


Extracts relating to Chittlehampton from 18th and 19th Century Newspapers - 3 (North Devon Journal)

Provided by Lindsey Withers

Friday 16 July 1824
An Inquest was held on Saturday last, by Thomas Copner, Esq., Coroner, at Chittlehampton, on the body of MR W. SHAPLAND, of Swimbridge, aged upwards of 65 years, whose death was occasioned by a fistic contest with R. Milford, by whom he was struck to the ground, which occasioned a concussion on the brain. Verdict, Manslaughter. This adds one to the numerous proofs of the demoralizing influence of those annual revels so common to almost every parish in the county. Mr Shapland, a very respectable farmer, was induced to go to the revel in the adjoining parish of Chittlehampton, and whilst sitting in a Public House, the above named Milford came in, between whom a dispute arose, which terminated in the aforesaid fatal manner. We hear Milford has decamped.

Friday 15 October 1824
Stolen or Strayed, from Coombe Farm, in the Parish of Chittlehampton, on Tuesday, the 21st day of September last, A Bright Bay Mare, Coming 3 years old, about 13 Hands high, with a long Tail, and flowing Mane, with Wormholes in the Tail and Mane. Whoever will give News of the same to MRS MARY BUCKINGHAM, of Chittlehampton, shall be Handsomely Rewarded, and all reasonable expences paid. And whosoever shall detain the said Mare, after this public notice, will be prosecuted as the Law directs. Dated October 7, 1824.

Friday 16 February 1827
On Thursday morning last, a fire broke out in the Mills, called Bray Mills, in the parish of Chittlehampton, occupied by MR THOMAS BENTLEY, which entirely consumed the whole, together with all the valuable Machinery, and upwards of 120 Bushels of Corn. We regret to add that this calamity, is suspected, to have been the work of an incendiary.

Friday 6 April 1827
To Be Let, Furnished, or Unfurnished, A Neat and Comfortable Apartment, Consisting of Two Parlours, a Kitchen, and Two Bed Rooms, situated in the pleasant and healthy Village of Chittlehampton, Devon. To treat for the same apply to RICHARD BURDEN. Dated Chittlehampton April 5th, 1827.

Thursday 1 November 1827
MARRIAGE - On Thursday, the 18th Instant, at Chittlehampton, MR PHILIP IRELAND of Landkey, to MISS CATHERINE MORRIS, of the former place.

Thursday 8 November 1827
Guildhall, Barnstaple, November 5th, 1827. - William Britton appeared to answer the complaint of GEO. SLADER, his apprentice, for not affording him a maintenance, according to the tenor of his indenture. The complainant, a youth about fourteen years of age, was the illegitimate offspring of the wife of the defendant, prior to their marriage, when he belonged to the parish of Chittlehampton, and the mother received five shillings a week from his father, for his maintenance: but in consequence of receiving a certain gratuity, the husband took this boy as an apprentice to the business of a butcher, which the defendant (who, it appeared, had never been any other than a day labourer) did not practise, but said that he intended to have pursued; that he had subsequently placed the boy to work at the lace factory; but since the death of his wife, he had abandoned him altogether, and he had been supported, for the last nine months, by a poor aged grandmother, who herself is dependent on the parish. These facts being elicited, it became a question with the court whether there had not been a collusion between the father of the complainant and the defendant, to impose this boy on Barnstaple Parish. They therefore postponed the further hearing of the case till next court day, in order to investigate the premises; and ordered the Poorwardens to render the complainant assistance in the mean time.

Thursday 15 November 1827
DEATH - At Chittlehampton, after a few hours illness, on Sunday last, MR GULLY, Yeoman.

Thursday 29 November 1827
Three Pigs, one of which was 3 Cwt. have died at Chittlehampton, from the bite of a mad dog.
Auctioneer. RICHARD BURDEN, Begs leave to inform his Friends and the Public generally, that he has commenced the Business of an Auctioneer, In which he hopes, by strict attention to their commands, and an immediate settlement of all sales, to merit a share of favours. Dated, Chittlehampton, Nov. 9th, 1827.

Thursday 24 January 1828
DEATH - On Sunday last, at Southmolton, MRS MILLS, relict of Mr Mills, of Brightly Barton, in the parish of Chittlehampton, aged 72.

Thursday 3 April 1828
Distressing Accident - On Friday last, as a labourer named KEMP, was digging stones in a quarry, in the parish of Swimbridge, a considerable portion of rock and earth fell on him, leaving his head only exposed to view; his groans attracted the attention of some labourers in an adjoining field, who immediately released him from his perilous situation; it was then discovered he had a compound fracture of the thigh and leg, broken three ribs, and dislocated an ankle. He was conveyed to his home in the parish of Chittlehampton, where he has received unremitting attention from Mr Harding, the parish surgeon, but it is thought he cannot survive the severe injuries he has sustained. Kemp has a wife and six children, whom this accident has plunged into the greatest distress. The charitable and humane are informed, that contributions for the relief of this family, will be thankfully received at the North Devon Bank.

Thursday 22 May 1828
BIRTH - On Thursday last, at Chittlehampton, the wife of MR SAMUEL RENDLE, carpenter, of Three children, one of which died; the other two are likely to do well.

Thursday 3 July 1828
DEATH - At Chittlehampton, on Thursday last, MR WM. MORRIS, yeoman, of that parish.

Thursday 14 August 1828
Chittlehampton, Devon. To be Peremptorily Sold, By Auction, At the King's Arms Inn, Southmolton, on Saturday, the Sixteenth Day of August inst. at the hour of Five in the Afternoon, for the Residue of Two Terms of Ninety-nine Years, determinable upon the Deaths of two persons, aged respectively about Forty-eight Years, All That Desirable Farm, Lying at Dipford, in the said Parish of Chittlehampton, Adjoining the Turnpike Road leading from Southmolton to Umberleigh Bridge. Consisting of a Farm House and necessary Outbuildings, and about Sixty Acres of Land; in the occupation of MR MATTHEW KELLAWAY. The premises may be viewed by applying to MR KELLAWAY, and further particulars obtained of Mr Tanner, Solicitor, Southmolton.
Dated, August 7th, 1828.

Thursday 11 September 1828
DEATH - On Friday last, at Leary, in the Parish of Chittlehampton, MR THOMAS HUXTABLE, Yeoman, aged 81.

Thursday 27 August 1829
Chittlehampton, Devon. To Be Sold by Auction, by Mr Geo. Doe, at MRS MILDON'S Inn, in Chittlehampton, on Monday the Seventh day of September next, at Four o'clock in the Afternoon, The Fee-Simple and Inheritance of and in All That Tenement, called Strong's Tenement, Containing Fourteen Acres (be the same more or less) of very rich Pasture Land, situate in the Town of Chittlehampton, now in the occupation of MR WM. CHAPPELL; with Two Dwelling Houses, a Blacksmith's Shop, and Garden, thereunto belonging, now in the respective occupations of THOMAS HOLLOWAY, and MRS HUXTABLE. The fields lie within a Ring Fence, and from their locality and the richness of their soil, offer great advantages for investment. The premises may be viewed on Application to Mr Wm. Chappell, the Tenant; and for further particulars, apply to Mr M. E. Smith, Solicitor, Great Torrington. Dated 24th August, 1829.

Thursday 11 February 1830
DEATH - On Friday se’nnight, MR DANIEL MUXWORTHY, of the Village of Furze, in the parish of Chittlehampton, aged 74.
DEATH - On Sunday se’nnight, at Chittlehampton, MARGARET, the wife of MR EDWARD SAUNDERS, aged 60.
DEATH - On Thursday last, RICHARD SLEE, of Chittlehampton, aged 87.
DEATH - On Thursday last, at Brightly Barton, in the parish of Chittlehampton, MR JOHN NICHOLLS, aged 67.

Thursday 4 March 1830
Insolvent Debtors’ Courts
JAMES HOOPER, of Chittlehampton, farmer, was opposed by Mr Tyrrell on the part of Lord Fortescue, formerly his landlord. Mr Gidley was engaged for the insolvent. Some trifling amendments having been made in the schedule, he was entitled to the benefit of the Act.

Thursday 26 August 1830
We give the following letter, lit. et verb. as we received it. We know nothing of the falsehood or maliciousness of the circumstances attendant on the marriage of our friend Dyer; we are only concerned to ascertain that our report was correct; if it were not, we hesitate not to express our contempt of the individual who practised on our credulity:-
To the Editor of the North Devon Journal – “Sir, - I take this Opportunity of informing the Public that the circumstances attending my Marriage published in your Journal of the 12th instant is in every Respect false and Malicious.” I am, Your humble Servant. Chittlehampton, 19th August 1830. J. DYER.

Thursday 21 October 1830
DEATH - On Sunday, at Hockeridge Mill, in the parish of Chittlehampton, MRS ELIZABETH BLAKE, aged 90.

Thursday 16 December 1830
Chittlehampton (From a Correspondent.)
A spirit of insurrection has shewn itself in this hitherto peaceful village. On Monday morning, a party of nearly sixty labourers met at the Town’s-end, and started for the Western part of the Parish, compelling many to follow them in their route; after having visited many respectable farmers in that direction, they returned by way of Warkleigh, calling on the Rev. Mr Boaden; the family of this gentleman were of course exceedingly alarmed at the appearance of such a concourse, although they had been previously warned of their intention; from thence to the Rev. Robert Chichester, the vicar of Chittlehampton. This venerable pastor did all in his power to conciliate the mob, promising whatever was requisite (as far as he was able) to afford them a redress of their grievances. A troop of the North Devon Yeomanry Cavalry arrived in the evening, commanded by Major Stevens. The soldiers were called to arms very early on Tuesday morning, owing to an explosion which had taken place resembling that of a gun; the sentinel, on running to the spot, discovered a bundle of rags on fire, and heard some persons in the house scrambling to their bed-rooms. With the assistance of Sergeant Chapple the door was broken open, and four persons secured; one of whom had been heard to say the previous night, that a sound of that kind about three or four o’clock would cause all the military to be driven off. The soldiers, with the persons in custody, left on Tuesday for Castle Hill. I have just heard that Slee, who was the ring-leader of this party, is in custody at the Stag’s Head, Filleigh. All is at present quiet, and the labourers are returning to their duty.

Thursday 4 October 1832
Petty Sessions, Castle Inn, Barnstaple
Petherick, toll collector at Chappletown gate, preferred several complaints against ABRAHAM CHAPPLE; of Chittlehampton, viz., for assaulting him whilst in the execution of his duty, for using a cart without the name being painted thereon, and for refusing to tell his name when demanded. Complainant proved that on the morning of the 19th of September, defendant’s cart passed his gate laden with timber, when the usual toll of sixpence was paid; that on the evening of the same day the cart returned laden with coals, when the further toll of one penny was demanded, and thereupon hard words ensued, and ultimately an assault, by Chapple striking Petherick several times with a large stick. It was also proved that the cart had no name painted on the off side, as is required by the Turnpike Act. Defendant was fined 2l. and costs for each offence. Petherick stated that Chapple had also evaded payment of the toll, but he would not press for the penalty to which he was liable for that offence.

Thursday 18 October 1832
North of Devon. To be Sold by Public Auction, at the Golden Lion Inn, in Barnstaple, on Friday the 19th day of October instant, at four o'clock in the Afternoon, the Fee Simple and Inheritance of all those capital Messuages, Tenements and Farms, commonly called or known by the names of Higher Collacott, Lower Collacott, and Rowe Parks, Situated in the Parish of Chittlehampton, and now in the occupation of MR SAUNDERS, with the Appurtenances, comprising an excellent Farm House, superior Outbuildings and about 160 acres of rich Land, with a valuable Lime Rock. The Premises are very eligibly situated, about 7 miles from Barnstaple, and 5 from Southmolton, and will form a very desirable investment for capitalists. For a view of the Premises, application may be made to the Tenant; and for other particulars, to the Rev. R. Bawden, Warkleigh; or to H. J. N. Bawden, Esq. or To Mr J. G. Pearse, Attorney at Law, Southmolton, Dated 4th October, 1832.

Thursday 27 December 1832
DEATH - On Monday last, at South Beer, in the Parish of Chittlehampton, MARY, the wife of MR VATER, a few days after having given birth to twin daughters, both of whom survive her, aged 37.

Thursday 21 February 1833
MARRIAGE - At Southmolton, on Tuesday last, by the Rev. H. Passmore, JAMES son of the late MR N. JOCE, of Chittlehampton, yeoman, to ANNE, eldest daughter of the late MR W. DUNN, Southmolton.

Thursday 28 February 1833
Devon. To be Let, immediately, or at Lady-day next, A Family Residence called Bratton, in Chittlehampton, about 5 miles from Southmolton, and 8 from Barnstaple; consisting of 4 rooms on the ground floor front, 6 bed-rooms, a pantry, brewhouse, stable, and other convenient outhouses, and a kitchen garden. The Tenant may be accommodated with any quantity of Orchard or Meadow Land. Application to be made to MR GRADDON, Winson, in Chittlehampton. Dated 27th February, 1833.

Thursday 24 October 1833
Quarter Sessions, Southmolton, October 22nd, 1833 - The only prisoner for trial was Sarah Bartlett, wife of Stephen Bartlett, of Bideford, who stood charged with having on Saturday the 24th of August last, uttered two counterfeit crown pieces of base coin. The prisoner was convicted on the evidence of MRS SANDERS, of Chittlehampton, and Mr Skinner, of Southmolton. The Jury after a short consultation returned a verdict of guilty. The Recorder in passing sentence gave her a most excellent admonition, and sentenced her to three months' imprisonment in our borough jail, the last week of each month in solitary confinement, and the remainder to hard labour.

Thursday 21 November 1833
MARRIAGE - On Saturday last, at Chittlehampton, Capt. Edwin Bentley, of the sloop Ann, of this port, Barnstaple, to MISS VICARY of Chittlehampton.

Thursday 16 January 1834
DEATH - Yesterday, at Chittlehampton, MR JOHN HOLLOWAY, of the King's Arms Inn, in that village, aged 55.

Thursday 27 March 1834
On Friday last, Elisha Lock, aged 21, and James Addison, aged 19, were committed from Chittlehampton to the county bridewell, for one month to hard labour, as rogues and vagabonds.

Thursday 3 July 1834
South Molton Petty Sessions - JOHN TAMLYN preferred a charge of assault against WILLIAM BUCKINGHAM and ARTHUR SAUNDERS, of the parish of Chittlehampton; it appeared that on Wednesday last, the complainant went to MR BUCKINGHAM'S house, to enquire for one COX, who owed him some money; when MR BUCKINGHAM came to the door, and an altercation took place between him and the complainant, who is much his inferior in point of size, and he in derision drew his hand over his face, and ordered him to quit his premises. MR SAUNDERS also came out and pushed him from the court into the road; this constituted the assault complained of. But as there appeared to have been much aggravation on the part of the complainant, the court dismissed the case, and the complainant had to pay the costs.
South Molton Petty Sessions - MATTHEW KNILL, of Chittlehampton, preferred a complaint against the Overseer of the poor of that parish, for refusing to allow him sufficient relief. He said that for several weeks he had been incapacitated by affliction from performing his accustomed labour; during which time the parish had allowed him four shillings per week, which, with three shillings and sixpence a week, which he was in the receipt of as a Chelsea pensioner, was all he had to support himself, his wife, and five children under eight years of age. The court ordered him an additional shilling per week during his illness.

Thursday 2 October 1834
South Molton Petty Sessions, September 27, 1834. JOHN ELLACOTT, a labourer of Chittlehampton, appeared to shew cause why the penalty of 5l. should not be levied on him for using a dog for the purpose of killing and taking game on the preserves of the Right Hon. Earl Fortescue. One of the keepers stated that having suspicions that a party of night hunters frequented the grounds in Chittlehampton, he went one evening with two or three others to watch the spot, and between 11 and 12 o'clock at night he heard a party of men approaching, and observed the defendant beating about the hedge and encouraging his dogs; when he came up to the place at which the keeper was concealed, he accosted him, and ELLACOTT ran off, but was pursued and captured; a net was found in his pocket, and after having first given a fictitious address, he acknowledged his real name and residence. ELLACOTT professed that he went out for the purpose of taking a rabbit, and appealed to the royal clemency, addressing the chairman as "His Majesty" and hoping he would pardon the offence. He was fined in the mitigated penalty of 2l. 10s. and 8s. 6d. expenses, which he promised to pay in a month.

Thursday 9 October 1834
MARRIAGE - At Chittlehampton, on Tuesday last, by the Rev. Mr Bevan, MR JOHN SHAPLAND, of Southmolton, to MRS THOMASIN BREALEY, widow of MR JOHN BREALEY, of the Ring of Bells Inn.

Thursday 19 March 1835
MARRIAGE - At Chittlehampton, on Thursday last, by the Rev. Mr Bevan, MR JAMES TINSON, to MISS ELIZA WATTS, eldest daughter of MR W. WATTS, steward to the Right Hon. Lord Rolle, both of that place.

Thursday 28 May 1835
South Molton Petty Sessions, May 23rd, 1835 - Bestiality - ANN JOCE, a widow, in the service of MR JOHN THORNE, of Chittlehampton, was fully committed for trial at the Lammas Assizes, on a charge of the most revolting nature. She had been taken before John Nott, Esq. on the day previously, and the depositions of the witnesses clearly fixed the crime upon her.

Thursday 23 July 1835
Chittlehampton, North Devon. To Be Sold by Public Auction, at the Barnstaple Inn, in the Village of Chittlehampton, on Monday the 10th of August next, at five o'clock in the Afternoon, the Undermentioned Dwelling Houses, Outhouses, Gardens, and Field or Close of Land, Situate in the parish of Chittlehampton, with the Appurtenances, in the following or such other Lots as shall be agreed on, viz.;-
Lot 1. - All those Four Dwelling Houses, situated adjoining or near the Townplace, in the village of Chittlehampton, and now or lately in the occupation of RICHARD MILFORD, --- GRATTON, and JAMES TAYLOR, and the Proprietors, with the Outhouses, Gardens, and Appurtenances, thereunto belonging.
Lot 2. - All that Field or Close of rich Pasture or Meadow Land, called Town's End Meadow, situated near the said village, and now in the possession or occupation of MR T. NOTT, with the Appurtenances, and containing about 2a. 1r. 20p.
The Land Tax is Redeemed. For a View of the Premises, application may be made to MR JAMES BRAYLEY, at the Barnstaple Inn; and for other particulars, to Mr Cowell, of Swimbridge, or Mr Edward Baller, of Northam, (the Proprietors,) or to Mr Manning, Auctioneer, or Mr J. G. Pearse, Attorney at Law, Southmolton. July 14th, 1835.

Thursday 14 April 1836
Exeter &c., Court of Insolvent Debtors.
WM MORRIS, formerly of Bristol, maltster; then assistant to Mr Lowry, innkeeper, Dublin; and late of Chittlehampton Devon, maltster, was declared entitled to the benefit of the Act, and ordered to be discharged forthwith.

Thursday 12 May 1836
On Friday last, a servant to MR SNOW, of Chittlehampton, called DANIEL LOCK, whilst riding one of his master’s horses, the animal took fright and ran away with him; he was thrown off, whereby his arm was fractured; he was brought on the following day to the North Devon Infirmary, where the fracture was reduced, and the patient is likely to do well.

Thursday 18 August 1836
Chittlehampton, Devon
To be Sold, by Auction, at the George Inn, in Southmolton, in the county of Devon, on Wednesday the 31st of August next, at five o’clock in the afternoon, subject to such conditions as will be then and there produced; the Fee-Simple and Inheritance of all that very desirable Estate, called or known by the name of South Newton, consisting of a good Farm House, with a labourer’s cottage, and all other necessary and convenient outbuildings, and about 75 acres (more or less) of excellent Orchard, rich Meadow, Pasture and Arable Lane; situate in the parish of Chittlehampton aforesaid, and late in the occupation of MR JOHN THORNE.
The labourer in the Cottage will show the premises; and applications for other particulars may be made to Mr Jas. Cox, of Wiveliscombe, the proprietor; to Mr Collard, Solicitor, Wellington; or to Messrs. T. and W. Comins, Witheridge, near Crediton.
Dated 27th July, 1836.
DEATH - At Chittlehampton, on Monday last, MR RICHARD BARROW, yeoman, aged 69.

Thursday 13 July 1837
Barnstaple Petty Sessions, July 6th, 1837 - Improper Driving. - RICHARD MANNING, the driver of a cart belonging to MR J. HUXTABLE, of Chittlehampton, was charged by Mr William Budd, the brother of Dr Budd, of this town, under the following circumstances. He stated that on the 3rd instant, he was coming towards Barnstaple with a lady in a gig, and overtook the cart of the defendant, he himself being asleep in the bottom of it. Being unable to pass he was obliged to rouse him up, which he did with difficulty, the driver instead of 'calling in,' favored him with a plentiful supply of abuse, and drove off before him 'kicking up a dust' as he went, evidently for the purpose of annoying the complainant and the lady that was with him, for at one time, thinking to avoid the annoyance by allowing the defendant to get considerably ahead of him, he pulled up and drove along slowly, but the latter no sooner saw his intention than he immediately did the same, thereby continuing to envelope him and his companion in a cloud of thick dust; at length he succeeded in passing him, and in doing so enquired his name, which the defendant refused to give. The scene of this transaction was the Tawton road, long famed for similar affairs. The defendant appeared very penitent, and stated, that although he was not drunk, yet it being revel time he had staid up all the previous night and hardly knew what he was doing. The bench designated his conduct as very disgraceful, and ordered him to pay a fine of 15s. and expences, and to remain in custody until payment was made.

Thursday 25 October 1838
The new Chapel of Ease lately erected at Chittlehamholt, in the parish of Chittlehampton, through the munificence of the Right Honourable Earl Fortescue, and the Right Honourable Lord Rolle, will be consecrated to its sacred uses by the Lord bishop of this diocese, on Tuesday next the 30th instant.

Thursday 10 January 1839
Inquest by Thomas Copner, Esq., Coroner - On Friday last at Chittlehampton, on the body of MR THOMAS PARKER, of Hambow farm, aged 54, who was found dead in a pond in his own field. Verdict "Found Drowned."

Thursday 31 January 1839
MARRIAGE - On Saturday last, at Chittlehampton, by the Rev. T. Beval, MR CARDER WATTS, eldest son of MR WATTS, Reeve of Chittlehampton, to CATHERINE, youngest daughter of MRS ANN VICARY, grocer and draper, of the same place.

Thursday 28 February 1839
BIRTH - At Chittlehamholt last week, the lady of the REV. H. CORSER, of a daughter.

Thursday 15 August 1839
To Be Sold, A Brace of Very High-Bred Pointers, About two years and nine months old, have hunted two seasons, well trained and warranted good. Any Gentleman Sportsman who may have a wish to purchase the said Pointers may have them at a reasonable price, by applying to H. KNOTTLEY, at Hudscott, in the parish of Chittlehampton. Dated Chittlehampton, 12th August, 1839.

Thursday 5 September 1839
That venerable nobleman, Earl Fortescue, has presented to the parish church at Filleigh, whose service he never fails to attend regularly on Sundays in all weathers, an organ, built by MR HEARD, of Chittlehamholt.

Thursday 12 December 1839
Chittlehampton And Warkleigh Ploughing Match. The scene of action was three fields of MR WEBBER'S on Higher Bittacott farm, nearly adjoining the village of Chittlehampton.
Premiums For Ploughmen.
Class 1. - Men. First Prize, £2 to WILLIAM RENDLE, servant to MR GRATTON, of Bratton farm, in Chittlehampton.
Second Prize, £1 10s., JOHN SOMERS, labourer with MR VATTER, of South-bray, in Chittlehampton.
Third Prize, 15s. RICHARD CROCKER, son of the late MR CROCKER, of Eastacott, in Chittlehampton.
C lass 2. - Boys under 18. - Second Prize, 15s. JOHN BUDD, apprentice to MR GRATTON, of Eastacott, in Chittlehampton.
Third Prize, 10s., THOMAS HUXTABLE, son of the late farmer HUXTABLE, of Prestbury, in Chittlehampton.
Fourth Prize, 5s. JOHN RICHARDS, of Chittlehampton.
Premiums For Agricultural Labourers, Servants, and Apprentices.
Class 1. Labourers who have brought up the largest families with the least parochial assistance.
Second Prize, 15s., PHILIP CROCKER, of Chittlehampton, who had brought up 12 children, with little parish aid.
Third Prize, 10s., PETER GODBEAR, of Chittlehampton, who had brought up 10 children, with very little parochial relief.
Class 2. Agricultural Labourers who have worked the longest with one master, or on one farm.
Third prize, 5s., ROBERT WESTACOTT, 45 years a labourer on the farms occupied by MR NICKOLLS and MR SANDERS.
Class 3. - Servants who have lived the longest with one master, or on one farm.
Third Prize, 10s., WILLIAM MAY, servant to the Rev. Robert Chichester, of Chittlehampton, 9 years. [MAY declined to take the premium, but generously let it to the Committee to divide it between two of the most deserving poor in the parish.]
The Prize of 10s, for the maid servant who had lived longest in the same place, was awarded to ANN TUCKETT, for seven years servant with the Rev. Robert Chichester.
Class 4. - Deserving apprentices whose time expires within the year.
First Prize. - 5s., JOHN HOLLAND, apprentice to MR JOHN FACEY, Gambustin farm, Chittlehampton.
Second Prize. - 5s., EDWARD SAUNDERS, apprentice to MR JOHN SKINNER, of Fullabrook, in Chittlehampton

Thursday 19 December 1839
Chittlehampton. burglary. - On Sunday last, the shop of MR HOWARD, of Chittlehamholt, was broken into, and drapery, and other goods, to a considerable amount (our correspondent says, upwards of £100) were stolen therefrom; a part of which was found in a field hardby; but the perpetrators of the daring act have not yet been discovered.

Thursday 26 March 1840
Devon County Assizes - Housebreaking. - JOHN CONGRAM was charged with having in his possession a quantity of drapery goods which were burglariously stolen from the dwelling house of MR E. HOWARD, of Chittlehampton, on the 16th December last. Mr Marsham stated the case for the prosecution, and called the prosecutor, EDWARD HOWARD, who stated that he was a labourer living in the parish of Chittlehampton. On the night of the 16th December his house was safe: in the morning six panes of glass were out of the kitchen window, the door between the kitchen and the shop was broken open, and the shop robbed of a quantity of prints, shawls, silks, merinos, and serge, value about £50: has known the prisoner 2 or 3 years; he has been in the habit of frequently the prosecutor's house.
JANE HOWARD, wife of the last witness, keeps his hop in Chittlehampton; received a quantity of goods in November last from Messrs. Josland, Baker and Burrow, of Exeter: at 11 o'clock on the night of the 16th the goods were all safe, and amounted in value to about £100; everything was shut up and locked. The next morning her husband got up first and called her down, when she found the shop broken open and about £60 worth of goods gone. They were part of the goods she had bought of Josland, Baker and Co. she marked them all; and Messrs. Josland and Co's mark was also on them. Had not sold the prisoner any goods for more than 12 months.
Richard Burrow, (partner in the firm of J.B. and B.) remembers taking an order for various goods to the amount of £77 from MRS HOWARD in October last: there were private marks on the whole.
William Howard, policeman, apprehended the prisoner in a house of ill-fame, and got some goods from the Crown and Sceptre. the prisoner saw the goods at the Station-house, and said they were his property. James Ashford, policeman, was present when the prisoner was apprehended; gave him breakfast at the Station House. I told him that it was a pity to see a respectable man in such a situation: he replied they could not hurt him as he had found them about 2 miles from Southmolton in a hedge covered with fern. Witness produced another bundle of goods, which he brought from West Anstey, and had collected from several persons there.
Maria Venner - Keeps an Inn at West Anstey; prisoner came to her house on 9th January; he had some drapery goods with him, which he endeavoured to sell, and she bought some; prisoner said they were a bankrupt's stock, and he was selling them for Mr Mardon of Southmolton. Witness gave up the goods to Ashford.
Ann Moore, shop keeper at West Anstey, deposed that in January last she bought some serges of the prisoner, who told her the same story as related by the former witness.
James Mardon, linen draper of Southmolton, knows the prisoner; never employed him to sell a bankrupt's stock: in consequence of what Mrs Moore told him, he went to the prisoner and asked him if he had been selling goods at West Anstey in witness's name. Prisoner said he never mentioned Mr Mardon's name, but was selling goods for a person in Exeter, whose name he should not tell.
William Howard, the policeman, re-called: - Opened the parcel of goods which he found at the Crown and Sceptre which was identified by Mr Burrow and MRS HOWARD. James Ashford, policeman, re-called, produced the goods which he had got from different persons at West Anstey, and they were also identified by Mr Burrow and MRS HOWARD as to pattern, &c. Mr Merivale addressed the Jury for the prisoner. An alibi was attempted to be proved, but failed. The Jury returned a verdict of Guilty, and the Learned Judge, in a short but impressive address, sentenced the prisoner to be transported for ten years.

Thursday 21 May 1840
Guildhall, Barnstaple, May 18th, 1840 - William Phillips and Frederick Blackwell, searchers of the market, summoned ELIZABETH SANDERS, of Chittlehampton, for exposing for sale in this town on Monday the 11th inst., a quantity of putrid salmon. The complainants stated that on the day in question their attention having been directed to the fish by John Pyke, Esq., they, in performance of their duty, seized it and took it to the mayor, who immediately ordered it to be burnt. Fined £5 including costs.

Thursday 27 May 1841
North Devon and Barnstaple Agricultural Society.
Prizes: Labourers, Servants, Apprentices, &c.
Class 3: To the agricultural labourer who has worked the greatest number of years with the same master or mistress, or branch of the family, or on the same farm, and is still in the same employ.
First Prize - £3 to ROBERT JORDAN, of Chittlehampton, who had worked 52 years in the employ of Earl Fortescue.

Thursday 15 July 1841
Petty Sessions, Thursday July 8th, 1841.
DANIEL ISAAC, farmer, of Chittlehampton, appeared to answer the complaint of Susanna Rumbellow, of Bishop's Tawton, for wantonly ill-treating a pig, her property, on the 24th of June last, by setting three dogs on it. The charge having been proved by the evidence of a little boy, who saw the dogs biting the pig and the defendant inciting them; and Mr Powell, of Downrew, having deposed to the injuries the pig had received, the defendant was fined 10s. and 4s. 5d. expenses, and severely reprimanded by the bench for his cruelty.

Thursday 5 August 1841
Valuable Barton, and Inexhaustible Lime Rock, Situate in Chittlehampton, Devon.
For Sale by Private Contract, the Fee-simple and Inheritance of all that Estate or Estates, called Higher Collacott, Lower Collacott, and the Rowe Parks, comprising an excellent Farm House, superior Out-buildings, and about 159A. 3R. 3P. or rich Land; and a highly valuable Lime Rock. The premises are very eligibly situated about 6 miles from Barnstaple, and 5 from Southmolton - the new line of road passing close by; and are now in the occupation of MR SAUNDERS, and MR HARRIS. For a view of the Premises, application may be made to the Tenants; and for other particulars, to Mr H. J. N. Bawden, or Mr J. G. Pearse, Attorney At Law, Southmolton. Dated 21st July, 1841.

Thursday 4 November 1841
Inquest Held before Richard Bremridge, Esq., the Coroner: On Saturday last, at Chittlehampton, on the bodies of ANN WHITEFIELD, of that place, and her infant child. The deceased was overtaken by premature labour induced by scarlet fever, and died soon after giving birth to a still-born male child. - Verdict in the case of the mother, "Natural Death;" and on that of the infant, "Still-born."

Thursday 11 November 1841
MARRIAGE - At Southmolton church, on Wednesday last, by the Rev. T. H. Maitland, MR JOHN GRATTON, of Chittlehampton, to ELIZABETH, second daughter of MR JOHN DUNN, hair-dresser, of the former place.

Thursday 23 December 1841
DEATH - At Chittlehampton, on Friday last, MR THOMAS MURCH, aged 53.

Thursday 3 February 1842
MARRIAGE - At Bishopsnympton, on Saturday last, by the Rev. Joseph Thorne, MR WILLIAM GRATTON, of Chittlehampton, to BETSY, youngest daughter of the late MR EDWARD BALMAN of Higher Radley, in that parish.
Capital Grazing or Dairy Land
To be Sold in Fee, all that very desirable Tenement, called Longparks, situated in the parish of Chittlehampton, and now in the occupation of MR THORNE, and MR HUNT; containing about 48A. 1R. 7P., of very superior Land, about 13 Acres of which are Meadow, and a quarter of an Acre Orchard; with Linhays, &c.
For which purpose a Public Auction will be held at the “Gold Lion” Inn, in Barnstaple, on Friday the 4th day of March next, at Four o’clock in the afternoon, unless the Premises shall in the mean time be disposed of by Private Contract, of which due notice will be given.
For viewing the Premises, application may be made to MR CHAPPLE, of Shilstone, in Chittlehampton; and other particulars may be obtained of Mr J N Burden, Grocer, Barnstaple; Mr Burden, Sloley Barton, Sherwill; or Mr Pearse, Attorney-at-Law, Southmolton.
N.B. One half of the purchase money may remain on the security of the Premises, if desired.
Dated 9th February, 1842.

Thursday 14 April 1842
DEATH - At Stowford, in the parish of Swymbridge, yesterday, after many years affliction, the REV. CHARLES CHICHESTER, A.M., aged 60, son of the late REV. ROBERT CHICHESTER, of Chittlehampton, and fellow of Exeter College, Oxford.

Thursday 28 April 1842
MARRIAGE - At Southmolton Church, on Wednesday, by the Rev. Thomas Henry Maitland, MR WILLIAM TRIX of Great Hele Barton, to MISS MARY THORNE, of Town-house, in that parish, and daughter of the late MR JOHN THORNE, of Shilstone, in the Parish of Chittlehampton.

Thursday 23 June 1842
The Death of MISS ROLLE. - (which is noticed in our obituary) forms a striking instance of the brief tenure of worldly possessions. It is understood that the will of her late brother, the right hon. LORD ROLLE, devised the whole of his estate to trustees for MISS ROLLE'S benefit during her life; and required, if she should survive him twelve months, that on receipt of the first year's income from his estate she should surrender her private fortune and merge it in the noble lord's property for the benefit of the second son of Lord Clinton, who enjoys the reversion of it after MISS ROLLE'S decease. As she survived her brother little more than two months, the will had scarcely taken effect, and that part of it which related to her personal property is left wholly inoperative. It is said that a surgical operation for hernia, which she had the fortitude to submit to, hastened her decease, which occurred on Thursday last, at her town residence. MISS ROLLE had lived for a long series of years at Hudscott, in Chittlehampton; and her charities to the poor will endear her memory to the neighbouring villagers. Her age was 87, and her name ANN. One younger sister (the last branch of the family) survives her.

Thursday 4 August 1842
DEATH – At Ash Farm, in the parish of Chittlehampton, on Saturday last, ALICE, the relict of the late MR JAMES BREYLEY, of that parish, aged 68 years.

Thursday 6 October 1842
MARRIAGE - In Southmolton Church, by the Rev. Theophilus Clarke, on the 19th ult, MR CHARLES CHAPPLE of Chittlehampton, to JANE, fourth daughter of MR JOHN THOMAS, mason, of the former place.

Thursday 20 October 1842
Chittlehampton And Warkleigh Agricultural Society. - The annual ploughing match of this society came off on Thursday last. The day was delightfully fine, and the ground in prime order for the operations of the ploughmen. The match took place in two fields belonging to MR SANDERS, of Langaton, and MR MILLS, of Bradbury:
Premiums For Men:
First-best Ploughman, £2; THOMAS LOCK, who works with MR GRADDON, of Winson, in Chittlehampton.
Second-best, £1 10s.: JOHN LAKE, servant to MR BRAILEY, of Ash, in Chittlehampton.
Third-best, 15s.; RICHARD BURGESS, son of MR BURGESS, of Langaton, in Chittlehampton.
Fourth-best, 7s. 6d.; JAMES RUDD, servant to MR JOHN MILLS, of Bradbury, in Chittlehampton.
Premiums For Boys.
First-best, £1; JAMES SAUNDERS, servant to MR JOHN MILLS, of Bradbury.
Second-best, 15s.;, JOHN BUDD, servant to MR BUCKINGHAM, of Combe, in Chittlehampton.
Third-best, 10s.; WILLIAM MULES, servant to MR FACEY, of Gambuston, in Chittlehampton.
Fourth-best, 5s.; JAMES STRIBLING, servant to MR VATER, of Southbray, in Chittlehampton.
Extra Premium.
A premium of 10s., which was offered last year by the Rev. John Russell, to the Ploughman or boy whose team and harness were in the best order, was awarded to RICHARD ALLSCOTT, servant to MR MILDON, of Halsewell, in Chittlehampton.
Prizes For Agricultural Servants, &c.
To the agricultural labourer who has brought up the greatest number of children with the least parochial aid. -
First prize £1, to WILLIAM JENKINS; Second prize, 15s., to WILLIAM COURTENAY; Third prize 10s., to GEORGE GULLY; each of whom had brought up nine children with little or no parish help.
To the agricultural labourer who has worked the longest period with one master or mistress, or on one farm. -
First prize 15s., PETER GODBEAR, 25 years labourer with MISS ROLLE; Second prize, 10s., EDWARD FAIRCHILD, 22 years labourer with MISS ROLLE; Third prize, 5s., JAMES FORD, lived and worked 27 years with MR BURGESS, of Warkleigh.
To the Male Servant, who has lived the longest period with one master or mistress, or on one farm., 10s., RICHARD GALLIFORD, 7 years with MR HOWARD.
To the Female Servant, ditto, 10s., ELIZABETH COURTENAY, 7 years with MR WARREN, of Warkleigh.
To deserving Apprentices whose terms of apprenticeship have expired during the year, 5s., each; WILLIAM ROCK, apprentice with MRS CROCKER, of Eastacott; THOS. GALLIFORD, apprentice to MR SAUNDERS, of Brightley; and AGNES WONNACOTT, apprentice to MR STEVENS, of Warkleigh.
These were all the prizes.

Thursday 12 January 1843
A Coroner’s Inquest was held on Friday last, at Chittlehampton village, before Henry Vallack, Esq. (in the absence of Richard Bremridge, Esq), on the body of GEORGE WHITEFIELD, aged ten years, son of a labouring man. Much excitement prevailed in the village in consequence of a report that deceased had met his death through the mal-treatment of his master, Mr William Buckingham, of Combe, who was alleged to have beaten him severely It is satisfactory, however, to find from the evidence of two medical men who had made a post mortem examination of the body, that there was not the slightest foundation for the report; - that, in fact, death resulted from inflammation of the lungs, nor was there any bruise or mark of violence on the body except a slight contusion on the buttock, not at all sufficient to produce any internal injury. A verdict of “Died by inflammation of the lungs” was returned.

Thursday 20 April 1843
Devon County Assizes
WILLIAM DAVIS, 25, WILLIAM HARRIS, 32, GEO. KINGDON, 21, and EDWARD BIRD, 14, were charged with being armed by night on the land of Earl Fortescue, at Chittlehampton, in pursuit of game, on the night of December 6th. - Mr Merivale prosecuted, and Mr Bird defended KINGDON and BIRD. It appeared, from the evidence of the gamekeepers and their assistants, George Milton, Abraham Bowden, and others, that they were watching on the night in question near a turnip field, when they saw the prisoners coming out of the field, and on their approaching took them, after a short scuffle. They found on their persons five nets, the use of which for taking game Milton explained to the jury – Davis dropped a bag in the scuffle, which was afterwards found to contain a hare, recently killed. They had no guns, but sticks and a hammer; two dogs were following them, which one of the keepers shot at, but, to use the words of Milton, “they succeeded in making their escape.” - Mr Bird, in defence, argued that as the parties had no guns, and the sticks produced could not come under the denomination of bludgeons, they were not armed with offensive weapons. As to the hammer which had been found on one of them, he knew, and probably the jury well knew, from experience, that such a hammer was necessary for setting the nets described. The act [9Geo IV., ch. 69] provided that they should be armed with offensive weapons to prove the offence. The learned Judge, in summing up, remarked the hammer seemed to him a most dangerous weapon; and the having the hare in their possession seemed pretty strong evidence of their purpose. Guilty. - The Judge sentenced Davis, who had the hare, and used the hammer upon one of the men, to seven years’ transportation; Harris and Kingdon, to 18 months’ imprisonment each; and Bird to six months’ imprisonment.

Thursday 11 May 1843
MARRIAGE - On Tuesday last, at Chittlehampton, by the Rev Robert Henry Chichester, MR JOSEPH SANDERS, jun., yeoman, of Bishop Tawton, to SARAH, youngest daughter of MR JOHN HUXTABLE, of Leary, in the parish of Chittlehampton.

Thursday 3 August 1843
Devon County Assizes - Saturday. - Mr Justice Erskine sat in this Court today.
Counsel for the plaintiff, Mr Sergeant Bompas and Mr Smith; for the defendant, Messrs Crowder and Barstow; attorney for plaintiff Messrs Riccard; for the defendant, Messrs Bencraft. This was an action of ejectment brought to recover possession of a leasehold public house in the parish of Chittlehampton. The plaintiffs, JOANNA TAMLIN and CHARLES TAMLIN, were tenants in common of the premises in question, and the defendant had occupied them for a great number of years, at the yearly rent, first of £22, and then of £25. On the 3rd of September last, notice was duly served upon the defendant requiring him to quit and deliver up possession of the premises on the 25th March then following, but he had continued to hold on, and it was in consequence of his doing so that the present action had been commenced. There were two points of defence. The first was that they tenancy had commenced at Michaelmas and not at Lady-day, and that therefore the notice to quit was insufficient; secondly it was alleged that one of the plaintiffs, CHARLES TAMLIN, had on the 20th December last, signed a lease or agreement, whereby he had demised the property to defendant for the term of 11 years from that date. The plaintiffs replied, with respect to the lease, that it was obtained improperly from CHARLES TAMLIN, when he was in such a state from intoxication that he did not know what he was about, and much stress was laid on the manner in which the signature was written, and on the fact that the name was written ”CHARLES” TAMLIN, instead of CHARLES. The witnesses who proved CHARLES TAMLIN'S admission that he had signed a lease to BREALEY for the remainder of the term, were cross-examined with great severity and evidence to contradict them was given. Eventually the jury found for the plaintiff on the demise from JOANNA TAMLIN, and for the defendant on that from CHARLES.

Thursday 7 December 1843
Suicide - An inquest was held before Richard Bremridge, Esq., coroner, on Friday last, at the house of JOHN JENKINS, in the parish of Chittlehampton, on the body of HENRY WRENTMORE, aged 52, who was sojourning at the public-house of JENKINS, and on the day before (Thursday) was found hanging by his cravat at the post of his bed. Deceased had evinced symptoms of mental derangement, but not sufficiently decisive to induce the landlord to watch him, or place him under restraint. Verdict “Temporary Insanity”. Deceased was a pensioner, and of respectable parentage and connexions.

Thursday 22 August 1844
Chittlehampton, Devon. To Be Let, Tithe Free, for a term of seven or fourteen years, from Lady-day, 1845, the very desirable Farm called Bradbury, Situated in the Parish of Chittlehampton. And consisting of a good Farm House, with the necessary Outbuildings, and about 223 acres of very good Arable, Pasture, Orchard and Meadow Land; with two Fields called Holly Gutter Moors, in the Parish of Filleigh, containing 17A. 1R. 27P. of Moore or Pasture Land; in the occupation of MR JOHN MILLS, and distant about three miles from Southmolton and nine miles from Barnstaple. A map of the Farm with the conditions on which it is offered to be let, can be seen on application to Mr Brewer, at Castle Hill, who will receive Tenders for the same on or before the 2nd day of September next. Dated August 7th, 1844.

Thursday 8 May 1845
MARRIAGE - April 27, MR WILLIAM CHAPPLE of Chittlehampton, to MISS CHARLOTTE CLARK, of Warkleigh.

Thursday 5 June 1845
Barnstaple and North Devon Agricultural Society – Awards to Agricultural Labourers, Servants, &c.
First prize, £2, to PHILIP CROCKER, of Chittlehampton, brought up 12 children without parochial aid.

Thursday 11 September 1845
An inquest was held at Fullabrook farm, in the parish of Chittlehampton, on Monday last, on the body of a little girl, the daughter of MR JOHN DYER, aged 3 years, who was discovered floating in a well on the premises, having been missed but a short time. Verdict, “Accidental Death”.

Thursday 6 November 1845
Fire - A fire occurred on Tuesday night last, at Brightly Mill, in the parish of Chittlehampton, in the occupation of MR BENTLEY. The miller was at work until near midnight; and soon after he had retired to rest he was alarmed by the flames ascending from the mill, which was altogether in a blaze, and, notwithstanding prompt assistance, was completely destroyed, as well as about 100 bushels of wheat The dwelling-house is detached from the mill, and was preserved. It cannot be conjectured how the fire originated, except from the friction of the machinery. The property was not insured.

Thursday 27 November 1845
DEATH - At Langaton farm, in Chittlehampton, on Friday last of consumption, JAMES, only son of MR JAMES SAUNDERS aged 24.

Thursday 9 April 1846
Southmolton Petty Sessions
Mr Robert Jewell, master of the Southmolton workhouse, v. BETTY TURNER, a pauper belonging to Chittlehampton, for misbehaviour in the workhouse. This case was proved, and TURNER was committed to the county gaol for 21 days to hard labour.

Thursday 25 June 1846
Southmolton Petty Sessions
Nearly a dozen females of Chittlehampton were summoned for creating a riot, and assaulting a man named ZEAL of that parish. It appeared that ZEAL was about to remove his furniture from the residence of his wife to live in the neighbourhood with another female, which raised the ire of the defendants, who committed the assault complained of. Three respectable persons, named GRADDON, FACEY and JOCE, were also summoned for inciting the defendants to proceed; but it was found that the two former gentlemen, so far from inciting them, endeavoured to dissuade them, and consequently were exonerated; but MR JOCE did incite by frequently bawling out to the defendants to fire, in consequence of which he was fined £1, and the female defendants were fined (including expenses) 3s. 6d. each.

Thursday 24 September 1846
BIRTH - At Halswell Farm, Chittlehampton, the wife of MR WILLIAM MILDON, of a daughter.
DEATH - At Chittlehampton, on the 12th instant, SUSAN, the wife of Mr WILLIAM CHAPPELL aged 61.

Thursday 22 October 1846
Chittlehampton and Warkleigh Ploughing Match. - This long-established annual agricultural fete took place on Tuesday last in a field on Brightley barton, in the parish of Chittlehampton, occupied by MR GEORGE SAUNDERS.
Premiums to Men.
Third Prize of 10s. to THOMAS BROWN, son of a farmer of Chittlehampton.
Prizes for Boys.
The second prize of 15s. to JAMES OSMOND, servant to MR HOWARD, of Chittlehampton.
Third prize of 10s. to JAMES MAYNE, servant to MR JAMES SAUNDERS, of Langaton.
Fourth prize of 5s. to HENRY WOLLACOTT, servant to MR FACEY, of Chittlehampton.
Premiums for Agricultural Labourers, &c.
To the agricultural labourer who has brought up the greatest number of children with the least parochial aid:-
First prize of £1 to JOHN CONGREHAM, of Chittlehampton, who had brought up eleven children with very little parochial relief.
Second prize of 15s. to WILLIAM WOOLLACOTT, of Chittlehampton, seven children without parochial aid.
Third prize of 10s. to WILLIAM WALDRON, of Chittlehampton, six children and no parochial aid.
To the Agricultural Labourer who has worked the longest period with one master, or on one farm:-
The first prize of 15s. to JOHN WHITEFIELD, worked 22 years with MR VATER, of Chittlehampton.
The second prize of 10s. to JOHN RENDLE, worked 20 years with MR JAMES SAUNDERS, of Chittlehampton.
A prize of 10s (presented by John Joce, Esq.) was awarded to GEORGE WESTACOTT, servant to MR VATER, for having his team and harness in the best condition.
The only other prize was one of 5s. to THOMAS CROSSMAN, who had completed a faithful apprenticeship with MR CHAPPLE, of Chittlehampton.

Thursday 26 November 1846
Devon, Capital Grazing or Dairy Land.
To Be Sold, in Fee, all that very desirable Tenement called LONGAPARKS, Situate in the Parish of Chittlehampton, and now in the occupation of MR THOMAS BURDEN, either altogether or in the following, or such other Lots as shall be agreed on, viz:-
Lot 1. - All that Field or Close of Land, called the Higher Longapark, containing by admeasurement 15A. 1R. 24P. or thereabout.
Lot 2. - All that Field or Close of Land, called the Middle Longapark, with the Meadow below the same, containing together by admeasurement 17A. 0R. 10P. or thereabout.
Lot 3. - All those Fields or Closes of Land, called the Lower Longapark, the Paddock, the Orchard, the Mow Barton, and the Lower Meadow, containing together by admeasurement 13A. 3R. 24P. or thereabout, with the Linhays and House.
Lot 4. - All that Field or Close of Land, called the Tongue Field, containing by admeasurement 4A. 2R. 26P. or thereabout.
Each of the above Lots is well supplied with water and the whole commands a most extensive and delightful prospect, and is eligibly situated for building purposes. For which purpose a Public Auction will be held at the 'Golden Lion Inn,' Barnstaple, on Friday the 11th day of December next, at 4 o'clock in the afternoon. For viewing the Premises, application may be made to MR THOMAS BURDEN, and other particulars may be obtained of Messrs. Pearse, Son, and Crosse, Solicitors, Southmolton. Dated 11th November 1846.

Thursday 10 December 1846
Chittlehampton, Near Barnstaple and Southmolton. To Be Sold by Private Contract, the under-mentioned desirable Leasehold Estates and Premises, Situate in the Parish of Chittlehampton, about midway between the excellent Market Towns of Barnstaple and Southmolton; and also several Policies of Insurance, effected on the Lives on which the different Estates are held, either together, in the following or such other Lots as may be agreed on.
Lot 1. - Desirable Estate, called East Dorridge, consisting of a Farm-house and Offices, and about 47 Acres of Orchard, Arable, Meadow, and Pasture Land, now occupied by MR WILLIAM BUCKINGHAM, as Tenant, together with the Tithes thereof;, held for the residue of a Term of 99 years, granted by the late Lord Rolle, and now determinable on the decease of two healthy Lives, aged respectively 48 and 50 years.
Lot 2. - A very convenient Estate called Higher Whetstone, comprising a superior description of Farmhouse, and all convenient Agricultural Outbuildings and Offices, and about 103 Acres of prime Orchard, Arable, Meadow, and Pasture Land, now occupied by MR THOMAS SKINNER and others, and held under the late Lord Rolle for the remainder of a Term of 99 years, now determinable on the decease of two Lives, aged respectively 45 and 47.
Lot 3. - A Messuage and Tenement and the several Closes of Land, Meadow and Pasture, situate at Whetstone, within the Parish of Chittlehampton aforesaid, commonly called Little Whetstone, containing about 36 Acres, now occupied by MR THOMAS SKINNER and others. This Lot is held under the Representatives of the same Lessor for the remainder of a Term of 99 years, determinable on one Life, aged about 42 years.
Lot 4. - Two Policies of Insurance effected in the West of England Insurance Office, the one on the 28th of June, 1826, on the younger of the two Lives on which Lot 1 is held, in the sum of £300, with the several Bonuses thereon; and the other effected in January, 1843, on the elder of the Lives, in the sum of £450.
Lot 5. - Two Policies of Insurance dated respectively the 24th August, 1831, effected in the same Office, on two of the lives on which Lot 2 is held; the Life aged 47 in £300 and the Life aged 45 in the like sum, with the Bonuses thereon.
Lot 6. - A Policy of Insurance dated the 24th of August 1831, effected on the Life on which Lot 3 is held, in the same Office, in £400.
The Lands may be viewed by applying to MR THOMAS SKINNER, at Higher Whetstone Farm; and further particulars known of him, of Mr Wm. Chapple, Land-surveyor, Gornhay, near Tiverton; or of Mr Tanner, Solicitor, Crediton.
Crediton, November 175th, 1846.

Thursday 4 March 1847
Committed to the county bridewell, on Saturday last, by the Rev W H Karslake, for three months to hard labour, William Riccard, aged 30, professing himself to be a gatherer of rags from Cornwall, for being found under suspicious circumstances, in the outer premises of MR JAMES SAUNDERS of Langaton farm, Chittlehampton, the preceding night.

Thursday 12 August 1847
William Parkin and William Yeo, of Swymbridge, ALEXANDER SKINNER of Chittlehampton, and several others, against whom informations had been laid by the inspectors of weights and measures, for having false weights on their stalls, were severally fined in sums varying from 2s. 6d. to 7s. 6d, besides the costs, for their respective offences.

Thursday 25 November 1847
NOTICE. Whereas my Wife, ELIZABETH BROWN, has left my home and protection: I hereby give Notice that I will not be answerable for any Debts which she may contract. THOMAS BROWN. Chittlehampton, November 23rd, 1847.
Chittlehampton and Warkleigh Agricultural Society.
Prizes for Ploughing.
The first district premium of £2 was awarded to JAMES RENDALL, servant to MR WILLIAM GRADDON, of Chittlehampton.
The second prize of £1 to JAMES SYMONS, servant to MR JAMES GRADDON, of Eastacott.
The first prize of £1 for boys, to JOHN BARNS, son of MR JAMES BARNS, of Chittlehampton.
The second prize of 15s. to RICHARD REED, servant to MR JAMES SAUNDERS, of Chittlehampton.
The third prize of 10s. to HENRY WESTACOTT, servant to MR MANNING, of Head Barton.
A premium of 10s. to the person having his horses and harness in best condition, given by the Rev. John Russell, of Swymbridge, was awarded to JAMES MAYNE, apprentice to MR JAMES SAUNDERS, of Chittlehampton.
Prizes to Agricultural Labourers.
To the Labourer who has brought up the largest family with the least parochial aid:- The first prize of £1 to WM. WOLLACOTT; second prize of 15s. to WILLIAM WALDRON; and the third prize of 10s. to JOHN DOWN.
To the Labourer who has worked the greatest number of years with one master or one the same farm.- The first prize of 15s. to JOHN BUDD, 25 years labourer with MR JOHN GRADDON, of Eastacott, Chittlehampton; third prize of 5s. to WILLIAM LOCK, 19 years servant with MESSRS. GRADDON.

Thursday 13 January 1848
CHITTLEHAMPTON - The infant child of MARY COURTENAY, of this village, single woman, died suddenly in his mother's arms on Saturday morning last; and, in consequence of reports which were prevalent insinuating unfair means as the cause of death, the Coroner was applied to hold an Inquest. On Monday last, John Henry Toller, Esq., attended for the purpose, when the evidence of Mr Joce, surgeon, who had made a post mortem examination of the body, left no doubt that the child had died from Natural Causes (retention of urine), and the Jury returned a verdict accordingly.

Thursday 23 March 1848
Devon Lent Assizes
WILLIAM BUCKINGHAM, stealing a fowl at Chittlehampton – acquitted.

Thursday 27 April 1848
DEATH – April 19, at Chittlehampton, MR THOMAS BENTLEY, miller, of Brightley Mills, in that parish.

Thursday 17 August 1848
DEATH – At Chittlehampton, on Monday last, at six o’clock, MR PHILIP TOUT, farmer, aged 71; and on the day following, just at the same hour, his wife followed him to that “bourne whence no traveller returns.”

Thursday 24 August 1848
Chittlehampton, Devon
To be Let, for a Term of Seven Years, at a Moderate Rent, from Michaelmas next, all that well-accustomed Public House, known by the sign of the ‘Golden Lion’, situate in the village of Chittlehampton aforesaid;
Comprising a good front Parlour, Bar, Kitchen, large Dining-room, and four Bedrooms; with large Courtlage, Skittle Alley, Stables, and all other convenient Out-houses; with an excellent Walled Garden, stocked with choice fruit trees.
For particulars, apply to MR JOHN FACEY, Gambaston Farm, Chittlehampton, Southmolton.
Dated August 22nd 1848.
Southmolton Petty Sessions
JANE JOCE, of Chittlehampton, applied for an order in bastardy on JOHN COOK, of that place; but the bench, after hearing the evidence, did not think it satisfactory, and dismissed the case.

Thursday 7 September 1848
Fatal Accident - An Inquest was taken at Chittlehampton on the 28th ult., before John Henry Toller, Esq., Deputy Coroner, on the body of WILLIAM HANFORD, mason, aged 34, who had come to his end by an accident in the adjoining parish of Warkleigh on the Saturday preceding. Deceased was at work with two other men building a cob wall, on the top of which deceased was standing, when he suddenly fell to the ground, a depth of about eight feet. His companions instantly helped him up, but he never moved, and scarcely breathed, and died within a minute or two. The evidence of Dr Jones, of Highbickington, sowed that he had for three years attended deceased, who was subject to epileptic fits; and his opinion was that in one of these fits he fell from the wall, and in the fall fractured one of the vertebrae f the neck, which caused death. - Verdict, "Accidental Death."

Thursday 2 November 1848
Chittlehampton and Warkleigh Agricultural Society.
This society held its annual meeting on Tuesday last. The rotation (which gives the meeting to the two parishes in alternate years) assigned the turn this year to Chittlehampton. The ploughing took place in a field on Langaton barton (an estate of Lord Rolle's trustees), in the occupation of an excellent agriculturist, MR JAMES SAUNDERS.
Agricultural Servants and Labourers.
To the Agricultural Labourer who has brought up the largest family with the least parochial relief:- 1st prize, £1 to JOHN DOWN, of Chittlehampton (8 children); 2nd prize, 15s., MICHAEL LOCK, of Chittlehampton (7 children).
To the Agricultural Labourer who has worked the longest period with one master or on one farm:- 1st prize, 15s. WM. CROSSMAN, 32 years with MR FACEY, of Gambaston, Chittlehampton; 3rd prize, 5s., GEORGE BIRD, 19 years with MR GRADDON, of Winsom, Chittlehampton.
To deserving Apprentices, whose indentures have expired during the past year. - 5s. to JANE TURNER, apprentice to MR GEORGE SAUNDERS, of Brightly.
1st prize for the district, 30s., WM. HOLLAND, ploughman with MR WM. JOCE, of Shilstone, Chittlehampton.
3rd prize, 10s., WM. COURTENAY, ploughman to MR BRAILEY, of Chittlehampton.
4th prize, 5s., JOHN WOOLACOTT, apprentice to MR FACEY, of Chittlehampton.
1st prize for Boys, 30s., PHILIP CROCKER, ploughboy to MR HOWARD, of Chittlehampton.
2nd prize, 10s., JAMES MAY, ploughboy to MR JAMES SAUNDERS, of Chittlehampton.
3rd prize, 5s., CHRISTOPHER SELDON, ploughboy to MR DYER, of Fullabrook.

Thursday 16 November 1848
Southmolton - On Wednesday, SARAH SHADDICK of Chittlehampton, and Jane Shapcott, of Northmolton, were committed by the above bench to our borough gaol, for one month, for stealing turnips from Mr Robert Elsworthy, of Kingsland farm.

Thursday 30 November 1848
Lady's Bustle Extraordinary. - On the morning of Saturday last, a gander was missed from the farm-yard of MR CROCKER of Deptford, in the parish of Chittlehampton: who, on being informed of his loss, went in search of it, and outside his court-gate he observed the foot-steps of a female, which he traced to a place called Little Folly, in the same parish, (about a mile from his farm,) and to the cottage occupied by JOHN NICHOLLS, mason, and his daughter SARAH. On entering the house he saw feathers about the floor, and other indications which satisfied him that he was on the right scent; whereupon he sent for Ballard, the active police constable of the village, who was quickly on the spot and made a search of the house, and in a crock under the dresser he found the head of the missing bird, which MR CROCKER instantly identified. The entrails and other parts of the gander were also found, but the carcase was not discovered. With this evidence Ballard took both NICHOLLS and his daughter into custody, and conveyed them to Southmolton (the shoes of SARAH NICHOLLS being also found to agree exactly with the footprints traced by the farmer). They were given in charge of Superintendent Fisher, for safe keeping in the station-house, until the arrival of a magistrate. Fisher's wife, according to custom, searched the female prisoner, who said, when she found this process was not to be avoided, "I have got what they are looking for;" and, sure enough, tied under her dress, in the situation and form of that fashionable article of feminine attire, y'clepped "a bustle," was found the body of the gander, minus the head, legs, &c. ! This was proof positive and ensured the prisoner's committal to the county gaol the same day by the Rev. William Heberden Karslake, for trial at the present sessions. The male prisoner was discharged.

Thursday 7 December 1848
At the Devon County Sessions last week, SARAH NICHOLLS, 14, stealing a gander at Chittlehampton, three months imprisonment.

Thursday 21 December 1848
CHITTLEHAMPTON - During the night of Thursday last, the farm-house of MR WILLIAM VATER, of South Bray, in this parish, was broken into by some thieves, who stole a drab mackintosh great coat, five loaves of bread, a cheese of from 12 to 15 lbs., a pair of boots, two pairs of stockings, and several hogs' puddings; with which they managed to escape without disturbing the family. MR VATER has offered a reward of £10 for the apprehension of the offenders.

Thursday 22 March 1849
On Saturday last, CHARLOTTE HUXTABLE, of Chittlehampton, an abandoned female, was committed to the county gaol for trial, for stealing a watch from the person of WILLIAM MURCH, of the same parish, in whose company the prisoner was the fair night.

Thursday 29 March 1849
MARRIAGE - In Southmolton Church, this morning (Thursday) by the Rev. T. H. Maitland, MR WILLIAM THORNE, of Caveland, Chittlehampton, to Mrs Ann Adams, of the 'King's Arms Inn,' in the former town.

Thursday 12 April 1849
MARRIAGE - On Thursday the 29th ult., at Highbickington, Mr Thomas Richards of Middlewood House, in that parish, to MISS GUARD, only daughter of MR GUARD, of Chittlehampton, yeoman.

Thursday 3 May 1849
On Wednesday last, JOHN BOWDEN, an old offender, belong to Chittlehampton, was committed to our Borough Gaol by the Worshipful the Mayor and William Binford, Esq., for vagrancy, on the information of Superintendent Fisher. This is the eighth time he has been committed for the like offence.

Thursday 17 May 1849
County Court, May Circuit. Southmolton. Insolvency - THOMAS KNIGHT, of Chittlehampton, machine maker, presented his petition for protection. His Honour granted him an interim order until the 6th June next.

Thursday 7 June 1849
County Court. Insolvent. THOMAS KNIGHT, of Chittlehampton, machine maker, an Insolvent Debtor, appeared on his first examination, and was supported by Mr E. K. Gillard, solicitor. Mr Mortimer, solicitor, of Barnstaple, opposed the insolvent on the part of Messrs. Bodley and Huxtable, of the West of England Foundry, Exeter, and also on the part of Mr Thomas L. Willshire, of the Iron Foundry, Barnstaple. It appeared that the insolvent's liabilities amounted to about £170, which had been principally contracted within the last two years; and that his estate to be administered to, under the direction of the court, was about £27, beyond the value of the excepted articles, which were valued at about £17. Mr Mortimer, after examining the insolvent, called the attention of his honour to the recent periods at which the debts due to the opposing creditors had been contracted, and contended that the insolvent must have been fully aware at the time that his circumstances were such as to preclude the possibility of his paying them. Part of the debt due to Mr Willshire had been contracted at or about the time he had been threatened and had been served with legal proceedings. Mr M., chiefly on these grounds, contended that the petition should be dismissed. His Honour, in directing the dismissal of the petition, strongly intimated that he should adopt a similar course, and refuse the protection of the court, in all cases like the present, where debts had been recklessly contracted to a considerable amount, by persons evidently without means, and under circumstances which held out no chance of payment.

Thursday 12 July 1849
Southmolton Police Court - BETSEY JOCE, of Chittlehampton, was fined 1s. and expenses, for an assault of ANNE BLAKE.

Thursday 2 August 1849
Southmolton. At the Petty Sessions held on Monday the 23rd inst., THOMAS CARTER was charged by Messrs. William and Joseph Bibbings, examiners of weights and measures for the Southmolton division, with having in his shop at Chittlehampton, a lead weight contrary to the statute, purporting to be 2lb., which was also deficient two and half ounces, and fined £1 2s. 6d. including expenses.

Thursday 13 September 1849
LOXHORE. Lamentable and Fatal Accident. - We regret to have to record the particulars of an accident, by which a highly respectable yeoman has been suddenly hurried into eternity, and a numerous family left in orphanage. On Monday night last, MR JOHN SAUNDERS, the proprietor and occupier of Loxhore Barton, was returning from a large sale of farming stock at Paracombe: it was between 11 and 12 o'clock when he left Paracombe, in company with MR JOHN FACEY, of Chittlehampton, who was returning with him to sleep at his house. They had proceeded about a mile and half, when, just as they had passed the Blackmore toll-gate, MR FACEY being a little a-head, deceased got off his horse (a young and spirited galloway), and on again mounting him, having his left foot in the stirrup, and throwing his right leg over the saddle, the animal suddenly started into a gallop, and deceased, being unable to keep his place, was thrown over on the other side, and pitched with great violence on his head. MR FACEY halted, expecting to see his companion rise, but as he did not move he hastened back to him and found him insensible, the blood flowing copiously from a wound in his head. MR FACEY returned towards Paracombe for assistance, and, at a short distance met his father and some others, who were also returning from the sale, by whom a cart was obtained from Mr Tamlyn, of Westland Pound, into which deceased was placed, and conveyed to his home. Meanwhile MR FACEY went to Barnstaple for medical help, and Mr Joce, surgeon (MR SAUNDERS'S near relative) hastened to Loxhore, where he arrived before the deceased was brought home; but within a few minutes the cart drove up, out of which deceased was assisted, having partially recovered his senses. Mr Joce examined him, and found an extensive bruise on the right side of the head, as well as on the upper and back part of it. Towards morning he fell into an apoplectic state, from which he never rallied, and died about three o'clock in the afternoon. An Inquest was held on the body by John Henry Toller, Esq., Deputy Coroner, on Wednesday (yesterday), when the above facts having been deposed to, and Mr Joce having given his evidence that the cause of death were the injuries he had received from the fall, which were concussion and extravasation of blood upon the brain, a verdict to that effect was returned. The event has caused a deep sensation among the yeomanry of this neighbourhood, by whom the deceased was well known and much respected.

Thursday 11 October 1849
MARRIAGE - October 9th, at Chittlehampton church, by the Rev. R. H. Chichester, Mr Wm. Smith of Warkleigh, to MISS ANN CROCKER of Chittlehampton.

Thursday 13 December 1849
MARRIAGE - At Bratton Fleming, on Tuesday last, by the Rev. Humphrey S. Pinder, MR CHARLES MORRIS, of Chittlehampton, yeoman, to Susan, third daughter of Mr John Ridd, of the former place, yeoman.
Southmolton County Petty Sessions.
A woman called KNIGHT, of Clappery Mill, in the parish of Chittlehampton, summoned her neighbour, a woman of the name of JOHNS, for an assault. The case was a very trumpery one; and the bench assessed the damages at 1d., which they ordered the defendant to pay, with the expenses; and recommended them both to go home and cultivate better terms and particularly to bridle the "unruly member."

Thursday 27 December 1849
Some time since, the worthy parishioners of Chittlehampton purchased a new and complete fire engine. They have lately determined to obtain a waggon, harness, &c., so that the engine may be taken to any part of the parish with the greatest speed. Subscriptions have been accordingly entered into by the parishioners; and as a heavy amount of property in that parish is insured in the West of England office through Mr Samuel Pearce, the agent at Southmolton, he, at the request of some of the insurers, has made application to the directors for a subscription, who have authorised Mr Pearce to subscribe the sum of £5. This is a very liberal act of the Directors, and there is no doubt the parishioners will appreciate it.

Thursday 11 April 1850
Horse Stealing. - On the night of Wednesday last, MR COURTENAY, farmer of Leary (near Swymbridge), in the parish of Chittlehampton, had a horse, worth from £10 to £12 stolen from his stable in his farm-yard. MR COURTENAY had had a valuable horse (which, it is believed, the thief intended to steal), but within a day or two before he had exchanged it for one of less worth, with a colt, which were together in the stable at the time. The farmer was awakened in the night by the neighing of the colt, but, little suspecting mischief, he did not get up until his usual hour in the morning, when he found the horse was gone. He gave instant pursuit, tracked the horse to Umberleigh bridge, and thence to Torrington. Here he put the policeman on the alert, and had bills printed offering a reward, one of which was sent to the police-officer at Tavistock, where the scent was renewed, and the policeman went to Plympton (it was the day of Plympton fair), where, on his arrival, he found an auctioneer in the very act of submitting the identical horse to public sale; of which he immediately took charge, and took the man who claimed the horse also into his custody. He was brought before the magistrates at Tavistock, and remanded for the attendance of the owner of the horse, when there was no doubt he would be fully committed for trial. His name is Henry Smith, of Northmolton; and he has the honour, we believe, to be a freeman of the borough of Barnstaple.

Thursday 9 May 1850
MARRIAGE - April 23rd, at Swimbridge church, by the Rev. John Russell, MR DANIEL LOCK, of Furze, in the parish of Chittlehampton, to Eleanor, youngest daughter of Mr Thomas Howard, yeoman, of Bickle, in the former parish.
Torrington. - In the case of Sheepstealing from John Bremridge, Esq., noticed last week, police-officer Fussell, and Cole, Constable of Torrington, were employed, and after making search at Highbickington, they proceeded to Chittlehamholt, where, in the house of a blacksmith named CLARK, they found a quantity of mutton cut up in a very coarse way, as well as at the house of KINGSLAND, a labourer, of the same hamlet. Some other suspicious circumstances occurred. The next party they intended to visit was a man of the name of Buckingham, but on their arrival at his house they found he had fled to Swymbridge Newland, a distance of ten miles. Night having now drawn on, they determined to visit him the next morning. Fussell was obliged to return home, and Mr Bremridge himself accompanied Cole to Swymbridge, but Buckingham must have observed their approach, for on their entering the house Cole imagined he saw a man at the back door in his shirt sleeves, but on going out found that he had decamped. On searching the house, he found about 40 pounds of mutton, which corresponds with the legs, &c. £10 reward is offered for the conviction of the offenders, which, it is hoped, will lead to the apprehension of this fellow. It is a description of offence that has prevailed to a very great extent in the neighbourhood.

Thursday 16 May 1850
MARRIAGE - May 12, at the Independent Chapel, Chulmleigh, MR WILLIAM FAIRCHILD, of Chittlehamholt, to MISS CHARITY BARTLETT, of the same place.

Thursday 23 May 1850
At the Southmolton Divisional Petty Sessions, before the Rev. Messrs. Karslake, Benson, and Tucker, 20th May, 1850, an order was made for the removal of ANN PARKIN from Georgenympton to Chittlehampton.

Thursday 13 June 1850
The two lambs mentioned a few weeks since as being stolen from MR GEORGE SAUNDERS, of Brightly Barton, in Chittlehampton, have been since found drowned in the river Taw.

Thursday 5 September 1850
DEATH - September 1, at Chittlehampton, aged 40, MR JOHN HUXTABLE, of Prousberry Farm, in that parish, after an illness of a few days, from over exertion in harvest work.

Thursday 10 October 1850
BIRTH - Oct. 4, at Halswell Farm, Chittlehampton, the wife of MR WM. MILDON, of a son.

Thursday 7 November 1850
DEATH - Suddenly, at Langaton, in the Parish of Chittlehampton, on Sunday last, MR JAMES SAUNDER, yeoman, aged 60.

Thursday 14 November 1850
DEATH - At Park-le-Bruce, in the parish of Penmayne, near Swansea, Glamorganshire, on the 26th October last, after a long and severe illness, MR WM. NICKOLLS, yeoman, only son of the late MR NICKOLLS, of Biddacott, Chittlehampton, aged 56 years. His loss is deeply deplore by his family and a large circle of friends.

Thursday 5 December 1850
County Court of Devonshire at Barnstaple. - How v. HOLLOWAY.
Action for £2 5s. 3d. for timber, &c., supplied by plaintiff, Mr John How, merchant, to the agent of defendant, MR JOHN HOLLOWAY, of Chittlehampton, who is owner of some dwelling houses in Barnstaple, in the repairs of which the goods were used. Defendant denied that he had given any instruction or authority to any one to take up goods on his account from plaintiff. But, on the part of plaintiff, a sawyer in his employ proved that defendant came to the yard on a Saturday night, with his brother, and looked at some plank, and said he would send his carpenter to select some; and Mr How, junior, produced his day book to show that the goods were delivered to Hitchcock (who is since gone to America) on account of defendant, and for use in his houses in Boutport-street. This latter fact he could prove by the evidence of Mr Philip Jones, the tenant of one of them, who had been in waiting in court all the morning to be examined, but had been obliged to go out of town. His Honour offered to adjourn the case if defendant wished for the evidence of Mr Jones; but he preferred that it should be at once decided, and judgment was therefore given for plaintiff for the amount claimed.

Thursday 9 January 1851
Southmolton, County Court
FOLLETT v. Bawden
The plaintiff in this case was MR RICHARD FOLLETT, a respectable yeoman, lately occupying Collacott Barton, in the parish of Chittlehampton; and the defendant, Humphrey John Norris Bawden, Esq., residing at, and a magistrate for, the borough of Southmolton, and also for the County of Devon.
The plaintiff claimed £14 16s. 5d., being the amount agreed to be paid by the defendant for a hayrick, and for money paid by the plaintiff for the use of the defendant.
Mr J T Shapland, appeared for the plaintiff, and Mr Gillard for the defendant. It appeared from the evidence that the plaintiff had lately occupied an estate of the defendants, called Collacott Barton, in Chittlehampton, and various differences having arisen between them respecting it, both parties ultimately agreed to leave all matters in dispute to the final award of Messrs. Ellis, of Bampton, and Cutcliffe, of Southmolton, or their umpire in case they disagreed. The referees appointed Mr Densem as their umpire, and they all made their award in writing, which, amongst other things, stated that all the hay excepting two tons was to be consumed by the plaintiff on the premises. Subsequently to the executing the award, Messrs. Ellis and Densem went to the defendant, and stated there was about seven tons of hay, which by their then intended award the plaintiff would be bound to consume on the premises, and that as the time was short, it being then 7th March and plaintiff had to quit the farm on the 25th, it would be better for him to buy the hay, as the as the plaintiff, having no house room for his cattle, he would be obliged to given them the hay in the open field, and consequently the ground would be greatly damaged thereby; which he consented to do, and it was sold to him for £2 per ton, and it was to be measured and paid for accordingly. The hay was measured by Mr Cridge, and found to contain seven tons, which, at £2 per ton, amounted to £14. The plaintiff also claimed 16s. 5d., being defendant’s share of the quarter’s poor rate to Lady day, 1850, for the land reserved and occupied by him. The defendant afterwards refused to pay the money, and for which the present action was brought.
For the defendant it was urged that at the time the hay was old it was understood that upwards of 300 bundles of straw would be left on the premises unconsumed, which the defendant was to have without paying for; and at Lady-day only ten bundles remained. It was also stated that the hay, instead of weighing seven tons, only weighed 5 tons 3 cwt. 4lbs.
His Honour gave judgment for the plaintiff for £8 1s. 5d., deducting from the original claim of £6 15s., the value of the straw agreed to be left, and also for the hay wanting to make up seven tons, and ordered the costs on the reduced scale to be paid by defendant.
Devon County Sessions.
Two Weeks’ Imprisonment – JAMES SMALLDON (26), stealing at Chittlehampton, wheat, the property of WM. VATER
Acquitted - CATHERINE SMALLDON (30), stealing at Chittlehampton, wheat, the property of WILLIAM VATER.

Thursday 13 February 1851
The Stewards of the Chittlehampton Friendly Society were summoned on the information and complaint of THOMAS HUXTABLE, of the said parish of Chittlehampton, for refusing to pay him 4s., due to him in respect of one week’s walking pay, he having been a member of the said society for more than two years, and being afflicted with sickness. Mr Riccard, who appeared for the Society, elicited on cross-examination of the complainant, that during the time he had been in receipt of pay, which commenced on the 1st October last, he had been in the habit of walking about at great distances from his home. On one occasion he admitted coming home from a sale held on Langaton Estate with some pigs in a donkey cart, a distance of three miles from his house, and between eight and nine o’clock in the evening. The bench dismissed the complaint with costs, saying it was perfectly clear, if the complainant had been ill at all, he had during the time he received pay acted contrary to the articles of the society.
MARGARET BUCKINGHAM v. John Tout - The complainant, a married woman, of Chittlehampton, alleged that the defendant had unlawfully obtained possession of a lace frame, her property. The magistrates, hot having jurisdiction, dismissed the case, but recommended, if the frame was not given up, the complainant to apply to the County Court.

Thursday 20 March 1851
MARRIAGE - March 1, at St Sidwell’s Church, Exeter, Mr Wm. Smale, one of the Clerks in the Newton Abbott post office, to MISS SUSAN CHAPPLE, eldest daughter of MR CHAPPLE, of Chittlehampton.

Thursday 22 May 1851
Southmolton Divisional Petty Sessions
REBECCA SLEE and ANN KNILL, two girls of Chittlehampton, were committed to the county house of correction for one week, in default of paying a fine of 6d. each and expenses, for damaging a fence, or quick set hedge, the property of MR ALEXANDER SKINNER, of that parish.
Chittlehampton - Accident - On Wednesday last, as MR LUXTON, yeoman, of Eastacott farm, in this parish, was returning home from Northmolton fair, on horseback, his horse, when a short distance from South Molton, shied and threw the rider with great force on his head. Fortunately assistance was near at hand, and MR LUXTON was conveyed back to the town, where medical assistance was procured, and on the following morning he was taken to his residence, where he now lies in a very dangerous state. It is feared the result will prove fatal.
BIRTH – May 7th, at Great Deptford Farm, Chittlehampton, the wife of Mr James Harris, of a daughter.
MARRIAGE – May 17th, at Chittlehampton, by the Rev B Honchen, M.A., MR EDWARD HOWARD, tailor, to SARAH, daughter of MR WILLIAM RICE yeoman, both of the same place.

Thursday 5 June 1851
Valuable Freehold Investment – Chittlehampton, Devon
To be Sold, by Public Auction, by Mr John Gould, of Barnstaple, Auctioneer, at the ‘Rolle Arms Inn,’ in Chittlehampton, in the County of Devon, on Monday the 16th day of June next, at four o’clock in the afternoon, a Valuable Freehold Property, called
Townsend Tenement and Strong’s Tenement,
In the following Lots, viz:-
Lot 1 - A Farm House, with large Courtlage, and all necessary and convenient Outhouses, with Garden and Orchard adjoining; containing 1R. 2P., or thereabouts, called Townsend.
Lot 2 - A Close of Land, called The Great Field, with the Linhay and Courtlage adjoining; containing 7A. 1R. 25P., or thereabouts.
Lot 3 - A Close of Land, called The Cawsey Close, containing 2A. 1R. 17P., or thereabouts.
Lot 4 - A Close of Land, called The Little Meadow, with the Orchard adjoining, containing together 1A. 1R. 22P., or thereabouts.
Lot 5 - A Close of Land, called Rice’s Meadow, containing 2A. 2R. 1P., or thereabouts.
The above five Lots are parcels of Townsend Tenement, and are now in the occupation of MRS ELIZABETH JOCE.
Lot 6 - A Cottage, Shippen, Barn, Outhouses, and Garden, and three Closes of Land, called The Pond Close, the Garden Close, and the Little Meadow; containing together 6A. 0R. 7P., or thereabouts.
Lot 7 - Three Closes of Land, called The Whitehall Field, The Path Field, and the Square Close; containing together 6A. 1R. 30P., or thereabouts.
Lot 8 - A Close of Land, called Townsend Field; containing 2A. 2R. 20P., or thereabouts.
The last three Lots are parcels of Strong’s Tenement, and are now also in the occupation of MRS ELIZABETH JOCE
Lot 9 - A Cottage and Garden, in the occupation of JAMES SLEE, labourer.
Lot 10 - A Cottage and Garden, in the occupation of GEORGE WHITEFIELD, labourer.
Lot 12 - A Cottage and Garden, in the occupation of WILLIAM WALDRON, labourer.
Lot 13 - A Cottage, with Garden and Orchard adjoining; containing 1R. 14P., in the occupation of PHILIP GRADDON, labourer.
The last five Lots are situated at Rice’s Court, in Chittlehampton aforesaid.
The Lands, comprised in the first eight Lots, consist of exceedingly rich and valuable Arable, Watered Meadow, and Pasture Land, are most eligibly situated, and afford a rare opportunity for Investment.
For viewing the different Lots, apply to Mr John Joce, at Townsend, in Chittlehampton; and any further particulars may be obtained on application at the offices of Messrs Riccard and Son, Solicitors and Proctors, Southmolton.
Dated 5th May 1851.

Thursday 26 June 1851
On Friday last, that old incorrigible JOHN BOWDEN, belonging to Chittlehampton, was committed to the County House of Correction for 42 days to hard labour, by John White, Esq., Thomas Brown, Esq., and H J Norris, BAWDEN, for refusing to work in the Union Workhouse of which he was an inmate. This is the fourteenth time he has been sent there for misconduct in the Union.

Thursday 10 July 1851
Devon County Sessions
Six Months’ Hard Labour – Henry Smyth, for stealing brass articles from H. J. N. BAWDEN, Esq., at Chittlehampton.

Thursday 24 July 1851
DEATH – At Hudscott, in the parish of Chittlehampton, last evening (Wednesday), MISS LUCILLA ROLLE, youngest sister of the late Right Honourable Lord Rolle, aged 94.
DEATH - July 15, MRS MARY STEVENS, Chittlehampton, aged 81.
DEATH - On the 17th June, on her passage to New York, the beloved wife of MR THOMAS BURDEN, late of Chittlehampton, Devon, aged 60, deeply regretted by her family and friends.

Thursday 14 August 1851
Southmolton County Court, August 6th, before John Tyrrell, Esq., Judge
Garnsey v. Crocker
In this case a jury had been summoned at the instance of the defendant. The plaint was brought to recover £10 damages, sustained by the plaintiff in consequence of the defendant having violently assaulted him on the 29th day of April last, at Chittlehampton.
Mr Incledon Bencraft appeared for the plaintiff, and Mr R M Riccard for the defendant.
It appeared from the evidence of several witnesses, who were called by the plaintiff, that on the 29th April as the defendant went to Chittlehampton with a man called Abel Symons, who was about taking an estate in that parish, which had been formerly occupied by the defendant’s brother. The parties all met at a public-house called the ‘Rolle Arms’ in Chittlehampton, and remained there several hours, during which time a quarrel arose concerning the estate. The defendant and his brother, with Mr James Graddon, left about nine o’clock to proceed to their homes, and about two hours afterwards the plaintiff, and his companion Symons, also left, but had not gone far on their way home, when they met the Crockers, who began again to quarrel with them, and at last the defendant struck the plaintiff; a fight thereupon ensued, which ended in the defendant throwing the plaintiff down and falling on him, and breaking his arm. The plaintiff had suffered much from the broken limb, which was set at the North Devon Infirmary, and the use of which he had not even now completely regained.
Mr Riccard addressed the jury for the defendant, but did not call any witnesses to rebut the plaintiff’s evidence; and the Judge having briefly summed up, and stated the law to the jury to be that where a person, by striking the first blow, was the aggressor, he must bear the consequences of his unlawful act, although, as in this case, the person assailed did return the blows again and defend himself.
The Jury retired for a short time, and returned a verdict for £5 and costs.

Thursday 18 September 1851
Farms to be Let at a Corn Rent
Chittlehampton, near Barnstaple and Southmolton, Devon
To be Let by Private Contract, from Lady-day next, for such term, not exceeding 14 years, as the Tenant may desire, Higher and Lower Whitstone and Dorridge Farms, comprising a Farm House and Outbuildings, and 83 Acres of First-rate Land, situate in the parish of Chittlehampton, now in the occupation of MR WILLIAM BUCKINGHAM.
To view, apply to the Tenant; and for further particulars, and to treat for renting, application to be made to Messrs Riccard and Son, Solicitors, Southmolton, or to Mr Tanner, Solicitor, Crediton.
Dated September 17th, 1851.

Thursday 23 October 1851
Brightley Barton, Chittlehampton, Devon
Mr J Gould has been favoured with instructions from the Representatives of the late MR GEORGE SAUNDERS, to offer to public Competition, on the above Premises, on Monday the 27th of October inst., being two days before Northmolton Fair, the greater portion of the capital Herd, Flock, and Horses, Belonging to the Estate; comprising – 4 very choice Heifers in Calf; 4 Fat Heifers; 6 Steers, 2 ½ years old; 10 Steers and Heifers, 1 ½ years old
60 Nott Ewes, 69 Nott Lambs, 33 Fat Wethers.
A superior Hack, jet black, 6 years off; 1 Bay Mare, 4 years off, very promising, by
Candidate; a Bay Carriage Horse, 8 years old, 15 hands 3 inches high; a Black ditto, 8 years old, very good; a Brown thorough-bred Mare, by Picaroon, 7 years old; 1 Nag, nearly thorough bred, 5 years old, 15 ½ hands high, a capital Hunter; 1 Chesnut Cart Horse; 1 Bay Mare; 1 Gray Horse, 2 beautiful Iron Gray Colts, 3 years off, by Bruce.
The well known judgment and care of the late Proprietor in the selection of Stock, preclude the necessity of any comment from the Auctioneer to induce the attendance of Purchasers.
The remainder of the Stock, Implements and other Effects, will be Sold in March next, as the Business is about to be closed. It is superfluous to add that what is offered will be a Peremptory Sale.
Refreshments on the Table at 12, and the Sale will take place at 2 o’clock.
Dated October 8th, 1851.
County Magistrates' Petty Sessions, Barnstaple, October 22, 1851.
The Surveyors of the Highways of the parish of Ashford preferred a complaint against Mr Wm. Redmore, a farmer of that parish, for non-repair of a road adjoining fields in his occupation, the property of MR GRADDON, of Chittlehampton.

Thursday 18 December 1851
BIRTH - December 8, at Chittlehampton, the wife of MR GEORGE LOCK, of Furze Farm, of a daughter.
DEATH - December 15, at Slade House, Chittlehampton, MR JOHN RENDLE, yeoman, aged 88, highly respected.

Thursday 8 April 1852
MARRIAGE – At Bishopsnympton, on Saturday last, by the Rev Joseph Thorne, MR HENRY MANNING of Winson Barton, Chittlehampton, to Mary, second daughter of Mr Thomas Russell, of Radley, in the former parish.

Thursday 13 May 1852
On Wednesday last, JOHN BOWDEN, belonging to the parish of Chittlehampton, and an inmate of the Union Workhouse, was again committed to the County House of Correction, for six weeks, by H J N Bawden, Esq., for refusing to do the work allotted him in the Union. This is his nineteenth committal for similar offences.

Thursday 8 July 1852
MARRIAGE– At Trinity Church, in this town, on Monday last, by the Rev Sloane Evans, MR JOHN BURGESS, third son of the late MR RD. BURGESS, of Langaton farm, in the parish of Chittlehampton, to MILDRED, eldest daughter of MR JOHN SKINNER, late of Fullabrook, in the same parish.

Thursday 22 July 1852
Inquest - An inquest was held on Saturday last, at Clappery Mill, in the parish of Chittlehampton, before J H Toller, Esq., deputy coroner, on the body of THOMAS KNIGHT, wheelwright and machine maker, who, in endeavouring to rescue his little girl about three years old, who had fallen into the river Bray, near his house, was unfortunately drowned. The child was saved. Verdict ‘Accidental Death.’ The deceased left a widow and six young children to mourn their bereavement: the widow is in an advanced state of pregnancy.

Thursday 5 August 1852
Fire - Last week, the farm house on Pitt, in this parish, was nearly destroyed by fire, which arose from accident, alleged to be the result of carelessness of persons engaged on the premises, who were lighting a stove at the time. The prompt assistance rendered, and abundant supply of water, prevented the entire destruction of the buildings. The farm is the property of the late Lord Rolle’s trustees, and the house was lately taken to rent, with the fishery at Brightley, by John Grant, Esq., of London.
Southmolton – On Monday week last, the poor blind people of this town thankfully received their share of a legacy bequeathed to them, and poor people labouring under a similar affliction in several other parishes in this neighbourhood, by the will of the late MR GAY, of Chittlehampton.

Thursday 26 August 1852
DEATH - 22nd inst., at Chittlehampton, MR WM. WATTS, aged 65.

Thursday 2 September 1852
BIRTH - 28th ult., at Wrimstone Farm, Chittlehampton, the wife of MR HENRY MANNING, jun., of a son.
Southmolton – An Old Offender. On Saturday last, the incorrigible JOHN BOWDEN, of Chittlehampton, and inmate of the Union Workhouse, was again committed to the County House of Correction, by J E J Riccard, Esq., mayor, H I N Bawden, Esq., and Wm. Hole, Esq., for 42 days, for refusing to work in the said workhouse.

Thursday 23 December 1852
Valuable Freehold Investment
Chittlehampton, Devon
To be Sold by Public Auction, by Mr John Gould, of Barnstaple, Auctioneer, at the ‘Rolle Arms Inn.’ In Chittlehampton, in the County of Devon, on Monday the 27th day of December inst., at Three o’clock in the Afternoon, a Valuable Freehold Property, part of Townsend Tenement, in the following lots, viz: -
Lot 1 - A Farm House, with large Courtlage and all necessary and convenient Outhouses, with Garden and Orchard adjoining, containing 0A. 1R. 2P. Or thereabouts, called Townsend.
Lot 2 - A Close of Lane, called Rice’s Meadow, containing 2A. 2R. 1P., or thereabouts.
The above two Lots are now in the occupation of MRS ELIZABETH JOCE.
Lot 3 - A Cottage and Garden, in the occupation of JAMES SLEE, labourer.
Lot 4 - A Cottage and Garden, in the occupation of GEO. WHITEFIELD, labourer.
Lot 5 - A Cottage and Garden, in the occupation of GEO. SAUNDERS, labourer.
Lot 6 - A Cottage and Garden, in the occupation of WM. WALDRON, labourer.
Lot 7 - A Cottage with Garden and Orchard adjoining, containing 0A. 1R. 14P., in the occupation of PHILIP GRADDON, labourer.
The last five Lots are situated at Rice’s Court, in Chittlehampton aforesaid; and will be sold either in Lots or together, as may be agreed on at the time of sale.
The above valuable Property is most eligibly situated, and affords a rare opportunity for investment.
For viewing the different Lots, apply to MR JOHN JOCE, at Townsend, in Chittlehampton; and any further particulars may be obtained on application to him, or to Mr John Facey, at Gamson, or to Mr William Joce, Shilston, or at the Offices of
Messrs. Riccard and Son, Solicitors and Proctors, Southmolton.
Dated December 1st, 1852

Thursday 20 January 1853
Southmolton Divisional Petty Sessions, January 17th
JONATHAN SNOW of Chittlehampton, tailor, was charged on the information of Policeman Ballard, with being drunk on the 9th instant, to which he pleaded guilty. He was fined 5s. and 7s expenses. On paying the amount he many times repeated – “I am very much obliged to your honours.”
A brute in human shape was brought up in custody of Policeman Baker, named JAMES KNILL, belonging to Chittlehampton, but living in the parish of Northmolton, charged with having committed an unnatural crime, the preceding day. During the investigation of this disgusting case the court was cleared. Such evidence was elicited as to warrant a committal for trial at the next county Assizes.

Thursday 27 January 1853
Committed to the County Gaol for trial, on Monday last, by H J N Bawden, Esq., John Leworthy, of this town, , for stealing a quantity of apples from MR VATER, of Chittlehampton. The theft was committed some time since, and Leworthy had made himself scarce from that time.

Thursday 10 February 1853
DEATH - 1st inst., at Head Mills, in the parish of Chittlehampton, RACHEL, widow of MR JOHN MANNING, aged 75.

Thursday 17 March 1853
Southmolton County Court, March 8th, 1853
Samuel Brown v. THOMAS CARTER - Plaintiff is a currier, of Crediton, and defendant a labourer, of Chittlehampton. This action was to recover £1 3s. 8d., for the rent of a cottage and premises, lately occupied by defendant. Judgment for Plaintiff at 4s. a month.

Thursday 7 April 1853
BIRTH – 4th inst., at Brightley Barton, Chittlehampton, the wife of MR WM. GRADDON, of a daughter.
DEATH – 2nd inst., at Bratton, in the parish of Chittlehampton, JOHN GRADDON, Esq., at the advanced age of 92.

Thursday 14 April 1853
Devon Quarter Sessions
Trial of Prisoners - WILLIAM POWLESDLAND was indicted for stealing four cows, the property of MR JOHN PITT, at Chittlehampton. Mr Coleridge prosecuted, and the prisoner was defended by Mr Ring. The prosecutor stated that he had resided for about twelve months with the prisoner at Chittlehampton. About eleven months since he bought four cows with calves, and they were taken to the prisoner’s house. He allowed the prisoner to sell three of the calves for the benefit of his family; and he was also permitted to use the milk. When they became dry prosecutor requested him to take three of them to a Mr Coles for keep. From time to time the prisoner informed him how they were going on. At that time his circumstances were very bad, and prosecutor took a bill of sale, and allowed him to include his four cows, because as he was so deeply in debt he was desirous of securing his property from the other creditors. Some time after the bill of sale was given, prosecutor went to Barnstaple and remained from home three weeks. On his return to Chittlehampton, about a fortnight since, he found the prisoner’s house completely “gutted”. His (prosecutor’s) cupboard had been opened and its contents taken out. The cows were also gone. Okehampton fair was held on the same day (Tuesday); and in consequence of information which he had received, he went to Sticklepath, and sent a constable after the prisoner. Mr John May, a farmer, living at Moretonhampstead, stated that he bought two cows in calf at Okehampton Fair, for £18 10s. from the prisoner, about a fortnight since. Mr C Brown, a farmer and cattle dealer, deposed that he also bought two cows in calf from the prisoner, at the Fair at Okehampton. The prosecutor had seen the cows purchased by the two previous witnesses; and had identified them as his. Mr Ring contended that the bill of sale showed that the cows were considered to be the prisoner’s property, and that he had therefore committed no act of felony in selling them. The Chairman, after consulting with Mr Bere, in the Nisi Prius Court, said, he did not think there was sufficient evidence to go to the Jury; and the prisoner was accordingly discharged.

Thursday 23 June 1853
Southmolton Divisional Petty Sessions, Monday
Affiliation Case – WM. BREAYLEY, of Chittlehampton, butcher, was summoned at the instance of MARY ANN BATER, of the same place, to shew cause why an order should not be made on him for the maintenance of her female bastard child born on the 10th April last, of which he was the putative father. Mr Russell M Riccard appeared in support of the application, and Mr Lionel Bencraft for the defence. It appeared that the parties had been “keeping company” from March to July, 1852; and a great number of witnesses were called to prove the same. On the other hand, as many persons deposed to cases in which the applicant had been too intimate with other men. The Bench made an order of 1s. per week with expenses. The hearing occupied five hours.

Thursday 30 June 1853
North Devon - Rare Opportunity of Investment
To be Sold, by Public Auction, by Mr John Gould, Auctioneer, at the ‘Fortescue Arms Hotel,’ Barnstaple, on Friday the 22nd day of July next, at the hour of Three in the Afternoon, the Fee-simple and Inheritance of one of the most desirable Farms in the far-famed County of Devon, called Bratton, and several Leasehold Cottages and Gardens, in the Town of Chittlehampton, in the County of Devon in the following Lots, viz:-
Lot 1 - The said Estate of Bratton, which consists of a good Farm House, with convenient Agricultural and Domestic Offices, and 80 Acres (more or less) of very superior Arable, Watered Meadow, Rich Pasture, and Orchard Land.
Lot 2 - A Cottage and Garden, now in the occupation of JAMES GRIFFITH.
Lot 3 - A Cottage and Garden, now in the occupation of JOHN SANDERS.
Lot 4 - A Cottage and Garden, now in the occupation of WILLIAM SANDERS.
Lot 5 - A Cottage and Garden, now in the occupation of WILLIAM FORD.
N.B. The last Four Lots, which are situated in or near to the Village of Chittlehampton, are held on Lease for the residue of a Term of 99 Years, determinable on the deaths of Three healthy Lives, respectively aged 62, 37, and 33 years.
Lot 6 - A Cottage and Garden, now in the occupation of JOHN ROWDEN.
Lot 7 - A Cottage, with a blacksmith’s Shop, adjoining, now in the occupation of MRS HUNT.
The last Two Lots are also situated in or near to the Village of Chittlehampton, and are also held on Lease for the residue of a Term of 99 Years, determinable on the deaths of Two Healthy Lives, respectively aged 66 and 40 Years.
The Estate of Bratton, comprised in Lot 1, which is situated close to the Town of Chittlehampton, comprises some of the best and richest Land in the neighbourhood; and is altogether a First Class Investment rarely to be met with, and well worthy the attention of Capitalists. Its situation is most desirable for all Agricultural purposes, being within Three Miles of the North Devon Railway, Five Miles from Southmolton, and Seven Miles from Barnstaple, both excellent Market Towns.
The Estate has been in the occupation of the Proprietor, who is recently deceased, for a great number of Years, and is in a high state of cultivation.
A considerable portion of the Purchase Money may remain on the Premises if desired.
For viewing, apply on the Premises; and, for further particulars, either of the Auctioneer, or of Messrs Riccard and Son, Solicitors and Proctors, Southmolton, Devon.
Dated 25th June, 1853.

Thursday 28 July 1853
Southmolton - The Divisional Petty Sessions
Salmon Poaching - JOHN HOWARD and ROBERT RUDD both of Chittlehampton, were summoned by John Grant, Esq., for attempting to take salmon in his private fishery, on the 20th day of June last. Andrew Down proved the case, but admitted, on his cross-examination by Mr Shapland, for the defendants, that the lands on the one side of the river, where they were seen, was the property of Mr Owen, and that on the other side belonged to Mr Bassett. Mr Owen Cooke was then called, and was about to put in a letter from Mr Owen to show that he had given Mr Grant the right of fishery over his property when Mr Shapland objected to this letter being received as evidence when Mr Owen himself might have been called to prove any fact; and that a right of fishery must be granted by deed. The bench agreed in this view and dismissed the case.

Thursday 18 August 1853
Accidents - JOHN HAYMAN, aged 31 of Chittlehampton, was admitted to the North Devon Infirmary with a severe wound of the first finger of the right hand, caused by striking it with a bill hook. The finger has since been amputated.

Thursday 13 October 1853
Little Blackwell, Chittlehampton. - To Be Sold by Auction, by Mr John Gould, on Tuesday 18th October inst., the Corn, Hay and other effects of MRS MARY CROCKER. The Sale to commence at Two o'clock precisely.

Thursday 10 November 1853
BIRTH - 7th inst., at Langaton, Chittlehampton, the wife of MR CHARLES MORRIS, of a son.

Thursday 24 November 1853
Southmolton – Police Court
Apple Stealing – Charles Williams, son of a shoemaker, living in this town, was brought up in custody of Superintendent Fisher, having been apprehended by him on the previous day, at Chittlehampton, charged with stealing apples from the orchard of MR JOHN SKINNER, of Meethe Farm, on the 4th instant, in company with the Thornes, whose committal for the offence we noticed a fortnight ago. He was committed for trial at the next Quarter Sessions for the borough, but admitted to bail.
Poaching - JAMES BARNES, son of ARTHUR BARNES of Furzebarn Farm, in the parish of Chittlehampton, was summoned by Samuel Stump, gamekeeper to John Grant, Esq., who rents the right of sporting on the lands of the late Lord Rolle, in that parish, for trespassing on the said farm in pursuit of rabbits. Fined 1s., and 10s. expenses, but, not liking the decision, rather than pay the eleven shillings, the accused allowed himself to be committed to the House of Correction for fourteen days.

Thursday 5 January 1854
County Courts, Southmolton
Breayley v. Breayley - This was a claim of £12 10s., for a legacy of £10, and a quarter’s annuity under the will of THOMAS BREAYLEY, deceased. Defendant, a farmer of Chittlehampton, had pleaded a set-off of £14 8s 4d. for cider and casks, farriering tools, &c. Some doubts seems to have been entertained as to the meaning of the word “implements” made use of in deceased’s will. His Honour expressed much doubt whether he had jurisdiction, and ultimately he consented to act as arbitrator between both parties. Mr Shapland appeared for plaintiff, and Mr Riccard for defendant.

Thursday 12 January 1854
MRS HUXTABLE, an industrious widow, living at Pronsberry farm, Chittlehampton, had 24 sheep washed away in the late floods.

Thursday 19 January 1854
Southmolton Divisional Petty Sessions, Monday January 16
Poaching - Samuel Stump, gamekeeper to John Grant, Esq., of Chittlehampton, summoned two young men of that parish, named BARNES and FEATHERSTONE, for trespassing in pursuit of game. The parties did not appear, and proof of service of summons having been given, warrants were issued for their apprehension.
Quarterly Borough Sessions
There was only one case to be tried, in which three persons named William Thorne, William Thorne, and Charles Williams, were charged with stealing apples from MR JOHN SKINNER, of Meethe Farm, about three months since. The elder prisoner was apprehended in the orchard by prosecutor’s son; the other of the Thornes was afterwards identified by him, and Williams was taken at Chittlehampton by Sergeant Fisher. Thorne the younger, and Charles Williams, pleaded “guilty”, the other was defended by Mr E K Gillard, but was found guilty by the Jury, and the three prisoners were each sentenced to three days’ imprisonment, and to be once whipped. The case occupied the Court three hours.

Thursday 16 February 1854
Southmolton Monthly Court
BRAYLEY v. BRAYLEY - Mr Shapland, for plaintiff, and Messrs. Riccard and Gillard, for defendant, who was sued for a legacy of £10, and a quarter’s annuity of £2 10s. under the will of plaintiff’s husband, MR THOMAS BRAYLEY, of Chittlehampton, farrier, deceased. A set-off had been pleaded, and the whole matter, by the consent of the parties, was left for his Honour’s arbitration. A good deal of contradictory evidence was gone into, and particularly as to the deposit of £30 twice in the Saving’s bank, by Miss Waldron (the maiden name of plaintiff). His Honour took a copy of the deceased’s will, the Saving’s bank book, and all other material papers and the matter again stood over.
Trant v. COCK - Plaintiff, a land surveyor of this town, sued defendant, a labourer, of Chittlehampton, for 10s., for a pig sold. Defendant did not appear, and judgment was ordered in a month.

Thursday 2 March 1854
Brutality - On Monday night week, MR HENRY MANNING, Winstone Farm, in Chittlehampton, had a very fine colt, valued at £30, maliciously and brutally killed. It was found in a ditch with its bowels ripped open, and it appeared to have been previously stabbed. It was a great pity the villain should have escaped.

Thursday 6 April 1854
Southmolton Divisional Petty Sessions
The Game Law “Snare” - WILLIAM DYER, a lad of Chittlehampton, was summoned by Policeman Ballard, for laying snares to entrap game, on the preserves of John Grant, Esq., of that parish. The evidence of Mr Samuel Stump, the gamekeeper, proved the fact, and the defendant was fined 2s. 6d., and the expenses, 12s.

Thursday 20 April 1854
DEATH - 8th inst., at Bickell Farm, in the parish of Swymbridge, aged 69, MRS ELIZABETH LOCK, for many years occupier of Furze Farm, Chittlehampton.

Thursday 11 May 1854
Southmolton Court.
Brown v. VICKERY. - Mr Riccard appeared for plaintiff, and Mr Shapland for defendant. This action was instituted to recover of MR and MRS VICKERY, of Chittlehamholt, an overland called "Little Henslys." Mr John Brown stated that he originally let the premises to defendant's wife (then Mrs Bowman) at Lady-day, 1851. Prior to Michaelmas he caused notice to quit to be served, but they still held on. There was 12 months' rent due as well. In cross-examination by Mr Shapland, witness said MRS VICKERY was a very old tenant, and might have been in possession before his father bought the manor. She also rented Collins and Starclose, or Burrows field, and the rent was about £22 a year. Never told her as Little Henslys was dear she should have it with the other two tenements. After she was served with notice to quite Henslys she gave notice to give up the whole. Mr Shapland said that MRS VICKERY had been a tenant for very many years, and things went on very smoothly until she complained of the premises being too dear, when Mr Brown said, "Very well, if it's too dear, I'll throw in Little Henslys to make up for it." And now having a more favourable chance of a tenant, he gives her notice to quite; and some malicious person had cut up a plough of defendant's, who, thinking she could not come to terms, gave notice to quite the whole premises. He should show that his client had been a very honest tenant, and that Mr Brown had been a very harsh landlord. MRS VICKERY said she took Henslys and Collins's at £15 a year, and gave £15 a year for Starclose. It was so dear that her husband would not keep it. Took the whole at £32 a year. Henslys was given her to make up for the other. Understood that she was to go in and out at Michaelmas. His Honour remarked that the evidence was directly contradictory; for, on the one hand, MRS VICKERY said, that as the two tenements were dear she was to have Henslys thrown with it, and on the other hand Mr Brown stated that no such arrangement was made. He should, therefore, look to what was fair between them; and if the old lady's statement was true she would have three Summers and two Winters. If this was taken at Ladyday she must quite at Ladyday. Warrant to deliver possession to issue in a fortnight.

Thursday 25 May 1854
County Magistrates’ Meeting, Southmolton
Assault by a Constable – Thomas Stone summoned BALLARD, the constable of Chittlehampton, for assault and battery, which was committed on the Fast-day. The peace-keeper was fined £2 and costs.

Thursday 15 June 1854
Southmolton Monthly Court
KENTISBEER v. Manniford - Plaintiff is a farmer, of Chittlehampton, and defendant a “ganger” on the railway at Plymouth. This was a claim of 10s. for money received by him from and to be paid for plaintiff, but which he had failed to do. Ordered to be paid in a month.

Thursday 29 June 1854
A Distinguished Individual - That notorious old offender, JOHN BOWDEN, of Chittlehampton, was brought the other day before the Borough Magistrates, and by them committed to the County Gaol for three months, for absconding from the Union Workhouse with the Union dress, and for refractory conduct in the said house. This is the Thirtieth time that he has been committed for the same offence, six times to the Borough gaol and twenty-four to the County.

Thursday 13 July 1854
North Devon Infirmary
Accidents - WILLIAM BRADFORD, of Chittlehampton, with severe compound fracture of the left thigh. He had been working at a threshing machine, when his left leg and thigh became entangled in the machinery, causing the fracture.

Thursday 27 July 1854
Devon Lammas Assizes
Burglary - Mary King Mitchell (16), servant, was convicted of burglary at the house of WILLIAM BURGESS, at Chittlehampton, on the 5th of April last. A former conviction was proved against her, and she was sentenced to penal servitude for five years.

Thursday 31 August 1854
Southmolton Divisional Petty Sessions
JOHN DENDLE of the ‘Gold Lion Inn,’ Chittlehampton, was fined £2, including expenses, for drawing beer during the time of divine service on Sunday the 6th inst., being the day prior to the new act coming into operation.

