Inquests 1874-1909 - from the East and South Devon Advertiser
Inquests Taken Into Suspicious Or Unexplained Deaths
For the County of Devon
Articles taken from East and South Devon Advertiser
Coroner's Inquests were usually held within the space of 48 hours following a death that appeared to be of a suspicious or unexplained nature. They were usually held in a local public-house, ale house, municipal building, or parish workhouse, but sometimes in the building where the death occurred. The Coroner usually came from a legal or medical background and more often than not, appointed for life by the respective County. The Coroner and a Jury of between 12 and 24 persons, usually men of substantial standing, were empanelled to examine the body, hear witnesses, and the Jury then to come to a Verdict as to Cause of Death. The account of the Inquest appearing in local newspapers, included the name of the deceased, where they died, and how they died. Sometimes, age, occupation, parish or address, and other relatives' names can be found. In later years when Hospitals appear, people can be dying away from their parish after having been admitted to that institution, and the Inquest is therefore conducted where the death occurred, rather than where the person was living.
Provided by Lindsey Withers
[No's in brackets indicate the number of times that name occurs]
Names included: Abbot; Abrahams; Adams(4); Aggett(4); Alford; Allen; Amery; Andrews(3); Aplin; Ash(2); Ashford; Ashton; Avery(2); Back; Badge; Bailey; Baker(8); Balhatchet; Balkham; Barber; Barker; Barnes; Barratt; Barrett; Barter; Bartlett(4); Bastin; Bate; Bates; Bawden; Beall; Bearne; Beavis; Beck; Beckerleg; Beer(2); Bell; Bendall; Bennett(6); Berry; Bess; Best; Bewhay; Bibbings(2); Bickford; Bickham(2); Binmore; Bird; Bishop; Blackburn; Blackler(3); Blake; Bleakley; Bond(2); Boorman; Botterill; Boucher; Boutcher; Bovett; Bovey(2); Bowden(5); Bowring; Bray(4); Brealey(2); Bridgett; Brimblecombe(2); Brimecombe; Brimicombe; Brimmacombe; Brinecombe; Brooks; Brown(4); Browning(2); Browse; Brunt; Bryant; Bullen; Bulley(2); Bunch; Bunclark; Burgess; Burgoyne; Burley; Burnett; Burridge; Burrow; Burt; Bye; Cameron; Campbell; Campion; Candish; Candy; Carnall; Carpenter(2); Carter; Caser; Casey; Cater; Caunter(2); Causley(3); Chadder; Chamberlain; Chapman; Chesterfield; Chilcott; Christie; Churchward(2); Clampitt(2); Clancy; Clark; Clarke(5); Clayton; Cleave(3); Clement; Clements; Clinnick; Clist; Coaker; Coate; Cockerham; Cole(2); Coles; Collard; Collicot; Collier; Collings; Colridge; Concannon; Congdon; Connett; Connolly; Coombe; Coombes(6); Cornall; Corner; Cornish(2); Cottle; Counter; Courtenay; Courtier(2); Couzens; Coves; Cowley; Cox; Coysh; Croot; Cross; Crowdy; Croydon; Cuming; Curran; Curtis; Cutmore; Daley; Daniell; Davey(2); Davis(3); Dawe; Day; Dayment; Denley(2); Densham; Derke; Dicker(2); Disney; Distin; Doble; Dodd(3); Dolling; Donnell; Dore; Dottin; Down; Downs; Drake; Drew(2); Drury; Dudor; Duff; Dunn(2); Dyer; Dyment; Dymond(3); Eade; Earle; Early; Easton; Edwards(3); Eggbeer; Elliott; Ellis(2); Elmore; Emmett; Endacott(4); Evans(3); Evens; Everest; Evill; Exell; Fairweather; Farley(2); Farmer; Fay; Fell; Ferris(2); Fewins; Fice; Field; Finch; Finn; Finnimore; Fisher; Fitzgerald; Flipp; Floyd; Folen; Ford(3); Foster; Fouracre; Fowler(2); Fox; French(2); Frost(4); Fry(2); Furneaux(2); Furze(4); Gale; Gard; Gardner; Gee; German; Germon; Gibbs; Gidley; Gifford(2); Gillard; Gilley; Gilpin(3); Glossop; Godfrey(2); Goldsworthy; Gooding; Gorley; Goslin(2); Grant(3); Green; Greenslade; Gribble; Griexson; Guy; Hacker; Hadden; Hadfield; Haines; Hall; Hamlyn(4); Hammett; Hammond; Hampson; Hampton; Hancock; Hannaford; Harding; Hardingham; Hargreaves; Harris(11); Hart; Harvey(8); Hawkins(2); Haydon; Hayward; Head; Heard(3); Heath; Heaward; Heayns; Hellier; Helmore(2); Henderson; Henlow; Henson; Heriot; Hern; Hext; Hexter; Heyward(2); Hicks; Hill(6); Hilton; Hindon; Hitchings; Hoare(5); Hobbs(2); Hockings; Hodge; Holcombe; Hole(2); Hollick; Holloway; Holman(2); Holmes(2); Honeywill; Honywill; Hook; Hookway; Hooper(2); Hore; Horrell; Horsham(2); Hoskings; Howard(2); Howe; Hughes; Humphries; Hunt(3); Huntley; Hurman; Hussell; Hussey; Hutchings(3); Huxham; Hysum; Idler; Ingersent; Ingram; Ireland; Irish; Isaacs; James(3); Japp; Jelley; Jenkins(2); Jennings; Jepson; Johnson(2); Joint; Jordan(3); Joyce; Jury; Kelland; Kelly; Kemming; Kendall; Kerslake; King(3); Kirby; Knott; Knowles; Lambell; Lancey; Lane; Lang(7); Langdon(2); Langley; Laskey; Laud; Lavers; Lawrence; Leaker; Lear; Leare(2); Lee(4); Lemon; Lethbridge; Lewarn; Lewis(2); Ley; Lind; Little; Littley; Llewellyn; Lock; Loomis; Loud; Lovell; Loveridge; Loveys; Luly; Luscombe(2); Lyte; Macfarlane; MacLachlan; MacLeroy; Maddicott; Madge; Major(4); Mance; Mandley; Manning; March; Marks; Marles; Marshall; Martin(5); Martyn; Mason; Matters; Matthews; May; Mayne; McKay; McMurrey; McNeill; Mead; Medland; Michelmore; Middleweek; Miller(2); Millman(3); Milton(2); Mitchell(2); Mitchelmore; Mogridge; Moisey; Monk; Moore(3); Morgan; Morris; Morrish; Morroll; Mortimer(2); Moretimore; Morey; Moss; Moxey; Mudge(2); Mugford; Mugridge; Mullens; Murch; Murrin; Nankivell; Narramore; Newcombe; Newton; Neyle; Nichol; Nicholls; Nichols(2); Norch; Norman(3); Norrish(2); Norsworthy(2); Nortcote; Northcott; Northway(2); Norton; Nott(2); Noyce; Oram; Osborne(2); Owen(2); Paddon; Palk(2); Palmer(2); Pardy; Paris; Parker(3); Parkhouse; Parnell(5); Parr; Parson; Parsons(2); Partridge(4); Pascoe(2); Paterson; Paul; Pearce(3); Pearse; Penellum; Penfold; Penfound; Pengelly; Pengilly; Penny(2); Pepperell; Periam; Perris; Perrow; Perry(2); Perryman(2); Pethrick; Phillips(5); Physicke; Pickard; Pickett; Pidgeon(2); Pidsley; Pike(2); Pile; Pine; Pinkham; Pitts; Podgers; Pollard; Pollyblank; Pope; Potter; Pound; Powlesland(3); Pratt; Priest; Prince; Pritchard; Prowse; Puckey; Purchase; Purdy; Purvis; Pye; Pyle; Quinn; Quinton; Rabjohns(2); Rattenbury; Raymont; Rea; Reed(3); Rendell; Reynolds; Rice(2); Richards; Richardson(2); Ridd; Ridler; Riley; Roach; Roberts; Robinson; Robjohns; Rogers; Rolles; Rooks; Rose; Rowe; Rowell(3); Rowlands; Rowley; Rowsell; Ryder; Salter; Sammels; Sampson(6); Sanders(4); Saunders(5); Scagell; Scawen; Sclater; Scott(2); Searle(3); Selley; Sercombe(2); Sermon; Setters; Shapland; Shapley(2); Shapter; Sharland; Shinner; Shorland; Short(6); Shortland; Sidoti; Simpkins; Skinner(4); Smale; Small; Smeath; Smerdon(2); Smith(4); Snelling; Snow; Spencer; Spendle; Spiller; Stabb; Stables; Stacey; Staddon; Standley; Stapleton; Steele; Steer; Stephens(2); Stevens(4); Stitson; Stockdale; Stockman(2); Stone; Stonelake; Stranger; Stuckey; Surridge; Sweetman; Symons(3); Tapp; Tate; Taverner; Taylor(7); Thomas(5); Thorne(2); Tidball; Tierney; Tindal; Tolley; Towell; Townsend(4); Trapnell; Tratham; Treen; Trethewy; Tribble; Tripp; Truman; Truscott; Tubb(2); Tucker(3); Tuckett; Tully; Tupman; Turner; Turpin; Uglow; Underhay(2); Underhill(3); Vanstone(2); Varder; Veale(2); Venning; Vicary; Vickery; Ville; Vincent; Vivian; Vosper; Voysey; Wadling; Waite; Wakeham; Wale; Wallen(2); Walling(2); Walsh; Walters; Wannell(2); Ward(4); Ware; Warr; Warren(3); Watkins; Watson; Watts(2); Way; Weatherdon(2); Webber(3); Wellings; Wells; West(2); Westaway; Wheaton; White; Whitear(2); Whiteford; Widdicombe; Wigley; Wilce; Wilderspin; Wilkins; Willcocks(2); Williams(12); Wills(3); Wilsmore; Wilson(2); Wingate; Wise; Witfill; Withicombe; Withycombe; Wonnacott; Wood(5); Woodley(2); Woodward; Woolacott; Wotton(2); Wrayford; Wreyford(2); Wyatt(2); Wyman; Wyse; Yabsley; Yea; Youlden; Young(2); Zaple
Saturday 24 January 1874
BISHOPSTEIGNTON - Tragic Occurrence at Bishopsteignton. - A painful occurrence has taken place at Bishopsteignton. A young woman named ANN PETHRICK, 27 years of age, a lady's maid to Mrs Huddlestone, at The Lodge, returned from London, where she had been with her mistress on Monday, the 5th inst., and on the following Tuesday she was taken ill. She went to bed, and it was supposed that she had taken cold whilst on her journey down. She refused to see a doctor, saying that "it was very cruel of them to bring a doctor when she had no wish to see one." On Wednesday and Thursday there were no signs of her getting better, and she was again advised to have medical advice, but she refused, stating that she would soon recover. On Saturday last Mrs Gates, wife of the gardener at "The Lodge", on going to a cupboard in the young woman's room, found the dead body of a male child wrapped up in a shawl. A doctor was sent form, and PETHRICK was accused of being the mother. She at first denied it, but on Sunday evening confessed to Mrs Huddlestone that she had given birth to the child. On Monday Mr Michelmore County Coroner, held an Inquest at which Mr Edwards, surgeon, gave evidence to the effect that the child was fully developed, but he could not say whether it had an independent existence, and an open verdict was returned. The matter has had a still more tragic termination than is usual in such cases, for from the time the discovery was made the unfortunate mother sank gradually, and on Tuesday she died.
Saturday 21 February 1874
PLYMOUTH - Shocking Accident to A Child. - Mr Deputy Coroner Eliott Square and Jury held an Inquest at the Plymouth Guildhall, on Wednesday last, on the body of MARY MAUD NORSWORTHY, a child seven years of age. About half-past eight on Monday morning whilst the mother of the deceased was in her bed in the front room of her house in Exeter-street, the deceased rose to replenish the fire in the back-room. She was in her nightdress, and whilst standing on the fender to place some coke in the grate her linen caught fire. She ran screaming through the passage, and the mother then saw her in a blaze. she threw some bedding over her head, and a person living in the same house enveloped the lower part of her body in a door-mat, and the flames were soon extinguished. By the directions of Dr Hicks the deceased was conveyed to the South Devon Hospital, where she died on Tuesday. The mother said that her daughter went down stairs without her knowledge, for her son had previously lit the fire. The House Surgeon of the Hospital, found that the skin in some places were entirely burnt off, and the remainder was hard and browned. She did not appear to be suffering acutely from pain. A verdict of "Accidental Death" was returned.
Saturday 28 February 1874
PAIGNTON - Fatal Accident to An Actor At Paignton. - An Inquest was held on Wednesday evening, at the New Pier Inn, Paignton, by H. Michelmore, Esq., Coroner, on the body of MR FRANCIS WALTER WATTS, an actor at the Bijon Theatre, in that town, who met with his death on the previous day by falling over the stairs. Mrs Dowell said the deceased used to lodge with her. he first came with her about three weeks ago taking his wife with him. About a quarter after one o'clock on Tuesday morning, after she was in bed, she heard the deceased and his wife enter the house. They usually returned home shortly after eleven o'clock. Before the deceased went up stairs she heard some angry words pass between him and his wife, but she could not say what they were. She remembered, however, his wife ordering him to doors and he replied "I'll go Annie dear, give me my hat." He then went out doors and she heard the door locked, the wife afterwards going upstairs. Just afterwards the deceased knocked at the front door and then he went round to the back of the house and threw gravel up to her (witness's) window. She got up and let him in at the back door. She tried the front door but found that the key had been taken away. She saw the key the next morning on her table, so that it had been taken out by some one. When she let the deceased in he did not speak to her, but made a sign with a little stick he had in his hand to go to bed quietly, and he went into his sitting room. She then went to bed and she thought "dozed" a bit. Presently she heard the wife go down stairs and enter the room where he was and some words as though in anger, spoken by the wife, but the deceased seemed penitent - she meant his words seemed those of kindness. She did not hear him make use of any angry words at all. The deceased afterwards went up stairs leaving his wife down, and presently she heard her come up and directly she came up she asked deceased to go down stairs again to fetch the matches. He said "I will Annie dear," and she fancied he then left to go down stairs. She thought she heard him go down over one or two steps when he fell to the bottom. he made no noise after the fall. His wife said "Then you are down Frank?" She thought this was also said angrily as though she could not help her temper. After this she heard a gurgling as if in the throat, and she (witness) exclaimed to her husband "The man is dying," and then the wife of the deceased came into her room and took a light which she had just struck and went downstairs, she (witness) following her. When the wife got to the bottom of the stairs she cried out dreadfully, saying that he was murdered, or killed, or something of that sort. The deceased was lying at the bottom of the stairs, insensible, but not dead. His wife held up his head, and she (witness) called a neighbour named Joseph Elliott, and he came at once. She did not hear any footsteps from the bedroom to the top of the stairs but the deceased's. There was one step from the bedroom to the landing, and to come down the stairs, which were rather steep, deceased must turn to the right. Her bedroom door was opposite the deceased's, and she heard no scuffling at all; nor did she consider the deceased was drunk, as she saw him walk from the back door to the sitting-room. Deceased died about two hours after she went to him and about half-an-hour before Mr Pridham came. Mr W. Dowell gave corroborative evidence. Mr Wm. H. Crute, landlord of the Commercial Hotel, said on Monday night last, about twenty-five after eleven o'clock he was at the door of his house, when he saw the deceased and his wife pass. He spoke to them, but they did not have anything to drink. They appeared to be going home. She had been to his house before, and left about eleven o'clock. The wife was then tipsy. She came in just before, and he refused to draw anything. The last time he spoke to the deceased he was quite sober. Mr Pridham, surgeon, said he had examined the body, and on the left eye he found a very extensive effusion of blood. An extension fracture of the skull, extending from the left eye to the top of the head. Blood had issued from his nostrils and ears, so that he had no doubt whatever but that the base of the skull was also fractured, which would produce death very quickly. The injuries were such as would be produced from a fall downstairs. The Jury returned a verdict of "Accidental Death."
Saturday 14 March 1874
TORQUAY - Fatal Canoe Accident near Torquay. - The body of ALFRED ERNEST CROWDY, the young gentleman who was drowned whilst canoeing off Anstis Cove, on Thursday last week, was picked up on Wednesday off Hope's Nose, and an Inquest was held the same evening before Mr H. Michelmore, County Coroner, at Ilsham, a villa in the Middle Warberry-road, the residence of the parents of the unfortunate deceased. The evidence went to show that the deceased, though Thomas, the boatman, tried to persuade him against it, went out from Anstis Cove in a canoe about three o'clock, the water being very smooth at the time. He was able to manage the canoe well, but after being out about half-an-hour, and when three parts of a mile from shore, the deceased was observed to lean over on one side, apparently for the purpose of catching hold of some floating object. The canoe immediately turned over and capsized and the deceased fell into the water. He called out for Thomas, made an unsuccessful attempt to catch hold of the keel of the canoe, and then sank. A young man who had seen the occurrence through a glass on a high hill over-looking Anstis Cove at once gave the alarm, and within a few minutes two or three boats were pulled to the spot. The canoe was found bottom up, with the deceased's cap, the footboard, and the sponge floating close by. No trace of the body was seen, however, and although lines and creeps were used, the efforts to find it were not successful until Wednesday. The Jury returned a verdict of Accidental Death, and through Sergeant Board gave their fees to the Torbay Infirmary. The Coroner advised Thomas not to allow young gentlemen who could not swim to go out in his canoes for the future.
Saturday 21 March 1874
BOVEY TRACEY - An Inquest was held on Saturday, at the Cottage Hospital, Bovey Tracey, by Dr Gay, Deputy Coroner, on the body of WILLIAM WANNELL. On the afternoon of the previous Thursday, he fell from waggon that he was driving, the wheels passing over his body. He died the following evening. Verdict, "Accidental Death."
Thursday 28 March 1874
BRIXHAM - The Missing Seaman From The "Torbay Lass." - Mr Michelmore, County Coroner, resumed the adjourned Enquiry at Brixham on Monday, into the death of a seaman, named BENNETT, who was one o the crew of the "Torbay Lass." Whilst the vessel was lying in Torbay, he and the mate were left alone on board. Shortly afterwards the vessel was boarded, and deceased was reported to be missing, and sometime afterwards his dead body was washed ashore. At the Inquest it was stated that the mate had been on very bad terms with deceased. The Inquest had been adjourned from time t time, and a summons was served upon Good, the mate, whilst he was at Falmouth, ordering him to appear and give evidence. Neglecting to comply with this demand the Coroner issued a warrant, and he was brought from Wisbeach. A lad named Martin, an apprentice on board the vessel, stated that a few days before he was missed, deceased told him that he had tried to drown himself. He had never seen anyone ill-treat him. Good also gave evidence, which in some particulars contradicted that of other witnesses, and he handed in a written protest against his treatment in being brought from Wisbeach. After nearly an hour's consultation the Jury returned a verdict of "Found Drowned."
Saturday 2 May 1874
Killed by By A Bullock. - The Devonshire County Coroner held an Inquest concerning the death of an elderly man named SAMUEL RYDER. He was just recovering from illness, and was walking outside his house at the village of Street, leaning on sticks, when a bullock which was being driven to slaughter, attacked him, threw him three times high in the air, gored him frightfully and left him dying. The animal then attacked its driver, chased him some distance, and when he jumped into an orchard the bullock followed him over the wall, but the driver escaped. Guns were then procured, and the bullock was shot.
TORQUAY - An Inquest was held at the Torbay Infirmary on Friday evening last on the body of RICHARD REED, a carpenter, residing at Victoria Park. The deceased was engaged a short time since in laying some joists at a building at Kent's Terrace, when by some means he fell off from a wall about thirteen feet high, breaking his arm and receiving other injuries, from the effects of which he died last week. The Jury, of which Mr John
Giles was the foreman, returned a verdict of "Accidental Death." The Jury fees were given, through Sergt. Board to the Infirmary.
NEWTON ABBOT - An Idiot Poisoned In The Workhouse. - An Inquest was held in the Board-room of the Newton Workhouse, on Monday evening, by H. Michelmore, Esq., on the body of an idiot named ELIZABETH HELMORE, a girl about 16 years of age, who died on the previous day through drinking, it is supposed, carbolic acid.
Mr John Moxey, the master of the Workhouse, said the deceased had been an inmate of the house about eleven months, and was a native of Dawlish. She was about 16 years of age, and was in the house on account of her being an idiot. Her father was a labourer. She was a complete idiot, and could not even speak. Idiots were not kept together, as the Commissioner in Lunacy said they got worse thereby. They were therefore allowed to associate with other paupers, but they were always under the charge of a nurse. The deceased was under the charge of Agnes Dobell. A female had been placed in one of the wards, and in consequence of an ailment she suffered from a very offensive smell prevailed in the room. Complaints were made, and consequently a small quantity of carbolic acid was obtained by Agnes Dobell and placed in the ward for the purpose of disinfecting. It was placed in the ward on Saturday, and on the following day (Sunday) when he returned home from chapel about one o'clock, he was told by the porter that the deceased had taken a portion of it. He instantly went to her room and found that she had died about a minute or so previously.
Susan Bartlett, nurse, said she remembered when the deceased was admitted into the house. The deceased was not violent, but very mischievous. There were five others in the ward, but only the deceased was an idiot. Agnes Dobell had charge of the ward. She used to feed the deceased, and generally to look after her. On Saturday last Rose Hellier came to her for some carbolic acid for Agnes Dobell, for the purpose of disinfecting the ward. She told her to take a little out of the jar, but she did not know how much she took. On Sunday morning about nine o'clock she went into the ward where the deceased was, but she did not see any carbolic acid there. The deceased then was walking about in the yard. She saw her in the yard again at eleven. About half-an-hour afterwards a woman called her to come to the infection ward, as the deceased had taken some of the carbolic acid that was in the jar. She went and found Dobell, Rose Hellier, the Matron and several others there. The deceased was lying on the bed. She did not appear to be in any pain and did not move. She gave her some warm water and mustard to make her sick. She drank at least three pints very readily, but she only brought up white froth. In the meantime Dr Haydon came and ordered some arrowroot to be given her. He came again about ten minutes after she expired. The deceased was always well taken care of. Agnes Dobell especially paying her always every attention. Whilst the doctor was there she examined the pot in which the carbolic acid had been placed, and found about three teaspoonfuls of the liquid still remaining; could not say how much had been removed. In answer to one of the jurymen (Mr Strike) witness said it was not usual for the inmates to take carbolic acid from the jar; it was generally served out to them. It was her duty to serve it out, and she admitted to being a little careless.
Rose Hellier, a pauper, said she was in the habit of washing out the ward which the deceased occupied; she was so engaged on Saturday last, when Mrs Dobell, the nurse, asked her to fetch some "stuff" to disinfect the ward. She went to Mrs Bartlett, who directed her to take some, and she did so and took it to Mrs Dobell. On Sunday morning she noticed the pot containing the liquid under a chair on which the deceased was sitting. Just afterwards she saw the deceased in a very distressed state. She could not walk. Did not see her drink any of the liquid, but there was not as much in it after the deceased fell sick as before.
Agnes Dobell said that when the last witness brought her the carbolic acid she placed it under a chair in the ward, because it should not be knocked over. Did not see the deceased drink any of the liquid. Hellier said she had because the deceased's lips were very white. On examining the pot she also discovered a portion of the liquid gone. In answer to Mr Rose, a Juryman, witness said Rose Hellier was subject to fits, but she was sane and was quite sure she did not give any of the liquid to the deceased. Miss Ann Mance, the Matron, was called and she stated that the deceased was very dirty in her habits, but she had every reason to believe she received every care and attention alike from Rose Hellier and Mrs Dobell. Rose Hellier was subject to fits but could be trusted. Dr Haydon said he was fetched to see the deceased just before noon on Sunday. He found her in a state of collapse, and perfectly insensible. He was told of what she was suspected to have taken, and hearing she had been made to vomit he smelled her dress which had been stained by the vomit, and he then smelled the carbolic acid very strongly. he ordered the arrowroot to be given to her to dilute the poison. He afterwards left to make up some medicine. He returned again shortly afterwards, and as he entered the room Mr Moxey said, "She is now dead." He was unable to say if a small quantity of carbolic acid would cause death. He had looked carefully over Dr Taylor's established work, and could find no mention made of carbolic acid; nor was he aware of the symptoms produced by this liquid. He had no doubt it was a poison. She was dying when he saw her first, and he left in order to prepare an emetic for her. Whilst the Coroner was summing up the evidence to the Jury, Rose Hellier, who was in the room was attacked with a fit, and had to be removed. Mr Foss thought the liquid ought not to be placed about in wards where the inmates could get at it. Disinfectant fluids were generally used in his house by being sprinkled over the floor. The Coroner thought this would hardly have answered in this case, as an offensive smell was continuously arising from one of the paupers; nor did he see any blame could be attached in the present instance to Mrs Bartlett, as the death of the girl could not be attributed to any act of hers. Had, however, anything serious occurred to Rose Hellier, who was allowed to take the liquid, a new serious feature would have been imported into the case. The Jury, after a short consideration, returned a verdict, "That deceased poisoned herself by taking the carbolic acid whilst in a state of Unsound Mind, and recommended that greater care should be exercised in the use of the poisonous liquid in wards for the future."
NEWTON ABBOT - Fatal Accident Near the Newton Railway Station. - An Inquest was held in the Board-room of the Newton Abbot Workhouse, on Friday, by Dr Gaye, on the body of WILLIAM STOCKMAN, about 40 years of age, and a single man, of St Mary Church, who was accidentally killed on the previous day by a quantity of earth falling on him whilst at work in constructing a new line of railway from Newton to Torquay. Mr Barrow, the contractor, was present, during the Enquiry
Charles John Blank, a cabman of Torquay, identified the deceased, who was his brother-in-law, as WILLIAM STOCKMAN. The deceased was at his house on Sunday last. William Rowell, labourer, of South Knighton, said, yesterday he was working with the deceased on the railway near the Newton station, filling waggons. He (witness) was engaged digging out earth from the bank in Ford cutting, and the deceased and another man were engaged filling the waggon. One of the men saw the dirt falling and he called out and all three ran away. The deceased leaving his shovel behind made an attempt to recover it, when a large lump of earth caught him in the heels and threw him down and he got embedded in earth up to his chest. The deceased died about an hour afterwards. It was about two ton of earth that fell on deceased. There was a man on the top of the bank on the look out but this earth gave way from the middle. The deceased was rather deaf, but he was aware of the earth falling as quickly as he did. he was perfectly sensible when they took him out and was able to give his name and address. Thomas Isaacs, ganger, said he was engaged walking on the top of the embankment on the look out to give an alarm in case he saw any earth giving way. he did not see the earth fall on deceased, nor did he notice any signs of earth giving way. The earth fell in a lump from about ten feet high. The Jury returned a verdict of "Accidental Death."
Saturday 9 May 1874
HARBERTON - A fatal accident occurred on Monday, at Mr Knapman's Edge Tool Works, Harberton. GEORGE FOSTER, one of the workmen, was sharpening a tool on a grinding stone, about four feet in diameter, driven by water, when the friction caused the bearings to become overheated, and the stone flew in pieces. FOSTER was killed on the spot, being struck on the head and chest by pieces of the stone, and hurled a distance of twenty yards. He leaves a wife and four children, the youngest of whom is only a few days old. An Inquest was held at Hill, near Harberton, before H. Michelmore, Esq., Coroner, and a Jury of whom Mr Henry Whiteway was foreman. The witnesses examined stated that on Monday last, in the afternoon, the deceased was engaged in sharpening the edge of a tool on a grinding stone about four feet in diameter, worked by water power, and in consequence of the friction overheating the bearing, it caused the stone to burst, striking the deceased on the head and chest, causing instantaneous death. The Jury returned a verdict of "Accidental Death," and handed their fees to the widow.
Saturday 23 May 1874
NEWTON ABBOT - An Inquest was held at the Town Hall, Newton, on Tuesday, before Mr H. Michelmore, Coroner, touching the death of JOHN WILLIAM WOTTON, aged three months, the illegitimate child of MARY WOTTON, living in Newton. The child was found dead in bed on Sunday morning. The Jury having heard the evidence of several witnesses, including a surgeon, returned a verdict of "Death from Natural Causes."
TEIGNMOUTH - Fatal Accident On The river Teign - An Inquest was held on Tuesday by Mr H. Michelmore, Coroner, on the bodies of ARTHUR FREDERIC HILTON and GEORGE CAMPBELL, two lads who were drowned by the upsetting of a boat on Sunday afternoon in the river Teign. JAMES CAMPBELL, a labourer, residing at West Teignmouth, identified one of the bodies as that of his son, and he would be 13 years of age next August. He last saw him alive on Sunday last. He left his house about two o'clock in the afternoon, saying he was going to Coombe Cellars with the boys at the Queen. On Sunday evening he was told his boy was supposed to be drowned. He was in a boat with a man named Joseph Heirs on Monday, when they picked up the body near Cole's Barn. He recognised it as that of his son. Never saw him swim but had heard him say he could swim a little. JOHN HALSTED HILTON said he was a gentleman residing at Haverstock-hill, London. One of the deceased was his only son, and he lived with Mr Chapman as a billiard marker. He last saw him alive in January. Eliza Hitchcock, a young woman living at Teigngrove-terrace, Teignmouth, said; On Sunday last she was in a boat going up the river. Jane Rice, George Rich, and another little boy were in the boat. She saw a boat coming down the river with five boys in it. As the boys were changing oars the boat upset and they were all thrown into the water. She called to a man who was in a boat near them, and he got to them before they did, and when they came up he had three of the boys in his boat and another of the boys was picked up by another boat. It was a small boat the boys were in. Did not hear them calling out before the boat upset. - James Hook, a waterman, living at Globe Lane, Teignmouth, said he was in a boat with a lady and gentleman on Sunday last, going up the river about a quarter to five. He did not see the boat upset, but he heard females calling to him to save some boys. He looked around and saw what seemed to him a lot of bottles in the water. They were a good distance from him. He went to their rescue and picked up three boys. He did not see any boat. He took the three boys to a house on the shore near where the boat upset; he saw another boy swimming up the river, and he was picked up by another boat. One of the boys he picked up seemed worse than the other two. He went for Dr Lake, and he came and then the boys seemed better. The boat they were in belongs to Mr Cox. He considered it was a safe boat. Frederic Chapman said he used to live in London, but now at the Queen Hotel. He was not quite sixteen years old. He knew the two boys who were drowned. On Sunday he went to Coombe Cellars with them, and Robert Davy and George Trace. They went by boat, and he had been in the same boat before. They left Coombe Cellars about five o'clock. They had there to drink two quarts of cider, three pints of beer, and two bottles of ginger-beer. They did not drink all the beer nor all the cider. Robert Davy and George Trace were pulling when they left Coombe Cellars. They pulled about a quarter of a mile. He and ARTHUR HILTON were going to take the oars, and they got on one side of the boat. ARTHUR HILTON fell and witness fell over him; the other three rushed to the other side of the boat thinking to balance it, but upset it and all fell into the water. Davy and Trace could swim a little; witness nor the others could not swim. They had not been doing anything in the boat, and they did not bring any liquor in the boat when they left Coombe Cellars. George Trace, living at French-street, Teignmouth, and Robert Davy, living at East Teignmouth, (the other two boys who were rescued,) corroborated the last witness's evidence. Dr Edwards said, on Sunday evening he was sent for by Mrs Chapman to see HILTON. He found him in a dying state. he died on Monday morning about half-past two o'clock, and in his opinion from exhaustion from being in the water so long. The Jury without any hesitation returned a verdict of "Accidental Death."
Saturday 6 June 1874
BUCKFASTLEIGH - Inquest - On Friday an Inquest was held respecting the death of JOHN FURNEAUX, a hawker, who committed suicide on Thursday, by hanging himself to a bed. He was stated to have been drinking excessively for upwards of a fortnight. After dinner on Thursday deceased went upstairs, for the purpose, he said, of lying down, but, when found at tea-time, his body, which was suspended to the bed in a stooping position, and quite rigid. Deceased, who was unmarried and 60 years of age, lived with a niece at Buckfastleigh. The Jury returned the following verdict:- "Temporary insanity, accelerated by excessive drinking."
NEWTON ABBOT - Alarming Accident On The South Devon Railway. - A Stoker Killed. An accident of a very alarming character, and which, we regret to state, has already been attended with the loss of one life, occurred between Newton and Totnes, about two o'clock on Tuesday morning. A luggage train made up mostly of empty trucks, left Newton for Plymouth, and proceeded all right till it had reached the bottom of the incline about a mile and a half from the Totnes station, when the engine "Hercules," which had only come out of the shed at Newton repaired on the previous day, unaccountably left the metals, and the trucks suddenly snapping the coupling chain from it, it ran on to the up line, where it turned over on its side, throwing the driver, Charles Daw, and the stoker, WM. STEVENS, violently out. The former was severely cut about the head, and was likewise scalded very much about the neck and shoulders by the steam from the engine. STEVENS was even more unfortunate, for although not so badly cut as the other, he fell where the boiling water poured on him, and he was so severely scalded, that he died about two o'clock on Tuesday afternoon.
The trucks, some on the line and about a dozen off, after the coupling chain of the engine had been broken, proceeded at least a quarter of a mile further on the line before they came to a standstill, four or five of them being smashed to pieces, and strewn all over the line. Had the accident occurred a minute before, a collision with another luggage train would have been inevitable. In fact, the up train had no sooner passed than the driver of it heard a crash, followed with a great noise, resulting from the escape of steam from the engine. Believing some thing very serious had occurred to the down train, they at once pulled up, and on going back they found the engine across the line, and the two poor fellows mentioned above, in a very pitiable condition. STEVENS, had, however, recovered his footing, and was in the act of getting over the railing alongside of the line. They were taken up, placed in the rear of the up luggage train, and taken on to Newton. At Dainton tunnel, they informed the pointsman of what had occurred, and he telegraphed on to Newton, so that by the time the train reached the station, Dr Gaye and Dr Drake were in attendance. The poor fellows were removed to the Cottage Hospital, where STEVENS lingered in great agony for about twelve hours, when death put an end to his sufferings. He was perfectly conscious up to within an hour of his death, and repeatedly inquired after his mate. The deceased was a very steady and respectable young man, and was beloved and esteemed by everyone. So serious are the injuries Dawe sustained that faint hopes are entertained of his recovery. The traffic was interrupted for several hours. The luggage and mail bags of the down early mail train had to be transferred, as had also, that of one or two of the other up and down morning trains, but the line was cleared in time for the 8.35 a.m. fast express from Plymouth to pass. Comparatively little damage was done to the engine, nor were the trucks much damaged. The cause of the engine leaving the line is a mystery; and so quickly did it turn over on its side when off the metals, that the driver had not time even to blow the alarm whistle.
THE INQUEST. - An Inquest on the body of STEVENS was held on Tuesday evening by H. Michelmore, coroner, at the Cottage Hospital. JOHN STEVENS, a labourer, working at the station, and residing at No. 22, Quay-road, said:- Deceased is my son and was 20 years of age this day. For some time past he has been working at the Newton station as a "spare fireman." He left home for the purpose of working down a special goods train. I did not see him again till about three o'clock this morning, when I saw him on the Newton station, and I accompanied him in a fly to this house. The deceased was perfectly sensible. He was in the waiting-room, and as soon as he heard my voice he called out for me. He said: "Father, do come in and take care of me before I die. I am scalded to death." I said, "You may get better my boy," and he replied, "Oh father, never." I remained with him till his death, which occurred this afternoon. He said he could not tell how the accident happened. - At this stage the Inquest was adjourned to Thursday.
The adjourned Inquest on the body of WILLIAM AUGUSTUS STEVENS was resumed on Thursday, at the Town Hall, before H. Michelmore, Esq., Coroner.
John Waldron, a porter on the South Devon Railway, said he knew the deceased. On Monday last he was in charge of a special goods train. He left Newton on Tuesday morning at 12.35 a.m., as head guard. It was his (witness's) duty to see that everything was alright before leaving Newton Station. The train consisted of 26 goods vans and carriage trucks and an engine. Charles Dawe was the driver, and the deceased was stoker. he examined the train before it left Newton both sides, and it was all right. He rode in the last vehicle. There was another guard, John Heywood, and he rode in the brake van. They stopped near the Torquay Junction to divide the train, as it was too heavy to go up Denton incline altogether. They arrived at Denton tunnel at two o'clock. The train was then united, and they proceeded down the incline, and he did not know anything had happened until his carriage passed the engine, which at the time was turned over on its side on the other line. He first felt something knock against the carriage, and he immediately put on the break. He did not hear any break whistle. As soon as he heard the guard of the up train calling to him he went back to see what was the matter. He had a lamp, and he first saw George Cole, the guard of the up goods train, and Dawe and the deceased. The front part of the goods train was off the line, but the remainder twelve or thirteen trucks remained on the line. He found the engine in a field and about 250 yards behind the train. Dawe and deceased were about a yard from the engine lying on some large stones; they were crying for help and begged that they would take their clothes off. They were frightfully injured and they were placed in the last van of the up train and taken to Newton. He considered it must have been the tender of the engine that struck his van. The lamp outside of the van was knocked off and a pane of glass in the carriage broken.
John Heywood, a porter, said he worked as second guard. The first intimation he had of the accident was by a quantity of smoke and steam rushing into his van. He immediately applied the break and as soon as the train was brought to a stand still he got out and went to the front part of the train and saw several trucks across the up line. A timber waggon in front of the rest, was tipped up across both lines. He did not at first see the engine, but heard someone calling out, and he went back and saw it upset in a field alongside of the line. He thought the steam and smoke came in his carriage as he passed the engine. He could not form any idea what caused it to run off as the line was perfectly clear. He found the buffers and the coupling chains of the front waggons torn quite off.
George Cole, a goods guard, said he was in charge of a goods train on Monday night from Plymouth to Exeter. He passed the down goods train at the foot of the Dainton incline, Totnes side. The train was divided, and he was in the after part of it. As soon as the down train had passed he heard the escape of a sudden gust of steam and jumped out of his van, but could see nothing. He was about fifty yards from the accident. He went down and first came to STEVENS, who was on his hands and knees making a terrible noise and crying for help. Dawe he found closer to the engine. The down train was 50 to 100 yards further on. He should think the train was going very fast at the time, from 25 to 30 miles an hour. They were running faster than they generally ran. Twenty miles per hour was what we were allowed to run, except special trains, which were allowed to go faster. Witness went on to Newton with the two men, and stopped at Dainton to tell the signalman to telegraph to Newton for medical aid.
J. Wright, Esq., superintendent of the Locomotive Department, stated that STEVENS had been in their employ since January 6th, 1873. He had been engaged on an engine nearly the whole of the time as spare fireman. It was his duty therefore to go with special goods, or to take another's place if required. He was a steady man and very good stoker. They never employed a stoker under 19 years of age. He considered STEVENS quite capable of being stoker.
C. E. Compton, Esq., traffic superintendent, said he first heard of the occurrence about five o'clock on Tuesday morning. He went at once to the scene of the accident, and found the train as described by the previous witnesses. The truck was in the field with the engine. The permanent way was torn up for about a quarter of a mile, but whether done by the engine or trucks he could not say. The line, however, was not so much damaged as he expected. The same timber and rails were used again. He could not discover anything to account for the accident. The speed of a goods train was not allowed to exceed 20 miles an hour, and this regulation was set out in the book of rules, copies of which all drivers and stokers were supplied with. Where he found the first mark on the permanent way there was a curve. The speed was limited to 20 miles an hour for safety, because if running at a greater speed a luggage train would be more likely to leave the rails.
Mr J. J. Drake, surgeon, said the deceased was received into the hospital about three o'clock on Tuesday morning. He first saw him at the station, but did not examine him there. He saw he was burnt about the hands, and had him removed with Dawe as quickly as possible to the hospital, where he examined them with Dr Gaye. He found the deceased burnt all over, in fact, his skin came off with his clothes. He died on the same day about two o'clock from the effects of the burns and scalds. John Waldron was recalled, who said the truck that was in the field was next to the engine.
The Coroner in summing up pointed out that at the time of the down goods passing Cole's van something was off the line. It seemed to him it must have been a truck, for he could not conceive that the engine driver or stoker could have gone the distance referred to by Mr Compton without knowing something was wrong if the engine had been off the line. If the poor fellows were running the train at a greater speed than allowed by the regulation, and thus causing the accident they alone were only to blame for it. This mystery could not be solved at present as the other poor fellow Dawe was still very ill and he feared he would die. The Jury after a short consultation returned a verdict of "Accidental Death." They gave their fees to the Cottage Hospital.
Saturday 20 June 1874
TEIGNMOUTH - Found Drowned. A man, whose name at present is unknown, was found drowned on Monday near the Warren. Mary Tarr, the keeper of some bathing machines near the spot first saw the deceased, and, calling Joseph Wright's (a packer) attention to it, he took the body out of the water. He was sadly knocked about the face and head, but Mr A. Baker, who examined the body, was of opinion these injuries were caused after death. Mr Baker was also of opinion deceased came to his death by drowning. The deceased had no coat or hat on, and on his shirt was marked the name Bryce, and in his pocket he had 1s. 6d. and a black stud. An Inquest has been held and a verdict of "Found Drowned" returned. Up to the time when the Inquest was held on the body the name of the deceased was unknown. It has since been ascertained that the deceased was called GEORGE MORTIMER. He was a native of Teignmouth, and n the day when he met his death, he left home for the purpose of going to Exmouth. As there was a precipice near where the body of the deceased was found, it is supposed MORTIMER accidentally fell off, and thus met with his death. He has a wife in service at Torquay.
Saturday 4 July 1874
STONEHOUSE - Horrible Murder of a Paramour and Attempted Suicide of the Murderer. - A terrible tragedy was enacted at Stonehouse on Monday. In a house which was formerly a public house called the Newcastle Inn, situate in Fore-st., lived a married woman called BRIDGET CASEY, whose husband is a petty office on board H.M.S. Aurora. The woman who was about thirty years of age and good looking has for some years past been leading a dissolute life, and for at least twelve months has been keeping the house as a brothel. She had formed the acquaintance some five years ago of a private in the Royal Marines named THOMAS MCDONALD, who has since been cohabiting with her. He has for some time past been in the Royal Naval Hospital, at Stonehouse, suffering from a fracture, and was discharged from the service on the 9th of June last, after a servitude of ten years and two hundred days. While in the hospital, MCDONALD shewed himself to be of a determined character, and he tried very hard to get discharged last Christmas, but this was not permitted. Since his discharge the man has been cohabiting with CASEY, and in their joint names MCDONALD had put away £13 odd in the Union Savings Bank, the payments extending from April, 1872, to February in the present year. On Sunday last the women living in CASEY'S house heard high words passing between her and MCDONALD, who declared that the furniture in the house had been bought with his money, while CASEY declared that it was her property. There was also some contention between them regarding some men that the women was acquainted with. During the night the women heard nothing of MCDONALD and his paramour, who occupied a back room on the ground floor. Nothing more was seen or heard of the pair up to Monday morning, when some of the women tried to get into the room, and found the door was locked. At first no notice was taken of this, but as the morning advanced groans were heard proceeding from the room, and the women and neighbours became alarmed. The men around feared legal consequences if they forced an entry and discovered that nothing unusual had occurred; but shortly before one o'clock two of the unfortunate women who lived in the house came to the Stonehouse Police-station and stated their apprehensions that something had happened. Police-constable Osborne immediately went to the house, but meanwhile, William White, landlord of the Army and Navy Inn, a neighbouring public house, had, with others, broken in the door of the room. A horrible sight presented itself. The woman CASEY, and her companion were lying on their backs on the floor, both apparently lifeless. The woman, it was at once seen, had been murdered. She had her clothes on, but her boots had been taken off by the murderer and put under her head. By her side was lying the leg of a bedstead covered with blood, with which the murderous deed had evidently been committed. Her skull had been smashed in with this weapon, and a portion of the brain was visible. She was covered with blood, with her head fearfully cut, while the room was covered with clotted blood. Mr Pearse pronounced the woman to have been dead some hours. MCDONALD was lying by the woman's side apparently dead, but it was quickly discovered that he was only unconscious and after water had been administered he recovered consciousness in a quarter of an hour. He had his trousers and boots on, but his throat was cut, and he was covered with blood. By his side lay an open razor covered with blood, and in a cup close at hand the dregs of rat poison composition - sugar of lead - which he had taken. Upon being questioned by White, MCDONALD said he had taken nine pennyworth of poison and he had murdered the woman for justice, and for justice only. Had he been discharged from the hospital last Christmas the murder, he said, would not have taken place. He declared that he cared not for any doctors in the world that they might send for. He wanted to die, and he would die, adding that he would not eat anything until he was dead. He was asked at what time he had taken the poison, and was understood to say at eight o'clock that morning, and that he had cut his throat afterwards. He also said that he had murdered the woman at midnight. It seems that MCDONALD had been drinking heavily of late, but appeared to know perfectly what he had been about. The woman was left in the house, and the murderer removed to the Royal Naval Hospital. Before his removal he called particular attention to the confession he had left, and which was taken care of by the police. The confession, which seems to have been written in the night after the murder had been committed, and before he attempted suicide, was written incoherently in pencil on foolscap. The following is a slightly corrected copy: "Friends and brethren, which I may call all, as we all proceeded from one father and mother, I wanted this woman to go with her husband, and said that she should have the money in the bank, or all if she liked. I said also that if I found out any other bad works of hers that she would suffer the fate that she now undergoes. She called me everything but a gentleman, and continued to do so, and for that I ended her days, and for going with other men. She would swear she never went with any other men, but I can prove that she did, and now for the deed, in tears, I lament the sinful life I spent with her. It is time for me to repent, and think on eternity. The day is coming fast that we shall al go at last to answer for the past and think on eternity. Good Christians, will you know how our souls have been exposed in every sinful road in which we have taken delight, watching, cursing, and blaspheming, and annoying our neighbours, morning, noon and night. Lust and fornication and vile insinuation bring more damnation on our poor sinful souls, priding in each action of scandal and detraction, and all these sinful actions. I never could control myself on the holy sabbath, which God Himself has made, in holy works and prayers. We all that day should join the holy congregations in pious exaltation to the holy elevation of the Sunday service. We all should go. I was always true, and never deceived my dear BRIDGET of a penny; but she deceived me in every respect, after me buying nearly all the things in the house. She said I had nothing to do with anything in the house, and was always tormenting, and wanted the things. Let all young women beware, and don't torment men too long, for if they do they shall surely suffer what my dear BRIDGET suffered. I and she shall soon have to go to see the Lord; and I say in this note, before God, that I did not know any other woman but her since I met her about five years ago, although she may say different. But, still, God have mercy on her soul, and also on my own poor soul, for she and I were always pleasant until a strange party came between us. There is £13 odd in the bank. give it to the poor for to pray for her, and I will poison myself in case I can get sugar of lead. I am afraid I will be taken before I can end my life. The chest of drawers is for Susanna, and all her mother's clothes and furniture are poor the poor of the town to pray for our souls. Of the other £6 8s. 9 1/2d. (the money in the purse) give two pounds to the Catholic priest to read masses for me and my dear BRIDGET, and the remainder to Scott, and also one suit of clothes that he made for me. Give all my other clothes to Mrs Sullivan's husband. I forgive the world, and hope the Lord will forgive me. Never tell any of my relations that ever I was in Plymouth, in case my pension will be given up. Give it to all the pensioners to remember me. Divide fair, and serve all alike. I hope I shall be in heaven along with poor BRIDGET. God bless both of us." On another piece of paper the prisoner wrote (after some sentences unfit for publication) that he owed Dr McShare a grudge, and continued - "Colonel Penrose is the whole cause of this, in not granting night passes; and he had better take care of himself, the villain, that ought to do to others as he wished to be done to. I am sorry for the act she tempted me to, both night and day, and I believe she and I were born to a bad fate; although I am a man of justice, and nothing but justice for me. Deceived I will not be. If I cannot by fair I will by foul means perform justice." On another paper the prisoner wrote - "My dearly beloved, - You are dead, and I will soon after follow you. In case I was married to you, you would not have lived half so long: but still, I loved you dearly, and always did until you betrayed me on account of others; but you have no chance although I loved you dear. Yourself caused me to commit the dreadful deed. But I would take you to Australia, or any other part where you would come willingly, only for your connections here close handy, and in the Lord Warden. I won't mention those things. If she had trusted those men she would have had but 3s. a week and her clothes in pawn, as when I met her." Here followed some unintelligible writing, but the letter concludes - "I hope God will forgive them all." MCDONALD is in custody of the police at the hospital. There were two women in the house on the night of the murder, but no noise was heard by them. The prisoner will be brought before the magistrates should he recover. The murdered woman has two children - a boy and a girl grown up. Both have been living away from home. The murderer, who is 30 years of age, has borne a bad character. Last October, in carrying a bucket of water he broke his collar bone. He went into the hospital on the 25th of October, and was a very troublesome patient. He left the hospital on the 12th June, and received full pay - £8 - a few days after. The prisoner has a medal for service in the Abyssinian war, when he was stationed on board the Octavia. From the 9th of June, 1874, his pension (£15 4s.) commenced. In the room where the murder was committed was the prisoner's bank book, a knife with stains of poison on it, and a purse containing the amount of money mentioned in the confession. The prisoner is a powerfully-built man, 5ft. 7in. in height, with dark hair and grey eyes.
The Inquest was held on Tuesday afternoon at the Market House Inn, when Dr Sleman, the Deputy Coroner, sat with a Jury to investigate the circumstances connected with the tragedy. After the Jury had viewed the battered remains they returned and heard the evidence of the following witnesses:- Jane Phillips, Messrs. W. White, S. Holwell, and Dr T. Pearse. The Coroner then proceeded to sum up, and in so doing alluded to the energy the police had exhibited in the case. The Jury would need no long address from him, for the case was clear, and there was doubt whatever that the deceased was murdered by MCDONALD. The case could not be construed into one of manslaughter. The Jury immediately returned a verdict of "Wilful Murder" against MCDONALD.
Saturday 25 July 1874
TEIGNMOUTH - Five Persons Dead At Teignmouth. The Boatman Committed For Manslaughter. - Considerable consternation was occasioned at Teignmouth, about noon on Saturday, by a report being circulated that five persons (four young women and a young man) had been drowned within a few yards of the beach, opposite the mouth of the railway tunnel, near East Teignmouth Church, by the upsetting of a boat. The report we regret to say, proved too true. Teignmouth and Dawlish just at this time of the year are places of great resorts for excursionists. On Saturday last an excursion ran for the employees at Messrs. Robinson, printers, &c. of Bristol. Nearly 200 persons, most of them being females, comprised the party. Some got out at Dawlish, and others at Teignmouth. Among those who got out at the former place were AGNES SAUNDERS, EMILY LLEWELLYN, LILLY BOWRING, ELIZA BOVEY and WALTER LOVELL. After a while they fell in company with some young men, and then it was agreed that they should take a boat and row to Teignmouth. It was a beautiful day, the sun shone brightly, and very little wind was astir, but such as there was blew from the East, which generally created a deal of surf along the coast between Dawlish and Teignmouth. they engaged a boat of a man named Payne, not be any manner an experienced boatman, and he agreed to take ten of them to Teignmouth at 6d. a head. The boat only measured 14 ft. by 5ft. so that it was well filled. Payne assuring them it was perfectly safe, they went. They proceeded all right till after passing the [portion of paper ripped] .. The occupants it would seem became uneasy, and what with their moving about and the surf, the boat upset, and they were thrown into the water. The poor females, not one of them over 20 years of age, struggled desperately for their lives. They seized hold of each other, but only to render their deaths the more certain, for not one of the females could swim. One of them laid hold of the boatman who said he had to shake her off to save his own life. Thus all four of the females were drowned, and the young man WALTER LOVELL. The others swam to shore. Unfortunately, there was no boat at hand to go to their assistance. Efforts were made by some of those on shore to save those who were drowned, but unfortunately they were not sufficiently timely. All the bodies were recovered within twenty minutes after the boat upset, but although every effort was made by Dr Lake, the Rev. Mr Deshon, and others to restore animation, it was of no avail. The whole of the young girls were described as being very handsome. One of them was about to be married, and it is reported that her intended not having been able to come with her sent a companion of his, the young man who was drowned with them. The bodies were removed to the Teignmouth Infirmary, where Mr H. Michelmore, Coroner, held an Inquest on them. After hearing the witnesses the Coroner committed Payne for trial on charge of Manslaughter. Bail was accepted.
Saturday 1 August 1874
NEWTON ABBOT - Fatal Accident. - An Inquest was held at the Newton Cottage Hospital on Monday last, by H. Michelmore, Esq., Coroner, on the body of JAMES TOWNSEND, who died at the above institution on the previous day from injuries he received through having his left arm frightfully mangled in a bark mill, at the works of Messrs. Vicary and Sons, tanners, on Friday the 17th of July. JOSEPH TOWNSEND said he was fireman to the engine that drove the machine deceased was caught in. Deceased was 55 years of age. He had worked there 15 years. On the day in question as soon as he (witness) had put the engine to work, after dinner, he heard the men calling out to stop the engine. He had left the engine and gone to the fire-place. He went directly and stopped it. He had to go about ten or twelve feet. He heard the men say that a man had got his arm in the bark mill. He went and saw that it was his brother. When he saw him his left arm was in the mill, torn abroad. There was a leather strap by which he could throw off the power on the working wheel and stop the mill instantly. Deceased had since the accident told witness that if his right arm had been caught instead of his left he could have stopped the working of the machine himself. The reason deceased assigned for getting his hand in the mill was that a piece of bark he had in his hand broke whilst he was turning round speaking to the other man who was there, and his hand slipped in. He had been accustomed t the mill for 12 or 14 years. John Smith said he worked for Messrs. Vicary and Sons, and on the day in question he was working near the deceased carrying away the bark that was ground. He was almost close at the time the accident happened. All at once he heard deceased cry out "Oh my arm." He immediately turned off the mill and went to the engine-house. Did not see any one try to pull him back before he turned off the mill. The engine was stopped and Mr Haydon, smith, was sent for to take the mill abroad. No one attempted to take him out before the mill was taken abroad. William Waldrond said he helped with Mr Haydon to take deceased out of the mill. Mr J. Vicary, junr., said he was one of the partners of the firm of Messrs. Vicary and Sons. The deceased had worked for them for many years. He was a very steady man. The mill where the accident happened was a bark mill. He had long been employed at the work of grinding bark. The mill was worked by an engine, but there was a lever on the left hand side to stop it instantly if required. On the 17th he came up the yard, and the first thing he saw was deceased's arm in the mill. He ordered him to be taken to the hospital, and he was at once taken there. Mr J. J. Drake, surgeon, said on the 17th he was sent for to go to Messrs. Vicary and Sons' yard. He went at once and saw the deceased with his arm in the mill. He saw it taken out and superintended his removal to the hospital. He died on Sunday morning about four o'clock from the injuries received. He had no hopes of his recovery from the first. The Jury returned a verdict of "Accidental Death" and gave their fees in aid of the Hospital fund.
Saturday 8 August 1874
NEWTON ABBOT - Drowned In The Teign. - A painful case of drowning occurred in the Teign on Saturday last. The poor victim was called WM. HENRY HAYDON, between 12 and 13 years of age, the younger son of MR HAYDON, of East-street, in this town. The deceased, it would seem, had been sent on an errand, but before returning home again he went down to the New Quays to bathe. Being low tide at the time he got into the water about twenty yards below the railway bridge, and by a little swimming managed to cross the river, where he remained for awhile. On being told by one or two other boys, about his own age, who were bathing just above him, that the tide was rising fast, he attempted to return. He walked across as far as possible, and then commenced to swim, but he had only proceeded a few yards when he shewed signs of distress and cried for "help." A couple of lads went to his assistance, but they were unable to rescue him and the poor fellow was drowned. Thus another life has been sacrificed for the want of a proper bathing place. The Inquest on the body was held by Dr Gaye, Deputy Coroner, at the Cottage Hospital, on Monday last. Mr Hatchwell was the Foreman of the Jury. The following evidence was adduced:-
MR WILLIAM HAYDON said he was a smith, and the deceased was his son. He saw him alive about an hour and a quarter before his death. He was then with him at his shop in Newton Bushel. He left to go with a cousin of his to Ilsington. He could not say how far he went. Just afterwards, about seven o'clock, he heard from a boy called Rowden, that he was drowned. Frank Gough, a very intelligent lad of 15, a carter, residing in Exeter-road, said he knew the deceased. He met him on Saturday, about half-past six, going down to the water to bathe. He (witness) went with him and some other boys to the Teignmouth railway bridge. It was below the bridge. We bathed closed together. He went in half-a-gun-shot below me. Deceased undressed on the Newton side, and he (witness) went the other side. The tide was running up at the time. He (witness) had frequently bathed there. The water was deep at the time on the Newton side, and he got across the river and was returning again when the tide was running up fast. His attention was called by a man named Gribble, who was on the bank on the Newton side. Gribble was close to him. Gribble called to him, and said deceased was drowning and he called to him to save him. He (witness) was a gun-shot from him at the time. He jumped into the water after him, when he was drifting up with the tide. He got in where he was and caught him by the hair of the head, when deceased caught hold of him by the legs and he was obliged to let him go again. He was then only seven or eight feet from the bank. The man Gribble was on the bank at the time, and close to them. Gribble did not attempt to get them out, nor attempt to save the deceased. He (witness) swam back again on the Kingsteignton side. He did not see the deceased afterwards. There were four other boys there, and a lighterman besides Gribble. Gribble had a long pole in his hand, but he did not make any use of it; had he done so he might have saved the deceased. Thomas Gribble, labourer, of Highweek-street, Highweek, said he walked across on the evening in question from hackney side to Newton side of the river, flukeing. The pole he had was between seven and eight feet in length. When he got up to the Quay he saw five boys bathing. Just before he came up he saw a boy called Ford swim across, and was putting on his shirt. Rice he saw dive off. He heard Ford say, "HAYDON, you had better make haste or else you can't come across." Ford had to swim across. Ford asked him if he could swim, and deceased said he could swim a little. Just after he (witness) got across the rails he looked around to see the boys swim across. He saw the deceased walk into the middle of the river, and when up to his shoulders he commenced swimming, and swam nine or ten feet. While looking at him the deceased sang out "Help me." HAYDON went down farther than Ford to cross. He thought the boy was at play, and he (witness) stood still. Ford called to the boys on the other side of the river to help the deceased. Ford took off his clothes and jumped out to him. He made several attempts to catch him before Gough came out, but in the meantime the deceased had drifted up to where the water was much deeper. Both made attempts to catch deceased. he told them to catch the deceased by the hair. Gough then caught him by the hair, and then he saw both go down, and then come up again, and Gough let him go, and deceased sank. He (witness) called to a man above to take down a boat. He (witness) could not swim. He got down close to the water's edge with a pole, and would have thrown it out, only he was afraid of striking them. He (witness) was six feet high. He afterwards went up to the boat-house and said a boy was drowned, and afterwards launched a boat and went down in search of the deceased. Witness afterwards stated, in reply to a Juryman, that he did not go into the water at all, as he thought it was of no use. The pole he had was not long enough to reach the deceased. He was there till about eleven o'clock searching for the body.
Thomas John Barrett, master mariner, but who had lately been an inmate of the Newton Union, said he recovered the body of the deceased about half-past three on the following morning, and he was taken to the house of his parents. Dr Gaye, in summing up the evidence, spoke in very high terms of the courage displayed by Gough and the other boy, and regretted that Gribble had not made a greater effort than he did, as then he might have saved the life of the deceased. The Jury returned a verdict of "Accidental Death by Drowning," and recommended Dr Gaye to communicate with the Local Board authorities with a view of their providing a suitable place where men and boys could bathe. The following lines were written by a brother of the deceased (a year or two his senior), a few hours after the sad accident:-
Death of My Brother.
Death has been here and borne away
My brother from my side;
Young as he was, he had to go,
Beneath the ebbing tide.
He went away without consent,
Alone to take a bathe;
Down, down he sank, and ne'er returned,
But found a watery grave.
A search was made but all in vain -
For hours the search went on,
And anxious looks, and thoughts unknown
Were felt by every one.
At length as day began to dawn,
And light broke o'er the wave,
His lifeless body was found, and
Some consolation gave.
Weep not for him my parents dear,
And sister do not grieve;
In heaven we all shall meet again,
And there for ever live.
Saturday 15 August 1874
An Inquest was opened at Giles's Torbay Inn on Monday night, by Mr Michelmore, coroner, on the body of ROBERT BECK, who was found by George Taylor on Thursday morning, at half-past five, lying on his back in the road, near the end of a house in Upton-road. Mr Arthur Nicholson, house surgeon at the Torbay Infirmary, believed deceased died from haemorrhage on the brain. The haemorrhage might have been produced by a blow, or by the arteries on the brain being diseased. The Enquiry was adjourned in order that a post mortem examination might be made.
Saturday 22 August 1874
NEWTON ABBOT - Fatal Accident On The South Devon Railway. - An Inquest was held at the Town Hall, on Wednesday, by H. Michelmore, Esq., Coroner, on the body of JOHN PARNELL, a navvy, who was accidentally killed on the previous day by a quantity of earth falling on him, while engaged in some excavations near the Torquay junction for the purpose of laying down a second line of railway between Newton and Torquay. The body of deceased, at the instance of Sergt. Nicholls, was removed to the Newton Workhouse. Following is the substance of the evidence adduced:- RICHARD PARNELL, a labourer, of Bridgetown, Totnes, identified the deceased as his son. He was 24 years of age, and had been working on the railway. George Perrin said he worked for Mr Barrow, contractor. Yesterday he was working with the deceased. About ten minutes after two o'clock the deceased was engaged undermining an embankment, and had dug about two feet under. He (witness) was about to relieve him, when the earth fell - in fact was about to take the pick from him. The embankment was about eight or nine feet where the deceased was undermining. About three yards of earth fell, and the deceased was embedded about six or seven inches under it. They were not working piece work, but by the day. It was usual to undermine the earth as they did on this occasion. He (witness) saw the earth fall on the deceased, and noticing where his head was covered he called to some other men, who commenced to remove the earth from the place first. They found the deceased lying on his right side, with his head turned back and face downwards. He heard him groan once when the earth first fell on him. They got the deceased out in about three minutes, but he was dead then. Wm. Taverner and Samuel Honeywill were also examined. The latter said he was on the top of the bank watching to give warning to the men working under if he saw any signs of a slip. He did not, however, notice anything wrong until the "muck" fell. he was close by where the slip occurred. he did not know anyone was buried until he heard someone calling out, and he then jumped down and assisted in getting the deceased out. Thomas Isaacs said he was the ganger. The deceased had worked under him about six months. He was a very good workman. He had often cautioned the men not to go too far under, but they never appeared to be afraid. Mr Barrow said he was there about twenty minutes before the accident occurred, and he then cautioned the men about getting too far in under. At the time, however, he did not consider there was any danger. He merely passed the remark, as he was in the habit of doing, for the sake of keeping the men on their guard. The deceased was a very steady man and an excellent workman. Dr Gaye said he saw the deceased just after the accident occurred. Several of the ribs on the deceased's left side were broken in; he had also received other injuries, and he appeared to have suffered from great compression over the breast. The injuries he could detect were quite sufficient to cause death. The Coroner, in summing up, adverted to the melancholy fact that this was the second accident that had occurred under similar circumstances, but as the deceased in the present instance incurred the danger of his own accord, he did not see any other party was to blame. At the same time he strongly pointed out the necessity of greater precaution being taken by those engaged in the works if they wished to prevent similar painful accidents occurring. The Jury, of which Mr Drew was the foreman, returned a verdict of "Accidental Death."
Saturday 29 August 1874
DARTMOUTH - An Inquest was held at Dartmouth on Thursday morning, on the body of ALBERT ANDREWS, a boy of 7 or 8 years, who was found drowned in the pool at Hawke's Slip on the previous evening. The boy had been sent to Mr Hawke's to order some coal.
EXETER - Fatal Accident To an Auctioneer. - An accident, which terminated fatally, has occurred to MR RICHARD PIDSLEY, an auctioneer, of Saint Sidwell's, Exeter. It appears that he was in his office, and in the act of examining, previous to cleaning his gun, when by some means the weapon exploded, and the charge entered in an oblique direction the abdomen of the unfortunate man. He called for assistance, and two doctors were soon upon the spot, but their skill was of no avail. He survived the accident nearly half an hour, and was conscious up to the time of his death. An Inquest was subsequently held, at which evidence was given to show that the deceased, after the injuries had been inflicted, stated that he had accidentally shot himself while cleaning his gun on the table. Subsequently materials for gun cleaning were found on the table, and one of the witnesses said deceased was going to his cousin's at Moor Farm, Sowton, to shoot rabbits. The Jury returned a verdict that the deceased was Accidentally Shot.
Saturday 12 September 1874
NEWTON ABBOT - Fatal Accident At The Newton Station. - An accident which proved fatal, happened to a lad named RICHARD JOHN PARSONS, 15 years of age, at the Newton goods station, on Thursday night about 11 o'clock. Deceased has worked at the works for several years, and about six or seven months ago was engaged as stoker on the Pilet engine at the station. On Thursday night he went to work about six o'clock, and about eleven o'clock he got off the engine to go to the goods shed to get some food which had been brought for him. He passed in front of the engine, and the driver not being aware of it, drove on and the engine passed over his body, mangling the left arm and leg and the lower part of the bowels in a frightful manner. He was taken up and conveyed to the Newton Cottage Hospital where he died about a quarter of an hour after being admitted. Dr Gaye who was in attendance gave no hopes of his recovery from the first. Deceased was a respectable lad and was respected by his fellow workmen. The Inquest on the body of the deceased was held yesterday afternoon at the Cottage Hospital, by H. Michelmore, Esq., Coroner, when the following evidence was adduced.
HENRY PARSONS, father of the deceased, a labourer working on the railway, said his son was brought home to his house about half-past ten, and he was told that the engine had run over him. His son was on night duty on the little engine called Weasel, that runs about the yard, and was acting as stoker. After witness returned from work he called his son (who was in bed), in order that he might get ready for his work at six o'clock. Dr Gaye and his assistant saw the deceased at witness's house and by their decision he was removed to the Hospital and died just after his admittance. James Pulman, of Newton Abbot, said his proper occupation was fireman for the Railway Company. He was working with the deceased at the time, who was witnesses mate. They went on duty at six o'clock, witness having charge of the engine, and deceased acted as fireman. About five minutes to ten they were going back towards the goods station, when Warren (the foreman of porters) was on the footplate, and said "You must go steady back as the short points are not right," and witness then told the deceased to stop the engine, which he did. He then said he thought he would go and get something to eat, when witness said "all right my son," and deceased got off the engine to go to the cabin in the engine shed. It was very dark at the time. Just as deceased got down Warren showed the signal light for witness to come back and he eased off the break and backed the engine. Warren was then at the short points. As the engine was going back witness felt it go over something, and witness and Warren went back with their lamps and found that it had passed over deceased. Witness took up deceased under the arms and said to him "Why JACK, how came you to do it?" and he said "Holloa Jimmy, am I dead or am I dying," and he never spoke afterwards. Some other men took him away. The engine had only travelled about the length of the table before witness felt it go over deceased. He got off the engine the same side as the engine shed and need not to have crossed the line to go there. Dr H. Gaye said he was called shortly after ten to see the deceased at his father's house, and found him lying on the floor in an unconscious state. He was very much injured and bleeding very much from severe wounds on the left elbow joint, and the left ankle joint. Witness stopped the bleeding from the arm and rallied him with the assistance of hot brandy and hot tea, and then had him brought to the Hospital. Witness thought there might be some slight hopes, but deceased died with a few minutes after admission. On examination of the body after death he found other serious injuries. James Warren, porter, corroborated Pulman's evidence. The Jury returned a verdict of "Accidental Death" and exonerated both Pulman and Warren from all blame. The coroner entirely concurred with the verdict. The Jury gave their fees to the Hospital.
Fatal Accident Near Torquay. - A collision between two traps, attended with fatal consequences, occurred near Torquay about half-past eight on Sunday evening last. The two vehicles got into collision on the Paignton-road, near the gas works. The occupants of one were thrown out, and JAMES HUMPHRIES, and JANE, his wife, received such injuries as to necessitate their removal to the Torbay Infirmary, where the husband died early on Monday morning. The deceased was a shoemaker, of Paignton, and was about thirty years of age. An Inquest was opened on the body at the Infirmary on Monday evening before Mr H. Michelmore, Coroner. Mr Rowse was the Foreman of the Jury. William Warren, a 'bus-driver, was the first witness. He said he was walking from Paignton to Torquay about a quarter past eight, and heard the sound of wheels coming into collision on the hill near the gas works. The horse stated, and as the vehicle passed him it upset, and the occupants were thrown out into the road. They were two men, a woman, and an infant child. It was very dark at the time, and there were no lamps in the conveyance. Witness first picked up the infant and gave it in charge of a woman who was with him, and he then helped up the other injured persons. In his opinion the vehicle was upset by the wheel coming into contact with a stone against the hedge, but previous to that it appeared that the horse had run away. William Foale, who with his wife, was in company with the last witness, said the driver of the other vehicle was William Hesking, of the Crown and Anchor Inn. It was going at a steady rate, and after it had passed a short distance on the way to Torquay he heard a crash, and then a horse and conveyance came in the other direction at a furious rate. Just as it passed witness the occupants were thrown into the road. He picked up William Crute, manager of the Crown and Anchor, who came to his senses in about ten minutes. He then asked him how it happened, but he could not tell. He could not say whether he was sober or not. The Coroner said he had a certificate from Dr Goodridge, of Paignton, to say that neither William Crute, nor Emma Crute would be able to attend for five or six days. Mr A. Nicholson, the house-surgeon at the Torbay Infirmary, said the deceased JAMES HUMPHRIES was insensible when admitted. He was suffering from concussion of the brain and a scalp wound, and died at twenty minutes past two on Monday morning, from the injuries he had received. The Inquiry was then adjourned to the evening of Friday, the 18th inst., at the Town Hall.
Saturday 19 September 1874
DARTMOUTH - Death By Drowning. - An Inquest was held at Dartmouth on Monday evening, before the Borough Coroner, Mr R. W. Prideaux, and a Jury, of whom Mr L. C. Pillar was the Foreman, on the body of WILLIAM TUCKER. The deceased was found near Burrough's Slip, lying in about two feet of water, on Monday by Mr Jago, painter. He was a coal porter, about 28 years of age, and had been subject to fits. It is supposed that during one of his attacks he must have fallen overboard and met with his death.
Saturday 26 September 1874
TORQUAY - The Late Fatal Accident At Torquay. - The adjourned Inquest on the body of JAMES HUMPHRIES, a shoemaker, of Paignton, who was fatally injured by a fall from a dog-cart on the Paignton-road, on the evening of Sunday, the 6th instant, was resumed at the Town Hall, Torquay, on Friday evening last, before Mr H. Michelmore, Coroner, and a Jury, of whom Mr John Rowse was the Foreman. At the previous Inquiry evidence was given by two men, named William Warren and William Foale, of the occupants of the vehicle being picked up, and to the effect that the deceased was taken to the Torbay Infirmary, where he died six hours afterwards. The additional testimony brought out the facts a great deal more clearly. From this it appeared that about a quarter-past six on the Sunday evening in question, Mr W. H. Crute, manager of the Crown and Anchor Hotel, Paignton, drove with his wife, with deceased and his wife and child, in a two-wheeled dog-cart to Torquay. The drive extended through Babbicombe and St. Mary Church, and the party left Torquay for the return journey about eight o'clock, Mr Crute still driving, with his wife Elizabeth sitting beside him, whilst MR and MRS HUMPHRIES were sitting behind. It was a fine evening, and, though dusky, was not sufficiently dark to necessitate the lighting of the lamps. As the dog-cart reached the top of the hill approaching the gas works, Mr Crute noticed a cab coming slowly towards him, driven by William Hosking, a man in his employ. Just as one vehicle was passing the other a portion of the breeching harness of Mr Crute's horse broke, and the animal suddenly jumped across the road, Mrs Crute being thrown out by the jerk. At the same time, the wheel of the dog-cart struck against the hind wheel of the cab, and the horse, frightened at this, started off and dashed into the hedge. Here the wheel came into forcible collision with a large stone, and the result was that the remaining occupants were thrown out into the road, and all were more or less injured. Hoskings, the driver of the cab, stopped, and rendered all the assistance he could, driving the deceased to the infirmary. He was driving Miss Weston, a lady residing in Vansittart Road, Torre, and her maid from Paignton to Torquay, and at his request they got out to allow of the injured man being put in. Both Mr and Mrs Crute, who gave evidence, bore traces of the injuries they sustained, the former having his head bandaged and his left arm in a sling. The Jury returned a verdict of "Accidental Death," and exonerated the drivers of both vehicles from any blame.
Saturday 3 October 1874
BRIXHAM - Mr H. Michelmore, Coroner, held an Inquest at Brixham, on Tuesday, on the body of MR HENRY NORTHWAY, who was struck by a load of timber when engaged at Mr Dewdney's shipbuilding yard on Thursday week. A verdict of "Accidental Death" was returned.
