edmonds, Deputy Coroner, held an Inquest at the Town Hall, Teignmouth, on Saturday, on the body of SUSAN STROUD COCKERAM, who died at the Hospital on Friday night from the effects of burns. - William Henry Coram, 10 Stanley-street, said deceased was his aunt. She lived with him, and was in her 77th year. He took her a cup of tea at 7 a.m. on Friday. - Dr Piggott said when deceased was admitted to the Hospital she was a mass of burns from head to foot. Death was due to shock from the burns. She was in such agony that he could not get any statement from her. - Thomas Barnes, who lives opposite, said when he went to the deceased, in the kitchen, she was a mass of flames, and was crawling to the back door on her hands and knees. There was a little fire in the grate, and a coat near by was burning. - A verdict of "Death from Shock from Burns sustained Accidentally." was returned.
Western Times, Tuesday 7 September 1920
SIDMOUTH - Fatal Dare Devilry. Soldier Who Sat On The Roof Of A Train. Inquest At Sidmouth Junction. - Dr E. R. Tweed, Coroner for East Devon, held an Inquest at the Railway Hotel, Sidmouth Junction, yesterday, concerning the death of JOHN HENRY NASH, a private of the R.A.S.C., who was killed on the L. and S.W.R. line near Sidmouth Junction Station, while travelling from Devonport to Bulford, on Saturday afternoon. The train left Queen-street Station, Exeter, at 4.22 p.m., and was due to arrive at Sidmouth Junction about 5.11, but not to stop there. While passing through this Station, however, the train was stopped through someone pulling the communication cord and it was then ascertained that deceased had climbed on to the top of one of the carriages and had been knocked down in passing the bridge between Sherwood farm and Sherwood dairy and a few yards further on rolled from the carriage on to the down line. The accident was witnessed by a lad named Basil Marshall, who ran out to the bridge to see the train pass and saw the man sitting on the top of the carriage with his back to the bridge. - Mr R. Hall was elected Foreman of the Jury. Inspector W. Trump (Exeter) represented the Railway Police Department and Mr Salter (Honiton) was present as permanent way inspector. Lieut. Gordon P. Hunt, R.A.S.C., of Bulford, represented the deceased's company. - William Healy, brother-in-law of the deceased, said the latter's home was at 27 Lansdowne-road, Leytonstone, Essex, and he was 21 years of age. Deceased joined the motor transport section of the A.S.C. a month ago. - Dr J. A. Ponton, of Ottery St. Mary, stated that he was called at 6 p.m. on Saturday and saw the body lying by the side of the line. Death must have been instantaneous. Witness found that deceased had a compound commminuted fracture of the base of the skull and there was laceration of the tissue. He thought deceased might have been under the influence of alcohol at the time of his death. - Crashed Into A Bridge. - Private Evans of the Depot Company, R.A.S.C., travelling from Devonport to Bulford on Saturday, said he was in the same compartment as NASH. Deceased had been climbing in and out of the train ever since they left Devonport and on arrival at Exeter his conduct was reported to the corporal in charge of the party. After they left Exeter, deceased again got out of the carriage and climbed to the top of the compartment. Witness heard deceased say: "Here's a bridge". They passed under this and just after they passed under another bridge. While doing so, witness heard a noise on the top of the compartment, and one of his comrades shouted: "He is killed." The train was then stopped by pulling the communication cord and the guard was informed of what had happened. - The Coroner: Was the man under the influence of drink? - Witness: I would not say that, sir. - Why did he climb on the top of the carriage? - He had no reason to do so. - Was there any horse-play going on? - No. - Anyone daring him to do it? - No one dared him at all. We were happy in the train, and singing. - Asked how deceased got out of the train, witness said he climbed through the window without opening the door of the carriage and he then climbed up to the top. - P.S. Bugler: You had previously reported him to the corporal at Exeter. Did you try to prevent him getting out of the window? - Witness: I told him about it the first time, and he gave me a nasty sneering answer, that it was nothing to do with me. When he got out the next time I said nothing. - Witness said he had not seen deceased have any drink. - Corporal William Holt, R.A.S.C., stated that he was in charge of 22 men proceeding from Devonport to Bulford Camp on Saturday. At Exeter it was reported to him by a railway servant that a soldier had been seen on the top of the train, and also walking along the footboard from one compartment to another while the train was in motion. He saw deceased, and warned him of the danger, and placed him under open arrest. The train proceeded and was pulled up at Sidmouth Junction, and it was reported to witness that in spite of the warning PTE. NASH had again got out of the train, with the result that he was killed. Witness left three men behind to render any assistance required. - By the Coroner: His men were accommodated in six carriages and witness was in the last one. He did not consider deceased was drunk, but he had had some drink earlier in the day. - Promised Not To Repeat Pranks. - P.S. Bugler: As he was under arrest was anyone in charge of him? - Witness: He was under open arrest. - Proceeding, witness said he thought NASH had enough drink to make him mud-headed. He could walk and talk easily enough, but it got to his head He was a good-hearted fellow. - In reply to P.S. Bugler, witness said he did not put anyone in charge of deceased after the matter was reported to him at Exeter because NASH promised him he would not try his games on again. - The Coroner: He said he would not get out of the train again? - Witness: Yes. - Lieut. Hunt said he did not think the corporal was to blame in not taking deceased into the carriage with him. He considered the man was just excited. - Basil Marshall, aged 10, son of Alfred Marshall, of Sherwood Dairy, said he ran out of the cowshed as the train was passing to count the carriages. He saw a soldier sitting down on the top of the carriage, resting on his elbow. He was half lying down. Just as he saw the man the bridge struck his head, and he did not see him after that until he saw the body lying on the rails when he looked over the top of the bridge. - Fredk. Darch, porter at Sidmouth Junction Station, deposed to finding the body on the line and reporting the matter to the Station-master. - Inspector G. Salter said the bridge was called the Sherwood bridge, No. 490 and the height from the top of the carriage to the arch of the bridge would be about 2 feet. Two bricks, about an inch long, were broken off at the edge of the arch and a hair was hanging to one of the pieces of brick. - The Coroner considered deceased's conduct foolhardy. To climb on the roof of the train, he said, was a dare-devil act on the part of this man. - The Jury returned a verdict of Accidental Death, but did not consider deceased was drunk.
Western Times, Wednesday 8 September 1920
ISLINGTON, LONDON - Died At Axminster. Mysterious End Of A London Borough Councillor. Funeral Postponed For Inquest. - Mr Walter Schroder held an Inquest at Islington yesterday concerning the death of THOMAS WEBSTER, aged 39, a member of Finsbury Borough Council and licensee of the Old Ivy House, Goswell-road, E.C. Deceased passed away at Axminster, Devon, and the body had been removed to London for interment, upon a death certificate given at Axminster. A post-mortem examination was, however, subsequently ordered and this resulted in the postponement of the funeral which had been arranged for Monday, and the holding of the Inquest. - MARGARET WEBSTER said her husband had been in fairly good health, but had suffered from nerves since he left the Army in October 19187, after serving for nine months. He did no service abroad and was of perfectly sober habits. About a fortnight ago he met with a slight accident, knocking his head against a partition in the bar, but he did not complain afterwards. Witness continued that on August 25th he went away for a holiday, and she was surprised when she did not hear from him, as this was most unusual. On August 31st she received a letter from his sister saying that he was dangerously ill and ten minutes afterwards received a telegram to the same effect. She travelled to Axminster, discovered that her husband was dead, and, forming the opinion that he had not died from the cause given on the certificate, she thought it desirable that an Inquest should be held. - The Coroner: In order that you may be quite satisfied as to the cause of death? - Yes. - JOHN NATHANIEL WEBSTER, ironmonger, of Axminster, brother of the deceased, said that when the latter arrived at Axminster, he appeared in his usual health, although his eyes were puffed. This, he said, was due to smoking too much. Next morning he appeared shaky and could not eat or drink anything. He went out and about the town and called upon a doctor. On Saturday night deceased was very queer and restless after going to bed, and imagined that he saw things in the room which were not there. Next day he called again on the doctor, but on the Monday he became violent, broke the glass of the window, and had to be restrained. He died early the following morning. - In answer to the Coroner, witness said that deceased only partook of one glass of beer while at his house. - Mr Samuel Billington, a caterer, of Goswell-road, and also a member of Finsbury Borough Council, said the deceased, who was a friend of his, was one of the most temperate men he had ever met in his life. - Dr Thomas Rose, who made a post mortem examination, said there was no evidence to suggest over-indulgence in alcohol. There had been cerebral trouble and pneumonia and this would easily account for the outburst of delirium. A chill might also be accountable for trembling in a nervous man. Such cases were very difficult to diagnose. In his opinion it was quite a natural death. - Dr Greenwood, of Goswell-road, deceased's regular medical attendant, expressed a similar opinion and the widow and the brother of deceased desiring to put no questions, the Coroner recorded a verdict of "Death from Natural Causes."
Western Times, Tuesday 14 September 1920
SILVERTON - Silverton Builder's Fatal Fall. - The County Coroner, Mr H. W. Gould, held an Inquest at Silverton yesterday relative to the death of CHARLES GEORGE SHORT, builder, aged 60 years. - GEORGE HENRY SHORT, builder, identified the body as that of his father, and stated that on the 21st August last deceased was brought home, having sustained injuries, and had been medically attended up to the time of his death, which took place on Saturday last. Deceased was never able to tell anyone what had happened. He was a fairly heavy man, and left home at 9.30 a.m. on business and intended to come back to dinner. He was driving a horse and trap himself to Rewe. The horse was a quiet one, but was given to tripping a little at times. After the accident witness examined the horse and found the skin on one of its knees broken. - Matthew Hutchings, labourer, of Silverton, deposed that about 4.30 p.m. on the 21st August, he was outside the Three Tuns Inn, and saw deceased driving in the direction of his home, at a steady trot. Witness turned round to close a door and heard a noise as of something falling. He looked round and saw the horse trotting up the road and deceased lying in the road. Witness called assistance and found deceased unconscious. A doctor was sent for. Witness noticed the horse's left knee was cut and bleeding, whilst the other knee was very dusty. In the gutter across the road was a bad place which might have caused the horse to trip. Dr Clayton Jones stated that he saw the deceased just before 5 p.m. on the 21st August, and found him almost unconscious but could not see any injuries. He put deceased in his car and returned him to his home. For the first three days deceased improved and told witness he had been to Rewe before the accident, but could remember nothing of the accident. Deceased gradually got worse about four or five days after the accident and was seen by three other doctors. Witness treated deceased for concussion, but there was no operation. In witness's opinion, the cause of death was probably laceration to the brain following a fall. - The Coroner returned a verdict of "Accidental Death" remarking it was a very sad case and expressing sympathy with the relatives.
BROADCLYST - Broadclyst Tragedy. Farm Labourer Commits Suicide After Increased Rent Worries. - The District Coroner, Mr H. W. Gould, held an Inquest yesterday afternoon on THOMAS BASTIN, aged fifty, farm labourer, whose death occurred under tragic circumstances at his residence, Shamrock Cottage, Broadclyst, on Sunday. - MRS ROSINA BASTIN, widow, identified the body as that of her husband and said on Sunday he went to Mr Salter and came back at about 11 a.m. to fetch a book dealing with the new Rent Act, which he was desirous of having explained. Deceased had been worried about the increases which had been made in his rent by the new landlord. These increases amounted to £22, and, in addition, the rates had increased £9. Deceased had made various remarks to witness regarding the increases and said there was not enough money made out of the land, which amounted to six acres, to cover the increased rent. Previous to his death, deceased had an argument with her about the futility of stopping in his present house and he afterwards went out with a gun and fired at some passing birds. Witness declared he only did this to frighten her. - IVY BASTIN, daughter, aged 17, said she came home to her parents on a visit on Saturday. She saw her father leave the house on Sunday just before dinner with a gun. Prior to his leaving the house his wife asked him if he wanted any dinner. He replied, "I don't want any dinner." He carried the gun out and slammed the door. He made no further remark. - In reply to the Coroner, witness said her father and mother were on good terms. Shortly after her father went out on Sunday both her mother and herself heard a report, which resembled the firing of a gun. Witness then went out in the garden and discovered her father lying dead, face downwards, at the back of the house. Witness fetched the nearest neighbour and went back to her mother. - Cyril Smerdon, labourer, a lodger in deceased's house, gave corroborative evidence regarding deceased's visit to Mr Salter and said he seemed himself when he returned. Asked by the Coroner if he could throw any further light on the matter, witness replied that deceased had a cycle accident in April last, and had suffered in his head since. - Dr A. Orr Ewing, Broadclyst, said deceased's face was almost smashed, and the jaw. On examination of the gun, he found the right barrel was discharged, containing an empty cartridge and the left barrel was undischarged. There would be no difficulty in the deceased discharging the gun. - The Coroner, in returning a verdict of "Suicide while of Unsound Mind" said on the evidence there was no doubt that deceased had taken his own life and the only further question to be decided was whether he was responsible. It was quite possible that the rising of deceased's rent may have preyed on his mind, but that was not for him (the Coroner) to say. He returned a verdict as above stated.
DARTMOUTH - Death From Broken Neck At Dartmouth. - Mr Arthur Davson, Coroner, held an Inquest at the Guildhall, Dartmouth, yesterday, relative to the death of RICHARD JOHNS, leading stoker, R.N., aged 37, a married man of 8 Parade, Barbican, Plymouth, whose dead body was found on Sunday morning at the Royal Naval Barracks, Dartmouth. Deceased served on H.M.S. Lion during the battle of Jutland. - Frederick Milford, stoker, R.N., said he went on duty at the mess-room at the R.N. Barracks at 6.45 on Sunday morning, and found deceased lying dead on the floor, fully dressed excepting his boots and cap, which were placed on one side. - Northy Pappin, stoker, R.N., said he slept at the Barracks on Saturday night and heard nothing. On awaking on Sunday he saw the dead body of JOHNS. - Harry Davis, stoker, R.N., said at 10 p.m. on Saturday he passed deceased by the Floating Bridge. Deceased said good night and seemed all right. - Gilbert Francis Sims, Surgeon Commander, R.N., attributed death to a broken neck. There was a slight abrasion on the back of the head, and it was possible deceased fell forward, with his head under him. - The Coroner returned a verdict in accordance with the medical evidence and found that death was Accidental.