Thursday 14 September 1854
South Molton Monthly Court
Brown v. GRADDON - Mr Gillard appeared for the plaintiff. The action was commenced by Miss Brown, of the ‘Red Lion Inn,’ in this town, to recover of the defendant, a farmer, of Chittlehampton, and late occupier of the inn, the sum of £32 10s., for cash paid for a beer engine and furnace, not rendered in order, as agreed to be, and damage and loss of beer in consequence. Miss Brown and Mr William Powell were called to prove this, and as to the repairs wanted to the furnace, &c. Mr William Powell said he found a leak in the bottom of the furnace the first time he put a bucket of water in it. MR GRADDON called Mr Brealey, brazier, and Mr Rendle, to show that the furnace and engine were put in repair, and MR GRADDON, on being examined, said he never agreed to put it in repair, but “came to repair it (to Mr Gillard) by your advice to keep myself out of law.” (Laughter) A contradictory argument here took place between the defendant and Mr White, painter, of this town. The Judge thought it possible that some friend might be named by the parties to see the premises and report to him thereon, but Mr Shapland suggested to MR GRADDON that decision be had at once. Judge to MR GRADDON; Have you seen the book wherein your name is written? MR GRADDON: I’ll swear I never wrote it. The Judge thought that, looking over the whole of the case, and the conduct of the plaintiff, there was some understanding that the engine and furnace should be put in repair, but thought the claim for damages most preposterous, and gave judgment for £2, with costs, on a reduced scale, and no witnesses allowed.

Thursday 28 September 1854
Southmolton Petty Sessions.
Bastardy. - EDWIN LAKE, labourer, of Chittlehamholt, was summoned by SARAH BOUCHER, of the same place, to have an order made on him for the maintenance of her illegitimate child. The defendant admitted his paternity, and an order was accordingly made on him for 1s. per week.

Thursday 26 October 1854
Horrible Infanticide. - Every parental feeling, every sentiment of pity, and every virtuous principle in the heart of the public, were moved, on Thursday last, by intelligence, brought to this town, that a servant girl, living at Myrtle-cottage, in the parish of Fremington, the residence of J. F. Barnard, Esq., had been guilty of the terrible crime of causing the death of her two illegitimate children, at the time of their birth, on the morning of the previous day. Shocking as the case was in itself, a supernumerary horror was added to it when it became known that ELIZA BOUCHER, the perpetrator of this twofold murder, was the same girl who, two years ago, within a day or two committed a similar crime at Barnstaple. In that instance, according to her own account, she first buried her child in the ashpit, and afterwards took it up, and burned the body in the furnace, on a washing day. She was then committed to the county gaol, to take her trial on the capital charge, and also for concealment of birth. There was not sufficient evidence to convict for the capital offence, but for concealment of birth she was sentenced to six months' imprisonment. Baron Martin observing, on that occasion, that young women would not leave those criminal courses until some of them got hung. But neither the pangs of remorse that must have been felt at so shocking a disclosure, nor the misery of the various examinations, the confinement in gaol, the warning of the judge, nor the penalty suffered, have been sufficient to deter this hardened criminal from repeating the offence within the brief space of a year after her liberation from prison. She is, it is said, a native of Chittlehamholt, and has an illegitimate daughter growing up somewhere in that direction. She was taken into the service of Mr Barnard on the 6th of April last, with a benevolent view to her reformation.
ELIZA BOUCHER gave birth to twins on Wednesday, the 18th instant, under circumstances that will be detailed in the evidence below, as far as decency will allow such evidence to be given. One of the infants, the male, was dead when she was first discovered, between seven and eight o'clock in the morning, the other, the female infant, lived until between twelve and one, but both bore unequivocal marks of violence.
[Four columns then followed of the evidence]
It was now past six o'clock, and after a few minutes respite, the Jury having assembled, and a few minor matters being attended to, the Coroner proceeded to address the Jury in a very able and impressive manner, on the important and solemn inquiry in which they were engaged, and paid them a well-merited compliment for the patient attention they had given to the evidence brought before them, and to the surgeons, Messrs. Morgan and Cooke, for the manner in which their professional evidence had been prepared and given. He alluded to the case of Mrs Barnard as being no doubt the first instance in this country in which the new law relating to the administration of oaths had been applied. He had adjourned the Inquiry for one day, with a desire, he hoped a laudable one, of meeting the religious convictions of Mrs Barnard, and relieving her and himself from the painful position in which they were placed by the law as it stood until that day. Mrs Barnard had given her evidence like a lady, in a manner the most unimpeachable, and which would do credit to any one placed in the position of a witness. After a summing up of nearly two hours' duration, the Jury were left to consider their verdict. The Jury consulted about twenty minutes, and then returned a verdict of Wilful Murder against ELIZA BOUCHIER on both the infants. The prisoner was brought into Barnstaple yesterday (Wednesday); and placed for safe custody in the borough prison, until she is fit to be removed to the county gaol.

Thursday 7 December 1854
Southmolton County Court
Brown v. CARTER - The plaintiff, by his agent, MR BATER, of Chittlehampton, where the defendant also resides, claimed 17s. 6d., being a quarter’s rent of a cottage, &c., in that village, due at Lady-day, 1853. The defendant disputed the debt, but could not produce any receipt; it was ordered in 4s. a month. This defendant also left saying he could not pay it.

Thursday 26 April 1855
DEATH - 25th inst., at South Newton, Chittlehampton, ELIZABETH, the wife of MR WILLIAM STONE, aged 47.

Thursday 12 July 1855
DEATH - 9th inst., at Ash Farm, Chittlehampton, MRS AMOS BRAILEY, aged 40.

Thursday 19 July 1855
Robberies - Early on Sunday morning, some thieves entered the outhouses at Brightly Barton, and stole therefrom two old coats, some guano bags, &c., belonging to MR W. GRADDON. From thence they went to farmer GODBEER'S, at Nethercleave, and stole six fowls, a flail, a firkin, and a jar. They next visited MRS GUARD, at Nethercleave, an adjoining farm, and took 11 chicken, 8 old hens, and two ducks, and a quantity of cream from the dairy. In breaking open the windows, the noise awoke young GEORGE GUARD who gave chase to the thieves, who in their hurry left several guano bags, the firkin, and one of the dead ducks on his premises. Young GUARD, suspecting their track made for the railway bridge over the river at Umberleigh, where he met three men bearing burdens. Seizing one of them, after a long struggle, he succeeded in taking the handstaff of GODBEER'S flail from the rogue, who with his companions, escaped without recognition, owing to the darkness of the night. GUARD had a loaded gun with him which he attempted to discharge, but the piece missed fire.

Thursday 9 August 1855
County Court, Barnstaple
ARTHUR v. Delbridge - The plaintiff is a farmer of Chittlehampton, and the defendant a butcher. The claim was for £2 5s., a sum which the defendant kept back on the price of a lot of sheep to cover their alleged unsoundness. Mr I Bencraft for the defendant. Plaintiff had sold him two lots, one of eight and another of twenty-three, but did not warrant them as sound. Defendant agreed to take them away in small lots, and in addition to unsoundness, and some of them being too far gone in lamb, he complained that the sheep had not been well kept, and were in worse condition when he came to the last, than when he bargained for them. In consequence of the unsound state of some of the sheep, he had been obliged to sell the mutton of them in the market at from 4 ½ d. to 5d. per lb. The plaintiff, however made his case good, and obtained a judgment for £2 10s., as the butcher’s was a ready money trade, was ordered to pay in a week.

Thursday 30 August 1855
DEATH - 24th inst., at the ‘Rolle Arms Inn,’ Chittlehampton, MR JAMES BREALEY, aged 59.

Thursday 27 September 1855
Southmolton Divisional Petty Sessions
Monday, September 24th
Miss Fire - JOHN FACEY, junior, WILLIAM BREALEY, and JOHN BUCKINGHAM, alias Duke, all of Chittlehampton, were summoned on the information of P O Ballard, for trespassing in search of game on Shilston estate, in that parish, occupied by MR WILLIAM JOCE. The complainant had, it seemed, requested Ballard to inform against all persons he might see trespassing on his estate without reservation, but in this instance it happened, that MR FACEY was complainant’s nephew, and had leave to go on the estate, and in the exercise of his privilege had taken the other defendants with him. MR JOCE, consequently, would not have the charge pressed, and the case was dismissed.
A Lesson to Landlords. - GEORGE DENDLE, of the ‘Golden Lion Inn,’ Chittlehampton, was summoned by the above-named officer, for allowing drunkenness in his house, at one o’clock in the morning of the 22nd. The case was proved, and the offender fined £5, with 17s. 6d. costs. This being the second offence, the bench intimated to the defendant the propriety of making the business arrangements that might be necessary, as it was not likely he would get his licence another year.

Thursday 29 November 1855
BIRTH - 16th inst., at Langaton, in the parish of Chittlehampton, the wife of MR CHARLES MORRIS, of a daughter.

Thursday 20 December 1855
Southmolton Divisional Petty Sessions
The “Cold Shade.” MARY ANN COCK and MARY ANN DAVEY, two married women of Chittlehampton, were summoned on the information of P.O. Ballard, for picking up a few dead crow sticks, alias “stealing a quantity of wood” - from a plantation, the property of the Trustees of the late Lord Rolle, on two different days, each to the value of one penny. The poor women admitted having picked up the sticks so valued, which they tied up with their garters and brought home under their arm, and so large was the “quantity,” that it was put all into the fire at once. The culprits were informed of the nature of the late act for extending the jurisdiction of the magistrates, and were given their choice, either of being disposed of by the bench or going to Exeter. They chose the former, and were then sentenced to three days’ imprisonment.

Thursday 17 January 1856
Southmolton Divisional Petty Sessions. Monday, Jan. 14th.
Unlawful Fishing. - THOMAS LANE, of Chittlehampton (who was defended by Mr Shapland) appeared to a summons on the information of James Arnold of Kingsnympton, for endeavouring to "take a certain fish called a salmon, with a spear," on Sunday, the 30th ult., on certain enclosed lands, the property of Earl Fortescue, in Chulmleigh. The informant's testimony was supported by the evidence of a young man named Manning. The case being clearly proved, he was fined £1 and expenses; in default of payment he was committed for three weeks to the county gaol. Both Earl Fortescue and Lord Ebrington departed before the hearing of the last case, the noble earl being an interested party.

Thursday 7 February 1856
Southmolton. Accident - On Saturday evening last, a poor woman, named SLEE, of Chittlehampton, slipped her foot and fell over the bank, near the house of Mr Vicary, baker, and unfortunately fractured the hip bone. Messrs. Ley and Gardener, surgeons, were soon in attendance, when she was conveyed to the 'North Country Inn' where she still remains but doing favourably.
DEATH - 2nd inst., at the residence of her son-in-law, J. M. Fisher, Esq., SARAH, relict of JOHN NICKOLLS, Esq., formerly of Chittlehampton, aged 87.

Thursday 21 February 1856
DEATH - 8th instant, at Stoke, MR JOHN CAMP, late of Chittlehampton, aged 72.

Thursday 6 March 1856
Southmolton - Accident. On Saturday night last, MR THOMAS JOCE, of Chittlehampton, (who had lately returned from Australia), slipped his foot and fell over the bank, near the house of Mr Vicary, baker, and broke his thigh, the bone protruding through the skin. He was conveyed to the 'Barnstaple Inn,' and Dr Riccard speedily summoned to his assistance, under whose skilful treatment the patient is going on favourably.
South Bray Farm, Chittlehampton, Devon. - Mr John Gould will Sell by Auction, on the above Premises, on Wednesday and Thursday, the 19th and 20th days of March, 1856, the valuable Farm Stock, Corn, Hay, Implements, & Household Furniture, of MR W. VATER, who is about to retire from business; comprising:- 7 Fat Cows and Heifers, 4 Fat Steers, 4 Steers, three years old, 4 Steers, 2-years-and-half-old, 4 ditto, two years old, 2 Cows in Calf, 2 Fieur Cows fresh in milk; 8 Fat Sheep, 60 Nott Ewes, with their lambs or have lambed, 50- Ewe and Wether Hoggerts, 14 Horn Couples, 2 Nott Rams; 4 Farm Horses, two of which are very superior, 1 Pony, 1 Colt, two years old; 7 Fat Pigs, 1 Sow in Pigs, and 8 superior Slip Pigs; 4 Acres of Wheat in Ricks, 14 Acres of Barley in Ricks (both prime samples), about 10 Tons of Hay, 20 Bags of Potatoes, 3,000 Faggots of Wood and Furze, in convenient Ricks, 2 Hogsheads of Cider.
Implements:- A capital Thrashing Machine, Winnowing Machine, Bags and Measures, an excellent Chaff-cutter (by Ransom), 1 single Turnip-drill, 1 Five-Ash ditto, a Carrot-crusher and Turnip-cutter, Cider Press & Engine, 2 Wagons, Market Cart, 4 Butts and Wheels, 2 Long Carts, 3 good Ploughs, 1 Iron Scuffler, 2 Stone Rollers, Wood, do., 2 pairs of Harrows, 2 pairs of Drags, 2 Wheelbarrows, 2 Seed-lips, Horse Hoe, Drilling Plough, Rakes, Picks, Shovels, Iron Bars, Stone and Wood Pigs' Troughs, Sheep Trough and Racks, 6 Score Hurdles, many Hundreds of Spars, 6 Ladders, a large lot of capital Cider Casks, Kieves, Tubs, Vats, Jibs, &c., several sets of double and single Horse Harness, Saddles and Bridles.
Among the Furniture will be found Bedsteads, Feather Beds, long Kitchen Table and Form, Dresser and Shelves, Clock and Case, China, Glass & Earthenware, Kitchen Chairs, Brewing Utensils, in Kieves, Casks, Tubs, Buckets, Brass Kettle, Pots and Boilers, Brass and Iron Candlesticks, large Beam and Scales, Weights, Steelyards, Running Crooks, Fire Irons, Fenders, Settle, Milk Pans, Coolers, Safe, Salters and various other articles too numerous to particularize.
An excellent Gig and Harness; also, a quantity of Ash and Elm, to be Sold in Lots.
The Farm Stock, Implements, Corn and Hay, will be Sold on the first day. The Furniture, Wood, Potatoes, &c., on the second day.
Refreshments at Twelve, and the Sale to commence by One o'clock.
Dated March 3rd, 1856

Thursday 3 April 1856
Southmolton Petty Sessions, Monday, March 31.
Turnpike Case. - SAMUEL CONGRAM was summoned by the Trustees of the Barnstaple Turnpike Road, for having on the 25th of Jan. last, passed the Chittlehampton toll-bar with a wagon and two horses, when he refused to pay the toll. Mr Law, of Barnstaple appeared for the Trustees, and Mr J. T. Shapland for the defendant, who did not appear. This case came before the bench about a month since, when the defendant's advocate argued that, as the collector had not got her name affixed to the toll-house, as required by law, his client was not liable to pay. As there were doubts on that point, the case was adjourned for the purpose of giving the Trustees an opportunity of taking counsel's opinion on the matter. The bench having heard what was to be said, found the defendant guilty, and fined him 10s. - The same defendant then had to answer a charge of barbarously assaulting the toll collector, ANN CLARKE, on the day in question. Mr Law called ANN CLARKE to prove her case, which was gone into at some length. Mr Shapland called two witnesses to contradict the complainant's statement, but the bench considering the counter-evidence inconclusive, fined CONGRAM £6 and the expenses in both cases. In default of payment, warrant of distress to issue, and in case there be no effects to distrain upon, to be committed to prison for 3 months and 3 days.

Thursday 24 April 1856
TORRINGTON - Suicide of a Soldier. - On Tuesday forenoon a young man was found hanging by the neck and quite dead in a linhay belonging to Mr Riddaway, at Norwood, in this parish, where it is supposed he had been suspended for more than two days. He was found by an old man who had gone into the linhay to rest himself. The body was removed to the 'Barnstaple and Bideford Inn,' where an Inquest was held before J. H. Toller, Esq., Deputy Coroner. The unhappy man proves to be WILLIAM WHITEFIELD, of Chittlehampton, labourer, belonging to the 47th Company of Royal Marines, and now a deserter. Eliza Hartnoll, his sweetheart, deposed that the last time she saw him was on Friday, the 11th instant: no one in the neighbourhood is known to have seen him since. Mr Hole, surgeon, was of opinion that the rash act was committed more than two days before he was found. As there was no evidence to prove the state of his mind at the time, the Jury returned an open verdict.

Thursday 1 May 1856
MARRIAGE - 29th ult., at Chittlehampton Church, by the Rev. R. H. Chichester, MR ROBERT PEARCE of Newnham Barton, Chulmleigh, to ELIZABETH, daughter of MR WILLIAM VATER, of the former place.

Thursday 15 May 1856
Southmolton Court. -
LOCK v. SYMONS - A claim of £1 1s. 6d. for the rent of a cottage, &c., at Chittlehampton. As the defendant was not present and living out of the district (at Braunton) an affidavit of service of the summons was produced, and payment was ordered in 8s. a month.

Thursday 12 June 1856
DEATH - 5th instant, at Chittlehampton, JOHN, eldest son of MR WILLIAM GREENSLADE, of Collacott Barton, in that parish, aged 20.
CHITTLEHAMPTON - Distressing Accident. - As the eldest son of MR WILLIAM GREENSLADE, a large cattle dealer of Collacott Barton, in this parish, was driving a cart to the Umberleigh Station, laden with dead stock intended for the London market, the horse which he was driving (and which MR GREENSLADE had only recently purchased), is supposed to have 'jibbed,' as the driver unharnessed it; and, to save the train, was riding it home very fast for another, when in turning a corner the horse fell down, throwing off the rider, who received a severe blow upon the side of his head which fractured his skull, and rendered him insensible. Mr Sanders, the foot post from Southmolton, happening to pass soon after, found the poor fellow lying in this state in the road; he quickly procured assistance, when the unfortunate youth was taken to the house of the Rev. R. H. Chichester., Mr Furse, surgeon, of Southmolton was promptly in attendance, and did all he could for him, but human aid was of no avail, and he died in less than two hours from a rupture of a blood-vessel upon the brain. The only time the poor fellow spoke was when they moved him first, when he said, "Oh, don't!" An Inquest was held the same evening before J. H. Toller, Esq., Deputy Coroner, and a respectable Jury, when a verdict of "Accidental Death" was returned. He was a very steady and industrious young man, and much respected.

Thursday 26 June 1856
Chittlehampton, Devon. To Be Sold by Auction, by Mr John Gould, on Monday, the 14th day of July next, at the 'Barnstaple Inn,' in Southmolton, precisely at Three o'clock in the Afternoon, the Fee-simple and Inheritance of and in the undermentioned Farms, Lands, and Premises, Situate in Chittlehampton, in the following Lots, viz.:-
Lot 1. - All those parts of all that capital Farm and Estate, called BRODIN HILL, situate in Chittlehampton aforesaid, consisting of a House and all necessary and convenient Cottages, Outhouses, and Offices, and 92 Acres (more or less) of Orchard, Meadow, Arable, and Pasture Land, now in the occupation of Messrs. MARTIN and FREDERICK PLCE, as Tenants thereof.
Lot 2. - Two Closes of Land, formerly Four Closes, called The Great Marsh, and The Lower Bleaky Park, containing together about 12A. 3R. 7P., formerly part of Brodin Hill and Clappery Mill Estates, and now in the several occupations of the said Messrs. PLACE and MR JOHN MILLS.
Lot 3. - Three Closes of Land, called The Higher Ham, with the Orchard adjoining, and the Lower Down, containing together about 9A. 1R. 11P., also formerly part of Clappery Mill Estate, and now in the occupation of MR HENRY MOLE, and others.
Lot 4. - The Reversion in Fee of and in Two Cottages and several Closes of Land, containing together about 8 Acres, expectant on the death of a Life now aged about 51 Years, and in the occupation of JOHN PONSFORD, the Lessee.
Lot 5. - The Reversion in Fee of and in a Cottage and Garden, containing about 24 Perches, expectant on the death of a Life now aged 44 Years, and in the occupation of JOHN JOCE.
Lot 6. - All that Messuage, Tenement and Grist Mills, called Clapworthy, otherwise Clappery Mills, with the Dwelling House, Garden, Orchards, and Outhouses, and a Field or Close of Land belonging thereto, containing altogether about 2A. 2R. 0P., now in the occupation of MR HENRY MOLE, as Tenant thereof; together with the 3 Cottages and Gardens adjoining, the same now in the occupation of Messrs. VANSTONE and others.
The above Grist Mills, have been lately put in first-rate working order, and contain 3 pair of French Stones, with all necessary dressing and cleaning Machinery and Gear, and are supplied with a never-failing stream of water.
For viewing the different Lots, apply to the Tenants, and any further particulars may be obtained from Mr James Huxtable, Saunton Court, Braunton; Mr John Mills, Bradbury, Chittlehampton, or at the Offices of Messrs. Riccard and Son, Solicitors and Proctors, Southmolton. Dated 26th June, 1856

Thursday 24 July 1856
MARRIAGE - 22nd inst., at Chittlehampton, by the Rev. R. Chichester, Mr Robert Buckingham, of Knowstone, to MISS ANN MORRIS, of Lerwell, in the former parish.

Thursday 16 October 1856
BIRTH - 15th inst., at the Vicarage, Chittlehampton, the wife of the REV. R. H. CHICHESTER, of a daughter.

Thursday 23 October 1856
Southmolton Petty Sessions. Sunday Drinking. WILLIAM MANNATON was summoned, on the complaint of P. C. Ballard, of Chittlehampton, for keeping his house open for the sale of beer at half-past four on Sunday, the 5th inst. Several witnesses were called one each side there being a difference in the various time-pieces. Defendant was fined £2, with £1 17s. 6d. expenses. A moiety of the fine was paid to Ballard.
ELIZABETH LETHBRIDGE and MARY COCKS were summoned by the same complainant for malicious injury to property belonging to Mr R. M. Riccard. The matter was settled by fine.

Thursday 11 December 1856
Southmolton Magistrates Court -
LOCK v. HOWARD - This was a claim of 17s. 6d., the balance due for rent of a cottage in Chittlehampton at Michaelmas last. The plaintiff stated that the defendant took the house of him for one year, but he had not given him up the key. The defendant considered she owed plaintiff nothing, he having taken possession of all the potatoes and cabbages in her garden. She produced her valuation of them, which appeared to be highly estimated, she also had an item or two for schooling of children and for whitewashing she had caused to be done. His Honour gave judgment for 15s., and, as the plaintiff had taken possession, he was not to sue for any more rent. The defendant still persisted that she owed nothing, but on being pressed by the Judge, she offered to pay 3d. per week; while the plaintiff said, although she was a servant, he had been told she could pay the amount very well. An order of 4s. per month was granted.

Thursday 18 December 1856
Southmolton Magistrates Court
GEORGE DUNN, of Chittlehampton, who was charged on Wednesday with stealing a velveteen jacket and knife, the property of John Richards, of Filleigh, gamekeeper to the Earl Fortescue. Prisoner was apprehended by Superintendent Fisher. The evidence being deemed sufficient, the prisoner was sentenced to two months' imprisonment with hard labour in Exeter gaol.

Thursday 25 December 1856
CHITTLEHAMPTON - Death by Drowning. - On the 14th, a little boy about six years of age, named WILLIAM DREW, son of MR GEORGE DREW, of New Barn, in the parish of Chittlehampton, was accidentally drowned by falling into a stream near the river Taw. It appears that the little fellow accompanied another boy who was sent to field with the bows, and while out, they went to the side of the stream to look at the fish in the water. The unfortunate boy who was drowned, wishing to emulate the other in getting to some dangerous point to look into the stream, over-balanced himself and fell in. The water at that particular place was deep, and from the recent fall of rain, the current rapid, which drew him altogether out of the reach of his distressed companion on the shore. Although every search was made, nothing more was seen or heard of him until last Friday, when the body was found about a mile from the spot at which he fell in. An Inquest was held on Saturday, when a verdict of Accidental Death was returned. The mother of the ill-fated child is literally distracted; the paroxysms of her grief are so violent as to require two or three persons to hold her.

Thursday 15 January 1857
Southmolton – County Court, Tuesday December 6, 1856
DUNN v. KENTISBEARE. - Mr Gillard appeared for the plaintiff, and Mr Shapland for the defendant, who lives at Chittlehampton, and was summoned for the recovery of £2 15s., for alleged damages done to plaintiff’s orchard by defendant’s cattle, and for damages in consequence of the defendant’s cutting and carrying away a quantity of furze, &c., from the plaintiff’s property. MR GRADDON stated that he let the property (consisting of an orchard and garden) to the defendant, which he was to farm in a good husbandry-like manner. The furze had grown to a most extraordinary height in three years. Abel Tucker, nurseryman, stated that the orchard had been greatly injured by something; he had valued the damage at £1. Mr Shapland, in defending, stated that this was a most trumpery case, and he would prove that not a farthing’s damage had been done by his client, whom he called, and who stated that he had been served with notice to quit, and had also received a letter from Mr Gillard, requesting him to come in, in order to the making of fresh arrangement for continuing tenant; he had never cut a bind on the premises; had taken about 120 faggots. Mr Mortimer, a very respectable farmer, stated that he had been over the property on Monday week last; he considered the limbs of the trees had been eaten off by canker. If he had rented the farm, he should have grubbed it up and manured it, but it would not pay to do so under a yearly tenancy. He did not think there had been any damage done for a couple of years. Another witness, who had known the property for fifteen or sixteen years, gave similar evidence, and the Judge nonsuited the plaintiff.
County Court – Torrington, Friday, January 9th
Heywood v. THOMAS - In this case the plaintiff, a farmer, of Winkleigh, sued the defendant, of Chittlehampton, who is his son-in-law, for £15 15s. for the maintenance and expense of medical attendance on his daughter. It appeared the defendant had married the plaintiff’s daughter in 1855, and taken a farm to go into; but after living with his wife a month, had heartlessly deserted her, since which time she had been dependent on her father for support. The defendant did not appear, and judgment was given for the amount claimed, with costs and advocate’s fee. Mr Fulford appeared on behalf of the plaintiff.

Thursday 29 January 1857
Larey Farm, In Chittlehampton, Devon
To be Let by Tender, for a Term of 14 years, from Lady-day 1857, this very desirable Farm, containing about 267 Acres of good Arable, Pasture, and Meadow Land, situate at Larey, in the Parish of Chittlehampton, and in the occupation of the Owner.
The Larey Farm is about 6 Miles from Barnstaple, and 2 from the Lime Kilns at Marsh.
To view the Farm, apply to JOHN GEBBETT, on the Premises; and for particulars of letting, to Mr Brewer, Castle Hill, near Southmolton, to whom Tenders may be sent up to the 28th February next.

Thursday 5 February 1857
DEATH - 1st inst., at Chittlehampton, CHARITY, relict of the late MR RICHARD CONGRAM, aged 83.

Thursday 12 February 1857
DEATH - 6th inst., at Chittlehampton village, MR THOMAS GRADDON, aged 37.

Thursday 26 February 1857
LERWELL, Chittlehampton, Devon. - Mr John Gould begs to acquaint his Friends and the Public, that he is favoured with instructions to Sell by Auction, on the above Premises, on Wednesday, the 4th March next, the whole of the valuable Farm Stock, Implements, Corn, &c., of MRS G. MORRIS, who has declined Business; comprising... Bullocks. - 7 Cows and Heifers in Calf; 1 Fat Cow; 2 Fieur Heifers; 1 Steer, three years old; 10 ditto, two years old; 3 Heifers, two years old; 6 Steer and Heifer Yearlings; and 1 Winter Calf. - Sheep. - 43 Nott Ewes, with Lambs by their side or in Lamb; 40 Nott Ewe and Wether Hoggerals; 1 Nott Ram. - Horses. - 1 powerful Bay Mare, seven years old, 16 hands high; 1 Chesnut Mare, five years old, 16 hands high; 1 good Cob 14 ½ hands high, a good hack and broken to Harness; 1 Galloway, seven years old, 14 hands high, thoroughly good; 1 capital Labour Horse; 1 Colt, three years old; 1 Yearling Colt. 3 splendid Fat Pigs, 7 large Store Pigs.
10 Acres of Wheat, in Rick, prime sample; 10 Bags of Potatoes.
Implements. - 1 Market Cart, Lime Waggon, 2 Long Carts, 2 Butts, Winnowing Machine, Bags, Sieves, and Measures, 4 Ash Turnip Drill, Single Turnip Drill, Horse Hoe, Scuffler, Drags and Harrows, 2 single Ploughs nearly new, Chaff Cutter, Picks, Rakes, Mattocks, and Shovels, Grinding Stone and a quantity of Hurdles; 5 sets of Double & Single Horse Harness and various other Articles too numerous to particularize. Refreshments at Twelve and the Sale to commence by Two o'clock precisely. The above Stock will be found well worthy inspection; the Horses especially are remarkably handsome and good. Dated February 14th, 1857.

Thursday 19 March 1857
MARRIAGE - 14th inst., at the parish church, Chittlehampton, by the Rev R H Chichester, vicar, Mr George Harris, Wearmouth, to ANN, eldest daughter of the late MR JOHN HUXTABLE, of Prosberry, in the former parish.

Thursday 2 April 1857
Divisional Petty Sessions
GEORGE DUNN, of Chittlehampton, was summoned for trespassing in pursuit of game on the preserves of Earl Fortescue, on the information of Mr O’Dell, keeper. A warrant was issued for his apprehension.

Thursday 16 April 1857
County Courts – Southmolton
Cole v. CHAPPLE. - the plaintiff is a currier, of this town, and the defendant a shoemaker, of Chittlehampton. The action was brought to recover £12 9s. 10d. for goods sold. The defendant was not present, through illness, and plaintiff asked for payment in a month, which was ordered.
MARRIAGE - 9th inst., at the parish church, Great Torrington, by the Rev S Buckland, MR WILLIAM MANNATON, of Chittlehampton, to Elizabeth, daughter of Mr John Stoneman, of the former place.

Thursday 7 May 1857
County Courts – Barnstaple
BUCKINGHAM v. Stanbury. - Plaintiff is a farmer of Chittlehampton; defendant an auctioneer residing in Barnstaple. The action was brought to recover £2 5s. as a compensation for loss sustained on the purchase of a rick of wheat at a sale held at Stowford farm, in the parish of Swimbridge, in September last, a part of which turned out to be what is technically called “liners.” Mr Shapland, of Southmolton, for plaintiff. It appeared from the statement of plaintiff, which he supported by the evidence of his workman, that at the bottom of the rick, when it came to be removed, there were two wagon loads of corn that had been thrashed, and was in the condition termed “liners,” that is, sheaves that had been laid on the floor and thrashed, and were ready to be “combed” and made up into “reed.” Calculating by the general yield of the rest, plaintiff estimated his loss at six bushels of grain which at 7s. 6d. per bushel, somewhat below the market price at the time, made the amount claimed. Defendant said, all he knew about it was, that he was employed to sell the corn, and he would defy any one to tell what sort of corn was in the rick except those who put it there, as it was impossible to pull out any as a sample. Defendant put into court the conditions of sale which chewed that the articles sold were to be taken with their imperfections and defects. The Judge said it was a hard case on Mr Stanbury. Mr Shapland: But Mr Stanbury has his remedy, he can recover from his employer. The Judge: - His employer was the sheriff. Mr Shapland: - A most responsible person. The Judge said, he said Mr Stanbury was liable, but it was a serious case as affecting the responsibility of auctioneers. After a further discussion of the matter, His Honour decided on giving judgment against the defendant for the amount claimed, and allowing 9s. 6d. to plaintiff for his expenses.

Thursday 14 May 1857
DEATH - 4th inst., at Brightley Mills, Chittlehampton, MARIA, wife of MR WILLIAM CLARKE SMITH, aged 37.

Thursday 11 June 1857
BIRTH - 3rd instant, at Leary, Chittlehampton, the wife of MR THOS. HOLLOWAY, jun., of a son.

Thursday 30 July 1857
Accident - On Thursday last, a lad named HOWARD of Nethercleave, Chittlehampton, fell from a tree while gathering mazzards, and was unfortunately caught on an iron crook by which the scrotum and lower part of the abdomen were considerably lacerated. Mr R Furse, surgeon, of Southmolton, was promptly in attendance, and under his judicious treatment the lad is going on favourably.

Thursday 13 August 1857
Southmolton - "First Fruits." - A splendid sample of new wheat was shewn in the market on Saturday, by MR GODBEER, of Northcleave, Chittlehampton, which was sold at 7s. 9d. per bushel.
DEATH - Barnstaple - 12th inst. at Orchard Terrace, Rumsam, in this borough, MRS MARY BEER, formerly of Bittacott Barton, Chittlehampton.

Thursday 29 October 1857
South Molton County Magistrates’ Meeting
JOHN CONGRAM, was brought before Lord Ebrington and other magistrates, charged with stealing a quantity of potatoes from MR HENRY MANNING, at Chittlehampton, on the 21st inst., value 6d. It appeared that the defendant was known by prosecutor’s work-people to have a propensity for picking and stealing, and had warned him to keep his hands therefrom. On the day in question, during their absence, they set the toll-collector of the Umberleigh-gate to watch him, when he was detected stealing these potatoes. He was sentenced to 14 days’ imprisonment. The old sinner was 75 years of age.

Thursday 7 January 1858
Chittlehampton Ploughing Match - Although ploughing matches are now becoming so general that nearly every parish can boast of having one, yet few will be found to equal that which took place on Friday last, in a field on Ash Farm, the property of MRS BRAYLEY, in this parish. The day was most auspicious, almost like a May day. There were no less than 22 ploughs entered to compete for the various prizes, there being one only offered "open to all England," for which four contended. Three prizes were offered for men living in the parish, which was competed for by ten ploughs; and there were also three prizes for boys under 18, living in the parish, for which 8 did their utmost to win. It was a grand sight to see so many at work in one field, and that work done in such excellent style. The Committee of Management were Messrs. W. JOCE, G. CROCKER, C. MORRIS, J. FACEY, G. GRADDON, and BURGESS; the umpires were Messrs. ANTHONY MANNING, jun., of Filleigh, GEORGE GARD, of Nethercleave and JAMES HARRIS, of Dipford, whose awards gave universal satisfaction. In addition to the prizes, every ploughman and boy was rewarded with from 5s. to 2s. each. More than 300 persons were in the field during the performance of the works, where might be purchased eatables and beverages of all sorts - nuts, comfits, &c., &c.
Though the hospitality of MRS BRAYLEY at Ash Farm, an open house was kept during the day, no one who called was sent empty away; and after the business of the field was over, an excellent dinner was set out in first rate style by the same kind-hearted lady, for all who chose to partake thereof. Above 40 availed themselves of the generous offer.
The prizes were awarded as follows.
1st prize, £1, open to all England, Mr John Warren, of East Pugsley Farm, Warkleigh, brother to Mr Thomas Warren, the celebrated plough maker and ploughman.
For Men living in the Parish. - 1st prize, £1 JOHN BREAYLEY, servant to MR WM. JOCE, of Shilstone; 2nd ditto, 15s., JOHN SMALLRIDGE, of Biddycott; 3rd ditto, 10s., GEORGE ACTEY, servant to MR HENRY MANNING, of Winson.
For Boys living in the Parish:- 1st prize, 15s., SAML. SMALLRIDGE, son of MR SMALLRIDGE, of Biddycott; 2nd ditto, 10s., JAMES WALDRON, servant to MR GEO. CROCKER, of Eastcott; 3rd ditto, 5s., WILLIAM DYER, son of MR JOHN DYER, of Fullabrook.

Thursday 4 February 1858
Ploughing Match - On Thursday se'nnight, a match came off on the Downs, on the farm of MR CROCKER, of Eastacott, in the parish of Chittlehampton, between MR JOHN SMALLRIDGE, of Bridacott, and MR RICHARD COURTENAY, of Eastacott, in the same parish, for £1 a-side, which was won by the former, the work of both being performed in first-rate style.

Thursday 11 February 1858
Barnstaple, North Devon Infirmary, Medical and Surgical Report - Accidents that have been admitted into the Infirmary during the past week:- ABRAHAM CLARKE, from the parish of Chittlehampton, who had caught his hand in a threshing machine whilst feeding it. The flesh was almost entirely stripped off the back of the hand and one or two of the bones were fractured.

Thursday 4 March 1858
Southmolton County Magistrates' Petty Sessions - HENRY DUNN, of Chittlehampton, was charged by C. C. Barrow, with using a cart in the parish of Bratton Fleming, without the owner's name being painted thereon. Defendant admitted the fact - the cart was one which he had borrowed. Fined 2s. 6d. and 8s. costs.

Thursday 1 April 1858
MARRIAGE - 30th ult., at the Independent Chapel, Southmolton, by the Rev. C. Harrison, Mr Walter John Sawtell, of that town, draper, to MISS SARAH ANN HUXTABLE, of the same place, daughter of MR EDMUND HUXTABLE, of Chittlehampton.

Thursday 15 April 1858
BIRTH - 9th inst., at the Vicarage, Chittlehampton, the wife of the Rev. R. H. CHICHESTER, of a daughter.
BIRTH - 12th inst., at Langaton, Chittlehampton, the wife of MR CHARLES MORRIS, of a son.
MARRIAGE - 14th inst., at the Independent Chapel, Southmolton, Mr Lock, of Ford Farm, to MISS MILDON, of Hallswell, Chittlehampton.
Southmolton County Court, Wednesday April 7th. -
VICKERY v. SMITH - Plaintiff, a mason, of Chittlehampton, sued the defendant, a singlewoman, lately living at that place, but now at Heavitree, for £2 10s., being a quarter's rent. A letter was produced by the registrar, received from Mr Willesford, of Exeter, admitting the claim on behalf of defendant, and stating that she was too poor to admit of his or her attending the Court, and offering to pay the amount in 10s. a month. The registrar stated also that he had that morning received another letter from the defendant, wherein she remarked that she did not acknowledge the debt, and under any circumstances she should not be able to pay more than 15s. a quarter. His Honour, at the request of plaintiff, made an order for payment in 10s. a month.
Southmolton Union. - The following is the certified list of persons duly elected as Guardians for the current year:-
Chittlehampton - Messrs. W. B. JOCE, Shilstone; W. BUCKINGHAM, Coombe.

Thursday 6 May 1858
Braunton Divisional Petty Sessions, May 5th, 1858.
Assault - Thomas Partridge Snow, of Crediton, cornfactor, versus JOHN BALMAN, of Chittlehampton. The merits of this case did not transpire, but on its being called on, Mr Lionel Bencraft (for the defendant) apologized to Mr Snow for the offence committed by his client, and Mr S. consented to forego the charge on MR BALMAN'S paying the expenses incurred.

Thursday 13 May 1858
Southmolton County Court, Wednesday May 5th.
LOCK v. VICKERY - Mr Shapland appeared for the plaintiff, and Mr Gillard for the defendant. This was an adjourned case; the matter in dispute, as will be remembered, was left for MR BUCKINGHAM, of Chittlehampton, in which parish the parties reside, to say whether the pit (which was the ground of complaint) has been legitimately made for the purpose of watering the cattle of the defendant, or for the purpose of annoying or injuring the plaintiff. Mr Shapland stated that MR BUCKINGHAM had declined to act between the parties; but that Mr Mortimer, of Warkleigh, a highly respectable yeoman, had agreed by consent of both parties to do so; a letter under his hand was now delivered, which was favourable to the defendant. His Honour said MR VICKERY was entitled to the water but not to injure it on its course; he thought he had committed very trifling damage which he should lay at 6d., and allow only one half the costs; at the same time defendant had no right to make that a deposit to carry off the manure. If a proper feeling had existed between the parties, the matter have been settled in five minutes.

Thursday 20 May 1858
MARRIAGE - 13th inst., in Southmolton Church, by the Rev. T. H. Maitland, MR JOHN SKINNER, second son of the late MR JOHN SKINNER, of Meathe Farm, in that parish, to ANN, daughter of MR HUXTABLE, of Featherstone, Chittlehampton

Thursday 3 June 1858
Chittlehampton - Accidents. - On Thursday last, a stone of 9 ½ lbs. weight fell from a distance of thirty feet, in a quarry, at Collacott, in this parish, on the head of MR COTTLE, the lessee of the lime works, completely knocking in his skull, and otherwise seriously injuring him. Under the judicious skill of Mr Furse, surgeon, of Southmolton, he is going on favourably; and, contrary to all expectation, is likely to recover.
On Saturday last, the son of MR HARRIS, of Dipford-farm, in the above parish, was riding a colt through a ploughed field, when he was thrown from the back on a sharp stone, which cut his cheek in a frightful manner. Mr Furse was as quickly as possible on the spot, and sewed up the wound. Under his treatment, this case is also going on well.

Thursday 17 June 1858
DEATH - 7th inst., at Chittlehampton, MR JOHN SKINNER.
Southmolton County Court, Tuesday, June 9th.
MOLE v. SNOW - The plaintiff is a miller, living at Clappery Mill, and the defendant is a labourer, of Chittlehampton. The action was brought for the recovery of £3 3s. 2d. for half a year's rent of a field and premises, and for grinding corn: the rent was from Michaelmas to Lady-day last. Ordered payment of the amount, payable in 5s. a month.

Thursday 1 July 1858
MARRIAGE - Barnstaple - 21st ult., in our parish church, by the Rev. Henry Luxmoore, MR JAMES GRADDON, of Eastcott, Chittlehampton, to MISS ELIZA PETTLE, of this town.

Thursday 5 August 1858
Barnstaple County Court, Tuesday, August 3.
BUCKINGHAM v. Irwin. - Plaintiff, MR ROBERT BUCKINGHAM, a farmer, of Chittlehampton, sought to recover £13 17s. 6d., damages sustained by breach of warranty of a cow, purchased in Barnstaple market on the 23rd of April last, of Mr Joseph Irwin, of Metcombe, in the parish of Marwood. - Mr I. Bencraft appeared for the plaintiff, Mr Peard for the defendant. Plaintiff deposed that he purchased the cow and its calf of Mr Irwin for £13 17s. 6d., on the day stated - it was very bare, which Mr I. accounted for by saying that it had been kept on barley straw. He drove her home, put it in a shippen, fed it with Swede turnips and hay, and afterwards with clover, but she did not give milk enough for her calf; at length she exhibited signs of the disease called "skenter," and as she continued to get worse, on the 17th of July he sent for a farrier, and in consequence of what he said sought an interview with Mr Irwin and requested him to take the cow back or come to see it. Mr Irwin asked plaintiff what compensation he would take. On Friday last, defendant again refused to take the bullock back: he did not deny the warranty. - Cross-examined by Mr Peard:- Mr Irwins aid, "I can warrant the bullock sound," in answer to my remark that it was bare. - Mr Chas. Morris confirmed the plaintiff's evidence. He was present at the purchase of the cow and calf; heard Mr Irwin say distinctly - "I'll warrant the bullock sound." Had seen the cow every day since that time; she had gone from bad to worse, notwithstanding she had been taken care of and well attended to. Mr James Hearn, farrier, of Southmolton, was called in to see the cow on the 17th; she was then very low -suffering from "skenter;" had drenched her but to no purpose; supposed that she caught the disease in calving. - His Honour (to Mr Bencraft): You cannot send this animal back, after having kept it for three months and treated it as you thought proper; what allowance will you make. Mr Peard wished his Honour to hear the case. His Honour: I beg your pardon; proceed. - Mr Bencraft said, after the hint thrown out by his Honour, he would propose that each party should bear half the loss. His Honour: I shall not give you half; you have £2 worth of calf flesh. Mr Peard then called the defendant, who deposed that he never sold an unsound bullock in his life, though he was in extensive business and reared twenty calves yearly. He believed that the cow was sound when he sold her; he did not warrant her, but he should not have hesitated to do so had he been asked. Another witness was called to prove the healthy condition of the cow three weeks after calving, when she was sold. His Honour (to defendant): When you sold the cow, what was she worth to the butcher? - Defendant: I should say £8. - Plaintiff and Mr Morris said she was not worth a farthing to a butcher. His Honour, in giving judgment, said, plaintiff must keep the bullock, as he did not return it or communicate with the defendant for three months. The cow being at the time of sale worth £8 to the butcher and the calf worth £2, he should direct that the cost of the action be added to the remaining £3 17s. 6d., and gave the plaintiff one half that sum, viz. £2 18s. 7d., without costs.

Thursday 30 September 1858
Coroner's Inquest - On Saturday, an Inquest was held before J. H. Toller, Esq., Deputy Coroner, at Clappery Mills, in the parish of Chittlehampton, on the body of a little boy, three years old, son of MR MALE, miller, who accidentally fell into the river on the previous evening, and was drowned. The child was carried down the stream about half-a-mile. Verdict accordingly.
Southmolton Petty Sessions, Monday September 27th.
JOHN MILLS, of Chittlehampton, farmer, pleaded guilty to having no name on his cart. - Fined 2s. 6d. and costs.
JAMES SAUNDERS, servant to the above, was charged by C.C. Reardon, with riding in the same cart, without reins, on the turnpike road - Fined 5s. and costs.
Chittlehampton - Fire. - Early on Thursday morning last, the flour mills at Bray Bridge, in the occupation of MR WILLIAM ANSTEY, were discovered to be on fire by MR DYER, a neighbouring farmer. An alarm was at once raised, but the fire had gained such an ascendancy that the whole of the mills, machinery, corn, &c., was entirely destroyed - not a vestige was saved. MR ANSTEY will suffer a loss of about £130, being unfortunately uninsured. His dwelling house is situated at a short distance from the mill. This is the third time of late years these mills have been destroyed by fire. There were no signs of fire to be seen when the miller and two servants left the mills, at 11 o'clock, on the previous night, and it is conjectured that as the mills were working the whole day it must have originated from the machinery.

Thursday 18 November 1858
Southmolton - Accident - On Saturday last, MR JOHN KENTSBEER, of Newton, in the parish of Chittlehampton, while unloading wheat at the mills of Mr James Thomas, in this parish, by some means got his hand entangled in a pully, whereby the same was lacerated in a dreadful manner, all but amputating three of his fingers. Under the skilful attendance of Mr Allerton, he is progressing favourably.

Thursday 2 December 1858
CHITTLEHAMPTON - A Man Killed In a Quarry. - An Inquest was held on Monday last, in the parish of Chittlehampton, by John Henry Toller, Esq., Deputy Coroner for the County, on the body of a labourer, named JOHN DOWN, there lying dead. From the evidence adduced, it appeared that DOWN was employed in Collacott Quarry, in that parish, on the previous Saturday, when a large quantity of rubbish fell; the deceased and his companions endeavoured to get out of the way, but the former stumbled, and at that moment a large stone, weighing 30 lbs., dislodged from the top, came into contact with his head, severely fracturing the skull and causing instant death. The body was removed to the house of Mr Cottle; Mr Gardner, surgeon of Southmolton, was called in, but the poor fellow was beyond the reach of medical aid. Verdict - "Accidental Death." - The deceased has left a widow and ten children to mourn their sad and sudden bereavement.

Thursday 16 December 1858
Barnstaple, North Devon Infirmary - Medical and Surgical Report. Accidents:- JOHN SYMONS, aged 28, farm servant, of Chittlehampton, with an injury of the knee joint, produced by a fall while crossing a room with a bag of barley on his back, was admitted as in-patient.
Southmolton County Court.
Huxtable v. Vanstone. - A sum of 5s. 7d. was claimed for shop goods sold at Chittlehamholt. The goods were served to a lodger of the defendant's, named Ashelford; and, as the debt was denied, it was adjourned to next Court for her appearance.

Thursday 10 February 1859
Southmolton Divisional Petty Sessions, Monday February 7th
Cruelty to a Dog - FREDERICK BATER, a lad apprenticed to a shoemaker at Chittlehampton, was summoned by C.C. Reardon, for cruelty to a dog, by tying a tin kettle to his tail; thereby also endangering the limbs of passengers. The act complained of took place on the 13th ult. He was fined £1, and 9s. expenses, in default of payment he was committed to the county gaol for 14 days.
William Thorne, a lad of notoriously bad character, was brought before the Bench, by Superintendent Fisher, having been apprehended by him on Saturday last, in Southmolton, for stealing a pewter bowl from a poor old woman named ELIZABETH JENKINS, at Chittlehampton, on the day before; he had disposed of the dish to a marine store dealer named Hodge, of this place. He was committed to the County Gaol for trial.
Barnstaple County Court
ARTHUR v. Willshire. - Mr Peard conducted the case for the plaintiff, who is a farmer, residing at Chittlehampton; and the defendant is the proprietor of the Barnstaple Foundry, for whom Mr Incledon Bencraft appeared. The action was for the recovery of £5 16s., the price and repairs of a chaff-cutter which had been purchased from the defendant for five guineas. In January, 1856, the plaintiff selected the implement from the stock - it was a second-hand one, and required some alterations. These were completed, and a few days afterwards he plaintiff had it sent to his farm. The chaff-cutter was found to work very well; but one day a small wheel broken, and the plaintiff obtained another at the foundry, free of cost. Subsequently, other parts of the implement got out of repair, but it seems that a smith soon righted what was wrong. The agreement was "for cash", but the plaintiff forgot that portion of the bargain. In the following October, the defendant's son met the plaintiff, and asked for payment. This appears to have led to an altercation, and from that time the chaff-cutter wouldn't work. His Honour remarked that it was ridiculous to suppose that a tradesman would take back an article after it had been in the possession of the purchaser for nine months, and gave judgment for the defendant. Mr Willshire then offered to take back the chaff-cutter, and test it in the presence of the Judge. He would give £5 to the North Devon Infirmary if the implement did not do its work properly, provided that MR ARTHUR did the same if it worked satisfactorily.

Thursday 17 February 1859
County Magistrates’ Petty Sessions, Wednesday, February 16, 1859
Driving without Reins - JOHN WARD, of Chittlehampton, was fined 5s. and the expenses (11s 3d.) for riding and driving without reins in the turnpike road, in the parish of Bishop’s Tawton, on the 11th instant.

Thursday 28 April 1859
MARRIAGE - Barnstaple, 25th instant, at the Baptist chapel, in this town, by the Rev George Lovering, of Tawstock, MR HENRY GUARD, of Chittlehampton, to Miss Mary Lemon, of Atherington.

Thursday 14 July 1859
Barnstaple - North Devon Infirmary – Accidents admitted during the past week.
GEORGE SMITH, aged 56, farm labourer, of Chittlehampton, who was thrown from a hay-cart in a manner similar to the above (the horse having suddenly started off), and sustained injuries about the chest.

Thursday 11 August 1859
Barnstaple County Court
Rice v. ARTHUR. - The plaintiff, a machine maker, sued the defendant, a farmer, of Chittlehampton, for 4s., for the repair of a thrashing machine. It was shewn clearly that Rice was never employed by MR ARTHUR - that he called at his place on his way to a neighbouring farm, but did not work, the call being a pretext for introducing himself to a gratis breakfast. Judgement for the defendant, with costs.

Thursday 1 September 1859
DEATH - 28th ultimo, at Langaton, in the parish of Chittlehampton, after a long and painful affliction, MR CHARLES MORRIS, aged 32, leaving a widow and five children to mourn their loss.

Thursday 15 September 1859
Barnstaple County Court
Essery v. ANDREWS. - In this case the plaintiff sought to recover £27 5s. for work done as a mason in the restoration of a farm house, held by the defendant under a lease granted by the late Lord Rolle, at Haywood, in the parish of Chittlehampton, which had been almost destroyed by fire about 12 months' since. - A set off was pleaded of £57. Mr Incledon Bencraft appeared for the plaintiff; Mr Peard for the defendant. The work was contracted for at £45 10s., but there had been so many deviations from the original contract that plaintiff claimed £27 5s. for extra work - charging at per day. The tenant of Haywood, MR EDWARD GOSS, said the builder had been ill-treated in being allowed to build upon an old wall and to raise the front till it was ready to take the roof, the couples and purlings being on. His Honour held the contract to be worthless, ass it made the defendant a judge of his own work. Mr Peard, who drew the deed, said, with all deference to his Honour, he maintained that contracts drawn in general terms, as in the present instance, were preferable to those the provisions of which were more stringent. It was at length determined that Mr Wm. Galliford, builder, of Barnstaple, and MR WATTS, of Chittlehampton, agent for Lord Rolle's trustees, should examine the work done and give in their award at the next Court.

Thursday 13 October 1859
County Court, Barnstaple.
John H. Essery v. ANDREW - Mr Bencraft said his referee had measured the work and was prepared to give his aware; but the defendant's referee had refused to arbitrate unless the contract was accepted, which his Honour had declared to be invalid. Mr Peard said it was evident that Mr Galliford had had his mind prejudiced in this case - how came he to know that there was a contract? - Mr Galliford - From reading the public prints. Mr Pears contended, with all deference to his Honour's opinion, that the contract was a valid one, and cited a case in proof. - [By reference to our report of the case, last month, it will be seen that the action was brought to recover £27 5s., for work done in restoring and partially rebuilding a farm house at Chittlehampton that had been burnt down.]. His Honour directed that the arbitrators (Mr Galliford and MR WATTS) should take the contract in their hands and see whether its requirements had been fulfilled, and what had been done beyond the contract by defendant's order.

Thursday 17 November 1859
County Court, Barnstaple.
Essery v. ANDREW - This was an adjourned case. The matter in dispute was a claim on the part of the plaintiff for extra work done in re-building and restoring a farm house, &c., in the parish of Chittlehampton, which had been accidentally burnt down. The defence was, that the work was covered by a contract, the stipulated sum being £45. The case had been referred to the arbitration of MR WATTS, of Chittlehampton, agent for the Honourable Mark Rolle (under whom the premises were held by virtue of a lease), and Mr William Galliford, builder, of this town. MR WATTS, had, however, declined to arbitrate, and Mr Galliford had been on the spot and assessed the work alone. His valuation was £78. Mr Peard, for defendant, urged that the plaintiff was bound by the contract; while Mr Bencraft, for the plaintiff, submitted that his client could not be bound by a document which was so vague and one-sided. It required the plaintiff to build a house to the satisfaction of defendant, without stating dimensions or any particulars. His Honour considered the agreement a most preposterous one; nevertheless, as the arbitration had failed, the parties must bring evidence of valuation on both sides, that he might be enabled to adjudicate between them. Adjourned to next Court.

Thursday 15 December 1859
BIRTH - 8th instant, at Farr’s farm, Chittlehampton, the wife of MR BATER, of a daughter.

Thursday 22 December 1859
Braunton Divisional Petty Sessions – Wednesday, December 21st, 1859
SAMUEL TOWELL, of Chittlehampton, was fined 20s. including costs, for galloping two horses in his master’s wagon, in passing through the village of Landkey, on the 7th of December.

Thursday 29 December 1859
BIRTH - 16th instant, at the Parsonage, Chittlehamholt, the wife of the REV. J. H. MORTON, of a daughter.

Thursday 2 February 1860
BIRTH - 26th ultimo, at the Vicarage, Chittlehampton, the wife of the REV. R. H. CHICHESTER, of a daughter.
DEATH - 28th ult., suddenly, at Lerwill, in the parish of Chittlehampton, GRACE, relict of the late MR JNO. MORRIS, aged 77.

Thursday 9 February 1860
Southmolton Divisional Petty Sessions, February 6, 1860.
Firing a Gun. - Superintendent Wood summoned HENRY COWMAN for firing off a gun, on the public highway, at Chittlehampton village; but, failing in proof, the case was dismissed. Mr Riccard defended.
Assaulting The Police. - C.C. Hooper summoned JOHN and CHARLES CHAPPLE, both of Chittlehampton, for assaulting him in the execution of his duty. Case dismissed.

Thursday 22 March 1860
MARRIAGE - 17th instant, at the Independent chapel, Southmolton, by the Rev. John Parsons, Mr George Corney, to SUSAN, widow of the late MR CHARLES MORRIS, of Langaton, Chittlehampton.

Thursday 14 June 1860
County Court, Barnstaple.
Essery v. ANDREWS. - This case, which has been for a long time before the Court, was adjourned at the May sitting to give Mr Peard, the defendant's solicitor, an opportunity of addressing his Honour, if he felt so disposed. With the merits of the case our readers are pretty well acquainted: plaintiff, a builder, of this town, sought to recover from the defendant, a shopkeeper, residing at Plymouth (formerly of Barnstaple); the sum of £27 7s. 1d., alleged to be due for work done in the erection of a farm house, &c., known by the name of "Haywood," in the parish of Chittlehampton, and held under a lease from the trustees of the Rolle estates. The defence was, that the plaintiff entered into a contract to rebuild the premises (which had been burnt down) for a given sum, and that he had been paid more than the contract price. The plaintiff, on the other hand, alleged that certain deviations had been made from the original plan and a larger amount of work done, under the direction of the defendant, than he had contracted for - in fact, that the contract had been thrown aside. The matter was referred to Mr Galliford, builder, of Barnstaple, and MR CARDER WATTS, of Chittlehampton, who met on the spot and went fully into the matter, and agreed that from £20 to £30 worth of work had been done more than was covered by the contract. Mr Peard now stated that he had omitted to place a set-off fully before his Honour; his client claimed £12 as compensation, because the work was not completed in time, and £1 6s. 8d. for shop goods. The learned gentleman cited cases to shew that he had a right to recover damages for the excess of time occupied by the plaintiff in completing his contract, which was binding. Her also urged that the plaintiff's account book ought not to have been received in evidence; and that the action was premature. - His Honour, in giving judgment, stated that he had not taken into consideration the set-off for the work not being done in time, nor for the shop goods. He should like to see the set-off; as he had not see it yet. He should give judgment for the plaintiff for £27 7s. 2d. Mr Bencraft (plaintiff's solicitor) applied for costs, which were allowed. - Mr Peard intimated that he should appeal against his Honour's decision. His Honour remarked that the set-off could not form the subject of appeal, as he had never heard of it till now. Mr Peard said the set-off was pleased. The Registrar of the Court had never heard any thing of the set-off till that moment. - His Honour: Nor I; with the exception of the agreement, I have never heard of a set-off. - Mr Peard repeated that he had pleaded it. The Registrar: Yes, you entered it in your plaint; but you never gave any evidence on it, nor did you ever refer to it till now.

Thursday 12 July 1860
Barnstaple - North Devon Infirmary - Medical and Surgical Report.
Accidents admitted this week - JAMES WEBBER, 51 years of age, farm labourer of Chittlehampton, was occupied in piling wood on a cart, when the rope binding the faggots together gave way, and he fell backwards, sustaining a fracture of his right leg.

Thursday 16 August 1860
Southmolton County Court, Friday, 10th August.
HEARD v. Squire. - The plaintiff resides at Chittlehampton, and the defendant at Satterleigh. The claim was 8s., for damages sustained in consequence of the removal of certain wood, spars and reed, underneath a rick of hay which he had sold, and which articles he had expressly reserved. It appeared the defendant had re-sold the rick, and the other party contended the articles were sold with it. Judgment for the amount, to be paid in a month.
RIDGE v. SNOW - This was a judgment summons. The defendant's wife stated that her husband was a drunkard. His Honour adjourned the case to enable the defendant to pay 8s. on account into Court before next Court day. Both parties reside at Chittlehampton.

Thursday 25 October 1860
Bratton Farm, Chittlehampton. - To be Sold by Auction, by John Gould, on the above Premises, on Tuesday, the 30th day of October inst., the undermentioned Stock, The Property of MISS SARAH BOWMAN, who is leaving the Farm. 1 pure Jersey and 3 Devon in-Calf prime Dairy Cows; 1 fresh calved Heifer; 1 Heifer in Calf; 3 Fieur Cows, fresh in condition; 3 two-year-old Heifers, Devon, and 1 half-bred Jersey; 4 Heifer Spring Calves; and 4 Fat Bullocks. 22 Horn Ewes in Lamb, and 1 Nott Ram. 2 Sows in Pig and 6 Slip Pigs. A quantity of Apples and other Effects.
Also, the undermentioned Lots of Grass Feeding, until next Lady-day next.
Lot 1. - The very superior After Grass in the Great Meadow
Lot 2. - Ditto, in East Meadow
Lot 3. - Ditto, in Huxtable's Meadow
Lot 4. - Ditto, in Hunt's Meadow
Lot 5. - The Grass, in Clarke's Moor
Lot 6. - Ditto, the Moor
Lot 7. - The Clover Ley, in part of the Ten Acres
Lot 8. - The Grass, in part of Coney Park
Lot 9. - Ditto, ditto, ditto
About 1 ½ Acre of Swede Turnips, and 1 Acre of Mangold Wurtzels, in convenient Lots; also, 2 Ricks of Meadow and part of a Rick of Clover Hay, 1 Rick of Barley, 2 Ricks of Oats, and 1 Rick part of Barley and part Oats. The Corn is well harvested, the Hay saved without rain, and will be found of excellent quality. The whole may be removed from the Premises. The Stock is well worth the attention of Graziers and Breeders.
The Sale to commence at 2 o'clock.

Thursday 1 November 1860
Southmolton Petty Sessions
Charge Of Obstructing The Highway. - P.C. Hooper summoned five respectable young men of Chittlehampton, called WILLIAM WALDRON, SAMUEL FRAYNE, JOHN BURGESS, WILLIAM PIDLER and HUGH CLARK, for having on the 14th of Oct., "wilfully obstructed the highway." - Mr J. T. Shapland appeared for defendants. - The Policeman stated that on the day in question, these young men were walking abreast in the highway in Chittlehampton village so that he could not pass between them. Mr Shapland addressed the Bench on behalf of the defendants and designated the affair as a most trumpery one. The defendants were walking very quietly along in the carriage way, without making any noise or obstructing any one. The policeman was only obstructed half a minute and he could have passed on either side of them; he chose however to pass between them. He was fully assured the Bench would dismiss the case. Fined 1s each and costs.

Thursday 17 January 1861
DEATH - 10th instant, at Hallswell farm, Chittlehampton, MR WILLIAM MILDON, aged 71.

Thursday 24 January 1861
DEATH - 11th, inst., at Halswell Farm, Chittlehampton, MR W. MILDON, aged 75.

Thursday 7 February 1861
Southmolton Petty Sessions, Monday, February 4th, 1861.
Unlawful Possession Of Salmon. - JOHN WEBBER, of Chittlehampton, was summoned by the Rev. J. H. Moreton, of Chittlehamholt, for having on the 23rd of Jan. last, had in his possession a salmon caught during the period when fishing for salmon is prohibited by law. Mr L. Bencraft appeared for the defendant. The complainant proved the possession of the salmon, but could not give evidence as to the fence days established by the Court of Quarter Sessions. The case was, therefore, dismissed.
ANDREW MANNING and JOHN CHAPPLE, both of Chittlehampton, labourers, were summoned by J. V. Tanner, Esq., for a similar offence on the same date. On the application of complainant, the case was adjourned to the Chulmleigh Petty Sessions, on the 13th inst.

Thursday 14 February 1861
County Court, Southmolton -
JOHN MANNING v. WILLIAM MANNING. - The parties stand in the relation of father and son, and reside at Chittlehampton. The action was brought to recover £2 the value of a bed and bedding detained by defendant, though the property of his father. Defendant said, he had never refused to give up the bed. It was, however, alleged that the bedding had been changed. His Honour gave judgment for the amount, unless the right bed and bedding are returned within a month. Mr Shapland appeared for the plaintiff.

Thursday 7 March 1861
Southmolton Divisional Petty Sessions.
Poaching - A man named LETHBRIDGE was fined £2 and expenses for setting a wire on Collacott Estate, in the parish of Chittlehampton.
Highway - JOHN HARRIS, of Chittlehampton, on the information of Superintendent Wood, was fined 1s. 6d., and 9s. 6d. expenses, for not being near his horse and cart in the road near Hudscott, on the 12th inst.

Thursday 4 April 1861
Southmolton Special Divisional Petty Sessions
JAMES SLEE, of Chittlehampton was summoned on the information of the police, for torturing a little dog by cutting his throat in a shocking manner with a blunt knife. Committed for 2 months.
Superintendent Wood summoned F. OSMOND, of Chittlehampton, for being drunk; fined 5s. and 9s. expenses, which not being paid he was committed.

Thursday 2 May 1861
Southmolton Divisional Petty Sessions
Felony - THIRZA SLEE, of Chittlehampton, was charged with stealing a quantity of wood from Shilton Wood, the property of the Hon. Mark Rolle. She was convicted, and discharged with a caution; the Bench at the same time informed her that the conviction would be recorded against her.

Thursday 20 June 1861
Competitive School Examinations In The Rural Deaneries of Barnstaple and Sherwill.
5s. Prizes - JOHN WESTACOTT Age 14 ½ of Chittlehampton - 81 ½ Marks
The following receive a certificate of having satisfied the Examiners:- 69 marks, ELIZABETH CROCKER, of Chittlehampton;
67 marks, JOHN MULES, of Chittlehampton; 66 marks, GEORGE WESTACOTT of Chittlehampton; 61 marks JAMES BUCKINGHAM of Chittlehampton

Thursday 27 June 1861
Southmolton Divisional Petty Sessions, June 24th.
Poaching - GEORGE VEYSEY, for catching trout and eels in the preserves of the Hon. Mark Rolle, at Chittlehampton, was fined £5. In default, he was committed for two months.

Thursday 12 September 1861
County Court, Southmolton - Friday, September 6th, 1861
Assault Case - HOWARD v. GUARD - This was an action by the plaintiff, a schoolmaster, of Chittlehampton, against defendant, a farmer, of the same place, to recover £5, for damage occasioned in consequence of an assault upon the plaintiff, on the 2nd of July last, at Chittlehampton. Mr Shapland appeared for the plaintiff, and Mr Lionel Bencraft for the defendant. Mr Shapland stated the case, and called MR HOWARD, who corroborated his statement. The following witness were then examined:-
MR SMALLRIDGE said he saw plaintiff at the 'Barnstaple Inn,' about midnight on the 2nd July last. Defendant came forward and took plaintiff by the collar, and gave him a good shaking; he afterwards struck him in the eye, and the blood flew. He (defendant) said it was because plaintiff made him learn ten words of spelling when he was a scholar at his school
Cross-examined by Mr Bencraft - Did not see the plaintiff strike defendant; had not told any one so.
THOMAS STONE, of the 'Barnstaple Inn' on the night of the fair, and saw MR GUARD give HOWARD a good shaking, with both hands to his collar. Did not see any blows on either side, as he was only a waiter on the occasion of the fair, and was continually going to and fro. - Mr Bencraft, for the defence, called GEORGE GUARD, the defendant, who said he remembered the occasion before referred to, saw the defendant, and asked him how many times he had thrashed him when he was a boy. Plaintiff struck him, and he (defendant) struck plaintiff but one blow in return. He afterwards went out (in about 20 minutes) and found plaintiff. He said, "D..n you, now I've got you, and I'll give you a sound thrashing." He (defendant) did not desire the case to come forward, as it was a bad one. The matter was left to MR SMALLRIDGE and MR JOCE, to settle between them.
Cross-examined by Mr Shapland - It was a part of our agreement that neither the plaintiff or myself should be present with the arbitrators on their settling. Had received a letter from his brother, in America, who had desired to know how his old schoolmaster, HOWARD, was doing, as he had been punished so often by him when he was his scholar; he intimated a good shaking would do him no harm in return (Laughter). They had always been good friends since he left his school, and he had never had an angry word with plaintiff since.
John Active said he was in the house when the assault took place; saw the shaking. MR HOWARD rose up and said "I'm d... if I don't break in your nose," and MR GUARD said, "Don't do that, as I've had it done once already." (Laughter).
Mr Shapland - You thought it laughable to see a poor old man like the plaintiff shook in that manner.
Witness: - Well, we did laugh to see it.
His Honour considered it a very trumpery assault, and thought a very decrepit man, as the learned advocate had stated the plaintiff to be, might have been better employed than being at an inn, at that late hour. He thought his pupils might be set a better example; and as to damages, he was of opinion five shillings, instead of five pounds, would be nearer to it, and therefore awarded that sum, with 13s. 6d. for witnesses.

Thursday 24 October 1861
Chittlehampton And Warkleigh Agricultural Association.
Prizes. - Ploughing
Open To the County. - The first prize of £2 awarded to JOHN SMALLRIDGE, of Chittlehampton.
District - Class 1. - The first prize, £1 102. to S. SMALLRIDGE, of Chittlehampton.
Class 2. - First prize, £1 10s. to JAMES FORD, ploughman to MR MANNING, of Winson, Chittlehampton; second, £1 to GEORGE MANNING, ploughman to MR W. GRADDON, of Brightley Barton; and the third, 10s. to WILLIAM HELSTONE, ploughman to MR JOCE, of Shilstone, Chittlehampton.
Class 3. (Boys under eighteen years of age.). - First prize, £1, to WILLIAM ELLICOTT, ploughboy to MR CROCKER, of Eastcott, Chittlehampton; second, 10s., to JAS. STONE, son of MR STONE, of Southnewton, Chittlehampton, and the third, 5s., divided between JAMES HOWARD (son of MR HOWARD, of Nethercleave,) and JOHN BURGESS (son of MR BURGESS, of Moore, Chittlehampton).
Servitude - The labourer working the longest period with the same master or mistress: - Second prize, 10s., to be divided between JAMES CLARK (thirty one years with MR BUCKINGHAM, of Coombe, Chittlehampton) and THOMAS BUCKINGHAM (thirty one years with MR MILLS, of Chittlehampton).
The female who has worked the longest time upon the same farm: - First prize, 10s., to JANE BUDD, thirty-seven years with MR JAMES GRADDON, of Eastacott, Chittlehampton.
There were no competitors for the prizes for male servants living the longest period in the same employ; but a prize of 10s. was awarded to MARY BIRD, for living nine years with MR MANNING, jun., of Chittlehampton.

Thursday 7 November 1861
Chittlehampton, Devon. To be Let, by Tender, for a Term of 7 or 14 Years, from Lady-day next, 1862, a desirable Farm called Great Bradbury, Situate in the Parish of Chittlehampton, and in the occupation of MR JOHN MILLS, who is about to retire from Farming. There will also be Let with this Farm, a Pasture Field adjoining it, containing about 19 ½ Acres, in the Parish of Filleigh.
Great Bradbury contains about 222 Acres of Arable, Orchard, Meadow, and Pasture Land; with a good Farm House and necessary Outbuildings, and with facilities for a Water Power to work Machinery. It is distant about 3 Miles from Southmolton, 4 from Umberleigh and 8 from Southmolton Road Station, on the North Devon Railway; and 9 Miles from Barnstaple. MR MILLS will shew the Farm; and Particulars of Letting may be obtained at Castle Hill Office, of Mr Brewer, Who will receive Tenders for the same up to the Evening of the 11th of November instant.

Thursday 21 November 1861
Legal Examination. - Amongst the successful students who passed their examinations as solicitors, on Saturday last, we observe MR M. R. GIBBS, eldest son of MR R. GIBBS, of Whitmore, Chittlehamholt, near Barnstaple.

Thursday 2 January 1862
BIRTH - January 1, at Chittlehampton, the wife of MR J. J. R. HOWARD draper and grocer, of a son.

Thursday 23 January 1862
Chulmleigh Petty Sessions. Public House Irregularities. - Philip Goss, innkeeper, of Burrington, was summoned by Superintendent Wood, D.C.C., for permitting drunkenness in his house, the 'Portsmouth Arms,' on the 2nd instant. This was on the occasion of Mr Turner's lime feast, when WILLIAM RENDLE, of Chittlehamholt, drank and ate to such an extent that he died from the effects on the same evening The Bench considered there was not sufficient liability on the part of the landlord as to warrant a conviction, and dismissed the case.

Thursday 6 February 1862
Southmolton – Divisional Petty Sessions
Drunkenness – JOHN PETERS, of Chittlehampton, shoemaker, was summoned by Superintendant Wood, for being drunk and indecent at Chittlehampton on the 15th January. Convicted and fined 2s. 6d. and costs 8s. in default of payment committed to the county gaol for 3 days.
JAMES RICE labourer, of Chittlehampton, was charged by HENRY PASSMORE with using a net for the purpose of catching salmon at Chittlehampton, on the 25th January last. Mr W Sparks for defendant, who was convicted and fined £10 and 13s. 6d. costs., in default of payment committed to the county gaol for 3 months to hard labour.

Thursday 27 February 1862
Southmolton Divisional Petty Sessions, Monday, February 24th, 1862
Drunkenness - ABRAHAM CHAPPLE, mason, of Chittlehampton, was summoned by Superintendent Wood, for being drunk and riotous at Chittlehampton, on the 17th instant. Defendant pleaded guilty, and was fined 2s. 6d., and costs – 8s.

Thursday 27 March 1862
Southmolton Petty Sessions. - Fishing in Private Waters. JAMES WEBBER, labourer, Chittlehamholt, was summoned for fishing in private waters belonging to the Rev. Peter Johnson, of Wembworthy. Mr J. T. Shapland for complainant. Defendant pleaded guilty, and was fined 10s., and 8s. costs.

Thursday 10 April 1862
Police Court
Removal of a Pauper - Mr Warren applied for an order of removal of ELIZABETH LOCK and two children to the parish of Chittlehampton - Granted.

Thursday 15 May 1862
BOWDEN v. Staddon - Plaintiff, keeper of a public house, at Chittlehampton, sought to recover 5s., for brandy and water, beer and cider, supplied to defendant’s order when he “put in” his banns of marriage. His Honour said the claim for brandy and water could not be recovered under the Tippling Act, and gave judgment for 1s. 11d., the value of the beer and cider. Defendant modestly applied for his expenses, which his Honour refused, remarking that he ought to be satisfied with having the brandy and water for nothing. (A laugh)

Thursday 7 August 1862
Accidents – Patients Admitted to the North Devon Infirmary during the week:-
JOHN PASSMORE, 5 years old, of Chittlehampton; he was run over by a horse and cart in the road, and the wheel of the vehicle passed over his right arm, severely crushing and fracturing the same.

Thursday 21 August 1862
Southmolton: - Police Court, Monday
Farm Servant: Mr DREWRY, of Southbray farm, Chittlehampton, summoned WILLIAM WOOLLACOTT, for leaving his employ as a weekly labourer without due notice. Fined 9s. and 6s. expenses.

Thursday 13 November 1862
DEATH - At Southmolton, after a brief illness, MR VATER, late of Southbray farm, Chittlehampton, aged 73.

Thursday 18 December 1862
Southmolton Magisterial Court
On Saturday last, ELIZABETH JOCE, late of Chittlehampton, was brought up by Superintendent Fisher, charged with stealing one florin, four shillings, three sixpences, one four-penny piece, and 11 ¾ d. in copper, from the till of the ‘Fortescue Arms’ inn, the property of the landlady. The exact amount of silver being found upon her, and the evidence being conclusive, she was committed for trial at the next Quarter Sessions.

Thursday 15 January 1863
Another Jury Case – Breach of Warranty
Robert Withycombe, junr., v. WILLIAM COTTLE
The plaintiff, an innkeeper, of Dunster, claimed of defendant, a farmer, residing at Collacott Farm, Chittlehampton, £15 17s. 6d., for breach of warranty of a horse.
Mr Riccard appeared for plaintiff; and Mr Lionel Bencraft, for defendant.
The former learned gentleman having stated the case called the following witnesses.
Mr Withycombe sworn: I am the plaintiff; I live at Dunster. I bought a horse of defendant, which was warranted sound. I rode him from Barnstaple, and was disappointed in the way it went. The following Sunday I put him in harness, and he could not go above 5 miles an hour, without going lame. On the 3rd of October, I told defendant the horse was not sound. I called in a veterinary surgeon, who pronounced it to be lame; I sold it for £13.
Cross-examined: A week after I bought the horse I wrote to the defendant, and said that the horse was not sound, but lame in the hock. I offered to keep the horse on payment of £8.
George Seyars, sworn: I am a farmer, and was at Barnstaple fair with the plaintiff, and saw him ride the horse at Barnstaple; the horse could not get on as there appeared to be something the matter with it. I saw it afterwards, and it had a swelling in the hock.
Mr Joseph Gibbs sworn: I am a veterinary surgeon, of Taunton. I examined the horse in October for Mr Withycombe; I found on examination, the hock enlarged. I advised Mr Withycombe not to keep the horse; the horse was sold for £13. I fired the horse for spavin.
Mr Lionel Bencraft said his client was a farmer, of Collacott, and the horse was bred by him. MR COTTLE would not have given a warranty if he had known the horse was unsound. He took it to Barnstaple Fair and sold it to Mr Withycombe, who rode it away. On October 2nd, Mr Withycombe wrote to say the horse was lame, and that it was an old sore. He said he should be sorry if it turned out lame, as he was much pleased with it. Plaintiff wrote again and said the horse was still lame but said nothing about being spavined, but if he would give £8, he would keep the horse.
WILLIAM COTTLE, the defendant: - I bred the horse. It was never out of my possession. I never knew it lame. I saw Mr Withycombe riding the horse; he rode it up and down for a quarter of an hour. I gave him a warranty and he paid me for it.
JOHN COTTLE, his son: - I have lived with my father ever since the horse was born; it was never lame a day.
Rev Joshua Bawden, deposed: COTTLE is my tenant. I have seen the horse on the farm many times; he took it to my house and rode it up and down. I saw no lameness; it appeared perfectly sound.
WILLIAM GREENSLADE: I am a farmer living at Collacott. I have known the horse from a colt. I never saw it lame.
William Courtney: I live at Headon Filley. I have known the horse from a colt. I never knew it lame.
His Honour said he could not suggest a doubt in the case. The evidence was all against the defendant, and there was no doubt the horse was spavined when it was sold. The defence was a very important one, inasmuch as it entirely cleared the defendant’s character. There was no doubt when he sold it he believed it to be sound.
The jury returned a verdict for the plaintiff for the amount claimed.

Thursday 22 January 1863
BIRTH - January 19, at Cleeve, Chittlehampton, the wife of MR THOMAS SKINNER, of a son.

Thursday 29 January 1863
BIRTH - January 20, at Bradbury, Chittlehampton, the wife of MR SKINNER, of a daughter.

Thursday 5 February 1863
County Magistrates’ Sessions
Assaults – SAMUEL CONGRAM was summoned by P.C. Hooper, for assaulting him in the execution of his duty, at Chittlehampton, on the 22nd January last. Find 6d., and costs.
The Bankrupt Act, 1861
Notice of Adjudications and First Meeting of Creditors
WILLIAM COTTLE, of Chittlehampton, in the County of Devon, Farmer and Lime Burner, having been adjudged Bankrupt under a Petition for Adjudication of Bankruptcy filed in the County Court of Devonshire holden at Southmolton, on the Thirty-first day of January, 1863, is hereby required to surrender himself to Mr Robert Jennings Crosse, the Registrar of the said Court, at the First Meeting of Creditors, to be held before the said Registrar, on the Sixteenth day of February, 1863, at Ten o’clock in the Forenoon precisely, at the Court House.
Mr Robert Jennings Crosse is the Official Assignee, and Mr John Charles Gribble and Mr James Fraser Bromham, of Barnstaple, are the Solicitors acting in the Bankruptcy.
Signed – R J Crosse, Registrar.

Thursday 9 April 1863
DEATH - April 2, at Chittlehampton, MARY ANN, eldest daughter of MR ROBERT BOWDON, aged 19.

Thursday 16 April 1863
Southmolton. The Union - The New Board. The annual election of Guardians of the Poor for the several parishes in the Southmolton Union has just been completed, several changes have been made in the representation, and the following is the list for the ensuing year:- Chittlehampton - Messrs. ALEXANDER SKINNER and JAMES GRADDON.

Thursday 23 April 1863
BIRTH - April 19th, at Chittlehampton, the wife of MR J. J. R. HOWARD, draper and grocer, of a son.

Thursday 14 May 1863
Vawdry v. BOWDEN - Mr Sparkes for plaintiff; Mr Shapland for defendant. An action for 13s. 10 ½ d., for repair of glass in a certain public house known as the “Golden Lion”, situated in Chittlehampton, and for seven years in the possession of the defendant, ROBERT BOWDEN. At the March Court defendant summoned the agent of the present plaintiff for the recovery of 6s. paid as property tax, and an offer was then made to forego the claim for broken glass and to cancel the obligation on each side. Bowden would not agree to this, and obtained judgment. The landlord now brought his action for the cost of repairs done to the windows, to which the defendant put in a set-off amounting to £2 6s. 3d. for apple trees, &c., in the garden. His Honour disallowed the set-off, and gave judgment for the amount claimed.
JOHN BAKER SKINNER v. MARLES - The parties reside at Chittlehampton. The action was for the recovery of 12s. overpaid for fence work, not finished according to contract. MARLES suggested that the contract was not binding, as “he took the job on a Sunday, when he came out of church.” Judgment for the plaintiff.

Thursday 4 June 1863
Southmolton Petty Sessions, 1st June, 1863
GEORGE and PHILIP STADDON, JOHN DADDS, and SAMUEL CONGRAM, all labourers, of Chittlehampton, were charged with having been drunk and riotous at Chittlehampton, on the 23rd May last. The three first named pleaded “Guilty”, and were each fined 5s., and costs, 8s. Mr J T Shapland appeared for CONGRAM, who was also convicted, and, having been charged before the Bench on several previous occasions, he was fined 40s., and costs 19s.

Thursday 16 July 1863
Re: WILLIAM COTTLE, lime burner, &c., of Chittlehampton. - Mr Bromham, of Barnstaple, appeared for the bankrupt; Mr Shapland opposed on his own behalf and that of other creditors.
At the May Court the final examination was adjourned that the bankrupt might amend his account and furnish further particulars as to his assets. Mr Bromham now put in an amended schedule which he had compiled by the help of a few memorandums and the bankrupt’s memory. The bankrupt had no other effects than the clothes he wore (which would be over-estimated in 5s.) He had been sold up and had literally nothing left. He had kept little if any account of his receipts and disbursements.
Mr Shapland then examined the bankrupt as to the several items in his account, at the close of which His Honour said: - Bankrupt is discharged.

Thursday 23 July 1863
DEATH - July 16th at Lerwill, Chittlehampton, MR J. MORRIS, aged 56.

Thursday 6 August 1863
DEATH - August 2nd, at North Newton Farm, Chittlehampton, MR WM. SANDERS, aged 63.

Thursday 20 August 1863
Chittlehampton – Housebreaking – Stealing Wearing Apparel
During the last three years no less than eight cases of housebreaking have occurred in the village of Filleigh. The property stolen has consisted of money, and the thief has escaped detection, though a man named Charles Gratton, a native of that parish, has been suspected. The mode of perpetrating such robberies has generally been by picking the locks and entering the premises when the occupiers of the cottages have been from home; and this appears to have been the plan of operations in the case the particulars of which we are about to report. - It appears that on Wednesday last, during the temporary absence of the family, the house of JOHN SOMERS, of Chittlehampton, was entered, and a blue coat and black trousers, his property, stolen and carried away therefrom. Gratton was at once suspected; and, information having been given to Superintendent Wood, of the Devon County Constabulary, the case was placed in the hands of that active and intelligent officer, sergeant Sheriff, C.C., of Landkey, by whose exertions the thief was traced and apprehended and evidence procured which was conclusive as to his guilt.
The prisoner was brought up in custody on Friday last, at the Guildhall, Barnstaple, before George Edwin Kingson, Esq., and the Rev James Arthur, justices, when the following evidence was adduced:-
ELIZABETH SOMERS sworn: - I am the wife of JOHN SOMERS, of Chittlehampton. On Wednesday last I left my house at three o’clock; every thing was then safe; I locked the door and took the key in my pocket. I returned at five. I took out the key to unlock the door, when I found it unlocked. I entered and saw that some bread and butter was gone. I then went upstairs and discovered that a coat and pair of trousers (my husband’s property) were missing. I identify the coat and trousers now produced as my husband’s, and which were missing.
By the chairman: - They were in the house when I left it. I had seen them two or three times on that day.
JOHN SOMERS sworn: - I am the husband of the last witness, and reside in a cottage at Chittlehampton. I saw the prisoner pass my house at six o’clock on the morning of Wednesday last. The coat and trousers now produced are mine. I put on the coat on Sunday last, and saw the trousers.
John Smith sworn: I am between 11 and 12 years of age. I saw the prisoner on Wednesday, the 12th near Lerwill beech tree. He asked me to go to MR SOMERS and tell him to go to Mr Hutton’s at about half-past three to four o’clock. I went to the prosecutor’s as requested. It was then about half past 12. I found the door locked, and returned back to Lerwill beech tree, where the prisoner was sitting. I told him the door was locked. He then promised to give me a penny and went in the direction of SOMERS' house; and I went home.
Miss Eleanor Lovering (assistant to Mr Moon, Pawnbroker, of Barnstaple) deposed: - I saw the prisoner on Wednesday last, between seven and eight o’clock. He came into the boxes of the pawnshop, and brought the coat and trousers now produced. I advanced 6s upon them. He gave his name as “John Thomas”. I have no doubt that the articles now produced are the coat and trousers so pawned.
John Sheriff sworn: - I am a police sergeant, and reside at Landkey. From information I received, I went to Mrs Moon’s pawnshop, in Barnstaple, on Thursday last. I asked the last witness (Miss Lovering) if she had taken in a coat and trousers lately. She said she had, and gave me the coat and trousers which I now produce. I afterwards apprehended the prisoner at the ‘Shipwright’s Arms’, Barnstaple, and charged him with breaking into a house at Chittlehampton and stealing a coat and pair of trousers. I searched him and found three pawn tickets on him, including one for this coat and trousers. He said, “I did not steal it, as I was in Exeter yesterday.”
This was the case.
Prisoner said he did not steal the coat and trousers. He pawned, but did not steal the property.
The prisoner was then committed to the County Gaol to take his trail at the next Sessions for the offence.
Great praise is due to the police sergeant (Mr Sheriff), for the intelligence and promptitude he displayed. Information of the theft was conveyed to him at 9 o’clock on the morning of Thursday, and at one o’clock on the same day he had the prisoner safe in custody. Three pawn-tickets were found on Gratton: one for the coat and trousers stolen at Chittlehampton; one for a telescope, pledged at Exeter, in his own name; and a third for a mortise-gauge and saw set, pledged at Exeter, in the name of “John Tucker.”

Thursday 27 August 1863
Fatal Accident - On Wednesday, as MR WILLIAM NOTT, landlord of “Golden Lion”, in this parish, was returning from Chulmleigh, where he had attended for the renewal of his certificate, when he was about ¼ of a mile from home, was thrown from his horse, and received injuries, which caused his death within two hours. The deceased was head-butler to the late Earl Fortescue for over thirty years, and was much respected by all who knew him.

Thursday 3 September 1863
DEATH - August 26th, at Chittlehampton, by a fall from a horse, MR WILLIAM NOTT, for 30 years and upwards the faithful servant of the late Lord Fortescue, and greatly respected by those who knew him, aged 53 years.

Thursday 1 October 1863
County Magistrates’ Meeting, Monday, September 28
Assault - A boy named JAMES SCOINS appeared against ROGER REARDON, of Chittlehampton, whom he had summoned for thrashing him on the 24th of September. REARDON handed a paper to the Magistrates containing obscene language, which it was proved the boy made use of, and the Bench dismissed the case.

Thursday 8 October 1863
DEATH - October 3rd, at Clifton, the REV. ROBT. H. CHICHESTER, vicar of Chittlehampton, aged 43.

Thursday 29 October 1863
Devon Michaelmas Sessions
Trial of Prisoners
Charles Gratton (20), bricklayer, was indicted for breaking into the dwelling-house of JOHN SUMMERS, and stealing a coat and a pair of trousers, his property, at Chittlehampton, on the 12th August, and was sentenced to nine months’ hard labour.
Southmolton – County Magistrates’ Monthly Meeting
Monday, October, 26th
Charge of Fowl Stealing - RICHARD BURGESS of Chittlehampton, appeared against his servant, FREDERICK BRYANT, who was brought up on remand charged with stealing two fowls. Mr Shapland defended the prisoner. It appeared that Police Constable Hooper saw the prisoner coming over a hedge, and, suspecting that he had been in search of game, demanded what he had in his pocket, to which he replied, “Nothing particular.” He, however, searched him and found a live cock and a dead hen. The prisoner said he did not steal them, and would rather be transported than betray who put them there. MR BURGESS proved that he had lost two fowls but would not swear that the fowls produced were his property. The case was thereupon dismissed.

Thursday 12 November 1863
Southmolton County Court
BAKER v. SCOINS - The parties live at Chittlehampton. The defendant did not appear, and service upon him was proved. The debt remaining due was £1 10s., payment having been originally ordered in 2s. a month. Commitment was granted for one week for not paying the first instalment, but not to be issued for a month.
Fatal Accident - A Farmer Shot
On Monday last, an Inquest was held by John Henry Toller, Esq., Deputy County Coroner, at the late dwelling house of the deceased, on the body of MR THOMAS WREFORD, yeoman, of Chittlehampton, who was fatally wounded by the accidental discharge of a fowling-piece on the previous Friday, under the circumstances detailed in the evidence:-
CHARLES WREFORD was then sworn; he said; - The deceased was my father. I resided with him. On Friday afternoon last, my brother, WM. WREFORD, came to me where I was at work on the farm, and told me that an accident had happened to my father. I went to my father’s house as quick as I could, and found my father sitting upon a stool, and being attended to, and blood was dropping from him. It was about 4 o’clock in the afternoon when my brother came to me, and rather before 5 o’clock I went out upon the premises to endeavour to find out how the accident happened. I met a servant man of my father’s, named WILLIAM DENDLE. I told him what I was about, and he accompanied me. As we passed the shippen door, which was wide open, I saw a gun lying upon the straw with the muzzle towards the entrance. I took up the gun and saw that one of the barrels had been recently discharged. We looked further and saw the hat of my father, which was ripped. We put the gun and the hat away. The gun was my father’s, and was sometimes kept in the shippen, standing up behind the door. I have often seen my father carrying it. I took my dinner with my father on Friday, and he appeared to be in his usual health and spirits. The gun goes off at half cock. There were some spots of blood in the shippen.
ELIZABETH SMALDON deposed: - I live in the parish of Chittlehampton, and am the wife of JAMES SMALDON, carpenter. On Friday afternoon last, about 4 o’clock, I was requested to go to MR THOMAS WREFORD'S as an accident had happened to him. I lived near him. I went to the house and found that MR WREFORD had been injured in the head. He was sitting upon a stool. Blood was coming from his head, and cold cloths were being applied to it. I have attended upon him since Friday last. On Saturday forenoon, his wife and myself were by his bedside, and she remarked she wished he could be sensible, to tell her how it happened, when he opened his eyes, which was not affected, and said “acc” two or three times, when I said to MRS WREFORD, he has said “accident” as plain as he can speak it. He at different times asked for things, such as bread and butter, and tea. I was present when he died yesterday morning, about two o’clock. He was about 56 years of age.
WILLIAM WREFORD deposed: - I live at West Leary, in the parish of Chittlehampton. I knew the deceased, THOMAS WREFORD. He was my father, and occupied a farm at West Leary. The last time I saw him well, was on Friday last about dinner time, about one o’clock. I took my dinner with him. He was quite cheerful; and after dinner he went to the yard, and I went to my work, which was to bring potatoes from a field to a cave. Between three and four o’clock in the afternoon I happened to be opposite the garden gate, going to the field with a horse and cart form some more potatoes, and saw my father just by the stable door, walking towards the house. Blood was blowing from his head and he stopped. Just as I got up to him he began to walk again. I asked him what was the matter, but he did not make any answer. I then called for JAMES DADD, who was caving the potatoes, and he immediately came. I assisted my father into the house. When we came into the house, my father said, “Let me sit down on a stool,” and he sat down. Dadds just looked at my father’s head, and then went away for the doctor. When I went to work on Friday afternoon last, I saw no one in particular about my father’s premises. My father died about ten o’clock yesterday morning. During his illness, I saw him several times, but he never stated how the accident happened.
James Dadds deposed: - I live in the parish of Filleigh. I knew the deceased. I worked for him as a labourer. Between three and four o’clock on Friday afternoon last, as I was caving potatoes for my master, I heard his son WILLIAM WREFORD calling to me to run as quick as I could. When I came to the yard gate, I saw him leading his father along. Blood was coming from the deceased’s head. I helped the deceased into his house, and sat him down upon a stool. I then went for Mr Ley, surgeon, of Southmolton. I sat up with the deceased on Saturday night, but he never said anything so as to throw any light as to how the accident happened. About three o’clock on Friday afternoon last, I heard the report of a gun over in the buildings. I did not think it strange, as I thought my master might be shooting rats or pigeons as he sometimes did. He came to me at about two o’clock, and gave me some directions, and appeared to be in very good health and spirits. I saw no one in particular about the deceased’s premises on Friday last.
Richard Ley, Esq., deposed: - I am a surgeon, and reside at Southmolton. I knew the deceased, THOMAS WREFORD. On Friday last, I was sent for to attend on him, he having met with an accident. When I got to his house, I found him sitting in the kitchen, supported by two women. I examined his head, and found what I supposed to be a gun shot wound extending from the ear to the middle of the forehead. The skull was cut through and the brain protruding nearly as large as my fist. I returned the brain into the skull, and dressed the external wound as well as I could. While I was applying the sutures, he appeared to be sensible, and said, “Don’t give me so much pain,” and he also told one of the women not to press his head so tight. I attended to him until yesterday morning, when he died from the effects of the injury. I have been to the shippen, and near the place where the gun was found there were the marks of blood. I have examined the head of the deceased, and found that the shot entered above the ear, and escaped from about the middle of the forehead. The part of the head where the shot entered was black, caused by being burnt by the powder. It is possible that the gun may have been put into such a position either by accident or design so as to go off and to cause his death.
Verdict: - “Died by the discharge of a gun, but how or by what means such gun was discharged there was not sufficient evidence to show.”
BIRTH - November 5th, at the Parsonage, Chittlehamholt, the wife of the REV. J. H. MORTON, of a son.

Thursday 10 December 1863
Fatal Accident - On Wednesday, the 2nd inst., farmer HARRIS, Colytown Farm, had been thrashing with a horse machine and had nearly completed his work, when from the prevailing wind on that day the skirts of his coat caught in the cogs of the wheel. Being drawn on to the machine, he threw up both his hands to save himself, and they were also caught and he could not be disengaged till he had his thigh fractured, his body much bruised, and both hands so dreadfully crushed as to require amputation of the four fingers of the left hand and the three middle fingers of the right hand, leaving only the thumb and little finger. He was most skilfully attended to by James Flexman, Esq., and Dr Constable of Southmolton, under whose judicious and skilful operation the patient is progressing as favourably as can be expected.

Thursday 24 December 1863
Leary Farm, Chittlehampton, Devon. - To Be Let, by Tender, for a Term of Fourteen Years, from Lady-Day, 1864 this Desirable Farm, Containing about 268 Acres of good Arable, Pasture, and Meadow Land, situate at Leary, in the Parish of Chittlehampton, and in the Occupation of the Representatives of the late MR THOMAS WREFORD. The Leary Farm is about 6 Miles from Barnstaple; 2 Miles from the Lime Kilns, at Swimbridge; and within half a Mile of an intended Station on the proposed North Devon and Somerset Railway. To view the Farm, apply to MRS WREFORD, on the Premises; and for particulars of Letting, to Mr Brewer, Castle Hill, near Southmolton, To whom Tenders may be sent on or before the 29th day of December instant. Dated 16th December 1863/

Thursday 7 January 1864
Notice is hereby given, that all Persons having any Claims on the Estate of THOMAS WREFORD, late of Chittlehampton, Devon, Farmer, deceased, are requested to send or deliver the particulars thereof to MRS MARY ANN WREFORD, Leary, Chittlehampton, the Administratrix of the Effects of the deceased, on or before the 29th day of January instant. And all Persons indebted to the said Estate, are required to pay the amount of their respective Debts to the said Administratrix on or before the same day. Dated the 4th day of January 1864.

Thursday 17 March 1864
DEATH - March 10, at Chittlehampton, MRS GRADDON, aged 86.

Thursday 14 April 1864
MARRIAGE - April 5th, at St. Ann's Church, Soho, London, by the Rev. E. Hamilton, curate, MR G. E. CROCKER, 5 Colchester-street, Pimlico, to MISS E. BUCKINGHAM, 48 Frith-street, Soho, both from Chittlehampton, Devon.
DEATH - April 7th, at Houghton Hall, Dunstable, Bedfordshire, HUMPHREY BRANDRETH, Esq., eldest brother of MR GIBBS, Whitmore, Chittlehamholt.

Thursday 21 April 1864
ALEXANDER DURIE'S Assignment. - Notice is hereby given, that by the Deed dated the 7th day of April, 1864, ALEXANDER DURIE, of South Bray Farm, in the parish of Chittlehampton, in the County of Devon, yeoman, conveyed all his estate and effects to Richard John Bickell, of Southmolton, in the county of Devon, Silversmith, and Thomas Vicary, of the same place, Seed and Manure Merchant, absolutely to be applied and administered by the benefit of the Creditors of the said ALEXANDER DURIE, in like manner as if he had been at the date thereof duly adjudged Bankrupt; And that the said Deed was duly executed by each of them the said ALEXANDER DURIE, Richard John Bickell, and Thomas Vicary, on the day of the date thereof, in the presence of and attested by James Edward Jackson Riccard, of Southmolton, aforesaid, Solicitor; and the Creditors of the said ALEXANDER DURIE, who have not already executed, are hereby required to signify their assent to or dissent from the said Deed by notice in writing; addressed to the said Trustee, within fourteen days from the date hereof. Dated this 20th day of April, 1864. Riccard and Son, Southmolton, Solicitors to the Trustees.

Thursday 5 May 1864
Offence Against the Turnpike Act. - WILLIAM HARRIS and JEREMIAH HARRIS of Chittlehampton, were charged by Superintendent Wood, D.C., for drawing timber on the turnpike road, otherwise than on a wheeled carriage. They were each fined 2s. 6d. and costs, which they paid.

Thursday 18 August 1864
Southmolton County Magisterial Sitting, Monday, August 15th, 1864.
Salmon Fishing. - Mr Edward Pinkett, of Barnstaple, Fish Conservator, had laid three informations against WM. MURCH of Chittlehampton, carpenter, for offences against the recent Salmon Act. First, the charge was for an offence against sec. 10, which was proved and MURCH was fined £3 and costs 13s. 6d. The second charge was for an offence against the 21st sec. of the same Act; this was also proved and a fine of £2 (being £1 for each fish taken) was inflicted, with 11s. costs; and the third charge was against sec. 11 of the Act, which was dismissed in consequence of a slight irregularity in the information, a technical objection having been taken to it by Mr Sparkes, of Crediton, who appeared on behalf of the defendant. The several sums were paid.

Thursday 20 October 1864
Southmolton Petty Sessions - Stealing Apples. AARON WARD, a labourer, of Chittlehampton, was brought up by Mr Superintendent Wood, charged with stealing apples, nearly four years ago, from MR JOHN HOWARD, of the same place. It appeared that the prisoner had been summoned before the magistrates some years ago, but he did not respond thereto, having left the neighbourhood and gone to Plymouth; he, however, probably thinking matters were all right, now once more returned to Chittlehampton, where he was apprehended by Mr Wood. - HOWARD proved having marked some of his apples which he had in a heap with the letter "H," which led to the identity of some of them found in the prisoner's custody. One of the stolen apples was produced in a shrivelled state by P.C. Hooper, and the evidence he gave, coupled with that of the prosecutor, clearly proved the prisoner's guilt. The case was ordered to be commuted under the Criminal Justice Act, and the value of the fruit and expenses were paid, and the prisoner discharged.

Thursday 17 November 1864
Southmolton County Court.
STONE v. Ogilvie. - This was an action brought by SAML. STONE, a labourer, of the parish of Chittlehampton, against Mr Robert Ogilvie, late manager of the North Devon Railway, to recover £1 14s. 6d. for services rendered by his wife as household servant to Mrs Ogilvie, from the 9th of January to the 25th of June, at 1s. 6d. per week. - Mr Lionel Bencraft appeared for defendant. MRS STONE deposed that Mrs Ogilvie employed her to do the work of a servant while she was without a servant - that her services extended over nearly six months, during which time she had neither meat nor wages. Mr Bencraft said the answer was as follows:- Mr Ogilvie was the occupier of a farm called Pitt, in the parish of Chittlehampton, and the manager of an extensive line of railways in Portugal. He (Mr O.) agreed with STONE that he should act as hind, have 13s. a week, live in the house, have vegetables from the farm, with firing, &c. Mr Ogilvie made the bargain and it was quite new to him to hear that Mrs Ogilvie made it. Therefore, if his Honour thought it necessary, he should ask for an adjournment to the next Court, that Mrs Ogilvie might be present. Defendant deposed:- On the 25th of March, 1863, SML. STONE came to Pitt to work for me, at 13s. per week, and to keep a man in the house. He was to live rent free, to have vegetables, milk, and firing. On the 9th of July, 1863, I left for Portugal, up to which time MRS STONE never gave in any account. At Christmas I brought Mrs Ogilvie back to Pitt, and from thence went into Kent. STONE was discharged on the 5th September, 1864, for habitual drunkenness; and the first notice I had of this claim was a County Court summons for the amount. - His Honour thought defendant's evidence was no answer to the claim. Mr Bencraft asked for an adjournment to enable him to produce Mrs Ogilvie. His Honour would only adjourn the case on condition that defendant paid STONE and his wife 2s. each for their attendance here today. Mr Bencraft said that should be done. Case adjourned.

Thursday 26 January 1865
Melancholy and Fatal Accident
On Friday evening last, an accident, attended with fatal consequences, occurred to MR ROBERT MILDON, aged 21, son of the late MR WILLIAM MILDON, of Halswell Farm, Chittlehampton. It appears that on Friday evening, about eight o’clock, the deceased, accompanied by a young man named Walters, left Barnstaple on horseback, to return home. On their arrival at the Plain, beyond Coddon Hill, both horses, by some unaccountable means, fell together. Walters, who was thrown but escaped with slight injuries, quickly rose and caught his horse, which was about twenty land-yards a-head. He then walked back in search of his companion (MILDON) and was alarmed to find him lying on the ground insensible; his horse was laid on its back in the trough. Walters raised MILDON to a sitting posture on the hedge, but, finding that he did not return to consciousness, he ran to the nearest house – Mr William Brailey’s, of Downrew – to procure assistance. Some of Mr Brailey’s servants immediately repaired to the spot, and conveyed the deceased to their master’s house. MILDON was laid on the sofa, and received every kindness and attention the inmates could bestow, and a messenger was despatched on horseback to Barnstaple for Mr Gamble, surgeon. That gentleman attended with all possible despatch, and, after an examination of his patient, the latter was undressed, and put to bed. Notwithstanding every exertion to relieve the sufferer, he died the next morning at half-past eight o’clock, of concussion of the brain.
An inquest was held at Mr Brailey’s on Saturday evening, at 5 o’clock, before J H Toller, Esq., Deputy Coroner; the jury (of which Mr John Robins, of Bishops Tawton, was foreman) being composed of farmers.
The following evidence was given by the surgeon Chas. H Gamble, Esq.: I am a surgeon and reside at Barnstaple. Last evening, shortly after nine o’clock, I received a message to go to Downrew Farm to see the deceased, who had met with an accident. I went with the messenger, and found the deceased lying on Mr Brailey’s sofa in a state of insensibility. I examined him and found no bones broken, but over the right orbital bone there was a very severe contused and lacerated wound. The upper lip was also very much bruised and cut. Blood was flowing freely from his mouth and nostrils. The right side of his body seemed paralysed, but the left, particularly the left arm, was subject to convulsive movements. The mouth was clenched very tightly, so that there was no possibility of giving him anything. I assisted in undressing him, and then had him carried up into one of Mr Brailey’s bed-rooms. I ordered what I considered necessary for him, but I thought there was very little hope of his recovery. I stayed more than an hour by his side, and this morning I was informed of his death and that it took place about half-past eight. I believe the immediate cause of his death was a rupture of a blood vessel upon the brain, occasioned by the fall from his horse.
The jury returned the following verdict: - “Accidentally killed by falling from his horse.” The deceased was a young man of excellent character, and much respected. He had but very recently completed his term of apprenticeship with Mr White, draper, of Southmolton (now mayor of that town), and intended, in a few days, to proceed to London.

Thursday 9 February 1865
County Magistrates’ Sessions, Monday, February 5th
A Juvenile Offender: Stealing a Watch. - THOS. LETHBRIDGE, a boy about eleven years of age, in the employ of MR CORNEY farmer, of Chittlehampton, was charged with having on Saturday, the 18th January, stolen a watch, chain and seal, the property of a farm-servant, named WILLIAM MACEY. The prosecutor said: On Saturday last, the 28th, I had a watch; and after I had wound it, I put it under my pillow in the bed I sleep on. The next day, Sunday, about half-past twelve, I missed it. PC Hooper brought it to me on Wednesday; I gave information to the police on the Sunday. The watch, chain and seal, produced is mine, and my name is on it. It is worth a sovereign. By the Bench: The prisoner was living in service with me, and slept in the same room. SARAH WARD: I am a servant living with MRS CORNEY, of Chittlehampton. On Sunday morning, 29th January, about 11 o’clock, I took the watch from under the pillow, and put it on a box, near the bed, and left it there. On Wednesday last, I found the watch hid behind the wall of the poultry house in the orchard. I left it there, and told my mistress of it. - MRS SUSAN CORNEY said: I am the wife of GEORGE CORNEY, of Chittlehampton. On Wednesday last, the last witness gave me information of the discovery of the watch, the loss of which I had heard of on the previous Sunday. On the day the watch was lost (Sunday) I heard the policeman speak to the prisoner about it; and the boy said he had taken it from the box, he had broken it and had then thrown it into the pond. After SARAH WARD told me she had discovered the watch on the Wednesday, the constable was sent for, and in his presence I told the boy I knew where the watch was. I said to him, “I know where the watch is, and so do you.” He then asked, “If I bring in the watch, shall I be transported?”. I replied, “That I must leave to the magistrates.” He then went to the place where the watch was concealed in a hole of the wall, and took it out, and gave it to the policeman. PC Henry Hooper said: I was sent for on Sunday week, and in consequence of information I received, I saw the prisoner and told him that as he was the only one who had been in the room after the girl put the watch on the box, he must have it, or know where it was. He then told me that he had taken the watch, and broken it, and had then thrown it into the pond. I had the water let out of the pond, and searched for the watch, but could not find it. The watch I now produce is the same that was delivered to me by the prisoner on Wednesday last. The Chairman addressing the prisoner said: The sentence of the Court is that you be committed to the House of Correction for two calendar month, and after that, be sent for a further period of three years to some reformatory school that shall be fixed upon. I am not quite sure whether they will admit you or not, but previous to the termination of your sentence I intend to do all I can to procure your admission into a reformatory school, where I hope and believe, under God’s providence, the means used for your reformation will result in your growing up a good young man. Unless I am misinformed, you have begun life very badly, but I trust you may be made something good of yet.

Thursday 23 March 1865
MARRIAGE - March 23rd, by licence, at the Bible Christian Chapel, Barnstaple, by Mr W. H. Lillington, MR JOHN BUCKINGHAM, yeoman, of Chittlehampton, to Miss Amelia Billen, of Fremington.

Thursday 27 April 1865
Stealing Money - MARIA ISAAC was charged with stealing 5s. from the till of MRS STONE, of Chittlehampton, on the 15th instant. The case was fully proved, and the prisoner desired to be tried at once. The case was commuted under the 108th section of the Criminal Justice Act, and prisoner was discharged on refunding the money and paying the costs.

Thursday 18 May 1865
Southmolton County Court.
HOWARD v. SHAPLAND. - A claim of £2 8s. for coals. Defendant did not appear, and judgment given accordingly. The parties reside at Chittlehampton.