PLYMOUTH - Horrible Murder And Suicide At Plymouth. - Plymouth was on Wednesday thrown into a state of excitement by the intelligence that a terrible crime had been committed in Courtenay-street. All sorts of rumours were at first circulated throughout the town, and the crime as usual, was laid to the door of several innocent people, but the actual facts are as follows:- A man named WILLIAM THOMAS, who is about fifty years of age, has been a builder at Portsea, but, some time since he came to the West of England to live -first at Truro, and afterwards in this town. He and his wife appear to have lived an unhappy life, in consequence of THOMAS being jealous of her, but so far as can be ascertained the accusations he made against her were utterly unfounded and she has always been considered, excepting by her husband, as a highly respectable woman, and a good faithful wife. THOMAS has repeatedly ill-used her, and of late has given way to drink, scarcely ever being sober. When in these drunken fits his attacks on MRS THOMAS have been more violent and scars are plainly visible on her forehead which have arisen from the blows which he has given her. The poor woman has for some time past wished for a separation, and the man had at length agreed to this course. During the past fortnight he has seen almost every solicitor in the town on the subject, but had again given the matter up without having come to any arrangement. At last it was decided that the matter should be entrusted to Mr Bennett (Whiteford and Bennett), and on Wednesday afternoon MRS THOMAS proceeded to the offices for the purpose of seeing the deed of separation that had been drawn up and having an interview with Mr Bennett. She was shown upstairs in one of the rooms to wait for that gentleman, and while there THOMAS came in and said to one of the clerks that he understood that his wife was there. He then proceeded upstairs, into the room where MRS THOMAS was sitting, and sat down by her side. Mr Were also went upstairs and saw them talking together. THOMAS shortly afterwards left the office and went into the street, and while he was absent Mr Were had a conversation with MRS THOMAS, who told him that her husband had threatened to make a will depriving her of all his property, and also that he should get another solicitor, as he believed that Mr Bennett intended to alter their deeds. When THOMAS left the offices of Messrs Whiteford and Bennett he proceeded to the shop of Bruford, George-street, when he purchased a shilling razor, and armed with this weapon he returned to his wife. When he reached the office Mr Were was still talking to MRS THOMAS, and that gentleman noticed that in sitting down by the side of his wife THOMAS dropped into the chair in a very careless manner. He, however, took no notice of the circumstances at the moment, but went downstairs leaving the two together. Almost immediately he heard a scream, and on rushing upstairs he saw MRS THOMAS coming out of the room where she had been sitting, with blood streaming over her from a cut in the throat. He called for assistance and led the poor woman into another room, where on laying her down she expired. The man was found walking in the centre office, the same room where they had been sitting, with blood coming from his throat. He went towards the window, sat on the box, and leant his head against the glass, where he died almost immediately. Those who were the first to enter the room seeing THOMAS walking up and down with his back towards them had no idea that he also had cut his throat. The fatal wounds were inflicted with the razor which was found lying at the side of THOMAS. Medical assistance was at once sent for, Mr J. N. ?Stevens was soon in attendance, but his services were, of course, of no avail, as the wounds were of such a desperate character as to cause almost instantaneous death in each character. At the Inquest it was shewn that THOMAS had been jealous of his wife for some years past, but he had no grounds for it. The Jury returned a verdict "That MRS THOMAS was murdered by her husband and that he committed suicide whilst in a state of Temporary Insanity."
Saturday 24 October 1874
EXETER - A Suicidal Family. - An Inquest has been held at Exeter in a case of suicide by a young man rendered peculiarly painful by the fact that only six weeks before the father of the deceased also died by his own hand. The deceased, HENRY EXELL, carried on the business of a mill-puff maker, which his father had managed before him, and both suicides were induced by worry connected with trade affairs. The father hung himself in his store-room, the son shot himself with a gun in the same department. The latter seems to have inherited a suicidal tendency on both sides; his grandmother having hung herself. A verdict of "Temporary Insanity" was returned.
Saturday 31 October 1874
BOVEY TRACEY - Fatal Accident Near Bovey Tracey. - Mr H. Michelmore, County Coroner, held an Inquest on Saturday evening last at Woodley, near Bovey Tracey, on the body of JOSEPH SAMPSON, a labourer, who met with his death on the previous evening by falling off a cart. The deceased was about sixty years of age and was known at times to get rather the worse for liquor, but whether he was so on the present occasion is not known. It was only on the previous Tuesday, however, that he was fined by the Newton magistrates for being drunk. On the evening in question he had called at a public-house at Bovey, and afterwards whilst returning home in a cart drawn by a donkey, he missed his footing in trying to get out, and falling heavily he broke his neck. A verdict of Accidental Death was returned.
EXETER - Shocking Accident At St. David's Station. - An Inquest was held at Exeter on Monday night by Mr Deputy Coroner Barton, on the body of JOHN HAMMOND, a fitter employed on the South Devon Railway, and about 66 years of age, who died in the Devon and Exeter Hospital from injuries received at St. David's Station on Monday morning. Mr Mears, Bristol and Exeter Railway, and Mr Pearse, for the South Devon Railway, watched the case on behalf of the companies. About nine o'clock that morning, Thomas Atkins, a waggoner, was at St. David's Station engaged in unloading some trucks laden with stones, when he noticed the deceased repairing a "C.R." truck. He was standing with his back against it, and was pushing it along, when another truck, which had been standing motionless, with twenty others, was propelled towards him by the engine, and the unfortunate deceased was caught and crushed between the buffers of the two. The fact that the trucks were not joined caused a slight rebound, and the deceased fell insensible between the rails. He was at once raised, but never spoke, merely uttering a groan as he was being conveyed to the hospital in a cab. As a general rule the deceased should have given the signal to the shunting foreman, and the trucks should not be moved without such instructions. According to the testimony of the assistant fitter, HAMMOND did not give any such instructions, and the engine was moved before he had intimated that all was right. Had the deceased been pushing the frame instead of the buffers, he would have been perfectly safe, and the pace at which the shunting was being conducted, was about the same as usual. Under the circumstances the assistant thought that the deceased's own neglect had caused the accident. On his arrival at the hospital the deceased was dead, and on examination several ribs on the left side were found to be broken. A verdict of Accidental Death was returned and the Jury exonerated all parties from blame.
Saturday 19 December 1874
Sudden Death Of An Infant. - An Inquest was held on Wednesday evening at the Queen's Hotel, by H. Michelmore, Esq., Coroner, on the body of the infant daughter of MR WILLIAM CLAMPITT, of Queen Street, who was found dead in bed on the morning of that day. MR CLAMPITT, goods guard, on the South Devon Railway said the second was his daughter, and was three months old. Just before eight this morning his wife having gone down stairs, he found the deceased dead by his side in bed. The child slept between him and its mother. It was breathing about two hours before and appeared to be well. In fact its mother nursed it about the time. The child never had a fit. Mrs Mead, nurse, said she had been in the habit of seeing the baby two or three times a week for some time past. It was a very fine child, and never saw anything the matter with it. Saw the child just after its death, and noticed it was dark on the back and left shoulder. MRS CLAMPITT, the mother, said she fed the deceased from the bosom, and with milk and biscuit. Fed it last about ten on the previous night, when it ate heartily. She took the breast twice during the night. The last time being about half an hour before its death. She then placed the deceased between her and her husband; just afterwards she got up believing the baby was asleep. Did not believe either she or her husband laid on the deceased. Dr Haydon was of opinion the death resulted from convulsion produced either by an irritated gum or a disordered stomach. The Jury, of which Mr Knighton was foreman, returned a verdict of "Death from Natural Causes."
Saturday 2 January 1875
NEWTON BUSHELL - Strange Death Of An Ashburton Tradesman. - An Inquest was held on Thursday evening at the Seven Stars Inn, Newton Bushell, by H. Michelmore, Esq., Coroner, touching the death of WILLIAM PENNY, who was found dead that morning in a linhay, in a field belonging to Mr Vicary, (rented by Mr C. Adams), by a man named Robert Quick, who went to the field for the purpose of putting some covering on some ricks of corn. On passing the linhay he saw the face of a man just inside of the door, and on going up to it he found it was the deceased. The legs were covered with snow. Quick did not touch him but went and gave information to the police and P.C. Salter went and on examining the body found a number of letters on it, from deceased's children in London and a bottle of spirits of salts. With further assistance he was conveyed to the Seven Stars Inn. A man named Shinner saw deceased at the Swann Commercial Inn on Monday last. Shinner saw deceased drink some ale and then go to sleep. Whilst deceased was asleep, Shinner remarked that he thought PENNY was dying, as his breath was so short. The next witness, Dr Haydon, said he knew the deceased from having seen him at the Newton Workhouse some three months since. He was in the house for a short time and was not under medical care during his stay there. He assisted the nurse in the house. Witness had made an examination of deceased and found his mouth very much charred. This would be caused by spirits such as that found in the bottle on him. He could not tell how much deceased had drunk of the spirits. The mouth was full of froth. The Coroner said with such evidence as that he was not justified in closing the Inquiry and it was adjourned until Friday evening last in order that a post mortem examination of the body might be made. Deceased was a plumber and formerly carried on business at Ashburton, but having failed, he came to Newton, and, up to the last week or two was in the employ of Mr Pellow, gas fitter and plumber of East Street, Newton Abbot. The Inquiry was resumed last evening when Dr Haydon stated that after making a post-mortem examination of the body, he found no traces of the spirit, only two inches from the top of the windpipe, below this the pipe was perfectly healthy but the stomach was quite empty. The Jury returned a verdict that the deceased died from exposure, accelerated by want of food.
Saturday 9 January 1875
Charge of Wilful Murder. - At the Newton Police Court on Friday before Admiral Wise (chairman), Capt. Cornish-bowden, J. Vicary, Esq., and Dr Atkinson. - BETSY BINMORE was brought up in custody, charged with the wilful murder of an infant, five months old, named MARGRET PHILLIPS. Mr Creed prosecuted.
Following is the evidence given in addition to that at the Inquest.
Dr Haydon said he was the medical officer of the parish of Wolborough, and he knew the prisoner in July 1873, he attended an infant she had charge of. The child died from inflammation. He also attended a woman named Blackler, an invalid, who also died at her house; and three or four months ago he attended the prisoner. He recollected prisoner's daughter calling on him a week or so ago. She asked him to see a child that was ill at her mother's. Finding she had not an order he said he must be paid when he attended. He said this because he was not paid by her for attending on a child before. By the Bench: it is not usual to ask on going into a house who is going to pay for the attendance. One of the children removed from the prisoner's house, is very much emaciated and is in danger of his life from want of proper food and nourishment. The children that had previously died at Mrs Binmore's had suffered from want of proper nourishment. There was a chance of one of the two, taken from her, recovering. The other he could say nothing about. The proper food for the children would have been from a pint and a half to two pints of raw milk with a little water and sugar per day. he thought it was optional where he should go; and when he knew a person could get an order from the parish overseer, he thought it his duty to act as he did, because he did not see why he should give his labour and medicine for nothing.
Dr Drake said he attended infants at the prisoner's house in 1874. One of them died from consumption which might have proceeded from insufficient nourishment. He did not notice any other children in the house. Last week he received a message to go to Mrs Binmore's. he did not go, and in a few days after he received another application, and he sent to say he was ill in bed and could not attend. On Monday last he saw the prisoner at his house. She asked him to go and see the child, and he answered "no." She then said she had been to Dr Haydon and Dr Jane and they would not attend. He then said "I suppose they have a similar reason to mine, viz., you never pay them." She said would guarantee that the mother of the child would pay him and he said "if you are so positive, why don't you pay me yourself and when the mother pays retain it." She said she would not do that, and witness did not go. Dr Jane said he did not know the prisoner. He received an application from her to visit a child. he did not go or send any message. James Ponsford said he was a chemist, residing in Wolborough-street. He recollects Mrs Hall bringing him a child three months since. He examined the child and it seemed to be very delicate and emaciated, and not filled out as a child two months old should be. He gave it two powders.
Sergeant Nicholls said on Tuesday afternoon the prisoner came to him and said she was in trouble and did not know what to do; one of the children was dead; she had applied to three doctors and they would not attend. He took her to Mr Bearne, the registrar, and he refused to register the child. He then went to the Coroner and on the following day he went to the prisoner's house and saw two other infants in a very miserable condition - mere skeletons - and just able to move. He had since weighed them and the boy, four months old, 7lbs. 11ozs., and the girl, six months old, 7lbs. 13ozs. The prisoner's house had not been registered. He apprehended the prisoner yesterday, and on charging her with wilful murder, she said "I did not starve the child as my bread book will show."
Mr J. S. Bearne said he was the registrar of births and deaths for the parish of Wolborough. Since the 14th of July, 1873, he had registered four deaths at Mrs Binmore's exclusive of this one. The first was Ellen Jane Holmes, 14th July, 1873, two months and three weeks old: died of stomachitus. The second was Frances Harriet Bowden, 7th Nov., 1873, six months old: diarrhoea from teething. The third, Marian May, 14th May, 1874, aged three weeks. The fourth, Bertha Ann Blackler, aged six months, on the 12th of August, 1874. The first two deaths were certified by Dr Haydon and the other two by Dr Drake. Mr Ford, one of the guardians for the parish of Wolborough, said he met the prisoner in the street on Monday last, she said she had a child in her house very ill; it had ruptured a blood vessel a week before and she had applied to three medical men to attend to it. Dr Haydon had come to the house and had refused to examine the child before he was paid. Dr Drake and Dr Jane had refused to come. Witness told her to go to the overseer and obtain an order for Dr Haydon to attend, and in case Mr Roberts was not home and refused an order she was to go again to Dr Drake. Mr W. Roberts said he was the assistant overseer for the parish of Wolborough. No application whatever had been made to him for relief or a medical order during the last week. He was at home on Monday. If she had made an application in his absence there would have been an entry of it and he would have known it. At this stage of the proceedings the Enquiry was adjourned until today.
Saturday 16 January 1875
EXETER - More Baby Farming. - An Inquest was on Wednesday night held at Exeter on the body of the illegitimate twin son of SARAH HOOPER, a servant girl, who had deposited the two little ones with a woman in the West Quarter, whom she paid 8s. per week to maintain them. The Coroner was at first disposed to view the case in a serious light, but there was no evidence of criminal neglect; and the Jury, acquitting all parties of blame, returned a verdict that the deceased died from disease in mesenterick glands, the medical testimony being to this effect.
Saturday 6 February 1875
BOVEY TRACEY - An Inquest was held at Bovey Tracey on Tuesday, by H. Michelmore, Esq., Coroner, touching the death of a female child 11 months old, the daughter of a woman named JANE COURTIER. Susan Causely said she was the wife of a printer, at the Pottery; she knew the deceased's mother, who had been a widow eight or nine months. When the child was about 6 months old, witness kept it for about 3 months. It was not a healthy child, but rather delicate. She last saw the child on Christmas Eve when the mother of the child took it from witness. Witness had never known the child illtreated by its mother, who always seemed very fond of it. MARY COURTIER said she was the mother of the deceased. The deceased had always been delicate and died last Tuesday afternoon. She had continually taken it to Dr Haydon. Last Friday week she was worse, and she took her to the doctor. The child was always tight to her breath. Mrs Perkins took care of the child first, and then Mrs Causely had it, witness having it by night. She had had another child and an Inquest was held on that being found dead in the bed. She had fed the last child on bread and milk, soaked biscuits and cornflour, and she had also nursed it up to the time of its death. - Dr W. R. Haydon said he had seen the child occasionally before its death and last week frequently. He thought there was some disease about it, but was not sure where the seat of the disease was; it was in an exhausted weak state. He last saw it the day it died when it had several fits. He had made a post mortem examination of the body and found it very thin and emaciated. In the stomach there was some glumous matter, to all appearance, milk and gruel and found that the cause of death was owing to a diseased brain which was very soft. This was the primary cause of death, the disease of the brain, causing the emaciation of the body. The other organs were all healthy. In summing up, the Coroner said that the reason of his holding the Inquest was that various rumours had reached him that the child had not been properly cared for, but the evidence shewed that there was really no necessity for it. The Jury then returned a verdict of Death from Natural Causes.
Saturday 13 February 1875
COMBEINTEIGNHEAD - Inquest at Coombe Cellar. - An Inquest was held on Monday morning, by Mr H. Michelmore, Coroner, touching the death of SAMUEL PHILLIPS, the bargeman who was drowned in the River Teign on the 8th of January. The first witness called was WILLIAM PHILLIPS, a carriage examiner at Newton, who deposed that he was the brother of the deceased. He saw the body of the deceased on Sunday. It was his brother who had been missing since Friday the 8th of January. On that evening he was informed that the deceased had been drowned in the Teign. He had no reason to think that anybody had any spite against the deceased. The deceased was 38 years of age last May, and has left a widow and six children. - Nicholas Walke, a Rural messenger, at the Newton Post Office, said he heard deceased was lost and had searched for him several times. On Saturday about four o'clock he was fishing with a spear for flukes. he was dragging along the spear in the river when it caught hold of the heel of a boot he then saw the body of a man. He got assistance and took up the body and brought it to Coombe Cellars. The distance was about 200 yards. Henry Joslin said he was a bargeman in the employ of Messrs. Watts and Co., and lived at Kingsteignton. He knew the deceased. He had worked with him in the same barge for six years. They were together on Friday the 8th of January and walked to Teignmouth from Kingsteignton to bring the barge to Newton with a load of coals. They left Teignmouth about half past three with the tide. The deceased and witness were both sober. There were two other men in the barge, named Thomas Harris and James Follett, who were also sober. They sailed up as far as Buckland Point where the wind died away. Follett then took the deceased's pole and pushed the barge for about 200 or 300 yards and it being very dark Follett fell over the side of the barge, when PHILLIPS (deceased) went into the boat and caught Follett. They then went on again and when they came to Ford Sluice, Harris took Follet in the boat and put him ashore so that he might walk home. They still had the sail up and whilst Harris and Follet were away the deceased fell overboard. The deceased was not pushing but was standing about two yards from witness, when he fell over backwards. - John Frost was in another barge just behind them and they had all been talking just before. It is the habit of keeping the pole between the legs when they have the sail up and not in their hands. They must keep it in the water as a sudden gust of wind would turn the lighter and then if the pole was on the deck the barge would be ashore whilst they were getting the pole out. Witness could not say if PHILLIPS had been keeping his pole in the way. Frost got in his boat in a minute but he nor witness could not see anything of PHILLIPS. Witness saw him throw up his hand once and that was all; he did not hear him speak. They searched there quite an hour but could not find him. They went home and after the tide was gone back they returned and searched for several hours but to no purpose. Nothing fell from the mast to knock the deceased. He fell overboard about half-past seven when it was very dark. The deceased was not given to drink. - The Coroner, in summing up, advised bargemen in future to keep the pole in their hands, as the least jerk when it was in the water would be enough to throw them overboard, as might have been the case in this instance, although there was no evidence to show it. If that were not so deceased must have had a fit or something must have knocked him over. The Jury returned a verdict of Accidental Death and gave their fees to the widow. Mr Walke also said that he had been informed that there was £1 reward offered by the deceased's employers, for finding the body, which if it was so, he would hand over to the widow.
Saturday 20 February 1875
KINGSTEIGNTON - Fatal Accident At Kingsteignton. - An Inquest was held on Wednesday evening at the Cottage Hospital, East-street, by Dr H. Gaye, Deputy Coroner, on the body of JAMES GIDLEY, who died that morning from injuries received by the falling of a tree on him in a copse at Kingsteignton on the previous Friday. Ann Smerdon, of Ashburton, identified the body of the deceased. He was her son-in-law, and was 39 years of age. - Samuel Stawell Dicker, carpenter of Highweek, said the deceased was in his employ. On Friday last he was working with him in Pinsent's copse in the parish of Kingsteignton, felling timber. The deceased had been a patient at the Cottage Hospital. On Friday last he came to him and said he was much better, and thought he could do a little work. He (witness) then told him he could go and help him in felling timber. About one o'clock the deceased was engaged pairing a tree that was felled, and he (witness) was engaged felling another tree close by. When the tree was about to fall he called out to the deceased, who was about sixty feet off, "JAMES, look sharp the tree will be down in a minute or two," and he replied "All right master." The tree fell directly afterwards and on looking around he found the deceased missing, and he called out "Where is poor JIM? He must be under the tree." He then saw him under the branches of the tree. The trunk of the tree was broken in two places, before and beyond him. he did not see the deceased when the tree was falling, and he therefore considered he must have walked towards it when it was falling. The deceased was insensible but just after they took him out he revived a little and said "what's the matter? what's the matter" He and another man who was there, then placed the deceased in a cart and took him to the Cottage Hospital giving him some brandy at Kingsteignton. The deceased had been accustomed to felling timber and had been felling timber and had been his employ about 4 years. - R. Northmore, labourer, of East St., who was working with the deceased and the last witness on the day in question confirmed foregoing evidence. he added that no one was on the look out at the time the tree fell but every one was supposed to look after himself. He saw the deceased walking towards the tree when it fell. He did not call out to him because he had not got the "chance." - Dr Drake said he attended the deceased at the Cottage Hospital about half past three o'clock on Friday afternoon. He was perfectly sensible but he could not feel nor move the lower part of his body. He remained in that state up to the time of his death which occurred just after three o'clock that (Wednesday) morning. The cause of death was a fracture of the spine. The deceased in answer to a question he put to him said he was unable to account for the accident. The Deputy Coroner having briefly summed up the evidence the Jury consulted. The foreman (Mr H. Hatchwell) said they were of opinion that deceased came to his death accidentally but that there was not the timely notice given of the falling of the tree by Dicker which there ought to have been. - Mr Heaward (one of the Jury) said he did not agree with the verdict for he believed sufficient timely notice was given. - Mr Stitson (another Juryman) said he agreed with Mr Heaward. - Dr Gaye: You think there was proper caution. Mr Heaward: I do. - The Foreman again consulted with the Jury but the majority having regard to the fact that the deceased was working within the radius of the tree Dicker and others were felling, still adhered to their former verdict. Dr Gaye then entered a verdict of Accidental Death, and told dicker that most of the Jurymen considered he did not exercise so much precaution as he ought to have done. Dicker: If any of the Jurymen had been there they would not have done differently. I have "drawed" more timber than anybody here. The Jury afterwards presented their fees through Sergeant Nicholls, to the Cottage Hospital.
Saturday 17 April 1875
IPPLEPEN - Committal for Manslaughter of a Woman at Ipplepen. - An Inquest was held at the Wellington Inn, Ipplepen, on Monday afternoon by Mr Michelmore, Coroner, on the body of MRS MARY ANN SKINNER, who kept a beer-house at Pimlico, Torquay, and whose death occurred on Saturday evening under the following circumstances. - Mrs Susannah Howe Seymour, said she was the wife of John Rock Seymour and lived at Blackstone, Ipplepen. MRS SKINNER was her brother's widow. Since her brother's death the deceased had kept a public-house at Torquay. She was 49 years of age. Witness last saw her alive on Saturday night, the 10th, on the road. They had come from Torquay, having left there together about eight or half-past eight in a cab, driven by a man she had since heard was called Inch. Deceased sent John Brickwood to engage the cab. They had got to the Ipplepen side of Bulleigh Barton before anything happened, when the cabman got off his seat and came to the door of the cab with his lamp in his hand, and said "I won't go any further, as I have to meet a gentleman by the eleven o'clock express at Torquay." He also said "I was only hired to come as far as Bulleigh." Witness said, "You were hired to come by Bulleigh, as then you would have a straight road to go." He said "I shall not go any further, as I have to meet a gentleman by the express train, and I shall gain a sovereign." Witness said, "Nonsense, it is all down hill; we will give you 2s. more, and that will make 9s. you will receive." He still said, "I will not go." MRS SKINNER said, "We have two baskets, and I should like for you to go on." Deceased was very loath to come out of the cab. The driver again refused, and would not go on; he opened the door and said "You must come out." Witness was the first to do so. After deceased got out she paid him 7s. as agreed upon. A man was passing, and offered to help them along with what they had, to Ipplepen. Deceased did not appear ill, and was very cheerful during the evening. When she paid the driver she told him he would not gain anything by his conduct. When they got out of the cab she opened an umbrella as it was raining a little, but they had not walked more than about twenty paces before she complained. The man carried one of the baskets and the witness the other. When they had gone the distance mentioned the deceased said "Oh, dear me Susan, I feel my heart. Stop, I cannot go on; don't go so fast." It was quite dark, but witness did not know the exact time. Deceased rested on witnesses shoulder, and witness looked back and still saw the light of the cab, which had not then left. Deceased rested for about a minute or two, and walked on a few steps, when she again rested, and said her legs were giving away under her. They still saw the light of the cab, which witness referred to. They went on a little further, and deceased said, "My dear children, my dear children." Deceased caught hold of witness's arm saying her legs were giving away, and she wanted to lay along the road, but afterwards asked to be allowed to sit on one of the baskets. Witness and the man got deceased in the hedge, and laid her on their shawls. The man left to go to Mr Luscombe's for a horse and trap. Deceased said she was spitting blood, but that was not so. Before he went away he told her his name was Lee, and after he went away two other men came along the road. She called to them and they came over. Deceased did not speak afterwards. One of these men, Mr Berry, felt her pulse and went back to his companion Mr Fox. Mr Berry again came over and examined her. Before leaving Torquay deceased sent for two bottles of wine, and witness, with a knife, drew the cork of one, and let her sip some wine, but she could not drink the second time. Lee was not away long - in fact returned before she expected him. Mr Berry and Mr Fox remained until Lee returned, and with him Mr Luscombe came with his cart. He took a light, and going to deceased said she was quite dead. She was put into the cart and brought to witness's house, Blackstone, Ipplepen. Deceased had been very well lately, but some time back was very unwell, although witness had never heard her complain of her heart until after leaving the cab. Deceased intended to have staid with witness for a few days. - By a Juryman: The cabman asked them to get out at Budleigh Barton, but on their requesting him he took them to the top of the hill, a short distance further on. - John Brickwood, a fisherman, residing at Torquay, deposed to hiring the cabman, Inch. Nothing was said about only going so far as Bulleigh Barton, and this evidence was corroborated by a man named John Nias. - Mr Henry Manley, surgeon, Ipplepen, said he had that morning, in pursuance of the Coroner's warrant, made a post mortem examination. In consequence of his first impression, that she died from asthentic apoplexy, he was induced to believe this was dependent upon heart disease. He looked at her general appearance and found her exceedingly fat and bloated, and there had evidently been some frothing from the mouth. The features were pale, and marked with blue, shewing congestion of the whole venous system. Having detailed the result of his examination, the witness said there had evidently been a latent disease of the heart, which deceased had not suffered from possibly for some time, but any excitement, or common emotion of mind, either joy, fear, or sorrow, would produce such a spasm of the heart, as would render the lungs incapable to carry on the circulation, and lead to congestion of the brain, which would produce the same symptoms as breaking a blood-vessel on the brain itself, and would cause sudden death. He considered that death resulted from congestion of the brain, caused by a spasm of the heart, produced by excitement. The simple act of walking might have caused it. He did not consider the deceased would have been a long-life woman under any circumstances, but her death was accelerated by some excitement. - The Coroner here called James Inch, and as he had not been in the room, read over the depositions to him. The Coroner then cautioned Inch in the usual way and asked him if he wished to make any statement, James Inch was then sworn and gave evidence to the effect that he was only engaged to go to Bulleigh Barton. The Coroner briefly summed up, and the Jury, after half-an-hour's consultation returned the following verdict: "That the cause of death was spasmodic affection of the heart produced by excitement, which was caused by the deceased being left in the road; and they also found that Inch, the cabman, contracted to take the party to Ipplepen and failed to do so." - The Coroner said that the effect of this was a verdict of Manslaughter against Inch, and ordered him to be taken into custody by Sergeant Nicholls, the Coroner afterwards committing Inch for trial at the next Assizes. The Enquiry lasted over five hours.
TOTNES - The Fatal Accident Near Totnes. - Mr H. Michelmore, County Coroner, and a Jury (Mr John Luscombe being Foreman), held an Inquest on Thursday morning at the New Chapel Inn, Brooking, in the parish of Dartington, on the body of an old waggoner in the employ of Mr G. Griffis, timber merchant, Totnes, named THOMAS COVES, who was found dead in the turnpike road near Brooking, on Tuesday evening last. It appeared that deceased and another man called Rogers, in Mr Griffis employ, had been to a place called Diptford Court for some timber, and was returning home by way of Brooking (the deceased having expressed a dislike to go the regular road before starting in the morning), when he met with his death. Evidence was given by a man called Hodge, of his having passed the deceased walking by the side of his waggon, at the head of the hill and of afterwards hearing the horses coming on as if they could not keep back the load. He looked round on the waggon getting nearer to him, but could not see any driver. He stopped the horses and sought for Rogers, who was following with another waggon, and they found the deceased dead in the road near to his waggon. Rogers then deposed to hearing the deceased stop his waggon at the head of the hill and also a second time, shortly after which Hodge came up to him. Mr Griffis stated that there were two safety chains and a drag attached to the waggon, which he found the deceased had not used in coming down the hill, but instead had kept the wheels in the road drain, and suddenly coming in contact with a large stone, jerked the waggon out in the road, and the shaft horse being unable to keep back the weight, got on its haunches when the deceased was considered to have been struck by the shafts consequently rising up, and knocked down, the hind wheel passing over his body. Mr A. J. Wallis, surgeon, Totnes, proved to having examined the deceased, and found that the bones of the face were fractured with compression of the brain and likewise a fracture of the pelvis, and laceration of the vital organ. The Coroner having summed up the evidence adduced, the Jury returned a verdict of "Accidental Death."
Saturday 1 May 1875
TOTNES - Sad Boat Accident At Totnes. - On Saturday a sad accident happened, on the river Dart to four young gentlemen of the town, resulting fatally to one of them, whilst having a row in a two oared skiff belonging to the Totnes Rowing Club. They were going up the river, when the steamer Royal Dartmouth, which had come up during the afternoon, started for her return journey, and passed the skiff near St. Peter's Quay, but the waves catching the little craft broadside, it capsized, throwing its occupants into the water. The accident was observed on shore, and assistance was immediately procured, but it is reported the steamer never stopped to render the slightest help. In the meantime, one of the party, Mr E. Edmonds (son of Mr T. H. Edmonds, solicitor) swam ashore, and two others (the eldest sons of Mr H. Pearce, Devon and Cornwall Bank) had nearly done so when they were picked up by a boat. The fourth, MR JOSEPH PEARCE, a relative of the other two, and assistant-master at the Hill House Commercial School, stated to be a good swimmer is supposed to have been struck by an outrig or some part of the boat as he never appeared above water after his immersion.. After a lapse of forty minutes he was picked up by means of the drags. Mr J. M. Puddicombe, of Dartmouth, who was about to return home in the Newcomin steamer, examined, and pronounced him to be quite dead. The body was then taken to the Seven Stars Hotel, and afterwards removed to the deceased's residence. The deceased was a fine young fellow, about 19 years old, and great sympathy has been manifested for his sad and untimely end. An Inquest was held at Totnes on Monday, by Mr H. Michelmore, Coroner, touching the death of JOSEPH HOWARD PEARCE, who was drowned in the Dart on Saturday evening, and the Jury, after a short consultation, returned a verdict "That the deceased was Accidentally Drowned, and that the captain of the Dartmouth steamer ought to be severely censured for not returning to the rescue when he saw what had occurred."
Saturday 15 May 1875
TORQUAY - An Inquest was held at the Town Hall, Torquay, on Tuesday afternoon, before Dr Gaye, Deputy Coroner, on the body of a newly-born female child. It appeared from the evidence that about half-past one on Monday afternoon SARAH BENNETT, parlour-maid to Mrs de Vere, of the Pleasaunce, Brosshill Road, complained to her fellow-servant of feeling poorly and went upstairs to lay down on the bed. A surgeon was sent for, and on his arrival, an hour afterwards, he found that BENNETT had been confined. He examined the dead body of the child; there were no marks of violence on it, and in his opinion it was still-born. The Jury returned a verdict to that effect.
Saturday 19 June 1875
BOVEY TRACEY - Inquest At Bovey Tracey. - An Inquest was held on Monday at the Dolphin Hotel, by Mr Michelmore, Coroner, on the body of the illegitimate child of SUSANNA NANKIVELL. The child was born on Thursday night, and was considered weakly at its birth, but no doctor was called in. It died on Saturday morning early, having lived 34 hours. The evidence of the midwife, Mary Lethbridge, and others present at the birth, went to show that the child seemed unable to take its food properly, and Dr Haydon, who made a post mortem, gave it as his opinion that the child died from exhaustion through want of food, all the organs of the body being healthy. The Jury returned a verdict that "The child died from Exhaustion." - The Coroner, at the request of the Jury, censured the midwife for her neglect in not calling in a doctor when she saw that the child was in such a weak state.
Supposed Case of Accidental Poisoning. - An Inquest was held at the London Hotel on Monday evening by Mr H. Michelmore, Coroner, on the body of ANN BURGOYNE, who had been housekeeper for Mr Sydney L. R. Templer, architect. The first witness called was CHARLOTTE BURGOYNE, who lives at Torquay, a sister of deceased, who was about 54 years of age. Witness came to see deceased on Sunday evening, having heard she was not well. She was at Mr Templer's house, No. 1, Grove Villas, in one of the sitting rooms, but did not seem very bad and was pleased to see witness. Deceased did not say what had been the matter, but was better than she had been. Witness did not ask what was the matter. They had tea in the kitchen, and her sister seemed cheerful. She had some cornflour, which did not appear to hurt her. She went to bed about seven o'clock, and witness afterwards passed through deceased's room, when she said she felt better. On Monday morning, about seven o'clock, she told witness she was not so well, and witness noticed that her sister's face was drawn. She had not seen any doctor, but had been to a chemist. Witness thought a doctor ought to see her sister, and told Mrs Bowerman, a nurse, who, on coming to the house, said she would speak to Mr Templer. Mrs Bowerman went away, and Mr Templar soon came, and Dr McDonald was fetched and saw her sister about 10 o'clock. She died about half-past twelve. She did not say anything about having taken anything in a mistake. Mr Templer deposed that he was about removing to Catherine-terrace, deceased being left at Grove Villas. On Thursday he had certain goods removed and told deceased to unpack them in the new house. He gave her orders what to do, and told her not to go into a little back room as he had some nicknacs there. He went back to the house about two o'clock, when she said she had spilled the contents of a bottle. He then went up to the little back room, and found that a bottle, which contained sulphuric acid, had been turned over. It was a champagne bottle about half full, more than half being wasted. He used some angry words to deceased, but had not seen her again until that morning a corpse. He went to Plymouth on Friday, and did not return until 9.22 on Saturday night. Had not heard deceased was ill until Monday morning, when he immediately went to Grove Villas, and sent for Dr McDonald. The word "poison" was on the bottle all the time he had it, and had been locked up. Mrs Bowerman was fetched to the deceased on Thursday night, who told her she saw a bottle on the table, and thinking it was cider poured out a little and drank it, but as it burnt her lips she threw it on the table. She called at Mr Evans, druggist, who gave her something to take. Deceased afterwards said she had some poison in her mouth. Witness wanted her to have a doctor, but she said she did not wish it, being satisfied with what Mr Evans gave her - she was weak on Saturday and Sunday, although dressed. Mr Arthur H. Reid, clerk to Mr Templer, said that about a quarter-after-one he heard somebody upstairs making a noise. he went up, and saw deceased catching hold of the hand-rail with one hand, and with the other supporting herself against the wall, apparently in pain. She said she had drunk some contents of the bottle. He found the bottle on the table with some acid in it. He asked her to stay while he went for Dr McDonald, and asked if she swallowed any, but she said "Don't go for a doctor, as I have not swallowed any, its only burning my lips." He said he must go for a doctor, but she began to cry, and begged him not to say anything about it, adding that it was not serious. He gave her water to wash her mouth with. He heard her tell Mr Templer she had upset the bottle. Joseph James ~Evans, chemist and druggist, said the deceased came to him on Thursday last between 1 and 2 o'clock and told him that she had burnt her mouth with some poison and wished to have something for it. He asked her where she got the poison, and she replied up in the offices of Mr Templer. She also said the poison was a chemical which she had mistaken for cider and that it was sour. He asked her three or four times if she had swallowed any and she replied, - "No." - He gave her half a wine glass full of olive oil which she drank slowly after which he gave her some magnesia and water which she also drank. He heard no more of her until Saturday, when her niece came to him and said her aunt's throat was very sore and she wanted something to relieve her. He wished to know what poison it was her aunt had tasted and sent her to find her and when she returned she said it was sulphuric acid. he then gave her a mixture to be taken, a teaspoonful in a wine glass of water every three hours. He also gave her two ordinary operient pills to be taken at once. He considered on hearing that the throat was still sore that the deceased had swallowed some of the poison but he did not think it his duty to tell her that she ought to fetch a doctor for having given her an antidote in the magnesia on the Thursday for any small quantity of poison she might have swallowed, he felt quite happy about that. On the Sunday morning the deceased's niece told him that her aunt was very comfortable, her throat being much better. Thomas Wallis McDonald, surgeon, said that morning Mr Templer told him that his servant was very ill, having swallowed sulphuric acid by mistake. He went at once and saw deceased who was in bed in a state approaching death, and there were no hopes of her recovery, she was almost pulseless. He gave her some glycerine and water but told her all hopes of doing her good were gone. From the state of the lips, tongue, and throat, he should think she must have swallowed nearly a tablespoonful of sulphuric acid, and he should think the cleaned state of those organs would have been visible shortly after the poison was taken, but he should doubt if her recovery would have been possible had she had proper care on Thursday. The Jury returned a verdict that the deceased met with her death Accidentally, and in no other way.
TOTNES - Sad Bathing Accident At Totnes. - On Wednesday afternoon the two youngest sons of DR JELLEY, of Totnes, aged 12 and 10 respectively, went out for a bathe in the Dart, and took their dip at a part of river usually used for bathing just above the Totnes Bridge. After being out in the water for some time the eldest boy, called LEONARD, got out of his depth, and his brother observing it very pluckily tried to rescue him. He obtained a slight hold of him by his fingers and not having sufficient strength, was compelled to leave go. The little fellow then quickly dressed and apprised some cricketers on the ground a little distance off, of the danger his brother was in, and they hastened to the spot, but unfortunately did not know where he sank, as the little boy was gone straight home to inform his parents of the matter. On nearing the town he made known the accident to some people, who immediately went to the place, with drags and other necessary appliances, and one of the party named Phillips, boots at the Star Hotel, succeeded in recovering the body, which was conveyed to the residence of DR JELLEY, who, with his wife, had by this time arrived. Only about nine months ago the deceased had a narrow escape of being drowned in the Mill Leat. The body must have been in the water fully 30 minutes before recovered, and the usual restoratives were applied to restore animation, but life was found to be extinct. The greatest sympathy is felt for his friends. An Inquest was held on the body at the house of DR JELLEY, on Thursday by Mr H. Michelmore, Coroner and a verdict of Accidental Death was returned.
Saturday 26 June 1875
NEWTON ABBOT - Fatal Accident At Newton. - An Inquest was held on Saturday evening, by Mr H. Michelmore, Coroner, on the body of the child PICKETT, who was run over by a cart on Friday evening and killed, and a verdict of Accidental Death was returned.
Saturday 3 July 1875
BOVEY TRACEY - Melancholy Suicide. - A man named WILLIAM WILLIAMS, of Bovey Tracey, last week committed suicide, it is supposed because his parochial relief had been stopped. On Sunday evening a boy found him suspended by a rope to a beam in a closet near where he lived. He was cut down, and Dr Haydon, on arriving, pronounced him dead. Deceased for some time past has been suffering from valvular disease of the heart, and this, together with the fact of his parochial relief having been stopped. preyed on his mind, producing a temporary fit of insanity. Deceased had previously threatened to destroy himself. An Inquest was held on the body by Mr Michelmore, on Monday, and a verdict of "Suicide while in a state of Temporary Insanity" was returned.
Saturday 31 July 1875
TORQUAY - Inquest At Torquay. - An Inquest was held at the Country House Inn, Ellacombe on Tuesday, before Mr H. Michelmore, Coroner, on the body of a child named EARNEST COLLICOT, the son of a mason living at Lower Ellacombe Terrace. The deceased, with some of the children, was playing in the timber-yard at Ellacombe, when the shaft of a cart fell upon him, crushing him badly. Dr Gamble attended the deceased, but he died soon after. A verdict of "Accidental Death" was returned.
Saturday 21 August 1875
BISHOPSTEIGNTON - Drowned In The Teign. - An Inquest was held at Bishopsteignton, on Monday morning, by Mr H. Michelmore, Coroner, touching the death of a young man 17 years of age, named EARLY, who was drowned in the Teign on Saturday evening. The deceased was bathing in the Teign near Bishopsteignton, and, getting out of his depth, was drowned. The Jury returned a verdict of "Accidental Death."
Saturday 25 September 1875
TEIGNMOUTH - A Solicitor Drowned At Teignmouth. - A very painful case of drowning occurred at Teignmouth on Saturday afternoon - all the more painful because the life of a gentleman has been lost from want of proper efforts being made to rescue him. The deceased gentleman, MR SHAPLAND, who was 35 years of age, was the son of a solicitor practising at South Molton, North Devon, he himself being also of the profession, practising at Epsom. For the last day or so he and Mr Westwick, a gentleman, of London, had been on a visit to Mr Tucker, of Waye, near Newton Abbot, the latter being a brother-in-law of the former. On Saturday these three gentlemen went to Teignmouth to bathe, but it would seem that only Mr Westwick was able to swim, and he very differently. They went into the water from machines in front of the Den at the time when there was a very rough sea caused by an easterly wind. The deceased gentleman was the first to enter the water and to prevent his being carried out of his depth by the breakers he had the use of a rope. Considering himself thus safe he ventured out up to his shoulders when an ugly breaker carried him off his feet. As he had let go the rope, he was at once at the mercy of the waves. He cried for help, in the meantime struggling as best he could to keep himself afloat. Mr Westwick swam out and laid hold of him. They struggled together for awhile, and it was evident to those on shore, although they were within a stone's throw of the beach, that without further assistance, if not both of them must be drowned. Mr Tucker was in the water but he could not swim; but there were many "old salts" looking on, and although there was a life-preserver close at hand, provided by the Local Board, not one of them, be it said to their shame, had the courage even to wade through some four or five feet of water with it and then to have thrown it to the drowning men. A coastguard, named Doyle, informed us that he witnessed the painful scene and being unable to swim himself he ran for a boat, and it was a few minutes afterwards, but poor MR SHAPLAND had by this time sank, whilst Mr Westwick himself was struggling hard to keep himself afloat, being every instant carried further out to sea. Mr Westwick was picked by a boat just at the very moment he was about to pay the same penalty as his friend, whose life he had fought so gallantly to save. when brought ashore he was apparently dead. He was taken into one of the machines where three or four men were engaged rubbing him for at least twenty minutes before any signs of animation could be restored. After this he was removed to the Royal Hotel, attended by Drs. Edwards and Lake, and he soon recovered consciousness. The kind attention Mr Collings, the proprietor of the hotel, paid the patient is deserving of especial praise. - There were several lady relatives of the deceased in the town at the time, and their emotion can be better imagine than described when they learnt the sad intelligence. This melancholy occurrence, we hope, will teach the local authorities many things, the chief of them being that life-preservers, although kept at the back of the bathing machines ready for any emergency, are useless in a town - a noted bathing town, too - where men accustomed all their life time to the sea have not the courage t reach forth a hand, in water they might almost stand in, to a drowning man. This is not the first instance to our knowledge that the lack of pluck has been displayed by the "brave men of Teignmouth." The body of the unfortunate gentleman was washed ashore and found by the landlord of the Inn at Labrador, near Shaldon, on Friday, in a wretched state, many parts having been eaten away, apparently by fish. An Inquest will be held today (Saturday).
BERRY POMEROY - Mr H. Michelmore, Coroner, and a Jury, of whom Mr W. Mortimer was Foreman, held an Inquest on Tuesday evening at Berry Pomeroy, relative to the death of the infant son of MR THOMAS BACK, who was found drowned in a tray of water. A verdict of "Accidentally Drowned" was brought in.
Saturday 2 October 1875
TEIGNMOUTH - The Late Fatal Accident At Teignmouth. The Inquest. - An Inquest was held on Saturday at the Crown and Anchor Inn, Shaldon, by Mr H. Michelmore, Coroner, touching the death of MR ARDEN AVERY SHAPLAND, who was drowned whilst bathing at Teignmouth on the previous Saturday. His body was found at Labrador on Friday morning, about a mile from the bathing-ground. - Mr Beavan, chairman; Rev. H. Hutchins, Mr H. B. T. Wrey, Mr R. Willcocks, Mr C. H. Collings, members; and Mr W. R. Hall Jordan, Clerk of the Teignmouth Local Board was present. - In commencing the proceedings, the Coroner asked the Jury to dismiss from their minds all that they might have heard, or read, about the case, and said a great deal had been written before the Inquest had been held. - Mr Thomas Westwick, merchant, of London, residing at Epsom, identified the body of the deceased, who was a solicitor practising in King William-street, London, but residing at Epsom. he was about 35 years of age. - John Winsborrow, gardener, and landlord of the Labrador Inn, proved finding the body of the deceased at half past six on Friday morning. Witness was in his garden at the top of the sea beach at Labrador, and saw the body laying on the beach, it being then about half tide. There were bathing drawers on the deceased. He removed the body to high water mark, and about two hours afterwards it was taken to witness's house, his son by that time having fetched P.C. Cooper. Mr William Allen Tucker, farmer, residing at Waye Barton, in the parish of Ipplepen, said the deceased was his brother-in-law, and he last saw him alive on the 18th of September. Deceased had been staying at witness's house from the 6th. On the 18th witness drove his wife, a lady friend from Southmolton, the deceased, and Mr John Westwick, to Teignmouth, reaching there about one o'clock. After putting his horse in at the London Hotel they proceeded to the beach with the intention of bathing. They had separate machines, MR SHAPLAND and Mr Westwick having those nearest the Pier; the machines belonged to a woman named English, whose son was with her. Witness's machine was further away from the Pier, there being two or three others between his and those of his friends. Witness could swim a little. MR SHAPLAND and Mr Westwick went into the water before witness. He did not see any ropes to the machines, and was quite certain neither MR SHAPLAND nor Mr Westwick used ropes. Witness was cautioned as to the state of the water by George English, who said it was rough, and he must not go out very far. Witness was very nervous in the water, and he seldom went out far. He could not tell exactly, but thought it was about four or five minutes after his friends before he went in. Finding the water was so rough, he only went to the depth of his chest, and then went back to the beach and looked to see where the others were. He saw them a considerable distance out, and he cried "For God's sake help, there are two drowning." He did not say that to any one in particular. There were several people, and he (witness) became so excited at the loss of his friends that he did not know what happened afterwards. He knew that Mr Westwick could only swim a few strokes, and when he looked about a second time for them he could see neither. he saw some men going out with a boat, and begged them to go on. He did not tell them it was no use to go out, but said it was useless for him to do so, as he could not swim out. There were two or three men in the boat. Witness did not see any rope, or other appliance for saving life. He saw nothing except the boat. When he last saw them they were about three-parts of the length of the pier away. - By a Juror: English only cautioned him about the water being rough, but did not say anything about the under current. - William Courtenay Snell, boatman, of Shaldon, said that English came to call him at Powderham Terrace, Teignmouth, last Saturday afternoon, and asked whether he had any boats. Witness replied "Plenty," and asking why, English replied, "There are two gentlemen drowning." Thomas Elliott was with witness, and both of them ran down towards the river after a boat, and then met William Symons. They took the boat across the Den, with assistance, and launched it near the battery. Witness, Elliott and Symons were standing by the boat, and Mr Tucker said, "Don't you go, they are gone." Symons, however, said "That be bothered, we will go and see if we can find them or not." Mr Tucker then said, "If you find them anywhere it is out at the end of the Pier." They rowed out towards the end of the Pier, and when they were about 150 or 200 yards off somebody on shore hollowed and beckoned towards the right. Witness then stood up in the boat, and saw the head of a man in the water (Mr Westwick's), and witness, on their reaching him, just caught him by the wrist, with his (witness's) finger and thumb as he was going down the third time. Witness held Mr Westwick up, and they towed him into shallow water, and then took him into the boat. When he caught hold of Mr Westwick he said, "I can't hold on, I am gone." They did not see anybody else in the water. The sea was very rough. At the time Mr Tucker said "Don't go, they are gone," witness was standing about ten feet away from him. He was quite sure those were the words that were made use of. The tide was about three hours and a half ebb. It might have been ten minutes from the time English came to him before the boat was launched. By the Foreman: if there had been a boat on the spot he thought they might have saved deceased as well. The depth of the water where they picked up Mr Westwick was about three-and-a-half fathoms. They had no life-buoys. - By the Coroner: There was a strong under current. It was very bad at times, and that day it was very strong; much stronger than the top. - George English, bathing guide, Teignmouth, said Mr Tucker had several times hired machines from him, and he had seen deceased and Mr Westwick twice before. The tide last Saturday was going out very strong, with the wind heavy from the eastward, and a strong under current. There was a great deal of broken water. He told each of them that if they commenced swimming they would not come back again. The tide was running out very fast. There was a rope to each machine, but the ropes were no use for the distance the gentlemen went out. The ropes measured from twelve to eighteen feet long. The machines were about twelve feet from the water, and they each had to walk over the sand to get to the water. Witness walked up the sands, and about three or four minutes afterwards he heard a cry for help, and saw one head in the water about 100 yards off the sandbank. Witness then fetched the boat. He could swim a little, but never saw a swimmer go so far out as these gentlemen were. There was one large life-buoy provided by the Local Board, which was hung on to the diving-board, but there were no means of saving life, except the ropes to the machines. The life-buoy was so heavy that it could not be thrown far. There would have been no difficulty in the life-buoy being taken out in the boat. When witness found the boat was manned he went for Dr Edwards, who directly, and Dr Cornish also came there. - By the Foreman: He taught swimming, but never went out any distance. He practised up and down in front of the machines. The sea that was running was sufficient to drown any man, and his opinion was that no experienced swimmer could have saved the gentlemen. - By the Coroner: He had no other gentlemen to wait on, on this occasion, but did not think it necessary to wait and see what these gentlemen did. The Local Board presented a boat called "The Shah" two years ago, to be kept near the machines, but it was too large and heavy. Since that had been removed there had not been any other provided. The boat the men went out in was nearly swamped. - A Juror: Was it safe to allow bathing when a boat could not live. Witness: I cautioned the people. Our machines are too near the harbour tide. They ought to be shifted further up, near where the ladies machines are. Occasionally at low water they could get the machines close to the water, but frequently they could not do so. - Mr Thomas Brown Westwick, who resides with his father, and who is a merchant, said he was an intimate friend of the deceased. He got his machine of the last witness, and was in the one that was next to deceased's. Witness could swim a little. He did not receive any warning at all as to the state of the water, which was very rough. The deceased entered the water first, and came to witness's machine and asked if he was ready. When witness entered the water deceased was thirty or forty yards out, and still going out. Witness followed, but did not reach deceased. Witness was standing in water to the depth of his chest, when a wave knocked deceased over, and as his head came above the wave again he called out, "Tom, give me your hand." Witness then swam towards him, but the sea carried him further out. Witness was within about another stroke of deceased, when he went down for the last time. Witness called for help to Tucker. When witness tried to swim back he found he was being also carried out. He was brought ashore by Snell and others in a boat, and he had since suffered from the effects of being in the water. He did not see any rope to the machine he used; if there was one it was outside. He thought his machine was about thirty feet from the water. Had he been cautioned as to the roughness of the water, or told that there was any under current, he should not have bathed at all. When deceased was knocked over he was standing in water up to his shoulders, and could not swim. Witness asked English if the machines were to be put nearer the water, and he said "No, the sand was so soft they could not be got up again.
Mr W. R. Hall Jordan, Clerk to the Teignmouth Local Board, produced a copy of the bye-laws relating to the bathing. One provided that the person attending any bathing-machine should, on application from any person desiring to bathe, forthwith let down any machine at the stand which any bather might desire to use and be drawn down into the water two feet deep in every state of the tide when occupied, and another was that every machine should have a hand-rope attached thereto not less than six yards in length, with a cork at the end. On the 4th of October 1873, the Local Board passed a resolution that the following additional bye-law should be made:- "The owner or owners of the machines shall provide and maintain a boat with a man in attendance during the usual hours of bathing, for the purpose of saving life and the owner or owners of such of them as the Local Board shall require shall take charge of, and have ready for use implements apparatus or means for saving life as the Board shall direct." This bye-law was subsequently sent to the Local Government Board for approval, and it was struck out by the Local Government Board,, for the following note being written in the margin "Not within the 10th and 11th Victoria, cap. 89, sec. 69." The machines as at present placed were within the limits of the Board. - By the Foreman: The boat provided two years ago was too heavy; the man was only employed for a fortnight, and the Local Board had endeavoured to pass this bye-law, but could not do so. They had no power to pay the expense of a boat. - The Coroner here said that Local Boards had full power to provide bathing places, and to secure their privacy, but they had no power to provide the means of saving life. - Mr Jordan added that the boat was kept near the machines for two or three months, in charge of English, but the man was only employed by the Local Board for a fortnight. The Coroner then summed up, and, in doing so, said he thought there must be some mistake as to what Mr Tucker said to Snell. He (the Coroner) pointed out to the Jury that the main question for them to decide was - Was the deceased's life lost through any neglect on the part of English? But if he observed the bye-laws it was for them to say there was no person to blame. - The Jury retired for a short time, and on their return the Foreman said they found that the deceased was Accidentally Drowned, and they thought that the bathing-machine man should be censured for committing a breach of the bye-laws, that the machine should have been down to two feet of water, and that it was his duty to stand and watch bathers in time of danger in order to caution them. - The Coroner said he quite concurred with the verdict. He did not think they could have said that the bathing-machine man was responsible for the death of deceased. he then censured English, as requested by the Jury, showed what he was required to do under the bye-laws, and cautioned him as to what he should do in the future, as, if there were another occurrence of this sort, and another breach of the bye-laws, he might have to direct the Jury in another way.
Saturday 16 October 1875
SHALDON - Fatal Accident. - A little boy named FREDERICK ALFORD, at Ringmore, Shaldon, was severely kicked in the temple by a horse belonging to Mr Hoare, farmer, of that place. On Sunday the boy was walking along side the road in company with two other lads, and it is supposed that one of them must have given the horse a cut with a stick, when the horse kicked ALFORD, who was standing behind. He was conveyed to the Teignmouth Infirmary, where it was found that the skull was fractured. The poor little fellow died from the injuries on Sunday afternoon at three o'clock. An Inquest was held on Monday by Mr H. Michelmore, Coroner, and a verdict of Accidental Death was returned.
NEWTON ABBOT - Fatal Accident At Newton Abbot. - An Inquest was held at the Newton Cottage Hospital, on Saturday by Dr Henry Gaye, Deputy Coroner, and a Jury consisting of Messrs. J. Crocker (Foreman), H. Prowse, W. Burridge, W. H. Stranger, G. Hannaford, R. Risdon, J. Diggins, S. Drew, H. Knighton. H. Scawen, F. Lavis, W. Joachim and A. Quick, on the body of ANN MARTIN, an old woman 67 years of age, who met with her death by falling over the stairs on Tuesday evening the 5th of October. The Jury having viewed the body at Lower Devon Terrace returned to the Hospital when the first witness called was Elizabeth Catar, a servant, living at No 4, Devon Square, who said she had known the deceased for six years. She had lived as a servant at No 5 Devon Square, next door to witness. On Tuesday evening last about 6 o'clock witness was in her underground kitchen and head a fall in the next house. In a few minutes Mr Malcombe, the occupier of No 5, came to witness and asked her to come to her house and on going there she found the deceased lying on the kitchen at the bottom of the stairs. It is an underground kitchen. Witness lifted her up and found she could not move or speak, nor was she conscious. She never spoke afterwards up to the time of her death. Witness sent for a surgeon and left. - Mr R. E. Burgess, a surgeon, practising at Newton, said, on Tuesday evening last he was called to see the deceased about half-past six. When he saw her she was in a sitting posture at the bottom of the stairs. She was unconscious and blood was coming from her right ear and her right side was paralyzed. A bed was put up in the kitchen and she was removed into it. He saw her frequently until her death. She roused up a little the same evening and opened her eyes, but never spoke after the accident. She died on (Saturday) morning from the injuries she received to her head by the fall. The injuries were such as would be caused by a fall down a steep flight of steps. In his opinion she fractured her skull and died from effusion on the brain. The Coroner having summed up the Jury returned a verdict of Accidental Death. The Jury gave their fees to the funds of the Hospital.
NEWTON ABBOT - Singular Death at Newton Abbot. - An Inquest was held at the Town Hall on Monday, by Mr H. Michelmore, Coroner, and a Jury consisting of Mr Hatchwell (Foreman), and Messrs. W. H. Lander, Wakeham, Dicker, Gange, Banbury, C. Pope, Badcock, T. Sawyer, Snow, T. Shobrook, Saunders and Huxtable, touching the death of a young woman 26 years of age named HARRIET HEAD. The Jury having viewed the body the first witness called was -
ELIZABETH WINSER, a married woman, living in No. 1, Court, Wolborough-street, said deceased was her sister, 26 years of age, and unmarried. She had been in service at the Globe Hotel, but had been staying with witness rather more than a month, as she was going to be married; but there was some dispute between her and her intended husband. She was prematurely confined of twins three weeks ago last Sunday, and attended by Dr Drake. She got out of bed on the Sunday following and was doing well. Last Monday she complained of a head ache, and more or less had complained of pains over her eyes every day since. On Saturday evening, about half-past five, as she seemed worse, complaining very much of her head Dr Drake was sent for, and witness gave deceased three-penny worth of brandy, but she did not drink much, and bathed her forehead with the remainder. As soon as she took the brandy she became sick, and threw it up again. She had her meals on Saturday, and about half-past four had a nice tea. When Dr Drake arrived she was lying on the bed, but not undressed. On Friday afternoon witness went to the station with deceased, and from thence to her sister's, at the top of Wolborough-street, leaving her there about five, and she returned alone about half-past eight o'clock. Deceased had not taken any medicine, except a bottle full which she had at her confinement from Dr Drake. She died on Saturday night, at ten o'clock, about three hours after being sick. During the time of her complaining of headache, last week, she had often said she as unhappy and miserable and one night during the week after she was confined she said she hoped she should not get out of bed again. Witness went to the Newton market with deceased last Wednesday week, but the only time she was left out alone was on Friday evening. She had been out some evenings with her young man, Harry Willcocks, and they seemed happy together; but witness never heard anything about him, more than that he thought they had better wait for a time before being married and that deceased should again go into service. Witness did not think Willcocks denied being the father of the children. On Tuesday last witness went to Torquay, with deceased, when she engaged to go into a place with a lady, who promised to come and see Mrs Bracewell, at the Globe Hotel, on the following day, and then to see her sister; but the lady did not come to her, and this made deceased rather low. SUSAN WINSER, mother-in-law of the last witness gave corroborative evidence. She saw deceased and Willcocks in the passage leading to the Court on the evening of last Saturday week, when they seemed to be having angry words, but after that they went down the street together. Witness was with deceased on Saturday evening, when she was unconscious and did not regain consciousness. HARRIET HEAD, mother of deceased, said she had been in private service at Reading, and sent home to say she suffered from hysterics, being attended by a doctor, who advised her to return home as the air did not agree with her. After her return she lived at the Globe Hotel for a year and a half. Before going to Reading she lived near Plymouth, and was well and strong. Mary Ann Harvey, living in the same court as ELIZABETH WINSER, knew deceased by sight. On Saturday night week she heard Willcocks speaking very unkindly to the deceased. The Coroner here ordered Sergeant Nicholls to fetch Willcocks.
MARY JANE TOZER, another married sister of deceased, said that the deceased had told her that Willcock's sister-in-law had endeavoured to set him against her by mentioning some rumours that were in circulation, but he said he should not leave her, only saying it would be better to delay being married for a time. His manner had not altered towards deceased. he had known her about six months.
Mr John Jeffery Drake, Surgeon, Newton Abbot, attended deceased in her premature confinement. The children were about four months. He saw her in the morning, and again in the evening, just after the children were born. He saw her each of the three following days and left her quite well. He did not hear of her being again ill, until sent for on Saturday last; but saw her once when she came to her house to pay his fee. About half-past seven or eight on Saturday evening, MRS HEAD came to ask him to go and see her daughter, as she was insensible. He found her lying on the bed, dressed, and unconscious, and he could not arouse her. He considered she was in a state of hysteria, and threw cold water on her chest, and shook her, but she did not take any notice of it. She appeared like a person asleep, the breathing being natural, and pulse good. He was not told she had vomited. He gave her two teaspoonfuls of brandy and water, with the object of seeing if she could swallow, and this she did with difficulty, but brought it up again with a little phlegm. He had her raised up in bed, and she said "Oh my," and threw her arms about. He put mustard poultices on her chest, the back of the neck, and calves of her legs, and remained with her about twenty minutes. He was fetched again about ten o'clock, and when he arrived she was dead. There was some lividity about the face, with slight foaming at the mouth; but the lividity soon passed off. He could not account for the cause of death. When he first saw her he did not consider her a dying woman. Had she died from any disease of the heart, or apoplexy, he should have expected other symptoms. He had attended her while she lived at the Globe Hotel, when she had hysteria.
Mrs Harvey recalled, said, when she saw deceased and Willcocks on Saturday week, she passed them by, going in and out of the passage, three or four times. She heard Willcocks speak very crossly to the deceased. He said to her "You hold with that lot; it will be a long time before I go there again." She heard him repeat that. They remained in the passage about an hour and a half. Witness told MRS WINSER how very unkindly Willcocks had spoken to deceased. - The Coroner here said that as far as the case had gone he did not think he should be justified in concluding it then. The deceased had died in a way that the doctor could not account for, and she had lately, according to the evidence of one witness, been deserted by the man who they supposed was the father of her children. This might have led her to destroy herself, and he thought it would be necessary for the doctor to make a post-mortem examination. The Enquiry was then adjourned until eight o'clock in the evening.
On the proceedings being resumed, Mr Drake said he had made a post-mortem examination since the morning, assisted by Dr Gaye and Dr Burgess. They first removed the stomach, which was healthy, and contained about half a teacupful of fluid. There were some small spots close to the oesophagorial opening. The cerebrum of the brain was healthy; there was a small amount of effusion on the right ventricle, but not enough to cause death. The cerebellum was much softened, and there was an extravasation of blood in the substance of the cerebellum, produced by the rupture of a vessel; but he could not say what caused that rupture. It was a symptom of apoplexy. He should say that deceased died from apoplexy of a very unusual character. The heart and the other organs were very healthy. There was nothing of a suspicious character of any sort, and the confinement had nothing whatever to do with the death. - The Coroner, in summing up, told the young man Willcocks that he (the Coroner) could not dismiss him (Willcocks) without saying that he had brought disgrace on the deceased, and was more to blame in the birth of the children than she was. Had he acted as a man should under the circumstances, he would have married her when she left the Globe Hotel. Willcocks said when he asked her to wait to be married she was perfectly agreeable, and he intended to marry her when the winter was over. - The Jury returned a verdict of "Death from Apoplexy of other Natural Cause."
Saturday 6 November 1875
TEIGNMOUTH - Another Death By Drowning In The Dart. - On Monday night, a sailor was drowned in the river Dart, near Totnes. The deceased, SAMUEL WOLLACOT DREW, was a native of Teignmouth, aged 50, and he belonged to a brigantine, the Sarah Maria Ann, of Teignmouth. Between eight and nine o'clock he was about to go to bed, when, at the invitation of a labourer, who had been engaged on board the vessel, DREW was in company with a fellow sailor, named Samuel Williams, went to the Steam Packet Inn, close by, and had some ale. They left about half-past nine, quite sober, and DREW and his mate proceeded to their vessel, the former remarking to the other, who wished to guide him, as he was near-sighted, that he could not see where he was going, and he need not shew him the way. The night was very dark, there was no lamp near the water-side. Immediately afterwards DREW fell into the water and was never seen to rise. Assistance was immediately sought, and the body was picked up about an hour afterwards. An Inquest was held on Tuesday by Mr Michelmore, Coroner, when a verdict of "Accidental Death" was returned, with a recommendation to the local authorities to fix a lamp to the spot where the deceased met his death.
Saturday 20 November 1875
EXETER - The Fatal Gunpowder Explosion At Exeter - The City Coroner, Mr H. W. Hooper, held an Inquiry at Exeter, on Wednesday, into the circumstances attending the death of ALFRED COMMING EASTON, aged 16, who died from injuries caused by an explosion of gunpowder while engaged with a lad named Hole, in making rockets in the cellar, underneath his father's house. A verdict of "Accidental Death" was returned.
Saturday 27 November 1875
Fatal Accident On the Brixham and Torbay Railway. - Accident of a most distressing character occurred on this line on Friday evening between five and six p.m. MR S. EARLE, late of Waterhead, near Dartmouth, was walking down the middle of the railway, in company with Mr A. Millar, when the train due from Churston at 4.30 - but not starting until 5.20 - rushed down and striking MR EARLE, before he had time to escape, killed him. Mr Millar, who is a younger and more active man, jumped out of the way. The engine driver could not see any one owing to the darkness, and the unfortunate man is said to have been rather deaf, besides which the wind took no doubt away the sound of the train on its approach. The Inquest was held at the Queen's Hotel on Monday before Mr Michelmore. The evidence given was to the same effect as the statement above. A verdict of "Accidental Death" was returned.
Saturday 11 December 1875
NEWTON ABBOT - A Man Starved To Death At Newton. - An Inquest was held at the Cottage Hospital on Wednesday by Mr H. Michelmore, Coroner, and a Jury consisting of Messrs R. Risdon (Foreman), W. H. Lander, H. Scawen, W. White, S. Kelland, C. Pellow, J. Chenhall, C. Pope, J. Dicker, R. Crooke, W. Dunn, J. Haydon, and W. White,Senr., touching the death of THOMAS BRYANT, aged about 42 years, who died the previous evening at No. 4 Court, East-street, under extraordinary circumstances. After viewing the body the first witness called was JOHN BRYANT, a boy about 13 years of age, who said he was the son of the deceased. His mother died about seven years ago at No. 8, Marsh Cottages, and after that his father removed to No. 4, Court, East-street. He (deceased) was a painter and glazier, and had worked for Mr Mills, but had no work for the last five weeks. He had been ill but not attended by a doctor. At night he had a large quilt and a sheet to cover himself with. That was all he had for a bed. Witness earned a little money by going errands and some food was given him by the neighbours. During the past week they had had a few biscuits, buns, and a little bacon. A cup of tea was given to him on Tuesday which the deceased drank. When his father was getting worse he went for Mrs Hunt, a neighbour, and then went for Dr Haydon, but he was not at home. He then waited about a quarter of an hour and went again, and then Mrs Haydon said he would not come to see the deceased, but in about ten minutes he came but his father was dead. Witness has a sister who lives at Exeter with an aunt.
Amelia Hunt said she lived in the same court with the deceased. She had repeatedly known him to be ill from rheumatic lately. She had washed for him and cooked his dinner for him on Sundays, but she had done neither for him during the past five weeks. She had never seen him the worse for liquor. She was called to see him on the previous evening about five o'clock by the last witness, who said "For God's sake come up to my father." She went and took a cup of tea and the deceased drank it, but he could neither see or speak. She then went to the assistant overseer of the parish and got a medical order and took it to Dr Haydon about six o'clock. He was not at home. The deceased died between seven and eight o'clock. He had frequently said he would rather starve than apply to the parish for relief, and would not let witness do so for him. The parish officer never visited the court, but the visiting lady did sometimes. She was never in the house until the previous evening and did not know the state he was in. She knew he and the boy were often without food, and she gave them all she could spare.
Dr N. T. J. Haydon said he first knew the deceased was ill about a quarter to nine on the previous evening. He went to No. 5 Court to the deceased but found the door of the house was locked, and was told that the man was dead. He had made a post mortem examination of the body and found both lungs very much inflamed and he thought the immediate cause of death was inflammation of the lungs. The body was very thin indeed, and there was no fat about it. In the stomach there was merely a little fluid. The other organs were very pale and there was a want of blood, which would be caused by want of food. If he had proper food and care earlier, his life might have been saved. Death was certainly hastened by want.
Police-Sergeant Nicholls said he went to the house of the deceased on the previous evening about a quarter to nine and found the man was dead. He locked the door and Mrs Hunt took charge of the boy. He searched the house and found only a small piece of bread and a piece of mildewed fish in it. he had since put the boy in the workhouse.
The Coroner, in summing up, said it was a most melancholy and painful case as ever the Jury would have to enquire into, and it was a disgrace that a human being should be allowed to die from starvation in such a town as Newton Abbot. There could be no denial that such was the case and he hoped that Mrs Hunt would take the hint, and should any such case ever occur again she would go and tell the parish authorities, but he hoped no such case would ever happen again. He did not blame Mrs Hunt in this case as the deceased appeared to be very obstinent, but it would have been a great kindness if she had told someone that there was a man and a boy near her starving. He was sorry to know that there was a great deal of distress in East-street. With these few remarks, and he could not help uttering them, he would leave them to consider their verdict. A Jury after a short consultation returned a verdict that death was caused by inflammation of the lungs accelerated by starvation and want. The Jury gave their fees to the Cottage Hospital.
Saturday 25 December 1875
DAWLISH - It will be remembered that on the 8th December two young ladies, daughters of MR BICKHAM, painter, of Dawlish, were severely burnt through the bursting of a jar of varnish which had been put on the fire to warm. On Friday the elder daughter died, and on Saturday an Inquest was held on the body, resulting in a verdict of "Accidental Death."
Saturday 1 January 1876
DEVONPORT - Poisoning By Arsenic. - After a long Inquiry, a Devonport Coroner's Jury returned a verdict that SUSANNAH PARNELL had died from poisoning by arsenic. Upon this point medical evidence was distinct, but beyond that little is explained. The deceased was one of a family of five who ate some broth prepared by the deceased's mother, all speedily becoming very ill. The grandmother's dying deposition has been taken. The quantity of arsenic in the broth was large, but how it came there is a mystery, as none was known to be in the house. The deceased's father entirely escaped.
Saturday 5 February 1876
EXETER - Mr H. W. Hooper, City Coroner, held an Inquest on Tuesday on the body of ANN NORMAN, aged 67. Deceased resided with her son in Cricklepit-lane, and on Sunday morning after having prepared her some tea and taken it to her bed, he found that she was dead, although but short time previously he had spoken to her. A medical gentleman proved that death was the result of congestion of the lungs, and the Jury returned a verdict to that effect.
Saturday 12 February 1876
TIVERTON - An Inquest was held at the Town Hall, Tiverton, on Monday evening, on the body of a girl named ROOKS, aged three years, who was drowned in the Exe on the previous Saturday. Deceased was playing with some children on the banks of the river, and being left alone she fell into the water, and no one saw the accident and it therefore cannot be explained how it occurred. A verdict of "Found Dead" was returned.
Saturday 19 February 1876
TOTNES - An Inquest was held on Wednesday at the Bay Horse Inn, Totnes, by Mr H. Michelmore (District Coroner), and a Jury, of whom Mr W. Hurson was Foreman, on the body of MARIA WILLIAMS, a girl, seventeen years old, who died on Sunday evening last under circumstances reported elsewhere. The Coroner pointed out that no one was to blame in the matter but the deceased, and she had met her death through injuries accidentally received. The Jury returned a verdict accordingly.
Saturday 26 February 1876
PLYMOUTH - A Pointsman Committed For Trial. - At Plymouth, a Coroner's Jury, who had held a lengthened Inquiry relative to the death of a cattle-dealer named SKINNER, in consequence of a recent railway accident at Tavistock, found a verdict of Manslaughter against the pointsman, William Tubb, through whose neglect the train went off the line. The Coroner committed Tubb for trial at the next assizes, and he was admitted to bail; Mr Compton, traffic manager, becoming security for him. SKINNER died of spinal injuries resulting from the severe shock he sustained.
Saturday 8 April 1876
KINGSTEIGNTON - Fatal Accident In The Teign. - On Saturday evening Mr H. Michelmore held an Inquest in the village of Kingsteignton, on the body of WILLIAM HEATH, a bargeman, who was drowned in the river Teign on the previous day. It appeared from the evidence that between ten and eleven o'clock on Friday morning, the deceased was working a barge, laden with clay, to Teignmouth from Newton; and when at Buckland Point, in the parish of Coombeinteignhead, in altering the helm of the barge, he slipped his foot and fell overboard. - John Cole, the only man on the barge with the deceased saw him rise once, and jumped into a boat and went towards him as quick as possible, but too late to save him, as he never rose again. The body was picked up between three and four hours afterwards, on the dropping of the tide, very near the spot where the deceased fell overboard. The Jury returned a verdict of Accidental Death, coupling with it a presentment that the owners of barges should take more care that proper and efficient hands were employed to work them, an idea having got abroad that the deceased and the man Cole were both young hands, and that neither had had sufficient experience to take charge of a barge. The deceased, who lived at Kingsteignton, leaves a widow and one child.
Saturday 29 April 1876
STOKE - Murder Of A Child By Her Father. - WILLIAM ISAAC ROBINSON, storekeeper at Stoke, near Devonport, murdered his youngest child, GERTRUDE ROBINSON, aged two years and seven months. At the Inquest it was elicited that ROBINSON is a naval pensioner, having formerly been a petty officer. He kept a coal-store, and had lately quarrelled with his wife and her relatives on account of some alleged peculations by them from the store. He was a drinking man, and his intemperate habits have increased of late. While drunk on Saturday he threatened to murder the whole family; but he was quite sober on Sunday, and had no drink the following day until after the murder. He was employed to clean out the public elementary schools, and went there, taking his youngest child with him. While there he went into one of the class rooms, put the child across his knee, and cut her throat from ear to ear. He says he had fully intended to fetch his two other children and serve them in the same way, but that when he saw GERTRUDE dead his heart failed him at the "awful job", and he went straight to the police-station and made a full confession, calling, however, on the way at two public-houses to drink a glass of brandy at each. He was then, and remains, perfectly unconcerned and cool. The only motive he assigns is that "he wished to put the little things out of their trouble." He is a middle-aged man, and has never exhibited symptoms of insanity, nor have his relatives. His wife is shortly expecting her confinement.
