


Chudleigh Burials 1705-1840

Transcribed by Carol Gertner and Gary Liddell

This transcript is taken from the Chudleigh Parish Registers, by kind the permission of the Vicar, the Revd. Paul Winsett, and the Churchwardens, using fiche copies supplied by the Devon Record Office.

170513 AprJohnDinningson of David 
17055 MayThomasSparke  
170514 MayMaryVinicombedau of Henry 
170524 MayEleanorRichdau of Jacob 
170510 JunMargaretCrossdau of Humphry 
17051 JulWilliamTucket  
17052 JulElizabethCrossingwife of Stephen 
170512 JulRobertBall  
170512 JulJohnRow  
170516 JulIsaacRennel  
170518 JulJaneCornelius  
170530 JulJamesCaterson of James 
17054 AugRogerOsburnebastard child of Margaret 
17055 AugMaryBallwid 
170516 AugJohnRich  
170520 AugAnthonyJervase  
170523 AugMarySouthcombedau of John 
170527 AugWilliamTavernerson of Peter 
170530 AugElizTrumanwife of Gilbert, Senior 
17052 SepThomasSmale  
170513 SepJohnConantof Bridford 
170515 SepWilliamRichson of Elizabeth, widow 
170526 SepJoanGlanvilof Bovey Tracy 
17053 OctThomasOliverson of George 
170527 OctJoanGrovewife of Thomas 
170527 OctJohnBaylyson of Charles 
170530 OctJamesPlymsaleson of Henry 
170516 NovMaryKnowlingdau of Joan 
170521 NovJoanRichdau of Elizabeth, widow 
170523 NovElizabethBaylydau of Thomas 
17055 DecJoanColeman  
17057 DecSusannaBalldau of Susanna, wid 
170511 DecElizRichwidow 
170511 DecJohnBaylyson of John 
170515 DecBaptistOsburnedau of Richard 
170525 DecGregoryBond  
17054 JanMaryCock  
170515 JanSabinaPenneywidow 
170515 JanJonasRichson of Susan, widow 
170525 JanMarthaMatterfacedau of Thomas 
170528 JanChristianDinifordwife of Edward 
170529 JanAnneClarkedau of Peter 
17052 FebMaryClampitalias Rich, widow 
17052 FebElizabethRichdau of Susan, widow 
170512 FebWilliamMarrescottson of Nicholas 
170513 FebEdwardHeleson of Daniel 
170513 FebNicholasRich  
170520 FebElizabethShepherdwife of John 
17053 MarWilliamWoodson of Esau 
17059 MarRichardMurchson of Richard 
170514 MarMaryHelley  
170626 MarWilliamParrson of Arthur 
17067 AprAnnBawdondau of John 
170619 AprSusannaFrostwidow 
170622 AprElizabethBalldau of Thomas of Trusham 
170623 AprRichardBeareSenior 
17069 MayAnneWillswife of Christopher 
170610 MayJamesPlymsaleson of James 
170617 MayAnthonyAllen  
170625 MayElizabethMartindau of Richard 
170623 MayMaryParkerdau of Richard 
17061 JunJoanCornishwidow 
17063 JunWilliamCombeof the parish of Woolborough 
170610 JunElizabethRowwife of William of Combernteinhead 
170611 JunSarahDickerdau of John 
170623 JulElizabethBassettdau of William 
170630 JunFlorenceFathersdau of Frances 
17066 JulAnnShepherddau of John 
170612 JulRichardHamlynson of Giles 
170614 JulJohnParrson of Arthur 
170620 JulMaryBallwife of James 
170628 JulHumphryParrson of Arthur 
170612 AugMaryWooddau of John 
170615 AugThomasHayneson of Robert 
170620 AugAbrahamMortimoreson of Abraham 
170623 AugJoanBaylydau of William of Hennock 
170625 AugJohnWoodson of John 
170625 AugAnneNewberrydau of Francis 
17062 SepElizabethMoxeydau of John 
170617 SepMarthaMarshaldau of John of Hennock 
170620 SepMaryHayneswife of Robert 
170623 SepAnnGothamdau of Andrew 
17063 OctAnneClarkedau of Richard Clerke Yeoman 
170615 OctThomasRennellson of Thomas 
170628 OctJoanFatherswidow 
17063 NovBarbaraKingwillwidow 
170612 NovSabinaWooddau of John 
170617 NovJosephLaneson of Joan, widow 
170626 NovJohnPullingson of Michael 
170627 NovJohnParkerson of James 
17064 DecPhilipSmithson of Philip 
170610 DecJohnBallapprentice of Giles Hamlyn 
170620 DecCharityCrossdau of Humphry 
17061 JanWilliamParsonsson of Richhard 
17066 JanRobertKingwillweaver 
170612 JanJoanDinningdau of William 
170621 JanSarahHaynesdau of Robert 
170627 JanMarjerySymonswife of Paul 
170630 JanJohnBodyof the parish of Holy Trinity, Exon. 
17062 FebElizabethWooddau of Esau 
170619 FebSabinaDickerwife of John 
170620 FebKatherineBaylywife of Thomas, weaver 
170620 FebSamuelParsons  
170629 FebEleanorPlymsaledau of Eliz. Bamstone, wid 
170627 FebMarthaBaylydau of Thomas 
170627 FebPeterClarkeson of Richard Clarke Yeoman 
170618 MarElizabethBondwid 
170716 AprSalomeSouthcombedau of John 
170723 AprMaryBurgessdau of Thomasin, widow 
170726 AprJoanWrayforddau of John 
17075 MayThomasGroveson of Stephen 
170714 MayThomasinCrosswife of Humphry 
170716 MayAnneHoredau of James 
170718 MayPeterSerle  
170720 MayHorourMartynwife of Gilbert 
17077 JunHughDinning  
170712 JunThomasParr  
170715 JunEleanorParrdau of Benedict 
170725 JunMarjeryCrammerdau of Thomas 
170713 JulJohnHoreson of James 
170714 JulAnneWoodleydau of Robert 
170728 JulEleanorWillswife of William 
17077 AugJoanCrootewid 
170731 AugJohnCorneliusson of Humphry 
17076 Sep[no name]Baylydau of Charles 
170713 SepJoanGlanfieldspinster 
170718 OctSamuelParsonsson of Priscilla, wid 
170720 OctJacobLaneson of Jacob 
170720 OctBarbaraMartyndau of William 
170716 NovAmieJopedau of Melony, wid 
170725 NovThomasArthur  
170730 NovHannaMeadedau of John 
17078 DecAmosVogler  
170715 DecMaryCrammerwife of Thomas 
170721 DecMelonyJopewidow 
17074 JanElizabethSewardwid 
17079 JanRobertCollingsson of Joseph, Jun. 
170716 JanSusannaParrwife of Benedict 
170720 JanRobertSparke  
170729 JanElizabethMeadwife of John 
170731 JanWilliamOdhams  
170726 FebChristianPrancewife of Job 
170729 FebDanielBallof Plymouth 
17075 MarSarahPlymsaledau of Mary, [wife of Walter] Bayly 
17077 MarWilliamHellierson of William 
17081 AprEleanorMurchwid 
170810 AprJohnCockson of Thomas, woolcomber 
170819 AprMaryJolley  
17081 MayGeorgePotter  
17088 MayJohnPenney  
17089 MayElizabethGlanvill  
170817 MayAnnPenneydau of George 
17082 DecJaneJopewidow 
17082 JunAnneRusselwidow 
170814 JunRichardClarkehusbandman 
170823 JunHannahBakerwife of Thomas 
170824 JunHumphryRidgeway  
170825 JunJohnAgateson of George 
170828 JunElizaFitford or Milforda stranger found dead on Haldown 
170830 JunAgnesChudleighwife of Robert 
170817 JulJoanBakerdau of Richard 
17083 AugJamesRennellYeoman 
170811 AugRobertTruman  
170826 AugCatherineDaymondwido 
17083 OctPeterBakerpauper 
17084 OctJoanTrebywidow, pauper 
170810 OctSabinaEwenwidow 
17083 NovMaryLeewidow, pauper 
170823 NovMaryDrewwife of John Drew Sayler 
17081 DecJohnEastchurchGent. 
170812 DecMaryGlanvillwife of George 
170824 DecRichardClarkeYeoman 
17084 JanElizabethHuntwidow of John Hunt, Gent. 
17085 JanGraceCrammerwife of John 
170811 JanJohnBallan apprentice 
170811 JanJohnGroseson of Nicholas 
170816 JanAndrewBoveySenior 
170817 JanRobertBulfordpauper 
170821 JanRichardWilliamspauper 
17082 FebThomasPearseSenior 
17088 FebJohnVinicombeson of Henry 
170820 FebElizabethDinniverdau of John 
170821 FebEdwardCollingsson of Edward of St. Mary More, Exon 
170822 FeebJohnNorris  
17086 MarWilliamStampson of William 
170818 MarSamuelDudneyson of William, Jun. 
170818 MarThomasTyversbase child of Joan 
170925 MarDorothyPennywidow, pauper 
170927 MarWilliamGanacleson of William 
17094 AprAngelPotterson of Josiah 
170910 AprSamuellMortimoreson of Abraham 
170912 AprThomasWestcottcordwinder 
170928 AprEdwardDiniford  
170928 AprAgnesBabbdau of Thomas 
170928 AprJoanReeve  
17094 MayJohnDickerson of John 
17094 MayThomasBassettbase child of Joan 
17096 MayElizabethBennettdau of Henry 
170911 MayThomasPranceson of William of Hennock 
170913 MayCatherineBallwife of John, Sen. 
170929 MayJoanPotterdau of Josias 
17093 JunEllinorBakerwife of Richard 
17096 JunJoanHuntwife of Thomas 
17098 JunAvisWills  
170918 JunRosamondMorgingdau of James 
170921 JunHannahWillsdau of Jacob 
170924 JunAnnePullingwife if Michaell 
170929 JunMaryMaceypauper 
17094 JulSusannaClarkedau of Susanna, wid 
17096 JulSusannaPrancedau of William of Hennock 
170915 JulHenryPlymsale  
170921 JulJamesTavernerson of Joan, widow 
170927 JulRichardBaker  
170914 AugMaryPewtnerdau of William 
170923 AugElizabethPulley  
17094 SepGeorgeKingwillson of George 
170922 SepSarahInglettdau of Giles [Inglett] 
170923 SepJoanPhillips  
170926 SepElizabethCliffordRt., Honorable Baroness, Lady Dowager, intered at Ulbrooke 
170917 OctGraceLuggwife of Joseph 
170918 OctJoanFathers  
17092 NovPatienceBallwife of John 
17095 NovJohn WardHellier  
170918 NovSusannaRichwidow 
170930 NovJohnGawlersom of Samuel, apothecary 
170930 NovJohnBallHusbandman 
17092 DecAnneHingstonwife of John of Ayshburton 
17095 DecSarahParsonsdau of Richard 
170916 DecElizabethOsburnewiddow 
170917 DecJoanSladewife of Roger, Miller 
170918 DecCharityHooksdau of John 
170924 DecJoanCloggwife of John of Teignmouth 
170925 DecHonnorMurchdau of Richard 
170930 DecPhilipMoore  
170920 JanThomasBurgessson of Stephen 
170920 JanElizabethElliottwife of John 
170922 JanWilliamCroote  
17095 FebMaudTucker  
17096 MarJohnEllisVicar of Chudleigh 
17096 MarRichardStrongson of William 
17099 MarJoanClarkedau of John 
170910 MarRichardEwenson of Jonas 
170915 MarSarahStrongwife of [William] 
170917 MarJohnMooreson of John 
170918 MarThomasParrson of Arthur 
171025 MarZacharyThorne  
171026 MarThomasProuseson of [William] 
171027 MarMaryRennelldau of John 
171030 MarJoanGrovedau of Stephen 
17102 AprJohnCrammer  
17109 AprAnnCollingsdau of Joseph, Junr 
171013 AprJohnBulford  
171013 AprCharityLettenywidow 
171024 AprJamesPenney  
171030 AprWilliamProuse  
17109 MayElizabethBamstonewife of Joseph 
171010 MayElizabethFatherswidow 
171014 MayEmanuelVennard  
171017 MayJohnFulfordsenior, husbandman 
171028 MayWilliamCloggson of John 
17101 JunJamesSheppardson of John 
171011 JunElizabethClarkewife of Thomas 
171011 JunIsaacSouthcombeson of John 
171019 JunJohn BearHellier  
171029 JunRebeccaCroole  
171029 JunPhillipCroole  
171022 JulJosephCornish  
171030 JulMaryHoredau of James 
17107 AugAnnMurchdau of Richard 
171015 AugElizabethGawlerdau of Sam 
171017 AugElizabethShepherddau of John 
171023 AugJohnProuseson of Thomas Prouse Taylor 
17102 SepWilliamDunningHusbandman 
171010 SepAnnYeomandau of Francis 
17105 OctAndrewBoveySenior 
17109 OctThomasPikeExcise Officer 
17105 NovJohnHaysomeson of John 
171010 NovSusannaParrwidow 
17107 NovThomasRowExcise Officer 
171020 NovMaryWoodleydau of Robert 
171019 DecJoanMartinewife of Christopher 
171021 DecJoanStampwid 
171021 DecWilliamBlissson of Robert 
171021 DecElizabethParkerdau of [Jene] 
171011 JanGeorgeCockweaver 
171010 FebWilliamDunningson of David 
171010 MarHesterLovell  
171022 MarPhilipStrongson of William 
171023 MarMaryLyneswife of Joshua 
171127 MarRobertHayward  
171127 MarMarPardau of Benedict 
171129 MarThomasStrongson of William 
171130 MarRebeccaMaggwife of Henry 
17112 AprElizabethDavy  
17119 AprAnnBearewife of Richard 
171112 AprJohnLaneson of Jacob 
17117 AprWilliamCater  
171127 AprRichardBeareson of Richard 
17111 MayThomasPikeson of Thomas 
17114 MayGraceHaywarddau of Christopher 
17116 MayRogerUnderhay  
17117 MayWilliamCross  
17119 MayJamesMartine  
171113 MayAnnParwife of Benedict 
171114 MayThomasUnderhay  
171115 MayJamesMorgan  
171118 MayMaryLightfoot  
171119 MayAgnsLuce  
171120 MaySusannPotter  
171125 MayWiliamGreenslade  
171125 MayThomasMole  
17113 JunJamesBrownson of James 
17115 JunGraceEwendau of Thomas, gent 
17116 JunElizabethCockdau of Thomas, weaver 
171110 JunChristianRowwidow 
171110 JunMaryEwendau of John 
171113 JunHannahMole  
171115 JunWilliamProuse  
171117 JunHannahGothamdau of Thomas 
171117 JunJoanPennywife of Joseph 
171117 JunSusannaYeomandau of Thomas 
171118 JunMaryMoredau of Joseph 
171118 JunSarahMorganwidow 
171120 JunSarahNewberrydau of Francis 
171120 JunWilliamTuckerson of Ann 
171122 JunAnnLyneswife of Christopher 
171122 JunJoanThorndau of Zachary 
171124 JunWilliamRow  
171127 JunMaryNewberrywife of Francis 
17114 JulMaryLynesdau of Christopher 
17119 JulWilliamHarding  
171111 JulAgnesBawdonwife of John 
171112 JulThomasProuseson of William 
171113 JulElizabethCrossdau of Humphrey 
171113 JulJohnFletcherson of John 
171114 JulJohnGannacleson of William 
171114 JulMaryHaywarddau of Mary 
171117 JulMaryBurgessdau of Mary, widow 
171118 JulAnnLipsondau of John 
171119 JulWilliamPullingson of Thomas 
171119 JulMaryRidgwaywidow 
171120 JulWilliamPranseson of Job 
171123 JulThomasRennelson of Thomas 
171126 JulMaryReevedau of Elizabeth, widow 
171127 JulRichardHaywardson of Mary, widow 
171129 JulRichardRichson of Jacob 
171129 JulAnnBennettdau of Daniel 
17114 AugMaryRobinson  
17117 AugJohnBawdonson of John 
171111 AugMaryThorndau of Zachary 
171113 AugSusannaMowwife of Joseph 
171113 AugThomasHellierson of Robert 
171115 AugMarySkinnerdau of Mary, widow 
171116 AugMaryWoodwife of Humphrey 
171117 AugElizabethReeve  
171118 AugJohnBennettson of Daniel 
171121 AugRichardClementson of William 
171121 AugJaneTuckerwidow of Broadcliff 
171123 AugWilliamStrongson of William 
171123 AugWilliamBawdon  
171124 AugJaneCorneliuswife of Humphrey 
171124 AugMaryCoombedau of Mary 
171125 Aug[no name]Caterdau of Daniel 
171125 AugJohnBannickson of John 
171130 AugJohnSanford  
17113 SepJohnBawdonat vicaridge 
17113 SepJamesDigginsson of Stephen 
17117 SepJamesHellierson of Robert 
17117 SepJohnPennyson of George 
171121 SepJamesHoreson of William 
171124 SepElizabethLegwife of Robert 
171124 SepMaryVennarddau of Thomasin 
171110 OctStephenBurgessson of Stephen 
171114 OctJohnReevebutcher 
171116 OctCharlesElliotson of Daniel 
171118 OctJosephMurchson of Joseph 
171118 OctRichardHardingson of William 
17118 NovMaryBearwidow 
171111 DecJohnSpencerwidow 
171119 DecMarySparkwidow 
171121 DecJohnMoleson of Zachary 
17114 JanJoanMoorewife of John 
171116 JanGilbertTrumanclothier 
171117 JanWilliamWhitlockson of Christopher 
17116 FebRichardBabbidgeson of Richard 
171112 FebStephenGroves  
171116 febMichaelPulling  
171123 FebAndrewCollings  
171123 FebWilliamEastabrookson of Stephen 
171128 FebWilliamCausleyson of William 
17118 MarSarahHaywarddau of Christopher 
171114 MarPaulSimons  
171115 MarWilliamCausleyJun 
171116 MarMalachiBright  
171122 MarUrsulaBaylywife of Walter 
171227 MarElizabethBawdondau of Mary, widow 
171220 AprJonathanRudgwayson of John 
17122 MayStephenYeoman  
171211 MayMosesCockson of Thomas, husbandman 
171216 MayElizabethPlymsaledau of Henry 
171219 MayThomasClark  
171229 MayHonourEwenwife of Thomas 
171230 MayAmeyPullendau of Thomas 
17121 JunJanePearsewidow 
17128 JunElizabethLapthorndau of William 
171226 JunJaneClokewife of David 
171213 JulMaryMartinewife of Richard 
171215 JulRichardBurgess  
171216 JulElizabethClarkewife of John, weaver 
171218 JulThomasGould  
171221 JulGregoryBurgess  
171228 JulMaryBond  
17126 AugCharlesBaylyson of Charles 
171218 AugMargaretBurgesswidow 
171227 SepCharityParkerwidow 
17123 OctJoanHuntalias [Flea] 
17125 OctJohnLambsheadson of Richard of Hennock 
171216 NovElizabethPennydau of Joseph 
171224 NovRebeccaPalmerdau of Christopher 
171228 NovParisWeeger  
17123 DecCharityPlymsalewidow 
17124 DecMaryHoredau of John 
17125 DecThomasCrammer  
171212 DecHenryPenneyson of Amey 
17124 JanThomasinGale  
171218 JanEdwardPranceson of Edward of Hennock 
171226 JanGeorgeBayly  
171211 FebAnnCombedau of John 
171213 FebJohnHorehusbandman 
171227 FebElizabethStrongdau of William 
17123 MarGraceEwensdau of Jonas 
171213 MarWilliamHoreSenior 
171215 MarMaryHaywardwife of Stephen 
171327 MarJoanWorthywidow 
171312 AprRichardCornelius  
171314 AprThomasHowardeninterred at Ugbrook 
171324 AprAndrewBlackmore  
171312 MayChristopherWhitlock  
171331 MayElizabethEastley  
17134 JunElizabethWeeger  
171326 JunElizabethBassetdau of William 
17132 JulJohnBaylyson of William of Hennock 
17135 JulJohnCross  
171321 JulThomasinBeare  
171327 JulCharityPullingdau of Thomas 
171321 AugJohnTothill  
171325 AugJohnMooreSenior 
171319 SepMargaretWilkinsonwife of John 
171322 SepBarbaraCasedau of Sabina Potter Case 
17132 OctJohnMole  
17132 OctWilliamWillsson of Thomas 
171310 OctZacharyBurgess  
171311 OctSusannaDensam  
171319 OctRichardBurgessson of Richard 
171326 OctMargaretProusewife of Thomas 
171317 NovWilliamCausleySenior 
171310 DecJohnMyat  
1713[no date][no name]Ewenof Jonas 
17137 MarFrancisYeoman  
17138 MarMaryBarlow  
171310 MarSabinaBaker  
171318 MarElizabethMoredau of Joseph 
171430 MarJohnEastabrook  
171431 MarJulianProper  
17141 AprSamuelPulling  
171416 AprJamesPlimsale  
17149 MayRebeccaStonewidow 
171416 MayHannahFlatcher  
171412 JulEleanor[Vaysey]dau of John 
171413 JulCharityParrdau of Arthur 
171415 JulHumphryBickam  
171427 JulRobertAdamsson of John 
171417 AugJohnHaysomson of John 
17145 SepHannahBidgooddau of Roger 
17142 OctStephenBurgessson of Stephen 
17144 OctLeonardHockaday  
171416 OctThomasBartonson of Obiss 
171416 OctJamesPenneyson of George 
171427 OctElizabethRowdau of Matthew 
17143 NovNicholasGroves  
17145 NovMarthaPullingdau of Thomas 
171420 NovJoanCauslywidow 
171421 NovJoanLugwidow 
17145 DecMaryBiddywidow 
171412 DecJoanAbelldau of [name omitted] 
171417 DecJohnBall  
17147 JanThomasJanesson of William 
171411 JanRichardDod  
171414 JanMaryArthur  
171423 JanJohnClogson of William 
17148 FebJohnDelve  
171413 FebThomasDrakeson of Aaron 
17144 MarJulianMatterfacewife of Thomas 
17146 MarAgnesCrosswidow 
171414 MarElizabethMartinwife of William 
171414 MarAnnGannacledau of William 
171423 MarWelthenDickley  
171423 MarSusannaUnderhaywife of Roger 
171525 MarElizabethShutwife of John 
171529 MarSusannaTrot  
171531 MarJosephPullingson of Thomas 
171518 AprJohnWilkinson  
171528 AprJohnWakeham  
17151 MayThomasJeffery  
17153 MaySusannPenneydau of Joseph 
171510 MayJohnLeeson of John 
171525 MayMargaretClarkwife of Peter 
171531 MayElizabethGriffindau of John 
17157 JunElizabethPullingdau of Thomas 
171527 JunJosiasCockson of Thomas, cooper 
171528 JunNicholasC[ove]  
17154 JulMaryElliot  
17155 JulJacobRich  
171518 JulJohnGoodyear  
171518 JulJeffrySmithinterred at Ugbrook 
171524 JulAgnesMilmanwife of William 
171527 JulJoanMurchwife of John 
171529 JulJohnHalse  
17153 AugThomasGlanvil  
17159 AugMaryShepharddau of John 
171514 AugJohnWidfordson of John Jun. 
171527 AugGraceStampwife of Richard 
171513 SepJoanYeomandau of Susanna, wid 
171526 SepWilliamMartin  
171510 OctJohnTothill  
171521 OctThomasHawkinsjoiner 
171516 NovCharityRich  
171519 NovRobertCockson of Joseph 
171523 NovAlice[L]owwife of John 
171528 NovElizabethCarewwidow 
17156 DecJohnWorthilake  
17156 DecBenedictPar  
17158 DecRobertCrammer  
17158 DecJohnTapperson of John 
171510 JanElizabethSoperwife of Valentine 
171512 JanWilliamWills  
171519 JanJohnWilliamsson of John 
171520 JanJoanShapterwife of John 
171530 JanMaryWillsdau of Thomas 
17155 FebSarahSpragof Hennock 
171512 FebJohnClark  
171512 FebSusannaPransewife of William of Hennock 
171513 FebElizabethProuse  
171513 FebJohnSlowly  
171525 FebSabinaCoysh  
171511 MarEdwardBowden  
171511 MarMaryMoredau of Nicholas 
171626 MarChristopherLynes  
171626 MarPhillySarelwife of Moses 
17163 AprPriscillaElliotservant to George Glanvill 
17164 AprMaryFoxwife of Robert 
171618 AprBenjaminFoxson of Robert 
17166 MayJohnLeeson of John 
17166 MayRichardRudgeway  
171613 MayMatthewBakerSenior 
17163 JunRobertHaynes  
17164 JunWilliamReeveson of William 
171611 JunHenryRabbidge  
171612 JulWilliamClementson of William 
171613 JulJohnShutt[Senior] 
171623 JulThomasTripeson of Nicholas, vicar 
17163 AugMaryBoveydau of Andrew 
17165 AugMargaretDrewwife of John 
171613 AugHenryNewberryson of Henry 
171620 AugHenryMuggson of Henry 
171623 AugWilliamLeeson of Mary, widow 
171624 AugElizabethShuttbaaseborn dau of Joan 
171625 AugJohnLipsons  
171626 AugSusannaMartingdau of Thomas 
171630 AugSusannaKingwilldau of George 
17166 SepRebeccahNewberrydau of Francis 
17167 SepMaryBarterdau of [Obitt] 
171614 SepGraceShuttdau of John 
171620 SepStephenPuddicombe  
171623 SepTabithaBarterdau of [Obitt] 
171619 OctThomasCockcooper 
171619 OctJohnCaunterson of William 
171627 OctJohnHuntson of Nicholas 
171615 NovWilliamElliottson of William 
171617 NovHughBakerson of Mathew 
171622 DecJoanMarshallwife of John of Hennock 
171631 DecMaryCranchdau of William 
17169 JanThomasGrovesTaylor 
17169 JanGraceEwensdau of Thomas 
171610 JanPhillisLake  
171623 JanElizabethWakehamwife of Thomas 
17167 FebSamuelDudneyson of William Jun 
171612 FebSusannaHoxworthy  
171621 FebAgnesMoore  
171628 FebElizabethWilliams  
171612 MarAndrewBoveyson of Andrew 
171725 MarSusannaBennettdau of Francis 
171728 MarAnneCrammerwife of Philip 
171731 MarHenryTuckettson of Henry 
17177 AprCharityBennettdau of Francis 
171710 AprWilliamHellyerson of William, yeoman 
171712 AprThomasCrammerson of Thomas of Teingmouth 
171712 AprElizabethParkerdau of Jerimiah 
171727 MayRichardParsons  
171729 MayAnneHaddonwidow 
171731 MayThomasShuttson of John 
17178 JnDaniellHoale  
171714 JunCharityToopeof Kern alias B[e]arman 
171717 JunWilliamTownsendapprentice to John Plymsale, taylor 
171718 JunElizabethMartinedau of Gilbert 
171726 JunWilliamCranchson of William 
17172 JulSarahTapperdau of John 
17172 JulMaryHilldau of William 
171712 JulRichardGrovesson of Jane, widow 
171718 JulChristopherDenboro  
171731 JulThomasBamsfordson of Thomas 
171711 AugAnnJanesdau of William 
171712 AugElizabethBignelldau of Abraham 
171721 AugThomsSmaleson of Gregory 
171726 AugWilliamReeveson of William 
17174 SepGraceParr  
171717 SepGraceMurchdau of Joseph 
171720 Se[SusannahDamerelldau of William 
17174 OctWilliamGreene  
17178 OctElizabethRusselldau of Abraham 
17178 OctJohnParrowson of John 
171710 OctGilbertTrumanson of Gilbert, clothier 
171713 OctMaryTapperwife of John 
171722 OctJohnSouthcombeson of John 
171729 OctJamesHuntson of Nicholas 
17173 NovThomasRichson of Thomas 
17175 NovThomasCrossson of Humphrey 
17179 NovJohnCrossson of Humphrey 
171712 NovJohnCampianson of John 
171716 NovMaryCampianwife of George 
171717 NovElizabethPotterdau of Wiliam 
171721 NovGeorgeCampian  
171725 NovPeterBallson of Peter 
171728 NovMargaretMurchwife of Richard 
17176 DecMaryDowningwife of Richard 
171712 DecStephenPuddicombeson of James 
171712 DecWilliamPotterson of William 
171716 DecAnneRidgedau of Christopher of Wollington 
171717 DecThomasParrson of John 
171725 DecChristopherHellyer  
171728 DecJaneEwendau of Gabriall 
171731 DecElizabethOliverwidow 
17173 JanRichardElliott  
17173 JanMaryCorneliuswidow 
171710 JanJoanRowwife of William 
171712 JanNicholasParr  
171713 JanChristopherHaywardSen 
171716 JanThomasineRudgewaywidow 
171716 JanFlorenceShuttwife of Richard 
171719 JanJohnClifboya souldier 
171721 JanGeorgeVinnicombe  
171730 JanSabinahRussellwife of Abraham 
17171 FebWilliamDudneySenior 
17173 FebEdwardMoxeyson of John 
17177 FebSamuellEales  
171712 FebMaryShapterwidow 
171719 FebMaryMartingwidow 
171718 FebBolfieldHoxworthy[Mr] 
171719 FebMaryLangleywife of Thomas 
171719 FebEdwardGriffing  
171719 FebElizabethBlissdau of Willian 
171724 FebMaryBanfillwife of John 
171725 FebMaryDerrydau of John 
171725 FebEdwardHoreson of Willing 
171728 FebBarbaraMartingdau of Gilbert 
17179 MarThomasMoleblacksmith 
171718 MarThomasBallson of Peter, taylor 
171825 MarSarahInglettwife of Giles, gent [Inglett] 
171825 MarRichardMarting  
171825 MarChristopherMurchson of John 
171817 AprJohnBeareMiller 
171826 AprNicholasTripeVicar of Chudleigh 
171818 MayMaryCrosswife of Humphrey 
171819 MayWilliamPridhamson of William 
171828 MayJane[ ]efordwife of John, Sen.[first part of surname faded] 
17181 JunJoanGribblewife of John 
171812 JunWilliamLapthorneson of William 
171817 JulMargaryReeve  
171827 JunHenryVinnicombe  
171814 AugRobertYeoman  
171816 SepGeorgeGlanvill  
171822 SepRichardSarell  
171828 SepWilliamHayes  
17182 OctMaryGriffing  
17182 OctSarahAllen  
171819 OctThomasWakeham  
171831 OctRobertSparkeson of John 
171815 NovPhilipCrammer  
17183 DecMargaryGrooksladewidow 
17188 DecAgnesWestcottwife of George 