Thursday 6 July 1865
Borough Magistrates’ Monthly Sitting, Monday, July 3rd
Defective Weights - Superintendent Fisher complained against the following parties for having light weights in their possession, he having seized the same whilst acting in the capacity of Inspector of Weights and Measures:-
WILLIAM VICARY, of Chittlehampton, farmer, a one 1b. weight and a half pound weight. Fined 5s., and 9s. costs.

Thursday 14 September 1865
Southmolton. County Magistrates Sessions
Saturday, September 9th, 1865
Stealing Wheat - WILLIAM BRAILEY, was charged with stealing, on the 5th or 6th instant, a quantity of wheat, the property of MR JAMES MANNING, of Head Mills, in the parish of Chittlehampton. JAMES MANNING, prosecutor’s son, said he went to his father’s mills on the morning of the 6th instant, and saw the wheat had been disturbed; he saw footmarks on the flooring of the stage. They appeared to have been made by naked feet; there was a little dusty meal on the floor which shewed the footmarks very plainly. The prisoner was in his father’s employ at last Lady-day, and had since acknowledged to him the bag was his property, and that he placed it in the cart. JOHN FOOK deposed that he was a miller in MR MANNING'S employ; he had weighed the wheat and found one bushel gone. The footmarks appeared to have been made by a person having a crooked foot. In consequence of what he saw, he went and took a bag of wheat from the loaded cart. The samples corresponded exactly; he had no doubt it was a part of the 6 bush, shaken. The prisoner told witness the previous evening he would leave a bag of wheat in the miller’s cart to be ground into floor. Christopher Clarke, a farmer of Chulmleigh, proved delivering 6 bushels of wheat on the evening of the 5th instant; he had not sold any of the sort to anyone else. He believed the wheat produced to be a portion of the wheat he sold to MR MANNING.
PC Fursdon said he had made the prisoner take off his boots, and make a footprint with his naked foot. He measured the prints with a rule and compass, and they corresponded exactly. There was a peculiarity about the right foot. Sergeant Davy and Harriet Hurford also gave evidence, when the Bench determined to commit the prisoner for trial at the next General Quarter Sessions at Exeter. Bail was however accepted for his appearance, himself in £20 and Gilbert Knill and John Chapple in £10 each.
DEATH - 26th inst., at Brimly Cottage, Chittlehampton, after a long and painful illness, borne with meekness and resignation, MR ROBERT BOWMAN, Beloved and lamented.

Thursday 21 September 1865
MARRIAGE - 20th inst., at St John’s Church, Chittlehampton, by the Rev J H Morton, Mr Jas. Wrixford, of Collaton Mills, Chulmleigh, to ELIZABETH, second daughter of MR JAMES MANNING, Head Barton, Chittlehamholt.

Thursday 28 September 1865
Southmolton – County Magistrates’ Monthly Sitting
Monday, September 25
Assault - MR EPHRAIM HOWARD, yeoman, of Chittlehampton, preferred a charge of assault against a married woman named, JANE BENNETT of the same parish. Mr J T Shapland, jun., appeared for the complainant, from whose evidence it appeared that he rents a farm belonging to J L Brown, Esq., of Chittlehamholt, and in the farm-yard are several cottages, the inmates of which (with the exception of BENNETT) are on friendly terms with him. He had repeatedly complained of the prisoner’s ducks trespassing on his premises, and on the day when the assault complained of took place, he had driven out the ducks into the road. BENNETT peremptorily demanded where the ducks were, and he told her they were driven to the pound, whereupon she became desperately enraged and threw stones at him and brought blood in many places. He then went close to her and held up his stick in a threatening manner, but did not strike her. Defendant stated that she should swear the peace of HOWARD, but no one in Court believed her. The Bench considered the assault proved and fined her 2s. 6d. and costs – 10s; in default of payment, to be committed to the county gaol for fourteen days. She took the alternative.

Thursday 26 October 1865
Southmolton - County Magisterial Monthly Sitting - Monday, October 23rd, 1865
Drunkenness - Supt. John Wood laid information against JOHN OSMOND, of Chittlehampton, who, it appeared was on the 27th of November last, was drunk, riotous, and indecent. The offence was proved, and defendant was committed to the county gaol for 7 days.
The same complainant charged WILLIAM OSMOND with being, at the same time and place, guilty of the like offence. - Fined 5s. and 8s. costs, which he paid.

Thursday 23 November 1865
DEATH - 15th inst., at Chittlehampton, deeply regretted by all who knew him, JOHN, second son of MR THOS. WATTS, stonemason, aged 20.

Thursday 7 December 1865
CHITTLEHAMPTON - Fatal Accident On The Devon And Somerset Railway. - An Inquest was held on Saturday, at Chittlehampton, before the Deputy Coroner - J. H. Toller, Esq., on the body of JAMES COOKE, a navvy, who met with his death under the following circumstances:-JOHN SLEE deposed:- I live at Chittlehampton, and am a labourer. I am at present working on the Devon and Somerset Railway in the parish of Chittlehampton. I knew the deceased - JAMES COOKE. He also worked on the Devon and Somerset Railway. The deceased and myself were at work there together yesterday, about twelve o'clock. The deceased was throwing up muck upon the stage and I was throwing it off on the wagons. About eight landyards off, men were engaged in blasting the rock, and whilst so doing a stone, about eight or nine pounds in weight, flew into the air, went over my head and struck the deceased, who was behind me, in the head. He was knocked down insensible. I held up his head until the rest came, when he was taken to his lodgings. I consider it was an accident. Mr Edwin Furse, surgeon, of Southmolton, who was immediately sent for, was soon in attendance, and found the deceased suffering from severe injuries in the head. He died about half-past eight o'clock in the evening. He (witness) believed death to have been caused by a fracture of the skull, and compression of the brain. Verdict:- "Accidental Death."
Borough Magistrates. Assault. - ANN HILL (the wife of THOMAS HILL, labourer) summoned JAMES THOMAS, of Chittlehamholt, butcher, for having, as she alleged, assaulted her on Saturday, the 4th of November last, in the public market. A cross summons had also been issued by MR THOMAS, against the complainant, under the bye laws of the borough, for using profane, indecent or obscene language, to the annoyance of passengers. The Bench, after hearing the evidence adduced, dismissed both cases.

Thursday 18 January 1866
Southmolton – Bi-Monthly Court
WILLIAM MANNING v. EDWARD CRAUSE - Both parties are farmers of Chittlehampton. The action as brought to recover £1 10s. for damage alleged to have been sustained in consequence of the seizure and detention of plaintiff’s horse. The defendant did not appear and his Honour gave judgment for £1 and 10s. for witnesses’ attendance, believing that was sufficient for the damage sustained.

Thursday 15 March 1866
County Court - Barnstaple
Searle v. SHAPLAND. - The plaintiff, an ironmonger, of Barnstaple, claimed of defendant, a veterinary surgeon, of Chittlehampton, the sum of £4, for good supplied. Defendant did not dispute the debt, but said he had been ill for a long time, and had not been able to attend to his business. His Honour gave judgment for 5s. a month.

Thursday 22 March 1866
Crown Court. A felonious Assault At Southmolton. JOSEPH HARRIS, 25, tailor, was indicted for having committed an indecent offence on Sarah Venner, at Southmolton on the 10th January. Mr Cox prosecuted, and Mr Clarke defended the prisoner. The prisoner is a tailor of Chittlehamholt, and the prosecutrix, who is about the same age as the prisoner, is the wife of Mr John Francis Venner, a farmer, living about a mile and a quarter from Southmolton. She is a mother, and is possessed of considerable personal attractions. She gave her evidence in a clear and straightforward manner. Mr Cox briefly opened the case, and called Mrs Venner, the prosecutrix, who said she lived at Ford Down Farm, Southmolton. On Wednesday, 10th January, she went to Southmolton about three o'clock, and remained two hours. On going home she had to go nearly a mile on the Southmolton turnpike road, before she turned into the lane which led to her house. It was nearly dark when she passed the gate. Soon after she had passed, she heard some one following, and turning round saw a man behind her. When she entered the lane from the turnpike road she again turned, and found the man following her. He came up closer behind her. She turned again and the prisoner then ran up and caught her around the shoulders. He said, "How far are you going?" She said she was going home. He said, "You won't go any further." She said "You had better let me go;" but he said he wouldn't, and pushed her against the hedge. She was about 80 yards from the turnpike road. She screamed for "John" (meaning her husband) and said she was a married woman. He said, "You don't mean to say that you are married," and she said, "Yes I am." He then attempted to take improper liberties with her, but she escaped from him and ran off homeward. The prisoner, however, again seized her by the shoulders, and after walking three or four landyards down the road, he threw her against the hedge. She continued screaming and he said "Don't halloa" in a threatening manner. She said "Let me go; let me go." He said "I will if you will help me." He then consummated the offence, and released her, saying "I would have let you gone before if you had helped me." Prisoner then said "Good night," and walked away. She ran home and told her husband. She was certain the prisoner was the man who assaulted her. It was light enough for her to see his hair and whiskers, and the first time she saw him after, she recognised him.
Cross-examined:- Did not say before the magistrates that she couldn't recognise him by his face. She had said she couldn't swear to his dress; but he wore dark clothes. Her bonnet was torn and her arms scratched. She resisted him very violently, and endeavoured to get away. She had never said that she had consented to get rid of him. The magistrates clerk did not ask her whether she consented, and she did not say "yes." It was a windy cloudy night. The lane was straight. She was about 70 or 80 land yards from her house when assaulted. Mr John Francis Venner, husband of the prosecutrix, said he was a farmer. On the night of the 10th of Jan. his wife returned home about six o'clock in the evening and made a statement to him. She was very agitated. She was suckling a child about seven months' old at that time.
John Sanders, a carpenter and innkeeper, of Southmolton, saw the prisoner at his house on the afternoon of the 10th January. Prisoner had a bundle of leather with him. He left just before five; it was "dimpse."
By his Lordship: - Prisoner was a tailor living at Chittlehamholt, five miles from Southmolton.
Frederick Moore, a lad 10 years old, was coming towards Southmolton about five o'clock, and when a short distance from the turnpike gate he met Mrs Venner, who was going towards her home. A little way behind he met the prisoner as he was passing through the turnpike gate in the same direction as Mrs Venner. He saw nothing in prisoner's hand. Cross-examined:- Had never seen the prisoner before.
James Row, driver of the Prince of Wales omnibus, was driving from the station to Southmolton on the night of the 10th January. He stopped at "Warkleigh Hotel," to light his lamps. The Mede and Clatworthy Mill gates were between three and four miles from Southmolton, and were about three quarters of a mile apart. Between these gates he met the prisoner about 6.25 p.m. Had seen the prisoner before.
Mr John J. Kingsland, currier, of Southmolton, said the prisoner bought some leather at his house on the afternoon of the 10th January.
Superintendent Fisher, of the Southmolton Police, in consequence of information, went to the prisoner's father's house, at Chittlehamholt, in company with Mrs Venner who identified the prisoner as the person who had assaulted her. Prisoner on being charged with the offence, on the 14th January, said he was at Southmolton on the 10th January, but saw nothing of the prosecutrix.
Cross-examined:- There were other persons in the room when Mrs Venner identified the prisoner.
Mr Clarke, for the prisoner, contended that there was consent on the part of the prosecutrix - at least there was not sufficient resistance to justify the charge. If the prosecutrix, whilst standing, had resisted to the utmost, the prisoner could not have been intimate with her. If she had screamed, as she had said she did, her husband must have heard her. He should call a witness who would swear that the prosecutrix had before the magistrates said she consented, to get rid of him. The learned counsel called
John Phillips, who said he was present when the magistrates' clerk asked prosecutrix "Did you consent?" and she said "Yes." the clerk said "I suppose to get rid of him," and she answered "Yes."
Cross-examined: - I am prisoner's brother-in-law.
Mr Cox having replied, his Lordship summed up, and said, with reference to the evidence of Phillips, if it were true, a consent extorted by violence was no consent at all. The Jury, after a brief deliberation, returned a verdict of Guilty.
Prisoner, when called on, said he never saw the prosecutrix until the 14th January. His Lordship said he was sorry to hear him say that, for the evidence of identity had satisfied the Jury, and he must say that it was most satisfactory to him. The sentence of the Court was that he be kept in penal servitude for seven years.

Thursday 29 March 1866
Chulmleigh Petty Sessions, Wednesday, March 21
Cruelty. - ROBERT POWE, labourer, who had lately become possessed of a pony, was summoned for abusing it, on the 16th February. P.C. Blackmore stated that defendant was an inhabitant of Chittlehampton; that he noticed the said pony pulling on one side with a load of wood, and, on examining it, he found that it had wounds on its shoulders. Fined 15s., including costs.

Thursday 5 April 1866
County Magistrates, Monday, April 2nd
Assaulting a Police Constable - HENRY HOOPER, of Chittlehampton, police constable, complained against a married woman of that village, named SARAH WALDRON, for committing an assault upon him while in the execution of his duty. From the statement of the defendant it would appear that no assault had been committed upon the officer, but the preponderance of evidence was in the complainant’s favour, and a fine of 2s. 6d., and 18s. 6d., costs, was inflicted; in default of payment, committal to the county prison for one week. The woman not having the means of liquidating the amount, she was compelled to adopt the alternative.

Thursday 10 May 1866
The Bankruptcy Act, 1861
JOHN SHAPLAND, of Chittlehampton, in the County of Devon, Veterinary Surgeon, having been adjudged Bankrupt in the County Court of Devon, at Southmolton, on the 5th day of May, 1866, is hereby required to surrender himself to Robert Jennings Crosse, a Registrar of the County Court of Devonshire, holden at Southmolton, at the first Meeting of Creditors to be held on the 26th day of May, 1866, at half past Eleven o’clock in the Forenoon precisely, at the Court House. Mr R I Bencraft, of Barnstaple, is the Solicitor acting in the Bankruptcy. At the Meeting of the Registrar will receive the proofs of the debts of the Creditors, and the Creditors may choose an Assignee or Assignees of the Bankrupt’s Estate and Effects.
All persons having in their possession any of the Effects of the said Bankrupt must deliver them to the Registrar, and all debts due to the Bankrupt must be paid to the Registrar.
John Manning, High Bailiff.

Thursday 17 May 1866
BIRTH - May 15th, at Leary, Chittlehampton, the wife of MR H. MOGRIDGE, of a daughter.
DEATH - April 28th, at Charles, MR A. MOGRIDGE, youngest son of the late MR W. MOGRIDGE, of Leary, Chittlehampton.

Thursday 22 May 1866
Local Bankrupt - Among the local bankrupts in Tuesday’s Gazette is the name of JNO. SHAPLAND, Chittlehampton, veterinary surgeon.

Thursday 24 May 1866
Coroner’s Inquest - An inquest was held on Monday, before John Henry Toller, Esq., coroner, on the body of MARY, wife of MR JOHN LAKE, farmer. On the previous Saturday she went to Southmolton market in her husband’s cart, and when returning in the evening, and within sight of her own house, the vehicle by some means upset and she was thrown out. Injury of the vertebra of the neck caused immediate death. The verdict of the jury was “Accidental Death”.

Thursday 31 May 1866
MARRIAGE - May 26th, at Chittlehampton, by the Rev C Drake, Mr John Jones, of Bableigh, Landkey, to ELIZABETH ANN, eldest daughter of MR J. ASHTON, of Shilstone Barton, Chittlehampton.

Thursday 14 June 1866
Barnstaple Police Court, Friday, June 8th. - Stealing A Pig. - GEORGE START, a farmer, of Chittlehampton, was charged with stealing one pig, value 14s., and one hamper or maund value 5s., the property of Mr Wm. Joslin, also a farmer, of the parish of Atherington. - The facts were disclosed in the following evidence:- Mrs Jane Joslin, wife of the prosecutor, deposed that she attended Barnstaple Market on Friday, the 1st inst. She had a pig which she offered for sale; it was not sold, and in the afternoon it was placed in a hamper outside Mrs Leaker's house, in Boutport-street. In the evening of the day she found that the pig had been taken away; and, from certain suspicious circumstances, she was induced to apply to the magistrates for a search warrant, which was placed in the hands of Mr Blanchard, superintendent of police, who had since shewn her a pig and maund which she identified as her husband's property. - Daniel Squire, ostler at the 'Admiral Vernon' public house, deposed: On Friday, the 1st instant, between 4 and 5 o'clock, the prisoner desired me to go to Mrs Leaker's and bring away a maund containing a pig. I did so, and afterwards saw the prisoner at the Inn, who asked me if I had got it. I said "Yes;" and he replied "All right." Subsequently, I assisted the prisoner in getting the maund into his cart and saw him drive off. - By Mr Lionel Bencraft (who watched the case for the prisoner):- There were two other pigs in the cart. - Mr Supt. Blanchard, on receiving the search warrant, went to Chittlehampton, and took possession of a maund and pig (which he produced). Prisoner was not then at home; but on a second visit to his house the Superintendent charged him with stealing the pig, &c.; in answer to which he said "I don't know anything about it." The magistrate having put the usual question, prisoner replied, "I have nothing to say." He was then committed for trial for the felony at the next Quarter Sessions for this borough, bail being taken for his appearance, and the prosecutor and his witnesses bound in recognizances to prosecute and give evidence.
Chulmleigh Petty Sessions, Wednesday June 13th. - Important Case Of Salmon Poaching. - J. Hancock, miller, Meeth Mills, Kingsnympton; and WILLIAM GILBERT, Chittlehampton, were summoned by John Stanlake, gamekeeper to the Barnstaple Fish Association, for fixing an engine on the River Mole for the destruction of salmon, on the 27th of May. Mr Hancock acknowledged that the engine was placed there, but pleaded that he had nothing to do with it, but that GILBERT sent the engine. Mr Lionel Bencraft, Barnstaple, appeared for the prosecution, and Mr Floud, Exeter, for the defendants. The latter argued Hancock had nothing to do in the matter, and asked for an acquittal. It was proved that GILBERT could not fix the engine without going through Mr Hancock's premises, J. Shrives, Kingsnympton, was called as a witness. He said it was a wooden hatch with small bars. T. Woolaway was also called as witness, and caused much laughter in Court by the peculiar manner in which he gave his evidence. He said he had been an old offender himself, that GILBERT could not go through Hancock's premises without having the key from him. The Bench after a short consultation, gave it as their opinion that defendants were both acting in concert, and therefore fined them £4 each with 18s. 6d. expenses, and their instrument to be forfeited.

Thursday 21 June 1866
Barnstaple Quarter Sessions
GEORGE START, a farmer, of Chittlehampton, charged with stealing one pig, value 14s., and one hamper or maund value 5s., the property of Mr Wm. Joslin, also a farmer, of the parish of Atherington.

Thursday 28 June 1866
Southmolton – Felony
PHILIP BUCKINGHAM was also brought up on remand, charged with stealing scythe and two scythe handles, at Chittlehampton, the property of JAS. HARRIS, valued at 4s. 6d. The case was proved and the prisoner was sentenced to 14 days’ imprisonment at Exeter.
Barnstaple Quarter Sessions. Serious Charge Against A Farmer Of Stealing A Pig And Maund. - The Grand Jury returned a true bill against GEORGE START, a farmer of Chittlehampton, for feloniously stealing a pig and a maund, the property of William Joslin, of Atherington, on the 1st June. The prisoner pleaded not guilty. Mr Incledon Bencraft prosecuted, and Mr Bromham defended. The following gentlemen were sworn on the Petty Jury:- Messrs. W. Hearn, Henry Copp, Stephen Bartlett, Charles Snow, John Ashton, R. H. Prideaux, William Pile, E. E. Hancock, John Cutcliffe, Wm. Garland, John Marquis, and William Barrett. - Mr Bencraft, in stating the case, expressed his regret at finding a man, in the respectable position the prisoner apparently held, placed in the dock on so serious a charge. They would hear that on the 1st of June the prisoner possessed himself of the pig and maund named in the indictment, and, though they would find that it was not by his own hand, it was done by his direction, and, as they all knew, he was answerable for the acts of his servant. It would e set up for the defence that it was a mistake, but if this were the case he submitted that the prisoner would have discovered it before the following day.
Jane Joslin, sworn:- I am the wife of William Joslin, a farmer, of Atherington. I was at Barnstaple Market on the 2st of June. I took a pig for sale, and it was placed in a maund outside Mrs Leaker's door, in Boutport-street. This was at about half-past three, and about five o'clock I went for it, but found that both the maund and pig were gone. The next day I obtained a warrant to search the prisoner's premises. I saw the pig next at the police station on the following Monday. The maund and pig were the same I brought into the Market. Mr Bromham:- I don't ask her anything. Daniel Squire, examined:- I am ostler at the "Admiral Vernon" Inn, in Meddon-street, in this town. I remember Friday, the first of June last. The prisoner came in on that day. He brought a horse and cart in the morning, and I saw him again about half-past four or five in the afternoon when he asked me to fetch a maund and a pig for him, from Mrs Leaker's, in Boutport-street. He said that he had left it there, and asked me to go for it. I went, and found the pig and the maund as the prisoner had described. I took it up and brought it down to the "Admiral Vernon." I informed the prisoner that I had brought the maund and pig, and he said in reply "All right." He was talking with a man called Clarke in the court; he opened the cover, and looked at the pig, and asked the prisoner what he asked for his "refuse" pig. I did not hear any answer to that. The prisoner assisted me to put the maund and pig into the cart, and he and his wife drove away. Cross-examined:- This was the first Friday I had been ostler there. I did not know the prisoner. We were not drinking together during the day. Mr Clarke and I had a glass together at the "Lamb." At the time the prisoner sent me for the pig, he appeared to have had a glass or two of beer, but was nothing out of the way He was not drunk. I am sure that he told me to fetch the pig as well as the maund. MR START told me himself, not Mary Dennis, but she was close by. She might have heard what he said. When I went to Mrs Leaker I asked for MR START'S maund. I was not told that there was no such maund; an old woman named Clarke, said there might be one, "she did not know, there might be a maund there." Notwithstanding what Mrs Clarke said, I took away the maund, because, seeing a pig in it I took it for granted it was the one the prisoner had sent me for. At the time the conversation took place between the prisoner and Clarke as to how much he would take for the "refuse" pig there was another hamper near with pigs in it. They had been the property of the prisoner, but Mr Dennis had bought them during the day. There were three maunds on the prisoner's cart altogether. I did not notice that at the time he started he was in a state of intoxication; he had drunk some beer but was nothing out of the way. Supt. Blanchard sworn:- I am Supt. of the Police of this Borough. On the 2nd of June last I executed a search warrant at the prisoner's house. I went to search for a pig and maund. I found it there and took possession of it. I did not see the prisoner. P.C. Copp went with me; the prosecutor did not go. I identified the pig by a mark in the back which had been pointed out to me. On the following Monday I charged him with the offence, and apprehended him. He said: "I can't tell how it happened; it must have been the ostler's fault; I don't know anything about it, for I was very drunk." I now produce the maund and pig. Cross-examined:- I first saw the prisoner's wife. I said I wanted to see her husband. She said he would not be home today, and I said "I will wait until he comes and I then told her I had a search warrant, and had come for a pig." She took me to the place where the pig was. She did not say before "You are come about the pig." She gave me every facility for searching the house. Mr Bromham, in defence, said it had often been his privilege to address a jury in that place, but he had never appeared in such a trumpery case as this. His learned friend, Mr Bencraft, had expressed his regret at seeing the prisoner placed in such a position, but he went further and said it was a shameful thing that he was brought here. He should establish beyond the shadow of a doubt that although the pig, the property of the prosecutor was taken home by his client, that there was no felonious intent whatever, - that at the time he took it he was nearly intoxicated, indeed, so intoxicated that he did not know what he was about, - and that it was purely a mistake. He would shortly give them the facts of the case. MR START, the prisoner, was a respectable farmer, living at Chittlehampton, renting rather largely, and he was in the habit of coming to Barnstaple Market almost every week. On the Friday in question he came into the town with a horse and cart and three maunds, two of which contained pigs; and the other, the property of a Mrs Clarke, contained ducks. When they reached the town the maunds were removed into the Market by MRS START, the prisoner's wife. During the day she effected a sale of the pigs, but this fact was unknown to the prisoner. He, unfortunately, instead of being about his business got down at the 'Admiral Vernon,' and began drinking. They had heard from the ostler, who was really the only witness for the prosecution that he need take the slightest notice of, that between 4 and 5 o'clock in the evening the prisoner told him to go to Mrs Leaker's to fetch a maund, and, as he alleged, a pig. They must bear in mind in conjunction with this circumstance, the fact that the prisoner knew there were two maunds of his brought into the town, and there was only one at that time in the yard. They would naturally ask why the prisoner sent to Mrs Leaker's. He should be able to show them that this was the last place he was at, and he being intoxicated he naturally thought of the last place; but further, he should be able to establish to their satisfaction by the evidence of respectable witnesses that the prisoner simply told the ostler to get a maund, and at that time there could be no doubt that one of the empty maunds belonging to the prisoner was somewhere in the town and he wanted to take it home with him. He should also prove that the conversation which the ostler had alleged took place did not take place at all; and he thought they would have no difficulty in arriving at the conclusion that it was a pure mistake. He left the case in their hands confident that they would restore his client to liberty without a stain upon his character. The following witnesses were then called:- Mary Dennis examined:- I saw the prisoner on the day in question. I did not know him before. I was in the yard with the prisoner, when I heard him tell the ostler to fetch his maund. He said, "I have got three maunds, but there are only two here;" and he told the ostler to go to Mrs Leaker's to look for it, as he thought he had left it there. Nothing was said about a pig. The prisoner was very much intoxicated. I was there when the ostler came back. There was a man named Clarke with the prisoner, but neither of them opened the maund, nor was there any conversation between them. I live at Landkey, and I left with them. The prisoner was too tipsy to drive the horse. - Cross-examined by Mr Bencraft: I did not hear any conversation between the prisoner and Clarke at any time. The prisoner drove a part of the way, but MRS START took the reins from him because he was driving too fast. I don't recollect how far the prisoner drove. - Q.: Is your recollection pretty good, Mrs Dennis? - A. A woman 70 years of age can't be expected to remember everything. (Laughter). Q. I did not think your memory was very good, but I wanted your own version; when was it that the wife took the reins out of his hand? A. I shouldn't think it worth while noticing such a thing as that. (Laughter). I think it was at the top of Newport. By the Court: I am certain that no one touched the maund from the time it was brought until we started. Thomas Clarke examined:- I was in the court-yard of the 'Admiral Vernon' on the day in question. I did not see the ostler come back with the maund. In the afternoon between three and four o'clock, I saw the prisoner there, and he was tipsy at that time. I never had any conversation with START about buying a pig. I never in my life said to START "How much for that refuse pig?" I had no conversation of the kind with the prisoner during the day. What the ostler has said is false. I never made the prisoner an offer, nor did I know whether the pig was black or white. Re-examined: - Q. Had you been drinking? - A. Yes, I had a good drop for 'twas rather warm. I have had a glass with you, you know, Mr Bencraft, before now. (Laughter). Q. Well, were you not drunk? A. I had had plenty. START was further gone than I was. I should have known whether I made the prisoner an offer or no. - Elizabeth Clarke examined:- Q. Are you a relation of the last witness? A. No, your Honour, I ain't a relation of nobody (Laughter.) On the day in question, I remember the ostler coming to me and asking for a maund for MR START. I told him that there was none there. The ostler was not sober. Notwithstanding my telling him there was none there, he took it away. Cross-examined:- Q. How did you know it was not the prisoner's maund? A. Because I know what is brought in. I did not know that that was not MR START'S which was outside. By a Juryman: The ostler asked for a hamper and not a pig.
WILLIAM CHARLES START examined:- I am the son of the prisoner. I saw my father leave for Barnstaple on the 1st of June. He had two hampers. I was in the court when they came back. There were two hampers in the cart then. I helped to unload the cart. I noticed my father and saw he was very tipsy. He as in such a state that he did not know anything, - he did not know even when he came to his own yard. On pulling out one of the maunds I found a pig in it, and I told my mother of it. I asked my mother whether she had sold the pigs, and she said "I have." I then told her there was a pig in the cart, and she replied "It is not mine, the ostler must have put it up in mistake." I asked what I was to do with it, and she told me to put it with the others that night, and some ne would own it in the morning. Cross-examined:- My father was present all this time. I helped him down from the cart after I had put away the pig. Q. Then you attended to the pig first, and your father afterwards? (Laughter.) Nobody came to claim the pig. This was the case. Mr Bromham and Mr Bencraft having addressed the Jury, The Recorder summed up the case. The Jury then deliberated, and after a few minutes, one of them said the Jury wished to know whether the hamper the prisoner left behind had been found and where. The Recorder asked if any of the witnesses that had been examined could answer the question as he was anxious not to re-open the case after it had been closed. The prisoner's son was then called, and identified a maund produced as his father's. In answer to question from the Court he also said that his father before he left home gave him no directions whatever as to the disposal of the pig. P.C. Copp deposed to finding the maund produced at the Nag's Head. He identified the maund by the description given him. The Jury here intimated their wish to retire, and the Court adjourned for a quarter of an hour. The Jury returned into Court at half-past nine, after an absence of seven hours and a half, and reported to the Court that one of their number was ill. The Recorder said he could not discharge the Jury unless he had evidence of the fact from a medical man. Mr Harper, surgeon, was then sent for and sworn by the Court. On examining the indisposed Juryman he stated that it would not be advisable to keep him any longer in confinement. The Recorder said that this being the case he should now dismiss the Jury, but intimated that the prisoner would have to take his trial at the next Quarter Sessions. Bail was then entered into for the prisoner's appearance and the Court rose at about a quarter to ten.

Thursday 12 July 1866
Re: JOHN SHAPLAND of Chittlehampton – Last examination adjourned to next Court. Mr I Bencraft supported the Bankrupt.

Thursday 26 July 1866
BIRTH - July 17th at Chittlehampton, the wife of MR W. COX, of twin sons.

Thursday 16 August 1866
County Magistrates’ Petty Sessions, Monday, August 13th
Drunkenness - Supt. Wood charged WILLIAM HUTCHINGS, of Chittlehampton, labourer, with being drunk and riotous on the 11th ult. A fine of 5s. and costs was inflicted, in default of payment 7 days’ imprisonment.
Offences Against the Salmon Act - Sackville Cresswell, Esq., preferred three charges against JOHN FOOK, of Chittlehampton, on the 8th of August inst. The first being with taking or attempting to take salmon with a net having a mesh of less dimensions than two inches from knot to knot. The second for catching, or attempting to catch salmon (without rod and line) in the tail race of a certain mill, such mill having no fish pass approved by the Home Office attached thereto. And lastly for having after the 28th of July last being the time appointed by the Conservators of the Taw and Torridge Salmon Fishery District for the expiration of the time for fishing for salmon without a licence, used a net for catching salmon without having a licence for the same. The several cases were proved and defendant was fined £2 10s., £1 1s., and £1 10s., respectively with costs. The whole amount was paid.

Thursday 6 September 1866
BIRTH - September 5th, at Chittlehampton, the wife of MR GEORGE DORE, Inland Revenue Officer, of a daughter.

Thursday 20 September 1866
The Bankruptcy Act, 1861
In the County Court of Devonshire holden at Southmolton. In the matter of JOHN SHAPLAND, of Chittlehampton, in the County of Devon, Veterinary Surgeon, adjudged Bankrupt on the Fifth day of May, 1866. An Order of Discharge will be delivered to the Bankrupt after the expiration of thirty Days from this date, unless an Appeal be duly entered against the Judgment of the said Court, and notice thereof be given to the Court.
Dated this 12th day of September, 1866.
(Signed) John Manning, High Bailiff.

Thursday 20 September 1866
Southmolton, Wednesday, September 12th. -
Comins v. BUNCOMBE. - Plaintiff, a whitesmith of Southmolton, sued the defendant, a solicitor and farmer residing near Chittlehampton. The claim was £1 11s. 11d. alleged to be due on a contract for hanging bells entered into in the year 1858. After hearing the facts his Honour gave judgment for the plaintiff; the amount to be paid on the day following the next Court day. Mr Comins promised the hanging of the bells before that time, which he said he had been long prepared and willing to do.

Thursday 27 September 1866
County Magistrates, Monday September 24
Offences Against the Cattle Plague Orders - Superintendent Wood laid complaint against WM. LEACH, of Chittlehampton, farm servant, for that he, on the 14th day of August last, did move upon a certain highway two bullocks without a licence, for a distance exceeding 500 yards, contrary to the order of her Majesty’s Privy Council and contrary to the form of the statute in that case made. The case having been proved, the Bench inflicted a fine of £5 and costs 9s., which were paid.
BIRTH - September 22nd, at Chittlehampton Vicarage, the wife of the REV. C. MACKWORTH DRAKE, of a daughter.

Thursday 22 November 1866
County Magistrates’ Petty Sessions, Monday, November 18th
Non-Payment of Wages - JAMES HARRIS, of Chittlehampton, farmer, was summoned by ELIZABETH YELLAND, a servant in husbandry, for non-payment of wages. The case was dismissed and each party ordered to pay half the costs.
A Refractory Servant - ELIZABETH YELLAND, the complainant in the last case, was summoned by JAMES HARRIS, her master, for misbehaviour, on the 12th May. The case was dismissed.
Removal of Nuisance - JOHN BRADFORD, of Chittlehampton, was summoned by Supt. Wood for a nuisance in that village. Ordered to be abated by 1st January, 1867, and costs, 11s.
MARRIAGE - November 15th, at Chittlehampton, W. MORRISON, Esq., to ELIZABETH, second daughter of MR WILLIAM GRADDON, of Brightley.

Thursday 6 December 1866
MARRIAGE - November 17, at Heavitree, MR HUGH CLARK, of Chittlehampton, to ELIZABETH, eldest daughter of the late MR JAMES SANDERS, of Aylesbeare.

Thursday 13 December 1866
The Umberleigh Weir
There were two claims with respect to this weir, one by the Hon. Mark Rolle for the Brightley side, and the other by Arthur Davie Bassett, Esq., for the mill-side. Mr J Daw (of Exeter) appeared for Mr Rolle, and Messrs Frere (of London) for the Trustees of the late Lord Rolle; and Mr Bassett was represented by Mr Pinkett (of the Western Circuit).
The claim of the Hon. Mark Rolle was first taken, and Mr Daw said that he was entitled beneficially to the rents of the property, and he proposed to prove the title by beginning from the present possession and working upwards to the highest point he cold. Lord Rolle’s will dated 2nd November, 1837, was put in, and a number of leases and other documents were read dating back to 1260. A survey of the fishing was put in which showed that it was originally let for £90, one of the conditions being that the lessee should deliver, or cause to be delivered, to Lord Rolle, the Misses Rolle, their heirs and assigns, or their agents, such river salmon as they might require at 2d. per lb. A most curious original deed relative to the manor of Brightley was put in which was dated 1260, showing that a hatch weir was part of the property.
The following witnesses were called.
Mr Henry Drew said:- I am the steward of the North Devon estates mentioned in this will. I hold courts at Brightley and receive the chief and conventionary rents. The weir at Brightley was fished until 1861, when it was taken out of the hands of the tenants. A free passage was then allowed for the fish for three years, and then the fishing was resumed in 1865. The interval which elapsed arose from Mr Rolle’s desire to increase the fish. Lord Rolle’s sisters have all died intestate, and Mr Rolle is the beneficiary tenant, for life under the will.
Cross-examined by Mr Lionel Bencraft:- I first became personally acquainted with the fishery in 1863.
John Brailey, 83 years of age, said that when he went to school, more than 70 years ago, he remembered his father buying fish caught in Brightley weir. At this time Mr Rolle’s fishery was in existence on the other side of the river. There were fenders on the Brightley side; he was quite sure of this.
WILLIAM GODBEAR was born and reared in Chittlehampton, and was 71 years old. He remembered when he lived with Parkins, being sent down to assist in the fishery. He had on many occasions helped to raise the fenders in the weir.
Cross-examined:- In those days there were two sets of fenders to raise.
George Guard, 71, had lived at Umberleigh bridge. He had known the fisher for nearly 60 years. When he knew it first there were two sets of fenders, and he had frequently seen fish caught there. He had used the weir lately, and Mr Rolle’s portion was exactly the same now as it was then.
John D Bastard examined:- I lie at Torrington. I rented the fishery on the Brightley side from 1855 to 1861, and I fished it up to the Sept. Of the latter year. During all my tenancy the fishery was just the same as it is now except that there was no pass.
This was the case, and Mr Bencraft said he proposed to call two witnesses on behalf of the Conservators.
Henry Baker, in his 86th year, living at Kingsnympton but who resided at Chittlehampton 60 years ago, remembered as a boy going down to see the fishery. He had been to look at the weir today. When he first remembered the weir the fish house was not where it was now, but was between the lower needles and where the lower fenders are now. He could not recollect that there were any lower fenders when he first knew it. He could not tell whether the other needles were there.
Carder Watts recollected that before the present fish house was built 10 or 12 years ago there was a very ancient cobhouse, perhaps a century old. The new building was erected on the site of the old one.
John Godbear, lived at Chittlehampton, and had known the weir for many years. There were now 4 sluices at the lower end and 3 at the head. When he first knew it 70 years ago, there were only 3 sluices; he remembered distinctly when the others were put there. The lower set of sluices and the lower set of needles were erected at the time he referred to.
Mr Bencraft replied on the case and submitted that the claimant had to establish to the satisfaction of the Court that he had a right to the present mode of fishing as carried on by the proprietor. From the evidence of all the witnesses and the undoubted representations given of the mode of fishing, the Court would see that at present Mr Rolle had two hutches or boxes which he used for the purpose of catching salmon, and he asked the Commissioners to certify that he was entitled to do this. He contended that he had entirely failed to make out a case. In the first place, with regard to his documentary evidence, it was a remarkable thing that throughout the whole of it he never gave any description whatever of the fishing right there which came closer to the present method of fishing than ‘a hutch,’ and he could not help thinking that the evidence had left on the minds of the Court considerable doubt as to what was the position of the hutch occupied at that time.

Thursday 20 December 1866
Southmolton County Magistrates’ Monthly Sitting – Monday, December 17
Supt. Wood complained that RICHARD HOWARD and THOMAS HOWARD, of Chittlehampton, who on the 24th November last, having been suspected to have come from land where they had been unlawfully in search of game, or to have been accessories thereto, were searched and a gun was found on one or each of them, and that they did unlawfully use such gun on such land for the purpose of killing game. Mr Shapland appeared on behalf of the defendants, who were convicted and fined £2 each and costs, which were at once paid.

Thursday 7 February 1867
Southmolton County Magisterial Session, Monday, February 4th. - Trespass In Pursuit Of Game.
J. M. Tanner, Esq., of Kingsnympton (for whom Mr Lionel Bencraft, of Barnstaple appeared), complained that JOHN ADAMS, of Chittlehampton, on the 3rd of January last, at Chittlehampton, did unlawfully commit a trespass by then and there being in the day time upon land occupied by James Adams, in pursuit of game or conies. Defendant was fined £1 and costs, which were paid.

Thursday 7 March 1867
Southmolton Borough Magistrates. - Complaint was laid by Supt. Fisher against GEORGE ASHELFORD, of Chittlehampton, for causing a certain waggon with a horse, on the 25th of February, to stand longer than was necessary for loading or unloading, and thereby causing an obstruction in the market contrary to the bye laws. Fined 1s. and costs.

Thursday 14 March 1867
Southmolton County Court, Wednesday 13th instant. -
SKINNER v. Jenkyns. - Plaintiff is a carpenter, of Chittlehampton, and defendant is a labourer of Torquay. The claim of £1 13s. 11d., for rent of a cottage and repairs was ordered to be paid in 2s. per month.
HOWARD v. BENNETT. - The parties live at Chittlehampton; plaintiff is a shop-keeper and defendant a wood-dealer. The claim was for 3l. 9s. 4d. for goods and interest, which could not be allowed, as there had been no agreement to that effect. The Judge was engaged for some time in hearing both parties, as their evidence was very conflicting, and ultimately judgment was entered for 2l. 4s. 9d., which was ordered in 10s. per month.
STONE v. SHAPLAND - These parties also reside at Chittlehampton. The claim was for 2s. 4d. only, and the plaintiff and defendant are next door neighbours. The defendant pleaded bankruptcy, succeeded in his plea, and was allowed 2s. 6d., for his attendance; the matter at issue being trifling.

Thursday 21 March 1867
Southmolton County Magistrates' Petty Sessions., Monday March 18th.
Stealing Hay. - WM. PARKIN, of Chittlehampton, was summoned by MR JAMES GRADDON, of the same parish, yeoman, charged with stealing a quantity of hay, of the value of 9d., on the 15th and 16th ult., at Chittlehampton. HENRY ELSTONE, servant to complainant, proved seeing the defendant on the 15th take some hay from his master's rick, and on the next day he saw him again take away some hay from the same rick. Witness went and took it from him. It weighed about twenty pounds. He remarked to him, "If master knew you kept on carrying away hay, he would be in a pretty way." Defendant replied, "I reckon he would." - He now pleaded guilty, and the case was commuted under the 108th section of the Criminal Justice Act, the defendant having to pay the value of the hay with costs.

Thursday 11 April 1867
The National School. - Many in this neighbourhood have pleasing recollections of the time profitably employed under the respected master of this school, MR JOHN PEDLER, who has for the long period of 26 years successfully laboured amongst us. On Thursday last, Mr Howard, one of her Majesty's inspectors, paid his annual visit to this school and made the following report:- "Presented in all 81: 75 passed in reading, 81 passed in writing, and 80 passed in arithmetic. MR PEDLER is an active and painstaking teacher." We congratulate MR PEDLER on receiving such a well-earned, and highly deserved tribute of esteem as is contained in the report, and hope that for many years he will be spared to continue his labours amongst us, alike respected and beloved by all around him.

Thursday 2 May 1867
DEATH - April 22, at Leary, Chittlehampton, WILLIE THOMAS, infant son of MR R. DADDS.

Thursday 16 May 1867
BIRTH- May 8, at Longwills, Chittlehampton, the wife of MR JEREMIAH DUNN, of a son.
BIRTH - May 14, at Chittlehampton, the wife of MR J. J. R. HOWARD, draper and grocer, of a son.
DEATH - May 11, at Chittlehampton, MRS ELIZABETH EVANS, aged 84; beloved and respected.

Thursday 6 June 1867
MARRIAGE - June 6th, at the parish church, Chittlehampton, by the Rev. C. M. Drake, Mr Frank Manning, of Stone, Southmolton, to MARY, second daughter of MR WM. GREENSLADE, of Collacott, Chittlehampton.

Thursday 13 June 1867
Chulmleigh Petty Sessions, June 12th. - Affiliation. - ANN BASTOW v. THOMAS BAKER, both of Chittlehampton. An order was made for 2s. 6d. a week, 30s. for the midwife and £4 8s. 9d for other expenses.

Thursday 3 October 1867
Southmolton Magistrates' Meeting.
Poaching - John Lovering, of Bishop's Tawton, gamekeeper, charged JOHN MURCH, of Chittlehampton, labourer, with having on the 16th of August last in that parish, unlawfully used nine snares for the purpose of then and there taking game, not being authorized so to do for want of a game certificate. The defendant was fined £2 and costs.

Thursday 24 October 1867
Southmolton County Magistrates' Sitting, Monday October 21st.
JAMES HARRIS, of Chittlehampton, was fined 4s., for having four pigs straying on the 1st instant.

Thursday 21 November 1867
CHITTLEHAMPTON - A Fatal and Distressing Accident happened to a labouring man of this parish, named HENRY STAPLEDON. On Thursday last he was working in a quarry near the village, when the deads fell in, completely buying him. He was taken out alive, but within an hour death put an end to his sufferings. On examination it was found that his lower extremities were awfully crushed. He was an honest, sober, industrious, and religious man. He leaves a widow and four small children to mourn their loss. A subscription is about to be made, and donations cannot be better bestowed. An Inquest was held, and a verdict of "Accidental Death" returned; the Jury very liberally gave their fees to the widow.

Thursday 12 December 1867
BIRTH - Dec. 8, at Brightley Barton, Chittlehampton, the wife of MR MORRISON, of a daughter.
DEATH - Dec. 3, at Chittlehampton, MR JOHN BURGESS, tailor and draper, aged 43.

Thursday 19 December 1867
DEATH - Dec. 14, at Hudscott House, Chittlehampton, W. T. HODGETTS, Esq., aged 70.

Thursday 30 January 1868
Southmolton - Stealing a Shirt - Mon Monday last, a labourer named JOHN SCOINS, of Chittlehampton, was brought by Superintendent Fisher before R Bury Russell, Esq. (Mayor), T. Brown and W. G. Smyth, Esqrs., charged by James Leworthy, a labourer, of Garramarsh, in this parish, with stealing the above garment. It appeared from the evidence of the prosecutor that the shirt was stolen from a hedge where it was placed to dry, on the 24th inst. J Hulland, son-in-law of Mrs Davis (who was ill and could not attend), stated that he saw Mrs Davis purchase the shirt produced from the prisoner and she paid him 1s. 9d. for it on the 25th inst. Mr Fisher having been informed of the theft, and, having obtained a description of the prisoner, apprehended him on suspicion whilst looking into a shop window. SCOINS pleaded ‘Not Guilty’, but the evidence was too clear against him and he was ordered to be committed to the House of Correction at Exeter for one month with hard labour.

Thursday 6 February 1868
MARRIAGE - Feb. 4, at the Wesleyan Chapel, Southmolton, by the Rev John Harris, MR HENRY THOMAS, of Cobbaton, to ELIZABETH, daughter of MR GEORGE BATER, of Chittlehampton.
Southmolton. County Magistrates’ Divisional Sessions, February 3rd.
WALTER COCKS, of Chittlehampton, WILLIAM ISAAC, sen., and WM. ISAAC, jun., of that parish, were charged with fighting and being very drunk, committed in an ale-house in that village. Also with assaulting P.C. Hooper in the performance of his duty. Defendants pleaded ‘Guilty’ and expressed contrition; in consideration of which, and a certificate of general good character from the Rev Robert Trefusis, vicar of the parish, the Bench inflicted a penalty of 10s. each, and 8s. expenses. In default, one month’s imprisonment.
A Would-Be Incendiary. - JOHN TUCKER was summoned at the instance of P.C. Hooper, charged with drunken and riotous conduct at Chittlehampton, on the 2nd January last, and with threatening to set fire to a house. The policeman stated that at half-past one o’clock on the morning of the day stated he found the defendant in the road near his house; he was drunk, cursing and swearing, and he threatened to ‘burn down the old woman’s house’ – meaning the house he occupied, which belonged to MRS TINSON, who lived next door. Saw him carry in a bundle of furze, which he set on fire – saw the sparks flying out of the chimney. He (the P.C.) had just turned him out of a public-house, with 20 or 30 others. Defendant denied the accusation, but adduced no evidence in proof of his innocence – contenting himself with a simple negation. Fined 10s. and 9s. costs; in default, seven days’ imprisonment.

Thursday 27 February 1868
DEATH - February 18, at Chittlehampton, MR JOHN JONES, aged 48, many years maltster with MR CARDER WATTS.

Thursday 19 March 1868
Southmolton – County Petty Sessions
Affiliation - Mary Ann Burnett, of Knowstone, a single woman, obtained an order of 1s. per week upon THOMAS PROUT, of Chittlehampton, towards the maintenance of his illegitimate child. Mr Shapland appeared for the applicant, and Mr Bencraft for the putative father.

Thursday 2 April 1868
MARRIAGE - April 2, at the Wesleyan Chapel, Southmolton, MR WILLIAM LOGG, builder, to ELIZABETH, eldest daughter of the late MR HOWARD, schoolmaster, of Chittlehampton.

Thursday 9 April 1868
BIRTH - April 4, at Hudscot, Chittlehampton, MRS HODGETTS, of a daughter.

Thursday 23 April 1868
Vagrancy - On Friday, a drover named Henry Jones was brought by P.C. Hooper before R B Russell, Esq., charged with being found in a certain out-house in Chittlehampton, the property of MR BUCKINGHAM, without any visible means of subsistence, and not giving a good account of himself. After hearing the particulars of the case, the Bench dismissed the prisoner, with a caution not to commit the like offence again.
The National Schools. - On Easter Tuesday, W. W. Howard, Esq., H.M. Inspector for this district, made his annual examination of these schools; and, we are happy to hear that the scholars acquitted themselves in a very satisfactory manner. We congratulate the master (MR JOHN PEDLER) on his success. His diligence and attention are worthy of all praise, and he well deserved the tribute paid to him by the Inspector, of being a "careful and painstaking teacher."

Thursday 30 April 1868
DEATH - April 24, at Chittlehampton, MR ROBERT CAWSEY, aged 80.
DEATH - April 26, at Lower Furze, Chittlehampton, after a painful illness, MRS STADDON, aged 64.
DEATH - April 13, at Chittlehampton, MRS ALICE BREALEY, of the ‘Rolle Arms’, aged 71.

Thursday 14 May 1868
Chittlehampton - Inquest - An inquest was held, on Saturday, before J. H. Toller, Esq., coroner, touching the death of RICHARD WEBBER, thatcher, aged 76. A few days since the deceased was proceeding to Mr Darch’s, a farmer, and on getting over a gate he slipped his foot and fell on his head, thereby sustaining a fracture of the spine, which caused death some days afterwards. The verdict of the jury was “Accidental Death”.

Thursday 4 June 1868
County Magistrates’ Petty Sessions, Monday, June 1st
Affiliation - ELIZABETH CHAMBERLAIN, a single woman, residing at Chittlehampton, applied for an order towards the maintenance of her illegitimate child, upon Mr Henry Hitchcock, of George Nympton; but the case was dismissed for want of corroborative evidence.

Thursday 25 June 1868
Serious Charge of Maliciously Poisoning a Horse at Barnstaple
George Woollacott, a groom, about 30 years of age, was brought up in custody, charged with having, at Barnstaple, maliciously poisoned a mare, the property of MR SMALLRIDGE, of Chittlehampton, on the 3rd instant.
Disfiguring a Pony - On Wednesday last, GEORGE STADDON, a small farmer, of Chittlehampton, was brought up (under warrant) before the Rev Joshua Bawden, charged with stealing a quantity of horse hair, the property of Mr William Thorne, a farmer, of Highbray, on the 4th instant. Prosecutor described the hair of his pony’s tail as very long, reaching below her hocks – it was very bushy; he missed the pony from Bratton Down, and traced its colt as far as the road leading into Bremridge Farm, in this parish. Thomas Hulland deposed that he saw the accused cut off the hair from the pony’s tail very short; the hair he put into his jacket pocket. The case was remanded to next Saturday, being the usual Session for criminal justice cases.

Thursday 9 July 1868
Barnstaple County Court. Maliciously Poisoning A Mare. George Woollacott was indicted for having on the 5th of June, at Barnstaple, "feloniously, unlawfully, and maliciously killed by the administration of poison, a certain mare, the goods and chattels of FRED SMALLRIDGE." Mr Lionel Bencraft prosecuted and Mr Bromham defended. The Court was densely crowded during the hearing of the case, and each approach to the Hall was thronged. Mr Bencraft in opening the case said:- May it please the Court, - Gentlemen of the Jury, - The prisoner at the bar is charged, as you have heard from the indictment which has just been read, with having, on Wednesday, the 3rd of June, destroyed by poison a mare, the property of the prosecutor, and, on the part of the prosecution, I shall endeavour as clearly as I possibly can to lay before you the circumstances on which the charge is founded. Gentlemen, I trust that I may be able to do so with clearness, but beyond everything do I desire that I may be able to do so with the most perfect fairness to the prisoner at the bar. The question which you have to determine is one of the most serious that ever demanded the attention of a jury in this or any other court. In the first place, the prosecutor was wantonly deprived of his property, and, in the next place, a harmless animal has been put by some one to a most terrible death. The prosecutor, MR SMALLRIDGE, is a farmer living in Chittlehampton, and he has two sons in the Yeomanry Cavalry regiment known as the North Devon Hussars, which was called out for eight days' permanent drill on Thursday, the 28th of May. The two brothers entered Barnstaple on that day with two horses, the youngest of them riding a mare called Little Sally, which is the subject of this inquiry. It seems that the two young men lodged at the house of a townsmen well-known to you, - Mr Thomas Seldon, who keeps the 'Barnstaple Inn'. Mr Seldon has a small stable in the court-yard at the rear of his house, and, although it did not often happen that horses were kept there, inasmuch as the two young men lodged at his house he divided the building into two stalls, and the horses ridden by the brothers SMALLRIDGE were kept there during the eight days' training. On the 28th of May, the mare Little Sally was ridden to the training ground, and also on Friday, the 29th of May, SAturday, the 30th of May, and on Monday, the 1st of June. Now, Thursday, the 4th of June, was fixed for holding the Barnstaple and North Devon Races, and amongst other prizes to be given was the "Yeomanry Cup," described on the card of the Races which I hold in my hand as a race for a mile and a half, catch weights, over 11 stone; i.e., age was no consideration, and the competitors might carry anything they liked so long as they did not exceed 11 stone. The Races coming off on the 4th of June, of course, it was necessary that the mare should have some little preparation for the struggle in which she was about to engage, and the consequence was that on Tuesday, the 3rd of June, instead of riding her to the inspection ground at Youlston, MR SMALLRIDGE rode another horse which his father provided for him; and he did the same on the Wednesday. The mare Little Sally was a little off her feed for a day or two, but people who know anything about horses will at once see that this was only a natural consequence of taking a young high-spirited mare in pretty good condition from a farm and subjecting her to the excitement of four or five days' drill;, and MR SMALLRIDGE will satisfy you that she got over that, and that on the Saturday the mare was in as good health and spirits as he had ever seen her. On the Tuesday afternoon he rode her out to the race-course to show her the way round and give her a gallop. On the Wednesday morning he left for the Review at half-past ten, leaving his mare in the stable. He had risen at six to feed her, and she then fed very well indeed. At half-past 10, when he left, he fed her again, and left her to all appearances in perfect health and spirits. He returned home in the afternoon at about three o'clock, and the first thing he did was to go into the stable and see the mare. On entering the stable he at once saw an alteration in her appearance, and the change was so marked that he remarked it to his brother. It was evident that something was the matter with her, as she was no longer gay and lively as when he left her, and she entirely refused to feed. On Wednesday night she was fed again, as usual, but she left her food untouched, and was evidently hot, irritable, and uncomfortable. Next morning she left about 12 o'clock to go to the course at Bird's Marsh, in the parish of Bishop's tawton, still betraying unmistakable evidences of illness. On the way she began to purge, and she had no sooner arrived than it became apparent to everyone that the mare was totally unfit to run. Fortunately Mr Hewish, veterinary surgeon, of Barnstaple, was on the ground, and he was at once called to see the mare. He will tell you what the appearances were, and that he found the state the mare was in to be so alarming that he ordered her to be taken home. MR SMALLRIDGE lives at Chittlehampton, and the race-course is about half way between that place and Barnstaple, so that she was soon taken home. The symptoms, at one time alarming, became doubly so as the day progressed. The mare became much more uneasy, perspired intensely, and had evidently met with some terrible wrong at somebody's hands. On Thursday night she became worse, and continued in that state until Friday night when the unfortunate animal died in the most desperate agony and pain, which it was terrible to witness. Mr Hewish and Mr Brewer, veterinary surgeons, were at once sent for from Barnstaple, and they performed a post mortem examination. They removed the stomach of the mare, and as the case was considered to be of so much importance to the public at large as well as to the prosecutor that no trouble or expense was spared to sift the matter, and Sergeant Songhurst, of the Barnstaple force, was despatched with the stomach to Dr Herepath of Bristol, whose reputation as the first analytical chemist of the day is world-wide. Dr Herapath did not have the contents of the stomach, but simply the stomach itself, and he found the presence of intense excitement in the walls, and the irritation was such as to induce him to believe that the animal came to its death by virulent acid poison. On analysis his suspicions were more than confirmed by the fact that he discovered a large quantity of muriatic acid, and he will satisfy you beyond question that it was administered in such a quantity as to leave no doubt that it was done with the deliberate intention of destroying the life of the mare. That is the first conclusion I shall ask you to arrive at, - I first ask you to satisfy yourself that the mare died from the effect of muriatic acid intentionally administered by some one. Having settled that point, the next point is this. I shall submit for your consideration that it is as clear as day-light that the poison was administered by some one or other between the time when young SMALLRIDGE left the stable to go to Youlston on Wednesday, the 3rd of June, and the time when he came back and found that something was the matter with the mare. My learned friend (Mr Bromham), before the magistrates, tried to attribute the death of the animal to the little illness I have spoken of, and which I have described as the simple result of the difference in the mare's mode of keep and the excitement caused by the novel occupation to her of being on the cavalry ground, but after you have heard Dr Herapath's evidence I am sure that that suggestion will be scattered to the winds. In consequence of that excitement the mare was a little off her appetite, and those who know anything about horses know perfectly well that when such is the case it is a common thing to apply to a chemist, who keeps what are known as condition balls which are supposed to cure every ill horses are heirs to, and many others besides. (Laughter). I believe that in 9 cases out of 10 physic is best left alone, but in this case it was considered absolutely necessary to conform to custom, and to treat the mare to a dose of physic. A most respectable chemist (Mr Norrington), was applied to and a condition ball obtained. My learned friend may try to set up that the appearances presented by the mare were the result of that condition ball, but Dr Herapath will satisfy you that such could not have been the case. Then, there are two or three questions for your consideration. The first is, who had any motive to destroy the mare's life? Deceitful as we are told the human heart is, we can none of us believe it to be so desperately wicked that any person out of the mere love of the thing would commit such a dastardly act as to deprive a harmless animal of its life, and an unoffending farmer of his property: therefore, if I were to ask you to fix the guilt of this particular crime on any person I feel I should do so under considerable difficulty, and probably in vain, unless I showed that the person I pointed at had some motive for doing it. This being the case, it is my duty to try to show you, when I charge the young man at the bar with the crime, that there did exist a motive sufficiently strong to animate a wicked mind, and none but a wicked mind could have conceived such a horrible crime. But, then, you must be satisfied that there was something more than motive: you must be satisfied that the prisoner had the opportunity of doing the deed; and in addition to that I hold myself bound to prove that there are circumstances from first to last surrounding this case which point to the prisoner as the person who carried this motive into execution. First, with regard to the motive. The prisoner was for some time a gentleman's servant, but for the last few weeks, as I understand it, has been out of employ. He happened to become acquainted with a farmer named Hooper, who resides in the neighbourhood of Hatherleigh, and Mr Hooper had a mare which was called Little Fairy. I believe she had been recommended to him by the prisoner, and Mr Hooper bought her of Mr Wincup, who is a stud groom to the Earl of Portsmouth, for the purpose of entering her for the Barnstaple Races to run for the Yeomanry Cup. Such a course was perfectly indefensible, because it was perfectly fraudulent, since no horse was eligible unless it was bona fide the property of some one in the North Devon Hussars; but I believe the scheme was this. The prisoner recommends Mr Hooper to buy the mare, and then enters her for the Yeomanry Cup in the name of Jones. She is entered as Private J. Jones's Little Fairy and Jones was allowed to ride her during the cavalry meeting; and thus Mr Hooper thought to become possessed of the cup which could only legitimately be handed over to a private in the regiment.
[Note: Long three column description of the rest of the trial], ending:
The Recorder summed up the case at great length and with considerable minuteness, and the Jury after a very short deliberation returned a verdict of Guilty. Mr Charles Williams, of Pilton House, in whose service the prisoner had lived as coachman, gave him a most excellent character. Mr Williams also stated that he received a very good character from the prisoner's former employer, the Rev. Mowbray Northcote. The Recorder, in sentencing the prisoner, said:- George Woollacott, - I do not hesitate to say that the duty I have to perform is one of the a most painful nature, but, after consultation with the magistrates, I can have no doubt as to the propriety of the sentence I am about to pass upon you. The crime of which you have been justly convicted is one of the most dastardly and cowardly it is possible to conceive, and it is difficult to imagine anything more opposed to the spirit of fair-play and honour of which Englishmen are so proud. If such persons as you were permitted to commit such acts unpunished all that is noble and manly in our English sports would pass away, and I only hope for the honour of the country that such instances are very rare. The offence of which you have been found guilty is one coming very near to that of taking human life, and I am empowered to order you to be kept in penal servitude for a term of 14 years; but, taking into consideration the excellent character you have received, I do not intend to go to that extent. The sentence, however, which it is my duty to pass upon you must be a severe one, in order that others might be deterred from following in your steps; it is, that you be Kept in penal servitude for the term of five years.

Thursday 20 August 1868
Death - At 2, Pownall Terrace, Kennington Cross, London, in the 85th year of her age, MRS KITTY STRIBLING, the beloved relict of the late MR WILLIAM STRIBLING, formerly of Breakneck Hill, Chittlehampton. She passed from this life peaceably, in the presence of her children, grand-children and great-grandchildren.
County Magistrates’ Sessions – Monday, August 17
Salmon Poaching - WILLIAM CONGRAM and SAMUEL CONGRAM, Chittlehampton, shoemakers, were charged with using a hang net, being a fixed engine, for catching salmon in the Taw, on the 22nd June last.
Mr Lionel Bencraft said that this was an information which had been laid by order of the Conservators of the Taw against the defendants, under the 24 and 25 Vic. C.109 sec. 11. The defendants were fined £5 each and costs which they immediately paid.

Thursday 20 August 1868
DEATH - At 2, Pownal Terrace, Kenington Cross, London, in the 85th year of her age, MRS KELLY STRIBLING, the relict of the late MR WILLIAM STRIBLING, formerly of Breakneck Hill, Chittlehampton. She passed from this life peaceably, in the presence of her children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren.
County Magistrates Sessions, Monday August 17.
Salmon Poaching. - WILLIAM CONGRAM and SAMUEL CONGRAM, Chittlehampton, shoemakers, were charged with using a hang net, being a fixed engine, for catching salmon in the Taw, on the 22nd June last. Mr Lionel Bencraft appeared for the complainant and Mr I. Bencraft for the defendants. Mr Lionel Bencraft said this was an information which had been laid by order of the Conservators of the Taw, against the defendants, under the 24 and 25 Vic. c. 109 sec. 11. By that section a penalty of £10 was imposed upon any person who placed or used a fixed engine for catching salmon in any inland or tidal waters; and the same section declared that the net temporarily fixed to the soil shall be deemed a fixed engine. On Monday June 22, at 3 a.m., John Lovering and Thomas Burrow, two keepers in the employ of Mr Charles Chichester, saw a net in a part of the river Taw, near Hawkridge Wood, one end of it was fixed to the bank on the Chittlehampton side by a wooden pin, and the other end of it was fastened to the opposite bank by stones attached to the net by cords. The keepers concealed themselves in a portion of the wood whence they could see anyone approach the net. In half-an-hour, the two defendants were seen coming down by the side of the river. They stopped at the spot where the net was, and both disappeared beneath the bank. In a few minutes they appeared on the marsh again, one of them having a bag over his back. The keepers pursued them and after some resistance took the bag from them. It was found to contain the net (which was produced) and three salmon peel. Mr Bencraft said he thought he might without impropirety state that under these facts the defendants had rendered themselves liable to no less than four penalties. A penalty of £10 was incurred by each of them, for having an unlicensed net. They were liable to pay £5 each for catching salmon with a net of less dimensions than two inches in extension from knot to knot. In addition, they were liable to £10 each in the present case. It would thus be seen that the conservators had dealt leniently with them by only laying one information. The keeper, Thomas Barrow, was called, and he fully corroborated the statements contained in the opening. Mr I. Bencraft said it was impossible to contend against such a conviction, and they had, under his advice withdrawn their plea, and desired to plead guilty and to throw themselves upon the mercy of the Bench. The Chairman said it was quite true the defendants had laid themselves open to all the consequences stated by the complainant's advocate in his address. The defendants were fined £5 each and costs which they immediately paid.

Thursday 1 October 1868
County Magistrates’ Sessions – September 28, 1868
Assaults - WILLIAM HENRY HUXHAM, of Chittlehampton, was fined 5s. and costs for unlawfully assaulting and beating his farm servant, JAMES GRATTON, on the 5th inst.

Thursday 22 October 1868
Southmolton County Magistrates Meeting, Monday October 19th
Affiliation - Mr Shapland appeared for ELIZABETH JONES, a single woman, of Chittlehampton, who to obtain an order for the maintenance of her illegitimate child upon Samuel Sturges, a mason, of Swimbridge, for whom Mr Incledon Bencraft, of Barnstaple, appeared. Two witness were examined on either side, but the evidence produced was not sufficiently corroborative, and the case was, consequently, dismissed.
Charge of Uttering a Forged Cheque
On Tuesday morning last, JOHN SHAPLAND, of Chittlehampton, veterinary surgeon, was brought before Mr R B Russell, under a warrant (having been apprehended at Ilfracombe) charged with feloniously uttering and putting off a certain forged cheque, with intent to defraud, he, at the time, well knowing it to have been forged. Supt. Wood applied for a remand, until Saturday next, in order that he might obtain the attendance of witnesses. The Bench granted the request. The cheque was dated 2nd October, 1868, and was drawn in favour of Mr Snow, or bearer, for £3 10s. and signed T Smyth.

Thursday 29 October 1868
Charge of Passing a Forged Cheque
JOHN SHAPLAND, veterinary surgeon, of Chittlehampton, was brought up on Saturday last, before the Revds. W H Karslake, Joshua Bawden and Mr R B Russell, charged by THOMAS PHILPOTT, a carpenter, of the same parish, with feloniously offering, uttering, disposing of and putting off a certain forged cheque with intent to defraud, he (the accused) at the same time well knowing the same to be forged.
Complainant deposed that on the 5th instant about 7 o’clock in the morning the prisoner came to his house. He owed £3 5s. For a year’s rent and 5d. for wood. He tendered him a piece of paper which represented a cheque on the National Provincial Bank, at Barnstaple, for £3 10s. And was the same then produced. He accepted it and gave him 4s. 7d. change and a receipt for the rent. Witness afterwards carried the cheque to MR BAKER, of Ford Farm in the same parish, and paid it to him.
The prisoner told him on questioning him about the cheque that “they were responsible men living at the north with their thousands” and that he need not be afraid he wished he had 150 of them.
WILLIAM BRAYLEY BAKER, proved receiving the cheque from the last witness on the 5th of October. On the 7th, he had a conversation with him and afterwards went to the Bank at Barnstaple, the Clerk would not cash it and he brought it back and gave it to the prosecutor again.
Mr John William Henry Compson, accountant of the National Provincial Bank, Barnstaple, stated that he saw the cheque produced on the 16th inst. The party, T. Smyth by whom it was represented to be signed had no account at the Bank, nor had any one by that name had any account there for the last 8 years. The writing on the cheque was not known at the Bank.
The prisoner made a statement to the following effect, that he received it two days prior to tendering it to the prosecutor in a note from a man named Snow, who then, he believed resided at Ilfracombe, but who as he understood intended going into Wales. The consideration for the £3 10s. Was many valuable receipts.
Charge of Uttering a Counterfeit Sovereign
The prisoner (SHAPLAND) was also charged with uttering, and putting off a certain piece of false and counterfeit coin, resembling, and apparently intended to resemble, and pass for a sovereign, he knowing the same to be false and counterfeit.
MR JOHN TINSON HUNT, a smith, residing at Chittlehampton, recollected the 23rd of July last, that the prisoner came to him in the evening about 9 or 10 o’clock, and asked if he had any change as he would pay what he owed him. Prosecutor received from him what he considered was a sovereign (the coin was produced), and he gave him a half sovereign and four pence in change, as the prisoner owed him 9s. 8d. which balanced the account. He did not discover it was a base sovereign, until the next morning at the Umberleigh station. The prisoner was there at the same time, and he called him aside and accused him of defrauding him the previous night. He said he had the coin the day previously from a larking sort of a gentleman, who intended to play a practical joke upon him. He said he should see the person in Barnstaple. Prosecutor afterwards met him several times, and enquired whether or not he had seen the person whom he said had passed him the coin, and offered to accompany him but he replied he might go forty times and not find him. However, he said he would make it all right. Prosecutor had no other money in his pocket when he received the coin from him.
William Huxtable, boot and shoe maker, of Southmolton, proved that on the 15th of July last he met the prisoner who asked him to stand a glass of beer, and he went in the ‘Kings Arms’, and ordered a couple of glasses of beer. During the time they were there the prisoner asked him to lend him 3s. Witness had a counterfeit sovereign, which he had carried for some time, and took it out, and said I can’t for that is all the money I’ve got. He said “that’s a bad sovereign” witness replied “yes.” He asked him to give it to him, and he told him he might keep it. The coin produced was similar to the one he handed to him, it was also dated 1867, but he could not swear that it was the same. The prisoner said he was not guilty of passing the counterfeit coin then produced.
The prisoner was committed to take his trial at the next general sessions for the County of Devon on both charges.
MARRIAGE - October 27, at the Parish Church, Chittlehampton, by the Rev. William Thorold, MR WILLIAM FACEY, yeoman, to ELIZA, eldest daughter of MR CARDER WATTS.

Thursday 12 November 1868
Petty Thefts - William Dwelly was charged under the Criminal Justice Acts with stealing on the 2nd inst., from MR HENRY MANNING, of Winson Farm, in Chittlehampton, two girths and a twobill. It appeared that on the evening of the 2nd the prosecutor met prisoner coming towards his house, and he asked him to buy a hook, which he refused. He afterwards missed the girths from his cart-shed, and he also lost some binding ropes. The girths he valued at 3s. and the twobill at 10d. It was purchased by RICHARD HOWARD, of Nethercleave, in Chittlehampton, of the prisoner, who told him he had been rooting with it two days for his “grub”. Police-constable Henry Hooper proved apprehending the prisoner on the Tuesday following at Chulmleigh. He had the two girths produced in his coat pocket. In consequence of information he received he followed him from Umberleigh Bridge to Chulmleigh. He was sentenced to three calendar months’ imprisonment with hard labour for each offence.

Thursday 17 December 1868
County Magistrates’ Sessions – Monday, December 14th
Affiliation – application for order towards the maintenance of illegitimate children
ELIZABETH JONES, of Chittlehampton, for whom Mr J T Shapland appeared, v. Samuel Sturges, of Swimbridge, mason, for whom Mr Bencraft appeared. An order of 1s. per week from that day was granted, with costs £2 13s. 6d.
Dispute between Master and Servant - GEORGE NORMAN, of Chittlehampton, labourer, complained that he, being late servant in the employ of WILLIAM HENRY HUXHAM, of the above-named parish, farmer, under a contract of service for a period unexpired, a dispute had arisen between them as to the right of removing certain potatoes from a field in the occupation of the employer, and which NORMAN claimed he had a right to remove, and further claimed for the said breach and non-performance of the contract the sum of £2 10s. The proceedings were under the 9th section of the Master and Servant’s Act, 1867. The Bench after hearing the case, settled it by making an order for £1 10s., and costs 11s. The same defendant was fined 2s. 6d., and costs 10s., for committing an assault upon the same complainant, on the 12th of November; and another fine of 2s. 6d., with costs amounting to 13s. 6d., was inflicted upon the same defendant for an assault committed upon P C Henry Hooper, of Chittlehampton, on the same day, whilst in the execution of his duty as constable. Mr Incledon Bencraft appeared for MR HUXHAM.

Thursday 24 December 1868
NORMAN v. HUXHAM. - Sir, - Will you be kind enough to allow me a space in your largely-circulated paper, to make a few remarks, and to lay before the public the facts of a case decided against me at the Magistrates' Meeting held at Southmolton, on Monday, the 14th inst. I am sorry that Lord Fortescue and one or two other magistrates had left the Bench before this case was called, or, perhaps, I might have had justice shown me. I will endeavour to state in detail, plainly and truthfully, the whole that transpired. In the beginning of November, 1867, NORMAN, the complainant, applied to be for labour. I gave him nine shillings per week, with cider, until the end of May last; when I gave him one shilling per week more, but I never made any agreement whatever with him. In the beginning of that month he asked me to let him have some potatoe ground, for which he agreed to pay one shilling per yard, as the other men did who planted potatoes in the same field. I discharged him on the 29th of September last, telling him at the time he had been stealing my apples, and that I had proved him a dishonest man. It appears that he could not get much work for some time, his character being so well known. His wife came to my house and demanded a week's wages, saying he was a weekly man, and that I had not given him proper notice to leave. She was told that a man who was dishonest could be discharged at any time. This woman and her mother came several times digging the potatoes, and on the 11th of November, NORMAN came himself with two others to dig and take them all away. He was told he should not take them all up until he had paid 10s. of the rent of the ground, although 23s. is the amount he ought to have paid. I understand he had been and made a false statement to Mr Wood, the Superintendent , at Southmolton, to the effect that I had made an agreement with him for the year, and that I would not allow him to remove his potatoes. Mr Wood advised him, and also instructed the policeman, Hooper, to assist him in taking them. On the 12th November, he came to take away the remaining eight yards. I went into the field on that morning and saw him digging the potatoes, in defiance of what he was told the day previous. My father was there at the time. I said, "NORMAN, have you the 10s. to pay me for this ground?" He said, "No.". I said, "Then you are come to take them away and not pay me at all?" He said he should take them. I said, "You stop digging and go out of my field." He still continued; I then walked toward him, and said, "Unless you stop it I shall make you;" of which he did not take any notice. I then put my hand to the tool, which he gave up without any resistance, at the same time looking across the field and saying, "All right, come on here." This was to the policeman, who was watching at the time in an adjoining field, and who immediately ran across and said, "NORMAN, I order you to dig your potatoes;" and taking the tool out of my hand he (the policeman) commenced digging himself. I allowed him to proceed a few stalks and then asked him if he was paid for digging people's potatoes, and if he was doing his duty in interfering; and he taking no notice, I took the tool from him. He then held his staff over my hand, and attempted to strike me. I told him he had better not do that, and then both went out of the field. Now, this is the "assaulting and beating" of NORMAN and Hooper (the policeman), for which I was fined 2s. 6d. in each case, with costs. Now, Mr Editor, respecting the contract with NORMAN:- This man does not live in a cottage on the farm, and he or his wife during the summer actually applied at two places for labour, intending to leave me if he could suit himself better; and, again, if he knew there was an agreement for the year, why did his wife come and demand a week's pay after he left? That of which I think I have just cause to complain is, the unfair way in which the case was heard - that the Magistrates then on the Bench believed the testimony of NORMAN and the policeman, and discredited my father's and mine. When I wished to make a few remarks in my own vindication, I was told by the rev. chairman to "hold my tongue." I think it would be just as well if his reverence would leave others with cooler heads to "execute justice and maintain truth." I remain, Sir, yours faithfully, W. H. HUXHAM. Chittlehampton, Dec. 21st. 1868.

Thursday 31 December 1868
MARRIAGE - December 30, at the Parish Church, Chittlehampton, Mr Thomas S Chapple, of Islington, London, to ELIZABETH, third daughter of MR WILLIAM CROCKER, ‘New Inn’, Chittlehampton.

Thursday 14 January 1869
County Magistrates – Monday, January 11th
Suspicion of Poaching - WM SLEE of Chittlehampton, was summoned on the information of Superintendent Wood, charging him with having been suspected on the 6th instant, at Chittlehampton, to have come from land where he had been unlawfully in pursuit or search of game, was searched, a gun was found on him, and that he did unlawfully use such gun, on such land, for the purpose of unlawfully killing, or taking game. The case was dismissed.
MARRIAGE - January 12, by the Rev. S. Fox, vicar of Morley, Derbyshire, MR GEORGE GUARD, of Chittlehampton, to Harriett Madeline, daughter of the late John Arundle Radford, rector of Lapford.

Thursday 21 January 1869
Southmolton Court
George Pope v. ELIZABETH HOWARD. - The Plaintiff is a miller of Clapworthy Mill, who sought to recover £7 19s. 11d., the balance of an amount for goods sold. The defendant is a schoolmistress, residing at Chittlehampton. She disputed her liability, as the goods were ordered by her daughter, who did not reside with her; and, furthermore, she (the defendant) was not able to pay it. The plaintiff said the defendant had made several promises to pay but had failed to do so. The Judge said there was no legal obligation on the defendant to pay; and, therefore, he nonsuited the plaintiff.
WILLIAM BLACKMORE v. John Hancock. - Plaintiff is a millwright, of Chittlehampton, and defendant is an inn-keeper of Southmolton. Mr J T Shapland appeared for the defendant. The claim was £9 2s. 1d., for a water wheel erected at Meethe Mills, which the plaintiff swore was ordered to be done by the defendant; which he (the defendant) denied, and alleged that the wheel was erected by the defendant for and on behalf of Mr Byne, his late landlord. Mr Shapland said there was no doubt in the world that the claim which had been sent in by the plaintiff would be allowed in the Chancery suit which was pending. After hearing the evidence adduced, the Judge said he was strongly impressed in favour of the plaintiff and his right to recover from Mr Hancock. The case, however, he would adjourn to the next Court; Mr Shapland in the meantime would make an enquiry of the solicitors in the Byne Administration Suit, whether or not the claim was recognised and would be paid by the Court.

Thursday 4 February 1869
County Magistrates, Monday
Offences against the Salmon Acts - JNO MILDON, of Chittlehampton, farmer, was summoned, on the information of the police, for having, on the 10th ultimo, at that parish, in his possession certain unclean or unseasonable salmon, or some part thereof. It appeared that MR MILDON cut off a portion of a salmon which he found on his own property. He was convicted of the offence and fined sixpence and costs. Mr Floud ably represented the defendant.
PHILLIP PEARCE, of Chittlehampton, was also charged with having a gaff in his possession. Case proved, and a fine of £3 and costs was inflicted.

Thursday 11 March 1869
DEATH - March 3, at Chittlehampton, MR THOMAS WATTS, aged 53, for many years master mason on the Rolle Estates; much respected.

Thursday 1 April 1869
Presentation of a Testimonial to MR and MRS JAMES GRADDON, of Eastacott
On Thursday last there was a large attendance of the parishioners assembled in the school-room to witness the presentation of a beautiful Tea Urn, &c., (supplied by Mr W Huxtable, silversmith, of Southmolton) to the above-named lady and gentleman, who are about to leave this parish. The presentation was preceded by an excellent speech from the Vicar (Rev R E Trefusis), in which he dwelt on the many good qualities of MR and MRS GRADDON, and said how sorry the parishioners would be to lose them. Contrasting MR GRADDON'S career thro’ life with the well-known fable of “the Old Man and his Ass”, he remarked that although MR G. had differed from them on many occasions, yet he had always adopted a straightforward and manly course which had won their respect. In conclusion, the rev gentleman expressed a hope that the worthy pair might be long spared to enjoy the fruit of their labours; and, whenever they looked at the beautiful present now before them, they would remember that they had done something to merit the good opinion of those among whom they had so long resided. He had now much pleasure, on behalf of the inhabitants of Chittlehampton, in presenting them with the testimonial which had been subscribed for by about seventy persons, and hoped that God in his goodness would prolong their lives to enjoy it.
MR GRADDON (who evinced some emotion) in reply, said: Gentlemen and respected friends, - Allow me to thank you most sincerely for this handsome testimonial, and for the complimentary terms in which the presentation has been made. I feel most grateful for your kindness, and MRS GRADDON (who shares my sentiments) also joins in this expression of gratitude. I have lived among you for more than forty years, and, though conscious of many defects, have endeavoured to discharge the several duties, public and private, that have devolved upon me to the best of my ability, with integrity and honour. I am now about to remove from this parish, where, I trust, I have never made an enemy or lost a friend; but the remembrance of the happy years I have spent in Chittlehampton – of the warm and generous hearts I shall leave behind me – will never be effaced. MR GRADDON then eulogized the liberality and public spirit of the two principal landowners of the parish (Lord Fortescue and the Hon Mark Rolle), and, having paid a handsome tribute to the Christian zeal and kindness of heart of the vicar, he thus concluded: I shall cherish a pleasing recollection of you all, and shall rejoice to hear of your happiness and prosperity. Once more, gentlemen, allow me to thank you from the bottom of my heart for all the friendship you have shown me, and especially for this beautiful present, which I most gratefully accept. At the conclusion three hearty cheers were given for MR and MRS JAMES GRADDON, and the Vicar. The following is the inscription on the Testimonial: “Presented to MR AND MRS JAMES GRADDON, by the inhabitants of Chittlehampton, as a small token of respect and esteem. March 25th, 1869.

Thursday 8 April 1869
County Magistrates’ Sessions – Monday, April 5th
Offence against the Salmon Act - FRANCIS OSMOND, of Chittlehampton, was summoned for having in his possession a certain gaff under such circumstances as to satisfy the Bench, before whom he was tried, that he intended to catch salmon by means thereof. The offence was alleged to have been committed on the 26th ultimo, and was laid on the information of the police. Fined 11s., and costs.
BIRTH - April 2, at Chittlehampton, the wife of MR G. DORE, officer of Inland Revenue, of a daughter.
MARRIAGE - April 5, at the Independent Chapel, Lapford, by the Rev George Pilgrim, MR HENRY CHERITON, yeoman, of Bradbury Barton, Chittlehampton, to Mary, the fourth daughter of Mr Thomas Leach, yeoman, of Pennycott, Lapford
DEATH - April 3, at Chittlehampton, ANN, relict of the late MR JOHN JONES, maltster, aged 44.
DEATH - April 6, at Chittlehampton, MR JAMES GRADDON, aged 23.

Thursday 6 May 1869
DEATH - At Soutcott, Chittlehampton, JOHN PICKARD, labourer, aged 68. He was generally respected for his honesty, sobriety, and industry.
DEATH - May 1, at Little Ash, Chittlehampton, MRS ELIZABETH LUXTON, aged 76.
DEATH - May 1, at Farr's Farm, Chittlehamholt, of consumption, WILLIAM, second son of MR T. BATER, yeoman, aged 17.
County Magistrates’ Meeting, Monday May 3rd
Charge of Malicious Injury
WILLIAM BLACKMORE, of Chittlehampton, farmer, laid information against WILLIAM VICKERY and CHARLES VICKERY, of the same parish, charging them with unlawfully and maliciously cutting, breaking, or otherwise damaging some part of an apple tree, doing damage to the amount of 2s., on the 12th of 13th of February last. As the complainant could not prove a malicious intent, the case was dismissed.
Master and Servants’ Act - FRANCIS OSMOND, of Chittlehampton, a servant in the employ of Mr John Thorne, of Warkleigh, farmer, was charged with breach of contract of service entered into for a period then unexpired, and who had neglected and refused to fulfil his contract and perform his work. The complainant alleged that he had sustained 10s. damage in consequence, and he asked the magistrates to deal with the case under the Master and Servants’ Act, 1867. The defendant was ordered to pay 10s. to the complainant, and costs.

Thursday 13 May 1869
Southmolton Court
This was an action to recover damages for an assault. Mr J T Shapland appeared for the plaintiff, a farm labourer, living at North Furse, in the parish of Chittlehampton, who claimed of the defendant, a small farmer, of the same parish, the sum of £2 10s., for medical attendance, loss of time, &c. According to the plaintiff’s statement, on Saturday the 20th February he met the defendant at the ‘Golden Lion Inn,’ Chittlehampton, somewhat late in the evening. Defendant asked him to treat him to a glass of beer, but he refused to do so; and when defendant called for a glass for himself he said by way of joke, to the landlord, “What’s the use of drawing beer for a man who can’t pay for it.” STADDON then swore he would pay him out for it, and on his way home without any provocation he knocked him down, gave him several kicks (one of which cut open his eye) and seriously ill-treated him. He was under the care of Mr Furse, surgeon, for a fortnight, during which time he was confined to his bed. Defendant, of course, gave quite another version of the affair. Plaintiff first applied a very offensive epithet to him, and then offered to fight him. All he did was in self-defence. Plaintiff got his (defendant’s) hand into his mouth and bit it so severely that he had to “bump his head upon the ground” to get away. His Honour intimated that it was perfectly impossible for him to give any decision upon such evidence, and asked if anyone witnessed the assault. It transpired that a police officer heard a part of the quarrel, and the case was adjourned in order that he might be subpoenaed.

Thursday 27 May 1869
BIRTH - May 22, at Townsend, Chittlehampton, the wife of MR HENRY GODBEER, stonemason, of a son.

Thursday 10 June 1869
Southmolton County Magistrates’ Sessions, Monday June 7th
Master and Servant. - SAMUEL BENNETT, of Chittlehampton, farm labourer (for whom Mr J T Shapland appeared), was summoned by MR GEORGE GUARD, farmer, of the same place, for neglecting to fulfil a contract entered into for “grubbing” a certain hedge, which was to have been completed by Lady-day last, and the complainant stated he had sustained 10s. damage in consequence thereof, which was ordered to be paid with costs.
DEATH - June 6, at Eastacott, Chittlehampton, MR GEORGE CROCKER, late churchwarden of that parish, aged 52.

Thursday 24 June 1869
BIRTH - June 15, at Moor Farm, Chittlehampton, the wife of MR J. BURGESS, of a son
MARRIAGE- June 23, at the Wesleyan Chapel, Southmolton, by the Rev. John Harris, MR THOMAS WATTS, builder, of Chittlehampton, to ELIZABETH, only daughter of MR J. SANDERS, carpenter, Hillhead, Chittlehampton.

Thursday 22 July 1869
Southmolton Courts
SAMUEL CONGRAM v. GEORGE STADDON. - Both parties reside at Chittlehampton. Mr J T Shapland appeared for the plaintiff, who brought this action to recover £2 10s. for damage sustained by him in consequence of an assault committed upon him by the defendant. Dr Sanders and several other witnesses were called and examined. It appeared that both parties were drinking at MR CROCKER'S inn, in Chittlehampton, and that a disturbance took place there between them, and they subsequently left, the plaintiff being the worse for drink. On the road homewards they fought, and the plaintiff’s face became dreadfully bruised and cut about, and a mark appeared under his eye, which it was stated by his advocate he would carry to his grave. The defendant, in giving his evidence, remarked that the plaintiff during the affray caught his hand in his mouth, and he (the defendant) was obliged to “bump” his head on the “road to make him let go.” Mr Shapland, on the part of the plaintiff, contended that whoever struck the first blow, it was clear the defendant had used more force than was necessary to defend himself, which the law would not justify. His Honour concurred in this view, and gave judgment for the amount claimed with full costs.

Thursday 5 August 1869
BIRTH - August 1, at Gambuston Farm, Chittlehampton, the wife of MR WILLIAM FACEY, of a daughter.
MARRIAGE – July 28, at the Parish Church, Chittlehampton, by the Rev R E Trefusis, vicar, Mr Richard Balman, of Woodlands, Swimbridge, to NORAH, second daughter of MR JOHN ASHTON, Shilstone, Chittlehampton.
DEATH – July 25, at South Newton, Chittlehampton, MR ROBT. STONE, aged 33.

Thursday 19 August 1869
Manslaughter. - We are sorry to report a cast of manslaughter which has occurred in this borough. The facts are as follow: On Sunday night last a young man named WESTACOTT, aged 22 years, came into the town from the neighbouring parish of Chittlehampton. He had with him a comrade called PHILIP KINGDON, and JAMES GILLARD also accompanied them. About nine or ten o’clock they visited the ‘White Hart,’ where they drank two or three pints of beer. A man named Handford, of Northmolton (known as “Champion”), was there when they came in, and he repeatedly expressed his wish to fight with WESTACOTT. They did not, however, fight there, but left the inn at about half-past ten o’clock, Kingdon, Gillard, and Handford being together. WESTACOTT had a quarrel with Handford outside the inn, but it is uncertain who struck the first blow; however, Handford struck WESTACOTT with his fist and knocked him down. WESTACOTT either rose or was lifted up, but felt that he was seriously hurt and could not walk. Kingdon and Gillard carried him into the covered skittle alley of the ‘White Hart’, as the landlord and his family had gone to bed at the inn. Kingdon stayed with him all night in the skittle alley, where he sat until the morning about five or six o’clock, when Kingdon and Mr Vicary (the landlord) took him into the inn. It appears that the spine of WESTACOTT'S back was broken on his being knocked down by Handford. He was attended by Messrs. Furse, Surgeons, but died on Wednesday (yesterday) morning, at about two o’clock. The dying declaration of the deceased was taken before Mr R Ley (Mayor), on Monday, which was to the effect before particularized. A justice’s warrant has since been issued for Handford’s apprehension on the charge of manslaughter, and an inquest is to be held this day (Thursday) before Mr James Flexman, borough coroner.
Poisoning Fish - Mr J T Shapland appeared on behalf of WILLIAM WESTACOTT and WILLIAM ISAACS, of Chittlehampton, labourers, who were charged by Supt. Wood, of the D.C.C., with knowingly putting into the tributaries of certain waters containing salmon certain liquid or solid matter and such to extent as to cause the waters to poison or kill fish, on the 7th of June last. The proceedings were taken under the 24th and 25th Vic., c.1025, sec. 5. Fined 9s. 6d. each and costs.

Thursday 30 September 1869
Inland Revenue - Promotion – MR GEORGE DORE, the much respected resident officer of Inland Revenue, has been promoted from the Southmolton 1st Ride, Barnstaple Collection, to the Birmingham 4th Division. He will leave Chittlehampton with the sincere respect and best wishes of the inhabitants, to the promotion of whose intellectual and moral improvement he has devoted himself with untiring zeal and a disinterestedness that has been beyond all praise.
Southmolton County Magistrates Sessions, September 27th
GEORGE STADDON, of Chittlehampton, labourer, complained that ANN VICKERY, of the same parish, did, “wilfully and maliciously, commit damage, injury, or spoil to and upon two chickens,” the personal property of the said informant, thereby injuring him to the extent of 1s. The case was proved, and the defendant was ordered to pay the damages, and a fine of 4s., with expenses.

Thursday 7 October 1869
MARRIAGE - September 30, at the Independent Chapel, Southmolton, MR BARTHOLOMEW HARRIS, of Chittlehampton, to Miss Ann Cooper, of Burrington.
DEATH - Oct. 2, at his residence, the Manor House, Chittlehamholt, near Southmolton, JOHN L. BROWN, Esq., aged 40.

Thursday 14 October 1869
BIRTH - October 19, at Chittlehampton, the wife of MR J. J. R. HOWARD, grocer and draper, of a son.
DEATH - October 9, at Westminster Hospital, London, WILLIAM, second son of MR WILLIAM FORD, agent for North Devon Journal, Chittlehampton, aged 25.
Southmolton - Testimonial. In the window of Mr William Huxtable, jeweller, of this town, are now exhibited a very handsome electro-plated kettle and stand, about to be presented to MR DORE, Inland Revenue Officer, Chittlehampton, bearing the following inscription:- "This Testimonial (together with a dozen silver tea spoons) was presented to MR and MRS GEORGE DORE by the inhabitants of Chittlehampton and neighbourhood, as a token of their respect and esteem. - October1869".

Thursday 21 October 1869
Presentation Of A Testimonial To MR and MRS GEORGE DORE. - We briefly alluded in our last to the intention of the friends of the above respected pair to present them with some token of esteem previous to their removal (by promotion) to Birmingham. The interesting event took place on Monday afternoon last, in the presence of several of the leading inhabitants of the village and surrounding country, in the Reading Room of the Mutual Improvement Society. Among those present, we noticed the Rev. R. E. Trefusis, the respected vicar, in the chair, Messrs. Guard (Nethercleave), Wm. Watts (Biddacott), Wm. W. Manaton (Slade), F. Smallridge (Biddacott), Jas. Harris (Deptford), who formed the presentation committee; Messrs. Carder Watts (village), H. Manning (Winson), John Pedler (village), W. Burgess (Umberleigh-bridge), G. Bater, J. J. R. Howard, and William Breayley (village), W. R. Huxtable (South Molton), R. Courtnay, (Eastacott), Thomas Crocker (village), John Godbeer (Blackmantle), John B. Manaton (Watergate), William Seage jun. (village), &c. &c. On the table, before the Chairman, was a magnificent Tea Urn (which had been supplied by Mr W. R. Huxtable, jeweller, South Molton) bearing the following inscription:- "This testimonial, together with a dozen silver tea spoons, was presented to MR and MRS GEORGE DORE, by the inhabitants of Chittlehampton and neighbourhood, as a token of their respect and esteem. - Oct. 1869." The Rev. R. E. Trefusis, in presenting the testimonial, said:- In discharging the pleasing duty of presenting this token of your affection to our worthy and respected friend MR DORE, I assure you I feel somewhat at a loss for appropriate expressions wherewith to describe the many benevolent and humane acts which are so happily associated with his name. MR DORE has, during his residence amongst us, been foremost in every good work for the wealth and happiness of the people and children of the village; and I am sure there are many now listening to me who have been cheered and encouraged by his exertions and noble example of disinterested kindness. It is unnecessary for me to say that we all deeply regret MR DORE'S departure from amongst us, for your presence here this evening, bears evidence of the deep and lasting respect entertained for him. It is a consolation, indeed, to know that he has been found qualified for & deserving a more remunerative appointment, and a higher position than this village is capable of affording. He is now about to take up his residence in one of our chief manufacturing cities; the familiar faces of old friends as he wends his way through the busy thoroughfares of that crowded mart, will be no longer reflected from his gentle smiles; new scenes and new people, will doubtless abstract his thoughts from the village where he has spent, in unison with us all, six years of his official life; but I believe that he will now and again cast a retrospective glance on those happy days in which we have amused ourselves in the village square. In conclusion, you will all join with me in wishing MR and MRS DORE and children future happiness and prosperity and the blessing of Almighty God. - [The rev. gentleman then presented the testimonial.] MR DORE, who was much cheered on rising, said:- Mr Trefusis and gentlemen, - It is with feelings of pain and pleasure that I accept, on behalf of my wife and myself, the beautiful present now before me, feeling that my connection with you will shortly be severed. I need not tell you how much I appreciate your kindness and good wishes, and how little I feel I have done to deserve them. Nearly six years ago I came among you, and I must candidly state that I was not at first prepossessed with either the people or the place. After a short time I became acquainted with many of the kind friends by whom I am surrounded, and subsequent events have shewn how warm has been the attachments formed. My reverend friend has alluded to my efforts on behalf of the children and the interest I have taken in the instruction, amusement, and well-being of this place. In all this, I feel that I have only done my duty. It has been my constant aim through life to try and leave this world better than I found it; and, feeling "That the smallest help if rightly given makes the impulse stronger," I have endeavoured to do my best to promote happiness and good feeling among you. When I look at the beautiful present now before me, I can hardly express my feelings. I have an aged father and mother, whose harts will be rejoiced when they hear of this pleasing incident in the life of their son - that he has done something to advance society a stage - that his friends have so honoured and rewarded him. I have also three little children who will always be proud to own this as the place of their birth; and, should providence be pleased to prolong their lives, when we are laid beneath the clods of the valley, they will, on looking at this testimonial, derive intense pleasure and satisfaction from the gratifying fact that their parents did something, in their day and generation to merit the good wishes of those among whom they lived and laboured. I feel more than I can utter, but I cannot part from you without thanking the rev. chairman, the gentlemen of the committee, and all the subscribers for their great kindness; and assure you that wherever my lot may be cast I shall always feel a lively interest in your welfare, and should it ever be in my power to serve you, I shall only be too happy to do so. And now, gentlemen, with deep feelings of gratitude towards you all, I tender you on behalf of MRS DORE, myself, and family, our sincere and heartfelt thanks for the beautiful present you have made us, and I have very great pleasure in introducing my successor, Mr Thomas Malone - a gentleman, I am sure, in every respect worthy to succeed me, and I hope you will show him that kindness you have hitherto shown me. (Cheers).
Mr Thomas Malone, the newly appointed Officer of Inland Revenue, said:- Gentlemen, - I thank you for the kind manner in which you have received my name. I trust that my connection with you will be such as to merit that esteem and affection which you, this day, manifest to my worthy friend, MR DORE. For the short time that I have known him I am bound to say that I have found him a perfect gentleman in his dealings with me, and I wonder not that your kind appreciation of his merits, is thus exhibited in the valuable presents you make him. To tread in his footsteps will be rather a difficult task, seeing how thoroughly he is established in your affections, but to do my utmost to live harmoniously with you all, will be my constant care and endeavour. (Cheers.)
Mr George Guard (Nethercleave), proposed a vote of thanks to the Chairman which was seconded by Mr William Watts (Biddacott), and duly acknowledged. Cheers were then heartily given for MR and MRS DORE and family, for the Chairman and his estimable sister, which brought these interesting proceedings to a close.
On Tuesday last the children of the parish attending the National and Church Sunday Schools, the Day and Wesleyan Sunday and other Schools presented MR DORE with a splendid Writing Desk, together with an address (read by Misses Annie Crocker, the senior scholar). MR DORE briefly and feelingly thanked them, after which three hearty cheers were given for MR., MRS DORE and family.

Thursday 11 November 1869
DEATH - November 5, at the North Devon Infirmary, Barnstaple, MRS SARAH WALDRON, of Chittlehampton, aged 56.

Thursday 18 November 1869
Southmolton. - Thomas Seldon, the younger (by Thomas Seldon, his next friend) against JOHN JONES. - The plaintiff being an infant, was obliged to sue by his next friend. The hearing of this case occasioned the greatest merriment, in which the Judge, Registrar, and all in the Court heartily joined. - Young Seldon, a tall country youth, appeared with a bundle, wherein was a coat and waistcoat, which he said TAILOR JONES, who lives at Chittlehampton, had spoilt in cutting up the cloth (for which he had given £1 8s. 9d.), and making the articles before-named. The defendant did not appear, and the Judge requested young Seldon to retire and put on the apparel in question, in order that he might pass his opinion thereon, probably, he said, he ought to see him robe himself. Seldon accordingly went into the ante-room, and soon afterwards returned, dressed in the coat and vest before-mentioned; the former was much too small, short in the waist, and evidently, although it had been several times altered, never could be made to fit him. The Judge left the judgment-seat, and examined the coat behind and in front, amidst roars of laughter. Mr Richard Courtenay, tailor, of this town, was called on plaintiff's behalf, and, in answer to the judge's queries, said he considered the coat and waistcoat would sell for 15s., and his Honour ordered that sum to be deducted from the £1 18s. 9d claimed, and gave judgment for the balance.

Thursday 30 December 1869
MARRIAGE - December 21, at Chittlehampton, by the Rev W. Collins, Mr Thomas Follett, of Anstey, to EMMA, eldest surviving daughter of MR J. STONE, South Newton Farm.

Thursday 13 January 1870
Southmolton County Magistrates Meeting. - Game Laws. P.C. Henry Hooper, of Chittlehampton, laid information against JOHN OSMOND, of the same parish, charging him with having, on the 27th ultimo, been suspected of coming from land where he had been unlawfully in search of game. A rabbit was found on him, and he was fined 10s. or 7 days' imprisonment.
CHARLES VICKERY, of Chittlehampton, and WILLIAM MANNING, a farmer, were charged with trespassing on land in the occupation of the Rev. R. E. Trefusis, in search of conies. Fined 10s. each and costs.

Thursday 20 January 1870
Divisional Petty Sessions, Town Hall, 15th inst.
The Game Laws - JOSEPH STEVENS, of Chittlehampton and Richard Stevens, of Merton, were charged on the information of Wm. Gould, keeper to the Hon Mark Rolle with trespassing in search of game on Christmas-day, on part of Potheridge Barton, in the above parish. The defendants were spending Christmas at their father’s at Merton, and in the afternoon they took a walk on the above estate, when Edward Dunford, keeper, hearing the report of a gun, went to the spot and found defendants in a field. They had a dog which was hunting in a nursery adjoining a cover, and Richard Stevens had a gun. On speaking to the defendants, they said they were only shooting small birds. Fined £1 each and 11s. 3d. each expenses.
JOHN BLACKMORE v. JOHN ASHTON. - Mr Shapland appeared for plaintiff, and Mr Louis Riccard for defendant. The claim was for £7 1s. 11d., the alleged balance due for wages. Plaintiff is a labourer, and the defendant, a farmer, living at Chittlehampton. This case occupied the Court some time, and plaintiff’s easy and peculiar style occasioned much amusement. MR ASHTON, Ann Palmer, and Lucy Fairchild gave evidence in defence. Mr Shapland said the witness Ann Palmer was the best witness for her master he had ever known in his life. He contended that the statement made by the defendant as to the paltry wages agreed to be paid to the plaintiff for his labour (although he suffered much from rheumatic), and the defendant’s statement that the plaintiff was to work nine months for nothing, was monstrous. Lucy Fairchild proved being called into the room when her master paid the plaintiff £3 7s. 6d. as the balance due to him; her mistress and young mistress were present at the time the money was paid. The plaintiff alleged that the defendant was one of those gentlemen who liked a good deal done for his money, and that on the day prior to the £3 7s. 6d. being paid to him by the defendant he had asserted there was more money coming to him. No set-off had been pleaded, and judgment was given for £1 9s. 2d. only, which appeared to greatly astonish the plaintiff.
MARRIAGE - January 18 at the Parish Church, Landkey, by the Rev R. K. Cornish, WILLIAM, youngest son of MR JOHN DYER, Fullabrook, Chittlehampton, to Ann, third daughter of the late Mr Richard Vickery, of Bradninch, Landkey.

Thursday 27 January 1870
BIRTH - January 24, at Nethercleave Farm, Chittlehampton, the wife of MR GEO. GUARD, of twins – a son and daughter.

Thursday 3 February 1870
BIRTH - January 27, at Chittlehampton, the wife of MR JOHN BURGESS, of a daughter.

Thursday 10 February 1870
Southmolton Borough Magistrates’ Petty Sessions
Affiliation - Maria Manning, of Southmolton, v. SAMUEL BUCKNER, of Chittlehampton. Mr Shapland, solicitor, appeared for the applicant; Mr Friend, of Exeter, for the putative father. Order, 2s. per week.
Sharp Practice - JOHN HEYWOOD, a farmer, of the parish of Chittlehampton, charged James Barrow, a water bailiff in the employ of the Conservators of salmon, with stealing two pieces of wood his property, value 2d., on the 10th of December last. Mr Lionel Bencraft defended Barrow, and elicited from HEYWOOD, in cross-examination, that as to the wood in question it consisted of two worthless ends of a poplar rail which had been cut off in repairing a fence - that he met Barrow in his marsh, where he had picked it up, and said "That's mine;" to which Barrow replied, "Then take it," and threw it down - that the alleged offence was committed on the 10th December, but he had delayed to take out a summons against defendant till the 2nd of February - that in the interim summonses had issued against HEYWOOD'S two sons for killing pheasants - that he (HEYWOOD) had asked the supervisor of Inland Revenue whether he should not get his sons off if he could convict Barrow (who would be a witness in the game case) of stealing the wood. The Bench immediately dismissed the case, and refused defendant his costs.
Serious Charge Of Perjury Against A Farmer's Son. - WILLIAM JUGG, a young farmer, formerly of Whitmore Farm, Chittlehamholt, was brought up on remand at the Guildhall, yesterday, before Mr G. E. Kingson, Col. Harding, Mr. W. Curry, Mr J. G. Hiern, and the Rev. H. B. Wrey, county justices, charged with perjury. The circumstances will be in the recollection of our readers. At the County Petty Sessions last week a respectable looking young woman named Betsy Hill, summoned the defendant to show cause why he should not contribute towards the support of her illegitimate child. The complainant gave a most circumstantial account of her intimacy with the defendant and her evidence was corroborated by that of her mother. The defendant swore most emphatically that he had never seen the girl before, and that the whole of her and her mother's statements were a fabrication. A policeman named Wolland, however, came forward and stated that he had frequently seen the parties together. On the application of Mr Lionel Bencraft, who appeared for the complaint, the prisoner was thereupon taken into custody and remanded until yesterday. On the case being called, Mr Incledon Bencraft, who appeared for the defendant consented to an order being made, and the Bench allowed the highest sum in their power, viz., 2s. 6d. a week. Additional evidence was then given in support of the charge of perjury. George May, of Harracott, Tawstock, proved seeing the complainant and defendant together on several occasions; and Samuel Davis, John Hobbs, senr., and John Hobbs junr., gave similar testimony. The prisoner, who reserved is defence, was then committed to take his trial at the ensuing Assizes for the County.

Thursday 17 February 1870
Barnstaple County Court
Agnes Milton v. WILLIAM MILTON. - This was a somewhat amusing case. The plaintiff, who was represented by Mr Bromham, is a widow living at Atherington, and farming a small estate there. The defendant, for whom Mr I Bencraft appeared, is a farmer at Chittlehampton, and the action was brought against him to recover the sum of £4 1s., which was made up of several items, the chief of which was 143 weeks’ keep of a donkey. It seems that the defendant placed his donkey on the plaintiff’s farm, where it foaled, and, on taking it away again, desired her to keep the young donkey. A few weeks since the defendant sent for the foal, and the plaintiff thereupon set up a claim for the keep, inasmuch as her son had taken the trouble to “break it in,” and it had been of no use to her, as the only time she put it in harness it upset the cart. Defendant’s answer to the case was that the claim was never made until he sued the plaintiff in the County Court on a note of hand, and that he had made ample compensation to plaintiff for the keep in the shape of a “crape hat-band” and other articles, together with the use of the young donkey. His Honour gave judgment for £1, and costs.

Thursday 10 March 1870
MARRIAGE - March 8, at the Parish Church, Chittlehampton, by the Rev W Thorold, of Warkleigh, SAMUEL, second son of MR SMALLRIDGE, Biddacott, to MARY, second daughter of MR HARRIS, Dipford, Chittlehampton.
DEATH - March 8, at Chittlehampton, CHARLES, infant son of MR JAMES CLARKE, shoemaker.
DEATH - March 8, at Chittlehampton, AGNES TENSON, wife of MR JOHN LOCK, carpenter, aged 67.

Thursday 17 March 1870
BIRTH - March 12, at Chittlehampton Village, the wife of MR WILLIAM ISAAC, jun., of a son.
DEATH - March 12, at Clappery Mill, Chittlehampton, SARAH, daughter of MR GEORGE POPE, aged 11 months.

Thursday 24 March 1870
County Magistrates’ Sessions
Offences against the Salmon Act - FRANCIS OSMOND of Chittlehampton, was charged by Mr Wood with having unlawfully had a certain gaff in his possession with intent to catch salmon. Fined £5 and costs; in default of payment, he was ordered to be imprisoned for two months.

Thursday 7 April 1870
Southmolton – County Magistrates’ Sessions
Drunkenness. - WILLIAM SLEE, of Chittlehampton, pleaded guilty to a charge by Mr Superintendent Wood of drunkenness and refusing to quit an alehouse when requested to do so. Fined 5s., and costs.
DEATH - March 31, at Chittlehampton, MR JOHN BRADFORD, carpenter, aged 70.

Thursday 21 April 1870
DEATH - April 13, at Chittlehampton, the infant daughter of MR WILLIAM PAW.
DEATH - April 14, at Chittlehampton Village, MR GEORGE WHITEFIELD, aged 69.

Thursday 5 May 1870
Borough Magistrates’ Sessions
Breach of the Peace - James Barrow, of George-nympton, water bailiff, complained that PHILIP PEARCE, of Chittlehampton, labourer, did, on the 17th ultimo, at Southmolton, most violently and maliciously threaten to do him some grievous bodily injury. PEARCE was bound over to keep the peace for three calendar months, in his own recognizance of £20.
County Magistrates’ Sessions
Offence against the Excise Laws - Mr Thomas Otty, officer of Inland Revenue, laid separate informations against WILLIAM HEYWOOD and JOHN HEYWOOD for that they, on the 11th of November last, at the parish of Chittlehampton, did take and kill certain game to wit, pheasants, without having taken out, or having in force, such a licence as required by the Act of 1860. The offences having been proved, each defendant was fined £5, inclusive of costs.
DEATH - May 1, at Chittlehampton, THOMAZIN, relict of the late MR WILLIAM MANATON, of the ‘Bell Inn’, aged 79.