Saturday 20 May 1876
KINGSTEIGNTON - Fatal Accident Near Newton. - An Inquest was held on Thursday evening by Mr H. Michelmore, Coroner, at the Bell Inn, Kingsteignton, on the body of a young man, 20 years of age, named PIKE, who was accidentally killed that morning at Gappah. George Bayley, Foreman for Mr Slocombe, builder, of Teignmouth, said he knew the deceased, who was a labourer working under him at Gappah Farm, in the parish of Kingsteignton. That morning the deceased with a lad named Samuel Underhay, was taking stone from the ground to the scaffolding of the first storey of the house. They had to wheel the stones up in a barrow on a plank about a foot wide and four inches thick. The run was about twenty feet long. Witness was working on the side of the building and just saw the barrow of stones tip over. He ran to the spot and there found the deceased lying on the ground on his back with the empty barrow on the legs and his head resting on Underhay who was lying under him. The stones which were large, were lying under him. The deceased was bleeding very much from his mouth and all down over his waistcoat was covered with blood. He was insensible and died about 9 minutes, before any assistance came. Underhay got up and said his collar bone was broken, and he was removed to the Newton Cottage Hospital. From where the barrow fell to the ground is about five feet in height. John Underhay, a mason, said he worked at Gappah under the last witness. Samuel Underhay was his brother and was engaged drawing stones with the deceased on the previous day; he saw them at work; the deceased was driving the barrow and Underhay was pushing him behind. Witness told them not to do it that way as it was dangerous but they seemed to have done it again that day. Witness's brother is about 15 years of age. After the accident he went to the spot and found the plank and its bearing had slipped away, but he thought this was caused by the barrow falling. The Coroner summed up the evidence, and the Jury returned a verdict of "Accidental Death."
NEWTON ABBOT - Sad Suicide Of A Waggoner At Newton. - An Inquest was held on Wednesday evening, by Mr H. Michelmore, Coroner, at his offices, and a Jury consisting of Messrs. R. Risdon (Foreman), W. White, sen., J. A. Cowell, H. Scawn, D. Vile, J. Chenhall. J. Tancock. J. Combardini, W. H. Stranger, A. Quick. J. Crooke, J. Steer, and G. White, touching the death of GEORGE SKINNER, who committed suicide that morning by hanging himself. The Jury having viewed the body, the following witnesses were called:
GEORGE SKINNER, a lad about 15 years of age, said he was the son of GEORGE SKINNER, the deceased, who was about 42 years of age. His father was a waggoner for Mr Pinsent. That morning about eight o'clock his mother asked him to go and look for his father and he did so. He went to Mr Pinsent's waggon house and there found his father hanging up to the beam. He ran away and fetched two men from the stables adjoining, and one of them went and cut the rope by which he was hanging. He last saw his father alive about 6 o'clock. He then "waked" witness by shaking him but he did not speak, neither did he speak to witness on the previous night. His father was much altered in his looks during the past few days. He would look at witness and his mother for a minute or two and not speak. He was in the Newton Cottage Hospital about a year since, and was a little out of his mind during which time he would often complain of his mother who resides in London not sending to him. People said at the time he drank some benzoline oil, but he did no such thing. He unscrewed the top of a lamp and set fire to the oil. His father often used t be tipsy but not lately. He never heard his father say he would kill himself as he was tired of his life. He has two brothers and three sisters who lived in one house with their mother and grandmother. Witness and his brother slept downstair and the rest of the family upstairs. There is only two rooms in the house.
William Tirrell, a brewer at Messrs. Pinsent's said he knew the deceased and last saw him alive the previous evening. He thought the deceased was nothing near as cheerful when he last saw him as he generally was. The deceased was ill about twelve months since and appeared to be out of his mind. About half-past eight that morning the last witness fetched him and he went to the waggon house and there saw him hanging to a beam. He cut him down and felt his face was quite cold. his feet were only a few inches from the ground. The rope was a small one. During the past few months he had been much more temperate than previously. He had not been the worse for drink for some time. He went to Chudleigh on the previous day and after returning he was asked to have a glass of ale at the brewery, but he refused it which was rather unusual for him.
Mr Thomas J. Pinsent, a brewer, of Newton Bushell, said the deceased had worked for him about ten years as waggoner. About twelve months since he drank some Benzoline by mistaking it for cider in the night and he was obliged to go to the hospital. He was ill for three weeks and he thought it had weighed on his mind ever since.
SARAH SKINNER, wife of the deceased, said she last saw him alive that morning ten minutes before six when he went to work. About eight o'clock a man named Miller called and enquired for him and as he appeared to be missing she sent her boy to look for him. He had been low spirited since Monday and was so about a year ago when he set fire to some oil in a benzoline lamp and tried to drink it, but witness prevented him. he had been low spirited about a week before he attempted to drink the oil. He was 42 years of age. Last Thursday and Friday he went to Exeter and did not arrive home until between twelve and one on Friday and Saturday mornings and when he started to go to Torquay on Saturday he put his hand to his head saying he must knock off the drink as he was bad. He drank freely both days at Exeter and should thought that was what drove him to do what he had done. Since he had been to Mr Pinsent's he had been quite a different man to what he was before. He never drank so before.
The Coroner, in summing up, said it appeared that the poor fellow hung himself, but in what state of mind he was in when he did it, it was for the Jury to say. The evidence went to show that he drank very heavily, and at one time he appeared to have attempted suicide by burning himself with lighted benzoline oil, but he was luckily stopped in the act and sent to the hospital where he recovered. He seemed to drink as before and last week very heavily which led him to commit the rash act. Therefore he saw no other reason for the insanity except the curse of England "Drink," and that would always be the same as long as drink was given to such men, and he hoped this would be a warning to brewers and publicans not to give men drink when they deliver what was consigned to them. In his annual return of the Inquests, he held he had to state where deaths were caused by drink, so if the Jury thought such was the case now, they were to say so in their verdict. The Jury returned a verdict of "Temporary Insanity produced by Drink." At the suggestion of Mr Risdon, the Foreman, the Jury gave their fee to the widow who is left with six children, the youngest being only six weeks old.
Saturday 27 May 1876
EXETER - Shocking Suicide in Exeter. - Just after eight o'clock on Wednesday morning a sad case of suicide occurred near the St. David's Station. A waggoner named FREDERICK BARTLETT, in the employ of Messrs. J. C. Wall and Co., went to his work at the usual time. About ten minutes past eight o'clock he went to the foresters' Arms in the Cowley village, where he used to take his meals, and drank a half-a-pint of beer. Shortly afterwards he was discovered in a water closet, which abuts on the river, hanging by a think rope, which was tied to a nail not six feet from the ground. He was found by a porter, named Courtenay Chapman. With the assistance of a loader named Thomas Sampson, also in the employ of the Railway Company, the unfortunate man was cut down, and Mr E. J. Domville, surgeon, was immediately sent for. On his arrival Mr Domville pronounced BARTLETT to be dead. Deceased was forty seven years of age last Sunday week, and has been married twice. His first wife died about five years ago. About two years afterwards he was married again to an invalid, and she died about seven weeks ago. By his first wife three children were left. The deceased then resided in the Red Cow Village, but since the death of his second wife he has been living with his daughter in a house in Exe Lane, kept by Mr Rogers next door to the Paper Maker's Arms. Excessive drinking, it was reported, caused him to commit suicide; but Mr Dunn, the Foreman of the Goods Department at the Great Western Railway Station, St. David's, informs us that the deceased was always sober when at work. He had been in the employ of the Company for 27 years, and had always borne a good character. For the last two months a strangeness has been noticed in his appearance and there is no doubt that the deaths of his wives and other family troubles had temporary deranged his mind. At the Inquest on Wednesday a verdict of "Temporary Insanity" was returned.
Saturday 3 June 1876
TORQUAY - Sudden Death near Torquay. - A painful case of sudden death was the subject of an Inquest at the Torbay Infirmary, before Mr H. Michelmore, Coroner, on Saturday morning last, about ten o'clock JOHN HUNT, a waggoner, in the employ of Mr Vicary, of Newton, was returning from Torquay accompanied by his little boy, and just as he was passing Law's Bridge, about half a mile from Torre station, he complained to his son that he felt ill, and with the same he fell of the shafts and expired. The little boy pulled the horse close to the hedge, and without saying anything to anyone proceeded to Newton. P.C. Bond was informed what had occurred, and that officer removed the body to the Infirmary. The Jury returned a verdict of "Death from Heart Disease." The deceased leaves a widow and six children, all of whom are unprovided for. The Jury, which held two Inquests, gave their fees (26s.) to the widow of the deceased.
Saturday 17 June 1876
TORQUAY - An Infant Overlaid At Torquay. - MISS LEMON, residing at 28 Ellacombe Terrace, on awakening on Sunday morning discovered her infant child dead, it is supposed from having been overlaid by its mother. An Inquest was held on Tuesday evening last, by Mr H. Michelmore, Coroner, and a verdict to that effect was returned.
Saturday 1 July 1876
ST MARYCHURCH - Bathing Fatality At Babbicombe. - An Inquest was held at St. Marychurch on Saturday evening by Mr H. Michelmore, County Coroner, respecting the death of ALICE JANE OWEN, daughter of MRS OWEN, widow f the late CAPTAIN OWEN, of the merchant service. The first witness called was a Mr Brown, who stated that whilst sitting on the Babbicombe Downs that morning he saw the deceased and her sister go into the water from a bathing machine on Oddicombe Beach. They were walking backwards, and apparently one was teaching the other to swim. After a little time they got out so far that he became alarmed, and directly afterwards it appeared to him as if they were drowning. He took off his hat, and waved it to those on the beach, and shouted loudly for help. He did not see what subsequently occurred as he ran to his house for some brandy, and when he arrived at the beach the body had been brought ashore. Every effort to restore animation was made, but without success. The deceased and her sister were about forty feet from the shore. there did not appear to be any special arrangements for saving life, nor did there appear to be any one in charge. - Elias Waymouth, the owner of the bathing machines on Oddicombe beach, stated that about noon on Saturday he let a machine to the deceased and her sister. He placed the machine down to the water's edge, and saw the deceased and her sister enter the water. At that time he was about twelve yards off, but he subsequently went to a distance of about fifty yards to a lobster pot. Soon after this he heard some one shouting, and on turning around saw that there was something amiss. He pulled towards the young ladies and picked up MISS ADA OWEN, who was floating on the water. He placed her on shore, and then went out with his grapnels with which he recovered the body of the deceased, who had sunk. He took the body ashore, and although every means was taken to restore animation by medical men, it could not be effected. The deceased was still alive when he put her in the boat. The Coroner, in his summing up, pointed out that the Jury could only return a verdict of "Accidental Death" and a verdict accordingly was returned. The Coroner cautioned Waymouth to be more careful for the future in his attendance on bathers.
Saturday 22 July 1876
A Coroner's Inquest was held at the London Hotel, by Mr H. Michelmore, County Coroner, touching the death of HUBERT JORDAN. The Jury returned a verdict that the deceased died from the effects of blood poisoning, but how he came by his death there were no circumstances to show.
Saturday 5 August 1876
EXETER - A Man Killed By A Prize Bullock At Exeter. - A painful occurrence cast a gloom over Heavitree and Wonford on Tuesday afternoon, and the news will, no doubt, cause a deep feeling of regret amongst a large and important class throughout the county. Visitor to the late agricultural shows have been particularly struck with the handsome appearance of the Guernsey bull "Johnny," belonging to Mr R. N. G. Baker, a successful exhibitor of cattle, and extensive prize taker at these exhibitions. "Johnny" was considered to be as docile as he was good looking, and was attended and fed by a man named BASTIN, who also accompanied the animal on the various journeys. It was exhibited at the recent Royal Agricultural Show at Birmingham, where it was awarded a first prize. It had also taken prizes at Tiverton, Hereford, and elsewhere. A week ago the bull was brought from Birmingham and taken to its quarters in Wonford-lane. Although it had before followed BASTIN "like a child" as it was said, it now showed signs of bad temper, and BASTIN had been warned to use the hand staff when engaged with it. to the uninitiated it may be stated that the hand staff is a stout ashen bar about three feet long, which is attached to the ring in the bull's nose, and to which is also fastened a rope. With the staff the most savage brute can be kept at bay. BASTIN, however, on Tuesday, between twelve and one, appeared to have attempted to take "Johnny" to water with the rope only, and to have been set upon by the animal and killed on the spot. Shortly after BASTIN left to attend the bull, his little girl returning from the school at the Heavitree to her home at Wonford, and having to pass by the shed where it was kept, heard her father crying out in distress. She immediately ran back to the Brewery and said the bull had kicked her father. Deceased's son hastened to the place, followed by Hitchcock, an assistant attendant, and Edward Briggs, and they saw BASTIN lying down near the stall apparently dead. Briggs got into the stall by a door over the manger, and saw that the bull was fastened, and then immediately went to BASTIN and picked him up. He was sensible and said "Briggs I am a dead man." He asked him how it happened, but he made no answer, and presently called for water. Mr Williams, surgeon, was soon in attendance, and also Mr Cuming, but before the latter arrived the poor man was dead. The animal's horn had entered the inner part of the left thigh, penetrated the stomach and come out on the right side, causing the bowels to protrude. It is evident that the bull became very savage when released by BASTIN, who, however, appears to have held on to the rope, and although mortally wounded succeeded in retying the animal to another ring, and after tethering it up short, fell back from faintness. The body of poor BASTIN was removed to the Country House Inn at Wonford to await an Inquest, and Mr Baker had the bull destroyed, a young man named Langdon, of the Rifle Volunteer, shooting it with his rifle. An Inquest was held on Wednesday at the Country House Inn, Wonford, on the body of JOSEPH BASTIN, whose death resulted from the goring of a bull as detailed above, and a verdict of "Accidental Death" was returned. The Jury handed their fees over to the widow who is left with six young children, and is herself in a delicate state of health.
KINGSBRIDGE - Brutal Murder Near Kingsbridge. - On Sunday evening about nine o'clock, a brutal murder was committed near the California Inn, on the main road from Kingsbridge Road Station. The unfortunate victim was a labourer, about 30 years of age, named JOHN ROBERT WARD, who lived at Lupbridge, near Brownston, and worked for a Mr Treble, a farmer there. About eighteen months ago deceased had a quarrel with a man named Crocker, which resulted in a challenge to fight. WARD refused to fight and Crocker in urging him to do so said, "I would as soon kill a man as a cat." On Sunday evening WARD with his brother and sister-in-law, had been to the Wesleyan Chapel, Lupbridge, and on returning had called at the California Inn door and had a pint of beer between the three. Crocker was in the Inn, and seeing WARD and his friends, came out and offered to fight WARD life for life. By this time WARD'S brother and sister-in-law were some distance ahead, returning to their homes and WARD was thus left in the company of two fellow labourers named Clark and Matthews. On Crocker again challenging WARD to fight, WARD and his friends said "We are no fighting men." Whereupon Crocker struck WARD a tremendous blow in the mouth and knocked him down and as he was getting up kicked him behind the left ear, which is supposed to have killed WARD instantly, for he never moved after. Clark then attempted to interfere but Crocker felled him to the ground, and Matthews seeing what had happened, ran away. Crocker pursued him a short distance, and then returned to his victim, and kicked WARD several times after life was extinct, after which he returned to the inn and swaggered that he had murdered the b----. The deceased was a steady man and a good labourer, related to a hard-working and industrious family; while Crocker hails from the village of Ugborough and lives in an unused turnpike-gate toll-house at Fowlescombe with an aged mother and two brothers, the three not having an atom of furniture in their house, and having been ejected from their previous dwelling on account of their vicious and dirty habits, and their destroying portions of the premises they occupied. Crocker was apprehended on Monday morning. An Inquest was held on the body on Tuesday by H. Michelmore, Esq., Coroner, when the foregoing facts were confirmed in evidence. P.C. Dunsford stationed at Modbury, said Crocker was at present in the lock-up there. That morning in consequence of a description of the boots worn by the prisoner on Sunday night, took from the prisoner the boots produced. They were the same as he was apprehended in. This morning the prisoner voluntarily and after repeated cautions, made the following statement, which witness took down in writing, "I came outside the door, the public house door to do something. One of them said, "Is that the young b----- what you and he meant to get to fight with at the lower public house, that young b---- is no bigger than a b---- minute. I went forward and said 'Perhaps the young b--- is as good as you.' With the same he hit me in the face, one of the others caught me by the waistcoat, another caught me behind and tore my shirt. Then the deceased reached forward and gave me a kick in the leg. I got free, and hit the fellow down, and give him a kick. Then one of the others ran away in the public house, and I ran after him. Then I went home in company of my brother." - The prisoner made his mark to the statement. Sergeant Wellington deposed to apprehending Crocker at Fowlescombe Cross early on Monday morning. When charged, Crocker said "He began with me first." He was taken before Mr King and Mr Bowden Cornish, and remanded till Thursday at Totnes.
The adjourned Inquest was resumed and concluded on Wednesday night by H. Michelmore, Esq., County Coroner, at Lupbridge Farmhouse, North Huish. The body of the deceased lay in a cottage, in which he lodged, a short distance off. In the interval of the adjournment the police had been very busy in making further investigation into the incidents connected with the dreadful occurrence, and the result was additional evidence was produced. Mr Davies, solicitor, of Kingsbridge, appeared on behalf of the police authorities; and Mr Nepean, of Ugborough, was again present in the interests of the accused. Mr Foale, of Brownston Farm, was the Foreman of an intelligent Jury. Thomas John West a young farmer, living at new House, Diptford, said on Sunday night, whilst in the company of a young woman, he was coming down the road towards the public-house at Bronston Cross. He saw Coaker strike the deceased, who fell down twice and got up again. Coaker then struck him a third time, upon which deceased got up and fell back in the hedge, and witness never saw him move again. It was rather dark, and witness could not say whether Coaker kicked the deceased or not, but when he fell down witness saw fire fly along the road. Previous to the blows being struck, Coaker said deceased was the man who kicked up a row in the public-house at Brownston two years ago. Deceased denied it, and then Coaker said they would "have it out" now. Deceased, however, refused to fight, as it was Sunday night, and he had his best clothes on. Although witness was near enough to hear this, he could not see what caused the deceased to fall the first and second time. When he fell the third time it was from a blow struck him by Coaker about the neck. - Mr Phillip Alfred Cornish, surgeon, residing at Modbury, said he was called to see the decease at his lodging, at Lupridge, about eleven o'clock on Sunday night. He was dead, and the body was laid on a bed upstairs. He made an external examination, and found the body well nourished, and that of a healthy, well-developed man. He made an examination on Monday, assisted by Mr Square, surgeon, of Plymouth, 22 hours after death. There was a great deal of discolouration, but no external bruise. All the organs of the body were healthy except the heart, the aortic valve of which was almost closed by ossific deposit, the result of rheumatic disease. There was a milk spot on the pericardium, and on the heart, and also one on the liver. The left ventricular wall was thickened to one inch. There was much extravasation of blood in the pancreas, a gland about six inches long which goes across behind the middle of the pit of the stomach. This extravasation must have been the result of a hard blow. He found no other indications of blows. - The Coroner: Do you find enough to account for the sudden death of the man? - Witness: Yes. - The Coroner: And to what do you ascribe his death? - Witness: I consider his death was the direct result of the blows, causing such a shock to the system that the heart refused to act any longer. In fact it was paralysis of the heart, induced by the shock to the system. - The coroner: Did you find disease of the heart sufficient to account for the death without that shock? - Witness: No, not without the shock to the system. The Coroner: Supposing the man had been lying in bed with his heart as you found it, was it so diseased that he would have died from the disease? - Witness: His heart was diseased quite enough to cause death, but I won't say the man could not have lived on with his heart in the state it was, provided there was no shock to the system. Had he had a blow and no disease, in all probability the blow would not have proved fatal. - By Mr Nepean: In the diseased state of deceased's heart the excitement of a wrangle with a man might have caused paralysis, and thus resulted in his death. - Emma Edwards, wife of a farmer, living at Bearacombe Farm, Modbury, said the deceased was her brother. On Sunday last he came to her house at eleven o'clock, had dinner there, and left about half-past five. She and her brother and two children went with him; they went to Lupridge Chapel, but deceased did not. They met him, as they were proceeding home after chapel, at Brownston Cross. He was alone then, but a few minutes afterwards they were joined by Richard Matthews. Witness's brother called for a pint of beer, and six of them drank it. Deceased afterwards called for a pint of beer, which eight drank. After taking some time witness went home leaving her brother at the Cross talking to Peter Rogers, a tailor, and Matthews. Before she left she saw Coaker, at the public-house door. He made use of very bad language towards her, held his fist in her face, and threatened to knock her down. She did not see Coaker strike her brother. - The Coroner having summed up the evidence the Jury returned a verdict of Wilful Murder against Coaker and requested the Coroner to reprimand the witnesses Clark and Matthews before him, and said the Jury would have been much better pleased if instead of running away, they had gone over and pulled Coaker off the poor fellow now dead. Had they done so, his life would probably have been saved. Although no one could compel them to put themselves in danger, it would have looked much better, and they themselves would undoubtedly have been much better pleased if, when they saw another man in danger, they had tried to rescue him. The proceedings then terminated.
Coaker is a stiff-built young fellow, about 28 years of age, of medium height. He has borne a bad character in the neighbourhood, and was known and generally avoided for his drunken habits and quarrelsome and revengeful disposition. He has been convicted several times for assaults, and offences committed through being mixed up in drunken brawls. The whole family of the Coakers, in fact, bear but an indifferent character. The father and three sons work as farm labourers. The family have lived in Ugborough for several years, but they have not been long in their present abode at Fowlescombe Gate, some two miles from Lupridge Farm, where the deceased was employed. The cottage in which the Coakers live is situated by the side of the main road, and the broken windows and general neglected appearance of the place give a tolerably good idea of the character of the occupants. On Monday morning the mother, whilst drinking a quart of beer at a public-house at Ugborough, exclaimed, alluding to her son, who had been apprehended a few hours before, "Young Bobby killed a man last night! I wouldn't have minded if it had been Old Bobby. it's a pity for a young man like that to be thrown away." About six months ago the woman had £400 left her, most of which was soon squandered in drink. At the present time she is in receipt of 12s. a week for life from a relative. The deceased is described as a quiet, inoffensive man, of good character, and one who, to use the words of Mr Tribble, jun., his master's son, "would not hurt a mouse if he saw one run across the barn." At the Inquest the accused was mentioned by three different names Crocker, Cocker, and Coaker, but it was eventually decided to enter his name as Robert Coaker.
Saturday 19 August 1876
BRIXHAM - On Wednesday evening H. Michelmore, Esq., County Coroner, held an Inquest at the old toll-house at Monk's Bridge near Brixham, on the body of JOHN DAVIS, a labourer, 78 years of age, who committed suicide by cutting his throat on the previous day. The Inquiry was held at the house in which the deceased lived. The old man had been in ill-health during the past twelve months and had been in a weak state of mind, which had taken the form of a religious mania. At twenty minutes to five on Tuesday morning his wife observed him in bed by her side, but when she again awoke at half-past six she missed her husband. She then called her daughter and they both sought the deceased together. They found him in a lumber room at the back of the house, lying close beside a table, on which lay a razor, shewing evidently that the deceased cut his throat, put the razor on the table, and dropped on the floor. The gash in the throat was deep, the wind-pipe and all the principle arteries being severed; and the medical evidence was to the effect that the deceased must have died almost instantaneously from his self-inflicted injuries. The Jury returned a verdict of Temporary Insanity.
Saturday 2 September 1876
CHUDLEIGH - Fearful Death near Chudleigh. - On Wednesday, a carter, named ROBERT BAKER, of Kingsteignton, in the employ of Mr Joseph Lake, lime merchant, and lessee of the Harcombe Kilns, in the parish of Chudleigh, met with his death in the following awful manner:- Deceased was employed in driving culm to the kiln, when about 12 o'clock it began to rain hard, and, after feeding his horse, proceeded to draw up stones from under the kiln to the top. The stones had been through the kiln once, and were half burnt. To avoid an accident in tipping them into the kiln, deceased placed a long pole about 11 feet long and as thick as a man's thigh across the kiln. One end of the pole was against some culm, and the other end against some stones. In tipping the cart, however, the pole shifted, and horse and cart fell back into the kiln. The lime burner, John Lake, proceeded at once to deaden the fire, and stopped the draught of the kiln. When he returned he found BAKER in the kiln about eight feet down trying to liberate the horse. Lake raised an alarm, and in five or six minutes someone came who assisted, and BAKER was got out, senseless, but not dead. He died in a few minutes. Dr Messiah, who saw the deceased within half an hour of the said occurrence, attributed death to the fumes of the burning lime. These facts were adduced at the Inquest held on Thursday before Mr Coroner Michelmore, and the Jury returned a verdict of Accidental Death, and at the same time made a presentment that to them it appeared the practice of tipping carts into the kiln is dangerous to life.
CHUDLEIGH KNIGHTON - Shocking Death Of A Lady At Chudleigh Knighton. - An Inquest was held by H. Michelmore, Esq., Coroner, on Wednesday, at the Anchor Inn, Chudleigh Knighton, on the body of MRS BARBER, who had met with her death by burning. Mr Nicholas Mortimer stated that he resided at Chudleigh Knighton, in the parish of Hennock. The deceased was his daughter, she was the widow of WILLIAM BARBER, and was fifty two years of age. She lived in a house close to him. Last Monday he heard screams at deceased's house, and on going there he saw MRS BARBER crouching down and with her hands keeping her clothes around her. Her clothes were on fire, which witness extinguished. Deceased did her own housework. A Mr Kingwell lodged with her. There was no one in the house but MRS BARBER, when witness got there. He had himself left the house only about five minutes previously. She was perfectly sensible after the burning, but was so flurried that he could get no sense from her as to how it occurred. Alice Mary Mead, who resides with her parents in a house near where the deceased lived, was standing at her father's door on Monday afternoon, and saw smoke coming from MRS BARBER'S back door. She thought the house was on fire, and ran in. She found MRS BARBER on the floor in the middle of the kitchen with her back against Mr Mortimer's legs, her clothes were just simmering and the fire was nearly out. Dr Adam Watson, of Chudleigh, said he was called to see the deceased on Monday afternoon about 4 o'clock; she was then lying on her bed with the charred remains of her clothes over her. She was screeching with pain and unable to answer any questions he put to her. Witness examined her body and found her badly burnt over the chest, abdomen, arms and hands; on the thighs were a few spots, and her throat was also badly burnt. From the first he despaired of her life. He saw her again in the evening and she then told him that she had been nodding over the fire - a thing she seldom did - and when she awoke she found her clothes on fire. She blamed no one, and lingered until near 2 o'clock the following morning when death terminated her sufferings. The cause of death was shock to the system. The Jury returned a verdict of "Death from Accidental Burning."
Saturday 9 September 1876
DAWLISH - Sad Bathing Fatality At Dawlish. - it is a melancholy coincidence that, whilst on Saturday, a sham representation of a narrow escape from death by drowning was given at Dawlish, on Monday a real bathing fatality happened there. The name of the unfortunate gentleman who was drowned is MR EDWARD WAY, a cigar merchant, of 16 York-street, Covent Garden, London. He was about 50 years of age. It appears that the deceased's wife had recently been on a visit to his relatives at Alphington, Exeter, and MR WAY, had come to Exeter for the purpose of taking her home. Accompanied by his nephew, MR J. T. WAY, the deceased travelled from Exeter to Dawlish by the 7.45 a.m. bathing train on Monday morning. They at once proceeded to the gentlemen's bathing beach, when they engaged separate machines of Henry messenger one of the attendants. The sea was rough when the deceased and his nephew entered the water. The nephew went out first, the deceased walking a little way behind him. When the nephew had swam out a short distance he turned and desired his uncle not to come out any further. Just then MR WAY observed that the deceased was knocked over by the high waves. The sea was well in on the beach, it being only about two hours after high tide. Seeing the danger in which his uncle was evidently in, MR WAY swam towards him. Two other gentlemen who were bathing at the same time - one named Mr Pidsley, of Dawlish - also made their way as quickly as possible to the spot, whilst the bathing attendants set about putting off a boat to the rescue. Into this boat one of them, Messenger, had got, and the other attendant, John Holman, endeavoured to get in with him, but he failed in the attempt, and was knocked over by the waves three times in succession. Messenger was consequently obliged to put out alone, but the water was so rough that when after much difficulty he got alongside the drowning man, and the bathers surround him his boat was capsized and he was thrown out into the waves. In the meantime the three bathers managed to get the deceased on to the beach, where he was laid out on the ambulance apparatus kept on the spot by the Dawlish Institution. If not already dead, there was very little life left in the deceased at this time, although it is stated that he never sank and was only buffeted by the waves. A medical gentleman, who is doing duty in Dawlish for Dr Cann during his absence, speedily arrived, and he and others tried their utmost for quite an hour to restore animation to the deceased. All their efforts proved of no avail, however, and when eventually it was only too evident that life was extinct the body was removed to the Royal Hotel.
An Inquest on the body of MR EDWARD WAY, was held at the Royal Hotel, Dawlish, on Tuesday evening, before H. Michelmore, Esq., Coroner. Evidence was given bearing out the facts as given above. In summing up, the coroner said there could be no doubt that the deceased met with his death through not being a good swimmer, and that it was accidental. At the same time it seemed to him that sufficient precautions were not taken to prevent loss of life. This was not the first death that had occurred off this beach, and if lives could be saved by a few extra precautions, these precautions ought to be taken. To imagine for a moment that one man could get a boat off in such a sea as prevailed on Monday morning was idle, and the Bathing Company ought to take better precautions to see that more help was at hand if they allowed so many persons to bathe at one time. There were a couple of dozen bathing together on this occasion, and for one man to launch a boat in time to be of any service was impossible. if there were no ropes or anything of that nature kept on the beach to protect the lives of the bathers, then there ought to be sufficient attendants to properly launch the boat in any sea. No persons ought to be allowed to bathe from the machines unless proper precautions were taken to save their lives in case of accident, and if there were not proper appliances, bathers ought to be distinctly warned before they entered the water of the danger they ran, and that, unless they could swim, there was nothing, or next to nothing, with which their lives could be saved. If the Bathing Company did not take extra precautions, they ought to put up a notice to the effect that, if bathers went into the water it was at their own risk. The nephew was cognisant of the rough state of the sea, and the strong tide, but there was nothing to show that the unfortunate deceased possessed that knowledge; and, as the nephew narrowly escaped losing his own life in the endeavour to save his uncle, it was a wonder that two lives had not been lost instead of one from the want of sufficient care. The Bathing Company were not legally bound to provide this accommodation, but if they sought to make profit out of their machines in all kinds of weather they ought to put up such a notice as he had suggested. He hoped this would prove a warning to the Company, and that they might find that their fund enabled them to find better means of assistance in dangers in the future. Mr Truman, a Juryman, remarked that the appliances provided and the precautions taken at Dawlish for cases of accidents were superior to those of many other places on the coast. The Coroner said the Bathing Company would take his remarks for what they were worth. He felt strongly on the [blurred portion] precautions were not taken, and that under present circumstances a notice ought to be placed on the beach informing persons that they bathed there at their own risk. Mr Hatcher, another Juryman, asked how they were to know that the deceased did not die from heart disease. The coroner replied because the nephew had stated that he had not had any illness for twenty years. It was the duty of the Jury to consider their verdict on the evidence adduced,. He expressed a hope that the Bathing Company would receive his remarks in the spirit in which he had felt it his duty to offer them, and he trusted they would take a little extra care in future in consequence. The Jury returned a verdict that the deceased was Accidentally Drowned.
Saturday 20 January 1877
DEVONPORT - The mason COLLARD, who fell from the roof of a house at Devonport on Monday, and sustained a fracture of the skull, died in the hospital on Friday. At the Coroner's Inquiry a verdict of Accidental Death was returned.
Saturday 27 January 1877
TEIGNMOUTH - A Painful End. - On Wednesday night last, whilst GEORGE CHAPMAN and George Berry were conveying two drunken men on board a vessel lying in Teignmouth Harbour, one of the drunkards reeled over capsizing the boat and CHAPMAN was drowned. He leaves a wife and six children. An Inquest was held on the body by Mr H. Michelmore yesterday and a verdict of Accidental Death was returned.
Saturday 10 February 1877
EXETER - An Inquest was held on Wednesday on the body of JOHN WALSH, who committed suicide by hanging himself in the gaol at Exeter. The deceased was a married man, having a wife and five children residing at Swansea. He had been acting cashier of the Merthyr Colliery Company, with a salary of £350 per annum. Shortly after Christmas he absconded having falsified his accounts to the extent of £4,000. He was apprehended at Exeter at the beginning of the week, where he had represented himself as being the Hon. E. G. Hamilton. A large sum of money was found in his possession, and a bottle of prussic acid was taken from his pocket. Up to the time of being informed that a Swansea official was coming he denied his identity, but afterwards admitted it and his guilt. Within an hour or two from this he was found dead in his cell, having hung himself by means of a silk necktie he had been wearing. A portion of the Jury were in favour of returning a verdict of Felo de se, but the majority took a more merciful view, and returned a verdict of Temporary Insanity.
Saturday 14 April 1877
NEWTON ABBOT - Fatal Accident To A Newton Tradesman. - Friday night about eleven o'clock last week, MR GEORGE EDWARD HYSUM, died somewhat suddenly. Many years ago the deceased carried on the business of photographer on the premises at present occupied by Mr Banbury, and known as the Fox Inn, in Queen-street. He was always somewhat eccentric and being deaf too, his eccentricity was all the more apparent. He led what might perhaps be termed an "isolated life," although there were events in his career that shewed old boys are not more free from the weakness of human nature, than those who lead a faster life. He was never married, but if report may be relied upon he had been crossed in love. Always of a miserly disposition he became possessed of a good deal of house property including the premises where he formerly carried on his business. Of late years he has retired from business altogether and has lived alone in a small tenement he erected at the back of Mr Banbury's house. His bedroom was reached by an unusually steep stairs and unprotected without a handrail it was somewhat dangerous to ascend or descend them. On Friday night he was in the act of going up these stairs laden with numerous domestic articles when he was either seized with an apoplectic fit, or he missed his footing and he fell over them inflicting severe injuries at the back part of his head. Mr Banbury heard an unusual noise occasioned by the fall and he went out into his back yard but he was unable to discover the cause of it. Just afterwards a man named Zealley, a labourer, went out when he heard the deceased groaning. He found him at the foot of the stairs insensible and bleeding very much. Beside of him was his pipe (a companion he was scarcely ever without), a lamp and a can of water. Dr Drake was called in but he was unable to do anything for the poor man, and he died shortly afterwards. As the deceased had complained of giddiness and singing in the head, Dr Drake was of opinion that he died from a rupture of a blood vessel on the brain. The deceased was 65 years of age. His solicitor, Mr J. Johnson Winser, of London, was telegraphed for and he came to Newton on Saturday night, but we are not aware he has left a will. In the absence of any his property will go to his only sister who resides at Plymouth. A cousin of his a Mr Grimsby, now of Bristol, formerly lived with him and to this young man he had promised to leave his property. An Inquest was held on the body on Monday by Mr H. Michelmore, Coroner, and a verdict of "Accidental Death" was returned. The deceased was interred on Wednesday in Wolborough Church-yard.
Saturday 21 April 1877
BROADHEMPSTONE - A very painful case of suicide occurred at Broadhempstone on Tuesday. A married man of about 35 years of age, in very comfortable circumstances, named ALBERT CAUNTER, committed suicide by hanging himself in his barn. For some time past he has been in a desponding state but he never gave any signs that he intended to destroy himself. On Tuesday morning he rose as usual, and requested his wife to call him to breakfast. Unable to make him hear she went into the barn where she found him hanging and quite dead. He had taken the "long drop" having fallen at least six feet so that death must have been instantaneous. An Inquest was held on the body on the same day by H. Michelmore, Esq., Coroner, and a verdict of Temporary Insanity was returned.
Saturday 2 June 1877
ABBOTSKERSWELL - Sudden Death. - An Inquest was held at Abbotskerswell on the 22nd of May by Dr Gaye, Deputy Coroner, on the body of MARY ANN ASHFORD, aged 44 years, the wife of MR W. ASHFORD, baker, of that place. It was shewn, however, that deceased whilst returning from chapel, ruptured the left ventricle of the heart and a verdict to that effect was returned.
HOLSWORTHY - Alleged Murder At Holsworthy. - On Wednesday last Mr Fulford, Coroner, held an Inquest at Holsworthy, on the body of ELIZABETH DUFF, who died on the previous Monday morning under very mysterious circumstances. The deceased was a waitress at the White Hart Hotel, having formerly occupied a similar position in an hotel at Camelford. Sometime prior to her death - in April last - she told a charwoman working at the hotel, that she was engaged to a Mr Cann, of Camelford and that as he was coming to see her, she intended to have a few days holiday. At the time appointed deceased went to this charwoman's house and during the day Mr Cann came there too and they remained in the bedroom alone all the day, and in the night a bed was made up for them in the kitchen. On the next day the deceased was sick and vomited a good deal, but eventually got better and returned to her place. The deceased was pregnant at the time. On Sunday evening last the deceased and Cann were out for a walk when the latter again became ill, vomited very much on the road, complained of great pain and had to be removed to a neighbour house where she died on the following day. Dr Blyth, the County Analyst, had analysed the vomit and the stomach of the deceased and he was of opinion deceased died from poisoning by savin, administered with a view of exciting abortion. The Jury therefore returned a verdict of "Wilful Murder" against Cann, who is a married man. At the Inquest, however, he denied having administered anything to the deceased.
Saturday 9 June 1877
TEIGNMOUTH - A Child Drowned. - A little boy about two years of age, the son of a plasterer, named SPENCER, living at the Cricket Cottages, fell into the mill leat, which runs by and was drowned. The little fellow had been sent out to throw something away and he must have accidently fallen into the water. As he did not return directly a search was made for him and after some time his body was found in the stream near the cricket house and quite dead. It had been washed down several hundred yards. H. Michelmore, Esq., held an Inquest on the body on Thursday and a verdict of "Accidental Death" was returned.
Saturday 23 June 1877
STARCROSS - A Young Woman Drowned. - A painful case of drowning occurred a few days ago near Starcross. Some men were returning from Starcross to Exmouth in a boat and a young woman named ELIZABETH BENNETT, who had recently been in service of Mr Haydon's, of Stablake Farm, near Starcross, seeing them asked to be taken across. The men took her into the boat, but half way across it being very rough, the boat capsized and the poor woman was drowned. The men had a very narrow escape of their lives. An Inquest has since been held on the body and a verdict of Accidental Death by Drowning was returned.
TORQUAY - A Sad End. - A very painful case of suicide occurred at Torquay, a few days ago by ELIZABETH POWLESLAND, 18 years of age, the daughter of a dairyman, living at Barton, St Mary Church. The deceased had been in the service of Mr Lear, of St. Mary Church, but left a short time ago and went to Torquay, where she seemed to have led an immoral life. On Sunday evening last, her body was found floating in the sea, near Sulyard Terrace. There was no evidence to show how she got in the water, but it was inferred that tired of the wretched life she was leading, she committed suicide. The Coroner, in summing up, characterised the case as a most melancholy one, and the history of the deceased as very sad. The evidence proved that the poor girl had lately led a disreputable life. It might have been that during the short time that followed between the last time she was seen and the finding of her body, the consciousness of her guilt, preyed upon her mind and induced her to commit suicide. She might have been pushed over the sea-wall into the water; or she might, whilst sitting on the wall, have accidentally slipped in and been drowned by the tide. As, however, there was no evidence to prove the correctness of either of these hypotheses, he advised the Jury to return an Open Verdict, which they did, to the effect that the deceased was Found Drowned, but how she came into the water there was no evidence to show. The witnesses Nias, Tregaskis, and Godfrey, were called up by the Coroner at the conclusion of the Inquest, and were told that they had each done their share to ruin this poor girl. This should be a lesson to them, and a caution for the future. The woman Godfrey was worse than the young men, for if it were not for such women as her, her sex would not suffer in the way they did. The Coroner, before dismissing the Jury, called attention to the great inconvenience to which the medical men had been subjected in having to have the body removed from the Town Hall, to a public-house for the purpose of making a post mortem examination, in consequence of the public mortuary not being constructed so that it could be used for this purpose. The necessity of having to carry about a body as in this instance ought to be removed, inasmuch as it was painful to the friends of the deceased as well as to the public; and he expressed a hope that, on the attention of the Local Board being called to the matter, through the press, that they would have the mortuary so re-constructed as to allow of post mortem examinations being made there. Several members of the Jury expressed concurrence in the remarks of the Coroner.
Saturday 7 July 1877
Drowned In The Teign. - An Inquest was held last evening at the offices of Messrs Brown, Goddard and Co., St. Paul's Road, by H. Michelmore, Esq., coroner, on the body of THOMAS HOLMAN, who was found drowned a few hours previous in the Teign. The deceased was a mason, and was in the service of the G.W.R. Co., at the Locomotive Works. A short time ago he met with an accident by falling through a roof, severely cutting his hand with glass, disabled him ever since. Yesterday morning he went down beside of the Teign, and whilst bathing near Wildwoods it is supposed he was seized with the cramp and was drowned. James Barry, whose duty it is to look after the river, noticing some clothes on the banks acquainted some men near of the fact and they searched for the body finding it just below. The deceased was taken out and removed to his home, where the Inquest was held. The deceased was a Sergeant in the 10th D.R.V. and for many years past was an active member of the Foresters, Court Earl of Devon. The deceased was about 36 years of age, and was beloved and respected by everyone who knew him. He will be buried with military honours on Monday next. The Jury returned a verdict of "Accidental Death."
Saturday 11 August 1877
KENTON - An Inquest was held last Monday on the body of JAMES KEMMING, a waggoner, in the employ of Mr E. J. Coombe, Kenton, who was drowned on Friday evening while attempting to swim across a pond in a stream near the flour mills. The loss has been felt by all who knew him, being a respected servant, and a cheerful friend.
Saturday 18 August 1877
TORQUAY - Fatal Accident At Torquay. - On Tuesday evening ROBERT PHILLIPS, aged 64, a ganger on the sewerage works, who fell off the sea-wall at Meadfoot, in the early part of the previous week, died at the Torbay Infirmary from the injuries which he received. An Inquest was held at the Infirmary, before Mr H. Michelmore, Coroner, on Wednesday evening and a verdict of "Accidental Death" was returned.
Saturday 1 September 1877
EXETER - A cattle drover named JOHN HOOKWAY was taken up for being drunk and incapable by one of the Exeter police. After he was locked up he was discovered to be ill, and was removed t the Hospital, where he died shortly afterwards. At the Inquest on Thursday a verdict of "Died from Natural Causes" was returned, exonerating the police from all blame.
DAWLISH - Two lads, named W. WARE and G. MULLENS, were drowned whilst bathing on Sunday last at Dawlish. It is very likely that the Local Board authorities will prohibit bathing on Sundays for the future. Mr Michelmore has since held an Inquest and a verdict of "Accidental Death" returned.
Saturday 15 September 1877
TEIGNMOUTH - Fatality At Teignmouth. - The body of a man respectably dressed was found on the beach between the tunnel and the Breakwater, near Teignmouth, by a man named Newberry, on Monday morning. Deceased had not been dead very long before being found, as the rising tide had not washed the body about, it being quite warm. It was conveyed to the police station, and Sergeant Knight made inquiries and found that deceased was named ROWE, and had lately come to Teignmouth as cutter for Mr Hawkes, tailor. An Inquest was held on Tuesday, by Dr Gaye, Deputy Coroner, when the Jury returned a verdict of "Found Drowned."
Saturday 27 October 1877
NEWTON ABBOT - Baby Farming. An Infant Starved To Death. - An Inquest was held by H. Michelmore, Esq., at the Town Hall, on Thursday evening, on the illegitimate female infant of ANN BOWDEN, a widow, who died on the previous day under rather suspicious circumstances. The Coroner having sworn the Jury, explained to them that the deceased, who was only about five weeks old, was put out to keep by the mother at Mrs Wills, in No. 10 Court, East Street, and as the medical man had refused to give a certificate of its death, he considered it was a case that ought to be enquired into.
The Jury afterwards viewed the body. It was an extremely small infant, weighing only 4 lbs. 3oz., and in appearance, with the eyes still open, it reminded one of a wax doll. The first witness called was the mother.
ANN BOWDEN, a widow, living in service at Totnes, said she left Newton on the 1st of October. Her husband, who had been dead six years, was a labourer, of Newton. She had had five children by her husband. The deceased, a girl born on the 26th of September last, was also hers. She was confined at Mrs Will's, No. 10 Court, East Street, and she left the child with her nine days after her confinement. She had been living with Mrs Wills several months before her confinement. She had three children the House, one out to service at Buckland-in-the-Moor, and the youngest, who was seven years of age, was living with Mrs Wills. She had agreed to pay Mrs Wills 2s. 6d. a week for the keep of the child, playable quarterly. It was a very delicate child from its birth. She used to have a pint of raw milk for the child, mornings and evenings, and it drank nearly the whole of it. About the 15th instant Mrs Wills wrote to her to say the child was so cross by night that she should not be able to keep it. After that on Monday she wrote again saying the child was very poorly and that she did not consider it would live, and asked her to come up. She wrote back desiring her to call in a medical man, and if the child had lived she would have come to Newton in a day or so. Last evening Mrs Wills husband came to Totnes and told her the child was dead, and she returned to Newton with him the same night.
Jane Furse, widow, 73 years of age, said she acted as mid-wife when the last witness was confined. The child was very weak. She had acted as mid-wife in 275 instances and she did not know that ever she had seen a smaller child.
Dr Haydon said that on Monday morning between 9 and 10 o'clock, a little girl called and said that Mrs Wills had a child very ill and asked him to go and see it. He told her he could not come and she had better get someone else. He could not say if she sent for him as the parish doctor or not, but he had previously attended some of her children as private patients but had not been paid. About two o'clock the same day as he was coming from the Union Mrs Will's sister, Miss Derby, who asked him to see the child as it was very ill indeed. he went in and saw the child and found it as she had described. He did not examine the child. Miss Derby told him she would get a medical order from the overseer, Mr Roberts by and bye. He told her the best thing she could do was to take the child in the Union, where it would be properly fed and looked after. He did not think then that the child was dying. He believed he told Mrs Wills that she was only to give the child milk and no bread with it. Next morning he heard the child was dead, and Mrs Wills asked him for certificate of burial. He refused to give any. On Tuesday last he inquired at the House if a child had been brought there the previous day, and was told "No." He had in accordance with the Coroner's instructions, made a post mortem examination on the body of the deceased, and it only weighed 4lbs. 3oz. The average weight of a child was about 8lbs. They however varied from 6lb to 10lbs. An infant would increase about 4lbs a month. The child was clean when he saw it. He first examined the chest and found all the organs there perfectly healthy, as were also the lungs and heart but the latter had no blood in it. He next examined the abdomen and liver, and found them healthy. The stomach contained only half ounce of food of a milky nature. The brain on the whole was healthy but the lower part of it was slightly congested but it was not sufficient to account for death. All the other organs were perfectly healthy. There was no fat on the body whatever. He considered death arose from the want of proper food, and he meant by that, the want of such food as the child could have digested. The child ought to have had milk, water, and sugar. Biscuits was not proper food for the child. The child could not have digested two pints of milk a day. The milk should have been mixed with water and sweetened with sugar. If a medical man had been called in before, life might have been prolonged and probably saved. The bread and milk given to the child was not proper food for it.
Elizabeth Wills, having been cautioned in the usual way that she was not bound to say anything but that if she did it might be used for or against her hereafter, as the case might be, said she was the wife of John Wills, a labourer. She had had charge of the child since it was nine days old, the mother agreeing to pay her 2s. 6d. a week for the keep. About a fortnight ago she wrote and told the mother, the child was so cross she would not be able to keep it. The month would have been up next Monday, and if it had lived she should have given it up to someone else. The child had always been very delicate, but she had paid it every attention and had given it as much food, milk and bread, as it would make use of. On Monday the child appeared very ill, twitched, and was convulsed, and she sent her sister and daughter after Dr Haydon, but he would not attend without an order. Her sister then went to Mr Robert's offices for a medical order but he was not there, and that she was to call again about two o'clock. About middle of the day her sister called in Dr Haydon as he was passing through the street and he said she was not to get a medical order, but was to obtain one to take the child into the house. Her sister went to Mr Roberts for an order about two o'clock and he said he would see about one the next morning. Mr Roberts, in company with Mr Lambshead, called the next morning when the former said if the mother of the child was there he would given an order for both of them to go into the house. She told him what Dr Haydon had said. On Monday night she sent her sister to Totnes after the mother. She would not go herself as she would not leave the child. The mother sent back word that she could not come then and that she was to write and let her know how the child was getting on. On Wednesday, when the child was dead, she sent her husband after the mother, who returned with him. When her sister went down on Monday by the quarter to six train she gave her a shilling to pay her railway fare down, thinking MRS BOWDEN would pay her fare back. However, she missed the train and had to walk back, reaching home about half-past eleven. She fed the child on boiled bread and milk and sugar. It would not take the bottle well at all. She used to have sometimes a pint of new milk mornings and half pint evenings and other times vice versa. What the child did not consume the other children used to have. Never had as much as two pints of new milk a day for it. Could not say if the mother was fond of the child or not as she was out to work when she was stopping at her house. She never saw her put the child to the breast. The child died on Wednesday about twenty minutes after twelve o'clock. Since Sunday last the child threw up everything she gave it - even sponge cake. She had done everything in her power to save the life of the child. She took the present child because the mother was a relative and she dreaded going into the Union. She had not been in the habit of going out to work since she had had the charge of the deceased.
Edith Darby gave similar evidence to the last witness, and added that she walked home that night from Totnes as MRS BOWDEN had no money to pay her railway fare back.
The Coroner afterwards asked Mr Roberts if the last witness' evidence was correct, and he replied in the main it was. It was not usual to give orders for infants into the house without the mother - especially in the case of illegitimate infants. That was the reason he acted as he did in the matter.
The Coroner then summed up the evidence at considerable length and afterwards explained to the Jury that if they considered Mrs Wills had acted as she had with an idea she was hastening the death of the deceased it was their duty to return a verdict accordingly and the same remarks also equally applied to the mother. On the other hand if they considered it was through ignorance the child's death had been caused the one or the both, as they might decide then there was no charge. With regard to the Board of Guardians however, he must say he thought they were most arbitrary, need he say cruel, in adopting a rule that no infant was to be admitted into the House without its mother. It was certainly not the law of the land for the workhouse was a place of refuge for the helpless and distressed and here was a most striking instance where their doors ought to have been thrown open to receive a poor starving, helpless babe. He would not say the child might have lived if admitted into the house on the Tuesday, because if such would have been so it would, as a matter of course, alter circumstances very much indeed. The Jury then retired, and after a short consultation a verdict to the following effect was agreed to that the child died from starvation but that neither Mrs Wills nor the mother culpably contributed to its death. They also considered the rule adopted by the Guardians of not admitting infants into the house without the mother a very dangerous one, and that it ought to be rescinded. The Coroner here recalled the mother and told her she had had a very narrow escape and advised her to walk the paths of virtue more guardedly for the future.
Saturday 17 November 1877
NEWTON ABBOT - Fatal Accident To A Railway Official At The Newton Station. - A very painful accident, resulting fatally, occurred to JOHN POWLESLAND, a foreman shunter, at the Newton Railway Station, about quarter to nine o'clock on Tuesday night, through getting crushed between two buffers. The deceased was highly respected was about 30 years of age, and lived at Gladstone Place. He leaves a widow and two little children. It would seem that on the night in question James Pulman, engine driver for the Great Western Railway Company, whilst standing with his engine and six trucks in the goods shed line, deceased, who had come on duty at eight o'clock, came to him and gave him directions to go to the mileage points and come back again, and deceased turned the points to allow him to do so. When he had brought his train back on the mileage line against other trucks, deceased was standing near the engine and the first truck, for the purpose of uncoupling them from the second truck. The train was then at a dead stand-still, and deceased called out to witness to move back a little. This was done and deceased was then seen to go towards the truck, but as Pulman did not receive an order from him to go ahead, as usual, he looked towards the deceased, whom he saw roll over on the ground two or three times, being now without his signal-lantern, which he had had just before. Pulman jumped off the engine, ran to the deceased, and asked him what was the matter, upon which he replied he had caught himself between the buffers. By this time two guards and two men from the engine shed came on the spot. A subsequent examination showed that the truck had not been uncoupled and in the opinion of Pulman the accident was caused by deceased having passed in between the buffers instead of going under them. On this occasion the trucks were not coupled together in the usual way, they having been fastened by side chains only. The usual way of fastening the trucks together for shunting was by the centre drag chain, and if this were tight there might be room enough for a man to go in between the buffers, although it would be dangerous. When the side chains were used there would be more space between, these chains being longer than the others. After deceased had been taken into the office in the goods' shed, he said, in reply to a question as to how the accident happened, that he tripped his foot. - Deceased afterwards told Roger Partridge, goods' guard, that his foot slipped as he was going in, and he fell between the buffers. It would seem that there were no specific rules as to the mode of coupling trucks or waggons for shunting, but the usual and easiest method was t do so by the drag chain only, the side chains being used merely as an extra precaution whilst on the road. It was contrary to the rules for a man to pass between the buffers, although as a matter of fact it was often by way of haste. - Dr Scott, who was called to see the deceased in the goods' shed soon after the accident, said he was then in a state of collapse, and he ordered him to be removed to the Cottage Hospital where he remained in the same state of collapse until his death, about 7 o'clock on Wednesday morning. A post mortem examination shewed the abdominal cavity to be full of blood, caused by a ruptured vessel. There were slight external bruises on the hip and abdomen, where the deceased had been caught by each buffer, and which was no doubt the cause of the rupture of the blood-vessel. This vessel was a large one, and death was caused by the consequent haemorrhage.
An Inquest was held on the deceased by Dr Gaye, Deputy Coroner, on Wednesday afternoon, and a verdict of "Accidental Death" was returned. Mr Pratt, station-master, spoke in very high terms of the deceased, and he regarded him as the most efficient hand he had for that class of work. As several accidents have of late occurred to the employees of the Great Western Railway Company and they have been removed to the Cottage Hospital the Jury requested that Dr Gaye should write to the Company asking them to subscribe to the funds of the Institution. The Jury gave their fees to the widow.
Thursday 24 November 1877
EXETER - Execution Of The Barnstaple Murderer. - On Monday morning at 8 o'clock WILLIAM HUSSELL was executed in the County Prison, Exeter, for the murder of his wife, at Barnstaple, on the 5th of last October. HUSSELL was the only son of one of the oldest Butchers of Barnstaple, and was about 29 years of age. He lived with his wife in Sanders's Court, Diamond Street, and but for his drunken habits, their home might have been very comfortable. His wife was the daughter of a very respectable farmer named Bellew, living at Northam. they had been married about seven years, and had five children, one of whom is a cripple, and two are infants. During their married life, HUSSELL'S business as a butcher, was carried on in Butcher Row, but for several months before the crime was committed, HUSSELL and his wife lived on very bad terms. Quarrels between them very frequently occurred. He often threatened to murder her, and he carried out his threat on Friday, the 5th of Oct. During the whole of that day MRS HUSSELL was at the shop attending to customers and for some hours HUSSELL was with her. When he left he went to several public houses with some of his companions, and after carousing for several hours, he got home about nine o'clock, in a drunken state. His wife was not at home, but was out looking for him. About two hours afterwards she returned. HUSSELL was then in the house with her little servant girl. The children were in bed, and MRS HUSSELL was afraid to enter the house. HUSSELL told her not to be afraid for he would not hurt her. Immediately she went in they commenced to quarrel. At the time she had her infant in her arms. The quarrel became more intense, and HUSSELL produced a butcher's knife from his pocket, and stabbed his wife. The servant alarmed the neighbours, some of whom, on rushing in, found MRS HUSSELL at the foot of the stairs of the house, weltering in her blood. Beneath her lay the baby, covered with blood, but totally unhurt. As soon as he discovered what he had done, HUSSELL'S paroxysm of fury calmed down. He fled from the house, and went into a neighbour's dwelling near at hand. He sat down in a chair, laid his head upon the table, and commenced to moan and groan in a half-stupefied manner. The police was communicated with, and when apprehended he confessed his guilt, and asked if his wife were dead. At the trial before the magistrates, and before the Assize Judge, he shewed very great anguish, and was cast down by the deepest depression. Since his conviction his demeanour has been somewhat different.
From the first moment he entered the prison he admitted his guilt, and said he wished to die; he would not go free if he were allowed to, for he had no desire to live; he knew his life was forfeited. This he said repeatedly. Considering that he was not an educated man, he behaved very becomingly and penitently. It has been stated in some public prints that he needed careful watching because he was much depressed, and that he would have to be assisted to the scaffold because he was very much unnerved. There was never any ground for these statements. He bore up under the knowledge of his unhappy fate remarkably well. It is quite true he was watched, not on account of an unusual amount of depression, but it is the rule of the prison to watch a prisoner under sentence of death both night and day, one warder by day and two warders by night. The watching was, therefore, entirely according to custom. His spirits, on the whole, were remarkably good. He wrote several letters to his friends, showing a thoroughly penitent mind, and one of these letters was published, to his great annoyance. He said if he had known it was to be published he should have written it differently. He was visited by his cousin, and his mother and married sister saw him last Wednesday, and his father on Saturday. He received the Holy Communion with his mother, and received it again afterwards. He had no desire to see anyone but his friends, and did not see any strangers. He had a letter from his sister, and the Governor of the prison was flooded with tracts, which, according to the rules of the prison, were not given to HUSSELL. His appetite did not fail him, for he ate and drank moderately well, and deprivation of intoxicating liquor did not seem to tell upon his constitution or to depress his spirits. As has been stated, he listened to the ministrations of the Chaplain (the Rev. J. Hellens) with considerable attention, and they seemed to have made a great impression upon him. - His last night he spent with calmness. He went to sleep on Sunday night about 11.30 and woke up at four o'clock on Monday morning and asked what time it was. He asked the warder to call him at a quarter past five, and the warder did so. HUSSELL immediately rose, folded up his bed, washed and dressed, drank some water, knelt down and prayed. He was then in good spirits, and was cheerful with the warders in his cell. The Chaplain visited him on Sunday night at 10.30; again saw him in the morning at six o'clock, and remained with him until he was brought to the scaffold. He had no breakfast, because the Chaplain was with him. Shortly before eight everything was ready for the execution. The scaffold was erected in a quadrangle on the right-hand side of the Visiting Justices room - the spot where previous executions had taken place. The representatives of the Press assembled in the Visiting Justices' room, to view the execution through the barred windows,. About eight o'clock, Marwood, who arrived in Exeter on Saturday night, met HUSSELL in the pinioning-room and he quietly submitted to being buckled. A few minutes after eight the dismal procession commenced. There were the Under Sheriff, the Chaplain, the Governor, and the prison officials, with Marwood directly behind HUSSELL. The Chaplain did not read the Burial Service, but some devotions. HUSSELL walked firmly to the scaffold. He shewed wonderful courage. He mounted the scaffold, looked up at the dangling rope, closed his eyes, and muttered a prayer. The service proceeded, Marwood adjusted the rope, put the white cap over HUSSELL'S face, and immediately the platform dropped. The drop was four feet. Marwood wanted the drop to be eight feet, but a four-feet drop was sufficient to cause instantaneous insensibility to suffering. Convulsions followed. After a few moments the body became stiff and still, and HUSSELL was completely dead. The body was allowed to hang, according to custom, for an hour, and then the customary Inquest was held by the County Coroner, Mr R. R. Crosse. Evidence was given as to the cause of death, and a verdict, which was subsequently put up at the prison doors, was returned to the effect that HUSSELL had met with his death by strangulation, performed by direction of the law. The black flag was run up immediately the execution took place.
Efforts were made by some people to prevent the execution, and the Home Secretary was petitioned for a reprieve. The Under Sheriff, T. J. Bremridge, Esq., received a letter from the Home Office stating that the Home Secretary had failed to discover any sufficient ground to justify him in advising Her Majesty to interfere with the execution in the due course of the law.
Outside the prison walls the scene was very different to what it was in the days of public executions, when every spot from which a view of the sad spectacle could be obtained had its knot of spectators. As the hour of eight drew near, a few persons were assembled around the prison gates, and little groups of workmen collected together on Northernhay, and in Queen Street. By eight o'clock there were, perhaps, in front of the prison some 150 men and lads, with here and there one or two females. The behaviour of those present was extremely quiet and subdued, and the general feeling was one of sympathy for the condemned man. After the clock had struck the fatal hour, a little excitement was manifested, and a keen watch was kept on the flat-staff, on which the black flag was to be hoisted. A few minutes after eight o'clock the crash of the falling-drop was heard, and at the same moment the flat was hoisted, and the crowd knew that all was over. The spectators began to disperse almost immediately, and within half-an-hour afterwards, had it not been for the black flag hoisted over the prison gate, none would have been aware that anything out of the ordinary course had transpired within the precincts of the gaol.
On Sunday, at Holy Trinity Church, Barnstaple, in which parish the condemned man resided, the Vicar (the Rev. H. W. Majendie) in his sermon, solemnly alluded to the position of HUSSELL, and to his near approach to death. Amidst the tears of many of the congregation, he asked them to kneel down while he offered up a prayer for him. Marwood has executed four men this week.
Saturday 15 December 1877
The Late Fatal Accident In East Street. - Last week we gave particulars of an accident, resulting fatally, to a man named CHARLES HENRY LULY. On Saturday evening an Inquest was held on the body at the Cottage Hospital by H. Michelmore Esq. Mr Thomas Hackworth acted as Foreman. The deceased had a nephew at work on the scaffolding in front of Messrs. Michelmore's and Son's shop in East Street, and the former who had come up from Torquay on County Court business went up to see him, but at the top, and about 30ft. high, he fell off. Mr Jas. Chapple saw him fall, and said he pitched flat on his back in the street. He was taken up insensible and removed to the Cottage Hospital where he died a few hours afterwards. Dr Scott was of opinion he died from concussion of the brain. A verdict of "Accidental Death" was returned; and the Jury presented their fees to the funds of the hospital.
Saturday 16 March 1878
TEIGNMOUTH - Fatal Railway Accident At Teignmouth. - An Inquest was held at the Teignmouth Infirmary on Tuesday afternoon, before H. Michelmore, Esq. County Coroner, concerning the death, through an accident at the railway station on the previous day, of THOMAS HANCOCK, who was employed by the Great Western Railway Company to look after the telegraph wires on the South Devon line. Mr C. H. Law was the Foreman of the Jury, and Mr Northcott, chief inspector, of Plymouth, watched the Enquiry on behalf of the Railway Company. The first witness called was CHARLES HANCOCK, a young man, of Plymouth, a telegraph line worker, and son of the deceased, who said his father was 48 years of age, and was telegraph inspector and lived at Exeter. Roger partridge, a goods' guard, stated that he had known the deceased for 14 or 15 years. On the previous afternoon, witness was in charge of the 6.35 p.m. passenger train from Plymouth, due at Teignmouth at 8.25 p.m. Just as he blew the whistle to start the train he saw the deceased for the first time, on the middle of the platform, running towards him. he (witness) was then near the parcel office-door, on the up end of the platform. His box was just opposite him, and he unlocked the door just as the train was starting. As he was getting in, he felt something or some one come upon his heel, and, although it knocked him off his guard a trifle, he held on to the door and got inside his box. As he did so, he turned round and looking out, he saw the deceased between the platform and the carriage, with his head down and legs upwards. Witness called out as loud as he could to stop the train, and shewed the red with one hand, and put on the break with the other. Others also hallowed, and the train was stopped; when, the deceased was found on the slope of the platform, to where he had been dragged along by the train, as there was no open space to allow of his falling out before. - By the Jury: Witness considered deceased intended to get into carriage with him, but he did not get near the step, and his belief was that the deceased tripped over his foot and fell under. The deceased had not travelled with him for some time, but he would often ride home with the guard and look out at the telegraph wires on his way up. - William Warner, porter at the Teignmouth Station, said on the arrival of the 8.25 p.m. train, he saw the deceased in the tail train with the guard, William Toms. He did not notice him get out, and the next time he saw him was in the booking office, from whence he observed him go out to the platform and run along after Partridge, and witness, who was about t give Partridge a book, was abreast of the deceased. Witness heard someone's feet knock, and then he saw deceased fall head foremost, and strike against the moving train as he fell. His head went down between the platform and the carriage, and his legs were up, and in his position he was carried along about sixteen yards to the end of the platform, and then fell off. Witness picked up the deceased, who was alive, but did not speak. Deceased was carried into the waiting room of the station, and a doctor sent for. Witness held deceased's head until his death which occurred within two minutes. - Mr J. C. Boundy, station master, said he was on duty, when the 8.25 p.m. train arrived, but he did not see the accident. The first he heard of the occurrence was a shouting at the up end of the platform, and on seeing the train being pulled up, he asked what was the matter, upon which some one replied, "The telegraph man is down." Witness instantly went towards the deceased and found him on the slope at the up end of the platform, with the last witness supporting his head. Witness took deceased by the hand, and said, "Are you much hurt?" and his reply was "I don't know." That was all that passed, and witness had deceased conveyed to the waiting room, and a doctor sent for. Dr Edwards speedily came, but the deceased died about a minute before his arrival. For anything that witness knew to the contrary, the deceased had been a steady man. He believed it had been his habit to ride with the guard, and he was not aware that railway men often left it until the last moment before getting into the train. - By the Jury: The deceased appeared to sleep off quietly until he died. Only ten or twelve minutes elapsed, from the time the accident first happened to the moment of death. - Mr Thomas [?] Webber, superintendent of the telegraph, [?], Exeter and Penzance, residing at Plymouth, said the deceased had been in his employ 28 or 29 years. He always found him a very steady man, and very attentive to his work. On the previous afternoon witness employed deceased to find out a fault in connection with one of telegraph wires on the line, and in getting out at Teignmouth, the deceased probably did so to go into the booking office for orders sent there for him. This was all the evidence, and the Coroner, in summing up, made some remarks on the dangerous practice of getting into the trains at the last moment, and, whilst they are in motion. After reviewing the evidence, he observed that no one could account for the act of the deceased in running after the guard Partridge, to finish his journey with him, after having travelled the other portion of the distance with the other guard. The facts, however, proved that the accident was purely attributable to the deceased's own act. At the same time, these sad occurrences were not sent to us without their use, and, in spite of the remark of Mr Boundy, that he had not seen the company's servants leave is until the last moment before they entered the train, he was quite sure, from his own personal experience whilst travelling, that this was so, and he had often wondered that more lives had not been lost through this practice. It was evident that in this instance the poor fellow lost his life through leaving his getting into the train until the last moment. This was a warning to other servants of the Company, and he trusted they would profit by it. The guards were often unable t get into their carriages before the train was starting, but other railway men had no more right to enter a train whilst in motion than the travelling public. The Jury returned a verdict of "Accidental Death" and expressed their concurrence in the Coroner's remarks. They gave their fees to the widow.
Saturday 23 March 1878
Painful Death Of A Pauper. - An Inquest was held in the Board-room of the Union Workhouse on Friday, by H. Michelmore, Esqr. Coroner, on the body of JOHN ELMORE, aged 58 years, who died in the workhouse on the previous Wednesday, shortly after his admittance from Dawlish, under very peculiar circumstances. The first witness called was Mr Moxey, the master of the workhouse who said the deceased was admitted into the house on Monday evening last, about six o'clock, he having walked from the station by himself. He saw him about half an hour after he came. Learning from the porter who received the order of admittance from the deceased, that the latter was not well, he ordered him to be put into a warm room. The order was signed by Mr Yolland, the relieving officer. He saw him again the next day when he still complained of being ill, but he saw nothing the matter with him, requiring the special attendance of the house surgeon, who therefore only saw him on the occasion of his usual visit. The deceased died on Wednesday morning about ten o'clock. The only thing the deceased said was that if he could have had a little relief he should not have come into the house.
Susan Bartlett, the nurse, said she saw the deceased when he first came into the house, and she asked him what was the matter, and he replied asthma and heart disease. He was put into the bath warm, and she requested him to keep himself quiet. Dr Haydon saw him the next day about five o'clock. In accordance with the doctor's directions, she gave him some medicine and a glass of hot gin and water and the deceased felt much better. The next morning he was much worse and she applied a blister to his chest, and gave him some more gin, but he never rallied and he died shortly afterwards. She did not send for the doctor as she saw that he would be of no use.
A married woman named ELMORE of Dawlish, identified the body of deceased and said he was her brother-in-law. He came to her house on March 5th, and soon complained of being ill. having obtained an order from Mr Loram, assistant overseer, he went and saw Dr Parsons, the parish doctor, and afterwards the medical man visited him at his house. Mr Loram refusing to give him an order for some meat, Dr Parsons directed him to go to Mr Lamacraft's and get what he wanted, and he did so. He had merely the verbal order. Saturday last he decided on coming into the house, saying he thought he should then get better and she persuaded him not to go till the following Monday. She applied to the Relieving Officer, Mr Yolland, for a little relief for him, but he declined to give anything as he had no power to do so he said, and he must go into the house. Last Thursday week, Mr Yolland visited him at her house, but he did not ask him any questions. He said he could not give him anything and thought the best place for him was in the house. He gave him an order for the house and Mr Loram promised to see that his railway fare was paid to Newton.
Mr A. D. Parsons, surgeon, said he was the medical officer for the parish of Dawlish. He first saw the deceased on the 8th of March, when he brought with him a medical order. He examined him, and found that he was suffering from asthma and heart disease. He gave him some stimulants as he did not think otherwise he would have reached his home again, and he also gave him a written order to go to Mr Loram for some mutton broth, but no notice was taken of it by Mr Loram. He saw him again on the 11th when he was still suffering and ought not to be removed, and he gave him a second recommend to take to Mr Loram for mutton broth, marking it "important" but still neither one of these orders were taken any notice of by the assistant overseer. The reply Mr Loram made was that he could not give anything but an order for the house. The second order he gave was brought back in a broken state. The party who brought it said that Mr Loram had torn it up before their face and said he could only give an order for the house. Mr Yolland afterwards told him he could do nothing for the man but give him an order for the house, and he replied it was very hard lines. He told both of these officers that the man was in a dying state and that if they removed him they would be responsible for the death, and not he. Last Wednesday he came to the Board to know what his duties were when he learnt the man was dead.
Mr S. Loram, assistant overseer, of Dawlish, said he first saw the deceased on the 8th instant, when he applied for an order for the doctor and he gave him one. He also told him that he had no power to give him any out relief. On the 11th he saw him again when he tendered him a medical order for 2lbs. of mutton, but he did not receive any on the 8th, nor did he notice until now that "important" was written on the one produced. Mr Yolland, however, received one on the 14th instant. He (witness) could have relieved him only on his own responsibility. On the 12th he saw Mr Parsons when he said he should give the deceased 2lbs of meat himself, and apply to the Board for payment. He (witness) then told him the only thing he could do was to give him an order for the house, and Mr Parsons replied that he would not be responsible for his removal. The case was brought before the Board on Wednesday week by Mr Parsons, when he (witness) explained what he had done, and the Chairman said he had acted perfectly right. The deceased told him on Monday last just before he left Dawlish the reason he wished to come into the house was because Dr Parsons did not visit him nor give him any medicine. He saw him to the railway station, paid his fare, and gave him 4d. to have some beer and some tobacco out of his own pocket.
Mr Joseph Yolland, the Relieving Officer, said he first heard about the deceased at the Board meeting on Wednesday the 13th inst., when Mr Parsons reported that he had given an order to him for deceased to have some mutton and that he had refused to give it. He denied the statement and told the Board the man called his attention to a letter he had received on the subject from Mr Parsons, and he again replied he knew nothing about it. When he visited Dawlish the next day he went to the man's house but he was not home, and he waited until he came back from his walk. Learning from him that he was willing to go into the house he gave him an order accordingly, and told him that the assistant overseer would pay his railway fare on application. He then went and saw Mr Parsons in answer to the letter he had sent to the Board. He found him in his room in a very excited state, and it was some time before he could get any sense out of him. He asked him twice if he would give him a certificate that the man was not fit to be removed but he would not. The only thing he could get out of him was that he would not be responsible for what might occur if he were removed.
Dr Haydon, the House Surgeon, said he saw the deceased on Tuesday last. He examined him and found him to be suffering from congestion of the lungs and from an irritable and weak heart. He did not, however, consider that he was dangerously ill. He prescribed for him. he had since made a post mortem examination on the body of the deceased and he found the body very fairly nourished. He considered the cause of death arose from diseased lungs and kidneys, and secondary from a diseased heart. He was of opinion his removal, in the state he was, would hasten death. The man, if not removed, might have recovered again, but never permanently. The Coroner summed up the evidence very carefully, and pointed out the law as bearing upon the facts of the case. The Jury then retired and on their return gave a verdict "That Deceased died from Natural Causes, accelerated by exposure to cold in his removal to the Workhouse and they were further strongly of opinion that relief should have been given at Dawlish".
Saturday 13 April 1878
TORQUAY - Mysterious Fatality At Torquay. - An Inquest was held on Wednesday at the police-station, Torquay, by H. Michelmore, Esq., County Coroner, respecting the death of a woman named PATERSON, aged about 50 years. The body was seen floating in the sea off Hope's Nose on Sunday, but owing to the roughness of the weather it could not be recovered until the following day. The deceased was a char-woman, and had not been seen by any of her acquaintances since Thursday week last, when her daughter and a Mrs Pearce conversed with her. It came out in evidence that the deceased had had notice that her services would not be required at Mr Starks', one of the houses where she had done work, and it also transpired that she had obtained goods under false pretences. Whether these circumstances weighted on the deceased's mind and induced her to destroy herself no one could say, but the Coroner advised an open verdict and one of "Found Drowned" was accordingly returned.