171814 DecJohnTuckettson of John 
171815 DecGilesHamblynson of Giles 
171815 DecGraceDug[ ]ale  
171825 DecRichardWasherGent 
171828 DecRobertChudleigh[Sen] Husbandman 
17184 JanSarahHamblynson of Giles 
171819 JanWilliamWhitlocke  
171825 JanEllinorSummerswidow 
171819 FebAlceCookewife of Henry 
171825 FebJulianShapterwidow 
17181 MarElizabethLyledau of Joan 
17185 MarGilbertTrumanHusbandman 
17187 MarPeterParrowson of John 
17188 MarJohnBeareson of George 
171815 MarAndrewKingwillson of Edward 
17195 MayElizabethMoxeydau of John 
171915 MayMaryPlymsale  
171915 MayJohnBallson of John 
171931 MayElizabethPidgelydau of Andrew of [off page] 
171928 JunMarySmaledau of Gregory 
171920 AugThomasWakeham  
17192 SepRebeccaElliswidow of former vicar 
171913 OctElizabethCrosswife of Richard 
171912 NovAnnHore  
171912 NovElizabethPardau of Arthur 
171924 NovMarthaLeggdau of Robert 
17191 DecJanePrancedau of Edward of Hennock 
171921 DecMaryHoalwidow 
171925 DecAnthonyWard  
171927 DecFrancesBaylywife of Thomas 
17192 JanHanibalRoweson of William 
17197 JanMaryBurgesswidow 
171916 JanAnnRussellwife of John 
171921 JanMaryLeggdau of Robert 
17192 FebThomasLanglyMr. 
171911 FebGeorgeCockson of Thomas 
171921 FebJohnSouthcomb  
171924 FebChristopherHarrisson of John 
171928 FebThomasHunt  
17196 MarJamesGriffing  
171917 MarMargaretTapper  
171922 MarJohnRussell  
171923 MarAnnEwmandau of Richard 
171924 MarAliceLake  
172025 MarJohnBallwife of Thomas 
17208 AprJohnMerdenson of John 
172012 AprCharlesRichson of Henry 
172024 AprFrancisBliss  
17202 MayAbelElliot  
17209 MayThomasCove  
172015 MayJaneBalldau of James 
172015 MayAliceKingwilldau of Edward 
172022 MaySusannaBennetwife of Francis 
172031 MayThomasHillson of William 
17205 JunElizabethBaylydau of Thomas 
172019 JunAnnCampiandau of William 
172019 JulJoanWinforddau of Edmund 
172021 AugEdwardHoreson of William 
17201 SepChristopherMartin  
17209 SepAnnEastchurchwidow 
172020 SepJohnWorth  
17205 OctJosephBamstone  
17208 OctJoanParr  
172016 OctJohnHoreson of James 
172026 OctGeorgeBeer  
172030 OctJohnGothamson of Thomas 
17206 NovMarySprydau of William 
17207 NovMaryMynfielddau of James, sojourner 
17209 NovJo[ ]chLynes  
172011 NovNicholasMarrascot  
172027 NovCartherineJervis  
172030 NovSusannaShortdau of Richard 
17203 DecAnnFoxdau of Robert 
17204 DecThomasShuttson of John 
17207 DecRichardBrowndau of James 
172010 DecElizabethCollingswife of John 
172011 DecJohnWorthson of Dorothy, widow 
172011 DecWilliamCloggson of William 
172017 DecJoanSpryalias Edmonds 
172018 DecMaryHellyardau of William 
172026 DecMargaretLeewife of John 
172028 DecJoanMolewidow 
172030 DecJohnDicker  
17218 JanElizabethBaylywife of Walter 
172113 JanJoanBaylywife of Thomas 
172118 JanGraceHarrisdau of John 
172120 JanJoanRichdau of Thomas 
172123 JanMaryPikewife of John 
172126 JanJohnDelve  
172129 JanSarahBallwife of John 
17212 FebJ[zel]Shortdau of Richard 
17218 FebJamesLeeson of John 
172114 FebCharityBallwidow 
172118 FebElizabethAmorywife of William 
172119 FebAgnesWakehamwife of Shadrock 
172119 FebAnnGothamwife of Andrew 
172126 FebMatthewBlake  
172126 FebJosephCrossson of Humphry 
172127 FebWilliamSouthcombe  
17212 MarPeterBall[Jnr=Holder] 
17219 MarGraceMurchdau of Hoseph 
172114 MarJohnShephard  
172114 MarJosephGande  
172115 MarThomasEwen  
172116 MarJoanCrootdau of Elizabeth, widow 
172122 MarJohnPotter  
172126 MarJohnBannick  
172126 MarJohnWoodson of Humphrey 
172129 MarMaryLeare  
172131 MarDorothyYeoman  
17213 AprMargaretCovewidow 
17219 AprWilliamClampit  
172120 AprMarthaHockadaydau of Mary, widow 
172111 MayJoanBalldau of John 
172122 MayLydiaTinckhamwidow 
17215 JunCharityCorneliuswife of Humphry, alias Cooke 
172111 JunAnnBestdau of John 
172113 JunJohnParkerson of Jeremy 
172126 JunJohnElliot  
17217 JulHenryBest  
172119 JulElizabethTapperdau of Francis 
172119 JulSarahGlanvillof Kenn 
172120 JulRobertLegg  
17216 AugElizabethRichdau of William 
17217 AugThomasinBovey  
17219 AugJoanGandewidow 
172111 SepUnitySoaperdau of Valentine 
172112 SepWilliamAdamsson of Warwick 
172111 OctSusannaEdmonddau of John 
172116 OctWilliamOsbourn  
17213 NovCharityElliotwife of John of Hennock 
17218 NovNicholasEwen  
17219 NovJosephLapthornson of Willliam 
172110 NovJohnBawdonGent 
172116 NovWilliamSouthcombe  
172119 NovRichardBannick  
172128 NovJohnWreford  
172119 DecElizabethHaynswidow 
17214 JanJoanParrwidow 
17219 JanThomasWhiteson of Dennis 
172114 JanJoanAmorywidow 
172123 JanThomasSkinnerson of John of Bovey 
172123 JanSusannaHookedau of John 
172129 JanMargeryPullingwife of Nicholas 
172128 JanElizabethYeomandau of John 
17219 FebWilmotRussellwidow 
172118 FebMaryParkerdau of Richard 
172126 FebMaryBabbwife of Jacob 
17211 MarMaryCoyshwife of John 
172114 MarJonasGotham  
172114 MarJonathanRudgwayson of Nicholas 
172225 MarMaryWiddicombedau of Richard 
172231 MarCharlesThomson  
17221 AprChristopherHelliarson of William 
17229 AprAnnCampiendau of William 
172214 AprThomasFletcherson of Richard 
172227 AprNicholasTothillson of Nicholas 
17221 MayMaryEwens  
17222 MayJohnTrumanson of Gilbert 
172215 MayElizabethCockdau of Thomas 
172229 MayEleanorMoorewife of William 
17229 JunCharlesBawdonson of Nicholas 
172223 JunRichardMurch  
172226 JunAmyWestcottof Hennock 
17221 JulMaryWakehamwidow 
172218 JulHannahBawdondau of Nicholas 
172220 JulJoanOsbournwidow 
172227 JulElizabethSparkedau of John 
172228 JulMaryLeedau of John 
172212 AugJohnMoore  
172223 AugCharlesBaylyClerk of this parish 
172213 SepSusannaBurgessdau of Thomasin, widow 
17225 OctMargaretWilkinsdau of Ambrose 
17226 OctRichardCollings  
172228 OctWilliamBassettson of Robert 
17226 NovJamesBallbase child of Mary 
172213 NovEleanorBournwife of Oliver 
172216 NovElizabethGosswife of Charles 
172230 DecJohnDammarell  
172231 DecWilliamBassettson of William 
17227 JanElizabethWilliamswife of Robert 
172214 JanHenryMuggson of Henry 
172215 JanAgnesWilliamswidow 
172228 JanThomasSkinnerson of John 
172211 FebMaryCampiandau of William 
172221 MarThomasinNoseworthywidow 
172331 MarJulianPullingwife of Michael 
17238 AprMaryBallwidown 
17238 AprJosephTinkhamof Kenton 
172311 AprElizabethParsonswidow 
172312 AprWilliamFaceyson of Thomas of Kingsteignton 
172315 AprMaryReevedau of William and Joan 
172317 AprElizabethTrumanwid 
172321 AprMaryLeggdau of Richoard, widow 
172325 AprAnnHooperwife of William 
172328 AprElizabethDudeneywidow 
17234 MayJulianGoathamwife of Thomas 
172310 MayMaryMartinwife of Jonathan 
172319 MayElizabethClarkedau of William and Susannah 
172324 MayDanielBonnait  
17232 JunMaryBallwife of Thomas 
17234 JunSarahMartindau of Thomas and Sus[anna] 
17236 JunWilliamGannacle  
17239 JunRobertJanesson of William and Mary 
172315 JunDorothyParkerwife of Jeremy 
172320 JunSusannaMarshalldau of John and Sus[anna] 
172321 JunWilliamBoveyson of Andrew and Mary 
172323 JunAviceEwensdau of Gabriel and Joan 
172323 JunJohnProuseson of George and Mary 
172327 JunRichardAdamsson of Samuel and Elizabeth 
172330 JunCharlesRichson of William and Elizabeth 
17231 JulMarthaAllendau of Matt and Margery 
17234 JulDeborahEastchurch  
17235 JulRichardStampson of William and Grace 
17235 JulJamesCaterson of James and Thomasin 
172316 JulJosiasBarterson of [E]bed and Elizabeth 
172321 JulElizabethGoathamdau of Thomas 
172325 JulSanuelCockson of Joseph and Sus[anna] 
172329 JulJoanRichdau of Thomas and Joan 
17232 AugNathanaelEwmanson of John and Elizabeth 
17233 AugUrsulaPynsentdau of Ursula, widow 
172311 AugMargaretTothillwidow 
172312 AugPhilippaLuscombewife of Philip Jun. 
172320 AugThomasinWillswidow 
172324 AugJaneBampstonewidow 
172331 AugDorothyGreenslade  
172311 SepMaryRendelldau of Thomas and Elizabeth 
172315 SepMargaretLuscombedau of Philip Jun. 
172320 SepElizabethSheppardwife of James, Esq. 
17232 OctMarthaColemandau of John and Thomasin 
17237 OctMarthaBallwife of Thomas 
172322 OctZachariaMole  
172328 OctJohnCollingsson of Robert and Anna 
172331 OctPeterClarkeGent. 
17237 NovThomasBlewson of Andrew and Martha 
172317 NovJohnDrewGentl 
172324 NovAnnEwenwidow 
17231 DecJohnBassetbase born son of Susanna 
17236 DecStephenBurgess  
172320 DecJoanBennettMrs 
172329 DecJaneMurchwife of Christopher 
172331 DecMichaelDiggensof Hennocke 
172310 JanAliceWoodwidow 
172312 JanRogerBeerof Bishopsteignton 
17233 FebSusannaPeard  
172317 FebRichardCove  
172319 FebJaneWillsdau of Robert 
172321 FebEdwardBurgessson of Edward and Joan 
172326 FebAnnShepharddau of Nicholas and Elizabeth 
172327 FebJosephMurchson of Joseph and Agnes 
17232 MarMaryDammarelldau of William and Ann 
172322 MarHenryTinkhem  
17247 AprSarahEwensdau of Jonas and Agnes [light] 
17248 AprMaryFatherswife of Stephen, Jun. 
172426 AprJamesTucker  
172426 Apr[ ]aidKingwill  
172426 AprMaryRowewife of Matthew 
17243 MayFlorenceCockwidown 
172426 MayJohnCrebe  
172427 MayElizabethWrefordwife of Edmand 
17247 JunElizabethCoylewife of Samuel 
172419 JulThomasBampstone  
172423 JulAnnBassetwife of William 
172430 JulJoanGoathamson of Thomas and Elizabeth 
172419 AugElizabeth[G]ramanwidow 
172418 AugWilliamArcher  
172420 AugWilliamArcherhis son 
172421 AugAnnSearlewife of Edward 
172424 AugAnnRidgewaywife of William 
17247 SepJoanDiscombewife of John 
172410 SepSusannaBenfillwife of Clement 
172423 SepSamuelGawler  
172425 OctElizabethRennelldau of John and Mary 
172425 OctAgnesWindsorwife of James 
172430 OctElizabethParrwife of William 
17241 NovRichardSouthcott  
17246 NovWilliamRowe  
172411 NovNicholasPike  
172415 NovJoenCornish  
172415 NovStephenCroyling  
172420 NovMaryLambolewidow 
172422 NovR[olemond]Hooperof Hennock 
172413 DecMaryMeaddau of [John] and Mary 
172421 DecWilliamSalisburyinterred at Ugbrooke 
172428 DecJohnRow  
17242 JanDinahCodner  
172414 JanJaneStandvickwidow 
172418 JanWilliamBawdonson of Ann 
172429 JanElizabethWestcottdau of [John] and Mary 
172431 JanMaryFletcherwife of [John} 
17245 FebJoanPrancewife of Edward of Hennock 
17249 FebJohnCoysh  
172411 FebMargeryLuggwife of Joseph 
172421 FebJohnBaylyson of William and Joen of Hennock 
17247 MarCalebPenny  
17248 MarMaryBaylywidow 
172416 MarWilliamSouthcombe  
172416 MarMaryUnderhaywidow 
172418 MarThomasinBurgeswidow 
172419 MarMaryOliverwidow 
172423 MarJoenSmithdau of Richard and Agnes 
172525 MarElizabethRisdonwife of Thomas 
17254 AprRobertBlithof Cornwall 
17254 AprChristopherColemanson of John 
17257 AprMaryClementdau of William and Joen 
17259 AprRichardShortson of Nicholas and Joan 
172511 AprJosephMurchson of Joseph and Sarah 
172514 AprSarahMurchdau of Joseph and Agnes 
172515 AprElizabethShortdau of Nathaniel and Joen 
172518 AprWilliamBallson of William and Sarah 
172521 AprMaryStonedau of Nicholas and Frances 
172525 AprElizabethUcfordalias Spree 
17251 MayElizabethBrenddau of Michael and [Sus. Brend] 
17259 MayJacobBabb  
172511 MayGeorgeDinningson of William and Elizabeth 
172513 MayJohnMeadson of John 
172515 MayThomasTothillson of Nicholas and Ann 
172516 MayJohnSmale  
172516 MayMarthaBoveydau of Andrew and Mary 
172516 MayMart[le]Baylydau of Thomas and Thomsin 
172518 MayAnnaCollingswife of Robert 
172518 MayStephenBurgesson of Edward and Joen 
172521 MayJoenEwendau of Gabriel and Joen 
172521 MayMaryEwendau of Gabriel and Joen 
172523 MayStephenBurges  
172523 MayCharlesCampianson of John and Catherine 
17253 JunJamesMooreson of James and Elizabeth 
17253 JunHannahFletcherdau of Richard and Mary 
17256 JunElizabethParkerwife of Richard 
17257 JunElizabethSarelldau of Agnes 
17258 JunCharlesRichson of William and Elizabeth 
172510 JunSarahAdamsdau of Sam and Elizabeth 
172513 JunElizabethLaskeydau of Thomas and Elizabeth 
172514 JunMaryEdmondwife of [Jem. Alias Spree 
172520 JunGeorgeSweetlandson of John and [Sus.], Jun. 
172522 JunAnnMelhuishdau of Henry and Joan 
172529 JunWilliam[H]arryof Whitestone 
172530 JunJoanColemandau of John and Thomasin 
17251 JulThomasBall  
17256 JulWilliamBakerson of Roger and Elizabeth 
172510 JulArthurHardingson of William and Mary 
172511 JulElizabethWarddau of Jonathan and Rach. 
172511 JulJohnBallson of John and Mary 
172513 JulMargeryMartindau of Charles and Elizabeth 
172513 JulSarahHuntdau of Nicholas and Sarah 
172516 JulGraceStampdau of William and Grace 
172516 JulSamuelParsonsson of Joseph and Alice 
172516 JulThomasHarrisson of Thomas and Mellony 
172520 JulMosesSearl  
172520 JulZachariahMartinson of Charles and Eliz. 
172522 JulDavidDunning  
172523 JulSamuelBallson of Mary, widow 
172523 JulGeorgeLacyson of George and Mary 
172525 JulJoanaAmorydau of Will. And Frances 
172529 JulWilliamYeomanson of Jn and Eliz 
172529 JulJamesShapterson of Andrew and Eliz. 
172530 JulMaryParrdau of Jn and Susanna 
17251 AugMaryLacywife of George 
17253 AugElizabethBarterdau of Obod and Eliz. 
17258 AugJaneWreforddau of Gilbert and Sabina 
172510 AugMaryVealwidow 
172511 AugJoanSaunderswidow of Oakhampton 
172512 AugAnnBlissdau of John and [begins with J or G ] 
172517 AugNicholasMooreGent. 
172520 AugCharlesMartinson of Charles and Eliz. 
172520 AugPeterBeerson of George and Mary 
172524 AugElizabethVinningwife of John 
17251 SepJohnMoore  
172511 SepThomasBakerGent. 
172512 SepWilliamPaddonson of John and Mary 
172516 SepWilliamStampson of William and Grace 
172531 OctMaryEwendau of Tho and Eliz. 
17255 NovMarySkinner[smudged] 
172518 NovMaryKingwill  
17256 DecMaryHaywarddau of Mary 
172520 DecSamuelAmoryson of [light] and Temar 
172531 DecElizabethPynsentwife of William 
172512 JanSarahHelliardau of William and Frances 
172524 JanWilliamBeer  
17253 FebJoshuaVinicomb  
172512 FebWilliamHardingson of William 
172514 Feb[Jane]Glydonof Christow 
172515 FebJoanOsbornwidow 
172521 Feb[J]ret]Blisswife of John 
172522 FebSusannaParkerwife of James 
17251 MarMaryProusewife of William, Junr. 
172523 MarFrancisTa[ ]n[ ]son of Francis and Sarah [off page] 
172625 MarJamesPriddicombe  
172625 MarPeterWhiteson of Donnit [maybe Dennis] 
172627 MarMaryPhilipswidow 
17269 AprJoanRichwife of Thomas 
172616 AprElizabethHodge  
172626 AprAndrewBlew  
172626 AprSusannaWhitewife of Donnit [maybe Dennis] 
172629 AprCharlesCampian  
172629 AprWilliamMarrascottson of Nicholas 
172619 MayJohnBestson of John and Elizabeth 
172629 MayJosephCockson of Joseph 
172621 JunElizabethKingwill  
172622 JunJohnEdmondals Spray of [ ]ford 
172617 JulElizabeth[ ]igg[ ][dark and off page] dau of John and Mary 
17267 AugJaneQui[c]kdau of Robert 
172610 AugJohhnSouthcombeson of Ann, widow 
17261 SepCharityMatterfacedau of Thomas 
172625 SepJohnBaylyson of Thomas and Ann 
172622 OctMaryOrchardwife of William 
17262 NovJohnPridhamson of William 
17266 NovThomasSkinnerson of John 
172610 NovGeorgeWestcott  
172613 NovSusannaParrwife of Arthur 
172624 NovSarahS[eward]wife of Ambrose 
172613 DecWilliamPulling  
172617 DecBenjaminHellierson of [Stephen] 
172625 DecSamuelBakerson of Samuel 
17262 JanJudithWebWidow 
172610 JanJohnRich  
172623 JanGeorgeBennetGent 
172625 JanJohnBallson of John 
17262 FebMaryDiggensdau of Nicholas 
17266 MayCharityHaywidow 
172615 FebJamesBall[ok]base child of Mary 
172621 FebWilmotCrusewife of Andrew 
17261 MarMargaryUrchillwife of William 
17269 MarJosephMoore  
172612 MarDorothyMarrescottwidow 
172614 MarAndrewR[a]lplsalias Wright 
172616 MarAndrewCruse  
172730 MarJohnOrchard  
17276 AprMaryOrcharddau of William 
172712 AprMaryShapterwife of Thomas 
172716 AprSabinaBulfordwife of William 
172717 AprJoanParkerwid. 
17275 MayThomasBulford  
172711 MayWilliamProuse  
172717 MayElizabethMiltonof Kenn 
172717 MayValentineSoaper  
172723 JunGeorgeSweetlandson of George, Junr. 
172723 JulAnnHelliardau of William 
172730 JulHumphryWood  
17279 AugAlicePotterdau of William 
172710 SepRobertWillsson of Robert 
172716 SepThomasCholwichEsq. 
172721 SepWilliamHelliar  
172710 OctElizabethColemandau of John 
172716 OctElizabethWestcott  
17278 NovHenryRich  
17279 NovFrancisFathers  
172714 NovWilliamUrchill  
172725 NovAbrahamWhiteson of Dennis 
172715 DecThomasWeedgerson of Thomas 
172718 DecZacharyShagest  
172727 DecSusannaPardeewife of John 
17275 JanJoanAmmorydau of William 
172715 JanThomasPulling  
172728 JanMaryParkerdau of [Irving] 
17278 FebElizabethPotterwid 
172718 FebThomasBulfordson of William 
172718 FebBennetParr  
172719 FebAnnBallwife of James 
172720 FebSusannaHalsewid 
172726 FebMaryWoodEsau 
172825 MarJosephWhiteson of Stephen 
172831 MarSusannaAgatewife of George, alias [Leeger] 
172811 AprGeorgeBobbidgeson of George 
172816 AprJamesBall  
172816 AprJoannaHarrisdau of John 
172819 AprSusanna[ ]leyinterred 
172824 AprMaryGodbear  
172826 AprAgnesSarellwid 
172830 AugGraceSanders  
172810 MayWilliamUnderhayson of Roger 
172814 MayMaryEastabrookewife of Stephen 
172815 MayJohnTregoson of Mary 
172815 MayElizabethSpearkdau of John 
172816 MayRuthMurchwife of John 
17281 JunJohnWhiteson of Stephen 
17288 JunTamarAmmorywife of William 
172814 JunWilliamMoore  
172820 JunJohnMurch  
172826 JunJoanRowedau of William 
172830 JunElizabethBestdau of John [dark and off page] 
17282 JulElizabethWardwid 
172811 JulSamuelAmmory  
172816 JulMary[no name]dau of Elizabeth, base born 
172821 JulRobertWoodley  
172821 JulJohnSpeark  
172826 JulElizabethSperkdau of Richard 
172813 AugJaneYeomanwid 
172819 AugGeorgeWrayfordof Christow 
172821 AugElizabethGoathamwid 
172829 AugMaryParkerwife of Richard 
172831 AugCharlesGoss  
17288 SepMaryHenderson  
17289 SepEdwardLane  
172817 SepJohnVinning  
172820 SepJohnAvery  
172826 SepCatherineBright  
172829 SepElizabethWa[terswife of Rowland 
17285 OctAnnPewtnerwife of William 
17286 OctRichourdMolewid 
172821 OctElizabethBamstonewid 
17281 NovZacharyUnderey  
17284 NovStephenDiggion  
172812 NovJohnLee  
172824 NovJosephCampianson of John 
172818 DecAnnPynsentwife of Jonathan 
172822 DecAgnesTothillwife of Joseph 
172830 DecGraceStampwife of Richard 
17284 JanHughBlewson of Martha 
17285 JanJohnHellyerson of Christopher, Gent. 
17285 JanElizabethFatherswid 
17285 JanMaryHockadaydau of Samuel 
17285 JanAnnElliotdau of Thomas 
17287 JanJohnDiscombe  
17287 JanWilliamUckfordalias Spree 
172812 FebJoanElliottwidow 
172827 FebMaryHonnywellwid of Dawlish 
17285 MarWilliamClement  
172812 MarHumphryRidgeway  
172814 MarJoanBrightwid 
172820 MarThomasMatterfaceson of Thomas, Jun 
172821 MarElizabethGossdau of Martha 
172821 MarGeorgeDunning  
172823 MarChristopher[ ossery]alias Wills 
172823 MarAgnesKnapmanwid. 
172925 MarJohnPardyinterred 
172927 MarSusannaBallwidow 
17291 AprElizabethFrydau of William 
17294 AprAgnesMoorewife of Nicholas 
17299 AprArthurParr  
172912 AprMaryParkerdau of Richard 
172915 AprMaryBlewdau of Martha 
172929 AprElizabethBeerwidow 
17296 MayJohnMarshallof Hennock 
17296 MayNicholasMoore  
17299 MayMarySmithdau of Richard and Agnes 
172910 MayAgnesCater  
172913 MayElizabethFlatcher  
172914 MayMaryCreberwife of George, interred 
172916 MayElizabethEastabrookewidow 
172928 MayElizabethBurgesswidow 
17294 JunJohnCrootealias Ryley 
17295 JunMaryDiggiondau of Stephen 
17298 JunCharityElliottwid 
172915 JunJaneGroves  
172915 JunSarahSmalesdau of Thomas 
172919 JunWilliamMillward  
172919 JunJoanHellierMrs. Widow 
172910 JulThomasHuntson of Nicholas 
172916 JulJamesEdmondalias Spree 
172923 JulJohnKnowling  
17298 AugWilliamBaylyJunr., of Hennock 
17293 SepMaryGlanvilldau of Roger 
172910 SepWilliamLyle  
172918 SepJoanBakerwife of Thomas 
17295 OctMaryWestcottdau of John 
172917 OctElizabethBurgess  
172924 OctSusannaYeoman  
172927 NovSarahTomlindau of Oliver 
17297 DecJohnWills  
17299 DecRichardShort  
172912 DecStephenEastabrooke  
172914 DecThomasEwensson of John 
172917 DecElizabethHaywife of William 
172921 DecGilbertPenny  
172926 DecJonathanCrossson of Philip 
172929 DecMarthaEwenswife of Jonas 
1729[ ] JanJudithDiggionwidow? 
17296 JanSalomeSouthcombe  
17299 JanJohnSpearkson of Elizabeth, widow 
172923 JanMarySmithdau of William 
172925 JanJaneCorneliusdau of Humphry 
172931 JanHenryCliffordson of the Honorable Hugh, Esq at Ugbrooke 
172922 FebRichardCross  
172924 FebJosephCollingsMr 
172925 FebThomasDudeneyMr 
172927 FebElizabethRabbich  
17294 MarJohnStockerson of Silas 
17299 MarRichardShutt  
172918 MarJosephMooreson of William 
172923 MarGeorgeSweetland  
172924 MarSamuelProuseson of Samuel 
17302 AprGraceDelvedau of Joseph and Grace 
173016 AprElizabethBright  
173028 AprElizabethClarke  
173012 MayMaryJamesdau of William 
173024 MayStephenFathers  
173031 May[ Ann]Minglemanwife of John 
17305 JunElizabethBalldau of William and Margery 
17304 JunJohnMooreson of Joseph and Elizabeth 
17304 JunJamesBiggsson of John and Mary 
17305 JunMaryBestdau of John and Elizabeth, tanner 
173012 JunMaryHarrisdau of Tho and Mellony 
173014 JunThomasElliotson of Richard and Mary 
173019 JunSamuelBallson of William and Mary 
173020 JunSusannaMarshallwife of John 
173024 JunStephenDigg[ens][off page] son of Stephen and Joan 
17306 JulAnnRidgewaydau of Richard and Agnes 
173019 JulThomasElliotson of Tho and Ann 
173023 JulHannahProusewife of William 
173028 JulElizabethWolcombewife of Robert 
173029 JulGeorgeLanceyson of John and Elizabeth 
173029 JulPetronellGouldwid 
173016 AugElizabethB[ ][dark and off page] dau of John and Rosamond 
173020 AugBenjaminWal[k]erson of John, interred 
173030 AugJohnMatthewsson of Even 
17309 SepNicholasBaylyson of Tho. 
173017 SepZacharyBurges  
173018 SepJohnEwens  
173028 SepMaryColemandau of John 
173030 SepMableSmalewife of Gregory 
173015 OctThomasTuckerson of Elizabeth 
173022 OctOliverTomlin  
173028 OctThomasVinnicombe  
173025 OctJohnMurch  
173025 OctRichardPearce  
173031 OctWilliamShephardson of Nick and Elizabeth 
17308 NovMaryWiddicombedau of Richard and Mary 
173018 NovSusannaWard  
173026 NovThomasRichson of Thomas and Joan 
173018 DecJamesAgatealias Leeger, of Hennock 
173025 DecMaryCollingswife of John 
173030 DecThomasPuddicombeson of Stephen and Ann 
17301 JanJamesWindsor  
17305 JanHumphryCross  
17306 JanRichardShortson of Richard and Joan 
173017 JanJaneProusewife of Richard 
173021 JanJaneDaymonddau of Stephen and Martha 
173024 JanAnnSpearkwife of Richard 
173025 JanShadrachWakeham  
17309 FebAnnCovewid 
173010 FebMaryCockdau of Joseph and Sus[anna] 
173011 FebWilliamPranceof Hennock 
173013 FebThomasHuntson of Nicholas and Sarah 
173018 FebRowlandWalters  
173025 FebAnnTucker  
173028 FebJoanWilcoxwife of John 
17308 MarJohnShepherdson of Nick and Eliz. 
17304 MarJacobPikeson of John and Mary, interred 
17305 MarMargaretSkinnerwid of Bovey Tracy 
173018 MarJamesCornish  
173023 MarCharlesTothillson of Nicholas and Ann 
173024 MarRichardClementson of William 
173128 MarGregorySmale  
173131 MarMichaelDiggensof Hennock 
17311 AprWilliamClarke  
17319 AprMaryRoweinterred at Ugbrooke 
173114 AprJohnNeele  
173115 AprThomasBaker  
173117 AprMaryHockaday  
173119 AprCharityCampiandau of William 
173121 AprJohnShapter  
173125 AprElizabethRendellwife of Thomas 
173128 AprJoanWiddicombedau of John 
17319 MayJosiasDiggins  
173124 MayWilliamVivionson of Thomas 
17312 JunSusannaMeaddau of John 
17316 JunJohnPardyinterred 
17317 JunElizabethTomlin  
173120 JunJohnGoathamson of Thomas 
17314 JulPhilipSmith  
17317 JulThomasJanesson of William 
17318 JulAnnHockadaydau of Samuel 
173113 JulJohnHellierMr[s] 
173121 JulThomasRawdonson of John 
173125 JulWilliamSheersson of Nathanael 
173127 JulAnnRussellwife of Richar, alias Wiett 
173131 JulWilliamBurt  
173115 AugElizabethCollingsdau of John 
173131 AugMarthaPullingwid 
17316 SepEdwardStampson of William 
173114 SepJohnCombe  
173130 SepPrudenceFlatcherwife of Richard, Junr. 
17318 OctElizabethShapterdau of Andrew 
17319 OctAbrahamDaniel  
17314 NovElizabethClifforddau of the Right Honorable Hugh Lord Clifford and the Lady Elizabeth, his wife, interred at Ugbrooke 
