


Will of Richard Pidgley of Falmouth, Cornwall

Buried at Clyst St George

Proved 27 November 102

© Crown Copyright

PROB 11/1383, Records of the Prerogative Court of Canterbury, Kenyon Quire Numbers: 820-883

Transcribed by Stephen Treseder

 In the Name of God Amen
I Richard Pidgley of Falmouth in the County of Cornwall
Considering the superficiality of life and that it is inevitably
appointed unto Man to die and being at this present time
in health and of perfect and disposing mind and memory
God Almighty having been pleased abundantly to bless me not
only with these but with many temporal goods do so order
institute and ordain and make in my own handwriting this
my last Will and Testament as follows / that is to say with trembling I
most humbly commend my soul to its Great Creator God
hoping and trusting and relying on his abounding unlimited
Mercy for Mitigation of all my sins and through the above
 merits of my mediator and saviour Jesus Christ who suffered
and became a propitiatory sacrifice for the salvation
of all Men Item I will that all my Debts Funeral Charges -
Legacies and Bequests shall be duly punctually and
honourably and punctually paid and discharged by my
Executrix or Executor hereinafter named Item I order and
direct that my remains shall be wrapped up in the linen
and bed linen in which it shall be found at my decease
by the attendant nurse woman or women and my worthy
servant William George if he be then living with or near
me to be first lain in a coffin of wood and after in
a stout coffin of lead having my name age and date cast
in the cover of it and after remaining fourteen days in
the house to be securely interred in the parish church
of Clyst Saint George in the County of Devon at the east end
thereof nearly opposite the Chancel - the grave cave or
vault shall be eight foot deep walls two feet or thirty
inches from the bottom and covered at that height with
first Stone after this is done the wall should be carried up
to a proper height and overlaid with Brick ten poor men
shall be chosen in the said parish to bear me to it and
shall be rewarded with five shillings and a pair of
Gloves the Coffin shall be Covered with a Pall containing
Seven Yards superfine Black Broad Cloth trimmed
round with love ribbon which having remained six
months on the Pulpit shall become the property of the
Minister to whom I also give and bequeath a Scarf
and Hatband of black Sattin with Gloves Item I give
and bequeath to the Clerk and Sexton of the afor sd
parish both of them Hatband and Gloves Item I give and
bequeath to the Minister of the parish in which I die a
black Sattin Scarf Hatband and Gloves Item I give and
bequeath to my kind friends Benjamin Hutton Senior 1 Edward
Jackson 2 and Joseph Spurrell Senior3 all of the City of London
twenty five Guineas cash to be respectively lain out by
the said gentlemen in a piece of plate in remembrance
of me Item I give and bequeath to my respected friend The
Reverend Thomas Tregenza Hamley 4 of Launceston
 one hundred Guineas and my Topaz ring which ring
shall be delivered to him immediately or as soon after my
Interment as possible and it is my desire and request that he
Attend my obsequies and see that every Relative particular
respecting the same is complied with and fulfilled agreeable
to this my Will and I hereby order and command that
all expences consequent on his attendance will be born
paid and distraigned by my Executor hereinafter named
Item I give and bequeath to my esteemed Friend Joseph
Hoskin Hawkey 5 of Saint Columb Major one hundred
Guineas and a Mourning Ring Item I give and bequeath to
George Hing?son Senior 6 of Plymouth in the County of
Devon thirty Guineas and in case of his death then
to his surviving child or children share and share
 alike and or if one only remains then I give and bequeath
the same to that one solely Item I give and bequeath to Elizabeth
Spyring 7 of the City of Exeter widow her son Samuel
Spyring 8 or the survivor of them ten Guineas Item I give and
bequeath unto Sir Michael and Lady Nowill 9 each a Mourning
Ring Item I give and bequeath to the Reverend John
Whittaker 10 Clerk and to Ellis Whittaker 11 Clerk both a Mourning
Ring Item I give and bequeath to Mr John Gwennap Senior 12
a Mourning Ring Item I give and bequeath to Mrs Elisabeth
Lawrence Senior 13 a Mourning Ring Item I give and bequeath
to M rs Jane Crawford 14 of the City of Dublin a Mourning Ring
Item I give and bequeath to Richard Pidgley Crawford 15 a
a piece of silver plate of the value of ten Guineas on which
shall be Engraved my name to be kept in remembrance
of me Item I give and bequeath to M rs Mary Hamley 16 of Launceston
xxxx a Mourning Ring Item I give and bequeath
to Phillippa Pidgley 17 daughter of Thomas Pidgley 18 deceased
twenty pounds per year during her life payable
half yearly out of my Estate of Mulberry Square
otherwise Corkers Court in the town of Falmouth by my
Executrix or Executor and I absolutely give and make
subject all other my Estates whatsoever to the one and
punctual payment of this annuity which I shall commence
and begin immediately after my decease I also give and
bequeath to the said Phillippa Pidgley ten Guineas to
provide decent Mourning Item I give and bequeath to all
my first cousins of both fathers and mothers side twenty
Guineas each excepting nevertheless and utterly excluding
out of and from this bequest Mary 19 the Daughter of James
Abbot 20 deceased because she the said Mary was void of
compassion and did not commiserate in the day of
adversity Item I give and bequeath to my faithful
servants William and Catherine George 21 and to the
survivor of them if living with me at the time of
my death thirty pounds a year during their natural
lives to be paid them half yearly also one years
wages and two full suits of handsome Mourning
to each of them to the said William George all my