ABBOTSHAM - Drowned At Abbotsham. Gallant, Though Unsuccessful, Attempts At Rescue. - At Abbotsham yesterday afternoon, Mr G. W. F. Brown, North Devon Coroner, held an Inquest on the body of ELIZABETH GRANT, aged 18, domestic servant, in the employ of Mr Skidmore Ashby, of "Rixslade," Abbotsham, who was accidentally drowned whilst bathing on the beach at Abbotsham on Sunday afternoon, when Miss Mary Stevenson, a visitor, who was bathing with her, and Mr Hearn, of Bideford, who gallantly went into the sea in an attempt to save both ladies, were also in great danger. Deceased's mother, MRS TUCKER, said she had no knowledge that her daughter was going bathing, and she never had bathed before. - Mrs Olive Haynes said she had for some time been living in one of Mr Ashby's huts which was vacant on the beach, and on Sunday afternoon had dinner there, deceased being with her. After dinner Miss Stevenson, from one of the other huts, came along and asked ELIZABETH GRANT if she would bathe with her. She appeared anxious to do so, but witness warned her not to go far from the edge. She had only been in the water about two minutes when she appeared to be in difficulties and the tremendous under-current was carrying both girls out to sea. Miss Stevenson did her best to keep up the deceased, and Mr Hearn, of Bideford, who was passing, took off his coat and jumped into the sea in an effort to save them. So far as the deceased was concerned, these efforts were unavailing, and the body was not recovered until about twenty minutes or half an hour afterwards. Witness had seen people bathing there before, but never when the tide was so high. - Miss Stevenson, a visitor from Westmorland, said both were standing in the water up to their waists when deceased suddenly caught hold of her, and both were knocked off their feet by a wave and carried out to beyond their depth. She did her best to keep deceased up and Mr Hearn swam out to them, but against the very strong current they could do nothing. She kept deceased's head up as long as she could, and did not leave her until she appeared to be drowned. Witness could swim. She had bathed at the same place every day all the time she had been there, and had never experienced any trouble before, or felt any under-current. - Mr S. Prance, Harbour Master of Bideford, said from a distance he saw the two ladies in the water, and knowing with the ground-sea on what a strong under-current there was, he was going down to warn them, when a large wave came in and suddenly engulfed both of them. When he caught sight of them again they were carried out between 50 and 60 yards. He rushed to one of the huts and got a box, a plank and some rope, which he threw out and heard that a man had jumped into the water. As a matter of fact it was practically suicide to do so. He corroborated the evidence of Miss Stevenson, having done all she could to support the deceased and to the efforts of the man who swam out and said he himself got into the water in assisting Miss Stevenson out. The place was locally known as Taylor's Gut. - Dr Loye, of Bideford, mentioned that the man Hearn referred to, he understood, belonged to Lamerton's Place, Bideford, and he was told that when he was got out of the water he was unconscious and artificial respiration had to be resorted to. When witness arrived Mr Prance was trying to revive the deceased, and everything possible had been done. He conducted artificial respiration for an hour without result. He thought it a very plucky thing for Mr Hearn, who was walking along the beach with his wife and child to have acted as he did. - The Coroner, in returning a verdict of "Accidentally Drowned, without blame attaching to anyone," said many of these mishaps were quite inevitable. He paid a tribute to the gallantry of those who assisted, and said he should have liked to have seen Mr Hearn there in order that he might have complimented him upon his plucky action. He trusted he was not suffering any ill-effects from his immersion. - Dr Toye asked if anything could be done to provide life saving appliances at the spot, and the Coroner pointed out that he understood it was private property. Mrs Haynes said she was sure Mr Ashby would do something there, and Inspector Doidge, of the County Constabulary, suggested whether or not the Lifeboat Institution could not be approached. - The Coroner said it would be quite satisfactory if Mr Ashby did provide something. - A brother of the deceased, on behalf of MRS TUCKER, expressed appreciation at the efforts of Miss Stevenson, Mr Hearn and Mr Prance, and said they were perfectly satisfied everything possible had been done.
Western Times, Wednesday 15 September 1920
EXMOUTH - Death In A Tank. Exmouth Lady's Acute Mental Depression. Yesterday's Inquest. - Dr E. R. Tweed, Coroner for East Devon, held an Inquest at the Exmouth Police Court yesterday, respecting the death of MISS MARIAN SETTEN, (47), of 11 Rolle-street, Exmouth, who was found lying in a tank of water in an upstair room at her home on Sunday evening. MISS SETTEN was well known and highly respected in the town, and her death under such tragic circumstances has been regretted by all who knew her. Of a cheerful disposition when in good health, she had lately become despondent, owing to a nervous breakdown, and the thought that she would not get better had evidently preyed on her mind. - HAROLD SETTEN, brother of deceased, said he saw his sister last alive about twenty minutes to three on Sunday afternoon. They had dined together on Sunday as usual. His sister was a life-long teetotaler. She had been in ill-health since January last, suffering from nervous depression, accompanied by gastritis. She was attended by a doctor, and the gastritis appeared to be cured, but the nervous depression remained. His sister went away in the spring to Dowlesland, on the moor, and stayed there some weeks and she then went to Cornwall. She returned to her home at 11 Rolle-street, where witness and his wife had been living since the beginning of her illness. His wife had been away for rather more than a fortnight and after dinner on Sunday witness suggested to his sister that they should go for a walk or a drive together, as they had done on the previous Sunday. She preferred, however, not to do so and wished witness to go for a long walk. He therefore went for a walk to the Warren, in the company of Mr Bennetts, of Exmouth, and Mr Fisher, of Topsham. He returned about half-past six and noticed there were no tea things on the table. He called for his sister, but there was no answer. Witness then made a search of the rooms, but found them all empty, and thought his sister must have gone for a walk. On crossing the landing to go downstairs again, he noticed that the door of the loft, containing an iron cistern full of water on the same floor, was open. He then discovered that his sister was lying face downwards on the side of the cistern. Her head was under water, and the legs, out straight, were lifted from the floor. Witness immediately lifted her, and tried to get her head out of the water, but found it heavy. He then discovered that three pieces of cord were tied round the neck, and attached to something in the tank. Witness raised her head above water and then ran downstairs for a knife, with which he cut the cords, after which he lifted her from the tank. He then got the assistance of his friend, Mr Bennetts. Witness had never heard his sister threaten to take her life. For the last two or three weeks she had complained of being in great pain. She was very much depressed as she did not get better, and said she was afraid she was losing her reason. She seemed to have lost all nerve and will-power. On the following day a printer's type-melting mould was found in the bottom of the tank. It weighed about 25lbs., and the cord was attached to one of the handles. It had evidently been carried to the tank by the deceased. - Dr W. J. Smythe who saw MISS SETTEN after she was taken from the tank, said life was extinct, and he came to the conclusion that her death was due to drowning. - Dr G. H. Hanna said he had attended MISS SETTEN at various times since January last, also two years ago. She had gastric trouble, and after attending her about a month, he got her into a nursing home at Exmouth. In March or April last he sent her away to the end of July. She got better, but was depressed and witness suggested that if she did not improve he would advise her brother to have a specialist in to see her. He considered that death was due to drowning, and thought at the time the deceased was suffering from acute mental depression. - The Coroner returned a verdict in accordance with the medical evidence, that deceased took her own life while suffering from acute mental depression and expressed sympathy with MR SETTEN in his trouble.
OKEHAMPTON - Okehampton Fatality. Holsworthy Man Cut To Pieces On Line Near Meldon. - Mr H. C. Brown held an Inquest at the Poor Law Institution, Okehampton, yesterday afternoon, relative to the death of HAROLD ERNEST CORNISH, aged 18 years, of Upworthy, Pyworthy, Holsworthy, who was killed on the railway while on his way to work at the L. and S.W.R. ballast works at Meldon. Inspector Trump represented the Railway Company. - THOMAS JAMES CORNISH, Holsworthy, platelayer in the employ of the L. and S.W.R., and father of deceased, said his son was employed at the ballast quarry at Meldon. He was lodging in Okehampton, at Mill Cottages. Witness knew nothing of the occurrence until he was informed on Monday. - William Gardiner, 12 Alvington-street, Plymouth, employed as an engine driver by the L. and S.W.R., deposed that he was driving the passenger train which was due at Okehampton from Plymouth at 7.42 a.m. on Monday. About 1 ¼ miles from Okehampton Station witness saw a man walking in the middle of the four-foot way towards the train. Deceased was about 30 yards away when witness first saw him. There was a ballast train on the down line abreast of the man, and witness saw him looking at it as it passed. The ballast train was proceeding at 10 to 15 miles per hour. Witness could not say whether the man was trying to get to the ballast train. Witness's engine was going from 30 to 35 miles per hour, and as soon as witness observed the man he blew his whistle and applied the brakes. The man appeared to take no notice whatever. It was impossible for witness to pull up in that distance. Witness was unable to say whether the engine dragged the man along. Witness only saw a heap of remains. The accident was reported at Okehampton Station. Witness had had one accident in Queen-street tunnel, Exeter, and on that occasion he pulled up in the length of a carriage. On this occasion he was unable to do so. - Arthur Jones, Okehampton, sub-inspector of the permanent way department of the L. and S.W.R., said the last witness reported to him that he had knocked down a man. Witness went there with a stretcher and found deceased. The body was lying in the four-foot way and both legs were across the six-foot rail. Witness had no doubt whatever that death was instantaneous. The body was badly mangled. Witness traced the place where the body was struck and from there to where the body was found, was a distance of 75 yards. It was not a custom for ballast men to walk in the four-foot way; in fact, there was a rule against this. - The Coroner wanted to know whether deceased was acting foolishly and against the rules. - Inspector Trump produced a book in which was a rule against exposure on the line. There was an instruction that the rules were to be read over to employees every three months. Some men were supplied with rule books. - The Coroner asked witness if he knew whether the rules were brought to the notice of deceased. - Witness said he did not know. Deceased was expected to go to his work by the path, which varied from 3ft. to 5ft. 6ins., and which was provided for the purpose. Deceased had been in the employ of the Company for about four years. There was also a rule which said that every man should have a copy of the rules. If a man lost a copy he must make application for a new one. - The Coroner returned a verdict of "Accidental Death." Mr G. Brown (Bristol), organising secretary of the National Union of Railwaymen, was present on behalf of the relatives of the deceased.
Western Times, Friday 17 September 1920
HOLSWORTHY - Holsworthy Sensation. Tragic Death Of A Well-Known Lady. - Deep sympathy was expressed at Holsworthy yesterday morning when it became known that MRS SARAH JANE OKE (widow of MR JOHN WESTAWAY OKE) had died under tragic circumstances. - Deceased was well-known and very highly respected, having for a number of years carried on a successful dressmaking and millinery business in the Square, and the greatest sympathy will go out to the bereaved relatives in their great sorrow. - It appears that yesterday morning MR ALBERT OKE found his mother upstairs lying in front of a dressing table with a gash in her throat. He called his elder brother, MR FULFORD OKE, who immediately went to the room, and, seeing what had happened, promptly summoned medical assistance. Dr E. O. Kingdon was called in, but MRS OKE died within a few minutes. - At the Inquest held last evening it was stated that deceased on Wednesday evening had arranged to go to Bude the following day with a brother MRS OKE, it was stated, had no business worries, everything being quite satisfactory. Dr E. O. Kingdon, in his evidence at the Inquest, said deceased had suffered from depressing headaches. - The Coroner returned a verdict of "Suicide while of Unsound Mind" and expressed the deepest sympathy with the relatives in their great bereavement.
Western Times, Saturday 18 September 1920
BRADFORD - An Inquest was held at Bradford, North Devon, on Thursday, by Mr H. C. Brown, relative to the death of WILLIAM MOAST, a gardener, aged 62. - Bertie Johns, of King's Moor, Black Torrington, said on Sunday evening he met MOAST at the Black Torrington Inn and they went part of the way home together. MOAST, who was sober, had about 1 ½ miles to go to his home when they parted at about 11.25. Mr Saunders of Bovacott, deceased's employer, said he found the body lying in the stream near Garland Moor Bridge on Wednesday. - Dr E. H. Young said there was a fracture of the skull on the left side and a wound on the head was consistent with the man having fallen from the bridge to the bed of the stream below. There was over £10 in deceased's pocket when found. The Coroner entered a verdict of "Accidental Death."
Western Times, Monday 20 September 1920
ILFRACOMBE - Ilfracombe Fatality. The Danger Of Running Behind Motor-Cars. - At the Tyrrell Cottage Hospital, Ilfracombe, on Saturday, Mr G. W. F. Brown, Coroner for North Devon, held an Inquest relative to the death of KENNETH SLADE, the nine-year-old stepson of MR WILLIAM HENRY JEWELL, of 24 Horne-road, Ilfracombe. The boy died soon after admission to the Hospital on Friday afternoon, from injuries received through being knocked down by a motor car belonging to Ilfracombe Autocars Ltd., and driven by a young man named Wm. Alfred Ernest Osborn. - Osborn stated that the previous afternoon he was driving a touring car along Hillsborough-road, when he saw a motor 'bus in front going in the same direction. He noticed two or three children hanging on to the 'bus and as witness was about to pass deceased jumped off right in front of his car. Witness pulled up as soon as he saw the boy jump, but it was quite impossible to avoid the accident. - Evidence was given by Geo. Bowden, conductor of the 'bus, to the effect that he warned the children and told them to get away. Just as the touring car was about to pass witness saw the deceased run backwards towards the approaching car. - Percival Summerwill, who was riding at the rear of the 'bus corroborated. When the boy let go his hold of the 'bus, he ran backwards straight into the car. Both wheels went over him. Immediately after the car had passed over him the boy jumped up, ran a few yards and collapsed. - Dr Salston said the boy died shortly after admission to the Hospital. The cause of death was rupture to the spleen. No bones were broken. - P.S. Champion said visitors riding in the car at the time were prepared to give evidence that there was no negligence on the part of the driver of the car. - The Coroner said no blame could be attached to the driver of the car. The accident was absolutely unavoidable. It was a wonder to him there were not dozens of such accidents. Very frequently they saw children running behind motors and though they were warned by the drivers the offence was repeated. The verdict was "Accidental Death." He did not think that Osborn could possibly have avoided the accident.