17315 NovDanielCater  
17314 DecJaneSweetlandwid 
173116 DecEuclidMartynson of John 
173124 JanJoanDiggens  
173127 JanCharityPullingwid 
173128 JanElizabethHamblinwife of Giles 
17316 FebHenryTinckhamson of Henry 
173110 FebJosephMarshallson of John 
173123 FebJohnTinckhamson of Henry 
173112 MarJaneHammonddau of John 
173119 MarThomasProuse  
173119 MarMaryEastabrookewife of John 
173120 MarAnnElliottdau of Thomas 
173123 MarFrancesRisdondau of William 
173230 MarHughCliffordThe Right Honorable Lord Clifford interred at Ugbrooke 
17324 AprMaryHammonddau of John 
17324 AprElizabethLangallerwife of Christopher 
17327 AprJoseph[Ward]son of Joseph 
173217 Apr[no name][can't read]a son to Samuel, interred 
173220 AprWilliamBulfordson of William 
17324 MayAnnDammarellwid 
17329 MayElizabethSmithwid 
173210 MaySusannaPridhamdau of William 
173216 MayPhilipFrost  
173224 MayZacharyMartynson of Charles 
173229 MayElizabethSmale  
173230 MayChristopherHellierMr 
173231 MayElizabethViolwife of Samuel 
17328 JunElizabethBurgessdau of John and Margaret 
173225 JunSusannaBradleywife of Robert 
173229 MayAaronDrake  
173229 MayMaryMarshallwife of John 
173230 JunRichardPotterson of Bartholomew 
17327 JulJohnCrossson of John and Mary 
173220 JulJohnBowdonson of Thomas and Ann 
173221 JulElizabethWestcottdau of Geo and Charity 
173222 JulSamuelHockadayson of Samuel 
173229 JulAbrahamProwse  
173211 AugJohnWills  
173224 AugJohnBawdonson of John and Eliz. [Gent] 
173227 AugSarahDudeneydau of Robert and Mary 
17321 SepRichardSweetlandson of Geo and Sus[anna] 
17324 SepMaryClementdau of William 
17325 SepGeorgeSweetlandson of Geo and Susanna 
17329 SepStephenBurgessson of Edward and Joan 
173210 SepMaryHammondwife of John 
173226 SepJoanShapterdau of Andrew 
17326 OctMaryBlakewid 
173210 OctWilliamDudeney  
173213 OctAnnWiddicombedau of John and Mary 
17322 NovSarahLuscombewife of Philip 
17326 NovFrancisMartynson of John and Eliz. 
17328 NovSusannaHoredau of James 
17323 DecElizabethMoledau of Edward 
17326 DecJohnMingleman  
17329 DecJoannaSheersdau of Nathanael 
173219 DecJohnProwseson of George 
173210 DecWilliamPotterson of Bartholomew 
173212 DecGilesInglettMr. 
173217 DecWilliamParr  
173219 DecWilliamThornson of John 
173219 DecSarahHellierdau of Mrs Elizabeth 
173221 DecWilliamGlanvillson of Roger 
173221 DecElizabethShepherddau of Nicholas 
173222 DecWilliamRoweson of William 
173222 DecElizabethSearldau of Edwry 
173224 DecThomasBayly  
173224 DecRosamondProwsedau of Thomas 
173228 DecLawrenceHowson of Lawrence 
173231 DecGraePynsentwife of William 
17321 JanMaryProwsedau of Geo and Mary 
17322 JanJohnCaseleyson of John 
17327 JanJohnPardeeson of Susanna, interred 
173210 JanAnnBalldau of John 
173214 JanMaryBassetdau of Susanna 
173214 JanSusannaPardeedau of Susanna, interred 
173220 JanBartholomewPotter  
173222 JanJamesMarrescottson of John 
173225 JanMaryMarrescottwife of John 
173225 JanJosiasDiggensson of Nicholas 
173226 JanElizabethLuscombedau of Thomas 
173228 JanMaryVeasywid 
173219 FebCharityMillwardwife of William 
173214 MarMaryWhitrowedau of James and Mary 
173215 MarSusannaMolewid 
173221 MarJoanShapter  
173328 MarMaryDunning  
17338 AprThomasStokesson of Sam and Martha 
173316 AprElizabethCollingsdau of Robert and Joan 
173325 AprJohnShutt  
17336 MayThomasBayley  
17336 MayJohnGribble  
173311 MayMaryCollingsdau of Joseph 
173313 MayJohnThornson of John 
173318 MayWalterBayley  
173318 MayHenryMelhuishson of Henry and Joan 
173322 MayJamesBrownson of George 
173310 JunThomasRisdon  
173325 JunJohnPikeinterred 
173326 JunMaryElliottdau of James and Joanna 
173328 JunSarahWilliamswife of William 
173330 JunElizabethHamblindau of Giles 
17338 JulMaryShepherdwife of John 
17339 JulWilliamHellier  
173329 JulThomasBowdonson of Tho. And Ann 
173329 JulJohnBowdonson of Thomas and Ann 
17334 AugJaneLowton  
173314 AugEleanorMoore  
173317 AugSamuelCock  
173328 AugThomasOvery  
173328 AugPeterTinkhamson of Henry 
17335 SepMaryMawy  
17339 SepJohnHarris  
17339 SepJamesArthur  
173318 SepSamuelPitts  
173322 SepMargeryBallwife of William 
173320 SepMaryCrossdau of Philip 
17332 OctJosephInglettMr. 
17332 OctJohnWestcottson of John and Mary 
173327 OctElizabethWeekesMrs. Of Alphington 
173331 OctRebeccaAdamsdau of Warwick 
173331 OctHenryClarkeson of Matthias of Bovey 
17336 NovJohnBenfill  
173317 NovSusannaShortdau of Nicholas and Joan 
173318 NovThomasEwenson of Thomas and Susanna 
173310 DecOliverBourn  
173314 DecAnnParrwid 
173316 DecWilliamMartinson of Will and Agnes 
173320 DecRichardBabbidge  
17336 JanJoanLanewid 
17339 JanEleanorShapterdau of Thomas 
173313 JanGraceElliottwid 
173320 JanMaryBurtdau of Barbara 
173325 JanMaryBennettwife of George 
173328 JanSusannaKnapmanwid 
17331 FebThomasSpearkson of Thomas and Mary 
173310 FebSusannaCockdau of Thomas 
173315 FebJaneTapperdau of Richard 
173324 FebThomasCockson of Thomas 
17331 MarGeorgeBennettson of George 
17338 MarThomasGrant  
17338 MarEdwardBickfordson of Edward and Elizabeth 
173315 MarElizabethRichdau of William 
173317 MarJamesPikeson of Philip and Susan 
173429 MarJohnPlimsaleson of John and Eleanor 
173430 MarJeremiahPynsentson of John 
173431 MarMaryHawkinsdau of Rogert 
17344 AprRichardSmithson of Richard and Agnes 
17344 AprMarySmithson of Richard and Agnes 
17349 AprJaneRisdondau of William 
173415 AprSamuelCoyle  
173418 AprJoannaSheerswife of Nath. 
173420 AprPhilipSandford  
173421 AprFrancisTapperson of Francis 
173424 AprThomasBawdonson of John 
173425 AprThomasSpeark  
173430 AprMaryCrusewife of Arthur 
173430 AprWilliamBaylyof Hennock 
173430 AprPentecostCock  
173430 AprJacobLane  
173430 AprElizabethSpearkwidow 
17345 MayAnnCaselydau of John and Mary 
173411 MayGeorgeBennettof Hennock 
173412 MayHenryLapthornson of Henry 
173412 MayAnnSpearkdau of Richard 
173412 MayMaryCealydau of James 
173414 MayMarySearledau of Richard 
173417 MayCharityCampiandau of William 
173419 MayJosephWilliams  
173420 MayThomasClarkeson of John 
173420 MayMaryRiversdau of James 
173421 MayElizabethSpearkwidow 
173425 MayChristopherBenfillson of Clement 
173426 MayJohnThorn  
173428 MayMaryBallwidow 
173428 MayJoanCealydau of James 
173429 MayMaryLa[skey]dau of Thomas 
17341 JunElizabethShorelanddau of Robert 
17341 JunThomasYeomanson of Richard 
17347 JunElizabethLaceydau of George 
173419 JunMaryLipsonwidow 
17344 JulMarySheerywife of [N]ath. 
17346 JulJamesParker  
173410 JulAnnCliffordThe Right Honorable Lady Dowager Clifford, buried at Ugbrooke 
173412 JulElizabethDiggensdau of [N]ick. 
173418 JulJosiasDiggensson of Nich. 
173421 JulThomasShapter  
173423 JulMaryFranciswidow 
17342 AugElizabethHooke  
17347 AugMaryProwse  
173411 AugJaneOrchardwidow 
173418 AugMaryTannerdau of John 
173427 SepWilliamHore  
173429 SepJohnCoyleson of Hannah, widow 
17349 NovElizabethCrosswife of William 
173415 NovRebeccaBurgesswidow 
173424 NovThomasRidgeway  
173422 DecMaryEwensdau of Joseph and Elizabeth 
173426 DecJohnDanielson of Edward 
173427 DecJoanReevewife of William 
173429 DecMarthaDaymondwife of Stephen 
17341 JanStephenDaymond  
17345 JanMaryProwsedau of William 
17349 JanRichardHollings  
173431 JanMaryCrosswidow 
17346 MarMaryMoorewidow 
173514 AprAnneCampionwife of William 
173520 AprAmyBateswidow 
173527 AprWilliamClogson of William 
17355 MayAnnPynsentdau of John 
173521 MayChristopherHoward  
173523 MayAnneClapdau of John and Elizabeth 
173512 JunMaryTapperwife of John 
173512 JunElizabehthGriffinwidow 
173525 JunDaniellElliott  
17357 JulMaryGriffin  
173513 JulElizabethBoo[ ]sof Paynton 
173528 JulJohnStowe  
17354 AugRichardHellyer  
17358 AugJudethJoneswife of Thomas 
173517 AugNicholasBawdon  
173520 AugHonourMartyndau of John 
17353 SepElizabethBlisswife of William 
17358 OctThomasStephens  
173522 OctMaryMurchdau of Jane, widow 
173529 OctSarahWhitewife of Stephen 
173529 OctJohnHalse  
17352 DecEdwardMole  
17356 DecMaryMead  
173518 DecElizabethHay  
173518 DecJamesLaceyson of George 
173525 DecSarahBeard  
173528 DecJohnRabbish  
173531 DecJohnSargeantVicar of Chudleigh [the Qnd] 
173510 JanJohnDartson of Nicholas 
17351 FebWilliamQuirk  
17358 FebElizabethClapwife of John 
173523 FebCharityKnolingwidow [Knowling] 
17364 AprWilliamQuirkson of William and Agnes 
17368 AprGeorgeWestcott  
173615 AprThomasEwensson of Joseph 
17364 MayMaryArthurwidow 
173610 MayWilliamMillward  
173619 MayJoanBignett  
173614 MayJohnDinniver  
173621 MayJohnColemanson of John 
173628 MayMaryHoredau of William 
173631 MayJoanSkinner  
17366 JunJohnBakerson of John 
17367 JunMaryWilkinsdau of John 
173622 JunChristopherGawler  
173627 JunSarahCrebardau of George 
17362 JulElizabethPotterdau of Elizabeth 
17367 JulMaryCampiandau of William 
17369 JulRichordLegwidow 
173614 JulSusannaPennywife of Joseph 
173618 JulJohnWilkins  
173622 JulOliverBirkleyson of William 
173627 JulMaryMooredau of Joseph 
173612 AugMaryBaileywidow 
17361 SepCharlesSearleson of John and Elizabeth 
173626 SepMaryDigoutwife of Nicholas 
173626 SepMary[no name]dau of John and Margaret of [Uip ] 
17363 OctMaryPynsentdau of Jeremiah and Mary 
173615 OctRobert[Tralle]  
173622 OctJoanBurgeswife of William 
173624 OctMaryMartyndau of William and Mary 
173631 OctThomasinBaileywidow 
173628 NovSusannaWillswidow 
173628 NovHenryP[ickell]  
173628 NovNath[anial]Sheers  
173630 DecWilliamBurgessson of John 
173630 DecDorothy[G[iff]erry]  
17361 JanJoanWeedgerwife of Thomas 
17362 JanJoanMead  
17364 JanMaryWilkinsdau of John 
17364 JanWilliamGilfordson of William 
173614 JanJohnTuckett  
17361 FebElizabethBabbidgewife of George 
17364 FebJamesRidgewayson of William 
17366 FebJonasShapterson of Thomas 
173613 FebJohnRidgewayson of William 
173614 FebRobertWoolcombEsq. 
173615 FebJohnBall  
173617 FebWilliamThorne  
173618 FebElizabethBaker  
173729 MarJoanCaseleydau of John and Mary 
17376 AprElizaabethWreyforddau of Edmund 
173717 AprJohnHill  
17373 JunSusannaSweetlandwife of George 
17375 JunElizabethSweetlanddau of George 
173710 JunJohnProwse  
173723 JunElizabethWillswidow 
173726 JunJoanEwensdau of Jonas 
173723 JulGeorgeOsbournson of Anne 
173724 JulHughPinsentson of Hugh 
173725 JulJohnRennellGent. 
173727 JulAnneEasterbrookdau of John 
17375 AugHenryLapthorn  
173714 AugJonasOwens  
173714 AugElizabethWhitrowedau of James 
173723 AugThomasD[o]akeson of John 
17376 SepSusannaPookwife of John, interred 
173727 SepMaryBickleywife of William 
17376 OctBridgetSargeantMrs. 
173718 OctJohnYeomanson of Francis 
173719 OctSusannaLeerdau of John 
173719 OctJoanHooperdau of William 
173725 OctMaryDunningwidow 
173726 OctThomasBab  
173726 OctJoanCampionwidow 
173713 NovGeorgeBabbidge  
173716 NovEmlinStonewidow 
173716 NovSusannBigsdau of Henry 
173711 DecJohnWilcox  
173713 DecAnneBeer  
173720 DecJohnPookinterred 
173712 JanMaryTapperdau of Francis 
173717 JanMaryBalldau of William 
173722 JanWalterCoome  
17377 Feb[no name][no name]a stranger 
173710 FebThomasParkerson of Richard 
173719 FebAnneBrowndau of Robert 
17378 MarJudithMoorwife of James 
173714 MarWilliamAmmorey  
173719 MarWilliam NightRidgewayson of William Ridgeway 
173815 AprMaryBawdondau of John 
17382 MayAndrewNight[Knight] 
17382 MayFannyBawdondau of John 
173817 MayJohnCord  
173817 MaySamuelDammerillson of William 
173823 MayElizabethDrew  
173828 MayMaryBassetdau of William 
17385 JunJohnCornishson of John 
173812 JunJohnParr  
173814 JunElizabethSmithdau of William 
173826 JunSusannaWills  
17384 JulMaryJaneswilfe of William 
17384 JulElizabethHarris  
17388 JulSarahHoredau of James 
173811 JulElizabethCriedifordwife of John 
173811 JulMaryHawkinswife of Roger 
173821 JulJoanSkinnerdau of John 
173823 JulJaneRisdondau of William 
173814 AugMaryPynsentdau of [no name] 
173820 AugAnneHorewife of James 
173823 AugJanBigsdau of William 
173824 AugMaryKnowlingwife of Samuel 
173826 AugGraceTarrantwidow 
17383 SepMaryLeewidow 
17383 SepRachelRabbichwidow 
17383 SepMaryTucker  
173815 SepCharityPalkdau of John 
173817 SepElizabethThornwidow 
17386 OctElizabethMoordau of James 
173822 OctMaryLapthornwife of William 
17381 NovJoanMatterfacewife of Thomas 
17382 NovRobertWillsson of Robert 
17385 NovRowWilliamson of Thomas 
173813 NovMaryBulfordinterred 
173813 NovJosephWestcottson of George 
173819 NovJoanEwenswife of Nicholas 
173819 NovElizabethGothamdau of Andrew 
173823 NovJohnPa[n]a  
17383 DecWilliamChudleigh  
173819 DecThomasRichson of Thomas 
173824 DecJohnHockadayson of Samuel 
173825 DecAnneWillsdau of John 
17382 JanCharityBlisswife of John 
17382 JanElizabethAyresdau of Hugh 
173817 JanSusannaWoodleydau of William 
173825 JanElizabethCrootwidow 
173813 FebJohnCruiseson of Arthur 
173818 FebElizabethMoorwife of Joseph 
173823 FebJohnWillsson of John 
173828 FebSamuelVioll  
173828 FebJoanBeerwife of Charles 
173815 MarAnneFulforddau of John 
173816 MarJohnTapperson of John 
173818 MarJohnCrebarson of George 
173925 MarSusannaMoordau of Joseph 
173911 AprJohnWillsson of Robert 
173916 AprRachelWardwife of Jonathan 
173922 AprElizabethEwensdau of Gabriel and Joan 
17399 MaySarahParsonsdau of Joseph and Alice 
173931 MayElizabethDannifordwidow 
17397 JulRobertWestcott  
173910 JulWilliamHellyer  
17392 AugEdwardDaniell  
173914 AugThomasDudeneyson of Robert and Mary 
173915 AugMaryAlleinwife of Daniel 
173917 AugSusannaRichwid 
17393 SepElizabethSpark  
17398 SepSamuelDudenyson of Robert and Mary 
173930 SepWilliamLuce  
17399 OctThomasCockson of Moses and Grace 
173921 OctAnneSp[oce]dau of Thomas and Mary 
17391 NovThomasPearse  
17398 NovJohnClarkGent 
173920 NovFrancisNewberry  
173920 NovMaryLyneswid 
173922 NovMaryHellyer  
173923 NovSusannaBurgesswife of John 
17398 DecAnnWal[ ]dau of Richard and Hannah 
17399 DecElizabethGosswid 
173918 JanRogerUnderhay  
173920 JanNicholasMartynson of William and Agnes 
173930 JanJohnRookson of John and Martha 
173930 JanThomasWeedger  
17393 FebMaryLeedau of Thomas and Sarah 
17396 FebGilesRichson of Mary 
173915 FebMargaretProusewid 
173921 FebJoanBeerwife of Charles 
17397 MarRichardRussellson of John and Elizabeth 
173912 MarSarahParker  
173916 MarMaryBennetdau of John and Martha 
173923 MarMaryHendersondau of George and Grace 
173930 MarRichardProuse  
17406 AprWilliamBliss  
174013 AprThomasMartynson of William and Agnes 
174014 AprWilliamSearleson of John and Elizabeth 
174016 AprNicholasMartynson of William and Agnes 
174023 AprMaryTrewmandau of Robert and Dorothy 
174027 AprFrancesDiggonsson of Stephen and Joan 
174011 MayJoanWoodlywidow 
174017 MayElizabethHeardwife of Thomas 
17401 JunThomasFryson of William and Elizabeth 
174020 JunMaryTruemanwife of Gilbert 
174022 JunMaryPullingdau of William and Mary 
174025 JunSusannaWrightdau of William and Sarah 
17403 JulElizabethNewcombewife of Joseph 
174014 JulElizabethRichwife of William 
174015 JulThomasBaileyson of Thomas and Tamar 
174017 JulThomasinColemanwfe of John 
174020 JulMaryRisdondau of William and Mary 
17409 AugGeorgeTothillson of George and Sarah 
17409 AugElizabethFurlerwife of Samuel 
174014 AugWilliamWedlock  
174024 AugJosephColemanson of John 
174029 AugElizabethSutterwife of John 
17401 SepMaryGrantdau of William and Jane 
17409 SepElizabethDinning  
174016 SepAndrewGotham  
174016 SepMaryTannerdau of John and Mary 
174019 SepWilliamGawler  
174030 SepJosiasDiggensson of Nicholas and Susanna 
17405 OctAmyNorriswidow 
17405 OctSusannaYeomanwidow 
17408 OctWilliamH[uper]  
174012 OctJoanShepherdwidow 
174015 OctMaryVenwife of Henry 
174026 OctDanielAllein  
174027 OctRichardFlatcher  
174029 OctLeonardCasely  
174031 OctJohnColemanson of John and Thomasin 
174031 OctDeborahCampionwife of William 
174016 NovNicholasMarrescot  
17401 DecElizabethPullingdau of Michael and Hannah 
174016 DecJohnMurchson of Christopher and Jane 
174023 DecFrancisTapperSenior 
174024 DecAgnesEwenswife of Jonas 
174028 DecFrancisTapperJunr. 
174011 JanSusannaTapperdau of Richard and Jane 
174014 JanThomasGreepson of William and Mary 
17405 FebJosephCollings  
174015 FebThomasMatterface  
174015 FebAnnBaileywidow 
174022 FebElizabethBassettwife of Robert 
174012 MarMargaretRichwidow 
174022 MarElizabethWillsdau of John and Julian 
174125 MarAnnCann  
174129 MarEsauWood  
17415 AprGeorgeEwens  
17419 AprJohnFlatcher  
17419 AprEleanorBannickwidow 
174113 AprWilliamStrong  
174124 AprSarahBeer  
174113 MaySusannaCockwife of Joseph 
174114 MayAgnesSmithwife of Richard 
174117 MayRichardWithers  
174118 MaySusannaCrebardau of George 
174123 MayMaryProwsewidow 
174126 MayThomasRisdon  
17412 JunGilesHamblin  
174112 JunThomasNosworthy  
174114 JunTabithaCord  
174127 JunSarahGreepdau of William 
174128 JunJohnDigens  
174113 JulJohnPinsentson of Jeremy 
174123 JulHannnahMarshaldau of Mathew 
174128 JulCharlesRichson of William 
174131 JulJoanRichwife of Thomas 
174119 AugJohnFurlerson of Samuel 
17411 SepDorothyHydendau of John 
17412 SepMaryBearnwidow 
17413 SepElizabethYeomanwife of John 
17415 SepWilliamFry  
17416 SepWilliamDaymond  
17416 SepBarbaraBurt  
174123 SepElizabethCoome  
174127 SepJohnGawler  
17412 OctRosamondBlisswife of Robert 
17415 OctMichaelBrend  
17419 OctJohnRussellson of John 
174111 OctJulianTuckett  
    [Missing Oct 1741- Jun 1742] 