⊗ It is my
will and I
wearing xxxx apparel of every kind both the
said annuities shall be Issuing due and payable
out of the Interest arising and growing from my Stock
of one thousand pounds in the New four per cent
Government Securities which I hereby subject and
now make liable to pay and discharge the same
and if it should hereafter happen that I alienate or
change the said property then and in such case and
in all possible cases whatsoever ⊗ obligate and make
liable all my other Estates to pay bear and discharge
the same and the aforesaid annuities shall be continued
and respectively paid up to the Quarter day beyond and
next after the death of the aforesaid William and
Catherine George but if either of them shall sell
 or in any manner depart from their Interest in his or her
Annuity it shall from that instant utterly cease
terminate and be no longer paid Item I give and
bequeath to every other Yearly servant resident at the
time of my death one years wages and two full suits
of Mourning Item I give and bequeath to the Mayor
of Falmouth and his Successors in the said Office a
Brass Chandelier to be appended in the Guildhall of
the said Town to the value of ten Guineas provided
I do not give the same in my life time Item I give
and bequeath to the Rector and Churchwardens of
the town and parish of Falmouth and their
successors during the residue of a certain term of one
thousand years to be Issuing due and payable out
of my entire Estate of Mulberry Square otherwise
Corkers Court in Falmouth five pounds a year to be
lain out in threepenny loaves of bread and equally
distributed in the parish church of Falmouth afor sd
to decent poor and Constant Members of the Established
Church not frequenting Meeting Houses or Conventicles
and no others at the discretion of the Minister and
Churchwardens for the time being the Distribution is to
be made the Second Sunday in every month immediately
after Morning Service Item I give and bequeath to
the Rector and Churchwardens of the parish of
Clyst Saint George in the County of Devon my native
place and their successors for ever Five pounds per Year
to be lain out in threepenny loaves of Bread and
equally distributed to decent poor persons not chargeable
to the said parish and who constantly attend the
Church but no others every Sunday immediately after
Morning Service at the discretion of the Minister and
Churchwardens. Item I also give and bequeath to the
Rector and Churchwardens of the aforesaid parish of
Clyst Saint George and their successors for the time being
a piece or pieces of plate as may be most wanting and
the choice shall be in themselves not exceeding the value of
ten Guineas to be for ever used at the Communion in the
said Church Item I also give and bequeath to
the Rector and Churchwardens of the said parish a Brass
Chandelier of the value of ten Guineas to be properly
placed appendant in the said Church for its Ornament
and use for ever those things to be delivered in six months
after my decease or sooner if the same can conveniently be
done/ Item I give and bequeath to the Treasurer or
Treasurers for the time being of a Society who call themselves
the Governors of the Devon and Exeter Hospital at Exeter
the sum of one thousand pounds stock now standing
in my account in the New four per cent Government
Securities upon Special Trust and Confidence nevertheless
and to the intent and on this express condition that they
or either of them or some or one of them to pay or cause to ['be' is missing]
 paid in half yearly payments thirty pounds per year
part of the annual Interest arising and growing due out
of the said Stock unto the said William George and
Catherine George his wife and to the survivor of them
clear and without any Deviation whatsoever during
their respective lives and it is my will that the said
Annuities shall be continued and fully paid up to the
Quarter day beyond and next after the decease of the said
William and Catherine George and no longer after which
time the said sum of thirty pounds annual shall be
applied towards carrying on the Charitable designs of
the said Society and further upon special Trust and
Confidence nevertheless and on the express condition that
the said Society Governor or Governors or joint or one
of them shall and do pay or cause to be paid in half yearly
payments clear and without any Deviation whatsoever
to the Rector and Churchwardens of the parish of Clyst
Saint George for the time being and their successors for
ever five pounds per year being a further part or moiety
of Interest growing and to grow out from or out of the
said Stock to be applied as herein is particularly
appointed and to no other use intent or purpose and further
also upon Special Trust and Confidence and on this
express condition that they the said Society Governor or
Governors or joint or one of them for the time being out of
the Interest of the aforesaid Stock shall and do from
time to time and at all times hereafter repair keep in repair and