ST MARYCHURCH - Old-Age Pensioner's Suicide At Torquay. - The sad death of an old-age pensioner named GEORGE YALLAND, who was found hanging in a loft at the rear of 4 Warborough Mount, Babbacombe, Torquay, where he resided, formed the subject of an Inquiry held by the County Coroner, Mr Sidney Hacker, at St Marychurch Town Hall on Saturday. - MRS TAYLOR, daughter of the deceased, and wife of WILLIAM HENRY TAYLOR, bricklayer, said her father lived at her house. He was 80 years of age and had enjoyed good health until during the last twelve months, when he suffered from complications after being knocked down by a tram-car. He developed cancer and had suffered from pains in the head. Dr Ward had been attending deceased for some time, but recently his sufferings had greatly increased. On Friday her father had breakfast in bed as usual, and came down to dinner at midday. Afterwards he retired to his bedroom, but at 4.30 left the house by the back door, saying he was going for a walk before tea. Just over half-an-hour later witness's husband found deceased hanging in the loft at the rear of the house and cut him down. Deceased had never threatened to take his life. - Evidence of the discovery was given by WILLIAM HENRY TAYLOR, who said deceased was hanging by the neck from a rafter which was 4ft. 6in from the floor. In the loft was a supply of cord for stringing onions and a piece of this had been used. Deceased had his knees bent and had apparently thrown all the weight on his neck. The body was warm but life was extinct. Witness thought the pains in the head had recently been more severe. - Dr Ward, of Babbacombe, said death was due to strangulation. Witness had attended YALLAND since June for cancer and as his condition became worse, he was recently very depressed. Deceased was told on Wednesday that an operation was necessary, but took it quietly and said nothing. Witness had never noticed any suicidal tendency and deceased had not threatened in his presence to take his life. - A verdict of "Suicide whilst of Unsound Mind" was returned.
Western Times, Thursday 23 September 1920
GREAT TORRINGTON - Fatal Quarry Accident. Torrington Inquest Adjourns For Attendance Of Inspector. - At Torrington Cottage Hospital, yesterday, Mr George W. F. Brown, North Devon Coroner, Inquired into the circumstances attending the death of CHARLES SLADE, 59, a quarryman, who met with an accident while working at Mount Quarry, St. Giles, last Friday. Mr G. M. Doe (town clerk) represented Torrington Town Council, by whom deceased was employed. The Superintendent of Police (Mr Shutler) was also present. - Harold Settle, Borough Surveyor at Torrington, said he was present when the accident occurred. A hole was drilled for blasting operations, charged with gelignite, and fired, the workmen retreating to a place of safety while the charge went off. On returning, deceased and another man started levering a piece of apparently loose rock, when another large piece, weighing about 10 cwt., and several hundredweight of other material, fell on deceased's right leg, very badly crushing it. Before commencing to lever the rock, witness and deceased satisfied themselves that there was no immediate danger, there being no sign of any fracture in the rock above, and it was considered to be quite safe. The stone which fell on deceased was only a foot or two above where he was working. Deceased was an experienced quarryman, having worked as such for about five years. Immediate assistance was rendered the deceased, who was taken to the Hospital as quickly as possible. - Dr Mortimer described the injuries and said death was due to a compound fracture of the right thigh-bone, contusion of the left lung and shock. It was not possible to attempt amputation of the injured limb, as deceased was not in a fit state. The bone was very badly splintered. Deceased died on Monday night. - The Coroner said he had communicated with the Mines Inspector, but had received a wire saying that it was the Factories Inspector who should be notified, as the quarry was not twenty feet deep. He accordingly adjourned the Inquest until Monday next, for his attendance.
Western Times, Friday 24 September 1920
CREACOMBE - A very sad calamity happened here on Monday. MR ERNEST BOUNDY, who followed the occupation of a shoemaker, to which he added the duties of the Rackenford-Creacombe post round, had been ill for a fortnight, being attended by Dr Price, of Witheridge. On Monday he considered he was sufficiently recovered to resume his postal round. About 10.30 a.m. he was found lying by the hedge near Creacombe Barton. Mr W. Bucknell, of Willhayes Farm, who was proceeding in his trap to Rackenford, conveyed him into the Barton. Dr Price was at once sent for, but found life to be extinct. MR BOUNDY was the local secretary of the National Deposit Friendly Society, and up to recently was a church ringer. Deceased was held in the highest respect and was much esteemed by a large circle of friends. Intense sympathy is felt for his widow (a daughter of Mr and Mrs J. Greenslade of Lower Thorn Farm, and family, three of whom are young children attending school and two lads grown up. At the Inquest held at Creacombe Barton on Tuesday, Dr Price said a post-mortem examination revealed a rupture of a small vein in the brain, death being due to haemorrhage. A verdict of "Death from Natural Causes" was returned.
Western Times, Saturday 25 September 1920
COLYTON - East Devon Tragedy. Sexton's Alleged Suicide And A Theft Of Tobacco. - An Inquest was held at Colyton yesterday on the body of HENRY CHAPPLE, 69, sexton of the Parish Church, who was found hanging from a bedstead in his house, St. Andrew's-terrace, on Thursday morning. - Ralph Ellis, landlord of the George Inn, said for the past two or three months he had been losing tobacco from a jar on the shelf in the bar behind the counter. It always happened after the deceased had been to the bar. Witness kept him under observation for some time. "I tried," (said witness) "to let him know I was aware of what he was doing by placing tobacco in front of him, but when my back was turned, it would vanish. I eventually put the matter in the hands of the Police." - The Coroner (Mr C. N. Tweed): You did not warn him? - Witness: No, I thought he would notice that I was aware of it. On Wednesday P.C. Hurford marked some packets of tobacco and placed them in the jar. Then he concealed himself. At 10 o'clock the deceased entered the bar and later the Constable called witness and took from the man's pocket a packet of tobacco which he had marked, and which the Constable said he saw deceased take from the jar. Deceased implored witness to forgive him, saying it was the first time he had done it, and asked why he had not told him about it before. Later, deceased returned, and again asked witness to forgive him, offering a £1 note to make it up with the Policeman. Witness told him the matter was in the hands of the Police and nothing could be done. - P.C. Hurford said he found the deceased at the foot of the bedstead strangled with a rope. When deceased said it was the first time he had stolen tobacco, the landlord replied, "I know better than that." Next morning Rev. R. C. Owen, curate at the Parish Church, informed witness that the deceased had failed to ring the 8 and 10 o'clock bells. Deceased was very fond of drink, but witness had never seen him drunk; he was practically always sodden with drink. - Dr Creighton said the deceased when discovered, must have been dead six hours. Death was due to strangulation. He considered the deceased a man of weak intellect. - In reply to a question, the witness said deceased would rather go round to the pub and beg for twopence than do a day's work. The discovery of the alleged theft no doubt brought on an attack of acute insanity. - The Jury returned a verdict of "Suicide while of Unsound Mind."
BARNSTAPLE - At the adjourned Inquest at Barnstaple last evening on WILLIAM GRILLS, aged 76, of Dyvatty-street, Swansea, who died suddenly in Barnstaple Square, a verdict of "Death from Natural Causes" was returned.
PLYMOUTH - Plymouth Stabbing Charge. Verdict of "Wilful Murder " Against A Lance-Corporal. - A Coroner's Jury at Plymouth yesterday afternoon returned a verdict of "Wilful Murder" against Lance-Corpl. Cyril Victor Tennyson Saunders, Royal Engineers, under remand, charged with stabbing his 17-year-old cousin, DOROTHY MAY SAUNDERS. - The accused yesterday appeared before the Plymouth Bench on the murder charge and was remanded until Friday next. - During the hearing a formidable looking blood-stained weapon, with which the crime is alleged to have been committed, was produced in Court. It was shaped like a dagger with a blade eight inches long and 1 ¼ inches wide, with a very sharp point. It was stated that the deceased was only 16 years and eleven months and an orphan. Prisoner, her first cousin, arrived in Plymouth from Camberley the day before the tragedy. It is alleged the girl refused a proposal of marriage from accused and that this so exasperated him that he procured a dagger and stabbed her in the chest in a shop at Lipson Vale. There were four wounds on the girl's body and one had completely punctured the lungs, internal haemorrhage being the cause of death. When arrested after the crime, accused said "I had a couple of drinks this morning and by telling you this it may help me a little." The weapon was handed to a Constable by accused. - Consequent upon a scene in Court after the evidence had been concluded yesterday, the Bench decided that at the next hearing the public gallery should not be opened.
Western Times, Tuesday 28 September 1920
BIDEFORD - Bideford Fatality. Appledore Man Killed Whilst Unloading Spars. A Two-Man Job. - The fatality which occurred at Bideford Goods Station on Saturday afternoon, when ROBERT OKE, 53, of Geneva Place, Bideford, a skilled labourer in the employ of Messrs. Cock and Sons, shipbuilders, of Appledore, was killed whilst unloading timber spars from a truck, was investigated by Mr Geo. Brown, North Devon Coroner, at Bideford Town Hall, yesterday afternoon. Mr T. A. Goaman, solicitor, represented Messrs. Cock and Sons, and Messrs. W. Trump and A. W. Pring, the Railway Authorities; Mr Owner, H.M. Inspector of Factories, being also present. - Deceased's son, EDWARD ROBERT OKE, who was working with his father at the time of the accident, said deceased was on the truck levering the spars out with an iron bar. One pole got caught at the small end, which deceased cleared, and was walking to the other end when suddenly the remaining pieces on the truck rolled down, knocking deceased off the truck. He could not save himself and fell on his head on the cement pitching beneath. Deceased had done this sort of work many times before, but not recently. Witness explained that he was on the beach, the logs being rolled down the embankment to be taken to Appledore by water. - Alfred Jas. Easterbrook, Railway porter, said deceased appeared to be levering out a piece of timber which had caught, when three other pieces rolled off and caught deceased in the legs knocking him down. Witness saw the truck before unloading was commenced, and it was properly loaded and secured. It was the thirteenth piece which was being unloaded when the accident happened. - Asked if deceased could not have got behind the timber and pushed it away from him? - Witness replied: To do that would have required a man at each end of the poles, which were about 40ft. long and about a foot thick at the big end, weighing several cwts. - Witness added that there was very little room for anyone to have stood on the edge of the truck. It was a pure accident; the timber started rolling and deceased had no chance of getting out of the way. - If there had been two men getting the timber out it would not have happened. He considered it was not one man's work. Witness explained that if there had been a man at each end they could have stood on the ground and levered the poles out. - Dr Ellis Pearson said deceased fractured the base of his skull and had three ribs fractured, besides other injuries. Death was instantaneous. - The Coroner thought it was quite clear as to how the accident happened, and said deceased was doing what Easterbrook had quite correctly described as a two-man's job. It was not a job for one man to unload timber of the size mentioned and he could not do it without endangering his life. He returned a verdict of "Accidental Death," and recommended the employers when they had another such job to send two or more men to unload long lengths of timber.
GREAT TORRINGTON - Torrington Quarry Fatality. - Mr George Brown, North Devon Coroner, resumed his Inquiry at Torrington yesterday into the circumstances attending the death of CHARLES SLADE, 59, a quarryman, in the employ of the local Town Council, which resulted from an accident while working in Mount Quarry, St Giles, on the 17th inst. At the previous hearing the evidence showed that a charge of gelignite was fired in blasting operations and whilst deceased and another workman were afterwards levering out a piece of rock, a large stone weighing about 10cwt. fell on his right leg from just above, badly crushing it. - This morning, Samuel Hearn, who was working with deceased at the time, was called and corroborated the evidence of Mr Harold Settle, Borough Surveyor, as to how the accident happened, and agreed with him that every precaution for safety was taken. He said there was no sign of any looseness of the stone above the one being levered, and it came down without any warning whatever. The accident was unavoidable. - The Town Clerk, Mr G. M. Doe, who represented the Council, and expressed their regret at the accident and sympathy with the relatives, elicited from witness that the work was carried out under proper supervision by the Borough Surveyor. - The Coroner returned a verdict of "Accidental Death," mainly shock following compound fracture of the thigh, the accident being quite unavoidable. - Mr Owner, H.M. Inspector of Factories, Western Division, was present at the Inquiry.
Western Times, Wednesday 29 September 1920
NEWTON ABBOT - Mr S. Hacker, Coroner, held an Inquiry at the Town Hall, Newton Abbot, yesterday afternoon, into the death of MRS MARY GRACE TRIPE, a widow, aged 90, who lived at 25 Church-road. On Thursday last whilst unattended for a brief spell she attempted to walk and fell, fracturing her right thigh bone. Dr Edgar Haydon said death was due to shock following the fracture and a verdict was returned accordingly.
Western Times, Friday 1 October 1920
TIVERTON - Found Dead In Tiverton Canal. - Mr F. R. D. Clutsom, Borough Coroner, held an Inquest at the Tiverton Hospital last evening, on the body of GEORGE DELVE, aged 67, who was found dead in the Tiverton Canal on Tuesday evening last. Mr R. G. Farmer represented the G.W.R., the owners of the Canal. Dr Burgess, Medical Officer of Health, said he was called at 8.15 by the Police to see the body of a man on the banks of the Canal. On examination he found that life was extinct, and that the man had been dead about three-quarters of an hour. No sign of injury or bruising, excepting a dislocated shoulder and paralysis of the arm - an injury from which he had been suffering for years. Death was due to drowning. - Arthur Henry Squire, landlord of the Seven Stars, identified the body as that of GEORGE DELVE, who had lodged with him for over three years. Deceased had no relatives or friends and he was very quiet and industrious while at work. Evidence was given as to the recovery of the body and a verdict of "Found Drowned" was returned.