Saturday 4 May 1878
NEWTON ABBOT - Sudden Death At The Railway Station. - On Saturday evening Dr Gaye, Deputy Coroner, held an Inquest at the Town Hall on the body of ANN WILLIAMS, 68, a travelling tin-ware hawker, who died suddenly earlier in the day. The deceased, with her husband, had been stopping for a few days at the Jolly Sailor Inn, in East-street. Whilst there she had been in poor health. On Saturday morning the deceased and her husband left the public-house for the railway station, intending to proceed to Totnes by the first train, which leaves shortly after eight o'clock. On the way the deceased was obliged to stop, through feeling ill, and on arriving at the outside of the station, whilst her husband had gone on a little in advance to get the tickets, she tripped in the kerb of the paved foot-path and fell heavily forward on her face. She was immediately raised up, but she never spoke, and, by the time Dr Gaye arrived, in a few minutes, he pronounced life to be extinct. The cause of death was stated to be syncope, and the Jury returned a verdict of Death from Natural Causes.
Saturday 25 May 1878
NEWTON ABBOT - Sudden Death In Bed. - An Inquest was held in the Town Hall, Newton, on Friday, before H. Michelmore, Esq., County Coroner, on the body of SARAH BRAY, otherwise known as SARAH WANNELL, a washerwoman, 44 years old, who was found dead in her bed that morning. On the previous day the deceased was at work at the house of a Mrs Wedlock, in the Market-place, which she left shortly after 10 p.m., and after partaking of some bread and butter and a glass of ale for her supper. The next morning, soon after six o'clock, on her being called, she was discovered lying in bed, black in the face, foaming at the mouth, and unable to speak. Dr Ley was called in, and he then pronounced the woman dead. A post mortem examination led him to attribute death to apoplexy. The Jury returned a verdict of Death from Natural Causes, and gave their fees to the Cottage Hospital.
Saturday 8 June 1878
TORQUAY - Infanticide At Torquay. - Mr H. Michelmore, County Coroner, held an Inquest at Torquay on Thursday respecting the death of an illegitimate of LOUISA HARDING, 28 years of age, who has been living for some six months as servant with Mr and Mrs Bovey, of 4 Woodland Grove, Babbicombe-road, Torquay. It appears that on Wednesday morning Mrs Bovey, on going upstairs, saw something under the girl's bed, which led to the admission by the girl that she had been confined and the statement that the child was born dead. She then produced the body from a box in her bed. The police having been communicated with, Sergeant Ockford went to the premises, and was told by the girl, upon her being charged with concealment of birth that "she was alone, had no friends, and knew not what to do. Her mistress was always very kind to her, and she wished she had told her of it." The Sergeant searched the room, but could find no baby linen. The medical evidence given by Mr Richardson was to the effect that the child had been born alive, in a healthy condition, and had died from suffocation. The Coroner said that he could see from the evidence but two courses open to the Jury, viz., to return a verdict of either manslaughter or of wilful murder. The Jury, after a brief deliberation, returned a verdict of Manslaughter.
TORQUAY - Sad Deaths By Drowning. - Two young daughters of the Rev. Mr TAYLOR, of Babbicombe, Torquay, whilst playing on the beach at Watcombe, fell into the water and were drowned before assistance could be rendered to them. Mr Michelmore held an Inquest on the bodies on Thursday, making three inquests at Torquay in one day.
TORQUAY - Strange Death Of A Young Woman At Torquay. - On Thursday evening the Inquest on SARAH ANN UNDERHAY, a young woman, 19 years of age, was concluded by Mr Michelmore County Coroner, at Torquay. The deceased lived in Higher Union Street, Torquay, and falling ill she was attended by a nurse named Courveisier, wife of a painter, living in Victoria Park. Mr Richardson, surgeon, also attended her. Some few days after the nurse had been with her the deceased said she was four months advanced in pregnancy, and that she had taken something which someone had given her "to put the child away." The nurse asked her who had given it to her, and she replied, "the man living the next door but one," and in that house there resided a painter, named Train. The nurse had never seen the deceased take any liquid, the bottles being always taken away before she arrived. Deceased told the nurse that she had paid the man 4 1/2d. a few glasses of beer for the "stuff," and had promised to pay him some more when she had the money. She complained to the nurse of a very great pain in her stomach. The pain increased, and she died early on Friday morning last. At the commencement of the Inquiry, the nurse was examined, and also Mr Richardson, who attended deceased. Mr Richardson described the symptoms which her disease exhibited. She suffered from severe pains in the abdomen, and he had asked her whether she had taken anything to cause the pain, to which she replied that she had not. Mr Richardson told the Jury that he had seen the bottles, and he had asked the deceased "when she took the stuff in the bottle," and she replied "Three or four times just before I sent for you the last time." At the adjourned Inquiry on Thursday Mr Richardson was further examined, and he stated that the cause of death was peritonitis, produced by gall stones perforating the bladder. It was an uncommon cause of death. He never knew a case of gall stones in one so young, and the softening of the bladder he regarded as even more extraordinary. The deceased was not with child. A verdict in accordance with the medical evidence was returned.
Saturday 29 June 1878
PLYMOUTH - The Late MR EDWARD SPENDLE. - The body of this unfortunate gentleman, who was drowned with his two sons on Whitsands, near Plymouth, on the evening of Whit-Sunday, was not recovered until Tuesday afternoon, when it washed ashore a few yards only from the spot where he disappeared. Some mystery has hung about the fact that nothing whatever was seen of the bodies, day after day, from the time of their terrible engulphment, until more than a fortnight had passed away. It is supposed that they were so buried in the quicksand that it required all the changes by wind and tide during that time to remove the incumbent sand. The bodies of the two sons, after the Inquest on Monday, were taken back to London and buried in the Paddington Cemetery.
Saturday 3 August 1878
NEWTON ABBOT - A Fatal Fight. - The Accused Committed For Manslaughter. - An Inquest was held on Saturday last at the Town Hall by H. Michelmore, Esq., Coroner, on the body of HENRY WOOD, a carter, in the employ of Mr Prince, coal dealer of Queen Street, and who died on the previous night under circumstances that rendered it probable that his death had resulted from injuries received in a fight with another carter, named Samuel Lock, of Kingsteignton, about a month before. A great deal of interest was felt in the Inquiry and the Hall was crowded. Lock was present during the Inquiry, but he did not ask any questions. The Jury consisted of the following: Messrs. R. Risdon (Foreman), W. Ryder, J. Dicker, C. Pope, Welsh, John Babbage, Geo. Salisbury, J. Williams, Geo. Burridge, Thos. Risdon, Thos. Lamble, John Gribble, and Samuel Cotton.
MARY ANN WOOD, wife of the deceased, said her husband was 36 years of age, and was a carter and lived in Wolborough-street. The deceased died last evening at eleven o'clock. Dr Haydon had been attending him for three days prior to his death in consequence of his complaining of headache and pain in the stomach. He had not been well for the past three weeks. He had not been in the habit of complaining of headache for the past twelve months until lately - the last three weeks. On Wednesday morning, July 24th, he went to work about four o'clock and was brought home again about an hour afterwards very ill. About three weeks before that he came home with his eyes blackened, top of his nose discoloured, blood oozing from one side of his head and he also had a large bump as large as a hen' egg at the back of his head as though produced by a blow. He complained of having been badly served. The cut by the side of the head was near the temple. Could not say which temple, but believed it was on the right one. His breast was also covered with blood. He said Lock had served him like that about a waggon. He also told a neighbour named Abe Tapson how he had been served. He said "Look here Abe how I am served. Look at my eyes how black they are. I have got some stuff here, I had it from Mr Ponsford to strike them with." Then she (witness) asked him where he had been to be served like that? He said, "I was in the stable doing up my horse, when Sam Lock came in and hit me down. He knocked me very much about the eyes and I screeched murder. He kicked me in the head whilst I was down and knelt on my chest. I then called for my master (Mr Prince) who came and pulled Lock off." She asked him why Lock served him like that, and he said it was about a waggon. he said he had borrowed a waggon of Lock one day and because he had it the second day without his permission he served him in that way. Her husband also said that as he had had the waggon one day he thought he could have it again. Deceased cried to Mr Tapson and said that if Mr Prince had not come to his assistance Lock might have killed him. He also asked Tapson if it was right to kick him after he was down and Tapson replied that no man would do so. She then went in and the deceased came in just afterwards. He washed his eyes with the lotion and went to bed. The next morning she noticed the eyes appeared much worse and were covered with "blood shots." He got up and sat on a chair resting his head on his hands and complained of headache. He repeatedly complained afterwards. He did not go to work the next day. He was not in any club. He, however, went to work afterwards, but one morning before Wednesday, July 24th, he came back again and said he could not go to work as he felt faint. He complained than of pain in his head. When he was brought home on the Wednesday morning he could hardly speak, but she managed to understand him. he said he was very ill in his head. Sergeant Nicholls and another man helped him to bed and Dr Haydon was called in and he attended him up to the time of his death. The deceased had referred to a grudge Lock had against him about a month ago, but she could not say what it was about. The deceased was not subject to pain in his head before the fight more than any other man.
Dr Haydon said he had attended the deceased as mentioned by the last witness. When he saw the deceased first , viz: on Wednesday morning, July 24th he was suffering intense pain in his head, and seemed bewildered by it. His pupils were dilated with it. The deceased did not mentioned to him anything having happened to him and he thought he was suffering from pressure and inflammation on the brain. He asked deceased several questions but he appeared too bewildered to answer them, all he said was "my head, my head," at the same time resting his head in his hands. He gave him some medicine and directed his wife to bathe his head in vinegar and water. He visited him several times daily till his death. The second time he saw him he was getting insensible. On Thursday his wife mentioned to him that he had been beaten about the head, and he inferred from that that he was suffering from these injuries, but the nature of these injuries he could not say. The deceased died last night about eleven o'clock. He had since made a post mortem examination of the body. He found his body fairly nourished, and there were no marks of violence that he could see externally on the body. He first opened the head, and on removing the scalp he found two bruises at the top. On removing the skull cap a great deal of dark coloured blood escaped. The surface of the brain itself was very vascular and was congested all over. The vessels turgid with blood, and on taking the brain out of the skull he found from an ounce to an ounce and half of fluid in the base of the skull. The hemisphere of the cerebrum was covered more or less by strings of the same matter. In some places these little strings broke as soon as they were pushed against. The ventricles of the brain appeared as usual but the brain was altogether softer than was usual. The cerebellum was soft and easily torn and was much lacerated by a clot of blood which projected through the substance of the left lobe. All the vessels were turgid and dark with blood, but in themselves appeared healthy. From this he considered the deceased had not suffered from any disease of the arteries and the state of the vessels and the clots of blood he had described would have been produced by violence or a severe blow on the head. What he had described was sufficient in his opinion to have caused death. It would have been impossible for the deceased to have lived long in the state in which he found his brain. At the adjourned meeting Dr Haydon was recalled, when he said that he had heard the evidence of the fight between Lock and WOOD, and in his opinion the injuries the latter then received caused his death. The inflammation might have come on gradually and the clot of blood might have been formed quickly, or gradually from the blow on the back of the head which he had described. Supposing the deceased received no blows since the fight he had no doubt they were sufficient to cause the injuries from which he died. He was sure the inflammation of the brain he found could not have proceeded from a blow received on the 24th, but with respect to the clot of blood he could not give an opinion.
Mr Bernard Prince, coal dealer, of Queen Street, said the deceased was a carter in his employ. He drank a little but was always able to finish his work. He was by no means a quarrelsome man. On Monday, the 1st of July, he fancied it was that date, he saw the deceased in the evening in the stable doing his horses. He might have drank a little but he could do his work all right. About half an hour afterwards he saw Lock come into the yard. Lock had a waggon there and he wanted to remove a wheel from it he asked deceased to assist him. The deceased refused to come, saying, "You are big enough to do it yourself." He (witness) assisted Lock in taking it off and putting it on again. Lock might have drank a little but nothing out of the way. Afterwards Lock and deceased had some words because the latter would not assist to take off the wheel. Deceased talked about fighting and then Lock, who was in the yard, went into the stable to him. Hearing a scuffle in the stable and WOOD crying murder, he went in and found them struggling on the ground in a corner. Lock was on the top and across of WOOD and he pulled him off as quickly as he could, and got him out of the stable. He did not see any blows struck but he fancied he heard blows pass before he went in. WOOD afterwards came out of the stable and taking up a fork, used for cleaning the stable, and said he would stab him. He (witness) then took a fork from him. Deceased said that Lock had kicked him, and Lock did not deny having done so. One of deceased's eyes was much swollen. His face was covered with blood. Lock's nose was also bleeding and swollen. Lock afterwards went away and he also left the deceased in the yard. They were not scuffling in the stable more than two minutes before he went in. Lock's waggon was kept in his yard and he had permission to use it when Lock did not require it. The deceased was using the waggon for him (witness).
Sydney King, a lad about 12 years of age, the son of Mr George King, builder, of Queen Street, who from the manner in which he gave his evidence, seemed to have remembered very accurately what took place in respect of the fight, but he was not sworn. He said he was in the stable with WOOD when the fight took place. When Lock came into the stable he struck the deceased in the back between the two shoulders and he fell forward, his head coming in contact with a board. He got up and was knocked down again, this time Lock striking him in the chest and he fell backwards. Saw Lock on him whilst he was on the ground but he did not see him kick deceased. Mr Prince afterwards came in and pulled Lock away. Mrs Prince was also there and saw what took place.
The Coroner here directed Sergeant Nicholls to fetch Mrs Prince and to see she did not have any communication with her husband.
Mrs Prince shortly afterwards was in attendance. She said she saw Lock go into the stable; and, on hearing the deceased cry out "murder" she went in with her husband. She saw the deceased on the ground, with his head on a brick floor, against a wooden post, and Lock "punching" him with his fists. Her husband went towards them, and while he was pulling Lock off she ran into the street for assistance. When she returned the men were coming out of the stable. She saw that the deceased had been served very badly, his eyes being both blackened and bloodshot. - At this stage of the proceedings, the Coroner intimated that there was additional evidence to be called, and the Inquiry was adjourned to (Monday) evening, after lasting over four hours, from half-past eight on Saturday night to a quarter to one on Sunday morning.
At the adjourned Inquest Lock was again present looking much sadder, and apparently took notice of the evidence much more seriously than on the first occasion.
Barnard Prince was re-examined by the Coroner:
The Coroner: You have heard the evidence that has been given and also that by your wife and I ask if it is possible you did not see any blows pass between Lock and WOOD?
Witness: I did not see any pass, but it is evident that after WOOD went into the stable he came out very badly served. I was very much frightened at the time, and seeing Lock on WOOD I ran over and pulled him away as soon as I could.
Coroner: Have you told anyone that you saw Lock serving WOOD very badly?
Witness: I don't remember saying so. I might have said that he was punishing or beating him.
Coroner: You think you might have said "beating him."
Witness: Yes, sir.
Coroner: Would you have said that without having seen it?
Witness: I might have said so because he was so badly served.
Coroner: You have heard the evidence of the boy King wherein he stated that Lock drew himself away from you and knocked WOOD down the second time. Is that so.
Witness: I don't remember that sir, I only remember once.
Coroner: You saw Lock knock him down once then?
Witness: I did not see him hit; I only saw WOOD down.
Coroner: What do you mean then by once?
Witness: I did not see him knock him down at all.
Coroner: Did you ever say you saw Lock push him down?
Witness: No, sir.
Coroner: Just tell us what you did see.
Witness: I only remember when I got into the stable pulling Lock off and getting him out of the stable. WOOD cried murder and said that Lock had kicked him. There was another thing I omitted to state in my last evidence. WOOD said that Lock was killing him.
Coroner: Whereabouts were they lying?
Witness: In the corner beside of the post.
Coroner: You say then you don't remember seeing Lock knock WOOD down at all?
Witness: No, sir; and to the best of my recollection this was the only time I saw him down.
Coroner: How long was it after you heard WOOD call "murder" before you went to him?
Witness: Not a minute.
Coroner: Did you hear anyone crying out before?
Witness: No, sir; and as soon as I got into the stable I jumped to Lock and pulled him away.
Coroner: Is it possible you think that Lock could have pulled himself away from you and have knocked WOOD down the second time without you remembering it?
Witness: It may be possible but I do not think it to be very likely.
Coroner: You told us the other night that when Lock came in the yard, WOOD was in the stable doing up his horses.
Witness: Yes, sir.
Coroner: Your wife told us that WOOD was at the waggon and that you ordered him to go in and do his horses. Which of these statements is correct?
Witness: As soon as Lock came into the yard he wanted some one to help him and he said something to WOOD about helping him, and WOOD refused. I then went myself and told WOOD to go in the stable and do up his horses.
Coroner: Then you did tell him that?
Witness: I did. Just outside of the stable door.
Coroner: And you mean to tell me that your wife told a deliberate falsehood if she said that WOOD was helping Lock at the wheel?
Witness: I don't remember his doing so. If he did anything at all at the waggon, I must have been at the time in the little place having a cup of tea. I might have said to him "go in and do your horses and I will do the waggon."
Coroner: Then you acknowledge now that what you said before was not correct? You said on Saturday night that WOOD came to the stable door, but refused to help Lock saying he was big enough to do it himself.
Witness: He was outside of the stable door.
Coroner: Did not WOOD go over to the waggon?
Witness: I did not see him, but he might have done so, when I was having a cup of tea.
Coroner: Where was WOOD when you came out?
Witness: Near the stable door.
In answer to Mr Salisbury, witness said that deceased was absent for two days after the fight. He was home ill. When he came to work again he complained of pain in his stomach, but he never made any complaint after that. After the struggle was over Lock said to him (witness) "we have not hurted each other have we?" and he replied WOOD had got a very bad eye. WOOD did not say much about it as he believed he wanted to keep it quiet. Neither was the worse for drink.
Coroner: Have you said to any one that Lock should have said to you "let me go I will kill the b...... outright?"
Witness: Oh! no sir.
Coroner: did you mention those words to a man called Endacott.
Witness: I never used such words to the best of my remembrance. Lock never made use of such and I never said as much to Endacott.
Emily Blackler, living in Lemon Road, said the back of where she lived overlooked Mr Prince's yard. Some three or four weeks ago she heard loud angry talking in the yard about half-past six. On looking out of the window she saw Prince dragging Lock out of the stable. Lock afterwards went over to the waggon talking to Prince when WOOD came out with a pitch fork and Mr and Mrs Prince took it away, but she considered from WOOD'S jestures he wanted to hit Lock with it. Mr Prince put WOOD into the stable and he came out again directly afterwards and taking a tipstick from a cart he tried to strike Lock when the latter pushed Prince oneside and laying hold of the stick slapped WOOD in the face and then threw him down, falling on him. WOOD said "let me get up," Lock said "give me the stick." WOOD gave up the stick and Lock then let him get up. WOOD then went into the stable and Lock washed his face and went away. Mr and Mrs Prince and Sydney King were there during that time. Mr Prince might, however, have left to get some water.
Mrs King, wife of Mr George King, builder of 69 Queen Street, said the yard in which the disturbance took place belonged to her husband. She heard her boy say there was a dreadful fight between HARRY WOOD and another man. She immediately went into the yard and there saw Lock walking slowly from the stable. Just after Prince came out of the stable. Mrs Prince had left for a policeman and when she came back she said I cannot find a policeman anywhere. Lock had a deal of blood about his slop. His nose was much swollen but she did not see any blood coming from it. He had evidently had a blow. She told Lock that he ought to have known better than to strike a man when he was in drink. She inferred that WOOD was in drink from what Mrs Prince had just told her. She did not see WOOD come out of the yard whilst Lock was there and Lock was there washing himself for a quarter of an hour. She heard WOOD groaning and swearing whilst in the stable. He seemed to have been in great pain, and appeared in a bad state. Lock swore and said that "he would give WOOD the second part presently." Soon after Lock left WOOD came out, and she noticed that his face was in a very bad state. He had a large place under his eye. She asked him to look at it but he replied, "Oh! no," and he rushed upstairs, Mrs Prince saying that he should have a cup of tea. WOOD passed her house for his home about half an hour afterwards. She did not know of her own knowledge that he was in drink nor did she notice that he was when she saw him.
Mr James Ponsford, chemist of Wolborough-st., said he knew deceased. About a month ago he came to his shop in the evening about seven or eight o'clock for some lotion for his eye. He noticed his left eye was very much swollen. The right was also swollen a little. He washed his eye, gave him some lotion and told him to go to bed as quickly as he could. He asked him how it happened. He said that he had had a skermish; that a man had knocked him down and had kicked him. He did not complain of pain in his head.
Ebsworthy Tapson, pedlar, and dealer in glass and chinaware of Wolborough-street, said the deceased was a neighbour of his. About a month ago he remembered the deceased coming home in the evening. He saw him in the street. He said to him, "Holloa! where have you got that"? Noticing he had two black-eyes. His clothes were covered with blood. He had washed his face. Deceased said "Mr Sammy Lock give me this, and that the disturbance had occurred about a waggon." Deceased said that Lock kicked him whilst he had him down in the stable. He took off his hat and asked witness to feel. He did so but he could not fee anything unusual.
Mr William Endacott, of Quay Terrace, said he knew Barnard Prince. Last Thursday night he went up to MR WOOD's (deceased's) father's house, on business, he there saw Mr Prince, who remarked that he saw Lock with WOOD under him and was beating him, and he added that a powerful man like that would serve him bad.
Sergeant Nicholls said that on Wednesday last about half-past four in the morning from a communication made to him he went into Courtenay Street, and at the entrance to Courtenay Street Hall he saw the deceased sitting on the step. With assistance he took him to his home. He complained of being very ill in his head and drew attention to his chest from which he noticed perspiration was flowing very freely. At first he thought he was intoxicated but he soon discovered that was not so. He assisted him in bed and advised a medical man to be sent for. He had since visited the stable and on the post referred to in evidence by previous witness he noticed several spots of blood. By Mr Salisbury: It was Mr Badcock, living opposite, who drew his attention to the deceased being helpless in the street.
The Coroner summed up the evidence to the Jury very carefully and pointed out the law as bearing on the facts adduced. There were three questions they needed well to consider, viz: In the first place, were they satisfied that the injuries described by the doctor were the result of violence. Secondly, were they satisfied that the injuries were inflicted by Lock; and thirdly were they satisfied with Dr Haydon's evidence as to the cause of death.
The Jury then retired, and after about ten minutes consultation, they returned a verdict of "Manslaughter" against Lock, who was committed by the Coroner for trial on that charge.
The prisoner was then taken into custody and locked up. Mr F. Watts watched the Inquiry on behalf of Lock. The Jury gave their fees to the widow of the deceased.
Lock was brought up before the magistrates on Tuesday, charged with Manslaughter. The hearing was adjourned to the following day when the evidence, similar to that given before the Coroner, was completed. The prisoner was committed for trial. The bail offered, viz. himself in £100 and two sureties of £50 each was not accepted. Lock therefore went to prison.
Saturday 31 August 1878
NEWTON ABBOT - Fatal Accident At The Railway Station. - A very painful accident, resulting fatally, happened at the Newton Railway station, on Monday night. WILLIAM HOLLOWAY, a labourer, at the Locomotive Works, but living at Kingsteignton, went to the station to meet his brother who was returning by the late express from America. On his brother arriving he placed his luggage on a hand truck and was in the act of taking it across by himself when an up luggage train ran into the station. At the time it is supposed deceased was standing on the centre line watching the train, when another train backed into the station on the line on which he was standing. He was knocked down, dragged some distance by the train, when the wheels passed over him, and on the train running out of the station again it is supposed the engine again caught him and dragged him some distance. He was found insensible and one of his legs frightfully mutilated. He was removed to the Cottage Hospital where he died shortly afterwards. An Inquest was held and a verdict of "Accidental Death" returned.
Saturday 21 September 1878
NEWTON ABBOT - Fatal Accident. - On Wednesday last a young man, named GERMON, an engine cleaner, at the Newton Station, got caught between an engine and a stop-block, and was so severely crushed that he died from the injuries on the following day, at the Cottage Hospital. An Inquest was afterwards held and a verdict of "Accidental Death" was returned.
Saturday 5 October 1878
KINGSKERSWELL - Mysterious And Sudden Death At Kingskerswell. - Lieutenant CHARLES HENRY WILLS, aged 39 years, resident at Rose Cottage in this place for some four years past, died suddenly at his house on Thursday afternoon last, under the following peculiar and sad circumstances. Deceased retired to rest on Wednesday evening last in company with his wife, at about ten o'clock, apparently in his usual good health. Between one and two o'clock in the morning he roused MRS WILLS by coming into the bedroom from the dressing room, where he said he had been to get some chloroform to put into one of his ears which had been aching. He then went to bed and fell asleep. Between five and six in the morning MRS WILLS was again roused by the restlessness of her husband, who was tossing about and moaning in a very unusual manner, and indicating strong feverish symptoms. Mr Brown, surgeon, of Kingskerswell, was sent for, and though in response to his question as to what deceased had been taking, deceased only replied "Nothing," he (Mr Brown) at once judged from the symptoms that the unfortunate man was suffering from morphia poisoning. Mr Brown applied every known antidote and remedy, sent for Dr Huxley, of Torquay, who had formerly attended deceased, obtained the help of a professional, named Symons, who was then staying at Kingskerswell, and did all in his power to save the poor man's life. All efforts, however, proved futile; the patient expired at about three o'clock on Thursday afternoon. Mr Brown, on seeing what was the matter with deceased, hurriedly examined the little box which deceased and MRS WILLS used as a medicine chest, and which was labelled "Poison - Medicines." He could not, however, discover anything in the box to account for the strange symptoms of the patient whom he found with his face and chest livid, his breath laboured, and his pulse very low. Dr Huxley subsequently examined the little box, and under the cotton wool at the bottom he discovered a box of half-grain morphia pills, on the lid of which were the styles of "J. W. Cocks, Pharmaceutical Chemist, Torquay," and "Arthur H. Cox, tasteless pill manufacturer, Brighton."
On Friday evening an Inquest was held at Rose cottage by Mr H. Michelmore, County Coroner at which evidence was given by MRS WILLS; Mrs Trevor (a friend of deceased); Mary Ann Hall, servant in MRS WILLS' employ; Mr David Brown, surgeon, of Kingskerswell; and Mr P. Q. Karkeek, surgeon of Torquay. The evidence, in addition to the facts stated above, went to shew that deceased had suffered much pain in one of his arms, and had probably obtained the pills with a view of soothing the pain and procuring sleep. He had been married sixteen years, during which time he had always appeared to be very happy. The post mortem examination which was made, revealed every symptom of poisoning by opium or its alkaloids, there being no sign of heart disease or apoplexy. Both medical witnesses distinctly stated that a half-grain morphia pill was a very strong and dangerous dose for anyone to take, except under medical advice, while the widow stated that she was never aware that her husband took anything of the kind. The Coroner said he did not feel that he should be doing his duty if he did not adjourn the Inquest in order that Mr Cocks, chemist, of Torquay, might be produced before the Jury, and asked how it was that deceased had been allowed to come into possession of many dangerous morphia pills. The Inquest was adjourned to Monday morning, when:- Walter John Cocks, pharmaceutical chemist, Torquay, was called, and stated that he had known deceased for five years, having been acquainted with him during a year's residence in Torquay, previous to deceased's coming to Kingskerswell. Deceased had constantly had medicines of witness, and on the 3rd of July last witness sold him a box of morphia pills, similar to the box produced. The box contained 24 half-grain morphia pills, made by Cox, of Brighton. That was the first time deceased had purchased such pills of witness. He came to witness some days before the pills were supplied, and asked for two dozen Cox's half-grain morphia pills. He did not then keep these pills, and was obliged to get a gross. The box was sent to Kingskerswell by Mr Crocker, butcher. When deceased ordered the pills, witness said to him, "It's a full dose, captain," to which deceased replied "I know it. I have been having such pills from Dr Brown, and I don't want to be constantly troubling him for them." The supply was duly entered in his ledger, and he marked the box "Poison." Knew that a half-grain dose of morphia was a full pharmacopeia dose. Deceased had always conversed with him like a man who knew a good deal of medicine, and he was not an ordinary customer. He had furnished pills double the strength of those in the box to other customers, but this was from a prescription. Was well aware of the danger of such pills. Had supplied deceased with sedative medicines on various occasions previous to supplying the pills. Amongst these medicines had been syrup of chloral hydrate of double strength and laudanum in one ounce bottles. Deceased had told him that he had suffered from sleeplessness. The chloral hydrate was given under medical advice. Mr John Trevor, solicitor, of Bridgwater, uncle of the deceased, said deceased had at one time shortly after taking his commission in the army, acted as doctor on board ship whilst taking a number of convicts to Bermuda. The Coroner, in summing up, characterised the case as a sad and important one. Mr Cocks, however, had satisfactorily explained the circumstances under which deceased had purchased the pills, and had shewn that he had not sold them without giving proper caution. The evidence had been sufficient to show that there was no reason for deceased's taking the pills with the intention of committing suicide. If the Jury thought that deceased took the pills unwittingly, and only for the purpose of alleviating pain they would say so. In reply to the Foreman, Mr Brown, surgeon, said it would be almost impossible to find in the stomach any traces of poison after the treatment employed. The Coroner pointed out that narcotic poisons affected the brain and not the stomach. After a brief deliberation the Jury returned a verdict as follows:- "We find that the death of the deceased, CHARLES HENRY WILLS, was caused by an over-dose of morphia, contained in pills taken by him for the purpose of allaying pain and procuring sleep." The Jury added that they hoped the press would warn the public against taking morphia pills without first consulting a medical man, and recommended that labels should be attached to the boxes, bearing the words:- "One only to be taken at a time." The Foreman further added that the Jury desired to express their thanks to the medical men for the manner in which they had attended to and conducted the case. With this the Coroner expressed his hearty concurrence, as also with the verdict returned.
TORBAY - An Inquest was held on Tuesday afternoon, at the Torbay Hospital, before H. Michelmore, Esq., County Coroner, on the body of JOHN HART, a young labourer, employed at Messrs. Thomas and Co.'s Brickyard at Law's Bridge, and who on Saturday last drank a quantity of sulphuric acid in mistake for cider, and died from the effects on Monday in the Hospital. A verdict of "Accidentally Poisoned" was returned.
[Note: Gap in the newspaper archive]
Saturday 15 October 1881
KINGSTEIGNTON - Found Drowned. - On Wednesday morning Dr Gaye, County Coroner, held an Inquiry into the cause of the death of RICHARD MARTIN, whose body was found in the mill leat near Bellamarsh Mills, Kingsteignton, on the previous day. The deceased, who had been engaged as a roadman, in the employ of Mr Cole, Kingsteignton, was 50 years of age and leaves a wife and six children. The Jury returned a verdict of "Found Drowned."
NEWTON ABBOT - Death By Drowning. - Dr Gaye, Coroner, held an Inquest at the Town Hall on Monday on the body of a boy, eleven years of age named MILLER, of No. 10 Court, East-street, who was drowned. It appeared from the evidence that deceased with a younger brother on Sunday afternoon was at Lower Bradley gathering chestnuts, when he fell into the river and before assistance could be obtained, was drowned. The body was subsequently recovered by Mr A. Ponsford, junr., who happened to be passing. A verdict in accordance with the evidence was returned.
Saturday 28 January 1882
NEWTON ABBOT - Death Of An Infant From Suffocation. - Dr Gaye, Coroner, held an Inquest on Friday afternoon, at the Town Hall, Newton Abbot, on the body of an infant, about a month old, the son of HENRY BESS, mason, residing in Jacob's Court, Wolborough-street. It appeared from the evidence, that the mother left the child, which had been healthy from birth, alone in bed about ten o'clock on the preceding day. It was then apparently well, and covered with the bed clothes. When she returned just after twelve she found the child dead, but lying in the same position as when she left. Dr Ley was called in, and he was of opinion that the child died of suffocation. Evidence was given shewing that the mother was very fond of the child; and the Jury being of opinion that the child was Accidentally Suffocated returned a verdict accordingly.
Saturday 11 March 1882
TOTNES - A man named COOMBES, about 25 years of age, stoker of the 4.30 a.m. goods train from Plymouth, met with a shocking death on Thursday morning. The train having arrived at Totnes left that place about half-past seven, and when about four miles from it the deceased was seen by the engine-driver sitting on the rail of the engine. Whilst the driver was attending to the engine and the road for a few minutes it is supposed the deceased over-balanced himself, for on the driver again looking to where he had last seen him he had disappeared. In consequence of the passenger train which arrived at Totnes at 7.30 being behind him, the driver was unable to stop his train, but went on to Daignton siding where he reported what had occurred, and an engine was dispatched on the down line in search of the deceased. Meanwhile the passenger train had passed up, but nothing had been seen of the deceased, whose mutilated body, however, was afterwards discovered, about half-a-mile down the line, by those in charge of the engine despatched from Diagnton siding. The body was completely severed just above the hips, whilst one of the feet and one of the hands were cut. It is supposed that both trains passed over the body, and that he must have fallen against an embankment and rebounded under the train. the body was taken to Totnes Railway Station and placed in a room, where Mr R. Jelley, surgeon to the railway employees, who had been previously warned of the event, was in attendance. The deceased has lately lived at Exeter, and leaves a wife and, it is believed, one child. Yesterday, Mr S. Hacker, Deputy Coroner, held an Inquest on the body at Totnes Railway Station, when the Jury returned a verdict of "Accidental Death."
Saturday 18 March 1882
NEWTON ABBOT - Shocking Suicide Near Newton. - SAMUEL MOXEY, a boatman of Newton Abbot, committed suicide by shooting himself in Primrose-lane, Buckland, near Newton, on Saturday evening. The deceased was formerly a shoemaker, but of late years had gained a living as a boatman plying between Newton and Coombe Cellars - the latter being a great resort for pleasure seekers in the summer months. The deceased was about 64 years of age, had never been married, and resided by himself in a cottage at the back of the Jolly Sailor Inn, East-st., Newton Abbot. Of late he had earned but little, and it is thought the fact of his getting into straitened circumstances had preyed on his mind. He left his home about mid-day on Saturday, taking with him a tool basket, a gun, and a walking-stick, and he was not seen afterwards, until Sunday morning, when his lifeless body was discovered by some lads in Primrose-lane. The upper portion of his head and most of his face had been blown completely away. By his side was his gun, discharged; and a little distance off, his tool basket, with his hat placed on it. It would seem that the deceased had placed the muzzle of the gun in his mouth, and discharged it with the aid of his walking-stick. Sergt. Nicholls having been communicated with, had the body removed to a barn at Buckland Farm. The deceased was somewhat eccentric and always led a secluded life. In his pockets he had 4s. 6d., in money, and a powder flask and some caps. At the Inquest held on Monday, before Dr Gaye, Coroner, a verdict was returned to the effect that deceased Committed Suicide whilst in a state of Temporary Insanity.
Saturday 15 April 1882
PLYMOUTH - An Heartless Case. - An Inquest which has been exciting considerable local interest by reason of the public officials compromised, has been brought to a conclusion at Plymouth. A wretched woman named SARAH COLLIER, who was dangerously ill, applied to one of the relieving officers for an order for the workhouse, and received, it was alleged, by misapprehension on his part, an order for the tramp ward. The woman was conveyed to the infirmary in a donkey-cart, and left with the head nurse and porter. After some time it was accidentally discovered that she possessed only a casual ward ticket. They thereupon told her she was simply suffering from a feverish cold and turned her out of the workhouse without appealing to the master for instructions. The woman took four hours crawling home to her lodgings, one mile distant, and was then apparently in a dying state. She was immediately carried to a neighbouring surgery, and died whilst efforts were being made to restore animation. The medical evidence was that death was probably accelerated by exposure and inattention. The Jury, after a long deliberation, returned a verdict of "Death from Natural Causes," and reprimanded the nurse and porter for their unauthorised action, and cautioned the relieving officer to exercise more care in issuing his orders.
Saturday 29 April 1882
TEIGNMOUTH - Suicide By Poison. - On Tuesday evening at Luton, a village about three miles from Teignmouth, an Inquest was held on the body of JOHN MAJOR, aged 70, blacksmith, who was found on Sunday morning in a state of unconsciousness. He and his wife had been ejected from a house which they had allowed to fall almost in ruins, and they had been taken in by neighbours. A proposal to take the poor old man to the Union appears to have prayed on his mind, and from the evidence given at the Inquest it appears that he bought some laudanum on Friday, and must either have taken an overdose by accident or must have wilfully poisoned himself. The Inquest was held by Sidney Hacker, Esq., Deputy Coroner, and a Jury of which Mr James Vooght was Foreman. A post mortem examination was made by Dr Watson, of Chudleigh, who stated that the deceased had died of narcotic poison. A verdict of "Suicide whilst in a state of Temporary Insanity" was agreed upon. The deceased had lived in the village of Luton all his life, and was respected by all his neighbours.
Saturday 13 May 1882
PLYMOUTH - An extraordinary case of hanging has taken place at Plymouth. A youth of 16, named BALHATCHET, son of a timber merchant in Tracey-street, was found with his head in a rope hanging to a beam in his father's loft. His feet were on the ground, but he was quite dead. Deceased was very fond of gymnastics, and would practice hanging from a rope by his chin. It is supposed this time the rope slipped and stupefied him, and he was strangled. At a Coroner's Inquest the Jury returned a verdict of "Accidental Death."
Saturday 27 May 1882
DEVONPORT - The Devonport Coroner has recently held an Inquest with reference to the death of a Plymouth pensioner named WM. PURVIS, 43, employed in the Ordnance Survey Department, who was killed by a goods train on the Cornwall line. He threw himself in front of the engine which, with the whole of the sixteen trucks went over him, leaving him still alive, but dying. Verdict, "Temporary Insanity."
Saturday 10 June 1882
TORQUAY - Boating Fatality In Torbay. Two Young Men Drowned. - Considerable consternation prevailed in Torquay on Monday morning, when it was learnt that two young men, the sons of tradesmen, had been drowned on the previous day through the capsizing of a boat in Torbay. It appears, from what can at present be gathered, that the young men in question - MR FRED. EDWARDS, about twenty-tree years of age, son of MR EDWARDS, the well-known coachbuilder, of Union Street, and MR HENRY PARKER, also about twenty-three, manager at Mr Trelease's clothing establishment - went out for a sail in a three tonner boat called The Ram, starting from Torquay harbour on Sunday morning. The weather was squally at the time, but, as MR EDWARDS had made frequent sailing excursions in her around the bay, no danger was apprehended. She left the harbour carrying a great deal of sail. About midday a boy and two or three persons noticed a boat of this description some distance off Paignton Pier turn over and disappear. the circumstances was instantly reported to the Coastguardsmen at Paignton, but it would seem they placed very little credence in what was told them. It is said that one of the Coastguardsmen directed his telescope to near where the boat was said to have sunk, and he noticed what appeared to him a basket, which, after floating a short time, disappeared. Notwithstanding this no boat was sent off. Nothing further was heard of the circumstance till about four in the afternoon, when MR THOMAS EDWARDS becoming uneasy, went in search of his brother, and hearing that a boat had been seen to disappear in the bay he went to Paignton, but was unable to glean any information further then what these three or four people there had seen. He at once concluded that the boat had sunk, and that his brother and the latter's companion had been drowned. Returning home about midnight he conveyed the sad intelligence to his parents, who were overcome with grief. MR GEO. EDWARDS, who was in the boat on Saturday, states that there was nothing in her that could float but the long paddles. No doubt, therefore, it was one of the poor fellows hanging on to one of these paddles that seemed like a basket as soon as the boat disappeared. Mr PARKER could swim a little but MR EDWARDS could not at all. It had been thought by some, however, that the whole story was without foundation, and that the two young fellows had been carried in their vessel out of the Bay; but Wednesday proved that the published accounts were only too true, and that the two ill-fated young men had met with a watery grave, the bodies being discovered on that morning in the Bay by Messrs. Brown, brothers, boatmen. An Inquest was held on the bodies of the deceased gentlemen at the Town Hall, Torquay, on Wednesday evening by Mr Hacker, Deputy Coroner, when a verdict to the effect that the deceased were "Accidentally Drowned" was returned, and the Jury severely censured the Coastguard officer for his gross negligence of duty. The funeral took place yesterday and was largely attended. The Torbay and Torquay Bicycle Clubs took part in the procession, which was of great length, and presented a very imposing spectacle. A letter of condolence has been sent to the parents of the deceased MR EDWARDS from the members of the Newton Bicycle Club, several of whom were present at the funeral, the deceased being up to the time of his death Captain of the Torquay Bicycle Club.
Saturday 17 June 1882
CREDITON - Sudden Death At The Cornwall Agricultural Show. - A sudden death occurred in the show yard on Wednesday, just after the judging of the dogs had been completed, MR R. G. CONGDON, gamekeeper to Mr John Shelly, of Shobrooke Farm, Crediton, was standing by looking at his pointer bitch, which had been awarded the second prize, when he was seen to suddenly stagger and fall backwards by Mr Elias Bishop, of Ogwell, near Newton Abbot, with whom he had been conversing. He did not recover consciousness, but died within a couple of minutes afterwards. Dr Thompson, of Launceston, was in attendance almost immediately, but his efforts were of no avail, and the poor fellow passed away without a struggle. Death was so sudden that it was thought almost certain that it resulted from heart disease. The deceased was apparently a man about 60 years of age. The friends were immediately telegraphed to, and the body was removed to the dead house on a stretcher to await an Inquest.
Saturday 1 July 1882
TORQUAY - Suicide At Torquay. - The wife of a gardener named WOOD, at Norcombe, Torquay, who has been an invalid for some time past, committed suicide on Monday last by hanging herself in her bedroom. At the Inquest held by Dr Gaye, a verdict of Temporary Insanity was returned.
Saturday 5 August 1882
TEIGNGRACE - Fatal Accident On The Great Western Railway. - Last evening, Mr S. Hacker, District Coroner, held an Inquest at Teigngrace, touching the death of RICHARD BICKFORD, an old man, keeper of the railway gates at Level Crossing, Teigngrace, who met with fatal injuries whilst in the performance of his duty on the previous evening. It appears that two men named Ford and Wreford were running a trolley laden with timber down to Teigngrace, intending to stop a short distance before they came to Level Crossing gate; but the trolley overshot the mark, and some of the timber striking the gate knocked it open. The deceased being in the act of opening the gate at the time was knocked off the railway by it back on his head. He was immediately picked up, but never regained consciousness again, and died two or three hours afterwards from concussion of the brain. The Jury returned a verdict of "Accidental Death," and exonerated the men Ford and Wreford from all blame in the matter.
Saturday 12 August 1882
TEIGNGRACE - The Fatal Accident In The Hayfield. - Mr Hacker, County Coroner, held an Inquest at the keeper's lodge at Stover, on Monday, on the body of GEORGE GARD, aged 65, under-keeper to the Duke of Somerset, who met with a fatal accident on Saturday. The evidence showed that deceased was engaged with others in saving hay in a field adjoining the house of Mr Hooker, the head-keeper at Stover Park. Deceased was on the top of the cart, and other men were throwing the hay up to him. All at once he fell off the cart and pitched upon his back. He whispered, in reply to a question that he could not get up, and he died within five or ten minutes afterwards. Dr Scott, of Newton, gave it as his opinion that death ensued from concussion of the upper part of the spine, and the Jury returned a verdict of "Accidental Death."
Saturday 26 August 1882
NEWTON ABBOT - Alleged wife Murder At Newton Abbot. Inquest And Verdict. Committal Of The Accused. - During the week Newton Abbot has been the scene of considerable excitement on account of its being alleged that a bargeman named GEORGE MILLMAN had brutally murdered his wife during a quarrel near Mr Magor's Commercial Hotel, in Queen-street, at a late hour on Tuesday night. The circumstances of the occurrence as at first reported were to the effect that MILLMAN was seen to knock his wife down and kick her several times as she lay in the gutter, from the effects of which she died; and it was on the strength of this statement that MILLMAN was taken into custody on the same night by Police-Sergeant Nicholls. Prisoner and his late wife are known to have lived a very unhappy life together, owing to the latter being addicted to drinking habits; and during the quarrels which they frequently had the prisoner has often used violence towards the deceased. At the Town Hall on Wednesday morning, however, when prisoner was charged with having caused the death of his wife, it will be seen from the evidence that the two young men - Harvey and Mathews - who took the deceased into the hotel denied that they saw the prisoner, or any person, strike the deceased. They saw a man walk away from the place where deceased was lying before they took her up, and they could only identify the prisoner as being the man by his having a white slop on. The five children of the deceased - the youngest only a few months old - have been admitted into the Union Workhouse.
At the Police Court on Wednesday morning, before J. Vicary, Esq., the prisoner, who is about 30 years of age, was brought up in custody charged that he "feloniously, wilfully, and of his malice aforethought did kill and murder one MARY MILLMAN, his wife, on the previous night." The Court was crowded during the whole time the case was proceeding. Police-Sergt. Nicholls intimated that he should only bring forward sufficient evidence to justify a remand on this occasion.
Harry Mathews, carpenter, residing in St. Paul's Road, said he knew both the prisoner and the deceased by sight, but not personally. On the previous night about twenty minutes t ten he was in Queen-street, near Mr Christy's shop, and saw a man and a woman on the other side of the street near Magor's Commercial Hotel. The woman was lying in the gutter, and he went across to her. When he first saw them the man was standing near the woman, but he did not see him strike her. On his walking across the street towards them, however, the man went away. His object in proceeding to the place where the woman was lying was to see what was the matter with her. He could not see the face of the man, so was therefore unable to identify him, but he noticed that he wore a white slop similar to that which prisoner was now wearing. In trying to lift the woman up, a young man named Harvey, who came just after him, assisted him.
Mr Vicary: "Was the woman living or dead when you came near". Witness: "Living, because she groaned once when we were moving her."
Witness continuing said there was no other person near at the time. The man was a considerable distance down Queen-street by the time he came to where deceased was lying. He did not observe any marks of violence on her, until they got her into Mr Magor's Hotel, when he noticed that her eyes were bruised. As none of the by-standers, who had by this time congregated, offered to fetch a policeman, after leaving the woman in charge of Harvey, he went for Police Sergt. Nicholls, himself and it was with his assistance they got the woman into the hotel.
Police-Sergt. Nicholls stated that from information he received from the last witness he went to Magor's Hotel, after having previously sent a constable there. It was about ten o'clock. He found deceased sitting in a chair, apparently dead. There was about 100 persons outside the hotel, and an assistant of Mr Ponsford, chemist, was using the customary means to restore animation. While this was proceeding Dr Ley was sent for, and on his arrival he examined deceased and pronounced life to be extinct. Deceased was the wife of the prisoner and was about 34 years of age. On going in search of the prisoner afterwards, he met him coming towards the hotel. He told him that his wife was dead and that he must take him into custody for having caused her death. Prisoner made no reply but came willingly to the Police Station. Witness had formally charged him with the murder of his wife, and in answer to the charge prisoner made the following statement:- "I came home from Teignmouth yesterday afternoon at twenty minutes past three, and found no dinner provided for me, and my wife absent. I then went to the Temple Bar, public-house, in Queen-street. Shortly afterwards my wife came in, I then said to her, 'MARY, this is very unkind of you to provide no dinner for me, and the children are out in the wet. You had better go home." She replied I shall not; you mind your own business. She had pint after pint of beer on this occasion. I then said, 'You go home and attend to the children, and come again if you like.' She was very drunk at the time. She left in company with another female, who was carrying her baby. I then went home and on returning into the town met my wife near the old Post Office. I said, 'This is pretty goings on' and gave her a push. She fell down and struck her head against the kerb'.
Richard Harvey, mail messenger at the Post-office, said on the previous night, about twenty minutes to ten he saw a woman fall down outside Mr Magor's Hotel, and went over and found her lying on the kerb with her head in the gutter. He saw someone with the woman when she fell, who afterwards walked away, but he could not say who it was. The woman did not speak, but groaned. Police-Sergeant Nicholls asked for a remand, in order to procure additional evidence; and, in compliance with this request, the prisoner was remanded until the following day.
The Inquest And Verdict. - The Inquest on the body of the deceased was held on Thursday evening by Mr Sydney Hacker, County Coroner, at the Town Hall, Mr Williams being the Foreman of the Jury. The prisoner was present during the Inquiry.
Eliza Jane Nicholls, residing in No. 5 Court, East-street, stated that she had seen the body of the deceased where it lay at Mr Magor's Hotel, and recognised it as being that of her sister-in-law, who up to the time of her death had lived with the prisoner at 8 St John's-place. She made a very bad wife to the prisoner. In reply to Mr Hannaford, one of the Jury, witness said what she meant by deceased being a bad wife was that she was often drunk, and she had frequently heard her tell her husband that she had been at witness's house all night when she had never been near the place.
Harry Matthews and Richard Harvey, the young men who took the deceased into the hotel. repeated the evidence they gave before the magistrates in the morning. In reply to a question from the Coroner Matthews denied that he had told Police-Sergeant Nicholls on the previous night that he saw a man kick the deceased. Harvey said he saw the deceased fall, and at the time of her doing so a man was near enough to her to touch her. He, however, did not see what caused her to fall.
Dr John William Ley stated that he was called to Mr Magor's hotel to see a woman, who, it was said, was dying. He found MRS MILLMAN sitting under the arch of the Hotel. She was taken into the kitchen, where he examined her and found her to be dead. He examined her again that afternoon, to see if he could discover any marks of violence on the body; but externally there was none. On the back of the head, in the left occipital region, however, there was a bruise. He opened the body and found the organs of the abdomen and chest healthy and uninjured, but on cutting through the scalp he found extravasated blood, but no fracture of the bone. On opening the skull, he also found a large mass of extravasated blood at the base of the brain, and laceration of its substance. His opinion was that death resulted from haemorrhage, caused by the shock to the base of the brain. The injury was very extensive. This was most probably produced by a fall, as the bruise at the back of the head was as large over as the palm of a hand. He did not notice anything that would lead him to think the injury was produced by a kick, or that deceased was drunk at the time of her death, although he was persuaded that she was given to the use of alcohol.
Before leaving the witness-box Dr Ley drew the attention of the Coroner to the fact that he had been compelled to make a post mortem examination, which occupied two hours, in a filthy and unlighted stable, and expressed it as his opinion that there should be a mortuary for the town. The Coroner said he had no doubt the Press would notice the matter.
Police-sergeant Nicholls also repeated the evidence he gave in the morning, adding that the latter part of the prisoner's statement in answer to the charge was to the effect that when he pushed her she fell first against the wall and then back on the kerb stone. The Coroner, in summing up, pointed out that the points which the Jury had to consider were - first, whether the deceased was killed by a blow on the head, in the manner described by Dr Ley; and, secondly, how that wound was produced - whether it was the effect of being knocked down by any person, or whether deceased fell down. If they came to the conclusion that she was knocked down by some person they must say who that person was and whether he did it with the deliberate intention of killing her, or whether the blow was struck on the spur of the moment. In the latter case the offence would amount to manslaughter; if the former it would of course amount to wilful murder. The Jury retired, and after quarter-an-hour's consultation, returned a verdict to the effect that deceased came by her death by the blow at the back of her dead, but how the blow was inflicted there was not sufficient evidence to show. The Inquest occupied three hours.
Saturday 2 September 1882
BISHOPSTEIGNTON - Inquest At Bishopsteignton. - At the Manor Inn, Bishopsteignton, an Inquest was held on Thursday evening, by Mr S. Hacker, County Coroner, touching the death of SARAH GILPIN, 68 years, wife of a labourer. ELIZABETH GILPIN, daughter of the deceased, said her mother enjoyed general good health, and that she rose that morning about 7.30. She complained of a slight headache, which, however, passed off. About 8.30 she went to the butcher's and returned in about half-an-hour, when she was taken with giddiness and set down in a chair near the door, where she spoke but once, and expired in a few minutes. Dr Baker stated that he was sent for, and on arriving at the house MRS GILPIN was dead. His opinion was that death was caused by heart disease. The Jury returned a verdict accordingly.
NEWTON ABBOT - The Recent Suicide. - On Tuesday evening Mr Sidney Hacker, Coroner, held an Inquest at the Town Hall, touching the death of EDWARD BLACKLER, aged 73, a labourer, who resided at No. 3, Aqua Cottages, Wolborough-street, and whose body was found suspended by a rope in the close the previous day. Deceased had always been a quiet, inoffensive man, and the sad event caused quite a sensation in the town. SARAH BLACKLER, widow of deceased, and forewoman at Messrs. Vicary's Wool Works, said deceased was 73 years of age, and was last employed by the Wolborough Local Board as labourer. She last saw him alive the previous morning, about ten minutes past nine. He was then in the kitchen sitting down by the fire, and preparing his breakfast. He complained of pains in his chest, and had come on for several days previously. The last time he worked was in February, 1881. He had been low spirited. She went to work leaving him in the kitchen, and returned to dinner shortly after one o'clock. Not finding him in the kitchen she went upstairs to see if he was gone to lie down. Not finding him there either she went to the water closet, the door of which was partly open, and there she found him hanged by a rope to the beam of the ceiling, his feet just touching the ground. She raised an alarm, and the neighbours came to her assistance, and brought a knife, with which she cut the rope: he was quite dead. P.C. Evens had by that time arrived, and helped the body into the house. - John Cleave, a neighbour, and P.C. Evens, who had assisted MRS BLACKLER, having given evidence, JAMES BLACKLER, son of deceased, residing at Torquay, volunteered a statement. He said deceased visited him about a month ago. He was then in bad health and very low spirited. He had been in that state some months, and had been under medical treatment. He seemed to grieve because he was not able to work. He had a comfortable home, and did not want for anything. The Coroner then summed up the evidence, and the Jury after a very short deliberation, returned a verdict of "Suicide whilst in an Unsound State of Mind."
DARTMOUTH - The Sudden Death Of A Yachtsman At Dartmouth. - Mr R. W. Prideaux, the Borough Coroner, held an Inquest in the Guildhall a few days ago on the body of JAMES PASCOE, aged 36, of Falmouth, a yachtsman belonging to Mr Sampson Hanbury's Medea, who died suddenly on board the Committee- vessel on Thursday week last soon after the conclusion of a race in which he had taken part as a coxswain. The evidence of Richard Pearse, a yachtsman of the Medea, who rowed in the same boat with the deceased, was to the effect that the latter then appeared in his usual health. After the race they pulled alongside the Committee-vessel, and the deceased jumped on board. He appeared quite right, but two minutes afterwards a person looked over the bow and said the deceased was in a fit. They released his clothes, bathed his face in cold water, and sent for a doctor. Dr Sankey, of Oxford, who was on board the Medea at the time, came on board the Committee-vessel immediately. He stated that he noticed a slight flutter of the deceased's heart, but he was practically dead, as he was pulseless and not breathing. There being a slight pulsation of the heart, he ripped open the deceased's jersey and shirt, laid bare his chest, and adopted artificial respiration, but it was of no avail. Deceased had told him that ten days before he fell over a boat and injured his ribs, since which he had been unable to do heavy work. When witness examined him he found a very tight bandage round the chest. His impression was that either a clot of blood went to the head and caused apoplexy, or that the excitement of the race caused an increased action of the heart, which failed in consequence of the tightness of the bandage. Deceased was a very steady man and a total abstainer, and he had left a widow and three children. A verdict in accordance with the medical evidence was returned.
Saturday 9 September 1882
NEWTON ABBOT - Shocking Accident At The Town Flour Mills. The Foreman Crushed To Death. - An accident of a very distressing character occurred at Messrs. Stockman Bros. Town Flour Mills, Newton Abbot last night. About seven o'clock, CHARLES WYATT, foreman of the mills, had occasion to go into the machine room for the purpose of fetching a rope. It being dark at the time it is supposed deceased incautiously went too near the wheels, as he was caught by them, and was mutilated in a frightful manner. He shrieked for help, and Mr W. Stockman, who was in the mills at the time, instantly stopped the machinery. A man named Graves in the meantime went to his assistance. The poor fellow, however, was found jammed in the machinery in such a manner that it was found impossible to extricate him without removing some of the wheels. Death must have been almost instantaneous, the body being frightfully mutilated. Drs. Haydon and Lee were instantly in attendance, but of course their services were of no avail. The deceased was a highly respectable man and well connected. He was a brother to MR WYATT, miller, of Bovey Tracey, and had been foreman of the mills for many years. The deceased, who was about 33 years of age, and formerly connected with the police force at Newton Abbot, leaves a wife and two children.
The Inquest. - Early this morning Mr S. Hacker, District Coroner, held an Inquest on the body of the deceased at his (Mr Hacker's) office. Police-Sergt. Nicholls said: He had seen the body, and identified it as being that of the deceased, CHARLES WYATT. Mr W. Stockman stated that the deceased had been in the employ of their firm for over five years. He was a very steady man, and during the whole time he had been with them, he had never seen him the worse for liquor. Last evening he left work at his usual time, six o'clock, but returned again soon after for the entrails of a pig, which they had killed. The pig-killer, however, wanted a rope, and sent a boy to get one, but as he could not find it, deceased, who was there at the time, volunteered to get one, and went into the mill for that purpose. Shortly afterwards witness, from the unusual noise of the machinery, thought something must have happened. He therefore immediately went to an upper room and stopped the machinery. When he came down again he went into the mill, and found the body of the deceased entangled in a cog-wheel. The machinery was kept in motion all night, but the night-man had not arrived when the accident occurred. In answer to a question from Police-Sergeant Nicholls, witness said as he was going to the upper room mentioned he heard the deceased shout for someone to stop the machinery. John Elliott, residing at 8, Tudor-road, and in the employ of Messrs. Stockman, said when he saw the deceased, after hearing him shout to have the machinery stopped, his body was between two cog-wheels, and he was grasping the spindle with one hand. He then fetched Dr Haydon. Mr Stockman had cautioned them against going in the room only the day previous. Wm. Graves, living at No. 81 Wolborough-street, said he killed two pigs for Messrs. Stockman last evening, and it was for him that deceased went to get a rope. As deceased went in search of the rope, witness followed him, but at a slower pace. It was only a few seconds after deceased left him that witness heard him shouting to have the machinery stopped. Deceased had his back to him as he entered the room, and on his attempting to pull him out from the wheels, he grasped witness' left wrist. His efforts to pull deceased out, however, were unsuccessful. While he was doing this deceased repeated his expression to have the machinery stopped, and groaned twice. It was not, however, until some of the machinery had been shifted that deceased could be extricated. Dr Haydon said he was called to go to the scene of the accident last evening, and after considerable trouble deceased was taken out. He examined him as well as he could and found that the left side of his body was completely crushed. Death was caused by the injuries he sustained together with shock to the nervous system. The Coroner, in addressing the Jury, said their duty was very simple, for there was no evidence but to show that death occurred by pure accident. The Jury consulted together for about half-an-hour, at the expiration of which they returned a verdict of "Accidental Death;" but in order to prevent the recurrence of a similar accident, they suggested that the door of the room in which the accident occurred should be locked, as much as possible in the future.
Saturday 23 September 1882
PLYMOUTH - A remarkable case of Death arising from injuries received during a fit of somnambulism is reported from Plymouth. The wife of a seaman, living in Penrose-street, was considerably alarmed on proceeding into the curtilage to find huddled in a heap in the sink the body of a fellow tenant, an old woman named BETSY BARTLETT. The unfortunate woman was attired in her nightdress, and was semi-conscious. On being raised a superficial wound was observed in her forehead, and blood was flowing therefrom. She was unable to afford any explanation as to how she got there, but the under sash of her window was seen to have been raised, and there were evidences too that she had clutched at the woodwork in falling. The deceased lived but a few hours, dying from the shock to the system occasioned by the fall and long exposure to the night air. It was proved at the Inquest that deceased was addicted to somnambulism, and a verdict in accordance with these facts was returned.
Saturday 30 September 1882
BIDEFORD. Tragedy At Bideford. - A servant girl named ELLEN LEY, about 14 years of age, while in the employ of Mr J. I. Andrew, farmer, of Bideford, was accidently shot on Tuesday through a loaded gun falling off a rack, where it had been placed, and going off. The girl was, it appears, passing near it at the time, and the whole of the charge passed through her head, literally blowing her brains out. At the Inquest held on the body of the deceased on the following day the Jury returned a verdict of "Accidental Death."
Saturday 14 October 1882
DARTMOUTH - Inquest At Dartmouth. - Mr R. W. Prideaux, Borough Coroner, held an Inquest on Thursday, at Dartmouth, on the body of MICHAEL QUINN, nineteen, who met with his death on the 27th ultimo through a collision between the steamships Winstan and Warwick Castle. The Jury returned a verdict to the effect that the lad was Accidentally Killed.
Saturday 21 October 1882
TORQUAY - Sudden Death At Torquay. - At the Torquay Town Hall on Tuesday Mr Sidney Hacker, District Coroner, held an Inquest on the body of GEORGE DICKER, 59 years of age, cellarman, in the employ of Mr Manley, coal merchant. On Saturday, DICKER was at his work, and during the morning he complained to Saunders, the foreman, of being unwell. Between two and three o'clock Saunders found him lying on his back on the ground. He was conveyed in a cab to the Infirmary where life was found to be extinct. The Jury returned a verdict of death from Natural Causes.
Saturday 28 October 1882
DARTMOUTH - Inquest at Dartmouth. - On Tuesday an Inquest was held at the Royal Dart Hotel, Kingswear, on the body of ARTHUR TOWNSEND, a seaman, belonging to the schooner Williamina, who was found drowned on Monday morning at Kingswear. The Jury returned an Open Verdict.
Saturday 11 November 1882
PLYMOUTH - At Stonehouse Naval Hospital, Plymouth, an Inquest has been held respecting the death of MR THOMAS MACFARLANE, chief engineer of H.M.S. Druid. It appeared that while landing from a boat at Kingston, Jamaica, he was thrown by a wave violent against a pier, and received injury to the skull. He was treated in the hospital there and sent home by mail steamer, and on being landed was sent to Stonehouse Hospital, but never recovered, although he was conscious throughout. A verdict of "Accidental Death" was recorded.
Saturday 23 December 1882
EXETER - Fatal Accident. - On Friday evening last while MR ALBERT ANDREW H. ISAACS, aged 31 years, a farmer, lately residing at Pitt Farm, Whitstone, was returning home with his wife, he was thrown out of the trap in which he was riding in Cowick-street, Exeter, and he sustained such injuries that he died shortly afterwards on his removal to the Exeter Hospital. His wife escaped with a slight injury to her hand. The accident, it would seem, was occasioned through the trap coming in collision with a wheel-barrow left close by the side of the foot-path. An Inquest was held on the body on Monday, when a verdict of "Accidental Death" was returned.
Saturday 13 January 1883
Death By The Roadside. - The dead body of a young man, supposed, from a furlough paper, to be a private in the York and Lancashire Regiment, was found on the highway at Longdown, on the road leading from Exeter to Moretonhampstead, on Monday afternoon. By the side of the deceased was a saddled pony, on which it is believed he had left Moretonhampstead some time previously. The body was removed to a neighbouring farm, where it awaits an Inquest. The furlough paper bore the name of Private GEORGE NORTCOTE.
Saturday 17 February 1883
NEWTON ABBOT - Fatal Accident At Newton. - Mr S. Hacker, County Coroner, held an Inquest at the Newton Cottage Hospital, on Monday evening, on the body of JOSIAH MURRIN MOORE, carpenter, who died on that morning from injuries he sustained as the result of an accident about a week previously. - From the evidence given, it appeared that the deceased, who was about forty years of age, was in the employ of Mr William Murrin, carpenter, of this town, when the accident occurred. Last Saturday week he went with his employer and an apprentice named Thomas Eggbeer to fix some shutes at the Newton workhouse tower. It was found, however, that the ladder which they had brought to use in putting up the shutes was about three feet six inches too long for the purpose, and Mr Murrin advised the deceased, in Eggbeer's presence, not to get on the ladder, as it would be dangerous to do so. In consequence of this it was decided to defer the work until the following Monday or Tuesday, deceased being requested to procure a ladder more suiting to the purpose in the meantime. On the Tuesday morning he got another ladder, but, before he went to work, his employer again told him on no account to use the other ladder. When deceased got to the workhouse tower he found that the ladder which he had obtained that morning was not long enough, and, in spite of a remonstrance from the boy Eggbeer, he proceeded to make use of the ladder which he had previously been cautioned against using. He used the ladder nearly all the morning with Eggbeer at the foot of it to keep it steady. About twenty minutes to one, Mr Cawse, the schoolmaster at the Union, remarked to the deceased that the ladder did not appear to be very safe, whereupon deceased said "It's right enough." Shortly afterwards Mr Cawse had occasion to go into the dining hall, near which deceased was at work, and while there he heard a creaking noise. On going to the hall door to ascertain the cause of it he discovered that the ladder, which was about thirty feet in length, had broken in two at about ten or eleven rungs from the top, and precipitated deceased to the ground. Eggbeer was at the bottom of the ladder at the time, but he escaped uninjured. On going to where the deceased lay Mr Cawse found that he was insensible; and, leaving him in the charge of Eggbeer, he fetched the matron of the workhouse (Miss Mance), and sent the porter for a doctor. During the time which elapsed before the doctor arrived, the matron bathed MOORE'S head, and the governor of the workhouse (Mr J. Moxey) poured some brandy in the deceased's mouth. When Dr Ley came he ordered the deceased to be removed to the hospital, which was accordingly done. When examined at the hospital it was found that deceased had received some severe scalp wounds, a large bruise on the left side of his ribs, and was suffering from concussion of the brain. He lingered on until Monday morning without recovering thorough consciousness, when (as previously mentioned) he died. Death, it was stated by Dr Haydon, who had been in attendance on the deceased from the time when he was first brought into the hospital until his decease, resulted from concussion of the brain. The Jury returned a verdict of "Accidental Death," and gave their fees to the funds of the cottage hospital.
TOTNES - Fatal Accident At Totnes. - The District Coroner for Totnes (Mr S. Hacker) held an Inquiry at the Totnes Workhouse on Saturday evening touching the death of a pauper called ROGER WILLIAMS, eighty-eight years of age, and formerly of Halwell. WILLIAMS appears to have fallen over some stairs on the previous afternoon, and died within a few hours. He had been suffering from giddiness. Dr Hains certified that death resulted from internal injuries to the head occasioned by the fall, and the Jury returned a verdict of Accidental Death.
Saturday 24 February 1883
PLYMOUTH - MR HAMILTON WHITEFORD, solicitor and son of the late town clerk of Plymouth, has met with his death while practising with a pistol. He was in the habit of practising pistol-firing in his garden with his sons, and for this purpose he, a few days since, purchased a new Belgian revolver. Early in the morning he went into the garden with his pistol, and shortly afterwards was found by his wife and son lying dead on the ground with a bullet wound in his forehead. It was at first suspected that he had committed suicide. At the Inquest, the evidence went to show that his death was the result of an accident, as an exploded cartridge was found a few yards off and a large stone opposite bore the mark of a bullet which the deceased had evidently just previously fired. It is believed that while continuing the practice he tripped and fell, and that the revolver went off, thus causing his death. The Jury returned a verdict of "Accidental Death."
Saturday 14 April 1883
LUSTLEIGH - Gored To Death By A Bull. - On Monday Mr S. Hacker, District coroner, held an Inquest at North Harton, Lustleigh, on the body of WILLIAM PARSON, aged 63 years, who was killed by a bull on the previous Saturday, at Lustleigh. The evidence given went to show that the deceased previous to his death had been a hind in the employ of Mr Carlyon. On the day in question while Mr French, farmer, of Barn, Lustleigh, was in a field planting potatoes, he heard someone calling for help. He got on the hedge, when he heard a groan, and someone say "Oh, my chest." He then ran up the road to a gate from whence he could get a better view, and while there he saw, about a quarter of a mile away, on the opposite side of the hill, a bull carrying a man on his horns. Mr French immediately ran into Barn and got his gun. Accompanied by Mr J. Amery, another farmer, he then went towards the place where he had seen the man and the bull, and on Mr Amery, who had also brought a gun with him, firing at the bull it crossed the field. A brother of Mr French's and Mr Amery then entered the field and found the deceased with his head lying against the hedge and his body doubled up. There were marks on the hedge as if deceased, who was much bruised and quite dead, had been driven against it and so gored to death. It appears that the bull has been on Mr Corlyon's farm for the last three years, during which time the deceased, as the hind, has always had to look after it. The Jury returned a verdict of Accidental Death.
UGBOROUGH - Suicide By Poisoning. - Yesterday, Mr S. Hacker, District coroner, held an Inquest at Bittaford, Ugborough, on the body of JOSEPH BROWN, a cutler and knife grinder, who was found dead on the previous day in a cart shed, adjoining the Horse and Groom Inn, Bittaford. The Jury returned a verdict to the effect that the deceased committed suicide, whilst in an Unsound State of Mind, by taking a quantity of irritant poison, supposed to be spirits of wine.
Saturday 2 June 1883
KINGSTEIGNTON - Fatal Accident. - An Inquest was held at Kingsteignton, on Thursday last, by Mr S. Hacker, Coroner, touching the death of JOHN LUSCOMBE, a clay-cutter, who was found drowned in a clay-pit, near the village on the preceding day. It appeared from the evidence of Elizabeth Tancock, that deceased went to work as usual about half-past five o'clock on Wednesday morning. As he passed her cottage he wished her good morning. She did not see him afterwards. The deceased was 37 years of age was married and had five children. George Saunders stated that the deceased was foreman over the clay-pit at which he worked with a number of others, all being in the employ of Messrs. Watts & Co. On the morning in question the deceased was engaged overtime making a hole through a hedge to take water from a stream into the pit, worked out. When he (witness) came about half-past seven, he and the other men noticed a hat in the pit which contained water four or five feet deep and about nine feet from the surface. They searched the water and found deceased at the bottom quite dead, his watch having stopped at five minutes to seven. The sides of the pit were not so steep but that one could easily climb up. Mr Ley, surgeon, proved attending the deceased last year when he complained of pain and giddiness in the head. Evidence was also given shewing it was not usual to place a fencing around the pit. The Jury returned a verdict of "Accidental Death through deceased falling into the pit in a fit of giddiness."
PLYMOUTH - A young man named EVANS has been found dead in his bedroom at Plymouth, having taken prussic acid. In a letter which was found beside the body the deceased, who was only 17 years of age, stated that he had been driven to the act by the refusal of his parents to allow him to correspond with a young lady. He stated that he had attempted suicide a fortnight previously, but the poison had not taken effect. He begged that a lock of his sweetheart's hair might be placed upon his bosom, and that he should be buried with a crucifix around his neck and with full ritual. At the Inquest the Jury returned a verdict of "Suicide whilst Temporarily Insane."
Saturday 9 June 1883
PLYMOUTH - Murder Of A Husband. - Shortly before twelve o'clock at night a Coroner's Jury, having been engaged several hours in investigation at Plymouth, returned a verdict of Murder against a young woman named GILLARD, whose husband was found dead under suspicious circumstances early that morning. The parties appear to have lived very unhappily together. The prisoner was addicted to drink, and had attained a reputation for brutally ill-treating her husband, who was considerably over seventy years of age. On the day of the tragedy prisoner complained that the deceased had kept her short of money, and was heard to threaten his life. GILLARD consequently ordered her to leave the house, and she responded by putting her arms around his waist, and endeavouring to throw him over the stairs. GILLARD escaped her violence, and left the house. subsequently finding that she had discovered where he had secreted his money, and got drunk upon it, he returned to the house, and an altercation ensued. The wife seized a heavy soldering iron, and struck her husband a terrific blow with it across the head, sending him reeling to the bottom of the stairs. She left him there without help. Some hours later blood oozing through the door led to the house being entered, and the poor old man was found lifeless. The woman was next day charged with the murder of her husband. She appeared in a state of nervous prostration, and stood weeping throughout the proceedings. Several witnesses were examined and the prisoner was remanded.
Saturday 30 June 1883
Fatal Accident. - On Saturday afternoon Mr Sydney Hacker, the District Coroner, and a Jury, of whom Mr George Gidley was Foreman, held an Inquest at Gulwell on the body of MR RICHARD PERRY, who died the day previous. From the evidence of William Satterley it appeared the deceased left his residence on Wednesday morning on a pony which he was accustomed to ride. When descending a hill near Pridhamsleigh the animal, from some unknown cause, started off at a furious rate, and almost immediately after it fell on its haunches, throwing MR PERRY with great force out of the saddle on to the road, with which the left side of the back part of his head came in contact. Dr Adams stated there was no external fracture, but that death resulted from an effusion of blood on the brain, the result of some internal fracture of the skull. A verdict of "Accidental Death" was returned, the Jury and Coroner at the same time expressing their deep sympathy with the relatives of the deceased. MR PERRY was in his sixty-eighth year.