Beautify any Marble or other remembrance of me
which may be placed set up affixed or lain in the
said parish church of Clyst Saint George in the
County of Devon and that they Cause a Survey to be taken
and a report to be made to the Board or Committee at
the said Hospital of the actual State and Condition
of the same at least once in seven years and that they
pay yearly and every year at Christmas out of the
Interest of the aforesaid Stock five shillings cash
to the Clerk and Sexton of the said parish of Clyst
 Saint George on condition that they keep the said
Remembrance or Monument perfectly Clean from Dust
and all annoyance and that they be careful to prevent
the same from being injured or defaced and I hereby
appoint the Rector and Churchwardens of the said
parish and their successors for ever Guardians or
Inspectors to see my will both is seriously and piously
observed fulfilled and kept. The residue of the said
Interest shall be applied towards carrying on the
charitable designs of the aforesaid Society and the
principle of Stock itself shall remain and continue
to be an inviolable Fund for the same intent and
purpose for ever absolutely subject nevertheless to the
Annuities Outgoings and payments with which
the Society is herein and hereby Charged made
liable and incumbered Item I give and bequeath to my kind
Friends Benjamin Hutton Esquire and Edward Jackson Esquire of
the City of London Esquire herein before mentioned and the survivor
of them the sum of one hundred Guineas In Special Trust
and Confidence nevertheless and to the intent and on this express
Condition that they or one of them do lay out and expend the
same in a neat Monument of Statuary Marble to be placed
somewhere near the south east end of the parish church of Clyst
Saint George in the County of Devon and in a Black Marble
substantial stone to be laid over my remains in the floor of
the said church and which stone shall be put in strong deep sunk
Letters the following Inscription and nothing more 'Here lies a
Benefactor let no Man move his Bones'; The Tablet itself may be
inscribed with what the above two gentlemen or either of them
may think proper unless hereby afterwards otherwise directed
Item I give and bequeath to my first cousin Julia
Pidgley 22 of the City of Exeter the interest of two hundred and
fifty pounds Stock New four xxxx per cent Annuities now
standing in my name being ten pounds per annum to be paid to
her half yearly during her natural life by my Executrix Executor
or Executors over and above the Legacy or bequest before
mentioned and in addition to the same I give and bequeath to my
first cousin John Pidgley 23 of the City of Exeter five hundred
Guineas in case he shall not move into immediate possession
under this my Will at my decease Item I give and bequeath to
both of the children of Children of the said John Pidgley
one hundred Guineas with the accumulating interest thereof to
be respectively paid them out of my Estate when they shall have
attained the age of twenty five years and not before Item I give and bequeath to
the Trustees or Managers of the British Museum and their
successors for the time being Thomas Frognal's 24 coffin which shall
be carefully cased and sent to and placed in the said Museum
free of any expence to the said Trustees or Managers and it is
my will and desire that the same may stand parallel with the
Egyptian Mummy and that my name as Donor with the date be
affixed at the head of it in small Gold Letters Item I give and
bequeath to the children of John Sydenham late of the City
of Exeter deceased ten Guineas cash Item I give and bequeath all
the Rest and Residue of my Estates Leasehold and Freehold
Mortgages Government Securities Stock in the publick Funds
Bonds Goods Chattels and Effects together with all my
Plate part whereof as herein particularized shall be
Heir Looms and shall as far as by law they may shall
pass from Heir to Heir absolutely wholly and undiminished
together with my Freehold estate and my Estate of Mulberry
Square otherwise Corkers Court to my sister Joanna Hazlitt 26
during her natural life and while she remains a widow whom I
hereby appoint and make my sole Executrix and in case
she should not survive me or immediately and on the instance of her
marriage I give and bequeath my Freehold Estate and my Estate
of Mulberry Square otherwise Corkers Court for the Residue of a
term of one thousand years together with the Heir Looms
aforesaid to my cousin John Pidgley and his Heirs Male lawfully
begotten and in case of failure of Issue of Heirs Male then to Heirs
Female as Tenants in Common and not as Joint Tenants and in
case of total failure of such Issue I give devise and bequeath the
same to the Heir of John Sydenham late of the City of Exeter deceased
and his Heirs Male lawfully begotten and partly in failure of
Issue I give devise and bequeath the same to the right Heirs still
from Heir to Heir of me the said Richard Pidgley for ever and my
Will is that no Heir in the actual possession shall grant any