Thursday 26 May 1870
Chittlehampton. Most Eligible Investment. Mr John Blackford will Sell by Auction, at the 'Unicorn Hotel,' Southmolton, on Monday, the 6th day of June next, at 5 o'clock in the afternoon, Three Fields of very Superior Grazing Land, called "Little Collacott," situated in the Parish of Chittlehampton aforesaid, containing 11a. 0r. 23p., and now in the occupation of the owner, MR W. B. JOCE. The premises are situate within 4 miles of the Umberleigh Station of the London and South Western Railway, are well supplied with Water, and afford an opportunity of acquiring Land, either for occupation or investment, rarely to be met with. For viewing the Land, application may be made to MR JOCE, the owner, at Chittlehampton, and any further particulars may be obtained from the Auctioneer, or at the offices of Messrs. Riccard and Son, Solicitors, Southmolton. Dated 16th May, 1870.

Thursday 2 June 1870
Charge of Stealing a Watch - On Saturday, a servant, named WILLIAM COMER, of Chittlehampton, was brought before the Revds. Joshua Bawden, W H Karslake, and W Thorold, justices, under a warrant, charged with the above offence, said to have been committed on the 30th of October last. It appeared from the evidence of JAMES HARRIS, of Chittlehampton, farmer, that he lost a watch, on the 30th of October last. He believed it was a silver one, with double cases. His name was scratched on the case. He last saw it on his chest of drawers, in his bedroom. The prisoner left his employment on the day before-named, without giving notice. John Molland, a farm servant, of Winkleigh, in the employ of Mr Hammett, said he knew the watch produced by C.C. Fursdon. He saw it on the 31st of last October, in the custody of al man who gave his name as William Harris, who was offering the watch for sale. Prisoner offered to sell it for 30s. Prisoner was to give a shilling for “luck,” and they were to spend 2s. 6d. between them. Witness bought the watch and paid him the money. On cross-examination by Mr J T Shapland (who appeared on behalf of the prisoner), witness said: The prisoner wore a black hat and no whiskers as he had then; he shaved under the chin; I think I can swear to the man as the same person. James Molland, the last witness’s father, C.C. Fursdon, and C.C. Henry Hooper gave evidence. The latter stated that he knew the prisoner well. He was in the Marines. On Thursday last, he received him into his custody at Stonehouse. He said to him, “I don’t care; if I don’t get more than twelve months of it I shall be able to manage that.”. The prisoner was remanded for a week.

Thursday 9 June 1870
Southmolton – County Petty Sessions
WILLIAM COMER, alias TREBLE, alias LANE, labourer, Chittlehampton, was charged on remand, with having on the 30th October last, stolen a silver watch, the property of JAMES HARRIS, Chittlehampton, farmer. Prisoner was in complainant’s service, and during his master’s absence he induced a young man son of MR HARRIS to bring down from a bedroom the watch, and a hat belonging to a fellow servant. He then absconded. The watch was discovered at Winkleigh, in November, in the possession of John Molland, farm servant, who purchased it from COMER. The prisoner was discovered in the ranks of the Devon Militia Artillery where he was apprehended. Prisoner, who has been several times convicted, was committed for trial at the next Quarter Sessions.
Escape of a Prisoner. - A young man named WM. COMER, who was committed by the county justices, on Saturday, to take his trial at the next Quarter Sessions at Exeter, on a charge of stealing a silver watch, the property of JAMES HARRIS, of Chittlehampton, on the 30th of October last, escaped from the Devon County Constabulary Lock-up, in this town, on Tuesday night last and although the police have made diligent search for the prisoner they have not been successful in finding him. We are informed that the prisoner was in the Constable’s kitchen and asked to be allowed to go to the pump in the yard to drink, and then made his escape over the wall.

Thursday 16 June 1870
BIRTH - June 13th, at Townsend, Chittlehampton, the wife of MR THOS. STONE, butcher and grocer, of a son.
MARRIAGE – May 4th, at Romsey, Hampshire, Mr John Mortimer, jun., of Warkleigh, to MARY, eldest daughter of MR W. GRADDON Brightley Barton, Chittlehampton.
Signs of Improvement - The inhabitants of this village can boast of a good Fire Engine efficiently manned by an energetic Brigade composed of tradesmen of the village, but of late years the want of a reservoir for water supply has been very much felt, and occasionally some anxiety has been experienced, considering that nearly the whole of the houses in the village are thatched. We are happy to state that (though the kind recommendation of Mr Henry Drew) the Hon. Mark Rolle has kindly consented to have a reservoir constructed at the back of the village, whence a good supply of water may be had in the driest season. The inhabitants received the news with heartfelt gratitude, and will ever cherish a grateful regard for the generous benefactor.

Thursday 23 June 1870
MARRIAGES - To the Editor of the ‘North Devon Journal’. Sir - Please be good enough to correct an error which appeared in your last week’s paper, by stating that I was neither married at Romsey nor in May. Yours faithfully, JOHN MORTIMER, Brightley, June 20th, 1870. [ The notice of marriage referred to is authenticated by our correspondent at Chittlehampton].

Thursday 30 June 1870
A very Destructive Fire occurred on Saturday last, at Kingsbeer, a farm on the Rolle Estate, in this parish, in the occupation of MR WILLIAM MANNING. It was discovered by the villagers at about 11.30 p.m., and had it not been for the timely arrival of assistance, the whole family would, probably, have perished, as they had just retired to bed and were sound asleep. However, the fire engine was soon on the spot, and, after the most strenuous efforts on the part of the fire brigade, the dwelling house was saved. Some idea may be formed of the danger when we state that the flames approached within 9 feet of the building, and when the roofs of the outhouses fell some of the firemen were even scorched. The fire is supposed to have originated in the barn and to have been the work of an incendiary. The whole of the farm buildings were destroyed, and a rick containing 100 bushels of wheat and 50 bushels of wheat in the barn, were entirely consumed; and also 70 nitches of reed, 2 turnip drills, thrashing and mowing machines, and various other implements. The horses and pigs were with difficulty saved. We regret to state that the loss is not covered by insurance, and it is estimated at over £250. The fire was not entirely extinguished on Monday morning.

Thursday 7 July 1870
County Magistrates’ Meeting, July 4, 1870
Violent Assault - JAMES SLADER of Chittlehampton was sentenced to be imprisoned for two months, on the information of P.C. Henry Hooper, for violently assaulting and beating SARAH JANE HULLAND of that parish, on the 7th ult.
Offences Against the Salmon & Fisheries’ Act
JOHN HOOPER, of Chittlehampton, Water Bailiff, complained that MICHAEL PEARSE, of that parish, farm servant, had on the 8th of May last, in his possession a gaff, under such circumstances as to satisfy the court that he intended at the time to catch salmon by means thereof. The offence was proved and the defendant was fined £1, and costs.

Thursday 21 July 1870
JOHN JAMES RENDLE HOWARD v. GEORGE PARKIN - The parties live at Chittlehampton, the former being a shop-keeper, and the latter a sawyer, who was sued for £5 11s., for shop goods supplied. The defendant said he “might or might not owe the money.” Judgment for the amount claimed, in instalments of 4s. per month.

Thursday 28 July 1870
Accident at Chittlehampton. - JAMES CHAPPELL, aged 49, carpenter, was admitted into the North Devon Infirmary on Friday, suffering from a rather serious wound on one of his arms. He was engaged in chopping a piece of timber at Whitely Barton, Chittlehampton, when the axe glanced off the wood, and cut his wrist severely. On the way to the Infirmary he lost a great deal of blood. He is now progressing favourably.

Thursday 4 August 1870
Southmolton. A North Devon Divorce Case.
A case of considerable interest to the North of Devon came on for hearing in the Divorce Court at Westminster on Friday before Lord Penzance and a Special Jury. The petitioner was Mr Gilbert Babbage, a well-known butcher and cattle dealer, of Hobbey House Farm, in the parish of Mariansleigh, and he sought for a dissolution of his marriage with his wife, Charlotte Babbage, on the ground of adultery with the co-respondents, MR HENRY MANNING, a large farmer, residing at Winson, Chittlehampton, and Edwin Holmes, formerly petitioner’s servantman. Damages were also claimed.

Thursday 11 August 1870
BIRTH - August 7, at Black Mantle, Chittlehampton, the wife of MR WILLIAM LEWIS, of a daughter.
BIRTH - August 9, at Chittlehampton Village, the wife of MR THOMAS WATTS, builder, &c., of a daughter.

Thursday 25 August 1870
DEATH - August 12, at Chittlehampton, MRS ANN CAWSEY, aged 92; the last surviving member of the family.

Thursday 8 September 1870
Assaulting the Police at the Races. - A farm labourer, named JAMES SLEE, who said he came from Chittlehampton, was brought before Mr C H Williams, and Mr W Curry (County Magistrates), on Tuesday, at the Magistrates’ Clerk’s Office, Barnstaple, charged with committing an assault upon the person of Sergt. Rich, of the County Police. The prosecutor stated that whilst he was on duty at Pitt Marsh during the races on Monday, he observed the prisoner in company with a woman of ill-fame. He ordered the latter off the course at which SLEE took offence and dealt him a blow with a thick gutta-percha cane, upon which he drew his staff and struck the prisoner in return. With the assistance of a constable he was taken into custody and conveyed to Barnstaple. The magistrates considered that the man had committed an aggravated assault and sentenced him to a month’s imprisonment with hard labour in the County gaol.

Thursday 15 September 1870
MARRIAGE - September 8, at Chittlehampton, by the Rev T H Maitland, John Richard, only son of Richard Cridge, Esq., Southmolton, to CAROLINE RUSSELL, only daughter of MR HENRY MANNING, of Winson, Chittlehampton.

Thursday 22 September 1870
MARRIAGE - September 15, at the Parish Church, Charles, MR JAMES RENDLE, late of Chittlehampton, to Miss Mary Lee, of Charles.

Thursday 29 September 1870
BIRTH - September 28, at Brightley Barton, Chittlehampton, the wife of J MORTIMER, Esq., of a son.
DEATH - September 26, at Chittlehampton, MR WM. WESTERN MANATON, of the ‘Bell Inn,’ aged 39; much regretted.
Southmolton County Magistrates Meeting. - Nuisance. - Supt. Wood complained that on the 17th inst. certain premises situate in the village of Georgenympton, belonging to MR JOHN SHAPLAND, of Chittlehampton, had large cess pits which required to be filled in. MR SHAPLAND (the defendant) was ordered to abate the nuisance and pay the costs incurred.

Thursday 20 October 1870
DEATH - October 19, at the Post-office, Chittlehampton, the beloved wife of MR JOHN PEDLER, aged 56.

Thursday 17 November 1870
A Farmer Summoned by His Wife. - JAMES HARRIS, farmer, of Chittlehampton, was fined £1 and costs for assaulting his wife, and was also bound over to keep the peace towards her for twelve months, himself in £50 and two sureties in £25 each. The parties have previously been before the Bench, and from what transpired it was evident that they led a very unhappy life. Mr Shapland appeared for MR HARRIS.

Thursday 22 December 1870
Barnstaple - Strange Conduct of a Servant Girl at Barnstaple.
Early on Saturday morning last ELIZABETH HOLLOWAY, aged 16, domestic servant to Mr G T Gaydon, grocer, of Boutport-street, secretly left her master’s house and has not since been heard of. It is supposed that she has drowned herself in the Taw, as Mr Gaydon discovered, on coming downstairs, a note in the handwriting of the girl, stating that her clothes would be found on the bank of the river near Mr Westacott’s shipbuilding yard; and unfortunately this has turned out to be too true, for on the same morning a little girl, who was on her way from Anchor Wood Cottage to Barnstaple, picked up by the side of the Taw a water proof cloak, a dress, and under garments, which have been identified as the raiment of the girl. In a pocket of the gown was found a letter written by her and addressed to her father, MR WILLIAM HOLLOWAY, who lives at Leary, in the parish of Chittlehampton, wherein she said her master and mistress had accused her of stealing money, of which she was innocent, and that sooner than bring any disgrace upon herself or her parents, she had determined to destroy herself. The police and the father and mother of the unfortunate girl were communicated with, and the river Taw was dragged both Saturday and Sunday but no trace of the missing girl has been discovered. The fact that the young woman carried her threat into execution, is hardly beyond doubt, and it is conjectured that the body has been washed into some of the pits in the river near Pottington Point where it is thought it has become embedded in the sand, as there was a heavy flow of ‘fresh’ water at the time of the girl is supposed to have terminated her life. [ Since writing the above, we learn that whilst the men were engaged in searching for the body on Sunday evening, Supt. Blanchard, acting on intelligence received, apprehended the lost young woman at Northmolton, whither she had made her escape dressed in man’s attire.]

Thursday 16 February 1871
County Magistrates
THOMAS HILL, of Chittlehampton, on the information of Supt. Wood, was fined £5 and costs for having, on the 21st ult., in his possession a certain spear, under such circumstances as to satisfy the Court that he intended at the time to catch salmon by means thereof.
SAMUEL ADAMS, of the same parish, and THOMAS HILL, were fined 7s. 6d. each for attempting to kill salmon between the 1st of September and the 1st of February last, being close season.
Mr Wood, as Inspector of Nuisances, complained that THOMAS STONE, of Chittlehampton, kept pigs too close to his dwelling house. An order was made for the defendant to abate the nuisance and pay 10s. 6d. costs.

Thursday 23 February 1871
DEATH - February 15, at Chittlehampton, MR JOHN LUXTON, late of Eastcott Farm, aged 71.
Southmolton - Accident In The Hunting Field. - On Monday as MRS MADGE, of Manor House, Chittlehamholt, was hunting with the Earl of Portsmouth's hounds, near this town, her horse fell over a bank nearly twenty feet high, into a bog. The lady luckily escaped without any serious injury.

Thursday 9 March 1871
BIRTH - February 28, at the ‘New Inn,’ Chittlehampton, the wife of MR THOMAS GREEN, of a daughter.

Thursday 23 March 1871
County Magistrates’ Sessions
Assault - WILLIAM VICARY, of Chittlehampton, farmer, complained that GEORGE STADDON, of the same parish, unlawfully assaulted and beat him on the 5th inst. The parties appeared to be neighbours but were upon very unneighbourly terms. Mr J T Shapland appeared for the defendant, who was fined £1 and costs.

Thursday 30 March 1871
MARRIAGE - March 23, at Burrington, by the Rev S Davis, Vicar, MR WILLIAM BAKER, Chittlehampton, to Elizabeth, youngest daughter of Mr James Bendle, Cleave Farm, Burrington.
DEATH - March 24, at Chittlehampton, ELIZABETH, the beloved wife of MR WILLIAM CLARKE, aged 66, deeply mourned.
DEATH - GRADDON - March 25, at Little Deptford, Chittlehampton, MRS GRADDON.
Sudden Death - MRS GRADDON of Deptford Farm, Chittlehampton, died suddenly at her residence on Saturday last. At an inquest held on Monday, before J H Toller, Esq., deputy-coroner, a verdict of death from natural causes was returned.

Thursday 6 April 1871
BIRTH - March 25, at Nethercliffe, Chittlehampton, the wife of MR GEORGE GUARD, of a son.
DEATH - March 30, at Chittlehampton, the wife of MR SAMUEL WEBBER, of Snydell’s Farm, aged 43.
County Magistrates’
Offence Against the Salmon Laws. - JOHN MURCH, of Chittlehampton, labourer, was charged on the information of C.C. Hooper of the same parish with having on the 26th of January last at Chittlehampton unlawfully in his possession a certain gaff under such circumstances as to satisfy the Court that he intended at the time to catch salmon by means thereof; and JOSEPH STEVENS, of the same parish, was charged with being present and aiding and abetting him to commit the said offence. A fine of £3 and costs was inflicted. In default of payment ordered to be committed for six weeks with hard labour.

Thursday 13 April 1871
Offence Against the Salmon Laws. - We inadvertently stated in last Thursday’s issue that JOHN MURCH of Chittlehampton, labourer, was charged by C.C. Hooper. the information was laid by JOHN HOOPER, of Chittlehampton, gamekeeper. The case against JOHN MURCH, was adjourned to the next meeting, in consequence of his illness, and JOSEPH STEVENS, of the same parish, was fined £3 and costs for aiding and abetting him to commit the offence, and in default to be committed for six weeks’ with hard labour.

Thursday 20 April 1871
MARRIAGE - April 12, at Limehouse Church, by the Rev F J Hobbins, MR THOMAS BUCKINGHAM, formerly of Chittlehampton, Devon, to Emma, daughter of the late Mr W J Beasley, boot and shoe maker, Brook-street, Ratcliffe, London, E.

Thursday 8 June 1871
Southmolton Borough Petty Sessions. - Unjust Weights. Superintendent Fisher, Inspector of weights and measures, summoned MR WILLIAM MANNING, of Chittlehampton, for having unjust weights on his panniers in the Market on Saturday se'nnight. Fined 2s. 6d. with costs.

Thursday 6 July 1871
County Magistrates’ Petty Session, Monday, July 3
Alleged Rape. SARAH GALSWORTHY, aged 15 years, of Collacott, Chittlehampton, and who came from Plymouth about a month ago, charged her master, WILLIAM MANNING, of Kingsbeer, in Chittlehampton, with the above offence. She stated that she only went into his service on the 15th ult. The defendant was a married man with two children. There was no other servant in the house. The children were from three to five years old. She was in her master’s service one day and two nights. She went there on the Thursday evening and slept there that night. On the Friday morning her mistress left home and did not return that night; and on the Saturday morning, in consequence of what occurred, she (the complainant) left about seven o’clock, and went to Mrs Skinner’s and told her the cause of her leaving. She went back and found MRS MANNING, and told her what had occurred, and she said she would not believe it. It appeared from her statement that she had to pass through her master’s bedroom to reach her own: that her master came several times to her room, and on her waking she found him in her bed, when he accomplished his evil purpose. She did not cry out, for she was afraid, as there was no one but the children in the house. After this she dressed, and lit the fire, and fed the pigs, packed her things, and went to Mrs Skinner’s. (The complainant’s further statement was unfit for publication.)
Mr Edwin Furse, surgeon, gave evidence as to his examination of the complainant about 20 hours after the alleged and offence, and that gentleman’s testimony militated against her.
After consideration, the Bench dismissed the case. Mr Lionel Bencraft appeared for the accused, and the hearing lasted a considerable time.
Drunkenness and Riotous Behaviour - JOSEPH ISAACS, of Chittlehampton, found drunk in a thoroughfare in that parish, committed on the 10th ult., and a fine of 5s., and costs was inflicted.

Thursday 20 July 1871
Southmolton - The Parkham Murder. It is stated and believed that IZET WILLIAMS, the woman apprehended on the charge of murder, is a native of this town. Her father (named STANLAKE) formerly resided at Chittlehamholt, and subsequently at Southmolton. WILLIAMS is well known here, and on Wednesday last visited Mrs Sawtell's, draper, Mr Steddiford's, tailor, Mrs Coles and Messrs. Delve and Williams, grocers, and made rather extensive purchases. She also visited the 'Barnstaple Inn.' A pair of boots belonging to her has been discovered at a shoemaker's in this town.

Thursday 10 August 1871
BIRTH - August 5, at Chittlehampton, the wife of MR MALONE, of a daughter.

Thursday 24 August 1871
Blossom Out Of Season. - In an orchard in the occupation of MR WM. CHAPPLE, gentleman, in the village of Chittlehampton, may be seen several apple trees bearing ripe fruit and at the same time fully-developed blossoms. The kinds of apples are those provincially called Hoary Morning and Long Biders.

Thursday 21 September 1871
Supposed Incendiarism - On the afternoon of Wednesday last, while the farmer and his family were absent at Barnstaple Fair, a fire was observed to break out in the corn rick of MR JAMES HARRIS, of North Newton, in this parish, very near the dwelling-house of the farm. The flames were seen from the village and the vicar, the Rev R E Trefusis, on being informed of the occurrence, instantly got upon his horse and hastened for the engine. The men who ordinarily worked it were away at the Fair, but the worthy vicar, with praiseworthy zeal, helped to harness the engine and accompanied it to the spot, which it reached quickly, and being vigorously worked, especially by the prompt exertions of the vicar, Mr Burgess, and others, it was of much use in preventing the spread of the fire, although too late to rescue from destruction the corn ricks, which were very dry and burnt rapidly. They consisted of the produce of 20 acres of wheat, 18 acres of barley, besides a large hayrick, all which were consumed or rendered worthless. How the fire originated can only be suspected. Various rumours are afloat on the subject. A servant man under notice to quit was at work near the place at the time, and is the only person known to have been near. The property was insufficiently insured; and we are informed, as a singular circumstance, that although the policy had been renewed for some time, it was only the day before the fire that the agent for the office was at the house and received the premium and delivered the policy. It was but a few weeks ago that a fire happened on premises in the occupation of the same farmer at some distance from North Newton, but in the same parish. It was thought at the time to be the effect of lightning, but now that is doubted, and the same cause as in the present case is suspected. Fortunately it was extinguished without doing much damage. But for the timely arrival of the engine on Wednesday last, there is no doubt that the house and farm buildings, which were in close contiguity to the ricks, must have perished in the flames. It is earnestly to be hoped that the malicious perpetrator of the crime – for the facts scarcely permit the belief of any other than a wilful origin to the fire – will be brought to justice.

Thursday 9 November 1871
BIRTH - November 1, at Chittlehampton, the wife of MR JOHN HOWARD grocer and draper, of a son.

Thursday 23 November 1871
South Molton County Court
John Hill v. WILLIAM RUDD - This was a claim of 4l. 4s. 9d. for drapery goods supplied to the defendant, who lives at Leary, in Chittlehampton. Ordered in 2s. per month.
CLARA BRAUND FORD V. JAMES HARRIS - This was a claim of 50l. for alleged detention of goods. The plaintiff for some years past lived with the defendant, a farmer, of Chittlehampton. It appeared that the Statute of Limitations had been pleaded by the defendant, and the plaintiff made an application to the Court for an adjournment of the cause to the next Court, in consequence of her solicitor (Mr I Bencraft) not being able to attend. His Honour inquired when she knew that her solicitor could not be present. Plaintiff: I received a letter to that effect only this morning. The Judge: As you have not had time to instruct another solicitor, I will adjourn the case on your paying the defendant’s costs. Plaintiff: Thank your Honour. The costs, amounting to 12s. 6d. were paid.

Thursday 11 January 1872
Barnstaple. Borough Petty Session
CLARA BRAUND FORD was charged with assaulting and beating a man named JAMES HARRIS of Chittlehampton, who deals largely in flat-poll cabbages, at Barnstaple, on the 8th ult. Mr L Bencraft appeared for defendant, and pleaded not guilty. Prosecutor said that on the say in question he was coming over the quay (at Barnstaple) with a maund containing two pigs for market, when defendant “assaulted him by calling him everything she could name.” She followed him into the pig market, tried to seize both hamper and pigs, and “let fly at him with her fist,” striking him on his head, as he was stooping. She also attempted to kick him. She had annoyed and assaulted him for five or six months, so now he felt he must have it stopped. By Mr Bencraft: She struck him once, but did not kick him. The blow came on the side of his head, but he did not see her strike. Had no witness: about forty persons were present, but he thought he was sufficient witness himself. Did not hold up a shilling to defendant, and make use of disgusting language towards her: did not call her any name. She had “lodged” in his house. (Here defendant burst into tears.) She had lodged there for many years – came and went when she thought proper. Prosecutor here said he did not consider he was bound to answer any question he (Mr Bencraft) chose to put, but was told that he must. She had lived with him, but he did not know for how long: did not know whether it was eighteen years: she had six children by him. She had lodged at other places. Mr Bencraft: Have you been to the workhouse to take out the banns to be married to her? Prosecutor said he did not think he was bound to answer; but on the bench telling him he must, he said he had done so, and had since refused to marry her, and added, “You don’t ask on what account.”£ By Mr Bencraft: She had brought an action, which would come on this month at Southmolton, to recover the sum of £50, and he had had a summons served on her that morning in court to appear at Southmolton next Monday, on a charge of robbing his house. The maund spoken of was his own. Did not observe that she claimed the maund: she wanted to take the pigs. Could not say that she did not say she had bought the maund of Mr Berry: didn’t know anything about that. Gave her the money to buy the maund with. Did not know that she received considerable sums of money from her father whilst she lived with him (Harris). Mr Bencraft said he thought he had shown the bench enough, from the cross-examination of prosecutor, for them to understand what sort of a case it was. She had lived with the man (if he deserved to be called by that name) for many years, and had had eight or nine children, six of whom were living, by him. He had put in the banns, and repeatedly promised to marry her, but not only had he refused to do so, but he had turned her out of his house at Chittlehampton. She had now brought an action to recover £50, the value of a horse and cart, &c., her property, but of which he still retained possession. After that summons was taken out, she saw him on the quay in Barnstaple, and claimed the maund, which she said she bought and paid for, but he refused to give it up, and made use of most horrible language towards her, and the result, according to his statement, was that she let drive at him once, but he did not see her strike him. Numbers of respectable persons were present, but knowing that it was no use bringing any of them, he had not done so. To add insult to injury he said he was determined to put a stop to her conduct. The summons he had taken out called on her to appear to answer a charge of stealing butter, scales, wearing apparel, &c., ^c., his property, some time, or at different times, in September, October, or November last. He did not think he ever saw such a summons, and they would see it was one of the most disreputable and unworthy cases a man ever had the impudence to bring into a court of justice. He hoped they would first consider that the assault was not proved, dismiss the case, and mark their sense of his conduct by ordering him to pay the costs of her attendance; and that they would consider that he had conducted himself in a most infamous way, and had added to his infamy by the two summonses to prosecute the poor woman. The Mayor said the magistrates dismissed the case, and could not help expressing their indignation at the conduct of Harris: they could scarcely believe the man on his oath. HARRIS: I shall have this case brought forward again at the next court, with witnesses. I don’t like to be imposed upon in that way. I could bring 20 witnesses. The bench told him to hold his tongue. Defendant was crying during the hearing of the case.
South Molton County Court. - HARRIS and FORD Again! - JAMES HARRIS, a farmer of Chittlehampton, summoned CLARA BRAUND FORD, who for many years has cohabited with him, and has been known as "MRS HARRIS," for feloniously stealing a pair of trousers and two pair of stockings, valued at 4s., alleged to be his property. Mr Lionel Bencraft appeared for the accused. - The parties are continually before the Courts. The complainant stated that the accused, who had been living with him for 18 years, left his house on the 11th of October last. When he was in his field, in consequence of information which he received, he went into the turnpike-road about 50 land yards from his house, and saw the accused before him, and a horse, cart and driver, who was Wm. Bale. He got into the cart and found a large loaf of bread, an umbrella, and an empty jar, and took possession thereof, they being his. In the afternoon he saw Elizabeth Bale carrying a box. He went and opened it, and found one of the pairs of trousers produced, and two pairs of stockings also produced, all of which were his. The prisoner said, "It is not your property." Elizabeth Bale deposed that she was a servant in the employ of the complainant, and that she took the box from his house at Missus's request (meaning the accused). Witness had been accustomed to take orders from the accused as complainant's wife. - Cross examined by Mr Bencraft: Missus told her to go and get the box in which she kept her clothes, and witness took it out of her bedroom, a different room to what master slept in. She did not know who put the things in it. It was not locked. - Wm. Bale also gave evidence. The bench after considering the circumstances, dismissed the case.
DEATH - December 24, at Snydles, Chittlehamholt, MRS SKINNER, late of Slitchcott, Kingsnympton, aged 84.

Thursday 18 January 1872
Southmolton County Court
HARRIS v. FORD once more! - MISS CLARA BRAUND FORD, a middle-aged woman, again figured in court in the cause which stood over from the former sitting, being an action to recover £50 for alleged detention of goods by JAMES HARRIS of Chittlehampton, farmer (with whom she had cohabited for a long series of years.) Mr I Bencraft appeared for the defendant. The plaintiff made a further application to His Honour to grant an adjournment of the case, as her lawyer was not present. The Registrar produced a letter from Mr Lionel Bencraft, which stated that the plaintiff had promised to pay him his fee on the Monday previously, but as she had neglected to do so he should not attend. She promised to meet him at the George in half an hour, and Mr Bencraft waited an hour, and she did not make her appearance. The Registrar’s clerk: The hearing fee is 2l., which must be paid now. Plaintiff: I can’t pay it. I haven’t a farthing. Judge: I must strike the case out now unless the hearing fee is paid, and you will be at liberty to take out another summons. Plaintiff: Thank your Honour. The case was accordingly struck out. Mr I. Bencraft said he should feel it his duty on another occasion to press for costs of the attendance of his witnesses.
DEATH - On Monday last, at Chittlehampton, MR ALEXANDER SKINNER, yeoman, aged 74.

Thursday 25 January 1872
DEATH - January 15, at Blackmantle, Chittlehampton, ALEXANDER SKINNER, aged 73.
Distressing Accident – Death by Burning of a Father and Son
A very melancholy accident, and in some respects an unaccountable one, occurred on Saturday last, in the hamlet of Leary, comprised in the extensive parish of Chittlehampton, but situate at no great distance from Castle Hill, between West Buckland and Filleigh, on the property of Earl Fortescue, and not far from his lordship’s model farm. The hamlet consists of some farm houses and several scattered cottages, and in one of these, being the centre one of a block of three, the sad casualty we have now to report happened. A labouring man named JAMES GIBBETT, aged about 45, son of a small farmer, who formerly occupied on the estate, lived in a cottage a short distance off on the other side of the road, and had a rather numerous family. One of his daughters was in service at Southmolton, and returned home a little time since suffering from fever. She had recovered from the attack; and, in order to get the house in which the family lived thorough whitewashed and disinfected, they were permitted by his lordship to go into the empty cottage in the middle of the block we have mentioned. They had returned to their own dwelling, but in one of the upstair rooms of the cottage they had been temporarily occupying they had left a quantity of straw, “dowse” (the husk of oats), and feathers. On Saturday evening last, after GIBBETT had returned from his work at East Buckland, he took his little boy of nearly nine years of age, named also JAMES GIBBETT, and described as a very fine lad, and went over to the cottage, having a lamp and lantern with them, for the purpose (so it is supposed) of gathering up some of the straw to take back to their own house. How the accident happened there is no certain way of knowing, but by some means, most probably by their upsetting the lamp, they managed to set on fire the inflammable materials with which the floor was covered. The room looks out at the back of the cottages; and one of the next door neighbours, a man called HEAMAN, heard cries proceeding from it, but, as the family had the reputation of being somewhat noisy, he took no notice of them for some time: however, as the sounds continued, he inferred there must be something wrong, and went to his door, when he saw that the house next his was on fire. The neighbours living in the house on the other side had by this time also been alarmed, and they both hastened to render assistance. The deceased JAMES GIBBETT, the father, was at the window screaming for help. He was a man of feeble health, and his sight was exceedingly imperfect, nor was he considered by his neighbours to be of very strong mind. The man HEAMAN rushed upstairs and found the door nearly closed, and the room all in a blaze. He forced open the door, and the elder GIBBETT, who was near it, managed to find his way out with his clothes on fire, and screaming that his little boy was in the room burnt to death. HEAMAN was obliged to go downstairs to permit the poor man to pass him, and he was at once carried home to his own house by the neighbours, who had by this time collected, where all assistance was rendered him, and the doctor at once sent for from Southmolton. HEAMAN hastened upstairs again to endeavour to rescue the boy, but it was impossible to enter the room, so dense was the smoke and so fierce the flame. Other persons also made the attempt to enter, but were forced back by the suffocating heat and smoke, which filled the room, about eight feet square. The people who had collected all ran to get water, which was thrown into the burning room, and the flames were at length partially subdued after about half an hour. By this time a brickmaker who lived near, named HENRY BASS, had come to the spot, and insisted on going into the room. He rushed up and crept on his hands and knees across the room still filled with smoking embers, and groped about to endeavour to find the poor lad, but could not succeed, and was obliged to come out again. After recovering himself a little he a second time entered the smouldering room, and groping as before on his hands and knees he at length came to the body of the poor lad, which he bore out of the room with him and brought downstairs, but only to find the poor boy quite dead and burnt almost to a cinder. The body was rigid, and the flesh falling from off it. Part of the roof, which was of thatch and only lately renewed, was removed, and the flames extinguished without spreading further. The soaked condition of everything in consequence of the late rains favoured the efforts to confine the fire to the room in which it broke out. At one time there was a fear of its spreading, and the immediate neighbours took the precaution to remove their household goods into an adjoining field; but the precaution turned out to be needless. Earl Fortescue, who was soon apprised of what had happened, was quickly on the spot, and rendered all the assistance that was possible under the circumstances. He expressed deep commiseration for the family, and saw that everything was supplied to the sufferer that would be likely to be of any relief to him. The poor man was not able to give any connected account of the manner in which the accident happened. He said something about having tried to stamp out the fire, and the nature of his injuries indicated that he had done so. It is probable that the poor boy was almost immediately overcome by the fury of the flames and the dense smoke, and sunk suffocated on the floor, while the father, unable to find or make his way to the door, managed to reach the window and there screamed for help – unavailingly for some time, as it unfortunately happened. The parish doctor, Mr Richard Ley, of Southmolton, who had been summoned, hastened with all dispatch to the scene, and arrived about ten o’clock. He found the burns the poor man had received to be not so extensive as might have been expected; but his nervous system had undergone a terrible shock, and there appeared reason to fear, in consequence of his frail state of body and mind, that he would scarcely recover it. Nor did he. The medical man was with him the next day, but he had not rallied Earl Fortescue also came to see him, and supplied whatever could be recommended for the poor creature’s relief. But all in vain. He died at about eleven o'clock on the forenoon of Monday, about forty hours after the accident.
An inquest was held on the bodies on Tuesday afternoon, at the farm house of ,MR RICHARD SNAPE, at Middle Leary, before Richd. Bremridge Esq., and a respectable jury, of which Mr John Irwin, farmer, was foreman. The jury having adjourned to view the bodies, both of which were lying in the cottage in which the accident took place, on their return the following evidence was taken:-
THOMAS HEAMAN was the first witness, and deposed: I am a labourer, residing at Leary, in the parish of Chittlehampton. I knew the deceased, both father and son. On the evening of Saturday last, the 20th inst., about ten minutes past six o’clock, I returned from my work at East Buckland, in company with JAMES GIBBETT, the elder, who had been working with me. When we came opposite my house we parted. He went on to his own home and I into mine. I did not see him afterwards until after the accident. I went in and ate my supper, and then sat down by the fire. I had not been there many minutes, perhaps not more than ten, when I heard some sort of alarm, but did not know what. I thought at first it might be the noise of children next door, but as the cries were continued I thought something must be amiss, and I got up and told my daughter so. I went out into the road in front of my house, and there I saw AGNES FERRIER, who lives in the farthest of the three cottages. She was standing in the road, and she said to me that there was smoke coming out of the chamber window of the house, which is situate between hers and mine. It is now uninhabited, but the deceased and his family lived there some time ago. I rushed into the house and upstairs, and there I saw that the room was alight and the door was almost closed. I forced open the door and found the room full of flame from top to bottom. I drew back for a moment, and JAMES GIBBETT, the elder, sprang out, saying, “My poor boy is burnt.” I went downstairs in order to let him go down, and then I returned to the room and tried to get in, but I found it impossible in consequence of the smoke and flame. I tried again, but in vain. Some of the neighbours had by this time collected, and we did our utmost to get water and throw it into the room on the dire in order to extinguish it. After about half an hour, when the flames had become somewhat subdued, a man called HENRY BASS entered the room while I was in the window outside, and in my presence he brought the body of the boy downstairs, but I saw that he was quite dead. The elder deceased appeared to be much burnt when he came out of the room, and walked doubled-up, as if in great pain. He was afterwards removed to his own house. He was perfectly sober when we came home from work together, and had drunk nothing for the day. He said nothing to me after the accident as to why he went to the house.
HENRY BASS: I live at Leary, and am a brick and tile maker. On the evening of Saturday last, hearing the alarm of fire, I went towards the spot. As I passed the house of the deceased I found that the father had been brought home badly burnt. I went on to the place where the fire was, and having heard that the boy was still in the room and not got out, I ran upstairs and got down upon my hands and knees and crept into the room, but could not find the body in any part of it. I came out to recover myself, and went back again, and in the south-east corner, farthest from the door, I there found the deceased lying and pulled him out. His flesh was falling off from his bones about me. I saw that he was quite dead. A sheet was brought, in which I wrapped the body and carried it down stairs, and it was afterwards removed to the house where he had lived.
Richard Ley: I am a medical man, residing at Southmolton, and I have charge of the poor of the parish of Chittlehampton, in the Southmolton Union. On Saturday evening last I was sent for at a quarter after nine o’clock to go to Leary to see the deceased. I arrived at Leary about ten o’clock. I found the deceased, JAMES GIBBETT the elder, severely burnt on his hands, neck and face, and suffering great prostration from the shock caused by the accident. I dressed his wounds, and did all that was necessary for him. On Sunday, in the afternoon, I saw him again. He was very much in the same state in which I had left him the day before. He did not seem to have rallied in the least. I then ordered him wine and other stimulants and nourishment. Next day (Monday) I came again to see the deceased, and found on my arrival that he was dead. The burns were not of themselves very serious. I am of opinion that death arose from the shock to his nervous system occasioned by the accident.
This was all the evidence, and the jury unhesitatingly returned a verdict in both cases of “Accidental Death.”

Thursday 8 February 1872
County Magistrates’ Petty Session - Master and Servant
ELIZABETH PAUL summoned GEORGE GARD, of Umberleigh, Chittlehampton, for 11s. 8d. wages due to her. It appeared that complainant had a brother ill of the smallpox, and a father who was an invalid and quite helpless. Her mother was requested to attend the brother at East Anstey, and the complainant whilst her mother was away was required to look after her father. The contract between complainant and defendant was to give or take a month’s notice, and having left without defendant’s consent and without the requisite notice, defendant deducted a month’s wages, and declined to pay the amount claimed. The Chairman said the law was on the side of the defendant, and therefore the bench could make no order, but the justices strongly considered under the circumstances the defendant was morally if not legally bound to pay the wages; and further that if farmers and others wished to keep good servants in their houses they should observe the motto “Do to others as you would wish to be done unto.” - The Chairman gave the complainant a shilling; Mr Crosse, the clerk to the justices, and Mr Wood, Superintendent of Police, kindly gave her their fees.

15 February 1872
DEATH - February 6, at Dipford Farm, Chittlehampton, EMMA, daughter of MR JAMES HARRIS, aged 20.
Typhoid, we are told by the same authority, is prevalent at Chittlehampton.

Thursday 9 May 1872
DEATH - May 4, at Chittlehampton Village, MR JOHN SNELL WEBBER, of consumption, after a long and painful illness, aged 42. Universally respected.

Thursday 23 May 1872
BIRTH - May 13, at Rice’s Court, Chittlehampton, the wife of MR W. ISAAC, jun., of a daughter.
MARRIAGE - May 13, at St. John's Church, Chittlehamholt, by the Rev. J. H. Morton, MR ROBERT HENRY BARROW, to ANNE CLARK, eldest daughter of MR JOHN SMITH, Drake's Farm, Chittlehamholt.

Thursday 6 June 1872
County Magistrates’ Petty Sessions
W. MOLLAND and W. CHAPPLE, of Chittlehampton, were fined 5s. each, and costs, for being drunk and riotous at Chittlehampton on the 10th of the May. The parties pleaded guilty to the charges. Supt. Wood, D.C., was the complainant.
Alehouse Offence - Supt. Wood complained that HUMPHREY SHAPLAND, of Chittlehampton, being a licensed ale-house-keeper, did wilfully permit drunkenness in his house, known as the ‘Golden Lion’, on the 10th of May, and allowed several persons to remain there, making a great disturbance therein. Mr J A Thorne, of Barnstaple, appeared for the defendant; and the case was proved by P.C. Hooper, D.C. The Bench find the defendant £2 and costs.
Application in Bastardy - RICHARD BALMAN, of Chittlehampton, farmer, was summoned by Lucy Fairchild, of Warkleigh, to shew cause why he should not contribute towards the maintenance of her child, of which she alleged him to be the father. Mr J A Thorne appeared for complainant, and Mr J F Bromham for defendant. From the evidence adduced, it appeared that complainant was a servant in MR ASHTON'S service, at Shilston, Chittlehampton, and the defendant is his son in law. After a lengthened hearing, the justices made an order of 2s. 6d, and full costs.

Thursday 20 June 1872
Desertion by a Mother - A woman named SUSAN GIBBETT (widow of the unfortunate man who was burnt to death through incautiously using a light in a room at Leary, near Castle Hill, a short time since) was brought up on Tuesday last, before W Binford, Esq., who remanded her to Wednesday, when she was brought before Rev J Bawden and R B Russell, Esq., charged with having on the 13th of February last, at Chittlehampton, ran away and deserted her four children, JOHN, LEWIS, SOPHIA, and CHARLES, whereby they became chargeable to the common fund of the Poor Law Union of Southmolton. The information was laid by Mr Cole, assistant clerk; and Mr Mules, the governor of the union, was present, and proved the chargeability of the children. She was ordered to be committed to the House of Correction for one month for her non-maternal behaviour.

Thursday 27 June 1872
MARRIAGE - June 25, at Chittlehampton Church by the Rev R E Trefusis, Mr Charles Avery of Middle Hill Farm, West Buckland, to MISS IRWIN, only daughter of MR JOHN IRWIN, of Leary Barton, Chittlehampton.

Thursday 11 July 1872
Dr Home's Report on Enteric Fever at Chittlehampton, in the South Molton Union, North Devon. [Visited March 4th.]
The prevalence of fever in the parish of Chittlehampton, in the last quarter of 1871, having attracted the attention of the Local Government Board, I was directed to inquire into the causes of its origin and spread.
The parish is in the south-west part of the union of Southmolton. It had a population of 1598, engaged wholly in agriculture. Besides the village of Chittlehampton, with about 90 houses and 400 inhabitants, the parish has other smaller villages or hamlets, the chief of which are Chittlehamholt and Leary. In all parts of the parish fever appears from time to time; often in apparent relation with fever in neighbouring places. Not unfrequently a first case has been received from the town of Southmolton, and the disease has seemed to spread from it. The entries in the registers of deaths show that the liability of the inhabitants to suffer from fever has not been limited to those living in the villages, but has extended to the inhabitants of farm houses, and of detached cottages. The kind of fever (though various) named in the certificates of death, seems to have been usually enteric fever.
Setting aside these fever deaths, the health of the population, judged by its mortality statistics, has otherwise been favourable.
The outbreak of fever with which I have more immediately to deal, commenced in the autumn of 1870, and, before the end of the year, caused four deaths; of which two were in the village, and one in each of two other localities. It was present continuously, but with different degrees of intensity, during the whole of 1871; and, in that year, caused five deaths. At the time of my visit, the fever was still present in the village, and three fresh cases had been reported on the day of my inspection.
On the basis of allowing ten attacks for one death, the number of seizures during the present epidemic has been ninety, or thereabouts; two-thirds of them having occurred in the village of Chittlehampton.
The causes of this long-continued presence of enteric fever in Chittlehampton are to be found in the excremental nuisances of the place. There is a general foulness of air and soil about the dwellings, from the retention of decomposing excrement in their immediate neighbourhood; and, no doubt, this excrement has often been mixed with specifically diseased matters from the bodies of infected persons. perhaps drinking-water also, has, in some cases, become impregnated with such excrement.
Throughout the parish, wherever fever has appeared, such conditions of excremental filthiness were almost universally found. The chief differences were in the amount of such filth, and tin the circumstance of people having suffered directly from their own filth, or from some one else's, through the common water or air having got befouled.
The chief conditions to which general reference is here made, are as follows:-
1. Houses are either unprovided with drains, in which case slops are flung on the ground in front of the door, or on the refuse heaps close at hand; or, if there are drains, they have been badly made, and carried close to the foundations of the dwellings, so that much of the matters which they receive gets out of them into the ground along their course. The out-falls for such drains as do exist are into roadside ditches, or into fields close to the houses, or into the nearest water-course; but always into some improper place.
2. Privies are placed too close to dwellings, and have cess-pits dug into the earth or into the soft shaly rock, permitting their contents to soak into the surrounding ground. All those seen by me were ill-kept and foul, and appeared never to have been emptied. For a considerable number of cottages no privy accommodation of any kind has been provided, and their inmates have thus been compelled to defile the ground near their dwellings.
3. Heaps of rotting refuse matters are accumulated close to houses, and not uncommonly the oozings from pigsties drain into these heaps, with the object, probably, of securing a strong manure for garden purposes.
Instances of all these conditions united may be seen near the lower row of cottages of Leary, and I was told that sickness once introduced into these cottages lingers unusually long, and that diarrhoea frequently breaks out afresh amongst the people inhabiting them.
4. In Chittlehampton village there are cottages, or more properly hovels, which are unfit for the residence of human beings. In some cottages there is great over-crowding, and there are instances where this condition, combined with other filthy conditions, has appeared to assist the spread of enteric fever from the sick to the healthy.
5. The water available for domestic use in Chittlehampton parish, procured from various sources, is in all cases exposed to the danger and in some cases to the certainty of contamination. It is thus an effective agent in spreading enteric fever in localities where one case of either disease has been received. The water used in some houses is taken from wells placed in the back-kitchen or wash-house. The supply of many cottages is taken from roadside cisterns, which often have been dry, close to the side channels, and of a level but a few inches higher, so that after rain such cisterns must have received the washings off the roads. As an example of the connexion between the use of such contaminated water and the occurrence of enteric fever, I may note the outbreak of fever in two solitary cottages at Little Ash, inhabited by eight persons, of whom six have recently suffered from the disease; the origin of the first case cannot be traced, but close to the cottages where the enteric fever broke out, there was a large, extremely offensive open cess-pit, draining into the roadside channel which, a little lower down, passed within a foot of the spring and cistern from which the two households obtained their water, the channel being nearly flush with the brim of the cistern. Another instance: Eight cottages at Leary take water from a streamlet in the bottom of a narrow valley, on the steep sides of which animals are pastured. The washings from this ground make the water bad at all times, but in summer it is said to be most offensive both to taste and smell, the description of it given to me by one forced to use it was "that it looked like cow water."

Thursday 12 September 1872
County Court of Devonshire
Miserable Case - SARAH BRAUND FORD, of Barnstaple, spinster, v. JAMES HARRIS, of North Newton, Chittlehampton, farmer. Mr Sparkes was for the plaintiff, and Mr I Bencraft for defendant. The action was to recover £50 value of goods detained by defendant. The case was a sad one, and had already been before the magistrates at Southmolton under many different forms. Plaintiff was of respectable parentage: her father is in business at Newport, South Wales, and plaintiff formerly lived with an uncle, who occupied a farm in the parish of Sherwill. They removed to Pilton, where defendant, who maintained himself by working with a horse and cart, became a lodger in their house. Under promise of marriage, as she alleged, he seduced her, and afterwards induced her to live with him, representing to her friends that they were married. This continued for nearly 20 years, and she had many children by him. The connexion turned out – as such illicit unions are sure to do – an unhappy one; and, after inflicting on her great cruelty, the defendant turned the plaintiff to doors last October, and they had since been living apart. She alleged that he had a quantity of furniture, a cow, and other effects belonging to her – partly given by her father, and partly lent by her uncle – which he refused to give up. She gave evidence herself to that effect, and her father and uncle corroborated her. On the other side Mr Bencraft imputed that she had taken money and goods from defendant of much greater value. His Honour heard the case for some time with much patience, in the midst of great noise and irregularity, and in the end adjourned it, not having any evidence of ownership before him in which he could adjudicate. Mr Sparkes offered arbitration, but Mr Bencraft said there was nothing to arbitrate upon.
County Court of Devonshire.
WM. HARRIS v. GEORGE WEBBER, of Chittlehamholt. Undefended action for 17s. - Ordered in 2s. per month, with 2s. expenses.

Thursday 3 October 1872
Serious Accident - THOMAS WATTS, a mason, was working with others on a scaffolding around some houses at Chittlehampton a day or two ago, when the scaffolding gave way and the men fell to the ground. Watts sustained a dreadful compound fracture of one of his legs - so bad that when removed to the North Devon Infirmary the surgeons found it necessary to amputate it, and the poor fellow now lies in a precarious state. The others escaped with cuts and bruises.
County Magistrates’ Meeting, Monday
WM SLEE, jun., and JOSEPH HANCOCK, were charged for poaching in the day-time at Chittlehampton, on the 18th ultimo, and were fined £1 each and costs. The defendant SLEE, was fined £1 and costs for trespassing in pursuit of game, on the information of the keeper of J B Short, Esq., of Hudscott, in Chittlehampton.
DEATH - September 27, at Alexandra-terrace, Southmolton, MR EDMUND HUXTABLE, formerly of Chittlehampton, retired watchmaker, aged 80.

Thursday 24 October 1872
DEATH - October 21, at Simmonses, Chittlehampton, widow of the late MR ROBERT RUDD, of Hoe, aged 83.

Thursday 9 January 1873
Southmolton Borough Justices' Petty Sessions, Monday, Jan. 6th. - A Batch of Salmon Poachers.
A complaint was laid by Superintendent Wood against ROBERT GULLEY, labourer, WM. LOOSEMORE, WM. SCOINS, JOHN MUGFORD and JOHN WEBB, farm servants, all of Chittlehampton, for killing or attempting to catch or kill salmon, on Sunday the 22nd December last, it being close season. The summons on the defendant LOOSEMORE was not served, he having absconded. The other defendants appeared, and all of them pleaded not guilty. Stephen Clarke, No. 245, County Constable and Water Bailiff, on being sworn, said: On Sunday the 22nd ult about 10 a.m., I was on duty at Bray Weir, in the parish of Southmolton, when I saw a man and four boys, amongst them the defendants, by the side of the water. I watched them for about ten minutes, when I saw them go to the weir and let down the fender to stop the water in the Mill Leat, in which, from their movements, believed there were salmon. They then took [?] threw them into the leat. I then saw them all [?] it. One salmon was thrown out on land, when MUGFORD, one of the boys, took it and put it into the [?] the side of the river. Another salmon was taken out which he also took and put to the same place, I went to them and asked them what they were doing there. They said, "Nothing." I said, What did you put down the fender for? They said they had not touched it. I asked the boys their names, but they did not tell me. I stopped the man GULLEY, and said to him, "Where are the fish?" He said, "Us have not got any." I then took him to where the fish were. He said, "I only [?] stone." I asked him his name. He said, Robert [?]. The boys ran away. I said to him, Who are the boys. He said. They live with Mr Dyer at Fullabrook Farm. I asked him where he lived. He said at Furze in the parish of Chittlehampton. I then went to Mr Dyer and asked the boys' names. He first said I must find out, but afterwards said they were called WILLIAM LOOSEMOORE, WM. SCOINS, JOHN MUGFORD and JOHN WEBB. I took possession of the salmon, which were dead, or had their last quiver. Both of them appeared to have been struck in the head with a stone. Superintendent Wood said he did not wish by any means to press the [?] the defendants MUGFORD and WEBB, who were only boys. The Justices fined defendant GULLEY £1 5s., and the defendant SCOINS 15s. and costs; and the boys, MUGFORD and WEBB, 2s. 6d. each and costs.

Thursday 23 January 1873
Southmolton County Justices' Petty Sessions. Drunk And Disorderly. - JAMES SLADE, of Chittlehampton, labourer, was summoned by Superintendent Wood for being drunk and disorderly there on the 18th of December last. Defendant pleaded guilty, and was fined 5s. and costs.

Thursday 6 February 1873
CHITTLEHAMPTON - Child Burnt To Death. - One of those sad cases of loss of infant life by fire, which often come with the advent of cold weather, took place in this parish on Saturday last, in the death of a child three years of age, called JOHN CONGRAM, who, with an elder sister, lived at Furze Farm, under the care of their grand parents, MR WILLIAM VICARY and his wife. The accident took place on the Thursday before, under circumstances detailed in the evidence taken at the Inquest, which was held on Monday last before John Henry Toller, Esq., Deputy Coroner. The first witness was MRS ELIZA VICARY, who deposed that she was grandmother to the deceased, and the wife of WILLIAM VICARY, farmer. On Thursday last, between the hours of three and four in the afternoon, witness had occasion to leave the kitchen to go to feed the pigs. Left the deceased with his elder sister. The fire in the hearth was nearly out. There was no flame nor wood, and only a few coals. When she was returning she met the elder child at the gate, who said, "JACKY is burning." She ran into the house and met the deceased, whom she found in flames, and instantly caught him up and extinguished the fire, and sent away to her nearest neighbour, Mrs Elston. All the child's clothes except the shirt were burnt. She found the little fellow's back and thighs badly burnt. Asked his sister how it happened, and she said he rocked down to the fire and would not get up. The day was a very cold one. - Mrs Elston, wife of Mr Thomas Elston, a small farmer, living near Furze, deposed that she went to the farm on being sent for, and found the deceased burnt very much. Applied linseed oil to the burns. The surgeon, Mr Ley, from Southmolton, came in the morning, and after seeing the child said he was afraid he would die from fright, although the burns might not be fatal. All was done that could be, but the child died the Saturday morning. - Verdict "Accidental Death."

Thursday 20 February 1873
DEATH - Feb. 17, at Chittlehampton Village, MRS VOYSEY, late of Chulmleigh, aged 79.

Thursday 20 March 1873
Southmolton County Magistrates' Petty Sessions, March 17th. - CHARLES VICARY, a young man, son of a small farmer living at Little Hill, in the parish of Chittlehampton, appeared at the instance of Mr Thomas Otty, officer of Inland Revenue, charged with having killed a partridge, on land in that parish, on the 10th of November last, not being duly licensed. Mr R. I. Bencraft defended the accused. At a former petty session the defendant was convicted of trespassing on land the property of the Rev. Joshua Bawden, the evidence in the case being that of GEORGE STADDON, also a small farmer, at Furze, in the same parish, a neighbour of defendant's father. The same witness was not brought forward to prove the present case, which he did by deposing that, on the day in question, he saw the defendant fire at one of a cover of partridges, and then go to the spot where the bird had fallen and pick it up: he afterwards saw the head of a partridge in his pocket, together with a pistol. - For the defence, Mr Bencraft called in evidence the father of the defendant, WILLIAM VICARY, who swore that, on the occasion spoken of by the former witness, he was on one side of the hedge trying to brush out a rabbit which harboured there, and his son on the other side to try to shoot it with a pistol. Witness heard him fire but he did not kill the rabbit, as the pistol would not carry far enough. He was quite sure his son did not kill a partridge; and as to the rabbits, he had a right to kill them on the land he occupied. - Mr Bencraft pleaded that the witness for the prosecution might have been mistaken, and that there was some discrepancy between the evidence he had given today and that on a former occasion. The bench held the case to be proved, and fined the defendant in the smallest penalty the act permitted, viz. £5, with the alternative of two months' imprisonment in default. No expenses were granted or asked for.

Thursday 24 April 1873
MARRIAGE - April 15, at Chittlehampton Church by the Rev. J. Morton, John, eldest son of Mr J. Wills, Higher Hisley, Lustleigh, to ELIZABETH, daughter of the late MR W. HEARD, Chittlehampton.

Thursday 1 May 1873
DEATH - April 25, at Townsend, Chittlehampton, MRS ELIZABETH JOCE, mother of MR T. JOCE, of Boutport-street, Barnstaple, aged 85.
Accident - MR JOHN SHAPLAND, of Southbray farm, Chittlehampton, unfortunately dislocated his ankle bone whilst engaged with his horse on his farm on Saturday last, and is under the treatment of Messrs. Furse and Saunders, surgeons.

Thursday 22 May 1873
CHITTLEHAMPTON - An Old Woman Found Drowned In A Pit. - An Inquest was held before John Henry Toller, Esq., Deputy Coroner, on Monday last, at the house of WM. GALSWORTHY, in this parish, on view of the body of MARY RICE, an old woman of about 73, whose body had been found the day before in a disused lime-pit in this parish. Deceased had lodged in the house of WM. GALSWORTHY, and enjoyed good health, but was sometimes flighty in her talk. On Saturday evening she left her home just after six o'clock to go to Highdown, about a mile off, to do a few errands at a shop there, and said she would be back before dark; but she never returned at all. She went to the shop of Elizabeth Dadds, at Highdown, and made her purchases, and left to go home at nearly nine o'clock, remarking that she wishes she was home. She took two loaves with her and some little groceries which she had purchased. She was met afterwards walking steadily on her way home. Next morning, on her being found missing, JOHN FORD, a neighbour, went to a quarry pit which lay a little off the road on her way, and on the surface he saw what proved to be a loaf, and on searching further her body was seen and taken out, but she was quite dead. The impression seemed to be that the poor woman was not quite right in her mind, and had committed suicide, which she had sometimes threatened to do; but it was possible she might have strayed into the pit in the dark, as it was not effectually protected. There being no evidence on the point, the Jury returned a verdict of "Found Drowned."

Thursday 7 August 1873
Southmolton County Justices' Petty Sessions. Malicious Injury - FRANCIS OSMOND, of Chittlehampton, labourer, was charged with doing malicious damage to a reaping and mowing machine, the property of MR EPHRAIM HOWARD, of this parish, on Sunday, the 22nd of Sept. in last year. The machine was in the field of complainant, and defendant and another man named SLEE were seen by it, and it was afterwards found to have received damage which cost 3s. to repair. They were summoned, but absconded, and prisoner was apprehended at Chittlehampton on Tuesday last, when he said he did not know that SLEE had broken the machine until they were in Wales, and then SLEE told him of it. The bench did not think the case clear against prisoner, and discharged him.

Thursday 14 August 1873
Southmolton County Magistrates' Petty Sessions, Monday August 11th, 1873. - Damaging a Machine. JAMES SLEE, a labourer, of Chittlehampton, was summoned for committing wilful and malicious damage to a reaping and mowing machine, on the 22nd of September last, being the property of MR EPHRAIM HOWARD, of that parish. After hearing the evidence adduced, the Bench committed the defendant for trial at the Sessions, which will be held in October, but expressed their willingness to accept as bail two sureties in £20 each and himself in £20.

Thursday 28 August 1873
DEATH - Aug. 24, at Coombe Farm, Chittlehampton, MRS BUCKINGHAM, aged 89.

Thursday 18 September 1873
Southmolton. County Court of Devonshire
HULLAND v. SMALLRIDGE. - Parties live at Chittlehampton. Claim of £1 for wages. Defendant admitted the debt, but refused to pay it in consequence of plaintiff having injured his turnips. To be paid 10s. at once, and the remainder the day after the next court.

Thursday 25 September 1873
BIRTH - Sept. 14, at Whitstone Farm, Chittlehampton, the wife of MR W. H. HUXHAM, of a daughter.

Thursday 23 October 1873
Southmolton County Justices' Petty Sessions, Monday Oct. 20th. Drunkenness. Superintendent Wood summoned JAMES SLADE, a labourer, of Chittlehampton, for being drunk in the highway in that parish on the 10th instant. The defendant was not present. P.C. Hooper stated on oath that he saw the defendant very drunk in Chittlehampton village on the day in question. On getting into his house, defendant made a great noise with his wife. He was a worthless fellow, and had on many occasions sold all he had to procure drink. Defendant was fined 10s., and 10s. costs, or in default seven days' imprisonment.

Thursday 20 November 1873
Southmolton County Court. JOHN HUXTABLE v. John Skinner, and John Skinner v. JOHN HUXTABLE.
MR HUXTABLE is a farmer of Chittlehampton, and Mr Skinner is also a farmer, of West Exe, North, Tiverton. These were cross actions, the former having been brought to recover £12 8s. 6d. for alleged breach of covenants, and the latter for recovery of £15 for alleged breach of covenants. The matters having been referred to Mr John Selley, builder, of Witheridge, his awards were produced to the Court and read. He found that the plaintiff (HUXTABLE) being bound by his covenant with the defendant (Skinner) contained in a lease of Higher Ditchaton Water, Featherstones, Brockley Ball, and Maynes Farms, in Chittlehampton, dated 8th October, 1867, to supply rough timber for repairs requiring same, and to repair timber-work of roofs, and having failed in certain particulars to fulfil such covenant he awarded that the amount £12 8s. 6d. claimed should be reduced to £10 8s. 6d. - In the action Skinner v. HUXTABLE, the defendant's covenant by the before named lease was that he would forthwith put and keep all the buildings on Featherstone Farm in good condition and tenantable repair, except such parts thereof as were thereinbefore covenanted to be done and performed by the plaintiff; but finding on making a survey of the buildings that defendant had failed to fulfil such covenant, Mr Selley awarded to plaintiff for such breach of covenant £2. The arbitrator directed in what proportions the costs should be paid, and judgment was accordingly entered. Messrs. Riccard were the attorneys for MR HUXTABLE, and Mr Floud, of Exeter, for Mr Skinner.
Serious Gun Accident - On Saturday last, about noon, WILLIAM BREAYLEY, son of MRS BREALEY of Ash Farm, in the parish of Chittlehampton, was out rabbiting in company with the gamekeeper of Hudscott. BREAYLEY was on one side of the hedge, and the gamekeeper on the other side with a gun. The gamekeeper fired at a rabbit, which he killed, but at the same time a great portion of the charge entered the body of young BREAYLEY, some shots penetrating the neck, left arm, and bowels, and if it had not been for his watch - a double-case one - it is probable he would have been killed, as the case of the watch was very much battered, and it is supposed it prevented the shots from penetrating the heart. Mr Furse was sent for in great haste to attend him. A few of the shots have been extracted; but he still remains in a very precarious state.
DEATH - Nov. 18, at Chittlehampton Village, MR ELIAS MILLS, aged 73.

Thursday 18 December 1873
Southmolton County Justices' Petty Sessions. RICHARD ASHTON, of Chittlehampton, farmer, was summoned by JOHN WAY, his labourer, for assaulting him on the 22nd November. Complainant said his master caught him by the ear, and pulled it for some time. Defendant said complainant was impudent to him. Defendant was fined 6d., and each party to pay his own costs.

Thursday 15 January 1874
Southmolton County Magistrates' Petty Sessions., Monday 12th January.
Transfer of Licence. This being one of the days fixed for the transfer of alehouse licences, the licence of the 'New Inn', Chittlehampton, was transferred to MARIA WILLCOCKS.
Charge of Drunkenness Dismissed. WM. WESTACOTT, of Chittlehampton, tailor, a respectable looking young man, appeared in answer to an information by the police, which charged him with having been drunk and riotous in that village on the night of the 12th of December. Mr Thorne defended the accused. - P.C. Hooper gave evidence that at a few minutes past eleven o'clock on the night in question he was on duty in the village, and saw defendant coming up the street between two others and without his hat on. He was drunk and abusive, and used bad language. - Cross-examined, witness admitted that defendant offered to go before MR CARDER WATTS to let him say if he was drunk or not. He offered to walk to show that he could walk straight, and did so, but he rambled. He did complain of a statement witness had made about him some time before. The policeman's wife confirmed his evidence. Defendant was staggering, could not walk straight, and used bad language. Mr Thorne, for the defendant, had no wish to impute anything wrong to the policeman in making this charge; but that he was utterly mistaken he (Mr T.) had not the slightest doubt in the world, and should prove it by the most unimpeachable evidence. The fact was, there had been a dance in a private house, at which defendant and other young friends had been enjoying themselves; and when they came out one of the young ladies of the company playfully took off his hat and ran away with it. That explained his being without his hat, as the policeman had said, but it was restored to him immediately afterwards. There was no pretence for saying that he was otherwise than perfectly sober, and it was his strong repugnance at having such a charge made against him that had led him to appear and to engage his (Mr Thorne's) services to state the truth of the case. MR LOCK, MR JAMES WATTS, MR HENRY WATTS, all most respectable witnesses, gave evidence that they were in defendant's company both before and after the policeman saw him, and that he was perfectly sober and had not been otherwise during the night. MR CARDER WATTS also had heard his high words with the policeman, but he did not speak at all like a man drunk. The Bench dismissed the case, on which a tremendous shout of applause made the hall ring.
DEATH - Jan 12, at Colleytown, Chittlehampton, MISS ELIZABETH SAUNDER, aged 79.

Thursday 22 January 1874
Chittlehampton, Devon. To be Let, for a Term of 14 Years, (determinable at the end of the first 7 or 11 years,) from Lady-day, 1874, a Farm called Colleytown, situated in the Parish of Chittlehampton, late in the occupation of MISS SAUNDER, the Owner, consisting of a convenient Farm House and Farm Buildings, and 21a. 3r. 8p. of Meadow, Arable and Pasture Land, in good condition. The Taker will have to pay all Outgoings, and keep the Premises in repair, on being allowed rough Timber. For viewing the Premises, apply at the Farm House; and any further information may be obtained of Mr Galliford, 18 East-street, or Mr J. E. Galliford, 62 South-street, Southmolton, to either of whom Tenders in writing to be sent on or before the 7th day of February, 1874. Dated January 19th, 1874.

Thursday 29 January 1874
DEATH - Jan. 24, at Chittlehampton, the wife of MR G. BATER, aged 67.

Thursday 5 February 1874
Southmolton Borough Justices' Petty Sessions.
John Snow, of Southmolton, labourer, was summoned by WILLIAM SMALDON, of Chittlehampton, for assaulting and beating him on the 24th of January, at the same place and time as the previous case. Complainant gave similar evidence to his father's, and said that in the scuffle he was marked with two black eyes, which were plainly visible. These he got while on the floor, when Snow set to kicking and striking him about the face and head.
George Furze, of Southmolton, labourer, was summoned by JAMES SMALDON, of Chittlehampton, for committing a similar offence upon him at the same time and place. This complainant also gave similar evidence - that he stood up in his own defence against Colwell and while this was going on Furze struck him in the eye; he never said a word to Furze at all. The Justices said they thought the defendants had proved themselves a lot of roughs, and fined them 10s. each and expenses, or seven days' imprisonment for each offence. The amount was paid.

Thursday 12 March 1874
Southmolton County Justices' Petty Sessions, Monday, Feb 9th.
JAMES SMALDON, of Chittlehampton, plate-layer was summoned by James Gurnett, gamekeeper to the Hon. Mark Rolle, for unlawfully having in his possession at Chittlehampton on the 27th Jan., a spear, under such circumstances as to satisfy the court that he intended at the time to catch or kill salmon by means of it; and ROBERT SAGE, of the same parish, plate-layer, was charged with aiding and abetting SMALDON. SMALDON pleaded guilty. Mr J. A. Thorne appeared for SAGE. The case against him was proved by John Hooper, water bailiff. Defendants were each fined £2 and costs, which were paid.

Thursday 19 March 1874
Southmolton County Court of Devonshire. Wednesday March 11.
Accidental Shooting Case. - WM. BREALEY v. SIMON SPILLER. - Mr Bromham, of Barnstaple appeared for the plaintiff, and the defendant defended in person. The action was brought to recover £20 for damages sustained, as was alleged, in consequence of defendant's negligence in firing off a gun, whereby plaintiff was seriously wounded, and for some time suffered from the effects. Both parties reside at Chittlehampton. Mr Bromham contended that there was negligence on the defendant's part in firing into a hedge knowing the plaintiff was on the other side. He called WM. BREAYLEY, the plaintiff, who said: I am a saddler, and live at Chittlehampton. Defendant is a gamekeeper and also lives in that parish. I knew him before the accident occurred. On 15th November last defendant called and asked me to go with him to kill a few rabbits. About half past twelve I went with him and took a gun. I turned into a field and got into land belonging to the Rev. Mr Trefusis. I went up the field, and defendant went up the lane. When about five or six yards up it, a rabbit jumped out, and I said, "Look out, keeper!" and then he fired from the lane into the hedge. Some of the charge struck me. I felt the shots, and fell to the ground. The roadway of the lane is about level with the field. The rabbit was killed and I saw the keeper pick it up. I told him he had shot me. He said, "To be sure I haven't." I said, "You have!" I caught hold of HOOPER'S arm, a stranger to me. I managed to get outside the gate, and defendant said, "Whatever shall we say? You must say you did it yourself." I said, "I cannot say that." I was unable to do anything for nearly three months. I suffered a great deal. I could earn upon an average £1 a week. Defendant called and asked me how I was. I was too weak to say much. He called twice. He lives two miles from me. After a letter he had received from my attorney, he said he had no money, and it would be throwing good money after bad to sue him. I have seen the hedge several times since. I saw a bush nearly but in two with the shot. - Cross-examined by defendant: I was on the ground. You did not help me out of bed when I was ill. I never said there was no blame to the keeper. I never asked you to go out with me the Thursday before the accident. I did not say, "Look out, keeper, the rabbit's coming up." You brought out the rabbit. - By the judge: At the time the defendant fired I was half a landyard from the hedge. I advanced on as the rabbit went on. He fired at the moment I called out. I walked on a couple of landyards as the dogs walked. - David Roll said: I was living near at the time of the accident. I was called to come in, and saw the defendant, who said, "Here he comes: he'll make it all right." Witness minutely described the condition of the plaintiff, and continuing said: I saw defendant afterwards, and he said he acknowledged it was his own careless fault that it was done. I saw him on a Sunday morning, and he said it was his own fault, and that was all he said. Defendant cross-examined the witness and denied the truthfulness of his evidence. - John Thorne said he saw the defendant the Wednesday after the accident. He said he must say it was his fault, as he had no business to shoot into the hedge, and had he not killed the rabbit he must have killed the plaintiff, in which case he would never have taken a gun in hand after. The first advice to a young sportsman was always not to shoot into the coomb of a hedge. Defendant also cross-examined the last witness. - Wm. Thorne said: I was in conversation with the defendant some time ago. I said, "You ought not to have fired on the top of the hedge;" and he said, "I didn't." He said, "If I had not shot the rabbit, which took away some of the shot, I should have killed him, I do think." He said, " I haven't taken a gun in hand but once since, and had I killed him I should never take a gun in hand more." - Edwin Furse, Esq., surgeon, said on the 15th November I was called to attend the plaintiff, and I attended him until the 6th of December. I found him in bed, and on examining him discovered eight shots had penetrated the left arm, and five shots the abdomen. My charges are fair and reasonable. - Lieut. Colonel Russell was in Court, and at the desire of Mr Bromham, and on the request of his Honour, consented to give his opinion to the Court, for which his Honour expressed his thanks. Mr Russell said if a person fired off a gun into a hedge, knowing another person was the other side, it was decidedly an act of negligence. Mr Bromham remarked that negligence having been established, his client was entitled to the damages claimed. Defendant said it was a mere accident, and he should not have fired hadn't the plaintiff called out to him to shoot. His Honour gave judgment for £10 damages, to be paid by instalments of 5s. a month. The costs of witnesses were fixed at £2 17s. including advocate.

Thursday 16 April 1874
BIRTH - April 2, at Nethercleave, Chittlehampton, the wife of MR G. GUARD, of a son.

Thursday 14 May 1874
The esteemed vicar of this parish, the Rv. R. E. TREFUSIS, has taken to himself a wife. The young lady is the sixth daughter of the late Owen Wethered, Esq., of Remnantz, Great Marlow, in the county of Bucks, and sister of Thomas P. Wethered, Esq., brewer and M.P. for that little borough. The ceremony took place at Great Marlow on the 7th, and was performed by the Rev. J. A. Cree, vicar of that parish, assisted by the bride's brother, the Rev. F. T. Wethered, vicar of Hurley, Berks. The bells of this, the reverend gentleman's parish rang merrily most of the day in honour of the happy occasion. The wedded pair are expected back on Wednesday next, and a right hearty welcome awaits them. The village will be decorated for the occasion; music will lend its charms; a public tea is being prepared for all the people of the parish who choose to partake of it; and, if the weather should be fine, nothing will be wanting to testify the respect borne to the vicar by his parishioners, and the kind interest they take in an event of so much interest to him and so full of promise to the domestic happiness of his future life.

Thursday 28 May 1874
MARRIAGE - May 19, at the Parish Church, Kingsnympton, by the Rev. W. Nicholson, MR JOHN SKINNER, of Cleave Farm, Chittlehampton, to Mary Ann, third daughter of Mr John Leverton, of Meethe Mills, Kingsnympton.
Winkleigh - Gone To The Grave. The body of the REV. W. NETTLESHIP, Woodteril, was consigned to its last resting place on Monday. he had resided here for a number of years, during which, though a clergyman, he followed the business of a farmer. In his younger days he served at Bridestowe, afterwards the Chapel of Ease at Chittlehamholt, in the parish of Chittlehampton. During the time he was serving in the latter place he planted some ornamental trees in the church-yard, and expressed a wish that he might be buried there, and his wish has been complied with. The funeral left Woodteril about 10 on Monday; the hearse and mourning coach were supplied by Mrs Gould, Southmolton. Some respectable farmers of this place accompanied on horseback. The Rev. Mr Moreton performed the burial service and a large number from the locality attended the funeral. The deceased gentleman will be found much wanting, for he was a good master. His age was about 70.

Thursday 25 June 1874
BIRTH - June 12, at Chittlehampton, the wife of the REV. R. W. ATKINS, of a daughter.

Thursday 2 July 1874
MARRIAGE - June 30, at Chittlehampton, by the Rev. R. E. Trefusis, J. Davis, Esq., of Swansea, to ELLEN, widow of the late MR WM. WESTERN MANATON, of the Rolle's Arms Inn.

Thursday 16 July 1874
County Court of Devonshire, Barnstaple Guildhall. Charles S. Willshire, ironfounder, Newport, v. JOHN GRATTON, late farmer, of Chittlehampton, now of Barnstaple. Action for 5l. 17s. 1d. for sundry iron and ironwork to a machine. Mr R. I. Bencraft was for the defendant. The only question in the case was whether defendant or his son, who did live at Chittlehampton but is now out of the neighbourhood, is the party liable. Plaintiff's clerk and foreman deposed that defendant gave the order for some of the goods personally, and was present with his son when they were selected, and they were entered in his name; while defendant contended that he had nothing to do with them whatever, except on his son's behalf. The son was making an engine for him at the time, but he afterwards sold it for his own (the son's) benefit. The case was adjourned to permit another of plaintiff's workmen to be called, and was afterwards adjourned, on the application of plaintiff's agent, to the next Court, in the hope that the son might be found.
Southmolton Petty Sessions. -
An application was made by THOMAS DAVIES, of Chittlehampton, for the transfer to him of the licence of the Bell Inn, Chittlehampton, he having married MRS MANATON, the holder of the licence. The application was adjourned to Saturday next for the production of certificates of character.
JAMES GUARD, of Chittlehampton, labourer, summoned JOHN BRADFORD, of the same place, carpenter, for a violent assault committed on him there on the 2nd June. There was a cross-summons issued by BRADFORD against GUARD for a similar offence at the same time and place. Mr J. T. Shapland appeared for GUARD. - GUARD deposed that on the day in question he was met by the defendant near his house at Chittlehampton and severely handled by him; he was thrown down and kicked severely in the face. BRADFORD, in defence, said there had been some words between them about a wheelbarrow, that GUARD first assaulted him and kicked him in the leg, and he stood in self defence. The case against GUARD was dismissed. BRADFORD was fined 2s. and £1 4s. 6d. costs.
JAMES CANN and DAVID COUCH, of Chittlehampton, farm servants, were summoned by Peter Newton, keeper to Earl Fortescue, for using two wires unlawfully for killing game, on the 22nd May, on Bradbury Farm, Chittlehampton. The offence was proved by John Blackmore, who caught defendants in the act, and watched their proceedings some time before. Defendants alleged that they never put the wires there, but admitted touching them and seeing them several times. they were fined 10s. each and costs.

Thursday 3 September 1874
BIRTH - August 25, at Biddacott, Chittlehampton, the wife of MR WILLIAM WATTS, of a son.
MARRIAGE - August 25, at White Church, Castletown, by the Rev. Prebendary Neville, assisted by the Rev. James Lyons, ARTHUR J. CHICHESTER, eldest son of the late REV. R. CHICHESTER, of Chittlehampton, and grandson of the late Arthur Chichester, Esq., of Stakelake, M.P. for Honiton, to Geraldine, eldest daughter of the late Col. Villiers Stuart for many years M.P. for the Co. Waterford, brother of the late Lord Stuart de Decies, and grand daughter of the late Lord Henry Stuart and of Lady Gertrude Villiers, only child of the last Earl of Grandison.

Thursday 17 September 1874
CHITTLEHAMPTON - Sad Suicide Of A Mother. - An Inquest was held on Friday last, in this village, by John Henry Toller, Esq., Deputy Coroner, on the body of JANE DOWN, wife of ELIAS DOWN, groom to Robert Madge, Esq., who had drowned herself in a well the night before. The evidence of the husband was to the effect that the deceased was 38 years of age, and the mother of several children, the youngest of whom was an infant of nine months old. She had for some months past been in a very low and desponding state of mind, and would often sit the whole day without saying a word to any one. He had consulted a medical man about a month ago, who said she must be got about as much as possible, and that the child must be weaned. Some years ago she left the house in a very strange way, but was brought back again. On the night of Wednesday he returned home from his work about half-past ten, and found that the deceased had gone to bed. He followed her to bed, and found her rather better than usual. She talked freely about the clothes of some of the children and other family matters. The infant slept in the same bed with them. About six o'clock in the morning he was awoke by the crying of the child, and was surprised to find that his wife had left her bed. He immediately got up and went into another room and called to her, but could not get any answer; upon which he dressed himself and went down to look for her. After calling her in vain, he went into the garden, and then into the garden of his neighbour, John Clatworthy, where they were making a well, in which were seven feet of water, and there he saw a woman's clothes, and having obtained assistance he took out the body of his wife, quite dead. She was in her night dress, and it was evident that she had risen from her bed, most probably about midnight, and gone immediately to the well, and there plunged in head foremost. There was no other evidence of importance, and the Jury unhesitatingly came to a verdict that deceased had drowned herself, being at the time in a state of Temporary Insanity.

Thursday 8 October 1874
MARRIAGE - Oct. 3, at the Wesleyan Chapel, Barnstaple, by the Rev. R. Eland, MR R. WEBBER, of Chittlehampton, to Mary Elizabeth, only daughter of Mr G. Hodge, boot and shoe maker, Bratton Fleming.

Thursday 15 October 1874
MARRIAGE - Oct. 13, at the Independent Chapel, Southmolton, by the Rev. S. E. Dodge, MR JOHN GODBEER, of America (late of Chittlehampton) to Jane, daughter of the late Mr Robert Hancock, of Kingsnympton.
MARRIAGE - Oct 1. at Chittlehampton, by the Rev. R. W. Atkins, Mr R. Hancock, of Frome, to SUSAN, daughter of the late MR CHAPPLE, of Chittlehampton.

Thursday 19 November 1874
Southmolton County Justices' Petty Sessions. Offence Against The Poaching Prevention Act. FRANCIS OSMOND, of Chittlehampton, labourer, was summoned by Superintendent Wood, for having been found on the highway there, on the 7th November, with nets and rabbits in his pockets, and with having obtained such rabbits unlawfully by going on land in pursuit of game. Defendant pleaded not guilty. The case was proved by P.C. Hooper, who saw the defendant come off land on Way Farm, at Chittlehampton. Defendant alleged he had leave, but failed to produce the tenant or landlord who gave him the permission. Defendant called his brother's wife, but the Justices thought the case clearly proved, and former convictions having been put in, defendant was fined 2l. and costs.

Thursday 10 December 1874
MARRIAGE - Dec. 3, at the Parish Church, Warkleigh, by the Rev. Wm. Thorold, MR WM. FORD, of Chittlehamholt, to Miss Elizabeth Warren, second daughter of Mr John Warren, of Hele Farm, Kingsnympton.

Thursday 17 December 1874
Southmolton - County Justices' Petty Sessions.
Drunk and Disorderly - WM. SLEE, of Chittlehampton was summoned for being drunk and disorderly there, on the 19th November last. P.C. Hooper found defendant lying in a gutter, the water running over him and on taking him up to go on he was very abusive. Committed for seven days.
MR THOMAS DAVIS, the occupier of the Bell Inn, Chittlehampton, applied for and was granted licence to sell refreshments on the occasion of the Chittlehampton Ball.

Thursday 7 January 1875
DEATH - Dec. 24, at Chittlehampton, MR J. GODBEER, aged 85.
DEATH - Dec. 28. at Chittlehampton, MISS E. GODBEER, AGED 43.

Thursday 14 January 1875
Southmolton. County Justices' Petty Sessions, Monday January 11th.
Offences Against The Salmon Act. - HENRY MILDON, of Chittlehampton, farmer, was summoned by Supt. Wood, for having a gaff in his possession under such circumstances as to satisfy the Court that he intended to catch or kill salmon with it, on the 23rd of December, at Chittlehampton. The case was proved by P.C. Clarke, who deposed that he saw defendant at the river Bray, on his own land, with a gaff which he produced, and which he stated was thrown across the river to him by defendant. Defendant was fined £3 and costs, which were paid.
The licence of the Rolle Arms Inn, at Chittlehampton, was transferred to the name of JAMES WATTS; the occupier, MRS BRAYLEY, having recently married him.

Thursday 11 February 1875
Southmolton. County Justices' Petty Sessions.
HENRY HARRIS, of Chittlehampton, farm servant, was summoned by Mr Peter Newton, keeper to Earl Fortescue, for using a snare to kill game without a certificate, at Chittlehampton, on the 26th January last. Defendant pleaded guilty, and was fined £2 and costs 11s., which was paid.

Thursday 18 February 1875
DEATH - Feb. 13, at Coliacott Farm, Chittlehampton, ANN, relict of MR W. GREENSLADE, aged 64.

Thursday 4 March 1875
BIRTH- Feb 24, at the Vicarage, Chittlehampton, the wife of the REV. R. E. TREFUSIS, of a son.
MARRIAGE - March 2, at Swimbridge by the Rev. J. Russell, MR FRED SMALLRIDGE, of Chittlehampton, to Alice Mary, eldest daughter of Mr John Warren, of Cobbaton, Swimbridge.
DEATH- Feb 28, at South Bray Farm, Chittlehampton, MR JOHN SHAPLAND, aged 62. Much respected.

Thursday 11 March 1875
Southmolton. County Justices' Petty Sessions, Town Hall, March 8th.
Offences Against The Salmon Act. GEORGE POPE, of Clapworthy Mill, in the parish of Chittlehampton, was summoned for not keeping his mill dam shut, when not required open for milling purposes, as ordered by the act. Clarke, the water bailiff, proved the case. MR POPE produced a written statement, alleging that the water was too high, and when so it damaged his gear and machinery, and the water overflowed his own and neighbour's land. After giving the case consideration, the Justices fined defendant 2s. 6d. and costs, together 13s. 6d.
ELIZA BURGESS, of Chittlehampton, summoned Alfred Hill, of Roseash, to affix the paternity of her illegitimate child. The case was called on, but the complainant did not appear, and this case was dismissed.

Thursday 1 April 1875
DEATH - March 26, at 56 Boutport-street, Barnstaple, MISS SUSAN NICKOLLS, late of Chittlehampton, aged 76.

Thursday 8 April 1875
Southmolton Borough Justices' Petty Sessions. Town Hall, Monday, April 5th.
Salmon Case. JAMES DOCKINGS, of Clapworthy Mill, Chittlehampton, blacksmith, was summoned by Supt. Wood, for having had in his possession, on the 24th March last, an unclean or unseasonable salmon. Mr J. A. Thorne appeared for defendant. P.C. Hooper, of Chittlehampton, deposed that on the 24th of March, from 8.30 to 9 a.m., he was on the road between Halswill and Clapworthy Mill Gate in company with a man named Waldron, and on looking down towards the river saw three persons there on the brink. I then hastened on towards the bridge, keeping the parties in sight. I saw DOCKINGS with a bag. Some one halloaed, when DOCKINGS left the bag and ran into his house. I did not come up with the others. I picked up the bag, which contained the fish produced. I returned to DOCKINGS'S house and accused him of having taken a fish. I showed it to him, and also a long stick I had picked up. DOCKINGS said it was not his stick. I told him I could show him his track. Witness was cross-examined by Mr Thorne, who contended that this was a case of mistaken identity, and called John Marsh, a workman in DOCKINGS'S employ, who swore that his master was at work in the shop from eight o'clock to nine on the morning in question, and did not leave only for a few minutes at a time, but he did not go out at all for half an hour before nine o'clock, when he went to breakfast, and that DOCKINGS shewed the policeman his boots immediately he was requested to do so. After giving the case careful consideration, the chairman said the bench could not agree, and there being a doubt they gave defendant the benefit of it, and dismissed the case.

Thursday 20 May 1875
Southmolton County Court.
GEORGE TAYLOR v. John Chapple. - A claim of 2s. 5d. by the plaintiff, a butcher of Chittlehampton, against the defendant, a labourer, of Southmolton, who did not appear, and the amount was ordered with costs to be paid by instalments of 2s. 6d. per month.
MILDRED BURGESS, a tailor and draper, Chittlehampton, claimed £1 18s. 3d. of William Cook, a labourer, who formerly resided in that parish, but who afterwards removed to Witheridge. Plaintiff's son appeared for his mother, and defendant was well represented by his wife, who denied that the amount was due from her husband. She said some of the goods were supplied to her son, who was a marine, and it was very hard for a parent to bring up children and to be called upon to pay their debts. After hearing the circumstances under which the clothing had been supplied, and considering the case, his Honour ordered the amount to be paid in 2s. 6d. a month.
Wm. Badcock v. GEORGE TAYLOR - Claim of £1 7s. for wages. The plaintiff's father proved the case, and the amount was ordered to be paid in a month. Plaintiff resides at Southmolton, and the defendant at Chittlehampton.

Thursday 27 May 1875
BIRTH - May 20, the wife of MR WM. SKINNER, of Cleave Farm, Chittlehampton, of a son.

Thursday 17 June 1875
CHITTLEHAMPTON - Death Of ROBERT MADGE, Esq., - We regret to report the almost sudden death of MR ROBERT MADGE, a considerable landed proprietor in this parish, which occurred at the Manor House, Chittlehamholt, during the night of Tuesday in last week, precipitated by, if not altogether resulting from, his accidentally fallen from his horse in the hayfield in the evening of that day. The deceased gentleman, who was in the prime of life, 47 years of age, had not been in good health for some time, and had been under medical care. He was as well as usual on the day in question, and had ridden out with the otter hounds that same morning. In the evening he rode up to the hayfield to see his men at work. The horse was one of his hunters, and quite under control, although spirited. Deceased was sitting at his ease on horseback behind the cart, which was being laden with hay, and as the cart moved off his horse made a slight jump, by which he was thrown out of the saddle and fell on the ground upon his back. The men came immediately to his assistance and lifted him up, and in answer to the question whether he was hurt he said he did not think he was. He was able to walk over to the hayrick, at a little distance, where he sat down upon some straw, and his carriage was sent for to take him home, although rather in opposition to his wishes, for he said he thought he should be able to walk home presently. On attempting to rise to get into the carriage, he found he was unable, and he was lifted into it and driven home, and there at once put to bed. He did not complain of having received any particular injury, but he was faint, and as he did not get better at about nine o'clock a messenger was sent for his medical attendant, Mr Harper, of Barnstaple, who at once obeyed the summons; but, as the distance was far to ride (there being no train running at that hour of the night), he did not arrive until past midnight, and then only to find that death had occurred at about half-past eleven o'clock. An Inquest was held on the body at the residence of the deceased on the following Thursday, before John Henry Toller, Esq., Deputy Coroner for the County, and a respectable Jury, before whom the following evidence was adduced: - Samuel Stone deposed: I am a labourer and reside in the parish of Chittlehampton. I knew the deceased, MR ROBERT MADGE. He resided at the Manor House, at Chittlehamholt, in Chittlehampton, and was a gentleman of independent means, about 47 years of age. I was in his employ. On Tuesday last I was at work in a hayfield belonging to the deceased. Between seven and eight o'clock in the evening he rode into the field by the haymow on a bay horse. He had been ill for some time, and therefore had not of late ridden the horse, but before he became ill he was accustomed to ride him frequently. When the deceased rode in I was raking down the hayrick, and he told me to get the hay together in readiness to load. He then rode up over the field to the place where the men were loading the cart, and sat upon his horse just behind the cart. On the cart being moved off, the deceased's horse jumped a little, and the deceased fell off upon his back. He was immediately taken up. The horse ran down over the field, and the deceased walked to the rick, and sat down upon some straw by the side of the rick. A messenger was at once despatched to his house to give information of what had occurred, and a carriage was sent for him. On attempting to get up from the straw he found he could not walk, and he was put into the carriage, and driven to his residence. As he was being driven down over the field I asked him if he had hurt himself, but he told me he did not feel that he had. - Elias Down deposed: I knew the deceased, MR ROBERT MADGE, and was in his employ as groom. On Tuesday last I was in MR MADGE'S hayfield assisting the men. I was at work on the top of the rick. Between seven and eight o'clock in the evening the deceased rode into the field on a bay horse. He did not ride him very often. It was a hunter, and was very spirited. Seeing the men in the field lift the deceased up, I saw something had happened. He walked to the rick and sat down upon some straw. I went to him and asked him if he had hurt himself, when he replied he had hurt one of his fingers, and he put his hand inside the left side of his waistcoat, and said he hoped he had not hurt himself internally. Seeing he was getting worse I asked him if I should fetch the carriage, when he replied he thought he should be able to walk home shortly. Another man came down, and the deceased attempted to rise from the straw, but he found he could not. He remained upon the straw until his carriage came, when he was taken home. He also complained that he could not see. I helped him into his carriage and went home with him, and remained with him until his death, which took place about half-past eleven o'clock on Tuesday night. Whilst I remained with him he did not bring up any blood, but was faint. On his becoming worse about nine o'clock, a messenger was despatched for Mr Harper, surgeon, of Barnstaple. - Mr Joseph Harper deposed: I live at Barnstaple, and am a surgeon. I knew the deceased, MR ROBERT MADGE. He had been a patient of mine for some months for diseased liver and dropsy. On Tuesday evening last, about half-past ten, I received a message to come to MR MADGE immediately. I accordingly went, and on my arrival, about one o'clock on Wednesday morning, I found he had been dead about an hour and a half. I examined his body, but did not find any mark or bruise about him; but from the evidence I have heard he died from collapse produced by the fall. From the diseased state he was in a slight injury was sufficient to cause his death. Had he been in good health I am of opinion that death would not have ensued from the fall. This being all the evidence, the Jury came immediately to the conclusion that deceased died from the Visitation of God, but that his death was accelerated by an accidental fall from his horse. Deceased was well known in the neighbourhood, especially in the hunting-field, and was esteemed for his general kindness and acts of good neighbourhood. It was but a short time since that a presentation was made to him and MRS MADGE by their tenantry and friends in expression of their esteem. Deceased leaves a widow but no children. It is worthy of remark that the valuable horse he had ridden at the otter hunt in the morning, and which the messenger rode in on the same night to fetch the doctor, was found very ill next morning - no doubt, from the hard pace at which he was ridden - and died in the course of the day.
DEATH- June 8, at Manor House, Chittlehampton, North Devon, ROBERT MADGE, Esq., aged 47.

Thursday 19 August 1875
Sad Accident - On Saturday last a very serious accident happened to a little boy about twelve years of age, son of WILLIAM COX, labourer, of this village, which has resulted in the loss of his right leg. It appears he was assisting in the cutting of a field of wheat on Eastacott Estate, in the occupation of MR R. COURTENAY, and was carrying a rabbit recently caught, when he saw another, and chased it down a path, and, having an impression that he could clear the machine, which happened to be crossing the path, jumped in and was caught in the teeth of the reaper, but fortunately for him a quiet horse happened to be in the machine, or he must have been cut to pieces. He was speedily conveyed to his home and Mr R. Ley was also very quickly in attendance, when he found it expedient to send him at once to the North Devon Infirmary. It was found necessary to amputate the limb, as the leg was, with the exception of a very small bit behind, entirely severed.
Sunstroke - On Monday, a labourer named ABRAHAM COCKRAM, of Clatworthy Mills, in the parish of Chittlehampton, whilst mowing for MR POPE in a field in the parish of Southmolton, received a sunstroke, and had to be conveyed to the North Devon Infirmary, where it was found necessary to place him under restraint. It required several men to hold him, but he has since become quieter, and is likely soon to do well.

Thursday 26 August 1875
Enormous Fecundity. - On Tuesday morning last, as MR S. SMALLRIDGE was cutting a field of oats on Kingsbeer Farm, he extracted and killed from a single rat's nest no less than 16 young ones, not nine days old, shewing the rapidity of the increase of this intolerable vermin.

Thursday 30 September 1875
BIRTH - Sept. 22, at Chittlehampton, the wife of MR J. J. R. HOWARD, of a daughter.
DEATH - Sept. 22, at Chittlehampton, after a very brief illness, MR JAMES CHAPPLE, carpenter, aged 54.
DEATH - Sep. 25, at Cleeve, Chittlehampton, ELIZABETH, wife of MR JOHN SKINNER, aged 44.

Thursday 7 October 1875
Sept. 28, at Christ Church, Marylebone, London, THOMAS BATER, Esq., of Parrs House, Chittlehamholt, North Devon, to CAROLINA LOUISA, widow of the late ROBERT MADGE, Esq., of the Manor House, Chittlehamholt.

Thursday 28 October 1876
MARRIAGE - Oct. 12, at Chittlehampton, by the Rev. R. E. Trefusis, JEREMIAH, fourth son of MR JAS. HARRIS, Ditford, Chittlehampton, to Ann, youngest daughter of the late Mr John Houle, of Wrimstone, Swimbridge.

Thursday 18 November 1875
Southmolton County Court.
William Huxtable v. HUMPHREY SHAPLAND. - Plaintiff is a jeweller of Southmolton and defendant a labourer of Chittlehampton, who was sued for the recovery of £2 10s. for rent under an agreement which was put in. Defendant denied having signed any paper, but in this he was mistaken. He further stated that he gave the premises up, and consequently did not owe the money. It appeared, however, that defendant had kept possession of the premises by allowing his donkey to remain thereon; and, moreover, he was supposed to hold the premises until the expiration of the notice served upon him to quite. Judgment for the amount, payable in 2s. 6d. a month. Mr Huxtable applied to be allowed for his attendance; but it was not granted in consequence of his being a resident of Southmolton.

Thursday 9 December 1875
DEATH - Dec. 5, at Chittlehamholt, CAROLINE, second daughter of MR J. THOMAS, aged 15.

Thursday 23 December 1875
Southmolton. County Justices' Petty Sessions, Monday December 13th.
Using a Wire to Kill Game. - HENRY HARRIS, of Chittlehampton, farm servant, was summoned by Simon Spiller, gamekeeper to J. B. Short, Esq., of Hudscott, for committing the above offence at Chittlehampton, on Sunday the 14th of November last. Spiller stated that on the previous day his master told him he had seen a hare in a wire in the field called the Wilderness, and told him to watch it. He did so, and on the Sunday morning he saw the defendant go to the wire and take out the hare, which was dead. Defendant, having been convicted for a similar offence about 12 months ago, was fined £4 and costs, which was paid.

Thursday 6 January 1876
Accident At Chittlehampton. - On Tuesday, GEORGE GULLY, eight years of age, living with Mr Grimslade, of Satterley, in the parish of Chittlehampton, managed to get his arm in the bars of a threshing machine while it was at work. He was brought to the Infirmary, when it was found that his arm was fractured. He is now progressing favourably.

Thursday 20 January 1876
Southmolton County Justices' Petty Sessions.
Application In Bastardy. - JAMES THOMAS, farmer and butcher, Deptford, Chittlehampton, was summoned by EMMA HULLAND, of the same place, to show cause why he should not pay towards the maintenance of her illegitimate child, of whom she alleged he was the father. Mr J. T. Shapland appeared for complainant, and Mr L. Bencraft for defendant. - Complainant, who had rather a prepossessing appearance, and was but little more than 17 years of age, went to live as servant at defendant's about a fortnight after Midsummer, 1874, and within two or three weeks after she came there her master kissed her, and some little time after gave her a shilling. When she had been there about two or three months her master ordered her to help him in the chaff-cutting house, which was a little detached from the other part of the premises, and whilst there he seduced her, when she threatened to tell her mistress, but her master prevailed on her not to do so, and the intimacy had continued up to Lady-day, 1875. The child was born on Oct. 30th, and was a boy. On the occasion of making one of her applications to defendant, he said he heard it was a black child: if it had been fair complexioned like he was himself, he would have done something for it, but now, if they had him up and he had to pay, he would sell every dish and spoon and leave the country. After giving the case a patient hearing, an order was made for 2s. 6d. a week.

Thursday 3 February 1876
BIRTH - Jan. 19, at Rolle Arms Inn, Chittlehampton, the wife of MR JAS. WATTS, of a daughter.
MARRIAGE - At Chittlehampton by the Rev. R. W. Atkins, Mr R. Houle of Colorado, Fremont County, North America, to MISS ELIZABETH HOWARD, second daughter of MR HOWARD, of Nethercleave, Chittlehampton.

Thursday 17 February 1876
Southmolton. County Justices' Petty Sessions, Town Hall, February 14th.
Drunk and Riotous. - WM. SLEE, senr., was summoned for being drunk and riotous on the highway, in the parish of Chittlehampton, on the 11th of this month. He pleaded guilty, and was sentenced to 14 days' imprisonment.

Thursday 24 February 1876
Accident At Chittlehampton. - On Tuesday an accident happened to a youth named WM. GALLIFORD, in the employ of MR SKINNER, Clay Farm, Chittlehampton. He was engaged dragging timber with horses, when a stick rolled over and knocked the lad down, severely crushing his ankles. He was removed to the North Devon Infirmary.

Thursday 16 March 1876
Barnstaple. Borough Petty Sessions. Guildhall.
Resisting the Police. - WM. WESTACOTT, of Chittlehampton, was charged on a summons with resisting P.C. Macleod in the execution of his duty at Barnstaple, on the 26th ult. Defendant failed to attend, but personal service of the summons was proved, and the case was proceeded with in his absence. P.C. Macleod, of the borough police, deposed that on Saturday, the 26th ult., about nine o'clock in the evening, he apprehended a man named John Phillips in the High-street, and was taking him to the lock-up, when the defendant came up and demanded his release. Witness told him not to interfere, but defendant caught hold of Phillips by the collar, and tried to pull him away, notwithstanding that witness ordered him several times to desist, and threatened if he refused to take him into custody also. As he continued attempting to release the prisoner, witness seized him with the hand he had at liberty and threw him on one side, and, finding he could not get rid of him, called assistance, which was rendered by Mr T. P. Seldon. When he came up the defendant still continued his attempt to rescue Phillips, and threatened Mr Seldon with violence. The man Phillips was resisting during WESTACOTT'S interference. Mr Seldon corroborated that portion of the constable's evidence referring to himself, and added that he was kicked once or twice, but he could not swear that it was by the defendant, who, however, was close behind him. Superintendent Songhurst said that on the 16th of October last WESTACOTT was fined 10s. for being drunk and riotous and was sentenced to two months' imprisonment for an assault on the police. The magistrates now inflicted a fine of 40s. and costs, with the alternative of one month's imprisonment with hard labour.

Thursday 23 March 1876
Southmolton. County Court of Devonshire.
WILLIAM ADAMS v. GEORGE CROOK. - Both parties reside in Chittlehampton, the former being a shopkeeper and the latter a labourer. Ordered in 5s. a month.
William Ford v. GEORGE THOMAS MILLERSHIP and ALICE MIDFORD, his wife. An action for goods sold before her marriage to the female defendant, who is a schoolmistress, of Chittlehamholt. Neither of the defendants appeared, but a long explanatory letter was handed in from MRS MILLERSHIP, wherein she admitted the debt, and offered payment by 4s. a week. His Honour expressed his readiness to assist the plaintiff as far as he was able, but as the debt was contracted before marriage, he could not in the face of the statute see his way clear to give judgment, and he therefore said he would adjourn the case to enable the plaintiff to confer with the parties with a view to a settlement being come to between them before the next Court.

Thursday 30 March 1876
Southmolton - Serious Accident. - On Saturday night, MR JOHN MORTIMER, of Brightley Barton, Chittlehampton, left the Unicorn Hotel with Mr Hartnoll, of Lerwill, in his fourwheel, which was drawn by a spirited horse. It appears that they went through West-street at a somewhat rapid pace, but before reaching Belgrave Cottage, half a mile from the town, they accidentally drove against a farmer - Mr Harris, of Stowford, Swymbridge - who was walking in the same direction. The unfortunate gentleman was thrown on the road face downwards, and received frightful injury to his nose, the bone of which was broken: he is also severely cut and bruised about the mouth. The sufferer was brought back to the Barnstaple Inn, where Messrs. Furze and Sanders attended to his wounds. In the meantime, the gentlemen in the four-wheel, it seems, from fright or some other cause, on finding that they had prostrated Mr Harris, pulled the horse's head violently on one side, and by so doing capsized the vehicle, and both its occupants were jerked into the road. MR MORTIMER was taken up insensible and Mr Hartnoll was also badly shaken. They were able to proceed home the same night, but Mr Harris was too ill to be removed. He is unable to say whether he was struck by the horse or the carriage. Considering the violence of the blow it is almost wonderful that his injuries were not even more serious. Mr Ley, surgeon, accompanied MR MORTIMER and Mr Hartnoll to their homes. It was found that the former had sustained a fracture of the collar-bone, and other less serious injuries to his face and body. We are glad to hear that he is doing well. Mr Hartnoll's injuries consisted of a severe shaking and some bruises, from which he is recovering. Mr Harris, also, is doing better than could have been expected. Such was the speed of the horse after the rein broke that both the occupants of the carriage may think themselves fortunate in having escaped with their lives.

Thursday 6 April 1876
BIRTH - March 30, at Biddacott, Chittlehampton, the wife of MR FREDERICK SMALLRIDGE, of a son.
DEATH - March 31, at Chittlehampton, MR JOHN HUXTABLE, late of Featherstone, aged 83.

Thursday 13 April 1876
County Court Of Devonshire At Barnstaple.
MILROY and CARLYON v. COX - Plaintiffs are drapers at Chittlehampton, and defendant, a labouring man, of the same place, the claim being a balance of account for £1 2s. 8d., for goods sold and delivered. The account had been outstanding for some years, and no evidence could be produced to refute the defendant's repudiation of it, so that his Honour directed a nonsuit to be entered.

Thursday 4 May 1876
BIRTH - April 28, at Biddacott Farm, Chittlehampton, the wife of MR WM. WATTS, of a son.

Thursday 11 May 1876
The Parish Schoolmaster. - MR JOHN PEDLER, who for the last 35 years had been the zealous and indefatigable master of the Parochial Schools, having been superannuated by the Education Department, now quits the desk, having completed his term of service on Friday, to the regret of his pupils, by whom he is greatly beloved. MR PEDLER ruled by love rather than the rod, and now carries with him the good wishes of his pupils, and the parishioners in general, who hope that many happy years are still in reserve for him. His successor is MR HENRY HOLLOWAY, from Devonport.
Southmolton. County Justices' Petty Sessions. Town Hall, Monday May 8th.
Aggravated Assault Case - Bad Neighbours. JOHN GREENSLADE summoned MARY ANN ALSCOTT for assaulting and beating her on the 24th of April, at Blackmantle, Chittlehampton. Mr J. T. Shapland appeared for defendant. It appeared that there had been some dispute between the parties respecting a plant, which GREENSLADE accused ALSCOTT of stealing from her, and on the day in question, as GREENSLADE was passing her house, she came out and beat her in a very savage manner, making her head bleed profusely: in fact, the bonnet was produced in court which she wore that day, and it was covered with blood. E. SIMMONS gave evidence, as also did SAMUEL BENNETT, who was called to help, and he said he found complainant lying insensible against the hedge, and her head covered with blood, and he afterwards took skin and hair off the stones. After giving the case a patient hearing, the Bench sentenced defendant to one month's imprisonment.

Thursday 18 May 1876
Sad Death Of a Farmer. - A very melancholy case of accidental death to a farmer of this parish happened on Wednesday in last week. The deceased was MR ROBERT GULLEY, who rented a small estate called Riding-cross, belonging to Mrs Graddon, near Chittlehampton village. He was an unmarried man, 43 years of age, and his mother lived with him. On Tuesday morning last he was up early for the purpose of driving his flock of about seventy sheep to be depastured on Dartmoor for the summer. His mother's servant girl got up at four o'clock to get him breakfast, and he left on horseback at half-past four, driving the flock of sheep before him, and intending to return home the same night. He reached his destination, left his sheep, and began his journey homewards towards the evening. Nothing is known of him after he left Dartmoor until the next morning, at about six o'clock, when a man named Josiah Turner, a labourer, living at Riddlecombe, in the parish of Ashreigney, was going to his work ripping, having two companions (Richard Marles and John Turner) with him, and when they were going along the road in that parish, not far from Hollacombe Moor, they saw a horse grazing by the side of the hedge, having the saddle under his neck turned upwards, and about three landyards further on in the middle of the road lay a man on his left side. He was living, but insensible, and they saw that he had received a wound at the back of his head, from which blood had flowed, for there was blood in several parts of the road near where he lay. Josiah Turner got upon the horse and rode off to Mr James Boundy, at Riddlecombe, who returned with him to the spot, when they found that Marles and John Turner had removed the poor man in the meantime to the farm-house of Coalhouse, which was very near by. There the farmer seated him on the chair near the fire, and endeavoured to revive him, but without avail. He sent off to Dolton for the doctor, and Mr Sloane Mitchell arrived early in the forenoon, and found the deceased on a chair by the fire in an insensible state. He helped him to bed, and then examined him, when he found a scalp wound on the left side of the back of the head, apparently not deep, for it did not seem to reach the bone. He was suffering under severe concussion of the brain, and shock to the system, but as he became warmer and his pulse and breathing were good the doctor hoped he would have rallied. He left directions about him, and sent his assistant to see him in the evening, when he found him much worse and rapidly sinking, and he died before morning. As the deceased did not return home as expected, his brother set off the next day in quest of him, and on reaching Ashreigney heard that a man had been picked up in the road, and was lying at Coalhouse Farm, and on going thither found that he injured man was his brother. The deceased, however, did not recognise him, nor did he show any sign of consciousness up to the time of his death. The doctor's opinion was that death resulted from the concussion and shock, aggravated by exposure to the night air for several hours. It is presumed that the accident happened soon after midnight; for a man called Richard Joslin, who lives at Hollacombe Moor, by the roadside, not more than a quarter of a mile from the place where deceased was found in the road, was in bed between twelve and one o'clock, and hearing a horse passing the house, which was unusual at that hour, he got out of bed and looked into the road, and saw a horse going along at a very steady pace, and the man who was riding was leaning forward upon the horse's neck, the reins being slack and moving to and fro, as Joslin could clearly see in the bright moonlight. It was not long after this, in all likelihood, that deceased either fell or was thrown from his horse, for there were marks on the horse's knees as if he had fallen, and near the spot were some black horse-hairs which had come from the knees, and there were also marks of deceased's cord trousers as if he had made several attempts to rise, but was unable. - An Inquest was held on the body on Saturday last, at Riddlecombe, before John Henry Toller, Esq., Deputy Coroner, when the facts above stated were deposed to by the several witnesses, and a verdict of "Accidentally Killed by Falling from his Horse" was returned. Deceased was an exceedingly steady and respectable man, and was much esteemed by his neighbours. There was not the smallest suspicion of his having been in liquor, for he was a most abstemious man, and his mother's evidence was that she had never seen him the worse for liquor, nor did she believe that any one else ever had. It was an extremely long day's journey that he was attempting - hardly less than sixty miles there and back; and there is no doubt that he was asleep in his saddle when Joslin saw him pass, and that the horse soon after fell from fatigue or drowsiness and threw his rider, who lay exposed to the night air until nature sank beyond recovery. The vicar of his parish, the Rev. R. E. Trefusis, hearing what had befallen him, very kindly rode over to see his unfortunate parishioner, but he was alike beyond medical relief or spiritual consolation.
South Molton - Assaulting The Police. - On Saturday last WILLIAM SLEE, the younger, of Chittlehampton, was charged before the Revs. W. H. Karslake and J. Bawden, with assaulting and beating Police Constable Henry Hooper, at Chittlehampton, on the 3rd of February last, he being a constable for the County, whilst in the due execution of his duty. The prisoner pleaded guilty, and was sentenced to two months' imprisonment with hard labour in the County gaol at Exeter.
Southmolton County Court.
THOMAS STONE v. SAMUEL BENNETT. - The parties reside at Chittlehampton, and the claim was 4s. for stones alleged to have been sold. Defendant put in a printed paper containing the rules under which he, as contractor on the parish roads, was guided, which shewed that he was bound to remove all obstructions on his lots from the highways. He (the defendant) said the stones formed a heap of ruins and rubbish, and that the plaintiff told him to take the same away three times, as he did not know what to do with them. The plaintiff said the paper produced had nothing whatever to do with the matter, and that the agreement was that defendant should give a fair price for them. Defendant complained of the length of time that elapsed before plaintiff made any claim on him, namely eleven months. His Honour said the plaintiff had not satisfied him that the money was due, as he had not made out a clear case, which every plaintiff was bound to do. Judgment for defendant.
SUSAN SKINNER v. William Smyth. - MRS SKINNER applied for, and was allowed 5s. for expenses in attending the court from Chittlehampton; the defendant having been summoned for 7s. 3d for goods sold, and that amount had been paid into court the same morning, instead of five days previously, as required by the rules.
DEATH - April 7, at Georgetown, U.S., MRS CATHERINE GUARD, wife of MR JAMES GUARD (formerly of Chittlehampton), aged 25 years.

