


Name Index


Prebends of Chulmleigh

In: Hugh James Rose & Samuel Roffey Maitland, (1840). The British Magazine and Monthly Register of Religious and Ecclesiastic Information,
Parochial History and Documents Respecting the State of the Poor, Progress of Education &c.
Volume 18, London: J G F & J Rivington. pp. 330

Prepared by Michael Steer

St. Magdalene Church at Chulmleigh is surrounded by pristine countryside. It is over 600 years old and has played a dominating role in the development of the town. British Magazine Editor, William James Rose was in 1834, Rector of Fairsted, Essex, and in 1835 appointed perpetual curate of St. Thomas's, Southwark, which he held until his death. Rose was a firm but cautious high-churchman, and desired the restoration of the ancient Anglican doctrines and practices. To propagate his views he founded in 1832 the 'British Magazine and Monthly Register of Religious and Ecclesiastical Information,' of which he was the first editor. Samuel Roffey Maitland (1792-1866) Rose's co-editor was an historian and miscellaneous writer on religious topics. He was in Anglican orders, and worked also as a librarian, and barrister. This rare book was produced from a digital copy held by the Bodleian Library that can be downloaded from https://books.google.co.uk/books. Google has sponsored the digitisation of books from several libraries. These books, on which copyright has expired, are available for free educational and research use, both as individual books and as full collections to aid researchers.

LXI: Be it enacted that the rectory and five prebends of the church of the parish of Chulmleigh in the county of Devon shall immediately become and be permanently annexed and united, and form one entire rectory and benefice (subject and without prejudice to any existing lease or leases of the prebendal houses, glebes or tithes, or any of them); and that the Rev George Hole, the present incumbent of the said rectory and prebends, and also all future incumbents of the said rectory , shall henceforth hold the same rectory, with all and every the emoluments, rights and privileges of the said several prebends attached thereto, as one benefices to all intents and purposes; and that the rector for the time being of the said parish of Chulmleigh may grant such and the same or the like leases of the houses, lands or tithes of the same prebends respectively as have heretofore been granted, save and accept that no such lease shall henceforth be granted of the house in which the present rector resides, or of the gardens attached thereto; but such house and gardens (subject to any such existing lease as aforesaid) shall henceforth be deemed and used as the residence of the rector for the time being of the said parish, and shall be repaired accordingly. (p. 129)