TORQUAY - The Fatal Fall At Torquay. - On Tuesday night, at the Castle Inn, Torquay, Mr Sydney Hacker, Coroner, held an Inquest touching the death of ELIZA JANE BOWDEN, who was discovered dead at the bottom of the stairs in the White Lion public-house on Saturday evening, by her husband. The first witness called was Annie Dist, fourteen years of age, who said that on Saturday afternoon she went into the White Lion. MRS BOWDEN was at the top of the stairs. She believed MR BOWDEN was upstairs as well, as she heard him tell his wife to come back. She saw that MRS BOWDEN had been crying, and when she came in heard MR BOWDEN scolding her. When acting as a nurse in the house she had seen quarrelling and fighting between MR and MRS BOWDEN. She left a month ago, but had not noticed any quarrelling since. Mr Stephen Gay, bootmaker, gave evidence to the effect that at ten o'clock on Saturday evening the deceased served him with a glass of ale, but that he had not observed anything particular about her, nor did not notice that she had been crying. He had, however, seen MR BOWDEN sometimes attempt to strike his wife, and sometimes he was quarrelsome, and that she often had to leave the house for fear of him. Mary Cummings, deceased's servant, gave evidence to the effect that when she left at 10.30 the deceased was all right, and that she never heard any quarrelling, nor did she notice that MRS BOWDEN had been crying. Ellen Shears, dressmaker, wife of John Shears, deposed that she last saw deceased alive on Saturday at noon. She was awoke at one o'clock in the morning of Sunday by cries of "Help." She got up and went down and saw MRS BOWDEN with her head lying on the stairs with MR BOWDEN standing beside of her crying aloud "It can't be true! Oh! it can't be true!" She noticed that something appeared to be wrong with deceased's teeth. Nothing had led her to suppose that BOWDEN had been drinking. He was much agitated. Mr H. Gordon Cumming, surgeon, made a post mortem examination. He opened the wind pipe and found the teeth had not passed into the wind-pipe, and were not the cause of death. His opinion was that the condition of the head and liver was the cause of death. JAMES BOWDEN, the husband of the deceased, was then called, and in answer to the Coroner, expressed his willingness to give evidence. The Coroner then summed up, and said there were two questions for the Jury to decide - whether deceased died from the disease mentioned in the medical evidence, or from violence. After a brief consultation, the Jury returned their verdict that deceased died from Natural Causes.
Saturday 14 July 1883
NEWTON ABBOT - Sad Case Of Drowning. - On Thursday morning Mr S. Hacker, District Coroner, held an Inquest at the Queen's Hotel, touching the death of THURSA M. BRIMBLECOMBE, aged six years, daughter of a mason living in Lemon Lane, Queen Street, who was drowned in an unused clay-pit in the Marsh Recreation Ground on the previous day. It appeared from the evidence given that a little girl named Noyce, while on the Recreation Ground, between three and four o'clock in the afternoon of that day, saw the deceased sitting down at some little distance from the pit. After being on the ground for a short time Noyce, who had also been sitting down, but at several yards from the deceased, rose up for the purpose of going to her home in St. John's Place, which is situated near the Recreation Ground. Just at that moment, however, she looked in the direction of the clay-pit, and saw deceased struggling in the water contained therein. She therefore ran as fast as possible towards St. John's Place, at the same time loudly calling for assistance, and in response to her cries two women named Smith and Milford, were the first to arrive on the scene of the accident, whilst other women and men soon followed. At the same time that Smith and Milford arrived at the pit the deceased was seen floating on the water, out of reach from the bank. Smith was about to attempt to rescue the child by going into the water, when Milford dissuaded her by stating that the pit was fourteen feet deep, and there was no bank on the inside. Had there, however, been two or three other women present at the time Smith stated that by taking hold of one another they could have saved the child, but further assistance did not arrive in time, and the deceased sank. It was also stated by two or more of the witnesses that the pit was a most dangerous place. The Jury returned a verdict to the effect that deceased met with her death through being Accidentally Drowned, and recommended that the proper authorities should either fill up the pit or place fencing around it, in order to prevent the recurrence of similar accidents. The Jury also gave their fees to the parents of the deceased.
Saturday 28 July 1883
Tragic Death Of A Young Lady At Sandford Orleigh. - Mr S. Hacker, Coroner, held an Inquest last evening, at Sandford Orleigh, the residence of SIR SAMUEL BAKER, on the body of MISS ELLEN CONSTANCE BAKER, aged 29 (daughter of SIR SAMUEL) who died that morning from injuries inflicted on herself. It appeared from the evidence of SIR SAMUEL BAKER that about eight o'clock on the morning of Saturday week, whilst LADY BAKER and himself were in their bedroom, they heard a double knock at the door. LADY BAKER said, "Come in," and was answered in returned, "Come out." LADY BAKER then opened the door and finding no one there, went to the deceased's room, which was on the same landing, and about 15 feet distant from their bedroom. LADY BAKER returned, and from what she said, he also went into the deceased's bedroom. He found the deceased lying on the bed deluged in blood. The deceased had inflicted several wounds on herself, in the left arm and hand, her throat, and in the abdomen. On the dressing table were a penknife and a pair of scissors covered with blood. A short Japanese sword was partly concealed under the bed and the scabbard was near the fire-place. She complained of pain in her side. She kept exclaiming that she was weary of life and wished to die. He sent for Dr Ley, who came just afterwards, and he did what was necessary. The deceased belonged to the All Saints' Sisterhood in London, and previously had been in the Kilburn Orphanage Home. She had been in these houses about a year and a half. She came home a week since, but she had not been in good health since her return. She had been nervous, and appeared strained mentally by her work. The day before the occurrence the deceased expressed to him how happy she was in her present life as a sister; how charming the Lady Superior was, and how glad she (the deceased) was she had given up the world and taken to the sisterhood. On the night before the occurrence the deceased looked very livid, and he was struck by a look of imbecility which came over her face, and LADY BAKER advised her to go to bed. Mr J. W. Ley, surgeon, said he saw the deceased in her bedroom about 8.30 on the morning in question. He examined her and found she had a wound on the left side of her throat but it was not serious, two clean incised wounds on her breast, and on the left arm and hand, and one on the left side of the abdomen. She was covered with blood as was the sword shewn him. He attended her till her death, which took place that morning. The bedroom was covered with stains of blood, and she evidently had run around the room in a state of frenzy after inflicting the injuries on herself. At the request of the deceased he had a private interview with her, and she gave him an account of what she had done. She said she went to bed at ten o'clock having pain in her head and otherwise feeling ill. She laid in bed till one, when she felt she must get out of bed. She said she felt that she must kill herself. She tried first to open a vein with a penknife. She then took the scissors. She found she could not die, and she then went downstairs and fetched the sword with which she inflicted the wounds upon herself. She said she had had the same feeling before but it had passed. She was always asking to be given her chloroform and to be left to die. Once, however, she abstained by saying she longed to get well but that passed off. He was of opinion the deceased lady suffered from mental mania, the deceased having suffered from epilepsy would shew there was a predisposition to mental disease. Death was due to the injuries inflicted on herself. The Jury, after a short deliberation, returned a verdict that deceased died from injuries inflicted upon herself, the said deceased being at the time the said injuries were inflicted of Unsound Mind induced by mental and physical strain in her work as a Sister of Mercy in London. The funeral will take place this afternoon at Highweek, Mr Hawkins being the undertaker.
KINGSTEIGNTON - Inquest. - On Tuesday last Mr S. Hacker, held an Inquest on the body of WILLIAM BOVEY, about 60 years of age, clay cutter in the employ of Messrs. Watts, Blake, Bearne and Co., who met with his death on the previous evening. The deceased was engaged working in a clay pit with his son at Abbrook, near Kingsteignton. He was on some scaffolding and missing his footing, he fell into the pit a depth of about 14 ft., and pitching on his head dislocated his neck, death being instantaneous. A verdict of Accidental Death was returned.
Saturday 25 August 1883
EXETER - At Exeter, a man named NEWTON has been killed at some rag stores. He was walking on one of the floors when a bag, containing 2 cwt. of rags, was thrown from a storey above, and fell on NEWTON. A verdict of "Accidental Death" was returned. One of the Jury at the Inquest behaved in a very extraordinary manner.
Saturday 1 September 1883
KINGSWEAR - The Recent Drowning Case. - The Inquest on the body of WILLIAM THOMAS, who was drowned at Kingswear on Sunday, was held on Wednesday, before Mr Prideaux. A verdict of "Accidentally Drowned" was returned.
Saturday 8 September 1883
NEWTON ABBOT - Painful Death From Starvation And Exposure. - We briefly reported in our last issue the death of ELIZABETH HOLE, a widow, about 50 years of age, from starvation and exposure. The deceased died in the Workhouse shortly after she was admitted on Saturday morning. An Inquest was held on the body the same evening by Mr S. Hacker, Coroner, when the following evidence was adduced:- Grace Fitzwater, living in Exeter-road, Newton, identified the deceased as the wife of HUMPHREY HOLE, who had been dead many years. Deceased used to live with her husband at Exeter. She saw the deceased about three months since; she then had no fixed place of abode, but said she came from Plymouth. About eight o'clock on the previous (Friday) night deceased called at Mr Eggbeer's, where she (witness) was living, and during the time she was there stated that she had come from Totnes. She had some supper and sat by the fire. She did not, however, complain of anything except that she was tired; and on her asking for money with which to procure lodgings she gave her sixpence. She left the house at twenty minutes to ten; at the time she was wearing a hat and jacket and appeared to be in ordinary health. She made a good supper, consisting of bread and jam and tea. On leaving the house deceased said she was going up into a field to fetch her bag. This was the last time she (witness) saw her alive. Mr John Dicker, dairyman, residing in Bank-street, stated that early that (Saturday) morning he went to the "path-field" at Highweek for his pony. Shortly after entering the field he saw a cloak; and on going in the direction of it he saw the deceased lying in the hedge-side. The cloak was a short distance from her, and he saw a hat several yards from the place where she was lying. She appeared to be asleep, and on his speaking to her she seemed to awake and asked what time it was? It was a very cold foggy morning. He therefore told her to get up and she replied that she would directly. He then went and caught his pony, after which he returned, and finding that the deceased was still there he again told her to get up. She said that she would. He (witness) then went out of the field, but having met Mr Avery and a postman returned with them to where he had left the deceased. She was then on her knees, thrusting back her hair and putting some clothing around her neck. They shortly afterwards left deceased still remaining in the field. She did not appear to be ill. There was an open linhay in the field, into which she might have gone. William Avery, labourer, in the employ of Mr W. Vicary, said that he was passing the path-field about ten minutes to six that morning, when the last witness called him, and he went into the field, where he saw the deceased in the attitude already described by Mr Dicker. He left the field almost immediately afterwards with Mr Dicker to fetch his (witness's) horse. He passed the field again, however, about half-past six, and deceased was still there - lying on her side. He went home, and returned with his wife. She addressed her, whereupon deceased said that she wanted some drink. His wife went home to fetch some for her, whilst he fetched a constable. Thomas Bowden, a lamplight, of East-street, stated that about eight minutes past twelve on Thursday night he put out the lamp at Mr Beachey's, Highweek, and then proceeded down Exeter-road, where he fell over a woman who was lying on the pavement. He asked her where she was going to, and she replied "to Exeter." She had a bundle near her; and he told her that she should not stop there. He then helped her up, and told her where there was a field into which she could go. She went into the field which he shewed her, and he had not seen her again till now, when he recognised the dead body. He did not think that she had been drinking. Mary Avery, wife of William Avery, said that the deceased drank the water she fetched for her. She (witness) supported her head whilst she did so. On the constable appearing on the scene, however, she left. Mr N. J. T. Haydon, surgeon, practising at Newton, stated that when he arrived at the Union Workhouse, about twenty past eight on that (Saturday) morning deceased was dead; she died shortly after she was brought into the house. The body was partially clothed in rags, and covered with vermin. That morning in pursuance of the order, he made a post mortem examination of the body. Its surface in some places was eaten by lice. There was no marks of violence. The body was very emaciated, and the abdomen very flat, as if the bowels were empty. The brain was healthy. There were, however, significations of the pleurisy in the right lung and some congestion; the left lung was healthy, as was also the heart; the liver being congested. The kidneys were very pale, indicative of starvation. The stomach contained a little fluid. There was no trace of poison, and he was of opinion that deceased died of starvation, aggravated by exposure. There were, he added, all the signs of want of food for a length of time. P.C. Honey stated that on being fetched by the witness Avery to go to the field in which deceased was lying, and finding that she could not walk, he procured a hand-cart, into which, after having placed some hay and a rug in it, he placed deceased and removed her to the Union. Miss Mance, matron of the Newton Workhouse, stated that on deceased being brought to the Union about a quarter to eight, she had her placed into a bed and tried to get her to take some warm tea, but she could not swallow it. She died at a quarter past eight. The Coroner, having summed up, the Jury after a short consultation, returned a verdict to the effect that deceased died from the effects of Starvation and Exposure.
Saturday 15 September 1883
KINGSTEIGNTON - Sudden Death. - Mr S. Hacker and a Jury, of whom the Rev. P. Jackson, was Foreman, held an Inquest on Thursday morning, relative to the death of MR THOMAS PHILLIPS KNOWLES, 27 years of age, who died suddenly on Tuesday night. The Jury assembled at the residence of the deceased, and after viewing the body, adjourned to the National School to hear the evidence. Rebecca Banks, sister-in-law to the deceased, said she saw him several times on Tuesday, and was at his house at half-past nine in the evening, when she left. The deceased was in his usual health and spirits. Soon after ten o'clock she was called from her house, which is near, and on going to the deceased's house found him on his bed dead. Elizabeth Banks, a niece of the deceased, said she drove to Newton and back with him on Tuesday evening, staying about an hour ,and arriving home about eight o'clock. Deceased had his tea, and was in his usual health. He appeared very well, and was very cheerful. Nothing occurred at Newton to upset or worry him. She left just before ten o'clock when deceased was reading a paper. Dr J. W. Ley, of Newton, said he examined the deceased professionally about four years ago, and found him suffering from severe heart disease apparently of long standing. He warned him not to overwork or strain himself, and, acting on his advice, rested for some time, when his health improved. Witness told deceased that the butcher business was not suitable for him. Witness thought he would die suddenly at some time, and did not expect him to live as long as he had. he had not seen him from that time up to Tuesday night, when he was called at 11 o'clock, and on going to Kingsteignton found him on the bed dead. He was very livid, and not convulsed. On examination witness was of opinion that death was due to syncope of the heart. After this evidence the Coroner thought the Jury would not need the attendance of MRS KNOWLES, the wife of deceased, as she was necessarily in great trouble, and there seemed no doubt as to how deceased came by his death. It appeared that he had his tea in the evening in his usual health, and remained at his home until ten, when he went to bed, and was soon after found there dead. The Jury returned a verdict of "Death from Heart Disease." Much sympathy is felt for the relatives of the deceased, who was well known and highly respected.
Saturday 20 October 1883
Painful Death Of A Gentleman. - An Inquest was held by Mr S. Hacker on Friday morning on the body of MR ROBERT JAMES WILSON, at the deceased's residence, No. 2, St. Bernard's, who was found dead in the roadway on Baker's Hill on Thursday morning. The following acted on the Jury, Messrs. C. D. Blake (Foreman), W. H. Lander, Chas. Pope, W. Roberts, N. D. Beer, W. J. Tompkins, E. Kelley, H. Hartland, L. M. Simon, L. Bawden, F. B. Law, R. Lear, and H. Wills. The body of the deceased having been viewed, the following evidence was taken. - Mrs Mary Richards, of Highweek, identified the body as that of the deceased. She said he was a gentleman of no occupation, and was 44 years of age. William Huntley was next examined. He said he was a waiter at the Globe Hotel, and he knew the deceased gentleman. He last saw him about half-past six o'clock on Wednesday evening last. He was then going out at the front door of the Globe Hotel, and was looking very pale. He (witness) remarked to him "You are looking very unwell. Shall I fetch a cab?" Deceased said, "No, the walk home will do me good." He then went up Courtenay-street, and he was quite sober at the time, and was in every respect quite able to take care of himself. No one was with him. He wore his ordinary grey suit, and had a walking stick. Henry Coldridge, a carpenter, of No. 52 Queen-street said on Wednesday evening last, about a quarter to eight he was going down East-street, and on passing the Union Hotel he saw the deceased pass him on the other side of the street, and afterwards he turned up towards Powderham Hill. He was alone, and apparently steady, and walking his usual pace. James Maddicott, of Wolborough Barton, said on Thursday morning about half-past seven o'clock he was passing round Wolborough Hill from Wolborough Barton, when he noticed someone lying by the roadside, near a board with "To let" on it. he was lying on his back, the head towards some hurdles and the feet towards the road. He appeared to be quite dead. His clothes were not disarranged, and his umbrella was lying across him. He called at the Rev. H. Tudor's house close by, and the reverend gentleman returned with him and examined deceased's clothes. There was a little vomit on the face of the deceased, his clothes wet through, and his boots looked as though he had been there all night. The Rev. H. Tudor said he knew the deceased. On Thursday morning he was called by Mr Maddicott about half-past seven. He went out and found the body of the deceased lying as described by the last witness. The deceased was quite cold and dead. There was vomit about the face. He did not recognise the deceased as the rain had made him look different. The clothes looked very wet as though they had been exposed to the weather the whole of the night. The hands were not clutched, and the mouth was rather open. He took out the deceased's watch and some letters and a newspaper. He then ascertained that it was the deceased, and he instantly went and saw MRS WILSON, and informed her of her husband's death. He passed the spot on Wednesday night, but did not then notice any one lying there. Mr W. Ley, surgeon, said he was called to see the body of the deceased about eight o'clock on Thursday morning. He was then dead. He examined the body, and found a large bruise behind the left ear. His hat was smashed in on the same side. There were scratches on the backs of his hands, and his clothes were very wet, as though he had been out all night. He afterwards made a post mortem examination on the body. On opening the skull he found a large clot of blood. The bruise only went through the flesh. The clot of blood extended over his brain and came from a large blood vessel which was lacerated. The cause of death was from this rupture of a blood vessel in the brain, which rupture he believed to be due to his falling on the back of his head. It might, however, have given way spontaneously. The vomit was simply the effect of the state of the brain. He did not think that deceased died instantly, but had been there some time before death ensued. He had attended the deceased recently. He was a man of habits which would render it very likely that he would die in the way mentioned, and which popularly would be described as apoplexy. MRS E. M. WILSON, who evinced considerable emotion, said the deceased was her husband. He left home about a quarter to three on Wednesday afternoon, and that was the last time she saw him alive. He was then in his usual health. He seemed all right and well. The deceased did not come home that night at all. She waited up for him till four o'clock in the morning. Sergeant Nicholls said just before eight o'clock on Thursday morning he came to Baker's Hill and found the deceased lying as described by Mr Maddicott. The body was removed to the deceased's residence. He took charge of the hat and umbrella. There were some big stones lying on the road, but there were no marks there of any struggle. The deceased had 1s. 4d. in his pockets, and a handkerchief. The Jury after a short consultation, returned a verdict in accordance with the views expressed by the Coroner in the summing up, viz.: That the deceased died from the rupture of a blood vessel on the brain, caused by an Accidental Fall.
DARTMOUTH - Fatal Quarrel At Dartmouth. - On Tuesday evening two coal-porters, named CHARLES BEWHAY and William Bennett, had a quarrel on the New Ground. BEWHAY pushed Bennett several times and struck him, whereupon Bennett struck BEWHAY under the jaw, and he fell down insensible on some uneven ground. He was picked up and put on a seat, where he remained some time. Mr Rees, chemist, who happened to be passing, found that his pulse and breathing were natural; and advised those around him to get him home, which they did. BEWHAY'S wife, thinking he was drunk, did not take any trouble about him; and after sitting up until half-past two in the morning she went to bed. She came down again at four o'clock, saw her husband still sitting in a chair, and went to bed again. At seven o'clock, BEWHAY'S little daughter found her father dead in the chair. Dr Dawson was called in, but his assistance was of no avail. Bennett was apprehended during the day, pending the Coroner's Inquest, which was held by the Borough Coroner (Mr R. W. Prideaux) at the Guildhall. After hearing the evidence of the witnesses who had seen the quarrel, and that as to the post mortem examination, the Jury returned a verdict of "Manslaughter" against William Bennett.
Saturday 24 November 1883
NEWTON ABBOT - Fatal Accident At The Lower Bradley Mills. Dr Grimbly And The Coroner. - An Inquest was held at the Cottage Hospital, on Wednesday morning, by Mr S. Hacker, Coroner, on the body of THOMAS MORTIMORE, who died on the previous day from the effects of injuries received whilst working an hydro-extracting machine, used in extracting water from wool, at Messrs. Vicary's Fellmongery Works, at Little Bradley, on Monday last. Mr Charles Vicary attended to watch the proceedings on behalf of the firm. The Jury having viewed the body, the following witnesses were examined:- JOHN MORTIMER identified the body of the deceased as that of his brother. He was 42 years of age, and for the past ten years had been in the employ of Messrs. Vicary. He was married, and had a family of five children. He (witness) also worked for Messrs. Vicary, and he saw his brother about two minutes after the accident occurred - viz., a few minutes after ten o'clock on Monday morning. Several of his fellow-workmen were engaged removing him at the time. He did not hear him speak, but only to groan. The deceased expressed a wish, he believed, to be taken to the Cottage Hospital, and he was taken there accordingly as quickly as possible. George Wills, who attended in a very infirm state from effects of injuries he also received on the occasion, said he resided at No. 1 Orchard Terrace, Highweek, and worked for Messrs. Vicary. He knew the deceased. He was working with him on the day the accident occurred. Between ten and eleven o'clock they were together in a loft in the Wool Factory, at Little Bradley. He (witness) was engaged feeding the drying machine, and the deceased was bringing the wool into the loft, and placing it into the wringing machine. As he was feeding the machine he heard something going wrong behind him, and he directly went towards the engine which drove the wringing machine, for the purpose of stopping it. In going towards it he (witness) was knocked down either by a chain or block - he could not say which. The deceased was also knocked down at the same time. When the accident occurred they were both going towards the engine for the purpose of stopping it. He (witness) was knocked back in the corner, and as he recovered himself he went to the stokehole, and asked the fireman to stop the engine as there was something wrong. When he returned to the loft again he found some fellow workmen were bringing the deceased out. There were chains and blocks suspended over the hydro-extracting machine, which were occasionally used in lifting the upper part of the wringer called the cage. His impression was that this chain had accidentally dropped and getting caught in the machine, which revolved with great velocity, caused the blocks attached to it to fall as well. The chain had been placed around the beam on the previous Saturday by the deceased. As soon as the chain gathered in the machine it broke, and he was of opinion it was the chain being whirled around by the machine that knocked him down as well as the deceased. It was also, in his opinion, the cause of breaking the steam pipe of the engine. It was not usual to leave these chains over the machines; but they were left there on the present occasion, as it was thought they would soon be required again to lift the machine. He could not at all account for the chain falling down from overhead.
George Grigson, residing in Bradley Lane, and working for Messrs. Vicary, said: On Monday morning he was in the warehouse adjoining the loft where the accident occurred. The accident produced a noise as though the whole place was coming down. When he looked into the oft where the whizzing machine was, he noticed the place full of dust and sparks of fire. He noticed also the deceased on the floor kicking, and apparently in great pain, and something whirling around the machine with great velocity. At the same time that which was whirling around, struck the steam pipe of the engine, breaking it in twain, and the end of the pipe pointing towards him, and emitting a shower of steam, he had to retreat. He instantly told Mr Yates, the superintendent, what had occurred, and he directed him (witness) to fetch a doctor, which he did. Mr Edwin Yates said he resided No. 12, Linden Terrace, and had charge of the Bradley Fellmongery Works. On the day in question he was in the lower floor talking to the machinist when Grigson rushed part way down and beckoned to him. He went to him, when he said something was wrong in the drying room. He went there, and found the steam pipe, which drove the machinery broken, and vomiting forth a lot of raw steam. He saw MORTIMER lying on the floor near the engine covered with blood. He then ran down to get the steam turned off but by the time he got there it had been done. He then returned and gave directions for the removal of the deceased. The deceased said "Oh my bowels." Sheets were procured and placed around him and afterwards he was removed to the Cottage Hospital in a cab. The machine which was called the hydro-extractor worked on a pinion and revolved with great velocity making 850 revolutions a minute. He could not account for the chain dropping. It was not usual to keep the chain over the machine, but it was allowed to remain there on the present occasion, as it was likely to be required in lifting the cage for repair. Mr Scott, surgeon, said he saw the deceased on Monday afternoon, about two o'clock. He found him suffering greatly in his bowels, and on examining him he found him severely bruised. He was also cut about the head and fingers. His trousers was cut as though by a knife. He was in a state of collapse from pain. He saw him twice after that, the last time being about half past ten the same night when he appeared to be sinking fast from the injuries to the bowels. He then directed that the deceased's friends should be sent for. The deceased, he believed, died about five o'clock on Tuesday morning from internal injuries. Mr Scawen (a Juryman) asked if it was a fact, as it appeared from the evidence already adduced, that no medical man attended the deceased from the time he was admitted into the Cottage Hospital just after ten, till two o'clock Dr Scott had stated that he first saw him. Dr Scott said he should explain that he believed that Mr Grimbly, surgeon, was in attendance on the deceased almost as soon as the accident occurred. Mr Dunn (another Juryman) asked if the Coroner intended to call Mr Grimbly. The Coroner said he did not think it was necessary. Mr Grimbly said he should like to know what was customary in dealing with medical evidence under circumstances similar to the present. On several occasions since he had been in practice in Newton he had been called upon to attend cases, as the results of accidents, at the Cottage Hospital, and afterwards in cases of inquests the evidence of other medical men was taken in preference to his. On Monday morning last, the busiest time during the week he was engaged nearly two hours doing what he could for this poor fellow, and he certainly did think that he was entitled to be called as a medical witness, if any were called at all, in order that he might receive a small fee for services he had rendered. He believed it was customary in other towns in cases of fatal accidents to call the medical man to give evidence who first attended the patient after the accident. He was at a loss to understand why this rule was not observed here. The Coroner said that no disrespect was at all intended to Mr Grimbly, but the usual course was always to call as a witness the medical man who last attended on a patient prior to his death. This course had been observed now; and if there had been any occasion to have called Mr Grimbly he should have done so, but he did not see any. Mr Grimbly said he did not think they would find what the Coroner had said customary in other towns. The Coroner said the calling of medical men as witnesses depended entirely upon circumstances. Had his evidence been necessary he should have called him. Mr Grimbly said he did not know that Dr Scott was the House Surgeon and therefore he did not see why priority should have been given him. Had it been Dr Gaye or Dr Haydon who were connected with the Hospital, the circumstances would have been very different. The Coroner said he could not deviate from the course he had mentioned. Mr Grimbly said under these circumstances he should hesitate before he rendered his services in like manner again. Mr Dunn said this was a most important matter. - (Hear, hear). The Coroner said it was his duty simply to call medical evidence shewing how the deceased came by his death, and this he had done by calling Dr Scott who was the last medical man to see him before he died. Mr Grimbly said he was called to the Hospital as well as Dr Scott. The Coroner said his object in calling Dr Scott was to assist the Jury in coming to a decision. Mr Scawen said he thought Dr Grimbly should have been called as he had attended on the poor fellow for quite two hours after the accident. - (Hear, hear). The poor fellow might have been kept for hours without getting attendance if Dr Grimbly had not come. The Coroner said Dr Grimbly was not the last medical man who saw the deceased alive, and he could not believe if Dr Grimbly had not attended him but that some other medical man would have done so. Mr Grimbly reminded the Coroner this was not the first time he had been treated in this kind of manner. He thought it most objectionable. Mr Heaward (another Juryman) said he certainly should like to hear what Dr Grimbly had to say. The Coroner: I don't see that it is necessary he should be examined. - Mr Grimbly: I cannot throw any more light on the case than what has already been given. That is not what I complain of. The Coroner said Dr Grimbly need not have attended. Medical men were only required to attend when they were summoned. In some cases it was not necessary to have any medical evidence whatever, but when it was sought for it was usual to call the doctor who saw the patient last before his death. He had acted on this principle now. In the case of poisoning however, the circumstances were very different. Medical men might then be called who had seen the patient during any period of illness prior to death. Mr Pope (the Foreman of the Jury) enquired if the Jury had any absolute power. The Coroner said he did not think so. The absolute power rested with the Coroner who generally acted in accordance with the opinion of the Jury. Mr Pope: then the Jurymen are merely nonentities? - (a laugh). The Coroner: So far as having absolute power; still coroners invariably, at least, he did give great weight to views entertained by juries. Mr Dunn said he and Mr Heaward would very much like that the coroner should examine Dr Grimbly, but the Coroner again pointing out the unnecessity of it, the matter was not pressed further. The Coroner then summed up the evidence, after which the Jury returned a verdict of Accidental Death.
Saturday 19 January 1884
Drowned In The Leat. - On Wednesday morning Mr Coroner Hacker held an Inquiry at Courtenay Hall, touching the death of WILLIAM HENRY NOTT, aged two years and three months, who was accidentally drowned on Monday, in the Mill-leat. The Jury returned a verdict of "Accidentally Drowned," and added as a rider that the Jury desire to call the attention of the Duke of Somerset, Messrs. Stockman Brothers and Mr J. Chudleigh, to the unprotected and dangerous state of the bridge and roadway adjoining the leat at Cricket Field Cottages, and the Coroner at the request of the Jury promised to send a copy of the rider to each of the parties named.
NEWTON ABBOT - Child Murder At Newton Abbot. The Inquest. - On Saturday evening last Mr S. Hacker, County Coroner, opened an Inquiry at the Town Hall, touching the death of the infant. Mr J. Williams, was Foreman of the Jury. In opening the Inquest the Coroner informed the Jury that from what he had heard of the case it was likely to end with a very serious verdict, and he, therefore, asked their close attention. He only proposed that evening to call sufficient evidence to adjourn the Inquest, so as to allow the police to make inquiries and obtain all the facts that would throw any light on the matter.
GEORGE LOVERIDGE said he resided at Kingsteignton, and was a horse-dealer. The body which the Jury had seen was that of his daughter, eleven months old, named JESSIE. When he arrived home on Friday night about half-past nine he found that his wife and child were out. He inquired of his little girl where her mother was, and she said, "Gone to the turnpike, and the baby with her." He had previously seen the child in her mother's arms about seven o'clock in the evening, and that was the last time he saw it alive. He went to the turnpike as fast as he could, thinking something was wrong, she being out at that time of the night. He could not find his wife or child, and soon afterwards he met a man named James Small, and from what Small told him he went with him to his van in the Newton Market-place. He there saw his wife sitting by the fire in the van, and he asked her where the baby was. She replied, "It is in the pond," or words to that effect. He said, "Whatever did you do that for?" and she then replied, "I was mad." He saw that his wife's clothes were wet and asked Mrs Small to change them. He then sent for the police, and Sergeant Nicholls arriving, he told him what had happened. They went in a cab to a pond in Holmar's-lane, near his house at Kingsteignton. On searching they found an apron, which was very wet, and which Sergeant Nicholls took charge of. [It was here produced, but witness could not identify it as belonging to his wife, though he was of opinion that it did.] Witness, continuing, said he and the police went a little further on and there found the body of his infant, which was lying on its side across a rail in about three or four inches of water. The head was lying towards the pond and the feet towards the bank. On finding the body they returned with it to the Newton Police Station. The child was dead when he first saw it. In reply to questions put by Mr Templar, witness said he and his wife had been married 22 years. They had had nine children, seven of whom were living. The deceased was the youngest of the family. His wife had always been a good mother to her children, and she was a very temperate woman. He had never known her drink two glasses of beer n one day; and she was a very hard working person. On Friday morning he had a few rods with her, and he called her lazy. This she seemed to take to heart very much, and during the day she shunned him as much as possible. About half-past seven he went home, and saw her with the baby in her arms. As he entered the house by one door she left by another, and he did not see the child alive afterwards. He left his house and went to the inn kept by Mr Hearn, and after staying there a short time went home but did not see his wife. He again left his house and went to Mr Hearn's, remaining there until half-past nine, when he went home and found that his wife and baby were gone. In answer to further questions, witness said where he found the body the water was not deep enough to drown it, but about a foot out the water was three or four feet deep. From the condition of his wife when he saw her, he could tell that she had been immersed in deep water. The water in the pond was at some parts thirty or forty feet deep. His wife's father committed suicide by drowning. At this stage of the Inquiry the Coroner said he did not intend to take any further evidence that night, and should recall MR LOVERIDGE at the adjourned Inquest when further questions could be put to him. The Inquiry was then adjourned until Tuesday.
Adjourned Inquiry. Prisoner Committed For Trial.
The adjourned Inquest was resumed this morning at the Courtenay-street Hall by Mr S. Hacker, Coroner. Mr Templer attended and watched the case on behalf of the prisoner, who was not present. The Coroner, in opening the case, expressed a hope that they would be enabled to finish the Inquiry that day, so as to be able to return their verdict. He then called Mary Ann Gibbs, who said: I reside at Kingsteignton. I was returning from Newton on Friday night to Kingsteignton, and I met a woman, whom I believe to be the prisoner. I met her near the Turnpike gate. I considered it was about ten minutes to nine. She had nothing in her hands. She was rambling about the road at the time. I did not speak to her. Mr Williams: Then she was reeling about as though she was intoxicated? - Yes, Sir.
Reginald Bulley said: I reside at Kingsteignton, and am a plumber and gas fitter. On Friday night, when I was returning from Newton to Kingsteignton I met the prisoner. I met her about 12 yards the other side of the railway arch. It was then twenty minutes after nine. I judge it was that, as it was ten after nine when I left my mother's. She was walking very fast in the direction of Newton. She was walking on the foot-path and I passed close to her, and wished her "good night," but she made no reply. She had no hat or bonnet on. I could feel her clothes were wet as she passed me. She was walking perfectly straight. In answer to the Foreman, witness said she was wringing her hands as though in a very excited way.
James Small, on being sworn, was asked by the Coroner if he knew what it was to take an oath, and he replied that he had never taken one in his life. (a laugh). The Coroner: Do you know what it is to speak the truth? And if you don't speak the truth do you know what will happen to you hereafter? Witness. I know, sir. Witness was then sworn. He said: I live in my van and am a travelling horse dealer. My missus deal little in hawking if you please sir. I know the prisoner. On Friday night last the prisoner came up to my van with her hands extended out. I was in bed in my van. I first heard something rattling against the glass of my door. I opened the door and saw a figure before me trembling and shaking too and fro, with her hands extended. I fell back exclaiming "Oh dear there's a ghost!" And believe me sir I trembled all over from hand to foot. I never was so frightened in my life before. Believe me sir I did not know the woman. She then said "I am LOVERIDGE."
The Coroner: Did you not recognise her.
Witness: Believe me your honour I did not. I then opened the door and slipped out beside of her, and as I did so I felt her clothes wet. When I got outside with only my boots and trousers on. I said to her "You'r crazzy drunk, you are." I was dreadfully frightened at the time, and I called to several boys who were playing around the van.
The Coroner: Did you think the prisoner was drunk.
Witness: I did sir, because she was waving her hands like a drunken woman. I told the boys that MRS LOVERIDGE was "beastly drunk and wet". I said "go with me for MR LOVERIDGE." I don't know which way I went then I was so frightened. Going out Kingsteignton-road I met her husband. I said "GEORGE your missus is drunk." He said something. He then came to the van, but I do not know what he said to her. I took some wet clothes out of the van and gave it to the police. Who gave me the clothes I don't know I was so much frightened.
Ellen Small said: I am the wife of the last witness. On Friday night some one came and knocked at my door whilst me and my husband were in bed. My husband jumped out and on going to the door said "Oh dear a ghost is come." I afterwards found it was the prisoner. When she came into the van my husband went out. She was very wet. She kept on shaking herself about "I have done it, I have done it." That was all I could get out of her. I don't believe she knew what she was about. Her husband afterwards came to the door. He said to her "Where's the baby?" and she replied I have drowned the baby. He said "what made you do it" and she said "Because I was mad." I afterwards gave the prisoner some dry clothes to put on.
By Mr Templer: She also told her husband that she tried to drown herself, but could not do it. I have known the prisoner about fourteen years, and never knew her to be a drinking woman. I never knew any harm against the woman in my life.
Sergt. Nicholls repeated his evidence which he gave before the magistrates on Saturday. He also added that he found a wet apron in the lane leading to the pond. He could not say if the child had been placed in that part of the pond he found it. The pond was very deep - quite six feet - within a few feet from the edge of the water. He found the child floating on a broken rail. It was quite possible if a person had been resting against the railing it might have given away. It was an old clay-pit and he was unable to ascertain how deep the water was towards the centre of the pond. The rail was newly broken.
Dr Ley said: About ten minutes to eleven on Friday night, he was called to the Police-station to see the dead body of a child. He found the child dead and by is appearance had been drowned. I made a post mortem examination the next day and I found that the symptoms were consistent with drowning,. I found no marks of violence whatever. It was a very fine child. The lungs were full of water shewing death had resulted from drowning.
By Mr Templer: A child of that age might have died from sudden immersion. He believed, however, that the child had been in the water some hours. He saw the prisoner the same night. She was in a very excited state, but he was quite sure she was not suffering from the effects of drink. He had known her for a great number of years and had attended the family. The prisoner he believed to be a very steady and industrious woman. The fact of the father having committed suicide would very possibly set [?] impulse on her to attempt to do the same [?]. It was, in fact, very possible she was suffering [?] She told him that she had made two attempts to drown herself, but had failed. She could not sink because her clothes kept her up. She also said that she remembered bringing out the child the first time she threw herself into the water.
REBECCA LOVERIDGE, daughter of the prisoner, identified the apron produced by Sergt. Nicholls as that of her mother's. In answer to the Foreman, witness said she was not home in the evening when her mother went away. Her mother was very excited all the day in consequence of some angry words her father said to her mother in the morning.
William Ward said: I lie at Kingsteignton, and about a quarter past ten I went to the prisoner's house for the purpose of slaughtering a pig. MR LOVERIDGE was about to go away, and the prisoner had the horse by the head. As the water to scald the pig was not hot MR LOVERIDGE called his wife "a lazy wretch," adding "you have had nothing else to do all the morning." She denied the charge and said she could not do it. She did not say anything more but she seemed to feel what her husband said very much. I then went away and about half-past twelve I came down again, and the water was then hot. About quarter of an hour afterwards MR LOVERIDGE returned and remarked to me "Then you have commenced" and I replied "Yes." He then put the horse into the stable and the prisoner went and got a bran mash for it. MR LOVERIDGE was still very angry with her, and he swore to her several times and she cried bitterly all the time I was there. She made reference to me about Mrs Pinsent having committed suicide, and said she should not be surprised if she did the same thing. The Foreman was about to put a question to the witness as to the nature of the language her husband used to her, when Mr Templer suggested that the Jury should not endeavour to aggravate the husband's present painful feeling. For the satisfaction of the Jury he might mention that the prisoner had told him (Mr Templer) that she was very sorry she had given way to her temper although her husband had done so. The Foreman: We only want to get hold of the real facts.
Mr Templer: I am sure MR LOVERIDGE has given us all the assistance he possibly can.
The Coroner then proceeded to sum up the facts. He said after they had ascertained as to the cause of the death of the deceased it was their duty to ascertain to whom the cause of that death was attributable. There was no doubt in his mind that the cause of death was drowning, but under what circumstances it took place several propositions suggested themselves for consideration. There was no doubt as to unpleasantness between the husband and the prisoner on Friday, and it would be their duty to consider that for what it was worth, and whether it was of sufficient importance to point to a motive. They must bear in mind that when the husband returned home about seven o'clock in the evening, the child was then in her mother's arms and that the latter on seeing her husband come home immediately left with the child. He also went away just afterwards and returned again and not finding his wife there left again, and on returning again he discovered something which led him to go to Newton in search of his wife, and when he got to the van at Newton, and on his questioning her about the child, she said she had drowned it, and on his asking her the reason for doing so, she said, "I must have been mad." All these were important fact for them to consider. The Foreman said he should like to know the nature of the information MR LOVERIDGE received t induce him to rush off to Newton? Mr Templer said the fact had come to MR LOVERIDGE'S knowledge, but he thought the evidence relating to it was not admissible. The Foreman said he did not feel satisfied about the matter at all. He thought it ought to be cleared up for the sake of the poor woman. It was a case in which nothing ought to be kept back. MR LOVERIDGE was then recalled and he said when he returned home about half-past nine his daughter said that his wife had been seen near the turnpike gate going towards Newton. He then said to his daughter "Where's the baby?" and she replied "Mother has got it." Mr Templer said he did not object, but he submitted it was not evidence. The Foreman said he was rather surprised the girl who received this information was not brought here. How old was she? MR LOVERIDGE said she was about ten years of age. She told him that - Mr Templer submitted this was not evidence. The Foreman: If it is not evidence it is very unsatisfactory, and I don't think the Sergeant has cleared up this matter as well as he might.
Sergt. Nicholls said he had seen the woman who was alleged to have told the daughter about meeting her mother, but she told him she was unable to say whether it was the prisoner she met or not. It was merely her suspicion. Hence his not calling her. MR LOVERIDGE said he believed the woman told his daughter that she had met a woman near the turnpike, and she appeared to be drunk. REBECCA LOVERIDGE was here recalled and she said it was Miss Honey who called and said she had met her mother, she considered, on her way to Newton. The Foreman was again about to make some comments when Mr Heaward (another Juryman) thought they had better adjourn for luncheon or else they should be kept there all day. Mr Templer reminded the Foreman that there were certain legal rules in giving evidence that must be adhered to and that was the reason that which was complained of had not been so fully explained as he (the Foreman) wished. There was, however, no desire to keep back anything. The Foreman still thought evidence had been withheld which should have been forthcoming. The coroner said this was not so. He then proceeded to complete his summing up, after which the Jury retired, and after an absence of about twenty minutes returned with a verdict of "Wilful Murder" against the prisoner.
Saturday 2 February 1884
TORRINGTON - Singular Death Of A Torrington Butcher. - An Inquest was held on Saturday afternoon by Mr J. F. Bromham, on the body of MR G. WILSON, a well-known farmer and butcher, residing in Mill-street, Torrington. From the evidence given, it appears that MR WILSON came down stairs at his usual hour, and after ordering breakfast went into a shed at the rear of his premises commonly known as "The Slaughter House." His son came down just afterwards, and on going into the yard to look for his father, found him in the place before mentioned with blood oozing from his mouth. He at once alarmed the house and Dr Norman was sent for. On making an examination there was found no external wound whatever. Hearing that a pocket knife covered with blood had been picked up on a window bench near the spot, it occurred to Dr Norman whether some internal wound had been inflicted by deceased, but on close examination no trace whatever of the carotid being severed, or any internal wound, could be found. Dr Norman at the conclusion of the Inquest, being desired to again examine deceased before the verdict was given, satisfied himself that there was no wound whatever, not the least scratch being seen. As to the pocket knife found in the window, no one had ever seen it in the possession of the deceased. Under the circumstances, the Jury returned the following verdict: "That the deceased died from internal haemorrhage, but whether from any self-inflicted injury or not, there was not sufficient evidence to show." Great sympathy is felt for the bereaved family, as deceased was well known in the neighbourhood.
Saturday 16 February 1884
MR WILLIAM BROWSE, 68 years of age, greengrocer, carrying on business in Wolborough-street, died suddenly yesterday. An Inquest will be held this evening.
Saturday 23 February 1884
NEWTON ABBOT - Sudden Death. - Mr Edmonds, Deputy Coroner, held an Inquest at the Town Hall, on Saturday evening, on the body of WILLIAM BROWSE, aged 68, a retired captain and a green grocer, &c., carrying on business in Wolborough-street. It appeared from the evidence that on Friday morning BROWSE complained to his daughter of pain in his stomach, and whilst she was preparing some cocoa he became much worse and she ran into a neighbour's house to acquaint them of it, where she had hysteria. The neighbour (Mrs Blachford), on going to see what was the matter, found BROWSE in bed unconscious, and breathing very heavily. Before a medical man could be called he died. Mr Grimbly, surgeon, stated that he had made a post mortem examination of the body, and he was of opinion that death resulted from heart disease. The Jury returned a verdict accordingly.
Saturday 8 March 1884
TOTNES - Fatal Accident Near Totnes. - MRS PURDY about 71 years of age, wife of a cowkeeper, residing at Luscombe, near Harbertonford, met her death a few days ago by falling over the stairs. She appears to have suffered from a bad leg, for a considerable time past, which caused her to walk with some difficulty. MR PURDY left her in the bedroom in the morning dressing, and shortly afterwards he heard someone fall, and on going out in company with the servant found the deceased lying at the bottom of the stairs. They took her up and sent for a medical man. Mr Currie, of Totnes, was soon in attendance and found life to be extinct. An Inquest was held by Mr S. Hacker, District Coroner, and the Jury returned a verdict that death resulted from shock, as there were no bones broken.
Saturday 22 March 1884
Sad Death of The Chudleigh Mail Contractor. The Salvation Army cautioned. - An Inquest was held last evening by Mr S. Hacker, Coroner, at the Cottage Hospital on the body of JOHN LEAR, mail cart contractor, of Chudleigh, who met with an accident through being thrown out of the mail-cart he was driving, and from the effects of which he shortly afterwards died. Mr Jas. Chapple was Foreman of the Jury. William Towell, of 2, Lemon-place, said he was sorting clerk at the Post Office. He had seen the body of the deceased and he identified it as that of JOHN LEAR. The deceased was mail-cart contractor and resided at Chudleigh, and conveyed the mail bags to and from that town. The deceased arrived at the Post-office on Friday night at eleven minutes after eight. Directly he had delivered the mail bags he left again. The deceased was perfectly sober at the time. He knew nothing of the circumstances that led to deceased's death. Frank A. R. Vinnicombe, a lad fifteen years of age, residing at 6 Fern-terrace, said he was errand boy to Mr Giles. He knew the deceased, and he saw him on the preceding evening outside of the Post-office. He (witness) was waiting for the Bovey mail-cart in order to take the horse to the stable. Whilst waiting he saw the deceased drive up, and he handed him a bag which he placed in the office. The deceased then got down and took out the other bags. Whilst the deceased was doing this the Bovey carrier, (Mr Barkell) came. No one was in charge of the deceased's horse whilst he went into the office. Mr Barkell emptied his cart of the bags first and he (witness) then took charge of Mr Barkell's trap in order to drive the horse and trap to Mr Hartland's stables in Courtenay-street. The deceased followed him. When he got to the fish market, he heard an extra noise caused by boys "bawling" outside of the Salvation Barracks, and he looked back. He noticed that the deceased's horse was galloping, and appeared to be frightened. He did not notice if the door of the Barracks was open. His (witness) horse passed all right. He did not hear any noise inside of the Barracks. Did not hear any band. The deceased's horse did not go straight, but ran oneside towards the gipsy vans. He (witness) drove on as fast as he could, but by the time he got to the Coffee Tavern the deceased's horse ran up and came in collision, the left wheel of the deceased's trap coming against his (witness's) right wheel. His (witness) horse then ran down towards Mr Magor's Commercial Hotel, and when he looked back he saw the deceased's trap on its side at the corner of Mr Law's shop. The horse freed itself from the trap and was galloping up towards the market. The deceased was getting up in the trap when he (witness) left the Post Office. The boys were knocking at the doors of the Barracks when he passed, and at that time the deceased was only a few paces behind him. The deceased had driven the horse about a fortnight or three weeks. He did not see the deceased after the accident. By Mr Heaward: - Dare say there were thirty boys but not a hundred. - Mr Heaward: They were a disgraceful lot.
Mr E. Haydon, surgeon, said he saw a man had met with an accident and he hastened to the Hospital to get a bed in readiness for him. When the deceased was brought in he examined him and found him unconscious. He was suffering from the fracture of the base of the skull. The deceased died about hour and half after being admitted. William Lake, labourer, said he was standing near the weighbridge in the market opposite of the Salvation Barracks when the deceased was passing. He saw a lot of boys making a rush at the higher door of the Barracks, and not able to force it open they made a similar attempt to the middle door with the like result. They then tried the lower door which they succeeded in forcing open. The deceased's horse was passing in front at the time and the light inside suddenly shining out from the doorway frightened the horse and it instantly jumped across the road and afterwards it galloped down the road. The horse was going a "stiff trot" before the door opened. He afterwards saw the deceased's trap come in collision with the Bovey mail cart which was in front, but he did not see the deceased fall out. About a dozen boys took the principal part in trying to force the doors open, but there were at least a hundred persons there who, more or less, were holloaing and shouting. In answer to Mr Heaward, witness said he presumed the boys were there in consequence of the Salvation Army being inside. - Mr Dunn: They had followed the Salvation Army I suppose in their procession. - Witness: They had. - Mr Heaward: There is nothing illegal in that. Mr Dunn: I don't say there is. - Mr Heaward: Then why should they be interfered with any more than anyone else?
Richard White, tanner, of School-road, East-str., said about quarter past eight on the previous night he was standing at the corner of Mr Law's shop, where he saw the Bovey mail cart coming down from the market. The deceased's trap was following close behind, the horse going as fast as it could. On nearing where he was standing the Chudleigh mail cart came in collision with the off wheel of the first cart and immediately afterwards the trap capsized and the deceased was thrown out. In falling, he considered, the deceased's head came in contact with one of the pillars at the corner. Through the deceased still holding on to the reins of the horse pulled him into the road where he picked him up and helped to convey him to the Cottage Hospital. The deceased was not conscious afterwards. Francis Geo. Neil, ironmonger's assistant confirmed William Lake's evidence, with the exception that he did not consider there were a hundred persons congregated outside. Sarah Parkhouse, a sister-in-law of the deceased proved his age. Richard Lane, of No. 3, Fern Terrace said he was the Captain of the Salvation Army. Last night, he said, after marching around the town they assembled at the Barracks just about eight o'clock. For upwards of ten or fifteen minutes after the service commenced there was great difficulty in conducting it owing to the disturbance caused by the mob outside knocking at one door and then at another. At last the mob forced open the lower door which was locked. The bad was not playing at the time and only one person speaking so that he could not see how the accident could be attributed to the Salvation Army. The Salvation Army were subjected to great annoyance by young men whether they went out or not. In answer to the Foreman he said he knew a wish had been expressed by the magistrates for them not to assemble and play near the Tower but that only referred during the time of business hours and so far that wish had been observed. The beating of the drum had also been stopped through the alleged illness of a child. - The Coroner said that had nothing to do with the present Inquiry. The Foreman: It was the indirect cause of the accident. The Coroner then summed up the evidence, which he thought shewed very clearly that deceased came to his death accidentally through being thrown out of his trap in the way described. It was however for the Jury to say if any one was to blame in the matter. The Jury after a short deliberation returned a verdict of Accidental Death, and in a rider they expressed a hope that the Salvation Army would either conduct their processions more orderly or abandon them altogether.
Saturday 3 May 1884
BLACKAWTON - Mysterious Death Of A Young Lady At Blackawton. - An Inquest was held on Wednesday afternoon by Mr T. Edmonds, Deputy Coroner, at Oldstone, Blackawton, at the residence of her father, MR W. PERCY DIMES, on the body of MRS H. C. SHORTLAND, aged 22 years, who was found drowned on the Oldstone estate on Tuesday morning. Evidence was given by MRS DIMES (mother of the deceased), by a domestic in the house, the hind, and a labourer on the farm of the circumstances attending her death. It appeared that the deceased lady was married early in April of this year to MR HUGH C. SHORTLAND, a barrister called to the bar in New Zealand, but who has for some time been staying in England, and recently at Ivybridge. The marriage took place in the Registry Office at Kingsbridge, and the face was concealed from her parents until the husband and wife returned together to the house after the ceremony. After staying at Oldstone a couple of days MR SHORTLAND left by consent to go to New Zealand, where his parents and friends resided, on matters of business. It may be here stated that this is the MR SHORTLAND, who took a conspicuous part in opposing the projected railway to Modbury. The absence of MR SHORTLAND did not appear to affect the deceased lady, for she retained her usual cheerful demeanour after his departure. Nothing unusual occurred till last Tuesday morning, when, as had been her usual custom, she had her horse saddled and went for a ride, returning about noon. She afterwards changed her riding habit for a morning dress, and left her house with her large collie dog and went to a fish pond on the estate, which is reached through an avenue, and is about a quarter of a mile from the house. Not returning during the day, MRS DIMES went to the pond, where she expected to meet her daughter and her husband, thinking at the time he had not left the country. She, however, did not see her, and returned home again under the impression that nothing was wrong. Next morning the deceased not having returned, in the meantime the housekeeper went to the pond, where she was horrified to find the body of her young mistress standing upright, with her head just below the surface of the water. An alarm was given, and the body was taken out and removed to the residence of her father. There was no external marks of violence, nor any signs that a struggle had taken place on the edge of the pond. A purse was found on her containing half sovereign, florin, a shilling and coppers, and she was wearing on her left hand three rings - one being the wedding ring. Dr Soper, of Dartmouth, subsequently made an external examination, and he came to the conclusion that deceased came to her death by drowning. Tuesday morning's post brought a letter from her husband dated from Brindisi, but which was received from MR SHORTLAND, with a packet of other letters, by a firm of solicitors in Plymouth who had been acting for him. In this letter he expressed himself in very affectionate terms towards his wife and said he was hurrying on to New Zealand and hoped soon to return. The Coroner commented upon this letter and said the terms in which it was couched afforded strong corroboration of the statement that the newly-married couple parted on the most affectionate terms. The Jury, after a brief deliberation, returned a verdict to the effect that the deceased was found drowned but how she came into the water there was no evidence to show. Supt. Dore (Kingsbridge) was present to watch the proceedings on behalf of the police.
Saturday 28 June 1884
NEWTON ABBOT - Fatal Railway Accident. - An Inquest was held on Monday evening at the Seven Stars Inn, by Mr S. Hacker, Coroner, on the body of JAMES FENNELL REYNOLDS, aged 21, who met with his death early in the morning of that day by being run over by a luggage-train in the station-yard at Newton. Mr J. Luxmoore, Superintendent at the Locomotive Works, and Mr Inspector Northcote attended to watch the proceedings on behalf of the Company. The first witness called was WILLIAM HENRY REYNOLDS, brother of the deceased, who identified the body. The deceased was employed by the Great Western Railway Company as a lad fitter, and lodged with witness in the Exeter-road. When brought to his house that morning he was dead. William Norman said he was a railway packer. That morning about 6.45 a.m., he saw the deceased crossing the line used for goods traffic near the engine-shed with a wheelbarrow containing coal. He saw that he was in danger, as the trucks that were being shunted were approaching him, and he called out to him, "Let go the barrow." He did not seem to take any notice, and immediately afterwards the steps of the goods van came on him and knocked him down. His back was towards the trucks at the time. Samuel Carr Cole, Inspector of the Permanent Way, produced a plan of the line of the railway where the accident occurred. He said that he saw the deceased just after the accident happened. He was then lying on a stretcher, which was resting on a wheelbarrow. William Norman was here recalled, and his evidence resumed. At the time the deceased was knocked down he was between the two different lines. Witness did not think the van which first knocked him down passed over him, but in consequence of his throwing himself about as soon as he fell on the ground he got entangled with the trucks which were next to the van, and the wheels of four or five of these passed over his legs. When witness came to him the head of the deceased was under the trucks, and his legs were extending outwards across the line. He heard the deceased call our several times while the wheels were passing over him. He believed that the deceased was engaged in his regular work at the time. George Sluman, goods-porter, said that he was shunting the trucks in question when the accident occurred. He was on the steps of the engine, but at that time the engine was pushing the trucks on, and as soon as he heard some one call out he had the engine stopped instantly, but the trucks through not being connected with the engine, still went on. He did not see anyone on the line. Witness gave directions for the engine to push back. When he came to the deceased he was lying on his back, and noticing that the trucks had passed over his legs he instantly went for assistance. The man who would succeed to the deceased's duties would be required to cross at the same place. Emanuel Churchward, permanent way fitter, said that the deceased was under his charge, and he gave him directions to take the coal in question to the platform of the Newton Station for removal by the Moreton train. The deceased had been in the employ of the Company about eight or nine years. There was no other way for the deceased to have crossed the line. Witness was not present when the accident occurred, but he afterwards helped the deceased to his home. William Sampson, switchman, said that when he gave directions for the luggage-train to come back deceased was standing still on the waste piece of land beside the line. Dr Ley said he saw the deceased just after the accident occurred, while he was being removed in a van. The deceased was then dead, and both his legs were frightfully crushed. He was of opinion that the deceased died from the shock to the system, and not from haemorrhage. At the close of his evidence the witness called attention to the fact that the town was not provided with a public mortuary. He thought it was a growing scandal, as evidenced in the present instance when some time elapsed before a place could be obtained where to lodge the body. It was not convenient to remove the body of the deceased to his lodgings as the landlady had only recently been confined, and the shock that would have been occasioned might have had serious results. He hoped the Jury would add a rider to their verdict calling the attention of the Local Board to the great want of a mortuary. The Coroner, in summing up, endorsed the opinion expressed by Dr Ley with regard to the want of a mortuary. The Jury returned a verdict of "Accidental Death," and recommended that the Local Board should be requested to provide the town with a public mortuary. It is very painful to relate that the deceased's two brothers met with untimely deaths - among the ill-fated crew who were drowned some years ago with Captain Hare in the Training Ship Eurydice, which capsized in the English Channel on the homeward journey from abroad.
Saturday 9 August 1884
TOTNES - The Fatal Bathing Accident In The Dart. - At the Steam Packet Inn, Totnes, an Inquest was held on Monday last, by Mr S. Hacker, County Coroner, on the bodies of JAMES WILLIAM DYMENT, aged 21, and WILLIAM DYMOND FISHER, 18, both employed at Totnes, in connection with the Ordnance Survey, and who were drowned in the Dart on Saturday evening. After hearing the evidence of Edward Ball, who was with the deceased, the men who recovered the bodies, and the medical men, the Jury returned a verdict of "Accidental Death," adding to their verdict - "The Jury wish to call the attention of the Dart Commissioners to the danger of dredging pits, especially in those parts of the river frequented by bathers; also the boards should be placed warning persons where the water is of uneven depth, and that the Town Council should provide a suitable place for bathing." - Mr Hains, as a member of the Town Council, said he would do everything to carry out the wishes of the Jury with regard to the Council providing a suitable place for bathing. The Coroner said no doubt the Press would give publicity of the recommendations of the Jury.
Saturday 16 August 1884
BOVEY TRACEY - Child Scalded To Death At Bovey Tracey. - Mr S. Hacker, Coroner, held an Inquest on Tuesday at Challabrook Farm, Bovey Tracey, on the body of a male infant, 15 months old, the son of MR GILLEY, who died on the previous day from the effects of a scald. It appeared from the evidence that MR GILLEY and his wife were on a visit to Mr Hamlyn, father of MRS GILLEY, who resides at Challabrook Farm. About half-past nine on Monday the deceased was in the kitchen holding on by his mother's dress, but letting go his hold he fell into a pan of hot milk which was on the floor, and was so severely scalded that despite the medical skill of Dr Goodwin, who was called in directly afterwards, he died the same morning. Dr Goodwin was of opinion that death did not arise so much from the scalds as from the shock to the system. The Jury returned a verdict in accordance with the medical evidence.
Saturday 13 September 1884
EXETER - An Inquest has been held in Exeter on a young woman named SMEATH, whose body was found in the Exe. She was seen to cross the fields and walk into the river, but the man first on the scene could not swim, and ran for assistance. When help came the woman was found in but little over four feet of water, and, although alive when taken out, she died from exhaustion. Questions were put at the Inquest as to whether the deceased had had any love disappointment, but witnesses could not say. She had, however, been very depressed for some considerable time. Her profession was that of a schoolmistress. A verdict of "Temporary Insanity" was returned, and some regret expressed that the man who first saw deceased in the water did not attempt to rescue her.
Saturday 20 September 1884
EXETER - A very extraordinary case of sudden death has been investigated by the Exeter Coroner. For some years a MRS LEE has been in the habit of assisting her son in the management of the Elephant and Castle Inn. On the Sunday morning while she was at breakfast, she directed a servant t release a fox-terrier which was barking in one of the stables. A little boy unfastened the dog, and the animal at once flew at a girl who was standing in the yard, seized her by the leg, and could not be shaken off. MRS LEE, hearing the girl's screams, came to her aid, but the dog released his hold of the girl and she and MRS LEE fell to the ground together. Some neighbours at last beat the dog off, and it ran away. The girl was badly bitten in several places, and taken to the hospital. Immediately after the dog had disappeared MRS LEE was attached with hysteria. After a short time she recovered, had a little brandy, and gave the girl some. The hysteria, however, returned, and MRS LEE died almost immediately on the return of the second attack. A verdict was returned accordingly.
Saturday 4 October 1884
ST MARY CHURCH - Fatal Fall Over A Cliff At St. Mary Church. - MRS GREENSLADE, the wife of MR JOHN GREENSLADE, a retired brewer, of St. Mary-Church, and who resided at York-terrace, Babbacombe, met with her death under very painful circumstances on Tuesday. It appears that MRS GREENSLADE and her nurse went out for a stroll on Babbacombe Down and sat down on a seat opposite the Orphanage Home. MRS GREENSLADE then asked her nurse if she saw MR GREENSLADE coming, and on her turning round, she went to the edge of the cliff and disappeared. The nurse became alarmed, and on looking over discovered MRS GREENSLADE in some brambles about 36 feet down, immediately below which was a precipice. Assistance was at once procured, and she was conveyed to her home, where she expired later in the day. Great sympathy has been expressed for the family of the deceased lady, who are highly respected in the neighbourhood of St. Mary-Church and Babbacombe. On Wednesday evening, Mr Hacker, Coroner, held an Inquiry into the circumstances attending the death of the deceased. At the outset of the proceedings MR GREENSLADE who was behaving in an eccentric and unseemly manner, endeavoured to keep the reporters out of the room, but the Coroner told him they must remain. GREENSLADE again endeavoured to get the reporters to withdraw, but finding that his efforts were unavailing, he proceeded, after shaking hands effusively with the Jurymen, to provide them with much ostentation with candles and seats. Evidence was given that the woman, who has been suffering from softening of the brain for seven months, went out with a nurse to Babbacombe Downs on Tuesday and sat on a seat about fourteen feet away from the edge of the cliff. Diverting her companion's attention for a moment she rushed to a steep part of the cliff and jumped over. She fell a distance of 25 feet and rolled ten feet further, when her progress was arrested by a bramble bush. She was picked up alive and sensible and was conveyed to her home, but some hours later died. The cause of death was stated to be shock to the system. No marks or bruises appeared on the body. The Jury returned a verdict "That the deceased committed Suicide while in a state of Temporary Insanity."
PRINCETOWN - A curious case at Dartmoor Prison has been investigated by Mr Coroner Fulford. At Princetown PATRICK CONNOLLY, 28, who was undergoing seven years' penal servitude was found on the previous evening suspended by his braces from the hot-air pipe in his cell. His stool was tipped from under his feet, and the back of his neck was against a shelf. He was lazy, and was at first thought to be shamming illness to get into the hospital. The Jury, after viewing the place, came to the conclusion that the stool had tipped over accidentally and returned a verdict of "Accidental Suffocation."
Saturday 11 October 1884
ASHBURTON - Inquest At Ashburton. - On Tuesday evening Mr Sidney Hacker, District Coroner, held an Inquiry at the Globe Hotel, touching the death of WILLIAM JAMES PENGELLY, a child, five weeks old, of WILLIAM PENGELLY, a labourer, who died on Sunday evening. The medical evidence showed that the child had been insufficiently fed, and the Jury, in returning a verdict of "Death from Natural Causes," added a rider severely censuring the father for, through his neglect, compelling the mother to go out to work, thereby necessarily neglecting and insufficiently suckling the child.
Saturday 15 November 1884
IPPLEPEN - Fatal Accident At Ipplepen. - On Monday morning last as MR WM. TOWNSEND, gardener, in the employ of Miss Gotbed, The Elms, was attending to some vines in one of the hothouses, and was standing on a pair of high steps, from some cause they overturned, caused him to fall heavily to the ground. In falling, his head struck against some iron work. A lad being near at the time of the accident ran for assistance, and he was promptly conveyed into The elms, and Dr Symons of Kingskerswell, sent for who pronounced it a hopeless case, he having received serious injuries to his head, neck and back. He lingered on until 6 o'clock in the evening when he died. An Inquest was held on Wednesday evening, when a verdict of Accidental Death was returned. MR TOWNSEND lived at Ipplepen a great many years, and was highly respected. he was 43 years of age, leaves a wife and 4 children to mourn their loss.
Saturday 20 December 1884
Suicide - On Saturday last between eight and nine o'clock a labourer named ROBT. LANG committed suicide, by hanging himself at his house in Mount Pleasant Lane. Deceased who was 25 years of age was a married man and the father of two young children. He was in the employ of Mr Segar, farmer, of Highweek. Some time ago he borrowed £1 of his master with the understanding that he was to repay it in instalments of 2s. a week out of his wages of 14s. On the evening in question he only brought home 10s. 9d. and his wife upbraided him for having spent more money than he ought at the public house. Just afterwards she left to see a neighbour and on returning after an absence of only about twenty minutes she found her husband suspended by a piece of cord to the banister of the staircase and quite dead. A man named Pickett was called in who cut the deceased down, but life was then quite extinct. Dr Grimbly was called in but of course his services were of no avail. Mr Hacker held an Inquest on the body on Tuesday, at the Seven Stars, when the Jury after hearing the evidence returned a verdict that deceased committed suicide whilst in a state of Temporary Insanity.
Saturday 27 December 1884
TOTNES - Sudden Death Near Totnes Station. - As MR JAMES WILLIAMS, tobacconist, of Exeter, was walking from Totnes railway station to the town with a friend (Mr Hodder), about nine o'clock on Monday evening, he suddenly fell forward on the ground without the slightest warning. Mr Hodder thinking he had tripped tried to raise him, but found he was dead. He called for assistance and medical aid was soon on the spot. The deceased was taken back to the station to await a Coroner's Inquiry. MR WILLIAMS was about 70 years of age and had travelled for many years. At the Inquest the Jury returned a verdict of Death from Natural Causes.
Saturday 31 January 1885
TOTNES - Mr S. Hacker, District Coroner, held an Inquiry Monday at the Market House Inn, Totnes, touching the death of a female infant, the illegitimate child of a young woman called POPE, living with her parents in Leechwell-lane. From the evidence adduced, it appears the woman was delivered of the child in the workhouse about five months ago, and on Saturday afternoon the child died suddenly in the mother's arms. Dr Cape said he was called to see the child, which was dead by the time he arrived. It was perfectly placid and there was no indication of any neglect or violence. He considered the child died from a sudden spasm of the glottis. The Jury returned a verdict that the child died from "Natural Causes."
Saturday 28 March 1885
An old woman named ANN HILL, who kept a greengrocer's stall in the Barnstaple market was burnt to death at her house where she lived alone on Tuesday night. It would seem the cause of her death was the capsizing of a benzoline lamp which set fire to her clothes and before any alarm could be raised she was burnt to death. The body was burning all night and when the grand daughter went to the house the next morning it was still burning, in fact the body might be said to be cremated. At the Inquest the Jury returned a verdict but how the body became ignited there was no evidence to show.
Saturday 25 April 1885
LITTLEHEMPSTONE - Singular Death Of A Child. - At Littlehempstone, near Totnes, on Monday evening, the District Coroner, (Mr S. Hacker) held an Inquest on the body of FRANK KING, aged about 20 months, who died the previous night from injuries sustained through being attacked by a game fowl. From the evidence of the mother, it appears she was doing some ironing on Friday last, and a little girl named Westaway, living near, offered to take the deceased out for awhile. Within a minute or two of leaving the cottage she heard her child cry out, and on going out to see what was the matter, found her boy lying on his face and hands in the road with a large stag, belonging to Westaway's parents on the head of the child. She took up the child and found it was bleeding profusely from a wound behind the ear. She bathed the place and subsequently conveyed the child to Dr Hains, surgeon, at Totnes. The child was attended by him up to Sunday, when it died being conscious up to the time of death. Emily Westaway the girl who was with the child, deposed that when they got outside the cottage the deceased ran to the fowl and pulled its tail, whereupon the bird turned and flew at him, knocking him down with his wings. Whilst on the ground it spurred the child twice behind the left ear. The girl remarked that it was all done in a moment, and she was not aware the fowl had attacked any child before. Rebecca Cole, a neighbour, was attracted by the cry of the child, but before she could get to the spot the mother had taken the deceased away. She considered the girl had ample time to drive the fowl away. Mr L. Hains, surgeon, gave evidence of attending the child, and had made a post mortem examination. He found there was a hole right through the skull, from which a watery fluid was oozing. The bird had been killed, and the spur of the foot produced was nearly two inches long, and fitted into the hole exactly. About half-an-inch of the spur had entered the brain. He attributed death to an abscess caused by a fracture of the skull. He observed that the case was a most remarkable one, and unless he had seen it he should hardly have credited it. The Coroner also commented on the extraordinary nature of the case. He considered the girl had given her evidence in a very fair manner, and believed she had not time to drive the bird away. The Jury returned a verdict of "Accidental Death."
ASHTON - Fatal Fall Out Of A Window. - Mr H. W. Gould, Deputy Coroner for the District, held an Inquest on Tuesday at the Fisherman's Arms, Ashton, on the body of ELLEN COX, the infant daughter of SAMUEL COX, blacksmith. From the evidence it appeared that the deceased, who was two years of age, fell out of a bedroom window on the 12th of March, and died on Friday last. Dr Riddell, who attended the deceased, said that death was caused by sudden failure of the heart, occasioned by injuries to the brain, the result of the fall, and a verdict to that effect was returned.
Saturday 16 May 1885
Death Of A Convict At Dartmoor Prison. - On Tuesday at the Dartmoor Convict Prison, Mr Robert Fulford, Coroner, held an Inquest on the body of ARCHIBALD MCMURREY. In 1879 the deceased was, after a previous conviction, sentenced at Glasgow to seven years' penal servitude. He was then described as a carter, and thirty-eight years of age. After serving a portion of his time at Glasgow, Pentonville, and Chatham, he was on February 1st, 1885, removed to Dartmoor, where he suffered from a mental ailment, or a state of stupor from which he gradually sank. According to the medical evidence death was due to paralysis and chronic inflammation of the brain. The Jury returned a verdict in accordance with the medical testimony, and the Coroner in briefly summing up the evidence, said the deceased was a native of Lanarkshire, and if there was one silver lining in the career of an unfortunate convict, it was in the fact - as the Jury knew - that in illness he was well cared for, and that up to his death he had every kindness and consideration shown him by the Prison authorities, having had rest and a special diet.
LUSTLEIGH - The Fatal Accident On The Moreton Line. - An Inquest was held at the Cleave Hotel, Lustleigh, by Mr Sidney Hacker (Coroner) on Monday morning, touching the death of MARIA AMELIA WILCOX, the wife of a packer, who met with her death on the preceding Friday through being knocked down and run over by the 2.15 passenger train from Moreton. Inspector Northcote attended to watch the proceedings on behalf of the Great Western Railway Company. Prior to the examination of any witnesses, the Coroner and Jury, of whom Mr R. S. Henwood was Foreman, visited the spot where the accident occurred, viz. the crossing known as Yeo level, situated between Lustleigh and Bovey, and about one mile from the former. THOMAS WILCOCKS said he lived at Wreyland, in the parish of Bovey, and was a packer on the line. The deceased was his wife. He saw her last at Lustleigh Station about two hours before her death. She did not say where she was going, but he found out she intended to see a poor man at Wreyland who was ill. She had been in bad health for years, and had been in the habit of crossing the line at Yeo. John Bastow, engine foreman, said he lived at Moreton. On Friday last he was on the 2.15 train from Moreton and left Lustleigh Station at 2.27. George Friend, the driver, was also with him. They were going at the rate of 25 miles an hour down an incline and round the bend he was looking out through the weather glass, when he saw the deceased who had just got over a stile, with one foot over the rails and about to cross. He blew the whistle, and the driver put the break on. Deceased, however, did not seem to notice the train. After the stile was passed he asked the driver if he had seen the woman pass, and he replying in the negative the train was topped, and on going back they found the woman with her head crushed in and her hand on the rails, the wheels having gone over it. On the tool box, which was in front of the engine, was a piece of the woman's shawl. He did not see the woman with a basket. George Friend gave corroborative evidence, and added that he saw a basket and potatoes scattered about, and helped to place the body in the train, when it was taken on so far as Bovey. John Ponsford and Robert Collins proved to hearing the whistle and seeing the body of deceased dead beside the line. The Coroner, summing up, thought the evidence most conclusive and that there was not any negligence on the part of anyone, and that the deceased had come to her death through not taking proper precautions. The Jury entertained similar views to those expressed by the Coroner, and returned a verdict of "Accidental Death." They also added as a rider that the bushes be cut to open up the view along the line, or that a footbridge should be raised. The Coroner promised to forward the recommendations to the proper quarter.
Saturday 23 May 1885
TORQUAY - Painful Death Of A Young Woman At Torquay. - An Inquest was held on Tuesday, at the Country House Hotel, Ellacombe, by Mr Sydney Hacker, District Coroner, to Inquire into the death of ALICE TRIPP, single, 23, who was confined on Wednesday, 13th instant, and who died on the following Saturday without having had medical attendance. The evidence went to show that the deceased left her situation on Saturday week, and went to reside with a Mrs Ball at 18 Wellesley Road, Torquay, where she was confined last Wednesday of a child. The mother and a midwife were present at the confinement, and all that was necessary upon such occasions was done. The child was weakly. The deceased progressed well till Friday, when Dr. W. Wills, medical officer for the district, was called in. He found deceased in a dying state and the child dead. The woman died in the afternoon. He had made a post mortem examination, and found that the woman died from blood poisoning, induced by the confinement. The lungs were also diseased. There had been no neglect attending the birth of the child; but he considered that there had been neglect in not sending him the notice of illness sooner. The Jury returned a verdict of "Death from Natural Causes."
Saturday 20 June 1885
TOTNES - Fatal Trap Accident Near Totnes. - Mr T. Edmonds, Coroner for the District, held an Inquest at Morley, on Thursday, touching the death of MR PARNELL, a young farmer, who was killed on Tuesday through being knocked down and the wheels of a waggon passing over his body. Evidence was adduced confirming the facts already reported, and the Jury, of whom Mr Anning was Foreman, returned a verdict of "Accidental Death."
