For the Stamp Office
Copy of the Will of Arthur Shepheard
Late of Cornwood Devon
Carpenter deceased
Sole Executrix
Thomasin Shepheard of
Rook in Cornwood Aforesaid
Proved in the
Archdeacon's Court of Totnes
15th March 1834
Effects sworn under £200
© Crown Copyright
Devon Record Office 1078/IRW/S/531
Transcribed by Wayne Shepheard
I Arthur Shepheard of the parish of Cornwood in the County of Devon carpenter do make and publish this my last will and testament in manner and form following that is to say Whereas my late brother Nicholas Shepheard by his last will and testament gave unto me and my assigns all that estate called Higher or Middle Rooke for and during my natural life and after my decease he gave the same unto my brother Samson Shepheard and his assigns for and during his natural life subject nevertheless to the payment of one hundred pounds to my Executors administrators or assigns by three installments of thirty three pounds six shillings and eight pence each the first of such installments to be paid at the end of one year after my decease the second at the end of two years and the third at the end of three years after my decease. Now I do hereby give and bequeath unto my sister Thomasin Shepheard who lives with me the said sum of One hundred pounds of lawful British Money to be payable and paid to her at the times and manner directed by my said late brother's will and all the rest and residue of my effects of what nature or kind soever I do hereby give and bequeath unto my said sister Thomasin Shepheard for her own use and benefit she - paying and discharging my just debts and funeral expenses and I do hereby nominate and appoint my said sister Thomasin Shepheard whole and sole Executrix of this my Will. In Witness whereof I the said Arthur Shepheard have to this my Will set my hand and seal this twenty sixth day of January in the year of our Lord One thousand eight hundred and thirty-four.
Signed sealed published and declared by the said Arthur Shepheard in the presence of us who at this request and in the presence of him and of each other have subscribed our names as witnesses thereto | } } } } | Arthur Shepheard (SS) |
Servington Savery of Modbury Sol. John (The X Mark) Farley his servant |
This sheet contains a true copy of the original Will of Arthur Shepheard late of Cornwood Devon carpenter deceased the same having been carefully examined by us
John Wm. Hodges Tos.Willis Jr. | } } | Clerks to George Harwell Deputy Registrar of the Archdeacon's Court of Totnes |