EXETER - Schoolgirl's Death. Fatal Motor Accident In Pinhoe Road, Exeter. Driver Exonerated. - The circumstances attending the death of MARY WINIFRED OWENS, the nine-year-old Exeter Modern School-girl, who was fatally injured in a motor accident at the top of Pinhoe-road, Exeter, on Tuesday afternoon, when on the way from school to a music teacher's house in Park-road, were investigated last evening by the Coroner, Mr W. Linford Brown, and a Jury at the Royal Devon and Exeter Hospital. The girl rode from the city to Pinhoe-road in a tramcar, and was running across to the far side of the road when she was knocked down by a motor car driven by William Henry Patten, a chauffeur in the employment of Messrs. R. E. Jones, Ltd., motor engineers, of St. George's-road, Bristol. She was conveyed to the Royal Devon and Exeter Hospital in an unconscious condition and expired within a few hours. - Mr J. C. M. Dyke appeared on behalf of Messrs. Jones and the driver and Mr R. O. Baldwin, manager of the Exeter Corporation Tramways, was in attendance. - Evidence of identification was given by MR ARTHUR THOMAS OWENS, of 15 Magdalen-road, Exeter, a fruiterer, father of the deceased, who last saw her alive on Tuesday, when she was leaving for the Modern School, and afterwards to have a music lesson at 20 Park-road. She was in splendid health. He heard of the accident at half-past four o'clock, and went at once to the Hospital. His daughter was then unconscious. - Mrs Annie Marsden Francis, of 10 Park-road, said on Tuesday, at about 3.45 p.m., she was near the junction of St John's and Pinhoe-roads, and saw the accident. An out-going tram car was stationary opposite the dairy, and hearing someone give a warning shout, witness looked and saw the girl OWENS, who was crossing the road from the tram to the further footpath, quicken her pace. A motor-car which had come up from the Pinhoe Bridge direction struck her and bowled her over and she fell between the car and the kerb. Witness had a baby in a carriage. She left the baby and ran over and started to pick up the girl, when another lady took her out of witness's arms and put her into the car. - Mrs Hetty May Bayley, 92 Monks-road, said she saw the motor car coming up the road at a moderate pace. "In fact, I think I could have jumped on to it," she said. "As the motor car passed me I noticed the little girl come suddenly from the other side in front of the motor car. I did not see the car strike her, but she stumbled and rolled down alongside the car." The motor was stopped immediately and witness picked up the little girl and stepped directly into the car with her. - Driver Roland Bedford, of the Exeter Corporation Tramways, said his tram was drawn up opposite Messrs. Hoskins' shop and clear of the St John's-road junction. The approaching motor car was travelling at four or five miles an hour as it passed the front of the tram. - Herbert Frederick Easterbrook, conductor on the tram, said he did not notice the motor car, did not hear any hooter, and did not actually see the accident. - William Henry Patten, driver of the car, said he wished to give evidence. He was driving a new "H.E." 14-20 h.p., car from Messrs. Jones' works in Bristol to Messrs. Standfield and White's at Exeter, and his wife was in the car. Witness drove up Pinhoe-road and slowed down to four miles an hour to pass the tram. He had sounded the electric horn several times on the way up the hill. On passing the tramcar, as witness was less than a yard from the rear end of the tram, he saw the girl coming around the back of the tramcar and running straight in front of him. Witness applied the brakes and pulled up immediately. The last he saw of the girl was her head at about the centre of the car not a yard away. He felt no shock on the car, and the next thing he saw was that the child was in the arms of the two ladies. The front of the car obscured his view of the child's body, as she was so close to it. - In reply to the coroner, witness said the girl must have got practically clear of the car, and either slipped or stumbled, or hesitated, and was struck by the near side of the vehicle. Witness at once conveyed the child to the Hospital. - A Jurymen questioned the suitability of the car for work in traffic, and an adjournment was made so that they might inspect the vehicle. - Dr Wayland Smith, House Surgeon at the Hospital, said deceased was admitted at about four o'clock. She was unconscious and bleeding from the right ear. She died the same day, through a fracture of the base of the skull and injury to the brain. Replying to Mr Dyke, witness said there was no external cut or mark on the deceased's head. - The Jury returned a verdict of "Accidental Death, " and exonerated the driver from all blame, but added a rider to the verdict to the effect that they considered that the motor car was not safe, in consequence of its seating being such as to restrict the view of the road. The Jury joined with the Coroner in an expression of deep sympathy with the bereaved parents. - Mr Dyke remarked that Messrs. Jones were not the makers of this particular car, they were the purchasers.
Western Times, Monday 4 October 1920
TOTNES - The Totnes Tree Felling Fatality. - The Inquest on WILLIAM KING, who was killed at Hampstead Farm, Littlehempstone, while felling a tree on Friday evening, was held at Totnes Guildhall on Saturday evening by Mr W. T. Edmonds, Deputy Coroner. Evidence of identification was given by RICHARD KING, brother, who was in charge of the party felling the tree. He said deceased was 45 years of age. The tree was a fairly large oak and was standing near the railway. They were felling it so that the tree should not fall on the line. They cut through the tree and when it was ready to fall witness saw it was twisting. Deceased was driving in a wedge and witness shouted, "Look out, BILL, the tree is coming," but deceased ran in the direction in which the tree was falling and one of the long branches caught him on the right shoulder. Deceased was hurled to the ground. Witness ran to the farm for assistance and got deceased out, but he was dead. If deceased had gone a foot further he would have cleared the branch. It was a pure accident. - Dr S. C. Jellicoe said deceased was very badly crushed and death was instantaneous. - The verdict returned was one of "Accidental Death."
Western Times, Wednesday 6 October 1920
TORQUAY - Gale Victims. Coroner's Inquiry Into Torquay Fatalities. Killed By A Wave. - An Inquest was held at the Town Hall, Torquay, yesterday afternoon, by the County Coroner, Mr Hacker, relative to the death of GEORGE EDWIN TUCKERMAN, 20, postman, employed at the G.P.O., Torquay, and who recently came from Stoke Fleming, near Dartmouth. Deceased was knocked down by a wave and killed in the Torbay-road, on Sunday evening, during the severe South-westerly gale. - Evidence of identification was given by ROBERT HENRY TUCKERMAN, a quarryman, father of deceased, who said his son, who only obtained the appointment at Torquay six weeks ago, lodged in Lower Thurlow-road. - Albert Simmons, overseer at Torquay Post Office, said he was in charge on Sunday night at the office, and the deceased postman came on duty at six o'clock, going off again at 7.15 to make collections. At 7.40 deceased left the office for the Railway Station, to clear the box, and should have waited at the Station and met the 10 o'clock train, after clearing the Station boxes, bringing in the mails to the Post Office. He would return about 10 o'clock. - Mr J. B. Eastley for the Postmaster General, asked what route the deceased would follow, but witness replied that he did not know. - May Bennett, of Kingsbridge, who said she was in service at Torquay, was returning with her sister from Chelston on Sunday evening, where they had attended service. They were walking from the direction of the Station towards Torquay on the Carey Meadow's side of the road, when they saw the young man lying on the ground. Every now and then waves were seen dashing over the sea wall, across the road, and people were running and trying to escape the water. She saw that the man, who was partly on the pavement and partly in the gutter, did not move and she called to some people but they took no notice. So she and her sister ran back, getting very wet and fetched a Policeman, whom they had noticed further back. They had to catch hold of the railings to pull themselves back through the water. They did not think the young man should be left without assistance. - P.C. Trump told the Court that the last witness was almost in a state of collapse when she reached him at 9.20 p.m. He found deceased lying on his back, with his feet on the pavement and his body lying straight across the road. Witness lifted him up, moved him to the pavement, and then found he was quite dead. His clothes were wet through and witness did not think the man could have moved. He never reached the Station to clear the box. The waves were continuously sweeping the road heavily enough to knock down a man, and, witness added, he had to hold on to the railings in order to get to the body. - Dr Armstrong, who conducted the post-mortem examination, said there was a severe contusion on the back of the head and a bad cut, evidently produced by a severe blow. There was no fracture of the skull or injury to the brain, but there was water in the lungs, and signs of asphyxia. The blow probably caused unconsciousness. The cause of death was asphyxia, due to drowning during unconsciousness. If there had not been any water he would have been all right. - In answer to Mr Eastley, the doctor said when he saw the body at about 10 o'clock he should judge death had taken place an hour or an hour and a half before. - Mr Eastley: That would make it about 8.30. - The Coroner returned a verdict of Death from Drowning, due to being accidentally knocked down and rendered unconscious by a wave breaking over him during the storm. - Mr Eastley expressed regret that such an efficient life should have been cut off in this way. - The Coroner concurred. It was a very lamentable and unusual case. - Mr Boulton, Postmaster, expressed the sympathy of himself and staff, and read a telegram of sympathy from the Postmaster General.
TORQUAY - Yachtsman Drowned. Wife Dies From Shock Of Sudden Immersion. - The yachting fatality which caused such a sensation in Torquay on Monday, was the subject of Enquiry by the County Coroner, Mr S. Hacker, yesterday afternoon. - in the early hours of Monday morning, the bodies of MAJOR and MRS CASSON, who had been staying in the harbour in their 40-ton yacht Neptune, were found in the harbour by Messrs. Elliott and Brown, and it was surmised that, fearing the yacht was dragging, they tried to get ashore in their dinghy, the latter being upset, with the result that husband and wife were drowned. - MISS CASSON identified the body of the man as that of her brother, ARTHUR CARROLL BAZELEY CASSON, aged 58. He had been in the R.N.V.R., holding the rank of lieutenant, but had followed no occupation since his retirement after the war, being of independent means. The other body was that of his wife, BEATRICE CASSON, aged 50. They had no fixed place of abode, but lived on the yacht Neptune, which they had owned for some years before the war. She saw both of the deceased on the Strand, at Torquay on Saturday, and had a talk with them. They mentioned that they would be on the yacht alone over the weekend, as the captain and the boy were going away. The Neptune was from 35 to 40 tons, and frequently came to Torquay, which was the home of deceased. Her brother had been on the sea since he was a boy and constantly cruised about, being an experienced sailor. Witness heard nothing further about either of the deceased till she was told of their death on Monday morning. - Henry Rawles, of Plymouth, skipper of the yacht, said they came to Torquay from Salcombe. The youth on the yacht was called Langworthy. Witness left the yacht at one o'clock on Saturday afternoon, on leave. MR and MRS CASSON had been ashore shopping, and he saw them on the quay about two o'clock. He had examined the Neptune, which was moored to one of the buoys and formed the opinion that she had evidently broken adrift, as one of the chains had started. - Richard Job, the skipper of a yacht now laid up, said he knew MR CASSON and the Neptune. About four o'clock on Monday morning he went to the harbour, where he had a small boat, to see that she was safe. He walked round the harbour and saw that the Neptune had dragged her anchor and was being driven aground. It was still blowing very hard and he got John Brown and the two Elliotts and boarded the Neptune in a boat. The main sheet and the helm were adrift, taking charge of everything. They had a job to get aboard, having to jump for the rigging. They shouted and examined the Neptune and found no one there. Fancying he saw something white alongside the helm, he looked there and found that the dinghy was gone. He and John Brown pulled ashore in their boat and found the dinghy bottom up. On turning the boat over they found one paddle and a life jacket. As they were returning to the Neptune they saw something white in the water and leaving the dinghy in charge of the other men they went away again and found the lady floating on her back with the life jacket over her arm. They secured the body with a rope, as the swell was too heavy to get it aboard and within ten yards they found MR CASSON'S body. Probably the two tried to get ashore by the Princess Pier, but could not do so owing to the heavy sea. There was a nasty swell in the harbour, running twelve or fourteen feet up the steps. Witness went back and commenced to bale out the yacht, the Elliotts taking charge of the bodies. The gale commenced on Saturday, but on Sunday morning the yacht was lying all right at the usual moorage. - John Brown, boatman, corroborated. He thought MR CASSON tried to put the lady ashore and found there was too much swell when he came near the steps. Witness was up all night and at 2.30 on Monday morning everything was all right. - P.C. Harding, who, with Sergt. Real, took the bodies to the Mortuary, said MR CASSON'S watch had stopped at 3.40 a.m. - Dr Armstrong said death in the case of MR CASSON was due to drowning and in the case of MRS CASSON, death was probably due to shock owing to exposure. She would have been kept afloat by the life-jacket. - The Coroner: Shock due to sudden immersion in the water? - Witness: Yes; I think that is probable. - A verdict was returned accordingly.
Western Times, Friday 8 October 1920
TORQUAY - ROBERT LIGHT, 30, a leading stoker on H.M.S. Mistley, who has died suddenly on board his ship, was a married man, whose home was at Torre. At the Inquest, it was stated that deceased was painting the engineers' store on the Mistley, when he exclaimed "Oh!" and collapsed. A doctor was sent for almost immediately, but Surgeon-Commander Graham could only pronounce life extinct. Death was due to valvular disease.
Western Times, Monday 18 October 1920
TEIGNMOUTH - At an Inquest at the Town Hall, Teignmouth, on Saturday, Mr Sidney Hacker, Coroner, entered a verdict of "Death from Natural Causes" in the case of the death of CAROLINE CRUMP, 62, domestic in the employ of Mr E. F. Stone, chemist, Exeter.
Western Times, Tuesday 19 October 1920
NORTH PETHERWIN - Unable to Sleep. North Petherwin Farmer's Body Found In The River. - An Inquest was held yesterday by Mr G. J. Atkinson, Deputy Coroner, at Penruse Farm, North Petherwin, on SAMUEL BAKER, farmer, whose body was found in the river near the farm on Saturday. The widow stated that her husband some years ago suffered from meningitis, had not been well since, and lately he had complained of noises in his head. He had not been able to sleep for a night or two last week. - A son of deceased deposed to finding his father's coat, hat and walking stick close to the river bank, and Samuel Martyn, a neighbouring farmer, said he discovered the body in the river near Penruse Farm. - Dr Budd, of Launceston, said deceased was very deaf and noises in the head were probably due to deafness. He thought an impulse must have come to deceased, induced by the noises, which his brain was not sufficiently strong to resist. A verdict of "Death from Drowning whilst of Unsound Mind" was returned.
Western Times, Wednesday 20 October 1920
EXETER - Fatal Result Of Accident To A Boy At Sandford. - The Deputy Coroner, Mr Hamilton Brown, held an Inquest at the Royal Devon and Exeter Hospital yesterday on JOHN ALFORD, aged nine years, who died at the Royal Devon and Exeter Hospital on Saturday from injuries received at Aller Farm, Sandford, near Crediton, on the 2nd inst. - EVA MARY BICKLEY, mother of the deceased, who was on a weekend visit to Aller Farm, said she saw the boy go into a shed where machinery was kept. - Dr Richard Wayland Smith, M.B., House Surgeon, who had attended deceased, said the base of the skull was fractured and there was a compound fracture of both bones in the right leg. Death was due to pneumonia and was not directly die to the injuries. - MR BICKLEY, Aller Farm, Sandford, near Crediton, said deceased was staying with him. On the 2nd October he was chopping firewood with a circular saw and deceased was near by sitting on some timber. He heard him scream and ran into the engine house. He saw the boy in under the dish of a cider pound which weighed about 2 cwt. It would not have fallen over unless it was touched. - The Coroner returned a verdict in accordance with the medical evidence, and attributed the cause of death to pneumonia accelerated by the accident.
TAVISTOCK - The Whitchurch Fatality. - The Inquest on the body of MR EDGCOMBE STEVENS, the Plymouth solicitor, who died from injuries sustained through being thrown from his horse while riding near Whitchurch on Monday, under circumstances fully reported in yesterday's "Western Times," was held at Tavistock yesterday. A verdict of "Accidental Death" was returned. The Coroner, Mr R. R. Rodd, expressed deepest sympathy with the widow and family in their bereavement.