Saturday 25 July 1885
TEIGNMOUTH - Sudden Death Of A Child. - On Saturday afternoon an Inquest was held at the London Hotel, Teignmouth, by Mr Coroner Hacker and a Jury, with Mr F. J. Cornish as Foreman, on the body of a child named DOWNS, 12 months old, the daughter of MR DOWNS, Teign-street. From the evidence it appeared that the child had suffered from its birth from a scorbutic eruption. The mother, about 8 o'clock that morning saw something peculiar in the look of the child and sent for a doctor, but the child died before his arrival. After the evidence of the infirmary surgeon, the Jury returned a verdict of "Death from Natural Causes."
Saturday 22 August 1885
PLYMOUTH - Sad Drowning Fatality Of A Newtonian At Plymouth. - A young man named GEORGE NEYLE, on Thursday was drowned whilst bathing at Devil's Point. He was a native of Newton Abbot, and was on a visit to his uncle, MR SHAPTER, an innkeeper in Bath-street, Plymouth. Having gone out near the Point on business, NEYLE took the opportunity of having a bathe. He was seen by persons on shore to dive into the water, and as he did not re-appear, the fact was made known at the Naval Reserve Station. A boat was got out, and the body was picked up in about four feet of water. It is surmised that the deceased got entangled in the sea weed and was unable to release himself. Devil's Point is not a safe locality for bathing, and had NEYLE not been a stranger to the neighbourhood he would have known this fact, and also that bathing is not allowed there.
Inquest. - The County Coroner, Mr R. R. Rodd, yesterday held an Inquest at Westaway's Market House Hotel, Stonehouse, upon the body of FRANCIS GEORGE NEYLE, 23, of Newton Abbot, who was drowned whilst bathing at Devil's Point on the previous afternoon. NEYLE had been staying for some time past with his uncle, Mr Shapter, who keeps a public-house in Bath-street. Shortly after three o'clock he was seen by a young man who was driving a baker's cart to be standing in water up to his middle. NEYLE then made a slight dive outwards. The spot (a short distance beyond the Eastern King Gates) is very unsafe. Not only does it abound in seaweed, but at the precise spot where NEYLE dived the small bit of beach shelves away for some feet and the unfortunate man must have got out of his depth and was drowned. The witness, who first saw deceased immediately communicated his suspicions that something was wrong, to the chief boatman of the name of Dentin, at the Coast Guard Station. The latter hurried down to the spot and fancied he saw something white lying at the bottom of the water some fifty yards from where he stood and in about seven feet of water. Calling for assistance, Dentin got out a boat and rowed around to the spot. The body of NEYLE was found lying with the face upwards, and the hands out stiff. It was then taken up and conveyed to the mortuary. The Jury, of whom Mr E. Sloggett was Foreman, returned a verdict of "Accidentally Drowned."
Saturday 29 August 1885
NEWTON ABBOT - On Monday afternoon Mr S. Hacker, County Coroner, held an Inquest in the Bible Christian Sunday school-room, Newton Abbot, on the body of CHAS. EDWARD FIELD, aged 13 months, the son of GEO. FIELD, mason, of No. 6, St. John's Place, Marsh Cottages. It appeared that on Monday, 17th August MRS FIELD whilst being engaged in her kitchen with some household duties, the child which was at the time playing about in the same room, overturned a pail containing a quantity of hot water. The pail had been placed as the mother thought out of the child's reach on a box, and the water on the over-turning of the pail went over the child's face and breast, severely scalding it. Although everything was done that was possible in the matter, and a medical man (Dr Davis) called, yet the child died on the following Friday, death being due to the shock to the system caused by scalding. The Jury of whom Mr T. Towell was the Foreman, returned a verdict of "Accidental Death."
Saturday 19 September 1885
BAMPTON - An Inquest has been held at Bampton, near Tiverton, on the body of RICHARD PEARSE, tradesman, who died from the effects of injuries sustained by fire, caused at his house by the upsetting of a petroleum lamp. PEARSE endeavoured to escape by the door, but was overpowered by the smoke, and when discovered was fearfully burnt about the head. His wife and daughter lie in a critical condition. Verdict, "Accidental Death."
Saturday 26 September 1885
We understand that since the Inquest held on GEORGE DODD, of North Bovey, who was drowned in the river Teign, his wife has ascertained that he had insured his life in the Scottish Accidental for £600. As the Jury returned a verdict that he met with his death accidentally, his wife becomes entitled to the money.
Saturday 10 October 1885
KINGSTEIGNTON - A Child Burnt To Death At Kingsteignton. - Mr T. Edmonds, the Deputy Coroner in the absence of Mr Sidney Hacker, who is on his wedding tour, held an Inquest last evening at the Bell Inn, Kingsteignton, on the body of a child, aged 3 years, the son of ALFRED DONNELL, of that place. It appeared from the evidence that the child was left alone in bed on the previous morning, and in the absence of the mother he struck a light and set fire to its nightdress. Its screams brought the mother to its assistance, and found him enveloped in flames and also the bed-clothes on fire as well. The flames were quickly extinguished, and Dr Davis, of Newton, was called in, but the burns the child had sustained were of such a serious nature that he died on the following morning. Dr Davis was of opinion that the child died from shock to the system occasioned by the injuries received and the Jury returned a verdict of "Accidental Death."
Saturday 17 October 1885
COMBEINTEIGNHEAD - The Suicide Of A Farmer At Combeinteignhead. - On Tuesday Mr T. Edmonds, Deputy Coroner, held an Inquest on the body of MR ELIAS FOWLER, farmer, aged 62 years, of Lang's Barn Farm, Coombeinteignhead. It appears from the Inquiry which was held at the residence of the deceased, that MR FOWLER had been failing in health for some time, being subject to rheumatic gout, and to make matters worse received a severe kick on the nose last winter. Deceased lately made over his estate (Lang's Barn Farm) to his son-in-law, Mr James Levy Pugsley, which, it would seem from circumstances stated at the Inquiry, he has since regretted. This, with other things not mentioned, caused him on Monday morning to rise earlier than usual, write a letter to his daughter which alluded to family matters, go to a water-tank situate in the farm-yard and there drown himself. The body was discovered by one of the farm labourers named Clarke. The tank contained eight or nine hogsheads of water and was 6ft. long by 3ft. 6in. wide. The Jury returned a verdict that "Deceased drowned himself whilst in a state of Temporary Insanity."
Saturday 31 October 1885
IDEFORD - An Inquest was held on Saturday afternoon at the Royal George Inn, Ideford, by Mr T. Edmonds, the Deputy Coroner, respecting the death of CHARLES ERNEST MADDICOTT, aged three years and ten months. The case excited much interest in the village, and Superintendent Moore thought it necessary in the interests of justice to draw the Jury from the neighbouring parishes of Bishopsteignton and Chudleigh. The child, it appears, went to school on Monday morning, and with four or five other juveniles received a slight rap on the hand with a cane for some misconduct. On returning home at dinner time he told his mother what had taken place, and shortly afterwards had a fit of convulsions. Dr Watson, of Chudleigh, was called in, and he found the child in a semi-conscious state, the result of a severe epileptic convulsion. Diarrhoea also set in, and he expired suddenly the next morning soon after six. A post mortem examination was subsequently held, and he found two slight bruises on the left ear and an effusion of blood on the left side of the brain. He gave it as his opinion that this was the cause of death, and that the bursting of a blood vessel might have been caused by the convulsions. The Jury, after some deliberation, returned a verdict of "Death from Natural Causes." Mr T. Windeatt, of Totnes, watched the case on behalf of Mr Brayland, the schoolmaster.
Fatal Fall Over A Cliff. - A Torquay jeweller, named ADAMS, has met his death under very tragic circumstances. The deceased was on the cliffs near Wall's-hill quarry, and appears to have laid down and looked over the edge in order to watch the men at work. One of them shouted to him to go back as he would fall. Almost immediately MR ADAMS pitched head foremost over the cliff, fell on a ledge about 20ft. below, and then the body bounded to the bottom of the quarry, a depth altogether of over 80ft. He was picked up insensible, but recovered consciousness for a short time, when he stated that the cliff slipped under him. He died from concussion of the brain and other injuries. A verdict of "Accidental Death" was returned at the Coroner's Inquest.
Saturday 7 November 1885
NEWTON ABBOT - On Monday an Inquest was held by Mr Sydney Hacker, the Coroner, and a Jury of whom Mr H. J. Nicholson, was Foreman, at the offices of the East and South Devon Advertiser published at Newton Abbot, on the body of MR JOSEPH WALTER DRURY, employed at the above offices, as foreman compositor. From the evidence of MRS ELIZABETH GRACE DRURY, wife of the deceased, and Mr Charles vile, the son of the proprietor, it appeared that on Saturday last the deceased went to his work as usual, and about half-past 10 o'clock whilst engaged in "making up" the paper he was seized with an apoplectic fit, and said he thought he was paralysed on one side. He soon after became unconscious, and was put to bed and a medical gentleman sent for, but the deceased never became conscious and died about two hours afterwards. He had that morning eaten a very good breakfast and seemed to be in very good health and had not complained, although for several weeks he had been unwell with pains in his head at times, and seemed to have lost his memory. He had only been employed there about 6 months, and was 41 years of age. Mr Thos. Dixon Cook, a surgeon with Dr Haydon, of Newton, stated that he had made a post mortem examination of the deceased, and found in his head two clots of congealed blood, which had been the cause of his death. He could not have given a certificate, because he could not be certain that it was apoplexy as the deceased might have died from a blow on the head previously, taking poison, or the above named complaint - apoplexy. He was now of opinion that he died from the latter and Mr Hacker having summed up with the remarks pointing to a similar conclusion, the Jury returned a verdict of "Death from Natural Causes."
Saturday 14 November 1885
NEWTON ABBOT - Determined Suicide By A Lady At Newton Abbot. - On Tuesday evening an Inquest was held by Mr Sydney Hacker and a Jury of whom Mr J. W. Steer was the Foreman, on the body of MISS MARY TULLY SHAPLEY, spinster, aged 37, living at 55 Queen-street, Newton Abbot, who was found dead in bed on the 10th November. It appeared from the evidence given that the deceased had been an invalid from birth and required attendance, for which purpose her aunt Mrs Shapley had lived with her. On the previous night she went to bed as usual and on the next morning the servant went to her room with her breakfast about half-past nine and after having spoken to deceased, who did not answer, she discovered something was wrong. She raised an alarm and Dr Scott, who lived next door, was called in and found deceased was dead with a fearful cut in her throat and a razor was also found n the bed with blood on it. It was kept in a drawer of the looking-glass on the dressing-table, and had been kept there three weeks or a month and was used for the purpose of cutting the deceased's corns. The servant, Florence Scawn, corroborated the above evidence and Dr Scott gave it as his opinion that the wound in the throat of the deceased was a self-inflicted one. Sergt. Nicholls, who inspected the room, found that the blind had been partially pulled up, it being down on the previous night. He produced the razor and stated that the room was in perfect order. The Jury returned a verdict to the effect that "Deceased committed Suicide whilst in an Unsound State of Mind."
KINGSTEIGNTON - Sad End Through Drink. - An Inquest was held this morning by Mr Sidney Hacker and a Jury of whom Mr T. Butland was the Foreman, in the Young Men's Reading Room, Kingsteignton, on the body of GEO. WITHICOMBE, a clay-cutter of that place, aged 60 years, who was found drowned in the new canal near Hackney. From the evidence given it appeared that the deceased on Thursday morning arose as usual, and it was thought proceeded to his work, but instead of which he went to the Passage House Inn, at Hackney. It was then about half-past seven and he was let in by the landlord, Mr Samuel Bearne. He had some beer and something to eat, but left again at eleven o'clock and returned at a little after 2. He again left at half-past 5 and said he was going home by the banks of the canal. During the day he had had 4 pints of beer, one of which he said his son would pay for. He was last seen by a witness named Quick, near the canal. About 5 minutes past 7 a witness named Geo. Howard, who had returned from Teignmouth, passed there and found on the bank a coat, waistcoat, scarf, hat and several other articles. Information was given to the police, and P.C. Hammett proceeded to the spot and found the deceased who was pulled out from the canal. The water at the spot was about seven feet deep. Mr Hacker, in summing up, said there were only two questions to consider, viz., whether the deceased met with his death accidentally, or whether he committed suicide; but as the evidence did not point to the former and there were no marks of any struggle or signs of foul play, they would accordingly return a verdict of suicide. The Jury after consideration returned a verdict to the effect that the "Deceased drowned himself; but as he was under the influence of drink at the time, he was not responsible for his actions."
Saturday 5 December 1885
NEWTON ABBOT - Fatal Accident. - The dead body of the boy, aged eight years and son of MR SNOW, grocer, of Wolborough-street, who was drowned the previous Saturday by falling into the river Lemon, was picked up on Wednesday morning by two bargemen in the Lemon, near the clay-cellars, it having been stopped by a clay barge. An Inquest was held on the body the same day by Mr Sidney Hacker at the residence of the deceased's father and a verdict of "Accidentally Drowned" was returned.
Saturday 26 December 1885
An Infant Suffocated. - On Monday morning an Inquest was held by Mr Sidney Hacker, the District Coroner, at the Newfoundland Inn, Newton Abbot, and a Jury of whom Mr John Dolbear, was the Foreman, on the body of JOHN HENRY MUGRIDGE, a child aged 3 months and the son of WM. MUGRIDGE, a labourer living at No. 12 Court, East-st., who was found dead in bed by the side of its mother on the 19th inst. From the evidence given by the mother it appeared that the child was quite well on the 18th inst., when taken to bed and during the night up till 4 a.m. it remained so, but on the witness being awakened by her husband some two hours later it was found to be dead. She went at once to a neighbour - Mrs Eliza Stitson and a doctor was sent for. Mrs Eliza Stitson also corroborated the latter part of the above witness' evidence. Dr Thos. Dixon Cook a surgeon with Dr Haydon of Newton stated that he went to the house where he found the deceased child dead on the left side of the bed. The hands were clenched and the body partially stiff. It seemed as though it had not been long dead. He examined the body which was well nourished, found there were no marks of violence and there was not the slightest suspicion of foul play on the part of anyone. He should say that the child had been lying on his face and that the mother must have, if only for half a minute, lain on it. He was of opinion that it met with its death through suffocation. Mr Hacker in summing up said that it was surprising that so many cases came before him as Coroner. During the last two months he had had 6 or 8 cases almost identical with the present one. There was no doubt that the death of the deceased was caused by suffocation from being overlain and a verdict was accordingly returned to that effect.
Saturday 2 January 1886
NEWTON ABBOT - Death From Suffocation At Newton Abbot. - An Inquest was held on Tuesday by Mr Sidney Hacker, Coroner, on the body of BESSIE BURNETT, aged 21 years, and a domestic servant in the employ of Mr A. Lee, corn factor, of Lower St. Paul's-road, Newton Abbot, who was found dead in bed on the previous morning. The Inquiry was held at Mr Lee's house. The deceased latterly had been suffering from an ulcerated throat, and she retired to rest at the usual hour on Sunday night, in company with a fellow servant named Bertha Williams. To prevent draught the fire-place in the bedroom had been closed, and as the deceased felt unwell the benzoline lamp which they took to bed with them was not extinguished before they went to sleep. On the following morning, neither of the servants getting up as usual, Mrs Lee went to their bedroom, when, on opening the door, she found Williams out of bed endeavouring to dress herself, but apparently in a state of stupor. Going to the deceased, who was still in bed, she found her lifeless and partially cold. The lamp in the room was still burning and there was a strong odour of the benzoline oil. Dr Ley who resided near was immediately sent for, and was quickly in attendance, and finding the deceased dead, devoted his attention to Williams, who, after some time, recovered consciousness. She then stated that the deceased, when she went into bed places some flannel around her neck to keep it warm. The lamp was allowed to remain lit during the night. When she awoke the next morning she found the deceased's arm around her waist, whilst she (Williams) had a severe headache and scarcely knew what she was about. Dr Ley, in his evidence to the Jury, was of opinion that deceased died from suffocation, produced by the burning lamp, there being little or no ventilation in the room through the fire-place having been closed and she at the time being in a very delicate state of health. The Jury returned a verdict of "Death from Accidental Suffocation," and exempting Mr and Mrs Lee from all blame.
Saturday 13 February 1886
EXETER - A case of alleged gross cruelty to a little girl, four years of age, has been investigated at Exeter by a Coroner's Jury, and resulted in a verdict of "Wilful Murder" against the stepmother, and against the father as accessory before the fact. The husband is a shoemaker, named DAY, and it appeared that four years ago he lost his first wife in child-birth. Some little time afterwards he married his present wife, and her conduct to the children generally has been unkind. Some months ago she was summoned for the ill-treatment of one of the eldest. The deceased was the youngest child, and other children at the Inquest stated that their stepmother was in the habit of striking the deceased with her clenched fist. Medical evidence proved that death was due to wasting and weakness, attributable to want of proper nourishment.
PAIGNTON - A Lady Poisoned By Her Servant. - A very sad case of accidental poisoning has been investigated by the Devonshire District Coroner at Paignton. The deceased was MRS EMMA STOCKDALE, 66 years of age, wife of the REV. W. STOCKDALE, of Ferndale, Paignton. It appeared that the servant, Ann Fuge, went out, but as soon as she got home at half-past 10 in the evening she went to her mistress, who was in bed suffering from bronchitis. MRS STOCKDALE asked for a jug of hot water and a glass of brandy, as she wished to go to sleep. At the time the servant went into the bedroom the lamp was very low, and whilst there she asked for her medicine, a draught sent by the doctor to make her sleep. The girl thereupon took a bottle from the drawers, which she supposed to be the draught. There was not sufficient light in the bedroom to read the labels on the bottles. As soon as deceased had drank what witness gave her she exclaimed, "Oh, Annie, that is not the right medicine!" When witness turned up the light she saw she had given her mistress some liniment in mistake. Deceased immediately asked for some hot water, which she drank, and became sick. A doctor was sent for, but MRS STOCKDALE died about half-past one the following morning. Mr J. T. Goodridge, surgeon, proved that the liniment bottle was labelled "poison", and contained extract of belladonna. He was sent for, and on going to MRS STOCKDALE'S saw that she had been poisoned. He tried the usual remedies, which, however, were fruitless. The Coroner censured the servant for not taking more care, and the Jury returned a verdict of "Accidental Poisoning."
Saturday 20 February 1886
ST MARY CHURCH - Sudden Death. - On Tuesday evening last an Inquest was held at the Palk Arms Hotel, St. Mary Church, by Mr Sidney Hacker and a Jury, to Inquire into the facts relative to the death of JOHN TAYLOR, an army pensioner, who died suddenly on Saturday last, at the foot of Watcombe Steps. A lad named Tulley stated that he saw the body lying on the road and he at once went for assistance. The poor fellow was eventually picked up and his remains were carried to the Hotel where the Inquest was held. He was between 60 and 70 years of age. Dr Finch's evidence went to show that the deceased died from heart disease and a verdict in accordance with the medical testimony was returned.
Saturday 3 July 1886
CHAGFORD - "Accidental Death" was the verdict returned on Monday at Chagford in an Inquest in the case of WILLIAM ENDACOTT, post-boy at the globe Hotel, who died under sad circumstances on the 25th inst. It appeared that on the previous day he was cleaning a horse, when the animal kicked him in the abdomen causing a rupture and injuries which proved fatal, after the lad had undergone much suffering.
TEIGNMOUTH - Sad Case Of Drowning. - At the Teignmouth Infirmary on Monday evening an Inquest was held respecting the death of ALFRED HEARD, who was found drowned whilst bathing on Monday morning. It appeared from the evidence given that the deceased had been subject to fits for years past and that it was a frequent occurrence for him to drop down in the street and more especially if present at public meetings. On this occasion it seemed that he was seen by Mr John Bond, a draper, to enter the water near the railway bridge, and shortly afterwards he was missed and suddenly to disappear. Mr Bond, who had been bathing, but was dressed and walking along the beach, entered the water and saw the deceased lying at the bottom in an apparently dead state. He dragged him out and assistance was at once procured, but the efforts of Drs. Rudkin and Owen were found to be unavailing and he expired a short time afterwards. At the Inquest the evidence of Dr Owen was t the effect that the deceased died of an epileptic fit following immersion in the sea and a verdict to that effect was accordingly returned.
Saturday 14 August 1886
NEWTON ABBOT - Sudden Death Of A Telegraph Clerk At Newton. Inquest On The Body. - On Tuesday afternoon an Inquest was held on the body of JOS. HENRY TOWEL, a telegraph clerk employed at Newton Post Office, at the Town Hall, before Mr R. Robinson Rodd and a Jury of which Mr John Pascoe of Highweek-st., was the Foreman. The Jury first viewed the body at the house of the deceased, No. 10 Market-street, and the evidence of the widow was taken as follows:- "I am the widow of the deceased JOSEPH HENRY TOWELL. he is aged 27 years. This morning the 10th inst. at 3 o'clock, he went to the office as usual, and I believe that he returned about half-past five. He cleaned some boots and chopped some wood and came to bed about 6 a.m. he did not complain then. Some little time after he started up. I said "What is the matter." He replied "I have got such a head-ache." He said he had not been to sleep. He was not subject to fits. He was very low spirited last winter and very nervous. No insanity in the family. Never threatened to destroy himself. Last February came home, clothes very wet. Said that "I have been in the water." Never said anything. Was then very low. Not a drinking man. No quarrel at home. He laid down a little while, then started up again al of a quiver. Shook very much. I went round to his side. He said "I am so stiff" and caught hold of me. He undressed. He grasped his clothes and began to scream. I called his brother to fetch a surgeon. Mr Ley came. Mr Kernick was there. I left. He died, as I have heard, about half-past seven. He screamed and clenched his hands repeatedly. At the Enquiry at the Town Hall, the evidence of Mr William Kernick, a lodger in the house and a shop assistant at Messrs. Baker's stores was taken. It was to the effect that he awoke that morning at quarter to seven and on hearing that MR TOWELL was ill, he went to his room. He stayed there until half-past seven, when the deceased died in great agony. Mr Frederick Chas. Cox, also a clerk at the Post Office, said he went to the office at half-past three and left again at twenty-past five. Deceased did not complain and witness saw nothing peculiar in his manner. Mr John W. Ley, a surgeon in practice at Newton, said he had made a post mortem examination on the body of the deceased. He examined the stomach but found nothing in it suspicious as to the cause of death. The stomach was healthy, but the lungs were not so. He was suffering from tuberclucuous disease, which was one cause of his low spiritedness. Witness found three [p?], making a whole needle in the substance of his liver. The needle he produced and seemed to have become very rusty. It probably had something to do with the dyspepsia and continued lowness of spirit from which the deceased suffered. it was strange how it had got there, but it was very probable it had got down the stomach and had been there for a very long time. His opinion was that deceased died of natural causes accelerated by a severe epileptic fit. The Coroner then remarked that the result was painfully satisfactory and the jury should come to the conclusion that the deceased died of Natural Causes, accelerated by a severe epileptic fit. A verdict was accordingly returned to that effect.
Saturday 21 August 1886
Sad Death From Drowning. - Yesterday morning, a lad belonging to H.M.S. Impregnable, named JAS. ANDREWS, met with his death by bathing in the river Teign. It appeared that the deceased who was aged 17, and whose home was at Kingskerswell, had passed the night with a mate of his in this town, and about 7 o'clock they, the latter named Jackson, living in the Marsh, went down at the former's request to have a "wash" in the river Teign. They both undressed, and got into the water near the crane where barges are loaded with clay. After being in for a short space of time, ANDREWS began to call out, whereupon Jackson went to him, and found himself immediately clutched by the deceased. He found that ANDREWS had already sunk once, and they both sank together. Jackson then got ANDREWS to the bank, but the latter however got into deep water again, and the former had to shake him off twice. The last time the deceased sank, and was seen no more. Jackson having dressed, got assistance, and went for the police, and the river was immediately dragged. As the body could not be obtained with the assistance of seine nets, hooks were obtained, and the body was hooked up at 20 minutes past 12, and taken to the mortuary which has just been erected. It is a singular coincidence that Jackson felt that if they went to bathe in the river, one of them would not return alive and he tried, though unsuccessfully, to persuade the deceased to give up his desire to bathe. This makes the fifth son which the father has lost, all of whom have come to untimely ends. An Inquest was held today, and a verdict of Accidental Drowning was returned.
PLYMOUTH - The alleged ill-treatment of a Sunday-school girl named LIZZIE KING has been investigated at Plymouth before the Borough Coroner, Mr Bryan. Dr White said the case was very peculiar. From July 4 to 19 he believed her to be suffering from concussion of the brain arising from ill-treatment by boys at the school-treat, but on July 19 symptoms of typhoid fever developed, and it was from that, that she died, as a post mortem examination showed. The Jury returned a verdict accordingly. No clue can be obtained of the boys who ill-treated the deceased.
Saturday 11 September 1886
BRIXHAM - The Strange Discovery Off Berry Head. Probable Identification Of The Body. - The adjourned Inquest on the body of the young man who was picked up at sea near Berry Head with a bullet wound in the left breast was held at the Maritime Inn, Brixham, before Mr Sidney Hacker, County Coroner. The Coroner stated that since the adjournment, in consequence of the publicity which had been given to the mysterious affair through the Press, and from inquiries which had been made by the police, a telegram had been received from jersey, which name the Jury would remember, was indistinctly marked on the portmanteau belonging to the deceased. The telegram was received the previous morning by P. S. Frost, and bore the name of "Nichol." It ran as follows:- "Does young man at Berry Head correspond with following description: - Sandy hair, short beard and moustache, height 5ft. 9 ½ in., silver watch (Benson make). Reply at once." This description, the Coroner stated, was that the deceased and the silver watch in his pocket bore the name of "Benson". A telegram to this effect was sent to Mr Nichol, and a reply received, which was as follows:- "Body is that of ELIAS JOHN NICHOL. Will sail tonight for Weymouth. Keep the body till I come." Since the receipt of that message another telegram had been received, stating that no Weymouth boat left until the following morning and therefore MR NICHOL, who was probably a relative of deceased could not arrive in Brixham until Wednesday. They could therefore do nothing further in the matter and he should have to again adjourn until Wednesday evening, when they should have evidence which would enable them to identify the body, and bring in their verdict. On Wednesday, a verdict that deceased committed suicide was returned.
Saturday 18 September 1886
NEWTON ABBOT - Fatal Accident At The Newton Railway Station. Inquest On The Body. - On Wednesday evening an Inquest was held by Mr Sidney Hacker, at the Town Hall in this town, to Enquire into the circumstances attending the death of ROGER PARTRIDGE, a goods guard of Plymouth who was killed on the same morning, about 5 a.m. at the Railway Station, Newton, through being knocked down by some trucks, which were shunting at the time. Mr Thos. Hawkins was chosen Foreman of the Jury. Before any evidence was taken the Coroner with the Jury proceeded to the mortuary which has now been the receptacle for two bodies, the first of a sailor boy and the next of the deceased. The Coroner remarked that the Jury's duty would be to Enquire into the circumstances that attended the death of the deceased and secondly to consider if there was any blame attached to anyone and whether any suggestion could not be made to the Railway Company, for the better protection of its servants.
JAMES PARTRIDGE, brother of the deceased, a coal dealer, living at East-street, Stonehouse, was the first witness to be called. He said his brother's name was ROGER CHAS. PARTRIDGE and had resided at 33 Vine Cottages, Cambridge Cottages, Plymouth. he was a goods guard in the employ of the Great Western Railway Company, and was 47 years of age last birthday. Deceased was a married man with a family. Witness knew nothing as to the circumstances of his brother's death, with the exception of what he had heard.
William Sampson, living at 30 Station Cottages, Newton, said he was yard shunter at the Newton Railway Station. On the morning in question witness and deceased were standing together on the up line. It was about 10 minutes past 5. They were standing in the six foot way of the station yard. They had just locked on two carriages to the 2.50 a.m. train from Exeter and they were being shunted. Deceased and witness were standing in the six foot way very near the rails and were looking at some way bills or truck lists, when two trucks came up and knocked them both down, striking them in the back. The trucks, which were loaded, were at the time being shunted on to the train. At the time they were examining the truck list it was quite dark. The deceased had the lists in his hands and witness held up his lamp so that both were able to read them. The up train was then in motion on to the platform of the passenger station and they could not hear the trucks coming.
The Coroner: How long had you been standing on the six foot way?
Witness: We had not been there two minutes scarcely. When he (witness) was knocked down he saw the wheels of their train pushing the deceased's head off the rails, and witness at once pulled him away. The trucks did not run more than a few yards after knocking them down. Witness called for assistance, and on deceased being raised, it was found he was dead. A doctor was sent for and the body was afterwards taken to the mortuary.
The Coroner: Who was in charge of the shunting? Witness: I was. The Coroner: did not you expect these trucks to come along? Witness: Yes, sir; but we were standing in the six foot way, too near the rails, when the trucks came along.
The Coroner: How do you account for the accident? Witness: Well, only sir, that we were standing too near the line. Richard Hawke, living at Newton, said he was employed at the station as second shunter. He was called by the last witness and found deceased lying n his back in the six foot way. Witness could not see whether the deceased was dead at the time, but he did not see him move. Blood was oozing from a wound in the head.
The Coroner: Is there enough light in the station to see a truck shunting? Witness: No sir, not on a very dark night. Charles Davey, a goods engine driver, living at Quay-road, was next called. He said that morning one truck was taken off the up train line and then it was knocked on to the up main line. There were three trucks in the yard at the time and whilst he (witness) was engaged in shunting he heard the foreman shunter say "come back, here is a man killed." Witness went back, but he could not see who it was, as the light was not good enough. In answer to the Coroner, witness said it was not usual to give any signal when trucks were shunting to persons on the line, and if a whistle were given, there would be whistles all over the place. He could not see about three or four trucks along the line. Replying to a Juryman, he said there was a light shown or signal given, when trucks were required to be shunted. The engine was at the time standing 150 yards from the station.
The next witness to be sworn was Mr Hy. Arthur L. Davies, a surgeon in practice at Newton. He said he was called about a quarter-past 5 that morning to the goods yard of the station where he found the deceased lying by the side of the rails, having been removed from the six foot way. There was a lot of blood about his nose and mouth and he was quite dead when witness got there. Having examined the deceased he gave it as his opinion that the poor fellow met with his death from a fracture to the base of the skull. There were no marks as if the wheels had gone over the body, but it appeared to witness that the wheel had gone over his clothes and a part of the shoulder, because the former was torn. He did not think the blow was caused by the trucks but by the deceased's fall to the ground, but of this he was uncertain. Mr Steer: Do you think the cause of death was from being knocked down? Witness: Oh! yes; I don't think the truck passed over him, although a wheel passed over a portion of his shoulder. I think that the throwing or knocking him down in the manner described is quite sufficient to cause death. Mr John Northcote, an inspector of the Great Western Railway, produced a plan of the yard which he explained to the Coroner and Jury. In reply to questions put him he said he thought there would be a great difficulty in lighting the station yard with gas. The station was lighted with gas but not the yard, and if this was done, he believed that trucks would take the light away in shunting.
The Coroner: On dark mornings I should think the greatest care should be exercised. Mr Northcote: The greatest care the men employed at the station should exercise, would be to keep themselves off the rails.
Mr Steer: Do you mean to tell us that lamps fixed at the outside of the rails would be no good? Mr Northcote: No, I don't think they would, because the trucks would take the light away.
Mr Steer: But if you fix them up to the height required, would not there be light? Mr Northcote: You would have to put them at such a height that there would be no light on the ground.
The Coroner: A sufficient number of lamps, would give light to the whole yard, I should think. Mr Steer: Gas light would be a great benefit in the yard. Mr Northcote: I have a difference of opinion.
Mr Steer: Lights in the yard would be a great benefit to men shunting. Mr Northcote: Well, I speak from experience and as I have had shunting experience, I tell you I would not give two-pence for all the gas light you could put in the yard. I would rather be without it than with it.
Mr Steer: You don't know what the lights would be like, if you have never had experience in them. Mr Northcote: I speak from experience.
Mr Steer: For all that don't you think there ought to be lights in the yard? Mr Northcote: I will again repeat that I speak from experience as Chief Inspector of the G.W.R. Company here, that I do not agree with you that lights ought to be placed in the yard.
Mr Steer: I shall convince myself on the matter.
Mr Steer: Would not it be possible to have different whistles to different engines? Mr Northcote: I am not an engineer. The subject then dropped in order to hear the Coroner's summing up remarks.
Mr Hacker then pointed out that it would be their duty to consider the evidence they had before them and to come to a conclusion as to the circumstances under which PARTRIDGE met his death. They had the evidence of Sampson and they would have no difficulty in coming to a conclusion that the deceased's death was caused by a fracture of the base of the skull, caused by the blow in being knocked down by the trucks which were shunting. It was their duty not only to enquire as to whether anyone was to blame, but also before they came to a conclusion, consider as to whether they could not by any recommendation or suggestion effect that which would be for the public benefit. They could see from the evidence that if the deceased had not been standing too near the rails, he would not have been touched by the trucks, and there was no reason for him to stand so near. But it seemed to be one of those cases in which "familiarity breeds contempt". He and the Jury had questioned the engine driver and he had stated that it was not the rule to signal whilst shunting and he had no idea as to anyone being on the line. From this evidence they would be of opinion that there was no person to blame in the matter, and it was for them to consider the questions which had been put to Mr Northcote. They were questions as to the lighting of station-yard and perhaps if there had been better light, PARTRIDGE might have had more chance to get away. The Jury returned a verdict of "Accidental Death" being unanimous of opinion that no blame was attached to anyone and added a rider suggesting that the yard should be better lighted for the safety of the company's servants.
Saturday 25 September 1886
MR HENRY VEALE of Kingsbridge was thrown out of a carriage through the pony bolting whilst going to South Allington a few days ago, and he sustained such injuries to the head that he died shortly afterwards. At the Inquest on the body the Jury returned a verdict of Accidental Death.
NEWTON ABBOT - Fatal Accident At Keyberry Mills. - A very shocking accident and which we regret to say terminated fatally, occurred to MR CHARLES HOLMAN, miller, at Keyberry Mills, on Thursday afternoon, September 16th. The deceased young man who was only 21 years of age, resided with his brother who is owner of the mills. On the afternoon in question the deceased was at work in the mills by himself. About four o'clock he had occasion to inspect the "sifters," which necessitated his taking down a "flap" which confined the flour from being wasted. Whilst he would be thus engaged, there was revolving immediately behind him a horizontal wheel, four feet in diameter, about eighteen inches from the floor, formerly used in driving saw mills. A horizontal beam, about the same height from the floor ran along at right angles with this wheel and within two or three inches of it. It is supposed that whilst the deceased was standing with his back towards this revolving wheel the leg of his trousers got hitched in the cogs, and he was instantly drawn in till his leg got jammed against the beam. In this jammed condition the wheel continued to revolve, tearing the flesh from his leg until the calf was nearly destroyed. How he managed to extricate himself unaided is hard to understand. However, he did so, and managed to crawl to the window of the mill overlooking some cottages near, where he called for assistance. MR HOLMAN and his wife were from home at the time, but Mrs Gould and Mrs Hill who resided in the cottages, hearing his cries, instantly went to his assistance, and the former with most commendable courage and great presence of mind seeing how frightfully his leg had been mutilated instantly bandaged it with her apron. More bandages were brought by Mrs Hill, and they were used in order to stop the bleeding as much as possible. Mr H. Copplestone who formerly owned the mills was also present just after the accident, and he went for medical assistance. Shortly afterwards Dr Davis arrived, and the poor fellow was then removed into his brothers house, and the injuries he had sustained were carefully examined. Dr Davis soon discovered they were of such a serious nature that he thought it necessary to consult with other medical men before definite treatment. Drs. Scott and Grimbly were soon in attendance and as it was found, notwithstanding the lacerated nature of the leg, the main artery nerves, and muscle were not severed and the bone not broken, they decided not to amputate the limb, a conclusion, we believe the deceased afterwards expressed his approval of. The wound received all the skill these medical men could suggest, and for several days afterwards the deceased, who never lost consciousness, and bore the pain with great fortitude, continued to progress favourably. On Tuesday last however, gangrene, or in other words mortification set in, battling further medical skill, and the poor fellow succumbed to the injuries on Wednesday morning. An Inquest on the body was opened by Mr S. Hacker, coroner, in the afternoon of the same day. Mr J. A. McKenzie was Foreman of the Jury. The scene of the accident was inspected by the Jury, but the wheel which had been the cause of the injuries had been removed. It was replaced, however, in the presence of the Jury, in order to afford them a better opportunity of judging how the accident occurred. It was also explained by the workman in charge of the mills, (MR HOLMAN being away at the time, making arrangements for the funeral), that the wheel in question, although allowed to revolve, had never been used for any purpose, since MR HOLMAN had had the mills. The revolving of this wheel, it would seem, was not regarded by MR HOLMAN to be dangerous in any way, and hence it being allowed to remain. How often do we find danger hidden until revealed with fatal consequences? It was so in this instance. The Jury also viewed the body, which, although only a few hours after death, had become greatly discoloured, through the rapid spread of mortification on all that was mortal. In the absence of MR HOLMAN, for reasons assigned above, the Inquest was adjourned to the following day (Thursday) at the Town Hall. MR WILLIAM HOLMAN, occupier of Keyberry Mills where the accident occurred, and brother of the deceased, was the first witness called. He said the deceased was 21 years of age, and resided on the premises. He (witness) was away when the accident occurred. When he returned home about five o'clock on Thursday last, the deceased was in bed, and was being attended to by Dr Davis. After Dr Davis was gone, he saw his brother who explained to him how the accident occurred. He said the cog wheel had caught the leg of his trousers from behind, and dragged him against the beam, and crushed his leg. He did not say how he got it out again. The deceased was alone in the mill at the time, and it was a mystery how he did extricate himself. The wheel which occasioned the accident was not used for any purpose. Witness here complained of a statement having been made to the Jury when they first met at his house that he had gone away on purpose. This was not so, as he told the police of his going away and was not aware the Inquest would be held on Wednesday afternoon. The Coroner reminded him that he was there to give evidence as to the accident and not to make statements foreign to it. In answer to questions by the Coroner, witness said he had the wheel removed in consequence of the accident. Had he thought for a moment that it was dangerous for it to remain there, he should have removed it before. It was there when he took the mills some three years and quarter ago, and he had never used it for any purpose. He had attended to the "sifters" the same as the deceased did when he met with the accident, hundreds of times, without a mishap. By the Foreman: Never heard of an accident occurring there before. - Dr Davis also gave evidence bearing out the facts given above. He added that they (the medical men) were of one opinion it would be unwise having regard to the injuries, to amputate the limb. It was unusual for gangrene to set in under the circumstances and especially as the deceased was young in years. If it had been done the results might have been different. When the gangrene set in they found it would be so dangerous to take the leg off with any good results that it would be inexpedient to do so. - Mrs Gould said she resided at No. 1, Keyberry Place. She was in her back yard when the accident occurred. It was about four o'clock when she heard some one calling for help. She ran into the garden and there saw the deceased looking out of the window of the mill. He asked for some one to come. She went into the mill instantly, and found the deceased laying on the floor. He said, "I believe I have torn my leg to pieces." She then took her apron and bound the leg up. It was a very bad wound and bled very much. Afterwards Mrs Hill came and she asked her to fetch some bandages, which she did, and she used them in further bandaging the leg. She remained with him in the mill till Dr Davis came. He was sensible and said the accident occurred through the wheel catching the leg of his trousers. Mr Herbert Copplestone, of Torquay, said he was near the mill when the accident occurred. He went to deceased's assistance and noticing his leg was dreadfully lacerated he requested him to lay down in order that his leg could be bandaged by the last witness. He formerly worked the mills. He left them in 1880. The wheel was originally used to drive a saw mill and used by Mr B. Webber, but when the latter gave up he had it removed, and how it got replaced again he could not say with certainty. He had been told that when his (witness) son subsequently rented the mills, he had the wheel replaced for other work. It had not, however, been used of late years. - The Coroner having briefly summed up the evidence the Jury returned a verdict of "Accidental Death" and they also through the Foreman expressed their sympathy with MR HOLMAN for the sad bereavement he had incurred in consequence of the accident. MR HOLMAN thanked the Jury for the kind expression.
Saturday 2 October 1886
EXETER - MRS MARY ANN KERSLAKE has been burned to death at Exeter. She was a widow, 69 years of age, and occupied a back room on the first floor at 86 St Sidwell's-street. On Sunday morning she was found in her room with her nightdress on fire, and the bed beside which she was standing was also burning. A rug was thrown round her and medical assistance was obtained, but the injuries she received proved fatal. The Coroner said the probability was that deceased set fire to her nightdress after having lit a match to find some portion of her clothing. Verdict, "Accidental Death."
Saturday 9 October 1886
NEWTON ABBOT - On Wednesday morning, Mr Sydney Hacker, held an Inquest at Preston, near this town, on the body of SAMUEL WILLIAMS, aged 71, a labourer. From the evidence that on the preceding morning the deceased went to the river Teign, to fetch some water, and did not return. His son went to see where he was, and found him lying in the river, in about 2 feet of water, quite dead. Dr Ley stated that he had examined WILLIAMS, and was of the opinion that death was due to syncope, caused by his falling into the river. The deceased who suffered from giddiness, was supposed to have had an attack and fallen into the water. The Jury returned a verdict in accordance with the medical evidence.
Saturday 23 October 1886
TORQUAY - Discovery Of A Dead Body At Torquay. - On Saturday afternoon great excitement was caused in Torquay by a rumour that the body of an elderly woman in an advanced state of decomposition had been discovered by the police. It appears that a widow lady, named MRS MARY REA, aged 60 years, had been living for some time at No. 2, Avondale-villas, Avenue-road in a state of seclusion since the death of her husband and had but very little intercourse with her neighbours. About a fortnight since the occupants of an adjoining house were under the impression that MRS REA had gone away, as she had not been seen, and had previously made inquiries with regard to the trains, and no further notice was taken of the matter. It appears, however that she had been in the habit of paying her rent regularly each week, and as she did not make the payment as usual her landlord went to the house on Saturday, and failing to make anybody hear on knocking at the door he became suspicious that something was wrong and gave information to the police. P.S. Bright and Detective Bond immediately proceeded to the house and forced the door. On entering the house they were attracted to the kitchen by a most offensive smell, and there they found the body of MRS REA lying on the floor in a decomposed condition. A quantity of disinfectants were obtained from the Local Board and arrangements made for placing the remains in a coffin. An Inquest on the body has since been held and a verdict of "Death from Natural Causes" was returned.
Saturday 20 November 1886
EMMA SANDERS, aged 52, the wife of a painter, having died a few days ago, under somewhat mysterious circumstances, an Inquest has been held by Mr Sydney Hacker. The result of a post mortem examination by Mr Owen, surgeon, shewed that the body was in a very emaciated state, but that death was caused by a violent attack of bronchitis. A verdict of "Death from Natural Causes" was returned.
Mr Sidney Hacker, Coroner, has been having a very painful busy time. He held no less than five Inquests during Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday last. One of those Inquests was on the body of MR SAMUEL CHURCHWARD, woollen manufacturer of Harbertonford and Buckfastleigh who, met with his end, under very distressing circumstances. The deceased gentleman went out rabbit shooting by himself on his farm, which is situated near the town of Buckfastleigh, on Saturday last. Not returning in the evening, search was made for him, something serious even being anticipated at the time, and he was found about midnight with the upper portion of his head blown away, his body being one side of the hedge and his discharged gun the other. There was no doubt, therefore, but that his death was purely accidental. This should be a warning to sportsmen, as to the advisability of not getting over a hedge with their guns full cocked. Thus in the very prime of life, (for MR CHURCHWARD was only forty eight) has been taken from amongst us. He was not less known than generally respected throughout South Devon. A more genial and affable man was scarcely to be met with, whether as a townsman, a tradesman or sportsman. He was one of the warmest promoters in establishing and maintaining the Buckfastleigh Races, which of late years have secured for themselves through good management, so much popularity.
Saturday 1 January 1887
NEWTON ABBOT - Accidental Death By Drowning. - On Friday morning an Inquest was held at the Town Hall, Newton, by Mr Sidney Hacker and a Jury of whom Mr F. C. Rowe was the Foreman, as to the circumstances attending the death of SAMUEL CHAS. FROST, who was found dead on the previous morning in the river Lemon. The Jury first viewed the body which had been taken to the mortuary. THOS. FROST, a wharfinger, brother of the deceased said his brother's name was SAMUEL CHARLES. He identified the body at the mortuary as that of his brother. The deceased was a sailor, but of late had been working up and down the river in barges. Witness had not seen him for a month. He was 49 years old last birthday. He was a married man, but his wife had left him. Wm. Henry Trezise, living at Lower St. Paul's Road, said on the previous day about quarter to one he went round Mr Wright's mill, and on looking over the river he saw a hand, lying about six or eight inches above the water. Witness looked more closely and perceived the body of the deceased, but not the head. Witness called his mate and they pulled the body out and took it to the mortuary. Witness considered the body was about 3 feet under water. The river which had been much swollen had gone down a little that day. The deceased was landed on a bed of leaves which always accumulated there. A man had previously seen something which attracted his attention in the direction of the body, but did mention it at the time. he (Trezise) knew the deceased well and last saw him about three or four months ago. Samuel Hunt, a bargeman, living at Mill-lane, said he saw the deceased in the Globe Tap on Sunday evening. It was about ten minutes to ten o'clock and witness told him he thought it was better for the deceased to go to bed. FROST was able to walk straight, but was "just what a man would be at Christmas." The deceased then left and some time afterwards witness saw him near the Post-office in Market Street. They walked down so far as Messrs. Stockman Bros mills and then parted, the deceased saying that he was going to the Gas Works. Witness cautioned him to steer himself straight and he replied he could get on well enough. Deceased was walking all right then. Witness in answer to the Coroner as to the state of the weather, said it was a very dark night, sleet falling very fast and also rain and a strong north-easterly wind was blowing. William Searle stated that he knew the deceased well. He had been in the habit of going to the Gas Works every night for the past six weeks. Deceased would help the men with their work and they in return would give him "grub" and things, to keep him from the workhouse. He was there on Saturday night, but on Sunday evening at six o'clock he left and did not return. Mrs Field, living at No. 6, St John's in the Marsh, said she knew the deceased very well, as he used to pass her house to go to the barges. She saw him last on Monday morning about ten or eleven o'clock. He had a little tool basket in his hand. Her girl said, "There goes SAMMY who gave me a penny for Christmas." She was certain that it was SAMUEL FROST she saw. He was going in the direction of the town. He generally carried a tool basket. Witness had not seen him since. She had known him for two years. The deceased was in the habit of going to witness's next door neighbour (Henley) who was a bargeman. Hunt recalled said he did not know the deceased was in the habit of carrying a tool basket. Henley was his (Hunt's) mate on the barge. John Cann, employed at the Gas Works, said he last saw FROST on Sunday evening about six o'clock. Witness had never seen him carry a basket. He had on one occasion borrowed a basket to go into the town to fetch some beer and on that occasion he had returned without it. Witness saw him last on Sunday evening. Dr H. A. Davies said between half-past twelve and one o'clock on Thursday, he was called to the wharf and saw the body. Deceased had evidently been in the water for some time. He examined the body but could find no marks of violence on it. It was quite possible he was in the water on Sunday night. He (Dr Davies) was of opinion that deceased met with his death by drowning. - Police-Sergt. Nicholls said, on the previous day from communication he received he went to the Marsh and saw the body of the deceased. He searched him and found a pocket knife, pipe and tobacco on him. Witness knew him very well. Witness had endeavoured to get a corroboration of Mrs Field's evidence, but had not found the least to bear it out. The river Lemon where the deceased was taken out was not protected by any fencing. Mr Hacker in summing up, said the Jury would have to consider whether the deceased came by his death by three ways, by foul play, accidental death or suicide. They had nothing to show, in his opinion, that the deceased committed suicide, but it was most possible that he was accidentally drowned. The deceased had been in the habit of going to the Gas Works at night and on Sunday evening he left with the intention, in all probability, of returning there. At 10 o'clock he had been drinking and was left somewhat the worse for liquor and he then proceeded to go to the Works by the road which was skirted on one hand by the river Lemon. It was a very stormy night and were it not for the evidence of Mrs Field, it would be most probable that he fell into the river at that time and his body was washed down to the place where it was found. But they had to consider Mrs Field's evidence - as to whether or not, she was mistaken as to the day on which she saw the deceased, & of course in bringing in their verdict it would be proper to state the date on which they thought the deceased met his death. Of course, if he was seen on the Monday, that would bring about doubts as to how he got into the water. No fears of foul play need to be entertained, as no marks of violence, or signs of a struggle, were to be seen. There was another matter. The river Lemon was not protected at one part by any fencing, and it was for them to consider as to whether they would add a rider that it should be protected. In answer to the Coroner, the witness Trezise, said the deceased had his clothes on, with the exception of a boot and his hat, and which had not been found. Deceased's brother also stated that the unfortunate man could swim "like a duck." The Jury then brought in a verdict of Accidental Death through Drowning on Sunday evening and added a rider that the river throughout should be protected.
Saturday 19 February 1887
The Late MR ALFRED BARRETT. The recent death of MR ALFRED BARRETT, one of the most popular steeplechase jockeys in the West of England, has scarcely produced greater regret in a provincial, than did the death of Fred Archer in a national sense. By everyone who knew "ALF" (for that was the familiar name he was known by) his memory is highly revered. A more honest and straightforward jockey never steered a horse. Alas! his death, like that of Archer, undoubtedly was brought about through his connection with the turf. In September 1885, whilst riding St. Mellons in a steeplechase at Totnes he was thrown heavily jumping a fence leading into the road. He pitched on his head and was carried home insensible suffering from concussion of the brain. His life for several weeks was despaired of, but he eventually recovered sufficiently to follow his profession as a veterinary surgeon. At the Torquay races last autumn he rode St. Mellons again, and again met with an ugly spill. Since then he has abandoned racing. The injuries he sustained at Totnes, however, he never effectually got rid of, and although naturally of a very cheerful and lively disposition, of late he had complained of depression. For the last six months or more he has been with Mr Heath, veterinary surgeon, of Exeter. Last Tuesday morning he was found lying on the floor of Mr Heath's surgery in a dying state, having taken a dose of prussic acid. He was unconscious and died without saying anything. At the Inquest the Jury returned a verdict that the deceased committed suicide whilst in a state of Temporary Insanity. From inquiries made since nothing could be ascertained, except mental affection, to cause him to commit the rash act. Only the Sunday previously he spent the day with his brother MR CHAS. BARRETT, of this town. Then it was noticed he was depressed and that his manner was unusual. The deceased, who was single and only 23 years of age has been removed to his home at Dartington, where he will be buried tomorrow (Sunday).
Saturday 12 March 1887
DARTMOUTH - Found Drowned At Dartmouth. - An Inquest was held in the Dartmouth Guildhall on Saturday by Mr Coroner Prideaux touching the death of MR WILLIAM CUTMORE, baker, of East Down Farm, Near-street, whose body was found close to the Dartmouth pontoon, belonging to the Great Western Railway Company. The deceased was last seen alive on the 24th of January, and no trace of him could be found until Saturday, when owing to a strong smell arising in the vicinity of the pontoon, the body was discovered by two men named Roper and Radford. Mr Richard Stranger, a distant relative, said that on the 24th January, he and the deceased went to the King's Arms Hotel, where they remained for some time, and on leaving about six o'clock, witness went out of the front and deceased out of the side door. Witness never saw him alive afterwards. Emily Preece, a charwoman, stated that she noticed the deceased leave the hotel. He went towards the river, and she said to him, "You are going the wrong way," to which deceased replied, "I am all right; I'm going home; where's my mate?" She replied, pointing towards Mr Humphrey's chemist shop. He remarked, "I'll soon catch him up." This was the last time deceased was seen alive. - Evidence as to the finding of the body having been given, the Jury returned a verdict of "Found Drowned."
EXETER - A little boy two-and-a-half years of age, the son of THOMAS SAUNDERS, residing in Victoria Street, Exeter, whilst left alone by his mother in bed, lit a match and set himself on fire, and was so severely burnt that he died shortly afterwards in great agony. At an Inquest the Jury returned a verdict of "Accidental Death."
TEIGNMOUTH - The body of a middle aged man named THOMAS MORGAN was found on the beach at Teignmouth, near the breakwater on Tuesday morning. Deceased had been living with his sister at Teignmouth and it is supposed he committed suicide. The Jury returned a verdict at the Inquest on Wednesday of "Found Drowned."
Saturday 16 April 1887
TEIGNMOUTH - On Tuesday morning an Inquest was held by Mr Sidney Hacker, at Teignmouth, touching the death of ROBERT HINDOM, whose body was found on Tuesday between two rocks at Labrador. The deceased had been missing for some two or three weeks, and the Inquest was adjourned after hearing the evidence of the deceased's son. James Bowerman (an employee at the Post Office), and Mr Pigott, surgeon, till the following morning. On Wednesday evidence was given by a man named Richard Kernick and Sarah Morrott. The former stated that he saw the deceased on the evening of the 22nd inst. (the day on which deceased was missed), and the latter had seen him last week. Mr Hacker having commented on the mystery of the case, the Jury returned an Open Verdict.
Saturday 23 April 1887
KINGSTEIGNTON - Suicide At Sandy-Gate. - Mr Sidney Hacker held an Inquest on Monday last, at the Sandy-gate Inn, Kingsteignton, on the body of WM. HEYWARD, who died from self inflicted injuries on Saturday last. The deceased who was a labourer and 74 years of age, had been ill for some time and having been told by the doctor that his time to live was short, he became very delirious and cut his throat with a penknife during the temporary absence of friends from his room. The Jury, of whom Mr Hern was Foreman, returned a verdict of "Committed self destruction whilst in a state of Unsound Mind."
Saturday 14 May 1887
An Inquest was held on Monday evening on the body of MR E. G. H. CROYDON, son of MR G. H. CROYDON, proprietor of the Gazette, Teignmouth. It appears the deceased who is 20 years of age, whilst returning from Torquay on the 23rd ult., was thrown out of a dogcart and sustained an injury to the spine, which reached the base of the brain, causing inflammation. The deceased was highly respected.
Saturday 21 May 1887
NEWTON ABBOT - Sudden Death. - Mr Hacker, Coroner, on Thursday, held an Inquest at the Newfoundland Inn, Newton, relative t the death of a woman named CLARE SAMPSON, 26 years of age, wife of a cab-driver, living in Tudor Road. Evidence showed that the deceased died very suddenly on Tuesday evening, and a post
mortem examination showed that death was due to failure of the heart's action. The Jury returned a verdict of "Death from Natural Causes." The deceased leaves three children, one about nine days old.
TEIGNMOUTH - A distressing case of suicide by hanging occurred on Monday morning at the Public Baths, Carlton-place, Teignmouth. MR F. CLEMENT and his wife have been the attendants at the baths since their opening about four years since. Yesterday morning MRS CLEMENT was up as usual busying herself about her work, and leaving her husband in bed. As he had not arrived downstairs by about half-past nine, she went up to call him, and not finding him in his bedroom on returning looked into one of the bath rooms and discovered him with only his nightshirt on suspended by a rope attached to the ceiling and hanging over the bath, the rope being one used by persons using the bath for raising themselves. MRS CLEMENT immediately rushed into a neighbouring house and gave the alarm, and the body was quickly cut down by Mr Pring, builder, of Exmouth, who was near at hand. Drs. Johnson and Rudkin, whose residences are close by, were speedily in attendance and pronounced life extinct, the body, however, being yet warm. No cause whatever can be assigned by his wife or friends for the unfortunate occurrence, as during the whole of Sunday MR CLEMENT was in his usual good spirits, and they had not at any time displayed any anxiety or trouble on his account. MR CLEMENT, who was of a cheerful disposition, was a favourite at the baths, and a very successful teacher of swimming at the establishment, where he was popular alike with the visitors and the directorate. The same may also be justly said of his widow, with whom much sympathy is manifested in her unfortunate bereavement. An Inquest was held touching the death of MR CLEMENT on Tuesday before Mr Sidney Hacker, Coroner. No evidence being forthcoming which could give the slightest reason for the deceased committing suicide, the Jury returned a verdict that the deceased hung himself whilst Temporarily Insane.
Saturday 18 June 1887
TEIGNMOUTH - A Fatal Mistake By Poisoning. - An accident which terminated fatally, occurred yesterday to an elderly man named GEORGE STADDON, a plumber, in the employ of Mr G. N. Burden, of Teignmouth. It appears that the unfortunate man left the workshop to attend to some work at Bishopsteignton Vicarage, the residence of the Rev. W. Ogle, and while there had occasion to go into the corn-room, where stood a cask containing weed poison. Thinking it contained cider, he drank a quantity from the cask. Upon leaving the room STADDON was noticed by the gardener to be staggering, and upon being asked what ailed him replied that he had drank from a cask containing cider and it had over-powered him. The gardener at once discovered the mistake and fetched Dr Broughton, who, after administering an emetic, had the unfortunate man conveyed to the Teignmouth Infirmary, where he expired shortly after his admission. The deceased had only been in Mr Burden's employ a week. He leaves a widow and a large family. At the Inquest held by Mr S. Hacker, on Thursday, at Teignmouth, a verdict of Death from Misadventure was returned.
Saturday 30 July 1887
NEWTON ABBOT - Fatal Accident To An Ex Volunteer. - Last Sunday evening, between eight and nine, a sad accident happened to a man named WILLIAM BAKER, twenty-six years of age, market gardener of Newton Abbot. It appears that the unfortunate man had been to the volunteer encampment at Haytor, and was returning in a brake belonging to Mr Berry, of the Commercial Hotel, with some friends. On leaving Forches Cross, about two miles from Newton, BAKER who had ridden from the start with the driver in front, here endeavoured to get on the top of the brake, and on doing so, the oscillation (there being a descent) swerved him around, and the poor fellow caught hold of the iron rail to save himself from falling, but unfortunately was unable to hold his grasp, and fell in under the hind wheel, which passed over his bowels. He was taken up and laid down inside the brake, and conveyed with all speed to the Newton Cottage Hospital, where it was found he had received a most fearful crushing of the intestines, and died very shortly after admission. The deceased formerly belonged to the Newton Company of the Rifle Volunteers, and only resigned about eighteen months since, after ten years' service, being most popular and respected by all. He leaves a widow and three children to mourn their loss. The Inquest was held by Dr Frazer (Deputy Coroner).
The Inquest. - On Monday afternoon an Inquest was held by Dr Fraser, Deputy Coroner, at the Newton Cottage Hospital, respecting the death of WILLIAM HENRY JAMES BAKER, aged 26 years, market gardener of Newton Abbot, who met with his death through falling from a brake on Sunday evening last. Mr Samuel Kelland was chosen Foreman of the Jury. The first witness called was:- JAMES BAKER, who said he was the father of the deceased. The last time he saw his son alive was on Saturday evening about half-past five at his (witness's) house, and he was then quite well. His son was very steady, and had been a member of the Newton Rifle Corps for a number of years. William Ireland, under boots at the Globe Hotel, said on the evening of the 24th inst., about 8.30 p.m., he was returning from Haytor in a brake, and when near Forches Cross, the deceased, who had been riding from the start with him and the driver on the driver's box, endeavoured to get on the seat above, which was on the top of the brake, but on doing so he over-balanced and fell off, at the same time making a grasp for the iron lamp-hold, which deceased failed to hold, and dropped underneath the hind wheel. Witness said had he (the deceased) not caught hold of the iron work, no doubt he would have escaped being thrown underneath the wheel. The brake was immediately stopped, and the deceased was taken up and placed on the seat inside. He could walk with the assistance of others, and was also conscious. Whilst the deceased was being conveyed to the brake he said, "Oh don't hurt me." James Westaway, footman, in the employ of Dr Ley, Newton Abbot, said on the evening in question, after passing Forches Cross, he heard some one in the front part of the brake call out, and on looking over the side of the brake saw the wheel pass over the deceased. He had only a few minutes previously been speaking to the deceased; in fact he had been talking with him most of the journey, and was quite sure the deceased was not the worse for drink. The brake was travelling about four or five miles an hour. Mr F. Dobell, a Juryman, asked witness in what way BAKER fell on the ground? - Witness replied that he fell with his back towards the brake. Sergeant G. Powesland, 2.1, (M.B.), S.I.D., Royal Artillery, said on the evening of the 24th, about 7.10, he was going towards Bovey railway station to catch the train for Newton, when he was hailed by one of the occupants of the brake to accompany them. After having stopped at Bovey for an hour for the purpose of feeding the horses they left, and all went well until just after passing Forches Cross when the brake gave a terrible jerk, and immediately after one of the females shouted, "Oh, there's a man in the road run over." The horses were at once stopped, and witness and two others went back and picked the deceased up. After deceased was placed in the brake he said, "Oh, let me get out and walk." Witness was positive that BAKER was sober. Mr Adam T. Nesbit, surgeon, said on the evening of the day in question he was called to the Cottage Hospital about half-past nine. He there found deceased in bed. He looked very pallid and was pulseless. He breathed once, and on placing his hand to the region of the heart felt one beat, and at the same time a slight flutter. Witness applied the usual remedies for to restore animation, but without success. There were no marks on the body, except a slight bruise on the left groin where the wheel had passed over. His opinion was that the deceased received some internal injuries and succumbed to the shock to the system. The Coroner, in summing up, said from the evidence offered he was of opinion that neither the driver or anyone were to blame, death being caused by accident. The Jury, after a short consultation, returned a verdict, "That the deceased came to his death through being accidentally run over by a brake from which he fell, and no blame attached to anyone."
The Funeral. - The funeral of the deceased took place on Thursday afternoon, at Wolborough Churchyard. A detachment of the Haytor Rifles attended. The coffin was conveyed in an open hearse supplied by Mr F. Berry of the Commercial Hotel. The streets en route were crowded with spectators.
Saturday 17 September 1887
Mr Hacker, Coroner, held an Inquiry on Monday evening at the Torbay Hospital relative to the death of AGNES AVERY, aged 62, who was knocked down by a pony belonging to Mr Bindon, butcher, of Torre, ridden by his son, on Wednesday week last, and sustained such injuries that she died in the Torbay Infirmary on Saturday. Deceased was crossing the road from Upton to Mr Main's shop, and before the boy could pull up the pony it knocked the woman down. A witness named William Best stated that in crossing the road deceased at first halted and then went on again, when the pony came up and knocked her down. Had she not gone on after the halt the pony would have passed her. The medical evidence was to the effect that the deceased had had one rib broken, which had perforated the lung. The immediate cause of death was bronchitis, accelerated by the injury to the lung, and the shock. A verdict of "Accidental Death" was recorded.
Saturday 19 November 1887
KINGSTEIGNTON - Fatal Accident In A Clay Mine At Kingsteignton. - On Thursday afternoon last, whilst JOHN HOBBS and :George Partridge, miners, were employed on clay works, and in a pit at Kingsteignton, a quantity of clay from above them became dislodged falling on them. Assistance being at hand they were at once extricated and conveyed to the Newton Cottage Hospital where their injuries were attended to by Drs. Scott and Haydon. On Friday morning HOBBS died at 7.30 a.m., from the result of the accident. The same evening an Inquest was held by Mr Sidney Hacker, Coroner, and a Jury of which Mr Phillip Heyward was Foreman. Having given some facts relating to HOBBS' death, Mr Hacker said the case came under the Mine's Regulation Act. It was necessary, therefore, when they had taken the evidence of identification to adjourn that Inquest in order that the Inspector appointed under that Act might be present, so that they might have the benefit of his experience. He would adjourn the Inquest till Thursday next, and in the meantime would communicate with the Inspector, who lived in Cornwall, so that he might attend. The Coroner then called Henry Dicker, in the employ of the Clay Company (Mr Whitways's), at Kingsteignton, who identified the body as that of JOHN HOBBS. He believed HOBBS was a married man, aged 45, and lived at Kingsteignton. He was a clay miner. Deceased died in witness's presence that morning at 7.20. HOBBS was at work at the Half Brake mines. WILLIAM HOBBS, brother of the deceased, was next called and deposed to the identify of his brother and bore out the statement of the first witness. The Inquest was then adjourned and the Coroner gave a certificate of death.
Saturday 26 November 1887
NEWTON ABBOT - Killed In A Clay Mine. The Adjourned Inquest. - The adjourned Inquest on the body of JOHN HOBBS. clay miner, of Kingsteignton, was held at the Town Hall, on Thursday afternoon, before Mr S. Hacker and a Jury, of which Mr P. Heyward was the Foreman. It will be remembered that HOBBS and another man named George Partridge were working in a clay mine, at Kingsteignton, when a quantity of clay fell upon them, and HOBBS died on Friday week last at the Newton Cottage Hospital, from the injuries received. The Inquest opened on that day was then adjourned according to the Mines Regulation Act, to allow Mr Pinching (the Inspector of Mines) who lives in Cornwall, to be present. Thomas Rendell, living at Ideford, was the first witness called. He stated he was a clay miner. On Thursday, last week, he was at work at Mr Whiteway's clay mines in the parish of Kingsteignton. He did not hear the fall of ground give way, but simply the groans of the men. There were three men working below, viz., witness, George Partridge and the deceased. HOBBS was working at the uphill level, and witness was on the opposite side. He had spoken to HOBBS about two minutes before the accident. Partridge was digging the clay and HOBBS driving. The level had been driven in about 40 feet. Witness was driving from the opposite level. (Plans of the mine were then produced, which had been drawn by Mr G. D. Hatherley). Witness heard the groans and ran up to the level as fast as he could, and saw a lump of clay on the men. The men were not within sight. The timber or supports, were laying on the top of the clay. Witness then called to the rest of the men. The clay was right at the end of the level, and seemed to have come from the top, and fallen from the front of the timber. The supports were about 6in. apart. The rest of the men came down and tried to get the clay off the deceased and his companion. This being done witness went for the doctor. The lump of clay was of a three cornered shape, and had given way without any warning. There was never any stinting on the part of the management to get timber or anything. Dr. W. G. Scott, stated that on Thursday evening last, he saw the deceased at the Cottage Hospital. He was suffering from dislocation of the left hip, and had several ribs broken. Witness attended to him and he died the next morning. A great weight had fallen on his chest and pinched it together. The cause of death was due to the accident. Witness would think that he was knocked backward.
John Mallett, manager of the late Mr Whiteway's clay works, stated that he was not at the shaft in question when the accident took place. That level had been opened about a fortnight, and was 40 feet long. The distance between the supports was about 6 ins., and the usual size of the timber 6 to 7 inches in diameter. He went around that morning and saw the foreman, George Bunclark. If there was anything wrong or dangerous it would be the duty of the foreman to tell witness. There was plenty of timber on the works. Each corps timbered their own works. None of the men had complained of there being any danger, and the men working there when the deceased was buried were willing to continue to work. James Vogler, living at Kingsteignton, foreman of the Teignbridge mines, who was at work on the shaft in question, stated that he helped to put up the timber in the mine the night before. He had had twenty years experience at mining. Deceased had worked about 16 years. There were seven men in the morning corps, and seven in the afternoon corps. None of the men worked in the mine again after the accident on that day, and it was stopped up the next day.
Mr Hacker stated that it seemed to him - and he dared say the Jury were of the same opinion - that it was very necessary that they should have before them the companion of the unfortunate man who was killed. He was really the only person and actual witness of the accident. Partridge was at present in the Cottage Hospital, suffering from the injuries received in the accident, and had not been able to attend that day; therefore he (the Coroner) proposed to adjourn the Inquest until Partridge could attend, and give his evidence. He did not know how long it would be before the man could attend, but he had sent for Dr Scott to have his opinion. Dr Scott said the man would be able to be present on the following week, and the Inquest was then adjourned till Tuesday next.
Saturday 3 December 1887
KINGSTEIGNTON - The Fatal Accident At Kingsteignton. - The Inquiry into the circumstances attending the death of JOHN HOBBS, clay miner, who died from the effects of injuries received whilst at work in a clay mine at Kingsteignton, was on Tuesday, resumed by Mr Hacker, Coroner, at the Town Hall. George Partridge, clay miner, for whose attendance the Inquest was adjourned, said whilst HOBBS and himself were at work in the same level, a large piece of clay fell upon them. He had only been working with HOBBS five or six minutes. He was digging out the clay and HOBBS was driving it away. He had worked in the same level previously, but very recently. Replying to questions from Mr Pinching, the district inspector of mines, witness added that the deceased's mate was a man named Bearne and who was up over drawing up the clay. When he entered the mine he saw nothing giving him the idea that the mine was in any way dangerous and he, therefore, went to work under the impression that everything was safe. How the accident occurred he could not say. All that he knew was that the clay fell on his back, rendering him insensible. George Bearne, clay miner, of Kingsteignton, deposed that on the day in question he was at work in the eastern level with JOHN HOBBS. They entered the mine at about half-past twelve and were working together for about three-quarters of an hour. During that time they together put up three sets of timber in the level about half way between the shaft and the end. They put up these timbers because those which were already in use were broken. Having done this they began digging clay, and, after about a quarter of an hour engaged in that sort of work, he went on top of the mine to pull up the clay. Up to the time when he left the level he saw no danger. In reply to Mr Pinching, witness said there was nothing unusual in the fact of their having had to replace some timbers in the level by others. When he again entered the level on hearing cries for help, HOBBS and Partridge were completely buried beneath a lump of clay. Joseph Bovey, clay miner, said he was one of those who accompanied HOBBS from Kingsteignton to the Newton Cottage Hospital. The two men - HOBBS and Partridge - were taken to the hospital by order of Dr Davies, who was fetched to Kingsteignton from Newton, immediately after the accident. He was in the hospital ward with the men all the night. They were admitted to the hospital at about five or half past five and the setting of HOBB'S dislocated thigh took place about ten o'clock. He could not be sure as to anything like the exact time as he had no watch with him, and there was no clock in the room. Within half-an-hour after his admittance to the hospital Dr Haydon saw HOBBS, and subsequently Dr Scott saw him, those two gentlemen eventually performing the operation required. Mr Pinching was about to ask the witness further questions as to the treatment received by the deceased whilst in the hospital, when The Coroner alluded to the absence of the medical men concerned, and remarked that the Inquiry was drifting into the conduct of the medical staff of the hospital. There had been a small delay apparently. Mr Pinching: I beg your pardon, sir. Who said a small delay apparently? The Coroner (continuing): And, of course, if there are any complaints before the Jury they should be inquired into, but the doctors should be present. Mr Pinching here complained that Mr hacker was pursuing an unusual course in addressing the Jury before the examination of the witnesses had been completed. He also considered that he had quite as much right to address the Jury as the Coroner. Mr Hacker retorted that Mr Pinching's duties and his were quite distinct. Mr Pinching said he was quite aware of the powers which he had under Act of Parliament, and what he complained of was that the Coroner addressed the Jury as though he had no right to speak to them. The witness Bovey, being uncertain on the facts on which he was questioned. Henry Dicker, a pumper, engaged on Messrs. Whiteway's clay works, and who stayed in the hospital with the injured men through the night following the occurrence by which they received their injuries, was called. He stated that three medical men saw HOBBS some time before the operation took place. They were not, however, in the hospital together, and the operation was performed at ten o'clock, HOBBS having been admitted about five hours previously. Mr Baker (one of the Jurymen) thought that to keep the man waiting such a time was outrageous. Mr Pinching said complaint had been made to him by the man's relatives, and as Her Majesty's Inspector of mines he thought that it was his duty to look at the interests of these poor men - (hear, hear.) He then asked the witness Dicker if he could assign any reason why the men were not attended to sooner? Dicker replied that as soon as a man entered the hospital he was off the hands of his club doctor. Mr Pinching added that it was of course for the Jury to say whether any blame was attachable to any one in the matter or not. Personally he did not think it was at all right that in the 19th century, and in the civilized town of Newton Abbot, a man situated like HOBBS should be left for five hours without necessary medical attention. Mr Hacker again drew attention to the fact that the Inquiry was resolving itself into a consideration of the conduct of the medical staff at the hospital. Mr Pinching said he thought the doctors ought to have been present, and observed that it was only right that they should have all the evidence they could on the subject. The Matron of the hospital was here sent for. She stated that she was in the hospital when the deceased and Partridge were brought there. They were stripped, put in bed, given hot brandy and water, and supplied with hot water bottles. Dr Davies saw the men directly they were admitted. He did not give any orders concerning their care. Dr Haydon, a medical man of the hospital, coming on the scene just after he left. Dr Davies was not on the medical staff, and when Dr Haydon came he gave orders as to the care of the men, but he left again before Dr Grimbly came, and the latter left before Dr Scott arrived. Dr Haydon afterwards returned together with Dr Scott and he performed the operation required in HOBBS case. This took place at about ten o'clock. And HOBBS was admitted at about five o'clock. Drs. Davies, Haydon and Grimbly had one and all previously told her that delay so far as the operation was concerned would not be injurious to the man and had also told her that two men were required to perform the operation. Neither two of these doctors were in the hospital at the same time. Mr Hacker here remarked that if the Jury would like to have further evidence on the point raised he would be happy, although he did not think it necessary to send for the doctors. Mr Baker (a Juror) thought that HOBBS was kept waiting a long time and that that fact to say the least was to be regretted. Mr T. Lavis (another Juror) was of opinion that when one doctor was at the hospital, and knew that another had been sent for, he ought to have awaited his arrival. Mr Heaward (Foreman of the Jury) said he had no objection to hearing what the doctors had to say on the subject, but he did not think that their evidence was really necessary. At this point the Jury retired to an ante-room to ascertain whether or not the majority of them were in favour of the attendance of the doctors. They had already been in consultation for some little time when Mr Hacker directed them to be called before him and informed them that having regard to the fact that the Inquiry had turned upon the conduct of the medical staff of the hospital, and having regard also to the suggestions made, he had decided to adjourn the Inquest until Monday next, for the attendance of the doctors. Mr Heaward added that the Jury had also agreed that they should like to hear what the doctors had to say. The Inquiry was adjourned accordingly.