17429 JunEleanorPlymsalewidow 
174210 JunRebecaNewberry  
174220 JunWilliamBallson of Thomas 
174211 JulSusannaBeerwife of William 
174225 JulSusannaPeterswife of John 
17421 AugSamuelBurgessson of Samuel 
17421 SepElizabethRichwife of William 
17423 SepMaryRichdau of William 
17425 SepElizabethMay  
174225 SepAbrahamRussell  
174215 OctJoanTavernerwidow 
174218 OctAnneDinning  
174224 OctFrancisElstonson of John 
17425 NovHenryHudge  
174213 NovHenryLapthorn  
174219 NovRichardDicker  
17429 DecAgnesHammondwife of John 
174212 DecJohnBridle  
174227 DecSarahTrueman  
17423 JanSusannaClarkwidow 
174218 JanMaryHeard  
174218 FebRichardStamp  
174218 FebJohnBridleson of John and Joan 
174219 FebSabinaWrayfordwife of Gilbert 
174228 FebJaneHellierwife of Robert 
17428 MarElizabethCockdau of Thoma 
174218 MarElizabethRowewidow 
17431 AprAnnHockadaywife of Samuel 
174320 AprElizabethSheersdau of Nathaniel 
174328 AprTemperanceMuggwife of Henry 
174312 MayArthurLee  
174318 MayMaryLendendau of Samuel 
174321 MayJohn FortescueInglettson of Caleb, Esq. 
174323 MayObedBarter  
174327 MayJosephBerry  
174329 MayMaryBagwellwidow 
174311 JunRobertHellyer  
174310 JulStephenEasterbrookson of Robert 
174317 JulJohnTapper  
174318 JulMaryCockwife of Thomas 
17437 AugElizabethSmythdau of William 
17439 AugWilliamHore  
174314 AugMaryRidgwaydau of William 
174328 AugJohnTapperson of John 
174331 AugThomasHellyerson of Thomas 
174330 OctAnnDinningdau of William 
174316 NovMaryCookwife of John 
17431 DecAliceClapdau of John 
174320 DecJoshuaPalkson of John 
174322 DecSamuelMarrescottson of John 
174310 JanJoanMartynwidow 
174311 JanEleanorVinicombewidow 
174320 JanAgnessEwenswidow 
174322 JanFrancesClogg  
174328 JanSusannaParsons  
174329 JanJohnRendellson of William 
174330 JanAnnBest  
17437 MarJaneProwsedau of William 
174311 MarGraceMitchelldau of John 
174311 MarJohnEasterbrook  
17447 AprChristopherSaunders  
174411 AprWilliamSheersson of Nathaniel 
17443 JunAnnBickley  
174412 JunSusannaYardwidow 
174418 JunDorothyHydondau of John 
17444 AugElizabethBampstonewidow 
174412 AugJoanSpearkwife of William 
174430 SepMarthaCooms  
17442 OctJamesBrown  
174415 NovFrancisGilesa soldier 
17447 DecSusannaShutedau of John 
17449 DecJamesArthur  
174416 DecElizabethPridhamdau of Thomas 
17446 JanThomasAvery  
17449 JanElizabethEwenswife of Thomas 
174411 FebFrancesHellyerwidow 
174417 FebElizabethRowedau of William 
174427 FebOliverCaseley  
17441 MarAmbroseBastard  
174410 MarLawrenceHowe  
17459 AprWilliamDartson of Nicholas 
17452 MayCharityPullingwidow 
174510 MayWilliamTothill  
174512 MayElizabethBanfillwife of Clement 
174525 MayElizabethRowewife of Stephen 
174516 JunWilliamBaileyson of Willliam 
174521 JunJohnHayneson of John 
174517 JulMaryDrakewife of John 
17458 AugJohnLanquet  
174513 AugEleanorHydonwife of John 
174515 AugJohnHydonson of John 
17456 SepClementBanfill  
17456 SepEdwardBab  
174519 SepWilliamMartinson of John 
174519 SepThomasBailie  
17451 OctJosephMurch  
17452 OctMaryHoredau of William 
174513 OctElizabethShorelanddau of Robert 
174517 OctJohnRookleyson of George 
174520 OctWilliamProwse  
174527 OctThomasPridhamson of Thomas 
174529 OctRichardInglettGent 
174510 NovMaryTannerwife of John 
174510 NovAnnHoredau of William 
174525 DecMaryTruemandau of Robert 
174513 JanJohnHoreson of John 
174530 JanWilliamBurgessson of Samuel 
17454 FebWilliamLapthorn  
17454 FebJohnBrownson of John 
17456 FebHumphreyCornelius  
17458 FebWilliam ChristopherWiddicombe  
174511 FebElizabethHoredau of William 
174515 MarElizabethBright  
174520 MarJamesCauseley  
174520 MarJamesHore  
174630 MarElizabethLeedau of Thomas 
17468 AprElizabethRich  
174611 AprJamesCuddiford  
174611 AprBarbaraBerry  
174611 AprSusannaBerrydau of Barbara 
174616 AprElizabethCuddifordwidow 
174621 AprAmyHillwife of Thomas 
174619 MayAbrahamMortimore  
17461 JunAnneLakedau of John 
17462 JunCharityPar  
174623 JunMaryRennellwidow 
174624 JunJohnBliss  
17467 JulAnneBalldau of William 
174611 JulElizabethElliottwidow 
174629 JulGraceNosworthywidow 
17463 AugMarthaBalldau of William 
17464 SepJohnLaceyson of George 
174618 SepMarthaGoss  
174618 SepChristopherLangallerson of Christopher 
174618 SepSarahYeomanwife of Thomas 
17469 OctMaryCauseley  
174610 Oct[Lans]Hawkinswife of John 
174619 OctAgnesMartinwife of William 
174623 OctElizabethAddamswidow 
174624 OctPeterWiddicombeson of Richard 
174626 OctElizabethBoveydau of Andrew 
174631 OctMaryThornwooddau of Joseph 
17466 NovJamesCauseley  
174610 NovMaryWestcottwife of Richard 
174618 NovMaryRisdonwife of William, interred 
174625 Nov[no name][no name]a stranger 
174628 NovJohnDaymond  
174628 NovWilliamSmithson of William 
17468 DecMaryBeer  
174612 DecElizabethLeedau of Thomas 
174625 DecWilliamHillson of Thomas 
17463 JanMaryPullingdau of William and Mary 
174625 JanMaryRudgewaydau of William 
174625 JanEleanorRussellwife of Richard 
17463 FebGeorgeChudleighson of Jonathan 
17468 FebAnneNorthdau of Richard 
174615 FebMarthaFox  
174624 MarSusannaProwse  
174727 MarJaneSummersdau of Hugh 
174720 AprMaryMoorwife of Edward 
174720 AprWilliamMoorson of Edward 
174723 AprSamuelBishopson of Thomas and Hannah 
17475 MayWilliamBulford  
17477 MayAnneTrueman  
174719 MayJohnHawkins  
174722 MayMaryBall  
174723 MayJohnBailey  
17477 JunElizabethDigenswife of Emanuel 
174710 JunElizabethBawdondau of John 
174719 JunJohnRussell  
174726 JunJohnPhilp  
17473 JulMichaelWiddicombe  
17473 JulJohnBrownson of John 
17475 JulGraceBabwidow 
174714 JulGeorgeTothill  
174715 JulDennisWhite  
174719 AugMaryCrockerdau of William 
17473 SepThomasHawkinsson of Roger 
174721 SepElizabethEasterbrookwife of John 
174721 SepMaryFrostwidow 
174729 SepElizabethShortwidow 
174730 SepKatherineWestcottwidow 
17474 OctJosephLug  
174717 OctGraceMoorwidow 
17472 DecWilliamHarperson of Edward 
17473 DecMaryHawkerwife of Peter 
174712 DecJohnBenfieldson of James 
174713 DecMaryPaddenwife of John 
174718 DecJohnSaunders  
174721 DecMaryBeardwidow 
174721 DecJosephCrebarson of George 
174722 DecMaryMartindau of William 
174730 DecSusannaThornwilldau of Joseph 
17473 JanGraceCockwife of Moses 
17474 JanWilliamCollingsson of Thomas 
17474 JanWilliamEwensson of Jonas 
17476 JanElizabethMolewife of Thomas 
17477 JanJohnEasterbrookson of John 
174710 JanJohnBowdonson of John and Margery 
174710 JanDorothyDrakewidow 
174711 JanJosephShuteson of John 
174713 JanMargeryMartindau of William 
174714 JanMaryRennellwidow 
174717 JanWilliamCaseleyson of William and Mary 
174719 JanThomasLeeson of Thomas 
174719 JanGilbertTruemanson of Stephen 
174720 JanWilliamParkerson of James 
174726 JanJohnEdwardsson of John 
174726 JanSarahBaileydau of William 
174726 JanGilbertTruemanson of Gilbert 
174728 JanSarahShute  
174728 JanCharityMartindau of Peter 
174729 JanCharityCollingsdau of Thomas 
17471 FebJohnShapterson of John 
174713 FebJohnWiddicombeson of Michael 
174723 FebWilliamPridham  
174724 FebFrancisGreen  
174728 FebThomasBishopson of Thomas 
17472 MarThomasHoreson of Thomas 
17474 MarHughMead  
174711 MarSusannaPlimpshalldau of James 
174713 MarRosamondRowewife of Mathew 
174716 MarMaryYeomandau of John 
174717 MarSusannaWrightdau of William 
174723 MarMaryProwsedau of George 
174828 MarElizabethBaylywife of the Rev. John, Vicar 
174829 MarJosephMurchson of Charles 
17484 AprWilliamCaunter  
174815 AprJohnMitchell  
174816 AprGraceShapterwife of John 
174817 AprWilliamPuddicombeson of Roger 
174829 AprSusannaPridhamwife of Thomas 
174811 MaySusannaHallwife of Abraham 
174830 MayMaryHorewidow 
174822 JunJohnBurgesson of Samuel 
174826 JunElizabethDrakedau of John 
17486 AugEdwardHarper  
17484 SepStephenRowe  
174829 SepEdwardHarperson of Edward 
17489 NovElizabethDinningwife of William 
174827 NovJohnAdams  
174818 DecRebeckaHendersonwife of John, interred 
174825 DecWilliamHay  
174816 JanRobertEasterbrookson of Robert 
17485 FebFrancisHalse  
174810 FebMargaretBenfieldwidow 
174812 FebAnnShapterdau of John 
174815 FebChar[ties]Millerson of Char[ties] 
174829 FebMichaelMartinson of Thomas 
17481 MarMaryMelhuishdau of Henry 
17488 MarJohnChudleighson of Robert 
174815 MarThomasEwens  
174927 MarSusannaHook  
174929 MarMaryEwenswidow 
174930 MarWilliamCockson of Moses 
174919 MayWilliamHore  
174927 MayElizabethRisdondau of William 
174929 MayJohnWaters  
174929 MaySusannaPrancedau of James 
174919 JunThomasGotham  
174919 JunJoanTuckett  
174926 JunSamuelHockaday  
174919 JulMaryCornelius  
174920 JulJamesElliot  
17499 AugJoanF[ox]wife of Robert 
174915 AugRichardMaredonson of John 
174922 AugJohnHyson  
174926 AugThomasLeeson of Thomas 
174929 AugMaryEsworthy  
174910 SepJanePullingdau of William 
174917 OctJaneGrant  
17496 NovSusannaVooghtwife of Samuel 
174926 NovSusannaRichdau of William 
174930 NovJohnBurgessson ofSamuel 
174917 DecRichardBallson of Richard 
174919 DecElizabethCross  
17491 JanMaryWestcott  
17498 FebJohnSheersson of John 
174910 FebHenryCook  
174916 FebAnnChudleighdau of Robert 
174920 FebJohnWindsor  
17499 MarSusannaNorrish  
174915 MarElizabethPikedau of Jacob 
175030 Mar[no name][no name]a stranger 
17509 AprSarahBo[vey]dau of Andrew and Sarah 
175017 AprCharityPridhamwife of William 
175024 AprMaryMartindau of Peter 
175025 AprRobertQui[c]k  
175030 AprJohnNorthcottson of John 
175016 MayPeterMartinson of Peter 
175016 MayAaronDrakeson of John 
175020 MayRobertBliss  
175020 MayMaryHintondau of John and Mary 
175020 MaySusannaHoredau of John and Elizabeth 
175027 MayGeorgeHillson of Thomas 
175027 MayJohnBassettson of William 
17504 JunElizabethChalkdau of John and Elizabeth 
17508 JunMaryPikewidow 
175013 JunJamesMoorethe elder 
175013 JunWilliamD[o]akeson of John 
175013 JunJohnHockadayson of Samuel 
175014 JunJosephPullingson of Michae 
175021 JunEdwardFurlerson of Samuel 
175021 JunRogerUnderhayson of Edward 
175024 JunStephenSearleson of Edward 
175027 JunMichaelPullingson of Michael 
17501 JulFrancisLovisson of Francis 
175020 JulCharlesBeer  
17504 AugWilliamRich  
175024 AugRichardGoldsworthyson of Richard 
175026 AugWilliamBeer  
175010 SepStephenFathers  
175016 SepJohnHookson of Michael 
175018 SepElizabethBayly  
17503 OctMaryBoveywife of Andrew 
175010 OctJohnPynsentson of John 
175014 OctRobertCollingsson of Thomas 
175031 OctJoanRe[ ]tliffwidow, interred at Ugbrook 
175014 Nov[no name][no name]a stranger 
175014 NovRichardWiddicombeson of Richard 
175018 NovJoanWedlock  
175026 NovWilliamParker  
175029 NovGeorgeWestcott  
175029 NovJohnBliss  
17501 DecBarbaraHore  
17509 DecAnnStrongdau of William 
175016 DecWilliamBurgessson of William 
175016 DecJohnCruiseson of Arthur 
175020 DecJohnCausley  
17501 JanElizabethRabbishdau of Thomas 
17504 JanJohnWestcottClerke of the parish 
175010 JanElizabethPullingdau of William 
175022 JanElizabethBoveydau of Andrew, Junr. 
175022 JanThomasHellyerson of Thomas [Gent] 
17505 FebGraceDelve  
175010 FebSusannaPike  
175017 FebRogerHawkins  
17506 MarRichardHarrison  
175129 MarMaryHarrison  
175131 MarTamsinLane  
17513 AprThomasHawkinsson of Mary 
17517 AprCicselyYeoman  
175112 AprJohnBowdonson of Thomas 
175116 AprJohnBaylyVicar of this Parish 
175124 AprCatherineDaymond  
175125 AprSamuelBallson of Samuel 
175127 AprRebeccaQui[c]kwidow 
175119 MayAnnShapterdau of John 
175120 MayMaryLear[wife] of John 
175121 MaySarahTrumandau of Stephen 
175113 JunAlicePotterwife of William 
175116 JunAnnMartindau of Mr. John 
175121 JunDorothyHydondau of John 
175123 JunWilliamCampinson of William 
175130 JunJohnWaltersson of Joseph 
175111 AugMaryBriantdau of William 
175118 AugSarahBaylydau of William 
175115 SepDorcasMartinwidow 
175117 SepSarahFathersMrs. 
175122 SepDeborahLentonwidow 
175122 SepMarySoper  
175123 SepThomasWeedger  
17519 OctAliceGoldsworthywidow 
175121 OctSarahTomlinwidow 
175127 OctMaryCruisedau of Arthur, Jr. 
175112 NovJohnStrongson of William 
175121 NovMaryBeerdau of Henry 
175121 NovMaryEdmondswife of John 
175115 DecWillliamClementof Taunton 
175122 DecJohnBurgess  
17523 JanElizabethProusewidow 
17525 JanSarahSmithdau of William 
17525 JanWilliamBassett  
175215 JanWilliamStaplinVicar of the parish 
175230 JanHannahPullingdau of Michael 
17529 FebMargaretMortimorewidow 
175211 FebSarahHoardau of James 
175213 MarJohnWalter  
17525 AprSusannaBeardau of Henry 
17527 AprJoanCornishwife of John 
175214 AprMaryHarrison  
175215 AprAgnesWilcockswife of William 
175225 AprCalebInglettEsq. 
17529 MaySamuelTrumansono of Gilbert 
175213 MaySamuelCelchard  
175218 MayPhilipPike  
17521 JunStephenEastabrookson of Robert 
17527 JunGeorgeWiddicombeson of Mary 
175210 JunJohnBallson of Hugh 
175220 JunCharlesMartinson of Charles 
175221 JunNicholasDarkson of Nicholas 
175225 JunJosephWalter  
175215 JulArthurCruiseson of Arthur 
175219 JulMaryHaywidow 
175225 SepThomasCausleyson of William 
175227 SepJohnCornish  
17522 OctElizabeth[Stetson]wife of John 
17524 OctElizabethBallwife of Samue; 
17525 OctMaryHellyerwife of Thomas 
175213 OctThomasWinn  
175227 OctMaryRich  
17521 NovBettyEli[ ]dau of Richard [black spot] 
17523 NovElizabethBestwidow 
17524 NovElizabethBickleywife of William 
17526 DecAbrahamPerry  
175218 DecJaneMartinwife of Gilbert 
175229 DecAndrewShapter  
17534 FebThomasWilkinsson of Stephen 
175315 FebWilliamBurgessson of William 
17533 MarNicholasEwen  
175320 MarMaryTownsendwidow 
17532 AprSusannaHearlewife of John 
17535 AprAnnPearcewidow 
175320 AprSarahHookwife of Michael 
175310 MayJoanClementwife of William 
17536 JulMarySmithdau of William 
17536 AugElizabethBaylywidow of Hennock 
175310 AugElizabethShapterdau of John 
17531 SepJannahBishopwife of Thomas 
17537 SepBenjaminCaunter  
175310 SepMargaretMurchwidow 
175315 SepDorothyLeydau of Henry 
175322 SepJohnBudsonson of John 
175329 SepSusannaHoredau of Thomas 
17531 OctJohnBondson of John and Agnes 
175321 OctElizabethRoweson of John 
175325 OctAnnHoredau of Thomas 
175314 NovEmanuelDiggins  
175321 NovMargaretBiggswife of Nicholas 
17539 DecHannahPynsent  
175326 DecJohnEllacott  
175413 JanPhilipBanfill  
175413 JanJoannaLuscombewife of Philip 
17542 FebUrsulaPynsentwidow 
175412 FebMaryMinglemanwidow 
175420 FebGeorgeGoar  
175424 FebMargaretParwife of Timothy 
17542 MarMaryMooredau of Edward 
17543 Mar[no name]Wilcocksa stranger 
17545 MarElizabethEastonwife of Robert of Ashton 
17547 MarMaryPikewidow 
175417 MarAnnProusewife of Samuel 
175421 MarElizabethBestwife of John 
175429 MarMaryPa[n]awidow 
175428 AprMaryAdamswife of Warwick 
175410 MayJohnBest  
175422 MayMayBawdonwife of John 
175425 MayMargeryPullingdau of Michael 
175412 JulGabrielEwens  
175418 JulMaryDrakedau of John 
175422 JulElizabethBabbidgewidow 
17543 AugGeorgeTruman  
175413 AugGeorgeSweetland  
175421 SepRebeccaBest  
175410 OctSamuelHookson of Michael 
175413 OctThomasinWelshwife of John 
175415 OctWilliamDambrall  
175420 OctThomasProuse  
17547 NovMargaretProusewidow 
175419 NovRebeccaTozer  
175426 NovThomasShapterJunr. 
175415 DecJohnBakerson of John 
175428 DecFrancesSexton  
17558 JanJohnGudridge  
175515 JanMarySprywife of Thomas 
17551 FebMaryRichdau of Thomas 
17552 FebGilbertMartinJunr 
175511 FebSabinaRichwife of Thomas 
175513 FebWilliamRisdon  
175523 FebEdwardFurlerson of Samuel 
175525 FebMaryGlyddondau of Richard 
175528 FebSarahMuchwidow [Murch] 
175528 FebAgnessRidgway  
17557 MarJohnRidgway  
17557 MarAgnessFulford  
175511 MarSusannaFulforddau of Agness 
175523 MarRichardYeoman  
175528 MarElizabethUnderhaywidow 
175517 AprDavidLeeson of Sarah 
175530 AprHenryCock  
175519 MayElizabethMartinwife of John 
17559 JunWilliamRidgwayson of William 
175511 JunAnnBennett  
175515 JunJohnLeakerson of William 
175510 JulJosephNewcombe  
175516 JulRubyDelvedau of John 
175527 JulMaryBabbidgedau of George 
175531 JulPeterHaroker  
175510 AugAnnShamblerdau of Anthony 
175512 AugJames RiversComrie  
175522 AugHughPynsent  
175529 AugCharityAyresdau of Hugh 
175529 AugDavidLeeson of Thomas 
175518 SepJohnJonesson of John 
175525 SepSusannaWoodrowdau of Richard 
175517 OctMaryBickleydau of William 
175522 OctWilliamFryerson of William 
175528 OctElizabethShepherd  
175530 OctRobertCollingsson of Thomas 