OTTERY ST MARY - Sudden Death Of A Wife At Ottery St. Mary. - The District Coroner, Dr P. R. Tweed, held an inquiry on Monday into the death of LILIAN JESSIE DIXON TAYLOR, aged 43, at Ottery St Mary. - MR TAYLOR said he fell asleep downstairs on Friday night and on awakening went to the bedroom, where he discovered his wife in bed under the bed clothes. She suddenly said "Oh!" and he asked her if she was all right. He thereupon covered her up, and, thinking she was only dreaming, went downstairs again, lit his pipe and read. He fell asleep and awoke between 6 and 7 o'clock. About 8 a.m. after the arrival of the postman, he went up to his wife's room and said, "Hello! Do you know what time it is?" He received no answer and thinking something was wrong he called for help and the doctor and his mother-in-law were sent for. His wife had headaches and heart trouble at times, but she would not see a doctor. - Florence Barratt, a servant in the employ of MRS TAYLOR for three years, said MR and MRS TAYLOR lived on very affectionate terms. - Dr Johnston said that on making a post-mortem examination he discovered extensive haemorrhage of the brain, part of a general disease, which involved a contracted kidney and he had no doubt death was due to natural causes, and quite sudden. - A verdict in accordance with the medical testimony was returned.
Western Times, Thursday 21 October 1920
KENTON - A Kenton Fatality. The Question Of Guarding A Sawing Machine At The Camp. - An Inquest was conducted by the County Coroner, Mr H. W. Gould, at Kenton, yesterday, relative to the death of HARRY PIKE, aged 31, who died at the Camp, Kenton, on Monday afternoon. The evidence given by MR CHARLES PIKE, the father of the deceased, a retired Policeman, of Southwood, Kenton, and by Edward Samuel Pitts, a general labourer, showed that deceased had been employed at the Camp by Messrs. Bloomfield and Howell for about nine months as an engineer. On Friday and Saturday, and also on Monday, he had been sawing "raps" with a machine that made, as estimated by Mr Howell in his evidence, between two and three thousand revolutions a minute. On Monday afternoon Pitts heard a cry and turned from his work to see deceased run about five yards and then fall to the ground. Mr Howell came on the scene at this moment and medical aid was summoned, but PIKE quickly expired, the evidence of Dr Bertha Mules, M.D., showing that the base of the skull and the jaw had been fractured, while injuries of a lesser nature had been caused to the chin and neck. Mr Howell, a Canadian, was examined at some length on the nature of the machine with which PIKE had been working, by Mr Joseph Owner, H.M. Inspector of Factories (Plymouth). Mr Howell said the machine had a wooden guard above and was the safest of its kind he had seen because of this. It had been purchased from the Board of Trade, but Mr Howell had had the guard put up on his own initiative. Apparently, on Monday afternoon a piece of wood had fouled the machine, had turned from the horizontal to a vertical position on the saw, and had splintered, a large piece flying into the unfortunate man's face. Mr Howell, being a Canadian, was not aware that notification of work of that nature had to be given to the local Factory Inspector. - Through Mr S. Ernest Crosse, who appeared for Messrs. Bloomfield and Howell, Mr Howell said the machine was better "fenced" than any in use by the Canadian Forestry. - The Coroner, summing up, said that though no blame was attached to anyone, if the machine had been guarded in accordance with the regulations of the Factory Act, the accident would probably not have happened. - He was quite satisfied that Mr Howell was not aware of the regulation and appeared to have taken the Board of Trade for his model. He had no hesitation in returning a verdict of "Accidental Death." On behalf of deceased's employers, Mr S. Ernest Crosse expressed great regret at the fatality and sympathy with MR PIKE'S relatives.
Western Times, Wednesday 27 October 1920
EXETER - The Exeter City Coroner, Mr W. Linford Brown, returned a verdict of "Death from Natural Causes" at an Inquest held on the death of HERBERT THOMAS NICHOLLS, of 22 King Edward-street, Exeter, yesterday. The evidence showed that Dr Kelly had attended NICHOLLS, who was a G.W.R. foreman, some four or five months ago, for chest trouble, and he had gone on all right up to Saturday, when he was brought home from work ill. He died on Sunday. Dr Kelly attributed death to angina pectoris.
Western Times, Thursday 28 October 1920
TORQUAY - Defective Brake. Inquiry Respecting A Paignton Cyclist's Death At Torquay. - Mr S. Hacker, County Coroner, held an Inquest at the Old Town Hall, Torquay, yesterday, as a sequel to the fatal accident on Monday in the Ellacombe-road, Torquay, when CHARLES HENRY WINSOR, 22, a naval pensioner of 4 Fisher-street-court, Paignton, was thrown off his machine and died at the Torbay Hospital from the effects of the injuries received. - MARY JANE BOYCE WINSOR said her son was a labourer, 22 years of age, and unmarried. He had served as an A.B. in the Navy during the war, and was only demobilised in September. She knew he rode on a borrowed bicycle sometimes and was perfectly able to manage it. - MRS TUCKER, caretaker at the Working Men's Institute at Torquay, said deceased, her brother, called on her on Monday and said he would come back shortly, but did not do so. - Beatrice Wood, of Babbacombe, said he called on her in the afternoon, and after a short stay left on the bicycle, saying he was going back to his sister. - Quite Out Of Control. - Mrs Ellen A. Lang, 86 Ellacombe Church-road, said she had just left the Ellacombe Post Office when she heard the rush of a cycle down a steep incline behind her which led to Ellacombe-terrace. Looking over the railings she saw the cycle touch the kerb and skid, throwing deceased off. The bicycle was quite out of control, and going at a great pace. WINSOR'S head struck against a stone gatepost. - Henry Thompson, of 27 Ellacombe Church-road, said he was at work in his garden when he heard the crash and on going out found the man lying on his face. The distance between the place where the bicycle touched the kerb and where deceased was lying was 20 feet. He must have been shot off and his head must have struck a stone post between two houses. Part of his brains was hanging out. - Dr Armstrong said deceased was unconscious when admitted to Torbay Hospital. He had a long cut right through the skull, exposing the brain, and other injuries. He died just before eleven o'clock without recovering consciousness. - No Front Brake: Back One Useless. - Sergt. Summers, who removed the injured man to the Hospital, said there was no brake on the front of the bicycle and the back pedalling brake was out of order and practically useless. - Frank Alford, of Conway-road, Paignton, a lorry driver, said he lent the bicycle to his friend. He had ridden it earlier in the day, and it was in perfect order. He had ridden the machine daily for eight months between Brixham and Paignton. - The Coroner said the accident was caused by the brake giving way when the deceased was riding down the hill and a verdict of "Accidental Death" was returned.
Western Times, Saturday 30 October 1920
PAIGNTON - Paignton Fatality. Inquest on the Lady Who Walked Into The Sea. - An Inquest was held at Paignton yesterday by Mr Hacker, relative to the death of MISS PAULINE DESSAUER, whose body was picked up on the Preston sands on Tuesday night. - Mrs Eileen Boyd-Carpenter, of Dean's Lodge, Dartmouth, said she had known deceased for twenty-five years. Deceased was not in good health and no relative or friend lived with her, and witness knew nothing of her relations. Her age was 61. Her income was small and was derived from a pension from a training college and two annuities. Her will was in the hands of her executors. She was able to walk about, but she was troubled with bad eyes. A letter was shown to witness which she received by post on October 26th about 6 o'clock. This stated that by the time the letter was received, deceased would have walked into the sea. Her eyes were not the cause of her trouble, but her landlady was leaving her. It was her wish then to go into a home at Torquay. - Dr Craig, Torquay, stated that he had attended deceased for about a year. She was suffering from a disease of the brain, and spinal cord of ten years' standing and was in the early stages of paralysis. On examining the body, he found death was caused by drowning. There were also bruises and a wound which were caused by the body being dashed against rocks, the sea at the time being rough. - Evidence of the recovery of the body having been given, a verdict of "Suicide whilst of Unsound Mind" was returned.
Western Times, Thursday 4 November 1920
TORQUAY - Torquay Child's Death From Want Of Proper Attendance. - An Inquest was held by Mr Hacker, County Coroner, at Old Town Hall, Torquay, yesterday, on the newly-born male child of MRS EMILY CORNISH, of 30 St James-road, Upton. PERCY FORD, employed as town porter, said he lived with MRS CORNISH and was the father of the child, which was born early on Sunday morning. A doctor and nurse had been engaged. MRS CORNISH was taken ill on Saturday night and the nurse was summoned just after midnight, but the child was born before her arrival. The doctor was sent for, but did not come. Ellen Kerslake, the nurse engaged, said when she arrived the child was dead. In reply to the Coroner, she said she had been a certificated midwife, but her certificate was withdrawn because of a breach of the rules. Dr G. F. Armstrong, House Surgeon at Torbay Hospital, said the child was born alive, and would probably have lived had there been proper attention. Asphyxia through the lungs failing to expand was the cause of death. The Coroner considered that when the woman was taken ill the father of the child should have taken steps to warn the doctor and nurse at once. It was deplorable that he did not do so, as, with proper care, there was no doubt the child would have lived. - A verdict of Death from Want of Proper Attention at Birth was returned.
Western Times, Friday 5 November 1920
EXETER - Sudden Death Of A Well-Known Exeter Railway Man. - By the sudden death of MR JOHN WHITELOCK, of 2 Brunswick-street, St. Thomas, a well-known and greatly respected citizen has been lost to the City. MR WHITELOCK had for over 46 years been an official of the G.W. Railway at St David's Station, on the platform and the stores. Courteous and obliging at all times, he was liked by both travellers and fellow workers right through the connection and he will be missed by the travelling public. He was one of the promoters of the G.W. Railwaymen's Mutual Aid Society, and one of the trustees. MR WHITELOCK took an active part in the work of the G.W.R. Temperance Union, and was a looked for and much welcomed chairman at socials and entertainments held in their recreation rooms at St Thomas Station. He was a Past Master of the Druids. In past years he was one of the most prominent members and hearty workers of the old Exeter Working Men's Mutual Improvement Society. - At the Inquest last evening, the medical evidence went to show that death was due to heart failure, and a verdict accordingly was returned.
BISHOPS NYMPTON - Inattention At Birth Causes North Devon Child's Death. - At Bish Mill, near South Molton, yesterday, the North Devon Coroner, Mr G. W. F. Brown, held an Inquest on the infant child of JAMES BURROWS, of West Mill Cottage. A sister of MRS BURROWS said when her sister was taken ill she immediately went for Dr Mortimer, but the child was born within a quarter of an hour. Her mother was in the house, but went downstairs with the other children, and they did nothing else, thinking the doctor would come. The doctor arrived within a quarter of an hour, but the child was then dead. Dr Mortimer said the child had breathed, but was prevented from further breathing by reason of lying on its face. Death was due to suffocation. The Coroner asked the grandmother why she did not go upstairs to her daughter and she replied she was rather nervous and thought the doctor would be there any minute. Also asked why she did not get the District Nurse, she said she did not think it was necessary. - The Coroner returned a verdict of "Accidental Death from Suffocation through Inattention at Birth."
Western Times, Monday 8 November 1920
OKEHAMPTON - Sudden Death Of A Travelling Showman At Okehampton. - At Okehampton on Friday, an Inquest was held relative to the death of a travelling showman named WILLIAM MARKHAM, aged 68. Whilst out walking on Thursday morning deceased complained to Mrs Lock, of 69 East-street, of feeling cold. He said he had been to a field to catch his ponies, but could not as he felt too ill. He entered her house and she made him a cup of tea, which he drank. Afterwards he threw up his arms and died. - Dr T. S. Wright said as a result of a post-mortem, he concluded death was due to heart failure, and the Deputy Coroner, Mr G. J. Atkinson, recorded a verdict of "Death from Natural Causes." MARKHAM was a widower with two daughters.
Western Times, Tuesday 9 November 1920
NORTHAM - Fallen Lamp Causes An Old Lady's Death At Appledore. - Mr Geo. Brown, North Devon Coroner, at Appledore yesterday held an Inquest concerning the death of MARY JENKINS, a widow, aged 90. Mrs Hammett, of Vernon's-lane, Appledore, said deceased was brought to her house on March 12th last, after having been taken out of her own house, which was on fire. She was very much burnt on the right arm. She informed witness that she had gone into the house with a lamp, intending to put it on the table, but let it fall and it burst and set the room on fire. - John Mills spoke to rescuing deceased from the house, which was full of smoke and after taking her to the previous witness's house he helped put out the fire. There was a broken lamp lying on the floor at the end of the table. - Mrs Bowden said deceased came to her house to live about a week after the accident. She never seemed to recover from the shock of the fire and died on the 7th inst. - Dr Marshall said when he saw deceased on 13th March last, she was suffering severe burns on the right arm and from shock. She was a very active woman before the accident, but never got out of bed afterwards. He attributed death to shock and senile decay, and the Coroner returned a verdict of "Accidental Death."
Western Times, Thursday 11 November 1920
EXETER - Exeter Railway Tragedy. Coroner Enters A Verdict Of Suicide While Temporarily Insane. - The Deputy Coroner, Mr H. L. Brown, held an Inquest at the Court House, Exeter, last evening, on the body of EMILY JANE EDWORTHY, 37, wife of ERNEST EDWORTHY, a telegraph linesman on the L. and S.W.R., residing at 47 Well-street. Deceased's decapitated body was found on the main line about 50 yards from Mount Pleasant Tunnel, at Exmouth Junction on Monday morning. - The husband said his wife had been in ill-health for some time, and occasionally depressed. On Monday she went to the allotment and cut a couple of cauliflower and the only explanation he could give as to how she got on the railway was that with the idea of going back to get his tea she tried in the dark to cross the line, which runs alongside the garden, with the intention of catching a motor train from Mount Pleasant Halt to Lion's Holt Halt, which was near their home. - Mrs Rosa Wright, a neighbour, said although deceased seemed low spirited at times, she was quite bright on Monday. - Frederick James Riley, Exmouth, driver of the train, said when passing by Exmouth Junction he felt the wheels vibrate and it seemed as if they had gone over something. He reported the occurrence on arrival at Queen-street. - Harry Dymond said the 5.14 train from Honiton to Exeter, of which he was guard, was stopped at Exmouth Junction. He walked along the line towards the tunnel and found the body of the deceased lying on her side practically parallel with the outer rail. In the pathway was a shoe. - Inspector Snell said against a watchman's hut, near where the body was found, was a bag containing cauliflowers. It looked as though they had been placed there. At the hut was a wooden rail. On the bank was deceased's hat. It contained two hairpins, which appeared to have been removed from the hair and replaced in the hat. - The Coroner: You came to the conclusion that the bag and the hat had actually been placed there? - Witness: Yes. - Edward J. Stannard, Divisional Inspector, said the public had no right on the railway line. - Dr Pereira Gray said death resulted from shock, due to extensive injuries. - The Coroner: Do you think that the condition of the deceased, as revealed on the post-mortem examination, would cause her to be in such a state that she might do what she might not realise she was doing? - Dr Pereira Gray: she evidently did it in a fit of temporary insanity. That is only my opinion. - The Coroner recorded a verdict that the deceased Committed Suicide and that she was not in her right mind when she did it.