Thursday 22 June 1876
Southmolton. County Justices' Petty Sessions. Town Hall, Monday June 19th.
M. A. WHITEFIELD was summoned by ANN COPP for assaulting and beating her on the 23rd of May last. Parties reside at Chittlehampton, and the assault took place at MR HUXHAM'S house in that parish, where COPP was employed on account of MRS HUXHAM'S illness. The assault was in consequence of complainant accusing defendant of having taken a piece of pork and bacon from MR HUXHAM'S, although she did not see her take the goods. Complainant said defendant came to her master's and asked to see her, and on going down they went outside the house and spoke to each other, and complainant returned to the house; but on passing through the kitchen defendant came to her and caught hold of her hair, threw her down, and kneeled on her some time: then she gave her a blow across the nose and blood flowed: she held her so fast that she almost strangled her. MR HUXHAM'S mother and the Rev. R. E. Trefusis also gave evidence. WHITEFIELD said COPP wanted to take away her character, and COPP also pulled her (defendant's) ears and scratched her face, and she caught complainant by the nose. Defendant was fined £1 and expenses.
KITTY SMALDON (for whom Mr Shapland, junr., appeared) was summoned by ELIZABETH WARD for feloniously assaulting and wounding her, and beating her with a stone on her head, on the 5th inst. Both parties reside at Chittlehampton. ELIZABETH WARD said: I am the wife of FREDERICK WARD, and reside at Chittlehampton. On the day in question as I was going to my work I met defendant in the road, and on passing her she struck me with a stone (produced) on my head, which stunned me, and the skin was cut. I fell down with the blow, and when I got up and was leaning against the hedge she struck me another blow with something like a table knife beside my head, near the former blow. This also cut the skin, and it bled very much. I called for help, when SMALDON ran away. I went for a summons to Mr Thorold, when he advised me to go to a doctor, and I went to Southmolton accordingly. - Mr Ley, surgeon, gave confirmatory evidence - that WARD came to him on the 5th or 6th of June, about 6.30 p.m., having on the left side of her head a wound about two inches long, which had evidently been inflicted with some sharp instrument. There was also a bruise about three inches from the wound, at the back of the head, which was slightly swollen. There was no doubt about the wound being inflicted with some sharp instrument. There was a good deal of blood about the hair. - For the defence, Mr Shapland called MARY BLACKMORE, wife of JOHN BLACKMORE and daughter of defendant, who gave evidence that on the day in question she came to her mother's rescue on being fetched by her sister. When she came she saw WARD going over Waldon's gate with her (witness's) mother's shawl on her arm, and heard WARD say, "I will make you pay for it." Her mother had bruises on her arms and legs. Mother had a hamper with her which she had been for to Umberleigh station, but she had no knife in her hand or about her. Witness contended that WARD must have cut herself (on going over the gate) with her own weeding iron, which she had just had sharpened. GEORGE SMALDON, a boy 12 years of age, was also examined, and made out that his mother was the injured party. There was also a cross-summons, taken out by SMALDON against WARD, when the evidence was quite of an opposite character. There had been some ill feeling between the parties because a little time since WARD left her husband, and MRS BLACKMORE, being a neighbour, used very kindly to attend to his house: hence a little jealousy. The Justices, however, decided to dismiss both cases, and each party to pay her own costs, and to be bound over in £10 each to keep the peace for six months.
Breaking Glass. - ELIZABETH WARD, of Chittlehampton, was summoned by MARY BLACKMORE, of the same place, for breaking glass in her dwelling house. MARY BLACKMORE stated that she was in her house with her sister-in-law on the evening in question, when she heard her father at the gate by the road asking to come in, but WARD would not let him come in, as she had gone upstairs to go to bed. JULIA SMALDON gave similar evidence, and that WARD came out and began to call her names, and she (witness) went inside and shut the door: presently WARD threw two stones through the glass. - ELIZABETH WARD denied the charge, and said that BLACKMORE broke the glass with the firepan, when she came out to fight with her. Case dismissed.

Thursday 6 July 1876
MARRIAGE - July 1, at Chittlehampton, Mr H. Dinnicombe, of Barnstaple, to ELLEN, daughter of the late MR JNO. HOWARD.
DEATH - July 2, at Fullabrook Farm, Chittlehampton, HANNAH, daughter of MR W. DYER, aged 7 months.

Thursday 13 July 1876
Southmolton. County Justices' Petty Sessions. July 10th, at the Town Hall.
Applications In Bastardy. - Henry Alford, of Bishopstawton, was summoned by ELIZA WHITEFIELD, of Chittlehampton, to shew cause, *c. Defendant had been a butcher at Barnstaple, but his customers had used him badly - forgotten to pay. He had kept company with complainant for two years. The intimacy took place about September last, at Bradiford, Barnstaple, in her mistress's garden, and the child was born the 2nd of June. Defendant had that morning promised to marry complainant, but did not say when. He was at present working as farm labourer, at a salary of £10 a year. An order of 2s. a week was made.

Thursday 17 August 1876
BIRTH - Aug. 11, at Chittlehampton, the wife of MR DAVIS, of the Bell Inn, of a daughter.

Thursday 24 August 1876
DEATH - Aug 15, at Chittlehampton, MR JOHN GRIFFIN, aged 70.
DEATH - Aug. 17, at Chittlehamholt, ANNE, wife of the late JOHN HUXTABLE, of Featherstone, aged 77.

Thursday 31 August 1876
SOUTHMOLTON - Violent Assault On A Police Constable. - James Emery, of Barnstaple, parasol mender, was brought up in custody at Southmolton on Saturday last, before the Rev. W. Thorold and the Rev. Joshua Bawden, charged with assaulting and beating P.C. HENRY HOOPER, at Chittlehampton, on the 22nd inst. The prisoner pleaded guilty. HOOPER stated that on the day in question he was fetched by a man named Stadden to go to the New Inn, where the prisoner and a man named Sanders were stripped to fight. They came outside the house, when he interfered to part them. Upon doing so the prisoner, who was the worse for liquor, struck him and kicked him. He drew his staff, which prisoner seized and struck him a severe blow on the head with. He ultimately overcame the prisoner, but upon putting on the handcuffs Emery bit his hand severely. He subsequently had to go to a surgeon for his head to be dressed. Prisoner was fined the small penalty of 40s. and costs 10s., or a month's imprisonment with hard labour. He went to prison.

Thursday 5 October 1876
MARRIAGE - Oct. 3, at Southmolton Church, by the Rev. F. King, Vicar, MR JOHN SMALDON, of Chittlehampton, to Miss Mary Ann Dockings, of Southmolton.

Thursday 19 October 1876
County Justices' Petty Sessions. Town Hall, October 16th, 1876.
Assaulting and Resisting The Police. - Henry Sanders, and Rachel Sanders, marine store dealers, Barnstaple, were summoned for assaulting and resisting P.C. HOOPER at Chittlehampton, on the 22nd of August last. Rachel Sanders only appeared. The assault occurred at the same time when a man called Emery was guilty of a similar offence. P.C. HOOPER was endeavouring to take emery into custody for fighting and making a disturbance on the day in question, and Henry Sanders collared the constable behind and Rachel Sanders took the staff from HOOPER and beat him with it on the head. The Bench found both parties guilty, and fined them 20s. each and costs - together £1 17s. 6d., respectively, which the woman said they were unable to pay. The alternative was 14 days' imprisonment with hard labour, and she was taken from the Court weeping bitterly, having an infant in her arms and two more children at home.

Thursday 16 November 1876
BIRTH - Oct. 27, at Neathercleave, Chittlehampton, the wife of MR G. GUARD, of a son.

Thursday 7 December 1876
Sudden Death. - On Thursday last, GEORGE BIGGS, aged 46, who resided in a house by himself, retired to rest as usual, but the neighbours not seeing anything of him on the following morning, were concerned about it, and applied to the Police Constable, who entered the house by the window, when he found the poor fellow in bed quite dead. The Coroner came on Saturday, but thought it unnecessary to hold an Inquest, deceased having died from heart disease, as stated by the medical man.

Thursday 14 December 1876
MARRIAGE - Oct 28, at the Parish Church of St. George-in-the-East, London, by the Rev. D. F. Quayle, Edmund, eldest son of Mr Alfred Whiting, of Warwick-street, and Eccleston-street, Pimlico, late of Frome, to MARY JANE MURCH, third daughter of MR JOHN RENDLE, of Narracott Farm, Chittlehampton, Devon.

Thursday 21 December 1876
MARRIAGE - Dec. 13, at Chittlehampton, MR JOHN GREGORY, to MISS ANN CROCKER, both of Chittlehampton.

Thursday 18 January 1877
Southmolton. County Justices' Petty Sessions, Town Hall, Monday, January 15th.
Trespass Case. - HENRY ISAAC, labourer, of Chittlehampton, was summoned for trespassing in search of game, on the 25th December last, on Ford farm, Chittlehampton, in the occupation of MR W. WATTS. Defendant admitted the trespass, but said that he was not searching for game. P.C. Hooper proved the case, and defendant was fined 10s. and costs, together £1 or seven days' imprisonment. The alternative was taken.
MR DAVIS, innkeeper, of Chittlehampton, applied for an extension of time on Tuesday, January 16th, the night appointed for holding a Ball at Chittlehampton. Granted till four o'clock.

Thursday 1 March 1877
DEATH - Feb. 22, at Chittlehampton, MR HENRY HOOPER, Police constable, aged 40.

Thursday 22 March 1877
Southmolton County Court.
GEORGE STADDON v. THOMAS DAVIS and ELLEN his wife. - The parties live at Chittlehamholt. The claim was 1l. 7s. 6d. for work done for the female defendant before her marriage. The claim was disputed on the merits; but his Honour said the male defendant was not liable under the late Married Women's Property Act, and non-suit was accordingly entered.
John C. Snell v. WILLIAM MOORE. - Plaintiff, an auctioneer, of Winkleigh, sought to recover 4l. from the defendant, a gentleman of Chittlehamholt, for the alleged balance due for a cottage. The defendant had paid 2l. 13s. 9d. into Court (the purchase money having been 5l. only); and he had retained the head or quit rent which was due on the property. Judgment for 13s. 2d., which was paid.

Thursday 5 April 1877
At the County Justices' Petty Sessions, on Monday last - Affiliation - ELIZABETH SELDON, of Chittlehampton, summoned James Mock, of Swimbridge to shew cause &c. Mr Shapland applied for an adjournment, inasmuch as he had only just been instructed, and the applicant had no corroborative evidence with her. The case was dismissed, but a fresh summons was subsequently granted.

Thursday 17 May 1877
County Court of Devonshire At Barnstaple, Guildhall.
Claim for Wages. - BENNETT v. Downing was a case in which SAMUEL BENNETT, a labouring man living at Chittlehampton, sued Mr Joshua Downing, of Pickwell Barton, Georgeham, for 19s. 8d. due to him as wages. Mr Downing's defence was that he withheld the money, which he acknowledged would have been otherwise due, because of an act of negligence of which the plaintiff was guilty, and which caused him (defendant) to sustain loss to that amount. Not regarding it as a satisfactory defence, his honour decided for the plaintiff, less 2s. actual loss from the act referred to.

Thursday 24 May 1877
Southmolton County Court.
THOMAS STONE v. WM. HUXHAM, and W. HUXHAM v. THOMAS STONE. MR STONE is a butcher; and MR HUXHAM is a farmer, of Chittlehampton. Mr J. T. Shapland appeared for MR HUXHAM and Mr J. A. Thorne for MR STONE. The both cases were tried at once. The former was a claim of two days' keep for 61 sheep, 6s.; fetching a sheep from Whitestone, 1s. 6d.; man and horse three days searching for sheep, 15s.; and fetching a sheep from Bradbury, 3s.; total, 1l. 5s. 6d. In the case of HUXHAM v. STONE the claim was 2l. 6s. 8d. for loss alleged to have been sustained by non-performance of agreement. Mr Shapland contended that STONE did not thrash the clover nor deliver the seeds according to promise. MR STONE deposed: In August last I bought ten acres of clover buds of MR HUXHAM for 21l. He agreed to cut and save them by my superintending. It was growing, and the defendant was to cut it and save it. I was to have the seven acre field up to Christmas. I put some sheep in that field, and just before Christmas I had 61 sheep. They remained there until the Saturday before Christmas (the 23rd). MR HUXHAM told me on Christmas day that my sheep were troublesome, and that he had caused them to be driven out of his field and into a field occupied by MR STONE belonging to Mr Trefusis. He had caused it to be done on the Saturday. I found eleven sheep in Swymbridge parish, one on MR HUXHAM'S farm, another was missing for three weeks, and that was found at MR CHERITON'S, at Bradbury. Six shillings is a fair sum for the two days' keep. The other items were for seeking for the sheep. His Honour here remarked that the ground of action was eviction. - Cross-examined by Mr Shapland: I put horses and sheep there. The sheep were not all my own. Nine of them were mine. I took the sheep in to keep. They were taken occasionally from a turnip field about a mile off. I stocked the field the next day after the clover was cut. There was grass there for another week. The sheep did not stray that I am aware of. The sheep that was away for three weeks was a horn sheep. It was an ewe, marked with redding, on the near side. (Two letters were handed in and read by the Registrar, written by the defendant to the plaintiff and vice versa, and also a letter from Mr Lionel Bencraft at MR STONE'S instance to MR HUXHAM, the latter being with reference to a rumour which he had been instructed was circulating to the prejudice of his client's character, as to an alleged taking of a sheep, &c.) No proceedings had been taken in that matter. The learned advocates addressed the Court at some length on behalf of their respective clients. MR W. H. HUXHAM deposed: I live about a mile from MR STONE. I sold him 10 acres of clover buds on the 13th September last for £21, he agreeing that I should have 112lbs. of clover at 7d. per lb. I have asked him twice for it, but he said I had not performed my part of the agreement. I did more than I bargained for. I received MR STONE'S bill some time after Lady-day. Had a letter from Mr Bencraft, dated March 8th, threatening legal proceedings. I saw the sheep in the field, and there was not a bit of grass there. they were starving and strayed into my field, and instead of putting them in the pound I drove them back to MR STONE'S field. I did it believing I was doing an act of kindness. - Judge: It does not appear there was very much kindness between you. (Laughter). I have no evidence before me to support this case at all. What you say is that MR STONE sold the seed at a very large profit, but you have nothing to do with his profits. THOMAS HUXHAM deposed that sheep were straying continually, and had he driven them into the clover bud field they would not have remained there five minutes. After a patient hearing his Honour suggested that the actions had better terminate by being withdrawn, each party paying his own costs. This was acquiesced in by the advocates, and the litigation so finished.

Thursday 22 November 1877
MARRIAGE - Nov. 8, at Chittlehampton, MR ARTHUR BURGESS, to MARY ANN, youngest daughter of MR F. SMALLRIDGE, Biddacott Farm, both of Chittlehampton.

Thursday 20 December 1877
Serious Charge Against Earl Fortescue's Head Gamekeeper.
WM. ELLACOTT BURGESS, late the head gamekeeper at Castle Hill, was summoned on an information charging him that he did, on the 23rd August last, and on other days between that date and the 29th November last, in the parish of Filleigh, feloniously steal, take, and carry away certain rabbits, the property of the Right Hon. Earl Fortescue.
[Two columns of evidence, ending-] - The Bench decided to admit the defendant to bail in his own recognizances of £100 and two sureties of £50 each in each of the two cases. The sureties were Mr Henry Hitchcock, innkeeper, Southmolton, and Mr John Rodd, farmer, Warkleigh. The usual formalities having been gone through, the defendant (who is a native of Chittlehampton, where his family has lived for a great many years, and who has the reputation of being one of the best shots in the county) then left the Court with his solicitor. A third summons had been issued against him for having, on the 3rd December, stolen certain rabbits, pheasants, wood pigeons, and a hare, belonging to his master; but this was withdrawn.

Thursday 17 January 1878
Southmolton. County Justices' Petty Session, Town Hall.
Game Trespass - WM. OSBORNE and MATTHEW HANCOCK, two labouring men, living at Chittlehampton, were summoned, conjointly with WM. SLEE and JOHN FAIRCHILD (upon whom the summons had not been served), for having, on the 29th ult., committed a trespass in pursuit of game or conies on enclosed land known as Nethercleave Wood, situate in the above parish, and in the possession of the Hon. Mark Rolle. Defendants pleaded guilty; and Eli Harding, gamekeeper to Capt. Short, of Hudscott, stated that he saw them ferreting. the Bench inflicted a fine of £1 with 10s. costs, upon each of the two defendants who had been summoned.

Thursday 7 February 1878
One of the most unique and pretty wedding we have witnessed lately in this village, took place on Tuesday last, being the marriage of MISS ALICE TUCKER with Mr J. E. Folland, of Pendleton, near Manchester. The bride is much esteemed for her amiable and general good qualities. She has been connected with the church choir for over 17 years. Amongst those who presented her with wedding gifts were the Rev. R. E. and Mrs Trefusis, Miss Ogilvie, of Pitt, Mrs Morrison of Bratton, Mr and Mrs Davies, of the Bell Inn, Mr Parr, and members of the choir, &c. The wedding service was choral, the bells rang merrily, and many were the fervent wishes expressed for the happiness of the newly wedding pair. The bride will be much missed in the choir, and her place will not soon be efficiently filled, nor her exemplary character excelled.

Thursday 21 February 1878
CHITTLEHAMPTON - Death Of An Imbecile From Neglect. - On Monday the Deputy Coroner for the County, J. H. Toller, Esq., met a Jury at Leary, in this parish, and held an Inquest upon the body of a man of weak understanding, named THOMAS WREFORD, aged 37 years, who died on the previous Wednesday. The deceased was the son of a widow who lives at Crediton, and though he had had a good education, his intellect was so weak that he was only able to do work about a farm. In March of last year he went to work for Mr Thomas Slader, farmer, of Huxtable, East Buckland parish, with whom he lived, and he continued there until the sixth of the present month, when he was removed to the house of William Wonnacott, at Leary, his mother having received a note from Mrs Slader four days previously informing her that her son was very ill. Now for the first time he was seen by a medical man - Mr Sanders, surgeon, of Southmolton, who found him suffering from acute disease of the left lung and from a number of sores, and who also found that, through not having been properly attended to, he was in a dreadfully dirty condition. The poor fellow lingered on until the 13th inst., when he died. The evidence certainly points to great neglect on the part of those under whose care the deceased was placed. Putting aside the repeated statements of the deceased that Mr Slader often beat and kicked him, and the rumours that he was kept without sufficient food, there are the facts that he should have received medical treatment long before he was brought to Leary; that though he must have been ill for some time prior to his death, his mother was only communicated with eleven days before that event; that Mr Slader positively refused to allow a surgeon to see him even to pronounce whether he was in a fit state to be removed, his only anxiety being to get rid of the unfortunate fellow; and that when he was removed he was found to be in a loathsome condition, into which he could only have got by neglect. A good deal of evidence was adduced, and after reading it we doubt not that most of our readers will come to the conclusion that the circumstances fully justify the censure which the Coroner, in summing up, passed upon Mr Slader.
The first witness called was MARY ANN WREFORD, the mother of the deceased, who deposed: I live at Crediton, and am a widow. the deceased, my son, was 37 years of age. He was of weak intellect, but was capable of doing some kinds of farm work. On the 26th March he went to reside with Mr Thomas Slader, a farmer residing at Huxtable, East Buckland. He was to be kept, but was not to have any wages in money. On the 18th October last, as I was staying in the neighbourhood for a few days, I went to see him, and was received very kindly by Mr and Mrs Slader. We all dined together on that occasion, including the deceased. He at that time looked very well, and appeared to be very comfortable, and he made no complaint. I left in the afternoon on the same day, and the deceased accompanied me to Filleigh, where I was staying. On the 2nd inst. I received a note from Mrs Slader saying my son was very ill, and wishing me to come as quickly as possible to see him. I went the same day, and found him looking better than I had expected to see him. He was suffering from sore feet, as he did every winter, and was weak. Mr and Mrs Slader wished him to be taken away, but I said he had better not be removed until a doctor had seen him. Mr Slader pressed for his removal, saying that Mrs Slader was unwell, and he objected to a doctor or nurse being sent for, preferring that he should be taken away at once. On the 6th inst., thinking that the deceased was in a fit state to be moved, I had him conveyed to the residence of Mr Wm. Wonnacott, at Leary, and on the same evening I sent for Mr Sanders, surgeon, of Southmolton, who came on the following day. On the 6th I also sent for the Rev. J. H. Copleston, the rector of West Buckland, to come and visit my son, as he was very ill. Whilst he was with Mr Slader the deceased told me that he (Mr S.) knocked him about, and kicked him, but he did not say when, and he gave me no particulars of his having been ill-used. His head was in a dirty state, and when he was undressed I found that he had some sores about him. He was removed to Leary in a spring cart, by Mr Slader, and had a nurse with him. I walked, and got to Leary a few minutes afterwards. Whilst he was at Mr Slader's, during the interval between my being sent for and his being conveyed to Leary, I visited him daily. On the Sunday I and Mrs Slader had some conversation as to whether he should remain in bed, and whilst I advised that he should not get up, Mrs Slader said she thought he had better come downstairs for a little time. When I visited the house on the Monday I found him up and sitting by the fire, at which I was somewhat surprised.
Mary, wife of Wm. Wonnacott, labourer, of Leary, deposed: On the 6th inst., by the direction of last witness, I went to Mrs Slader's for the deceased, accompanied by MRS WREFORD. The deceased was in bed when we arrived, and Mr Slader dressed him and brought him downstairs, and a cart having been got ready, he was brought to my house. He remained with me up to his death, on the 13th inst. Whilst with me he stated that Mr Slader had knocked him and kicked him. He had a wound on his back, and another on his pin bone. When he was brought to my house I found that his head was very dirty. I also noticed the appearance of a scald about his right leg.
Rebecca Rice, single woman, of East Buckland, deposed that she had long been accustomed to visit at Mr Slader's, and had frequently seen the deceased there, but had never seen him ill-treated either by Mr or Mrs Slader. It was not true that he ate potato-skins - at least she never saw him, for there was no lack of food. She never saw the deceased either struck or kicked by anyone of the household.
Mr T. Sanders, surgeon, Southmolton, gave evidence as follows:- On the 6th inst. a message was left at my house for me to visit THOMAS WREFORD on the following day at Mrs Wonnacott's. I went accordingly, and found him in bed. He was of weak intellect: I found him suffering from disease of the left lung, a large wound on the lower part of his spine, and a scald on the outer side of his right leg, about midway between the knee and the ankle. He had also other sores about his legs, but none of importance. His mother called my attention to the fact that he had vermin in his head and beard. My partner, Mr Furse, saw him on the 10th, and on the 12th, the day before his death, I again visited him, for the last time. I have this day made a post mortem examination of the body, and have ascertained that death resulted from disease of the left lung, together with the wound on the spine, both of which combined to produce exhaustion. The wound had the appearance of a bed sore, such as might have been produced by his lying long in one position. He should have had medical aid some time before I was called in. The wound had evidently not received proper attention. The disease of the lung has been developing itself for, I should think, the last three or four months, and it was sufficient of itself to cause death.
The Rev. J. H. Copleston was next sworn, and deposed:- I knew the deceased as a young man of weak intellect but of good education. I had not seen him for some months until the afternoon of the 6th inst., when I went to Wonnacott's house, having been communicated with, and found MRS WREFORD and Mrs Wonnacott undressing the deceased. They drew my attention to his condition, and I saw him almost naked, and examined his body and helped him to bed. I was quite shocked at his having been removed in such a state of weakness without medical advice having been sought. I heard from his mother that she had only lately been informed of his illness, and that she had desired to have a doctor to him at Mr Slader's, but that she was not allowed to have either a nurse or a doctor to him, for the reason that they "were not going to have their house ranged by nurse or doctor." The indignation the mother and Mrs Wonnacott felt at the time was very marked. I was myself horrified at the condition the deceased was in, although I honestly confess I did not think he would die so quickly. I saw one very bad wound at the base of the spine. There were other marks on his body, including one considerable wound and some scalds on the legs. His mother accounted for the scalds, but she remarked that she was surprised to find him out of bed when she went to Huxtable one day. The head of the deceased looked very filthy; there was a little blood in one of the ears, and the skin altogether testified that he had been irregularly cared for. I asked the deceased how he got his wounds, and he did not seem to be able to say. I then asked him if he was ever kicked, and he said he was, and in reply to a further question he said he was sometimes struck with a stick. I asked him if Farmer Slader struck him, and he said, "Yes." I then asked him whether they had ever hit him over the head with a stick, and he said, "Yes," and when I asked him what kind of a stick it was he said it was an ash stick. I asked him if, when Farmer Slader dressed him, he ever cuffed him with his hand, and he replied in the affirmative. I gathered that I was called in so pressingly from mixed motives, one of which was a clear wish on the part of the friends of the deceased that I should share their indignation at the neglect the deceased appeared to have suffered. I left the deceased, who was being well cared for. On the 9th instant his mother told me that though he might get better his lungs were diseased, and he could not survive very long. I had to leave home, and heard nothing more of him until Thursday morning, when I was informed that he was dead.
Mary Ann Holloway, dressmaker, of West Buckland, deposed that she knew the deceased, having worked for Mrs Slader for the last six years. The last time she saw the deceased was about a month ago, when she dined and supped at Mrs Slader's. The deceased took his meals with the family, and ate heartily. She had always seen him treated as one of the family.
John Cole, farmer, Northmolton, deposed that he knew the deceased. He was taken ill on the 25th ult,, but ate heartily on that day. Witness was also present when he was taken away, and helped up him in the cart. He never saw Mr or Mrs Slader ill-treat him, but he was treated quite as if he were a member of the family, and took his meals with them. Witness was able to speak as to the general treatment the deceased had received, for since he (the deceased) had been living with Mr Slader he had visited the farm two or three times a week.
Willie Ward, in the service of Mr Copleston, deposed that a day or two before the deceased was taken to Leary John Slader, son of the deceased's employer, aged about nine years, told him they were obliged to chain the chamber door in order to prevent the deceased from getting at the pigs' potatoes and eating them.
Frederick Wonnacott, son of the Mr Wonnacott at whose house deceased died, gave exactly similar evidence, after which Sarah, wife of Wm. Ridd, labourer, West Buckland, deposed that she washed for Mrs Slader and had done so whilst the deceased was living there. He always had plenty of food whilst she was there, and all the members of the family had seemed very kind to him: she had never heard Mr or Mrs Slader give him an angry word. She had been at Mr Slader's house once a fortnight.
George Vesper, labourer, West Buckland: I knew the deceased. On the day before he was taken from Mr Slader's house I was sent to Mr Slader's with a note from MRS WREFORD to him. Mr Slader was not at home, and I waited in the kitchen for his return. The deceased was seated by the fire. He was looking thin. I asked him how he was, when he said he was very poorly, and had been so for about a fortnight. He further said he had been wet in his feet a good bit, and that that was how he got thin.
Thomas Slader, who volunteered his evidence, and gave it after having been duly warned by the Coroner that he must take the responsibility of any statement which incriminated himself, deposed: The deceased resided with me from the 26th March last until the 6th inst. I always treated him kindly, and looked after him as much as after myself. He took his meals with my family, and always had plenty to eat, and had the same kind of food I had myself. I swear that I never ill-treated him in my life. The reason I would not allow a doctor or a nurse to come to the house was because my wife, who suffers from heart disease, was ill, and she could not attend to him if he continued in the house; and therefore I wanted him removed. I did not communicate earlier with the deceased's mother because she was going about to different places and I did not know where to send to her. I never saw my wife beat or otherwise ill-treat the deceased, and have never heard her say that she has done so. As to the wound on the lower part of his spine, I think it probable it may have been caused by his coming down a ladder backwards, which was his invariable way of descending. Or it may have arisen from his reckless riding whilst taking the horses to and from the water. I have remonstrated with him because of his coming down the ladder backwards and have asked him to be more careful in taking the horses to water. He was very hearty, and would eat as much again as any other man, and for the last two months there was no satisfying him. I never locked or chained him in his room.
This being the whole of the evidence, the Coroner summed up, and remarked that he considered Thomas Slader had been guilty of great neglect towards the unfortunate deceased, and that from the weakness of his intellect he should have received more instead of less attention than persons of sound understanding. The Jury then returned an Open Verdict of "Death from Natural Causes."

Thursday 28 February 1878
Ripe Strawberries. - There are to be seen in the garden of MRS SALLY TOUT, at Henbow, near this village, nearly 20 fine ripe hedge strawberries and some blackberries. Only a fortnight ago more than 20 were gathered in the same spot and sent to her daughter at Bideford.

Thursday 21 March 1878
Hydrophobia. - MR EPHRAIM HOWARD, of Nethercleave, in Chittlehampton, last week had a bullock die in a rabid state. MR HOWARD also had to kill a dog belonging to him, suffering from the same disease.
MARRIAGE - March 14, at Chittlehampton, by the Rev. R. E. Trefusis, William Webber Cadbury, Chulmleigh, to LOUISA ANN, eldest daughter of the late MR JOHN SHAPLAND, South Bray, Chittlehampton.

Thursday 4 April 1878
DEATH - March 24, at Cleave, Chittlehampton, MR THOMAS SKINNER, aged 83.

Thursday 18 April 1878
MARRIAGE - April 8, at Chittlehampton, by the Rev. R. E. Trefusis, Mr T. Stone, of Tree, Swimbridge, to MISS ELIZABETH GREENSLADE, of Collacott Barton, Chittlehampton.
DEATH - April 9, at Leary, Chittlehampton, MR CHARLES RICE, aged 38.
CHITTLEHAMPTON - Signs of Improvement. The foundation stone of the new cottages about to be erected by the Hon. Mark Rolle in Rack Meadow, at the west entrance to this village, to replace the old dilapidated row at the head of the square, lately removed, was laid last week. The new buildings will greatly improve the appearance of the village. The improvements in the Rolle property in this parish, by the building of new houses and farm yards, have been very great of late years, and the tenantry cannot fail to appreciate them. We sincerely hope that a brighter future is in store for the parish. Its handsome tower and church are the admiration of all who visit the village; and improved dwellings, and additional houses to attract many retiring from business to reside here, will be heartily welcomed. We are well off with respect to railway accommodation; and the fertility of our soil and the beauty of our local scenery are too well known to need remark.
Serious Accident. - On Thursday last, a very serious accident occurred to MR W. MANATON, thatcher, of this village. It appears that the unfortunate man was at work at Mr T. Harris's, Stowford, Swymbridge, thatching the workman's cottage close by; and shortly after dinner, having occasion to measure his work, he slipped his foot, and fell from a height of from 15 to 20 feet across some stocks of apple trees. He was taken up insensible, and in this state conveyed to his home, where Messrs. Furse and Sanders, of Southmolton, were soon in attendance. They at once pronounced the case very doubtful, and gave little hope of recovery, but under their skilful treatment he still lingers, but is not pronounced out of danger. The family feel much indebted to the kindness shown by Earl Fortescue, for a supply of ice, to which, according to the opinion of the medical attendants, it is due that his life is still spared. He continues insensible at times, but "where there is life there is hope."

Thursday 25 April 1878
DEATH - April 18, at Chittlehamholt, in the parish of Chittlehampton, ANNE, wife of MR RICHARD PASSMORE, retired farmer, aged 79.
DEATH - April 20, at the North Devon Infirmary, GEORGINA ROSANNA, fourth daughter of MR GEORGE START, of Haywood Farm, Chittlehampton, aged 17.

Thursday 9 May 1878
BIRTH - May 4, at Chittlehampton, the wife of MR JOHN HUXTABLE, late of Brayford, of a son.

Thursday 23 May 1878
DEATH - May 13, at Chittlehampton Village, MR WM. SEAGE, for many years clerk of the parish, aged 75.
Southmolton County Court.
JAMES MAYNE, shopkeeper, of Chittlehamholt, v. Jas. Stratford, builder, Okehampton. The amount claimed was £13 15s. for goods sold. The Registrar told his Honour that on the previous day defendant had sent a cheque to his office for the amount, made payable to plaintiff, but he had returned the same again. he had not time to communicate with plaintiff, who had attended the court, and thereby been put to expense in addition to the court fees. His Honour said it ought to be a caution to defendants in actions not to delay to pay money into court until the last moment. His judgment would be that the money be paid in a week, together with the costs.

Thursday 4 July 1878
Wild Strawberries. - Two very large hedge strawberries, each measuring 1 ½ inch round, were gathered by MASTER W. E. SAUNDERS (one of the day pupils of MR J. J. R. HOWARD, of this village) near the hamlet of Hembow, on Thursday last; and another of the same size was gathered near the spot by MASTER W. BOUCHER, of the Rolle Arms Inn, on Sunday last.

Thursday 11 July 1878
Southmolton. County Justices' Petty Sessions.
Using A Carriage Without Licence. - SAMUEL SMALLRIDGE, of Chittlehampton, farmer, was summoned by Mr Galway, supervisor of excise, for using, on the 13th May last, a carriage without a licence, whereby he had rendered himself liable to a fine of £20. Defendant pleaded guilty, but that he was quite ignorant he was liable. The bench reduced the fine to one fourth, and recommended a further reduction of the fine to £2 10s.
Application in Bastardy. - Sarah Jane Hulland, of Kingsnympton, summoned WILLIAM LEWIS, of Chittlehamholt, to shew cause, &c. - Mr J. T. Shapland appeared for complainant and Mr J. A. Thorne, of Barnstaple, for defendant. Mr Shapland applied for an adjournment of the case, in consequence of the non-attendance of a material witness, who had promised to come but had not. Mr Thorne objected to the adjournment, as the last time he appeared in that Court was to meet a similar application made by Mr Shapland. The Bench decided to grant Mr Shapland's application on payment of the costs of defendant's solicitor for his attendance. This he declined to do, when the case was dismissed.

Thursday 25 July 1878
A report was read from Water-Bailiff Clarke of an infringement of the weekly close season on Saturday, the 13th inst., at Clapworthy Mill, Chittlehampton, by GEORGE POPE, the occupier, HENRY POPE, his son, SUSAN POPE, his daughter, EDWARD RIDD, his miller, and GEORGE SANDERS, his waggoner; and it was resolved that Mr L. Bencraft should be instructed to prosecute them. The occupier of the mill, the Chairman said, had been once fined in the penalty of £40 for an offence of a similar nature.

Thursday 1 August 1878
DEATH - July 26, at Bray Mill, Chittlehampton, MRS MARY FOLLETT, aged 91.

Thursday 15 August 1878
Heavy Penalties For Salmon Poaching At Chittlehampton. - GEORGE POPE, occupier of Clapworthy Mill, in the parish of Chittlehampton, was summoned at the instance of the Fishery Conservators for the Rivers Taw and Torridge (1) for that he, on the 13th July, did place or use, on the premises in his occupation, a fixed engine (or grating) for catching or facilitating the catching of salmon, or detaining or obstructing the free passage of salmon, such engine not being lawfully in use in 1857, 1858, 1859, 1860, or 1861; (2) for that he, at the same time and place, did fish for salmon other than with rod and line in the weekly close season, to wit, at 7.30 a.m. on the day named; and (3) for that he, with HENRY POPE, his son, and EDWARD BIRD, his miller (who were summoned conjointly with him), on the same occasion attempted to take or kill salmon by means other than a properly licensed fishing weir, fishing mill dam, fixed engine, instrument, net or device, for catching or facilitating the catching of salmon. HENRY POPE, SUSAN POPE, EDWARD BIRD, and GEORGE SANDERS (the waggoner at the Mill) were summoned for having aided and abetted GEORGE POPE in the commission of offence No. 2.
Long article regarding evidence, ending:-
The Bench having consulted, the Chairman said they held the defendant GEORGE POPE to be guilty upon each of the charges against him except the first, upon which they at present expressed no opinion. They also considered the cases against all the other defendants proved, with the single exception of SUSAN POPE, who was discharged. For fishing for salmon with other than rod and line in the weekly close time, GEORGE POPE was fined the full penalty of £5 and costs; for fishing other than with licensed means he must pay another penalty of the same amount; and HENRY POPE and EDWARD BIRD £1 each with costs; and for aiding and abetting, HENRY POPE, BIRD and SANDERS were fined £1 each, also with expenses.

Thursday 22 August 1878
MARRIAGE - Aug. 15, at Chittlehampton, by the Rev. R. E. Trefusis, MR SAMUEL VICKERY, to MISS MARY BURGESS.

Thursday 12 September 1878
DEATH - Sep. 11, at Fullabrook, Chittlehampton, PENELOPE HANNAH, infant daughter of WILLIAM and ANNE DYER, aged 14 months.

Thursday 19 September 1878
BIRTH - Sept. 17, at the New Inn, Chittlehampton, the wife of MR W. TAYLOR, of a daughter.

Thursday 26 September 1878
DEATH - Sept. 20, at Yeo Farm, Chittlehampton, the fifth son of MR THOS. MURCH, aged 10.

Thursday 10 October 1878
MR SKINNER, of Cleave Farm, in this parish, last week lost a valuable horse, worth £40, by lock jaw caused by a nail having entered the foot of the animal.

Thursday 24 October 1878
Southmolton. County Justices' Petty Sessions.
JAMES LOCK, of Chittlehampton, and Thomas Acland, of Goodleigh, were summoned by John Blackmore, keeper to Earl Fortescue, for trespassing on lands occupied by MR HUXHAM, in Chittlehampton, in search and pursuit of game and conies, on the 14th September last. Mr J. T. Shapland appeared for defendant LOCK and took an objection to the form of summons, which the Bench overruled. The case was proved by Blackmore, who deposed to watching three traps set in runs, and that defendants came together and took a rabbit out of one of them which had been caught in it. Defendants were fined £1 each and costs, which they paid. The same defendants were then charged with using the traps unlawfully for the purpose of taking game. Blackmore deposed that the gins were undoubtedly set in game runs, and hares and pheasants abounded in the neighbourhood. For this offence defendants were fined 5s. each and costs. The amounts were paid.
HENRY HOOPER, of Chittlehampton, farm servant, was summoned by Eli Harding, keeper, for committing two similar offences there on lands occupied by MR GARD. Defendant pleaded guilty and was fined 5s. in each case with costs. The amounts were paid.

Thursday 21 November 1878
BIRTH - Nov. 15, at Eastacott Farm, Chittlehampton, the wife of MR SAMUEL CROCKER, of a daughter.
BIRTH - Nov. 13, at the Curacy, Chittlehampton, the wife of the REV. C. HANKEY, of a daughter.

Thursday 2 January 1879
MARRIAGE - Dec. 31, at the Parish Church, Southmolton, MR WILLIAM SMOLDEN, of Chittlehampton, to Miss Ellen R. Fewings, of Meethe, Southmolton.

Thursday 9 January 1879
DEATH - Dec. 25, at Chittlehampton, MRS MARY CHAPPLE, aged 90.

Thursday 16 January 1879
Southmolton. County Justices' Petty Sessions.
Affiliation. MARY JANE TAYLOR, of Chittlehampton, summoned John Taylor, of Swymbridge, to shew cause why he should not contribute to the maintenance of her illegitimate child, of which he was the father. Mr J. A. Thorne appeared for defendant. From the evidence of the complainant it appeared they had lived in service together, but that defendant was now a sailor. Complainant's evidence was sufficiently corroborated. Mr Thorne stated that his client was a boy 16 years of age, and was now earning only 6d. a week. A Mrs Mary Prescott gave corroborative evidence. The Bench made an order of 1s. 6d. a week and the usual costs, amounting to £1 and thought complainant's conduct highly reprehensible.

Thursday 6 February 1879
MARRIAGE - Feb. 4, at Chittlehampton, by the Rev. R. E. Trefusis, vicar, MR JOHN GREENSLADE, cattle dealer, of Collacott Barton, to MISS ELIZABETH, only daughter of MR ROBERT AYRE BUCKINGHAM, of Chittlehampton.
Chittlehampton. - Our usually quiet village was the scene of great rejoicing on the 4th inst., on the occasion of the marriage of MR J. GREENSLADE, cattle dealer, of Collacott Barton, in this parish, to MISS BUCKINGHAM, only daughter of MR ROBERT AYRE BUCKINGHAM, of this village, whose excellent and amiable qualities have won for her the high esteem of all who know her, and much will she be missed here. The ringers announced the approaching ceremony by merry peals, and the bridal party began to assemble in the church shortly before eleven. The first carriage, containing the bridegroom and MR J. HARTNOLL, of Lerwell, arrived at a quarter to eleven, and entered the sacred edifice to await the arrival of the bride. In the second carriage with Mr and Mrs Manning of Stone Farm, Southmolton, and Mr and Mrs T. Stone, of Stone Cross, Swimbridge. The third carriage contained the bride, accompanied by her uncle, MR THOMAS HARTNOLL, late of New House, MISS EMMA and MR EDWIN GREENSLADE, the brother and sister of the bridegroom, who entered the church, the bride leaning on the arm of her uncle, who also gave her away. The service, which was partly choral, was conducted by the vicar, the Rev. R. E. Trefusis, who at the conclusion, instead of reading the last part of the service, gave a very touching address to the bridal pair, which was listened to by the numerous company with deep attention. The 251st hymn, from Hymns Ancient and Modern, was the one selected for the occasion. After the usual ceremony of signing the marriage register, the company left the church for Lerwell, the birthplace of the bride, now the residence of MR HARTNOLL, where a splendid breakfast had been provided for the invited guests. The bride and bridegroom left early for their new home at Newport, amidst a plentiful salutation of old slippers, rice, and flowers, and many are the hearty wishes of all here that they may be happy and prosperous.

Thursday 20 February 1879
DEATH - Feb. 6, at Black Mantle, Chittlehampton, MRS SARAH BREALEY, aged 81.

Thursday 1 May 1879
Religious Instruction in Elementary Schools. On Saturday afternoon last, the clergy of this rural deanery and others met at the Assembly Rooms at the George Hotel to distribute the prizes for religious instruction to the pupil teachers of the several elementary schools in the deanery.
For the year 1877 - Third Class, 10s. each and certificate - JAMES HOLLOWAY (Chittlehampton), JOHN TUCKER (Chittlehampton).

Thursday 8 May 1879
Southmolton Borough Justices' Petty Sessions. - THOMAS WESTACOTT, of Chittlehampton, labourer, was brought up in custody, charged with being drunk and disorderly in the streets on SAturday last. Defendant pleaded guilty, and said he was sorry for it, and hoped the Bench would deal leniently with him. Supt. Wood said it appeared defendant's wife had been unfaithful to him, and he was told she was at Barnstaple, but instead of going there he went into the Barnstaple Inn, and began to kick up a row, when he was taken into custody, and had been locked up since Saturday night. He was fined 2s. 6d., with 7s. 6d. costs, which were paid.

Thursday 22 May 1879
A Curiosity. - On Thursday last, as MR W. BREAYLEY, saddler and harness-maker, of this village, was visiting a meadow near Townsend, owned by his mother, MRS BREAYLEY, of Ash, and removing the sucker for repairs from the pump in the field for the watering of the cattle, discovered something of a round appearance on the top of the same, and on opening it found a dormouse very comfortably asleep in its nest.
BIRTH - May 9, at Brimley, Chittlehampton, the wife of MR SAMUEL VICKERY, of a son.
BIRTH - May 20, at Biddacott, Chittlehampton, the wife of MR WM. WATTS, of a daughter.

Thursday 29 May 1879
DEATH - May 27, at Chittlehampton Village, from bronchitis, PERCY WILLIAM, youngest son of MR J. J. R. HOWARD, schoolmaster and grocer, aged 1 year and 7 months.

Thursday 12 June 1879
Chittlehampton. Ripe Strawberries. - On Monday last some very fine ripe strawberries were gathered by MASTER P. GUARD and MASTER ALBERT MURCH, two of the pupils of MR J. J. R. HOWARD'S Middle Class School, of this village, near Moor Farm and Water Gate.

Thursday 19 June 1879
Barnstaple. Borough Magistrates' Petty Sessions, Guildhall, Thursday June 12th.
MR WM. HUXHAM, of Chittlehampton, farmer, was charged on the information of the Police with an offence against the bye-laws by leaving his waggon in Boutport-street, on the 6th inst., a longer time than was necessary to the loading or unloading thereof. The charge was proved by P.S. Eddy, who deposed that he saw the defendant's waggon outside the Railway Hotel for several hours on the market-day in question, when it was neither being loaded nor unloaded. Defendant did not deny the fact, but pleaded ignorance, and said he thought he ought to have been cautioned before being summoned. The Superintendent said the ostlers at all the market-houses had been repeatedly cautioned on the subject. Fined 1s. and expenses.
Southmolton. County Justices' Petty Sessions, Monday June 16th.
JOHN WALDRON, of Chittlehampton, was fined 5s. and costs, for being drunk there, on the 3rd June last. Defendant pleaded guilty and the amount was paid.
Offences Against The Highway Act. - WM. ELLACOTT, of Chittlehampton, was summoned by Superintendent Wood for leaving his horses and a wagon in the road there, outside the New Inn, for half an hour, so as to obstruct the free passage of the highway, while defendant was in the inn drinking. Defendant pleaded guilty, and was fined 10s. and costs, which were paid. The Bench said they considered this an extremely dangerous practice, and a second office, by defendant, would be visited with a heavier penalty.

Thursday 3 July 1879
BIRTH - June 26, at Chittlehampton village, the wife of MR J. B. BURGESS, butcher, of a son.
BIRTH - June 28, at South Newton Farm, Chittlehampton, the wife of MR TUCKER, of a daughter.

Thursday 31 July 1879
MARRIAGE - July 23, at Chittlehampton, by the Rev. R. E. Trefusis, JOHN REW, of Castle Hill, to Amelia, third daughter of George French, confectioner, Barnstaple.

Thursday 14 August 1879
Southmolton. County Justices' Petty Sessions.
Application In Bastardy. - Harriet Liverton, of Charles, summoned WILLIAM HOLLAND, of Chittlehampton, to shew cause why he should not contribute towards the maintenance of her illegitimate child, of which he was the father. The Bench made an order of 1s. a week, with usual costs.
The Career Of A Mad Dog. - On Saturday last, a dog, evidently in a rabid state, passed through Chittlehampton, near Southmolton, where it bit a child named FORD severely in the lip, so much so that it had to be sewn up with five stitches. From this place the dog went on to Warkleigh Rectory, in an adjoining parish, where the children of the servant of the rector, the Rev. W. Thorold, named Somerville, were at play near their house. Here it bit one of these children. From thence it went on to Chittlehamholt, a hamlet in the former parish, and bit another child, named SOWDEN. These children were at once taken to medical men, and had their wounds cauterised. From Chittlehamholt the animal went to a farm named Snydles, occupied by Mr Webber, and bit another dog, which has since been shot, and a pig, which is now confined indoors. It is supposed also to have bitten a dog belonging to MR MILDON, of Butts Farm. It was, however, ultimately shot by MR MANNING, of Head Mills, in Chittlehampton. The justices of the Southmolton division having had these circumstances brought to their notice at a Petty Sessions held on Tuesday, ordered their clerk to call a special meeting for next Monday, with a view to putting in force the provisions of the dogs Act, 1871.

Thursday 28 August 1879
BIRTH - At Rack Mead Terrace, Chittlehampton, the wife of MR JAMES BEER, of a daughter.
MARRIAGE - Aug. 25, at the Parish Church, Chittlehampton, by the Rev. W. P. Insley, vicar of Christ Church, Watney-street, London, Mr Charles Goodwin, to SARAH, daughter of MR W. CONGRAM, shoemaker, of Chittlehampton.

Thursday 11 September 1879
BIRTH - Sept. 8 at Chittlehampton Village, the wife of MR H. C. WATTS, manure and seed merchant, of a son.
DEATH - Sept. 8, at Hoe Hamlet, near Umberleigh Station, FAITH ASHELFORD, aged 93, the oldest inhabitant of the parish of Chittlehampton.
DEATH - Sept. 2, at Chittlehampton village, from hydrophobia, LEAH, the second daughter of MR JAMES FORD.

Thursday 2 October 1879
BIRTH - Sept. 12, at Chittlehampton, the wife of MR ARTHUR BURGESS, of a son.
MARRIAGE - Sept. 25, at St. George's, Hanover Square, by the Rev. - Payne, JOHN MORRIS HARTNOLL, of Chittlehampton, Southmolton, to Annie, daughter of Jonathan Andrews, Esq., of Woodbridge, Suffolk. No cards.
Southmolton. County Magistrates' Petty Sessions.
A Woman Assaulting A Man. - CHARLOTTE GALLIFORD, a married woman, was summoned for an assault on WM. COX, at Chittlehampton, on the 8th ult. Complainant deposed that he was hoeing turnips in a field when he heard someone "searing terrible." It was the defendant, who, having threatened to knock out his ---- brains, took up a handful of stones and gravel and threw at him. The missiles missed him and struck his son. The son corroborated. Defendant denied that she so much as had a stone in her hand ,and said the complainant's conduct "rose her temper," and that he called her "undacent names." The Bench fined her 1s., but made no order as to costs, which had to be paid by complainant.
In Liquidation. Langwell's Farm, Chittlehamholt, Chittlehampton. - Mr J. Blackford has been instructed by the Trustee, Mr R. Southcott, to Sell by Auction, at the above-named Farm, on Tuesday, the 7th day of October next, the undermentioned Effects of MR GEORGE WARREN, namely - 10 Bullocks, 4 Horses, 1 Sow, the Produce of 19 Acres of Wheat, 20 ditto of Barley and Oats, 2 Ricks of Hay, 14 Acres of Turnips, 3 ditto of Mangold, 3 ½ Acres of Potatoes, the Apples in 5 Orchards, the usual Farm Implements, and the whole of the Household Furniture. Sale to commence at Two o'clock p.m. prompt. No reserve.

Thursday 16 October 1879
DEATH - Oct. 3, at MR JOHN LOCK'S, carpenter, Chittlehampton Village, MISS JANE JOCE, late of Shilston Barton, aged 76.

Thursday 23 October 1879
Devon Michaelmas Sessions. - Daring Housebreaking and Robberies. - Benjamin Gedge, alias Chas Allen, 23, labourer, pleaded guilty housebreaking, and stealing a watch chain with two silver coins attached and a necktie, the property of Henry Knight, at Kingsnympton; and to housebreaking and stealing 14s. 11 ½d. , a pocket knife, and a pair of solitaire sleeve-links, the property of WM. TAYLOR, at Chittlehampton. Mr Pitt-Lewis appeared on behalf of the prosecution; and, as the prisoner had pleaded guilty to two indictments, he offered no evidence in support of a third for a similar offence. The prisoner also admitted a previous conviction for housebreaking and robbery from the Manchester, Sheffield and Lincolnshire Railway Company. For the first offence he was sentenced to a week's imprisonment, with hard labour and for the second a term of five years' penal servitude, and a further period of five years' police supervision.

Thursday 30 October 1879
Ripe Strawberries - Three very fine hedge strawberries were gathered by MISS E. WONNACOTT, of the Chapel House, Blakewell, in Little Blakewell Lane, on the 11th inst. They were shewn to many persons, and were as fine and ripe as any that had been gathered during the past summer.

Thursday 6 November 1879
BIRTH - Oct. 30, at Slade Farm, Chittlehampton, the wife of MR SAMUEL SMALLRIDGE, of a daughter.
DEATH - Oct. 18, at Margate, Prince Edward Island, North America, CHRISTIAN RENDLE, widow of the late W. B. TUPLIN, Esq., formerly of Chittlehampton, Devon, aged 85 - a member of the Wesleyans for fifty years.

Thursday 20 November 1879
Southmolton. County Justices' Petty Sessions, Monday, Nov. 17th.
Master And Servant. - WILLIAM COCKS, of Chittlehampton, labourer, sued JOHN TUCKER and CHARLOTTE, his wife, of Chittlehampton, for 10s. wages due to his daughter, ANN COCKS. Complainant and his daughter deposed that they agreed with MRS TUCKER for the latter to be her servant at 2s. 6d. a week, and in the event of either party wishing to put an end to the agreement they were to give a month's notice. Defendant's wife alleged that there was no agreement as to a month's notice, that the complainant refused to do some work she told her, and she gave her a week's notice, and paid all wages due up to that time. In reply to the Bench, COCKS said he sued for the month's wages 10s., as no notice whatever had been given. After consideration the Bench ordered the amount sued for to be paid, with costs, which altogether amounted to £1 0s. 6d. The amount was paid.
DEATH - Nov. 16, at Queen-street, in this town, MR HENRY BAKER, formerly of Chittlehamholt, AGED 68.

Thursday 18 December 1879
DEATH - Dec. 13, at Bratton, Chittlehampton, ELIZABETH, relict of the late WM. GRADDON, aged 68.
Ripe Blackberries. - There is to be seen at Newbuildings, near this village, a bush of ripe blackberries, in the shop of MR J. BRADFORD, carpenter and cooper. The bramble grew from the hedge between the boards of the back window, and on it can be seen at least nearly 30 ripe berries, besides many others in a forward state.
Southmolton. County Justices' Petty Sessions, Monday Dec. 15th.
Affiliation Case. - ELIZABETH SELDON, of Chittlehampton, summoned BENJAMIN WONNACOTT, of the same place, farm servant to show cause why he should not contribute to the support of her illegitimate child, of which he was the father. Mr R. Louis Riccard appeared for the complainant and Mr A. E. Shapland for defendant. Applicant admitted having given birth to two illegitimate children previous to this one. The Bench made an order of 1s. a week only and 17s costs.

Thursday 25 December 1879
Chittlehampton. - A viper was killed near the Umberleigh Station in the early part of the past week by one of the packers on the line named NEWCOMB. It was very strong, and made an attempt to jump at him. He discovered the reptile by its usual hissing, and he first thought it to be a weak bee, but on examining soon found it out to be a viper.
Early Lambing. - An ewe, the property of MR JOHN WARREN, of Cobbaton, near this village, had two lambs on Sunday the 21st inst., the first we have heard of in our neighbourhood.

Thursday 1 January 1880
MARRIAGE - December 23, at the parish Church, Chittlehampton, by the Rev W E Cox, curate, MR WM. WONNACOTT, of H.M.S. Cambridge, to MISS JESSIE HOLLAND, of that village, both being natives of the parish.

Thursday 15 January 1880
Non-Maintenance of Relations
WM. DAVEY, of Bideford, was summoned by the Guardians of the Southmolton Union, for not contributing to the maintenance of his parents, WILLIAM DAVEY and ANN his wife, of Chittlehampton, who were receiving relief from the common fund of the Union. Mr R Louis Riccard appeared for the Guardians. Defendant alleged that he was unable to contribute. Mr Babbage, assistant relieving officer, proved that defendant was earning £10 a year in addition to board and lodgings, and was in the service of Mr Trapnell, of Bideford. After considering the case, the justices made an order for 1s. a week, and £1 2s. costs.

Thursday 12 February 1880
Fire - This village was the scene of great excitement on Monday evening last on the cry of “Fire!” It appears that a chimney which was very foul had caught fire at Blackmantle, a hamlet about a quarter of a mile from the village. It raged very furiously and the adjoining cottages were in great peril, the wind being in the right direction to carry the masses of burning soot which escaped from the chimney right on to them, and but for the previous rain the whole block must have fallen a prey to the devouring element. The alarm was raised about seven, and the secretary of the fire brigade, MR W. CHAPPLE, at once gave orders for the fire engine, which was promptly on the scene, but fortunately their services were not needed, as the danger did not extend further. MR PALMER, on arriving, at once ordered the ladders from the yard, and the fire was extinguished before nine. Too much praise cannot be bestowed on MR PALMER for his kindness, and the secretary for his characteristic promptitude, and the brigade for their diligence in attending, and many were the thanks given by the owners and occupiers for the kindness shown, not only by the above mentioned but the public at large.

Thursday 19 February 1880
DEATH - February 11, at Hoe Farm, Chittlehampton, MR T. MURCH, aged 56.

Thursday 26 February 1880
Burglary - A daring burglary was perpetrated on Monday night, 23rd inst., at our Post-office, and property to the amount of nearly £7 carried off. The principal articles taken are a best clack overcoat of diagonal cloth, lined with a large green pattern plaid; a silver watch, with name engraved, and last cleaned by Mr Bickell, of Southmolton; and 12s. worth of stamps of various kinds, 10s. worth of which were in one sheet. It was fortunate that the cupboard escaped the observation of the burglars, or the loss would have been serious. The premises were entered from the back, over a wall, whence the descent was made to the small garden, then a pane of glass was taken out, and the window unfastened, and after carefully removing the plants they then got into the premises through the back-kitchen. The search seems to have been made by means of matches, a quantity of ends burnt very close being strewn on the floor. The robbery was discovered by MRS GRILLS, MR PEDLER'S (the postmaster’s) sister in law, who found the doors at the back wide open, and the place in the utmost confusion. It is to be hoped that the burglars may be captured and brought to justice, especially as several daring burglaries have lately been committed in other parts of North Devon. A man who was suspected of the crime was traced to Barnstaple, and was about to be apprehended there when, seeing two members of the borough police force approaching, he made off at the top of his speed and succeeded in effecting his escape, for the time being, at least.

Thursday 11 March 1880
MARRIAGE - March 1, at Chittlehamholt, MR R. H. VICKERY, of Chittlehampton, to MISS ANNE REED, of Chittlehamholt.
DEATH - March 2, at Shilston Farm, Chittlehampton, MR JOHN ASHTON, aged 71.

Thursday 25 March 1880
DEATH - March 12, at Fresbury Farm, Chittlehamholt, ROBERT, youngest son of GEORGE HARRIS, aged 14 months.

Thursday 1 April 1880
MARRIAGE - March 18, at Winkleigh, MR JAMES MANNING, of Head Mills, Chittlehampton, to Miss Elizabeth Underhill, of Week House Farm, Winkleigh.
DEATH - March 30, at Chittlehampton Village, MR ROBERT AYRE BUCKINGHAM, retired yeoman, aged 68. Much respected and deeply regretted.
DEATH - March 30, at Great Whitstone, Chittlehampton, MRS HUXHAM, the wife of MR THOMAS HUXHAM cattle dealer, aged 77.

Thursday 15 April 1880
Highway Robbery. - On Saturday night last, a young man named BLACKMORE, living at Chittlehampton, on his road home from market was way-laid and his watch stolen from him, in Nadder-lane, about half a mile from this town. The thief took the horse which BLACKMORE was riding, rode it on for two or three miles, and left it. Suspicion falls on a man of Chittlehampton, against whom a search warrant has been granted.

Thursday 22 April 1880
Highway Robbery - On Thursday last, before J Galliford, Esq., Mayor, and Dr Hatherly, borough justices, WILLIAM LUGG, of Chittlehampton, mason, was brought up in custody, charged with stealing from the person, on the 10th April last, a silver watch, with a steel and leather chain attached thereto, valued at 40s., the property of JOSEPH BLACKMORE, under the following circumstances. JOSEPH BLACKMORE, the prosecutor, deposed that he was an assistant gamekeeper, and lived at the Temple, in the parish of Chittlehampton. On Saturday night last he was in Southmolton, and left about 10 o’clock at night to go home. He went down Nadder Lane on his way home. He had a horse, but led it by the bridle; and while walking along just below Mr Crosse’s house, he fell, but whether he was pushed down or not he did not know. He was in liquor, and had had too much. While he was on the ground he felt someone come to his waistcoat pocket and take out his watch. He lay where he fell for some time, and then got up and walked down the road, but had lost his horse. His watch was in his left-hand waistcoat pocket and attached to his button hole. He saw no one until he got to the turnpike-gate house, where he went in. He also missed a small gun cap box containing snuff. He told the man at the gate what had happened, and then went homewards. The value of the watch was 40s. William Westacott deposed: I live at the Nadder Lane gate. About 10 or half-past 10 on Saturday night, I let a horse through my gate. There was a man on it. I knew the horse, and that toll had been paid for it. It was not BLACKMORE'S son who was on the horse, but another man I don’t know. He wished me good night, and that was all he said. Just about twelve o’clock the same night the prosecutor rattled at my door. I went down and let him in. He had no hat, and was wet, as if he had been lying in the hedge. He told me of his loss, and went home in about a quarter of an hour. Sergeant James Hobbs deposed that from enquiries he made he had a search warrant put into his hands, and on Tuesday proceeded to Chittlehampton, in company with P.C. Clements, to execute it. Saw prisoner in the Square there, and said to him, “LUGG, come over the road to me.” Went with him towards his house, and said “You were in to Southmolton on Saturday.” He said, “I was, and saw a man in the road helplessly drunk, as I was coming home. He would have been killed if it hadn’t been for me. I have got something that belongs to him, and I was going to take it back to-morrow morning to him.” Witness said, “Where is this article?” He then went up the road, and said, “I knew it was BLACKMORE'S watch, because his name was inside.” Witness had not up to this time mentioned the watch. He took them to a linhay in one corner of a field occupied by THOMAS BRAYLEY, of Ash Farm, when the prisoner took out from the thatch the watch produced wrapped up in the handkerchief produced. He said, “This is it.” There was no name of BLACKMORE on it. Prisoner had a box containing snuff, and the next morning witness went to the cell and asked him for it, when he said he had broken it up and thrown it down the closet, but in his rule-pocket witness found a piece of box (produced). This was all the evidence. Prisoner elected to be tried by the justices, but pleaded not guilty, and said he took the watch and chain and box to give it back to prosecutor again, as he was helplessly drunk. He found all the articles on the road. He put BLACKMORE into the hedge-trough out of harm’s way, he was so drunk, and took his horse, and put it up Townhouse lane the way to the Temple, where he lived. He had not had an opportunity of going to BLACKMORE'S with the watch since, but he had intended to do so. The Bench fined prisoner 40s. and costs, £1 0s. 6d., and severely reprimanded him. They also reprimanded BLACKMORE for his conduct, and ordered him to be summoned for drunkenness at the next petty session.

Thursday 29 April 1880
Death of a Child by Scalding
An accident which proved fatal happened on Wednesday in last week to a little child one year and seven months old, called FREDERICK WILLIAM FORD, son of JOHN FORD, of this parish, labourer. The child’s mother was kneading a pan of flour in the kitchen, where he was playing about with other children. A little girl named MARY ANN FRIEND, a niece of the mother, was getting some hot water to wash up the dinner things, and left a pan with hot water in it before the fire, while she carried a pitcher from which she had emptied some water into the kettle on the fire to a back-house. She had hardly turned her back when the mother heard her child scream, and on looking round saw that he had upset the pan of water and had thrown much of its contents over himself. She instantly took him up, and found him a good deal scalded about the bowels and elsewhere. She sent for a neighbour, and got turpentine and linseed oil to apply to the scalds; and as the child was not better she sent next day for Mr Harper, surgeon, from Barnstaple, who came and examined the child, and said the scalds were in very dangerous parts. He applied oils, and also left some to be applied every four hours, which was done. Mr Harper came again to see the child, as did Mr Jackson on Saturday night, when he said he was weaker, and he died the next morning. An inquest was held on Monday before John Henry Toller, Esq., one of the coroners for the county, when a verdict was returned of “Accidental Death”.

Thursday 6 May 1880
Borough Justices’ Petty Sessions
Drunkenness - JOSEPH BLACKMORE, of Chittlehampton, was summoned by Supt. Wood for having been found drunk in a highway in the Borough on the 10th April last. Out of this case arose a case of felony which was heard before the Bench on the 16th ult., when a man named Lugg was charged with stealing a watch, the property of defendant. Defendant was now fined 5s. and costs, which were paid.
DEATH - April 26, at Leary Farm, Chittlehampton, suddenly, MRS. SLAPE.

Thursday 13 May 1880
A Bold Thief - On the 24th of February last, a man named WILLIAM WESTACOTT, a native of this place, broke into the house of MR PEDLER, the village postmaster, between midnight and six o’clock the next morning, and stole a silver watch, a great coat, and 13s. worth of postage and receipt stamps, and decamped therewith. There was, however, a large sum of money in a cupboard behind one of the doors which he opened, but when the door was open this cupboard could not be seen. The thief was traced to Barnstaple the next day, where he was “spotted” by the police, but he managed to get away. The usual advertisements were put in the ‘Police Gazette,’ &c., but no clue to his whereabouts has been heard of until last Thursday night. At that time there were depasturing in a field belonging to the Rector of Chittlehampton, the Rev R E Trefusis, 12 sheep and 16 lambs, the property of two men doing business in a small way, named WM. CONGRAM and JOHN ELLACOTT. These sheep were safe about seven o’clock on Thursday evening, but at six o’clock next morning they were found to have disappeared. They were traced from the field to the Clapworthy Mill toll-gate, on to the Southmolton road station, and it was found that the man in charge of them stated that they were bound for the Exeter market. On the road, however, he met with some customers for his sheep and lambs in the persons of Mr Greenslade, Mr Wadland, and Mr Harris, to whom he sold all the sheep except one ewe and three lambs, and instead of running the risk of taking these to Exeter market he preferred to leave them with Mr Harris, of the Fortescue Arms, Southmolton road, saying that he was going to Exeter and should be back the next day, when he would call for them. The man remained at the station until about the midday train on Thursday. Just before the train started Police-sergeant Nott, of Chulmleigh, arrived, and, being informed of the sale of the sheep and lambs, began to make enquiries for the man, suspecting that the sheep were stolen. He had only just got time, however, to be shewn the man in the carriage as the train started off. After some little time he recognised the man as WESTACOTT who had broken into the Chittlehampton post office in February, but the bird had flown, and there was no one with whom he could immediately communicate to stop the flight. The owners of the sheep subsequently came and identified their missing property, and having found them in the possession of the men to whom WESTACOTT had sold them, they took possession and obtained a warrant for WESTACOTT''S apprehension; but up to the present time he has not been traced.

Thursday 10 June 1880
Police News - WM. ARTHUR BRADFORD, a native of Chittlehampton, was brought up on Tuesday last before Dr Hatherly, charged with stealing, about two years ago, a quantity of timber, the property of J Froude-Bellew, Esq., of East Anstey, and with breaking out of the lock-up at Knowstone, where he was temporarily incarcerated. On the application of Supt. Wood, prisoner was remanded until Monday next.

Thursday 17 June 1880
County Justices’ Petty Sessions, Southmolton
Stealing Timber, and Prison Breaking. - WILLIAM ARTHUR BRADFORD, a native of Chittlehampton, and formerly of East Anstey, was brought up in custody and charged with stealing a piece of oak timber, valued at 10s., the property of J Froude Bellew, Esq., on the 3rd September, 1877, at East Anstey. Prisoner was also charged with breaking out of the temporary lock-up at Knowstone on the 9th of September, 1877, where he was lawfully confined on a charge of supposed felony. It appeared that prisoner had made himself scarce since the offences were committed, having left the neighbourhood and not put in an appearance until the other day, when he was apprehended by P.C. Bolt. The Bench committed prisoner for trial on both charges at the next Quarter Sessions for the County.

Thursday 8 July 1880
BIRTH - July 6, at Chittlehampton Village, the wife of MR WM. WESTACOTT, of a daughter.
MARRIAGE - June 29, at the Independent Chapel, Southmolton, MR W. H. MURCH, to MISS SELINA HOWARD, both of Chittlehampton.
DEATH - July 4, at West Woodland, Fremington, MRS REBECCA GUARD, relict of the late PHILIP GUARD, of Nethercleave, Chittlehampton, aged 83.

Thursday 15 July 1880
County Justices’ Petty Sessions
Stray Cows - GEORGE STARK, of Chittlehampton, farmer, was summoned by Supt. Wood for allowing two cows to stray on the highway, on the 22nd June last. Defendant’s wife appeared and said her husband was summoned through spite. P.C. Rouse proved the case, and defendant was fined 2s., and costs, 9s.
Fish Poaching
JOSEPH TURNER of Chittlehampton, was summoned for unlawfully taking fish in private waters, the property of the Hon Mark Rolle, at Chittlehampton, 23rd May last. Defendant’s wife appeared for him. John Hooper, keeper, deposed that on the night in question, on going along by the River Taw, adjoining Mr Rolle’s property, he saw a quantity of night lines had been set. In company with another man he watched them. Early in the morning he saw the defendant come along and take up several which had some trout caught. Defendant was accompanied by his son. Upon getting to them the son threw a bag containing trout into the water, and he took several lines from defendant and others that he found set. The bag was taken out of the river again by the man in his company, and it then contained trout. Defendant was fined £1, and costs, 13s. The wife paid 18s. On account of the fine, &c., and asked to be allowed a fortnight to pay the remainder. This was granted, and in default of payment defendant was ordered to be committed for 14 days.
DEATH - June 24, at 52 Farm-lane, Walham Green, Fulham, London, MR JOHN RENDLE, builder, a native of Chittlehampton, aged 59. Beloved and respected.
BIRTH - At The Square, Chittlehampton Village, the wife of MR RD. MAYNE, of a son (stillborn).
BIRTH - At Rack Mead Terrace, Chittlehampton Village, the wife of MR WM. GARDINER, of a son.

Thursday 30 September 1880
County Justices’ Petty Sessions
Education Act Offences. - WILLIAM GALLWORTHY of Chittlehampton, and JOSEPH TURNER of Chittlehamholt were summoned by the School Attendance Officer, for not sending their children to school. The Bench made an order for the each child to be sent to the village school, but ordered no costs to be paid by the defendants.

Thursday 21 October 1880
Southmolton - County Justices’ Petty Sessions
THOMAS ISAAC, a labourer, of Chittlehampton, was summoned for trespassing on land in the occupation of Mr Richard Balsman in search of conies, on the 7th of October. Defendant said he was not in search of conies. He was fined 5s., and the expenses.

Thursday 18 November 1880
Southmolton - County Justices’ Petty Sessions
Drunkenness - WALTER COX, junr., of Chittlehampton, was summoned by Supt. Wood, for having been found drunk on the highway on the 7th November inst. Defendant pleaded guilty, and was fined 2s. 6d. and costs.
JOHN WALDRON, of Chittlehampton, pleaded guilty to being drunk and disorderly on the 7th November inst., and it being a second offence he was fined 10s. and costs 8s.
ELI PICKARD, of Chittlehampton, was charged with maliciously wounding a mare, the property of Mr Loosemore, of Roseash, thereby doing injury to the amount of £5. Mr Thorne appeared for defendant, and admitted that his client had committed damage for which he was prepared to make reparation. The case was ultimately settled out of Court, the defendant paying £3 and costs.

Thursday 23 December 1880
Sudden Death of a Child - On Monday an inquest was held at Chittlehampton, by J H Toller, Esq., county coroner, on the body of LUCY ANN FAULKNER, aged seven months (the daughter of a labourer living at Leary) who had died suddenly. The case was a somewhat singular one, inasmuch as two of the witnesses, Elizabeth Leworthy and Jane Bussell, stated that although they had no charge of ill-treatment or negligence to prefer against the mother, the deceased was in their opinion kept unnecessarily long without food. It was explained by other witnesses, however, that the deceased had frequently refused to take food when offered it. After hearing the evidence of Mr Hind, surgeon, who described the child as a puny one, the jury returned a verdict of “Death from natural causes.”
Southmolton County Justice’s Petty Sessions
Disobeying School Attendance Orders.
JOSEPH TURNER, of Chittlehampton, labourer, was summoned for neglecting to obey an order of the Justices with regard to his daughter MARY. The defendant did not appear, but the case was proved by Mr Babbage, School Attendance Officer, and defendant was fined 5s. including costs, and on default of payment a distress warrant to issue.
Orders were made on JOHN ISAAC, of Chittlehampton, for the attendance of SAMUEL at the parochial School.

Thursday 30 December 1880
Death of a North Devon Man.
Dear Sir, - I take the liberty of writing to let you know of the death of a North Devon man. His name was MICHAEL SEARLE a native of the parish of Mariansleigh, but brought up from his childhood in the parish of Chittlehampton, on Ocrage Barton, where he lived up to the time of his marriage, which was fifty years ago last month. He and his wife celebrated the occasion by taking the sacrament of the Lord’s Supper. He was very sick, but in a good sound mind, and a few days afterwards he attained the ripe age of seventy-one years. He was my next door neighbour, and many hours we have spent together in reading your respected paper and talking over the affairs of Devonshire; but he has gone, and has left a widow, two sons, and two daughters. His sons settled on his farm some years ago. With the money he had accumulated he bought considerable property in the town of Chatham, and has carried on a mercantile business. He was much respected as a good citizen. I will send you one of our local papers containing an account of his death, for I have no doubt you often receive communications not very reliable. The deceased emigrated to Prince Edward Island in the spring of 1832, and came over to Chatham, New Brunswick, in the fall of 1835. I arrived in Chatham in the spring of 1836, and met the deceased on the day of my landing, and we were great friends up to the hour of his decease. I was present at his death, as also were his children and grandchildren (with the exception of one daughter), and his clergyman and neighbours. He had a peaceful end, being fully resigned. His wife’s maiden name was PRUDENCE PARKINS. She is the daughter of JAMES PARKINS, who occupied the Bradbury Estate, in the parish of Chittlehampton, and rented it from the present Earl Fortescue’s grandfather. He and his wife emigrated to this country in 1841, and both lived to al good old age, MR PARKINS 82, and MRS PARKINS 92; and both died highly respected, the latter in 1876. You will please excuse my writing so fully, but I wished to have his death recorded in your paper, which I value so much.
Believe me to be yours very respectfully,
Bartholomew Stapledon, One of your Subscribers.
Chatham, Miramichi, N.B. December 14th, 1880.

Thursday 13 January 1881
DEATH - At New Buildings, Chittlehampton, MARY HOLLAND, widow, a native of Croyde, aged 85.
DEATH - January 8, at Head Posts, Chittlehampton, SARAH the wife of MR WM. MANNING, aged 77.
Southmolton County Magistrates' Petty Sessions.
JAMES MAYNE, of Chittlehamholt, was summoned by WILLIAM SOWDEN, of the same place, for assaulting him on the first of January last. The case was proved, and defendant was fined £1 and costs.

Monday 17 January 1881
County Justices’ Petty Sessions
Stray Cows - THOMAS SNOW, of Chittlehampton, pleaded guilty to having four cows straying on the highway, at Chittlehampton, on the 2nd February. He pleaded guilty, and was fined 1s. for each cow and the costs, which were paid.
DEATH - On the 10th inst., at the residence of her daughter, Mumbles, Glamorganshire, in the 85th year of her age, EMMA NICKOLLS, relict of the late JOHN GRIFFITH HANCORN, of Bishopstone House, Gower, and fourth daughter of the late WM. NICKOLLS, Bittacott Barton, Chittlehampton, Devon.

Thursday 3 February 1881
MARRIAGE – January 22, at Barnstaple, Mr W Cann, of Instow, to MISS E. GUARD, eldest daughter of MR J. GUARD of Chittlehampton.

Tuesday 15 February 1881
Southmolton. Divisional Petty Sessions.
Stray Kine - THOMAS SNELL was fined 4s. and costs for allowing four cows to stray on the highway at Chittlehampton on the 2nd inst.

Thursday 10 March 1881
DEATH – February 26, at Chittlehampton Village, MR RICHARD PROUT, aged 81. For 30 years Wesleyan Chapel-keeper. His end was peace.

Thursday 17 March 1881
County Justices’ Petty Sessions, Monday, March 14th
Mr Babbage, school attendance office, applied for a distress warrant against JOSEPH TURNER, of Chittlehampton, for non-payment of a fine of 5s., penalty for disobeying a school attendance order directed to be paid in December last. The defendant’s wife appeared, and was allowed until the 4th of April next to pay the amount.

Thursday 24 March 1881
BIRTH- March 9, at New Buildings’ Villa, near Chittlehampton Village, the wife of MR W. PALMER, Clerk of the Works on the Rolle Estate, of a daughter.
DEATH - March 21, at Chittlehampton Village, MRS A. NOTT, relict of the late MR W. NOTT, butler to the late Earl Fortescue, Castle Hill, aged 74. Highly respected.
DEATH - February 27, at Toledo, Ohio, MARY, the beloved wife of MR JAMES RENDLE, eldest son of MR RENDLE, of Narracott, Chittlehampton, Deeply lamented.

Thursday 7 April 1881
County Justices’ Petty Sessions
Alleged Wilful Damage
JOHN SKINNER, the younger, of Chittlehampton, was summoned by JOHN RENDLE, of Colleytown, in the same parish, for having, on the 15th March last, wilfully damaged a chain by cutting it with a chisel, doing damage to the amount of threepence. Mr A E Shapland appeared for the defendant, who pleaded not guilty. Complainant stated that he fastened a gate with a chain on his premises, and the defendant came with a chisel and cut it. Mr Shapland stated that his client claimed a right of way through the gate in question, which complainant had thought fit to fasten with a chain and tar. He called HENRY LEWIS, who deposed that he was 72 years old, and ever since he was nine years old he remembered a right of passing through the gate in question. The Justices dismissed the case for want of jurisdiction in the matter. They had no power to try a question of right.
WALTER COX, the younger, of Chittlehampton, was summoned by Supt. Wood for being found drunk in the highway there on the 25th March last. Defendant pleaded guilty, and this being a second offence, he was fined 7s. 6d., and costs, which were paid.

Thursday 28 April 1881
BIRTH - April 7, at Chittlehampton Village, the wife of MR RICHARD HUNT VICKERY, of a daughter.
MARRIAGE - April 26, at the Parish Church, Chittlehampton, by the Rev R E Trefusis, Vicar, Mr W Seward, of Sandford, Devon, and one of the gardeners at Castle Hill, to ALMA LUCY, daughter of MR SLAPE, of The Learey’s Barton, Chittlehampton.
DEATH - April 19, at Chittlehampton Village, ANN, the beloved wife of MR RICHARD HUNT VICKERY, aged 30. Highly respected.
The village has been thrown into a state of mourning by the lamented death of the wife of MR R. H. VICKERY. MR VICKERY married MISS REED, of Chittlehampton, only thirteen months since. The deceased had gained the esteem of all in the neighbourhood, which was evinced at the funeral on Saturday last by the very numerous attendance. The greatest sympathy is felt for the bereaved husband, who is left with one poor motherless infant to mourn his loss.

Thursday 26 May 1881
Presentation. - It must be very gratifying to the recipient when valuable labours are recognised, as was the case in Blakewell Bible Christian Chapel on Sunday last, when MR J. J. R. HOWARD was presented with a very handsomely bound ruby 16 mo. reference Bible, with concordance, and other very valuable information at the end. MR HOWARD has laboured for over twenty-five years in the Sunday-school, five of which have been spent at the above chapel. His ability as a leader of singers was fully demonstrated at the Christmas meetings and the anniversaries, and it is hoped that he may be long spared to labour with still greater success in this field of the Lord's vineyard.

Thursday 23 June 1881
Singular Accident - On Saturday afternoon four men fell down a well 30 feet deep. It appears that MR WATTS, of this parish, having opened a brewery, and finding the water-supply on his premises insufficient, had a new well dug, 12 feet square, 30 feet in depth, with a large adit at the bottom. The work was carried out by three men named ISAAC, a father and two sons, and a man named COCKS. On Wednesday last the massive brick arch over the spot was completed, and on Saturday the centre woodwork on which it was built was removed. Shortly after, as the four men already named were standing on the arch, it suddenly fell to the bottom of the well, carrying with it the men engaged in its construction. The poor fellows were soon released, when they were found to be much cut about their heads, and to have bruises on their bodies. Fortunately, their injuries were not of a serious nature. Dr Furse, of Southmolton, was in a very short time in attendance on the sufferers, who are now going on even better than could be expected after such a hairbreadth escape.
County Justices’ Petty Sessions
Education Act Offences - JOSEPH TURNER, of Chittlehampton, for disobeying a school attendance order for a second time, was fined 5s.

Thursday 22 September 1881
DEATH - August 8, suddenly of fever in Venezuela, W. H. CHICHESTER, second son of the late REV. R. H. CHICHESTER, vicar of Chittlehampton, aged 35.

Thursday 29 September 1881
DEATH - August 18, at the Post-office, Chittlehampton, ANN GRILLS, aged 69.

Thursday 6 October 1881
BIRTH - September 8, at Shilston Farm, Chittlehampton, the wife of MR RICHARD BALMAN, of a son.

Thursday 13 October 1881
BIRTH - October 7, at the village of Chittlehampton, the wife of MR ARTHUR BURGESS, of a daughter.
DEATH – October 9, at Cleave, Chittlehampton, MRS MARY SKINNER, widow, aged 84.

Thursday 10 November 1881
We much regret having to announce the death at the early age of 47 years of MR JOHN JAMES RENDLE HOWARD, of this village. The deceased acted for many years as correspondent of this Journal.
DEATH - Nov. 3, at the Village of Chittlehampton, MR JAMES RENDLE HOWARD, aged 47.

Thursday 17 November 1881
County Justices’ Petty Sessions
SAMUEL SMALLRIDGE, of Chittlehampton, was summoned for rescuing a horse levied by Sub-Bailiff George Brayley, an officer of the Southmolton County Court, under execution there on the 28th October last. The rescue was proved by George Brayley and P.C. Rouse. Defendant alleged that the horse was not his, but belonged to his brother, and the bailiff took it for a debt of his. He called Thomas Davis and Frederick Smallridge, his brother in law and brother, who both deposed the horse belonged to Frederick. Upon these grounds the justices dismissed the case.
Southmolton County Court
A Serious Question
HUNT V. Goss. - In this case the plaintiff, a blacksmith of Chittlehampton, claimed from the defendant, a person living at Swansea, the sum of £11 for goods supplied. The defendant was present, and Mr Shapland appeared for him. The plaintiff produced his account book, which showed that the principal part of the debt had been contracted in 1871, whereupon his Honour said he could not assist him. Mr Shapland then inquired about the costs, whereupon the plaintiff said he had written to the defendant informing him that he should withdraw the claims. The defendant said he had received no such communication, and added that it had cost him £4 to come to Southmolton. The defendant, however, distinctly swore that he posted the letter to the defendant on Saturday evening last; and the defendant again said that up to his leaving Swansea the previous afternoon at half-past three he had received no such letter. His Honour (to defendant): Will you undertake to swear that you have not received such a communication? Goss: Yes, your Honour. His Honour said he should non-suit the plaintiff, the question as to costs to be adjourned, and in the meantime he would institute an inquiry to ascertain whether any such letter had been delivered. (Applause.)
DEATH - November 1, at Furze, Chittlehampton, ELIZA, wife of WM. VICKERY, aged 67.

Thursday 24 November 1881
A Linhay on Fire - About three o’clock on the afternoon of Tuesday last, a linhay on Shilston farm, in this parish, was discovered to be on fire. The farm is occupied by MR RICHARD BALMAN, and the property of the Hon Mark Rolle. The building was totally destroyed, and damage to the extent of about £5 was done. Just at the time a servant girl came into the house and told her mistress she expected a tramp would be in as he was up in the field where the linhay was, and where she had been. Almost immediately another person came into the house and said the linhay was on fire. Search was made for the tramp, but no such person could be traced.

Thursday 15 December 1881
Southmolton – County Justices’ Petty Sessions
Disobedience of a School Attendance Order. - JOHN ISAAC of Chittlehampton, was summoned for disobeying a school attendance order made on the 13th December 1880, by not sending his son, JOHN, to school as thereby ordered. Defendant pleaded guilty, and alleged the reason why he hadn’t complied with the order was that he had a sick wife a home. Mr Babbage (the complainant) stated that in addition to the lad JOHN defendant had a daughter at home 14 years of age. Defendant was fined 5s., to include costs, to be paid in a fortnight.

Thursday 22 December 1881
DEATH- December 15, at Langaton, Chittlehampton, SUSAN, the beloved wife of MR GEORGE CORNEY, aged 58.
DEATH - December 10, at Chittlehampton, MR WILLIAM COURTNEY, aged 89.

Thursday 19 January 1882
Southmolton. An Adjourned Question of Costs. - HUNT v. Goss. - This case came forward at the last Court, when both parties appeared, plaintiff, (who is a blacksmith at Chittlehampton), then explaining that he wished to withdraw the case, as the debt for which he claimed was contracted many years ago. He further stated that he had posted a letter to the defendant on the Saturday before Court-day informing him of his determination not to proceed with the case. Notwithstanding, defendant came from Swansea, where he resided, to attend the Court, and it was for his expenses that he made application. The defendant said he had not received the letter up to the time of his leaving for Southmolton on the day prior to the Court-day; and his Honour adjourned the matter in order that inquiries might be made at Swansea as to when the letter was delivered. The Registrar now said he had written to the postmaster at Swansea, and had received a telegram in reply to the effect that Mrs Goss admitted receiving the letter about that time, but refused to give the date, and the postman had forgotten the date. Mr Shapland, who appeared at the last Court for defendant, said he had written to him, but had received no answer. It was stated that the letter posted by HUNT at Southmolton ought in the ordinary course to have reached its destination, Swansea, on Monday morning. His Honour said the application made to him was for £4 16s. 6d. for costs, and he refused it.
DEATH - January 14, at Langaton Farm, Chittlehampton, after a brief illness, ALFRED JAMES, youngest son of the late MR CHARLES MORRIS, aged 22.

Thursday 26 January 1882
DEATH - January 19, at Blowden Hill, Chittlehampton, MARY, wife of MR EDWARD FURSE, yeoman, aged 64.

Thursday 23 February 1882
MARRIAGE - February 21, at Chittlehampton, by the Rev R E Trefusis, MR CHRISTOPHER LETHBRIDGE, of Chittlehampton, to Miss Emily Gooding, of Roborough, Barnstaple.

Thursday 2 March 1882
MARRIAGE - February 21, at Chittlehampton Church, by the Rev R E Trefusis, CHRISTOPHER youngest son of the late THOMAS LETHBRIDGE, of Chittlehampton, to Emily, fifth daughter of Mr John Gooding, of Roborough, Barnstaple.

Thursday 16 March 1882
To Parish Clerks in North Devon. Wanted, the Baptismal Register of HUMPHRY ACLAND, supposed to be born at Chittlehampton some time between 1610 and 1625. £1 will be given to any one bringing the Register to the Office of this Paper.

Thursday 30 March 1882
South Molton - Stealing a Purse and Money. On Tuesday last, before Dr Hatherley, ANN KIPPEN, of Chittlehampton, was brought up in custody, charged with stealing a purse containing 15s. 6d., the property of MARY ANN SYMONS, of the same parish, on Sunday last. Prosecutrix deposed – I live at Furse Village in that parish. I have lost a purse containing several florins, a halfcrown, and a shilling. I have kept my purse containing money in the oven’s mouth in my cottage, - the oven is not used. On Sunday the 26th, at dinner-time, I last saw my purse where I kept it. I found it missing on the following morning. During the Sunday, between 3 and 4 in the afternoon, prisoner sat with me chatting in my house the oven side of the fire, and I the other. I informed the police of my loss, and next saw my purse in the hands of P.C. Rouse. I am certain it is the same and at once identified it. It then contained 15s. 6d. in money.
P.C. Rouse deposed: On Monday last I received information of prosecutrix’s loss, and went to Fursebarn, where prisoner lives in service with a Mrs Barnes, and asked for the purse. Prisoner at first denied having seen it, but afterwards produced it and admitted she took it; it contained 15s. 6d. in silver. She asked to be forgiven, saying ‘twas the first time she ever stole anything. - In answer to the Justice, prisoner’s mother said her daughter was 14 years old next December, and that she had been in service 3 years. The Justices remanded the case until the next Petty Sessions to be dealt with.

Thursday 6 April 1882
Southmolton. County Justices’ Petty Sessions
Stealing a Purse and Money - ANN PIPPEN, on remand, was committed for one day for stealing a purse containing 15s. 6d., the property of MARY ANN SYMONS, of Chittlehampton.
Barnstaple - Joseph Liddington, who about two months since was appointed to the Borough Police Force in the room of P.C. Downing, has sent in his resignation, and yesterday the Watch Committee elected WM. HENRY HOOPER, of Chittlehampton in his stead.

Thursday 13 April 1882
New Constable. - At a meeting of the Watch Committee that (Wednesday) morning, Supt. Songhurst reported that WILLIAM HENRY HOOPER, of Chittlehampton, who was elected to fill the vacancy caused by Liddington's resignation had not received the necessary medical certificate, and Richd. Holland was thereupon appointed.

Thursday 20 April 1882
DEATH - April 7, at Chittlehampton, ELIZABETH, wife of MR W. CRISPIN, aged 72.

Thursday 4 May 1882
MARRIAGE - April 27, at the Parish Church, Washfield, HENRY CLATWORTHY, of Chittlehamholt, to Elizabeth Luscombe, of Newton Abbot, Devon.

Thursday 11 May 1882
Alleged Offence Against The Salmon Laws. - JOHN POPE, of Clappery Mills, in Chittlehampton, was summoned by Supt. Wood for having on the 13th Feb. last altered part of his weir there so as to cause obstruction to the passage of salmon, the said weir being in a salmon river called the Bray. - Mr Lionel Bencraft appeared for the Taw and Torridge Conservators, and Mr Walter Friend, of Exeter, for the defendant. Mr Friend objected to the form of the information which, as he alleged, contained two offences. The Bench over-ruled the objection. Mr John Cock, Southmolton, produced plans of the weir in question. The height of the weir was about 4 feet and half. These plans were made by him in January, 1874. At this time there were no planks on the crest of the weir, but he believed he saw iron uprights driven in. Stephen Clark deposed:- I am a water-bailiff in the employment of the Conservators of the Taw and Torridge, and have been so for ten years. During that period I have been well acquainted with Clappery Mill and have frequently visited it. I know the weir there very well and have been across it many times. I made the sketch produced correctly, setting forth the weir. I have seen irons on the crest of the weir - about ten or a dozen; they were there when I first knew the weir. The irons wouldn't prevent the flow of water nor the passage of salmon; they were about five or six feet apart. I was at Clappery Mill on the 13th February (a Monday) at five o'clock in the afternoon. My attention was called to boards stretching across the weir; they were resting against the irons, pressed against them by the water. There was a chain to four of them. The boards, according to my judgment and experience, had the effect of preventing the passage of salmon. The boards were about 12 inches deep and standing on their edge. They made a continuous barrier across the weir to the passage of salmon up and down. This is a river which a great quantity of salmon inhabit. They are in the habit of passing in great quantities up and down this weir: I have seen them. I went to the mill on this day and saw MR POPE and asked him why he had the boards across the weir. The mill was then working, and the water was level with the crest of the weir. The boards when I saw them were not helping the working of the mill. I did not look at the mill fender on that day. MR POPE, in reply to my question, said, "Because I have a right to do so." I said he hadn't. He said, "There will be no more going over the weir if the boards were taken away than there is now." I said, "Then what benefit are the boards there." He said, "You don't understand mill-wrighting." The first time I ever saw any boards on the crest of the weir was in July last. The next day the boards were gone. The boards were never to my knowledge on the crest of the weir all last summer, except this time. I was there sometimes when the mill was working and sometimes when it was not. - Cross-examined: Since the 13th, when I have been passing, I have looked at the weir. There has been one board always near the fender for years. This board is narrowed at one end. MR POPE gave me no reason for having the boards there, but told me to go and find out. I told MR POPE I had never seen boards there before last July. I will not swear that MR POPE did not say to me that I certainly must be mistaken. I went into the mill to have this conversation with MR POPE. MR POPE did not say to me that he was behind with his work and was obliged to put the boards up to gain more power: he did not explain to me how the boards gave more power to the mill. Salmon on the day in question could not go up or down in consequence of the boards. When I was there no water would have gone over the weir if the boards had been removed, and no salmon could go up or down for the want of water, supposing the boards to have been gone. The effect of the boards being placed against the weir, when no water is running over the crest of the weir, is to raise the water. When the mill is stopped the water is ponded back, and when ponded back to the height of the boards, if allowed to go to the mill wheel, affords greater power to the mill, and so if only half-way up. The boards were not ponding back the water when I saw them on this day. The mill was at work when I was there. I cannot swear that the water had not been higher than when I saw it on that day. - Re-examined: If the fender is down and the mill stopped, salmon - if the boards were not there - could pass down over the weir. If the water was half way up the boards there would be no passage at all for salmon, or any fish, up or down; and if the boards were removed when the water was half way up the boards the water would go over the weir. Mr Friend submitted that the jurisdiction of the Bench was ousted as MR POPE had a right to do as he had done, as he should prove for 50 years or more it had been done, and called JOHN ELWORTHY. I am a retired farmer. I was formerly the owner of these mills. I bought them 21 years ago. MR POPE was tenant under me after I bought, and he has enjoyed the property as tenant and owner from that time to the present. The weir itself is much as it was then. When the water was low and would not run over the crest of the weir, several boards were put in the length of the weir to pond the water back. This would have the effect of increasing the power of the mill as much again. I have constantly seen the mills since. I have seen the boards across the weir many times since in a dry season. I used to live close, and saw the mills frequently after I sold them. - Cross-examined: When the water was low it would not get to the top of the weir. I can't tell the width of the boards. WILLIAM HANCOCK: I am a retired farmer, and have known these premises for 50 years. I remember 45 years ago boards were on the weir all the year round, and when some would be washed away the tenant of the mill would replace them. The boards would pond back the water for grinding at the mill. When the water was ponded back as high as the top of the boards they would begin to work the mill directly. Have seen the mill many times of late. The boards were sometimes there and sometimes they were not. - Cross-examined: I last saw the boards down in February. I saw the boards down many times last year. I saw them down in the morning of the 13th February. The mill was not going when I saw them in the morning. The water was not going over the boards. When the boards were up years ago it used to affect my marsh up above. I can't tell the width of the boards. - WILLIAM SMALLDON: I live at Clappery Mill close by the mills. I have known these mills 36 years. I lived in a cottage close by the mills. I have constantly seen these mills since - quite twenty times a year when I have been in them for MR POPE. IO have noticed when it has been low water the boards have been put right across the weir to keep the water back to grind with; without the boards the power of the mill would be considerably decreased in summer-time and when the water is low. The same thing has continued yearly sever since at times. - Cross-examined: I saw the boards down last summer once or twice when the water was low. There was plenty of water last summer. The boards were from nine to twelve inches deep. - JAMES DOCKINGS: I live at Clappery Mills and am a smith. I have known Clappery Mills for 45 years, and when the water is low at times I have seen boards put down all across the weir. Years ago they were made fast. I made the irons for fixing them about 30 years ago. Clay and grass and such like were used to stop the water from running under the boards. The boards were to pond the water back to give additional power to the mill. This had the desired effect; and I have known the miller put on an extra pair of stones to work in consequence. - Cross-examined: I saw the boards down about the first of February last, and I have not seen them down since. The boards were about 12 inches. - HENRY MOLE: I am a miller and live at Bratton Fleming. Previously to 1861 I rented the mills and remained there until MR POPE took them on. When the water was low I used to place boards across the weir, as described, for the purpose of raising the water. I was there seven years and used the boards whenever I required them for raising the water. It had the effect of giving power to work the mills. Without the boards we should lose a considerable quantity of the power of the mill. The boards were from ten to twelve inches. - ELLEN SNOW, widow of the former occupier in 1833, JAMES HODGE of Southmolton, 78 years of age, son of a tenant 70 years ago, EDWARD BIRD, miller, and HENRY POPE, defendant's son, gave similar evidence. After hearing the case the Bench retired to consider their decision, and on entering the Court the Chairman said the Bench were unanimous that the case had been proved, but believing that defendant had acted under a misapprehension they fined him 5s. only and costs, £2 9s. 6d. Mr Friend, on behalf of his client, gave notice of appeal for the next Quarter Sessions.

Thursday 22 June 1882
Southmolton. County Justices’ Petty Sessions
JOHN WALDRON, of Chittlehampton, summoned for being drunk and disorderly. Fined 5s.
Indecent Assault
SAMUEL ISAACS, a boy under 12 years of age, was summoned by GEORGINA ROBERTSON, an intelligent girl, for committing the above offence on her at Chittlehampton on the 7th May last. The parties live at Chittlehampton. Complainant deposed that as she and some other little girls came out of church and were going over the fields, homewards, the defendant followed her and behaved most indecently to her. She went into a Mr Bater’s house to escape him. She immediately told her parents what had taken place when she got home. Defendant’s father being in court consented to the justices dealing with the case; they ordered him to have six strokes with a birch in the presence of Serjt. Hobbs.

Thursday 20 July 1882
Southmolton County Court
SAMUEL VICKERY v. William Palmer Venn. - Plaintiff, an innkeeper, of Chittlehampton, sued defendant, a butter dealer of Molland, for 15s. 3d. value of a basket of butter. Mr Cook (Reed and Cook), of Bridgwater, appeared for defendant. Plaintiff said he attended at Southmolton Market on the 3rd of June last, and met defendant there. Plaintiff asked him if he was buying butter, and defendant said “Yes”. Plaintiff said he had some, and defendant looked at it and observed that it was a little “bruised” but he would give 10 ½ d. per lb. for it, and defendant took possession of the butter and took it to the Tiverton Inn. Mrs Westacott deposed to the defendant bringing the butter to her in the hostelry and selling her a pound of it, and, on defendant’s packing it, about half-past four, he complained that the butter was much “bruised” about, and he should decline to take it; and he so told the plaintiff. The defendant said he purchased the butter “conditionally” on its being good. On taking it from the plaintiff’s basket to repack it, he found it was so bad that he declined to having anything to do with it. He called two witnesses – Mrs Slader, of Northmolton – who corroborated, and His Honour gave judgment for defendant.

Thursday 27 July 1882
BIRTH - July 23, at Chittlehampton, the wife of MR W. MAYNE, of a son.
BIRTH - July 20, at the Vicarage, Chittlehampton, the wife of the REV R. E. TREFUSIS, of a son.

Thursday 3 August 1882
Sudden Death - A case of painfully sudden death occurred at Court, near this village, on Friday morning last. HANNAH WEBBER, the wife of JAMES WEBBER, retired to rest in her usual health on Thursday evening, but shortly after midnight she awoke her daughter saying she was very ill and believed she was dying. Her daughter provided her with tea, called a neighbour, and sent off to Southmolton for A Hind, Esq., her medical attendant, but long before his arrival she had ceased to exist. The doctor considered death proceeded from natural causes, and as he had previously attended her an inquest was deemed unnecessary.
BIRTH - July 31, at Whitstone Farm, Chittlehampton, the wife of MR W. H. HUXHAM of a son.
DEATH - July 28, at Shilston Farm, Chittlehampton, ANNIE DRAKE, daughter of MR R. BALMAN, aged 2 years and 6 months.
DEATH - July 28, at Court, Chittlehampton, suddenly, the wife of MR JAMES WEBBER, aged 71.

Thursday 24 August 1882
Accident in the Cornfield - On Monday last, while MR HARRIS, of Stowford Farm, was engaged in carrying corn, a valuable horse started with a load, and, the field having no inside fence the animal was forced violently into the road beyond, falling a distance of four or five feet. Although the beast had the cartilage of its nose broken and sustained serious cuts and bruises, there seems now some hope of its recovery, the wonder being that it was not killed on the spot.
BIRTH - August 18, at Stowford House, Chittlehampton, the wife of COLONEL CHICHESTER, of a son.
MARRIAGE - August 15, at Crediton, by the Rev C Felton Smith (Vicar), James Churchill, late of Exmouth, to ELIZABETH, second daughter of the late J. WILCOCKS, of Chittlehampton.

Thursday 28 September 1882
County Justices’ Petty Sessions
Offence Against Alehouse License - WILLIAM TAYLOR, of the New Inn, Chittlehampton, was summoned by Supt. Wood, for allowing intoxicating liquors to be consumed on his premises there during prohibited hours on Sunday the 3rd of September instant. WILLIAM CHAPPLE, JOHN BRAYLEY, JOSEPH HANCOCK, and PHILIP HADDON, all of Chittlehampton, were summoned for being on the premises at the same time in contravention of the provisions of the Licensing Act. Defendants all pleaded not guilty. P.C. Rouse deposed that on the day in question, about four o’clock in the afternoon, he entered defendant’s premises and there in the back part he found the four defendants with two others, who were lodgers, with a jar of beer drinking therefrom. He saw defendant TAYLOR and told him this could not be allowed and he would be summoned. He said two of the parties were lodgers, and that what they had was drawn before closing time. He had not summoned the lodgers. A witness named GALSWORTHY was called for the defendants. After hearing the case the Bench considered the cases proved, and fined TAYLOR 50s., and costs, CHAPPLE 1s., and costs, BRAYLEY 2s. 6d., and costs, and HADDON 5s., and costs. The case against HANCOCK was dismissed, he was considered to be a lodger.

Thursday 19 October 1882
Devon Michaelmas Sessions, Castle of Exeter, Wednesday.
GEORGE POPE v. the Taw and Torridge Salmon Fisher District. - Mr Pitt-Lewis and Mr Foote (solicitor, Mr Friend) appeared for the appellant; and Mr McKallar and the Honourable Bernard Coleridge (solicitor, Mr L. Bencraft) appeared for the respondents. This action was adjourned from the Midsummer Sessions for the purpose of seeing whether some agreement could not be come to between the parties, but attempts at negotiations had failed. On behalf of the respondents it was stated that the appellant, GEORGE, was the owner of Clattery Mill, situate in the parish of Chittlehampton, the Bray being admittedly a tributary of the river Taw. On the 13th Feb., in the present year, the appellant was alleged to have committed the offence of having placed a board 12in. high on the top of the weir, which had the effect of obstructing the fish when passing either up or down the river. On the 8th May he was summoned before the magistrates and convicted of the offence, under the 46th section of the Salmon Fishery Act, 1873, and the same day notice of appeal was given. The contention of the respondents was that the board had the effect of preventing the passage of the salmon over the weir, and of driving them into a waste channel, where, on a fender being suddenly opened, the fish were left high and dry on the stones. Evidence was given shewing that it had been the custom for a great number of years to place a board on the top of the weir to raise the water for milling purposes when the river was low. The Court quashed the conviction.

Thursday 2 November 1882
MARRIAGE – October 24, at Cockington Church, Inkerman, GEORGE SOUTHY SLAPE, of South Newton Farm, Chittlehampton, to Susan Ann, second daughter of Mr M Peeke, Cockington.
DEATH - October 29, at the residence of his daughter, Mrs Bentley, Castle-street, MR WILLIAM CLARKE, late of Chittlehampton, aged 81. Much respected and deeply lamented.

Thursday 9 November 1882
Chittlehampton - The remains of MR WILLIAM CLARKE, an old and highly respected inhabitant of this parish, were interred in the churchyard on Saturday last. Deceased, who had completed 81 years, had resided in the parish up to within the last few weeks, when he went to live with his daughter, Mrs Bentley, of Barnstaple. As he left the village comparatively hale and healthy so recently, it caused a general feeling of sorrow when the tidings arrived of his decease. He was a skilful mechanic, and what he took in hand he always did well; to a very considerable extent was self-taught, and by his death he leaves a gap that will not be soon filled. Eleven sons and daughters survive to mourn the loss of a kind and affectionate parent. Many of the inhabitants showed their respect by attending the funeral.

Thursday 23 November 1882
County Petty Sessions, Bridge Hall, Yesterday. - Trespass in Pursuit of Game.
John Thorne, Charles Vickery, Samuel Vickery, David Rawle, and Richard Burgess were summoned for trespassing in search of game on East Stowford, Swymbridge, in the occupation of MR FREDERICK VEYSEY, of Chittlehampton. Mr Bosson, who appeared to prosecute, asked that the summons against Burgess might be withdrawn and the application was granted. Having briefly stated the facts of the case he called colonel Arthur Charles Chichester, the owner of the farm on which it was alleged the offence was committed, who deposed that there had never been any lease drawn up between VEYSEY and himself, but VEYSEY was his yearly tenant. The previous owner was a Mr Harris, and he had the shooting on the farm. When MR VEYSEY took the farm no agreement was entered into as to the shooting. In April last Thorne came to him (Col. Chichester) and asked for permission to shoot on Stowford Farm, and he granted it. Some time afterwards he met Thorne, and told him that as he understood there was some ill-feeling existing between him (Thorne) and VEYSEY in consequence of his shooting on the farm, he had not better shoot there any more. MR FREDERICK VEYSEY stated that on the 14th of November he was on Stowford Farm when he saw the defendants in one of the fields near the cover. He afterwards saw the defendant Thorne go into the cover, and one of the others stood by the gate leading to it. He went up to them and asked them what business they had there, and they replied that they had had permission from Col. Chichester. He said he should summons them, and then left them. - Jno. Clarke, labourer, living at Stowford, said that on the day named he heard a gun fired on the farm, and he afterwards saw Vickery go across a field. He also saw MR VEYSEY go towards the spot from whence the sound of the firing came. - THOS. STONE, butcher of Chittlehampton, said that on the day named he heard the defendant Vickery say that he had been out shooting with Thorne on Stowford Farm. Mr A. Bencraft, who appeared for Thorne, said that his client had only exercised the power given him by Col. Chichester. After giving Thorne permission to shoot on the land, Mr Chichester had never definitely told him not to shoot there: he only advised him not to do so. After a short consultation, the Bench fined Thorne £2 and the expenses, with an alternative of two months' imprisonment, with hard labour, and the other defendants 10s. and costs, with the customary alternative.

Thursday 14 December 1882
MARRIAGE - December 7, at the Parish Church, Southmolton, Mr Joseph Trick, of Warkleigh, to EMMA, youngest daughter of the late MR WM. GREENSLADE, of Collacott, Chittlehampton.