17552 NovElizabethEwenswidow 
17554 NovJohnBallson of Hugh 
175510 NovAnnFisher  
175517 NovSarahHillwife of Edward 
175519 NovMaryHanfordwife of Amos 
17552 DecMaryAllin  
17554 DecThomasSmale  
17562 MarNicholasRidgwayson of William 
17562 MarJaneParkerdau of James 
175614 MarWilliamLeaker  
175621 MarThomasVinnicombe  
17566 AprRichardHoreson of John 
175616 AprJohnLapthorn  
175619 AprHenryTinkham  
17564 MayMaryBawdon  
17565 MayEdwardUnderhayson of Edward 
17569 MaySilasStocker  
175620 MayJacobPike  
17567 JunElizabethCrusedau of William 
175614 JunJohnShute  
175628 JunMaryDrakedau of John 
175630 JunElizabethHowwidow 
17567 JulMaryWillswidow 
175615 JulElizabethLopaswife of Robert 
175618 JulWilliamShapterson of John 
175621 JulElizabetBailywidow 
17564 AugJohnBassettson of William 
17564 AugPeterWarrenson of Peter 
175615 AugAnnWillsdau of Joseph 
175617 AugThomasBestson of John 
175625 AugSusannaPridhamwidow 
17567 SepEdwardSearle  
175614 SepElizabethMerdon  
17563 NovAnnBradleywife of Richard 
17566 NovWilliamLapthornson of William 
175615 NovRichardRussell  
175619 NovMaryPikewife of Thomas 
17568 DecWilliamPotter  
175614 DecMatthewAllin  
175721 JanElizabethHockerwidow 
175726 JanElizabethGreenwidow 
175726 JanWilliamElliott  
175731 JanPhilipBest  
17576 MarSarahEastabrookwife of Thomas 
175726 MarFrancisMartin  
175711 AprWilliamRidgwayson of William 
175713 AprThomasHellyerson of Thomas 
175715 AprSarahDawdau of Tristam 
175727 AprWilliamThorn  
17571 MayMaryCampindau of William 
17579 MayEdmondPalkson of John 
175711 MayThomasCock  
175711 MayThomasBishop  
175712 MayMaryLeywife of Henry 
175713 MayJohnPridhamson of Thomas 
175713 MayWilliamPridhamson of Thomas 
175715 MaySamuelBassetson of John 
175726 MayElizabethMartinwife of John 
175730 MayThomasPullingson of William 
17571 JunJaneCornishdau of Mary 
17573 JunGeorgePaddonson of John 
17575 JunSamuelBickleyson of William 
17575 JunJosephCornishson of Mary 
17576 JunGeorgeCreber  
17578 JunJohnBanfillson of James 
17578 JunElizabethMearwife of Roger 
175710 JunCharityPullingdau of John 
175714 JunMaryPullingdau of John 
175714 JunElizabethBarrettwife of Andrew 
175715 JunAnnAnningdau of John 
175717 JunJoanHowardwidow 
175717 JunJoannaBrowndau of John 
175722 JunWillianHopingsson of Willian 
175722 JunElizabethHopingsdau of Willian 
175722 JunHughAyers  
175725 JunRichardElliottson of Richard 
175725 JunAnnHopingsdau of William 
175727 JunMaryBurgessdau of Elizabeth 
175728 JunAnnShavedau of Roger 
175730 JunJeremiahLakeson of John 
17572 JulAnnLakedau of John 
17573 JulSusannaLeardau of John 
17575 JulMaryBalldau of Samuel 
17575 JulEdward[Y]andicottdau of Edward [1st ltr is U, V, or Y] 
17576 MulMaryRichdau of Thomas 
17577 JulAndrewBarrettson of Andrew 
175710 JulJamesDrakeson of John 
175711 JulAliceAyers  
175712 JulThomasRidgwayson of William 
175712 JulRichardGliddonson of Richard 
175714 JulCharlesBawdonson of Charles 
175715 JulSamuelBallson of Mary 
175716 JulHenryBeerson of Henry 
175718 JulCatherineEastabrooke  
175719 JulAnnBawdondau of Charles 
175720 JulRuthFreeborndau of Edmund 
175721 JulAnnChudleighdau of Robert 
175721 JulElizabethChudleighdau of Robert 
175722 JulMarthaLee  
175727 JulJaneHellyerdau of Thomas 
175728 JulMaryWestcottdau of Philip 
175731 JulRichardChudleighson of Robert 
175731 JulSamuelLuscombeson of Philip, Junr 
175731 JulElizabethLanglerdau of John 
17571 AugJohnCausleyson of William 
17574 AugJoanLowtondau of Gilbert 
17576 AugThomasCausleyson of William 
17577 AugSamuelWilkinsonson of Stephen 
175726 AugJoanEwenswidow 
175729 AugJoanHoarwidow 
175731 AugSarahSnellwife of William 
175731 AugElizabethMiltondau of John 
17574 SepWilliamRich  
175713 SepSarahShepherddau of Mary 
175715 SepJamesMiltonson of John 
17574 OctAnnLovelace  
17578 OctAnnDelvedau of John 
175714 OctSarahWalterwidow 
17574 NovAnnLakewife of John 
17575 NovElizabethPennywife of George 
17575 DecElizabethLapthornwidow 
175727 DecJohnCridiford  
175727 DecWilliamHoarson of William 
175818 JanTimothyPar  
175827 JanElizabethLylewife of Richard 
175831 JanElizabethPotterwidow 
17587 FebMargeryBawdondau of John 
175812 FebHenryMelhuish  
175812 FebMaryWilkingswife of the Rev. Mr. Ambrose 
175819 FebMaryWiddicombewife of John 
17581 AprPhilipCross  
17585 AprWilliamBurgess  
17585 AprElizabethMartinwife of Charles 
17587 AprSarahLovelacewife of Francis 
175815 AprMarthaShutewidow 
175823 AprAnnTuckettwidow 
175824 MayAnnShapterdau of John 
17587 JunElizabethWhiterowwife of James, Junr 
17586 AugCharityWoodwidow 
17587 AugJohnHearleJunr 
17587 AugElizabethBadcockwidow 
175822 AugNathanaelShears  
175822 AugJaneDrakedau of John 
17588 SepElizabethCruisedau of William 
175821 SepElizabethGeorge  
17583 OctWilliamSpry  
175813 OctMarthaTothill  
175810 NovWilliamRidgwayson of William 
175816 NovSarahSuttonwife of John 
17587 DecAnnBasterwife of Richard 
17588 DecRichardNorthson of Richard 
175821 DecSusannaHanforddau of Amos 
175911 FebMaryFreeborndau of Edmund 
17596 MarMaryFreebornwife of Edmund 
175913 MarAnnMoxeydau of Francis 
175916 MarJoanStrongwidow 
175921 MarJoannaBrowndau of John 
17591 AprAnnFurlerdau of Samuel 
17598 AprTrevilCross  
175924 AprMargeryAllinwidow 
175922 MayEleanorBrownwidow 
175927 MayThomasBowdonson of Thomas 
17594 JunMaryBalldau of Samuel 
175921 JunWilliamWhiterowson of Thomas 
17593 JulJohnSlafterson of John 
175921 JulMarthaHookwidow 
175914 AugMaryWoodrowwife of John of Hennock 
175917 AugJohnStone  
175921 SepNicholasRidgway  
175922 SepThomasWhiterow  
175925 SepAnnMacFarlanddau of John 
175914 OctLuciaBanfilldau of James 
175921 OctJohnWillsson of John 
176016 JanNicholasBiggs  
176030 JanJohnLentenson of John Junr 
176010 FebJohnWiddicombe  
176015 FebWilliamFreebornson of Edmund 
176011 MarElizabethShapterwidow 
176027 AprJosephHoleJun. 
17609 MayElizabethHellyer  
176011 MaySarahViviandau of Thomas 
176013 MayJoanPotterwidow 
176027 MayElizbethOrchardwife of Joel 
176030 MayElizabethLapthornwidow 
176019 JunMaryWishwife of Thomas 
176027 JulJohnTothill  
176028 JulElizabethChalkwife of John 
17602 AugGraceTothilldau of George 
176017 AugGeorgeProwseson of Samuel 
176022 AugElizabethBurgesswife of Richard 
176014 SepJoanDiggins  
176027 SepElizabethHendersonwife of John 
176023 OctMargaryCriddifordwife of John 
176024 OctElizabethCornishdau of Mary 
17605 NovWilliamAllen  
176012 NovMatthewBaker  
17601 DecElizabethHardingwife of Thomas 
176014 DecWilliamGrayson of Andrew 
176023 DecJosephRockettson of Robert 
176030 DecElenorBakerwidow 
17613 JanAnnLovlissdau of Mary Pool 
17619 JanAnnShapterwidow 
176112 JanCharitySkinner  
176112 JanGeorgeBowdonson of Thomas 
17611 FebJamesWhitrowson of James 
17611 FebMaryPool  
17616 FebAnnDameril  
17617 FebWilliamClement  
176122 FebMaryWinsor  
176122 FebMaryBallwife of John 
176127 FebHenryMugg  
176115 MarWilliamFurneauxson of Joan 
17615 AprWilliamMastson of Thomas 
176113 AprMaryStrongdau of William 
176124 AprElizabethGothamwidow 
176126 AprAnnHalldau of Thomas 
176110 MayJosephStrongson of William 
176115 MayWilliamTothill  
176111 JunGilbertTruman  
176111 JunRichardLane  
176111 JunJohnPinson  
17616 JulWilliamHillson of Thomas 
176119 JulThomasWestcott  
176131 JulWilliamMayson of William 
17614 AugSamuelBurgessson of William 
176120 AugAnnWestcottdau of John and Elizabeth 
176120 SepPriscillaHalsewidow 
176129 SepSusannaEwenwidow 
176122 OctElizabethLapthornewife of Henry 
176129 OctJoanVinnicombewidow 
17617 NovRichardMartin  
17619 NovElizabethWestcottwidow 
176112 NovRosamondElliottwidow 
176118 NovGeorgePenny  
176124 NovAnnPysent  
17613 DecElizabethPalmerwife of Langsford 
176113 DecAnnSkinnerwife of Edward 
176120 DecJohnMartinson of Philip and Susanna 
176123 DecWilliamCampin  
17621 JanMatthewRowe  
17624 JanGilbertMartin  
17627 JanRichardRussell  
176231 JanEdwardBurgess  
176231 JanSarahEwens  
176231 JanThomasHarris  
176217 FebJohnMoore  
176217 FebElizabethCudmorewidow 
176223 FebMaryAmery  
176223 FebElizabethMoore  
176213 MarRichardChudleighson of Robert 
176219 MarThomasLapthorneson of Henry 
176228 MarNicholasBaker  
176229 MarElizabethWestcottdau of John 
176231 MarRobertCollings  
17624 AprElizabethWilkinsonwife of John 
17627 AprThomasLaskey  
17627 AprHannahPullingwife of Michael 
17627 AprThomasinDaywife of William 
17629 AprAnnPuddicombewife of Stephen 
176216 AprElizabethTannerwife of John 
176225 AprElizabethChudleigh  
176226 AprJohnTanner  
176228 AprSarahLee  
17629 MayElizabethLaskeywid 
176216 MayEdwardPrater  
176217 MayMaryBurgessdau of John 
176219 MayMaryWhitrowdau of James 
176221 MayMaryWhitrowwife of James 
176225 MayJamesWhitrow  
17624 JunElizabethVivianwife of Thomas 
17626 JunJohnVivianson of Thomas 
176213 JunRichardSkinner  
176213 JunJohnHore  
176211 JulWilliamRowe  
176216 JulSamuelFurler  
176221 JulJohnMarshallson of Matthew 
176225 JulJohnBanfillson of James 
17621 AugAnnWiddicombedau of Richard 
176212 AugRobertNosworthyson of Robert 
176212 AugMatthewMarshallson of Matthew 
176215 AugGraceRichwife of Thomas 
176226 AugMaryHorewife of James 
17626 SepThomasSmale  
176213 SepSamuelProuse  
176213 SepMaryLear  
176216 SepJamesLearson of John 
176217 OctJohnElliottson of John 
17621 NovElizabethMarshalldau of Henry 
17622 NovWilliamBartonson of John, a soldier 
176227 NovElizabethBabidgedau of George 
176228 NovMaryHarriswidow 
17627 DecWilliamBailey  
176212 DecMaryLanewidow 
176222 Dec[no name][no name]a soldier 
17634 JanElizabethBailey  
17634 JanMaryElliott  
176312 JanNicholasDiggins  
176324 JanMaryVicarydau of William 
176328 JanSamuelProuse[Clark = Clerk] 
17632 FebThomasPinsent  
17635 FebBarberySmerdon  
17639 FebBettyShepparddau of Mary 
176314 FebMargaretCarterwidow 
17636 MarMaryMooredau of Susanna 
176313 MarStephenWhite  
176317 MarElizabethViolwidow 
176320 MarMaryRabbichdau of Thomas 
176323 MarMaryMoordau of James 
176327 AprJoannaLapthorn  
17633 MayEsterRabbich  
17634 MayJohnMartin  
17634 MaySusannaMartin  
176314 MaySusannaDiggins  
176326 JunEdwardPerter  
176313 JulJeremiahPinsent  
17638 AugJohnWalbeyof the County of Kent 
176325 AugWilliamGrant  
176330 AugCharlesMartin  
176313 SepSusannaShapter  
17636 OctRobertCruse  
17637 OctCharlesCampin  
17639 OctElizabethPike  
176318 OctMaryParker  
176321 OctGeorgePaddon  
176324 OctBenjaminWiddicombe  
17632 NovElizabethBawdon  
17632 NovSusannnaFurler  
176316 NovChristopherBabb  
176320 NovSarahRich  
176327 NovEdwardSkinner  
176328 NovAnnCollings  
17638 DecThomasBabbidge  
176319 DecCatherineWills  
176418 JanStephenDiamond  
176422 JanHonorWard  
17645 FebBenjaminBird  
17646 FebJohnWills  
176421 FebJohnHaydon  
176421 FebJohnLi[p]son  
176428 FebElizabethWrightwidow 
17645 MarJohnMartin  
176419 MarMaryBeer  
176429 MarCatherineWedlock  
176430 MarRobertEasterbrook  
17644 AprMaryChudleigh  
17646 AprWilliamWittema stranger 
176415 AprCharityHooper  
176429 AprAmyBaker  
17642 MayWarwickAddams  
17642 MayJosephWard  
17647 MayThomasPinsena soldier 
17646 JunThomasEwen  
176426 JunElizabethHore  
176426 JunElizabethEasterbrook  
176419 JulChristopherLangler  
176429 JulJohnBawdon  
17647 AugRichardLyle  
176420 OctJamesSheppardEsq. 
176426 OctThomasHarris  
176418 NovThomasHellyer  
17646 DecElizabethBawdon  
176411 DecThomasPalk  
176420 DecMadamInglett  
176430 DecElizabethRennel  
17658 JanMaryTothillwid 
176527 JanMichaelRook  
17659 FebMaryMortimore  
17657 MarWillliamPalk  
176530 MarJohnFryAttorney of Plymouth 
176510 AprJeremiahParker  
176513 AprJohnWelch  
176516 AprJohnCampin  
17651 MayRachelWinsor  
17654 MayHenryLey  
17657 MayWilliamJago  
17659 MayHenryLapthorne  
176521 MayElizabethHore  
176523 MayGeorgeLake  
176524 MayWilliamCottle  
176526 MaySusannaPalk  
176529 MayElizabethMoxey  
176529 MayGeorgeBeer  
17651 JunMaryMortimore  
17653 JunElizabethBabbidge  
176510 JunJohnNorcott  
176515 JunWilliamOsborn  
176525 JunWilliamMay  
176529 JunAaronDrake  
176529 JunHenryTucker  
17655 JulJohnLake  
17657 JulElizabethDymond  
17658 JulThomasParker  
176511 JulRichardHole  
176513 JulJamesLear  
176513 JulJohnLuscombe  
176516 JulJohnJenkins  
176516 JulWilliamGibbins  
176517 JulEdmundFreeborne  
176520 JulMaryHarris  
176520 JulSusannaMarshall  
176521 JulThomasDrake  
176521 JulRobertMilford  
176525 JulThomasWhitrow  
176529 JulThomasProwse  
176530 JulCharityUnderhay  
17653 AugGraceGoldsworthy  
17654 AugElizabethPacker  
17655 AugWilliamMartin  
17657 AugSarahRivers  
176512 AugMaryTothill  
176512 AigMarySearle  
176513 AigSusannaHill  
176514 AugHenryTuckett  
176523 AugJennyBickley  
176524 AugMaryFletcher  
176525 AugElizabethSarle  
176525 AugBarberyAtwill  
176526 AugThomasHarris  
176528 AugHenryAnning  
176528 AugJamesLenten  
176528 AugJoanProwse  
17654 SepJosephPulling  
17655 SepThomasLenten  
17658 SepElizabethWestcott  
17658 SepMaryHill  
17658 SepSamuelPulling  
176517 SepJoannaLambell  
176517 SepWilliamHannaford  
176518 SepJaneShutt  
176519 SepJohnLancey  
176520 SepWilliamMortimore  
176520 SepJohnEwens  
176521 SepEleanorPearce  
176522 SepAnnBowdon  
176527 SepMaryTruman  
176528 SepJohnStone  
176529 SepBettyMortimore  
17652 OctMaryCriddiford  
17652 OctSarahMartin  
17653 OctThomasMoore  
17655 OctSusannaCock  
176511 OctJoannaMartin  
176517 OctRogerBaker  
176518 OctJohnHannaford  
176526 OctJohnChalk  
17655 NovElizabethRussell  
17659 NovJamesEasterbrook  
176510 NovMaryWestcott  
176513 NovThomasUnderhill  
17652 DecSarahRiddley  
17664 JanGraceSparke  
17664 JanMillonyUnderhill  
17665 JanJosephPenny  
17666 JanThomasMartin  
17666 JanCharlesHole  
176613 JanSusannaBeer  
176613 JanSusannaMarshall  
176626 JanSarahBall  
176631 JanCatherinePike  
17661 FebRobertChudleigh  
17668 FebMaryMoore  
17668 FebElizabethParsons  
176611 FebElizabethLapthorn  
176615 FebJohnPaddon  
176616 FebSusannaCross  
176616 FebWilliamHarding  
17661 MarMaryWoodley  
17662 MarJohnBurgess  
17662 MarAnnHockaday  
17667 MarJaneBurgess  
176629 MarMaryRidgway  
17663 AprElizabethTruman  
17663 AprMaryGore  
176610 AprElizabethSealy  
176612 AprSusannaGore  
176615 AprMaryParker  
176611 MayAnnTothill  
176621 MayChristopherRogers  
176629 JunBraceBurrow  
176629 JunSamuelStook  
176612 JulJohnC[osley][maybe Caseley] 
176612 JulSusannaTisdill  
176619 JulPeterPulling  
17665 AugJohnColeman  
176610 AugThomasElliott  
176621 AugAnnHannaford  
176629 SepMaryHannaford  
176615 NovCatherineCampin  
176622 NovNicholasRidgway  
176629 NovJohnPuddicombe  
176617 DecJohnSanders  
176629 DecGilbertTruman  
17672 JanMaryCove  
17674 JanJamesPriceRoman Priest 
17674 JanJamesMoore  
176716 JanMargaretRussell  
176721 JanHannahElliott  
176721 JanPhilipMartin  
176723 JanCharityLenden  
176723 JanJohnEdmunds  
176724 JanCharityBickley  
176728 JanBettyHeller  
176716 FebThomasHall  
17679 MarJohnElliott  
176729 MarJohnCollings  
176729 MarRichardTapper  
17672 AprThomasBurrow  
17679 AprAndrewBovey  
176720 AprElizabethHore  
176720 AprThomasBall  
176726 AprJoanWilliams  
176728 AprMarthaBennett  
176730 AprElizabethFreeborn  
17673 MayAbrahamBewdon  
17677 JunGraceRookley  
176721 JulJohnH[e]rle  
176730 JulSusannaPerry  
17676 AugSusannaShapter  
176730 AugElizabethPulling  
176730 AugThomasUnderhay  
17676 SepMargeryWills  
17676 SepWilliamNorthcott  
176710 SepNicholasStone  
176720 SepSarahSealy  
176720 SepThomasRich  
176726 SepJohnLiscombe  
17674 OctJohnAyres  
17674 OctElizabethCreby  
17674 OctMarthaCoom[ ][off page] 
176711 OctSarahYeoman  
176717 OctMaryCoome  
176716 NovElizabethCruse  
176712 DecJohnWills  
176815 JanJohnHammond  
176819 JanElizabethSanders  
176810 FebJoannaHunt  
176812 FebWilliamWoodley  
176813 FebJohnStarmer  
176813 FebElizabethBarterwidow 
176816 FebMaryEwens  
176816 FebWilliamBall  
176820 FebThomasSmith  
176822 FebJonasEwens  
176813 MarSusannaLenten  
17681 AprMaryGibbs  
176810 AprElizabethPinsent  
176822 AprJohnGarrett  
176825 AprJohnCook  
17681 MayMaryHalse  
17683 JunMarthaKentsbeer  
176812 JunBettyShellabeerof Alphington 
17687 JulMaryCove  
176818 AugRobertWills  
176824 AugWilliamPardey  
17681 SepMaryBall  
176812 OctAnnProwsewidow 