COLYTON - Old Woman's Death At Colyton. - Dr Tweed, sitting without a Jury, held an Inquest at Colyton, yesterday, on the body of MRS SUSAN GUSCOTT, 81, widow of MR C. W. GUSCOTT. Deceased had resided with her daughter, MRS K. STRAWBRIDGE, at Parkfield, and had been confined to her bed for 18 months, being warned not to get out of bed without assistance. On November 3rd she disregarded the warning and, falling, bruised her left thigh, elbow and wrist and five days later died. Dr W. Evans attributed death to shock, as a result of the injuries and the Coroner returned a verdict accordingly.
Western Times, Friday 12 November 1920
BARNSTAPLE - Sad Death Of A Barnstaple Tradesman. - At the Inquest at Barnstaple yesterday afternoon, relative to the death of MR JAMES EASTON, jeweller, the evidence showed that deceased had been depressed and feeble since the death of his wife five weeks ago, and had been under the care of Dr Lemarchand. He seemed much better on Monday afternoon, and at tea-time said he would go for his customary walk, as he felt giddy indoors and was always better when out. He was very fond of going to the Castle Quay in order to see the vessels being built in the shipyard opposite. The doctor thought it quite likely that deceased fell over the Quay into the Taw. An employee at the Electricity Works, named Howard, said at the spot on Castle Quay where he found deceased's hat, the coping stone was higher than the ground, and deceased might easily have caught his foot in that and fallen into the river. - Mr Bencraft (Coroner) thought the most probable explanation was that deceased fell over the Quay, but he did not think there was sufficient evidence to justify a verdict of accidental death. He therefore returned a verdict of "Found Drowned."
Western Times, Saturday 13 November 1920
BARNSTAPLE - Septuagenarian's Fall At Barnstaple. - Mr T. A. R. Bencraft, Borough Coroner, held an inquest at Barnstaple, yesterday afternoon, on the body of CHARLOTTE BARROW, widow, aged 75, who died on Wednesday at her daughter's house, 12 Higher Maudlin-street. The evidence showed that deceased had a fall in her kitchen last July, and was removed to the North Devon Infirmary, and after eight weeks' treatment, was discharged. She was, however, very feeble and passed away on Wednesday. Her daughter, MRS CASSANELLI, complained of the difficulty in getting an ambulance to remove her mother to the Hospital, and the Coroner questioned Dr Thomas on the matter. He said that the motor ambulance presented to the Infirmary some time ago had been disposed of as it was too heavy and cumbersome, but the Hospital authorities were getting a lighter one. There was, however, a hand ambulance at the Infirmary and one at the Y.M.C.A. - The Coroner returned a verdict of "Death from Syncope, brought about through the dislocation of her right hip, sustained through an Accidental Fall."
Western Times, Tuesday 16 November 1920
WEST BUCKLAND - Chronic Alcoholism. West Buckland School Assistant Master's Death. - Mr Geo. W. F. Brown, North Devon Coroner, held an Inquest at West Buckland School last evening, relative to the death of HUGH DOUGLAS DARVILL, 32, an assistant master at the school. - Rev. E. C. Harries, Headmaster at the School, said deceased had been there since 1914, and was a keen master and good disciplinarian up to about 1916, when he became very reserved and often locked himself in his rooms after school hours and would see no one. Later on this year he noticed deceased was getting more peculiar and on Thursday, 4th November, he was not in school; he stayed shut up in his room. Witness saw him the next afternoon, and he then thought there was something peculiar about him and sent for Dr Seal. - Dr Seal said he saw deceased on November 10th. He was then in his bedroom, in bed, suffering from acute alcoholism. He saw him again subsequently and thought he was getting a little better, but he died on the morning of the 13th. A post mortem examination revealed the fact that deceased's heart was very much diseased and dilated and full of clots of blood and the liver was fibrous and fatty. There was no sign of deceased having taken any drug or poison. In his opinion the cause of death was heart failure, due to chronic alcoholism. - The Coroner returned a verdict of "Death from Natural Causes" as certified by the doctor.
WOODBURY - Sudden Death At Woodbury - Dr E. R. Tweed held an Inquest at Woodbury, yesterday, relative to the death of JAMES MCKENNY, coachman to the Hon. Mrs Peters, residing at Greendale Cottage, Woodbury. - It was stated that on Friday morning last deceased met the postman about 8 o'clock in the roadway near his home. The postman wished him good morning and handed him a letter. Deceased took the letter and proceeded in the direction of his home, about 200 yards distant. After delivering his letters the postman came out on to the road again and then saw deceased lying in the road with three men around him. these men were working for Mr Styles, Exeter, at Greendale House. - Medical evidence was given by Dr Darbyshire, Woodbury, who had made a post-mortem. He attributed death to fatty degeneration of the heart and dilatation of the right side. - A verdict in accordance with the medical testimony was returned.
TIVERTON - Tiverton Child's Death. - The Tiverton Borough Coroner held an Inquest yesterday on the body of MARY H. HEMBOROUGH, the four months' old child of WILLIAM JOHN and FLORENCE HEMBOROUGH, of Westexe-south, Tiverton. Medical evidence showed that death was due to heart failure caused by a convulsion brought on by the congested condition of the lungs. There were early patches of bronchial pneumonia in both lungs. - Replying to the Coroner, Dr Perry stated that both parents were of low mentality. - The mother's evidence was to the effect that the child was weakly from birth and she took it regularly to the Infant Welfare Centre. For the fortnight previous to its death it gained weight. - Questioned by the Coroner, witness stated that the child slept in the kitchen in a perambulator in front of a fire. This was because the neighbours complained of its cries. - The Coroner asked her if her first child was not taken to the Workhouse because she would not look after it? The mother replied that both the child and herself were ill when taken to the Workhouse. She admitted the child was now healthy. - Continuing, MRS HEMBOROUGH said either her husband or herself went downstairs to look at the child two or three times during the night. If she did not hear its cries, her father, who slept in the next room, would. She did her best for the child. - Evidence was also given by the grandfather and the Health Visitor. - The Coroner returned a verdict of "Death from Natural Causes
Western Times, Saturday 20 November 1920
TORQUAY - Torbay Disaster. Story Of The Collision Told At The Inquest. Another Body Recovered. - Mr Sidney Hacker held an Inquest at the Old Town Hall, Torquay, yesterday, on WARRANT SHIPWRIGHT FRANK CHARLES STEELE, and GILBERT BURGESS, A.B., aged 21, two of the victims of what the Coroner described as the lamentable occurrence in Torbay a fortnight ago, when five men of H.M.S. Cleopatra lost their lives. - MARGARET MADGE STEELE, of Wallsend-terrace, identified the body as that of her husband, who was 32 years of age. - Lieut. Samuel Chapman, R.N., of H.M.S. Cleopatra, said on Wednesday, November 3rd, he saw STEELE leave the ship in the whaler to catch the 11.7 p.m. train for Totnes. The whaler left at 10.10 and called on H.M.S. Castor before going ashore. She had a full boat's crew of six, with MR STEELE as passenger. After leaving the Castor the whaler proceeded to the harbour under the direction of Leading Seaman Keen. The drifter was coming from Torquay with liberty men. It was an ordinary night and not particularly dark. Suddenly the drifter stopped and knowing something must be wrong witness switched on the searchlight and got out the lifeboat which made for the spot. The Cleopatra was not more than a mile from the shore. When the whaler left she carried a regulation light in the stern and it could be clearly seen. The light was placed on one of the seats in the stern in the ordinary way. The two halves of the whaler were brought back by the Castor's drifter. - In reply to one of the Jurymen, witness said it would be possible for the body of one of the crew to have screened the light from the drifter if the boat was end on. The lifeboats from the three cruisers searched the spot for an hour and a half after the accident. The collision took place about a quarter of a mile from the shore. - The Coroner: Was any search made the next day in daylight? - I cannot say; I was away with the captain, but I know the men on the look-out were watching. - Ordinary Seaman Arthur Samuel Arnold, one of the crew of the whaler, said he acted as bowman. The light was in the usual place in the stern, and cold be seen all around. After leaving the Castor they rowed towards the harbour. He was watching for the buoys and when looking round he saw the drifter right on top of them. He could not say whether the coxswain had seen the drifter, but n orders were given. He heard the siren of the drifter as they left the Castor. There were two look-outs on the drifter. - A Juryman: They could not have been very wide awake. - The Coroner: I think you had better let me finish my examination. - Witness, continuing, said they were struck near the stroke oar and capsized. They were all thrown into the water and witness clung to his oar. He was picked up by the drifter and taken back to the ship. The light on the whaler was showing at the time of the accident. - Thomas George Mausell, A.B., the other survivor, said he was stroke oar of the whaler. When the accident took place the coxswain was waving the light and said they must row hard so that the drifter could pass astern. The coxswain shouted to the drifter to go astern, but she was nearly on them, and they could not clear her. Another two strokes and they would have managed it. - Petty Officer Arthur Burbery said he was in charge of the drifter, which left the harbour just after ten o'clock. He had two look-outs in the bow. After clearing the buoys he steered for the stern of the ship. Almost simultaneously one of the look-outs reported a boat on the bow. This call was followed by a crash. Witness said he heard n shout and saw n light whatever If the light was on the stern bench it would not be seen so easily as if it were placed on the stern grating, which was 18 inches higher. Witness stopped the engines, got over a boat, saw one man in the water, picked him up and brought him round. He remained on the spot for half-an-hour. - Lieut. Chapman, recalled, said the light would certainly be higher if placed on the stern grating instead of on the bench, but it would have to be tied there to make it safe. There was a new order which came into operation about a week ago that the light should be placed on a staff and displayed about two feet above the boat. There was no definite regulation as to where the light should be. - Herbert Allen, A.B., the port look-out on the drifter, said when the starboard look-out reported a boat ahead it was only about eight or ten yards away. He noticed there was a light on it. - John Stewart, A.B., the starboard look-out, said he reported a boat crossing their bows, about ten yards away. It was a dark night and he could only just catch her outline. As they were striking her he looked down and saw a light in the bottom of the boat. The whaler was cut in two. - Alfred Pratt, leading seaman on the Cleopatra, said the light was usually placed on the stern seat by the side of the coxswain, so that it could be lifted in case it was wanted to show it. He saw the whaler and drifter making towards each other and thought the whaler would pass under the stern of the other boat. He could see a light on both. - By a Juryman: It was possible that he could see the light on the whaler from the deck of the cruiser, while it would not be visible to the look-out on the drifter. - The Jury returned a verdict of "Accidental Death." - The body of GILBERT BURGESS was found at Meadfoot Beach yesterday morning. Two visitors, Mr T. Dobson and Mr W. J. Harper, saw the body being washed ashore and telephoned to the Police. P.C. Stabb recovered it and took it to the Mortuary.
EXETER - An Exeter Fatality. Old Lady Knocked Down While Crossing The Road. - An Inquest was held at the Royal Devon and Exeter Hospital yesterday, by the Deputy City Coroner, Mr Hamilton Brown, sitting with a Jury, on the body of MRS T. MARTIN, of 54 Paul-street, aged 67, who died at the Hospital on Wednesday through injuries sustained by being knocked down by a horse and trap on the 9th November. - Mr A. R. Griffith (driver) and Mr N. Parker (owner) were represented by Mr S. Ernest Crosse, solicitor. - MR P. MARTIN, husband of the deceased, identified the body and said his wife went out at 2.30 on the 9th November, and she was brought home soon after, having been knocked down by a horse. She was not unconscious, but could not walk. Deceased had not been in good health for some time, and had bad eyes and legs. Deceased was conveyed to the Royal Devon and Exeter Hospital the following morning. - William George Pinn, 86 Holloway-street, a road-sweeper in the employ of the Exeter City Council, said he was sweeping the road in North-street, and he saw deceased walking across the road very slowly towards Bartholomew-street. He thought she would have crossed the road before the horse and trap neared her. The breast and nose of the horse hit deceased and the animal was proceeding at a job-trot. - Mr Crosse suggested that the horse was walking and said evidence to that effect would be forthcoming. - Mr W. F. Goodland, a butcher in North-street, said the horse was proceeding down the street at a walking pace, and in reply to a question from one of the Jurymen, witness said the vehicle was not travelling at more than four miles an hour and that the driver was on his right side of the road. - A. R. Griffith, the driver, said that the horse was very quiet and was proceeding at a place which he estimated at between three and four miles an hour. If deceased had walked straight across the road, instead of stopping, the accident would not have occurred. She stopped dead immediately in front when witness was about three or four yards from her. He had both hands on the reins and there were no suggestions at the time of the accident that it was his fault. - Dr R. Weyland Smith, House Surgeon at the Royal Devon and Exeter Hospital, said deceased had fractured the upper end of the thigh bone and this was confirmed by X-ray examination. Deceased had also been suffering from diabetes and in his opinion death was caused through diabetes, accelerated by a broken thigh bone. - Mr A. Norman Kendall, 53 St David's-hill, corroborated the driver's statement and said deceased was walking very steadily, though somewhat infirmly and that the driver pulled up just too late. - A verdict of "Accidental Death" was returned, and the Coroner exonerated the driver from all blame. He expressed sympathy with MR MARTIN as also did Mr Crosse on behalf of the driver and owner.
Western Times, Tuesday 23 November 1920
BRIXHAM - Brixham Sensation. Wesleyan Minister Commits Suicide By Cutting His Throat. - The County Coroner, Mr S. Hacker, at Brixham yesterday, held an Inquest on the body of REV. FREDERICK J. MURRELL, resident Wesleyan Minister for the Brixham Circuit. - Deceased's son, aged 17, stated that he found his father on the bed in the bedroom bleeding. He could not really describe the position he was in. He screamed for his mother, who came immediately, and took a razor from his father. - Dr Falkiner was immediately sent for. - MRS MURRELL deposed that her husband had been in failing health for some time. The last time he did duty was in August, but a few days afterwards he gave up his ministerial work and was medically attended. He had an idea that he was not going to recover. On Saturday night witness, hearing her son scream, went to the deceased's bedroom. She found her husband either kneeling or sitting on the bed. She heard him whisper "I can't die." She took a blood-stained razor from him. - Dr J. F. Falkiner said he was called to the Manse on Saturday night and found deceased lying on the floor with a wound in the throat. Deceased was just able to whisper. Witness tried to get him into bed, but was unable to do so single-handed. :Witness then medically attended him on the floor, and everything possible was done for him. Witness asked him why he did it, and deceased whispered it had been in his mind all day. Witness asked him if he had not thought about it before and he replied he was not sure. Subsequently deceased said he may have thought about it on Friday. Witness was convinced that had deceased been in his right state of mind, he would not have committed the rash act. - A verdict of "Suicide while Temporarily Insane" was returned.
