


Name Index to

Devonshire Briefs, Part I.


T.N. Brushfield, M.D.

Trans. Devon Assoc. Vol. XXVII. (1895), illus. pp. 311-357.

Prepared by Michael Steer

The Paper was presented at the Association’s July 1895 Okehampton meeting. It is for the genealogist, a treasury of names and places associated with the early records of our county’s unique history. In this informative Paper, the first in a series, the author begins a collection of “all recorded “Briefs” relating to Devonshire persons or objects, especially those dated prior to the Restoration. To this end a “Brief” is defined as "A letter patent, issued by the Sovereign as Head of the Church, licensing a collection in the churches throughout England for a specified object of charity. The instrument is also called a Church Brief, or King's Letter”. The author, Thomas Nadauld Brushfield (1828–1910) was an alienist (early psychiatrist), and antiquarian. On his retirement he settled at Budleigh Salterton, and made a study of Raleigh’s life his main focus. He became a member of the Devonshire Association in 1882, was elected to its council in 1883, and was president in 1893–4. There is an excellent biography with portrait in Wikipedia. The Paper, from a copy of a rare journal can be downloaded from the Internet Archive. Google has sponsored the digitisation of books from several libraries. Those on which copyright has expired, are available for free educational and research use, both as individual books and as full collections to aid researchers. 

Alderseye, Thomas333
Anne, Queen315
Arber, Edward312, 314, 325, 331, 336, 338, 341, 346
Attwill, Thomas350
Aylmer, Bishop John317
Baigent, Francis Joseph337
Bancroft, Archbishop Richard347
Barret, William341
Bayley, Bishop Lewis340
Beare, Steven346
Bekynton, Bishop Thomas326
Bird, S.R.311, 321, 324
Bolt, John352
Bowltynge, John329
Brandreth, Mr.345
Braseye, Thomas333
Briant, Richard348
Bronescombe, Bishop Walter326
Browne, Thomas329, 337
Butler, Thomas317-8
Byshop, Master336
Cardwell, Edward347
Carpenter, Nathaniel331, 338
Carter, John356
Cecill, Lord William316, 334
Chaderton, Bishop William334
Charles I312, 314, 317, 319, 349, 353-4
Christian, Mr. Robert344
Chyvers, Robert324
Clitheroe, Henri331
Collinson, John326
Conway, Secretary353
Coplestone, Mr. Anthony337
Cornish, Rev. Dr. Sidney William313
Courtenay, Sir William333
Cowper, J.M.314
Cox, John Charles327, 347
Cromwell, Oliver356
Denham, Master Thomas336, 356
Drake, Sir Francis331, 351
Drake, Mr. John337
Draper, Clement331
Dryden, Sir H.315, 330
Dunscombe, John333
Dunsford, Martin340
Earwaker, John Parsons315-6, 322, 345, 351, 355
Edward VI328
Edwards, Edward348
Elizabeth I314, 322-5, 327-8, 330, 333-5, 338, 340, 348
Ellis, Henry334
Erle, Thomas, Esq.331
Erle, Sir Walter331
Eyer, Walter347
Fitz-Geffry, Rev. Charles351
Frederick V of Bohemia346
Freshfield, Edwin336
Friend, John319
Garrett, Thomas329
Gilbert, Sir Humphrey340
Glasscock, J.L.329
Goodwin, Sir Thomas353
Green, J.R.331, 355
Grindall, Bishop Edmund316, 322, 330, 334, 337
Hale, Dr. F.335
Hall, James332
Halle, Dr. T.348
Hamilton, Mr. A.H.A.332, 337, 339, 340, 346, 348
Harding, William322-3, 333, 339-40
Harrolde, Richard320
Hayne, J.350, 352
Heneage, Sir Thomas348
Henry VI321
Henry VIII314, 325, 327-8
Herman, William321
Herrick, Robert349
Hill, Rev. C.330
Hook, Walter Farquhar350
Howard, Lord William340
Huntingeton, Robert322
Hutchins, John332
Hutchinson, William347
Izacke, Richard338
James I314, 318, 325, 338, 340, 346-7, 351, 353
Jeaffreson, John Cordy353
Julius II, Pope325
Kyngston, Felix341
Laud, Archbishop William350
Lees, Richard349
Leland, John328
Leo X, Pope325
L’Estrange, Sir Roger340
Margetson, S.320
Marshall, Mr.352
Marten, Mr.Henry354
Martin, Mr. Docter347
Mary, Queen328, 334
Mason, Captain John345
Mason, T.357
Mawdeleyne, Mary321
Millard, James Elwin337
Milman, Dean336, 350
Milton, John355
Morris, Rev. Canon322, 328
Morris, William330
Mountaigne, Bishop George344
Norlance, William356
Oliver, Dr. George335, 338
Ormerod, George315
Parker, Matthew330
Peacock, E.320
Philip II334
Plesley, Richard327
Pole, Sir William331
Poole, Mr William337
Poolles, Sir John350
Povah, Rev. Alfred354
Prowse, D.W.340, 344-5
Pulman, George331
Purfoote, Thomas336, 346
Ralegh, Sir Walter348
Randolph, Prebendary Francis Charles Hingeston326
Richard II321
Ridgeway, Thomas324
Risdon, Tristram331
Roberts, George328, 335
Robinson, Robert336
Rogers, William Henry Hamilton331
Rowe, Mr John Brooking324
Sant, Thomas326
Savoy, Duke of334, 355
Scott, Rev. S.C.318
Sharp, James A.349
Simpson, Rev. Canon James Gilliland350
Southcott, Thomas324
Sparrye, Mr.337
Stafford, Bishop Edmund326
Staveley, Thomas325
Stidson, Richard348
Stow, John337
Streamer, Christopher324
Strype, John322, 330, 334, 337
Stuart, Elizabeth346
Surtees, Robert338, 345
Tanner, John328
Tayler, H.357
Thoms, W.J.340
Throsby, John352
Torner, Edmund327
Towe, Sir Aleyn330
Turner, Dawson336
Tuttle, Dr. Charles Wesley345
Veale, Henry346
Walford, Cornelius311-2, 317, 319, 321, 324-5, 327, 337-8
Walrond, Mr. William337
Walsingham, Sir Francis332-3
Waterlow, A.J.329
Watson, Rev. E.W.315
Weekes, Mr. Roger350
Weston, Thomas330
Whitbourne, Captain Richard323, 338, 340-5
Whitburn, T.341
Whitgift, Archbishop John334, 346-7
Wichalse, Mr Richard335
Winter, John321
Wood, Rev. Dr.330
Woodcock, Thomas325
Woolton, Bishop John332-3, 335
Worth, Richard Nicholls320, 335, 351, 357
Wright, Thomas312, 352