176830 OctNicholasHunt  
17682 NovSarahHunt  
176817 NovMaryNewberyMrs. 
17684 DecElizabethGarrett  
17685 DecJohn WilliamWills  
17687 DecWilliamPotter  
176810 DecAgnessRidgway  
176811 DecJaneSweetland  
17698 JanMaryRussell  
176912 JanWilliamDunning  
176919 JanMaryRussell  
176928 JanElizabethSowdon  
17699 FebMaryYeoman  
17697 FebSusannaTothill  
176928 FebMaryCausley  
17691 MarThomasHellyer  
17697 MarSarahDarriman  
17699 MarJosephDelve  
176910 MarThomasBawdon  
176921 MarElizabethBickley  
176912 AprWilliamBickley  
176916 AprHenryMillverd  
17691 MayWilliamGibbins  
176914 MayRobertBassett  
176920 MayJohnBawdon  
176929 MayElizabethSanders  
176912 JunSamuelBaker  
176912 JunJaneMay  
176922 JunMarthaStokeswidow 
17695 JulNicholasDart  
176913 JulMaryBillasly  
176930 JulWilliamDay  
17691 AugAnnWilkins  
17693 AugAnnBailey  
176916 AugJohnNorthcott  
176930 AugAnnCove  
176916 SepGeorgeRuckley  
176923 OctJaneMoorewidow 
17692 NovElizabethSearlewidow 
17696 DecSarahBall  
17699 DecThoasHarding  
176917 DecJosephPearce  
17705 JanThomasCaterwidow 
177028 JanGeorgeProwse  
177013 FebSarahEwens  
177014 FebGraceSanders  
177020 MarJamesBickley  
17705 AugMaryCaunterwidow 
177010 AprThomasLee  
177027 AprJohnCausley  
17708 MayIsaacWood  
177010 JunSusannaPike  
177025 JunAnnMingleman  
177013 AugSarahWestcott  
177020 AugJosephWestcott  
177030 SepElizabethSlafter  
177014 OctElizabethBurgess  
177016 OctElizabethParker  
17702 NovSusannaAnning  
177013 NovSusannaCrocker  
177023 DecElizabethCross  
177112 JanJohnProwseof Modburry 
17711 FebGilbertMartin  
17711 FebAnnBewdon  
17713 FebNicholasShort  
17715 FebJohnTruscott  
17716 FebElizabethCann  
17718 FebCharityPulling  
17719 FebMaryCruse  
177112 FebElizabethCook  
17716 FebWilliamMartin  
17716 MarNicholasTothill  
17716 MarElizabethPulling  
17717 MarSamuelProuse  
177120 MarJonathanMartin  
177127 MarElizabethGoldsworthy  
17711 AprStephenDiggins  
17713 AprJohnBawdon  
177110 AprMaryCornishwidow 
177121 AprMaryLuscombe  
177123 Apr[no name]Baker  
177124 AprJohnSlafter  
177126 AprRobertFox  
177127 AprJohnWestcottMr. 
17712 MayMaryShapter  
17719 MaySamuelDaymond  
177110 MayWilliamHole  
177115 MayHannahHarris  
177119 MayDanielBickley  
17711 JunJohnLear  
17711 JunJamesRowe  
17712 JunJoanBaker  
177124 JunRogerMaer  
177126 JunMaryCove  
177130 JunRobertMillverd  
17714 JulElizabethHore  
17717 JulFrancisCliffordLady 
177112 JulNathanielPring  
177114 JulMaryNorthcott  
177117 JulJoanStrong  
177122 JulArthurCruze  
177129 JulSarahKentsbeer  
177117 SepThomasBawdon  
177120 SepThomasHoward  
177124 NovGraceSpry  
177130 NovMaryVivian  
177122 DecJohnMarshallJunr. 
177220 JanHenryTuckett  
177229 JanJaneMelluish  
177210 MarJohnMarshallSenior 
177229 MarJamesTriggs  
177230 MarChristopherTriggs  
17722 AprJamesSealey  
17725 AprAnnRendle  
177229 AprMaryShapter  
177213 MayFrancisCove  
177224 MayJoelUphamof Tiverton 
17729 JunSusannaShairs[Sheers] 
177210 JunRobertBankham  
177216 JunElizabethHorewidow 
177218 JunWilliamDelve  
177229 JunHannahBassett  
177217 AugGraceGear  
177221 AugSusannaBrown  
177213 SepJoanShortwidow 
177226 SepMarthaNosworthy  
17724 OctRobertNosworthy  
177222 NovMaryElliott  
177213 DecSamuelElliott  
17733 JanMaryLentendied 27 Dec 1772 
177310 JanAnnDoble  
177312 JanAnnShapter  
177316 JanJaneRivers  
177324 JanJohnMartin  
177319 FebMaryBawdon  
177310 MarGraceHellerwidow 
17737 AprRichardShort  
17737 AprAliceReeve  
17739 AprSamuelLenden  
177311 AprElizabethHellier  
177311 AprSamuelBaker  
177323 AprAliceMole  
17733 MayMaryHolewidow 
17736 MayThomasWish  
177318 MayElizabethRendle  
177321 MayMichaelBrend  
177314 JunElizabethBabbwidow 
177318 JunMary JaneNewbery[name Jane inserted] 
17732 JunElizabethPyne  
177321 JunJohnMarshall  
177325 JunWilliamTarr  
17732 JulMargaretBurgess  
177320 JulGilbertMartin  
17731 AugSamuelCooms  
17733 AugPhilipMartin  
17738 AugSarahWotton  
177310 AugRobertCooms  
177312 AugJohnTownsend  
177312 AugThomasRidler  
177317 AugSarahPring  
177322 AugThomasMaer  
177325 AugSusannaPalk  
177327 AugPhilpWestcott  
17733 SepMaryRidgway  
17737 SepLukeCann  
177314 SepSusannaBabb  
177326 SepSarahBabb  
177326 SepMaryCove  
177326 SepElizabethWestcott  
177329 SepSusannaRowe  
177329 SepThomasTuckett  
177330 SepAnnHore  
17733 OctJohHenderson  
177314 OctSusannaBabb  
177314 OctSusannaCross  
177320 OctMaryBriant  
17733 NovElizabethKentsbeer  
177311 NovMaryGibbins  
177312 NovJoan MillerDodge  
177319 NovFrancisMartin  
177319 NovJosephRowe  
177321 NovRobertBaker  
17734 DecSamuelHancockof Cornwall 
17737 DecMaryColle[s]  
17737 DecElizabethBurgess  
177312 DecSusannaTothill  
177318 DecMaryPitts  
177318 DecJohnDart  
177413 JanPeterBall  
177414 JanJohnMitchell  
177419 JanMaryMoore  
177419 JanWilliamSmith  
17741 FebSarahHayes  
17747 FebElizabethParker  
17749 FebElizabethTincombe  
177416 MarSarahBailey  
177417 MarRosamondKnight  
177423 MarMaryAvery  
177431 MarEdmundFreeborn  
17742 AprCharlotteShort  
17743 AprMollyTracey  
177423 AprBenjaminCock  
177430 AprElizabethDyer  
177420 MayAmbroseWilkinsReverend 
177423 MayAnthonyShambler  
17744 JunHannahWelstead  
177410 JunGraceHole  
177412 JunWilliamBickley  
177430 JunStephenYeoman  
177422 JulEdwardEdmonds  
177425 JulMaryRidgway  
177419 AugJohnTinkham  
177423 AugJoanBishop  
177414 SepAnnPotter  
177423 SepElizabethLuscombe  
177425 SepMaryWiddicombe  
177430 SepSamuelBurgess  
17749 OctJohnEasterbrook  
177426 OctMaryThornwill  
177411 NovHenryTothillSchool Master 
177522 JanMaryPridham  
177529 JanWilliamCross  
177531 JanSarahEwens  
17759 FebAnnYeats  
177512 FebElizabethHellingswidow 
177527 FebJohnNewbery  
17753 AprMayLancey  
177512 AprThomasWills  
177515 AprMaryBanfill  
177525 AprBettyMelluish  
177528 AprJoanWrayford  
17755 MayJohnDelve  
17756 MayJohnPulling  
177526 MayElizabethShort  
177527 MayRichardRidgway  
17752 JunWilliamKendel  
177510 JunRobertShoreland  
177510 JunJohnWilkins  
177515 JunHonorPonsford  
177517 JunElizabethMartin  
177525 JunMarkBurnell  
17756 AugJohnTanner  
177510 AugRebeccaBurd  
17755 SepElizabethCornish  
177525 SepMargaretVought  
17758 OctThomasVivian  
177510 NovJamesWestcott  
177516 DecWilliamSnell  
177522 DecElizabethPotter  
17765 JanWilliamFulford  
177610 MarThomasCock  
177612 AprAnnSaunders  
177616 MayJamesPrance  
177627 JunJamesBullocka stranger 
17768 JulMarkGarrett  
177611 JulAbrahamEllis  
177613 SepEleanorSmith  
17768 OctMaryShambler  
177611 OctJamesParker  
177621 OctElizabethFowle  
177614 NovRobertLopaz  
177617 NovJohnTrebyMajor 
177617 Nov[no name][no name]a stranger 
17768 DecJohnGliddon  
177611 DecCharityCollings  
177616 DecElizabethBond  
177620 DecWilliamMoxey  
177627 DecSarahWestcott  
17775 JanJoanNorth  
17775 JanAnnCornish  
177710 JanRichardBond  
177711 JanAnnHaydon  
177716 JanEdwardHore  
177727 JanJohnTinkham  
177723 FebWilliamSnell  
177724 FebWilliamBovey  
177724 FebAnnPulling  
177716 MarCharlesHubbard  
177718 MarJamesBabb  
177718 MarJohnBabb  
177725 AprWilliamHore  
177725 AprGeorgeLacey  
17775 MayElizabethLuscombe  
17777 MayFrancesStone  
177710 MayWilliamStamp  
177718 MayMaryTruman  
177724 MayGraceRowe  
177725 MayAnnFulford  
177726 MayMaryBabb  
177730 MayElizabeth GratianaHooper  
17772 JunJenny BallHovill  
17778 JunSusannaParr  
177723 JunSusannaCross  
177723 JunSamuelTothill  
177727 JuHannahBawdon  
17773 JulThomasRowe  
17779 JulJosephEwens  
177712 JulRichardPartridge  
177727 SepMaryCooms  
177727 SepSarahPierce  
17775 OctRobertDrew  
177710 OctElizabethTothill  
177716 OctElizabethHow  
177716 OctCharlesRidgway  
17771 NovJohnShapter  
17772 NovElizabethRowe  
177721 NovElizabethHammond  
177725 NovElizabethCann  
177727 NovAbrahamPerry  
177712 Dec[no name][no name]a stranger at the Exeter Inn 
177713 DecThomasRowdon  
177730 DecWilliamFish  
17787 JanMaryFletcher  
17788 JanJoanCollings  
177818 JanGraceRendle  
17788 FebRichardWiddicombe  
177820 FebLaceyWilliam  
177822 FebJohnLuscombe  
17788 MarAnnStrong  
177810 MarDorothyTruman  
177824 MarGeorgeAndrew  
177829 AprAnnMuffett  
177810 JulElizabethLear  
177814 JulAnnGliddon  
177816 JulSarahCove  
17781 AugRobertPonsford  
177817 JulWilliamHellier  
17787 SepChristopherHellier  
177824 SepElizabethMartin  
17788 OctWilliamBassett  
17788 SepSarahBurridge  
177815 OctWilliamChudleigh  
177813 NovAnnDuscombe  
177823 NovGraceHallet  
17786 DecHenryBailey  
17787 DecJamesLenten  
177811 DecWilliamHore  
177822 DecJaneLenten  
177823 DecElizabethEdgecumb  
177823 DecCharlesWeston  
177824 DecBartholomewCarmody  
17799 JanSarahCove  
177921 JanElizabethO Brian  
177927 JanJaneMatthewMrs 
177915 MarSusannaBurgess  
177921 MarJohnAnning  
177930 MarNicholasHore  
17797 AprGeorgeTothill  
177911 AprAnnRichwid 
177921 AprPhilipBulley  
177923 AprMarySweet  
177928 Apr[Elias]Spry  
177929 AprJohnMartin  
17793 MayThomasWills  
17799 MayCharityLanglar  
177913 MayJohnLangler  
177914 MayMaryDewdney  
177916 MayHannahLear  
177924 MayMaryVicary  
177926 MaySarahUndray  
177929 MaySimonSnell  
17794 JunJohnBurnell  
17794 JunJaneTapper  
17794 JunMaryPinsen  
17798 JunMaryTuckett  
177915 JunJohnMarrescott  
17794 JulJohnG[e ]get  
177911 JulNicholasRichards  
177928 JulEliabethBurgess  
177930 AugMarkBearns  
177917 SepJonathanSnow  
177926 SepWilliamSnell  
177926 SepElizabethRidgway  
177911 OctSusannaShort  
177924 OctJamesNewberyAttorney 
177925 OctJohnPring  
17792 NovBettyMellish  
177910 NovAnnDrake  
177911 NovThomasBurringtonMr[s] 
177914 NovMarySheppard  
177921 DecElizabethPrance  
177927 DecAgnessJago  
17805 JanMiriamStone  
178012 JanRobertSweet  
178018 JanJohnBriant  
178019 JanJohnDrake  
178019 JanJohnShapter  
178025 JanRichardGliddon  
178029 JanElizabethBurgess  
17803 FebJohnBailey  
17808 FebAnnBurnell  
178011 FebThomasRidgway  
178021 FebMaryWeeks  
178027 FebRobertTruman  
178027 FebJaneBrend  
17805 MarAnnMoxey  
17807 MarAmosHanford  
17803 AprJohnKnight  
178016 AprMaryHole  
178024 AprThomasPridham  
178024 AprAnnShambler  
178030 AprDeborahMugg  
17802 MayEleanorPenny  
178011 MayNathanielPring  
178026 MayJudeBerrey  
17805 JunWilliamMartin  
17809 JunChristopherRich  
178010 JunMary [Leglar]Mugg  
178018 JunSarahTaylor  
17806 JulThomasMarrescott  
178016 JulRosamondDunning  
178017 JulElizabethParker  
178026 JulJamesWills  
178030 AugMargaretNorway  
17804 SepBettyHubbard  
17806 SepSusannaPerry  
178015 SepJohnBest  
178015 SepMaryBest  
178016 SepRobertWinget  
17803 OctSarahTothill  
17807 NovMarthaStarmer  
178011 DecWilliamAtling  
178011 DecRobertFrench  
17813 JanMaryColes  
178111 JanSarahLear  
178119 JanRogerShave  
17811 FebJoannaBrown  
17815 FebRichardBurgess  
178123 MarJohnMartin  
17818 AprPeterMartin  
17818 AprElizabethBrowning  
178113 AprWilliamBaker  
178115 AprHannahDunning  
178129 AprMary[Bid]good[smudged] 
17816 MayFrancisCrab  
17818 MayEleanorPlimsaull  
178119 MayRobertBaker  
178125 MayFrancisPitts  
178127 MayMaryMartinwidow 
17813 JunAnnHore  
178110 JunAgnessPike  
178129 JunJohnBall  
17815 JulThomasShapter  
178118 JunWilliamPennington  
178121 JulSusannRugg  
17813 Aug[no name][no name]a stranger unknown 
178112 AugAgnessBailey  
178119 AugMaryBassett  
178111 OctIsaacTaylor  
178116 DecElizabethHanford  
178126 DecSarahMaer  
178220 JanSusannaDyer  
178221 JanHenryCooms  
17828 FebThomasHore  
178210 FebGeorgeWestcott  
178224 FebRobertBrown  
178224 FebSusannaShears  
178229 MarWilliamPonsford  
178210 AprMaryHayes  
178220 AprWilliamHow  
178223 AprMaryPrater  
178225 AprWilliamPulling  
178227 AprWilliamVicary  
178219 MayWilliamMoxey  
178222 MayMaryBaker  
178223 MayMarySutton  
178224 MayMaryPinson  
178228 MayDavidLear  
17827 JunFrancisLovlice  
178216 JunMaryLove  
178221 JunJohnCornish  
178223 JunRebeccaHammacott  
178224 JunArthurCruse  
178230 JunWilliamBidgood  
17823 JulMaryGapson  
17827 JulRobertNosworthy  
17827 JulJohnSearle  
178213 JulThomasSheppard  
178214 JulFrancisBabb  
178217 JulThomasRich  
178221 JulMaryCausley  
178231 JulJohnGriffin  
17821 SepJohnMilton  
17825 OctAnnCove  
178227 NovJaneProuse  
17823 DecMaryLakeof Kenn 
178211 DecElizabethCornailus  
178215 DecMaryLacey  
17837 JanCharityDart  
178325 JanSusannaWills  
178320 FebRichardColiford  
178321 FebAnnOsborn  
178322 FebJohnCridiford  
178323 FebRichardChalk  
17837 MarGeorgeMatterface  
178312 MarGeorgeCornish  
178316 MarSimonShilstone  
178326 MarWilliamBall  
17831 AprMaryPridham  
178321 AprElizabethLapthorn  
17834 MayWilliamHooper  
17837 MayEdwardMole  
178325 MayAgnessCausley  
178323 JunWilliamBickford  
178312 JulJoanCornailus  
178323 JulMaryShoreland  
178325 JulJennyBickley  
178328 JulJamesParker  
178330 JulGeorgeCreby  
178310 AugAnnBurnett  
178310 AugMaryBurnett  
178318 AugPhilipMartin  
178325 AugStephenTruman  
178331 AugSusannaProuse  
17831 SepHughCliffordLord, at Ugbrooke 
17837 SepSarahTruman  
17839 SepAnthonyWestcott  
178314 SepJohnFurler  
178316 SepJosephTruman  
178321 SepWilliamBaker  
178322 SepBettyPlimsaull  
178327 SepAnnShambler  
17835 OctSusannaBurd  
178310 OctGeorgeBabbidge  
178311 OctEleanorCreby  
178316 OctJohnHenly  
178320 OctWilliamParker  
178321 OctRosamondBaily  
178323 OctJoseph HoleVicary  
178324 OctJosephDelve  
178326 OctWilliamJerdon  
178327 OctWilliamPhilips  
178328 OctJosephCollings  
178328 OctMiriamHanford  
178329 OctSarahTremlett  
178329 OctElizabethHagley  
178330 OctRobertTapper  
17834 NovIsaacTaylor  
17834 NovSusannaMoore  
17836 NovGeorgeWright  
17837 NovJoelOrchard  
178310 NovMaryWeston  
178312 NovMaryHayes  
178316 NovThomasLambell  
178317 NovThomasHinds  
178321 NovEleanorRidgwaypoor 
178322 NovWilliamPonsfordpoor 
178323 NovLydaPridhampoor 
178325 NovSusannBurgess  
178329 NovAmyPine  
17832 DecElizabethPring  
17833 DecAbramBaker  
17833 DecJohnBakerpoor 
17835 DecJoanPring  
17837 DecAnnWinsor  
178320 DecElizabethMills  
178322 DecAnnHow  
178327 DecAnnBawdon  
178328 DecCharityOrchard  
17844 JanJamesCornish  
178429 JanMaryLambshead  
178430 JanBettySealy  
178410 FebWilliamPring  
178411 FebElizabeethLeamon  
17845 MarThomasEasterbrook  
178421 MarRachelNewcombe  
178423 MarSarahAdams  
178424 MarMaryDrakepoor 
178426 MarMaryCovepoor 
178429 MarSarahRookpoor 
178416 AprRosamondWhitrow  
178426 AprWilliamCovepoor 
17845 MayJamesBanfill  
17845 MayJohnHellyer  
17849 MayThomasBailey  
178413 MayMaryCaunterpoor 
178419 MayAnnGreensladepoor 
17847 JulElizabethHorepoor 
178424 JulThomasMaerpoor 
178415 AugSarahRidgway  
178416 AugJohnReaper  
178418 SepJohnDuscombe  
178429 SepGeorgeBasely  
17849 OctJohn DavidMugg  
178430 OctThomasMelluish  
178414 NovWilliamHayes  
178416 NovWilliamRidgwaypoor 
17842 DecRobertPonsfordpoor 
17845 DecJohnLentenage 82, died 29 Nov 
178414 DecThomasEwen  
178415 DecJoannaSlade  
178419 DecSusannaEllis  
17859 JanJohnPulling  
178510 JanElizabethWood  
178514 JanCharityDart  
178518 JanWilliamTruman  
178521 FebDeborahWood  
17851 MarGilbertBurringtonRev., Vicar of the parish, age 63, died 26 February 
178510 MarSamuelWills  
178523 MarHughDunning  
178524 MarMaryWoollacott  
178512 AprSarahMoxey  
178513 AprJohnSmalepoor 
178516 AprHannahDodge  
178516 MayHenryWhiteof Hennock 
178516 MayHannahRich  
178510 JunJamesO[r]ailpoor 
178522 JunSusannaRowe  
178520 JulLuciaBanfill  
178522 JulElizabethMarshallpoor 
178523 JulSusannaHawkingspoor 
178515 AugJohnCo[ ]ner[white spot] 
178519 AugAnnTapperpoor 
17852 SepWilliamMoxey  
17853 SepCharlesAtkinson  
178510 SepRobertTrist  
178511 SepSamuelCausley  
178511 SepJamesParkerpoor 
178517 SepMaryHinton  
178522 SepThomasFellows  
178525 SepJaneHaleMrs. 
178528 OctThomasEasterbrook  
17852 DecJoannaPearce  
17858 DecAnnCornish  
17859 DecThomasBanfill  
178511 DecElizabethYeoman  
178526 DecSarahBakerpoor 
178531 DecJoanBurgesspoor 
17864 JanJohnMartin  
17865 JanRosamondWhitrow  
17868 JanElizabethBest  
178622 JanEdwardBanfillpoor 
17861 FebJohnBaker  
17868 FebJohnDenlypoor 
178626 FebRobertVicary  
178628 FebHenryLapthorn  
178628 MarSamuelLovisburnt in a Lime [vat at, dark and off page] 
1787   [missing] 
1788   [missing] 
1789   [missing] 