Western Times, Thursday 25 November 1920
EAST DOWN - MR JOHN DAYMAN, retired farmer, aged 68, of Northcott Farm, Eastdown, expired suddenly in the roadway on Monday afternoon. At the Inquest yesterday, Dr N. S. Manning, of Combemartin, attributed death to heart failure and Mr G. W. F. Brown, County Coroner for North Devon, returned a verdict of "Natural Causes."
Western Times, Friday 26 November 1920
PAIGNTON - The Torbay Fatality. - In addition to the body of Seaman GEAR found on Monday, that of Leading-Seaman WILLIAM GEORGE KEENE was on Tuesday morning found on Paignton Beach near the Clubhouse. At the Inquest on Tuesday, evidence of identification was given by Able Seaman Thomas George Mansell. GEAR was 19 years of age and resided at Hornsey Vale. KEENE was 24 and his place of residence was Winchcap, Canterbury. - Lieut. Chapman, of H.M.S. Cleopatra, repeated the evidence given at Torquay, and in all the evidence given on that occasion related equally to these two men. The Coroner thereupon returned a verdict of "Accidentally Drowned." - KEENE'S body has been sent to his home at Canterbury. GEAR will be buried locally, his parents having intimated their intention of being present.
Western Times, Friday 26 November 1920
KINGSKERSWELL - £30 Which Went Astray. Old Man's Suicide Through Worry At Kingskerswell. - An Inquest was held at Kingskerswell on Wednesday by Mr T. Edmonds, Deputy Coroner, concerning the death of a widower named WILLIAM LANGWORTHY, aged 68 years, of Water-lane Cottages, Kingskerswell, who was found hanging in his house on Monday evening. - Deceased's son, JOHN LANGWORTHY, a frame maker n the G.W.R., residing at 1 Oak Place, Newton Abbot, said his father was generally in good health. On Monday witness was informed that he had not been seen about, and on going to the house found the door locked. He got inside and discovered his father hanging from the frame of a doorway, dead. - It transpired, in the course of further evidence, that on November 13th last a man who slept at the house reported to the Police that he had lost £30 there and P.C. Horne made enquiries. - In reply to the Coroner, deceased's son said his father had been worried over this money affair. - A verdict of "Suicide during Temporary Insanity" was returned.
TORQUAY - The Torbay Naval Disaster. - An Inquest was held by the Deputy Coroner, Mr T. Edmonds, at Torquay Police Court, on Wednesday, on the body of RUSSELL COOPER, O.S., aged 21, the last of the five men drowned through the running down of the whaler of the light cruiser Cleopatra on November 3rd to be recovered. Arthur Samuel Arnold, one of the survivors, gave evidence of identification. Ernest Charles Nathan, fisherman, of 1 New Quay-street, Teignmouth, said he found the body at the sea steps of the Imperial Hotel about 1.15 p.m. on Tuesday. Lieut. Chapman of H.M.S. Cleopatra, repeated his story of the tragedy as given at the Inquest on Friday, and the Coroner returned a verdict of "Accidentally Drowned." - The body of COOPER will be removed to his home in Suffolk for burial today. Leading Seaman KEENE was taken last night to Canterbury, while GEAR was buried yesterday afternoon at the Torquay Cemetery.
ASHBURTON - Mr T. Edmonds, Deputy Coroner, held an Inquest without a Jury yesterday, Thursday, at the Cottage Hospital, relative to the death of JOHN LOCK PROWSE, aged 78, a carpenter, of Ponsworthy, Widecombe, who died in the Hospital on Tuesday morning as a result of injuries received through being thrown from a cart by reason of the horse bolting. Dr Sanker said he found both bones in deceased's left leg below the knee broken and his head cut and bruised. He was of opinion that death resulted from shock and the injuries he received. The Coroner returned a verdict of "Accidental Death."
Western Times, Monday 29 November 1920
KENN - Kennford Tragedy. An Independent Gentleman Shoots Himself. Body Found In Garden. - Mr H. W. Gould held an Inquest at Kenbury House, Kennford, on Saturday, relative to the death of GEORGE WILLIAM BOULTON, Kenbury House, who was found shot in the breast, with a double-barrelled gun by his side. - MISS EMILY ELIZABETH BOULTON identified the body as that of her brother. He had no occupation, and was, presumably, 62 years of age last birthday. Witness last saw deceased on Thursday night, at 10.30. She said "Good night" to him in the hall. Deceased then went into the dining-room. He usually retired to bed at eleven o'clock. He had not been in his usual health during the past week. Never a robust man at any time, he had lately suffered from insomnia and had been a little depressed. Some time ago he had an attack of sunstroke. He complained of a headache the other day. Of a morning he usually rose at 8 o'clock. He was in the habit of keeping his gun in a case in the smoking room. Witness had never heard deceased contemplate suicide, although when in Venice in 1907 he attempted to jump through a window, an incident which he never explained. - Frederick George Verney, Kenbury Lodge, under gardener, deposed that he proceeded to work on Friday morning at 7 o'clock. Shortly after he was informed by the maid servant that MR BOULTON was missing. Witness found deceased on the rubbish heap in the kitchen garden lying on his left side. There was a stick (produced) beside the gun. The stick was one which was used for peas, and there was a similar bunch of sticks in the corner of the garden. Witness subsequently saw a gunshot wound in deceased's breast. He observed no signs of a struggle, neither did he hear any report of a gun during the morning. If a gun had been discharged after witness came to work he would have heard it. - Alice Maston, housemaid, said she went to deceased's room at 7.30 yesterday morning. The door was open and deceased was not in the room. Witness eventually saw that his bed had been slept in. Witness gave information to the gardener. She had noticed that deceased was a little depressed during the past few days. - Dr W. Gordon, Exeter, said he found the deceased in the position described by Verney. He formed the opinion, from the surroundings, that the wound was self-inflicted. Witness was aware that deceased was not in good health and had troubles. He considered that owing to this he might have suffered from insomnia and depression. In his (witness's) opinion, deceased had been dead some few hours. The body was slightly warm. Death was quite instantaneous. - The Coroner said having regard to the medical evidence, he would return a verdict of "Suicide whilst of Unsound Mind." It was a very sad case and he wished to extend his sincere sympathy to MISS BOULTON.
Western Times, Tuesday 30 November 1920
ALPHINGTON - A Tragedy Of The War. Exeter Woman Could Not Forget Her First Husband. - Mr H. Stephens, Deputy Coroner, held an Inquest at Brooklands, Alphington, yesterday, on the body of CAROLINE SHORT, who was found in the Canal at Salmon Pool Bridge on Sunday as reported in our yesterday's issue. - JOHN HENRY SHORT, husband of deceased, 7 Landscore-road, St Thomas, Exeter, an engine driver of the G.W.R., identified the body. She was 34 years of age. Witness last saw her alive between two and three on Sunday afternoon, when she went out. witness thought she was going to the Salvation Army Temple, as she was in the habit of doing. When she did not return by tea time, witness became alarmed. She had been suffering from depression, especially so during the past week. She lost her first husband in the war, and seemed unable to forget it. She had threatened to commit suicide previously. Witness was informed by a constable that the body had been taken from the canal. Witness identified the articles (including one of his razors) which were found on deceased. - William French, forage merchant, Cowick-street, deposed that as he was walking along by the Canal near Bromham's Bridge he noticed something in the water. As he approached Salmon Pool Bridge he saw a hand move. Witness started to run up and saw a hat go under. He sent back word to Mr Gregory at the lock gates. About twenty minutes later, Mr Gregory arrived. - William Gregory, King's Arms Gate, Canal Banks, said that in response to a message received from the last witness, he went to Salmon Pool with the grappling irons. He could see no signs of anybody in the water, but after about three-quarters of an hour's grappling, witness recovered the body. It was too late to restore animation. - P.C. Brewer, stationed at Alphington, said he was present when the razor and other articles (produced) were taken from the body. - Dr C. Stokes (Exeter) attributed death to drowning. There were no marks on the body. - A verdict of "Suicide whilst of Unsound Mind" was returned.
Western Times, Wednesday 1 December 1920
EXETER - Exeter Execution. CYRIL SAUNDERS Pays Law's Penalty. Calm To The End. Walks With Firm Step To The Scaffold. Pathetic Correspondence. - The ghastly business is over. As the clock struck eight yesterday morning, CYRIL SAUNDERS paid the penalty for his crime. - Despite every appeal, even to the King himself, the Home Secretary declined to grant a reprieve or even a postponement of the execution. - Although the only mental expert who examined the young man swore that, in his opinion, he was not responsible for his actions at the time, the Home Secretary stated, in the House of Commons, Monday, that having consulted very eminent mental experts, he had failed to find any reason to have SAUNDERS examined. - CYRIL SAUNDERS was a highly intelligent young fellow, a brave soldier, a devoted son, and an ardent lover. For the mad action of one moment in a useful life he has paid the penalty. It is the law. The law has been observed. - Throughout he has maintained a calm demeanour. Every day his brother, MR TOM SAUNDERS, has visited him. This brother had his last interview Monday afternoon, and he speaks in the highest praise of the kindly attention the condemned man received at Exeter Prison at the hands of the Governor, warders and officials. Everything that could possibly be done to make the unfortunate young man's comfortable was he says, willingly done. - His most devoted friend during the last three weeks has been the Rev. E. D. Evans, the assistant chaplain, who has spent many hours with him. At such times as SAUNDERS was not receiving visitors or taking exercise he devoted his time to reading. Every morning he received Communion in his cell. He was fully prepared to meet his end. He spent the greater part of Monday writing letters to his parents and personal friends. - Rev. E. D. Evans spent all Monday night with him. Yesterday morning the condemned man, after a sound sleep, rose early. He received Communion, and, at 7 o'clock partook of a substantial breakfast. A few minutes before eight he walked with a firm step to the scaffold. - Ellis, the executioner, carried out his work in the presence of the Chaplain (Rev. T. M. Bell Salter), the Under-Sheriff (Mr G. Hardy Harris), the Prison Governor (Major R. A. Marriott) and Prison Doctor (Dr F. A. Roper). - At the formal Inquest which was held later in the morning, it was stated that the Execution was properly carried out. Mr H. W. Gould was the Coroner.
Western Times, Tuesday 7 December 1920
TAVISTOCK - Tavistock Fatality. Automobile Scout And Man Found In The Road. One Dies From Injuries. - About three o'clock on Sunday afternoon, James Hocking, of Lumborn Farm, about 1 ½ miles from Tavistock town, was near Lumborn bridge when he heard someone groaning. Running down the road he saw two men lying on the Dulworthy side of the bridge. He called John Henry Bickle from the farm, and together they went to where the men were lying. They found one of them was JOHN NANKIVELL, aged 51, of Whitchurch, a well-known Automobile Club scout. He was entangled in his bicycle with his head hanging down. He had a cut on the head and was bleeding profusely from the right ear. He was quite unconscious and was removed to Tavistock Hospital, where he died yesterday morning at one o'clock. - The other man, Benjamin Gribble Symons, was a roadman, in the employ of the G.W.R. at Milbay Dock, Plymouth, and who has a sister living in Fore-street, Tavistock. He was also unconscious, having a severe cut on the back of the head, and being otherwise badly bruised. P.S. Snell notified MRS NANKIVELL of the occurrence and P.C. Leach has the case in hand. - MR NANKIVELL, who retired from the Police force about two years ago, was at one time one of the trumpeters at Exeter Assizes. He leaves a widow and a grown up son and daughter. - The Inquest: Verdict of "Accidental Death." - At the Tavistock Hospital yesterday, Mr R. R. Rodd (County Coroner) Inquired into the circumstances attending the death of JOHN NANKIVELL, 50, touring guide to the Royal Automobile Club of Marlborough House, Whitchurch, who died at the Institution early that morning as a result of injuries sustained in an accident whilst riding a bicycle on the Lumburn road, about 1 ½ miles from the town on Sunday. - CLIFFORD JOHN NANKIVELL, deceased's son, and an auxiliary postman at Tavistock, said he last saw his father alive on Sunday, at 1.45 p.m. at Whitchurch. He was then all right. Witness knew nothing about the sad affair. The bicycle produced was his father's. - In reply to the Coroner, P.C. Leach said there was nothing on the bicycle to indicate how the accident happened, only the front wheel, being a little buckled, which was accounted for by coming into contact with something. - Benjamin Gribble Symons, single, 25, Millbay-road, Plymouth, said he was employed as a roadman on the G.W.R. He was on a visit to his sister, who resided in Ford-street, Tavistock. Witness went for a walk along the Lumburn road and when he reached Lumburn Bridge he stood in the road and looked into a field at some gulls. Almost immediately he was knocked down and he became unconscious. The next thing he remembered was that he was in bed at the Tavistock Hospital. Witness had not the slightest idea of how the accident occurred. - James Henry Hocking, farm labourer, Lumburn Farm, near Tavistock, stated that he was in a field looking round at some calves when he heard a fall. He went in the direction of the sound, and found Symons and the deceased lying in the road. The bicycle was close to the deceased, who was unconscious and bleeding from the right ear. Witness called to Mr Bickle, his employer, who came an assisted him to pick up Symons. The latter was semi-conscious. Witness could not tell how the accident happened, but he felt sure that it was an accident. The fall witness heard was no doubt the collision. Witness did not see anybody on the road excepting the deceased and Symons, nor were there any vehicles about. - P.C. Edwin George Leach, stationed at Tavistock, said the road was 32 feet wide where the accident occurred. By the marks of blood on the road, witness thought the accident took place at a spot about 13 feet from Lumburn Bridge on the Galworthy side, and about 13 feet from the hedge on the right-hand side. - Dr Hillyar said death was due to a fractured skull, the result of a fall from a bicycle. There were no superficial wounds on the deceased. The road was a good one. - A verdict of "Accidental Death" was returned, the Coroner, in summing up, remarking that nothing in the condition of the road accounted for the deceased falling off his bicycle, which appeared to be a pure accident. He expressed his sympathy with the widow and family.
