


Will of Richard Sampson of Chumleigh, Devon, Yeoman

Proved 18 February 1815

Devon Archives 1078/IRW/S/77

© Crown Copyright

Transcribed by Fay Sampson


For the Stamp Office

Copy of the Will of
Richard Sampson
late of Chumleigh, Devon, Yeoman

Richard Sampson and John
Sampson of Chulmleigh –
aforesaid Yeomen

Proved in the Archdeacon’s
Court of Barnstaple 18 February 1815
Effects sworn under oath


“My Este to and everything therein except cattle
Rd S – Son
Called to Exon to act for Est of Mary wife and to pay divds of the produce and of the
Money in the house to Do for life
After her dec betn Rd S Jno Sons
Resd betn 
Rd S Jno

In the Name of God Amen I Richard Sampson of Chulmleigh in the County of Devon Yeoman being weak in Body  but of sound Mind and Memory (blessed be God) do this twenty first day of May one thousand eight hundred and fourteen make and publish this my last Will and Testament in manner following (that is to say) Imprimis I Give to my son Richard Samson the possession of my Estate (that is) the Remainder of any Term after my Decease and every thing that on the said Estate (excepting my Cattle of all Description) and the said Cattle to be sold at the best advantage within one Year after my Decease by my Executors hereinafter mentioned and in trusts for my Wife Also I Give and Bequeath unto my Wife Mary Samson all my Money that I have in the House together with the Money that is made or got for my Cattle as aforesaid and the sd Monies to be put or placed out on good Security to Interest by my Executors and the Interest thereof to be paid to my sd Wife solely for her own Use for and towards her Maintenance during her Life And after her my sd Wife’s Decease I give the sd principal Monies to my sons Richard Samson and John Samson to be so Divided between them share and share alike Also I give and Bequeath unto my Granddaughter Sarah Samson my Clock and Case after my Decease Also I Give and Bequeath unto my Daughter Faith Hunt the Sum of Five Pounds of lawful British Money to be paid by my Executors within one Year after me and my said Wife’s Decease if she my said Daughter is then living and not otherwise And Lastly all the Rest and Residue of my personal property whatsoever and wheresoever and of what nature kind and quality soever the same may be and not hereintofore given and disposed of (after paying of any lawful Debts & Funeral Expenses) I Give to my Sons Richard and Jno Samson And I make and appoint my said Sons Richard and John Samson joint Executors of this my Last Will and Testament. In Witness whereof I the said Richard Sampson the Testator have to this my last Will and Testament set my hand and Seal the day and year above written.
                            Richard  RS  Sampson

Signed Sealed and Delivered by the Testator as and for his last Will and Testament in the presence of us who were present at the signing and Sealing thereof.
                            J W Vicary
                            John Turner

This Sheet of paper contains a true Copy of the last Will and Testament of Richard Sampson late of Chulmleigh Yeoman deceased the same having been carefully examined with the original this third day of April one thousand eight hundred and fifteen.
                            James Pearse Jnr. Regr.