179020 FebMaryWard  
179017 MarJulianWittsWidow 
179021 MarJenneyWright  
179022 MarCharityRisdonWidow 
179025 ArHenryRabbish  
179030 AprMaryRuder  
179011 JunJamesGreenslade  
179013 JunWilliamCovePoor 
17905 JulJohnShapterPoor 
17903 AugElizabethPullingPoor 
179021 AugMaryMarshallPoor 
17904 SepMatthewCausleyPoor 
179010 SepWm ThomasPikeCould be Mrs. Thomas 
179018 SepAnnMoore  
179025 SepJohnFournier  
179010 OctJohnWeston  
179018 OctLarawan...Weston  
179019 OctWilliamBrendPoor 
179022 OctThomasWeston  
179024 OctMrs. MariaBurrington  
179027 OctElanorLemonPoor 
179028 OctJamesCove  
17902 NovSusannaHanfordPoor 
17907 NovAnnLemonPoor 
17909 NovMaryBickford  
179019 NovJamesEliottPoor 
179011 DecWilliamCollings  
179012 DecMaryBrend  
179013 DecSarahWrightName Sarah inserted after entry. Note in margin "Mistake, Mary instead of Sarah Wright" 
179013 DecJosephH[u]sell  
179023 DecJamesBanfillPoor 
179031 DecRobertSparkPoor 
179124 JanRichardD[are]  
17916 FebMaryWiddicombe  
179120 FebAnnHow  
179125 FebUriahWiddicombe  
179123 AprLangfordPalmarMr 
179118 MayJohnWardPoor 
17914 JunGeorgeTaylorPoor 
179120 JunMaryChudleighPoor 
179122 JunElizabethLapthorne  
179123 JunThomasPrew  
17911 AugJenneyCotteral  
179115 AugRobertChudleigh  
179130 AugThomasHore  
179130 SepMaryMarshallPoor 
179110 OctJaneParkarPoor 
17918 NovWilliamCausley[Mr or Mrs] 
179120 NovJohnRuderpoor 
179121 NovSarahMonkhardpoor 
17919 DecAnnSmale  
179115 DecJohnLovlesspoor 
179122 DecAnnRichpoor 
17923 JanMosesHockmanPoor 
179221 JanJosephMorchardPoor 
179210 FebAnnBurnell  
179219 FebTamerBailey  
179222 FebHenryMarshallPoor 
179226 FebJohnMay  
179215 MarCharolineBackCaroline? 
179216 MarMaryHarris  
17922 AprJohnGarratt  
179211 AprNicholasPike  
179213 AprSusannaRichPoor 
17924 MayMaryMayPoor 
179218 MaySusannaRidgwayPoor 
179229 MayMaryTaylor  
179217 JulSusannaUnderhay[Undery on Visitation page] 
179226 JulJosephWiddicombe  
179229 JulMaryJerdon  
179215 SepWilliamPain  
179220 SepMaryGalle[y]  
17924 NovJenneyShort  
179230 NovBetteyWrayfordPoor 
179215 DecAnnCausleyPoor 
179220 DecMary[St]ure  
179222 DecJaneFournier  
17936 JanJamesEdwards  
17939 JanAnnLeareWidow, poor 
179310 JanJohnMoxey  
179315 JanGeorgeLowtonPoor 
17931 MarJohnCove  
179317 MarElizabethUnderhay[Undery on Visitation page] 
179318 MarWilliamShave  
179324 MarRichBakerPoor 
179321 AprBenjaminDunsford  
179323 AprElizabethHarris  
179330 AprJohnDrakePoor 
179314 MayMaryMilton  
179315 MayElizabethLake  
17933 Jul Dav[e]sMilitia Man, poor 
179321 JulGeorgeDunning  
179324 JulJohnPulling  
179330 JulHarriettWills  
179316 AugGeorgeBabidge  
179315 SepSamuelHoneywill  
179324 SepMarySummerfieldpoor 
179316 OctWilliamParkarpoor 
179328 OctWilliamKensbeerpoor 
179314 NovSusannaMartin  
17931 DecJohnBurgess  
179318 DecSarahMarrascott  
179327 DecMaryWilson  
17941 JanRichSandersPoor 
17945 JanWilliamWright  
17946 JanStephenTruman  
179411 JanAgnessSnellpoor 
17943 FebJenneySmale  
179419 FebChristopherHellyer  
179420 FebPhillisBallpoor 
179424 FebSusannaParmarpoor 
179428 AprRobertNosworthy  
17942 JunSarahMelluish  
179417 JunJoanKensbeer  
179424 JunWilliamKensbeer  
17946 JulJamesWestcott  
17947 JulCharityWinpoor 
179413 JulMr or Wm] PhillipMatthew  
179420 JulElizabethLakepoor 
179418 AugMaryBowdonpoor 
17946 SepThomasPlimansell  
17946 SepOliverPlimansell  
17947 SepElizabethLopaspoor 
17947 SepGilbertTrumanpoor 
179414 SepFrancesWills  
179426 SepMaryLapthorne  
179428 SepRichardBabidgepoor 
179415 OctCharlesPool  
179415 OctJohnHenley  
179415 OctJamesGore  
179415 OctUriahWiddicombe  
179419 OctAnnWinsor  
179420 OctJohnHammacott  
179421 OctJenneyCornish  
179422 OctMaryHenley  
179424 OctJohnCottle  
179424 OctAnnLeare  
179430 OctJohnBeard  
179430 OctHannaBeard  
179431 OctMaryHellyer  
17942 NovAnnHussey  
17943 NovMariaBaker  
17948 NovWilliamHawkham  
179416 NovMaryBrimley  
179416 NovElizabethBabidge  
179417 NovWilliamTrain  
179417 NovJosephWiddicombe  
17951 JanWilliamRiddle[Ridale on Visitation page] 
179511 JanPhillipLuscombe  
179521 JanNichollsTothill  
179529 JanGeorgeVail  
179515 FebElizabethHooper  
179517 FebRogerMare  
179510 MarWilliamGarman  
179512 MarElizabethAlling  
179527 MarJohnDrake  
17953 AprMarthaCornealious  
179515 AprMaryCausley  
179518 AprWilliamLapthorne  
179520 AprMaryBowdon  
179512 MaySarahLowton  
179516 MayJnShears  
179522 MayRobertMilford[Not on Visitation page] 
179511 JulElizabethHore  
179516 JulMaryNorthcott  
179522 JulRobertMillverd[On Visitation only, is Milford/Millverd the same person] 
179513 AugElizabethKensbeer  
179520 AugElizabethParkar  
179526 AugThomasHoward  
179513 OctMaryEfford  
17959 NovSarahCottrall  
179513 NovWilliamWilliam  
179513 NovMaryElson  
17958 DecWilliamCausley  
179629 JanMarySheappard  
179629 JanElizabethGliddon  
179621 FebMaryCollihall[Colliholes on Visitation page] 
17961 Mar[Mr or Wm] ThomasCollings  
17966 MarJenneyCausley  
179613 MarSarahLeare  
179618 MarRichardNorth  
179617 AprElizabethWard  
179626 AprAbrahamSnell  
179626 AprJohnJewell  
179611 MayJohnDunsford  
179619 MayElizabethCollings  
179627 MayMarthaFord  
179629 MayAnnMilford  
17967 JunGeorgePlumridge  
179613 JunAnnTanner  
17966 JulEdwardSnow  
179620 JulAnnBrewer  
179625 JulElizabethWoodrow  
17965 AugJohannaTruman  
17965 AugJoanBurgess  
17966 AugStephen[no name]Other names unknown 
17966 SepMaryHammick  
17966 NovJamesMoore  
179611 NovAnnJerden  
179613 NovJamesMoore  
179623 NovJosephTracey  
179624 NovMaryRuck  
179611 DecWilliamCox  
179611 DecJaneStrowbridge  
179616 DecThomasLake  
179616 DecRichardTruman  
179618 DecSamuelBall  
179621 DecWilliamRich  
179621 DecSamuelBabb  
179625 DecMiriamEsterbrook  
179719 JanMaryMoore  
179729 JanHenryYard  
17975 FebMaryPaddon  
179712 FebMaryBabb  
179713 FebJohnVought  
179726 FebWilliamParkar  
17979 MarGraceParmar  
179719 MaryJohnStrowbridge  
179720 Mar[blurred]Kensbeer  
17979 AprElizaMugg  
179724 AprJennyBukley  
179725 AprWilmottPulling  
179726 AprHenryHore[Heare on Visitation page] 
179716 MayRichardCarlile  
179727 JunSarahEasterbrook  
179729 JunMaryPring  
17974 JulRichardMortimore  
17976 JulElizabethMartin  
179714 JulAliceMarshall  
179728 JulRubyPensent  
179713 AugJenneyWillcocks  
179717 SepElizabethRabbish  
179722 SepCharlotteLee  
179724 SepCharlesBowdon  
179717 OctWilliamPridham  
179725 OctJohnLeare  
179710 NovElizabethDelve  
17972 DecSusannaWiddicombe  
179713 DecSarahMoore  
179725 DecSusanna LukeyElliott  
179729 DecThomasWright  
179816 JanJamesElicombe  
17987 FebWilliamShapter  
179818 FebHesterTrebyMrs 
179819 FebElizabethCleave  
17984 MayMaryJoneswife of John Jones 
17984 MayMaryKentsbeer  
17984 MayThomasParkar  
17989 JunJosephBrimley  
179810 JunJosephWiddicombe  
179819 JunRichardLuskins  
179817 JulMaryShambler  
179822 JulWilliamRendle  
17985 SepJohnCausley  
17986 SepJosephBaker  
17987 SepEdwardCliffordHonble [Honorable] 
179821 SepElizabethWinsor  
17983 OctThomasSmale  
17985 NovBettyBrenley  
179816 DecJohnPring  
179825 DecMary AnnDrake  
179827 DecHannaBond  
17991 JanMarthaBowdon  
17992 JanMaryHore  
17992 JanJaneWeston  
179911 JanJohnCollings  
179914 JanJohnPullingof Exminister 
179920 JanAgnessGreenslade  
179920 JanJohnWestcott  
179928 JanJamesHoward  
17991 FebJohnBowdonMillitia Man 
17993 FebElizabethEndicott  
179910 FebWilliamRidler  
17991 MarThomasEliott  
17992 MarThomasRolestone  
179913 MarElizabethPullingwife of Samuel Pulling 
179921 MarSarahSearle  
179929 MarElizabethMoore  
179912 MayJamesSmale  
179914 MayIsaacElliot  
179916 MayElizabethDunsford  
179917 MayJohnLentenClerk of the Parish 
17993 JunMaryGidley  
17999 JunJamesBurnnellSon of Markes & Mary Burnnell 
179911 JunThomasBabbage  
179914 JunGeorgeWestcott  
179916 JulWilliamLapthorn  
179921 JulJaneProuseWidow 
179911 AugAnnCarnellWidow 
179922 AugFrancisCove  
179930 AugJamesHore  
17996 SepMaryHoweDau of Samuel & Susanna Howe 
179922 SepAnnLeareDau of James & Mary Leare 
17991 OctAgnesIrwinMillitiamans Wife 
17995 OctElizabethRolstoneWidow 
179913 OctElizabethTincombeWife of Henry 
179922 DecMaryGoreWidow 
179929 DecGeorgeProuse  
180020 JanSarahCross  
18009 FebAnnSnell  
180010 FebJamesCausley  
180016 FebAnnLambeewidow, 
18003 MarElizabethLuscombewidow 
18005 MarAnnBurnnellwidow 
180031 MarAnnAlling  
18007 AprAnnYardedaughter of Jn & Ann Yarde 
18007 AprAndrewBoveydog whipper 
180021 AprMaryCreaby  
18004 MayBenjaminWiddicombe  
180018 MayClementBanfill  
180022 MayMaryShort  
18001 JunMary AnnGossdau of Andrew & Hannah Goss 
18001/6/2010RobertDimonddog whipper 
18006 JunMaryAnningwidow 
18009 JunJohn ShaveSmith  
18009 JunThosShapterof Hennock 
180015 JunMaryWiddicombewidow 
180015 JunJohnBaker  
180017 JunSarahMilfordwidow 
180026 JunFrancesBriant  
180023 JulMaryGliddondau of Richard & Mary Gliddon 
180027 JulMaryBaker  
18009 SepMaryTrumanwidow 
18009 SepMaryHexdau of Thomas & Jane Hex 
18005 OctJoneSmallridgeof Ideford 
18005 OctCharityJury  
180014 OctJoshuaAndrews  
180014 NovWilliamBakerwoolcomber 
180025 NovSarahGoredau of John & Sarah Gore 
18008 DecElizabethTincombe  
180014 DecWilliamBess  
180024 DecThomasPikeson of Joseph & Mary Pike 
180125 JanJaneCovewidow 
18017 FebThomasOld  
180119 FebMaryElliottwidow 
180122 FebMilletWiddicombedau of Richard & Mary Widdicombe 
180122 AprMaryParsonswidow 
18013 MaySarahDrewwidow 
180117 MayAnnTrumanwidow 
180121 MayRobertBall[Baker follows Ball, is that last name or profession] 
18011 JunJohnShambler  
18014 JunCharityMilltonwidow 
180128 JunMaryGreywidow 
180130 JunJamesBickley  
180114 AugMaryCorneliousdau of William & Martha Cornelious 
180120 AugElizabethBickley  
180114 SepSusannaOsmanwidow 
180114 SepWilliamBond  
180121 SepThomasRabbishwoolcomber 
180121 SepMaryParker  
180126 SepElizabethShambler  
180124 Oct[no name[no name]child belonging to a Soldier 
180129 OctElizabethHorewife of John Hore, comber 
18012 NovAliceBickfordwife of Nathaniel Bickford 
180110 NovMaryHore  
180122 NovDorothaMoistwidow 
18011 DecJohnDrake  
18013 DecThomasinWiddicombewidow 
180120 DecMaryTrumanwidow 
180124 DecGeorgeHellyer  
18023 JanSusannaBabbidgewife of George Babbidge 
180220 JanMaryProuse  
180221 JanElizbethFulfordwidow 
180218 MarElizbethHuvadewidow 
180223 MarJohnPulling  
18027 AprJohnBabb[son of John and Mary Babb Jun] 
18029 AprJohnAllinExecuted on Friday the 9th day of April 1802 over the Porters Lodge Devon High Goal 
180221 AprJamesBabbage  
180221 AprMaryRidgewaywidow 
180222 AprMarySaunderswife of Thomas Saunders 
18021 MayJamesEdwards  
18022 MayGilbertTruman  
18023 MayJacobColli[s]hall  
18027 MayMaryGliddonwife of Richard Gliddon 
18029 MayMarySearle  
18029 MayAgnesRow  
18029 MayWilliamGale  
180210 MayAnnCook  
180210 MayMarySomerfield  
180210 MayJosephTuckett  
180212 MayJosephHarris  
180212 MayThomasHill  
180212 MayGeorgePearse& Joanna his wife 
180212 MayJohannaPearse  
180217 MayJohnRow  
180218 MayMaryWright  
180219 MayCharityBakerwife of Samuel Baker 
180220 MayThomas WillsSmith  
180221 MayWilliamBidgoodCapt. 
180223 MaySarahLuckings  
180225 MayBettyHansfordwife of James Hansford 
180226 MayJohnHestedtof Dunsford 
180227 MayJohannaLamble  
180228 MaySusannaShave  
180229 MaySarahWright  
18026 JunMaryDrake  
18026 JunEstherGoodingof Kingsteignton 
180210 JunStephenWilkins  
180213 JunJamesBriant  
180216 JunJohnWilcocks  
180221 JunSarahPearsedau of Sam & Mary Pearse 
180222 JunJosephYeoof Northwood in this parish 
180224 JunWilliamWhyat  
180226 JunAbrahamMare  
180229 JunJohnHoffil  
18024 JulWilliamJury  
180218 JulHenryTincombe  
180218 JulMrs.Dollingwidow 
18024 SepBettyMelhuish  
180211 SepChatharine ChampWeeks  
180228 SepBenjaminBondSenior 
18021 NovElenorPearse  
18023 NovMaryLobb  
180226 DecThomasPalk  
180226 DecEdwardUnderhay[Undary on Visitation page] 
18037 JanCharityHellyerwidow 
18036 FebJaneMoorewidow 
180313 FebSarahBabbagewidow 
180316 FebRebeccaYardewife of Hugh Yarde 
180328 FebSusannaDelvewidow 
180328 FebAnnCausley  
18033 MarJnTuckettSenior 
18034 MarCatherineBanfillwidow 
18036 MarJohnCausleywoolcomber 
180312 MarWilliam CollingsGibbsson of John & Eliz Gibbs 
180323 MarMaryLearedau of James & Ann Leare 
18031 AprWilliamSearleson of William & Susanna Searle 
18038 AprMaryMartinwife of John Martin 
18038 AprWilliamAdams  
18038 AprMaryLodge  
180317 AprJamesLeareSenior, woolcomber 
180321 AprGeorgeBrewer  
18036 MayJohnWiddicombe  
18039 MayJohnMartinSenior, woolcomber 
180322 MayWilliamBurgess  
180322 MayJaneMoor  
180312 JunFrancesRendle  
180313 JunElizabeth HeathfieldBytson  
18035 OctJames EffordDunscombeIn this parish 
180328 OctCharlesBaileywoolcomber 
18032 NovElizabethSmith  
18034 DecSusannaTucker  
18038 DecAnnLemon  
180323 DecMaryShort  
180327 DecSusannaWeekswife of Thomas Weeks Jr. 
180418 JanThomasHellyer  
180415 FebMaryTothillwidow 
180417 FebRobertMelhuish  
180423 FebMaryBabbage  
180426 FebJohn ShaplandWrightson of William & Mary Wright 
180428 FebGraceCoxwidow 
180411 MarJohnWilliams  
180412 MarAnnYardewife of John Yarde 
18041 AprEleanorRidgewaywife of Thomas Ridgeway 
180424 AprPhilipMartin  
18048 MaySarahPearse  
180414 MayJohannaWinsor  
180410 JunBettyDymondwidow 
180416 JunElizabethBrewerdau of Thomas & Betty Brewer 
180417 JulMaryHarrisdau of Mary Harris (Bastard) 
180428 JulJohnWise  
180429 JulThomasMarshallJunr 
180424 SepJohnWhiteson of Richard and Esther White 
180427 SepHarriettCann  
180421 OctMaryRowwife of William Row 
180410 DecPhilipBailey  
180411 DecBettyTrumanwife of John Truman 
180521 JanMaryTothilldau of William Tothill 
180525 JanElizabeth HeathSaundersdau of John and Ann Saunders 
18051 MarSusannaMarewidow 
180515 MarEdwardRich  
180524 MarAnnRolstonedau of George & Sarah Rolstone 
180524 AprAndrewGoss  
180514 MayWilliamShapter  
180524 MayJohnDimond  
180510 JunMaryWhiat  
180526 JunCharityElliott  
180520 JulWilliam CausleyOrchard  
180529 JulSusannaDelve  
180513 AugThomasBall  
180530 Aug[no name][no name]A poor man found dead in Whiteway [Road] near Exeter Road, his name unknown 
180510 SepMaryHydonwife of William Hydon 
180515 SepLawrenceWeston  
180517 SepWilliamHydon  
180524 SepAnnHockaday  
180527 SepThomasBayley  
180520 OctGeorgeGiddley  
180523 OctPhilipSailey  
1805 MatthewMarshell  
180527 OctSamuelShambler  
180522 DecMaryBriant  
180526 DecJohnCleaveson of William and Ann Cleave 
18062 JanAnnHoward  
180624 JanWilliamTuckett  
180630 JanJohnBeardson of Thomas & Mary Beard 
18067 FebSarahRiddler  
180615 MarAnnBrewer  
180616 AprMary AnnCornish  
180630 AprThomasBaileyCrook Maker 
18061 MayWilliamRow  
180613 MayJaneParker  
180618 MayHenryCuttlerEsq. 
180620 MayJohannaHarris  
180626 MayThomasHammacott  
180624 AugJoanPool  
180628 Aug[Mr] WilliamCausleyof Ranscombe in this parish 
180628 OctMaryBakerwife of Sam Baker 
180629 OctThomasYeats  
18069 NovJohnWinsor  
180610 NovBettyBabb  
18062 DecWilliamBray  
18068 DecJnBurnell  
180613 DecSusannaShute  
180619 DecJoelOrchard  
18077 JanRichardCook  
180728 JanJaneCopland  
18077 FebMaryWeston  
180721 FebMaryHowwife of William How 
18077 MarRichardCole  
180712 MarAndrewWright  
180712 MarSarahLow  
180722 MarFrancisMoxey  
180722 MarJamesWingate  
180726 MarWilliamHow  
180719 AprElizHole  
180719 AprPhilipMartinson of Thomas & Hanna Martin 
180729 AprGeorgeBabbage  
18077 MarSusannaMarshell  
180710 MayJaneRobinson  
180719 MayJosephKentisbeer  
180716 MayThomas John HeathSaunders  
180718 MayWilliamBurnett  
180718 MayWilliamWills  
180722 MayJohnSearle  
180731 MayElizabethBickley  
1807 MaryJago  
180731 MayEmblinSenthill[Sainthill] 
18073 JunMaryLiscombe  
18077 JunWilliamAllan  
18077 JunJane BaileyTuckett  
18079 JunAnnEdwardswife of William Edwards 
180713 JunJohnAundery[Undery] 
180718 JunAnnKentisbeer  
180712 JulSusannaWeathorden  
180726 JulFrancisWills  
180726 JulJohnDelve  
18079 AugJohnPaul  
180716 AugJohnPaddon  
18077 AugMaryParker  
180723 AugJosephPaul  
180723 JulBettyBowden  
180715 SepJohnCausley  
180717 SepWilliamWhite  
180724 SepWilliamTothill  
18074 OctMaryEdwards  
180715 NovThomasShort  
180718 NovElizabethLapthornwife of John Lapthorn 
180810 JanThomasRidgeway  
180815 JanArmmialRidgeway  
180831 JanGeorgeGiddleyson of John Giddley 
180814 FebHannaRolstone  
180817 FebMaryLancy  
180820 MarRichardStrowbridge  
18085 AprAnnCornishwife of George Cornish 
180810 AprElizabethTannerwidow 
180817 AprCarolineWilliamswidow 
180819 AprElizabethTuckett  
180822 AprMaryTruman  
180822 AprJohnGiddley  
18083 MayGeorgeWestcottson of James Westcott, Clerk of this parish 
18084 MayMaryShambler  
18085 JunElizabethMoxeywidow 
180824 JunThomas BaileyTuckett  
18083 AugSusannaPalmerwidow, 90 
180814 AugPhoebeRockChild of Private in East Devon Militia 
180813 SepEdwardGale  
180824 OctWilliamBowdon  
180830 OctWilliamPikeson of Thomas Pike 
180816 DecNicholas HowPost  
180830 DecPeterHore94 years 
18095 MarAnnDrake  
180911 MarElizabethDarch  
180914 MarJohnHore  
180916 MarSimonSampson  
180922 MarJaneTuckett  
180927 MarWilliamWrightMalster 
180923 AprMarieWeston  
180924 AprAliceCove  
180927 MayGeorgeDodge  
180928 MayThomasTuckett  
18091 JulSamuelLamble  
18091 JulSusannaBowdon  
1809 RogerBest  
180931 JulJohnHockerday  
180931 JulWilliamHammacott  
18099 AugJohnHayesSen. 
180911 AugElizabethKentisbeer  
180918 AugElizabethMelhuishwidow 
180925 AugJane MelhuishTuckett  
18095 SepThomasDrake  
180911 OctElizabethShapter  
180922 OctJaneHydon  
180926 OctMaryNosworthywidow 
18092 NovElizabethShambler  
180920 DecElizabethCausley  
180927 DecAnnLowe  
180929 DecMaryBrowncombe  
18107 FebJosephPaul  
181015 FebMargaretMatthewMrs. 
181016 FebElizabethHayes  
18104 MarRichardTuckett  
181021 MarJosephPikeMerchant 
181023 MarJaneDavis  
181023 AprSusannaBranning  
181026 AprHenrySearle  
181027 AprElizabethBabbage  
181029 AprDanielBickley  
181029 AprJaneCrego  
181028 JunMaryTeagleMrs., widow 
181020 JulDanielShoot  
18101 AugMaryBassettwife of Benjamin Bassett 
181016 SepThomasParker  
18102 OctHughYard  
18103 OctThomasHarris  
18107 OctEdwardBickley  
181016 OctSusannaOliver  
181010 DecJohnLangdon  
181019 DecMaryPike  
181119 JanJohnHorelate of Harcombe in this parish 
181120 JanWilliamHole  
181123 JanWilliamHawkings  
18114 FebPeterMartin  
181126 FebGeorgeGiddley  
181127 FebAnnSoutton  
18119 AprJamesPeters  
18119 AprGraceHarvey  
181110 AprRichardParker  
181112 AprMaryBurnell  
181128 AprJohnBowdon  
181113 MayHilleySells  
181115 MayBenjaminWilliams  
181116 MayHarriettEvans  
181121 MaySamuelHow  
181121 MayHenryWright  
181124 MayNicholasMartin  
18115 JunSusannaTotthil  
18115 JunMariaMatthews  
18116 JunBettyBaker  
181121 JunMary AnnCox  
181123 JulJamesDaveyof Kenn 
18115 AugSarahLobb  
181118 AugJohnTruman  
181123 AugElizabethGliddon  
181130 AugJamesPrideaux  
18118 SepHenryShambler  
181127 SepRichardTaylorPost Master of Chudleigh 
18111 NovWilliamYeats  
181126 NovMarySoulis  
181127 NovJoannaCove  
181129 NovJaneBowdon  
18111 DecElizabethMartinwidow 
18113 DecWilliamWiddicombe  
181120 DecBenjaminTruman  
181131 DecJohnWiddicombe  
181131 DecWilliamBickford  
18125 JanSarahHenley  
181215 JanGeorgeWills  
181220 JanRachelPulling  
181228 JanSarahLapthornwidow 
181229 JanEdwardMoor  
18124 FebElizabethWillswife of Richard Wills 
181212 FebJohnParker  
181218 FebWilliamDarch  
181219 FebJohannaBickleywidow 
181226 FebElizabethPulling  
18125 MarThomasHansford  
18128 MarSarahBallwidow 
181213 MarMaryFurler  
181222 MarWilliamWiddicombe  
18121 AprMary BurnPearse  
181210 AprJamesSmith  
181226 AprAnnCarlilewidow 
181230 AprSarahPaul  
18123 MaySamuelHockaday  
18125 MayJohnLapthornwoolcomber 
181215 MayMaryLathan  
18123 JunMariaShapter  
181225 JunThomasRobinson  
181225 JunMaryTuckett  
181230 JunWilliamSmalechild of Tusham 
181215 JulMaryDavis  
181217 JulWilliamPearse  
181220 JulHenryBayley  
181224 JulBettyTrumanwidow 
18126 AugJohnHore  
18129 AugElizabethBabbage  
18129 AugHariotCross  
181211 AugGeorgeBrewersons of Thomas Brewer 
181211 AugJohnBrewer  
181216 AugWilliam BallCornish  
181217 AugEdwardShaveson of John Shave 
181218 AugMaryHayes  
181226 AugThomasinMear  
181230 AugJosephKentisbeer  
18121 SepMaryCollihall  
18121 SepMaryGreenslade  
18129 SepJohnGreenslade  
181223 SepMaryRidgeway  
181223 SepJamesWright  
181224 SepSophiaMatthews  
181227 SepThomasTuckett  
181229 SepHenryWright  
[1813][2] SepUriahBurnett[page torn, is date 1813][missing]
[1813]22 SepMaryMarshall[page torn, is date 1813]80
[1813]26 SepWilliamRidgeway[page torn, is date 1813]34
[1813][ ] OctRichardWiddicombeJunior, [page torn, is date 1813]24
[1813][ ] OctMaryRabbich[page torn, is date 1813]72
Missing Oct 1813-May 1814     
181410 MayWilliamSnell 9 [weeks or months]
18149 JunJamesWestcottParish Clerk45
181421 JunThomas BaileyDescombe 4 months
181429 JunMaryTucker 83
18144 JulJohnPatrick 6 1/2
181424 JulSarahLake 6 [weeks or months]
181431 JulGraceWilliams 67
181428 AugJosephParsons 89
18148 SepSusannaHockaday 69
181427 SepMaryTrewman 38
1814[ ] OctJosephCombs[date black]5 [weeks or months]
181411 OctJohn MarkRich 26
181431 OctGilbertMartinSexton of parish83
181413 NovWilliamLobb 62
18157 JanAnnSnell 78
181527 JanJohnGerry[page torn, no age][infant]
1815[27 Feb]RichardDart 6
181513 MarJane BaileyTuckett[page torn, no age] 
181517 MarSarahBabb 73
18153 JunCharityUnderhill 56
18154 JunJohnGawler 48
181516 JulGeorgeRolstone 53
1815 Mary AnnElms[page torn, no age] 
1815 [Cannot read]Hayesof Bishopsteignton [page torn]36
1815 MaryEwenscannot read last number [page torn]86?
1815[ ] MarKeziaWiddicombecannot read last number [page torn]4?
1815[ ] AprSamuelHockaday[cannot read date, all black]13
1815[ ] AprHenryChappel[cannot read date, all black]39
181513 AprMaryWrightwife of William Wright, Maltster38
181516 AprJohnPortes 6 months
181518 AprSarahBickley 44
181519 AprJohnJago infant
18153 [ ]Mary AnnAnning[cannot read month of burial]10 months
18157 [ ]HenryDomett[cannot read month of burial]less than a year
181513 [ ]Emma CharityArscott[cannot read month of burial]4 months
181626 JanDorothyWhite 63
1816[ ] JanJohn[H]andsford 34
181631 JanAnnShapter 62
18169 FebJohannaTruman 63
181617 FebMaryMole 78
181622 or 23 FebWilliamGreen 3
1816[ ]MaryBarnesdate unclear3
1816[ ]AnnShilstondate unclear64
1816[ ]ThomasMarshalldate unclear2 weeks
1816[ ]MaryBriantdate unclear59
1816[ ]JohnBowdendate unclear53
1816[ ]CharlotteSoperdate unclear6 weeks
1816[ ]ThomasBewdondate unclear83
1816[ ]JohnOlddate unclear85
1816[ ]ElizabethHorndate unclear1
1816[ ]JohnGreensladedate unclear8?