CULLOMPTON - Cullompton Tragedy. Widow Takes Her Life In A Fit Of Depression. - The story of a woman's second and successful attempt to take her own life was told before Mr G. H. Stephens, Deputy Coroner, at Cullompton yesterday, when Inquiring into the circumstances leading to the death of SARAH BRADFORD, widow, aged 44, of Batten's Court, Cullompton. Deceased's body was found in the river Culm on Sunday. - It was her sister, Alice Denner, who gave evidence of identification. Deceased, she said, was depressed when at witness's house on December 1st. She had been worrying about losing her work. - Evidence was also given by HARRY BRADFORD, aged 10, son of deceased, and by P.C. West, who spoke of searching the river and finding the body near Champerhayes Farm in the parish of Bradninch. Near the bridge, added witness, he found deceased's hat, umbrella and basket. - Dr Alleyne said he was called to see deceased in November. She had then taken some Jeye's fluid and at first was disinclined to take an antidote, but was persuaded to do so. - A verdict of "Suicide whilst of Unsound Mind" was returned.
Western Times, Thursday 9 December 1920
EXETER - At an Inquest at the Court House, Exeter, on Tuesday, Mr Hamilton Brown, Deputy Coroner, returned a verdict of "Natural Causes" on the body of CLARENCE VIVIAN SOUTHCOTT, aged five months, who died suddenly at 28 Union-street, St Thomas, Exeter.
Western Times, Friday 10 December 1920
SHEBBEAR - North Devon Policeman's Suicide. - A verdict of "Suicide whilst Temporarily Insane" was yesterday returned by Mr George Brown, North Devon Coroner, at an Inquest held by him at Shebbear on the body of JOSEPH JAS. IRELAND, 56, a widower, who was found by his daughter dead in bed on Wednesday morning, with his throat cut. The deceased was for twenty-eight years a member of the Devon Constabulary, being invalided out in 1918. A daughter stated that deceased had worried considerably of late concerning his pension. - P.C. Mock said in deceased's waistcoat pocket he found a scrap of paper stating "There is no one to blame but myself."
Western Times, Saturday 11 December 1920
EXETER - The City Coroner held an Inquest at the Court House, Exeter, yesterday, relative to the death of MR JOHN BEALY, aged 47, of 4 Oxford-road, Exeter. Thursday morning deceased's sister found that he was ill, his body appearing to be drawn with cramp, whilst his breathing was laboured. When Dr Lucas, who was called, arrived MR BEALY was dead. A post-mortem examination showed that death was due to pneumonia and was accelerated by a fatty heart. A verdict of "Death from Natural Causes" was returned.
Western Times, Thursday 16 December 1920
BRAUNTON - A verdict of "Death from Natural Causes" was yesterday returned by Mr Geo. Brown, North Devon Coroner, at an Inquest held by him at Braunton on the body of WILLIAM BRAILEY, 59, a roadman, who died suddenly on returning home from work on Monday evening. Dr Wright said a post mortem examination revealed aortic disease of the heart.
Western Times, Tuesday 21 December 1920
PAIGNTON - Paignton Child Accidentally Suffocated. - Mr S. Hacker, District Coroner, held an Inquest at Paignton yesterday on PHYLLIS DOREEN BRAGG, the five-months-old child of ALBERT EDWARD BRAGG, found dead in bed with its parents at 3 Mill Cottages. The mother said the child had a very bad cold. On Friday night she took it to bed with her, in consequence of the cold weather. She generally had it in a cradle beside the bed. In the morning she found the child was dead. - Dr Adams said the child was well nourished, and bore no signs of violence. There were distinct signs of suffocation, which was the cause of death. The Health Visitor had informed him that the mother had taken great care of the child. - The Coroner returned a verdict of "Accidental Death," and said the case showed the danger of having children in bed with the parents.
PAIGNTON - Fatal Fall. Sad Death Of A Retired Naval Officer At Paignton. - The circumstances attending the death on Saturday evening of Paymaster Captain GEORGE JACOB MILLS, R.N., retired, were Enquired into by Mr S. Hacker, Coroner, yesterday, at Paignton. The deceased had been on a visit to Strathallan, Totnes-road, and in the dark fell over a wall from steps leading to the house. - The widow, MRS CLARA MATILDA MILLS, of Thatcham, Midvale-road, Paignton, said deceased was aged 70, and was active and able-bodied. His sight was good, but in London, in November last, he had another fall over an invisible step. - Mrs Mary Agnes Dingwall, Strathallen, Totnes-road, said on Saturday evening between 5.30 and 6, deceased and MRS MILLS came to her house to enquire for her husband, who was ill. They came to the door and stopped a few minutes talking to witness. They turned to go away, and witness asked them to wait for a light. Witness took MRS MILLS by the arm. CAPTAIN MILLS was just ahead, carrying his walking-stick. MRS MILLS cried out to deceased to be careful, and he replied that he was all right, but then fell over the wall on to the road below, appearing to over-balance. Witness thought deceased had suffered from giddiness and her husband had told her that CAPTAIN MILLS appeared rather unsteady on his legs of late. As soon as she could get MRS MILLS safely to the bottom of the steps she ran out and found deceased lying on his back, with his head on the pavement and his feet towards the middle of the road. There was blood on the neck. Assistance was procured and deceased was carried indoors, dying immediately afterwards. - Dr Healy deposed that there was a fracture of the skull on the left side, and there was haemorrhage from the nose, ears and mouth. He was a full-blooded man, who would be liable to attacks of giddiness. - The Coroner returned a verdict of "Accidental Death."
BRIXHAM - Brixham Fatality. The Absence Of Public Lighting A Contributory Cause. - Mr Sidney Hacker, Coroner, held an Inquest at Brixham on Saturday relative to the death of GEORGE VASS, a retired inspector of police at Southampton, and a veteran of the Indian Mutiny, who took part in the relief of Lucknow with the Blue Marines, who were landed from H.M.S. Shannon. Deceased was knocked down by a bread cart in Ranscombe-road on Tuesday about 5.30 p.m. and died on Wednesday night. - Questioned by his daughter-in-law, MRS VASS, deceased said something caught him, twirled him round and he fell against the kerb. The road was dark, there being no public lights, owing to a dispute between the Brixham Council and the Brixham Gas Company. Deceased complained of great pain in the lower part of his stomach after the accident. - Irene Piper, aged 14 years, said she passed deceased at the bottom of Ranscombe-road. He said "Mind, Miss," to which she replied, "It is so dark I cannot see you." After a cart driven by Mr Elliott had passed her, she heard a walking-stick fall on the ground, and, looking round, she saw the left wheel of the cart go over the body of deceased, who was lying in the road. The right wheel of the cart was close to the pavement. - Dr R. B. Thompson attributed death to shock consequent on the injuries received. - William Charles Elliott, baker, the driver of the cart, after being cautioned by the Coroner, said he was approaching Ranscombe-road when he felt the wheel of his cart come in contact with something. He was going at about five miles an hour. - The Coroner questioned witness as to why he was on the wrong side of the road. Elliott replied that he was just entering Ranscombe-road from King-street. The night was very dark, so dark that he could not see his hand before him. - The Coroner: A careful and prudent driver would have kept on the right side of the road on such a dark night. - The Coroner, in his summing up, said one contributory cause was the want of public lighting. He hoped some arrangement would be made with the Lighting Company to have the town lighted and thus avoid such accidents as there was a grave risk of danger on such dark nights as they had recently experienced. - Mr Sanders Lear, the Town Clerk, said the Council realised the danger of the absence of public lighting, and had made every endeavour to negotiate with the Gas Company. - The Jury returned a verdict of "Accidental Death," and added the rider that they wished the Coroner to caution Mr Elliott to drive more carefully and to keep a better look-out when driving in the streets at night.
Western Times, Wednesday 22 December 1920
EXETER - Mr H. L. Browne, Deputy City Coroner, returned a verdict of "Death from Natural Causes" at the Inquest held on the body of SHEILA PARSONS, aged four days, who died early on Monday morning at 8 Tigh-place, Rack-street, Exeter. The evidence showed that the child was healthy at birth. Dr Kelly attributed death to heart failure due to acute indigestion.
Western Times, Wednesday 29 December 1920
ST MARYCHURCH - Sudden Death. - A parlourmaid, named EDITH WARD, 49, died at Oddicombe Hall, Babbacombe on Sunday afternoon. At an Inquest held at St Marychurch Town Hall on Boxing Day, a verdict of "Natural Causes" was returned.
EXETER - Exeter Mystery. Domestic Servant's Body In Water. Upset By Letter. - The strange death of GERTRUDE WALTERS, whose body was found in a backwater near Cowley Bridge, Exeter, on Sunday, will apparently be added to the long list of unsolved mysteries. Yesterday, Mr L. W. Brown, the Deputy City Coroner, who conducted an Inquest returned an Open Verdict. - Arscott Heard, of Rewe Farm, near Rockbeare, told the Court that deceased had been employed by his wife as a general servant. She came to them from a Salvation Army Home, and they understood that she was married. When she came to his house the woman gave her age as 32. That was twelve months ago. His opinion, however, was that she looked ten years older. He had only been able to identify the body by the clothes and a scar on the cheek. On Monday morning, November 15th, she told his wife that she wanted a day off during the week, and Mrs Heard said she had better have it that day. Deceased remarked that she would go to Exeter at once, as she was afraid to come home in the dark. She went away by a morning train and failed to return. He informed the Police, but no trace of her had been discovered. He did not know why the woman wanted to go to Exeter, and so far as he knew she had no friends either in Exeter or in the neighbourhood of Stoke Canon. It was certainly her intention to return before dark as she was nervous, and had to walk nearly two miles to the farm from Whimple Station. During the week before she went away, deceased had been depressed. It was not her health, which was usually good, and the only trouble she complained of was that her husband was going to divorce her. She was quite expecting that to happen and had been receiving letters every week from somebody, though he did not know where her correspondence came from. On the Friday before she went away, she received a letter which upset her very much. On the Sunday she had another letter. After receiving that she was not the same woman, and next day she made a request for a day off. In the afternoon after receiving the last letter she wrote two and posted them herself. He did not know to whom they were sent and no letters had arrived for her since her departure. - Robert Farrant, boot repairer, of Rack-street, Exeter, stated that he noticed the body in a backwater on the far side of Cowley Bridge while he was fishing on Sunday morning, and Dr Pereira Gray gave the opinion that death was due to drowning. He concluded that the body must have been in the water for quite six weeks. - Detective-Sergt. Walters (Coroner's Officer) said he had made inquiries and found that the woman was formerly in a Salvation Army Home at Plymouth. She was the wife of WILLIAM WALTERS, an ex-Naval man, who lived at Higherland, Stoke Climsland, Callington. The parties had been separated for some time. That morning the husband had telegraphed to say that he could not attend the Inquest. - The Coroner returned a verdict of "Found Drowned," adding that there was no evidence to show how the deceased got into the water.
Western Times, Thursday 30 December 1920
EXETER - The City Coroner, Mr W. Linford Brown, returned a verdict of "Death from Natural Causes" at an Inquest held on the body of WILLIAM MANNING, of 12 Friars Walk, Exeter, at the Court House, Exeter, yesterday. MR MANNING fell dead on Monday afternoon and Dr J. A. W. Pereira Gray attributed death to heart failure, brought about by a very fatty heart and big blood vessels all diseased.
EXMOUTH - Baby's Death Sleep. E. Devon Coroner Repeats Warning At Exmouth. - Dr E. R. Tweed, Coroner for East Devon, held an Inquest at Exmouth Police Court yesterday concerning the death of the infant child of MR and MRS CHARLES FREDERICK SPARKES, of 11 Basing-street, Garston, Liverpool. - MRS SPARKES stated that her baby, GLADYS MARY SPARKES, was born on November 6th, and was apparently a healthy child. Her husband, the baby and herself left Liverpool at 10.15 p.m. on Thursday and arrived at Exmouth about dinner time on Christmas Eve, when the baby was quite well. They went to the home of her parents at 9 Hartopp-road, to stay for the Christmas. She had been in the habit of having the child in bed with herself and husband since its birth. - The Coroner: Is that the custom at Liverpool? - I don't know. - Proceeding, MRS SPARKES said she had received no instructions as to how she should bring up the child, nor had she been advised to have a basinette. - The Coroner: Thousands of lives are thrown away, when much needed in this country, in this very manner. It seems an extraordinary thing that the practice should still continue. The midwife should have instructed you. Had you been instructed you would not have lost your child. - MRS SPARKES said that on Christmas Eve they retired to bed early, about 9.30 p.m. - The coroner: Both being tired after your long journey, I suppose. Just how these things happen. - MRS SPARKES said the baby appeared to be comfortable at ten o'clock and when she awoke about quarter to seven on Christmas morning she found the child lying on its stomach, a position she was in the habit of taking. She picked the child up and found the body stiff and concluded it was dead. There was a red mark across its forehead. She considered the child died in its sleep. - CHARLES F. SPARKES, husband of the last witness, a bricklayer's labourer, said he heard nothing of the child during the night. They were dead tired with travelling all the previous night. - Dr G. Gray said he was called to 9 Hartopp-road just before seven o'clock on Christmas morning. He considered death was due to suffocation. - The Coroner said it seemed to be one of those unfortunate cases in which the child was overlaid whilst asleep in bed with its mother. He returned a verdict of "Accidental Suffocation."
EXETER - Girl's Fatal Burns. Inquest Story Of A Broadhembury Accident. - A verdict of "Accidental Death" was returned at an Inquest held at the Royal Devon and Exeter Hospital last evening, by the City Coroner, Mr W. Linford Brown, on DOROTHY WEBBER, the fourteen-year-old daughter of ELIAS WEBBER, farm labourer, of Colleton Barton, Broadhembury, who succumbed in the Institution on Tuesday morning to extensive burns on the face and body. - According to the evidence the accident occurred in the absence of the parents, the father having gone to Kentisbeare, and the mother to the village of Broadhembury. Deceased's sister, FLORRIE, 11 years of age, who was also left at home, threw some water over her and called Ellen Perry, a neighbour. When the last named arrived the clothes of the deceased were smouldering. Mrs Perry wrapped her up in a rug and saturated her with oil. - Dr G. M. Rolfe, Assistant House Surgeon, said the arms, face and practically the whole of the front of the body were burnt. Death was due to shock due to the burns. - The father giving evidence said deceased told him that she was "sliding a crock" on to the fire when her apron became ignited.