Thursday 28 December 1882
DEATH - December 25, at Chittlehampton, MARY, widow of MR JOHN GILL, late of Callard’s Farm, aged 92.

Thursday 11 January 1883
DEATH - Jan 3, at Chittlehampton, MR HUMPHREY SHAPLAND, aged 47 years.

Thursday 18 January 1883
Southmolton County Petty Sessions
School Cases. - JOHN ISAAC, of Chittlehampton, on the complaint of Edmund T. Babbage, relieving officer, was fined 3s., including costs, for neglecting the education of his child, SAMUEL.

Thursday 8 February 1883
DEATH - Feb. 2, at Chittlehampton, MR JOHN LOCK, carpenter, aged 73.

Thursday 15 February 1883
DEATH - Feb 6, at Chittlehampton, CAROLINE, wife of MR CARDER W. WATTS, aged 70.
Serious Accident - On Saturday last a lad named STEVEN RUSSELL, residing at Chittlehampton, was taken to the North Devon Infirmary suffering from a fractured thigh. The injury was caused by a kick from a donkey.

Thursday 22 February 1883
Southmolton Petty Sessions
School Attendance Bye-Laws. - WILLIAM OSMAN, of Chittlehampton, was summoned by Mr Babbage for neglecting to send his daughter, KITTY, to school, in compliance with the attendance committee's bye-laws. this case was adjourned from the last meeting. It was now stated that defendant and his family were in receipt of parochial relief. Defendant was fined 1d. only.

Thursday 29 March 1883
DEATH - Feb 8, at Deniliquin, New South Wales, Australia, in his 49th year, EDMUND HUXTABLE, watchmaker, youngest son of the late EDMUND HUXTABLE, whitesmith, Chittlehampton, Devonshire, England.

Thursday 3 January 1884
DEATH - December 29, WILLIAM SEAGE, many years parish clerk of Chittlehampton, aged 55.

Thursday 10 January 1884
Serious Accident - On Monday afternoon last a serious accident happened to a son of MR EPHRAIM HOWARD at Nethercleave Farm, in this parish. The young man was working a chaff cutter with a boy when a large piece of wood attached to an upright piece fell on him, striking him behind the ear and on the shoulder. He dropped senseless to the ground. Surgical aid was immediately sent for and it was found the skull had been fractured. The young man lies in a very critical state, although conscious. Messrs. Furse and Sanders are the gentlemen attending him.

Thursday 17 January 1884
County Justices’ Petty Sessions
Drunk and Disorderly. - JOHN WALDRON, of Chittlehampton, was summoned by P.C. Hockridge for being drunk and disorderly there on the 26th December. Defendant pleaded guilty, and was fined 5s. and costs, which were paid.
WILLIAM PARKIN, of the same place, was summoned by P.C. Hockridge for being drunk on the 30th December last. He pleaded guilty, and was fined 5s. and costs, which were paid.

Thursday 7 February 1884
Scholastic. The class list of the last general examination in religious knowledge of pupil teachers, &c., in the Diocese has just been published. Among those in the list are the following from this deanery. Set II., pupil teachers, 1st year - Class 3, HENRY GODBEER, Chittlehampton. Set III, pupil teachers, 2nd year - Class 2, JOHN CUTLAND, Chittlehampton.

Thursday 14 February 1884
BIRTH - February 8, at Chittlehampton, the wife of MR F. VEYSEY, of a daughter.

Thursday 21 February 1884
RICHARD MEDLAND, Chittlehamholt, ROBERT BARROW, Chittlehampton, Wm. Short, Burrington, and JAMES BUCKINGHAM, of Chittlehampton were summoned for not sending their children to school, by Mr G T Babbage, School Attendance Officer. An attendance order was made on MEDLAND, BARROW was fined 2s. 6d., Short 5s. The case against MR BUCKINGHAM , for one child, was dismissed, he having produced a certificate from Mr Maunder, of Barnstaple, as to his efficiency; and the case as to his other child was adjourned for the production of a similar certificate.

Thursday 28 February 1884
MARRIAGE - February 20, at Chittlehampton Church, by the Rev R E Trefusis, Henry Waldon, youngest son of John Waldon, Fisherton, Bishopstawton, to ELLEN AGNES, youngest daughter of THOMAS PHILLIPS, Whey Farm, Chittlehampton.
DEATH - February 24, at Chittlehampton, ELIZABETH, widow of THOS. LETHBRIDGE, aged 74.

Thursday 6 March 1884
DEATH - Nov. 28, at Arthurs Creek, Australia, ELLEN PHILLIPS, native of Chittlehamholt, Devonshire, aged 99 years and 11 months.

Thursday 20 March 1884
JAMES BUCKINGHAM, of Chittlehampton, was summoned by Mr E Babbage, the officer of the Southmolton Board of Guardians, for neglecting to send his child GEORGE to a certificated school. The case was adjourned from the last Sessions, defendant being required to produce a certificate from a certificated teacher that the child was receiving proper education. He now produced a certificate from Mr Maunder of Barnstaple, which was considered satisfactory.

Thursday 10 April 1884
Accidents - On Saturday last a sad accident happened to a boy named HILL, aged 12, who lives at Chittlehampton. It seems that while in charge of a horse that was driving a thrashing machine his left leg suddenly caught in the machine. It was dragged into the machine and frightfully crushed. Assistance soon arrived and the poor lad was taken to the North Devon Infirmary, when it was found necessary to amputate his leg. This was done and the unfortunate lad is now progressing as well as can be expected.

Thursday 15 May 1884
County Court
Horse Transactions. THOMAS STONE, of Chittlehampton, claimed of William Webber, of Bishopsnympton, the sum of £1 15s., due in respect of service by plaintiff’s horse, Tabernacle. Plaintiff stated that some time since defendant entered into an agreement with his (plaintiff’s) groom, who was travelling with his horse, for the horse to serve a mare belonging to defendant for £1 15s. The mare was served, and it was for the price agreed to that he now sued. Defendant said he had never entered into any agreement with the groom about the matter. The transaction was with plaintiff’s son, and it was to the effect that the horse should serve his mare, and that plaintiff should buy the colt at the age of 14 weeks, for which hew as to give defendant £10, out of which was to be deducted 35s. for service. The mare had not yet foaled, but when she did defendant was quite willing to keep the agreement. His Honour adjourned the case, remarking that he hoped the agreement would be carried out.

Thursday 22 May 1884
WILLIAM ISAAC, JANE TURNER, and JOHN B. SKINNER all of Chittlehampton were summoned by Mr Edmund Tout Babbage, school attendance officer, for neglecting to send their children regularly to school. Each were fined 1s.
BIRTH - May 11, at Biddacott, Chittlehampton, the wife of MR HEAPE, of a daughter.

Thursday 29 May 1884
The premises of MR J. SMALLDON, carpenter, situated near Clappery Mills, had a narrow escape from being destroyed by fire on Thursday last. A spark from the smith’s shop ignited the thatch roof, but as the fire was at once discovered and help was at hand the damage was confined to the destruction of the roof of the smith’s shop only.

Thursday 5 June 1884
BIRTH - June 2, at the Vicarage, Chittlehampton, the wife of the REV. R. E. TREFUSIS, of a son.
DEATH - May 28, at Townsend, Chittlehampton, ANNE, wife of MR THOMAS STONE, aged 56.

Thursday 19 June 1884
County Petty Sessions
WILLIAM TAYLOR (landlord of the New Inn, Chittlehampton), was charged by P C Hockridge with selling intoxicating liquors and permitting drunkenness on his premises on Tuesday the 3rd June last. P C Hockridge repeated the evidence he had given in the previous case, adding that when he called the landlord’s attention to Hurford’s drunken state and that he should report him for permitting drunkenness, TAYLOR replied, “I do not care a d...., you can report me tomorrow if you like; you have no business in my house, and when I want you I will send for you.” P C Rose corroborated the evidence. George Hurford, the defendant in the previous case, gave evidence, stating that he was sober when he went into the New Inn, and that he was supplied by the landlord and others with beer, but he did not consider when he came out that he was very drunk. Mr Thorne addressed the Bench in defence, and called the following witnesses on behalf of the defendant: - WM. TAYLOR (the defendant), George Lock, ___Mannington, William Macey, and John Clarke, whose evidence tended to show that the row was only a “friendly scuffle,” and that they did not consider Hurford was drunk. The magistrates considered both cases proved, and fined Hurford 2s. 6d., and costs, £1 2s. 6d., remarking that they (the Bench) would have fined him more heavily had the costs been lighter. TAYLOR, against whom a previous conviction of £2 10s. and costs was put in, for selling intoxicating liquors on Sunday in September 1882, was now fined £5 and costs, £1 2s., together £6 2s., his license to be endorsed.

Thursday 3 July 1884
A Sheep Shearing Competition took place on the Vicarage Lawn at 3 o’clock on Monday afternoon. The event attracted considerable attention, a large number of people watching the competitors at their work. There were 23 competitors in the different classes, the Judges being Mr Braund, of Filleigh, MR GUARD Nethercleave, and Mr J Warren, Cobbaton. The following is a list of the awards: - Class 1 - Open to all comers, - First prize, Mr Thomas Howard, Southmolton; second, Mr James Nott, Filleigh; third, MR THOS. STONE, Chittlehampton; fourth, Mr John Elston, Warkleigh. Class 2 – Farmers and their sons residing in the parish. - First, MR T. HUXHAM, junr., Whitestone; second, MR G. START, jun., Heywood; third, MR J. RENDLE, Narracott. Class 3 - Agricultural labourers residing in the parish who had never won 15s. - First, HENRY ELSTON, Chittlehampton; second, GEO. NORMAN, Chittlehampton; third, R. BUCKINGHAM, Chittlehampton; fourth, J. BEER, Chittlehampton. Class 4 - Boys - First, JAS. STONE, Townsend; second, FRED HARRIS, Dipford. The prizes were distributed by Dr Law, of Hudscott. On the motion of the Vicar hearty cheers were given for the Judges, and also for Mr F Smallridge and Mr Stephen Howard who had exerted themselves in collecting for the prizes. Mr Braund responded on behalf of the Judges, and complimented the competitors for the way the work was performed, and suggested that at another competition a greater number of prizes should be offered in the boys’ class as an inducement to servant boys to learn the art of sheep shearing.

Thursday 10 July 1884
An accident befell the son of the REV. R. E. TREFUSIS, the Vicar, a few days since. The little fellow, who is from four to five years old, was playing on the vicarage lawn, and in climbing up one of the iron hurdles fell and broke his arm. T Sanders, Esq., of Southmolton, was sent for, and he set the bone. The youthful sufferer is progressing favourably.

Thursday 17 July 1884
County Petty Sessions
MR MANNING, of Chittlehampton, applied for an ejectment warrant against ROBERT JOHN DYMOND. It appeared that DYMOND had been working for the applicant till recently but had refused to give up possession of the cottage belonging to MR MANNING. The necessary notices having been proved, the Bench granted the application, to be put in force at the expiration of 21 days.

Thursday 24 July 1884
County Court of Devonshire at Southmolton
ROBERT STONE v. Frederick Webber. Plaintiff is a farmer of Chittlehampton, and defendant is a farmer of Southmolton; claim for 12s. 6d. for the use of an entire horse. Plaintiff stated that defendant had not paid anything but the groom’s fee, 2s. 6d. 10s. for use of the horse and 2s. 6d. for groom. Mr A E Shapland appeared on behalf of the defendant, who contended that the horse was not the joint property of STONE sen. And jun., as it was now asserted, and cross-examined STONE sen., respecting it. STONE, jun., stated that the horse was the joint property of his father and himself. Mr Shapland contended that it was not, and that the summons required amending, which his Honour did. STONE, jun., stated that he had asked the defendant repeatedly for the money at the “Town Arms,” the horse being then there, viz., on the 31st June, 1882. Mr Webber (the defendant) stated that he was solicited by the plaintiff to engage the services of his horse, and had two or three conversations respecting it prior to the time when the services of the horse were engaged, and that payment was to be conditional, viz., no colt, no pay, his reason for thus agreeing being that his mare had failed to foal for two years in succession. He also denied that the plaintiff had ever asked him for the money. The plaintiff asserted that he had repeatedly done so – once outside Mr Farley’s shop and twice at the “Town Arms.” His Honour: There is evidently some mistake. I shall nonsuit the plaintiff without costs.
STONE v. Webber - Claim for use of horse - £1 15s. – adjourned on plaintiff’s application from last Court day, again adjourned, defendant not being present, costs of adjournment to abide result of hearing at the next Court.
WILLIAM MURCH v. WILLIAM OSMOND - Claim of £2 18s. 7d. for goods sold. Plaintiff is a miller, and defendant a labourer of Chittlehampton. Defendant asserted that the account of goods had of plaintiff which his wife had kept, and which he handed into Court, was all he owed the plaintiff. MR MURCH (the plaintiff) asserted that it was not, but that the defendant’s wife had had goods unknown to her husband to give to her daughter recently married. Judgment for the amount claimed, to be paid in 2s. 6d. per month. Defendant: I can’t pay 2s 6d. per month; you may take me and the children and the old woman.

Thursday 14 August 1884
MARRIAGE - August 5, at Crediton, John Burrow, to Maria, youngest daughter of the late Mr John Willcocks, of Chittlehampton.

Thursday 21 August 1884
County Petty Sessions
FREDERICK SPARKS, of Chittlehampton, was summoned by Eola Vanstone, of Southmolton, to shew cause, &c. Mr Bosson appeared for the complainant, and Mr H K Thorne for the defendant. The defendant is an apprentice, and will not be out of his time till January next. The Bench made an order of 2s. per week until the child attains the age of 15 years.

Thursday 25 September 1884
DEATH - At Furze Barn Farm, Chittlehampton, MARY, widow of ARTHUR BARNS, aged 84.

Thursday 2 October 1884
County Petty Sessions
Trespass. CHARLES VICKERY of Chittlehampton, was summoned by MR THOMAS GREENSLADE, of Lerwill Farm, Chittlehampton, for trespassing in pursuit of game on the 16th inst. Mr Incledon Bencraft appeared on behalf of the prosecution. It appeared that on the day in question WILLIAM WOOLLACOTT saw the defendant on land in the occupation of MR GREENSLADE (who has the right of killing the game in consequence of having no leave), and saw him shoot at a covey of partridges. Other evidence was given, and several previous convictions having been put in against the defendant, he was fined £2 and costs, £1 6s.
Assault. CHARLES VICKERY the last defendant, was further charged with assaulting WILLIAM WOOLLACOTT, the witness in the previous case, on the 14th ult., at Chittlehampton, by putting his fist against his face, being also very abusive and drunk at the time. He was fined 1s. and costs, 9s. 6d., which was paid, but he was allowed to go home in charge of a constable to obtain the money to be paid in the previous case.

Thursday 23 October 1884
County Petty Sessions
ALBERT MURCH, of Chittlehampton, was summoned by Francis Stephenson Hoyte, supervisor, for carrying a gun without a license. The case was proved by P.C. Hockridge, who stated that he saw defendant carrying the gun and asked him for his license. He said he had not got any, but that his father had, which was not correct. The defendant stated that he thought he might carry a gun, as he was only going to kill an owl, but he was reminded that the ground on which he was at the time was not in his own occupation. He was fined £1 and costs, which were paid.
Barnstaple - Borough Police. - At the Guildhall on Thursday, before W. P. Hiern and c. Crassweller, Esqs., WILLIAM TOMS, of Chittlehamholt, was charged with having been drunk whilst in charge of a horse and cart in Newport Road, and with having wilfully damaged a coat, the property of Thomas Williams. P.S. Thorne proved the case, stating that when he took defendant into custody he became very violent, so that witness had to call a man named Williams to his assistance. Defendant tore Williams's coat. For the first offence defendant was fined 10s. including costs, and in the second 10s., inclusive of the amount of the damage done to the coat.
Fatal Accident - At the North Devon Infirmary on Monday an inquest was held by the borough coroner (R. I. Bencraft, Esq.), touching the death of STEPHEN FORD, aged 32, who died at that Institution on Sunday afternoon from the effects of injuries sustained by a fall from a ladder at Chittlehampton on the preceding Friday. The sad occurrence is rendered much more distressing from the fact that deceased leaves a wife and six children, the oldest being only ten years of age. Death resulted from gangrene, which followed injuries sustained by falling from a ladder. The inquest was held with all possible speed, but deceased had notwithstanding become almost unrecognisable, being very much swollen and almost black. The first witness called was WM. POTBURY PALMER, of Chittlehampton (clerk of works to the Hon. Mark Rolle), who in the course of his evidence was several times visibly affected, said deceased was a labourer in the employ of the Hon. Mark Rolle, for whom he had worked eight years. He was a married man, and leaves a widow and six children. He was usually employed to drive a small pony, but on Friday last he went, accompanied by witness, to Shilston Farm, in the occupation of MR BALMENT. He was engaged at work in the new house which had recently been built there, and was occupied with witness in taking the measurement of an old granary in the front of the house, which they were going to repair. By witness’s direction deceased placed a ladder against the end of the granary. He asked if it was safe, and witness and Mr Balment both assured him that it was. Deceased proceeded to ascend the ladder, but on getting up about nine or ten rungs deceased slipped and fell. Witness ran towards where he was falling and caught him in his arms, but from the force of the fall they both fell to the ground. witness got up immediately, and on looking at deceased he saw that his right leg was broken between the ankle and the knee. Deceased cried out, “Oh, master, what will become of my wife and children.” He was unable to rise, but with the assistance of MR BALMENT witness succeeded in placing deceased in a spring cart which was procured by the former, and carefully wrapped him in warm rugs. A little brandy having been administered to deceased, he was conveyed without delay to the North Devon Infirmary, where he arrived about half-past three, and was attended to by the house surgeon. The accident happened about dinner time. Deceased was a very delicate man, and was suffering from a certain disease which at times made him walk very unsteadily, as though intoxicated. The ladder (which was a new one) at the time of the accident was resting against two wooden leaves of a window, which were wet, and the ladder appeared to have slipped. There was a mullion between the two leaves. Deceased had for some time been wearing very thin boots, but on this day he had on a much thicker and heavier pair, which might have made him more unsteady in walking. RICHARD BALMENT, the occupier of Shilston Farm, corroborated, adding that deceased did not lose consciousness. Mr J W L Ware, house-surgeon of the Institute, said that deceased was brought to the Infirmary about three o’clock on Friday afternoon. He was taken into a special ward, undressed, and put to bed. Witness examined him, and found that his right leg was fractured mid-way between the knee and the ankle. It was a compound fracture, the bone protruding through the flesh. He was suffering considerably from the shock. Mr Cook, one of the medical gentlemen who attended the Institution, was summoned, and assisted witness in setting the bone. Deceased progressed favourably through the night and the following day, but on Sunday morning he became worse, and on the bandages being removed it was found that mortification had commenced, and spread rapidly during the day until four o’clock in the afternoon, when deceased expired, death resulting from gangrene, which followed the injuries sustained by the fall. A verdict of “Accidental Death” was returned. The coroner remarked that there was no blame attached to anyone. It was incidentally remarked by Mr Palmer that Mr Rolle generally acts in a very charitable spirit to persons on his estate similarly circumstanced, and he had no doubt he would make liberal allowance to the widow in the present instance.
The remains of STEPHEN FORD who died at the North Devon Infirmary, from the effects of an accident, were interred in the parish churchyard on Tuesday last. Deceased, who had been a labourer on the Rolle Estate, was carried to the grave by his fellow workmen, and the funeral was attended by all the employees on the Estate, and a large number of the inhabitants who walked in procession after the corpse. In the absence of the Vicar, the service was conducted by the curate of Swimbridge. Much sympathy is felt for the relatives of deceased, who was a quiet and inoffensive man, and who leaves a widow and six small children to mourn their loss. The funeral was the largest that has been witnessed here for some time.
DEATH - October 19, at Chittlehampton, ELIZABETH, wife of W. PEARSE, aged 84.

Thursday 6 November 1884
Borough Petty Sessions
RICHARD BALMAN, of Chittlehampton, was summoned by Sergt. Hobbs, as Inspector of Weights and Measures for the Borough, for having an unjust weight; i.e. for having a 1lb. brass weight two drachms light in the New Market on Saturday, the 23rd Oct. He was fined 6d. and costs.

Thursday 20 November 1884
County Petty Sessions
Excise Prosecutions. CHARLES VICKERY, of Chittlehampton, was summoned by Francis Stephenson Hoyle, Supervisor, for having used a gun for the purpose of taking and killing game without having a licence or certificate for the same. The defendant was fined the previous sessions for trespassing in pursuit of game when it was deduced in evidence that he had no gun licence, and the present charge arose out of that case. The prosecutor called WILLIAM WOLLACOTT, who stated that on the 16th September last he saw the defendant in pursuit of partridges and that he fired at them on Lerwill Farm. Mr Shapland appeared for the defendant, and called Henry Goss to prove that it was not partridges that the defendant shot at, but a stoat, and that he heard the report of the gun and saw him pick it up; but in cross-examination by Mr Hoyle he was asked whether he did not give evidence in the previous case, to which he replied “Yes”; and, retorted Mr Hoyle, “the magistrates did not believe you?” to which the witness said, “I don’t know anything about that.” Several previous convictions of a similar nature having been put in against him the magistrates fined him £8 and costs, together £9 2s. 6d., or in default two month’s imprisonment. Defendant did not appear.
RICHARD MEDLAND, of Chittlehamholt, was summoned by Mr E. T. Babbage, School Attendance Officer, for the non-attendance of his children MARY and RICHARD. An attendance order was made.
RICHARD WOOLLACOTT, of Chittlehampton, was summoned by WILLIAM VICKERY for trespassing in pursuit of game, to wit partridges, on Furse Farm on the 14th October last. Mr Shapland appeared for the complainant, and Mr Incledon Bencraft for the defendant, who applied to have the whole of the witnesses in the case removed from the Court, and also to have the depositions of the witnesses for the prosecution taken down in writing, which was done. WILLIAM VICKERY stated that on the day in question he went to his fields to see his cattle, and he there saw the defendant in a field called Little Parks shoot at some partridges which dropped out over the hedge in the adjoining field belonging to MR HARTNOLL, of Lerwill. He also said he saw defendant come out over the middle of the hedge from Mr Greenslade’s field, but in cross-examination he was asked whether there were not two men working in an adjoining field of potatoes, named Harris and Macey, which he said there was. He was asked whether he had said anything to them about it, and he said “No”. His conduct during this cross-examination was anything but satisfactory. JAMES HARRIS was then called, who said about five o’clock on the day named he heard whilst “caving” his potatoes the report of a gun, and he went in the direction from which the sound came and saw two partridges topple over and one drop into Lerwill field. He looked through a gap in the hedge, and, not seeing anyone, he went in and picked up the bird, and on returning with it in his hand he saw the defendant WOOLLACOTT who was coming towards him. In cross-examination he said: WOOLLACOTT asked him “Who was that fired?” to which he replied “I do not know.” WOOLLACOTT said, “It was you.” I said, “It’s a lie!” “What did you do with the bird?” “I threw it down at WOOLLACOTT'S feet.” “Was it dead when you picked it up?” “No”. “How did you carry it?” “In my hand.” “Didn’t you put it up under your arm?” “No”. “Had WOOLLACOTT any gun?” “No.” “Have you been to see Mr Law?” “Yes.” “Did you apologise to him for what you had done?” “Yes, I did.” “Then if you simply picked up the bird why did you do so?” To which an evasive answer was given. WILLIAM MACEY stated that he was working for MR HARRIS about the potatoes, and about five o’clock heard the report of a gun, and MR HARRIS went to see what it was. He saw the partridges. In cross-examination he was asked whether he also went to see about the birds, to which he replied “No.” Why didn’t you? “Because I was working for MR HARRIS and did not leave my work.” Mr Bencraft stated in his defence that the last two witnesses had not corroborated the statements made by the old man Vickery, his evidence being entirely unsupported, and strongly animadverted on his evidence, remarking that there was a bad feeling existing because WOOLLACOTT'S father had given evidence against VICKERY'S son. He called GEORGE BALMENT, who stated that on the day in question the defendant and himself were working together –thrashing in the forenoon and in the afternoon at plough. They went to work about two o’clock and they did not leave work till half-past five, each being in charge of a team of horses, and on returning from work they were riding side by side, and when near the field in question they heard the report of a gun and on looking down they saw the smoke rising from the potato field. WOOLLACOTT jumped off his horse, got over the hedge and ran down beside the hedge whilst I took charge of his horses; I said to him before he left, “if you don’t go I will.” I went a short distance with the horses and then got off and left them in charge of a boy and got up on the hedge. In about five minutes I saw HARRIS come over the hedge and pick up the bird and put it up under his arm, and on returning WOOLLACOTT came up and met him. He heard them talking to each other, but could not tell what they said. I shouted, “That will do.”
WILLIAM WOOLLACOTT was then called who said he was coming up the road from Lerwill when he heard the report of a gun and went into the field, where he saw his brother and HARRIS talking together. ARTHUR BURGESS, a tailor, of Chittlehampton, said on the day in question he was riding from Chittlehampton to Heddon, and on passing the field in question he saw BALMENT on the hedge and WOOLLACOTT in the field, with the two pair of horses in the road as described by Balment, and he heard BALMENT shout, “That will do.” The Bench dismissed the case, and the Chairman remarked that they were unanimously of opinion that the prosecutor should be proceeded against for perjury. Mr Bencraft remarked that he should first consult those who had employed him in the case, and it would no doubt be done. [We learn that a prosecution for perjury will be instituted.]
DEATH - October 27, at Brantford, Ontario, Canada, MR WILLIAM E. MORRIS, formerly of Chittlehampton, aged 75.

Thursday 18 December 1884
Police Court - Wednesday – Before N C Hatherly, Esq., WILLIAM VICARY, of Chittlehampton, an old man 74 years of age, was brought up on custody charged with having on the 17th November last before the Rev W Thorold and G Cutcliffe, Esq., two of her Majesty’s justices of the peace, committed wilful and corrupt perjury in an action in which he was the complainant, and RICHARD WOLLACOTT the defendant. Sergeant Hobbs asked for a remand until Monday next, at 12 o’clock, which was granted. Prisoner was liberated on bail, himself in £20, and one surety in £40.
County Petty Sessions – Town Hall, Southmolton, Monday
Charge of Perjury Against a Farmer. - WILLIAM VICARY, farmer, was brought up on a charge of perjury. The prisoner is aged 74, and is the occupier of Ash Farm, in the parish of Chittlehampton. The charge arose out of a case which was heard at the last Court, in which RICHARD WOOLLACOTT, a farm labourer, was charged by VICKERY with having been on his land on October 14th in pursuit of game. The evidence VICKERY gave on that occasion was to the effect that about five o’clock on the 14th October he saw WOOLLACOTT get over the edge of one of his fields and walk along the field. He disturbed a covey of partridges, which rose, and WOOLLACOTT fired at them. The birds flew over to an adjoining field, and two of them dropped. WOLLACOTT ran to the birds, and VICKERY called out to him. In cross-examination, VICKERY swore positively that he saw WOOLLACOTT shoot the birds. In an adjoining field were working a man named JAMES HARRIS and his workman, MACEY, and at the last hearing HARRIS deposed to hearing the shot and going and picking up the birds, and while he was taking them back to where he was at work he saw WOLLACOTT and had a conversation with him. HARRIS also admitted that he had been to Dr Law (who rented the shooting) and apologised to him for picking up the birds. The evidence of VICKERY was at the conclusion of the case believed to be false, and the case was dismissed, instructions being at the same time given to bring him up on a charge of perjury. The first witness called yesterday was Mr Joseph Kingdon, Managing Clerk to Mr F Day, clerk to the Magistrates, who, having read over the evidence given by the prisoner at the Town Hall on the 17th November last, added that on the 10th inst. he was present when the prisoner was brought up under a warrant, charging him with perjury, and when a remand was applied for. P.C. Hockridge then stated on oath that the prisoner said to him when he served the summons on him that he knew he had told lies, and that the policeman’s evidence was true. RICHARD WOLLACOTT now stated that on the 14th October he had been at work all day in a field with a fellow-workman named BALMENT up to half past five o’clock. He and BALMENT left the field together with their horses, and when going along the road they heard some shots fired. BALMENT told witness to get off his horse, jump over the hedge, and see who it was. He did not go into VICKERY'S field, but the one next to it. In an adjoining field JAMES HARRIS and another man were at work, and he saw smoke come through the hedge of HARRIS'S field. He also saw a covey of partridges rise. He laid against the hedge for a minute or two, and he heard someone say, “Go on down after it.” The other person replied, “I’m afraid”. He said again, “Go on down after it,” and he then saw JAMES HARRIS get over the hedge and go and pick up the partridges, and put them under his coat. Witness never saw VICKERY at all, but he walked towards HARRIS, when HARRIS accused him of firing the shot. The evidence given by the prisoner at the last Court was entirely untrue. GEORGE BALMENT, fellow-worker of WOLLACOTT'S corroborated this evidence, and said he saw the smoke come through HARRIS'S hedge, and he saw HARRIS pick up the birds and put them under his coat. When the shots were fired WOLLACOTT was in the road with him and was on his horse. He never saw anything of VICKERY, the prisoner. JAS. GOSS, a fellow servant of RD. WOLLACOTT'S, said he saw the latter, and he had no gun in his hand when the shots were fired. WILLIAM WOLLACOTT said that he saw his brother, RICHARD WOLLACOTT, come from an opposite direction to that in which the smoke rose after the shots. This was just after he heard the reports. He saw JAMES HARRIS go over and pick up something from where the other birds had risen. JESSE MACEY, wife of a labourer, said that JAMES HARRIS came to her house between four and five o’clock on the day in question and fetched a gun he had left there. JAMES HARRIS, farmer, of Chittlehampton, said that he was in a field adjoining the prisoner’s on the 14th October, and heard a double-shot fired. He afterwards picked up a wounded partridge. Acting on the advice of his solicitor, witness declined to say whether he knew who fired the gun, on the ground that it might incriminate him. The Bench allowed the objection. WILLIAM MACEY, labourer, said he was with the last witness, and, in answer to the Bench, he distinctly swore that he did not see HARRIS fire the gun. If HARRIS had done so he must have seen it. P.C. Hockridge said that when he read the summons over to the prisoner the latter said, “Supposing it is a lie, what will they do to me? That’s all JIMMY HARRIS'S fault. He didn’t tell his story right; he didn’t tell it like he did before.” Witness apprehended the prisoner on a warrant on the 10th instant, and after giving him the usual caution the prisoner said, “I know I told a lie, and the others told a lie as well. I should not have done it if it had not been for JIMMY HARRIS and CHARLIE. They pumped me to it.” On the way to Southmolton the prisoner said, “JIMMY HARRIS told me a fortnight ago that he killed the bird. I was not there. It was what they told me after.”
The Bench then committed the prisoner for trial at the next Assizes at Exeter, and accepted bail – himself in £40, and Mr J Blackford, auctioneer, in £80.

Thursday 23 December 1884
DEATH - December 15, WILLIAM PEARSE, of Chittlehampton, aged 87.

Thursday 1 January 1885
DEATH - December 30, at Biddacott Farm, Chittlehampton, MR F. SMALLRIDGE, aged 74.

Thursday, 8 January 1885
DEATH- January 6, at Broden Hill, Chittlehampton, MR THOMAS SKINNER, carpenter, &c., aged 48.

Thursday 15 January 1885
A Disastrous Fire occurred on Tuesday at Stowford House, the residence of COLONEL CHICHESTER. The alarm of “fire” was raised in the village shortly after 10 a.m., and the villagers repaired in great numbers to the scene of the conflagration and succeeded in saving the greater portion of the furniture. The Chittlehampton fire engine was soon on the spot and commenced at once pouring water, of which there was a plentiful supply, upon the burning buildings, and succeeded in saving one wing of the house, the fire being confined to the part at first ignited. The fire originated, it is supposed, from the chimney taking fire. The premises, a neat country residence, was covered with thatch, and occupied by the owner, whose loss we hear is covered by insurance.
County Court of Devonshire at Barnstaple
Merchant v. Customer. - Alfred How and Co., manure merchants, of Barnstaple, v. T. GREENSLADE, farmer, of Chittlehampton. This was a claim for £20 1s. 7d. for manure supplied; of this amount £17 4s. 3d. had been paid into Court, so that the only amount in dispute was the difference between these two amounts. Mr Ffinch appeared for the plaintiff, and Mr R I Bencraft for the defendant. It was stated by Mr How that a quantity of manure was sold to defendant at the rate of £3 2s. 6d. per ton cash, 5s. per ton more to be paid if the account was settled at Barnstaple Fair, and 10s. per ton to be charge dif it was not settled until after Barnstaple Fair. The bargain was made by Mr Prideaux, his manager, who had since absconded, taking with him the £17 odd which had been paid into Court by the defendant. His Honour remarked that this placed plaintiff in a considerable difficulty. Mr How said it was stated on the billhead that interest would be charged on overdue accounts. His Honour: But nothing about the 10s. per ton extra. Defendant admitted his liability to pay the 5s. a ton extra, and said he had paid this into Court, but denied that he had to pay the 10s. extra. His Honour gave judgment for defendant for the balance in dispute.

Thursday 22 January 1885
DEATH - January 13, at Chittlehampton, MR WILLIAM MANNING, aged 76.

Thursday 12 February 1885
BIRTH - February 3, at Cobbaton, Chittlehampton, the wife of MR HENRY THOMAS, of a son.

Thursday 19 March 1885
Southmolton - At the Town Hall on Monday WM. CLARKE, of Chittlehamholt, was brought up in custody charged with having committed a burglary at Preston House, the residence of Wilson Hoare, Esq., on the 4th inst. Prisoner was remanded for a week.
On Tuesday STEPHEN CLARKE was charged with receiving some articles of plate missed from Preston House, knowing the same to have been stolen. Prisoner was remanded till Monday, bail being accepted.

Thursday 23 April 1885
A serious loss befell MR T. STONE, of this village, on Saturday night, when his thorough-bred stallion, ‘Tabernacle’, died almost suddenly after returning from Southmolton market. ‘Tabernacle’ was exhibited at the Barnstaple Horse Show on Friday last and was prize winner at the same show two years since.

Thursday 14 May 1885
Early Bee Swarming - A Hive of bees belonging to MR R. VICKERY swarmed on the 11th inst., and although the weather has been cold, yet the swarm was a very heavy one, weighing over 61 lbs.

Thursday 21 May 1885
MARRIAGE - May 18, at Chittlehampton, Mr Alfred Ayres, son of Mr Ayres, station-master, Umberleigh, to MARY, daughter of MR E. HOWARD, Nethercleave Farm, Chittlehampton.

Thursday 18 June 1885
Fatal Accident - J F Bromham, Esq., County Coroner, held an inquest at Wey Farm, Chittlehampton, on Saturday last on the body of LUCY PHILLIPS, a girl just over 13 years of age, who had lived with her grandfather MR THOMAS PHILLIPS at Wey. On Friday deceased’s grandfather and his daughter went to the Barnstaple market leaving a servant, named ELIZA BAWDEN, and his grandchild in the house. MR PHILLIPS had left his gun in the kitchen, and one barrel had contained a cartridge loaded with small shot for two or three weeks past. A little after three o’clock, ROBERT BUCKINGHAM a labourer, was in the barn, when the female servant came out in a very excited state and said “LUCY is dead”. He ran into the kitchen, and found deceased lying on the ground in a pool of blood, struggling violently, as if in great agony, and gasping for breath. She asked for some water, and he went for assistance. When he came back deceased was sitting in a chair and a few minutes afterwards she died. He had previously said to ELIZA BAWDEN “Oh, what have you done?” and she replied, “I took up the gun and put it to my shoulder, and it went off.” On examining the body, Dr Jackson found a large lacerated, contused an charred wound two inches below the left collar-bone. It was three inches long, two inches deep, and two inches in the widest part. The wound led upwards, fracturing the second rib, and causing a hole the size of a shilling in the upper lobe of the left lung. At the bottom of this cavity Dr Jackson found three wads and a piece of deceased’s dress, and around the wound there were thirty-six shots. He was of opinion that death resulted from haemorrhage in the lung, and from the intercostals arteries. ELIZA BAWDEN'S statement was to the effect that the gun went off, but whether it did so when it was at her shoulder or when it fell to the ground she could not say. The evidence shewed that deceased and the servant girl had been on the best of terms, and a verdict of accidental death, and a rider exonerating the girl from any blame, was returned. The Jury gave their fees to the North Devon Infirmary.

Thursday 20 August 1885
It is with deep regret that we record the death of MR B. S. BARNES, who for the last 18 months has been lay assistant in this parish. Deceased was the son of a clergyman residing in Essex. During his residence in this parish he has by the frankness of his manner and geniality of disposition won the respect and esteem of the inhabitants generally and his decease caused a feeling of general regret. Deceased died after a few days illness from an attack of paralysis, caused it is believed, by sunstroke. The funeral took place on Tuesday and was largely attended. The coffin was literally covered with wreaths of flowers, the work of loving hands and contributed by friends of deceased. The corpse was met at the entrance to the church by the Rev R E Trefusis, Rector of Chittlehampton, Rev W Thorold, Rector of Satterleigh, Rev C Haggard, Rector of Filleigh, Rev W E Cox, Vicar of Georgeham, and the choir of Chittlehampton, in their surplices. The opening sentences were read by the Rev C Haggard, the service in the church was conducted by the Rev W E Cox, and the service at the grave by the Rev R E Trefusis. The hymn commencing “And now the labourer’s work is done”, was sung by the choir, and after the funeral a muffled peal was rung on the bells.

Thursday 24 September 1885
BIRTH- September 19, at Chittlehampton, the wife of MR WM. J. BREALEY, of a daughter.
DEATH - September 18, at Chittlehampton, SUSAN, daughter of the late WM. NOTT, aged 44.

Thursday 22 October 1885
DEATH - October 16, at Chittlehampton, MR JOHN BEARD, aged 79.

Thursday 29 October 1885
BIRTH - October 17, at Chittlehampton, the wife of MR JOHN SLEE, of a daughter.

Thursday 5 November 1885
Southmolton. Borough Petty Sessions.
Weights and Measures Act. - The following persons were summoned by Sergt. Hobbs, Inspector of Weights and Measures for the Borough, who visited the market on Saturday, the 3rd of October, viz: JAMES SKINNER, Chittlehampton, for having an unstamped weight was fined 1s. - ROBERT HERNIMAN, Chittlehamholt, for having 3 light weights and 1 weight unstamped, was fined 1s. each and costs, 10s. 6d. - THOMAS DAVIS, Chittlehampton, for having 1 weight unstamped and 1 weight too heavy, was fined 1s in each case, and costs, 5s. - WILLIAM DYER, of Chittlehampton, for having 3 unstamped weights and for 1 light weight was fined 3s., and 5s. costs. - JOHN BURGESS, Chittlehampton, for having one light weight was fined 1s. and costs, 5s.

Thursday 12 November 1885
BIRTH - October 30, at Chittlehampton, the wife of MR WM. CONGRAM, of a son.

Thursday 17 December 1885
MARRIAGE - December 14, at the Independent Chapel, Southmolton, by Rev. W Stevens, ROBERT BUCKINGHAM, Chittlehampton, to MARY JANE, eldest daughter of THOMAS PHILLIPS, Chittlehampton.

Thursday 14 January 1886
SUSAN PUGSLEY NOTT, Deceased. - Pursuant to the 29th Section of the Act of Parliament of the 22nd and 23rd Victoria, Chapter 35, intituled “An Act to further amend the Law of Property, and to relieve Trustees,”
Notice is hereby given, that all Creditors and other Persons having any Claims or Demands upon or against the Estate of SUSAN PUGSLEY NOTT, late of Chittlehampton, in the County of Devon, Spinster, Deceased (who died at Chittlehampton aforesaid, on the 18th day of September, 1885, and whose Will was proved in the District Registry of the Probate Divorce and Admiralty Division of Her Majesty’s High Court of Justice at Exeter, on the 5th day of January, 1886, by William Thomas Cassell Pratt, of Newport, in the County of Monmouth, the sole executor of the said Will) are hereby required on or before the 31st day of January instant, to send to the said William Thomas Cassell Pratt, or to me, the undersigned Solicitor for the said Executor, and Notice is Hereby Also Given, that at the expiration of the last mentioned day, the said Executor will proceed to distribute the Assets of the Deceased amongst the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to the Claims of which the said Executor shall then have had Notice, and that the said Executor will not be liable for the Assets, or any part thereof, so distributed to any person of whose Debts, Claims, or Demands the said Executor shall not have had notice at the time of such distribution.
Dated this 7th day of January, 1886.
W. Kinsey-Morgan, 37 Bridge Street, Newport, Mon., Solicitor for the Said Executor.

Thursday 21 January 1886
BIRTH - Jan 14, at Passaford, Hatherleigh, the wife of the Rev. W. B GASCOIGNE, Vicar of Chittlehamholt, of a daughter.

Thursday 28 January 1886
BIRTH - January 21, at Chittlehampton, the wife of MR JOHN HUXTABLE, carpenter, of a daughter.

Thursday 18 February 1886
Heirs Wanted. A newspaper published in Batavia, Genesee, N.Y., under date January 29th, makes the following significant announcement:-
The People of the State of New York, By the Grace of God, Free and Independent: To ANN NEWCOMB, ROGER SLEE and ELIZABETH BASSETT, of Chittlehampton, heirs at laws, and next of kin of Rebecca Baple, late of the town of Oakfield, in the county of Genesee, deceased, greeting: You and each of you are cited to appear before the Surrogate of the county of Genesee, at his office in Batavia, in said County, on the 15th day of March, 1886, at ten o'clock in the forenoon of that day, to attend the proof and probate of the last will and testament of said deceased, which relates to personal estate, and is presented for proof and probate by Richard Stevens, executor therein named. And those of you who are under the age of twenty-one years are required to appear by your guardian, if you have one; if you have none, that you appear and apply for one to be appointed; in the event of your neglect or failure so to do, a guardian will be appointed by the Surrogate to represent and act for you in this proceeding. In testimony whereof we have caused the seal of office of our said Surrogate to be hereunto affixed. Witness Myron H. Pook. L.S. Surrogate of our said county, at the village of Batavia, the 26th day of January, A.D., 1886.

Thursday 4 March 1886
BIRTH – February 26, at Shilston Farm, Chittlehampton, the wife of MR R. BALMAN, of a daughter.
BIRTH - February 25, at South Newton Farm, Chittlehampton, the wife of MR SLAPE, of a son.

Thursday 18 March 1886
On Sunday last WM. FORD, who resided in this village for upwards of 40 years, and was respected and esteemed by all for his integrity and sterling Christian character died at his residence in this parish. Deceased, who was blind from childhood, obtained a livelihood and brought up his family by his own industry, and for above thirty years was the weekly carrier between this place and Barnstaple. Two years since, through growing infirmity, he was compelled to relinquish the post. Deceased was a consistent member of the Brethren community and zealous local preacher of that body, and many now his voice is still in death remember his words of faithful warning. A few weeks since he received the first instalment of an annuity from a blind charity. Deceased was seized with bronchitis about a week since, and he succumbed to the attack on Sunday evening.
MARRIAGE - March 14, at Chittlehampton Church, by the Rev. R. E. Trefusis, MR FRED CONGRAM, of Chittlehampton, to Jane, eldest daughter of Mr Wm. Gould, of Landkey.
DEATH - March 14, at Chittlehampton, WILLIAM FORD (blind man), aged 74.

Thursday 25 March 1886
BIRTH - March 22, at Collacott Barton, Chittlehampton, the wife of MR T. GREENSLADE, of a son.
MARRIAGE - March 15 at Chulmleigh Church, MR RICHARD WILLIAM HERNIMAN, of Chittlehamholt, to Mrs Selina Tolly, of the Fortescue Arms, Chulmleigh.

Thursday 6 May 1886
MARRIAGE - April 28, at Chittlehampton, by the Rev R E Trefusis, MR S HOWARD, of Coombe Farm, to MISS F. BARROW, niece of MR G. GUARD of Nethercleave Farm, both of Chittlehampton.
MARRIAGE - April 21, at the Parish Church, Chittlehamholt, MR EDWIN BATER, Farr's Farm, to MISS SOPHIA HARRIS, third daughter of MR GEORGE HARRIS, of Presburg Farm, both of Chittlehamholt.

Thursday 20 May 1886
County Petty Sessions.
THOMAS CLARKE, of Chittlehamholt, was summoned by ARCHIBALD MCLAUGHAN for unlawfully assaulting and beating him at Chittlehamholt, on the 18th April last. Complainant in this case did not appear and on the defendant stating to the Bench that the case was settled it was dismissed.

Thursday 3 June 1886
DEATH - May 28, at Ford Mills, Chittlehampton, PHOEBE wife of MR MURCH aged 62.

Thursday 10 June 1886
Funeral of MR BUCKINGHAM - The funeral of MR W. BUCKINGHAM, who recently died at Fort-street, Barnstaple, took place at Chittlehampton on Wednesday of last week, and was largely attended by farmers and others, both from Chittlehampton and neighbouring parishes. Deceased was widely known and highly respected as a practical agriculturist. He was born at Coombe Farm, which he only vacated at Lady-day last, and was the oldest tenant on the Rolle Estate. Deceased was a valued member and local preacher in the Wesleyan Methodist Society, and his labours were highly prized in the various congregations of the Southmolton circuit. The remains of the deceased were interred in the grave yard adjoining the Wesleyan Chapel. The funeral service was conducted by the Revs. C Holman and T E Brigden, Ministers of the Southmolton Circuit. At the conclusion of the service at the grave side, the hymn commencing “Give me the wings of faith to rise within the veil and see,” was sung, and thus, amid the tears of sorrowing friends, was laid to rest the dust of a highly respected and useful man. The children of the Wesleyan Sunday School, in which he took a warm interest, followed the remains of their benefactor to the grave.

Thursday 24 June 1886
County Petty Sessions - GEORGE STORT, of Chittlehampton, was summoned by P.C. Roach for allowing cows to stray on the highway at Chittlehampton on the 23rd May last. The case was proved, and defendant fined 13s., to include costs.
Employers’ and Workmen’s Act - HENRY BREWER, of Chittlehampton, was summoned by Mr Richard Cole, of Warkleigh, for having, on the 3rd day of June inst., left his employ without due notice, whereby the plaintiff had two horses idle for four days, for which he claimed £2. Defendant was ordered to pay 16s. and 5s. costs.

Thursday 29 July 1886
Early Commencement of Corn Harvest - Corn harvest has been commenced in the parish of Chittlehampton, a field of oats, on Hoe Farm, the property of MRS MURCH, having been cut last week. As the crops are not particularly forward, this reaping has a chance of being reckoned among the earliest of the season.
BIRTH - July 22, at the Vicarage, Chittlehampton, the wife of the REV R. E. TREFUSIS, of a son.
BIRTH – July 24, at the Bell Inn, Chittlehampton, the wife of MR S. VICKERY, of a son.

Thursday 5 August 1886
DEATH - July 26, at Chittlehampton, MARY, widow of the late WM. SELLEY, aged 78.

Thursday 12 August 1886
Sudden death - An inquest was held at the Rolle Arms, Chittlehampton, on Monday last, before J F Bromham, Esq., County Coroner, touching the death of WM. SUMMERS, a labourer, in his eighty-third year. From the evidence of the person with whom he lodged, it appeared that he left home on Saturday morning last in his usual health, and was engaged in hoeing turnips in a field, near the village, in which there is a path leading to Stowford. Some people passing through the fields, shortly before six o’clock, observed deceased lying against the hedge, and, on going up to him, discovered that he was dead. He had, apparently, sat against the hedge to eat his dinner, and had died almost immediately after. A Hind, Esq., surgeon, stated that the deceased had probably died from apoplexy, and a verdict of death from natural causes was arrived at by the jury.

Thursday 16 September 1886
BIRTH - September 11, at Chittlehampton, the wife of MR WILLIAM TAYLOR, of a son.
Chulmleigh Petty Sessions.
MARY DOWN, of Chittlehamholt, summoned JOHN SMITH for the maintenance of her illegitimate child, born on the 6th May. An order was made for 2s. a week.

Thursday 21 October 1886
MARRIAGE - October 14th, at the Registrar’s Office, Barnstaple, George Guard, of Umberleigh, to ANNE, third daughter of the late MR CARDER WILLIAM WATTS, of Chittlehampton.

Thursday 25 November 1886
Sudden Death - A case of very sudden death occurred here on Friday last. The deceased, WILLIAM SIMMONS, a labourer, aged 78 years, residing at Hembow, had been engaged during the day in his usual labour, and returned in the evening in apparently good health. He had partaken of supper and was sitting on a chair by the fire, when he dropped off, and almost immediately expired. As deceased had recently been under medical treatment and there was no doubt but that death had resulted from natural causes, an inquest was considered unnecessary.
DEATH - November 19, at Hembow, Chittlehampton, very suddenly, WM. SIMMONS, aged 78.
DEATH - November 20, at Washford, MRS ANNE REED, late of Chittlehamholt, aged 67.

Thursday 9 December 1886
BIRTH - December 1, at Chittlehampton, the wife of MR GEORGE BATER, of a son.

Thursday 23 December 1886
Southmolton County Court
Considerably “Mixed”. FORD v. Westaway. - JAMES FORD, labourer, Fullabrook Lodge, Chittlehampton, sued Richard Westaway and Betsy his wife, of Southmolton, for the recovery of 8s. 3d., money lent. The hearing of this case provoked much amusement. The evidence of the plaintiff was to the effect that he had been lodging with the defendants; and he let Mrs Westaway have several small articles, including some clothes which had belonged to his late wife. He also lent her 10s., of which some part had been repaid. Mrs Westaway, with a volubility that amused the Court, gave a complicated account of the transactions which had taken place between her and the plaintiff, to whom she added she had been like a mother (laughter). Plaintiff (who is apparently many years older than Mrs Westaway): Yes; a funny one. But I am not going to be done out of this – (laughter). Mrs Westaway said she had a counter claim against the plaintiff; and she put in memoranda for his Honour’s information. The Judge said the transactions were complicated. The parties had rendered each other mutual help, and they had better consider that one claim settled the other. Verdict accordingly. Plaintiff: If you please we will have this settled at another court – (laughter).
BIRTH - December 17, at Chittlehampton, the wife of MR W. SEAGE, of a son.
DEATH - December 19, at Chittlehampton, JAS. CLARK, aged 40.

Thursday 6 January 1887
DEATH - December 27, at Chittlehampton, HARRIET HURFORD aged 36.
DEATH - December 26, at 99 Peel-street, London, MISS ELIZABETH LOCK late of Chittlehampton, aged 65.

Thursday 13 January 1887
DEATH - January 9, at Hill Head, Chittlehampton, MARY, wife of JOHN SAUNDERS, aged 73.

Thursday 3 February 1887
DEATH - January 25, at Chittlehampton, MR WM. SLEE, aged 68.

Thursday 17 February 1887
BIRTH - February 7, at Coombe Farm, Chittlehampton, the wife of MR S. HOWARD of a son.

Thursday 24 February 1887
MARRIAGE - February 22, at Southmolton Church, MR THOMAS STONE, of Chittlehampton, to Mrs Catherine Smith, of Southmolton.

Thursday 10 March 1887
DEATH - March 4, at Collacott Barton, Chittlehampton, GRACE, widow of the late WILLIAM BUCKINGHAM, late of Coombe Farm, Chittlehampton, aged 64.

Thursday 17 March 1887
Accident - An accident occurred to MR BURGESS, butcher and farmer, on Friday morning. While adjusting the belt on the threshing machine, he missed his footing and caught his arm between the spokes of the drum, breaking it in two places. Mr Hind, surgeon of Southmolton, was sent for immediately and set the broken bone. The sufferer is now progressing favourably.

Thursday 14 April 1887
Chittlehampton. The East Vestry was held on Monday, when MR HARTNOLL, of Lerwill, was chosen parish churchwarden for the ensuing year. This was the day appointed for selecting an assistant overseer to succeed MR PEDLER, resigned. There were four candidates for the office, MR T. PHILLIPS (Way), MR JAMES STONE (Townsend), MR HERBERT HUXHAM (Whitstone), MR W. SEAGE (Village). MR PHILLIPS and MR HUXHAM withdrew, and MR W. SEAGE was appointed by a majority of one vote over the number recorded for MR J. STONE. The vicar and others present abstained from voting for either candidate.

Thursday 12 May 1887
BIRTH - May 6, at Chittlehampton, the wife of the REV. W. A. BADGER, Curate, of a son.
DEATH - Burgess – May 8, at Langaton Farm, Chittlehampton, MR RICHARD BURGESS, aged 66.

Thursday 2 June 1887
CHITTLEHAMHOLT - Suicide. - On Saturday last an Inquest was held at Head Farm, in the parish of Chittlehamholt before J. F. Bromham, Esq., on the body of JOHN HOWARD, who came to his death under circumstances detailed below. - MELINA HOWARD, aged 15, and in the service of Mr John Manning, of Head Farm, deposed that her deceased father, who was 58 years of age, had resided at Chulmleigh. About half-past eight o'clock on Thursday evening her father called to see her. He gave her a parcel and told her not to open it until the next morning. She opened it, however, the same evening, and found that it contained a purse in which were three sovereigns and four half sovereigns. The next morning she heard that her father had been drowned in the mill leat. When she saw her father four weeks ago he seemed in very low spirits. He also seemed in low spirits on Thursday evening. She asked him where he was going, and he in reply said he was not going very far. William Adams, shopkeeper, residing at Chittlehamholt, deposed to finding the body of the deceased in the mill-leat on Friday morning. On the bank was an overcoat, a hat, and a walking stick, a stone being placed on the top of the coat. Sydney Greenslade, miller, of Kingsnympton, and a son-in-law of the deceased, deposed to assisting to take the body of his father-in-law from the stream. Deceased had stayed with him for some time, but left a fortnight previously. Deceased had no particular home of his own and got work where he could. Deceased had not lived with his wife for some years. Evidence was also given by P.S. Mitchell and Dr J. Tucker, and the Jury returned a verdict to the effect that deceased committed suicide while in a state of Temporary Insanity.

Thursday 16 June 1887
MARRIAGE - June 8, at Chittlehampton, by the Rev R E Trefusis, MR JOHN CHAPPLE to MISS EMMA SLEE, both of Chittlehampton.
MARRIAGE - June 8, at Chittlehampton, by the Rev R E Trefusis, MR WILLIAM DAVIE, to MISS HARRIETT SLEE, both of Chittlehampton.

Thursday 7 July 1887
MARRIAGE - July 2, at Chittlehampton, by the Rev. R. E. Trefusis, WILLIAM WARD to ELIZABETH SLEE, both of Chittlehampton.

Thursday 14 July 1887
Corn Harvest has commenced in this parish, a field of winter sown oats having been cut by MR WATTS on Beddacote Farm.
BIRTH - July 8, at Collacott Barton, Chittlehampton, the wife of MR T. GREENSLADE, of a daughter.
MARRIAGE - July 7, at Christ Church, Grosvenor Place, Exeter, Mr C Widgery, of Exeter, London, and South Western Railway, to MISS NELLIE HOOPER, of Chittlehampton.

Thursday 21 July 1887
Early Wheat Harvesting. MR F. SMALLRIDGE, of Biddacott Farm, Chittlehampton, commenced cutting wheat on Tuesday.

Thursday 6 October 1887
In a recent fire at Furze, Chittlehampton, when two small ricks of oats, the property of HENRY GOSS were destroyed, the loss was not covered by insurance. The property was not insured.
DEATH - October 1, at the Union Workhouse, Southmolton, HUMPHREY TUCKER, late of Chittlehampton, aged 84.

Thursday 27 October 1887
BIRTH - October 17, at the Bell Inn, Chittlehampton, the wife of MR SAMUEL VICKERY, of a son.
DEATH - October 29, at Fulham, London, MRS MARY CHAPPLE, third daughter of the late MR WM. CLARKE, of Chittlehampton, aged 47.

Thursday 3 November 1887
BIRTH - October 24, at Chittlehampton, the wife of MR WILLIAM COCKS, jun., of a son.
Information For Creditors. - JAMES MANNING, miller and farmer, of Chittlehamholt. Receiving order on debtor's petition granted by the Barnstaple Court on October 25th. First meeting, November 5th, 10 a.m., Unicorn Hotel, Southmolton. Public examination, November 11th, 2 p.m., Bridge Hall, Barnstaple.

Thursday 17 November 1887
Wife Beating - JAMES ARSCOTT HOLLAND, of Chittlehampton, was summoned by MARY ANN HOLLAND, his wife, for unlawfully assaulting and beating her at Chittlehampton, on the 6th inst., such assault and battery being of an aggravated nature in respect of violence. Defendant did not appear. The wife appeared and gave evidence, also JOHN BLACKMORE, gamekeeper to Dr Law, at Chittlehampton, who saw the assault committed, and the Bench sentenced defendant to six weeks’ hard labour without the option of a fine, and granted a separation order to the wife.

Thursday 1 December 1887
DEATH - November 7, at Chittlehampton, at the residence of her son, SARAH, widow of the late J. GARDNER, of Bishopsnympton, aged 75.

Thursday 15 December 1887
On Saturday William Westacott, who was apprehended immediately on his discharge from Millbank Prison on Thursday, was committed for trial on a charge of stealing, eight years ago, eleven sheep, the property of JAMES ELLIOTT, of Chittlehampton. There were other charges against the prisoner.

Thursday 22 December 1887
County Petty Sessions
Cruelty to a Child - ELIZA MACEY, of Chittlehampton, was summoned by P C Legg, of Chittlehampton, for unlawfully assaulting and beating her child, named ANNIE RIPPING, five years of age, on the 11th inst., at Chittlehampton. The Constable gave evidence to the effect that he had received complaints of the conduct of defendant, towards the child (which was an illegitimate one), and on the day named he went to defendant’s house and found the child with numerous scars upon various parts of the body, some old and others quite recent, one under one of the eyes, which w as bleeding at the time of his visit. He had previously cautioned defendant respecting her ill-treatment of the child, and defendant in reply to the constable’s enquiry as to how the child obtained the scar on the face, said that she struck the child, who falling against the table received the injury referred to. JOHN and THIRZA SNOW, both of Chittlehampton, corroborated the constable’s evidence, and defendant (who did not appear) was sentenced to 14 days’ hard labour and to pay the costs amounting to £1 5s. 6d.

Thursday 29 December 1887
BIRTH- December 23, at Chittlehampton, the wife of MR W. BREAYLEY, of a son.

Thursday 5 January 1888
A very serious gun Accident befel MR HOOPER, waterbailiff, on Wednesday last. Whilst rabbiting on Head Farm, Chittlehamholt, some shot from a gun fired at a rabbit unfortunately missed its mark and entered his eye. He was removed at once to the Eye Infirmary at Exeter, when it was found necessary to remove the eye. The sufferer is now doing as well as might be expected under the painful circumstances.

Thursday 12 January 1888
MR THOMAS MURCH, of Hool Farm, was returning home from Umberleigh on Saturday night, when, owing to the darkness, he slipped and fell into the tail race of Messrs. Murch’s saw-mill, sustaining serious injuries to his head and face. The sufferer, who is progressing as well as can be expected, was attended to by Dr Jackson.
On Tuesday last an inquest was held at Furze, before J F Bromham, Esq., County Coroner, to inquire into the circumstances attending the death of the infant child of ROBERT CLARKE, labourer. It appeared from the evidence of the mother that the child died on Thursday night after being seized with what appeared to be a choking fit. Dr Hind deposed that he had made a post mortem examination of the body and was of opinion that death was the result of natural causes. There was nothing in his opinion suspicious about the case. The jury returned a verdict in accordance with the medical evidence.
The Alleged Sheep Stealing Case - At the Devon Quarter Sessions, WILLIAM WESTACOTT 30, tailor, was indicted for stealing 11 sheep, the property of JAMES ELLICOTT, at Chittlehampton, on the 5th May, 1880. Mr Moore appeared for the prosecution, and Mr Carter defended. Prisoner pleaded not guilty. Mr Moore said prosecutor was not in attendance. He was a farmer from the same parish as that from which prisoner came, and a medical certificate had been forwarded stating that he was too ill to attend. Counsel did not see how the case could be proceeded with without the evidence of MR ELLICOTT, and would the Court direct him in the matter? Mr Carter: My friend has said there is no evidence without the prosecutor? I do not think there is any evidence with him. Would his lordship look at the depositions? The noble Chairman, after reading over the evidence, said the case could not very well proceed without the prosecutor, and Mr Moore then said he should offer no evidence. The jury returned a verdict of “Not Guilty”. Mr Carter said this was an offence alleged to have been committed eight years ago, and there was no evidence whatever of identity. If the case had been gone on with facts would have come out which would have astonished the Court.

Thursday 19 January 1888
Signs of Progress. - During the last few days four lamps have been erected in the village and were lit for the first time on Saturday evening last. There was a small balance left from the jubilee celebration, and it was thought that a good way of perpetuating the Queen's jubilee would be the erection of some lamps in the village, and, through the untiring energy of MR HARTNOLL, of Lerwill, who has taken the greatest interest in the matter, it has now, happily, been accomplished. The lamps, which are fitted with Duplex burners, each bear the date 1887, and have a very neat appearance. The substantial oak posts whereupon the lamps are placed were the gift of the Hon. Mark Rolle. Of course the expense of lighting will have to be defrayed from public subscription, but no difficulty ought to arise in obtaining the necessary funds for such a laudable object.

Thursday 16 February 1888
Gun Accident - On Wednesday, a lad named WARREN, employed at Bray Mill, Chittlehampton, was out rabbiting with his master, who had a double-barrelled gun. Having discharged one barrel, on drawing the empty cartridge, the lad’s employer accidentally touched the trigger of the other barrel, and the charge struck the boy on the head, laying the bone open for several inches. WARREN is progressing favourably under the treatment of Dr Furse, of Southmolton.
Divisional Petty Sessions, Monday
CHARLES LEVERTON, farm servant, was summoned by LUCY JANEY EELEIGH OSMAN, also farm servant of Chittlehampton, to shew cause, &c. Ordered to pay 1s. 6d., per week, and the costs, £1 5s. 6d. The parties were in service together at Atherington.

Thursday 1 March 1888
DEATH - February 24, at Chittlehampton, ANNE, wife of WILLIAM CRISPIN, aged 63.
DEATH - February 16, at Whitstone Farm, Chittlehampton, MR THOMAS HUXHAM, aged 84.

Thursday 8 March 1888
Freak of Nature - A few days since, an ewe, the property of MR MORTIMER, of Brightley Barton, gave birth to a lamb with two heads and necks, but a single body, which, although born alive, died shortly afterwards.
BIRTH - March 2, at Chittlehampton, the wife of MR H. C. WATTS, maltster, of a son.
DEATH - March 5, at Shilston Farm, Chittlehampton, EMILY, daughter of MR R. BALMAN, aged 4 years.
DEATH - March 5, at the Square, Chittlehampton, POLLY, third daughter of WILLIAM and MARY ANN MOLLAND, aged 19.

Thursday 22 March 1888
Thoughtful “Wedding Presents” - On Monday last each person in receipt of parochial relief was presented by MRS OGILVIE, of Pitt-house, with half a pound of tea in commemoration of MISS OGILVIE'S marriage, which is to take place during the present week. The kindness was greatly appreciated by the recipients, who earnestly wish the bride long life and conjugal happiness. The gift was handed to the recipients by the Rev W A Badger, curate. The parties receiving the gifts each contributed a small sum in order to make some little present to the esteemed young lady as a memento from the poor of Chittlehampton.

Thursday 29 March 1888
The members of the Fire Brigade were entertained at supper at the Bell Inn. MR F. SMALLRIDGE (captain and secretary) presided.
At the annual vestry meeting on Monday the retiring Guardians and waywardens were re-appointed. MESSRS. MILTON, SKINNER, and WATTS were nominated as overseers.

Thursday 5 April 1888
The Lady Day Vestry Meeting was held in the Rent Room last week, and was numerously attended. In the absence of the Vicar, MR MORTIMER was voted to the chair. The following are the appointments for the coming year: MR MORTIMER, Brightley, MR COURTNEY, Eastacote, were again re elected Guardians; MR HUXHAM, Whitstone, MR CROCKER, Eastacote, re elected waywardens; MR MILDON, Halswell, MR SKINNER, Bradbury, MR WATTS, Biddacott, nominated as overseers of the poor. MR F. SMALLRIDGE, the hon. secretary of the Fire Engine and Brigade, stated that considerable repairs were required to the Fire Engine. The meeting resolved to leave the matter in his hand and instructed him to take the necessary steps for placing it in efficient condition.
DEATH - March 29, at Depford Farm, Chittlehampton, ROBERT, son of MR JAMES HARRIS, aged 17.
DEATH - April 1, at Cleave Farm, Chittlehampton, MR WM. SKINNER, aged 55.
DEATH - April 1, at Chittlehampton, MR JOHN SLEE, aged 75.

Thursday 12 April 1888
BIRTH - April 6, at Chittlehampton, the wife of MR CHRISTOPHER LETHBRIDGE, of a son.

Thursday 3 May 1888
MARRIAGE - April 25, at Chittlehampton, MR S. DYMOND of Ford Mills, to LYDIA, daughter of MR WILLIAM MURCH, both of Chittlehampton.

Thursday 17 May 1888
JAMES RAWLE, of Chittlehampton, was summoned by Mr Thomas Barnett, Officer of Inland Revenue at Chittlehampton, for keeping a dog on the 6th March last without a licence. Defendant pleaded “guilty”, stating that it was an oversight on his part, in not obtaining a licence. He was fined £1 and costs, which was paid.

Thursday 7 June 1888
Chittlehampton - Early Hay Harvest – MR MANNING, Winson Farm, commenced hay-harvest on Friday last, by cutting a field of clover and eaver. Considering the backwardness of the season, the crop was heavy.
At the Guildhall, Southmolton, MICHAEL FOY, of Chittlehampton, was brought up in custody charged with assaulting and beating MISS SUSAN SKINNER, on the previous day. MISS SUSAN SKINNER deposed that the prisoner entered her house and asked for a loaf of bread; he came in a second time and asked for some cheese, and on doing so, asked if he might be allowed to examine the “bumps” of her head as he was a phrenologist. She refused, and ordered him to leave. He would not however go, and she endeavoured to push him out, when he took hold of her by the throat and pinned her against the wall. Her cries brought to her assistance two neighbours named MARY ANN GLOVER and MARY HULLAND and by their assistance he was put out of the house. Defendant, who is an Irishman, made a lengthy statement to the Bench, who, however, considered the charge proved and fined him 5s., and expenses or seven days. The prisoner took the alternative.

Thursday 9 August 1888
Chittlehampton - MR F. VEYSEY of Bratton, Chittlehampton, was elected an ordinary member of the association, at the last meeting of the Bath and West of England and Southern Counties Agricultural Society.

Thursday 16 August 1888
Education Act - WILLIAM PICKARD of Chittlehampton, was summoned by Mr Edward Tout Babbage, School Attendance Officer, for neglecting to send EDWIN ISAAC (for whom defendant is guardian), to school. An attendance order was made.
WM. COCKS of Chittlehampton, was summoned by the same officer, for neglecting to send his son, FRED COCKS, to school. Fined 5s. No costs.
County Petty Sessions. Indecent Assault. - THOMAS HEARD, carpenter, Chittlehamholt, was summoned by MARIA ADAMS, spinster (niece of the defendant), for unlawfully and indecently assaulting her in the parish of Chittlehamholt, on the 18th July. From the evidence of the prosecution it appears that on the evening of the day named, she was sent by her mistress, Mrs Bater, of Manor House, to the village of Chittlehamholt on some errands, and on returning across some path-fields she met the defendant, when each said to the other as they passed "Good night" it being about 9 o'clock. Whereupon the defendant ran after and caught her and attempted to throw her down, and put his hand under her clothes, when she (prosecutrix) screamed, which brought defendant's wife on the scene, and prosecutrix thereupon proceeded on her way to Manor House, and told her fellow servant the same night what had occurred, and her mistress on the following morning. When defendant's wife came upon the scene, she said she should acquaint prosecutrix's mother with what had occurred, to which prosecutrix replied "I hope you will." Mr Seldon, of Barnstaple, prosecuted and Mr Brown, defended. Several witnesses gave evidence for the prosecution, and Mr Brown addressed the bench on behalf of defendant, but reserved his defence in calling witnesses as defendant pleaded not guilty, and the Bench committed him for trial at the next Quarter Sessions for the County at Exeter. Bail was accepted.

Thursday 18 October 1888
MARRIAGE - October 13, at Chittlehampton, Mr John Gammon, of Marwood, to MRS M. A. ARSCOTT, of Chittlehampton.
MARRIAGE - October 13, at Chittlehampton, by the Rev R. E. Trefusis, MR R. NOBBS, to LILY, daughter of MR THOMAS EYRES Stationmaster, Umberleigh.

Thursday 25 October 1888
A Centenarian - At the conclusion of the service at the Workhouse Chapel on Sunday afternoon, several persons who had attended the service went through the sick wards. Among those who are bedridden, is one BETTY JOCE, formerly of Chittlehampton, who is said to have attained the patriarchal age of 102 year, and as our correspondent conversed with her, she sat perfectly erect in bed, and possessed her sight, hearing and reasoning faculties in a wonderful degree, especially for one born A.D. 1786.

Thursday 29 November 1888
County Magistrates. HENRY WARD of Chittlehampton, was summoned to shew cause why he should not contribute towards the maintenance of his parents, who were chargeable to the Southmolton Union. An order has been made by Justices on the defendant to contribute, but he had neglected to do so. The Bench ordered a distress warrant to be issued, and in default defendant would be committed for 14 days.

Thursday 10 January 1889
BARNSTAPLE - Accidental Death. - On Monday evening an Inquest was held at the North Devon Infirmary, before R. I. Bencraft, Esq., Borough Coroner, on the body of WM. ISAAC, aged 25, of Chittlehampton, who succumbed on Saturday to injuries received (as reported in last week's Journal), while working on Wednesday at Nethercleave Quarry, in the parish of Chittlehampton. Mr Charles Fisher was chosen foreman of the Jury. The evidence showed that on Wednesday morning the deceased (who was employed by Mr Wm. Palmer, clerk of works on the Rolle Estate) was working in Nethercleave Quarry in company with another labourer named George Parkin. Whilst the deceased was engaged in digging, a quantity of "deads" slipped and fell upon ISAAC, partially burying him. The "deads" were removed, but ISAAC was unable to rise, and said his right leg was broken. The deceased was promptly conveyed to the North Devon Infirmary, his father accompanying him. The house surgeon (Mr H. H. Lovell) found that the right thigh was fractured, and he set the bone. In the night ISAAC complained of pains in his back. The next day he was feverish and inflammation of the lungs setting in, the poor fellow died on Saturday night. Mr Lovell gave it as his opinion that inflammation of the lungs, evidently the result of internal injuries, was the cause of death. The Jury returned a verdict of "Accidental Death," and expressed their sympathy with the relatives of the deceased in their sad bereavement.

Thursday 17 January 1889
BIRTH - January 7, at Coombe Farm, Chittlehampton, the wife of MR STEPHEN HOWARD, of a son.

Thursday 31 January 1889
Barnstaple - At the Guildhall on Thursday, before C. Crassweeller, Esq. (in the chair)_ and W. Smyth, Esq., application was made for the temporary transfer of the licence of the Swan Inn, Holland Street, to WILLIAM THOMAS BOUCHIER, of Chittlehampton. A fortnight previously the license was transferred to Mr William Mock, of Barnstaple, but he was now anxious to relinquish it. MR WATTS, of Chittlehampton, who had taken the lease of the premises, desired to place the present applicant at the inn as caretaker until he can find a suitable tenant. The testimonials were considered satisfactory, and the application was granted.

Thursday 7 February 1889
MARRIAGE - February 1, at Chittlehampton, by the Rev. R. E. Trefusis, MR W. H. MARKINS, to EDITH, daughter of MR JOHN MANATON, Water Gate, Chittlehampton.
DEATH - January 30, at Chittlehampton, SUSAN, wife of MATTHEW HANCOCK, aged 40.

Thursday 7 March 1889
MARRIAGE - March 3, at Chittlehampton, WM., son of MR HARRIS, Dipford Farm, to MRS GERMAN, of Northmolton.

Thursday 21 March 1889
MARRIAGE - March 14, at Southmolton, Mr Samuel Cole, of Southmolton, to MISS CATHERINE DOWN, of Chittlehampton.
DEATH - March 11, at Chittlehampton, MRS JANE GALLIFORD, aged 63.
DEATH - March 18, at Chittlehampton, ESTHER E., eldest daughter of THOMAS and ELIZABETH WATTS, aged 18.

Thursday 11 April 1889
BIRTH - April 8, at Biddacott Farm, Chittlehampton, the wife of MR W. WATTS, of a son.
DEATH - April 7, at Chittlehampton, ANNE, wife of WM. ISAAC, aged 63.

Thursday 25 April 1889
BIRTH - April 16, at Butler's Farm, Chittlehamholt, the wife of MR JOHN BATER, of a daughter.
BIRTH - April 16, at Dicheton Water, Chittlehamholt, the wife of MR JOHN LEWIS, of a daughter.
BIRTH - April 22, at Head Mills, Chittlehampton, the wife of MR GEORGE POPE, jun., of a son.

Thursday 16 May 1889
DEATH - May 10, at Whey Farm, Chittlehampton, MARY JANE, the beloved wife of R. BUCKINGHAM, and eldest daughter of T. PHILLIPS, of Whey, aged 43.
DEATH - May 10, at Chittlehampton, MR H. GODBEER, Lay Reader and Assistant School-master, aged 27.
Southmolton. County Petty Sessions.
JOHN BAKER SKINNER, of Chittlehampton, applied for an ejectment warrant against WILLIAM OSMOND, of the same place, to give up possession of a cottage occupied by him there. MR SKINNER produced a duplicate notice to quit and the agreement signed by him and OSMOND and also a duplicate notice with which he was served of the intended application. The Bench made an order for defendant to quit at the expiration of 21 days.

Thursday 30 May 1889
BIRTH - May 21, at Chittlehampton, the wife of P.C. LEGG, of a daughter.

Thursday 1 August 1889
Singular Case. - On Saturday evening last, the wife of MR JOHN CHAPPLE, of this place, placed her son, aged a little over twelve months, in bed. A short time after, on hearing the little fellow screaming violently, she went upstairs and found that the child had been severely bitten in the finger by a rat. Poultices were applied to the hand and it is hoped no bad results will follow.

Thursday 15 August 1889
A Marriage will take place in September between MR EDWARD CHICHESTER, third son of the late REV. R. H. CHICHESTER, of Chittlehampton, North Devon, and Miss Gwenellen Walker, eldest daughter of Mr Chas. Walker, barrister-at-law, of Fern Lea, Norwood.

Thursday 22 August 1889
Southmolton County Court.
A Peculiar Defence. - The parties to the suit of J. K. SKINNER v. OSMOND live at Chittlehampton. Claim of 12s. 8d. for rent of a cottage. Defendant's wife appeared, and said that her husband would have paid the money but he was never asked for it. Ordered to pay 1s. 6d. a month.

Thursday 3 October 1889
Southmolton County Petty Sessions.
ALFRED HULLAND, of Chittlehampton, was summoned by Mr Tom Barnett, Excise Officer, for carrying a gun without a license there on the 15th July last. Defendant pleaded guilty to shooting a rabbit with it, but said it was at his master's request, who had a license. The Bench fined defendant £1 including costs.

Thursday 17 October 1889
DEATH - October 12, at Chittlehampton, MARY E., daughter of MR W. GARDNER, aged 14 months.
DEATH - October 11, at Eastacote, Chittlehampton, CATHERINE, wife of MR JAMES SMOLLDON, aged 69.
DEATH - October 13, at Chittlehampton, the infant daughter of MR W. TREBLE.
At the annual meeting of the County Licensing Committee at Exeter on Wednesday, Mr Cross applied on behalf of SAMUEL VICKERY for the confirmation of a license granted by the Chulmleigh Magistrates in respect of the Bell Inn, Chittlehampton. He said it was really rather a transfer of an old license, the old Bell Inn having been pulled down and a new inn erected in its place. The property belonged to the Hon. Mark Rolle, who had let it on a 99 years' lease to MR WATTS, who had rebuilt the house. There was only one other inn in the place, and that would be closed at Lady-day next. MR VICKERY had been a landlord since 1872 and formerly occupied the old Bell Inn. The license was confirmed.

Thursday 21 November 1889
MARRIAGE - Nov. 14, at the Wesleyan Chapel, South Molton, by Rev. A. Taylor, FREDERICK HOOPER, son of the late H. HOOPER, Devon Constabulary, to ELIZABETH, daughter of the late THOMAS WATTS, both of Chittlehampton.
DEATH - November 14, at Collacott Barton, Chittlehampton, GRACE, third daughter of T. GREENSLADE.
Southmolton. Divisional Petty Sessions.
WILLIAM ARTHUR START, farmer's son, Chittlehampton, was summoned by the Supervisor, Thom Barnett, for being in pursuit of game, on the 19th September, on Haywood Farm, Chittlehampton, and also at the same time using a gun without having a license for the same. P.C. Legge deposed that about 6.30 p.m. on the above day he heard a gun discharged. He was watching in a hedge which separated the parishes of Swimbridge and Chittlehampton, and immediately a covey of partridges flew over the hedge towards him, one of which appeared to be wounded, and dropped. Defendant then came towards the spot, but the bird rose again, and was beyond shooting distance. Defendant pointed his gun at it but did not fire. It then dropped in some furze bushes, and while defendant and his dog were endeavouring to find the wounded bird, he (the policeman) put in an appearance. The dog was a sheep dog, belonging to defendant'[s father, who had an exemption order for it. Fined £1 and 12s. 6d. costs.
Southmoltonians In London. - A London correspondent writes:- Many residents of Southmolton and the surrounding villages will read with pleasure of a presentation to MR CHARLES CHAPPLE, formerly of Southmolton. MR CHAPPLE was born at Chittlehampton and served an apprenticeship in Southmolton, at the old Post Office. Upon moving to London he became one of the most active temperance workers in that city. The presentation took place in St. Mary's Hall, Crawford-street, London, last Monday evening, on the occasion of MR CHAPPLE'S seventieth birthday. Among those present were the Hon. and Rev. Canon Leigh (in the chair), Rev. J. Diggle (chairman of the London School Board), Dr Dawson Burns, Rev. W. Wright and Mr W. Sutherland. Mr W. Sutherland, the District Chief Templar of Middlesex, read an illuminated address, handsomely framed in black and gold, to MR CHAPPLE, forming part of a presentation to be made, the gifts being raised by private subscription, numbering many non-teetotalers among the list, and offered to MR CHAPPLE in recognition of his many years of labour on behalf of temperance, more especially in connection with the Hyde Park open air meetings. Mr Sutherland explained the pathetic history attaching to another token or present which had been received by the Committee at the last moment. This was a worked Scriptural design in silk on cardboard, framed, executed by a lady whilst ill in bed, and sent as a offering of grateful remembrance for the conversion of her husband several years ago in Hyde Park by MR CHAPPLE'S preaching. That individual had himself done much good work for the cause in West London since that time. Canon Leigh then uncovered a table on which was placed a very handsome drawing room gilt clock and two gilt vases of delicate work, all under glass slades, made specially to order, with inscriptions engraved thereon, and presented them to MR CHAPPLE on behalf of the subscribers. Accompanying were an album containing photographs of some of the chief subscribers, views of the clock and vases, and the autograph of the whole of those interested. MR CHAPPLE, who was received with deafening cheers and spoke with great emotion, said he could do no more than thank each and every one who had brought about this surprise, and tell them from the bottom of his heart how he should bear the testimonial and gifts in everlasting remembrance.
Information for Creditors. - JAMES MANNING, Chittlehampton, miller and farmer. Final dividend 1 ¾d. in the £, payable on November 18th, at the Official Receiver's, Taunton.

Thursday 12 December 1889
MARRIAGE - December 9, at Chittlehampton, by the Rev. Canon Trefusis, J. WESTACOTT, of Chuggaton, Swimbridge, to CLARA, daughter of JNO. RENDLE, of Narracott Farm, Chittlehampton.

Thursday 26 December 1889
Southmolton Petty Sessions - A petroleum license was granted to MR WM. SEAGE, of Chittlehampton.
Southmolton County Court
Herbert Nott of Hendridge, Somerset, v. F. VEYSEY, Chittlehampton, cattle dealer. Claim for £3 16s. 6d. for keep of a heifer sold as barren which turned out to be in calf. A telegram had been received from plaintiff's solicitors stating that the action was withdrawn. Mr Roberts applied for costs of attendance of witnesses and usual costs, which were allowed.

Thursday 1 January 1891
DEATH - December 30, at Chittlehampton, MARY, widow of the late JOHN GRIFFIN, aged 78.

Thursday 22 January 1891
BIRTH - December 18, at Chittlehampton, the wife of GEORGE MULES, of a daughter.
DEATH - December 14, at Chittlehampton Village, JOHN NICHOLLS, aged 96.

Thursday 29 January 1891
MARRIAGE - January 22nd, at St. Luke's Church, Cheltenham, by the Rev. W. G. Mallett, rector of St Mary Major, Exeter, assisted by the Rev. G. Despard, vicar of the parish, WILLIAM ROBERT MOORE, Barrister-at-law, Inner Temple, only son of WILLIAM MOORE, Highbullen, Chittlehamholt, North Devon, to Helen Elizabeth Ethel, eldest daughter of Colonel Tapp, Madras Light Infantry, H.M. Army, of Naunton Park Villa, Cheltenham.

Thursday 12 February 1891
County Petty Sessions – Monday
JOHN SNOW, of Chittlehampton, pleaded guilty to carrying a gun without a license at Chittlehampton, on the 10th of December last, and was fined £1 and costs.

Thursday 19 March 1891
DEATH - March 16, at Chittlehampton Village, MARY, wife of RICHARD BURGESS, aged 73.
DEATH - March 15, at Chittlehampton Village, ELIZABETH, wife of JOHN HUXTABLE, aged 42.

Thursday 2 April 1891
CHITTLEHAMPTON - Death Of A Boy From Lockjaw. - On Saturday Mr J. F. Bromham, County Coroner, held an Inquest at Eldridge cottage, Chittlehampton, on the body of a lad aged ten years, named JAMES CLATWORTHY. From the evidence it transpired that the deceased, who was the son of a farm labourer, a few weeks ago went on trial at Mr Webber's farm, in the parish of Chittlehampton. On Monday, the 16th March, Mr Webber told deceased to grind some oilcake with the hand machine, instructing him how to use it. It was work which lads about a farm often did. On the evening of that day he heard that the boy had met with an accident to his hand, but on seeing him he did not complain. The lad's hand had been bound up by his brother, who was on the farm, and the housekeeper. It was not much of a bruise to look at, and he did not appear to be in much pain. On the following Wednesday the lad was sent home, as his hand was still bound up, although he was not complaining. He continued, apparently, to be going on very well until Monday last, when , in the early morning, his mother found that he could not open his mouth. The father immediately went to Dr Hind, of Southmolton, who gave him some medicine to take back. He soon afterwards visited the lad and found him in a serious state. He was suffering from tetanus, commonly called lockjaw, and he was quite drawn up with cramp. He did what he could for him, and the mother got assistance to help nurse him. The wound on the hand was not extensive. On Tuesday Dr Hind had a conference with another medical man. On Wednesday morning, however, the lad died from tetanus. The doctor remarked that it was very seldom that anyone recovered from tetanus. There had been cases of recovery, but they had been very few and exceptional. The Jury returned a verdict of "Accidental Death". Great sympathy is felt in the neighbourhood for the parents of the deceased.

Thursday 23 April 1891
Barnstaple County Court
HAYMAN v. HUXHAM - Plaintiff, a labourer, of Chittlehampton, sued defendant of the same place, yeoman, for £2 2s. 4d., wages alleged to be due to him. – Mr A. E. Shapland appeared for plaintiff. It appeared that plaintiff was an illiterate man, not being able to read or write. His father, a very aged man, kept his accounts for him and plaintiff stated that the amount was due to him. Defendant, however, produced a book wherein entries had been made of all payments to plaintiff since he had been in his employ, which evidently had great weight with the Court, and, after a patient hearing, His Honour gave judgment for defendant. A long discussion took place afterwards as to the sum to be allowed defendant for his attendance. He claimed £11, but His Honour suggesting the impropriety of making any claim on plaintiff, on his recommendation nothing was paid.
SEAGE v. Palmer - This was a judgment summons, in which the plaintiff, a blacksmith, residing at Chittlehampton, applied for a commitment of the defendant, who resides at Crediton, for non-compliance of an order to pay the sum of £1 10s. After a good deal of discussion as to defendant’s means, the judge made an order of commitment for 10 days, such order to be suspended for 14 days.
Board of Guardians. It was decided to ask the Southmolton Union to pay out relief to SUSAN ROCKEY to the amount of 3s. a week, at present residing at Chittlehampton, to be repaid quarterly in the usual way.

Thursday 21 May 1891
DEATH - May 15, at Fullabrook Farm, Chittlehampton, ANNE, the wife of WILLIAM DYER, aged 42.

Thursday 16 July 1891
County Petty Sessions, Southmolton.
An attendance order was made on WILLIAM MACEY, of Chittlehampton, to send his child to school, on the application of Edmund T. Babbage.
DEATH - July 11, at Chittlehampton Village, BETSY widow of JOHN HOWARD, aged 82.
DEATH - July 11, at Halswell Farm, Chittlehampton, the widow of WILLIAM MILDON, aged 85.

Thursday 30 July 1891
DEATH - July 11, at Chittlehampton, BETSY E. HOWARD, widow of the late JOHN HOWARD, schoolmaster, aged 80.
Interesting Local Law Case. - A somewhat novel and certainly important point, as between bankers and their customers and guarantors, has recently been decided by Mr Justice Stirling. It appears that, in 1886, MR G. W. GUARD, of Chittlehampton, became surety to the extent of £350 for the overdraft of Mr William Jeffery, of Blakewell Mills, with the Bideford branch of the Devon and Cornwall Bank. In the early part of last year Mr Jeffery's account was overdrawn to the extent of £500 or thereabouts, and on the 24th January, 1890, MR GUARD called at the Bank and paid the £350 for which he was liable. On the 14th March following Mr Jeffery executed an assignment of his estate to trustees for the benefit of his creditors, a dividend of 2s. 6d. in the £ being subsequently declared. The Bank thereupon claimed to prove against Jeffery's estate for the full amount of his overdraft, viz. £502 9s. 1d., without giving credit for the £350 paid by GUARD. To this the trustees of Jeffery's estate demurred, refusing to pay a dividend on more than £157 15s. 10d., being the balance after crediting the amount of MR GUARD'S guarantee. Proceedings were commenced by the Bank, and on the 13th instant the case was heard by Mr Justice Stirling, who made an order that the Bank be at liberty to prove for and receive a dividend on £502 9s. 1d., in accordance with their claim, and that the defendants (the Trustees under the deed of assignment) should pay all costs with liberty to recoup themselves out of Mr Jeffery's estate. Mr Herbert Reed, instructed by Messrs. Rooker and Bazeley, of Bideford, appeared for the Devon and Cornwall Bank and Mr J. A. Thorne, instructed by Messrs. Ffinch and Chanter, of Barnstaple, represented the defendants.

Thursday 6 August 1891
MARRIAGE - July 28, at Devonport, JOHN CLARK, of Chittlehampton, to Mary Arscott, of Exeter.

Thursday 13 August 1891
Southmolton. County Petty Sessions
WILLIAM COX, of Chittlehampton, was charged with stealing 2 rabbit traps of the value of 2s. 6d., the property of ERNEST HOWARD, at Chittlehampton, on the 7th of August. Prosecutor deposed that he was a rabbit trapper and was engaged by MR HARRIS of Newton. On the 6th he set a number of traps, which were all right at ten o’clock that evening, and at 5.30 the next morning two were missing. He could trace that someone had come from the prisoner’s house to the traps and back, from marks in the dew. He also found a footprint in some mud, which corresponded with another footprint which he had seen the prisoner make the same morning. He obtained a search warrant. P.S. Leyman deposed to executing the warrant, and finding the traps in a back kitchen in prisoner’s house; he also found another trap which prosecutor identified as his property and which he had previously lost. The prisoner elected to be dealt with summarily, and stated that he was guilty of taking them, but had no intention of stealing them. He was passing by his master’s (Mr Shapland) field in the morning and saw the traps drawn, and as it was not the custom for an adjoining neighbour to go over the hedge to set traps, he thought it was some poacher and took the traps up and carried them home. He did not know MR HARRIS had the trapper there, otherwise he should not have taken them. With regard to the third trap his father had given it to him. Mr Shapland gave the prisoner a good character and in answer to the Bench stated that the hedge did not belong to him. Prisoner was fined 10s. and costs, which were paid.

Thursday 8 October 1891
DEATH - September 25, at Clappery Mill, Chittlehampton, SARAH, wife of GEORGE RENDLE, aged 53.
DEATH - October 3, at Chittlehampton, JANE wife of RICHARD TUCKER, aged 66.

Thursday 22 October 1891
Southmolton County Court
William GALESWORTHY, of Chittlehampton, labourer, sued THOMAS HULLAND, of the same place, labourer, to recover 16s., balance due as per contract for felling trees at 4s. per tree. The defendant disputed his liability, but stated he had received £2 from his employer, a timber merchant, at Barnstaple, which he had divided amongst plaintiff and other persons working in partnership, with him. His Honour said the amount must be paid, and defendant could sue the original employer for any further money due to him. Order made for 2s. a month.
BIRTH - October 5, at Chittlehampton, the wife of FREDERICK HOOPER, of a son.
DEATH - October 16, at Marylebone-road, London, W., ANNE, wife of JAMES TINSON, formerly of Chittlehampton, aged 52.

Thursday 5 November 1891
At Chittlehampton an accident happened on Thursday to MR JOHN HOWARD, of Park-end, Umberleigh, who, in passing a miller’s cart near his house, was thrown and had his leg broken.

Thursday 12 November 1891
BIRTH - Breayley – November 1, at Chittlehampton, the wife of WM. J. BREAYLEY, of a daughter.

Thursday 19 November 1891
BIRTH - November 13, at Townshend, Chittlehampton, the wife of JAMES COLE, of a son.

Thursday 10 December 1891
DEATH - December 5, at Eastacott Farm, Chittlehampton, ANNE, wife of Richard COURTENAY, aged 59.
DEATH - December 7, at Chittlehampton Village, the infant daughter of WM. GREENSLADE.
Barnstaple - MR JOHN MORTIMER, of Newport, died yesterday, after a long illness, at the ripe age of 82. The deceased, who at one time farmed the Brightley Estate, in Chittlehampton parish, was for many years the Chairman of the Barnstaple Board of Guardians, relinquishing the position about two years ago in consequence of increasing infirmities. MR MORTIMER, who was a staunch Conservative, was on the commission of the peace for the borough of Barnstaple.

Thursday 21 January 1892
On Friday morning last the malt-house of MR H. C. WATTS was discovered to be on fire. The fire engine was soon on the spot, and as there was a plentiful supply of water and plenty of help the fire was soon extinguished, no serious damage being done. Fortunately the wind was low or the consequences might have been serious. The fire originated from the malt kiln. The loss is covered by insurance.
Fatal Accident. - WM. SYMONS, aged 14, in the employ of MR J. MORTIMER, of Brightley, Chittlehampton, was yesterday found in the roadway underneath a cart, of which he had been in charge, and which had overturned. He was conveyed to Barnstaple by train, but he expired while he was being taken from the Station to the Infirmary. Internal injuries were the cause of death.

Thursday 28 January 1892
CHITTLEHAMPTON - Fatal Accident at Chittlehampton. - WILLIAM SYMONS, fourteen years of age, met with a sad fatal accident on Wednesday at Chittlehampton. Deceased , who was in the employ of Mr John Mortimer, of Brightley Barton, had driven a horse and butt to a field with manure during the afternoon. He was subsequently found underneath the horse, the cart having upset, in the roadway by another farm servant. Deceased was almost immediately conveyed to the North Devon Infirmary by train from Umberleigh, but died on the way from the Barnstaple Junction Station. An Inquest on the body was held at the North Devon Infirmary on Friday morning. In the absence through illness of Mr R. I. Bencraft, Borough Coroner, the Inquiry was conducted by Mr A. Bencraft, Deputy Coroner. Mr J. R. Ford was chosen foreman of the Jury. Mr John Mortimer deposed that the lad had been in his employment as farm servant about seven months. SYMONS had been accustomed to work his horses. About five o'clock on Wednesday the boy drove a horse and cart to a field of his with manure. No one was with the boy at the time. Shortly afterwards one of his servants found the boy in the roadway, the cart having overturned, and the horse being partly on the lad. His impression was that the deceased had by some means driven the cart up the side of the hedge, which thus caused it to upset. There was a sharp turn in the road at the spot where the accident occurred, and a mark caused apparently by one of the wheels of the cart on the side of the hedge. Witness was sent for, and he found that the lad was seriously hurt. He immediately had the deceased taken into the house, and he gave him some brandy. Witness at first thought of sending to Southmolton for a doctor, but as the deceased appeared to revive he thought it would be best to send the lad to the North Devon Infirmary. - John Gooding, farm labourer, said he found the lad in the roadway. The horse was partly lying on deceased. He managed to get the lad out from under the animal. SYMONS was taken into the house, and brandy was administered. About three minutes after the accident was discovered the lad spoke. He asked for "something to keep him from breathing so hard," and subsequently said he was dying. He was old enough and quite competent to look after the horse which was a quiet animal. Mr F. Penny, house surgeon at the North Devon Infirmary, said the lad was dead when admitted to the Institution, but could only have expired a few minutes. There were few external marks on the body. No bones were broken, but the base of the skull was fractured. In his opinion death was due to internal bleeding. The Jury returned a verdict of "Accidental Death."

Thursday 4 February 1892
Aged 106 (?) - "H" writes from Chittlehampton:- Sir, - In the last issue of the North Devon Journal there appeared an account of the death of a "remarkable old woman" in the Southmolton Union Workhouse. this was BETSY JOCE, who stated to be in her 106th year. Is there any proof of her being that age? The old woman resided in the parish of Chittlehampton for the greater part of her life, and it is the general opinion of those best acquainted with her that she was not near so old as stated. She was the daughter of JAMES SIMS, who for a few years occupied a small farm at Furze, and afterwards, till the close of his life, resided in the village with his wife. He had been in the Marines and was in the receipt of a pension. He was present at the battle of the Nile with Nelson in 1798. The old man used to celebrate the day of victory yearly by wearing a sprig of laurel on the anniversary of the fight; and the writer has often heard him say his daughter referred to was born in Egypt, although it is stated she was born at Mariansleigh. Her first husband was named MATTHEW KNILL, and I believe that JOHN KNILL, who died a year or two since at Northmolton from burns received at the Molland Iron Mines, was her eldest son; he was at the time of his death somewhat over 62 years. He served as parish apprentice with the late Mr John Graddon, of Winson Farm. I have no recollection as to the emigration of the deceased. Her youngest son was named WILLIAM KNILL, and I believe is dead; but if he were living he would not be much over fifty years of age. Her second husband was a native of Chittlehampton, named JOHN JOCE, a cobbler, and by that marriage she had one daughter, ANNIE, who died some few years since. If she were now alive she would be about 45 years of age. The deceased was a remarkable person, but I think that her age, unless there is proof to the contrary, is greatly over-stated.
MARRIAGE - January 27, at Chittlehampton Church, ANDREW MURCH to MINNIE HYDE, both of Chittlehampton.

Thursday 10 March 1892
About six o'clock on Thursday evening, when postman Jordan was near Kingsland Barton on his return from Chittlehampton with his letters, he found a man lying in the hedge-trough, and a horse near grazing by the hedge. He discovered that the unfortunate man was MR THOMAS STONE, of Chittlehampton, butcher, and manure agent for Messrs. Goulding. Finding that MR STONE had sustained serious injuries, Jordan quickly sought assistance, and Drs. Sanders and Smyth were quickly in attendance. They found STONE had sustained a severe fracture on the left side of the head, and blood was oozing from the nose and ears. MR STONE was removed to the residence of his relative, MR J. VERNON, butcher, Southmolton, where he remained unconscious for several hours. The medical gentlemen consider the injuries of a serious nature. MR STONE had transacted business in the Southmolton Market during the day, and left the town about 5.30. Whether the horse fell, or whether MR STONE, who has of late been suffering from occasional pains in the heart, had a fit, cannot be ascertained.

Thursday 7 April 1892
On Tuesday in last week, about midday, a rick of oats, the property of MRS BREALEY, of Ash Farm, was discovered to be on fire. An alarm was raised, and the fire engine was soon on the spot, but as the field was some distance from the village, the fire had obtained a considerable hold on the rick before any help could be rendered. Willing hands brought water from a field near, and a considerable portion of the rick was saved. The rick contained upwards of 150 bushels and was situated in the Longaparks, adjoining the highway to Southmolton. The property is covered by insurance.
BIRTH - March 31, at Coombe Farm, Chittlehampton, the wife of S. HOWARD, of a daughter.

Thursday 21 April 1892
BIRTH - April 12, at Townsend, Chittlehampton, the wife of J. LOCK, of a son.

Thursday 28 April 1892
MARRIAGE - April 18, at Chittlehampton Church, Harry Tucker, of Swimbridge, to POLLY POPE, of Clappery Mill, Southmolton.

Thursday 5 May 1892
DEATH - April 5, at Wingston, Ohio, U.S. America, RICHARD CROCKER, formerly of Eastacott, Chittlehampton, North Devon, aged 73.

Thursday 26 May 1892
The sad intelligence of the death of R. H. LIPSCOMB, Esq., the respected Steward of the Honourable Mark Rolle, was received here on Thursday last with feelings of general regret, and in the evening a muffled peal was rung on the church bells.

Thursday 2 June 1892
Chittlehamholt. At Crediton Petty Sessions, the magistrates were occupied for a considerable time on Wednesday in hearing a charge against FREDERICK VEYSEY, cattle dealer, of Chittlehamholt, of cruelty to bullocks on April 23rd. Mr Crosse, of Southmolton defended. Going through High-street, Crediton, on the day named Inspector Greenwell, R.S.P.C.A., saw defendant violently beating about the horns, nose, shoulders and other parts of some bullocks he was driving. In answer to the Inspector's remonstrances the defendant only replied "It is enough to make a man mazed. Why do they hold auctions in the street? I won't come to the place again." Witness should think defendant struck the beast 30 times; it was one of the worse cases he had seen. P.C. Shutler substantiated. Mr Crosse for the defence called Mr Mortimer, farmer, of Matford Barton, who said he bought 30 of the beasts and they had to be divided out. In doing this no unnecessary violence was used. Evidence of a similar tenor was given by S. Burridge, Shephard, Thos. Bennett, a gentleman farmer of Morchard, who said it was a bullock attempted to rush through the crowd that caused the uproar and confusion. Mr Pyke of Messrs. Pyke, Horne and Powlesland, corroborated. The case was dismissed, the parties paying their own costs.

Thursday 28 July 1892
The potato disease has again made its appearance in gardens of this village.
Corn harvest has commenced in this parish, a field of oats having been cut last week by MR MANNING, Winson Farm.

Thursday 18 August 1892
BIRTH - August 12, at Bell Inn, Chittlehampton, the wife of SAMUEL VICKERY, of a daughter.

Thursday 25 August 1892
BIRTH - August 22, in a field on Collacott Farm, Chittlehampton, the wife of CHARLES DUCKETT, hawker, of a son.

Thursday 6 October 1892
BIRTH - September 12, at Mill House, Chittlehampton, the wife of WILLIAM HENRY GAY, of a daughter.
DEATH - September 30, at Handford, Chittlehamholt, JAMES ADAMS, aged 81.
DEATH - October 3, at Pilton, Barnstaple, THOMAS PHILLIPS, late of Whey Farm, Chittlehampton, aged 78.

Thursday 20 October 1892
Southmolton. County Magistrates.
John Buckingham, gamekeeper to Hon. Captain Fortescue, of Hudscott, Chittlehampton, summoned JOHN MORTIMER, of Brightley Barton, in the same parish, for shooting partridges without a licence on his own farm. Mr R. L. Riccard, appeared for complainant and Mr W. A. Roberts for MR MORTIMER. John Buckingham said he saw the defendant in a field near Brightley farm-house with two dogs and a gun. He rose a covey of partridges and shot one of them. Mr Roberts cross-examined the witness, but elicited no material change in the evidence. Charles Clarke, a carpenter in the employ of the Hon. Mark Rolle, swore to seeing the defendant shoot the bird; he was working at Brightley at the time. Henry Clarke, also a carpenter on the estate, gave corroborative evidence. MR JOHN MORTIMER, of Brightley Barton, then said that on the day in question, he was going over his farm in the ordinary course. He had his gun and one dog, which was an old sheep dog and not suited for hunting purposes. His wife, at the breakfast table, had requested him to get, if possible, a brace of rabbits. He fired at two and missed both. After the second shot, the dog, in pursuing the rabbit, roused a partridge which he did not attempt to shoot, and the bird flew off. He shot nothing at the time. One of his men was at work in the same field, and his son was also in the field during the second shot. HENRY COX, in the employ of defendant, said he was in the field at the time, he was having his lunch. Seeing that MR MORTIMER was on the look out for a rabbit, he walked quietly along after him and saw him fire at both rabbits: he killed neither, but a partridge rose directly after the second shot, MR MORTIMER did not fire at it. - JOHN MORTIMER, jun., son of the defendant, who was coming towards his father at the time of his second shot gave similar evidence as the last witness. Mr Roberts addressed the bench very strongly on the evidence. After a brief consultation, the bench dismissed the case.

Thursday 27 October 1892
BIRTH- October 18, at Chittlehampton, the wife of THOMAS HOLLAND, of a son.

Thursday 3 November 1892
The mortal remains of MR JOHN PEDLER, late Postmaster, were laid to rest in the village churchyard on Monday last. A large number of inhabitants assembled to pay their last tribute of respect to one who had dwelt among them as a friend and counsellor for above 50 years. The funeral took place at 2 o'clock, and was met at the entrance to the church by the Rev. Canon Trefusis, Rev. A. Spicer, and the choir in their surplices. The opening sentences of the burial service were read by the Rev. A. Spicer. On the body being borne into the church the 90th Psalm was chanted by the choir. The remainder of the service was conducted by the Rev. Canon Trefusis. At the close of the service in church, Dr Bickersteth's beautiful hymn, "Peace perfect peace," was sung, and at the grave side, the hymn commencing "Christ will gather in his own," accompanied by Mr Denby on the harmonium. The principal mourners were MR GEORGE PEDLER (son) and family, of Minchenhampton, Gloucester, Mr Goaman, Bideford (nephew). A son and daughter of deceased resided in America. Among others at the funeral were Mrs Trefusis, Mrs Seymour, the Archdeacon being in Worcestershire. T. Cardue, Esq., Messrs. Huxham, H. C. Watts, Crocker, Smallridge, Harris, R. Burgess, J. Manaton, J. Coles, C. Mules, and also Mr J. Westacott a former pupil teacher of deceased but now schoolmaster at Stonehouse, Gloster. The bearers were Messrs J. T. Hunt, J. Burgess, W. Watts, T. Watts, C. Watts, old scholars of the deceased, and Mr John Vickery. The coffin was supplied by Mr John Howard. Beautiful floral tributes were sent by Mrs Trefusis, Mr G. Pedler and his grandchildren. After the funeral a muffled peal was rung. The deceased was a native of Hartland, and came here as Master of the National school 51 years age, which office he held for 35 years, esteemed alike by Nonconformists as well as those belonging to the Anglican communion. He held the office of Post master from its commencement 46 years since, and performed its duties up to the day preceding his death. Many years he held the post of assistant overseer and Secretary of the Deposit Friendly Society. He now rests from his labours. "The memory of the just is blessed."
BIRTH - At Townsend, Chittlehampton, the wife of JAMES COLE, of a son.
DEATH - October 26, at Chittlehampton, JOHN PEDLER, late schoolmaster and postmaster, aged 81.