Fine Lease or Leases to take or receive any Fine or Fines or any
xxx act or thing which may be prejudicial to or hurt the next
Heir but that the Heir in possession shall and may Grant
on Both Leases not exceeding the term of fourteen years at
and for the highest yearly rent which can or may be obtained
regard being always had to the obvious or ultimate improvements
of such Estate the herein particularized thereto as Heir Looms is
and shall be as follows one large Waiter 150 Oz one tea Urn
100 Oz 4 Candlesticks 630 Oz one Bread Basket 360 Oz one Set of
castors 39 Oz three Cannisters 32 Oz with the chest which holds
them silver mounted twelve Forks 30 Oz one Tea pot and
Stand 21 Oz one Toaster 22 Oz one Dish Cross 16 Oz and twelve
desert Spoons 13 Oz all which plate adding thereto one Snuffers
and Stand about 11 Oz shall be for the use of the Heir in possession
during life only and then shall pass for the like use of the next
Heir in Continuance in the form and manner above directed
and ordered agreeably to this my will which avoids against
litigation is to be taken regarded and construed in the plain
literal sense and meaning thereof by all persons mentioned
therein Lastly in case of the decease of my sister Joanna
Hazlitt then I hereby constitute and appoint my cousin
John Pidgley aforesaid sole Executor of this my last Will and
Testament In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and
seal the fourteenth day of July in the Year of Our Lord one
thousand seven hundred and ninety nine Rich d Pidgley [Seal]
signed sealed Detailed and Published as and for his last Will
and Testament in the presence of us who subscribed our names
and witnessed in the presence of each other in the Testators presence
and at his request W. Nicholls. 27 James Byrn 28
On the twenty seventh day of November in the Year of our Lord
One thousand eight hundred and two Administration with the
Will amerced of all and singular the Goods Chattels and
Credits of Richard Pidgley late of Falmouth in the County
of Cornwall Esquire deceased was granted to John Pidgley
the residuary legatee substituted in the said Will having been
first sworn by Commission only to administer Joanna Hazlitt
widow the sister of the deceased sole Executrix and subsidiary
legatee during life or widowhood named in the joint Will
having first renounced as well the Probate and Execution of
the said Will as also the Letters of Administration with the said
Will annexed of the Goods of the said deceased.
 Top of page 1. of the Original Copy
. . . presence of each other have hereunto subscribed our
names as witnesses - Phebe Roberts 29 - Joseph Byles 30
- Eusebius Sweet 31
        This Codicil to be taken as part of of my
       Will I give devise and bequeath to John Churchfield32
       and John Emmett 33 my now acquired Estate called
       Hymells or Hynolls Farm in the parish of Ridburn 34
       and Flamstead in the County of Herts In Trust to
       sell and dispose of the same ⊗ and to divide the money
       arising therefrom in the the way I have directed the former
       part of my property in my will in witness thereof I
       have hereunto set my hand and seal this fifth day
       of August in the Year of our Lord one thousand eight
       hundred and one_ Tho s Pearce 35 O -Signed Sealed
       Published and Delivered by the said Testator as and for a codicil to
       this last will and Testament in the presence of us
       who in his presence and at his request and in the
       presence of both other have subscribed our names
       as witnessed the words "Devise" and "Bequeath" being
       first underlined _ G. Miller 36 _ Anth. Robinson 37 Eusebius Sweet
        This Will was proved at London with a Codicil
       the twenty sixth Day of January in the Year of
       our Lord one thousand eight hundred and two before
       the Worshipful William Adams Doctor of Laws
       Surrogate of the Right Honourable Sir William
       Bryant Knight also Doctor of Laws Master Keeper
       or Commissary of the Prerogative Court of Canterbury
       lawfully constituted by the oaths of John Churchfield
       and John Emmett Esquires the Executors named in
       the said Will according to the to whom Administration of all and
       singular the Goods Chattels and Credits of the said
       deceased was granted having been first sworn duly
       to administer.
for the most Money
they can get for the
1. Each line in this transcription corresponds exactly to the lines of the written Will.
2. Abbreviations, insertions, crossings-out and notation are as in the original.
3. Obscured words are shown in italic.
4. The Witness Attestations and the Codicil which are written above the
commencement of the Will on page 1 of the original copy are here transcribed at the end.
5. Persons & Places named in the above Will have been numbered at their first
appearance in the Will, together with the page in which they are first mentioned, and are shown
below on page 9.