Suicide Of A Commercial Traveller In The Teign. - On Saturday last, Mr Sidney Hacker resumed the Inquiry into the cause of death of a man whose body was found in the Teign under circumstances already reported. Upon the body was found a card bearing the name of CHARLES WOOD, of Bristol. Mrs Alice Cruse of West Dean, said she had seen the body and identified it as that of her brother, who lived at 13 Glen Park Eastville, Bristol. He was a married man with five children, and was 41 years of age last August. He was a commercial traveller for Messrs. Sykes and Co., of the Redcliffe Brewery, and he was in Bristol on Sunday, the 6th instant. He left home to attend the funeral of a customer, and was last seen at Redlands on Sunday night. His wife expected him home to tea, and as he did not return inquiries were made for him but with no effect. She had since heard from his employers that he was wrong in his accounts. He did not suffer in his mind, nor was there any insanity in the family that she knew of. Charles White, commercial traveller for Messrs. Sykes and Co., said he had identified the body of the deceased. He last saw him alive on Saturday, November 5th, in Nicholas-street, Bristol, and accompanied him to the bank. He did not know anything of his affairs up to that time. He had been in the employ of the Company about seven years. His accounts had been found wrong, and he was mistrusted on the Saturday. He did not come to the brewery on the following Monday morning as directed, and on inquiry being made it was found that he had left on the previous evening. The Jury returned a verdict of "Suicide whilst in a state of Unsound Mind."
Saturday 10 December 1887
The Fatal Clay Accident At Kingsteignton. Satisfactory Medical Evidence. - The adjourned Inquest respecting the death of JOHN HOBBS, clay miner, Kingsteignton, who met with his death through a fall of clay in one of Messrs. Whiteway's pits, and which had been adjourned from the previous week in consequence of a statement made alleging that the medical attendance was not satisfactory was held at the Town Hall, in this town, on Monday afternoon, before Mr coroner Hacker and the Jury, of which Mr P,. Heaward was the Foreman. Before taking any evidence, the Coroner said he was sorry to say that Mr Pinching, Inspector of Mines, for that portion of the country, was very unwell, and in fact on the last occasion he was suffering from illness. He was quite unable to attend, but would be represented by Dr Foster, Inspector of Mines for Wales. Mr Edgar Haydon, a surgeon practising at Newton Abbot, said he was one of the medical staff of the Newton Cottage Hospital. He first saw the deceased about 7.30 p.m. He went in company with Mr Mallett to the Hospital and saw two men in bed, whom he examined. HOBBS (the deceased) was suffering from fracture of the ribs and other wounds, together with a dislocation of the left hip joint. He found brandy had been ordered. Witness attempted to reduce the dislocation, the two men Baker and Bovey assisting, but he found it only seemed to be distressing the patient. He found it advisable to let HOBBS remain for a period of an hour and half or two hours, at the same time sending a message requesting Dr Scott to be present at about ten o'clock. He should mention that Dr Davies had done all that it was possible for any medical man to do. In the first place he went to Kingsteignton, rode back to the town and took the trouble to tell the nurse to prepare for two men, then visited the hospital and saw everything was done that could be. This was done before he (Dr Haydon) arrived. Dr Grimbly also offered his services if required. About ten o'clock witness returned to the hospital and found Dr Scott there and they then proceeded to set the dislocated hip. They found that the delay had not been too long, as the man had only just recovered from the shock. The dislocation was reduced and the man's ribs were then attended to, and he was then left after orders had been given to the nurse. Witness was called in the morning and told HOBBS was then dead. The Coroner asked the doctor the reason of the delay till ten o'clock. Was it because there was no doctor to be found or was it done for the benefit of the patient? Dr Haydon: It was done for the advisability of the patient, it being advisable to leave the operation. The Coroner: If it had been necessary to perform that operation at once could you have been able to perform it immediately? Dr Haydon: I think it could have been, but it was not necessary.
Mr H. A. B. Davies, a surgeon, practising at Newton Abbot, said he was sent for on the afternoon of the accident to go to Kingsteignton. He arrived in the road just opposite the pits, when he found that both men had been put into a cart. He saw they required no immediate attention and directed that HOBBS should be taken to the Cottage Hospital and it was also suggested that Partridge should go in too. He rode back to Newton, saw the nurse in Courtenay-street, and told her two accidents would be brought in and she had better get the beds ready, which she did. He went to the hospital in less than half an hour when the men had just been taken into the ward. They were both very much collapsed and he ordered brandy and water. He found HOBBS suffering from a dislocated thigh and fractured ribs but he did not think it advisable to do anything at that time; in fact it would have been a physical impossibility single-handed to have reduced the dislocation.
The Coroner: What was the reason that you did not do it? Was it because you were single-handed? Dr Davies: It was quite out of the question to reduce the dislocation and it would have been a physical impossibility with such a big muscular man. The Coroner: Can you say as to your examination of the man and from your opinion, if there had been another doctor present at the time you were there you would have performed the operation. Dr Davies: No, I should certainly have suggested that he be left. The Coroner: The fact of your not being one of the hospital medical staff had that any bearing on the question? Dr Davies: Well, in an urgent case, whether I was on the staff or not, I should consider it my duty to do my best. This was not an urgent case and I gave the necessary instructions, which really I had no right to do, not being on the staff. In answer to another question, Dr Davies stated that he went to see Drs. Gaye and Scott, but neither were at home, and after that he again went back to the hospital to see if the men were comfortable.
Dr R. H. Grimbly stated that he attended the deceased professionally about 6 p.m. on the evening in question. He received a message and immediately went to the cottage hospital, where he found that injured men comfortably in bed and that all necessary treatment had been adopted. The nurse told him that Dr Davies had given instructions and had left again. Witness looked at HOBBS and found he was in a satisfactory condition, consideration the severity of the injuries he had received and that there was nothing urgent to be done. He (the doctor) therefore told the nurse that he would remain at home for two hours in the event of his being wanted, and if he was required she would send for him. Having received no message he consequently at half past nine went to carry out other engagements which had been waiting all that time. His object in coming there to give evidence was to protest against what had appeared in the newspapers of the previous week attaching blame to where no blame was due. The Coroner, with the object of refreshing the memory of the Jury, then read the evidence of the witnesses taken.
Dr Clement Foster, Inspector of Mines for North Wales, part of South Wales and Shropshire, and the Isle of Man, stated that Mr Pinching regretted very much at not being able to attend, as he was suffering from a severe attack of malaria fever. He was very sorry that anything he (Mr Pinching) had said should have been construed as a slur upon the medical men of Newton Abbot. He had not the slightest intention to cast a slur upon them, but having had complaints made by the relatives of the deceased he thought it more satisfactory for the relatives, for the working men, and for the people of Newton Abbot to have the matter cleared up. He had, however, wished to hear an explanation and a satisfactory one had been given that day. He (Dr Foster) had heard what had been said that day, and had also had the advantage of talking to Mr Pinching about the accident, and although he had not seen the pit where the clay fell, yet one naturally came to the conclusion, if in the ordinary course of business it was necessary to have the sets of timber six inches apart, that when they came to have five feet of the roof unsupported, it was not an unlikely thing for a mass of clay to come down. The witness Bearne said it was a place where he considered there was no danger, but it was his (Dr Foster's) experience - and he had been an Inspector of Mines for more than 15 years - that the accidents commonly happened in places considered safe. Therefore, he thought it was necessary for miners to recollect that if they had clay above them when at work there was always danger. And the majority of accidents in clay, tin and coal mines, were due to those falls. The victims to the explosion of fire-damp were few compared with the falls of ground. He thought the managers and men erred to a certain extent, through ignorance, in not supporting the roof of the level in question, more securely, either by having additional supports or frames, or if not that, what was commonly used in metal mines, viz., planks, or laths, as they were called in Cornwall, driven in the ground, so as to form a roof over the men. That, however, would be a matter for the future consideration of the owners. Mr Pinching had wished him to suggest that system, which was in use in this and a neighbouring county, for the better protection of the men. In answer to the Coroner, Dr Foster stated in his opinion the clay fell from want of support. It was as simple as A B C. If they had ground above them and did not support it, it would come down. If they had those planks projecting overhead it would not interfere with the working in the slightest. It was done in places where the ground was harder and they could do it at Kingsteignton. There had been no breach of any one of the rules under the Mines Regulation Act. There was no particular rule which said it was necessary to timber a level. In many of the mines in Cornwall what were called "special rules" had been adopted. One of these rules ran as follows:- That the manager shall see that a proper supply of timber be provided, and that the travelling roads are properly secured, and he shall give general directions concerning the security of the working places. That rule would throw upon the manager the duty of better looking after the timbering than at present. Should fresh rules be required the managers could suggest to the Government, or the government to the managers, or the matter might be referred to arbitration. A manager by adopting those rules would have a little more responsibility. It would give more safety to the men, and in addition to throwing duties on the manager would place extra duties on the men. The latter would be bound to report anything they found to be dangerous, and they would also see that the levels were properly secured with timber. After hearing the evidence of Mr G. D. Hatherley, the Coroner then proceeded to sum up. He said it was the duty of the Jury to consider the evidence they had heard, carefully, and upon that evidence, to come to a conclusion as to the manner in which the deceased, JOHN HOBBS, came to his death. They would, of course, after the medical evidence they had before them, have no hesitation in the first place of coming to the conclusion that HOBBS died from the injuries received by the clay falling upon him, and they could have no two opinions about that. The explanation of the medical gentlemen he thought had perfectly satisfied all. It would be the duty of the Jury to consider whether the deceased came to his death through clay falling on him, and to ascertain the reason that the clay fell. That was really the gist of the Enquiry. If it appeared to them that the clay fell in consequence of any person having neglected their duty or exhibited gross negligence, or which was in their opinion gross negligence, or if the clay fell in consequence of the omission of a duty passed by law, or the Mines Regulation Act had been infringed and broken by any person, and the direct consequence was the falling of the clay, causing the death of the deceased, it would be their duty in bringing in a verdict against the person by whose omission or negligence the clay fell. If on the other hand, they came to the conclusion there was no culpable evidence of the omission of a duty on the part of any person, and that the fall of clay was accidental, then it was their duty to bring in a verdict that the deceased came to his death accidentally. In considering the evidence it was within their province as a Jury to add suggestions or recommendations that might be desirable, for the benefit of the public, and better protection of men working in mines, which he would forward to the proper authorities. After retiring for three quarters of an hour to consider the evidence, and bring in a verdict, the Foreman said the Jury were of opinion that the deceased met with his death accidentally from a fall of clay, and added a rider as follows: - "We are of opinion that the Home Secretary should be asked to pass special rules under the Mines Regulation Act for the clay mines in this district, with respect to timbering and several supervision."
Saturday 17 December 1887
NEWTON ABBOT - A Fatal Kick. - Mr Sidney Hacker, Coroner, and a Jury of which Mr Samuel Kelland, was Foreman, held an Inquest on Tuesday morning in the Board-room of the Newton Abbot Union, touching the death of a farm labourer named GEORGE DYMOND, who was admitted into the Union on Friday last suffering from injuries caused by the kick of a horse at Staverton on the previous day. Mr Robert Cawse, Master of the Workhouse identified the deceased as GEO. DYMOND, whom he had known over 30 years. He formerly lived at Slapton, but had resided at Broadhempstone for some time past. He was 34 years of age, and was a farm labourer. He was admitted into the House on Friday night last, as well as his wife and four children. The Porter took the order for admittance and seeing it was an accident Dr Haydon was sent for, and was present within a few minutes. Dr Haydon and Dr Macdonald visited him again the same evening. Witness visited the deceased on Saturday afternoon, and had a conversation with him. He said he was grooming down a horse belonging to Mr Hill, of Staverton. Whilst combing down the hind leg the horse kicked him. There were two other men present, and one of them went for the master, who gave him brandy and gin. He was driven home and an order was sent for Dr Jarvis of Ashburton. The horse was always very quiet and never kicked him before. Deceased said he blamed no one. He died on Saturday evening at 6.45. James Wyatt, living at Staverton, labourer, said he did not witness the accident. Witness was in the other stall cleaning another horse. The kick did not knock deceased down, and he went on cleaning the horse for about 5 minutes when he cried out that he was in pain. The deceased was driven to his home after he had drunk some brandy given him by his master. The horse was not a vicious one and had never been known to kick before. Frederick Binmore of Broadhempstone, corroborated the evidence of the last witness.
Mr J. T. Hill, farmer of Staverton, stated the deceased was in his employment for about 9 years. Witness saw the horses come in from work on the date in question, and fed them with corn. DYMOND was there and hearing him speak, asked witness what was the matter. He said the horse had kicked him in the abdomen. He beat the horse and then commenced to comb down again. Witness gave him some brandy of which he drank a little and became very sick. He believed the horse was always very quiet and never bit or kicked. Deceased was perfectly sober at the time of the accident. Dr T. J. Macdonald, surgeon of Newton Abbot, stated that he saw the deceased on the evening of his admittance into the house. His case was hopeless. The cause of death was inflammation of the bowels. The Coroner having briefly summed up, the Jury returned a verdict of "Accidental Death."
EXETER - "I am Blind," was the sudden exclamation of a gardener named JOHN BYE at Duryard, near Exeter while rabbiting on Monday and with the same he fell down and expired. At the Inquest held on the body a verdict of Death from Natural Causes was returned.
Saturday 11 January 1890
An old woman of weak intellect named JANE CASER, residing in Brammell-street, Tavistock, was so seriously assaulted by a navvy, named Alfred Davis, that she has since died from the injuries. At the Inquest the Jury returned a verdict of Manslaughter against Davis.
Saturday 25 January 1890
DAWLISH - Mr S. Hacker held an Inquest at the Cosens Institution, Dawlish, on Monday evening, touching the circumstances attending the death of HARRIET ROGERS, domestic servant, in the employ of Mr F. M. Cann, surgeon, of Dawlish, who died in the house of her employer on the 19th inst. The deceased was a widow, 57 years of age. On Sunday she complained to her fellow servant of being unwell, and about 4 o'clock she appeared very ill. Mr Cann was called into the kitchen to see her, and she was found to have died as she sat in the chair. The medical evidence was to the effect that deceased died either from apoplexy or heart disease, and the Jury returned a verdict of "Death from Natural Causes."
Saturday 1 February 1890
TOTNES - Little LEONARD MICHELMORE, aged 6 years, son of the late MR P. MICHELMORE, chemist, Totnes, was burnt to death on Tuesday night. The child had been staying with his grandmother, who resides on the Plains. He was put to bed at the usual time. Some time afterwards it appears he got out of bed and struck a match, which ignited his nightdress. His grandmother, alarmed by his screams, went to him and tried to extinguish the flames, which she eventually succeeded in doing, but not before she was herself much burnt. The little sufferer died from the shock soon afterwards. At an Inquest held on Thursday the Jury returned a verdict of "Accidental Death."
NEWTON ABBOT - Suicide Of A Plymouth Woman At Newton. - At the Queen's Hotel on Tuesday morning last, Mr Sidney Hacker, County Coroner, held an Inquiry into the circumstances attending the death of ELIZABETH MILLICENT PRATT, who was found dead in bed at Mrs Churchill's Temperance Hotel, Queen-street, on Saturday night last, having a necktie wound tightly round her neck. Deceased belonged to Plymouth, and left that town for Newton on Friday last. She was 50 years of age, and her father, who is still living - MR JOHN PRATT - was formerly a commercial traveller, at Plymouth. Mr William Dunn was chosen Foreman of the Jury, which was made up as follows:- Messrs. John Brown, William Off, Colin Perrott, John E. Endacott, Edwin Mudford, Thomas H. Gange, William H. Ashby, George Hellins, Henry Dodge, Francis E. Fuller, William Alway, and Thomas Cawse. - ANNIE JERMAN who was much affected whilst giving her evidence stated she was sister to deceased, and daughter of JOHN PRATT, for many years a commercial traveller of Plymouth. She lived at 33 Brunswick-road, Plymouth, and for the past six months deceased had been living with her. She saw her sister off by train at Plymouth Station on Friday afternoon last. Deceased told her she was going to Torquay, and witness understood it was for a change. She carried nothing but a little basket. On the following morning (Saturday) witness received a letter from deceased. It bore no address, but the postmark on the envelope was Newton Abbot. It stated "I have arrived s far, so don't trouble about me. Hope you got home safe, and dear Alice and Pa. Love to you all, from BESSIE." Their father was suffering from softening of the brain, which was hereditary complaint in the family, and one sister had been in a lunatic asylum. Deceased had been very much depressed at times during the six months she had been with witness. Previous to that time she had been in a situation as mother's help to a Mrs Glyne, at Torquay. On Sunday morning witness received a telegram from Churchill's Hotel, and immediately went to Newton, where she found her sister dead. She identified the tie with which she had strangled herself, as belonging to one of her boys, and also recognised several articles found in the bag as belonging to deceased. The bottle labelled "Chlorodyne" she had never seen before, nor, to her knowledge, was deceased in the habit of taking sleeping draughts. Deceased had never, in her hearing, made any threat that she would take her life, and she knew of no reason why she should. Dr Davies, practising at Newton, stated he was called into Churchill's Temperance Hotel at 1.10 on Sunday morning where he found deceased quite dead in bed. The tie produced was wound tightly round her neck and tied in one knot. The bottle produced, marked "Chlorodyne" was near the bed, quite empty. It had evidently contained laudanum. He should think that the deceased must have taken a dose of laudanum, and afterwards tied the scarf around her neck. Being under the influence that narcotic would facilitate death from strangulation. It was a very unusual thing for strangulation to result from a person tying anything round the neck herself, and that was the reason which led him to think deceased had taken laudanum. Mrs Churchill stated deceased came into their Temperance Hotel on Friday evening and asked for a cup of tea. She was asked into an inner room, where she remained some time. She then said it was too late for her to proceed to Exeter that night and asked if she might have a bed. She was an exceedingly ladylike person, and very quiet in manner. She stayed the night and the next morning at half-past eleven they asked her if she was going to dress. She said yes, but did not do so. Witness went to her bedroom at four o'clock, when she was apparently sleeping very heavily. Witness roused her and asked her if she had been taking drugs, and she replied, "Yes, chlorodyne." Witness then questioned her as to where she was going at Exeter, and she told her to a Miss Perry, 103 West-street, Exeter. Witness wrote a post card to that address stating deceased was at the hotel and would be at Exeter on the afternoon of Sunday. She read the postcard to deceased before despatching it. The postcard was returned as there was no such name and address. Witness then made enquiries of deceased as to her relatives at Plymouth and after giving several false addresses she gave the right one, Brunswick-road, the residence of her sister. Witness found deceased dead at half-past twelve on Saturday night. Eliza Leaman corroborated and P.C. Magor stated he was called into the Hotel on Saturday night, where he found deceased dead as described. He searched her belongings and found money in her purse amounting to £1 2s. 3 ½d. The coroner having summed up, the Jury, without hesitation, returned a verdict of "Suicide whilst Temporarily Insane."
Saturday 8 February 1890
Shocking Tragedy Near Exeter. A Woman Killed By Her Husband. Suicide Of The Murderer. A Sad Life.
A murder and suicide were committed at Huxham five miles from Exeter on Tuesday night. The circumstances surrounding the sad tragedy are of a very distressing character, and the life of the parties seems to have been one of a most unhappy description. The chief actors in the tragedy were JAMES GOSLIN and his wife EMMA. They resided in one of two adjoining cottages standing by the road side, not far from the residence of Mr J. N. Franklin, County Councillor, who lives at Huxham Barton. The cottages are nicely built, comfortable dwellings belonging to Lord Poltimore. GOSLIN and his wife had eight children; the four youngest lived at home with them. The adjoining house is occupied by Mr John Cross - who is nearly blind - and his daughter, a woman about 30, who keeps house for him. The GOSLINS have lived at Huxham for about 20 years. The husband has relatives at Luppitt, near Honiton; the wife was the daughter of a schoolmaster who resided at Studley, near Milverton. The children at home are FRANK, 13 years of age, who has just gone out as an attendant upon the masons at Poltimore; SIDNEY, 11 years, and ARTHUR, eight years - both of whom are at school at Poltimore - and the youngest, BERTIE, five years of age. The father has worked at various places, but has been chiefly employed by Mr Tremlett, at the Stoke Mills, as labourer. The mother has not been in very good health for some years, she did not go out to work, but looked after the house. GOSLIN is spoken of as a man of hot temper; his wife was of ordinary temperament - "much too quiet for him," as one on Tuesday observed. For a long time the husband and wife lived under circumstances the reverse of happy. As far as could be ascertained there was no particular reason for their disagreement; but the difference whatever might have been the cause, was one of old standing, for the children remember that years ago he "used to knock mother." Ten years since, on the night of the 5th of November, the man's effigy was burned by some of the villagers because of their disapproval of his treatment of his wife, and at the same time they stuck up a placard near the house, on which they had printed the doggerel - Here lives a man who don't refuse, To beat his wife when'er he choose.
Eighteen months since one of the elder boys came home to live for a time for the purpose of preventing his mother being ill-used. After he left the daughter was home for a time. But this did not have any deterrent effect upon the husband, who on several occasions turned both out of the house, and once threw all the daughter's clothes into the backyard. The husband's violence towards his wife at last led her to take out a summons against him, but upon his promising amendment she withdrew it. In June of last year, however, his violence was so great that the wife was obliged to seek the protection of the police, and GOSLIN was arrested, locked up, and brought before the magistrates at the Castle of Exeter, charged with committing an aggravated assault on his wife. To this charge the defendant pleaded guilty, and was sentenced to six weeks hard labour. So far as the husband's charge of gossiping was concerned, there would seem to be no grounds for it whatever. When GOSLIN was released from prison at the commencement of August the wife seems to have done all she could to make things pleasant and comfortable. The home was undoubtedly tidy, and the children were well cared for. From all the information that could be gathered it would seem that life in the cottage has lately been quieter than formerly, although, as a resident in the adjoining house remarked, "there, of course, used to be rows, but we did not take very much notice of them."
Things seem to have been much as usual in the cottage on Tuesday. GOSLIN went to his work at the mills at his accustomed time; the lad FRANK went to his occupation at Poltimore; the boys SIDNEY and ARTHUR were at school during the day; and the youngest, BERTIE, was at home. FRANK got back from his work at about six o'clock, and he and his brothers went to bed at half-past eight. The boys slept together in one room - their father and mother occupied the adjoining room. Downstairs there was a kitchen and back-kitchen. The father left the mills between half-past five and six o'clock, and seems to have proceeded part of the way home, when for some reason or other he returned, and spent the evening at Mr Dewdney's Stoke Canon Inn. At half-past nine he left apparently not much the worse for liquor; but he is said to have done that which was for him a most unusual thing - shake hands with his companions all round and wish them "Good-bye." So far as could be gathered the man must then have gone straight home. When husband and wife met there was a quarrel - its cause or with whom it originated will never be known. The lad FRANK - a bright eyed boy - was awoke from his sleep by the high words of his parents, and old Mr Cross, next door, said he heard GOSLIN calling his wife "all kinds of names." Eventually the man put the woman outside the front door, which he fastened, then took off his boots, after which he went upstairs and divested himself of his coat and waistcoat. Then it seems to have occurred to him that he would allow his wife to again come in to the house; he accordingly went downstairs, opened the front door and called to her to come in. She, however, was afraid to do so, and when the husband went into the open air after her she ran away crying "Murder." The lad hearing this ran down the stairs in his nightshirt, and seeing his father pursuing his mother down the road and hearing her calling he followed. When something less than a hundred yards from the house he saw them both in the hedge, and to use the boy's own words "father was killing mother," the weapon used being a pocket-knife. As the boy ran up to the spot the father said "You're too late, FRANK." The son ran back and alarmed the neighbour Cross and his daughter. GOSLIN returned almost at the same moment and said to Mr Cross, "I've done for EMMA." "Done what?" asked Miss Cross. "Cut her throat," he replied. She said "How dare you say such a thing, for at first she did not believe him, but he replied "I have done it," and he then went into his own house. Miss Cross proceeded down the road and found MRS GOSLIN'S body in the hedge trough. She was quite dead, her throat having been terribly cut. The poor woman had, however, made a struggle for life, and in the struggle her hands had been dreadfully cut. The boy, FRANK too frightened to return to the road, followed his father into the house. the man sat down in the chair by the fire-place, handed the boy some money, said "I have finished mother," and then took up a razor and cut his own throat before the lad's eyes. The poor boy seeing the blood flow and his father fall from the chair ran back to Mr Cross and told him of the further tragedy he had witnessed. The nearest residents were alarmed as quickly as possible, and then the boy of 13 ran into Stoke Canon and told P.C. Goddard of what had happened. On Goddard hurrying t the scene he found MRS GOSLIN'S body lying on the spot where her husband had left it, and on proceeding to the kitchen of their cottage he saw GOSLIN stretched dead on the floor. By the aid of the neighbours the body of the wife was brought into the house and placed beside that of her husband on a temporary resting-place, which was arranged for the reception of the two bodies in the kitchen. It was nearly four o'clock in the morning before everything that was necessary had been done. The lad of 13, before named, was Wednesday morning the bearer of the sad news to his brother WILLIAM at Mr Hill's dairy. Subsequently communications were sent to other members of the family and P.C. Goddard went to the Coroner at Cullompton, and subsequently proceeded to Exeter to see his deputy, Mr H. W. Gould, who arranged for the Inquest. Throughout the district the tragedy, of course, created the greatest horror, but people familiar with the parties said that they were not altogether surprised at what had happened. The husband's ill-treatment of his wife was so well-known, and his violence so notorious that it seems to have been anticipated that on some occasion or other she would be certain to suffer severe injury at his hands. The husband and wife were both near about 47 years of age. An Inquest was held on Wednesday when the facts above related were adduced. The Jury returned a verdict of "Wilful Murder" against the husband and that he afterwards committed suicide whilst Temporary Insane.
Saturday 22 February 1890
NEWTON ABBOT - Drowning Fatality At Newton. - A lighterman named JOHN SCOTT, aged 54, of Kingsteignton, who was in the employ of the Devon and Courtenay Clay Company, met with his death by drowning in the White Lake Canal, Newton, on Tuesday evening. Particulars of the occurrence will be found in the report of the Inquest given below. The Inquiry was held on Thursday morning at the Vicarage, Kingsteignton, the Rev. P. Jackson kindly placing a room at the disposal of the Coroner, Mr Sydney Hacker. The Foreman of the Jury was Mr T. Butland. The first witness called was LOUISA SCOTT, a single woman of Newton, who stated deceased was her father. He was 54 years of age, and was in the employ of the Devon and Courtenay Clay Company. She last saw him alive on Sunday evening last. Joseph Whitear, a lighterman, in the employ of the Clay Company, deposed that on the evening of Tuesday, at about a quarter to seven, he and deceased started to take a loaded barge, containing 30 tons of clay, from the Little Cellar Bridge to Buckland Point. Between the Gas House and the Marsh deceased's pole stuck in the mud, and he was obliged to let go. Witness went back after it in a small boat, and whilst he was gone deceased guided the barge with his pole. This also stuck in the mud, and deceased must have been pulled overboard. When witness heard the splash he was about two barge lengths away, and he immediately rowed towards the spot, but had much difficulty in propelling the boat as there was a strong wind blowing. When he arrived at the place where deceased had fallen in, he had disappeared, and witness got aboard the barge and moored it, and then obtained assistance. The accumulation of mud at this part of the canal was dangerous to lightermen, and he himself had been pulled overboard through his pole sticking in the mud. - William Gelding, another lighterman of Kingsteignton and George Watts, a labourer, of Newton, gave evidence of the recovery of the body, which was brought up by means of grappling irons at about nine o'clock, having been in the water over two hours. In summing up the Coroner said if the Jury were of opinion that there was any public danger through the accumulation of mud at this part of the canal, they should add some recommendation or rider to their verdict calling the attention of the proper authorities to the matter. The Jury returned a verdict of "Accidental Death," and added a rider recommending that the Teign River Commissioners be asked to remove the mud accumulated in the bed of the White Lake Canal, between the Gas House Gut and Truman's Gut.
Saturday 1 March 1890
NEWTON ABBOT - Sad Death At Newton. - Mr S. Hacker, County Coroner, presided over an Inquest on Monday evening, at the Town Hall, Newton, held to Enquire into the circumstances attending the death of WILLIAM HENRY OSBORNE, a young man 19 years of age, who resided with his grandparents at No. 4 Court, Wolborough Street, and who was employed at the Railway Station. Mr T. Pascoe was chosen Foreman of the Jury, and the body having been viewed the following evidence was adduced:-
HARRIET, wife of JOSHUA ANDREW EDWARD COCKRAM, of 21, Queen's Gate Terrace, London, deposed that deceased was her illegitimate son, and was 19 years of age. He had been residing with witness's mother, at No. 4 Court, Wolborough Street, and was employed as a labourer at the Railway Station, supporting himself. She recently received a letter from deceased stating he was unwell, but witness thought it was nothing more serious than the influenza. Witness last saw him alive three years ago. WILLIAM OSBORNE stated deceased was his grandson, and had lived with him ever since he was born For the last month or two he had been earning 13s. a week, and he paid witness for lodgings and board according to what he earned. Deceased discontinued work three weeks ago, owing to a gathering in the head, which was very painful. On Wednesday he took to his bed, "because he couldn't get up," but no medical assistance was obtained. On Wednesday and Thursday he was quite sensible and took beef tea and new milk. On Wednesday and Friday deceased was attacked with convulsions, falling on the floor insensible. Deceased did not like the idea of having a doctor, but kept fancying he would be better. Dr Ley was sent for between three and four o'clock on Friday. Witness complained of the body being taken to the mortuary, but afterwards admitted there were but two small rooms in the house. Witness further said, in answer to the Jurymen, that he received the whole of deceased's earnings, and whilst he was ill, he received 6s. a week, sick pay from the Station Benefit Club. - John William Ley, surgeon, practising in Newton, said that on Friday evening two little girls came and asked him to attend deceased. He was in the thick of his evening work, and said he could not come then, but would see him tomorrow morning. the messengers soon afterwards returned and said that deceased was dying and he immediately went to him. He arrived at the Court soon after eight o'clock, and found deceased in a perfectly insensible condition. He was dying and witness could do nothing. On Saturday witness made a post mortem examination. There was a large wound behind the ear discharging freely, and on examining the brain he found therein a large abscess, which was the cause of death. If the outside abscess had been attended to a fortnight or three weeks before, it would have given him a chance of life. It appeared to him that it was the pig-headedness of the old people and nothing more which had prevented medical assistance being called in. If they were not disposed to pay a medical man the parish doctor might have been obtained. - Maria Vanstone, who resides in the same court, stated that she suggested on Wednesday that medical assistance should be obtained, and on Friday afternoon she herself saw Dr Ley and asked him to come to the court. He told her he was then very busy and would come in the morning. Deceased was very well looked after during his illness, and had many little delicacies sent in by neighbours. The Coroner, in summing up, said if deceased had been under the age of 14, it would have been his duty to direct the Jury to consider whether the grandfather was not guilty of manslaughter, because the law would have held the grandfather responsible, the deceased being in his charge. He was, however, 19 years of age, and though there was a moral responsibility there was no legal responsibility. It appeared to him it was a scandalous thing that a person should be allowed to lie for three days in a dying condition without medical aid being obtained. Evidently the deceased showed such symptoms as would alarm anyone living in the same house. The Jury returned a verdict that deceased died from Natural Causes and expressed regret that a medical man was not called in earlier.
Saturday 8 March 1890
A private in the Devonshire Regiment named WILLIAM WILLIAMS, a native of Newton Abbot, aged 21, was seen late on Tuesday night with a woman near the Redan Fort, Aldershot. He was very drunk. On Wednesday morning about seven a boy went to slide on a pool in the fort, and found the man lying dead in about a foot of water. £1 5s. was found on him by the police. At the Inquest the same evening, Dr Harwood said that death was probably due to shock. No foul play is suspected, and an open verdict was returned. Sergt. Madden said the deceased was usually a sober man.
Saturday 15 March 1890
EXETER - Painful Death Of A Newton Pauper At The Exeter Hospital. - An Inquest was held at the Devon and Exeter Hospital on Wednesday before the City Coroner (Mr H. W. Hooper) touching the death of THOMAS CLEAVE. The deceased, a single man, aged 38, had been an inmate of the Newton Abbot Workhouse since April 1885. He had been subject to fits from his birth, and on the night of Sunday, the 26th January, during a fit he fell out of bed and broke his arm. A doctor was sent for, and the injured limb set. During the day, while in another fit, he again broke his arm and it was again set. During the night, however, the arm was broke a third time, and in the morning, after the limb had been re-set, deceased was sent to the Hospital, a special arrangement having been come to with the authorities, and a sum of three guineas per week paid for the deceased's maintenance. Deceased was of weak intellect, and shortly after admission to the Hospital refused to take food. He died on Tuesday, and the medical evidence was to the effect that the injuries were the primary cause of death. The Jury returned a verdict of "Accidental Death," and added that they considered the Newton Guardians had done all that lay in their power for the deceased.
Saturday 19 April 1890
Burnt To Death Whilst Asleep. - A sailor named CHARLES BALKHAM was burnt to death whilst asleep, a few nights ago at sea. He was engaged with others conveying a hulk from Portsmouth to Dartmouth. On Sunday night deceased went to sleep in the forecastle with a lighted pipe in his pocket, which led to his clothes catching fire, and suffocating him. When subsequently seen by a comrade named Adams, the deceased was "one red glow of fire from the waist upwards." The deceased was then quite dead. At the Inquest held by Mr S. Hacker, the Jury returned a verdict of "Accidental Death."
Saturday 3 May 1890
BOVEY TRACEY - Sudden Death At Bovey Tracey. - An Inquiry was presided over by Mr Coroner Hacker at the Mission House, Bovey Tracey, on Tuesday, to ascertain the cause of the death of an infant named DAISY BREALEY, aged two years, and who expired suddenly on the previous day. The evidence showed that deceased had been very weak since birth, and that death was due to acute bronchitis. The Jury of whom Mr H. Baker was Foreman, returned a verdict of "Death from Natural Causes."
Saturday 10 May 1890
BRIXHAM - Concerning the sudden death of MR B. EDWARDS, outfitter, of Brixham, which occurred on Tuesday morning, an Inquest was held on Wednesday by Mr S. Hacker. It was stated deceased was a sufferer from heart disease, and a verdict of "Death from Natural Causes" was returned.
Saturday 17 May 1890
EXETER - On Tuesday, an Inquest was held at the Devon and Exeter Hospital, touching the death of ELIZABETH WOODWARD (76) of St. David's, Exeter. On April 14th, deceased, who is a spinster, fell down stairs and injured herself and was taken into the hospital, where she died on May 11th from exhaustion, resulting from a fractured thigh. A verdict of "Accidental Death" was returned.
TORBAY - Mr S. Hacker held an Inquest at the Torbay Hospital on Monday evening on the body of EDMUND THOS. BAKER, aged 9, son of EDMUND BAKER, groom, who died in the hospital on Saturday night, a few hours after admission from injuries sustained to his head through falling from a trestle eight feet high and the trestle falling on him, whilst at play on a waste piece of ground at Upton. A verdict of "Accidental Death" was returned.
Saturday 24 May 1890
TORQUAY - Mr S. Hacker, County Coroner, held two Inquests at Torquay, on Tuesday, on the bodies of FREDERICK BAKER, aged four months, the illegitimate son of ROSINA BAKER, a laundress, and a twelve-months old female illegitimate child of JANE BLACKBURN, a widow. Both died of convulsions and a verdict of "Death from Natural Causes" was returned in each case. In the second case the Coroner censured the mother and grandmother for not sending for a doctor.
NEWTON ABBOT - Sad Death At Newton. - Mr Sidney Hacker presided over an Inquiry at the Newton Workhouse on Monday evening into the circumstances attending the death of RICHARD LAWRENCE, aged 64, a coachbuilder, of Teignmouth, who died at the Workhouse on Saturday. Mr Chas. H. Clark was chosen Foreman of the Jury, the remainder of which was as follows:- Messrs. J. W. Pascoe, T. Haydon, J. Yeatley, T. Cawse, C. W. Edwards, J. Dolbear, C. H. Dobell, A. Jones, W. Tozer, R. Partridge, W. White, and J. Banbury. The first witness called was SUSAN LAWRENCE, wife of the deceased, who stated that her husband was a coachbuilder, but had not worked for the last 12 months. Witness saw him last on Wednesday, at about eleven o'clock, when he left home, saying he was going for a "bit of a walk," which was nothing unusual. Deceased had been "very bad" for the last twelvemonths, and was sometimes very violent. If it rained in streams and he wanted to go out, they must let him or he would be "very wicked." He would knock her about terribly for any little thing. Dr Pigott had attended him for a considerable time, and saw him last about a week before he left home when he gave him some medicine. He was not bad enough to be "put away"; the Dr. said so, when called in after he had knocked her about. Witness was told to look after him, but he was in the habit of going about alone. Witness was alarmed at his prolonged absence from home about dinner-time on Wednesday, and went out and made enquiries. After learning he had been seen near Kingsteignton, witness came to Newton, and found him at the Workhouse. He had no money or valuables with him. Three weeks or a month ago he came home with his face cut about, and his clothes in a muddy state, but he could not tell how it happened, and they thought he had had a fit. Witness was of opinion deceased was on his way to Totnes, on Wednesday, because he was always talking of going there to obtain work.
William Fletcher, labourer, of Daignton, deposed that he was going towards his home on Wednesday evening just before seven o'clock, when he found deceased on his hands and knees in the middle of the road. He lifted him to his feet, and found his forehead and face were covered with blood, which was still flowing from wounds. Asked how he came there, deceased replied that he had lost his hat, and witness could get no more out of him. He led him a little way along the road, and then proceeded home with his load of wood, returning as quickly as he could, taking a hat with him, as deceased was without one. When he got back to the spot he found P.C. Luccraft preparing to take the deceased away in a trap. There were no signs of a struggle in the road where he found him, which was not on the main road, but on the road leading towards Daignton.
P.C. Luccraft, stationed at Ipplepen, deposed that on Wednesday evening, about seven, he was on duty between Bulley Barton and Daignton, when he saw the deceased walking towards him. Suddenly he staggered, and after going some distance, fell into the hedge. Witness lifted him up and spoke to him, but he was unable to answer. His face was covered with congealed blood. Witness procured a horse and trap, and pillowing his head on a rug, drove him slowly to Newton Police Station, from whence, by the order of Sergeant Tucker, he was removed to the Sick Ward of the Workhouse. Deceased was searched, but there was nothing on him to lead to his identity. Witness found deceased's hat the previous night, near a large pond in the vicinity of Bickley Mills - three-quarters of a mile from where he met him on the Wednesday. It was stuck into the clay at the bottom of a four-foot ditch, and by appearances, deceased had evidently fallen into the ditch.
Dr Nesbitt, surgeon, practising for Dr Haydon stated he saw deceased at the Workhouse on Wednesday evening at about nine o'clock. He was in a very weak state, and was evidently suffering from some great disease of the brain. He was perfectly unconscious, and continued in that state up to the time of his death, which occurred on the Saturday following. When admitted to the Workhouse, there were marks above and below the right eye, from which blood was proceeding, and some other old bruises on the left forehead and on the right shoulder bone. The body was healthy, but the brain showed evidence of chronic inflammation, and he considered the cause of death was meningitis. Mr Pascoe asked if deceased was seen by Dr Haydon, and Dr Nesbitt replied that he saw him once. The Coroner then summed up the evidence and the Jury immediately returned a verdict of "Death from Natural Causes."
Saturday 31 May 1890
MORETONHAMPSTEAD - Killed By Lightning At Moretonhampstead. - On Tuesday evening an Inquiry into the circumstances attending the death of ALBERT MARTIN who was found dead on Coswick Farm, Moretonhampstead, on Monday morning, beside a furze rick was held at the farmhouse by Mr Sidney Hacker, Coroner. Robert Cleave deposed to finding deceased perfectly stiff and cold. He was in a half-sitting posture, with his back against the rick. His hat was four or five feet away. - Mark Martin, labourer of Bridford, said the deceased left his house about half past two on Sunday, but he was not aware where he was going. He, however, said he should not work on Monday, as he intended to be at Moreton. P.S. Robert Page, of Moretonhampstead, gave corroborative evidence, and remarked that he saw a mark in the face, which was slightly black. He found a watch in the pocket, which was still going; also half-a-sovereign in gold, and a few bronze coins, a Sankey's hymn-book, and handkerchief. He examined the hat and found a hole in the rim. Mr George Nelson Collyns, surgeon, of Moretonhampstead, said he examined the body of deceased that afternoon, and found the face much discoloured, particularly on the right side. On removing the clothes he found a large reddened patch on the right groin, and on the front of the ankle on the same side there was another patch with a slight wound from which a small quantity of blood had escaped. There was also a mark in the cheek under the eye, where struck. From these appearances he concluded that death resulted from shock caused by a stroke of lightning. The clothes were not burnt or singed at all. A verdict was returned that death was caused from the effects of a stroke of lightning, whilst deceased was taking shelter under a rick of furze.
BRIXHAM - An Inquest was held at the Globe Hotel, Brixham, on Wednesday evening, before Mr Sydney Hacker, Coroner for Devon, touching the death of JOHN ALBERT WADLING, a boy aged eleven, who met his death by falling over the cliff at Berry Head on Monday last, while in search of gulls' eggs. A verdict of "Accidental Death" was returned.
Saturday 7 June 1890
DARTMOUTH - Inquest At Dartmouth. - An Inquiry was held on Thursday at the Dartmouth Guildhall by Mr W. R. W. Prideaux (Borough Coroner), into the circumstances touching the death of WILLIAM FRANCIS THORNE, aged twenty-five years, a driller, employed at Simpson, Strickland and Company's engineering works. Deceased was engaged in putting a belt on to a grindstone in the boilershop on Wednesday last, and his feet slipping from the stand his clothing caught in the machinery and he was carried part way round. On the engine being stopped, deceased was found to be very much injured. He was at once taken to the Cottage Hospital, where Dr Millar attended him, but notwithstanding every care the unfortunate man expired at midnight on Wednesday. The Jury yesterday visited the scene of the accident, and on returning to the Guildhall a Juryman observed that in trying to show how the belt was put on, Albert May nearly caught his coat sleeve, and had to let go again. This showed the necessity of there being some method of getting on the belt without danger. MAY and HENRY THORNE, pattern maker, and brother of the deceased, gave evidence as to the working of the machinery. THOMAS THORNE, the deceased's father, said he put up the machinery in question, and had recommended to the firm that some means might be adopted of stopping the shafts to put on the belt, and if the recommendation had been carried out then he had no doubt that the accident would not have happened. The Jury brought in a verdict of "Accidental Death," adding a recommendation that the firm should alter the machinery so as to prevent a recurrence of such accidents. The Jury expressed surprise, moreover, that the Government Inspector of Machinery had not seen the necessity of altering it before. Mr James Torrie represented the firm at the Inquiry.
Saturday 21 June 1890
TEIGNMOUTH - Fatal Carriage Accident At Teignmouth. - A gloom was cast over Teignmouth on Saturday morning when it became known that a very sad accident had happened on the Den, in which an elderly lady named MRS ELIZABETH LEWARN, of Trafalgar House, Plymouth, but who had been staying at Teignmouth for the benefit of her health, had received injuries from which she expired about an hour after the occurrence. A lad also, who at the time was driving the lady in a donkey chair, named William Tapp, is lying at the Teignmouth Infirmary in a critical condition from the severe injuries he received at the time, resulting in concussion of the brain, the moans of the little fellow, who is about 14 years of age, being very distressing. It appears that on Saturday morning between 10 and 11, Dr F. C.H. Piggott, of Orchard Gardens, was on his visiting round, and in Brunswick-street he stepped into his carriage, when by some unaccountable reason the horse became unmanageable and started off at a furious pace towards the Den, turning the corner sharp at the end of the street to the left and passed the Royal Hotel. The coachman still held on to the reins, and tried everything he could to stop the horse's career, but without avail. On approaching the East Devon and Teignmouth Club, the carriage, which is a four-wheeler, separated in the middle, and Dr Pigott was fortunate in not having sustained any serious injury. The coachman was no longer able to keep his seat, and on falling off was dragged a short distance before he could clear his hands from the reins. He was also fortunate in escaping with a slight sprain to his leg and a scar on the face. A short distance in front of the runaway was a donkey carriage belonging to Mr James Heller, of Parson-street, Teignmouth. It was being driven by the boy Tapp, and was occupied by the unfortunate lady (MRS LEWARN). The horse, with the front half of the carriage, dashed into the donkey chair, completely smashing it, and rendered the lady and boy both insensible from severe injuries to the head. Drs. Johnson and Piggott at once attended to them, and had the lady conveyed to 6 Courtenay-place, where she was staying, and the lad to the Teignmouth Infirmary. The lady's injuries were so serious that she expired in about an hour after the occurrence. At first it was thought that the lad's injuries were not of a serious character, but upon examination at the Infirmary it was found that the head of the poor little fellow had been very badly injured. Undoubtedly the boy could have saved himself. He stood, however, by his charge with the intention, no doubt of endeavouring to clear the invalid lady from her perilous position, but, unfortunately, without success. Great sympathy is felt throughout the town for the friends of the deceased lady and the parents of the boy Tapp, who reside in Mulberry-street, and whose mother is only just recovering from illness. Dr Piggott, it seems, has been most unfortunate with his horses. Only about two years since a horse belonging to him ran away with the carriage and coachman, the latter being thrown off the box and somewhat severely injured, while the horse rushed into the River Teign, and was only saved from drowning by cutting away the whole of the harness. Since then he has changed horses. An Inquest was held on Monday, when the Jury returned a verdict of Accidental Death. The lad Tapp has recovered consciousness and is now progressing favourably.
Saturday 28 June 1890
TEIGNMOUTH - The Fatal Carriage Accident At Teignmouth. - The unfortunate lad WILLIAM TAPP, who met with such serious injuries in the carriage accident of last Saturday week, died in the Teignmouth Infirmary last Sunday night about ten o'clock, having lain since his admission into the Infirmary in an unconscious condition, excepting on one occasion when he was able to recognise his father. He relapsed into the same state of unconsciousness in a few minutes. The poor lad's father was with him a few minutes before he expired, as were also several others of the boy's friends, but he neither recognised nor noticed anyone. The mother of the boy, who has been seriously ill for some time, was conveyed in a carriage to see him on Saturday, and at the present time is in sore distress at the occurrence, and the sympathy of the townspeople generally are with her and her husband who are much respected. At the Infirmary great sympathy and kindness has been shown to the friends of the deceased, the doors of the institution being open to them to enter at any time to see the lad. At an Inquest held on Monday evening at the Infirmary by Mr S. Hacker, District Coroner, a verdict of "Accidental Death" was returned. The Jury expressed deep sympathy with the parents of the boy in their sad bereavement, and they gave their fees to the Infirmary.
NEWTON ABBOT - Sudden Death In A Hovel. Painful Disclosures. - Mr Sidney Hacker, County Coroner, held an Inquest at the Ship Inn, in this town on Monday morning on the body of JOHN WEATHERDON, a cobbler, who was found dead in the kitchen of his house, 30, Wolborough-street, on the morning of the previous day. Mr John Pascoe was Foreman of the Jury. As is customary, prior to any evidence being given, the Coroner and Jury visited the spot where the deceased was found. The house has a frontage in Wolborough-street, and adjoins the Volunteer Inn. No dwelling in Newton at least we should hope so, could have presented a more abject appearance. In the front room used as a work shop, were a stool, a bench, with a kettle suspended over the gas jet, and sundry tools scattered over the floor. The dirty and dilapidated state of the walls would almost suggest had not been inhabited for the past century. The light was bare, and such as there was, when the door was shut, had to struggle desperately through cobwebs and dirty panes of glass. In an inner room, called the kitchen, void of all furniture except a bed (taken there since deceased's death), table and a chair, dark and dismal in the extreme lay the lifeless body of the deceased. Access to the two rooms over was up antiquated narrow and steep stairs, the safety of which forcibly suggested to our minds that "In the midst of life we are in death." These latter rooms merely contained a box, bedtie, couple mattresses, and a broken piece of looking glass affixed against a wall. The floors and walls were in keeping with the front shop. It was in this wretched state of things the deceased had lived alone for the last thirty years. It is difficult to contemplate which was the most painful, the life of so many years spent in such a wretched state of things, or its sad and untimely termination. A few such exhibitions as this would do more to civilise and christianise a community than all the fine talk one hears s often from the pulpit. Here was not a theoretical but a practical lesson, shewing how often when man is left alone, degenerates. We need hardly say the Coroner and Jury retraced their steps to the fresh air of the open street with feelings of relief.
The first witness called was GEO. SHAPLEY, who said he worked in the tan yard, and resided with his mother in the Grove. The deceased, who was 80 years of age, was his father, he (witness) being illegitimate. The deceased had lived in the house about 30 years, a great portion of that time alone. Latterly, through failing health and old age, he worked but little and for the past week or so had not done anything. He was in the habit of visiting him two or three times a week. The deceased possessed all his faculties, but generally speaking was very reserved. The last time he saw him alive was about ten o'clock on Saturday evening. He was with the deceased two or three hours, and made out two or three accounts which deceased requested him to collect. In the event of his not being able to do so he gave him two sovereigns, one of which he was to change and give him 10s., and the rest he was to keep, in the event of his death occurring at any time, to pay the expenses of his funeral, as he did not wish to be buried by the parish. He intimated he would call on those who owed him money on Monday morning. He said he felt he was failing and thought his end was near. He also said he "supposed he should have to leave the house on Tuesday or he would be dragged out of it" - meaning at the instance of the landlord. He was not aware if deceased had any other money. The two sovereigns he gave him were in a leather purse, which he took out of his coat pocket. He (witness) had a brother, a soldier, who was in India, and a sister residing in Newton. His mother occasionally got the deceased his meals. He called at the deceased's house about ten o'clock on Sunday morning, but he was dead then. He noticed that his waistcoat and trousers were undone.
SUSAN SHAPLEY, mother of last witness, said she had known the deceased many years, having originally lived with him upwards of 20 years. She saw him with her son on Saturday night, when he asked her to come up on the following morning as he wished to tell her something. She assented and going up about ten o'clock Sunday morning with her grand child, she took him some tea and bread and butter. He having given her the key of the front door the night previously she entered by that way, went through the front room, and kitchen, and went upstairs but finding he was not in the bed, nor the bed any way disturbed she hastened down again, and whilst she was unfastening the side door, her grand child called out "Here's grandpa." She then noticed him laying on his back, in front of the fire place. She spoke to him but he made no reply. Then placing her hand on his forehead she found it cold, and that he was dead. She instantly sent for Dr Grimbly but he was not at home, and in the meantime Mr Snelling came in, and later on the police were communicated with.
Mr F. Snelling said the house in which the deceased died belonged to his brother who was abroad. He (witness) had not seen the deceased for the past eighteen months. The rent of the house was £10 a year but deceased had not paid anything for the last three years. He had threatened to eject him, but he did not like to do so as he had been a tenant for such a long time. He had promised to put the house in repair if the deceased would pay some rent, but could not get anything out of him. The house was in good repair outside, and it was the deceased's place to keep it clean inside.
Dr Ley said he saw the deceased about noon on Sunday. The body was cold and he appeared to have been dead some hours. He found him laying on his back and his waistcoat and trousers partly undone. One of his boots was off and the other partly so. Beside him was a chair. He saw no external injuries on the body whatever. He was therefore of opinion deceased was seized with an apoplectic fit whilst taking off his boots and fell on the floor. There was every appearance of apoplexy as the left side of the face was drawn, although an attack of this kind, was very unusual at so advanced an age. There were indications that led him to believe he was on the floor some hours, in an unconscious state, before he died. Dr Ley described the house as being in a frightfully dirty state and utterly unfit for human habitation.
Sergt. Tucker said from information received he visited the house about half-past twelve on Sunday. The deceased was lying on his back with his clothes partly undone. His trousers pockets were also partly turned out. He questioned the SHAPLEY'S respecting this but they said they knew nothing about it. Very little furniture was in the house. In fact the house and everything there, was in a wretched condition. He could not discover any money in the house. The two SHAPLEYS were recalled, but they most emphatically denied meddling with the deceased pockets in any way. The Jury returned a verdict of Death from "Natural Causes," and added a rider requesting the Coroner to call the attention of the sanitary inspector to the unsanitary state of the house in question, and of others in the immediate vicinity. The Coroner promised to forward the decision of the Jury to the officer named.
Saturday 26 July 1890
MORETONHAMPSTEAD - Inquest At Moretonhampstead. - An Inquiry into the cause of death of THOMAS WILLIAM WARWICK STEPHENS, aged eight years, was held on Monday at Mrs Endicott's Gregory's Arms, Doccombe, by Mr Sidney Hacker, County Coroner, and a Jury composed of the following:- Messrs. W. Saunders (Foreman), G. J. Wills, W. Cann, G. Cann, E. Ballamy, W. Gilbert, W. Woolland, G. Harvey, G. Marwood, A. Crump, A. Miles, W. Colridge, and F. Parker. - MRS ELIZA STEPHENS, mother of the deceased, said that the child was eight years of age, and for a fortnight before his death had been suffering from whooping cough, On Sunday evening, the 13th inst., between 8 and 9 o'clock, he was led to her door by Robert Boyce, who had hold of deceased's arm. Boyce asked witness whether she allowed her child to heave stones. Deceased looked very much frightened when brought home, but was not crying. He, however, began to cry soon afterwards. Boyce had threatened to throw him into the brook. Witness put deceased to bed, but did not punish him; she merely told him he was not to throw stones. On Monday morning, when she called him to get up for school, he was unwell, and could not get up. He took no food after 10 o'clock, and on Tuesday witness sent for Dr Engelbach, as the boy kept getting worse. He was convulsed on Wednesday, and continued so till he died. He said he had not been beaten, and witness did not consider that he had been illtreated in any way. He was simply run after and brought home. - Thirza Pearse, wife of James Pearse, said that she saw Robert Boyce between 8 and 9 o'clock on Sunday evening catch hold of deceased's arm and lead him down to his mother's door. She heard Boyce say he would throw deceased into the brook. Mr F. G. Engelbach said he was surgeon practising at Moretonhampstead. On Tuesday last he was sent for, to see the child of MRS STEPHENS. He got there about 7 or 8 in the evening. The child was obviously suffering from some brain disorder, and was very feverish. Witness could hardly make him understand anything. When witness saw him on Wednesday he was convulsed and twitching all over. He was the same on Thursday, but more collapsed, and before he saw him on Friday he received a message saying that he was dead. Witness saw that deceased was suffering from whooping-cough, and the disease from which he died - meningitis (inflammation of the membrane of the brain) was occasionally associated with whooping-cough, but the cases were very rare - not more than ½ per cent. On Friday he heard that deceased had been thrown into the brook, and that threw a different light on the matter, as excessive fright would cause meningitis; hence the present Inquiry. - Robert Walter Boyce, farm labourer, said that on Sunday he was sitting on a wall when deceased threw a stone which knocked him in the head and made it bleed. He ran after him, caught him by the arm, and led him to his mother, and asked if she allowed him to throw stones. He did not strike him, but threatened to throw him into the brook if he did it again. Deceased did not cry, but turned as white as a sheet. Witness heard his mother tell him to take off his boots and got to bed. The Jury returned a verdict that the cause of death was Meningitis, accelerated by fright, but exonerating Boyce from all blame.
Saturday 9 August 1890
DAWLISH - Drowning Fatality At Dawlish. - An Inquest was held by Mr S. Hacker at the Vestry Hall, Dawlish, Tuesday evening on the body of JOHN PINCHING MIDDLEWEEK, aged 11, who was drowned while bathing in the Cove on the morning of the previous day. - HANNAH MIDDLEWEEK, mother of deceased, said he left home at 1030 on Monday for the beach and to hear a conjuror. Deceased suffered from no complaint. She was not aware that the lad was going to bathe. When witness arrived on the beach she found that the doctors were doing all they could to bring her son around. - George Howard Lamacraft, a lad of nine years, who accompanied deceased, said he saw deceased go into the water, and as witness did not bathe he stayed by deceased's clothes. When witness came off the beach deceased was out in the sea up to his waist. - Richard Bishop Johns stated that he was lying on the beach about 11.45, when he saw a lad in the water not moving, and he ran down to see what was the matter. Witness called assistance, when deceased was brought in by a gentleman, and means were taken to restore animation. - Mr Robert Hughtred Edward George Holt said he was called about 12.30. Witness found deceased lying on his back, and he commenced to endeavour to restore animation, but without effect. Witness considered that in all probability deceased had an attack of syncope while in the water, which was the cause of death. The Jury returned the following verdict:- "The deceased came to his death through drowning, which was caused, probably, by his having an attack of syncope induced by his standing for some time in shallow water under a hot sun."
EXETER - MRS SUSAN NOTT, aged 77, wife of the late MR WILLIAM NOTT, butcher, of 67 South-st., Exeter, died suddenly on Monday evening. She had spent the afternoon at the residence of her son-in-law (Mr Francis Luget) at Pinhoe, and had been in her usual health. On returning home just after 8, however, she was attacked with spasms, and died. An Inquest was held yesterday by Mr Coroner Hooper, when Mr Perkins, surgeon, of South-street, said death was due to the rupture of some large vessel near the heart, and the Jury returned a verdict of "Death from Natural Causes."
Saturday 23 August 1890
TOTNES - An Inquest was held on Thursday evening at Totnes by the County Coroner, Mr S. Hacker, touching the death of SMERDON FRY, labourer, of Brixham, who was brought into the workhouse the previous evening. Medical evidence showed death resulted from heart disease and "Natural Causes" was the verdict returned.
Saturday 13 September 1890
BUCKFASTLEIGH - An Inquest on the body of the little girl, daughter of MR RICHARD HAMLYN, who was drowned on Friday, was held at the Sun Inn, Buckfastleigh, on Saturday, before Mr S. Hacker, Coroner. The mother of deceased gave evidence as to missing the child, and after searching for her for about half an hour found her in a lime pit at the back of the house. She got her out, and a neighbour, Mr H. Potter, went for Dr Ubsdell. When he arrived life was found to be extinct. The Jury returned a verdict of "Accidental Death."
NEWTON ABBOT - Sad Railway Accident At Newton. - A sad fatal accident happened on Thursday, at the Newton Railway Station, to a London porter named JEHU SIMPKINS, who was temporarily engaged as acting-guard on the mid-day up express, during the illness of the head guard. The train leaves Plymouth at 11.50, and arrives at Newton at 12.52. On its arrival on Thursday, it contained several parcels booked to Torquay, and SIMPKINS crossed the line to deposit them upon the down platform. The 12 o'clock train from Kingswear was then overdue, and at that moment was rounding the corner to enter the station. SIMPKINS evidently could not have seen it coming, for having deposited the parcels on the further platform, he was making his way back to his van - midway between the two platforms - when the engine struck him with considerable force, knocking him down between the metals. Several persons saw the danger in which he was situated and shouted to him, and the engine stoker also blew his whistle, but too late to avert the accident. Had SIMPKINS jumped upon the platform upon which he placed the parcels, he would have escaped, but he apparently did not at that time realise his danger. The train was brought to a standstill as quickly as possible, when the unfortunate guard was lying beneath the hind most carriage. When picked up, he was in an unconscious condition, and Mr Phillips who was in charge at the time, gave instructions to get out the ambulance car, and had him removed to the waiting-room, where he was seen by Dr Goodwyn, of Highweek, and Dr Nelson-Kiddle, of Denbury, who chanced to be on the platform. By their advice he was immediately conveyed to the Cottage Hospital, Mr Phillips sending a messenger in advance both to the Hospital and to Drs. Haydon and Grimbly. Everything that possibly could be was done, but he died between just before four o'clock the same afternoon. The painful affair was witnessed by a large number of passengers, but nothing could be done to avert it, nor was any blame whatever attaching to anyone, but the unfortunate man himself. The deceased leaves a wife and five children. The body was taken to London last night for interment.
The Inquest. - The Inquest on the body was held at the Hospital last evening before the County Coroner, Mr Sidney Hacker, and a Jury of whom Mr J. W. Pascoe was the Foreman. The other members were Messrs. William Edwards, Arthur Henry Burge, Thomas Underhay, George Ford, David Leemon, James Middleton, Thomas Brown, William Alway, William Ashby, Robert Dawe, Ebenezer Steer, and William Bearne. The first witness was HENRY SIMPKINS, 49, Second Avenue, Queen's Park, London, who stated that he was the son of the deceased, who lived at the above address. He was 43 years of age and was a porter in the employ of the G.W.R. Witness last saw him on Tuesday morning, when he left for this part on duty as acting guard.
George Harvey, foreman porter, of Prospect-terrace, said he saw SIMPKINS in the act of depositing some parcels on the down platform, about mid-day on Thursday, when the branch train from Torquay rushed in and knocked him down. The engine struck him on the cheek, and he fell between the metals, the train passing over him. It was not part of his duty to take the parcels across. James Chievers, of St. Paul's-road, engine driver on the Jubilee express train, said he ran into Newton station at 12.51. As they neared the platform his mate blew the whistle, and he asked, "What's up, mate." Before he could answer he saw a man's head in front of the engine, and the brakes were applied, but the poor fellow was knocked down. Charles Woodthorpe, of 10, Fairfield-terrace, stoker on the Jubilee express, said the line was clear as they turned the switch-box to enter the station, but when they were within a few yards of the platform, he observed a man crossing the line, and he jumped to the whistle. SIMPKINS did not appear to see the approaching train, as he was not looking in that direction. Adam Nisbett, surgeon, practising in Newton, said he saw the deceased in the hospital at a quarter to 2 on Thursday, when he was in charge of Dr Kiddle. He was informed that he was at first unconscious, but when witness saw him he was conscious and could speak. There was a lacerated wound at the back of the head, which he considered was the cause of death, another on the top of the head, a severe cut on the left cheek, and considerable swelling and bruising at the left elbow and left hip. Witness attended to his wounds, remaining with him about half an hour. He left him in charge of the nurse, but shortly after three o'clock he was again sent for, deceased having become suddenly worse, showing indications of concussion. He died at about ten minutes to four, and was conscious almost up to the last, complaining most of the bruise on the hip. Joseph Hockaday, travelling inspector, said it was not part of deceased's duties to carry parcels from one platform to another and it was against the regulations of the Company for anyone to cross the line other than by the level crossing at the ends of the platforms. Deceased was an old servant of the company, and had several times before carried out the duties he was engaged in on Thursday. Without hesitation the Jury returned a verdict of "Accidental Death."
PAIGNTON - Shocking Accident At Paignton. - Two men named RICHARD EMMETT and WILLIAM PARNELL, labourers in the employ of the Paignton Local Board, met with their death on Tuesday as the result of a shocking accident. About eight o'clock in the morning they were preparing to set out with a horse and cart to pick up some refuse, when the horse suddenly bolted. At the moment a horse and cart laden with stone and driven by a man named Austin passed by, and before the two unfortunate men could get clear, they were fearfully crushed between the two carts. EMMETT was instantly killed, and PARNELL died two hours afterwards. Both men were married with families, PARNELL leaving eight children. On the afternoon of the day of the occurrence the Paignton Local Board held a special meeting and passed a resolution expressing sympathy with the bereaved widows and families, and as the Board had no funds they could apply for their relief, they recommended the cases as deserving of public charity. The Board resolved itself into a committee for the purpose of making a collection throughout the town, granted leave of absence to their employees to attend the funeral, granted two grave spaces and remitted all the cemetery fees. £25 was collected and promised at the meeting. In the evening an Inquest was held by Mr Sidney Hacker, County Coroner, a verdict of Accidental Death being returned. The Jury gave their fees to the fund being raised.
Saturday 6 December 1890
BUCKFASTLEIGH - Whilst SAMUEL SETTERS, a labourer, of Buckfastleigh, in the employ of Messrs. Hamlin Bros., of Buckfastleigh, was driving a horse and cart with another horse behind, the latter pulled in an opposite way, upsetting the cart and breaking several of SETTER'S ribs, from which the poor fellow died. An Inquest was held and a verdict of "Accidental Death" was returned.
Saturday 13 December 1890
TOTNES - Death By Drowning At Totnes. - The body of a lad named WOODLEY, aged about 16, was discovered in the Mill Leat at Totnes on Monday morning. The deceased belonged to Ugborough, and was in the employ of Lady Smith, of Dartington. On Sunday evening he went to the residence of Major General Stavely to attend a horse kept there by Lady Smith, and on returning by the path adjoining the mill leat he must have tumbled in. An Inquest was held on Tuesday, when a verdict of "Accidentally Drowned" was returned.
Saturday 20 December 1890
CHUDLEIGH - Inquest at Chudleigh. - An Inquest was held on Monday by Mr Sidney Hacker, at the Ship Hotel, Chudleigh, on the body of the infant son of WILLIAM FORD, an engine driver of Mill-lane. The evidence showed that the child was found dead in bed by its father early on Friday morning. The Jury returned a verdict of "Death from suffocation, caused by Accidental Overlaying."
Saturday 24 January 1891
TORQUAY - Children's Food At Torquay. - An Inquest was held by Mr Sidney Hacker, County Coroner, at Torquay, on Monday, relative to the death of the three days old child of JOHN RICE, labourer, of Temperance-street. The evidence of Dr Cove showed that the child died from convulsions, but it had been given soaked biscuit, and the doctor said that children of such tender age ought not to be given such food. A verdict of "Death from Natural Causes" was returned.
Saturday 31 January 1891
TOTNES - At Totnes on Sunday night, MINNIE FARLEY, daughter of a rural postman, aged 15, was sitting over the fire when her clothes caught fire, and she was burned to death. "Accidental Death" was the verdict at the Inquest held by Mr Hacker on Tuesday, and the Jury expressed their sympathy with the family.
INSTOW - HERBERT WILLIAM DALEY, a young farmer of Barnstaple, shot himself on Raddy Bridge, Instow, on Tuesday evening. On leaving the house at noon on that day he wished a domestic servant named Bessie Bowden, good-bye, saying he should not see her again. In the pocket of the deceased was found a card on which was written "May God have mercy on me." The verdict returned at the Inquest was "Suicide whilst Temporarily Insane."
Saturday 7 February 1891
CHUDLEIGH - An Inquest was held at Chudleigh on Saturday, concerning the death of SARAH ELLEN CAUSLEY, aged 3 years, daughter of JOSEPH CAUSLEY, a farm labourer. The child attended school on Wednesday in apparent good health. In the evening it complained of feeling unwell and was put to bed. During the night she suffered from violent diarrhoea, and the mother gave it a Stedman's soothing powder. The child continued unwell during Thursday, and in the evening died suddenly. A post mortem examination by Dr Hounsell revealed a stoppage in the bowels, occasioned most probably by the violent purging. The Jury returned a verdict of "Natural Death."
BOVEY TRACEY - At Bovey Tracey on Wednesday an Inquest was held by Mr Sidney Hacker, County Coroner, on the body of MR SAMUEL WRAYFORD, a farmer, of Elsford Farm. On Saturday last the deceased started from his house about 11 a.m. to see a brother living some miles away. He was riding a young horse, and had gone little more than a mile when he must have been thrown from his horse and killed by the fall. Death must have been instantaneous, as the neck was broken. The body was not seen until about 3 o'clock, when it was found by the Vicar of Hennock. The delay in the discovery of the sad accident is accounted for by the fact that it occurred about a hundred yards beyond a gate across the road separating two parishes, and consequently the horse could not return home. The Jury returned a verdict of "Accidental Death". MR WRAYFORD was much respected in the neighbourhood, and great sympathy is felt for his relatives.
Saturday 21 February 1891
CHUDLEIGH - Inquest At Chudleigh. - Mr Sidney Hacker, District Coroner, held an Inquiry at the King's Arms on Monday afternoon, touching the death of the infant child of a potter named ROWLEY. It appeared from the evidence that both parents were employed at the Pottery Works, Bovey Tracey, and the deceased, who was only six weeks old, was left in charge of a woman. This person was in the habit of feeding the infant with soaked bread, and on Saturday morning it was found dead. The Jury returned a verdict of "Death from Convulsions, accelerated by indigestible food." The Coroner severely censured both parents and remarked that the case ought to prove a warning to parents who fed their infants on unsuitable food.
Saturday 28 February 1891
BUCKFASTLEIGH - GEORGE COURTENAY, aged 33, employed in the factory of Messrs. Berry, at Buckfastleigh, was drowned in Totnes Weir, on January 23rd. The body was discovered on Thursday, caught in the branch of a tree, the boots only appearing above the water. "Accidental Death" was the verdict returned at the Inquest.
TORQUAY - At Torquay on Wednesday Mr Sidney Hacker held an Inquiry relative to the death of GEO. FRANCIS MUDGE, the ten weeks old son of RUSSELL MUDGE, coachman of Park-hill-road. Medical evidence showed the child died from convulsions, brought on by being fed on bread and biscuits. The Coroner condemned the practice of giving such food to a child of tender age. One of the Jurymen named Krawm was late in arriving and a substitute had to be found for him. On making his appearance some time after the Enquiry had commenced, he was called upon to apologise for the inconvenience caused to his fellow Jury-men.
HACKNEY - Inquest At Hackney. - Dr Fraser, Deputy Coroner, held an Inquest at Hackney yesterday, respecting the death of ELIZABETH PARTRIDGE, aged 70 years, a shell-fish dealer and who is well known in Newton Abbot and district. WILLIAM PARTRIDGE husband of the deceased, testified as to having rowed her in his boat, according to his usual practice, as far as the Newton Marsh on Wednesday morning last. She was then in good health and he had never known her otherwise. This was about 8 a.m., and between 10 and 11 a.m., he was acquainted that her body was lying in the basin of the canal. There was a notice near the lock warning trespassers against crossing, but in spite of this it was the custom of the inhabitants to disregard the notice and to use the lock as a quicker means of getting to Newton. Jane Dobbs who was passing the lock about half-past ten, stated that her attention was drawn to the spot where deceased was owing to her seeing her baskets near the lock. She at once acquainted Mr Gillard who was at work on a house a few hundred yards away and after some little time the body was got out. In reply to a Juror witness said no means were resorted to restore life. The deceased was apparently dead. Jane Gay Medland stated that she met deceased on Wednesday morning last who was then returning home from Newton. She asked if she had a heavy load and she replied "not particularly." She (witness) volunteered to return to Hackney with deceased who, however, declined her companionship. In reply to a question put by the Coroner, witness said deceased was not "drunk" but thought "she had had a glass." In reply to a Juror, however, she said she did not think she was sober at the time. Witness added "I must tell the truth," the Coroner replied "Of course you must, you are on your oath and if you did not it would be perjury." Mr John Gillard, builder, Kingsteignton, said he was working near the scene of the fatality, when Jane Dobbs a previous witness rushed up to him, exclaiming "For God's sake Mr Gillard come down to the lock. MRS PARTRIDGE is in the basin." He went down with his men and found deceased some yards below the lock, about four feet from the edge of the canal, lying in the water with her face downwards. The water was two feet lower than the level of the bank and he was unable to drag deceased out until a man arrived with a boathook and she was dragged ashore. Life was then extinct. Dr H. A. Davies said he had examined the body of the deceased and found no marks of external violence upon her. From his own opinion from what he had been informed, he should say that deceased died from drowning. The Coroner in summing up said there was no evidence to point that any violence had been met with by deceased and no blame could be attached to anyone in the matter of the passage across the lock as it was not a public way. People were warned that they were trespassing if they walked this way, and at his suggestion the Jury returned a verdict of "Accidentally Drowned."
Saturday 21 March 1891
TEIGNMOUTH - Fatal Accident At Teignmouth. - Dr Fraser, Deputy Coroner, held an Inquest at the London Hotel, Teignmouth, on Tuesday, on the body of JOHN BUTLER-SMITH. WM. BUTLER-SMITH, of Newton Abbot, said deceased was a gardener, and was nearly fifty years old. Witness saw the deceased in bed, and on being questioned he said he slipped over the steps leading to his residence in Model Cottages. John Damerell said he saw the deceased home on Saturday night. He appeared to be unwell, and staggered considerably. He stayed with him the greater part of the night, and then left him. John Passmore said he found the deceased in the roadway in Diamonds-lane. He was bleeding from the head. Dr Warren Thomas said that when called in he found deceased in a state of collapse and suffering from a wound in the head, and a broken thigh. He was of opinion that deceased died from a shock to the system. A verdict in accordance with this was returned.