Thursday 17 November 1892
Southmolton County Police Court. The Brightley Game Cases: Again Dismissed.
MR JOHN MORTIMER, of Brightley Barton, Chittlehampton, was summoned by John Buckingham, gamekeeper to Captain the Hon. A. Fortescue, of Hudscott House, of the same parish, for being in pursuit of game on October 10th last on his own farm. Mr A. F. Seldon, of Barnstaple, appeared for the prosecution, and Mr W. A. Roberts, of Barnstaple, for the defence. The defendant pleaded not guilty. This was a fresh summons on a case heard and decided in favour of defendant at the last Court; considerable interest was taken in the case. John Buckingham gave evidence that on October 10th last he saw MR MORTIMER rise a covey of partridges in a turnip field called the Ball Field. He heard a report of a gun. He then stood on the fence and saw MR MORTIMER with a gun and two dogs. There was only one field between them. He saw a covey of partridges (about five in number) rise, and settle in a clover field. He then saw a single bird rise behind MR MORTIMER and fly around him; MR MORTIMER shot at it, and it fell behind him. The dog ran to it, and MR MORTIMER picked up the bird. He then saw young MR MORTIMER, who shouted to his father, "The keeper is over the other side." MR MORTIMER then ran away towards his son. He (the keeper) shouted to them, and went to the orchard where he saw the son. He did not see his father. He saw a workman named COX at the bottom of the field digging potatoes. He was not near MR MORTIMER when he fired. In cross-examination by Mr Roberts as to COX having seen him, he said that COX must have said what was untrue in his evidence at the last court. He saw him when he was in Townridge field. He adhered to his statement as to the birds which rose. MR MORTIMER, junr., came after the second shot was fired. He saw Ellen Fisher about a fortnight since; this was the only time he had seen her. Mr Roberts also cross-examined as to the right of shooting on land of Capt. Fortescue, at whose instigation the summons was issued. He (Buckingham) was in the orchard about 2 minutes and spoke to defendant's son; he should have seen the father had he been there. He knew JOHN FORD; he was in the yard, not in the clover field. He went to the rookery to mark the birds. The Chairman asked witness how far MR MORTIMER was from him. He said "about two gunshots" MR MORTIMER ran up the field; he did not see the bird but he did see MR MORTIMER pick it up. Mr Seldon asked how far COX was from MR MORTIMER and he said about 40 landyards. He did not see COX with defendant. He saw FORD in the farm-yard; he had come from the clover field. Charles Clarke, a carpenter in the employ of the Hon. Mark Rolle, said that on the 10th of October last he was working at Brightley Barton. He saw MR MORTIMER carrying a gun and accompanied by two dogs. He saw him rise a single partridge, which he fired at and shot. The dogs rose a second partridge; he saw another further on as he passed on to his work. In cross-examination by Mr Roberts he said he was walking away from Brightley; he saw one bird only, and he saw MR MORTIMER shoot it. It was possible for COX to have been there. Henry Clarke, a fellow-workman, was with him. MR MORTIMER, jun., ran into the field where his father was. - By Mr Seldon: He did not see Buckingham. He had no doubt as to the shooting of the bird. HENRY CLARKE, of Chittlehampton, also a carpenter on the Rolle estate, said he was with the previous witness on the day named, and he gave similar evidence. He saw the partridge shot and drop; they walked on and took no notice. He did not see COX. - By Mr Roberts: He did not purposely look that way. He saw two dogs. He saw a second bird rise. He had a good view of the field. they proceeded to their work at the bottom of the field, where they had a gate to mend. He did not see COX at all, but he might have been there. - By Mr Seldon: It was possible that a covey of partridges might have risen. - ELLEN FISHER said she was formerly a domestic servant in the employ of MR MORTIMER. She went into the dairy on October 11th and saw a single partridge hung up. She went again, but did not see it. She had been in MR MORTIMER'S employ about a month; she was now living at home. She told Buckingham about the partridge on Thursday, the 27th of October; she told Robert Gaydon the same. Mr Joseph Kingdon (clerk to Messrs. Crosse, Day and Crosse) gave evidence as to MR MORTIMER'S handwriting; and Mr Seldon put in a clause of the lease between MR MORTIMER and the Hon. Mark Rolle by which the whole of the game was reserved to the landlord. Mr Roberts addressed the bench at length on behalf of MR MORTIMER. He complained that his client was brought there to answer exactly the same facts as were adduced at a previous Court, although he was now charged with, technically, a different offence. The only additional evidence was that of ELLEN FISHER, and he asked the Bench to say evidence of that flimsy character was not sufficient for them to stultify themselves by finding the defendant guilty. Was it likely, either, that a gentleman of MR MORTIMER'S position was going to risk the forfeiture of his good name, and to endanger his position with his landlord, for the sake of getting a paltry partridge? The defence simply was the same as that adduced on the last occasion, namely, that MR MORTIMER did fire a shot at a partridge, but that he shot at a rabbit, and after he fired a partridge rose and flew away. MR JOHN MORTIMER, of Brightley Barton, the defendant, stated that on Monday, October 10th, he took his gun, and accompanied by an old sheep dog which was his constant companion went over his farm. He took with him some meal for feeding purposes. He saw FORD in a field; he also saw COX and spoke to him. Seeing a rabbit he shot at it and missed it; he then fired at a second rabbit, which he also missed. One partridge rose and only one. He did not shoot at it, he went round the orchard to look for rabbits but could not find any. JOHN MORTIMER, junr., said that on October 10th, his mother requested his father when at breakfast to get her a brace of rabbits. His father ongoing out had with him a gun and a sheep dog. He subsequently went out to seek for some bullocks, and went to the marsh afterwards to look for his father. He had a sheep dog with him. He saw his father and COX in the field. He heard the first shot, but did not see it fired; he saw the second shot fired, and he saw a partridge rise after it. He was not running towards his father to tell him about the gamekeeper; he was not running at all. He went to tell his father about the missing bullocks. He entered the orchard with his father to look for rabbits. His father was not hurrying to the house and Buckingham might have seen him easily. COX did not follow them into the orchard; he was having his lunch. By Mr Seldon: The Clarkes could have seen his father. They never saw a bird fall. Buckingham could have seen his father where he was standing. He did not run from the courtyard. He did not see the gamekeeper go through the courtyard. He had a dog with him. His father was there, but Buckingham did not see him. He did not use the word which Buckingham attributed to him. HENRY COX, who had been in the employ of MR MORTIMER nearly four years, said he was digging potatoes in the Ball Field at the time. His master came to him where he was taking his lunch. MR MORTIMER fired a shot at a rabbit, but missed it; he then moved up the field and fired a second shot, which he also missed. He saw the rabbit which was missed. A partridge rose, but defendant did not fire at it. Young MR MORTIMER was there at the second shot. The son brought in a second dog. John Ford was not working in that field. - By Mr Seldon: He was seven or eight landyards from MR MORTIMER when the second shot was fired; it was fired toward the ground. He saw the bird rise after MR MORTIMER had fired; CLARKE'S statement was untrue. He did not see any bird come in the field. He did not see the MORTIMERS again the same day. JOHN FORD, who had been nearly 15 years in the employ of MR MORTIMER, said he was taking in clover buds that day when his master spoke to him. He had with him one dog and a gun; he was positive he had only one dog. He saw Buckingham in the yard. - By Mr Seldon: He did not see MR MORTIMER in the Ball. His master did not shoot at a covey of birds. - Mr John Andrew, a well-known agriculturist, of Umberleigh Barton, said he farmed about 500 acres and was a Guardian of the Barnstaple Union. He was well acquainted with all the fields on Brightly Barton, which adjoined his own farm. The fence referred to in evidence was between nine and ten feet high. It was not firm enough to bear the weight of a man; he had surveyed the hedge purposely. He gave evidence as a neighbour at the suggestion of Mr Roberts. - By Mr Seldon: He carefully examined the fence; he was surprised at the complainant's statement at the last trial. - MISS MORTIMER, daughter of the defendant, said she was at home on October 10th, the day in question. There was a bird hanging in the larder. It was remaining over from the previous week. It was sent to her brother in London. - MR JOHN MORTIMER, jun., recalled, said in coming from the orchard, his father entered at the back door. The Bench having retired for consultation, the Chairman, on their return, said that the magistrates present were equally divided in their opinion, and that the case would be dismissed. The decision of the Bench was received with great applause. Viscount Ebrington left the Bench and the Court before the case was heard.

Thursday 24 November 1892
DEATH - November 18, at the Village, Chittlehamholt, EMILY HAMMETT, daughter of E. HAMMETT, aged 7 years.

Thursday 5 January 1893
BIRTH - December 22, at Blakewell, Chittlehampton, the wife of ROBERT ELLICOTT, of a son.
BIRTH - December 29, at Fullabrook Lodge, Chittlehampton, the wife of EDWARD GREENSLADE, of a son.
BIRTH - January 1, at Whitehall, Chittlehampton, the wife of WILLIAM TRIGGER, of a daughter.

Thursday 12 January 1893
BIRTH - On new Year's Day, at Whitehall, Chittlehampton, the wife of WILLIAM TRIGGER, of a son.

Thursday 19 January 1893
A rather serious accident happened to a lad named JOHN RENDLE on Thursday morning. He was walking down Windsor-hill, and when passing a couple of horses one of the latter kicked out, and struck him violently on the forehead, cutting it open to the bone. The lad was taken home, and Dr Hind, of Southmolton, who was sent for, dressed the wound.

Thursday 16 February 1893
DEATH - February 7, at Russons, Chittlehamholt, PHILIP TRIGGER, aged 54.

Thursday 16 March 1893
The sad news was received here on Thursday last that MRS PALMER, the wife of MR W. PALMER, the clerk of the works on the Rolle estate, had passed away on the previous day at Exmouth. Deceased had for some time been in delicate health, but it was hoped that her removal to South Devon might have restored her to some extent. The news of her decease cast a gloom over the place, as the deceased was generally beloved for her kind disposition and conciliatory spirit. The funeral took place at East Budleigh on Monday afternoon. During the afternoon a muffled peal was rung on the Chittlehampton church bells in memory of the deceased.
BIRTH - March 7, at Chittlehampton, the wife of FREDERICK HOOPER, of a son.
DEATH - March 8, at Exmouth, MARY, wife of W. PALMER, Clerk of Works on the Rolle Estate, Chittlehampton.

Thursday 6 April 1893
CHITTLEHAMHOLT - Fatal Accident. - On Saturday evening MR THOMAS WEBBER, aged 23, son of MR S. WEBBER, of Syndle Farm, went out with his gun to shoot, and shortly afterwards he was found lying dead in an orchard by his sister, the gun-charge having entered his face. At the Inquest on Tuesday, Superintendent Baker said the gun was unsafe, one of the locks being dangerously light on the pull. Several other witnesses were called, and the Jury returned a verdict of "Accidental Death."

Thursday 13 April 1893
MARRIAGE - April 4, at the Independent Chapel, Southmolton, WM. MANNING of Georgenympton, to MISS SARAH ANN POWELL, of Chittlehampton.
DEATH - April 10, at Bradbury, Chittlehampton, THOMAS LEACH, late of Pennycott, Lapford, aged 85.
DEATH - April 1, at Syndles, Chittlehamholt, THOMAS WEBBER, aged 23.

Thursday 20 April 1893
Considerable excitement was caused here on Saturday evening between 8 and 9 o’clock by the alarm that a fire had broken out at Broad Moor Farm, the residence of MRS TUCK. The fire engine was got out and a number of people were soon on the way to the farm, which is situated about a mile from the village. Happily their services was not required, for the fire was extinguished by those on the premises. It appeared that in putting the children to bed the furniture of the bed by some means was ignited, and burnt with considerable fury, but with water, and by throwing the burning furniture out of the bedroom window, the fire was happily extinguished without serious damage. One of the children received some slight burns during the fire.
DEATH - April 11, at Chittlehampton Village, FANNY, daughter of WILLIAM TAYLOR, aged 9 years;
also April 13, FREDERICK TAYLOR, aged 10 years.

Thursday 4 May 1893
Since the death of MR PEDLAR, in October last, no-one was appointed as sub-Postmaster in his place until Saturday. MR H. DINNACOMBE, whose wife had assisted MR PEDLAR for several years, applied for the vacant office, as did also MR JAMES LEWIS. On Saturday the news came that MR LEWIS had been appointed. Mr G Lambert, M.P., nominated MR LEWIS.

Thursday 11 May 1893
BIRTH - April 28, at Whitehall, Chittlehamholt, the wife of WILLIAM SNELL, of a son.

Thursday 17 August 1893
BIRTH - August 15, at Chittlehampton, the wife of R. MAYNE, of a daughter.

Thursday 24 August 1893
Southmolton County Court. Disputed Right Of Way. - The only plaint of public interest was a right of way case from Chittlehamholt, the plaintiff being MR WILLIAM SOWDEN (postmaster of that place), and the defendant MR JAMES MAYNE. Mr A. f. Seldon (Barnstaple) appeared for the plaintiff, and Mr Linford Brown (Exeter) for the defendant. The first witness was the plaintiff, MR WILLIAM SOWDEN, who said he was the postmaster of Chittlehamholt, and the case rested on the right-of-way to a well used by him, in common with other inhabitants of the village; also a right-of-way to a certain back or side entrance belonging to him. He deposed to having lived in the village over 30 or 40 years, purchasing the site of his present house over 20 years since, and opening an entrance way into his back premises about 12 months later. The right-of-way to the well was a common one, and had been enjoyed without hindrance up to the 3rd of June last. He purchased it in May, 1872, and put up the gate in 873. The land now owned by JAMES MAYNE was then the property of MR JOHNSON. MR COLE was then the tenant of the farm, which had been since owned by MR JACKMAN. He never came to any agreement with MR JACKMAN or anyone else. He knew MR WESTACOTT, the present tenant of the field, and never had any conversation with him save about some fowls. He had fetched water from the well for over 30 years, at least 10 years before the present purchase, whenever he needed it, or his own well was dry. Sometimes he used it many times a day. There was a road on the other side of his premises, but it had been spoilt. An arbitration many years since had given each party about four feet right of way. He had put stakes to preserve his own right. He could not take a cart there. MR MAYNE had blocked up the entrance to the field in which the well was by a heap of stones; no one could pass. They might push in, but not pass fairly well. The gate into his premises was first put there the day Mr Mortimer was married. He could not recollect who did it. In addition to the stones MAYNE had put a board against the gate, but he took that down on Saturday last. There had always been a gate of some sort. - Thomas Snell, a mason, of Warkleigh, gave similar evidence, having known the spot for 28 years. A toll house was until lately on the site of MAYNE'S house, and a pathway was beside the gate. He knew the side gate which was put there about a year after SOWDEN bought it. The water of the well was for general use, and he had very often fetched it there. The way to it had never been stopped until about a month ago. WILLIAM HENRY WESTACOTT, who was 37 years of age, and had known the village up to 13 years ago, said he had cleaned out the well and had been paid for doing so by money collected from the users after he had done the work. He had taken goods and manure by the side entrance. He now lived at Cherwells. There was nothing wonderful about the gate, but living near (about 60 yards off) he was bound to notice it. The gate was put up after the house was built. John Rowe, an old man of over 70, gave corroborative evidence. The field in which the well was, was called Budd's Meadow, and was a part of Oak Gate farm. He worked for the then tenant, Mr Cole, who, at one time, tried to stop up the entrance, but it was pulled down by a Mr Alscott. He consulted the owner and afterwards left it alone. ELLEN MARY SOWDEN, daughter of the plaintiff, said she was 26 years of age, and had known the place all her life. When MR MAYNE placed the stones in the way she remonstrated, and he took her by the shoulders and pushed her out of the way. She did not box his ears, but Messrs. Riccard and Son sent him a letter. Mr Brown addressed the Court on behalf of the defence, and called JAMES MAYNE, who said he had lived in Chittlehamholt all his life. He did not want to prevent anybody using the well. They had not done so for 20 years. There was no entrance from SOWDEN'S premises. They could not take a cart down without injuring his garden. Thomas Heard, William John Clarke, smith, and William Westacott, farmers, were also witnesses for the defence. The Judge, in summing up, said there was no doubt that there was a right of way to the well, but that only a footpath existed to the plaintiff's side entrance, and, as no obstruction had been offered, he gave the plaintiff a verdict for 5s., with an injunction restraining the defendant in the future. Costs follow the event.

Thursday 21 September 1893
On Sunday last BERTRAND HOLLAND, of Stowford, picked a very fine bunch of wild strawberries. A bunch was also picked on Thursday by Mr Bryant of Landkey, while on his round with the Journal.

Thursday 28 September 1893
Chittlehamholt - Profound sympathy is manifested here for MR COPP, his second daughter (MINNIE) having passed away at Barnstaple a few days since after only a week's illness. MISS COPP was only seventeen years of age, and was held in highest esteem by all who knew her.

Thursday 12 October 1893
A Serious Accident on Friday befell MR GALSWORTHY, aged 74 years, who does a little carrying business between this village and Barnstaple. On returning from the latter place, after ascending Coddon Hill, he was about to get into his pony cart, when by some means the reins became entangled, and he fell, the loaded cart going over him. He managed to get back to the village, accompanied by some friends. Dr Kendle, of Southmolton, was sent for, and it was found he had broken four ribs, and sustained severe bruises. We are pleased to say that he is doing as well as may be expected for one so advance d in years. Much sympathy is felt for him in his misfortune.

Thursday 19 October 1893
MARRIAGE - October 8, at the Wesleyan Chapel, Southmolton, JOHN COX, to FLORENCE ISAACS, both of Chittlehampton.
DEATH - October 10, at the Village, Chittlehampton, THOMAS BUCKINGHAM, aged 53.

Thursday 16 November 1893
Considerable alarm was caused here about mid-day on Sunday by an outbreak of fire. It was discovered that an outhouse at the back of the premises occupied by MR G. MULES, tailor and draper situated in the Square, was burning furiously. A large number of people were soon on the spot, and in a few minutes the fire engine began to pour water on the burning building. As there was a plentiful supply of water the fire was soon got under. Fortunately, although in the midst of a considerable amount of thatched property, the building burnt was a detached one, and the fire was confined to the premises first ignited. The fire was caused by the chimney of a cottage – occupied by MARY CLARK, a widow – near having caught fire, the burning sparks being carried by the wind, which was blowing furiously at the time, on to the premises. Two other cottages were also ignited, but, happily, the flames were extinguished at once. It is little short of a miracle that the entire block of premises west of the Square was not destroyed. Much alarm was felt for the premises near, the inhabitants of which had commenced to bring out their furniture. The premises are owned by Miss Watts, and the damage, which is comparatively small, is covered by insurance.
County Magistrates. - FREDERICK FORD, of Chittlehamholt, was charged on the evidence of Walter Mugford, gamekeeper to Mr Arthur, of Kingsnympton Park, with trespassing on land in the occupation of MR JOHN MANNING, at Chittlehamholt, on October 29th last, in pursuit of game; and he was further charged with unlawfully setting traps to catch the same. The case having been stated, MR JOHN MANNING, the employer of the defendant, asked the bench to be lenient as it was not only a first offence, but it was done on the farm on which he was working. Fined 2s. 6d. in each case and expenses, 20s.

Thursday 7 December 1893
The numerous friends of MR HENRY CHERITON, of Bradbury Barton, will learn with regret of the great bereavement he has sustained by the death of his wife. The sad event occurred on Sunday morning. Deceased was 51 years of age and was greatly beloved and respected.

Thursday 14 December 1893
A sad accident befel the son of WM. MAYNE, mason, a few days since. The little fellow, aged about five years, was at play with a younger brother in the kitchen, when he fell and sustained a fracture of his leg a little above the knee. Dr Hind, of Southmolton, set the bone, and the little sufferer is doing well.

Thursday 28 December 1893
Cases of diphtheria were reported at Chittlehampton.

Thursday 11 January 1894
DEATH - January 9, at Barnstaple-street, Southmolton, EDWARD FURSE, for many years of Blackpool Farm, Southmolton, and Bloden Hill, Chittlehampton.

Thursday 22 February 1894
DEATH - February 20, at Chittlehampton, FANNY, widow of GEORGE EBSWORTH DOWNING Wear Gifford, aged 76.
DEATH - February 17, at Brightly Cottage, Chittlehampton, THOMAS GALLIFORD, aged 73.

Thursday 8 March 1894
Southmolton Board of Guardians. The Clerk said he had been personally served with an order by Mr Sydney Burnett, of the St. Olave's Union, requiring the Board to take over JAMES MACMILLAN, born at Chittlehampton 49 years ago, who had not acquired any legal settlement during his life. He was taken from that parish when six months old. The Clerk was instructed to take the necessary steps to appeal against the order.

Thursday 22 March 1894
At Chittlehampton on Tuesday a man named ELLIOTT fractured one of his arms. ELLIOTT, who is thirty-one years of age, proceeded to the North Devon Infirmary, where he still remains.

Thursday 26 April 1894
BIRTH - April 21, at the Village, Chittlehampton, the wife of J. FORD, of a son.
MARRIAGE - April 17, at the Bible Christian Chapel, Chulmleigh, W. T. A. START, of Heywood Chittlehampton, to Miss Alice Ellen Moore, of Warnford, Kingsnympton.

Thursday 3 May 1894
A Narrow Escape - A lad in the employ of MR HOWARD, Nethercleave, was carrying a loaded gun on the evening of Wednesday, in last week, when by some means the gun discharged, and a young man named GEORGE STEVENS, also in the employ of MR HOWARD received the contents, many shots entering his neck and face, and the upper parts of the body. Dr Ware was at once sent for, and it is hoped that no permanent injury will follow. It seems almost a miracle that the accident was not a fatal one.
BIRTH - April 25, at Chittlehampton, the wife of H. C. WATTS of a son.

Thursday 10 May 1894
On Tuesday MR W. DENLEY, who has for several years been headmaster of Chittlehampton School, was presented with a gold keyless lever watch and gold Albert on the occasion of his leaving the parish, where he is much esteemed. The watch bore the inscription: “Presented to MR WILLIAM DENLEY by his friends and neighbours on his leaving Chittlehampton in acknowledgement of twelve years’ faithful service as school-master and organist, May 1st, 1894.” The gift was supplied by Mr John Gaydon, High-street, Barnstaple.

Thursday 17 May 1894
DEATH - May 12, at Chittlehampton, WILLIAM GULLEY, musician, aged 78.

Thursday 31 May 1894
Southmolton Board of Guardians. - It was reported that JAMES MCMILLAN, of Chittlehampton, recently received from the St. Olaves Union, had died in the House on the previous day. As the Board had very narrowly escaped a law suit in this case it was unanimously decided to thank Mr Riccard for his action in connection with the same.

Thursday 7 June 1894
Bideford Board of Guardians. - WILLIAM HANDCOCK, of Sampford Courtenay, but a native of Chittlehampton, was elected porter of the House, salary £15.

Thursday 14 June 1894
Southmolton Board of Guardians. - Sanitary Inspector's Report. Chittlehampton. I have had several cases of diphtheria reported at MR GREENSLADE'S, Bray Lodge. I have visited the premises, supplied disinfectants, and reported some sanitary defects to MR GARLAND, and he has attended to it. I have written to MR JOHN BRADFORD, complaining of two privies on his property being in bed condition at New Buildings, Chittlehampton, and no notice has been taken of it, and nothing has been done. Dr Body has seen them, and ordered them to be reconstructed, and to be put on the earth system, with a pail. I would recommend a notice be served on him to do the necessary alterations.

Thursday 21 June 1894
Southmolton. County Petty Sessions
Assault - WILLIAM COX, of Chittlehampton, was charged by ERNEST HOWARD, of the same place, with assaulting him on May 20th. Mr R. S. Crosse appeared for the defence. Evidence was given by the plaintiff and P.C. Legg for the prosecution, and for the defence ROBERT FORD and ANNIE COMER, sister of the defendant, gave evidence. Plaintiff addressed the Bench in a very exact manner. Defendant, who made a statement, but not on oath, denied having struck him, saying “I was going to give him a clip under the ear, but I took second thought”. The Bench inflicted a fine of 6d., but made no order as to costs.
Educational - WILLIAM MACEY, of Chittlehampton, was fined 1s. 6d. for not sending his children to school.

Thursday 28 June 1894
A very fine specimen of early cabbage, weighing 26 ½ lbs., has been grown by MR W. J. BREALEY, saddler, from seed supplied by MR J. HARRIS, jun., cabbage plant grower and seed merchant, of Chittlehampton. The cabbage was weighed in the presence of several persons.
BIRTH - June 23, at Chittlehampton Village, the wife of W. BREAYLEY, of a daughter.
DEATH - At Kensington, London, ROBERT, son of the late THOMAS WATTS, of Chittlehampton, aged 39.

Thursday 2 August 1894
A fine specimen of cabbage lettuce, weighing over 8 ¾ lbs., has been grown by MR GAY, gardener to the Ven Archdeacon Seymour.
Corn Harvest has commenced in this parish, fields of oats having been cut by MR SMALLRIDGE, Biddacott, and MR MANNING, Winson.

Thursday 9 August 1894
Police Constable H. LEGG, who has been stationed here for the past eight years, and has been generally respected and esteemed, has been removed to Beaford. He will be succeeded by P C Mortimer, from Buckscross, Woolfardisworthy.

Thursday 23 August 1894
Chittlehampton - MASTER JACK VEYSEY (son of MR FRED VEYSEY) has been successful in obtaining a scholarship at the Devon County School, West Buckland.

Thursday 27 September 1894
Yesterday MISS EMILY LEWIS, for many years teacher in the Wesleyan Sunday Schools, was presented with a handsome silver sugar bowl and cream jug, as a token of respect by the Wesleyan choir, teachers and congregation. The gift, which was suitably inscribed, was supplied by Mr A E Dark, jeweller, Barnstaple.
BIRTH - September 17, at the Bell Inn, Chittlehampton, the wife of S. VICKERY, of a daughter.
Intended Presentation To A North Devon Cattle Dealer. - The proposal to practically recognise the invaluable services to the agricultural community in North Devon of MR FRED VEYSEY, of Chittlehampton, in the capacity of cattle dealer for a series of years, brought together a numerous company at the King's Arms Hotel, Barnstaple. The Chairman remarked that unquestionably MR VEYSEY merited a fitting and handsome testimonial (hear, hear). He was a good dealer, transacted business on an extensive scale, and having bought and sold in their markets for nearly a quarter of a century his name had become a household word with farmers throughout North Devon. MR VEYSEY being in touch with dealers over the whole of England, there were very few, if any, who, to his (the speaker's) knowledge, wee in as good a position to dispose of the stock raised by the North Devon farmers. A matter of importance was that MR VEYSEY'S mode of dealing attained him widespread respect. He never bantered; provided his terms were not acceptable he moved on; if they were, his cheque was forthcoming immediately. (hear, hear). He was convinced that MR VEYSEY not only had his own interests at heart, but the best interests of the farmers as well. (Hear, hear.) They therefore valued the work which MR VEYSEY did, and he trusted the present movement on his behalf would be attended by success. Mr Cheriton, having explained how the movement was initiated, said it had been decided at a meeting held at Southmolton to support the proposal, but to defer taking active steps in regard to the matter until after the meeting now being held in the North Devon Metropolis. The present price of grain was, he added, not a living price; it therefore behoved them, so to speak, to turn corn into meat, and it was such men as MR VEYSEY who distributed it for them, and made their work remunerative. (Hear, hear.). - Mr Skinner observed that no one who knew MR FRED VEYSEY could but appreciate his sterling business qualities. He had done much to popularise Devon cattle in America and other parts of the world, where the breed would not have become known but for his unremitting energy and pluck. Anyone who improved the breed of Devons was a valuable man. MR VEYSEY might justly claim that he had done this. (hear, hear.) And wherever there was a good animal for sale, there was MR VEYSEY willing to give a good price for it. (Hear, hear.) To the proposed testimonial he (Mr Skinner) believed they would be only too anxious to contribute. He proposed "That this meeting heartily approves of the high business qualities and extensive dealings of MR F. VEYSEY, and feels the time has arrived when a substantial acknowledgment should be made to him." This was seconded by Mr Tamlyn. Mr Berry-Torr, supporting, was gratified to hear that the movement was being taken up at Taunton and Reading. MR VEYSEY, who was a most genial man, was ever ready to give a fair price for good stock, and worked fearfully hard, and did them an immense amount of good. North Devon was exceptionally fortunate in its dealers, whether corn, cattle, or wool dealers, they were all high-class men, but MR VEYSEY was second to none. In addition to his many other services, MR VEYSEY had done much towards establishing the annual bull sale. Mr Tucker also supported. The motion was unanimously adopted, and a committee appointed to receive subscriptions.

Thursday 4 October 1894
At a meeting held in the Wesleyan Schoolroom on Wednesday evening, presided over by MR JOHN HOWARD, a presentation was made to MISS EMILY LEWIS, on the occasion of her marriage. MISS LEWIS has long been a member of the chapel choir and teacher in the Sunday School, and it was thought that some acknowledgment should be made to show the esteem in which her services were held: accordingly subscriptions were raised, and the presentation took the form of a silver cream jug and sugar basin, which bore the following inscription. “Presented to MISS EMILY LEWIS on her marriage, as a token of regard by the Chittlehampton Wesleyan Choir, Sunday teachers and congregation, September 25th, 1894.” The presentation was made by MR GEORGE MULES in appropriate terms; MR JOSHUA MULES also wishing her health and happiness in her new home. MISS LEWIS suitably replied. Several friends were present at the presentation.
The first marriage in the Wesleyan Chapel was celebrated on Wednesday in last week, when the Rev H Cotton joined together, in the bonds of matrimony, MR JOSHUA PROUT and MISS EMILY LEWIS. The chapel had been nicely decorated with flowers, &c., for the occasion by the young people of the congregation. After the ceremony copies of the Bible and Wesley’s hymns were given to the newly-wedded pair by Mr J T Hunt, on behalf of the chapel trustees. Mr Hunt referred to the bridegroom’s grandfather as being the first member of the Methodist society in the village. His uncle was the first baptised by the Wesleyan minsters in the village, the ceremony being performed by the late Rev James Hargreaves, a name still fragrant in the memory of many of the Southmolton circuit; and now Joshua Prout was the first to be married in the chapel. They were sorry to lose them, but, at the same time, hoped that a life of usefulness and happiness awaited them in their future home. The happy pair left for their Welsh home later in the day, followed by the well-wishes of the inhabitants of Chittlehampton generally.
BIRTH - September 27, at Chittlehampton Village, the wife of CARDER WATTS of twin sons – since dead.
MARRIAGE - October 3, at the Wesleyan Chapel, Southmolton, JOHN LOCK to ELLEN daughter of THOMAS DYER, of Chittlehampton.
MARRIAGE - September 26 (by license), at the Wesleyan Chapel, Chittlehampton, by the Rev H Cotton, Joshua Prout, of Barry Docks, South Wales, to EMILY, daughter of WILLIAM LEWIS, of Chittlehampton.

Thursday 11 October 1894
BIRTH - October 5, at Chittlehampton, the wife of ANDREW MURCH, of a daughter.
DEATH - October 8, at Chittlehampton, ELLEN, wife of GEORGE HENRY DINNICOMBE, aged 46.

Thursday 22 November 1894
Early Lamb - A ewe, the property of T. HUXTABLE carpenter, gave birth to a lamb on Friday last.
Some very fine wild strawberries were picked on Sunday last, in the parish of Chittlehampton, by MR W. DYER.

Thursday 20 December 1894
DEATH - December 13, at Caveland, Chittlehampton, ELIZABETH, widow of JOHN HEYWOOD, aged 74.

Thursday 17 January 1895
Southmolton - Funeral of MR WILLIAM RENDLE HUXTABLE.
At one o’clock on Saturday afternoon last, the remains of the late MR W. R. HUXTABLE were interred in the family vault in the cemetery. The deceased, who was 66 years of age, was the only surviving son of MR EDMUND and SARAH HUXTABLE of Chittlehampton, at which place he was born in September 1828. In 1852, MR HUXTABLE commenced, and until 1876 ( a period of 24 years) successfully carried on the business of watchmaker and jeweller in this town, during which time he was a much respected brother of the Loyal Lodge of Industry, No. 421, of Freemasons. In 1856, he married JULIA, daughter of MR and PHOEBE HIGGINS, of London, by whom he had issue four boys and three girls. In 1876, MR HUXTABLE removed to 106 Kensington Park Road, Notting Hill, London, where for 12 years he continued to carry on business as watchmaker and jeweller, and in 1888 took the license of the London Hotel, Sidmouth, which failing health about three years ago caused him to relinquish, since which (with his wife) he has lived in retirement with his eldest daughter (Mrs Barnard), landlady of the Royal York Hotel, Sidmouth, where he expired on Wednesday, the 9th inst. The remains, together with the mourners, arrived at the Southmolton Station from Sidmouth, by the 12.40 p.m. train on Saturday, being met by Mr W. Kingdon, Broad Street, (brother in law).
The coffin was of polished oak with brass handles, and breastplate, which bore the following inscription:-“WILLIAM RENDLE HUXTABLE, died, January 9th, 1895, aged 66 years.” (List of mourners and wreaths followed)
County Magistrates Petty Sessions. - JAMES BOUNDY, of Chittlehamholt was charged with unlawfully beating, on Christmas Day last, WILLIAM HENRY DOWN, of that place, aged 15 years, the beating being inflicted on account of his alleged misbehaviour in Church on that day. The lad having stated the case, JOHN CLARKE, of the same place, stated that he heard the complainant cry out, and heard the sound of the blows. P.S. R. Leyman said he examined the lad on the day after Christmas Day, and saw certain marks, which he described. MRS BOUNDY, mother of the complainant, also gave evidence. Defendant asked the Bench if they permitted bad behaviour in Church, but the justices decided that they were not bound to answer the question. John Clatworthy said the complainant used bad language to the defendant. Thomas Turner gave evidence that the complainant was behaving badly in Church, and flipping whinberries about. Owing to the aggravation the Bench fined the defendant 6d., and remitted the costs, the defendant only to pay the witnesses.

Thursday 14 February 1895
DEATH - February 7, at the Village, Chittlehampton, HAROLD DOWNING WATTS, aged 8 months.

Thursday 21 February 1895
BIRTH - February 17, at Southbray, Chittlehampton, the wife of G. W. SHAPLAND, of a daughter.

Thursday 7 March 1895
MR T. B. WESTACOTT, one of the "Moderate" members of the London County Council, was on Saturday re-elected for St. Pancras (East). He is a native of Chittlehampton.

Thursday 28 March 1895
BIRTH - March 18, at Furse, Chittlehampton, the wife of WILLIAM PRISCOTT, of a daughter.

Thursday 2 May 1895
DEATH - April 30, at Chittlehampton, GEORGE BATER, aged 57.
DEATH - April 24, at Chittlehampton, MARY HUXTABLE CHAPPLE, aged 84.

Thursday 6 June 1895
In the sheep-shearing competition at the Bath and West of England Show at Taunton on Monday, R. LOCK of Chittlehampton, was commended.

Thursday 11 July 1895
DEATH - July 1, at Chittlehampton, JANE WESTACOTT, aged 72.

Thursday 15 August 1895
In the affiliation case, Sarah E M Bater, of Swymbridge, v. JOHN H. MORTIMER, Chittlehampton, down for hearing at Braunton Divisional Petty Sessions yesterday; the parties failed to put in an appearance, and the matter was allowed to stand adjourned until November 11th.
Chittlehamholt. At Chittlehamholt on Monday ABRAHAM WALDRON (who is in the employ of his brother-in-law) was working a wheat-cutting machine, when the horses bolted. WALDRON was hurled from his seat, and getting entangled in the machinery, sustained such severe injuries that at the North Devon Infirmary it was found necessary to amputate his right leg. Detained at the Infirmary, WALDRON is now doing as well as can be expected.

Thursday 22 August 1895
MARRIAGE - August 21, at the Wesleyan Chapel, Southmolton, by the Rev H. Cotton, GEORGE GREGORY, of Chittlehampton, to Lucy Ford, of Chulmleigh.

Thursday 5 September 1895
A few evenings since a lad named JOHNSON, in the employ of MR SLAPE, of South Newton Farm, was thrown from a bicycle on which he was practising, and sustained a fracture of his leg. He was taken to his father’s house at Chittlehampton, and Mr Hind, of Southmolton, was sent for, and he set the bone. The patient is now progressing favourably.

Thursday 12 September 1895
At Braunton Divisional Petty Sessions yesterday a case was called in which Jane S. E. M. Bater, of Swymbridge, sued JOHN H. MORTIMER jun., of Chittlehampton, to show cause, &c. It was stated that the defendant – who had been sued by the complainant in a breach of promise action, was in America, and as the summons was left at Brightley Farm, where defendant previously resided with his father, the magistrates held that the service had not been sufficiently proved. The proceedings therefore fell through. Mr Bosson appeared for complainant, and Mr Roberts represented MR J. MORTIMER, the father of the defendant, on the question of jurisdiction.

Thursday 17 October 1895
Many of our readers will hear with deep regret of the sudden death of MR JOHN TINSON HUNT, of Chittlehampton. The deceased gentleman was apparently in his usual health in the early part of Sunday and took part in the usual services at the Wesleyan Chapel, of which he was circuit steward and an energetic worker. He had returned to his house at the close of the evening service and had carried out his accustomed arrangements, when he was seen to fall from his chair. Kindly help was at once forthcoming, but every effort to restore animation failed. The deceased gentleman had for some years retired from business. He was a greatly esteemed worker among the Wesleyan Methodists and was also a leading member of the Liberal party in his immediate district. Deceased, who was beloved by all, was a member of the Parish Council. He acted as correspondent of the Journal at Chittlehampton for very many years. The funeral will take place today at 2.30p.m.

Thursday 24 October 1895
Funeral of the late MR J. T. HUNT - A gloom was cast over this village and neighbourhood by the sudden death, as reported in the last week’s Journal, of MR JOHN TINSON HUNT, smith, ironmonger, and general dealer, who was held in very high esteem and respect by all sections of the community. The funeral took place on Thursday last, when the mortal remains of the deceased were laid in their last resting place in the graveyard attached to the Wesleyan Chapel, and under the shadow of a tree planted by JOHN HUNT'S own hand many years since. The remains, on being removed from the house, were rested, while the choir sang Wesley’s hymn, No. 42 “Thee we adore eternal name,” after which the teachers and children of the Sunday School, carrying wreaths and flowers and ministers, and local preachers, headed the procession to the Chapel. The coffin, which was of polished oak, was borne by members of the Wesleyan Church and personal friends; and on the brass plate was inscribed – “JOHN TINSON HUNT, died October 12th 1895, aged 64 years.” Following were the relatives of deceased, also members of the Parish Council, and a crowd of parishioners and friends numbering about 250. The service in the Chapel was very impressive and affecting, and was conducted by the Rev H Cotton (superintendent minister of the Circuit), assisted by the Rev A H Jackson (his junior colleague). Deceased was a bachelor, and leaves his nephews MR RICHARD HUNT VICKERY (who succeeds him in business), MR J. VICKERY, jun., MR E. SANDERS, MR R. SANDERS and MR J. VICKERY, sen. (his brother in law), to mourn his loss.

Thursday 14 November 1895
At a meeting of the Parish Council, over which the Ven. Archdeacon Seymour presided, MR RICHARD HUNT VICKERY was, on the proposition of MR J. MORTIMER, seconded by MR H. C. WATTS, elected to fill the vacancy on the Council caused by the death of MR J. T. HUNT. The question of lighting the village lamps was also brought forward, the Chairman moving that £4 should be voted for that purpose. Mr H. C. WATTS seconded, and MR BURGESS also supported.

Thursday 28 November 1895
DEATH - November 23, at Chittlehampton, CATHERINE wife of THOMAS STONE, aged 58.

Thursday 19 December 1895
Claim for Potatoes Supplied at Barnstaple - SAMUEL CROCKER, farmer, of Chittlehampton, brought, at Barnstaple County Court on Tuesday, an action against John Bartlett, merchant of Barnstaple, for £7 4s., the value of four tons of potatoes at 36s. per ton.

Thursday 2 January 1896
BIRTH - December 23, at Chittlehamholt Vicarage, the wife of the REV. M. T. LOVEBAND, of a daughter.
DEATH - December 26, at Brightley Mill, Chittlehampton, MIRIAM, wife of WILLIAM WOOLAWAY, aged 74.

Thursday 13 February 1896
Southmolton. County Sessions
JOHN DAVEY, jun., of Chittlehampton, was charged with being drunk and disorderly at that place on January 19th last. The case was proved by P.C. Mortimore. Defendant pleaded guilty, and was fined 5s. and 7s. costs.

Thursday 16 April 1896
BIRTH - April 4, at Bratton, Chittlehampton, the wife of FRED VEYSEY of a son.
DEATH - April 7, at Court, Chittlehampton, WILLIAM DAVEY, aged 46.

Thursday 7 May 1896
DEATH - April 29, at Ford Mill, Chittlehampton, ALBERT infant son of THOMAS SNOW

Thursday 21 May 1896
BIRTH - May 17, at Chittlehampton, the wife of W. J. BREAYLEY of a daughter.

Thursday 28 May 1896
We have received a lengthy letter from MR FRED VEYSEY, of Chittlehampton, with reference to the County Court action in which he was recently concerned, but we cannot insert it, as it is contrary to our custom to publish correspondence on such matters. It is due to MR VEYSEY, however, that the following extract from the letter should be given:- “I brought this action against the Railway Company because I thought it was a most important matter to farmers and cattle dealers to know what risks they run when they drive bullocks or sheep along a road adjoining a Railway, for if any of them happen to get on to the line and get killed the Company can refuse to pay compensation, because they can say that the animal was straying.”

Thursday 4 June 1896
P C NOAH MORTIMER, of Chittlehampton, has retired from the County Police Force, after 25 years’ service, on a pension of £40 10s 10d.

Thursday 11 June 1896
Southmolton - At the County Police Court on Friday, before Dr Hatherly and Mr D. J. C. Bush, GEORGE COMER, of Chittlehampton, was brought up on a warrant, being 38 weeks in arrears in the payment for the illegitimate child of Selina Mayne (formerly Ireland), the amount, with expenses, being £3 1s. 10d. Prisoner was remanded in custody, and a distress warrant issued.

Thursday 30 July 1896
There was a large concourse of people at Lower Langaton, Chittlehampton, the occasion being an auction, held on behalf of MR GEORGE CORNEY, for the sale of his corn, by Messrs J Blackford and Son (Southmolton), who were successful in disposing of the whole of the lots at extraordinary prices.

Thursday 20 August 1896
HOWARD and GUARD - This County Court action, which was to have been heard at the County Court, Southmolton, was settled between the parties, the defendant paying the plaintiff a certain sum and all costs.

Thursday 10 September 1896
BIRTH - August 19, at Chittlehampton, the wife of P.C. BAKER, of a daughter

Thursday 8 October 1896
MARRIAGE - September 30, at the Parish Church, Chittlehampton, by the Rev. F. W. Gregg, GEORGE BOUCHER to MISS ISABELLA DAVEY, both of Chittlehampton.

Thursday 22 October 1896
Southmolton County Court
T. STONE, butcher, of Chittlehampton, summoned ALFRED HULLAND, of the same parish, for 24s. 4d., for meat sold. Defendant said that his wife had paid the deceased wife of complainant. Judgment for amount claimed in 2s. per month.
ANN ALICE THOMASIN BRAYLEY, who was represented by Mr R S Crosse, sued MARY ANN BRAYLEY, of Ash, Chittlehampton, for £25, balance of money lent. Defendant, who was represented by Mr Hendy (Messrs. Law, Brewer, and Hendy), made a counter-claim for £26 – The receipt of the £30, of which the £25 was the balance, was admitted. The set-off was for board and lodging, a spoilt carpet and making a new one. Evidence for the counter-claim was given by SUSAN and EMMA BRAYLEY, daughters of the defendant in their claim, who desired to prove that the plaintiff was their lodger and not their guest. Mr R S Crosse proposed to call a large number of witnesses to prove that during the time in question the claimant was stopping at their respective houses, and pursuing her calling of a seamstress. His Honour said he should not trouble him to do so, his mind being quite made up. He gave judgment for the plaintiff on the claim and counter-claim, with costs, to be paid in £3 a month.

Thursday 12 December 1896
DEATH - December 2, at Slade, Chittlehampton, ALICE TARR daughter of WILLIAM H. GAY, aged 20 months.

Thursday 31 December 1896
ALFRED MAY, aged eleven years, had one of his hands drawn into a threshing machine at Chittlehampton on Tuesday, severe injuries being inflicted. The lad was taken to the North Devon Infirmary, where it was found necessary to amputate one of his fingers.

Thursday 1 July 1897
DEATH - June 28, at the Union Workhouse, Southmolton, WILLIAM PARKIN, of Chittlehampton, aged 76.

Thursday 13 January 1898
DEATH - January 10, at Chittlehampton, WILLIAM MANATON, aged 66.

Thursday 20 January 1898
MR F. VEYSEY'S Affairs. - Mr J. P. Ffinch, for a creditor, asked, at Barnstaple Bankruptcy Court on Tuesday, FREDERICK VEYSEY, cattle dealer, of Chittlehampton, to explain his business transactions with Mr W. Buckingham. Debtor replied that they each bought stock, and after selling they deducted what they had each expended, and equally divided what was left. Mr Ffinch said he had received an account from Mr Buckingham showing the money which he took. Where was debtor's account? VEYSEY replied that Mr Brown would furnish it. He had the books. -= Mr G. W. F. Brown: I have filed an account. - Mr Ffinch answered that the account (supposed to be a copy of the banking account) showed a total of £9,738, instead of which it ought to be about £38,000. It was an insult to the Court to file such an account. He (Mr Ffinch) wanted the books. - Mr Brown said they were given up to the Official Receiver, and debtor disavowed having any books other than those now before the Court. Further questioned, debtor said that if any cattle was left over from sales it belonged Mr Buckingham. It was nothing to do with him (debtor). He answered a number of questions relative to stock purchased at the Haccot sale. the Official Receiver (Mr G. Philpott) suggested that since the receiving order debtor had purchased a gallon of brandy, a gallon of port [Debtor: Probably so.] and two casks of ale. - VEYSEY replied that his wife had had one cask and himself one. It had not been paid for. Mr Philpott said VEYSEY'S debts were £1,396, and assets £650. How was debtor going to account for the £745 deficiency? - Debtor referred the Receiver to Mr Brown, who said he had given Mr Philpott an account up to the date of the receiving order. The Registrar (Mr J. Bosson) observed that in that deficiency there was £530 due to Mr Passmore, trustee on the marriage settlement, and to trade creditors he owed only £200. Debtor said he had the £530 nineteen years ago. Did not know his position 12 months ago, but estimated losses he had made at £100. Further questioned, he said he had nothing to do with any sugar speculation. The Official Receiver read a letter from Mr R. S. Crosse, solicitor, asserting that debtor had used words to the effect that he had been speculating in sugar, and expected a call to be made on him. Debtor denied having used the words alleged against him. He admitted having lost considerable money some years ago, but would not go further. He compounded with his bankers three or four years ago, and he paid money which was raised for him by subscription some time ago into the bank. Mr Brown explained his position in regard to the deficiency account, and said he had done the best he could with the material which had been supplied him. The examination was closed.
It is learnt with the greatest regret that MR KNOTT, the much-respected Schoolmaster, is leaving the parish, having obtained a better appointment at Oulton Park, Cheshire. During the four years he has been in the parish he has won by his genial manner the esteem and respect of all with whom he has come in contact. The school under his charge has maintained its excellent reputation, having obtained the highest grants each year, as well as "Excellent" in every Diocesan and drawing examination. As organist and choirmaster he has proved himself a thorough musician, as the excellence of the services testify. He will leave the parish with the good wishes of all the inhabitants, among whom he has been universally popular.

Thursday 3 February 1898
Mildness of the Season - As an instance of the extreme mildness of the season, MR JOHN LIVERTON, who is on a visit to his sister (MRS SKINNER, of Cleave Farm) in this parish, picked on Sunday morning last twenty-three primroses from one root, and left five more very nearly in bloom upon the same root.
DEATH - January 31, at Chittlehampton, JOHN VICKERY, aged 71.
DEATH - January 31, at High Bullen, Chittlehamholt, REBECCA, widow of WILLIAM MOORE (formerly of Exeter), aged 74.

Thursday 10 February 1898
FRANK LETHBRIDGE, labourer’s son, sustained a serious accident here on Tuesday. He was riding a pony, when the animal threw him, his right arm being broken, and his face badly grazed. The unfortunate lad was removed to the North Devon Infirmary, where he is now making satisfactory progress.

Thursday 3 March 1898
DEATH - February 20, at the Union Workhouse, Southmolton, JAMES JENKINS (of Chittlehampton), aged 77.

Thursday 10 March 1898
BIRTH - February 25, at Slade, Chittlehampton, the wife of W. T. GAY, of a son.
MARRIAGE - March 2, at Chittlehampton, JOHN DAVEY, of Chittlehampton, to Emma Crook, of Goodleigh.

Thursday 17 March 1898
The Progressives carried the two seats for Central Hackney in the postponed London County Council election on Monday. MR T. B. WESTACOTT, the Moderate candidate who came third on the poll, is a native of Chittlehampton.
Information for Creditors:- F. VEYSEY, cattle dealer, Chittlehampton; last day for proofs March 26th, at Thomas Chapple's, Southmolton.

Thursday 31 March 1898
BIRTH - March 22, at Coombe Farm, Chittlehampton, the wife of S. HOWARD, of a son.
DEATH - March 17, at Chittlehampton, JANE, wife of JOHN HOOPER, aged 65.
DEATH - March 17, at the Village, Chittlehampton, PRISCILLA LUGG (of Torrington), aged 86.
DR GORDON MORTIMER, son of MR J. MORTIMER, Chittlehampton, (Chairman of Southmolton Rural District Council) and his wife had a terrible experience at sea while proceeding to America. DR MORTIMER was bound for Belize, the capital of British Honduras, having received an appointment as surgeon under the Colonial Department. He and his wife left Liverpool on February 3rd in the steamer Legislator. The steamer caught fire on the 13th February when 700 miles west of the Azores Islands. The fire broke out in the early morning, and was preceded by an explosion, the panic and confusion caused being very great. After the fire had lasted three days signals of distress were seen by the Flowergate, and the transfer of the crew and passengers safely made. The burning steamer went down soon after. Six members of the crew were lost, one man being burned to death in the engine house, and a number of the crew were severely burnt in fighting the flames. Escape by boat was impossible owing to the terrible seas running. The steamer was of iron, and there was practically nothing left of her (at the time of rescuing) but the shell, for half the length. It was an awful experience. DR MORTIMER and his wife gave graphic accounts of the affair to American interviewers.
MR W. H. H. KNOTT, of Chittlehampton, hon. secretary of the North Devon Teachers' Association, was on Saturday at Barnstaple presented with a set of carvers on his leaving for Oulton, Cheshire.

Thursday 7 April 1898
Barnstaple Board of Guardians. - A lady named ANNIE BARLOW, who has a home for four children (from the Waifs and Strays Society) at Chittlehampton, wrote saying she would like the care of two others under seven. The Chairman said there were other letters (including one from Swymbridge), but if the Workhouse children were boarded out the Guardians would probably prefer to keep them under their own superintendence.

Thursday 14 April 1898
Indecent Act. - It is not often that Barnstaple borough magistrates are troubled with cases of indecency, but there were two on Thursday. The first was against JOHN MORRIS, cattle-drover, of Chittlehampton. The Mayor (Mr C. E. R. Chanter) stated that before dark in Landkey-road on March 17th, defendant not only continued the act complained of for some distance, but when spoken to used an oath and said he would do what he liked. Some little distance off were two ladies. Mr G. W. F. Brown, for the defence, described MORRIS as a respectable and quiet man who had never been summoned before. On the date in question he was hurrying along for the purpose of catching up his cows, which had got in advance of him, and had no intention of wilfully annoying. The Bench (Messrs. R. Ashton and W. Curtis) ordered defendant to pay 5s. and costs, with the alternative of seven days' imprisonment. But for the good character given him he would have been fined much more heavily.
At Southmolton on Thursday a meeting of the Committee Inspection in the estate of FREDERICK VEYSEY, of Chittlehampton, cattle dealer, was held at the office of Mr Chapple, the trustee. Present, the Mayor (Mr William Moor), in the chair, and Messrs. Dudley Bush, George Poole, and John Bowden. The trustee reported that the estate was fully realised, and that a first and final dividend might forthwith be paid. The accounts showed a surplus of about £500 for distribution among the creditors. The Committee fixed the trustee's remuneration and instructed him to take the necessary steps to declare and pay a first and final dividend.

Thursday 21 April 1898
Information for Creditors - F. VEYSEY, cattle Dealer, Chittlehampton; first and final dividend of 6s.-6 ½ d. , payable April 23rd, at 2 South-street, Southmolton.

Thursday 28 April 1898
Fire near Chittlehampton
A fire occurred at Pugsley Farm, occupied by MR HENRY TUCKER, on the afternoon of Thursday, resulting in the total destruction of the barn, cart-shed and some of the other outbuildings, with their contents. The origin of the fire remains somewhat of a mystery, MR and MRS TUCKER were from home at the time, having gone to Southmolton in the forenoon, leaving the premises in charge of two servant lads. Shortly after dinner the workmen on a neighbouring farm saw smoke issuing from the barn, and at once gave an alarm and ran to the spot, but before they had time to remove any of the machinery, save a mowing machine, the roof fell in, the fire having originated inside. A messenger was despatched to Chittlehampton for the fire engine, which was soon on the spot, and although the supply of water was limited, the brigade succeeded, with the aid of willing helpers, in preventing the fire from igniting adjacent buildings, which were also thatch-covered. The property is owned by the Hon Mark Rolle. MR TUCKER, who is uninsured, has sustained a great loss, the whole of his machinery (except the mowing machine) being totally destroyed, together with a wagon, butts and carts, a quantity of artificial manure, two calves, and a quantity of other articles that were stored in the burnt buildings. The rapid spread of the fire in the thatch of the roofs, and no grown-up person being on the spot at the outbreak, account for so little of the tenants property being saved. But for the prompt arrival of the fire-brigade, the whole of the buildings, together with the dwelling-house would have been destroyed. The Southmolton Town Council fire-engine came on the scene, but on account of the scarcity of water did not connect, as the Chittlehampton engine had the fire well under control. Much sympathy is felt for MR TUCKER in his great loss.

Thursday 5 May 1898
MARRIAGE - April 27, at the Wesleyan Chapel, Chittlehampton, ARTHUR JOHN FORD to ELLEN NORMAN, both of Chittlehampton.

Thursday 19 May 1898
At Southmolton County Petty Sessions on Tuesday FRANCES MEDLAND applied for an order against STEPHEN HOWARD, of Coombe Farm, Chittlehampton, her late employer, whom she alleged to be the father of her illegitimate male child born on the 16th of April, 1898. Mr B T James appeared for applicant, and Mr A F Seldon for defendant. FRANCES MEDLAND, a single woman, said the defendant was the father of the child. Evidence (none of which was of a corroborative nature) was given by THOMAS HEALE, a labourer, who formerly lived at Coombe Farm; by ROBERT GAYDON, a labourer, formerly in MR HOWARD'S employ; and RICHARD HENRY MEDLAND, father of the complainant. MR S. HOWARD was also subpoenaed and put in the box. He denied that there was any ground for the accusation, and that there has ever been any improper conduct on his part towards the complainant. After addressing the Bench, Mr A F Seldon called MR F. VEYSEY, a cattle dealer, of Bratton, who stated that the girl had denied in his presence that anything improper had ever taken place between the accused and herself. MARY TUCKER, now living in Swymbridge, said the complainant told her that it was not anything to do with master. MARY ANN NORMAN, living at Chittlehampton, gave similar evidence to the last witness. BESSIE LUGG (17) formerly in the employ of MRS HOWARD, lived there at the same time as FANNY MEDLAND, said she had seen improper conduct between the witness HEALE and the applicant. She took a note from applicant to FORD; he left the following Monday.
Mr Seldon said he had other witnesses, but did not desire to weary the Bench. After retiring for a short time, the Chairman said the Bench were unanimously of the opinion that the case should be dismissed. Mr Seldon asked the Bench to add the words “on its merits”. The Chairman thought they could say nothing stronger than that they were unanimous.

Thursday 9 June 1898
Chittlehampton - On Wednesday a telephonic wire, connecting Chittlehampton with Filleigh and Southmolton, was used for the first time, and it is hoped Northmolton will shortly receive similar advantages.

Thursday 16 June 1898
MARRIAGE - June 15, at Chittlehampton Church by the Ven. Archdeacon Seymour, JOHN JAMES, only son of J. J. TERRY of Barnstaple, to HARRIET SARAH, third daughter of W. and E. MAJOR, of Umberleigh.
Chittlehampton. A Postal Delivery has at last been given to MR BUCKINGHAM, Furze Barn Farm. This was previously the only house in the parish where there was no delivery. The Parish Council, at their last meeting, decided to bring the subject before the Postmaster-General, which was done with the gratifying result named. The letters are now conveyed by the Winkleigh postman.

Thursday 30 June 1898
County Court - S. HOWARD claimed £1 for rent and value of a lock from R. GAYDON, a former tenant of a cottage at Chittlehampton. Mr G. W. F. Brown appeared for plaintiff. Judgment for amount claimed in 2s. a month.

Thursday 7 July 1898
The friends of MASTER F. J. VEYSEY eldest son of MR and MRS VEYSEY, of Bratton Farm, in this parish, will be pleased to learn that he has been successful in passing his recent examination for the Civil Service. He had been educated and prepared for the same at the Devon County School, West Buckland.
BIRTH - June 24, at Ambow, Chittlehampton, the wife of F. HARRIS, of a son.

Thursday 14 July 1898
Technical Education in Devonshire. At a meeting of the Devon County Technical Education Committee, held on Thursday, the following elections of local interest were made:- To scholarships, tenable at secondary schools in Devon, and open to pupils of elementary schools in Devon, between the ages of 10 and 14:- Boarding scholarships - EVA SHAPLAND, Chittlehampton

Thursday 21 July 1898
County Petty Sessions
JOHN BAKER SKINNER, of Chittlehampton, was fined 7s. 6d., and costs for keeping a dog without a license.

Thursday 4 August 1898
DEATH - At Chittlehampton, CATHERINE MULES, aged 74.

Thursday 18 August 1898
Southmolton County Petty Sessions. - A charge against JOHN GAMMON, of Chittlehamholt, of assaulting his wife, was adjourned, but defendant was meanwhile bound over in £5 to keep the peace towards his wife.

Thursday 25 August 1898
MISS MINNIE CROCKER, daughter of MR SAMUEL CROCKER, of Eastacott, who is a pupil at Edgehill College, has obtained a Senior Oxford Certificate, and also one for Mathematics, South Kensington.

Thursday 1 September 1898
On Friday last, MRS GALSWORTHY the carrier to Barnstaple, was returning by the way known as “under Hall”, when, on nearing Herner, the pony capsized in a very dangerous dyke by the side of the roadway. Her cries brought up an individual, who at once ran to Hall (the residence of C Chichester, Esq.) for assistance, returning with a band of willing helpers, who soon extricated her from her perilous position. Fortunately, no bones were broken, nor any considerable damage done to the goods – the old lady herself escaping with a downright soaking, through being pitched into a quantity of water that had accumulated as the result of the late rain. MRS GALSWORTHY wishes to sincerely thank those who so readily came to her assistance.
A pretty wedding took place at St Hieritha Church, Chittlehampton on Wednesday. The bride was MISS ANNIE SKINNER, of Broden Hill, second daughter of the late MR T. SKINNER, of this parish, and the bridegroom Mr Sydney William Britton, second son of the late Mr S Britton, of Wood Place, Cruwys Morchard. The service was conducted by Archdeacon Seymour, Mr J Watts presiding at the organ. The bride was attired in her travelling dress, of pretty green beaver cloth, trimmed with ivory silk brocade, with white crepon hat, trimmed with plumes, tulle, and orange blossom, whilst she carried a white bouquet. The bridesmaids, MISS LILY SKINNER (sister of the bride) and Miss Lily Britton (sister of the bridegroom), wore dresses of heliotrope, trimmed with shot silk, with hats to match, and carried bouquets of white roses. Mr George Britton and MR FRANCIS SKINNER acted as groomsmen. The bride was given away by her mother, who was attired in a dress of electric grey alpaca. After the ceremony the wedding party were conveyed to the home of the bride’s mother, where the wedding breakfast was provided, after which the happy couple left, amidst the heartiest good wishes of their many friends, for Shaldon and Teignmouth, where the honeymoon is being spent. The bride and bridegroom were the recipients of over ninety very useful and valuable presents. The carriages were provided by Mr Cruwys, of East-street, Southmolton.

Thursday 29 September 1898
JOHN GAMMON, of Chittlehampton, was summoned by MARY ANN GAMMON his wife, for assaulting her on the 5th of August. This case was adjourned from the last Court on the plea that the defendant had not had time to instruct his solicitor. He was then bound over to keep the peace for one month. Mr A E Shapland appeared for complainant, and Mr G W F Brown of Barnstaple for the defendant. Mr Shapland contended that defendant was a drunken, worthless man, who lived upon his wife’s earnings, and also ill-treated her frequently, especially on the date named. The evidence was the same as that given at the former hearing. Many witnesses were called to prove the assault. Mr Brown, for defendant, held that it was not all his fault, that the neighbours interfered between GAMMON and his wife, that she was fond of gossip, and that there was nothing comfortable when defendant came home, Complainant’s temper was not the pleasantest, and he hoped the Bench would meet the case with a small fine. Fined 5s. And costs, together £1 5s. Allowed 14 days to pay, or 14 days’ imprisonment. Mr Shapland then applied for a separation order, but as the assault was not an aggravated one the Bench had no power to grant the same. On this failing, application was made that defendant be bound over to keep the peace, which was done in two sureties of £5 each, for 12 months.
JOHN SKINNER of Chittlehampton, was summoned by MARIA PARKIN, of the same place, for threatening to do her bodily harm on the 23rd of August, it being an application to have defendant bound over to keep the peace. Mr A F Seldon, of Barnstaple, was for complainant, and Mr A E Shapland, of Southmolton, for defendant. The parties are neighbours, and MRS PARKIN appeared to have complained to SKINNER'S children of some unpleasant smell which she said came from their kitchen. When defendant heard of this interference complainant alleged that he went to her house after she was gone to bed and made use of the threats complained of outside. Mr Shapland contended that complainant had not proved any grievance. The case was dismissed, and no order made as to costs.
BESSIE ALICE VEYSEY made application for a separation order against her husband, FREDERICK VEYSEY, cattle-dealer, of Chittlehampton, on the ground of persistent cruelty towards her for the last six months. Mr A F Seldon appeared for complainant, and Mr G W F Brown for defendant. The parties have been married 17 years, and there are six children, five under 16. Complainant had not lived with her husband for the past three months. The advocates consulted together, with the result that an arrangement was come to that a separation order should be made, defendant to allow his wife £1 a week, she to have the custody of the five children. The Bench granted the separation order on those terms.
WILLIAM YEO summoned GEORGE DOWN of Chittlehampton, his employer, for balance of wages due – 13s. Order made for claim and costs.

Thursday 13 October 1898
MARRIAGE - October 5, at Chittlehampton, William H. Elliott, of Stoke Fleming, to ELIZABETH WEBBER of Chittlehampton.

Thursday 20 October 1898
On Thursday last a nasty accident befell MR CARDER WATTS of Biddacott. He (MR WATTS) was riding from the village towards his home, when on rounding the corner by Mr Cole’s the pony slipped, throwing its rider, and causing a fracture of the right leg. He was removed to his home, and is progressing favourably under the treatment of Dr Wigham, of Southmolton.

Thursday 27 October 1898
Chittlehampton - MR F. J. VEYSEY, who some little time back passed a Civil Service examination, has received an appointment at the Saving’s Bank Department, and entered upon his duties last week.

Thursday 3 November 1898
MR STEPHEN HOWARD, of Coombe Farm, has received invitations to attend three or four important agricultural gatherings in the Midlands.

Thursday 10 November 1898
On Wednesday last the wife of MR GEORGE NORMAN, of this village, fell and fractured the small bone of her leg. She is under the treatment of Dr Wigham.

Thursday 17 November 1898
County Petty Sessions, Tuesday
Affiliation - ALBERT TOWELL, coal merchant and postman living at Chittlehampton, was the defendant, the applicant being HELEN ALICE PULLEN, formerly living at Winston Farm, Chittlehampton. An order for the payment of 2s. 6d. a week was made.

Thursday 24 November 1898
DEATH - November 19, at Eastacott, Chittlehampton, RICHARD COURTNEY.

Thursday 1 December 1898
Notice. All Persons having any Claims against the Estate of the late MR RICHARD COURTENAY of Eastacott, Chittlehampton, Deceased, who died on 19th November 1898, are requested to send particulars of the same on or before Tuesday next, 6th December, 1898, to GEORGE H. COURTENAY Eastacott, Chittlehampton, Executor.

Thursday 8 December 1898
By Order of Messrs W. H. Kelland and Frederic Day, Trustees under a Settlement.
Chittlehampton, North Devon. Highly Desirable Freehold Farm For Sale.
Messrs. Blackford and Son are instructed to offer for Sale by Public Auction at the Unicorn Hotel, Southmolton, on Thursday, 15th Dec. next. at 2.30 p.m. precisely (subject to the conditions then to be read), all that compact Farm, known as "North Newton", situate in Chittlehampton, containing about 79a. 1r. 32p. of extra Fertile, Arable, Meadow and Orchard Lands, together with a comfortable Dwelling House, and necessary Agricultural Buildings, in the occupation of MR J. HARRIS, senr., as a yearly (Lady-day) tenant, at a clear annual rent of £80.
The Land Tax is redeemed. The Farm (3 ½ miles equi-distant from the market town of Southmolton and Umberleigh Station, L & S.W.R., and one mile from Chittlehampton village), adjoining the main road from Umberleigh Station to Southmolton, is most pleasantly situate, and well known for its productive qualities. The District, with the enjoyment of an equable climate, abounds in sport of all kinds. For Viewing, apply to the Tenant, and all further particulars may be obtained of the Auctioneers, at Southmolton and Barnstaple, or of Mr f. B. Wyatt, Solicitor, Southmolton.

Thursday 15 December 1898
BIRTH - December 12, at Chittlehampton, the wife of CARDER WATTS, of a son.
Among those who attended the annual dinner of Devonians in Liverpool were MR and MRS W. MANNING, (Chittlehampton) and MR and MRS T. BATER, (Chittlehampton).

Thursday 22 December 1898
The personal estate has been valued at £1,342 12s 6d net, and the gross value of the whole of the estate has been estimated at £2,312 7s 10d. of MR RICHARD COURTENAY, of Eastacott, Chittlehampton, Devon, who died on the 19th November last. The sole executor of his will is his son, MR GEORGE HENRY COURTENAY, of Eastacott, to whom probate has been granted.
Messrs Blackford and Son offered for sale by auction at the Unicorn Hotel, Southmolton, on Thursday, North Newton Farm, containing 79a. 1r. 32p., of arable, meadow and orchard lands, with the dwelling-house &c., now let at a clear annual rental of £80. There was a large attendance. The property was knocked down to Mr W Coles, of Braunton, for £1,700. Mr F B Wyatt, Southmolton, was the solicitor concerned.

Thursday 12 January 1899
DEATH - December 22, at Londesborough, Canada West, JOHN CHAPPLE, (formerly of Chittlehampton, North Devon), aged 93.
DEATH - December 30, at Exminster Asylum, WILLIAM ISAAC (of Chittlehampton), aged 75.

Thursday 2 February 1899
DEATH - January 26, at Chittlehamholt, ABRAHAM WALDRON, aged 58.

Thursday 9 March 1899
MARRIAGE - December 16, at Paeroa, New Zealand, AUGUSTUS EGERTON, eldest son of A. C. G. SKYNNER, Esq., Stowford Lodge, Chittlehampton, to Gertrude Alice, fifth daughter of the late P. Ferguson, Esq., late of H.M. 58th Regiment.

Thursday 16 March 1899
DEATH - March 10, at Chittlehampton, WILLIAM LEWIS aged 75.

Thursday 23 March 1899
BIRTH - March 15, at Chittlehampton, the wife of W. TAYLOR, jun., of a daughter.
MARRIAGE - March 22, at the Parish Church, Barnstaple (by license), by the Rev. Dr Newton, EDWIN HARRIS, of Pressbury, Chittlehamholt, to Annie Lovering, of Fishley, Tawstock.

Thursday 20 April 1899
BIRTH - April 5, at Lower Dickaton Water, Chittlehamholt, the wife of J. W. LEWIS, of a daughter.

Thursday 27 April 1899
A pretty wedding took place at the Parish Church on Wednesday, the contracting parties being MR G. DAVIE, of Bristol, formerly of this parish, and ANNIE, third daughter of MR S. WALDRON, of Toits House, Brightley. The bride, who was attired in a dress of royal blue colour, trimmed with white silk, with a hat to match, was given away by her father. Mr Roscoe, a friend of the bridegroom, attended as best man. There were two bridesmaids. The Ven. Archdeacon Seymour officiated.

Thursday 4 May 1899
Southmolton Petty Sessions
JOHN SNOW, farmer, of Furze, Chittlehampton, was riding furiously in West-street on Thursday, April 6th. The case was proved by P S Leyman and P C Mairs. A fine of 2s. 6d., and costs 9s., was inflicted.

Thursday 11 May 1899
There was a goodly company at Nethercleave on Wednesday last, when Messrs Blackford and Son (Southmolton and Barnstaple) held a sale for MR GEORGE GUARD (quitting) to dispose of his live stock, when every lot changed hands at good prices.
There was a large attendance at Stowford on Tuesday last, when Messrs Blackford and Son (Southmolton and Barnstaple) conducted an auction on behalf of A C G Skynner, Esq., for the sale of the grass of the estate. Competition was keen, and every lot was disposed of.

Thursday 18 May 1899
Three little boys (HENRY BROWN, WILLIAM COX, and HERBERT COURTNEY) were at Southmolton on Tuesday charged with setting fire to an unoccupied house at Chittlehampton. Each boy will receive six strokes with the birch.
"London Gazette" extract: First meeting and public examination. - CARDER WATTS, of Chittlehampton, builder, meeting and examination, May 23rd.

Thursday 25 May 1899
CARDER WATTS, builder, Chittlehampton, has become bankrupt, being examined by Mr Official Receiver Philpott at the Barnstaple Court on Tuesday. The gross liabilities were £223 12s. 9d., the deficiency being £186 16s. 11d. “Loss in business and sickness in my family” were the stated causes of failure. Unsecured liabilities to 26 creditors were: Trade debts, £115; wages £36; private debts, £47. Debtor commenced business in 1884 without any capital, and stated that he had been insolvent for some years. He could not file a cash account, as he had not kept books. He was brought up as a general mason. His last big contract was at Rockley, Exmoor, for £500, in which he was partner with MR HOWARD, carpenter, of Chittlehampton. He lost money both in connection with this and another contract at Butler’s Farm, Chittlehamholt. Mr W B Seldon (for debtor) said Messrs Gould and Son, the principal creditors, believed WATTS to be a hardworking, but unfortunate man. The Official Receiver had nothing to say, and the examination was closed.

Thursday 29 June 1899
BIRTH - June 15, at Slade, Chittlehampton, the wife of W. H. GAY, of a daughter, stillborn.

Thursday 20 July 1899
Southmolton. At the Borough Police Court on Thursday GEORGE NEWCOMBE, of Chittlehamholt, was charged by P.C. Brown with being drunk and disorderly in Broad-street on the previous day. Evidence was given by P.C. Brown. Captain Pelly (Superintendent of Police), and P.C. Mairs. A fine of 1s. and costs, 8s., with a further payment of 1s. for a broken pane of glass, was imposed.

Thursday 17 August 1899
The Postmaster and rural postmen from the Chittlehampton Post Office have presented MR H. JORDAN with a travelling bag on his being transferred to Cullompton.
Mr G Thorold, of Preston House, Warkleigh, has taken Hudscott House, in this parish, lately vacated by the Hon. Mrs A Fortescue. Mr Thorold has for some years rented the shooting.
BIRTH - August 13, at the Village, Chittlehampton, the wife of GEORGE CROSS of a son.
BIRTH - August 8, at Buildings, Chittlehampton, the wife of MATTHEW HANCOCK, of a daughter.
BIRTH - August 14, at West End, Chittlehampton, the wife of JOHN LOCK of a daughter.

Thursday 24 August 1899
On Thursday last MESSRS. R. BURGESS and W. CROCKER, old Chittlehamptonians on a visit from London, together with five of the village ringers, had an excursion. Starting from the village by break at 7 a.m., Swymbridge was the first place visited. The party were very kindly received and entertained by the Vicar, and after some peals on the bells a move was made for Barnstaple. Here the various bells were tried, after which the horses' heads were set towards Braunton. At this place they were met by MESSRS. CHAPPLE and SUMMERS (also of Chittlehampton origin) and Mr Fowl. Some time was spent here before the whole party made for Marwood. "Last but not least" seems an apt saying to apply to the bells at Marwood. The ringers were simply charmed with them. MR CROCKER said they were the sweetest toned bells he had ever heard. This is saying a good deal, inasmuch as MR CROCKER has rung in many scores of different belfrys. From Marwood the party returned via Barnstaple, reaching home at 10 p.m., having had a thoroughly enjoyable day.

Thursday 31 August 1899
County Court
GEORGE POPE, senr., miller, of Clappery Mill, Chittlehampton, summoned W. C. Shier, late of Southmolton, baker, for £4-12s, balance of an account of flour. Evidence in support of the claim was given by MRS MARY POPE, wife of plaintiff (who was too ill to be present). Mrs L. E. Shier stated that she paid the money claimed for, and produced the receipt for the same. She had no remembrance as to whom it was paid. Judgment for defendant, without costs.

Thursday 14 September 1899
MR FRED MALLET, head coachman of H.R.H. the Duke of York, is a native of Chittlehampton, to which parish he paid a visit last week.

Thursday 28 September 1899
MARRIAGE - September 25 at the Congregational Church, Southmolton, John Beer, of Warkleigh, to MARY CHARLOTTE MARTIN, of Chittlehamholt.

Thursday 5 October 1899
BIRTH - September 24, at Chittlehamholt vicarage, the wife of the REV. W. T. L. JENKINS, of a daughter.
MARRIAGE - September 26, at the Congregational Church, Southmolton, JOHN ADAMS, of Chittlehamholt, to Sarah Beer, of Warkleigh.
CHITTLEHAMHOLT - Fatal Accident At Chittlehamholt. - On Tuesday Mr J. F. Bromham, County Coroner, held an Inquest at the Exeter Inn, Chittlehamholt, on the body of ANN CLARK SMITH, widow, who died on Sunday from the effects of a fall. The deceased, who was 77 years of age, was the widow of a carpenter. She resided with her son, JOHN SMITH, carpenter, who on the 22nd of September found his mother lying at the foot of the stairs, bleeding at the nose and mouth. Deceased was then unconscious. She had evidently fallen down the stairs, but as she never thoroughly regained consciousness the details of the accident were never ascertained. Mary Down, a neighbour, and Dr Wigram (who attended the deceased), as well as deceased's son, gave evidence, and a verdict of "Accidental Death" was returned.

Thursday 12 October 1899
DEATH - October 5, at West-street, Southmolton, JANE LOUISA widow of JOHN SHAPLAND (of South Bray, Chittlehampton), aged 77.

Thursday 19 October 1899
County Petty Sessions
MR F. A. HOOPER applied for a license to store explosives in the parish of Chittlehampton. After hearing the evidence of Superintendent W J Pelly, the Bench granted the application.

Thursday 26 October 1899
At Nethercleave on Saturday last Messrs Blackford and Son (Southmolton and Barnstaple) conducted an auction for sale of the roots belonging to MR GEORGE GUARD. There was a good attendance, and competition remarkably keen, resulting in exceptionally high prices.

Thursday 9 November 1899
A large rick of oats, the property of MR R. HOWARD, of Nethercleave, was discovered to be on fire on Tuesday morning. The fire brigade was quickly on the spot, but not before the greater part of the rick had been destroyed. Two ricks in close proximity were not injured. A little boy, about seven years old, has, ‘it is alleged’, confessed to setting it on fire, his excuse being that he thought there were some rats in it, and he would burn them out. The property is insured. The amount of corn in the rick was the proceeds of 16 acres.

Thursday 7 December 1899
MARRIAGE - December 1, at the Brethren Chapel, Chittlehamholt, FREDERICK BULLEN WYATT, of Southmolton, to LILIAN JANE BUTTERFILL HOSKEN, of Chittlehamholt.

Thursday 14 December 1899
Success in the Civil Service - MISS MINNIE CROCKER, daughter of MR S. CROCKER of Eastcott, has passed as woman clerk in the General Post Office, London.

Thursday 11 January 1900
DEATH - January 4, at the Village, Chittlehampton, MARIA, widow of WILLIAM LEWIS, aged 73.
DEATH - January 1, at Chittlehampton, RICHARD TRIGGER, aged 62.

Thursday 18 January 1900
A bunch of primroses has just been picked near Umberleigh by MR JOHNS SELDON, of Dorridge Cottage, in Chittlehampton parish.

Thursday 25 January 1900
Private GEORGE GOSS a Chittlehampton reservist with the 2nd Devons, writes home describing the battle of Colenso, and the capture of Col. Bullock. “We have therefore,” he says, “lost our grand old colonel. He was our ‘father’ and did not care for anything. I never saw such a slaughter in my life before. It was really the worst position I have ever seen a British soldier attack. I got off with just a slight scratch in the leg, nothing to mention, but, thank God, I’m spared up to now, and I hope to have another go at them in a day or two.”
DEATH - January 21, at Furze Cottage, Chittlehampton, MARY, widow of CHARLES AVERY, aged 62.

Thursday 15 February 1900
This village is well represented at the seat of war. There are no less than eight young men belonging to the parish taking part - Privates W. and G. GALSWORTHY and J. GOSS in the Devons, Sergeant E. CRUWYS in the Coldstream Guards, Sapper F. ARNALL with the Engineers. Messrs J. FORD and R. SANDERS, who have been in the Colony for some years, are also taking part, the former with General Gatacre’s force. Gunner J. SEAGE was with the Battery which landed at Durban from Australia. In a letter which his brother has received from him he said he could not stay in Australia and hear of the British flag being insulted by a lot of ruffians like the Boers without offering his assistance to help defend it. He concludes his letter with the words: “For England’s rights we are going to fight.”
DEATH - February 3, at Monsell Hospital, Manchester, GEORGE, youngest son of J. HOOPER (of Brightley, Chittlehampton), aged 27.
DEATH - February 11, at Abbot’s Hill, Chittlehampton, JOHN WESTACOTT, aged 85.

Thursday 22 February 1900
MARRIAGE - February 11, at the Wesleyan Chapel, Southmolton, WILLIAM DOWN, to ADA MARIA TOWELL, both of Chittlehampton.
MARRIAGE - February 14, at Chittlehampton Church, CHRISTOPHER SELDON, of Broadwood, to MRS LOTTIE HENWOOD, of Barnstaple.

Thursday 8 March 1900
Chittlehampton. There was great rejoicing here on receipt of the news of the relief of Ladysmith. The bells were rung, anvils fired, and the children marched through the village singing patriotic songs and shouting "Three cheers for Buller!"

Thursday 22 March 1900
At Southmolton on Tuesday, ELIZABETH FORD, widow of Chittlehampton, and her daughters, ELIZABETH FORD and NELLIE FORD, were charged with having stolen twelve fowls, the property of MR T. CONGRAM shoemaker, of the same place, valued at £1 16s. Prosecutor kept twenty-eight fowls at Gigham, about half a mile from his house. On the morning of the 15th March, he found the door broken open, and only 16 fowls remaining. P C Brown visited FORD'S house, and found a fowl which was afterwards identified by the prosecutor. The mother was fined 20s., and costs, the case against the daughters being dismissed.
DEATH - March 11, at Lerwell, Chittlehampton, JOHN MORRIS HARTNOLL aged 60.

Thursday 5 April 1900
DEATH - March 29, at Southmolton, JOHN THORNE (of Chittlehampton), aged 79.

Thursday 12 April 1900
Southmolton Board of Guardians
The Master (Mr W Kingdon) reported the following death in the Workhouse from influenza and pneumonia:-
March 29th, JOHN THORNE, Chittlehampton (79 years).
Chittlehampton - One of Her Majesty’s chocolate boxes is on view in the Post Office window. The box, which arrived from South Africa on the 9th inst., is the property of PRIVATE WILLIAM GALSWORTHY, of the 2nd Devons, who has sent it to his parents to keep for him. The old people, as may naturally be expected, are highly pleased to have charge of this greatly coveted prize.
DEATH - April 2, at the Village, Chittlehampton, HENRY MULES, aged 75.
DEATH - April 3, at the Village, Chittlehampton, MYRTLE IRENE, daughter of WILLIAM E. SEAGE, aged 7 months.

Thursday 26 April 1900
CHITTLEHAMHOLT - Fatal Fall At Chittlehamholt. - Mr R. I. Bencraft, Borough Coroner, conducted an Inquest at the North Devon Infirmary, Barnstaple, last evening, on the body of FREDERICK TURNER, farm labourer, in the employ of Mr Thorne, of Snidles Farm, Chittlehamholt, who died from injuries received from falling from a cart on Friday, April 20th. Dr W. H. Wigham, of Southmolton, gave evidence to the effect that he attended the deceased on the night of the accident, and on the following morning ordered his removal to the North Devon Infirmary, where he was brought. Deceased had a large and lacerated wound on the right side of the stomach, and complained of severe pain in his right thigh. He thought death might have resulted from blood poisoning and peritonitis, as he had extracted much foreign matter from the wound.
ELLEN TURNER, widow of deceased, identified the body as that of her late husband, and said that on the evening of the accident he was engaged in carting dung from Snidles farm to his own house, Kingsbridge Cottage. About five o'clock he crawled into the house, and when she found the state he was in she put him to bed. He told her the horse had bolted through the snapping of a temporary breeching pin, which he had inserted because the proper pin was damaged. The back chain also unhinged, frightening the horse and causing it to bolt. He could not exactly tell how he fell, but he did, and was grazed by the cart wheels, inflicting the injuries spoken of by the doctor. MRS TURNER said that she had wished for her father to come to the house, as she had the children to look after, but on her asking Mr Thorne to fetch him, he did not speak at all kindly to her and thought it unnecessary until the doctor's arrival.
Ellen May, a nurse of the North Devon Infirmary, deposed to having attended deceased, and said that he died, unconscious, on Tuesday morning. The Jury, of which Mr J. Cummings was foreman, returned a verdict of Accidental Death, and although not wishing to add a rider, mentioned that Mr Thorne might have shown more kindly feeling towards the widow. The Jury and nurse gave their fees to MRS TURNER, who returned her thanks.

Thursday 10 May 1900
There was a very large attendance at Stowford Lodge on Monday last, when Messrs Blackford and Son (Southmolton and Barnstaple), on behalf of MR SKYNNER(leaving), conducted an auction for his live stock and a portion of the household furniture. Competition throughout was extremely keen, and every lot quickly changed hands at very high prices.
BIRTH - May 2, at the Village, Chittlehampton, the wife of GEORGE GREGORY, of a daughter.
MARRIAGE - May 7, at the Parish Church, Chittlehampton, by the Rev. B. Williams, JAMES BLACKMORE to ALICE MITCHELL, both of Chittlehampton.

Thursday 24 May 1900
Messrs Blackford and Son, on behalf of the representatives of the late MR J. J. HARTNOLL conducted a successful sale of the grass at Lerwill on Tuesday last.
DEATH - April 19th, at Cedar Falls, Iowa, North America (of Pneumonia), MRS SUSAN BURDEN (youngest daughter of the late THOMAS BURDEN, formerly of Chittlehampton, North Devon, and sister of Mrs E. Besley, Exeter-road, Crediton), aged 70.

Thursday 14 June 1900
Chittlehampton Man Killed on the Line
On Saturday, June 2nd, MR THOMAS HOLLAND, of Lower Cobbaton, was informed by telegraph that his son FREDERICK, who is in the employ of the London and South Western Railway Company at Milford, Surrey, had met with a serious accident. This was quickly followed by a second message stating that he had passed away. The deceased was in the act of crossing the line with a luggage barrow, when he was caught by an express train, which he had not noticed to be so near. The deceased’s father and sister were present at the inquest on the following Thursday, when the station-master spoke very highly of the deceased, saying he had been most obliging and painstaking in his duties, and was far above the average of porters. The Company sent his remains to Umberleigh, and they were interred at Chittlehampton. Much sympathy is felt for MR and MRS HOLLAND and family in their great bereavement.
DEATH - June 2, at Milford Station, Surrey, FREDERICK THOMAS HOLLAND (of Chittlehampton), aged 21.

Thursday 21 June 1900
At Southmolton County Petty Sessions on Tuesday, WILLIAM ASHELFORD summoned JAMES VICARY for an assault at Chittlehampton on June 9th at North Newton Farm. There was also a cross-summons for a similar offence by VICARY against ASHELFORD. JOHN HENRY GOUGH and WILLIAM PRESCOTT gave evidence for ASHELFORD and J. HARRIS for VICARY. The Bench, who were divided in their decision, inflicted a fine of 5s. And 16s. Costs on VICARY, and dismissed the case against ASHELFORD.
SAMUEL ISAAC was charged by WILLIAM COX with stealing a stone hammer, his property, of the value of 1s. 6d., at Round Hill Quarry, Chittlehampton, on a date between May 12th and 14th. Evidence was given by the prosecutor, P C Brown, and George Bouchier for the prosecution. The accused made a statement in which he claimed the hammer to be his own. The majority of the Bench considered the case proved, and inflicted a fine of 20s., and costs.
DEATH - June 10, at Southmolton, JOHN PEDLER (late of Chittlehampton), aged 84.

Thursday 28 June 1900
DEATH - June 17, at Southmolton, JOHN GOAMAN PEDLER (of Chittlehampton), aged 63.

Thursday 5 July 1900
WILLIAM HEYWOOD, farmer, of Oldridge, Chittlehampton, sued his landlord (Rev. J. W. Ingram) for £35, damage alleged to have been sustained through a breach of covenant in the lease of the farm. Mr R. Hendy appeared for the plaintiff and Mr A. F. Seldon for the owner. After hearing the evidence of the plaintiff, and of Mr J. Blackford, auctioneer and land agent, of Southmolton, Mr A. F. Seldon pointed out a clause in the lease which released the owner from the responsibility alleged. His Honour said the clause referred to put the plaintiff out of Court, and non-suited him, without any order as to costs.
Devonian With The Australian Contingent. - MR JAMES SEAGE, who is well known to many in North Devon, having family connections at Chittlehampton, was among those who left Australia to fight for the old country in South Africa. Writing to a relative he gives a most interesting account of his experiences in South Africa from the time of his arrival at Capetown on February 7th down to May 30th. As his letter is too lengthy for insertion in full, we give a few extracts from it. MR SEAGE says that his Company encamped on the scene of the battle of Belmont, and that while driving their tent pegs into the earth they pierced the dead bodies of Boers who had been slain by our soldiers and had been hastily buried. He describes the experience as terrible. They also stopped at Gras Pan, the scene of the gallant fight of the Naval Brigade. Here the bodies were more decently buried. Gras Pan is 602 miles from Capetown, whose inhabitants intend erecting memorial stones on the battlefield in honour of the victory. MR SEAGE participated in the relief of Kimberley, and he saw "old Cronje," his wife, and staff on their way by special train to Capetown, and saw him and his army (about 4,000 in number) taken prisoners. In the train "the old brute was weeping" says MR SEAGE, who supposed it was at the sight of our large numbers of fine men. He says, "The old rogue never thought he would see so many thousands of British soldiers, but his eyes were opened and his heart softened when he thought of killing such a lot of fine fellows." He speaks of the Boers as "bad, dirty, and low lived," but they will never trouble our country any more, he says, as we are conquering them and wiping them from off the face of the earth. MR SEAGE says the "Devonshire Dumplings" are doing fine work, and refers with pride to the fact that it was a Devon regiment that captured the first gun during the war. There is plenty of red hot sun - melting, in fact. Chittlehampton, he says, is well represented at the front, and mentions the name of SERGEANT NED CRUWYS (?), of the Coldstream Guards, saying that he recognised many others. He expects his Company will have to stay until the end of the war, which he hopes will not be long.

Thursday 26 July 1900
PTE. E. PICKARD, of this parish, who belonged to the Militia Reserve, volunteered for service in South Africa and was accepted. He has now returned home owing to an attack of enteric fever. PTE, PICKARD cannot speak too highly of the treatment he received from the medical authorities, who, he says, did everything in their power for him. He also says that everyone with whom he has come in contact in South Africa speaks in glowing terms of General Buller as a leader.
Lord Rosebury's agent has, through MR F. VEYSEY, cattle dealer, purchased from MR BUCKINGHAM, of Whey Farm, Chittlehampton, a valuable heifer for show purposes. The heifer took a prize at the Devon County Show at Barnstaple.

Thursday 23 August 1900
Notice. JOHN MORRIS HARTNOLL, Deceased. All Persons having any Claims or Demands against the above Deceased, late of Lerwill, Chittlehampton, North Devon, are requested to forward particulars thereof, to the undersigned, before Saturday, 1st September, 1900, otherwise the same will not be entertained. Blackford and Son, Auctioneers and Surveyors, Southmolton and Barnstaple, Agents for the Executrix.

Thursday 30 August 1900
Chittlehampton. At Holy Trinity Church on Wednesday the wedding took place of MR R. HORE, headmaster of the National School, and Miss B. Palmer, late assistant mistress of the Exmouth Church Schools, and daughter of Mr Palmer, of Exmouth, Vicar's warden of the church in which the wedding took place. A large number of friends were present to witness the interesting ceremony. Both bride and bridegroom was much respected, and were the recipients of numerous presents. The children of the Exmouth School presented the bride with a nice present, and those of the Chittlehampton School, the bridegroom. The Rev. G. Every, of Tipton St. John, officiated. The bride and four bridesmaids who attended carried some lovely bouquets of choice flowers, the gift of the bridegroom. Mr Wells acted as best man. The bride was given away by her father.

Thursday 6 September 1900
Hudscott House, which has undergone through repair, has just been occupied by Mr and Mrs G A W Thorold, of Preston House, Warkleigh. Mr Thorold has rented the shooting over the Manor since the death of the Hon A G Fortescue, and his presence at Hudscott will be much welcomed.
Death of a Chittlehampton Man at the Front
The sad news of the death of PRIVATE THOMAS MAYNE, of the 2nd Devons, a native of Chittlehampton, has come to hand from South Africa. PRIVATE MAYNE, who was only married a year ago, was among the earlier of the Reservists sent out to join General Buller’s forces. He contracted enteric fever soon after reaching his destination, but recovered – only to fall the victim of a second attack. From this he also recovered, but pneumonia followed, from which he died. The news was received through a letter from the nurse at Newcastle Hospital, and was dated August 7th, 1900. It seems strange that the widow (who is at Chittlehampton) has received no intimation from the War Office.

Thursday 20 September 1900
Chittlehampton - The following paragraph is taken from a Canadian newspaper giving an account of the wedding of MR T. R. HUXHAM eldest son of MR W. H. HUXHAM, of Whitestone Farm, in this parish, at Glenella, Manitoba:
“A quiet wedding was solemnized at the home of Miss E J McFadden on Wednesday, July 25th, when Miss Agnes M Hare was united in marriage to MR T. R. HUXHAM, by the Rev Mr Wilson, of Gladstone. The bride was becomingly attired in a travelling dress of blue cloth with silk trimmings. Upon the conclusion of the ceremony the company sat down to a splendid repast after which the happy couple, amid showers of rice, left on the afternoon train for a honeymoon trip to Winnipeg. On their return home on Saturday a reception was held, when guests to the number of 40 met to welcome them home. After congratulations dinner was served, and the company spent the afternoon in social intercourse, enlivened with songs and music. A large number of beautiful presents attested the esteem in which MRS and MR HUXHAM are held by their friends”.

Thursday 4 October 1900
BIRTH - September 27, at The Village, Chittlehampton, the wife of W. ISAAC, of a daughter.
MARRIAGE - October 3, at the Wesleyan Church, Southmolton, RICHARD COURTNEY, of Eastacott, Chittlehampton, to Annie E. Jones, of Roseash.
MARRIAGE - October 1, at the Parish Church, Chittlehampton, by the Ven. Archdeacon Seymour, BRAILEY GUARD, of Reading and Chittlehampton, to Violet Drewell, of Fakenham, Norfolk.

Thursday 1 November 1900
DEATH - October 14, at the North Devon Infirmary, Barnstaple, WILLIAM CRISPIN (of Chittlehampton), aged 74.

Thursday 15 November 1900
BIRTH - Down, November 13, at Hill Head, Chittlehampton, the wife of W. DOWN, of a daughter.

Thursday 22 November 1900
The funeral of the late MR G. POPE, of Clappery Mills, took place on Saturday at Chittlehampton churchyard. The deceased, who had suffered of ill-health for 18 months, was greatly respected, and leaves a widow, three sons and two daughters. The funeral was attended by several of the neighbourhood. The coffin was covered with wreaths sent by the widow and family, MRS POPE (daughter in law), MASTER POPE (grandson), Mr and Mrs T H Vicary, Mr and Mrs J Hill, Miss Manning, Miss Skinner, Mr and Miss Lock, and others.
DEATH - November 15, at Chittlehampton, SUSAN, widow of THOMAS BALE, aged 59.
DEATH - November 14, at Clappery Mill, Chittlehampton, GEORGE POPE, aged 67.

Thursday 29 November 1900
BIRTH - November 17, at Lower Cobbaton, Chittlehampton, the wife of G. BALMAN, of a son
BIRTH – November 13, at the Village, Chittlehampton, the wife of W. DOWN, of a daughter.

Thursday 6 December 1900
BIRTH - November 27, at Whitehall, Chittlehampton, the wife of R. GAYDON, of a daughter.
DEATH - November 22, at Hoe Cottages, Chittlehampton, JOHN BLACKMORE, aged 77.

Thursday 27 December 1900
MR JAMES FORD, a native of Chittlehampton, who went to South Africa in 1896, has just been paying his old home a visit. MR FORD, until the commencement of hostilities with the Boers, had been carrying on his work as a carpenter and had been in the employ of Messrs. Till, architects, of Johannesburg, formerly of St. Giles in the Wood. He was one of the first to offer his services when the War commenced and joined the Kaffrarian Rifles, and was with General Gatacre at the battle of Stormberg, after which he was with General Brabant. MR FORD was also at the battle of Wepener, and several minor engagements. Although having had to endure many hardships and privations he is enjoying excellent health He has been in the field for thirteen months and intends going back again in the New Year, when, if necessary, he will volunteer again.
North Devon Retrospect
Casualties of Men Serving in South Africa. - PRIVATE T. MAYNE, Chittlehampton, Reservist, died from pneumonia.
Deaths this year. - FRED TURNER, labourer, of Chittlehampton, died at the North Devon Infirmary from injuries sustained through a fall from a cart.

Thursday 17 January 1901
DEATH - January 12, at Furze, Chittlehampton, MARY ELLEN, wife of WILLIAM PRESCOTT, aged 28.

Thursday 14 February 1901
Departure Of More North Devon Men From Barnstaple. - Accepted for service in the Imperial Yeomanry:- R. GAYDON, labourer, Chittlehampton.

Thursday 21 February 1901
Chittlehampton - On Saturday night in the Reading Room the Ven. Archdeacon Seymour presented to MR W. B. VICKERY with a silver watch as a token of esteem from a wide circle of friends before his departure to South Africa. The Archdeacon spoke warmly of the cheerful spirit the recipient had always thrown into anything he attached himself to. He was a member of the Church choir, a ringer, a member of the local Volunteers, and a prominent footballer and cricketer. The watch bore the following inscription:- “Presented to W. B. VICKERY by his comrades and friends at Chittlehampton, on the occasion of his leaving for South Africa with the 27th Company Imperial Yeomanry.” Young VICKERY, together with MR FRED W. HOWARD left on Monday morning for Aldershot, where they await orders to proceed to their destination.

Thursday 28 February 1901
DEATH - February 26, at Buildings, Chittlehampton, the infant child of MATTHEW HANCOCK.

Thursday 7 March 1901
JOHN SKINNER, a married labourer, of Stowford, Chittlehampton, broke both bones of his leg at Cobbaton on Sunday, as the result, it is stated, of wrestling with another man. SKINNER was conveyed to the North Devon Infirmary at Barnstaple.

Thursday 14 March 1901
Much sympathy is felt for MR and MRS WATTS of Biddacott, through the loss they have sustained by the death of their son FRANK, who died in New York on Friday last. The sad intelligence was received by telegram, and the news was consequently brief, so that further particulars are anxiously awaited by the sorrowing parents. Only a week ago a letter was received from him in which he stated that he hoped to visit England in the spring, and that he was in the best of health. Deceased was 23 years of age and had been in America about two years.

Thursday 4 April 1901
MARRIAGE - March 27, at the Parish Church, Chittlehampton, FREDERICK ALEXANDER SKINNER of Stoodley, West Buckland, to FANNY LIVERTON SKINNER, second daughter of the late WILLIAM SKINNER, of Cleave, Chittlehampton.

Thursday 11 April 1901
MARRIAGE - April 9, at the Registry Office, Barnstaple, WILLIAM HENRY PRESCOTT, of Chittlehampton, to Evangeline Beer Hawkins, of Swymbridge.
MARRIAGE - April 10, at the Registry Office, Southmolton, FREDERICK COX to ELIZABETH SKINNER, both of Chittlehamholt.

Thursday 25 April 1901
DEATH - April 16, at Watergate, Chittlehampton, MARY ANN, wife of J. MANATON, aged 74.

Thursday 27 June 1901
MR and MRS H. C. WATTS were the recipients on Thursday by telegraph of very sad news, viz., the death of their eldest daughter, MISS CHERRY WATTS, from consumption, at Beaufort West, Cape Colony. She went there on the 26th of October last for the benefit of her health at the express desire of the medical men who were attending her, MR WATTS accompanying her. MR WATTS has since returned, and his eldest son, MR LIONEL, went out in his place. MISS WATTS was greatly respected by everyone. She was a teacher in the Sunday School, and was also a member of the church choir. The sad news has cast quite a gloom over the village, and the deepest sympathy is felt by everyone for her sorrowing parents in their great bereavement. She was twenty-three years of age.

Thursday 18 July 1901
Southmolton Petty Sessions. PERCY DIDHAM, a lad of eleven, was charged by the Inspector (Alfred Prince), R.S.P.C.A. with causing unnecessary suffering to a dog at Chittlehampton on June 16th by stoning it, through which it lost the use of one eye. The lad was represented by his father, the case being proved by Randolph Fanning (15), of the same place, and P.C. Toms. The father said he had already given a thrashing to the lad who was in company with other lads older than himself. The Bench, considering the youth of the accused, thought the case would be met if the costs of the court (10s.) were paid, as the father had already corrected him. The Inspector observed that the Society had brought the case forward more as a deterrent than with a view of personal punishment.

Thursday 25 July 1901
WILLIAM SHAPLAND was mounting a pony at Chittlehampton on Thursday, when the animal swerved and he was violently thrown, pitching partly on his head. SHAPLAND who was in great pain and scarcely able to move his head, was laid in straw on a cart and driven to the North Devon Infirmary at Barnstaple. Here it was found that he had very severely strained his neck – a very nasty accident. SHAPLAND is, however, making fairly good progress.

Thursday 1 August 1901
BIRTH - July 23, at "Hills," Chittlehamholt, the wife of J. W. TURNER, of a son.
DEATH - July 21, at the Cottage Hospital, Southmolton, ANNE, daughter of JAMES HARRIS (late of Chittlehampton), aged 54.

Thursday 8 August 1901
MARRIAGE - July 27 at the Brethren Chapel, Chittlehamholt, HENRY BEER to MARY ANN HEARD, both of Chittlehamholt.

Thursday 15 August 1901
Southmolton County Court
Charles Lake of Northmolton, sued FREDERICK VEYSEY, cattle dealer, of Chittlehampton, for £29 19s., for money lent, money received by defendant for use of plaintiff, and for sheep supplied. £15 10s., part of the amount claimed, was admitted, and paid into Court. Mr A C Bowden appeared for plaintiff. Judgment for the plaintiff for the balance with costs.
MARRIAGE - At the Wesleyan Chapel, Chittlehampton, Frederick Payne, of Georgenympton, to EMMA JANE WARREN of Chittlehampton.

Thursday 29 August 1901
MISS EVA SHAPLAND, second daughter of MR G. W. SHAPLAND, of South Bray, in this parish, pupil at the Edgehill College, Bideford, has successfully passed the senior Oxford local examination, and has also won the intermediate certificate of the Trinity College of Music, London.

Thursday 26 September 1901
BIRTH - September 18, at Chittlehamholt vicarage, the wife of the REV. W. T. L. JENKINS, of a son.

Thursday 10 October 1901
CHITTLEHAMHOLT - Road Contractor Killed At Chittlehamholt. - There was a fatal accident at Chittlehamholt on Monday, MR WILLIAM HENRY WESTACOTT, road contractor, being killed whilst at work in a small quarry named Hockin's Quarry. MR WESTACOTT was engaged in digging under the surface, when a portion of the "roof" gave way, burying him. A lad named Slee (who was also knocked down by the earth) promptly obtained the help of his father and MR WESTACOTT was speedily extricated, the depth of deads covering him being, it is stated, only about three inches. But the unfortunate man had received fatal injuries, life being practically extinct when he was extricated. The body was removed to the house of a relative, and on Tuesday P.C. Gilbert of the County Police, communicated with Mr J. F. Bromham, County Coroner at Barnstaple. The Inquest has been deferred until today (Thursday) in order to give the Inspector of Mines (Mr Shuter, of Plymouth) an opportunity to attend. Southmolton Rural District Council is interested in the quarry, and will be represented at the Inquest.

Thursday 17 October 1901
Southmolton. County Court
There being only one contested case on Thursday, his Honour Judge Beresford did not attend, the case being taken before Mr F B Wyatt, deputy Registrar. ALBERT VICKERY of Chittlehampton, sued THOMAS HOWARD, of Lerwill, in the same parish (represented by Mr R S Crosse, of Southmolton) for 9s., value of 12 hurdles, and 2s. 6d., half-day’s work in removing the same. The deputy Registrar elicited from plaintiff that he had received 2s. 6d., for four or five hurdles, which were the only ones the defendant knew of, and which had been left on the farm some 18 months since. Plaintiff pleaded that the 2s. 6d. was paid on account, but after hearing the evidence of plaintiff and his cross-examination by Mr Crosse, the plaintiff was non-suited, with 7s. 6d. costs.
BIRTH - October 3, at Chittlehampton, the wife of JOHN GILL, of a daughter.
CHITTLEHAMHOLT - The Chittlehamholt Fatality. - Mr Coroner Bromham held an Inquest at Holt Gate Farm, Chittlehamholt, on Thursday, on the body of WILLIAM HENRY WESTACOTT, road contractor, aged 41, who was killed at Hawkins Quarry on Monday through the falling of a quantity of deads. Mr F. B. Wyatt (Southmolton) watched the case on behalf of the Southmolton Rural District Council. Mr J. S. Martin (Inspector of Mines for the Western District) was also present.
The evidence of Charles Slee, labourer, of Chittlehamholt, shewed that on Monday he was working with the deceased at Hawkins Quarry, when a quantity of deads fell on the deceased and himself. Witness, however, managed to get out, and immediately went to the assistance of deceased. He removed the deads from his head and face down as far as the lips, when he found that he was dead. Witness went for assistance and met his father, with whose help deceased was extracted from his position and taken to Holt Gate Farm. - By Mr J. S. Martin: Deceased and himself had dug out the rock at the bottom of the face of the quarry to a depth of four or five feet, but had not removed any of the over-burden which was hanging. It was that which fell on deceased and himself. There had been rain the day before. William Slee, father of the last witness, corroborated.
William Squire Gardner, one of the Surveyors to the Southmolton Rural District Council, stated that the quarry was worked under his direction. The depth of the quarry where the accident occurred was 11 ½ feet. The deceased made the excavation referred to contrary to his instructions. the only excavation which he was required to undertake was for the purpose of making a road to get at the metalling. When witness left the quarry his instructions to deceased were that he should remove the deads and deposit them at the east side of the quarry, which it was intended to fill up. A verdict of "Accidental Death" was returned. Mr Wyatt, on behalf of the Rural District Council, expressed their regret at the occurrence, and further stated that after the evidence which had been adduced it was clear the Council could accept no responsibility.

Thursday 24 October 1901
The Village was enlivened on Tuesday by merry peals from the Church bells, the occasion being the marriage, of Mr Richard J Sussex, of St Giles in the Wood, and MARY J., second daughter of MR W. FRIENDSHIP, foreman of the woods on the Rolle Estate in the parish. The Rev B Williams officiated. The bride was given away by her father, Miss Kate Isaac being bridesmaid.
Welcome At Chittlehampton. - MR JAMES GOSS, who was one of the first Reservists to be called up at the commencement of hostilities in South Africa arrived home on Wednesday night. His coming had not been made known, otherwise a different reception would have been accorded him. A merry peal on the church bells was the first intimation of his arrival to the villagers about 9.30 p.m. Everyone was glad to known that he was safely home. MR GOSS was with General Buller in his stiff task of relieving Ladysmith, and he cannot speak too highly of his generalship. He has been in South Africa for two years, and his time as a Reservist has now expired. MR GOSS speaks very highly of the Devons’ Chaplain (Rev M Drake), whose father at one time was Vicar of Chittlehampton.
MARRIAGE - October 22, at the Parish Church, Chittlehampton, by the Rev. B. Williams, Richard J. Sussex, of St. Giles in the Wood, to MARY J. FRIENDSHIP, of Chittlehampton.

Thursday 7 November 1901
Notice is hereby given that, under and by virtue of an indenture dated 14th May, 1901, the above named WILLIAM WATTS, of Biddacott, Chittlehampton, Devon, Farmer, assigned the whole of his Estate to the undersigned for the benefit of Creditors.
And Notice is hereby further given that all Persons having any Claims or Demands against the said WILLIAM WATTS are requested to send particulars of the same to the undersigned on or before Thursday, 21st November, 1901, after which date the Estate will be distributed having regard only to those Claims sent in, and no others will be recognised.
Dated, Southmolton, 6th November, 1901
John Blackford, F.A.I., Trustee of the said Estate.

Thursday 21 November 1901
In the reading room on Saturday night the Rev B Williams presented a nice little marble timepiece to PRIVATE J. GOSS, of the 2nd Devons, who was one of the earliest to be sent to the Front, and only returned last week after just two years’ service. The clock bore the following inscription: - “Presented to JAMES GOSS by a few Chittlehampton friends in recognition of his services in the South African War, 1899 – 1901.” MR GOSS suitably acknowledged the thoughtful gift.
About 10 a.m. on Monday an alarm of fire was heard in the village of Chittlehampton, and it soon became known that the two cottages at Great Blakewell, occupied by G. TAPSCOT and J. SPEAR, were on fire. The fire engine with the brigade and a goodly number of volunteers were quickly on the spot, but the time taken in covering the distance from the scene of the fire to the village had given the fire sufficient time to get a good hold of the dwellings, and they were almost completely demolished. Fortunately all the goods were got out, as were also a large quantity of potatoes, stored in an adjoining shed, but some fowls were suffocated. It is stated the outbreak was caused by a couple of children playing with matches chose by a shed in which over 150 bundles of straw had only a day or two previously been stored. The straw burnt was the property of MR R. HOWARD The cottages are the property of the Hon. Mark Rolle.
Southmolton County Petty Sessions
For driving without a light at Chittlehampton on November 5th, WILLIAM CONGRAM was fined 6d., and 7s. costs.

Thursday 12 December 1901
Southmolton County Court
Right of Way, Chittlehampton - WILLIAM CHAPPLE claimed of F. A. HOOPER (both of Chittlehampton) £1 4s. for damages for obstruction of right of way, and an injunction restraining the defendant. Mr H K Thorne for plaintiff, and Mr A F Seldon for defendant. By the statement of the advocate and the evidence of plaintiff and his wife, it was sought to be established that they had been prevented from exercising a right of way, which was not stopped. His Honour, in stopping the case, said the plaintiff had only a fancied grievance, and nothing more absurd had come before him. He non-suited him, and advised the parties to go back, shake hands, and live on good terms.

Thursday 19 December 1901
BIRTH - December 14, at Belfast, the wife of J. THOMPSON (late Inland Revenue Officer, of Chittlehampton), of a son.
DEATH - December 15, at Umberleigh, Chittlehampton, ELIZABETH LOUISA, wife of JAMES MURCH aged 54.

Thursday 26 December 1901
At Exeter Cathedral on Sunday, the Rev E W H Paine, B.A., of Exeter College, Oxford, was admitted to Holy Orders and licensed to the curacy of Chittlehampton.
TROOPER F. HOWARD who some weeks ago was invalided home from the Front, and has since been in the Military Hospital at Devonport, returned to his home at Lerwill on Wednesday. Everyone was glad to welcome him back. He still bears traces of his illness. The bells of the Parish Church were rung merrily in honour of his return.

Thursday 2 January 1902
Chittlehampton - The children attending the National School have presented the Rev B Williams with a dressing case as a token of the love they have for him. The rev. Gentleman leaves here on January 7th. He will sail for South Africa during February.
The parish church was very nicely decorated for the Christmas service. Holy Communion was celebrated at 7 and 8 a.m. and after the midday service. Those attending the evening service had a musical treat, when the anthem “Let us now go even unto Bethlehem” was rendered by the choir. Some solo and duets were also contributed by Mrs Lark, Miss Edwards, Miss Seymour and Mr E Brokenshire. Collections at all the services were on behalf of the Brixham Orphanage.

Thursday 9 January 1902
DEATH - December 28, at Eastacott, Chittlehampton, MARY, widow of the late G. CROCKER, aged 87.

Thursday 13 February 1902
BIRTH - February 1, at Townsend, Chittlehampton, the wife of J. LOCK, of a son.

Thursday 27 February 1902
DEATH - At Chittlehampton, RICHARD BURGESS, aged 90.

Thursday 6 March 1902
DEATH - March 5, at Bratton, Chittlehampton, FREDERICK VEYSEY (cattle dealer), aged 43.

Thursday 13 March 1902
DEATH - March 10, at the Union Workhouse, Southmolton, WILLIAM SCOYNE (of Chittlehampton), aged 74.