Richard PIDGLEY appears to have lived at Mawnan, Cornwall. As this transcription was carried
out for someone else, the transcriber has not investigated any details of his life or background,
except that enquiries to the British Museum Archivist have drawn a blank regarding the mysterious
Thomas Frognall's coffin mentioned in the Will. This I presume to have been an Egyptian coffin
with mummy. Certainly, according to the BM Archivist no such article is listed in their accessions so
its fate remaina a mystery.
S. Treseder
1Benjamin Hutton, Senior, of the City of London, page 2.
2Edward Jackson, of the City of London, page 2.
3Joseph Spurrell, Senior, of the City of London, page 2.
4The Reverend Thomas Tregenza Hamley, of Launceston. (see xvi) page 2.
5Joseph Hoskin Hawkey, of St Columb Major, page 2.
6George Hingson?, Senior, of Plymouth. (The surname is indistinct). page 2.
7Elizabeth Spyring ,of the City of Exeter, widow, page 3.
8Samuel Spyring, the son of Elizabeth Spyring, page 3.
9Sir Michael and Lady Nowill? (The surname is indistinct), page 3.
10Reverend John Whittaker, page 3.
11Ellis Whittaker, page 3.
12Mr John Gwennap, Senior, page 3.
13Mrs Elisabeth Lawrence, Senior, page 3.
14Mrs Jane Crawford, of the City of Dublin, page 3.
15Richard Pidgley Crawford, page 3.
16Mrs Mary Hamley, of Launceston, page 3.
17Phillippa Pidgley, page 3.
18Thomas Pidgley, (deceased), page 3.
19Mary, daughter of James Abbot, page 3.
20James Abbot (deceased), page 3.
21William and Catherine George, servants to Richard Pidgley, page 3.
22Julia Pidgley, first cousin of Richard Pidgley, page 6.
23John Pidgley. First cousin of Richard Pidgley, Executor and heir, page 6.
24Thomas Frognall? (The surname is indistinct.) page 6.
25John Sydenham, late of the City of Exeter, (deceased), page 6.
26Joanna Hazlitt, sister of Richard Pidgley, page 6.
27W. Nicholls. Witness to the Will of Richard Pidgley 1799, page 6.
27James Byrn. Witness to the Will of Richard Pidgley 1799, page 6.
29Phebe Roberts. Witness to the oath and signature of John Pidgley upon his becoming
Executor in place of Joanna Hazlitt. 1802, page 1.
30Joseph Byles . Witness to the oath and signature of John Pidgley upon his becoming
Executor in place of Joanna Hazlitt. 1802, page 1.
31Eusebius Sweet. Witness to the oath and signature of John Pidgley upon his becoming
Executor in place of Joanna Hazlitt. 1802, page 1.
32John Churchfield. Executor in the Codicil of 1801, to sell the Hertfordshire farm, page 1.
33John Emmett. Executor in the Codicil of 1801, to sell the Hertfordshire farm, page 1.
34Now called Redbourn. The name of the farm is indistinct. It was not found on a modern
map of the area, page 1.
35Thomas Pearce. Person drawing up the Codicil 1801, page 1.
36G. Miller. Witness to the signing of the Codicil 1801, page 1.
37Anth. (Anthony?) Robinson. Witness to the signing of the Codicil 1801, page 1.