


Name Index to

Devonshire Briefs, Part 2.


T.N. Brushfield, M.D.

Trans. Devon Assoc. Vol. XXVIII. (1896), illus., tables, lists, pp. 606-711.

Prepared by Michael Steer

The Paper was presented at the Association’s July 1896 Ashburton meeting. It has for the genealogist, a wealth of names and associated with the early records of our county’s unique history. The present paper, as a continuation of its predecessor, focuses on the history of Briefs, with special reference to those collected in or for the county of Devon, from the close of the Commonwealth period to 1828, when they were abolished by Statute. The paper has been organized under the following headings: (1) General history, illustrated by collections made in Devonshire of Briefs unconnected with it. (2). Collections of Briefs directly connected with the county. (3). Alphabetical list of Briefs collected in the parish of East Budleigh. The author, Thomas Nadauld Brushfield (1828–1910) was an alienist (early psychiatrist), and antiquarian. On his retirement he settled at Budleigh Salterton, and made a study of Raleigh’s life his main focus. He became a member of the Devonshire Association in 1882, was elected to its council in 1883, and was president in 1893–4. There is an excellent biography with portrait in Wikipedia. The Paper, from a copy of a rare journal can be downloaded from the Internet Archive. Google has sponsored the digitisation of books from several libraries. Those on which copyright has expired, are available for free educational and research use, both as individual books and as full collections to aid researchers. 