Saturday 4 April 1891
NEWTON ABBOT - Sad Railway Accident At Newton. - Two young people of Plymouth, who were amongst the excursionists to the Torquay Races on Monday, met with their death under distressing circumstances at the Newton Railway Station on the evening of that day. One was ALBERT BULLEN, 21, an able seaman on board H.M.S. Defiance, Plymouth and the other a young woman named MARGARET ASH, aged 20, of 24 Rendell-street, Plymouth. BULLEN'S home is at Street, near Dartmouth, where his father, EDWARD BULLEN, a labourer, resides. MARGARET ASH did not reside with her parents, who are living in the suburbs of Plymouth. The two left Torquay by the 6.30 train, accompanied by a mess-mate of BULLEN named Drew, the female being in the company of the latter. On their arrival at Newton, the Torquay and Plymouth platform was densely packed with passengers, several train-loads having been deposited thereon to wait for the excursion train to Plymouth. The Zulu train ran into the station at 7.50, and a portion of this train was despatched to Plymouth, whilst four empty coaches, were backed to some stationary carriages to make up the 7.58 train to Kingswear. The passengers were evidently under the impression that this was the Plymouth excursion train, and a general rush was made for the empty carriages, and many affected an entrance before the train had stopped, and despite the exertions of the railway officials, who included the stationmaster, Mr Maggs, and nearly a dozen others. The unfortunate Plymothians must have either rushed forward of their own accord or have been carried by the crowd, and in some way or another, which is not very clearly explained, they fell off the platform and were crushed beneath the moving portion of the train. Drew says that he saw the female falling, and it was stated at the time of the occurrence that she was holding on to BULLEN and they fell together. The accident was not immediately known amongst the crowd, as the people were so closely packed that the occurrence could not be seen by any but those standing close to where it happened, but when somebody shouted "There's two under," the greatest consternation prevailed. Owing to the footboards of the train the bodies could not be seen from the platform side, and Porter Surridge searched with a lantern from the opposite side, and found them lying fearfully mangled under the last coach but one. Inspector Murrin and Sergeant Tucker, who were on the spot, superintended the getting out of the bodies, which were placed upon the station ambulance and taken to the Porter's-room. BULLEN must have been instantaneously killed, but the female was living and conscious, though terribly injured. Dr Danvers was quickly in attendance, and ordered the woman to be taken to the Cottage Hospital, where an examination was made by Dr Haydon and Nisbett, but nothing could be done for the sufferer, who died within half-an-hour of admission. No blame whatever is attaching to the railway officials, who seem to have used their best endeavours to keep the people back. Mr Maggs himself was also on this platform, and made every effort to prevent the rush. But the rider of the Jury with respect to the construction and lighting of this part of the station is another matter, and one that should receive the careful consideration of the railway company.
The Inquest. - Mr Sidney Hacker, County Coroner, conducted an Enquiry into the cause of death of the deceased persons at the Town Hall on Tuesday evening. The Jury was composed as follows:- Messrs. J. W. Pascoe (foreman), C. Pope, F. B. Law, C. Dobell, W. H. Lander, R. Coleridge, P. Thomas, H. Parker, C. Stevens, H. Hartland, C. H. Luly, H. Thomas, and W. S. Davy. Mr C. E. Compton, divisional superintendent of the G.W.R. watched the proceedings on behalf of the Company, and Mr Maggs, the station-master at Newton, was also present. The bodies, which had been placed in the mortuary having been viewed,
ELIZABETH BULLEN, of 1 Park Crescent, Torquay, said she identified the male body as that of her brother. He came to Torquay the day previous, and left by the 6.30 train for Newton. He was in the company of one of his messmates and MARGARET ASH, and was perfectly sober when he left Torquay.
Frederick Drew, able-seaman, of H.M.S. Defiance, whose home is at 129 Union-street, Stonehouse, said he knew both the deceased persons, MARGARET ASH being 20 years of age. She did not reside with her parents. On Monday afternoon witness met her on the race-course at Torquay, and together with BULLEN, they came up to Newton by the half-past seven train. Both BULLEN and ASH were sober. The Newton platform was crowded, and when the empty carriages were backed, a rush was made to get in, and he saw ASH fall over the platform under the train. He informed the guard of the occurrence. The witness was closely questioned, both by the Coroner and the Foreman of the Jury, as to the exact circumstances of the accident,, but was unable to give any further information, and the Coroner said he was afraid he remembered very little about it.
John Murrin, platform inspector, stated that a portion of the Zulu train was being backed to make up the 7.58 train to Kingswear, when the passengers made a rush, and many entered the coaches before they had been brought to a standstill. They were turned out again. Then the last witness said "There's someone under the train." Witness said, "How do you know?" and he replied "I saw her fall." Witness could see nothing from the platform side of the train, and gave his lantern to a porter to look the other side. In a short time he discovered two bodies beneath the train and witness immediately gave instructions to the guard and engine driver not to move the train. The bodies were immediately taken out and conveyed on an ambulance to the Porters' Room. - By the Coroner: There were ten or a dozen porters on duty on the platform at the time, and every effort was made to keep the people back.
Joseph Surridge, a parcels porter, gave corroborative evidence. He said that when the train was backing he shouted to the people to stand back till it stopped, but they took no notice. On being informed that someone had fallen under the train, he took a lantern and found the two bodies beneath the third coach, and helped to get them out. Sergeant Tucker said he was on the platform at the time of the occurrence and saw the people make a rush to get into the coaches. The station-master, two inspectors, and several porters were moving up and down doing their best to keep the crowd back. He heard somebody shout "There's someone under the train," and he immediately assisted the porters in getting them out. The man was quite dead, but the woman was struggling. He at once sent for a medical man, and in a short time Dr Danvers arrived, and examined the bodies. The woman was then still living, and kept repeating "Lord have mercy on my soul." Witness had noticed the deceased persons on the platform before the accident, and both of them were the worse for liquor. The accident occurred opposite the narrowest part of the platform, near the foot of the stairs. In his opinion the man and woman must have fallen between the moving and the stationary portions of the train, and not between the third and last coaches of the moving portion, and four wheels must have passed over them.
Mr Parker: Was the station well lighted at the time?
Witness: As well as it generally is. This is the darkest part of the station.
Mr Parker: I have often thought a better light ought to be provided at the foot of the stairs.
Mr Pascoe: In your opinion was there a sufficient number of officials on duty.
Witness could not say, but those on the platform did their best.
Inspector Murrin, recalled, said in answer to the Coroner, that the people n the platform at the time had been discharged from several trains from Torquay. There were, however, three excursion trains direct from Torquay to Plymouth, and the passengers were not required to change. Dr Danvers said he was called to the station on Monday evening and examined the bodies. The man must have been instantaneously killed, as the heart was crushed, but the woman was still living, and after taking steps to stop the haemorrhage he gave instructions to have her taken to the hospital. There a further examination was made by Drs. Haydon and Nisbett, but the injuries were of so terrible a nature that nothing could be done for the sufferer, who died within half-an-hour of admission. After describing the nature of the injuries, which were of a horrible description, Dr Danvers said in his opinion the position of the waiting-room in the centre of the platform and at the foot of the stairs was dangerous to the passengers, as there was no room for the people to spread out when there was a congestion of traffic, the platform each side the waiting-room being only from seven to nine feet in width. It was with the greatest difficulty he could make his way through the crowd at this part, but beyond the waiting-room the platform was perfectly clear. He thought the waiting-room should be shifted to the north end of the platform. The Coroner then summed up, remarking that though no one actually saw both the deceased persons fall from the platform, there was no doubt that the occurrence was accidental. The Jury retired to consider their verdict, and after an absence of a few minutes, the Foreman said that in their opinion death was accidental in both cases, and no blame was attaching to the company's servants, but they begged to call the attention of the company to the remarks of Dr Danvers, as they thought it would be advisable to remove the waiting room from its present position in the centre of the platform in order to give more accommodation to passenger traffic. They also considered more light was necessary at the foot of the stairs. Mr Compton said he had now been in charge of this section of the G.W.R. for 25 years, and this was the first occurrence of this kind they had had. He had had no previous complaints of the accommodation on this platform, but would place the presentations of the Jury before the general manager of the company. The Court then closed. MARGARET ASH, one of the unfortunate Plymothians who were killed at the Newton Railway Station on Monday evening, was interred in the Wolborough Churchyard on Wednesday afternoon and crowds of sympathetic people watched the funeral cortege proceed through the streets. It is interesting to note that the antecedents of the deceased woman were residents in Newton, for both her grandparents lie buried in the Wolborough Churchyard. The body of the male victim, BULLEN, was removed by train for interment at Street, near Dartmouth, on Thursday evening.
Saturday 18 April 1891
TORQUAY - SUSANNAH MARY JANE PERROW, 47, a single woman of Ellacombe, Torquay, met with a terrible death by falling over Daddy Hole Cliffs, a distance of 250 feet, on Sunday morning last. With the help of her sister, CHARLOTTE, the deceased woman was acting as caretaker at Carclew, Hesketh Road, and early on the morning referred to she left the house to take a walk along the cliffs, having spoken of her intention to do so to her sister the previous night. Two fishermen named Pym, rowing out to look at their crab pots a short time afterwards, observed the body of the woman, who had evidently fallen over the cliff. The poor woman was still living, but had sustained a fearful scalp wound, from which a portion of the brain was protruding. She was immediately taken to the Hospital, but expired the same evening, and at the Inquest held on Monday evening before Mr Coroner Hacker, a verdict of "Suicide whilst of Unsound Mind" was returned, evidence having been given that the deceased shewed symptoms of insanity some twenty years ago.
Saturday 2 May 1891
NEWTON ABBOT - The Sudden Death At Newton. - On Monday Mr Coroner Hacker held an Enquiry at the Town Hall upon the body of GEORGE CANDISH, a retired carpenter, of Newton, who was found dead in a chair at his residence, in Victoria-terrace, on Saturday morning. Mr John Chudleigh was chosen Foreman of the Jury, and the body having been viewed, JOHN CANDISH, a nephew of the deceased, who is a carpenter in the employ of Lord Clifford, at Chudleigh, gave evidence of identification, and said he last saw the deceased about six months ago, when he was in very good health. He was never very strong, and had not worked for years, living comfortably on his property. He owned houses at Newton and Shaldon. He was a very eccentric man, and never wished people to know anything of his affairs. Witness had been over the house, but had not examined any of the papers, but should do so after the funeral. By the Coroner: Deceased was subject to frequent attacks of bronchitis, and was sometimes laid up, but he was never medically attended, as he said he did not believe in doctors. He made his own medicine. He did not sleep in a bedroom. Witness had several times invited him to come and live with him at Chudleigh, but he declined to do so. Sarah Perkins, a neighbour, stated that deceased came into her house on Friday morning, and he then remarked that he did not feel well. Between seven and eight o'clock on Friday evening he came and asked her boy to fetch him a drop of cider, but the boy was not at home, and deceased went back to his house, and she did not see him alive afterwards. Deceased had nobody to look after him, and had no friends to visit him. He was comfortably off, and never appeared to want for anything. Sometimes he locked himself in his house for days, and was eccentric in other ways. George Tucker, chimney sweep, living in Wolborough-street, said, having received an order to clean the chimney of the house occupied by the deceased, he called shortly after ten o'clock, but the outside door was locked, and he went away for half an hour. When he returned the door was still locked, and he went through the house of a neighbour. Receiving no answer when he knocked at deceased's door, he opened it, and going in, found the old man dead in his chair. He had a cap on his head, and was resting his hands on a walking stick. Witness said, "Come, wake up; be'ee asleep?" but on closer examination found he was dead, his face and hands being quite cold. Witness then thought to himself "It's time for me to split it from here". (Laughter). Deceased looked very calm. The man slipped away; he never died. (Laughter). Mr Tucker proved a very interesting witness, illustrating his evidence throughout by a series of elaborate dumb motions. Sergt. Tucker said he received information from the last witness, and found deceased as described: Deceased was wearing an overcoat and his body was not quite cold. He was wearing a watch, and had a snuff box, containing 2s., and an old knife in his pockets. Deceased had told him several times that he suffered from bronchitis, and was sometimes confined to his house for several days together. He had a horror of the medical profession, and said he could always doctor himself with water and whisky. (Laughter). Dr Davies stated he saw the deceased on Saturday afternoon and there were no signs of violence upon his body. In his opinion, death was due from failure of the heart's action, accelerated by bronchitis. Deceased probably died on Friday evening. A verdict of "Death from Natural Causes" was returned. Deceased was 70 years of age and his remains were subsequently interred at Bickington churchyard.
Saturday 20 June 1891
DARTMOUTH - MRS HADFIELD, wife of MR HENRY MAY HADFIELD, chemist, of Parade House, Dartmouth, on Saturday committed suicide by taking a quantity of chloroform. No motive is assigned for the rash act. An Inquest was held on Monday before Mr Hocken, and a verdict of Temporary Insanity was returned.
TORQUAY - At Heath Court, Barton-road, Torquay, on Saturday, Mr Sidney Hacker, Coroner, held an Inquiry into the circumstances attending the death of LADY CAROLINE HUNTLEY, aged 80, who died on the 11th June, apparently from the result of an accident which occurred some weeks previously. The Jury returned a verdict of "Death from Natural Causes."
Saturday 27 June 1891
KINGSTEIGNTON - Inquest. - On Monday Mr Sidney Hacker, County Coroner, held an Inquest at Hackney, Kingsteignton, on the body of the infant child of JOHN DERKE. The child was born on Saturday night, and only lived a short time, dying before the arrival of a doctor. The Jury of whom Mr R. Widdicombe was Foreman, returned a verdict of "Death from Natural Causes."
Saturday 18 July 1891
NEWTON ABBOT - Fatal Accident At Newton. - On Monday evening Mr Sidney Hacker, County Coroner, held an Enquiry into the circumstances attending the death of GEORGE HENRY PROWSE, aged 3 years and eight months, son of MR JOHN PROWSE, pawnbroker, of Queen-street, Newton, and who died on Sunday, from injuries received through falling into the River Lemon, on the previous Wednesday. - Mr Pascoe was chosen Foreman of the Jury.
JOHN PROWSE deposed that he was a pawnbroker living at 41 Queen Street, and that deceased, who was three years and eight months old, was his son. He saw him on Wednesday morning just before 9 o'clock. He was then in good health, and went to school. Witness went out during the morning, and did not return home again until after 12 o'clock. The child was then in the inside room in an unconscious condition. He, however, became conscious before his death, and said that he thought Johnny Green pushed him into the river. He afterwards repeated the names of several other boys who he said pushed him in. Witness was present when his son died, and he had every care and attendance before his death, which occurred on Sunday morning.
The Foreman: Have you ever known children to fall into the river before? - Witness: Yes. I went in after one myself. - The Coroner said that children had been drowned there, and in consequence of a rider of a Jury a fence was put up some time ago, as a protection from falling in. - Witness said the wall was level with the road, and if a child was knocked down there was no prevention from his falling in. If the wall was built higher it would prevent them from falling in. Emily Berges deposed that she lived at MRS PROWSE'S, and was a general servant. Deceased came home from school on the day in question, about half-past 12 o'clock, with his little brother, MAUNDER PROWSE, who was six years old. They had their hats and went out together through the back door, which led into Lemon Road. Deceased said he was going to play horses, but did not say where. It was understood that they were going into the road. A short time after they went out, a boy came and informed them that deceased had fallen into the river, and a few minutes later deceased was brought home by a woman. Dr Davis was immediately sent for, and they attended to him. He became conscious and told his mother that the little boy Green knocked him into the river. When they came home from school the children were usually kept in the passage, but on this occasion he particularly wished to go out with his brother.
Charles Green, aged 7 years, said he was playing with the deceased on the previous Wednesday and had played with him on many other occasions. On Wednesday they were playing by the river Lemon, deceased and his brother being inside the railings. A little boy named Hookway struck him (witness), once, and was going to do so a second time, but instead of hitting him, knocked PROWSE instead, and he fell into the river. There was some water in the river at the time. Some boy jumped in and took deceased out. Witness never struck PROWSE.
James Hookway said he was seven years of age. They were playing with deceased. he did not push him in, it was Charlie Green. Charlie Green never struck witness, and he (witness) did nothing to Green. It was Green who pushed deceased in, but he did not know what it was for. George Hawkins was fighting with Green. - Francis Ellen Gilpin, aged 15 years, stated that she lived at Lower St., Paul's Road. She was going up the Lemon Road in company with her brother, on the day in question and she saw a little boy fall into the river. She did not know what caused him to fall in, and she could not say that he was struck by anyone. The boys were standing together, and from all appearances they were not fighting. Her brother went in to the river and handed the boy up to her. There was only a little water in the river. She carried deceased as far as the bridge, and he was then taken to his home. Joseph Hawkins said that Green and Hookway were fighting, but deceased was not. PROWSE and his brother were inside the railing. The reason for the fight was that they did not want Green to go with them. James Hookway fell over the railings and struck PROWSE accidentally in the back, and deceased fell into the river. - Dr Davis stated that he was in practice at Newton. He was called to see deceased on the previous Wednesday, about the middle of the day, and found that he was suffering from a severe injury to his head. The skull was fractured, and he died on Sunday morning from concussion of the brain. That was the fourth case of accident which he had attended to through persons falling into the Lemon, and three of them proved fatal. The Coroner, in summing up, said it was their duty, when a person died from injuries received, to ascertain by formal evidence, where there was anyone responsible for the injury, either by action or omission. They had heard accounts from three little boys, and it would be for them to say whether they thought either of their evidence pointed t any of the children being responsible for what occurred. In the eye of the law, no child seven years of age, was considered capable to commit any offence, but if they were above that age, they were capable of committing an offence, if the Jury thought that the child was in such a condition - that was mentally and physically - as to be capable of intending malice, otherwise the law presumed that a child was not capable of offence until he was 14. The account of the boy Hawkins was rather different from that of the other boys and it was for them to say whether his was not the most correct account of the three, as the other boys were frightened, and one put the blame on the other, but he thought that they would come to the conclusion that there was a general scramble, that no one was responsible for deceased's falling into the river, and that he met his death through an accident. He did not think they could come to any other conclusion. In reference to the fence, he said it was open for the Jury to add a rider to the verdict if they thought it would be for the benefit of the general public in the locality in which they resided. It was right for him to point out, that they could not expect that a public road was to be kept in such a condition as to be a nursery for children. He thought something should be done to the river to protect people from falling in. If parents turned their children into the public roads to play, they must bear certain risks. The only safe plan for parents to do was not to allow their children to play in public roads, unless they were sent out and placed in charge of an elder person. The Foreman pointed out that the authorities had decided to pave another portion of the Lemon, and he thought it was desirable that they should request that the wall of the Lemon be raised about 18 inches higher. Unless the wall was raised, he did not think the railings were of much use, as children could roll under them right into the river. A verdict of "Accidental Death" was recorded, and a rider was added, calling upon the joint authorities of Wolborough and Highweek to construct a wall on the Highweek side of the river Lemon, and raise it at least 18 inches above the level of the road in order to prevent accidents. The Coroner promised to send a copy of the rider to the local authorities.
Saturday 1 August 1891
TEIGNMOUTH - Inquest At Teignmouth. - On Monday, Mr Sidney Hacker, Coroner, held an Inquiry into the circumstances attending the death of RICHARD ROLLES, mate of the schooner Kate, who met with an accident on Wednesday, and who expired at the Teignmouth Infirmary on Saturday. At the Inquest the master of the vessel (Mr Harper) stated that the vessel was being towed to the Shaldon side of the River Teign, but when near the Point, and finding a strong tide running, the order was given to let go the anchor. While deceased was so doing the chain broke, and the chain struck deceased in the face. Witness had him conveyed to the infirmary. Dr Blocke, house surgeon at the infirmary, said that when deceased was brought in he was unconscious. He found that the bones of his face were terribly shattered. He considered the cause of death was congestion of the brain, due to the result of the blow. A verdict of "Accidental Death" was returned.
NEWTON ABBOT - Another Fatal Accident At Newton. A Brave Act. Another Unprotected "Death Trap!" A Rider to Be Sent To The Local Board. - At the Marsh School-room, St. Paul's-road, Newton, on Wednesday evening, Mr Sidney Hacker, County Coroner and a Jury of which Mr A. Reeves, senr., was Foreman, held an Inquiry into the circumstances touching the death of ALFRED JOHNSON, aged 2 years and 4 months, who met with his death through falling into a pond in the marshes, in St. John's Road, on Tuesday evening. The Coroner pointed out the duty of the Jury, and which was not only to find absolutely the cause of death, but if they as a public body considered there was danger existing to the public, it was their duty to add a rider or recommendation, or take any other course they thought fit, in order to secure the safety of the public.
WILLIAM EDWARD JOHNSON, father of the child, said that he lived at No. 2, St. John's Terrace, and he was a carpenter. The deceased was his child and was named ALFRED JOHNSON, who was 2 years and 4 months old. He was away when the boy left home on Tuesday. Deceased was brought home about half past five, but he (witness) was not there. He had lived at 8 St. John's Terrace for 8 years and he remembered a child being drowned in the pond some few years ago. He thought the pond ought to be fenced in. It was formerly a clay pit, and he believed it belonged to the Devon estate. The highway runs along on two sides of the pond. - Mr Dunn: Have you always looked upon the place as safe or dangerous? - Witness: As dangerous. - Mr Dunn: Is that the opinion of the labourers generally? - Witness: Yes.
Mary Underhill said that on the evening of the day in question, she saw deceased in company with two other children playing on the edge of the pond. It was about ten minutes past five. She was some distance off and she did not call out to them because it was too far off. The place around the pond was used as a recreation ground by children, and there were generally a dozen playing around it. Witness went into her house and coming out again three minutes after she was informed that the child had fallen into the pond. She went over and deceased was being taken out. The place was dangerous and something ought to be done to prevent people falling into the pond. It was a wonder that more children did not fall in.
Lewis Stevens stated that he was ten years of age, and on the evening in question he was playing cricket on the ground by the pond. He saw the deceased standing on the edge of the pond with some other children. He was throwing something into the water and slipped his foot, falling in. He went up and saw the boy in the water, but he was too far out for him to reach him. Witness sent someone to JOHNSON'S mother. The other children were not near him when he fell in.
Sidney Robert Paltridge deposed that he was a carpenter, residing at 14 Lemon Road. He was working in some cottages near the pond on the day in question. He saw a couple of boys running across the recreation ground, and they told him a little boy had fallen into the pond. Witness saw a man on the bank undressing himself. He asked some women whether the man could swim, and replying in the negative he rushed across the ground and immediately jumped into the water without divesting himself of his clothes. He was about 24 feet from the bank and was floating on his back. He succeeded in bringing him out. He went out of his depth. Could not say whether the child was living, but apparently he was dead. Witness had played cricket on the ground about eight years ago, and he believed the Local Board rented it to enable boys to play cricket and football there. The pond was very dangerous as there was no fence around it, nor had there ever been to his knowledge. The reason why he jumped in after the child was because he was afraid that before the man had undressed and gone in after the boy he would have been dead. He could not recollect any other persons falling into the pond. He had never been ordered off the ground for playing cricket there and it was used by the inhabitants generally. - Mr Dunn said that the Earl of Devon granted the ground to the town and it was vested in the Local Board who held the right over it. - Dr Wilken stated that he visited the child on the evening in question about half past five, but it was apparently dead when he saw it. Some persons were endeavouring to restore animation. Witness also tried to do so, but failed. The deceased died of drowning. After four minutes immersion a person rarely could be restored to life again. - William Stevens, who resides just opposite to where the pond is situated, said that when he went to reside in the district about 27 years ago the pond was then a clay pit. The pit was not properly worked out. In the winter when there was a heavy fall of rain the Marsh became flooded. When it was used as a clay pit there was some railings around it. The shaft of the pit was covered with water, and it was in the centre of the deepest part of the pond. On many occasions he had to go out and drive away children whilst playing around the pit, for fear they would fall in. There was a road on each side of the pond, both were used by the public. The roads were nearly a hundred feet from the pond, and the ground around it was used as a public playground. The Local Board had been filling it in. A little girl was drowned there about 8 or 9 years ago, and a little boy fell in there about three years ago. He did not know any grown-up people had fallen into the pond. He considered it was very dangerous to the public. - Mr Dunn asked if there was a railing around the pit when the works were continued by the company, and also if they were taken away when they disused the pit. - Witness said he did not know whether the Clay Company or the Earl of Devon put up the railing, but the fence was taken down when the works stopped. - Mr Dunn: Has there been any fence around the pond during the last seven years? - Witness: No. - Lewis Stevens, surveyor to the Wolborough Local Board, said he was aware that the Local Board rented the ground adjoining the pond at a rental of £5 per year, subject to the Clay Company having the right to work the clay pit. The board, however, were tipping their waste soil into the pit and filling it in. - The Coroner: By whose permission has that been done? - Witness: By the Devon estate agent. - The Coroner: Then, does the land belong to the Devon Estate? - Witness: The land belongs to them. - The Coroner: The Company are simply the lessees. - Witness: The Board rent their land from the Earl of Devon. - The Coroner: Have any steps been taken by the Local Board to fence this. - Witness: I do not remember anything coming before them in regard to the matter, nor anything in regard to fencing the pond at all. They have been the lessees of the ground ever since 1883 or 1884 for the purpose of a playground for cricket or football. It had never been looked upon as a public recreation ground available for children. - The Coroner: There is a right of way I presume. - Witness: There is a right of way around the road but not across this piece of ground. If people went across the ground it was really a trespass. - Mr Reeves said that the Local Board had been requested to fence the pond. - Witness said something had been said about putting a bank around the pond, but nothing had been said about fencing it. - The Coroner: Who do you suppose is responsible for fencing the pond? - Witness: I should say either the owners around or the clay company. - Mr Reeves said that the clay company gave up their right when they gave up the ground for the use of a playground. He was surprised at the surveyor's lack of memory. - Mr Reeves: Do you know that the ground is rented from the Earl of Devon at £5 per year. - Witness: I know it is. - Mr Reeve: Do you know that three of the members of the Jury interviewed the Earl of Devon when he presented the piece of ground to the town for £5 a year. - The Surveyor: I have heard you say so. - Mr Reeve should like to know on whose authority the Board had commenced to fill in the pit. He had interviewed members of the Clay Company and they said they had given up their right to the pond in order that children might go and play there. He had repeatedly called the attention of the Local Board about the place and told them that it was a regular death trap. He was surprised at the Surveyor's lack of memory about the matter. He had spoken about it. - The Coroner: Have written complaints been made to you. - Witness: I cannot recollect. If written complaints have been made it was many years ago. I have been there all hours of the day, but I have never seen a single accident of a child falling in. - A Juror: Did it not occur to you as likely that little children would fall in? - The Surveyor replied that it did not. - The Coroner: If there is a right of way across this road and this public playground, would not, in your opinion this clay pit filled with water be considered a public danger. - Witness: It has never occurred to me as being a public danger. - In answer to a question the Surveyor said he understood that the ground was rented for the purpose of boys playing cricket, but not as a general playground. - Mr Paltridge remembered children falling into the pond and even if the Local Board did not rent the ground it was perfectly natural that the children living around would go there to play. Within a stone throw from the pond there were about 400 or 500 children living. - Mr Dunn asked the Surveyor whether he was aware that there was any law which would compel any person working a dangerous pit to have it fenced in order to prevent danger, and whether the Courtenay Clay Company had fenced it during his memory. - The Surveyor said that he did not remember its ever being fenced. - William Stevens (recalled) said he did not think there was any fence around the pit when the clay company gave it up. - Mr Dunn stated that he had seen one of the clerks to the company and he told him that they still had a claim on the pit. - The Surveyor said that he always understood that the Clay Company had a right to work for clay there. He remembered one child meeting with an accident, but it was further back than where the present fatality occurred. - Mr Reeve said that he had called the attention of the Local Board to the matter, but they never would do anything in regard to it and unless stringent measures were adopted he believed they never would. He had been agitating the matter for 25 years. A Juror thought that Dr Lee, when he was a member of the Board, promised to get it fenced. - Mr Dunn: I think we should put the saddle upon the right horse. I think the Clay Company is that horse and the Local Board ought to do their duty and compel them to fence it. - The Coroner, in summing up, said the circumstances relative to the case were very unfortunate, but he thought after hearing the evidence, they could come to no other conclusion than that deceased met with his death through an accident. But an important question which came before them was whether they as a public body could not do something in order to ensure the safety of the public in the future. This was not an ordinary pit, but was a disused clay pit filled with water and it should be fenced as it would if being worked. The law on the matter provided that where any mine was abandoned or work discontinued the persons interested in it should put a fence around it in order to prevent accidents. The act applied to all mines, and he thought it also was applicable to the clay pit, and consequently immediately it was abandoned or disused, it was the duty of the owners to have had it fenced. If they considered that this pond was a disused clay pit filled with water and presented a public danger, being within 50 feet of any highway, road, footpath or public resort, the inspector of the local authority was bound to make periodical inspections of it and if he considered it to be a public nuisance, the Board were obliged to take immediate steps to have the nuisance removed. It was also the duty of the Local Board to find out who were the owners of the property on which the nuisance existed and serve them with notices to remove it. They must either have the pond removed altogether or have it fenced so as to get the nuisance complained of abated. Where there was a public danger there was a public nuisance and the Board must deal with it in the manner prescribed by Act of Parliament. If the Jury considered the pond to be a danger and a nuisance it seemed to him to be their duty to make a presentment to the Local Board calling upon them to take steps to get the nuisance done away with. A strong rider could be added to the verdict with this effect, and he thought that if they did this something would be done in the matter. - Mr Reeve: My conviction is that if you leave it to them they will never attend to it. - Mr Paltridge asked whether it would not be the duty of the Government Inspector of Mines to visit the place. - The Coroner: No. The Inspector only visits mines which were worked underground and lit by artificial light. - Mr Paltridge asked whether if the Inspector's attention was called to it he would attend to the matter. - The Coroner thought as a matter of fact he would not, but of course he could visit the spot. He considered the case a very strong one as it was s near to a public resort, which was rented, as Mr Stevens had said, by the Local Board for the purpose of the youths of the neighbourhood to play cricket and football. Therefore it was practically a place of resort, the public being invited to go there. If, however, the pond was situated in a field away from the town and children wandered there, because parents allowed them to wander and did not take proper care of them, then he would say do not interfere with the matter as it was the duty of parents to look after their children. - In answer to a question, the Coroner said he did not remember holding any previous Inquest on the body of a child who fell into the pond. Possibly he was away when it was held. - Mr Reeve pointed out that when a child was drowned in the pond some years ago a rider was sent to the Local Board calling them to do something to it. - The Surveyor expressed his desire to do anything in his power in order to prevent a recurrence of such an accident; but he must object to the remarks of Mr Reeve, as he did not know of any rider being presented to the Board. If there had, action should have been taken. - Mr Reeves: I have interviewed Mr Stevens and members of the Board, and they promised to attend to the matter. They had never done a stroke, but only laughed at him. - The Coroner pointed out that Mr Stevens had promised to attend to the matter, and he had no doubt but what he would do so. - Mr Reeve said they had never laid out a penny on the matter, and he did not believe they would. The Coroner said the Jury had the matter in their own hands and they could request the Board to attend to it. - In answer to a question by Mr Paltridge, the Coroner said they could not compel any person to do anything. They could only recommend. If they thought anyone was guilty of gross neglect as to make them guilty of manslaughter, they could bring in a charge to that effect. - Mr Paltridge:< How would it stand if another accident takes place tomorrow? - The Coroner: You cannot commit the whole Local Board for manslaughter. - Mr Paltridge understood that the Local Board had the right to fill in the pond to Mr Wright's wall, and he took it that was so far as their right extended. - The Surveyor did not think the Board had any right whatever within the pond. - Mr Paltridge said that by the letter from the Earl of Devon it was understood that the Board had the right to fill in the pond so far as Mr Wright's wall, and reserved the right to take 60 feet from the road if at any time he desired to do so. - The Surveyor still contended that there was no clause in the lease giving the Board power to fill the pond in. - A Juror: Perhaps the Board will compel the Clay Company to fill the pit in if the Company admits it is theirs. - A Juror: Do you consider the other side of the pond is as dangerous as this side. - Mr Reeves: No. The children do not go there to play. He strongly complained of the action of the Board in doing nothing to the fence when they had been so often asked to do. - Mr Paltridge: Is the grass of the ground let to anyone? - The Surveyor: The grass is let to Mr Norsworthy for cutting it and seeing the ground is not damaged. - A Juror did not see the use of having a recreation ground if children were restricted from playing there. - A Juror: Has anyone the power to order children off the ground. - Mr Reeves: No. - A Juror: Is it a fact that this has been done. - A Juror: Yes. - Mr Reeves thought they could be ordered off if they did any damage. - The Surveyor said that they could not stock the ground. - Mr Reeves called attention to the large number of cans and kettles which could be seen about the ground. The Surveyor said that children brought them there. - Mr Reeves: Don't you think it is your duty to keep the place in something like order. - The Surveyor: There is a Board man who goes there once or twice a week. - Mr Reeves said there was no person who had visited the ground more than he had done and he might say he had spent a month on the ground. He had interviewed the members of the Clay Company and they said they had no right whatever over the pit. He knew it belonged to the Local Board. They might try to shirk their responsibility, but they could not get out of it. - The Jury then returned a verdict of "Accidental Death," and added the following rider, which the Coroner promised to send to the Local Board:- "The Jury are of opinion that the abandoned clay pit filled with water at the Marsh presents a public danger and they call upon the Wolborough Local Board to take steps to remove such danger by properly fencing the pit or to compel the owners or other responsible persons to do so. And the Jury are also strongly of opinion that as several deaths have already occurred by drowning in this pit such steps should be taken without any delay."
The Coroner addressed a few words to Mr Sidney Robert Paltridge for his bravery in jumping in after the child. - Mr Reeves: I should like to see him rewarded. - Mr Dunn: I think he is entitled to, and should receive the medal of the Royal Humane Society.
Saturday 29 August 1891
DAWLISH - Dr Fraser (Deputy Coroner) held an Inquest on Saturday morning, at Dawlish, on the body of the female infant child of GEORGE and ELIZABETH NORCH. The medical evidence went to show that the child was still-born, and the Jury returned a verdict to the effect, but added the following rider:- "That the Jury are of opinion that great blame is attached to both the father and mother for not having made any provision for the birth of the child, and they also consider the conduct of the father very inhuman in going off to another bed and staying there for a long time without rendering any assistance. That we also consider that the house in which the child was born is in a very overcrowded state."
Saturday 12 September 1891
NEWTON ABBOT - Another Drowning Fatality. - On Sunday afternoon a little boy named WILLIAM HENRY SHORLAND, son of CHARLES SHORLAND, of 5 Court, Wolborough Street, Newton, aged three years fell into the Mill Leat, near Bradley Woods, whilst playing with his brother, aged four years and was drowned. The boy was taken out of the water by his father, about half past one, and was found to be quite dead. Dr Grimbly was immediately called in, and he pronounced life to be extinct.
The Inquest. - The Inquest was held on Tuesday evening before Mr Sidney Hacker, County Coroner, and the following Jury:- Messrs. J. A. Cowell (Foreman), F. Segar, T. W. Haydon, J. Smerdon, R. Paltridge, M. Roberts, F. Dobell, T. Shobbrook, G. White. A. Murrin, J. A. Pascoe, R. Boyer, and Saunders. The first witness called was CHARLES SHORLAND, who deposed that he lived at 5 Court, Wolborough Street. He was a labourer employed at the Gas Works, deceased was his son, who was three years of age. On Sunday last, about half past 12 o'clock deceased was playing outside his own doorway, he (witness) being in the house at the time. Witness left his house about half past twelve to go to the Turk's Head and left the child still playing outside the house, with another brother aged 4 ½ years. He remained at the Inn until about half past one, when it was communicated to him by his wife that his son had fallen into the water at Bradley. He immediately ran to Bradley Woods and looked about the leat on the higher side of the mill but he could see nothing of the boy. He then went on the lower side of the mill and found his son had been stopped by the fender. Deceased was laying in about a foot and half of water. When he took him out he was dead. Deceased was taken home. Dr Grimbly sent for, but on his arrival he pronounced life to be extinct. The Coroner asked witness why he allowed his children to slip away in the manner they did, and witness replied that when they came out from School they frequently went to Bradley Woods and they were always talking about it. The Coroner: What was your wife doing? why was she not looking after them? Witness: She was attending to the dinner. - The Coroner: Where they turned out into the front and allowed to go into the street? - Witness: No Sir. We never allowed them to go out from the court. - In answer to another question he said they never allowed them to go into the public street to play. He told his wife that he was going away. - The Coroner said that the children might have been run over by a passing horse and carriage if they were not looked after and allowed to run about the streets. - The Witness: I cannot always be looking after them. I must work to get my living. - The Coroner: This was Sunday and you were not working then you know. CHARLES SHORLAND aged 4 ½ years, who was not sworn, said he and his brother went to Bradley Woods on Sunday. There was no one with them. Deceased put his foot into the water to try and catch a fish. He ran home after his brother fell in. Dr Grimbly stated that he received an urgent message on Sunday morning about ten minutes to two to go No. 5 Court, Wolborough Street. He went immediately and although the child appeared to be dead he made an attempt to resuscitate the child. There were no favourable signs of animation and there was no doubt but that he was dead at the time. The child was probably in the water about five minutes. He was quite cold and his clothes saturated with water. There was one small scratch on the head but it was not sufficient to cause death. - John Olver said that he was a clerk employed by Messrs. J. Vicary and Son and the depth of the leat on Sunday last was about 18 inches. The road by the leat was a private road as regard carriages, but it was a public right of way for foot passengers. In answer to a question, witness said there was no fender on the outside of the mill, but there was on the inside. - The Coroner, in summing up, said the Jury could come to no other conclusion than return a verdict of "Accidental Death." It was, however, a question for their consideration whether the place was in such a condition as to present a public danger to ordinary individuals walking along the highway, and if the Jury were of such an opinion they could make enquiries as to who the responsible persons were and request them to get it fenced. He did not think they would consider that it presented a public danger to ordinary individuals. It struck him as being rather an unfortunate and sad thing that in Newton so many deaths of infants had occurred recently by drowning. Looking at it from a conscientious point of view he considered it was perfectly impossible to fence every place in the town to make it safe for infants to run about without fear of falling in and it seemed to him that the only remedy to prevent such accident rested with the parents, who should look after their children and see that they did not get into danger. If they went in for fencing everything that was dangerous they would have to fence the footpaths to prevent children running into the road and so get run over. - Mr Pascoe said he never heard of any death having occurred in the leat before now. - Mr Segar said if they commenced fencing they would have to fence the river all the way down to Teignmouth. - Mr Dobell said the Lemon from the second bridge to the end of the wall was infinitely more dangerous than the leat. - The Coroner said that if there were any public spirited gentleman of the Jury they could call the attention of the responsible people to this matter. The case of drowning in the clay pit was an altogether different case from that. A verdict of "Accidental Death" was returned.
HACCOMBE - Fatal Accident To A Farmer. - Mr Sidney Hacker, County Coroner, and a Jury, over which Mr W. Rendell was Foreman held an Enquiry touching the circumstances attending the death of MR STEPHEN LANG, farmer, of Gulmswell Farm, Haccombe-with-Coombe, who died on Monday last from injuries received through falling from a horse on the previous Thursday evening.
RICHARD STEPHEN LANG deposed that he resided in the parish of Haccombe-with-Coombe. Deceased, who was his father, was a farmer, and aged 74 years, lived at Gulmswell, which was his own property. His father died on Monday last. Deceased was in good health on the previous Thursday. On that day he was in one of the fields on the farm, superintending the harvesting. Witness was also present. Deceased left the field saying he was going home. He was then riding and it was about half past six when he left. When witness reached home about 8 o'clock he found his father in bed. Deceased told him that he was riding home when a colt belonging to Mr John Rendell had leaped over the hedge and came after the mare he was riding. She bolted and threw his father. Dr Macdonald was soon in attendance and found the deceased had broken three ribs. His face was also badly cut. One of the ribs penetrated his right lung. He died on Monday afternoon.
Edward James Murch said that he was a potato dealer residing at Coombeinteignhead. On Thursday last he was returning to Coombe from Torquay. As he was passing Challacombe, about half a mile from Coombe, on the highway, he noticed deceased lying in the road trying to get up. He helped him up and took him home. Deceased had passed him only five minutes before. Deceased told him that an entire colt jumped over the hedge out of Mr Rendell's field. The mare began to kick and he (deceased) fell off. Witness at once went for the doctor. The field in which the horse was, had not a proper fence. There was a drop of about four feet into the road, but no fence on the top.
Dr Macdonald, Kingskerswell, stated that he saw deceased on Friday morning, but his locum saw him on Thursday night. He was suffering from three broken ribs, one of which had penetrated the lung. Deceased died from the injuries received to his lung.
John Boyes Rendell, farmer of Stokeinteignhead, said he had an entire horse lent to him for work. He borrowed it for harvesting, but it was too wet to work it and consequently he sent the horse, by his boy, to be put in his field. On Thursday evening he found that the horse had broken out. The field in which the horse was put was eight feet above the road and there was a rough scrub fence around it. A verdict of "Accidental Death" was returned, and the following rider was appended. "The Jury consider that Mr Rendell, of Stokeinteignhead, has been guilty of great neglect in placing a horse of such a description in a field adjoining the Highway, the fence not being in a fit state to prevent such an animal from getting out and we think Mr Rendell should have shown a greater amount of discretion than to have allowed the horse being placed so near the public highway.
The mortal remains of the deceased gentleman were interred in the churchyard at Coombeinteignhead yesterday afternoon amid many manifestations of esteem and regard, the officiating clergy being the Rev. Ray, vicar of the parish. [A list of mourners followed.]
PAIGNTON - At Paignton on Monday, Mr Hacker, Coroner, held an Inquiry into the death of MR JOSEPH EDWARD WREYFORD, cabinet maker, of Winner-street. MRS WREYFORD, the widow, deposed that her husband, 59 years of age, got up on Sunday morning at half-past six and went downstairs. She followed half an hour later, and not seeing him looked in the cellar, and there saw him hanging to a beam. She called Mr Coysh, living in the same house, who cut him down; he was still warm, but dead. On Wednesday last he received a summons to appear as defendant in an affiliation case at Brixham Sessions this week, and it preyed upon his mind and made him strange in manner. He spoke to her about it on Saturday, and said he was innocent, but could not bear the thought of it. He had no pecuniary or other trouble. The Jury returned a verdict of "Suicide while Temporarily Insane."
Saturday 19 September 1891
TEIGNMOUTH - Poisoned At Teignmouth. - A lad named JOHN MILTON was on Monday admitted into the Teignmouth Infirmary suffering from the effects of poisoning. It appears that a boy named Maer accompanied by MILTON and others, was taking some acme weed killer to Miss Erme, when he asked Maer whether it was cider. Being answered in the affirmative he drank some of the contents of the jar before he could be prevented, and he immediately fell. He was removed to a house near, and afterwards conveyed to the infirmary, when the house surgeon(Dr Blacke) applied the stomach pump, but without beneficial results. The lad was afterwards given an emetic, but died a few hours after admission. At the Inquest held, a verdict of "Accidental Death" was returned.
Saturday 26 September 1891
BEER FERRIS - An Inquest was held on Monday at Beer Ferris, on the body of JAMES HADDEN, which was found mutilated on the South-Western Railway, near the Tavy viaduct on Sunday morning. Deceased was last seen alive in Devonport on Saturday, when he was drunk. He informed a policeman, who spoke to him in the Kaffir tongue, that he was a gold digger from Kimberley, and had just arrived home in the Scot. It was reported that he had been robbed of £16,000 but he said his money and gold were on the steamer. An Open Verdict was returned.
Saturday 10 October 1891
CHAGFORD - Sad Death At Chagford. A Child Falls Into Boiling Milk. - An Inquest was held at Lawn House, Chagford, on Saturday, by the Coroner (Mr Prickman), on the body of HETTIE AGGETT, aged 2 ½ years, the youngest child of MR WEEKS AGGETT, builder, of Chagford. The evidence of the mother and aunt of the deceased showed that while the child was playing with a ball in the kitchen she fell into a pan of boiling milk, which had been removed from the fire to the floor. Dr Hunt stated that he was sent for, and was in attendance about three minutes after the accident occurred. He saw the case was hopeless from the first, and the little sufferer only survived about 15 hours. The Jury returned a verdict in accordance with the medical testimony that the deceased died "From Shock to the system from Accidentally Falling into a Pan of Boiling Milk," and expressed the sympathy they felt for the family in the bereavement which the sad accident had occasioned. MR and MRS AGGETT are greatly respected in the neighbourhood, and general sympathy is felt for them in their sad loss.
Saturday 17 October 1891
DARTMOUTH - Sudden Death At Dartmouth. - Mr P. R. Hockin (Deputy Coroner) held an Inquest at Dartmouth on Saturday, respecting the death of JOHN LEE, aged 67, who dropped dead in Newcomin-road, on the previous day. The Inquiry took place at the house of Mr L. C. Pillar, through whose kindness the body was taken there on Friday, after the sad occurrence. RICHARD LEE, son of the deceased, deposed that the latter was a retired shipwright, of Portsmouth, and had come to Dartmouth, where he was born, to see old scenes, after 50 years' absence. Deceased, his brother, and witness walked from Brixham on Friday morning, and in the afternoon, as he was walking in Newcomin-road, deceased was pointing out an old orchard he remembered, when he suddenly fell to the ground. Assistance was forthcoming, and he was placed in a chair, but died in a few minutes. Dr J. H. Harris attributed death to failure of the heart's action, in consequence of so much walking and excitement caused by revisiting the town. A verdict to that effect was returned by the Jury, who also thanked Mr Pillar for his kindness.
Saturday 21 November 1891
A man named RICHARD PRIEST, employed as porter on the London and South Western Railway line, while shunting a goods train in the siding at Lidford on Thursday, stepped on to the main line. The 3.10 p.m. express train from Exeter dashing by the man was struck down and instantaneously killed. PRIEST, who was living in Exeter, had friends at Northtawton. His body is still at Lidford awaiting the Inquest.
Saturday 28 November 1891
COFFINSWELL - Suicide of A Lady At Coffinswell. - An Inquest was held at the Parsonage, Coffinswell, before Mr Sidney Hacker, Coroner, yesterday midday, touching the death of ANN CONSTANCE SMITH, daughter of MR GEORGE SMITH, a brewer, who was found dead in her bedroom at the Parsonage on the previous morning. The following evidence was given. - The Rev. Ellis Dunn, curate in charge, the Parsonage, Coffinswell, said deceased was his wife's sister, and her name was ANN CONSTANCE SMITH. She was 30 years of age, and unmarried. Her home was in Chichester. She had been staying with them since August last. From information he received from the nursemaid the previous morning about 8 a.m., he went to the bedroom of deceased. The door was open. He found the deceased leaning apparently against the curtain in front of the window opposite the door. She was suspended by the neck from the cornice brackets on the wall. He call for a knife, himself rushing out and getting a pair of scissors. Witness cut the cord above deceased's head. She fell straight backward, and appeared to be stiff and quite dead. The blue handkerchief produced was round her neck twice, and that was tied on to the two napkins produced, which formed the rope by which she was suspended. On Wednesday deceased was as usual at home all day - very cheerful and in her usual health. She ate a good supper, and went to bed about twenty minutes past ten, saying "good night" as usual. He found her candle had burned down in the socket. Deceased had not been to bed. She was dressed as she left them the night before. The deceased had been in the habit of getting into a low despondent state, and about 18 months ago threatened to kill herself. This melancholia had been going on for a month. Deceased could do nothing, and had pains in her head. She objected to have any medical man to see her. - Kate Nash, nursemaid, at Mr Dunn's said she took deceased her hot water about eight o'clock. She saw deceased suspended, and recognised what she had done. She ran and called Mr Dunn. - Ann Easterbrook, Coffinswell, deposed to putting deceased to bed soon after ten. The body was still warm. Rev. Percival Jackson, vicar of Kingsteignton, said he knew deceased. She came to stay with them to help in the parish work last year. She was bright and cheerful, but afterwards became silent and melancholy. There was no apparent reason for this. She had made an attempt on her life whilst there, and they watched her carefully. Mary Constance Jackson, wife of the last witness, said when deceased was staying with them, she picked some laburnum pods, and ate them for the purpose of killing herself. Deceased told her this. She was then suffering from a fit of depression. Samuel Tucker, sergeant of police, Newton, deposed to going to Coffinswell on Thursday. He saw the deceased in bed. He found a tie round her neck which had been cut. There was no reason for suspecting foul play. Dr Scott, Newton, said he was called and saw deceased on Thursday morning at two o'clock. He noticed a deep groove round the neck such as the tie produced might make. There were no other marks of violence about the body. Death was due to strangulation. The Jury returned a verdict to the effect that Deceased Committed Suicide whilst of Unsound Mind.
Saturday 5 December 1891
TOTNES - A remarkable case of suicide has occurred at Totnes Union. On Saturday afternoon SUSAN HILL, who had been an inmate of the workhouse for over sixty years, wilfully set fire to herself. Enveloped in flames, and screaming, she rushed into the bathroom and turned on the water. Other inmates, alarmed by her screams, hurried to the bathroom and threw water over her, thus succeeding in extinguishing the flames. The woman, however, sustained terrible injuries, and was rendered totally blind. She died on Monday night, and at an Inquest on Tuesday, a verdict of "Suicide whilst Temporarily Insane" was returned.
Saturday 2 January 1892
DAWLISH - An Inquest was held at the Castle Inn, Holcombe, Dawlish, on Monday, before Mr S. Hacker (Coroner) on the body of CHARLES HENRY UNDERHILL, aged 5 months, the illegitimate child of ANNIE UNDERHILL, of Holcombe. The evidence showed that the child was found dead on Saturday morning. Dr Lovely attributed the death to suffocation, accelerated by bronchitis. The Jury returned a verdict of "Accidental Death from Suffocation."
PAIGNTON - Suicide at Paignton. - Mr S. Hacker, Coroner, held an Inquest at Paignton on Tuesday evening, touching the death of MRS LOUISE B. STANDLEY, wife of a retired mechanical engineer for the island of Mauritius. The evidence went to show that on Monday morning the husband went downstairs to light the fire and on his return found the bedroom in flames. It was evident that the deceased had saturated her nightdress with alexandra oil and set herself on fire. The Jury returned a verdict that deceased committed Suicide whilst Insane.
Saturday 9 January 1892
SHALDON - Mr Hacker held an Inquest on Thursday at Ringmore Farm, Shaldon, touching the death of MR WILLIAM HORE, aged 54 years, who fell over the embankment at Shaldon, on the previous evening whilst returning home from Teignmouth, and his head coming in contact with a stone, died from concussion. The wall over which deceased fell was about nine feet high. Several previous accidents have occurred there, through the wall not being fenced. The Jury returned a verdict of "Accidental Death," and recommended the place should be fenced. The deceased was insured for £500.
Saturday 16 January 1892
TORQUAY - At Risdon's Exeter Hotel, Torquay, on Tuesday evening Mr Coroner Hacker held an Inquiry respecting the death of WILLIAM BENNETT, a middle-aged man, who died suddenly at a lodging house, No. 5, Madrepore-road, in the morning. The deceased had left Newton Workhouse after a residence there of about 15 months, he being told that he was suffering from an incurable complaint. The evidence of Dr Cook was to the effect that death resulted from Bright's Disease, with complications. The Jury returned a verdict in accordance with the medical testimony, and Mrs Bradford, the keeper of the lodging house, was complimented by the Coroner on her humane treatment of the deceased, she having kept him for about a month without receiving any remuneration, her explanation being that she saw he was ill.
Saturday 30 January 1892
NEWTON ABBOT - Inquest at the Newton Workhouse. - At the Newton Workhouse last evening, Mr Sidney Hacker, County Coroner, held an Inquiry on the newly-born female child of EMILY CLARKE, 19, domestic servant, of Torquay, who was admitted to the Union on Tuesday. Mr White asked the Coroner whether it was right and proper that the Chairman of the Visiting Committee of the Union, Mr J. W. Pascoe, should sit on the Jury. The Coroner said it was not advisable that any Guardian should be on the Jury. Mr Pascoe then retired, and another having been obtained, the proceedings opened in due course. The Jury inspected the female ward, which contains two beds, but the one occupied by the girl CLARK was only 2 feet wide. The woman was left to herself for the night, being the only occupant of the ward. Next morning on her breakfast being taken to her, stains was discovered on the floor of the room. On being questioned, she admitted having been confined, and the child was found wrapped in a blanket. Dr Haydon deposed to the child being prematurely born. There were no indications that death was due to other than natural causes. It was elicited that the girl was left for over twelve hours by herself, without any means of communication with the officials. The Receiving Wards are separated from the main building by a clear open space, and though the Female Ward adjoins the Porter's Lodge, the wife of the Porter, Mrs Mortimore, said it was impossible for anyone calling for assistance to be heard, as they slept in the front, and could not even hear if they screamed. Since the fatality, a huge bell has been placed outside the Porter's Lodge, communicating with the Receiving Wards, and is of sufficient size to awaken the whole neighbourhood. The Jury returned a verdict of "Natural Causes."
TOTNES - An Inquest was held on Monday night on the man FLOYD, an inmate of Totnes Workhouse, who was terribly maltreated by a wardman named Thomas. The Coroner, in summing up, said it appeared there was a lack of proper discipline in the house. There ought to be responsible officers in every ward; but this was rather a matter for the Guardians than for the Jury. The Jury returned a verdict of "Manslaughter" against Thomas. The Clerk explained, on behalf of the Guardians, that nearly all the officers had been ill, and the temporary master had a great deal to cope with.
Saturday 12 March 1892
DAWLISH - HELEN MILLER, aged 24, a domestic servant, in the employ of Mr Banks, of the Devon and Cornwall Bank, Dawlish, committed suicide a few nights since by taking a quantity of laudanum. In the possession of the deceased was found a letter thanking her master and mistress for their kindness to her. At an Inquest held by Mr Hacker, Coroner, a verdict of Temporary Insanity was returned.
EXETER - A man named JOSEPH DENNIS STEVENS, 58 years of age, a mason of Smythen Street, Exeter, was unconscious and in a dying state on the Cowley Bridge Road, near Exeter, on Monday night alongside of the road was a footpath about four feet high, from which it is conjectured he fell off. The deceased, however was found minus of his watch and chain. A verdict of "Accidental Death" was returned at the Inquest.
LUSTLEIGH - Parents Censured. - An Inquiry was held on Saturday at the Cleave Hotel, Lustleigh, by Mr S. Hacker, County Coroner, touching the death of BERTHA HORSHAM, aged about 16 months. It appeared from the evidence that the child had been poorly for some time, and the mother was urged by her neighbours to call in the doctor, but this she failed to do, notwithstanding that the child was in a sick club. Dr Engelbach, of Moretonhampstead, deposed to making a post mortem and finding the body in a very emaciated condition. The stomach was empty, but all the organs were healthy. Death was due to want of food, and that of a proper kind. The child only weighed 11 lbs. and was insured. The Jury highly censured the parents, and in returning a verdict of "Death from Natural Causes" told them they had narrowly escaped a verdict of Manslaughter. P.S. Robert Page, of Moretonhampstead, watched the case on behalf of the police.
NEWTON ABBOT - Suicide At Newton Abbot. - An Inquiry was held at the Town Hall, on Tuesday morning by Mr Sidney Hacker, Coroner, concerning the death of FREDERICK TAYLOR, 50, who was found drowned in Stover Canal early on Monday morning by P.C. Harris. Deceased had for some 30 years been with Messrs. Rendell and Symons, auctioneers, of this town, as managing clerk, and was much respected and look upon as a faithful servant. The following were sworn on the Jury:- Messrs. T. Cawse (Foreman), C. Pope, W. Uff, C. Dobell, R. Coldridge, D. Leemon, T. H. Gange, H. Please, T. Haydon, H. Vavasor, W. Tompkins, F. W. Gerry and J. Rendle. The subjoined evidence was given:- MARY ANN TAYLOR, 3 Mount Pleasant, Newton, said deceased, FREDERICK TAYLOR, was her husband, and was 50 years of age last birthday. He had been in a very desponding state for nearly ten weeks since he had had the influenza and bronchitis. His illness commenced the Monday following Christmas day, and he had not been out of doors since. He had been under medical care up to the time of his death and had had a very poor appetite. She was at home all day on Sunday. Her husband sat up a little and came downstairs in the afternoon going to bed between nine and ten. There was nothing in his conversation to suggest that there was anything unnatural about him, and when he went to bed nothing occurred which indicated that he was likely to do harm to himself. She went to bed about 12 o'clock, but had seen him in the meantime. Several times deceased had said his mind was unhinged. The morning previous she caught him preparing to go out. She could not say what his mind was unhinged for. During the time she was with deceased on Sunday morning nothing unpleasant occurred. When she went to bed deceased was awake. No conversation passed. They simply said "good night". He awoke her at 3 and asked for his medicine, which she gave him. He said he would have some beef tea at a quarter to 4. On waking up at that time she found he was not in the room. She ran out of the house in her night dress and called Mr Findlay, previously calling her son who went to look for him. She found his night dress gone, a pair of white trousers, and hat. The doctor saw him on Sunday evening. She saw deceased give a piece of paper with a few lines on it to Mr Findley, an old friend, but did not know what it contained. For many days deceased said he was depressed and should put an end to himself, in consequence of which she prevented him from going out on several occasions. he said he should go to Stover Canal. The last time he said this was on Saturday. She had no other reason for his saying this more than that he was depressed. Her son knew it but did not treat it seriously. He made no reference to any other manner of taking his life. On Saturday morning between three and four she saw him putting on his dressing gown. Several times she woke up during the night and on each occasion he was preparing to go out. She put him back to bed. Frank Findlay, commercial traveller, residing at Middlesex, said he came to Newton on Saturday afternoon, staying a few doors from deceased's house. On Sunday morning he called on deceased about half-past ten on his way to church. Deceased seemed very uneasy and asked witness not to leave him. He said if he wished it he would remain with him for awhile, which he did staying until half past one. Deceased told him once or twice he was very depressed and ill and not able to take care of himself. He said he had tried to go out several times to destroy himself and added, "To show you this is correct I will show you something." Deceased then took a piece of paper out of his pocket and handed it to him, saying he knew it was a very wicked thing to do. He had destroyed the note. It stated that if missing his body would be found in Stover Canal immediately above the lock gates, if not washed down by the tide. The writing was in pencil. He had a conversation with him about it, telling him it was a very foolish thing to do. Deceased said he could pride himself on being a pretty cool man and used to laugh at people that he read of attempting to commit suicide, but his depression was so great that he could not hold himself responsible, the influenza was so bad. He mentioned this to Dr Taylor and handed him the note, afterwards giving it to deceased's son. He was with him again in the afternoon and in the evening, when he seemed much brighter. When he left at half past eleven deceased was in bed. He was called the following morning about half-past three by MRS TAYLOR, who told him her husband was missing. He got up and in company with deceased's son, went to the canal at the spot indicated in the note, but saw nothing, it being dark at the time. They struck matches and searched the banks all round. They communicated with the police and the body was afterwards found, but he was not present at the time. Philip Charles Taylor, surgeon, assistant to Dr Davies, Newton, said when he saw deceased on Sunday morning he was much depressed. Mr Findlay showed him the note but deceased had said nothing to him or Dr Davies about committing suicide. He told him it was very foolish and tried to cheer him up a little. Deceased said he was much depressed in spirits, and thought he should never get better as he had been ill so long. Deceased was at the time suffering from melancholia. He (witness) said someone ought to be kept with deceased as he might try to damage himself. In the evening he seemed much more cheerful. The Coroner: Very like a case that ought to have been put under restraint, does it not; a man making so many attempts on his life. Dr Taylor said he was not aware at the time that any other attempt had been made. That was the first time he had heard of it. By Mr Pope: Do you think deceased was responsible for his actions? - Dr Taylor replied that he did not think so. The Coroner thought that was for the Jury to decide. In replying to the Coroner, Dr Taylor said he considered deceased was in an unsound state of mind in the morning, but not in the evening. Melancholia was a specific disease; a disease of the brain. He considered deceased was suffering from melancholia. FREDERICK JOHN TAYLOR, son of deceased, said he was an auctioneer's clerk. His father had been ill for some weeks. On one occasion he said he thought it would be better if he died instead of hanging on so long. He had been much depressed lately. He had never heard of his trying to get away, except expressing a wish to go out. He thought there was nothing unnatural in that. On Sunday morning his father was frightfully depressed. On Sunday night about a quarter past 12 he saw his father. he seemed more cheerful and thought he would be able to rest during the night. A few minutes afterwards he looked in and found him all right. He was not asleep. He heard nothing until he was called about half-past three. MRS TAYLOR called Mr Findlay and he Mr Smerdon. When the body was found he was searching in another direction. P.C. Harris deposed to going to the canal from information received and finding the body against the lock floating face downwards. He pulled it in. Deceased had on his dressing gown, a pair of trousers and slippers, and spectacles. The water was level with the bank and deceased would have no distance to fall. He would only have to drop in. The body with assistance was taken to deceased's house. This was all the evidence, and the Coroner having summed up, the Jury returned a verdict that deceased Committed Suicide whilst in an Unsound State of Mind. The funeral took place on Thursday afternoon at Highweek, the Rev. S. G. Harris conducting the service. A number of beautiful wreaths were sent, including one from his late fellow clerks at Messrs. Rendell and Symons.
Saturday 26 March 1892
BRAMPFORD SPEKE - On Tuesday at the Inquest on MRS ELIZA DYMOND, whose body was found in the River Exe near Brampford Speke, a verdict of "Accidental Death by Drowning" was returned. The deceased started to cross the marshes, between Stoke Canon and Brampford, on Monday night and in the dark accidentally walked into the river.
BARNSTAPLE - At Barnstaple on Wednesday an Inquest was held touching the death of the five-months old child found dead in a ditch on the previous day. The Jury returned a verdict of "Wilful Murder" against the mother, EMILY LANCEY, the daughter of a small farmer, of Combmartin. She was confined in Barnstaple Workhouse and left that institution with the child on Tuesday morning.
PAIGNTON - At an Inquest held at Paignton Cottage Hospital relative to the death of WILLIAM HILL, a stable lad, in the employ of Mr Washington Singer, who was thrown from a pony, it was proved that the pony had been ridden about all the morning, that it was a quiet, steady animal, constantly used as a hack, that the lad mounted it in Victoria Street to ride home 300 or 400 yards, and started at a walk, but quickened the pace to a hard gallop, and on turning the corner of the Esplanade the pony slipped on the asphalt pavement, and threw and rolled over the boy, who sustained a terrible fracture of the skull and died within half-an-hour. The pony did not appear to be bolting, but was merely given his head, and that he had never been known to bolt. The Jury returned a verdict of "Accidental Death."
Saturday 2 April 1892
DAWLISH - An Inquest was held at the South Devon Inn, Dawlish, on Monday evening, on the body of WILLIAM JAMES HARRIS, a child one year and nine months old, the child of FRANCIS HARRIS, a servant residing in the town. From the evidence of Dr. Lovely the child appeared to be fairly well nourished, but was weakly and unable to work. He attributed death to failure of circulation which affected the heart. The Jury returned a verdict in accordance with the medical evidence.
Saturday 9 April 1892
LUSTLEIGH - Parental Neglect At Lustleigh. - At Crockenwell Petty Sessions on Monday, JOHN and BERTHA HORSHAM, of Loan Park, Lustleigh, were summoned by Inspector Whetham, of the R.S.P.C.C. for neglecting their child BERTHA, aged 16 months, in such a manner as to be injurious to health, and likely to cause unnecessary suffering. After the examination of several witnesses on both sides, including the Revs. H. Tudor and W. H. Thornton for defendants, the Justices retired, and on returning into Court sentenced each defendant to one month's imprisonment with hard labour. Mr Hutchings, Teignmouth, prosecuted; Mr Creed, Newton, defended. The child, it will be remembered, died a few weeks since, and an Inquest was held.
TIVERTON - On Wednesday evening an elderly man, named HARRIS, a hatter by trade, who lived with his sister in St. Andrew Street, Tiverton, died suddenly. The deceased was found lying on a path at the back of his house by a neighbour, named Gitsham, who was attracted to the spot by a groan. Stimulants were administered, and medical aid summoned, but to no purpose. Arrangements were made for the removal of the sister to the Workhouse, but two constables and the relieving officer had to use forcible means to remove her. At the Workhouse she had a bundle which she has not allowed to leave her hands for years. This was forcibly taken from her, and in it was found £15, chiefly in half-crowns. An Inquest on the body of the deceased man has been held.
Saturday 16 April 1892
TEIGNMOUTH - The Suicide At Teignmouth. - An Inquest was held at the Teignmouth Infirmary a few days since, by Mr S. Hacker, on the body of SAMUEL TIDBALL, who died on Saturday, having cut his throat. WALTER TIDBALL, brother, said that on the 5th of April he called at the deceased's residence and could make no one hear. He then went upstairs and saw deceased lying on the bed with his throat cut. Deceased was breathing heavily at the time, and was throwing his arms about wildly. A quantity of blood was lying on the bed and floor. The deceased had met with an accident some time since by falling over a gate, hurting his head and back by the fall. He had also suffered from influenza lately and had recently lost his wife. He never heard his brother say anything about his life. Dr Blucke stated that deceased was brought to the Infirmary on April 5th suffering from a severe wound in the throat, which he should think was self-inflicted. The man had completely lost his senses since he had been in the Infirmary and died on Saturday last. P.C. Richards stated that he was called to the residence of deceased, and found him lying on the bed with his throat cut. The razor now produced he found lying by deceased's side. Mr J. Huntly said he had often heard deceased complain of pains in his head, which, no doubt, had arisen from his falling over the gate, and to his having recently had an attack of influenza. A verdict was returned to the effect that deceased died from having cut his throat, and that at the time of doing so he was not responsible for his actions.
ST MARY CHURCH - On Saturday Mr Sydney Hacker held an Inquest at the Schools at Hele, in the parish of St. Mary Church, on the body of ELIZABETH KATE DUNN, the infant daughter of MR JOHN DUNN, jobbing gardener, Hele. Evidence was given by WM. JOHN DUNN, ELIZABETH DUNN, and WILLIAM DUNN, in which it was stated that the child had been ill for a week, the mother stating that she thought the deceased had had a slight attack of bronchitis. Dr Steele, practising at St. Mary Church, said that the child had been well fed and was in a good condition, and he thought the child had died from an attack of bronchitis and congestion of the lungs. The Jury returned a verdict in accordance with the medical testimony.
Saturday 23 April 1892
TORQUAY - A retired coachman, 74 years of age, named WILLIAM SHORT, residing at No. 3, Bath Terrace, Torquay, committed suicide a few days since by hanging himself. He had been suffering from the gout in the stomach, and just before he was found dead in his bedroom by his married daughter, MRS WHITE, he said he could not bear the pain any longer. An Inquest has since been held by Mr Hacker, and a verdict of "Temporary Insanity" returned.
Saturday 7 May 1892
HENRY GOLDSWORTHY, grocer, of Moretonhampstead, died of erysipelas and blood poisoning, the results of a fall. Mr Sidney Hacker held an Inquest at which a verdict to that effect was given.
DARTMOOR - An Inquest was held at Dartmoor Prison on the body of MICHAEL F. JOHNSON. The records show that deceased was sentenced to penal servitude for life at Ipswich on April 1st, 1874, when his age was 34 years, for shooting at a person with intent to murder. During captivity deceased had been a very troublesome prisoner, having assaulted warders on three occasions. He did very little work, and was confined in the separate cell, where he sometimes knitted. The medical officer, Dr W. S. Freir, stated that he ordered deceased on April 5th into the Infirmary Ward, he having a bad cough. He gradually sank, and the post mortem examination showed death to be due to gangrene. The verdict was "Natural Causes."
TEIGNMOUTH - An Inquest was held at Teignmouth on Wednesday touching the death of MR JOHN A. R. SCLATER, of Northumberland-street, who died suddenly on Tuesday morning. The deceased was 65 years of age. The medical evidence showed that death was due to failure of the heart's action, and a verdict of "Death from Natural Causes" was returned.
EXETER - The Fatality To An Exeter Guard. - An Inquest was held on Wednesday at the Bridgwater Infirmary, on the body of FRANK WATKINS, a Great Western Railway guard of Albion Street, St. Thomas, who was killed at that town on Monday night. WATKINS was head guard of a goods train from Exeter to Bristol, a portion of which was shunted at Bridgwater on to a siding. Missing the guard's light the driver pulled up, and the guard was discovered run over, both legs being badly crushed. He was placed on the Company's ambulance and taken to the Infirmary, where he died two hours after the amputation of both limbs. Verdict of Accidental Death was given.
Saturday 21 May 1892
At an Inquest held at Torbay Hospital, Tuesday evening, on the body of GEORGE JOSHUA DODD, 73, a mason, of Ellacombe, a verdict of "Death from Natural Causes", was returned. The dead body of deceased was found at Cockington on the previous day. Mr Hacker, the Coroner, referred to the necessity for a public mortuary at Cockington.
Saturday 28 May 1892
DAWLISH - Sudden Death At Dawlish. - An Inquest was held at the Dawlish Town Hall, on Monday, by Mr S. Hacker (Coroner) on the body of WILLIAM MORRISH, aged 41, employed as stoker at the Dawlish Gas Works, who died suddenly at his residence, Brook-street, on Friday afternoon last. On Friday morning, about 8.30, deceased returned from the Gas works, and then appeared in his usual health, but about 2.10 the same afternoon he was found lifeless. Mr A. de W. Baker, surgeon, stated that when called he found death had taken place. From a post mortem examination he found that the immediate cause of death was syncope. The Jury returned a verdict in accordance with the medical evidence.
PAIGNTON - Inquest at Paignton. -An Inquest was held on the body of JACOB JOHN HANNAFORD, 61, painter, of 6, Hill Park-terrace. On Sunday evening deceased fell whilst watching the men engaged in narrow gauging the line, and died immediately after being carried into the waiting-room at the station. Dr Alexander said deceased suffered from fatty degeneration of the heart. "Death from Natural Causes" was the verdict of the Jury.
Saturday 18 June 1892
KINGSKERSWELL - At Kingskerswell on Tuesday, an Inquest was held by Mr S. Hacker, relative to the death of GEORGE ROSE, known as 'Warwick', a farm labourer, aged 79. Deceased had apparently enjoyed good health up to Tuesday afternoon; and while loading a milk cart on that day suddenly fell forward and died before medical assistance could be obtained. Dr Macdonald stated that deceased had been suffering for some time from heart disease A large artery had burst, causing instantaneous death. The Jury returned a verdict of "Death from Natural Causes." Mr Henry Crocker, a Juror, was fined 10s. for being ten minutes late, but on apologising, and the Foreman of the Jury (Mr W. Harvey) interceding on his behalf, the amount was remitted.
Saturday 25 June 1892
TORRE - At the Clarence Hotel, Torre, on Monday evening, Mr S. Hacker, held an Inquiry into the circumstances of the death of CYRIL WILLIAM SMALE, a year and seven months old son of MR F. C. SMALE, florist, Avenue-road. Two men named Fletcher and Bond, in the employ of the Paignton Brewery Company, were in charge of a wagon and cart, and were driving up Avenue-road at the rate of two miles an hour, at eleven o'clock on Saturday morning, when the child, who had opened the garden gate ran into the road. The wheel of the cart passed over the body, inflicting serious injuries to the abdomen. He was removed to the Torbay Hospital, where he was attended by Dr Watson, and died at two o'clock. The Jury returned a verdict of "Accidental Death" , MR SMALE stating that he attributed blame to no one.
Saturday 30 July 1892
NEWTON ABBOT - Sad Death Of A Labourer. He Falls downstairs And Expires Within A Week. - On Monday evening Mr S. Hacker, District Coroner, held an Inquest at the Town Hall, Newton Abbot, on the body of JAMES PALMER, a general labourer, who died in the Cottage Hospital early on the morning of the same day. The following composed the Jury:- Messrs. Chas. Pope (Foreman), Alfred R. Knight, Richard Daw, William D. Beare, Thomas Lomman, William Dunn, John Prowse, Thomas Underhay, Gendle, William Matthews, Henry James Nicholson and William Henry Lander. Mr Thomas Mardon was also summoned on the Jury but as he did not put in an appearance at the opening of the Inquiry the Coroner fined him 10s. Mr Mardon, however, attended towards the close of the Inquest, and having given an explanation of his absence which satisfied the Coroner and the Jury, the fine was remitted.
The Coroner said the case they had to Inquire into was one of death that occurred at the Cottage Hospital early that morning. It was reported that death was the result of a violent occurrence which took place about a week ago. It therefore became their duty to investigate the circumstances attending that occurrence and to satisfy themselves as to whether that occurrence led to the death of deceased, and to ascertain whether it was an accidental one or whether there was anyone implicated in it. The Jury then viewed the body which lay at the mortuary, and on returning to the Town Hall the first witness they examined was:
ANN PALMER, the widow of deceased. She said they occupied apartments at 24 Victoria Place. Deceased was a general labourer and was 59 years of age on the last anniversary of his birthday. He received a blow in the head some time ago, and frequently complained of giddiness but he kept at work up till Monday last. Between eight and nine o'clock on the evening of that day he came home from work in the day tired, took his boots off and expressed his intention of at once retiring to rest. Witness went to get him a light and whilst she was gone deceased came out of the sitting room, went to walk upstairs and fell down. He could not have mounted more than two or three stairs before he fell. On hearing her husband fall she at once returned and found the deceased lying at the foot of the stairs, his head twisted round and quite close to the jam of their neighbour's door, with which witness believed her husband's head must have come into contact. Blood was issuing from a wound at the back of his head but he was quite insensible. Deceased was assisted t the bedroom by George Cortier, a neighbour, and witness bathed her husband's head and did all she could for him. Deceased spoke to her during the night and the next morning she asked if she should fetch a doctor but deceased refused to have medical assistance. However, as he seemed to grow worse, at dinner time she went for a doctor, who ordered him to be at once taken to the Cottage Hospital. After Tuesday he was unable to speak and he died in the Hospital sometime that morning.
George Courtier, who occupies the other rooms at No. 24 Victoria Place, said he was in the kitchen on Monday evening when he heard the sound as of someone falling downstairs. He got up and went out and found the deceased lying at the foot of the stairs on his right side with his head against the jamb of the kitchen door. Witness assisted deceased upstairs to bed. He spoke about 20 minutes afterwards saying, in reply to a question, that he felt all right.
J. W. Lee, Newton Abbot, surgeon for the w