18169 SepMaryTapper 59
181615 SepSusannaProwse 73
181621 SepThomasBassett 7
181622 SepJohnHayesHostler64
181620 OctMaryGidley 80
181625 OctSarahGloverblurredeither 4 wks or months
18163 NovCharlesBrown{blurred, infant] 
18165 NovCharlesBrewer 15
18167 NovPhilipWotton 5
181613 NovMary AnnKentisbeer 3
181622 NovElizabethMore 55
181622 NovElizabetthHockaday[blurred, infant] 
181618 NovJane ElizaBickley 14
18166 DecJaneBickley[blurred, infant] 
181629 DecGraceHore 72
181710 JanMaryFossett 79
181712 JanJosephWard 82
181719 JanElizabethClampitt 80
18178 FebWilliamLenten 73
181714 FebJohnPulling[younger]36
18179 AprThomasSummers 24
181729 AprNathanielBickford 67
18175 MayMary AnnGlover 4
181720 Jun[Nanny]Tothill 45
181722 JunFrancisBriant 88
181730 JulMaryYates 2 weeks
18175 SepThomasFloud 2 days
181715 SepEleanorPulling 6 months
18175 OctElizabethUnderhill 50
181713 OctJosephAvant 52
181719 OctWilliamSowton 56
18177 NovHonorWingett 42
18177 DecWilliam BondDawlish 5 months
181722 DecMaryWright 67
18184 JanSarahPulling 82
181814 JanGraceShort 58
181817 JanAnnGreenslade 74
181825 JanElizabethWallen 72
18184 AprSamuelDaniell 35
18188 AprSusannaBawden 84
18189 AprAnnLovys 14 months
181812 AprWilliamDescombe 85
181811 MaySarahHayes 5 days
181829 MayCharlesBriant 24
181810 JunAnnLodge 5 weeks
181814 JunAnnTremaine 82
181821 JunRichardBall 38
181826 JunJohannaPatrick 8
181830 JulUriahHall 2 weeks
18189 AugEdwardHall 3 weeks
181814 AugSusannaBurnell 21
181818 SepJohnEllicombe 9 Months
181811 OctRichardLamble 13
181816 NovJohnPaddon 68
18186 DecJosephGlover 5 months
18189 DecAnnaJames 2 weeks
181822 DecAnnEfford 35
181913 JanJaneWhingates 64
181914 JanMaryGlover 34
181921 JanMarLa Mesurier 46
181921 JanSusannaBickley 63
181922 JanJonasLemon 31
181924 JanAnnDodge 90
181928 JanJohnGale 65
181919 FebNicholasAxworthyfound dead in parish of Chudleigh26
181922 FebHenryBall 6 months
18191 MarAnnLeare 56
181914 MarRichardWiddicombe 71
181914 MarElizabethKentisbeer 5 months
181920 AprMaryWills 3 months
181922 MayHarriettWright[entry inserted as memorandum] 2nd wife of William Wright, Malster37
18196 JunJohnWiddicombe 30
181918 JunAnnYeo 79
181918 JunThomasWills 53
181922 JulRichardHenley 25
181924 JulEmmaWeston 6 weeks
18194 AugMaryWeeks 78
181929 AugAbelCodbaar 59
181929 AugWilliamHebberd 7 months
18191 SepJosephWills 3
18197 SepChristopherChanning 81
181928 SepMary AnnMudge 2 months
181915 OctElizabethGarrett 84
181919 OctSarahCottle 89
181931 OctGilbertEllicombe 6
181919 DecThomasWiddicombe 14
181920 DecMaryWestern 71
18206 JanWilliamBrown 70
18206 JanJohnHarris 7 weeks
182016 JanSamuelMarks 67
182020 JanMaryBedlake 69
182017 JanJohnCox 86
18207 FebAnnKentisbear 11
182011 MarJames DavidLatham 2 weeks
182014 MarMaryBurgess 68
182026 MarJoanBennett 72
182012 AprSarahCausley 10 Months
182016 AprElizabethHenley 72
182020 AprJames BryantAshburton 70
182027 AprSusannaDavis 36
182025 MayWilliamGreenway 74
182026 MayAnnTremain 7 months
182026 MayRobertHele 5 months
182031 MayThomasBurnett 77
18201 JunElizabethKeys 26
18205 JunElizabethEndacott 78
18208 JunGraceCausley 40
182015 JunElizabethTuckett 73
182027 JunElizabethDrake 51
182029 JunSarahPike 83
18204 JulJohnRich 88
182031 JulWilliamLemon 64
18203 SepRobertCoombs 90
182021 SepJohnPring 72
182028 SepJohnJury 3
182020 OctAliceBeer 68
182026 OctAnnCornelius 79
18201 NovWilliamWhite 71
18209 NovJohnWright 72
182017 NovJamesYeoSouth Bovey1 yr 10 mos
182030 NovMaryYeats 5 Mos
18206 DecRichardCollihall 84
18207 DecJohnShapter 71
182013 DecGraceRolstone 2
18212 JanMaryWestlake[Teignmouth]42
182117 JanSarahBlackler 24
182126 JanSarahHayes 77
182131 JanAnnSnell 78
18212 FebAnnShamler 54
182114 FebEmeliaFarley 5 weeks
182117 FebMaryCausley 83
182118 FebWilliamJago 9
182123 FebJanePain 1
182110 MarJosephHibbard 5 months
182113 MarThomasTriscott 82
18215 AprAnnaWestcott 79
18218 AprJamesBowden2 brothers [brother of William21
18218 AprWilliamBowden2 brothers [brother of James]19
182111 AprRobertBaker 70
182126 AprJosephCox 37
182122 AprJaneLenten 88
182113 MayRichardBabbage 26
182117 MayJohnWright 72
182117 MayThomasGerry 1
182120 MayFrancisColson 59
182122 MayDanielWhiteway 6
182110 JunMaryDodge 9 months
182114 JunSarahRolstone 63
182115 JunAnnTownsend 2
182117 JunJohnWyman 3
182118 JunSarahBray 53
182124 JunJamesLeare 51
182125 JunJosephBailey[age blurred][43]
182116 JulCharlotteMartin[age blurred][child]
182117 JulElizaSnell 18 mos
18215 AugLaviniaShapter 5 mos
182121 AugAnnLeare 80
182116 SepRichardEdwards 71
182125 SepBettyPulling 57
18214 OctSusannaAndrews 82
182113 OctSarahJames 23
18214 NovPatienceHarvey 76
18218 NovRobertSanders 78
182115 NovJohnDodge 67
18213 DecJohnJames 10 weeks
182112 DecJohnBryant 27
182117 DecWilliamRolstone[inserted on bottom of page for 1820] of this parish was buried in great stile in Bridford Church Yard, 70 yrs - a Rich Old uncle70
182130 DecCharitySanders 74
182210 JanJohnVicary 65
182213 JanMaryMare 58
182215 JanAnnSmith 48
182218 JanElizabethCottle 62
182224 JanHenryVealworth18
182230 JanJosasElliscarried to Kenn42
18221 FebGeorgePitts infant
18227 FebSarahBabb 14
18228 FebJohnDodge 29
182210 FebJohanna GribblePearse 1 yr 3 mos
18222 MarElizaBobbich 4 days
182225 MarMaryGarrett 80
182211 AprRichardTruman 50
182212 MayMaryCove 68
182230 MayElizabethWills 34
18224 JulHenryMugg 77
18225 JunSarahHole 80
182217 JunGraceBabbage 88
182213 JunSarahCobley 34
182220 JulAnnMackay 70
18227 AugBettySnell 25
18229 AugLydiaPiper 45
182211 AugMarySnell 56
182212 AugMariaHooper 14
18223 OctSarahTaprell 69
18224 OctSusannaWinsor 41
18228 OctAbrahamSnell 63
18229 OctWilliamPulling 70
182218 OctSarahEfford 62
18225 NovMaryBidgood 82
182213 NovWilliamEllis 62
182213 NovThomasWills 3 mos
182227 NovJosephBarnes 60
18228 DecJaneMogridge 73
182213 DecElizabethBurnell 63
182218 DecThomasBrewer 25
182223 DecWilliamCausley 6 weeks
18231 JanRichardWills 74
182314 JanElizabethShapter 85
182323 JanLevannaHole 4 mos
182330 JanSarahSmall 77
18235 FebWilliamWinsor 48
182323 FebRichardWiddicombe 5
182323 FebMaryFouracres 81
182326 FebAnnGreenslade 47
18235 MarElizabeth CleaveWoollocott 11 Weeks
182311 MarGilbertTruman 73
182312 MarJamesEndacott 1 yr 3 mos
182317 MarJohnCurby 54
182329 AprWalterCleave 28
182323 MaySamuel PaulBamford 57
18234 JunJohnBabbage 5 weeks
18236 JulRichardWiddicombetwin3 days
18236 JulJamesWiddicombetwin3 dys
182315 JulJosephMoore 57
182331 JulSarahElson 71
182315 AugRichardBond 33
182319 AugJane BeniotBailey 90
182324 AugJohnLeare 58
182325 SepWilliamVallance 8
182316 OctSarahAtkinson 96
182317 OctJohnCornish 1 week
18231 NovRichardSanders 9
18241 JanElizabethOliver 8 mos
182413 JanJohnFlood 64
182421 JanMary AnnEndacott 4 mos
182423 JanElizabethHarris 34
182422 FebWilliamPotter 41
182426 FebJosephHussey 69
18241 MarJamesFouracres 91
182428 MarJohnProwse 50
182431 MarSarahWarner 25
182412 AprJohnCarthew 49
18248 MayNicholasHammick 65
182423 JunJamesGidley 26
182427 JunJohnBabb 78
182429 JunMaryCornelius 59
18244 JulJohnMartin 66
18246 JulThomasBurrington 3 mos
182413 JulAnnSmall 73
182423 JulNicholasCook 74
182412 SepSusannaDomett 7 months
182413 SepElizabethCornish 1 week
18243 OctEdwardBurgess 76
18245 OctJosephWills 40
18245 OctWilliamVallence 8
182414 OctSarahDenley 70
18242 NovHenryShamler 2
182421 NovSarahDuke 2
182423 NovJamesWills 5
182425 NovJaneClinnick 4 days
182416 DecAnnFloud 79
182424 DecJamesBrowning 22
18252 JanSarahBadcock 1 month
18252 JanElizabethMadge 2
182524 JanThomasPearce 6
182530 JanCharlottBurnett 1
182520 FebMaryOsbourneExeter59
18256 MarAnnAdams 83
182515 MarMary AnnRidgway 2
182527 MarDavidWestern 80
18252 AprMaryMilton 6 mos
182512 JunFrancesStrowbridge 56
182519 JunJanePatrick 3
18256 JulMaryHellyer 78
18256 JulEdwardWoollacott 70
182514 JulGeorgeCornish 74
182518 JulJohnGlanfield 38
182520 JulJohnLancey 86
182521 JulSamBaker 84
182525 AugAnnMilford 48
182528 AugSusanWiddicombe 19
182511 SepRichardWeston 29
18259 OctElizabethHeathfield 84
182516 OctJosephEdwards 13
182517 Oct[no name[no name]a female infant found dead in the River Teign - 10 days 
18256 NovRichardMogridge 79
18259 NovMaryLeare 81
182517 NovMariaFrancisco 70
182525 NovChristopherRich 74
18254 DecAndrewDodge 75
182622 JanMary AnnWarren 2
18265 FebWilliamLeare 22
18269 FebJohnGidley 27
182626 FebWilliamEndacott 10
18261 MarWilliamWiddicombe 16
182622 MarElizabthHarding 10
182629 MarJohn MilliganSappings 55
18269 AprMary AnnPidsley 1
18269 AprRichardHarris 60
182625 AprAnnMudge 17
182615 MayJohnWhiteway 50
182615 MayHarriettCleave 5 days
182615 MayRichard BastowBaker 12 days
182618 MayMary Ann BidgoodBewdon 3
18267 JunPeterDavy 60
18267 JunWilliamWrightthe younger27
182616 JunJamesHore 11 months
182625 JunThomasinWiddicombe 63
182630 JulJaneHorsham 10 months
18263 AugElizabethShave 2
18265 SepAnnaRichards 7 months
18269 SepHenryCampion 3 months
182620 SepGeorgeCampion 49
182623 SepSimonHore 6 days
182628 SepCarolineTreby 1 yr 10 mos
182630 SepFrancisMelhuish 21
18266 OctAnnRich 77
182613 OctElizabethPulling 76
18266 NovMaryCooke 76
182619 NovAnnEllis 72
182619 NovAnnMerles 24
182620 NovRichardParker 68
18261 DecSarahBickford 82
18263 DecMaryCornish 1
182613 DecElizaHumphries 4
182614 DecRebeccaCrediford 93
182617 DecJohnGill 1
182618 DecAnnRichards 36
182619 DecJohnLobb 66
182624 DecMaryPring 79
18271 JanWilliamHydon 6 days
182718 JanSusannaPulling 68
182723 JanJosephCollings 88
182724 JanThomas LaunderWright 5 days
182730 JanElizabethBaily 4
182731 JanJosephShambler[b inserted]61
182731 JanThomasBurnett 22
18274 FebJosephWhiteway 11
18277 FebThomasMarshall 88
182712 FebGeorgeWingett 39
182713 FebThomasSmallof Ideford68
182719 FebWilliam StephensEdwards 15
182720 FebJohannaWard 87
182728 FebJohnBailey 2
182722 MarThomasNickles 51
18273 AprAnnAdams 61
182720 AprSusannaHolcombe 4 days
182725 AprJamesHansford 24
18272 MayJohnHore 11
182727 MayJosephWinsor 72
182730 MayEdwardShave 74
182730 MayAnnDrake 87
18271 JunAnnaMedway 6 months
18274 JunWilliamFlatcher 1 yr 9 mos
182719 JunAnnMatterface 90
182721 JunHonorDeacen 24
182715 JulThomasBassett 6
182722 JulySamuel CruitHumphries 7 mos
182730 JulThomasCollings 51
182728 AugJohnBabbage 10
18272 SepMaryHore 18
182725 SepSusannaBabbage 37
182721 OctAnnBassett 77
182725 OctSarahMudge 48
18272 NovJosiahRogers 78
18274 NovAnnHolcombe 3 days
18279 NovElizabethOtton 75
182711 NovJamesBewden 85
182722 NovMaryMarshall 85
182728 NovElizabethTruman 69
18278 DecJohnJones 72
18284 JanThomasPike 68
182811 JanMaryPulling 52
182811 FebWilliam HoleSnell 2
182813 FebWilliamAdams 3
182822 FebFannyEdwards 1
18286 MarWilliamWingett 78
182811 MarJohnBarnett 18 days
182816 AprSusanRussell 9 mo 1 day
182820 AprJohnEfford 56
182828 MayElizabethLambell 64
182830 MayWilliamSims 43
182813 JunJohnPaule 9 mos
182815 JunElizabethDodge 8 mos
182816 JunJohnBrowning 67 yr 2 days
182822 JunJamesLeare 59
18289 JulGraceSealey 81
18283 AugAnnaBailey 68
18283 AugRosamondHowe 74
18286 AugJohnMartin 19
182817 AugCarolineManning 5 months
182824 AugSarah AnnDuke 8 months
18282 SepWilliamWager 34
182814 SepJosephBurnett 39
182826 SepJane GeorgianaLatham 7 months
182822 OctThomasLatham 11
182823 OctWilliamWeeks 30
18284 NovMary JaneBall 3
18289 NovMaryWotton 45
182814 NovSarahHamcott 9 months
182820 NovAnnCottle 72
182830 NovCharles BastinBaker 1 months
18289 DecMary AnnHallet 15 weeks
18291 JanAnnCox 86
182915 JanElizabethMoxey 70
182916 JanMaryEsworthy 82
182925 JanAnnBriant 54
182927 JanWilliamEdwards 72
182931 JanMaryWottonIdford33
18292 FebMary AnnWottonIdford12 days
182925 JanAnnMartin 20
182927 JanJohnMarshall 65
18293 MarJamesMoore 76
18294 MarCharlesSummerfield 78
182921 MarPhilipRabey 73
182926 MarGeorgeBrown 3
182926 MarRobert FootBrown 5 months
182929 MarSusanTruman 36
182931 MarSarahMoxey 77
18293 AprWilliamBailey 76
18295 AprRebeccaCoombs 56
18297 AprAnnStrowbridge 5 days
182912 AprAnnLambell 87
182917 AprJohannaShave 74
182917 AprThomasBurnett 1
182924 AprWilliamQuint 72
182926 AprSarahBowden 7
182929 AprSusanPaule 34
18298 MayFrancis GeorgeStrowbridge 3 months
182916 MayMaryReed 14 days
182928 MayMarySalter 53
182930 MayMaryCleave 3 months
182931 MayMaryPotter 44
18294 JunElizabethCrewse 81
18294 JunElizabethBrimley 73
182911 JunSusannaBall 19
182918 JunJohnPaul 3 months
18297 JulAnnDodge 38
182916 JulJosephGilpen 10 mnths
182926 JulWilliamClinnick 7 days
182926 JulJohnShapter 77
182918 SepThomasJago 52
182918 SepWilliamBurnell 75
182922 SepJohnBall 76
182911 OctRachelBabbage 86
182923 OctThomasinMudge 52
18291 NovWilliamTuckett 67
182920 NovMaryBabbage 65
18301 JanWilliamAsh 55
18305 JanMariaHayes 10 Days
18309 JanJohnEwart 77
183024 JanGraceTomson 31
18301 FebAnnDeacon 65
18307 FebSusannaOliver 42
183016 FebAnnBailey 83
18304 MarAnnHayes 73
183014 MarWilliamSearle 73
1830[ ]Grace AnnMelford[date black]16
183018 AprWilliamWiddicombe 40
183023 MaySarahWinsor 27
18306 JunThomasPlymsaul 81
183021 JunHarriettBaker 12 weeks
183022 JnPatienceWiddicombe 48
18301 AugMaryFloud 44
18308 AugLouisaWeeks 16 months
18309 AugElizabethMilton 3
18305 SepThomasTuckett 4 months
183016 SepAnnHammick 73
183023 SepCarolineGreen 1
18303 OctElizaMudge 10
183017 NovSusannaDescombe 84
183030 NovRebeccaManning 37
183030 NovJohnManning 6 months
183112 JanJohnHore 85
183116 JanThomasWeeks 88
183122 JanEllenCumming 2
183124 JanMaryHassey 76
183127 JanSusannaCausley 76
18314 FebElizabethWills 65
18316 FebElizabethLapthorn 84
183112 FebWilliamTothill 63
18313 MarJohn DavidMugg 45
183124 MarJohnDenley 76
183129 MarJohnBabb 53
18319 AprWilliamJago 3 weeks
183116 AprThimothyMead 1
183117 AprMaryBaker 79
183120 AprMaryMayor 58
18319 MaySusanPaule 6 months
18328 JanMaryMugg 84
18328 JanJaneBurrington 81
183222 JanRichardCove 80
18325 FebSimonDeacon 75
183223 FebJeminaStamp 77
183223 FebAnnTremlett 84
183224 FebWilliamBeer 79
183211 MarThomasManning 70
18328 AprAnnCook 80
183214 MaySarahWingett 83
183222 MaySarahPaul 63
18321 JulJaneCruse 32
183210 AugJohnWare 22
183219 AugJaneTreen 42
183219 AugBettyBewdon 80
183224 AugWilliamGerry 52
183227 AugMaryGerry 48
183229 AugMaryCove 48
18324 SepElizabethHolcombe 62
18326 SepJohnTanner 69
18327 SepRogerBest 57
183215 SepCarolineWhite 53
183225 SepJohnShambler 55
183227 SepSallyShambler 45
18325 OctAaronRow 42
183211 OctJohnWeston 72
183218 OctSusanBewdon 52
183229 OctSusanna Mary AnnStephenson 56
183320 JanMaryMare 29
183327 JanJohnHore 61
18337 AprElizabethWhyman 36
18335 MayAnnRabich 63
183318 MayThomasBrewer 70
183321 MayMaryWright 83
183312 JunThomasYarde 75
183321 JunGraceTruman 45
183327 JunElizabeth VickeryOton 32
18337 JulWilliamBailey 31
183320 AugMaryManning 77
183324 AugAmelia WhittyHellett 66
183330 AugMatildaSells 59
183326 SepWilliamWeston [30 or 38]
18334 NovStephenTaprell 73
183318 DecMaryWebster 27
18341 JanAnnRoleston 22
183426 JanSusannaBurnett 62
183427 JanJohnEdwards [38 or 58]
183416 FebJosephWiddicombe 37
183416 FebNathanielBrimley 72
18345 MarRobertCruse 73
183412 MarJohnTaylor 51
18343 AprSamuelSmaldridge 49
183429 AprMaryWiddicombe 60
183418 MayElizabethBabbage 68
183418 MayMaryShapter [86]
1834AugSarahBray 66
18347 SepElizabeth[H rn][cannot read 2nd letter, black smudge]42
183412 SepJamesPulling 74
183420 SepJohnJoll 67
183423 SepAnnLapthorn 5
183430 SepMaryFlood 77
183411 OctJohnWiddicombe 9 months
183417 OctSusannaKate 3
183431 OctMary JaneYarde 9 months
18346 NovElizabethClinick 1
18349 NovSusannaBewdon 87
183421 NovJohnPitts 76
183423 NovGeorgeMeadway 8 months
183414 DecJamesDyer 3
183414 DecGraceAulhorn 78
183420 DecWilliamAbbott[infant, age cut off] 
18354 JanElizabethHele 70
183514 JanElizabeth BrigettClark 52
183518 JanSamuelHele 60
183521 JanMargaretRough[k]eigh 28
183523 JanSarah JaneCausley 6 weeks
18351 FebSusannaBrining 62
18351 FebMaryCove 21
18354 FebElizabethBest 67
18356 FebWilliamCouch 3 months
183511 FebMaryPlymsoul 74
183517 FebRogerMare 71
183525 FebJohnEwart 2 months
18356 MarJohnLapthorn 2
183511 MarGeorgePulling 49
183524 MarSusannaSearle 75
183510 AjprAnnLeare 2 yrs 9 mos
183519 AprNicholasHammick 38
183525 AprElizabeth BurnettHooper 1 month
183510 MayAgnessGreen 76
183510 MayRachelWiddicombe 73
183514 MayGeorge William CollingsGibbs 29
18354 JunEllenBabbage 6 weeks
183512 JunJaneWilcocks 71
183514 JunBenjaminBond 55
183515 JunMaryBadcock 42
183518 JunAnnDodge 16 month
18354 JulEliza JaneBond 3 months
183510 JulAnnLopess 80
183515 JulThomasLeare 1
18356 AugMaryDolling 71
183526 AugJannyWills 96
183530 AugJaneHexter 14
183530 AugMaryHolt 55
183513 SepJohnWiddicombe 62
183516 SepCharlottBurnett 8 months
183516 SepSusannaHarris 71
183529 SepJohnCornelious 85
183514 OctElizabethHore 65
183528 OctCarolinePain 7 months
18351 NovSarahBabbage 1 yr 10 mos
18359 NovMaryGilpen 29
18359 NovJohnMoyle 16 months
183522 NovHenryBickford 4
183522 NovMary AnnRidgway 3
183527 NovHenrySalter 60
183529 NovRichardPicford 2
183530 NovJohnPridham 76
183618 FebGeorgeHarris[January crossed out, Feb inserted]5 months
183621 FebRebeccaCoombs 92
183623 FebWilliam Henry TuckettMortimore 10 weeks
183623 FebWilliamLambell 63
18369 MarLucindaMeluish 5 months
183610 MarLouisaRich 22
183629 MarTherezaGreenslade 9 months
18366 AprSamuelTruman 80
183613 AprBettyEllicombe 28
183614 AprMary AnnMillman 2
183628 AprCharlesTruman 31
18365 MayJohnSnell 5
18369 MayJohnShambler 26
183611 MayWilliamTaylourM.D.62
183618 MayThomasTruman 67
183630 MayThomasGilpen 2
18368 JunWilliamElson 10 days
183626 JunJosephCox 58
183616 JulSusannaWhiteway 53
183620 JulJamesMudge 24
18361 SepRichard WilliamMilman 6 weeks
18362 OctCharlesFurler 80
183614 OctRobertReed 35
183630 OctSarahGreenslade 69
183630 OctSusannaRidgway 39
183615 NovJohnSmale 87
183620 NovThomasPitts 1 month
183620 NovMaryClinick 82
183623 NovEasterTreeby 68
183624 NovElizabethCorneilous 76
183627 NovElizabethRich 67
183630 NovMaryWills [?1]
183630 NovJohnNewcombe 73
18361 DecHenryBolton 50
18361 DecWilliamElliott 41
183627 DecWilliamTuckett 58
183631 DecMaryVallence 62
18378 JanJohn GardernerGoodridge 35
183718 JanJohnBadcock 53
183723 JanElizabethEllicombe 67
183725 JanJosephManning 22
183717 FebGeorgeDolling 69
183721 FebHughHagan 34
183728 FebSarahTruman 35
183719 JunFrancisOtton 73
183729 JunThomasLeare 70
183721 SepWilliamTinkem 62
183727 NovWalterBroad 69
183713 DecElizabethSmale 76
183726 DecAgnessTincombe 72
[1837]18 FebJohnAsh[ should it be 1838]78
[1837]30 MarJohnHore[ should it be 1838][71]
[1837]5 MayMary AnnSnell[ should it be 1838]60
[1837]6 MayMaryLemon[ should it be 1838]47
183917 JanCatherineSalter 57
183917 JanElizabethMartin [85]
183920 JanSarahElson 45
183921 JanMaryHammond 45
183923 JanThomasMartin 81
183923 JanJosephHooper 75
18397 FebMarySnell 36
183910 FebWilliamHansford 29
183924 FebCharlesHex 21
183910 AprMathewCausley 78
183912 AprCharlottPacker 59
183917 AprMaryGerry 25
183918 AprMaryAnning 95
18391 MayMaria IsabelaReed 71
183923 MayElizabeth PyneGourd 28
183922 JunGeorgeProwse 64
183927 JunDorothyBond 71
183930 JunSusannaTincombe 76
18397 AugAnnEdwards 63
183911 AugJohnBewdon 55
183918 AugSamuelPearce 68
18399 SepSusanPaddon 72
183912 SepJames PotterEndacott 20
183928 SepThomasBewdon 53
18398 OctSamuelBassett 82
183915 NovAndrewWright 93
183916 NovJaneSurcombe 27
183927 DecSarahCausley 75
18409 JanRobertCleave 78
184031 JanWilliamDyer 66
184012 MarHannahCodbeer 75
18405 AprElizabethCross 73
18403 JunMarkBurnell 82
184015 JunElizabethTrain 86
184022 JunPhilippaParnell 65
184018 JulWilliamPotter 18
184021 JulMaryGale 80
18405 AugJaneAnning 74
184030 AugJosephWiddicombe 88
18404 SepRuthDavis 35
18408 SepMary AnnWoods 26
184013 SepElizabethCornish 35
184015 SepMaryCleave[no age] 
18401 OctWilliamKentsbeer 74
184020 SepRebeccaBelsworthy 60