Adam, John636
Adams, William632
Addams, Samuell637
Agland, James616
Algiers, Dey of635
Anne, Queen618, 624, 629, 632, 643
Ansty, John670
Bailey, Rev. H.R.619, 677
Bailey, Mr. J.E.641
Barham, James711
Bartlett, Thomas615
Bateman, Rev. G.C.607, 640
Bath & Wells, Bishop of627, 643
Bazeley, Rev. F.L.679
Bewes, Mr. W.A.679
Blake, Malachi704
Bloye, George637
Bolde, Rev. Samuel627
Bolt, Mr. John637
Boon, John663
Boucher, Rev. Edward617
Boucher, Rev. J.679
Bowyer, William642
Brayley, Edward Wedlake707
Brice, Andrew647, 654, 672, 675, 677
Bright, Ed.608
Britton, John707
Brontё, Charlotte 
Brontё, Rev. P.706
Brooke, J.M.S.627
Burd, William667
Burn, R.651
Burrow, John637
Burton, John Hill629, 643
Byrd, John657
Byrd, Mr.622
Campin, John636
Canterbury, Archbishop of710
Carey, Rev. A.F.707
Carter, Silvanus674
Cawood, William676
Chamberlain, Thomas622, 656
Charles I632, 708
Charles II608, 632, 637, 676
Chester, Bishop of617
Clare, Rev. J.B.612, 646
Clarendon, Lord Edward Hyde631
Cock, John674
Cox, Rev. Dr. J. Charles652, 659, 661, 681, 706
Crawford, Rt. Hon. Earl of607, 613, 622, 625, 631, 641-2, 646, 663, 666-7, 669, 671-3, 677-8, 680-2, 703-8, 711
Crawford, Rev. G.P.634
Crouch, Mr.617
Davidson, James644, 647
Davis, John669
Defoe, Daniel643
Dinges, Thomas677
Doran, Dr.641
Dredge, Rev. J. Ingle634, 679, 703
Dudley, Thomas610
Dugdale, William637
Dymond, R. Esq.642, 670, 679
Earwaker, John Parsons624
Edbroocke, William670
Elizabeth I625
Empson, C.W.610, 629, 660
Etheldred, King705
Evelyn, John709
Exeter, Bishop of638
Exmouth, Edward Pellew, Lord633
Farquharson, Richard Archibald672
Faulkner, Thomas627, 704
Fez & Morocco, Emperor of635
Fielding, Mr.641
Fox, Arthur648
Fulford, Rev. J.L.679
Gary, Richard665
George II607, 640, 704
George III665
George IV607, 662
Graham, Sir Richard708
Green, Mrs. Alice Stopford.640
Green, Rev. W.F.679
Greene, Sarah637
Gregory, Mr. George633
Gunton, Denis617
Halifax, Earl of710
Hall, John657
Hall, Mr.622
Halle, James627
Halliwell, James Orchard707
Hansard, Thomas Curson613, 662
Harding, William676
Harris, Rev. S.G.673, 679
Harrison, Thomas670
Haydn, Joseph645
Hayman, John Snow678
Heard, Robert663
Henry IV625
Hinton, Richard705
Hodgson, Robert657-9
Holwell, Walter676
Hone, William654
Hoops, Anne637
Hope, Rev. William661, 679
How, Michael679
Izacke, Richard664, 669
James I606, 612, 708
James II627, 674
Jenkins, Alexander643, 670
Jones, Mary646
Jordan, John617
Jordan, Mr. William Risdon Hall675-6
Kempe, A.J. Esq.679
Kerry, Rev. C.615
Keynes, R.704
Knight, Elizabeth676
Krainsky, John de Crains631
Lake, Dr. William Charles675
Lamplough, Dr. Thomas638
Launder, George676
Lavers, John665
Lee, Thomas678
Lewis, Thomas622, 656
Ley, Rev. Thomas644, 647
Littleton, Mr. E.C.661
Lloyd, Edward651
Longstaffe, W.H.D.618
Louis XIV625, 629
Lysons, Daniel648, 665, 675, 708
Lysons, Samuel648, 665, 675, 708
Macaulay, Thomas Babington675
Macdonald, Rev. G.W.634
Manning, Thomas676
Matthews, J.H.621, 626
Matthews, John665
Mayne, Dr, Jasper638
Mazarin, Cardinal Jules625
Mogridge, William676
Morant, Philip651
Mortimer, Margaret622, 648-9, 656
Mould, Rev. Thomas.617
Murray, T.B.609
Nares, John661
Nichols, John642
Ormerod, George705, 711
Orton, Timothy617
Osmond, Michaell676
Palmer, Mr. J.C.679
Parker, William637
Peach, R.E.M.627
Peacock, Edward638
Peel, Sir Robert661
Penn, Richard Esq.710
Penn, Thomas Esq.710
Pepys, Samuel608-9, 628, 632
Phelps, Thomas632
Phillips, Robert678
Pitts, Joseph632
Playfair, Lieutenant Colonel R.C.632
Polwhele, Richard667, 675
Poole, Stanley Lane632
Povah, Rev. Dr. Alfred609
Prince, John632
Pym, Robert676
Ranshaw, William622, 656
Reed, Richard669
Rew, Thomas678
Roberts, George632, 634
Robins, William616
Rochester, Lord Bishop of617
Rogers, Mr. W.H.H.608, 638, 679
Salisbury, Bishop of638
Salt, John Stevenson Esq.607, 622, 625
Salt, Mr.655, 663, 666-7, 669, 671-3, 677-8
Scott, Rev. S.C.705
Scott, Thomas616
Segus, Mr. William659
Shenton, Randoll620
Shoowers, Richard676
Simpson, Rev. W. Sparrow615, 628, 637
Slade, S.649
Slatter, Rev. I.666, 669, 677
Smiles, Samuel625
Smith, Frederick Francis617
Smith, Mr. J.E.607, 621
Smith, Samuel.641, 656
Southey, Robert611
Sparrow, Dr. Anthony638
Spratt, Dr. Thomas616-7
Stamp, Edward679
Stephen, Leslie643
Stevenson family622
Stevenson & Salt, Messrs.622, 625
Stevenson, John657
Stevenson, John & Co.622
Stevenson, Thomas622
Stevenson, William622
Tizzard, Sallomon665
Tourville, Anne Hilarion de675
Towgood, Rev. Micaiah647
Trevingy, Jenkyn621
Tucker, Joshua624
Ussher, Richard.619
Vingoe, Jenkin621
Walford, T.612, 618, 648, 711
Ward, Dr. Seth638
Warman, Richard636
Wartensius, Mr. Samuel616
Webb, Rev. William632
Weekes, Mr. W.S.646
Welch, C.608
Westlake, Joan676
Weyman, Vincent706
William III606, 616, 628, 635, 675
Winstanley, Gerrard643
Wood, Alderman612
Worth, Richard Nicholls626, 640, 669, 679
Wright, Thomas710
Wroe, Dr. Richard617