Thursday, 20 March 1902
Southmolton County Petty Sessions
J. R. HOWARD, builder, of Chittlehampton, pleaded guilty to driving without lights at Blackmantle, Chittlehampton, on March 4th. Fined 1s., and costs (7s.).
G. CROCKER, of Chittlehampton, also pleaded guilty to a similar offence, on February 22nd last, and was fined 1s., and costs (7s.).

Thursday 10 April 1902
MARRIAGE - April 2, at Chittlehampton Church, GEORGE STEVENS to BERTHA PRISCILLA LUGG, both of Chittlehampton.

Thursday 17 April 1902
His Majesty’s Inspector’s report with regard to the National School has been received and is most satisfactory. The grant received is £30 higher than in any previous year.
Admiral Sir Edward Seymour has presented a photograph of himself to the Working Men’s Club. It was taken at Hong Kong during the time he was in the Far East engaged in the relief of Pekin.
The Easter Vestry meeting took place in the Schoolroom on Tuesday. There were not so many present as in former years, when a tea has also been laid in connection with it, and which this year has been dropped. The Ven. Archdeacon Seymour presided. A statement of account for the past year showed that the collections in Church amounted to £103 6s 10d., an increase of about £5 on the previous year. The amount received for church expenses amounted to £27 6s 4d., and the payments reached £27 10s. 5 ½ d. The small deficit was paid by someone present. Messrs. J.B. BURGESS and W. H. HUXHAM were again unanimously elected as Vicar’s and parish wardens, and Messrs H. C. WATTS, S. HOWARD, T WATTS, J. SMOLDON and J. SKINNER were appointed sidesmen. MR H. C. WATTS taking the place of MR CROCKER. The Archdeacon thanked all for their assistance to him during the past year. He asked for a renewal of their help during the present year, when the question of enlarging the Churchyard and the building of the wall around it would have to be dealt with. The land, stones, and gravel in connection with the latter had been kindly given by the Hon Mark Rolle. Plans and specifications for carrying out the work are being prepared. It was decided that the collections in Church on Whit-Sunday should be given towards providing new hassocks.
Chittlehampton Farmer Drowned
Consternation was caused at Chittlehampton on Tuesday when it transpired that the body of MR WILLIAM JOCE FACEY of Gambuston Farm, who had been missing since the previous day, had been found in Brightley Weir, about three miles from his home. A well-known farmer, the deceased was of a most genial disposition, and he was held in the highest esteem by all who knew him. MR FACEY, who was 60 years of age, leaves a widow and grown-up family, for whom deep sympathy is felt.
At the inquest conducted by Mr J F Bromham, County Coroner, yesterday, THOMAS FACEY informed the jury that deceased, his father, left home at noon on Monday, not saying where he was going. As his father had not returned on Tuesday morning a search was instituted, the body being brought home about 11 a.m. Deceased had not been in low spirits, and witness was aware of nothing calculated to upset his mind. FREDERICK CONGRAM labourer on the farm, who had a conversation with deceased about sowing some seed son Monday morning, said he did not observe anything peculiar in MR FACEY'S manner.
Robert Trigger, railway packer, spoke to finding the body in Brightley Weir early on Tuesday morning, John Hooper, water bailiff, giving corroborative evidence. P C Toms was also called. He mentioned that the previous witness pointed out to him deceased’s hat and stick, found close to the weir. The jury returned a verdict of “Found drowned.”

Thursday 24 April 1902
At the recent Civil Service open competitive examination for girl clerks, MISS EDA SHAPLAND, second daughter of MR G. W. SHAPLAND of South Wrey, in this parish, was one of the successful candidates and expects soon to get an appointment at the General Post Office, London.
At the Wesleyan Chapel, Southmolton, on Thursday last, a pretty wedding was solemnized by the Rev Rhode Davies, the contracting parties being MR JAMES LEWIS sub-postmaster of this village, and MISS ETHEL HETTIE HOWARD, daughter of the late MR J. R. HOWARD, schoolmaster, also of this village. The two bridesmaids were Miss Dunning and Miss Rodd, both of Torrington. Mr J Prout, of Barry, the bride-grooms brother-in-law, acted as best man. Both the bride and bridegroom were the recipients of numerous presents, the latter receiving a nice easy chair from the members of the National Deposit Friendly Society. MR LEWIS having been their secretary for a number of years.
MARRIAGE - April 17, at the Wesleyan Chapel, Southmolton, JAMES LEWIS to ETHEL HETTIE HOWARD both of Chittlehampton.

Thursday 1 May 1902
At Newton Abbot on Saturday, HUGH VAUGHAN THOMAS, of Plymouth, stated to be a native of Chittlehampton, was charged with obtaining money by false pretences from Mr Spiller, grocer, of Newton Abbot, and with stealing a postal order from Mr W. Beer, of the Queen’s Hotel, in the same town. Prisoner was committed for trial on both charges.

Thursday 12 May 1902
An alarm of fire disturbed the devotions of the worshippers of the church and chapel at Chittlehampton, yesterday morning. Fire was raging at Coombe Farm, where the dwelling house had caught fire. MR HOWARD, the occupier, was made acquainted of the same by a workman on an adjoining farm. The fire engine was sent for, but before its arrival the flames had obtained a complete mastery of the house, and it was seen that it was doomed to destruction. A good part of the furniture was saved, as was also the outbuildings adjoining. It is supposed that the fire originated owing to a spark from the chimney falling on the thatch which was dry, and burnt like tinder. MR HOWARD was in his house reading, and did not know it was on fire until a man called Thorne came and told him. He had been in the garden a few minutes previously, and there was no sign of a fire then. The house was the property of the Hon. Mark Rolle. Much sympathy is felt for MR HOWARD and family in the unfortunate occurrence. MR HOWARD is secretary to the fire brigade. There were plenty of willing helpers present.

Thursday 12 June 1902
The adjourned parish meeting to consider the Coronation arrangements was held on Monday. The collectors’ books showed about £14, with a few places still to be canvassed. It was resolved to have a meat feast for adults and juveniles, service in church at 2.15, dinner at 3, distribution of medals by Mrs Thorold at 4, sports in the Barton field (adjoining the allotments) at 5, bonfire in Mr Manning’s large field (facing the village) at 10 p.m.

Thursday 26 June 1902
A fire broke out at Gamberston Farmhouse on Thursday morning. The dwelling is in close proximity to the village, and the fire engine, with plenty of willing helpers, was soon on the spot. It is thought that a spark from the chimney was the cause of the outbreak. The thatch around the chimney was ripped off and the flames soon extinguished. The farm is the property of the Hon Mark Rolle.
MARRIAGE - June 23, at the Parish Church, Chittlehampton, by the Ven. Archdeacon Seymour, W. R. Phear, of Bideford, to EDITH MAJOR of Umberleigh.

Thursday 10 July 1902
Suicide - The inquest was on the body of SAMUEL WARE an incapacitated labourer, aged 72, at Hoe Cottages, Chittlehampton The foreman of the jury was Mr A W Eyre. ELIZABETH WARE, the widow, stated that two years ago deceased had a seizure, since which he being unable to do any work, and had had to sleep in a chair. At 1.30 that morning witness left him in order to go to bed, and he remained in the chair, as usual. At about 4 o’clock MR MURCH, a neighbour, called her downstairs, he having found the door ajar. Her husband was then missing from the chair. MR MURCH went to look for him, and about five minutes later he returned, saying he had found him. An hour or two afterwards the body was brought home. Deceased had not been quite right in his mind for some time past, and had been under medical care. But she had never thought he would have committed suicide. THOMAS MURCH, farmer, said he was going to get the horses early that morning in order to plough, when he noticed that WARE'S door was not closed. He saw that deceased was not sitting in his usual place in the chair. He afterwards made a search, and found deceased’s stick and cap in the higher marsh, a short distance from the cottage. He then saw deceased’s body in the river Taw, which was only about three feet deep at that part. The body was not more than six feet from the bank, and deceased had all his clothes on. Witness removed the body from the water. The jury returned a verdict of “Suicide while temporarily insane”, and expressed sympathy with the widow, to whom they gave their fees.
A very pretty wedding took place at Barnstaple Parish Church on Monday morning, the contracting parties being Mr John Kemp, of Wandsworth, Surrey, and MISS BESSIE CRUWYS, of Chittlehampton. The bride was given away by her father. The presents were numerous and valuable. The happy couple left Barnstaple for their home in London, amidst showers of confetti and the good wishes of their many friends.

Thursday 17 July 1902
MR RICHARD ISAAC, son of MR WM. ISAAC, of New Buildings, died at Swansea on Sunday night, being a victim of small pox.
At Southmolton on Tuesday, WILLIAM WOOLLACOTT was fined 2s. 6d., and costs for having been drunk at Chittlehampton, and he was also fined 5s., and costs (at the instance of the N.S.P.C.C) for ill-treating his son, aged six.
Ill-Treating a Son at Chittlehampton - WILLIAM WOLLACOTT, of Chittlehampton, was at South Molton County Sessions yesterday charged by the N.S.P.C.C. with ill-treating his son aged six. Mr B T James prosecuted. William Whitlock, a baker’s assistant, and Charles Mayne deposed that they saw the defendant kick the child several times, and after the child had fallen again kicking him with great brutality, at the same time using bad language. Dr F W Kendle, who examined the child three days later, deposed to finding several bruises on the leg and buttock. When first given they must have caused considerable pain. Accused denied the offence, and handed in a written character from his employer. The Bench having found the accused guilty, Mr B T James said there were two previous convictions against him, and the man bore by no means a good character either at Barnstaple, where he previously lived, or at Chittlehampton. The Bench, by a majority fined defendant 5s., and costs 31s. Defendant was also find 2s. 6d., and costs for being drunk at Chittlehampton.

Thursday 24 July 1902
There was a large attendance at Stowford Lodge, on Saturday last, when Messrs Blackford and Son disposed of the valuable horses, carriages, harness and surplus household furniture and effects belonging to the late COLONEL COMMINS. Biddings were brisk throughout, so that the numerous lots realised satisfactory prices.
In the City and Guilds of London examinations in bread-making and confectionery, MR FRED VICKERY son of MR and MRS VICKERY of the Bell Inn, has been awarded first place in all England in bread-making, with a silver medal and £1, and first place in confectionery with a silver medal. MR VICARY was apprenticed to his uncle, Mr J Snell, of Tiverton, and he is now foreman with Mr Windsor, of the same town.

Thursday 7 August 1902
On Friday a son of the Ven. ARCHDEACON SEYMOUR, of Chittlehampton, broke one of his arms as the result of a fall. The injured limb was sent by Dr J R Harper, of Barnstaple.

Thursday 18 September 1902
Chittlehampton - There passed away on Tuesday morning at the Cottage Hospital, Southmolton, in the person of MR GEORGE VEYSEY, one of the oldest cattle dealers in this neighbourhood. He had traded for upwards of half-a-century, and came to reside here from Roseash about twenty years ago. The long illness of his son, MR FRED VEYSEY, caused the old gentleman considerable anxiety, and soon after his son’s death in March last he had a seizure from which he never recovered. The interment will take place here on Saturday.
DEATH - September 11, at Little Ash, Chittlehampton, JOHN GREENSLADE aged 83.
DEATH - September 16, at the Cottage Hospital, Southmolton, GEORGE VEYSEY (late of Chittlehampton).

Thursday 25 September 1902
Death has claimed yet another of our oldest inhabitants. MR THOMAS STONE who had carried on the combined business’s of butcher and dairyman for a great number of years, died on Saturday. He and MR W. CONGRAM (son in law) were rabbiting on Friday, a sport deceased was specially fond of. All went well until 4.3 p.m., when deceased became suddenly unwell, and upon MR CONGRAM going to him he exclaimed “I am dying,” and was not able to stand. A cart was at once procured, and he was got home and carried to bed. Medical aid being summoned, the case was pronounced very serious. On Saturday morning Dr Smythe was again fetched, and he gave no hope, and advised that his family be at once telegraphed for. The deceased rapidly sunk, and passed away at 1.30, after an illness of 21 hours. In politics the deceased was an ardent Liberal, and during the three contested elections of Mr Lambert, M.P. for the Division, his house was placed at the disposal of the committee. The interment took place on Tuesday, when a large number attended to pay a last tribute of respect.
DEATH - September 20, at Town's End, Chittlehampton, THOMAS STONE, aged 72.

Thursday 9 October 1902
DEATH - October 7, at Eastacott, Chittlehampton, WILLIAM CANN, aged 67.

Thursday 16 October 1902
At Devon Quarter Sessions, yesterday, EDWIN PICKARD and JOHN BATER were sent to prison for three months and six months respectively for burglary at the house of Mr James Cole, on August 21st.
A very pretty wedding took place at the Wesleyan Chapel, Southmolton, on the 12th inst., the contracting parties being MR GEORGE B. BUCKINGHAM, of Furze Barn, and MISS ALICE LEWIS, both of Chittlehampton. The bride was attended by her niece (MISS A. S. LEWIS) and was given away by her brother (MR J. LEWIS). MR J. BUCKINGHAM acted as best man. Rev W Rhode Davies officiated.
MARRIAGE - October 12, at the Wesleyan Chapel, Southmolton, by the Rev. W. Rhode Davies, GEORGE B. BUCKINGHAM, to ALICE LEWIS, both of Chittlehampton.
DEATH - October 12, at Rockmeadow-terrace, Chittlehampton, MARY J., widow of the late JAMES WATTS, aged 63.
PRIVATE WM. GALSWORTHY, of the 2nd Devons, was among those who landed at Southampton on Saturday from the “Elphinstone Grange,” and he reached here on Saturday night. He was one of the first to go to South Africa when hostilities commenced. He fought under General Buller up to the relief of Ladysmith and afterwards took part in many big engagements. He was fortunate in escaping injury, and he has enjoyed good health.
Two esteemed parishioners have passed away during the past week - MR W. CANN of Eastacott, and MRS MARY J. WATTS widow of the late MR JAMES WATTS. For some months past there has scarcely been a week without one or more interments taking place here. The Registrar of births and deaths for the parish says that for many quarters in succession the deaths in his district have exceeded the births, and the same thing has repeated itself during the current quarter. The gentleman’s father held the office for a great number of years, and such an occurrence has never before happened in either the father’s or the present officer’s experience.

Thursday 23 October 1902
News has reached here that Sergeant NED CRUWYS, son of MR T. CRUWYS, has reached Aldershot from South Africa. Sergeant CRUWYS belongs to the Second Battalion Coldstream Guards, and went to the front in 1899, and fought with Lord Methuen in his terrible battles, but he came through unhurt. All the Chittlehamptonians who went to South Africa except two have now returned to England. The two missing ones are THOMAS MAYNE, who died of enteric; and WILLIAM GUBB who has gone with his regiment to India.

Thursday 30 October 1902
ARTHUR LEWIS, the remarkably precocious four-year-old son of MR JOSHUA and EMILY PROUT, died at Hampton House, Barry, on Sunday morning. He had a nasty fall on Saturday afternoon, but seemed nothing injured and sat up for tea soon after, saying the grace as usual. Shortly after, however, he went into a fit, and passed away after six hours without recovering consciousness. He was a visitor here in the summer. While here he attended the National School, and although for a very short time, he could from memory call without mistake the whole of the names on the register in the infants’ department. He would also sing several of the popular airs, taking tune, time and words most accurately, and repeat many things that would tax the powers of a child three times his own age. MR and MRS PROUT are both natives of the village, they having gone to Barry some few years since, and they will have the sympathy of a large number of friends in their sad bereavement.
Quite a gloom was cast over the village on Monday when it became known that the Rev B Williams, writing to Archdeacon Seymour, from East London, had sent the extremely sad news of the death of MR ANDREW MURCH. MR MURCH, his wife, and two daughters left here on July 18th last, and sailed on the following day for South Africa. Arriving at Capetown in due course, they stayed there a few days before going on to East London. Here he at once found employment, but soon began to feel pains in the head. After ailing for a few days the doctor pronounced his case to be an abscess on the brain, and advised his going into the hospital, which he did on September 29th, dying on the day following. The deceased was only thirty-five years of age, and was a carpenter by profession, having worked on the Rolle Estate for several years. He was a teacher in the Church Sunday School here, up to the time of his departure, was one of the most even-tempered men it was possible to find, and was held in the highest esteem by all who knew him. His widowed mother lives at home, and to her as well as to his wife and daughters, the parishioners will extend their sincere sympathy in their great loss.
BIRTH - October 6, at Brightly, Chittlehampton, the wife of A. J. FORD, of a son.

Thursday 6 November 1902
Merry peals went forth from the Church bells on Wednesday evening in honour of the safe return of Sergeant CRUWYS. Sergeant CRUWYS who stands 5 ft. 11 ½ in., and is well proportioned, joined the Coldstream Guards eight years ago, and he is now paying his first visit since that time to his native village. Going to the front in 1899, he has won a medal bearing bars for Belmont, Modder River, Orange Free State, and Bloemfontein. It is also gratifying to note that his promotion from Lance-Sergeant to full Sergeant took place in South Africa, and was due to the successful handling of his Company in a difficult movement on which much depended. On the completion of his furlough, he goes to a school of musketry for further training and examination.
DEATH - September 30, at the Hospital, East London, South Africa, ANDREW MURCH (late of Chittlehampton), aged 37.

Thursday 20 November 1902
Southmolton County Petty Sessions
WILLIAM GOSS, of Chittlehampton (who did not appear), was charged with assaulting ERNEST HOWARD (aged 11), of Lerwill (in the same parish), on October 25th. A like charge was also made by BERTIE HOWARD, an elder brother, for an assault on the following day. Mr R. S. Crosse was for the prosecution, and a fine of 5s. and 8s. 6d. costs was ordered in each case, or in default 14 days’ (with hard labour) imprisonment, to run concurrently.
WILLIAM KELLY was charged by INKERMAN GEORGE SOUTHEY SLAPE with trespassing on his farm at Chittlehampton on October 29th last in pursuit of game or conies. Evidence was given by the prosecutor. Defendant said he had only shot one wood pigeon, and went on the land to pick it up. A fine of 5s. and 7s. costs was ordered.

Thursday 27 November 1902
DEATH - November 22, at 18 Glanlay-street, Penrhiwceiber, South Wales, ROBERT JOHN, eldest son of ROBERT and ANNIE BARROW (formerly of Chittlehampton), aged 29.

Thursday 4 December 1902
MR NED HOWARD has been appointed agent for the Prudential Assurance Society for Chittlehampton and district.
The Rev B Williams has sent MR J. H. MANATON a Kaffir walking stick. The stick was carved from a solid block, with a snake entwined on the upper third, and it is a good specimen of Kaffir workmanship.
Silver Wedding - December 4, 1877 at the Independent Chapel, Southmolton, MR ROBERT STONE, butcher, of Chittlehampton, to Miss Mary Maria Ann Baker, of Woodhouse, Southmolton.

Thursday 11 December 1902
With the demise on Wednesday last of MRS PRIDEAUX, the parish loses one of its esteemed octogenarians. MR PRIDEAUX went to Umberleigh early in the days of the inauguration of the railway, where he was signalman up to April 1891. Retiring on a well deserved pension in that month, they, with one daughter, came to Chittlehampton, but MR PRIDEAUX died in November of the same year. There are two sons and two daughters. Of the sons, MR CHARLES, has created for himself a large wholesale provision establishment at Stalbridge. He is also the inventor of ‘casumon’, which is being introduced into “chocolate” and other delicacies, and of which the medical profession speak in glowing terms. MR GEORGE PRIDEAUX carries on a large business of the same nature, as his elder brother, at Motcombe.
BIRTH - December 7, at Slade, Chittlehampton, the wife of WILLIAM GAY, of a son – still born.
DEATH - December 3, at Townsend, Chittlehampton, SARAH widow of the late WILLIAM PRIDEAUX, aged 80.

Thursday 8 January 1903
MR and MRS THOMAS HOWARD of Lerwell, were married on New Year’s day 1878, and on Thursday last a large number of relatives and friends assembled to celebrate their silver wedding. Sweepstakes for pigeons and netted rabbits had been arranged. Mr W Hancock, of Southmolton, won first in the pigeon contest, and Mr W Thorne, jun., came second. In the rabbits Mr Hancock again came off victorious (killing in both events all he shot at), whilst Mr Fred Howard won second. A dance concluded the interesting proceedings.

Thursday 15 January 1903
BIRTH - January 11, at Frog-street, Chittlehampton, the wife of CARDER WATTS of a son – since dead.

Thursday 29 January 1903
A pretty wedding took place at the Parish Church on Wednesday (yesterday). The contracting parties were MR J. R. BURGESS, eldest son of MR JOHN BURGESS butcher, of the village, and MISS POLLY SMALDON, second daughter of MR JAMES SMALDON Biddacott. The bridegroom, has for some time been a teacher in the Church Sunday School, whilst both he and the bride were members of the choir, so that more than usual interest was taken in the event. The bride, who was given away by her father, was very prettily attired in grey beaver cloth dress, turned out with cream silk. She wore a toque with a large plume. The bridesmaids were MISS MARY BURGESS and MISS ALICE SMALDON, sisters of the bridegroom and bride respectively, and were attired in blue dresses, trimmed with white silk and insertion, with picture hats to match. MR W. BURGESS brother of the bridegroom, acted as best man. The presents of both bride and bridegroom were numerous and costly. The wedding breakfast was laid at Biddacott, at which a large number of guests sat down. The Venerable Archdeacon Seymour officiated.

Thursday 5 February 1903
DEATH - February 4, at Chittlehampton, JOHN VINSON HUNT, son of CARDER WATTS, aged 7.

Thursday 12 February 1903
The funeral of MASTER JACK WATTS took place on Sunday last at 2.15 p.m. In addition to a large number of relatives and friends, the scholars of the Wesleyan Sunday School attended, in charge of the Superintendent (Mr Gardner), the Secretary, and teachers. Hymns were sung at the house and graveside, which made the service most impressive. Much sympathy is extended to the bereaved parents. Floral tributes were very numerous. In the absence of the Archdeacon, the Rev Brown officiated.

Thursday 19 February 1903
MR LIONEL and MR NED WATTS left here on Friday last for North America, where they have gone for the benefit of their health. They intend to stay in Fremont, in the province of Colorado.

Thursday 26 February 1903
BIRTH - February 20, at the Village, Chittlehampton, the wife of Sergeant EDWARD HOWARD of a daughter.

Thursday 5 March 1903
BIRTH - February 28, at Hawkridge, Chittlehampton, the wife of WILLIAM T. SCOYNES, of a daughter.

Thursday 19 March 1903
Family Squabble at Chittlehampton - Southmolton County Bench were engaged for five hours on Tuesday in hearing a series of cases in which the families of MR THOMAS HOWARD, of Lerwill, and MR STEPHEN HOWARD, of Combe, brothers, both in the parish of Chittlehampton, were interested. The evidence was of a most conflicting character. The first case was that of STEPHEN HOWARD against GEORGE HOWARD, the plaintiff being represented by Mr G. W. F. Brown, and defendant by Mr A. F. Seldon. The charge was one of wounding with intent to do grievous bodily harm on February 11th. Complainant, STEPHEN HOWARD, of Combe Farm, said that on February 11th he was rabbiting in a field called Scotland, on his farm, about 12.30 p.m. He heard a shout, and saw his brother TOM, with others, and also GEORGE HOWARD. The first words he heard were: “We have come down to murder the lot of you!” This was repeated a second time, and he said to MR HARRIS, “What is he coming for?” GEORGE HOWARD came up while he was struggling with his brother TOM. He had rings with spikes on two fingers of his left hand, about the size of barbed wire, and a knife in his right hand. The knife was open, and the top of it up his sleeve. He rushed at him, and witness dodged him. He aimed many blows at witness with the knife, and struck him one blow behind the ear, and the next in the abdomen. He was wearing that day two shirts, a flannel shirt and a vest, which he produced. There was the cut in each. These cuts were caused by the knife which the defendant, GEORGE HOWARD, had. Witness also wore a vest, but it was open. The knife penetrated his skin and caused a slight wound. He did not suffer much pain from it. He had never given the defendant provocation for this assault. Cross-examined by Mr Seldon, witness said the scratch did not cause him any inconvenience. When Dr Wigham came he never stripped him. By Mr Seldon: Witness could not explain why the cuts were not one above another. Did not tell P.C. Toms about the rings and barbed wire when he saw him the same night. He told Dr Kendle he had been cut with a knife. Mr Brown sent him to Dr Kendle. His brother and three sons were in the field at the time. HARRY HOWARD, son of the previous witness, said his uncle and father had a struggle. GEORGE had a knife, and tried to put it into his father in the best place he could. He struck his father behind the ear and in the stomach. His father did not speak to him. Saw the cuts in his father’s shirts, and the cut on the stomach. Cross-examined: Saw the cuts and marks after father came home. He (witness) was on the hedge. Father knocked UNCLE TOM down, and whilst father kept him down, GEORGE HOWARD used the knife. GEORGE HOWARD, another son, corroborated the evidence, of the previous witness. JAMES HARRIS, labourer, of Chittlehampton, who was with the previous witnesses on the 11th of February, stated that GEORGE HOWARD the defendant, had a knife. Could not say if it was open. Saw no blow aimed. For the defence, GEORGE HOWARD, the defendant, said he went to his father’s assistance, when his uncle was holding him down. He had no knife in his possession. Cross-examined: Was the owner of a knife, but he had left it at home with his mother. He had never used a knife on any one, nor on Sydney Mayne. He struck his uncle with his fist, in his father’s defence. Dr J. R. Harper, of Barnstaple, said he examined STEPHEN HOWARD, in the presence of Dr Kendle, on February 18th. He examined him carefully to see if he was suffering from fracture of the skull or meningitis. He came to the conclusion that he was suffering from neither. His pulse and temperature were normal. His hair had been clipped short, and there were several superficial scalp wounds. He had a scratch about a quarter of an inch long across the stomach. His condition, in his opinion, was not serious. Cross-examined by Mr Brown: The wound might have been caused by a stick or any blunt instrument. They were not dangerous wounds. They were in a part that might have proved dangerous. There was a wound behind the ear, and two or three on the right side of the head. All were superficial in character. The wound on the abdomen was also superficial in character. There were no symptoms to suggest that he was suffering from a fracture of the internal table of the skull. He did not think the complainant was as bad as he thought he was. The wounds were such as would result from an ordinary assault. They did not cause grievous bodily harm. He examined the stomach, and did not see any scratch on him. He showed witness two shirts – one had a cut, and the other a hole. Witness told him he did not think the cuts were caused by a knife. MR HOWARD said, “You were never more mistaken in your life, doctor.” Did not think the outer shirt now produced was the same he then saw. There was no mark whatever on the stomach. Complainant suggested that he had several knife wounds, but what he saw appeared as if he had fallen into a briar bush. Witness declined to say he thought they were caused by a knife, because he did not think so. Cross-examined: It was lamplight. Could not swear it was not the same shirt, but he did not think so. Could not see the scratch. He did not call any of the injuries severe. P.S. W. Hart, stationed at Southmolton, said he saw MR S. HOWARD the next day on the road between Southmolton and Chittlehampton, near Bray Bridge. He told witness he had been stabbed with a knife in the stomach. He examined his outer shirt, and said he did not see any hole in it. He then showed him his vest, and he saw a hole in it. Complainant then showed a small scratch on the stomach, as if done by a pin or some sharp instrument. He asked him how he accounted for there being no hole in the outer shirt. He said his brother and his sons broke it open. The Bench unanimously decided to dismiss the case.
The Bench then took the following cases which were inextricably mixed: - JOHN HOWARD against JAMES HARRIS, STEPHEN HOWARD against THOMAS HOWARD. THOMAS HOWARD against STEPHEN HOWARD, JAMES HARRIS against WILLIAM, JOHN and GEORGE HOWARD. There was also an application by STEPHEN HOWARD to have THOMAS HOWARD bound over to keep the peace towards him. There was also two other cases which, on the advice of the Magistrates’ Clerk, were struck out, the information being informally laid. THOMAS HOWARD, brother of STEPHEN HOWARD, and living at Lerwill Farm, Chittlehampton, said he was attacked on his own land by MR STEPHEN HOWARD, his son, and HARRIS, who had previously been ferreting in a hedge which adjoined their respective farms. STEPHEN HOWARD got him under, and his nephew GEORGE was attacking him with a stone (produced). His own son GEORGE came to his assistance, and in the affray witness was considerably damaged. His sons and HARRIS were also engaged with each other. Cross-examined: Was not the aggressor, and he had never threatened his brother. They were going into dinner when they saw his brother and HARRIS. GEORGE HOWARD son of THOMAS, said his uncle came over the hedge on their land and collared his father, and his cousin was hitting his father about the head. HARRIS then came and attacked him, and threw stones and threatened to kill his brother with another stone. His brother then took a stick in his own defence. JOHN HOWARD gave similar evidence, HARRIS knocked him down, got on him, and commenced kicking him.
WILLIAM HOWARD also corroborated. WILLIAM MALCEY, living retired, also gave corroborative evidence for THOMAS HOWARD. He saw the whole affair from a slight distance, but it was all over by the time he arrived. He was about 150 yards off.
J. C. Rattenbury also gave similar evidence. P.C. Toms stated that he visited MR S. HOWARD the same evening and saw both him and HARRIS. He had been sent for. STEPHEN HOWARD said he had knocked TOM'S head into the ground so deep that harrows would go over it without hurting it. HARRIS wanted to fight it out and not go to law. For MR STEPHEN HOWARD, the following witnesses were called: STEPHEN HOWARD, who practically repeated his evidence given in the previous case. JAMES HARRIS (who seemed to have enjoyed the scrimmage). HARRY HOWARD, and JAMES SUMMERFIELD. The Bench, having retired, on their return the Chairman said in the case of JOHN HOWARD against JAMES HARRIS, the latter would be fined 2s. 6d. and costs, and in that of THOMAS HOWARD against STEPHEN HOWARD, the latter would be fined 2s. 6d. and costs. All the other cases were dismissed, and the Bench refused to bind over THOMAS HOWARD.
BIRTH - March 14, at Teddy Well, Chittlehampton, the wife of ROBERT GAYDON, of a daughter.

Thursday 26 March 1903
MRS VEYSEY widow of the late MR FRED VEYSEY, left here for London on Friday last. MRS VEYSEY was of a very generous and open-hearted nature, and she will be missed by many persons and classes. The best wishes of the parishioners follow her to her new home.

Thursday 2 April 1903
DEATH - March 29, at West-street, Southmolton, SAMUEL WEBBER (formerly of Snydles, Chittlehamholt), aged 84.
DEATH - SAMUEL COPP, the dearly loved son of E. and M. COPP, Chittlehamholt, fell asleep in Jesus, March 23rd, aged 25 years.
DEATH - March 26, at Furze, Chittlehampton, EMILY, wife of WILLIAM ASHELFORD, aged 49.

Thursday 16 April 1903
At the Easter vestry meeting yesterday Messrs. J. B. BURGESS and W. H. HUXHAM were re-elected churchwardens, with Messrs H. C. WATTS, J. B. SKINNER, S. HOWARD, T. WATTS and W. NEWCOMBE as sidesmen.

Thursday 23 April 1903
Southmolton County Petty Sessions
SAMUEL VICKERY, landlord of the Bell Inn, Chittlehampton, was charged by Superintendent Crooke with being drunk on licensed premises on April 7th. Mr A. F. Seldon defended. Evidence was given by P.S. Hart , of Southmolton, who visited the house in private clothes, and P.C. Toms, both of whom stated the defendant was the worse for liquor, and was singing and shouting in the house. They both visited the house twice. For the defence the accused gave evidence on his own behalf, and denied being the worse for liquor. He had been 21 years in the house, and had never been proceeded against, nor received any complaint; and by WILLIAM SEAGE, Assistant-Overseer of Chittlehampton, who saw the defendant at 4 p.m. on the same day, when he was sober. The Bench considered the case proved, and fined the accused 2s. 6d. and 11s. 6d. costs.
MARRIAGE - April 15, at the Parish Church, Chittlehampton, by the Ven. Archdeacon Seymour, James Hancock, of Bishopsnympton, to AMELIA ANN SMOLDON, of Fullabrook Farm, Chittlehampton.

Thursday 30 April 1903
GEORGE CROCKER, son of MR S. CROCKER, of Eastacott, and pupil of Herr Kopsel, successfully passed the recent examination of the Royal Academy of music, held at Barnstaple for violin playing.
MR J. A. MANATON, of Barry, son of MR J. MANATON, Watergate, has been elected chairman of the Barry Urban District Council for the ensuing year, which office creates him a justice of the peace. MR MANATON learnt the carpentering at the Rolle Estate works here, and he went to Barry thirteen years ago and started a building business, in which he has been very successful. He was elected on the Barry District Council five years ago and since that time has served on most of the various sub-committees. Last year he was Chairman to the Gas and Water and Public Works Committee. Inhabitants of his old parish will be proud to congratulate him upon the honour thus conferred.

Thursday 14 May 1903
DEATH - May 8, at Southmolton Workhouse, SARAH widow of the late THOMAS SNOW (of Chittlehampton), aged 87.

Thursday 21 May 1903
South Molton County Petty Sessions
HENRY OSMOND was charged with stealing seven eggs valued at 6d., on May 14th, at Chittlehampton, the property of ARTHUR HOWARD. On the application of Superintendent Crooke, the hearing of the case was adjourned until 11 o’clock on May 26th, the accused being admitted to bail in £5.

Thursday 28 May 1903
MISS M. A. SKINNER of Cleave, was yesterday married to Mr Ernest Densem, of Town House, Southmolton, the Ven. Archdeacon Seymour officiating. The wedding was postponed a few weeks ago owing to the death of the bride’s mother, and because of the bereavement yesterday’s ceremony was of a very quiet order. Both bride and bridegroom are much respected throughout the district.
Chulmleigh Petty Sessions
WILLIAM and HENRY OSMOND, father and son, of Chittlehampton, were summoned for stealing six eggs, the property of Arthur HOWARD, on the 14th May. Complainant stated that with P.C. Toms he marked six eggs, which he placed in two nests in a hedge on Nethercleave Farm, Chittlehampton. Later in the evening he identified some eggs which were brought to him by the constable. P.C. Toms stated that he concealed himself, and saw the two defendants come up the road. The younger man searched the hedge. When he came to the two nests he took the eggs out and put them in his pocket. The constable appeared and the man remarked, “I ought not to have taken them. I have never had more than two there before.” The defendants elected to be dealt with summarily. The elder man denied knowing that his son had taken the eggs. The son also stated that his father did not know anything about them until he gave them to the constable. The Bench fined the men 18s. 8d. each inclusive.

Thursday 18 June 1903
MARRIAGE - June 10, at the Parish Church, Chittlehampton, by the Rev. E. W. H. Paine, THOMAS HENRY POPE to ELLEN MANNING, both of Clappery Mill, Chittlehampton.
MARRIAGE - June 13, at the Parish Church, Chittlehampton, by the Ven. Archdeacon Seymour, George H. Spurrier, of Challacombe, to THIRZA GRATTON, of Chittlehampton.

Thursday 2 July 1903
After three years’ service in this parish Police Constable WALTER TOMS retired from active service on June 30th. He has served twenty-six years and twenty-two days, was a “first class” and had the merit order. Yesterday, July 1st, he was presented with a clock by the staff of the B Division, and speaking on behalf of the subscribers, Superintendent Crook hoped the recipient would be spared many years to enjoy his well earned retirement. P C Yeabsley, a native of Modbury, who has for a short time been stationed at Southmolton, takes up his quarters here.
At Southmolton County Court on Thursday, before His Honour Judge Beresford, MRS MARY ANN BRAYLEY, of Ash Farm, Chittlehampton, sued MRS BESSIE VEYSEY for £8 board and lodging, and attendance on her late husband, MR FRED VEYSEY, £7 and £1 for keep of a horse and pony. Mr G W F Brown appeared for plaintiff, and Mr R Hendy for defendant. Evidence was given by plaintiff and her brothers, Messrs W. J. and JOHN BRAYLEY, that defendant’s husband lived with them during his last illness, and that MRS VEYSEY promised to pay them for doing so. For the Defence it was said that the deceased (MR VEYSEY) had no means, that he was living apart from his wife and that no promise of payment had been made. His Honour asked if they had any written promise to pay on Mrs Veysey’s part; and it being stated they had not. His Honour said under the circumstances he had no alternative but to non-suit the plaintiff, making no order as to costs.

Thursday 23 July 1903
Mr EDWARD ALBERT SEYMOUR (fourth son of the Ven Archdeacon and Mrs SEYMOUR), who studied at Blundells, Tiverton, has passed the London Matriculation Examination, First Division, First Class.
Hearty congratulations to MR and MRS HENRY SYMONS on attaining the fiftieth anniversary of their married life. They were married on July 14th, 1853, at the Warkleigh Parish Church by the Rev W Thorold, and on Wednesday in last week their golden wedding was very quietly observed. MR SYMONS was for upwards of forty years a valued servant of the Hon Mark Rolle as woodman in this parish. They have lived for a number of years at Ambows, where their picturesque little cottage and garden are much admired. Both MR and MRS SYMONS have ever been examples of what an industrious life should be, and every good wish for their future happiness and comfort will be accorded them.

Thursday 6 August 1903
MASTER ALGERNON G. SEYMOUR, fifth son of the Ven. Archdeacon and Mrs SEYMOUR, has been awarded a Senior Platt Scholarship of the annual value of £45, and is tenable at the Aldenham School, Hertfordshire, for three years.
At the Parish Church, Southmolton, on Monday, MR W. H. SKINNER, of Cleave, Chittlehampton, was married to MISS DENSAM, of Townhouse, Southmolton. Both bride and bridegroom are the descendants of very old and highly respected families and we wish them every happiness and prosperity.
MARRIAGE - August 3, at the Parish Church, Southmolton, W. H. SKINNER, of Cleave Farm, Chittlehampton, to Emma Louisa, second daughter of the late William Densem, of Town House Barton, Southmolton.

Thursday 13 August 1903
MARRIAGE - August 8, at the Parish Church, Chittlehampton, by the Ven. Archdeacon Seymour, JAMES A. KING, of St. Thomas, Exeter, to HARRIET ROBERTS, of Umberleigh.

Thursday 20 August 1903
Southmolton County Court
John Yendell, of Exeter, who was represented by Mr A. W. Cobley, sued WILLIAM COX, of Chittlehampton, for £2 7s. 8d., for goods sold and delivered to his late wife. Accused denied any knowledge of the debt, and put in several papers which he had received. He also stated that Mr Cobley had asked him to pay one shilling on account, which he had refused to do. His Honour said he had disinclination in making an order on disputed assigned debts, especially in cases of this nature, where the plaintiff used printed forms of a threatening character, and he hoped that persons receiving notices of this character would bring them to his notice. He gave judgment, with costs, for defendant, who, he said, acted wisely in not paying the shilling asked for.

Thursday 27 August 1903
MISS FANNY WEBBER, who is studying at Edgehill College, has passed the Oxford Local Examination, second division. She sat the Ilfracombe centre.
In an orchard at the south side of the village, occupied by MR JAS. CLARKE may be seen an apple tree bursting into bloom. There are also a few apples on the same tree.
Whilst in the act of unharnessing his pony last Friday night at Hill Head, MR JOHN WATTS slipped over some spar chippings and fractured the small bone of his leg close to the ankle. He is under the treatment of Dr Wigham.

Thursday 1 October 1903
On Tuesday (Michaelmas day) the tenancy of the Bell Inn changed hands, the lease having expired. MR S. VICKERY, who now retires from the business, was for a number of years landlord of the “Old Bell”, and has held the license for the “New Bell” since its erection 14 years ago. His successor is MR W. BOUCHER, from Newton Abbot, who is the son of MR and MRS BOUCHER, formerly of the Rolle Arms, the license of which was dropped by an agreement with the Hon Mark Rolle at the time the present premises were built. MR BOUCHER has carried on a similar business as the “Two Mile Oak” at Newton Abbot for many years.

Thursday 15 October 1903
The remains of DOROTHY TAYLOR (DOLLY), grand-daughter of MR and MRS TAYLOR, were laid to rest in the Church on Sunday. The deceased was one of the most regular attendant at the Church Sunday School, and as a token of respect the scholars attending the funeral. The service was most impressive. The hymn “Christ who once amongst us, who as a child did dwell,” was sung in the church.

Thursday 22 October 1903
At Southmolton on Tuesday JOHN GOSS, labourer, was fined 2s. 6d., for employing spring traps otherwise than in rabbit holes, killing a hen pheasant, and 2s. 6d., for not having a game certificate.
In the past week death has claimed two old and well known parishioners. The first to receive the summons was MR J. HARRIS, noted throughout all the North Devon Markets for a great number of years as a successful raiser of cabbage and flatpole plants. The other was MR WILLIAM GALSWORTHY who for many years was carrier between the village and Barnstaple. In his younger days the deceased served in the Devons, where he attained the rank of Sergeant. Of his four sons, one has been in the Marines, the remaining three having all served in their father’s old Regiment.
Death - October 20, at the Village, Chittlehampton, WILLIAM GALSWORTHY, sen.

Thursday 29 October 1903
Marriage - October 28, at Filleigh Church, by the Rev. E. G. Beckwith, WILLIAM SAMUEL MACEY of Chittlehampton, to Elizabeth Harriett Rendle, of Southmolton.
Lieutenant HUGH SEYMOUR, third son of the Ven. Archdeacon and Mrs SEYMOUR, was one of the officers on board H.M.S. "Prince George" when the collision occurred between that ship and the "Hannibal." It will be remembered that the accident happened during the manoeuvres with "lights out." Lieut. SEYMOUR, who was not on duty at the time, was fast asleep. A quantity of his uniform was spoilt by the inrush of water.

Thursday 5 November 1903
On Saturday last MR and MRS JOHN MAYNE celebrated their silver wedding. The nuptials took place at the Parish Church on the last day of October 1878, the Rev R E Trefusis, now Bishop of Crediton, officiating. The 25th anniversary on Saturday last made the occasion of a small family gathering.

Thursday 12 November 1903
DEATH - November 6, at Farrs, Chittlehamholt, North Devon, MARY, wife of THOMAS BATER, aged 83.

Thursday 26 November 1903
Trooper W. B. VICKERY, who fought with the 27th Company Imperial Yeomanry, has just received his medal, which has three bars. One each for Transvaal, Orange Free State, and Cape Colony.
The prize list of the North Devon Plain Needlework Association has come to hand, and as far as the scholars attending the National School here are concerned, the result is excellent. the school took so many prizes last year that only 1st prizes could be taken this time. For the years work, standards VI and VII. - Patching. - EDITH BIRD; darning - 1, ALICE SMOLDON; knitting - 1, FLORENCE MULES. Standard V. - Button holes and loops - 1. BESSIE FRIENDSHIP; darning - 1, EVA WATTS. Standard IV. - Chemise - 1. MAUDE COURTENAY. Standard III. - Knitting - 1, LUCY GULLEY. In the 2 ½ hours competition the school won the highest number of prizes. Standard VI. and VIII. - Shirt sleeve - 2, ALICE SMOLDON; patching - 1 each, ANNIE WATTS and KATE NEWCOMBE. Standard IV. - Shirt sleeve - 1, MAUDE COURTENAY; patching - 2, GERTIE BIRD. Standard III. - Shirt sleeve - 1, LIZZIE ASHELFORD; 2, LIZZIE GULLEY. Rimming and herringboning - 1, WINNIE TAYLOR; 2, WINNIE WALDRON. Stitching - 1, ANNIE GREENSLADE. Standard II. - Hemming and seaming - 1, CARRIE SHAPLAND. Standard I. - 1. ANNIE COMER. Infants - Hemming - 2, ELSIE PHILLIS; 3, DORA SEAGE. The instructress (MRS HORE) is to be highly complimented on securing such a list.

Thursday 3 December 1903
Last week MR T. CRUWYS picked some sprays of very fine ripe raspberries from his garden by Abbots Hill.
MR SAMUEL J. BUCKINGHAM (son of MR and MRS BUCKINGHAM, of Furze Barn) and his wife were instrumental last week in bringing to justice at Newport, Mon., two “sharpers” who had attempted to obtain money from MRS BUCKINGHAM and others by what is known as “ringing the oranges”. Before the magistrates at Newport Police Court the prisoners were each sentenced to six months hard labour. The ex-Mayor complimented the police and MR and MRS BUCKINGHAM on their smartness. MR BUCKINGHAM left here about six years since, and settled in Newport. Two years later he returned and took for his bride NELLIE, daughter of MRS DAVIE, formerly of the Bell Inn, and MR BUCKINGHAM is now manager for the Newport Dairy Company.

Thursday 23 December 1903
Parishioners generally will be pleased to learn that MR F. W. HOWARD (eldest son of MR and MRS T. HOWARD, of Lerwill), who volunteered for service in the late South African War, has been granted a life pension of 2s. 6d. per day. MR HOWARD, who served with the 76th Company Imperial Yeomanry, met with a serious accident whilst on parole duty. The injury he sustained is to the spine and was caused by his horse rearing whilst under Boer fire. MR HOWARD fell on his rifle, the horse coming back upon him. Medical officers have recently certified that the disablement is of a permanent nature, and it is pleasing to note that the War Office has thus rewarded a volunteer who risked so much for his country.

Thursday 31 December 1903
On Christmas Eve MR G. DOWNING, Brightley Barton, gave his workmen and those who had assisted him in the harvest operations a supper. After the removal of the cloths, various toasts were given. That of "MR and MRS DOWNING and Family" was given in good old Devonshire style and with musical honours. Games and songs were also indulged in. On Christmas morning each workman received from MR DOWNING a piece of beef with his and MRS DOWNING'S good wishes for a happy Christmas, whilst each man who had lent a hand at harvest time was presented with a brace of rabbits.

Thursday 14 January 1904
Chittlehampton The remains of MRS ELIZA BUCKINGHAM, of Whey Farm, were laid to rest on Tuesday in last week, this being the first interment in the new burial ground. Previous to her marriage with MR BUCKINGHAM the deceased was for a great number of years with MR and MRS MORTIMER, of Brightley Barton.

Thursday 21 January 1904
Chittlehampton. There passed away at Atherington on Wednesday last MR W. MURCH, who for a great number of years carried on a wheelwright and machinery business at Rock, near Umberleigh. The interment took place here on Saturday and was largely attended. The Rev. E. W. H. Pain officiated.
Chittlehampton - MRS S. SNOW, of Higher-Furze Farm, Chittlehampton, was on Friday driving home from Barnstaple, in company with her husband, when their trap came into collision with another between Landkey and Swymbridge. MRS SNOW was thrown out, her left arm being broken. She was conveyed to the North Devon Infirmary, and is now doing very well.
Weddings at Chittlehampton - Two pretty weddings have taken place here during the present week. On Tuesday the contracting parties were Mr James A Higgins, of Modford, near Yeovil, and SUSAN, eldest daughter of MR FRIENDSHIP, foreman of the Rolle Estate woods in this district. The bride, who was given away by her father, was neatly attired in a blue dress with cream insertion, and straw coloured toque. The two bridesmaids were MISS BESSIE FRIENDSHIP sister of the bride, and MISS E. LUGG. The former wore a blue dress, trimmed with silk, and hat to match; the latter wore a grey dress, trimmed with silk and cream lace and a black toque. MR JAMES FRIENDSHIP was best man. The Ven. Archdeacon Seymour officiated. The wedding breakfast was held at Clematis Cottage, and a large gathering of friends were present. Congratulatory telegrams were received by the happy couple during the afternoon. Merry peals went forth from the bells.
On Wednesday, WILLIAM second son of MR and MRS NOTT of Collacott Farm, and NELLIE, third daughter of MR and MRS SMOLDON, of Biddacott, were married, the Rev. E. W. H. Pain officiating. The bride was very prettily attired in a grey satin cloth dress, turned out with deep cream insertion, and wore a straw coloured chiffon toque with white tips. She was given away by her father. The bridesmaids were MISS BESSIE SMOLDON, sister of the bride, and MISS ROSE NOTT, sister of the bridegroom, and were respectively attired in a dress of electric blue trimmed with insertion and blue ribbon, chiffon hat with foliage, fawn dress, with hat to match. MR ALBERT NOTT was best man. The bride’s present to the bridegroom was a pair of gold links, whilst the bridegroom gave the bride a gold chain and pendant and the bridesmaids gold broaches. The wedding breakfast was laid at Biddacott, where a dance was afterwards held. The happy couple will take up their abode at Bushen Farm, West Buckland. The presents to both bride and bridegroom were numerous and costly.
MARRIAGE - October 21, 1903, at (Old) Mission Church, Calcutta, JOHN TINSON, of Chittlehampton, North Devon, to Josephine Collins, of Plymouth.

Thursday 7 April 1904
A rather serious accident befell CYRIL HOLLAND – who is employed by MR FACEY – on Monday. HOLLAND was hauling corn to the steam thresher, and whilst on the load, and in the act of pitching the corn to the corn to the machine, the horse, frightened by the noise of the engine, suddenly started, throwing Holland to the ground, falling on his head and face, which were badly hurt.
Wedding at Chittlehampton On Wednesday last the Wesleyan Chapel and its immediate vicinity were the scene of great activity and excitement, the occasion being the marriage of MR W. B. BURGESS, youngest son of MR and MRS BURGESS of Moor, with MISS H. COOK, second daughter of MR and MRS COOK, of Headon. The bridegroom has for several years been a member of the Wesleyan choir, where his rich and powerful bass voice has been highly valued, whilst the bride has presided at the organ and led the singing at the Bible Christian Chapel, Headon, for a considerable period. Besides, the both families have extensive connections, and these combinations were sufficient to attract a large number to witness the interesting ceremony. The bride, who was given away by her father, was very prettily attired in a silver grey dress trimmed with white silk and insertion, and wore a white toque. She was attended by MISS M. COOK, (sister) and Miss Prideaux (of Barnstaple), who looked exceedingly nice in dresses of pretty pale blue trimmed with insertion, and wore straw coloured hats trimmed with white chiffon and white flowers. The bride’s present to the bridegroom was a gold albert and pendant, and the bridegroom’s present to the bride was a silver milk jug and sugar bowl, and the bridesmaid’s silver broaches. MR FRANK BURGESS was best man. The Rev. T. S. Neal (Southmolton) conducted the service, and the hymns, “The voice that breathed o’er Eden” and “Saviour let Thy sanction rest on the union witnessed now.” Miss Nellie Lyddon presided at the organ, and gave an effective rendering of the Wedding March as the party left the Chapel. The edifice had been tastefully decorated for the event. The wedding breakfast was laid at Headon, to which upwards of sixty sat down. The health of the happy couple was proposed by the Rev. T. S. Neal, who, in a neat speech, eulogised their many good qualities, and referred to the great advantages of young people being trained in Christian homes. The rev. J. W. Cook seconded. The bridegroom, in a few well-chosen words, responded. The following were the presents: - Cheque, Mr Cook; handsome silver water jug, junket bowl, and linen, Mrs Cook; dinner service, Mrs Houle; drawing-room lamp, Mr and Mrs T. Robins; silver mounted carvers and case, Mr and Mrs J. Huxtable; tea service, Mr and Mrs Prideaux; chiming clock, Mr F. Burgess; cheque, Mr A. Cole; hand-painted pictures, Misses E. and J. Robins; drawing-room lamp and mahogany dining tables, Mr and Mrs Burgess; half dozen silver teaspoons, Mr and Mrs F. Cook; coal scuttle, Miss Geen; cheque, Mr and Mrs W. Robins; vase, Miss Lock; brass candlesticks, Mrs Lake; table cloths and carvers, Mrs Knight; tea caddy, Mrs C. Lock; fruit dishes, Miss Pugsley; teapot stand, Miss Newcombe; silver jam spoon, Miss C. Buckingham; hot water jug, Mrs N. Cook; cake stand, Miss Muxworthy; silver teapot, Mr and Mrs T. Harris; hot water jug, Mrs Shaddick; half dozen spoons, Mr E. Dark; cream dishes, Misses L. and A. Cook; silver cruet stand, Mr and Mrs W. Buckingham; silver sugar tongs and bread fork, Mrs Cottle; silver jam spoon, Mrs Somerville; lamp, Mrs Muxworthy; bronze ornaments, Miss Skinner; trinket set, Miss M. Cook; dozen knifes and silver forks, Mr and Mrs J. Cole; teapot, Miss lug; silver butter knife, Master S. Cook; silver jam spoon, Mr and Mrs J. Lewis; teapot and water jug, misses Lyddon; sofa cushions, Miss Corney; fancy flower stand and table, Mr H. and Miss K. Prideaux; brass fire irons, Mr and Mrs J. Lyddon; silver salts and spoons, Mr and Mrs W. Cook; vases, Master A. Shaddick; silver sugar tongs, Mrs and Miss Sloley; picture frames, Mr and Mrs Huxtable; toilet set, Mr F. Liverton; junket bowl, Mr and Mrs Burgess; sugar bowl and milk jug, Miss Ellicott; silver-mounted carvers, Mr J. Cook; silver salts and spoons, Mr and Mrs Skinner; silver butter dish, Mrs Knight; silver jam spoon, Master N. Cook.
Marriage - March 30, at the Wesleyan Chapel, Chittlehampton, WILLIAM B. BURGESS, of Chittlehampton, to Annie Maria Cook, of Filleigh.
MARRIAGE - At the Parish Church, Swymbridge, HENRY POTTER, of Chittlehampton, to Leah Lock, of Cobbaton, Swymbridge.
DEATH - April 3, at West End, Chittlehampton, MARY ANN COLE, aged 67.
DEATH - April 3, at the Village, Chittlehampton, WILLIAM MOLLAND, aged 61.

Thursday 28 April 1904
Master GEORGE CROCKER, of Eastacott, has passed the recent examination of the Royal Academy of Music and the Royal College of Music for violin playing He was prepared by Herr Kopsel, Barnstaple.
Ransacking a drawer on Sunday last and finding some rock powder, HARRY SKINNER, a lad, thought fit to amuse himself and his sisters. Unfortunately for him the powder proved too lively, with the result that he was badly burnt on the hands and one side of his face. One eye is so swollen as to make it quite dark, but it is thought the sight is uninjured.
The Rolle Estate has lost its oldest tenant in this district by death. MR HENRY MANNING of Winson Farm, who died on Thursday last at the age of 78 years, came to Winson at Ladyday, 1853, so that his fifty-one years’ tenancy was completed at Lady-day just passed, and won for him the distinction above referred to. The deceased succumbed to an attack of bronchitis of only a few days’ duration. The interment took place here on Monday, a large number of farmers and others attending. The Rev. E. W. H. Paine conducted the service.
MARRIAGE - April 16, at Exeter, ERNEST WILLIAM SAMPSON to ANNIE HELENA MAYNE-BATER, both of Chittlehampton.
HENRY MANNING, Deceased - Notice is Hereby Given that all Persons Having any Claims or Demands against the Estate of HENRY MANNING, late of Winson Farm, Chittlehampton, in the County of Devon, Yeoman, who died on the 21st day of April, 1904, are hereby requested to send the same to the under-signed Solicitors, or to the Executors, on or before the 13th day of May, 1904. Bencraft and Bosson, 9 Castle Street, Barnstaple, Solicitors to the Executors. Dated 27th April, 1904.

Thursday 5 May 1904
MARRIAGE - April 27th, at Colebrooke Church, William Henry Hooper, of Colebrooke, to FLORENCE ELIZABETH LUGG, of Chittlehampton.
MARRIAGE - April 23, at Chittlehampton Church, Charles Langdon, of Withycombe, to POLLY KING of the Railway Crossing, Umberleigh.
DEATH - April 21, at Winson Farm, Chittlehampton, HENRY MANNING, aged 78.

Thursday 26 May 1904
Chittlehamholt - A wedding took place at the chapel on Tuesday, the contracting parties being MR W. H. EASTMAN, of High Bickington, and MISS LIZZIE DOWN. The bride, who was suitably attired in a pretty silver grey dress and white hat trimmed with pink, was given away by her brother. Miss P. Eastman (sister of the bridegroom) acted as bridesmaid. The Rev. Welcher (Bible Christian) of High Bickington, officiated. The usual wedding festivities at the bride's home were afterwards duly observed.

Thursday 16 June 1904
Chittlehampton. - A wedding of special interest to residents at Chittlehampton took place at St. Andrew's Church, Kinson, Dorset on Saturday last. The bride was MISS AMY GREEN, for many years with the Hon. Mrs Arthur Fortescue (formerly of Hudscott) whilst the bridegroom was Mr Edward Hall, of Basingstoke.

Thursday 30 June 1904
MISS ETHEL WOOLAWAY, of Coombe, who has for some time been an assistant at the National School, has passed the candidate's examination.
An old and respected parishioner, in the person of MR JAMES WEBBER, has passed away at Southmolton, at the residence of his niece, Mrs Kingdon. The funeral took place last week at the Southmolton cemetery. Six sons of MR T. HOWARD, late of Lerwill, for whom the deceased worked, bore the remains to their last resting place.

Thursday, 7 July 1904
MR JOHN CROSSMAN, who for a great number of years resided at Colleytown Farm, passed away at Southmolton, on Saturday. MR CROSSMAN retired from business some years since, and after spending some years with his wife at Townsend, Chittlehampton, he moved to Southmolton to be in touch with his daughter, where he died as before stated. The funeral took place at the Southmolton Cemetery on Tuesday.
A very pretty wedding took place at the Parish Church on Saturday morning. The bride, LILIAN (LILY) NEWCOMBE, eldest daughter of MR W. NEWCOMBE, foreman of the Rolle estate works, was given away by her father was nicely attired in a dress of blue satin cloth, trimmed with white crepe de chine and insertion, and wore a hat of white chiffon, trimmed with cream lace and tips. The bridesmaid, MISS KATE NEWCOMBE, sister of the bride, wore a dress of silver grey cashmere, trimmed with white silk and hat to match. The bridegroom, Mr Cutland, of Tawstock, was attended by his brother-in-law, Mr Sanders, as best man. The wedding breakfast was held at Clematis Cottage, from whence the happy couple left later in the day for their new home at Barnstaple, followed by the good wishes of their many friends. They received a number of valuable presents. Merry peals were rung throughout the day.

Thursday 21 July 1904
MR JONES, of Langaton Farm, has a ewe which gave birth to a lamb in February last, and on Monday, July 18th she produced a second for the year.
A very serious accident befell MRS FACEY at Gambuston on Tuesday. MRS FACEY had noticed that a picture was not hanging very securely, and endeavoured to mount an ordinary dining room chair with the intention of putting it in order. Under the unusual strain one of the les of the chair suddenly gave way, and MRS FACEY fell heavily upon her left arm, causing a treble fracture, two near the shoulder, and the third at the wrist, the latter being very badly smashed. Dr Wigham and Dr Smythe were telegraphed for and were promptly in attendance, when it was found that it would be necessary to use an anaesthetic, under the influence of which the injured limb was attended to.

Thursday 28 July 1904
Chittlehampton On Friday last the five year old daughter of MR GEORGE GULLEY, of Whitehall, sustained a rather nasty accident. The little girl was playing in the garden, when she slipped and fell on a portion of a broken garden fork, cutting the thigh so as to necessitate its being stitched up. Under the care of Dr Wigham, the little sufferer is making satisfactory progress.
Yesterday, (Wednesday), the Rev. E. G. Beck with officiating, MR JAMES SMOLDEN, of Biddacott, was married to MISS LILLIE SKINNER of Broden Hill, fourth daughter of the late MR THOMAS SKINNER, wheelwright, &c. The bride, who was given away by her brother, was prettily attired in a dress of heliotrope voile, with white chiffon yoke, trimmed with Maltese motifs and lace, and wore a hat of white chiffon. The bridesmaids, MISS AUGUSTA SKINNER, sister of the bride, and MISS ALICE SMOLDEN, sister of the bridegroom wore dressed of cream material trimmed with lace and insertion, and hats to match. The bridegroom was attended by Mr J. B. Houle. On the conclusion of the ceremony the wedding party returned to the house of the bride’s brother at Southmolton, where the breakfast was laid. The happy couple were the recipients of a great number of useful and valuable presents.
Chittlehampton - At the funeral of MRS BETSY PHILPOTTS no less than four generations were represented, viz., MR G. WESTACOTT (deceased’s brother), the deceased’s daughters ( MRS J. SANDERS and MRS J. B. BURGESS), several grandchildren, and one grand daughter.

Thursday 25 August 1904
BIRTH - August 13, at Chittlehampton, the wife of H. POTTER, of a daughter.

Thursday 22 September 1904
Probably owing to the splendid season experienced and to the lovely weather on Friday last, there was quite an exodus of inhabitants from this parish to the Fair at Barnstaple. In many cases among the cottagers whole families were "on pleasure bent." Noticeable amongst the number was MR WILLIAM CONGRAM, who has not missed a single Fair Friday for seventy years, a most remarkable record. Although MR CONGRAM is now 85 years of age, he is still quite active and makes light of the two miles walk to and from the train at Umberleigh.
At the ripe age of 94, MR GEORGE START passed away on Saturday last. The deceased was for many years in the neighbourhood of Bideford, and on retiring from an active life some few years since he came to reside with his brother at Heywood Farm, where he died on Saturday, as already stated.

Thursday 29 September 1904
County Sessions - ALBERT PICKARD, Chittlehampton, was fined 1s. and costs for bad language.
Interesting Education Case from Chittlehampton. - At Southmolton on Tuesday, before Viscount Ebrington and other county magistrates, FREDERICK HOOPER of Chittlehampton, was summoned for neglecting to send his child FREDERICK, 12 years of age, regularly to school. The defence was that the boy, being delicate, was unfit to go to school regularly, and his medical attendant had so advised. Dr Smyth, called by defendant, said the boy had a tendency to consumption, and he advised that he should be out of doors as much as possible. He did not consider the boy fit to attend school regularly, and last year he gave the parents a certificate. The Bench considered there was a technical offence, and fined defendant one penny and costs, in all 8s. 7d.

Thursday 6 October 1904
DEATH - October 4, at Buildings, Chittlehampton, ELIZA, wife of JOHN DAVEY, aged 73.

Thursday 13 October 1904
Playing football at the Borough Road college, London, on October 1st, MR F. J. VEYSEY, son of the late MR FRED VEYSEY, cattle dealer, was one of the victims of theft. It appears that during the game the dressing room at the College was entered, and the whole of the wearing apparel of the players rifled. MR VEYSEY had stolen a massive gold albert and a silver watch, besides all his money.

Thursday 27 October 1904
MARRIAGE - October 22, at the Registry Office, Southmolton, George Brace Parkhouse, of Bridgend, South Wales, to ELIZABETH HARRIS, of Chittlehampton.

Thursday 17 November 1904
Some fine sprays of ripe raspberries were gathered on Saturday last by MISS KATE NEWCOMBE, at Clematis Cottage.
MR JAMES SMOLDON, of Biddacott, sustained a very nasty accident at Barnstaple on Friday last. MR SMOLDON, together with his wife and eldest daughter, had attended the markets. To return home MR SMOLDON proposed to occupy the back seat and had no sooner taken his seat before the cart mounted, and in springing out he fell heavily on the back of his head. Dr Cooper was promptly in attendance, and MR SMOLDON was removed to the North Devon Infirmary, where it was found necessary to stitch the wound and detain the patient for the night. It appears that the horse had not been properly harnessed before leaving the hostelry.

Thursday 24 November 1904
Accident at Chittlehampton - A bad smash-up happened at Chittlehampton on Thursday. MR GEORGE BUCKINGHAM, bread baker, was going his round with his horse and trap when, just as he had turned the corner leading to the Vicarage, a motor-car (driven by Dr John Harper, of Barnstaple) approached. The horse was a young one, and the motor-car was stopped at a signal given by MR BUCKINGHAM As the car, however, was starting again the horse reared and jumped clean out of its owner’s hands. It then went up the road at a tremendous pace, the trap having been turned over on its side, and the bread lying about in all directions. Both shafts of the trap were broken off, and the horse, finding itself freed from the trap, turned around and came past the car again. Having turned the corner at Hill Head, it went against the ditch with such force that it rolled right over. It then came down the hill faster than ever, and at the bottom it could not stop, but went bang into a doorway of a linhay, smashing the door in atoms, and breaking its own nose and otherwise cutting itself about. Luckily there was no one in the way, or it might have ended more seriously. Mr Penhale, veterinary surgeon, was sent for, and the horse’s nose was put in plaster. The animal, a valuable one, recently took a first prize in the light-weight hunter class at Southmolton. There was no fault whatever in the driving on the motor-car, and Dr Harper rendered every assistance necessary.

Thursday 1 December 1904
MRS NEWCOMBE, Clematis Cottage, slipped in coming downstairs, and fell from the two bottom steps, fracturing the small bone of her leg.
We deeply regret to record the death of MR THOMAS BATER, of the Manor House, Chittlehamholt, who passed away on Saturday after a brief illness. A man of the kindliest disposition, he was beloved by all who knew him, and his death is mourned throughout a wide area. He was fifty years of age. MR BATER was District Councillor for his parish.
BIRTH - November 28, at Blackmantle, Chittlehampton, the wife of JOHN GILL, of a daughter.
MARRIAGE - November 28, at Landkey Church, by the Rev. T. L. V. Simpkin, Arthur Bowden, of Landkey, to ANNIE BATER, of Chittlehampton.
DEATH - November 26th, at the Manor House, Chittlehamholt (after a very short illness), THOMAS BATER, aged 50. Deeply regretted.

Thursday 2 February 1905
MISS ELLEN DINNICOMBE has now completed her apprenticeship at the National School, and has been fortunate in winning a high place in the 2nd class in the examination for religious knowledge of candidates for entrance to church training colleges. She was placed 92 out of a total of 1507 sitting for the examination.
BIRTH - January 19, at Hill Head, Chittlehampton, the wife of F. WEBBER of a son.

Thursday 16 February 1905
DEATH - February 3, at Southmolton, ELIZABETH JOCE (of Chittlehampton), aged 82.

Thursday 23 February 1905
MARRIAGE - February 11, at the Parish Church, Chittlehampton, by the Ven. Archdeacon Seymour, Charles Beer, of St James’s, Exeter, to AMY KING, of Umberleigh.
MARRIAGE - February 14, at Rondebosch, Cape Town, by the Rev. B. O. Hogarth, PHILIP GUARD Chittlehampton, North Devon, to Edith Maude, daughter of the late William Adams, Esq., Forest Gate, Essex.
DEATH - February 17, at Ivy Cottage, Crediton, MARIA WILCOCKS (late of Chittlehampton), aged 83.

Thursday 2 March 1905
In Memoriam - In cherished and devoted memory of my dear father, JOHN SHAPLAND, who died at South Bray, Chittlehampton, February 28th, 1875. Also of FREDERICK VEYSEY, who passed away at Bratton, Chittlehampton, March 5th, 1902. “Until the day break and the shadows flee away.” Some day, some time our eyes shall see The faces kept in memory.”
During the past week thirty aged people have been the recipients of two and a half cwt. of coal, the gift of MRS HARTNOLL, of London, formerly for many years at Lerwill. At Christmas many inhabitants received from the donor parcels of tea and sugar, and this additional generosity is very highly appreciated.
A serious accident befell WILLIAM GLOVER, at Exmouth on Wednesday last. GLOVER was for several years employed on the Rolle Estate here, being afterwards transferred to the Exmouth works on the same estate. On Wednesday the unfortunate fellow was working on a scaffold rough-casting when, from some cause unknown, he fell to the ground, fracturing both is arms and sustaining two bad cuts on his head. He was at once removed to the Cottage Hospital, where he is still an in-patient, and not yet sufficiently recovered to solve the mystery of his falling. It is, however, surmised that the extreme cold weather was probably the cause.

Thursday 16 March 1905
The "Lucania," sailing from Liverpool on Saturday, had for her passengers quite a large contingent of Chittlehamptonians. MR LIONEL and MR NED WATTS, who came home before Christmas, returned to Cannon City, where they went two-and-a-half years ago, and where they have purchased a fruit farm. On Saturday they took with them their sister, MISS CARRIE, whose health it is hoped may be improved by the change. The remainder of the party who have gone to various parts of the States are MR WM. BURGESS, of the Rising Sun, Umberleigh, MR FRED and MR NED SMALLRIDGE, sons of MR FRED SMALLRIDGE, late of Biddacott, and WILFRED, son of MR SMOLDON, Clappery Mill.

Thursday 13 April 1905
There was a painful accident at Chittlehampton on Monday, when JOHN SPEAR aged 51, in the employ of MR WOOLLAWAY caught his right hand in a threshing machine, the limb being so badly mutilated that it was subsequently found necessary to amputate it at the North Devon Infirmary. Strangely enough, SPEAR had the misfortune to lose his left hand in a somewhat similar way about 19 years ago, and in his present trouble much sympathy is felt for him.

Thursday 20 April 1905
Southmolton County Petty Sessions.
JOSEPH ISAAC was charged with stealing at Chittlehamholt a four-pronged fork on March 20th, the same being the property of FREDERICK COPP, then working at Eastacott Farm, and valued at 1s. 6d. The implement was identified by COPP by a dent in the handle. When COPP discovered the loss he reported it to P.C. Yeabsley. GEORGE COURTNAY, farmer, of Eastacott, Chittlehampton, said defendant was working for him on March 20th last, threshing. He came to be paid about 6 p.m. and went to the stable, he had nothing in his hand. He left his own fork by the corner of the dwelling-house. He was sober. JOHN PARKHOUSE, farm servant at Eastacott, on March 20th saw defendant go into the stable. It was about 6 o'clock. He had no fork with him, saw him leave, he had no fork then; he saw a fork in the stable when he went into supper, they left together. GEORGE BOUCHER, trapper, of Chittlehampton, said he was in the stable at Eastacott about 6 p.m. on March 20th. He saw the defendant there. The fork produced was in the stable. P.C. Yeabsley, stationed at Chittlehampton, said on March 21st from information received, he went to the home of defendant about 8 p.m. Saw him and asked him if he had been working at Eastacott on the previous day. He said "Yes; anything missed, what's up." He said he had intended taking it back he never stole it, he went into the stable and he was so drunk he must have taken two instead of one; he then gave it up, and he then charged him with stealing it, he took it from his kitchen. Accused pleaded guilty, and elected to be tried by the Court. He said he had no intention of stealing; he took it in mistake for his own. He had taken some cider and he was not accustomed to it. The Bench inflicted a fine of 21s., to include costs.
MR WILLIAM ISAAC, of Building, on Saturday caught a white mole on MR J. B. BURGESS'S farm at Bratton. The creature, except for the throat, which was of a deep safron colour, was pure white.

Thursday 27 April 1905
BIRTH - April 24, at Rock Meadow-terrace, Chittlehampton, the wife of W. H. ISAAC, of a son.
MARRIAGE - April 26, at the Parish Church, Chittlehampton, John, eldest son of Mr and Mrs Houle, of Irishborough, Swymbridge, to BESSIE, eldest daughter of MR and MRS J. SMOLDON, of Biddacott, Chittlehampton.
An interesting wedding took place in the Parish Church yesterday (Wednesday), the contracting parties being MISS BESSIE SMOLDON, eldest daughter of MR and MRS J. SMOLDON, of Biddacott, and Mr John Houle, eldest son of Mr and Mrs Houle, of Irishborough, Swimbridge. The bride, who was given away by her father, wore a dress of grey satin cloth, trimmed with insertion and silk to match, and a toque of sequin, with a spray of orange blossom. The two bridesmaids were MISSES ALICE and FRANCES SMOLDON (sisters of the bride). They were prettily attired in dresses of cream cashmere, trimmed with silk and insertion, and cream straw hats to match. The bride and bridesmaids carried bouquets. The bridegroom was attended by his brother, Mr G. Houle.

Thursday 18 May 1905
BIRTH - May 9, at Hawkridge Barton, Chittlehampton, the wife of W. BURGESS, of a son.
MARRIAGE - May 9, at Kingsnympton Church, RICHARD TOWNSEND of Chittlehamholt, to Annie Moore, of Slashcott, Kingsnympton.
DEATH – May 15, at The Square, Chittlehampton, HARRIET HURFORD, aged 87.
DEATH – May 16, at Yarnacott, Swymbridge, CHRISTOPHER SELDON (formerly of Chittlehampton), aged 38.

Thursday 25 May 1905
DEATH - May 16 at Yarnacott Farm, Swimbridge, CHRISTOPHER SELDON, (late of Chittlehampton), aged 37.

Thursday 29 June 1905
DEATH - June 22, A. J. CHICHESTER late Captain 62nd Regiment, eldest son of the late Rev. R. H. CHICHESTER, Chittlehampton, North Devon.

Thursday 6 July 1905
DEATH - June 28, at Southmolton Workhouse, JOSEPH HANCOCK (late of Chittlehampton).

Thursday 20 July 1905
Southmolton County Petty Sessions - Mr R. S. Crosse, applied on behalf of MR S. CROCKER of Eastacott, Chittlehampton, for an ejectment order against JAMES HUXTABLE, to obtain possession of a cottage. The service of notices was duly proved, but the possession of an orchard appeared to be under a yearly tenancy. Subsequently an arrangement as to this holding was made by the advocate, and the order granted.

Thursday 3 August 1905
BIRTH- August 1, at the School House, Chittlehampton, the wife of R. HORE, of a son.
DEATH - July 29, at Lower Bradbury Farm, Chittlehampton, SARAH ANN, daughter of JAMES SKINNER, aged 45.

Thursday 10 August 1905
MR FRED LEWIS on Saturday morning received an intimation from the Secretary of the Devon County Council Technical Education Committee that his son CHARLIE had been awarded a scholarship to the value of £30 per annum, tenable for two years, at the Devon County School, to commence with the Michaelmas term. The lad sat for the examination at the Barnstaple centre, and is one of thirteen selected from over 400 candidates. Mr Hore, the popular master at the National School, deserves congratulations on the success of his pupil. It is a singular coincidence that the lad’s cousin, ‘Bob’ Trump of Clevedon, and well known here at holiday times, has just won a similar distinction under the Somerset County Council.
There appeared in the ‘Cricket Leaders’ column of the sporting edition of the Cardiff Evening Express and Evening Mail of last Saturday the following paragraph together with a photo block, of MR JACK VICKERY, son of MR and MRS SAM VICKERY, of this village. ‘JACK’ who went to Barry a few years since to learn the building business with Mr J. Prout, appears to have won for himself the same popularity that he enjoys in his native parish. When home for his holidays at Whitsun, he played for the local team, and made a grand display for 38 not out. “MR J. VICKERY who captains the Cricket Club in connection with the Barry Young Men’s Christian Association for the second time this season, hails from Devonshire. He is an athlete in the true sense of the word, and is a teetotaller and non-smoker. ‘JACK’ is sturdily built and of fine appearance. In cricket circles at Barry he is popular, having played for the Y.M.C.A. for several seasons, and his efforts have been well appreciated. Vickery also played for the local Windsors a few years ago, a team recognised as a ‘bit ‘ot’ in the Cardiff district and League at that time. He is a good cricketer all round being one of the recognised bowlers of the team he now ‘skips.’ ‘JACK’ is also a fine bat, for once settled, he uses great strength, and runs up the score with boundaries. His top score yet is 50 runs, but he has repeatedly come near that mark. VICKERY is a smart fielder, having effected some lovely catches for his side. Under the guidance of their present Captain, the Y.M.C.A. Club should continue to prosper.”

Thursday 7 September 1905
DEATH - September 6, ELIZABETH EMILY wife of HARRY CARDER WATTS Chittlehampton, aged 53.

Thursday 14 September 1905
Through the kindly generosity of Mrs Chichester, of Hall, JOHN SPEAR is being fitted with two artificial arms. SPEAR, it will be remembered, lost his left arm many years ago in a machinery accident, and a few months back he had the singular misfortune to lose his right hand in a similar accident.
Amidst general mourning, the remains of MRS H. C. WATTS were laid to rest in the burial ground of the Parish Church on Saturday. The deceased’s illness had extended over a period of three years, and was of a very trying nature, her suffering during the latter months being very distressing, but notwithstanding this it was borne with Christian fortitude and all patience. In health she was an active worker, both in matters pertaining to the Church, and in all public affairs. The deceased was of a genial and sympathetic nature, and she was a frequent visitor to any and all cases of suffering and want, where her practical sympathy will not soon be forgotten. The mourners were MR WATTS, husband; Mrs J. Chapman, sister; Mr W. Watts, Miss M. J. Watts, Mr G. Guard, and Mr T. Facey. Among those sending beautiful floral tributes were Mr H. C. Watts, Mrs G. Thorold, Mrs Cruwys, and the servants. The bearers were Messrs Huxham, Balman, Crocker, Slapes, Woolaway, and Courtenay, and among those present were Messrs Hooper (2), Howard (3), Watts (2), Congram, Manaton (2), Vickery (2), Hin, Gay, Harris, Breayley, Tucker, Taylor (2), Mayne, Isaac, Seage, &c. Preaching at the morning service on Sunday the Ven. Archdeacon Seymour made feeling reference to the deceased’s life, and said that her many acts of kindness had endeared her to all hearts. He also referred the many prayers that had been offered on her behalf during her time of sickness. The hymn, “On the resurrection morning,” was sung at the close of the sermon.

Thursday 21 September 1905
No less than four accidents have occurred here during the past three or four days. Whilst driving home from Filleigh, MISS FACEY, of Gambuston Farm, encountered two motors. The pony passed the first without causing any anxiety, and appeared as though it would be equally kind with the second, but when on a level with the motor the animal stopped, instantly commencing to run back and turn, with the result that the off wheel collided with the side of the motor, which was badly damaged. MISS FACEY and her attendant were thrown violently from their seats, but, fortunately, neither were hurt. The axle of the trap was bent by the contact.
GEORGE HULLAND was cycling towards Umberleigh, and going down the road towards Court Cottages, when his machine broke in half. HULLAND fell heavily to the ground, breaking his right arm.
When cycling down the road past Blackmantle, the front wheel of SIDNEY CONGRAM'S bike suddenly doubled up. The rider was thrown some distance along the road, receiving some bad cuts about the face.
MR WILLIAM ASHELFORD, of Furze, has grown some exceptional fine apples of the Acklinvill Seedling variety. Many of them measure fourteen inches in circumference, and weigh from thirteen to fifteen ounces.

Thursday 28 September 1905
In the paragraph re accidents in last week’s issue, G. HULLAND was said to have sustained a broken arm; it should have been “badly cut arm.”
An exceedingly pretty wedding took place yesterday at the Parish Church, the Ven. Archdeacon Seymour officiating. The contracting parties were MISS MAUD MARY, eldest daughter of MR ROBERT and MRS SMOLDON, of Clappery Mill, and Mr Thomas Tatam, of Thorngrave House, Bridgwater. The bride, who was given away by her father, was very charmingly attired in a dress of white silk with Honiton lace collar. Her head dress was a Brussels lace veil – which had the distinction of being over a hundred years old – and wreath of orange blossom. She carried a bouquet of white flowers and maiden-hair fern. The three bridesmaids were MISSES ETHEL SMOLDON (sister of the bride), Annie Boalch Tatam (sister of the bridegroom), and Dorothy Findlay (a cousin of the latter). All three were dressed in pale blue mercerised lawn, trimmed with Valenciennes lace and wore hats to match, trimmed with pink clover and forget-me-nots, and each carried shepherds crooks. MR WM. SMOLDON, cousin of the bride, was in attendance to the groom. The bridegroom’s present to the bride was a Honiton lace collar, and to the bridesmaids gold broaches. The presents to both were very numerous. The wedding breakfast was laid at the bride’s father’s, where a reception was held in the evening. The happy couple left in the afternoon for Lynton and Lynmouth, where the honeymoon will be spent. The bride’s travelling dress was a tailor made costume of dark blue cloth, turned out with white, and she wore a Marabout hat with stole to match.

Thursday 12 October 1905
BIRTH - October 3, at Milehouse Cottages, Chittlehampton, the wife of JOHN COCKS, of a son.
DEATH - October 11, at Travellers’ Rest, Chittlehampton, MARY, wife of JOHN SOUTHCOMBE, aged 75.

Thursday 2 November 1905
On Saturday last the malting and brewing business – which has for a great number of years carried on by MR H. C. WATTS – together with the whole of the licensed houses owned by him passed into the hands of Messrs. Petter and Son, Anchor Brewery, Barnstaple. The malting business was originally conducted by MR CARDER WATTS, father of the past owner, whilst that of brewing was established by MR WATTS himself some twenty-five years since, and has been carried on by him with considerable success. He also has the dual business of seed and manure merchant, which he still retains By the time this appears in print, MR WATTS will be on his way to New York, en route for Cannon City, Colorado, where he has gone to visit his two sons and daughter for the benefit of his health. The best wishes of a wide circle of friends will follow him, in the hope that he may return fully restored to health.
MR JAMES SHAPLAND, of Greendown, Chittlehampton, on Tuesday lifted a common turnip which measured 3 ft. 9 ½ inches in circumference and weighed forty-one pounds.

Thursday 23 November 1905
The outbreak of mumps among the children as reported last week has become so serious that it has been found necessary to close the school. Seventy-one scholars were absent on Friday last.
BIRTH - November 19, at the Police Station, Chittlehampton, the wife of P.C. YEABSLEY, of a son.

Thursday 21 December 1905
On Saturday last the Fire Brigade received a call to Heywood Farm, in the occupation of MR GEORGE STARK. Captain Vickery with the engine and a good muster of his men were soon on the spot, and found the kitchen chimney a mass of burning soot. Fear was entertained that the excessive heat would extend to the timbers of the roof, but the firemen and others succeeded in confining the fire to the chimney, which was much damaged and buckled by the strain it had undergone.
As a parting gift in memory of the sixteen years' faithful service in the parish the parishioners are about to present the Ven. Archdeacon SEYMOUR with some valuable articles.
BIRTH - December 15, at Townsend, Chittlehampton, the wife of JOHN VICKERY, of a son.
DEATH - December 9, at Sprycott, Chittlehamholt, DAISY LOUISA, only daughter of A. J. and E. LATHAM, aged 4 months.

Thursday 28 December 1905
The Family of the late MR R. HUXTABLE desire to Return their Sincere Thanks for the Kind Sympathy shown them in Their Sad Bereavement. Chittlehampton, December 28th, 1905

Thursday 1 February 1906
In the examination in religious knowledge held in December for pupil teachers desiring to enter a Church of England Training College, MISS E. WOOLAWAY, of the National School, succeeded in being placed in the second class.

Thursday 8 February 1906
MARRIAGE - February 7, at the Wesleyan Chapel, Chittlehampton, by the Rev F. W. Hartley, ALFRED COLE of Chittlehampton, to FANNY, daughter of J. HOOPER, of Brightley, Chittlehampton.
DEATH - February 6, at 1 North-road, Southmolton, JOHN WARD (of Chittlehampton), aged 80.
MISS MARY GOSS, daughter of MR and MRS HENRY GOSS, of Furse, has been appointed assistant mistress at the Holcombe Rogis National School.

Thursday 1 March 1906
Devon Fifty Years Ago. - On the 8th at Stoke, MR JOHN CAMP, late of Chittlehampton, died at the age of 72.

Thursday 8 March 1906
MRS ANN PROUT, who passed away on Tuesday, March 6th, at the age of ninety-four, was Chittlehampton’s oldest inhabitant. She was a very dear old soul, and the embodiment of contentment, and as such it was ever a pleasure to visit her. She had lived in the cottage in the Square where she passed away for forty-four years. With her husband, who died just a quarter of a century ago, she was one of the first members of Wesleyan Methodism in the village, and one of her children was the first to be baptised, whilst a grandson’s marriage was the first to be solemnised, in the Chapel. The interment will take place in the Chapel burial ground on Sunday.

Thursday 15 March 1906
The interment of the late MRS ANN PROUT took place in the Wesleyan burial ground on Sunday, when a very large number attended to pay a last tribute of respect. The Rev. J. W. Hartley, superintendent minister, officiated, and the service was made most impressive by the choir rendering D. F. Hodge’s funeral anthem “I heard a voice from Heaven,” and the well-known hymn “Rock of ages.” The Rev. J. W. Hartley was the preacher for the evening service, and at the close of his sermon, for which verse 2 of the 7th chapter of Ecclesiastes was the subject, feeling reference was made to the life of the deceased, remarking that the dear old lady was the post patient and saintliest old soul it had been his lot to visit.
BIRTH- March 7, at Hillside, Chittlehampton, the wife of H. RAWLE, of a daughter.

Thursday 29 March 1906
DEATH - March 21, at Treedown Farm, Chittlehampton, the infant son of MR and MRS W. DYER aged 8 weeks.

Thursday 12 April 1906
WILLIAM OSMAN, labourer, aged 64, while binding wood at Chittlehampton on Monday, cut the tendon of one of the fingers of his left hand. He was subsequently admitted to the North Devon Infirmary for treatment.

Thursday 19 April 1906
Wedding at Chittlehampton - The Chittlehampton Parish Church was the scene of an exceedingly pretty wedding on Wednesday (yesterday). The contracting parties were Mr G. B. Hulland, Master of the National School, Merton, youngest son of Mr R. and Mrs Hulland, of Stowford, Swymbridge, and MISS MARY BURGESS, youngest daughter of MR J. B. and MRS BURGESS, of Bratton Farm. Both the bride and bridegroom were highly popular in the parish. Previous to his entering St. Luke’s College, Exeter, the bridegroom was an assistant in the school here, and the bride was, up to the end of February last, the assistant mistress. She was also a teacher in the Sunday School, and a member of the church choir. This, coupled with the fact that the bride’s ancestors have for generations been much respected parishioners, whilst her father has been Vicar’s warden for a period of twenty-six years, was sufficient to attract a large number of parishioners and friends to witness the ceremony. The officiating clergyman was the Venerable Archdeacon Seymour, assisted by the Rev. C. W. Bate. Mr N. J. Odam, an old fellow student at St. Luke’s College, acted as best man. The bride, who was given away by her father, looked charming in a dress of pale cream silk, trimmed with silk and guipure lace, and wore a veil of net and wreath of orange blossom, and carried a bouquet of white roses and lilies of the valley. The three bridesmaids were Miss Gertie Clarke, niece of the bride, and the Misses Winnie and Mabel Hulland, nieces of the bridegroom. Each carried a basket of pink roses, and looked exceedingly sweet in pale pink nuns veiling dresses trimmed with cream Valenciennes lace. Their hats were of cream silk. Their gold broaches were the gift of the bridegroom. The groom’s present to the bride was a gold chased bracelet, and the bride to the groom was a gold curb albert.
The presents were over one hundred in number, and included a china tea service from the Chittlehampton school to the bride, and a massive brass inkstand with pen box and letter rack, the gift of the Merton school to the bridegroom. A reception was held at the bride’s home, where a large number of congratulatory messages were received. In the afternoon, amid the best wishes of a wide circle of friends, the happy couple left for Lynton, where the honeymoon is to be spent. The bride’s travelling dress was a grey tweed costume braided with heliotrope and hat to match. She also wore a grey crepe de chine blouse and an ostrich feather boa.

Thursday 3 May 1906
North Devon Fifty Years Ago (April 1856), compiled from files of the North Devon Journal. - WILLIAM WHITEFIELD, of Chittlehampton, labourer, a deserter from the Royal Marines, committed suicide by hanging himself in a linhay at Norwood, Torrington.

Thursday 31 May 1906
Chittlehampton, North Devon - Charming Freehold Residence for Sale
Blackford and Son, favoured with instructions from MR H. C. WATTS (leaving England), will offer for Sale by Public Auction at the Bell Hotel, Chittlehampton, on Wednesday, 6th June, 1906, at 1.30 p.m. prompt, All that Highly Desirable, Pleasantly Place Residence, Yards, Outbuildings and Garden, extending to an area of 40 Perches, known as “The Brewery House”, in the centre of the village, now and for many years in the occupation of the owner; also Two Long-Leasehold Cottages, at Townsend, Chittlehampton. Full Particulars of Auctioneers, Southmolton and Barnstaple or Mr A. F. Seldon, Solicitor, Barnstaple.
DEATH - May 25, at Whitstone, Chittlehampton, the wife of W. H. HUXHAM aged 65.

Thursday 14 June 1906
The news of the death of MR GEORGE BUCKINGHAM on Friday night came as a painful surprise to the parishioners on Saturday morning. Deceased, who carried on a bread-baking business, had not been in his usual health for some time, but no-one thought the end was so near. He attended the Club festival at the Vicarage on the previous Tuesday and a sale in the village the day following. Several of his friends remarked at his not looking well. On Thursday morning, Dr Harper, of Barnstaple, was telegraphed for, and his partner, Dr Jones, also arrived, and certificated his complaint as diabetes. He visited him again on Friday morning, when he pronounced the case as hopeless. Sincere sorrow is felt by all for the widow and her little son, aged two years, in their great bereavement. Deceased, who was only 30 years of age, was devotedly attached to his wife and little boy. He was the sixth son of MR JAMES BUCKINGHAM of Furze Barn Farm. The funeral will take place today (Thursday).
MRS CLARKE on Tuesday met with an accident whilst driving in her market cart. The pony fell and MRS CLARKE was thrown heavily into the road-way. She was taken to the North Devon Infirmary, where it was found she had sustained a nasty cut on the nose.
A representative company assembled at the Bell Inn on Wednesday in last week, when Messrs. Blackford and Son (Southmolton and Barnstaple) under instructions from MR H. C. WATTS (the owner) offered for sale by public auction the old-established freehold premises known as the Brewery. At the close of the auctioneer’s preliminary remarks, bidding started at £200, and rising quickly to £370, the property was secured by R. P. Buchan, Esq., of Stowford Lodge. The auctioneer then submitted two long-leasehold cottages also belonging to MR WATTS. Starting at £20 the bidding soon reached £35, at which figure this lot was knocked down to Mr W. Brealey, saddler. Mr A. F. Seldon, of Barnstaple, was the solicitor concerned for the vendor.
DEATH - June 8, at the Old Bakery, Chittlehampton, GEORGE B. BUCKINGHAM, aged 30.

Thursday 21 June 1906
Southmolton County Magistrates. - THOMAS HUXTABLE, of Chittlehampton, was charged by Superintendent Crooke with being drunk at Umberleigh on the 29th of last month. The case was proved by P.C. Yabsley. Accused pleaded guilty, and was fined 2s. 6d. and costs.
The remains of the late MR G. B. BUCKINGHAM were laid to rest on Thursday last, amidst manifestations of the deepest sorrow and respect. The chief mourners were – MRS BUCKINGHAM (widow), MR and MRS JAMES BUCKINGHAM (parents), Mrs Luxton (sister), Messrs. James, Sidney, Byron, and Samuel Buckingham (brothers), Mrs S Buckingham, Mrs J. Prout, Mrs J. Lewis (sisters-in-law), Messrs. William, Fred, and James Lewis (brothers-in-law), Mr and Mrs W. Buckingham, Mr and Mrs J. Buckingham, Mr and Mrs Houle, Mr and Mrs J. Thomas, and Mrs Knight (uncles and aunts). Following these were a very large number of parishioners and others. The bearers were Messrs A. Thomas (Filleigh), L. Thomas (Bishopstawton), T. Harris, F. Burgess, W. Thorne, junr., and H. Potter (Chittlehampton). The first portion of the service was conducted at the Wesleyan Chapel, the Rev. J. W. Hartley officiating, and the hymns “Rock of Ages” and “Peace, Perfect Peace” were feelingly sung. The body was then taken to the burial ground at the Parish Church and the service conducted. The coffin was of polished English oak with brass mountings and the breastplate bore the inscription – “GEORGE BERTRAM BUCKINGHAM, died June 8th, 1906, aged 30 years.” There were several very choice floral tributes.

Thursday 28 June 1906
North Devon Fifty Years Ago. Compiled from Files of the North Devon Journal June 1856.
The eldest son of MR WILLIAM GREENSLADE a large cattle dealer, of Collaton Barton, Chittlehampton, was thrown from a horse and killed.

Thursday 5 July 1906
An old and much respected inhabitant of this parish in the person of MRS SMOLDON, of Furze Cottage, Clappery Mill, has passed away. The deceased was 84 years of age. The funeral took place on Saturday. The mourners were MR and MRS J. SMOLDON, MR and MRS W. SMOLDON, MR and MRS R. H. SMOLDON, Mr and Mrs J. Hancock, Mr G. Hancock, Mr T. Huxtable, and a number of deceased’s grandchildren. A large number of friends also attended the funeral. The bearers (grandson’s of the deceased) were Messrs. J. Smoldon, J. Hancock, W. Hancock, J. Huxtable, W. Hancock, and W. Smoldon. Many beautiful floral tributes were sent.
DEATH - June 29, at Broad-street, Southmolton, ANN STEVENS JACKMAN, (formerly of Chittlehamholt), aged 77.

Thursday 12 July 1906
ELLEN ELIZABETH TUCKER, of Chittlehampton, represented by Mr A. F. Seldon, proceeded against David William James, a hobbler employed in Cardiff Docks, at Barnstaple Petty Sessions on Thursday. Applicant’s evidence (supported by that of her mother) was that in April of last year applicant went to Cardiff, and entered the service of defendant (a widower) as housekeeper. She came home in July, and a little later defendant visited Chittlehampton, and said if she returned with him to Cardiff he would marry her within a month. On her going back with him on this understanding he seduced her, and seeing he did not intend to carry out his promise she left him, walking the entire distance from Cardiff to Chittlehampton. On 18th May a female child was born in Barnstaple Workhouse, of which TUCKER was still an inmate. Applicant strongly denied James’s suggestion that she had been familiar with his son, and that she knew about watches which he had missed. The Bench ordered defendant to contribute 3s. per week until the child is 16 years of age, with the Court fees, and advocate’s fee of one guinea.
Golden Wedding - July 12, 1856 at East Buckland Parish Church, by the Rev. J. C. Carwithen, THOMAS HOLLOWAY, of Leary, Chittlehampton, to Jane, daughter of William and Elizabeth Stevens, Upcott, East Buckland.

Thursday 26 July 1906
At a meeting Of the School Managers, held on Friday, MISS CHILDS, of Exeter, was appointed mistress for the National School, subject to the approval of the Devon Education Authority.

Thursday 2 August 1906
In the early hours of Sunday morning there passed away at Hembow, MRS SALLIE TOUT, one of Chittlehampton’s oldest inhabitants. The deceased was in her ninetieth year, and it is remarkable that the cottage in which she died has been her only home. She was born there in 1817, and lived there during the whole of her long life. She was one of a family of ten children, all of whom reached to a good age, but two brothers are all that now survive her.

Thursday 30 August 1906
DEATH - August 15, at Crandall, Manitoba, CLARENCE WILLIAM, son of ERNEST and ANNIE SAMPSON (formerly of Chittlehampton, North Devon), aged 4 months.

Thursday 13 September 1906
A case of pig poisoning has occurred at Biddacott Farm, occupied by MR J. SMOLDON. Eight animals were affected, three of which have died; the remaining five are making satisfactory progress. It is thought that the pigs must have eaten something from a pond which was being cleaned out.

Thursday 20 September 1906
A recent copy of the ‘Staffordshire Sentinel’ contains an interesting paragraph relating to MR CHARLES HOLLAND, son of the late WILLIAM HOLLAND of this village. MR C. HOLLAND, like many another, left this village over a quarter of a century back to seek a fortune elsewhere. Soon after leaving he found employment with the Wesleyan and General Assurance Society, in whose employ he rapidly rose through the various offices, to the rank of Inspector, which post he has now held for a great number of years. The paragraph already referred to gives an account of a presentation to MR HOLLAND, which took the form of a beautifully finished portrait of himself, to which a tablet bearing the following inscription was affixed – ‘Presented to MR CHARLES HOLLAND Inspector of the Wesleyan and General Assurance Society, by the Superintendents and assistants, as a mark of affection and esteem on his completion of 25 years’ service, August 16th, 1906.’ The presentation followed a dinner held in honour of the occasion, and several speakers warmly eulogised MR HOLLAND'S sterling qualities and business ability. By a happy coincidence MR and MRS HOLLAND celebrated their silver wedding during the week of the presentation, and MR HOLLAND presented to his wife a portrait of herself similarly framed and finished to the one he had thus received.

Thursday 18 October 1906
At Barnstaple Guildhall on Monday, before Messrs. S. Daw and W. F. Gardiner, JNO. SNOW farmer, of Chittlehampton, was charged with having been drunk in Boutport-street on Saturday and also with having wilfully damaged a door, the property of Mr R. Charley, to the extent of 6s. Defendant pleaded guilty to each charge. P.S. Paltridge said that at 7 p.m. on Saturday, in consequence of a telephone message, he went to Boutport-street, where he found SNOW very drunk. With the assistance of P.C. Fry he took defendant to the police-station. Mr R. Charley, purveyor and refreshment house keeper, stated that on Saturday evening defendant entered his restaurant and said he wanted something to eat. As defendant was drunk his daughter refused to supply him, and when he came into the butcher’s shop witness advised him to go home, as there was time to catch the last train. SNOW then returned to the eating-house and kicked in the panels of a cupboard. A joiner had that morning undertaken to put the cupboard right for 6s. Defendant said he made a mistake in entering Mr Charley’s shop; he thought he was entering Jones’s refreshment shop, where he had been staying. The Bench fined defendant 5s. and costs in each case, and ordered him to pay the amount of the damage.
Southmolton County Petty Sessions WILLIAM WOLLACOTT, of Chittlehampton, who did not appear, was charged with not paying certain contributions due to the Guardians of the Southmolton Union. The case was stated by Mr E. T. Babbage. The Bench ordered 16s. to be paid within seven days or a distress warrant to be issued; in default seven days.

Thursday 25 October 1906
Whilst several boys were playing football on Monday evening, WILLIE GAYDON had his left arm fractured at the wrist. The boy threw out his arm to stop the ball, and in doing so was struck at the wrist by the passing ball, with the result stated.

Thursday 8 November 1906
Southmolton Borough Petty Sessions - JAMES LOCK, of Chittlehampton, who did not appear, was charged with using a vehicle without a light on October 25th, within the Borough. The accused admitted the offence in a letter. The case was stated by P.C. Hartnoll, and a fine of 6d and costs of 14s. 10d. was ordered.
MRS MARY ANN NOTT, eldest daughter of the late MR RICHARD and ANN PROUT, passed away toward the end of October at Sedalia, America, death being due to dropsy. MR and MRS ELIAS NOTT went to the States some thirty years since, MR NOTT obtaining employment with the Missouri Pacific Railway Company, in whose employ he is at the present, being now a watchman. The two were among the first members of the English Methodist Church established at Sedalia.

Thursday 13 December 1906
The passing away of MRS BOUCHER, at the Bell Inn, on Sunday afternoon, at the age of 42 years, cast quite a gloom over the village. The deceased came here with her husband about three years since, and by her many acts of kindness and by an ever sympathetic nature, won for herself the love and esteem of all with whom she came into contact. The deceased had been laid up for seven weeks, suffering from a heart condition.

Thursday 20 December 1906
Southmolton County Petty Sessions - JAMES WALDRAM senr., of Chittlehampton, was summoned by WILLIAM CHAPPLE for committing damage to a fence. Defendant, who was not present, was represented by his son. After hearing a part of the evidence the Clerk (Mr F. Day) said it was a question of right of way, and the jurisdiction of the Bench was ousted. The Bench, therefore, dismissed the case.

Sunday 28 December 1906
The sudden death of MRS M. A. BREAYLEY at Ash Farm, on Christmas Eve, at the age of eighty-six years, has removed from our midst a link with the past. MRS BREAYLEY was not only the oldest tenant on the Rolle Estate, but she is one of a family who have held Ash Farm for over a century. A villager, speaking with the writer, relates the remarkable fact that himself and his forefathers have purchased milk daily from MRS BREAYLEY without a single break for close upon seventy years. Although the deceased has of late years experienced some severe illnesses, she was proud of a remarkable constitution, and was, up to the time of her passing away, in her usual health. The interment will take place at 2.30 on Saturday in the parish churchyard.

Thursday 3 January 1907
The remains of the late MRS M. A. BREAYLEY of Ash Farm, were laid to rest on Saturday. The grave had been prepared in the old portion of the churchyard side by side with deceased’s husband, who died some fifty-one years ago. The service was taken by the Rev. T. Bate and the Rev. F. W. Percy. Chief among the mourners were MISS EMMA and MISS SUSAN BREAYLEY (daughters), MR W. J. and MR J. R. BREAYLEY (sons), MRS W. J. BREAYLEY (daughter-in-law), Misses Annie, Lizzie, and Katie Breayley, Messrs, W. and R. Breayley, grandchildren. Beautiful floral tributes were placed upon the coffin by the Bishop of Crediton, sorrowing daughters and sons, Mr and Mrs Thorne (Uppacott), Willie and Annie, Mr Shellard (Barnstaple), Mrs Chapple, Mrs Smoldon, Mrs Harris, and Mr Heywood. The body was borne to the grave by Messrs J. B. Burgess and Oatway (Yarnscombe), Garland (Filleigh), Tucker (Warkleigh), J. Smoldon and R. H. Vickery.

Thursday 17 January 1907
Whilst shooting at Cheldon, near Eggesford, on Friday last, MR THOROLD, of Hudscott, in turning about twisted his leg and sustained a fracture of the small bone.
MR GEORGE START, of Heywood Farm, passed away on Tuesday morning at the ripe age of 85 years. The deceased was attending to his farming work and was also in the village in the early part of last week. Becoming unwell, medical aid was sought on Thursday, and the deceased rapidly sank under an attack of inflammation of the lungs. He had held Heywood for a period of forty years.
Southmolton County Petty Sessions - John Smith, a farmer, of Frenstone, Queensnympton, was summoned by ANNIE MOORE, of Chittlehampton, a domestic servant, formerly in his employ, to show cause. Mr A. F. Seldon for the applicant, Mr Tarbet for the defendant. Evidence was given by Applicant, ROBERT MOORE (father) and JOHN MOORE (brother), and for the defence by John Smith, Miss Smith (sister) and T. Hosegood (labourer, in the employ of the defendant). After retiring the Bench made an order of 3s. a week until the child attained the age of 16, with costs, £2 8s. 6d.
DEATH - January 15, at Heywood Farm, Chittlehampton, GEORGE START aged 85.

Thursday 24 January 1907
MRS AGNES BARNES widow of the late MR JAMES BARNES, who for many years carried on the business of a bootmaker at Cobbaton, passed away on Saturday, at Ford Mills, the residence of her daughter, in her ninetieth year. Although the deceased has been bedridden for a period approaching four years, she had, up to within a week of her death, enjoyed good health. Within a month this makes the third octogenarian who has passed away in the parish, viz., MRS BREAYLEY, aged eighty-six; MR START, also eighty-six; and MRS BARNES, aged eighty-nine.

Thursday 14 February 1907
MR H. C. WATTS, who has just returned from Cannon City, Colorado, where he has been with his children, held his annual manure and seed pay-days on Tuesday and Wednesday. MR WATTS is in excellent health, and has received a very hearty welcome home.
Death has claimed two respected parishioners during the past week. The first to be called to rest was MRS ELIZA GALSWORTHY, who passed away at Southmolton on Wednesday last. The deceased, with her late husband, for very many years carried on a carrier’s business, between this village and Barnstaple, and was widely known. The internment took place in the Parish Churchyard on Sunday. The second to receive the solemn summons was MRS ELIZABETH BATER, of Ambow Cottage, widow of the late MR GEORGE BATER, who died suddenly during Thursday night. Although under medical treatment, the deceased was in her usual health and was in the village on business, on Thursday afternoon. The interment took place on Monday, and was largely attended, the Rev. C. W. Bate, officiating. The chief mourners were Mr Manning, of Exeter, the deceased’s brother; Mrs Skinner, Swymbridge; Mrs Wright, Birkenhead; Mrs Medland, Chittlehamholt; Mrs Bowden, Landkey, and Miss Lizzie Bater, daughters; Messrs. John, George, Ned, Tom and Dick Bater, sons: Mrs Ned Bater, daughter-in-law; Messrs. H. Skinner, R. Medland and A. Bowden, sons-in-law; Mrs Mortimer, grand daughter; and Master Mortimer, great-grandson. The coffin was of polished oak with heavy brass furniture, the breastplate bearing the inscription: Elizabeth Bater, died February 7th, 1907; aged 63 years. Beautiful floral tributes were sent by “her sorrowing children,” in memory of dear mother “Jessie,” deepest sorrow “Emily,” loving memory “her grandchildren,” affectionate sympathy “T. Bater, Liverpool,” deepest sympathy “G. and W. Boucher,” affectionate remembrance “A. Western.”
GOLDEN WEDDING - February 14th 1857, at Westleigh Parish Church, by the Rev. Octavius Dene, WILLIAM TURNER, of Chittlehamholt to Mary Pidler, of Westleigh. (Present address: Westleigh, North Devon).
DEATH - February 7 (suddenly), at Ambow Cottage, Chittlehampton, ELIZABETH, widow of the late GEORGE BATER aged 63.
DEATH - February 6, at Southmolton, MRS ELIZA GALSWORTHY, of Chittlehampton.

Thursday 21 February 1907
Chittlehamholt. - Great consternation was caused in the neighbourhood by the news that MRS COPP had passed away on Saturday last. The deceased was much beloved, being ever ready to show kindness and to do good to everyone. The greatest sympathy is felt for the bereaved family in their great grief. The interment took place on Wednesday in the presence of a large number of friends.

Thursday 28 February 1907
BIRTH - February 21, at Furzebarn, Chittlehampton, the wife of SYDNEY BUCKINGHAM, of a son.
DEATH - February 26th, at Cobden Villa, Ilfracombe, very peacefully, MARIA, the beloved wife of ROBERT BOWDEN, and daughter of the late JAMES TOWELL of Chittlehampton, aged 72. No flowers.

Thursday 21 March 1907
MR J. MORTIMER, J.P., who passed away at Woodville, Southmolton, on Thursday evening in last week, was for upward of a quarter of a century an inhabitant of this parish. MR and MRS MORTIMER entered Brightly Barton on their marriage, and during his tenancy he occupied most of the public offices connected with parish matters. MR MORTIMER retired from business about five years since.

Thursday 4 April 1907
An interesting wedding took place at the Parish Church on Tuesday, the contracting parties being MR JOHN BALMAN, eldest son of MR and MRS R. BALMAN, of Shilston Farm, and MISS MARY B. CROCKER, eldest daughter of MR SAM and MRS CROCKER of Eastacott. Both families have been connected with the parish for a great number of years, a large number attending to witness the ceremony. The Rev. C. W. Bate, assisted by the Rev. F. W. Percy, officiated. The bride was given away by her father, and she wore a dress of Biarrity cloth, with a tulle hat trimmed with shaded roses, relieved with cream insertion. The two bridesmaids were Miss Gregory, of Taunton, cousin of the bride, and MISS E. BALMAN, sister of the bridegroom. Both were attired in cream dressed with hats to match. MR R. BALMAN, brother of the bridegroom, was best man. The wedding breakfast was laid at Eastacott, a large party partaking thereof. The presents were of a very varied order, and almost numerous. Merry peals were rung throughout the day in honour of the happy event.
MARRIAGE - April 2, at the Parish Church, Chittlehampton, JOHN BALMAN, eldest son of MR and MRS BALMAN, of Shilston Farm, to MARY B. CROCKER, eldest daughter of MR and MRS S. CROCKER, of Eastacott.
MARRIAGE - April 2, at the Parish Church, Southmolton, William, third son of John Hancock, of Blackpool, Southmolton, to POLLIE, youngest daughter of LOUIS NOTT, of Collacott, Chittlehampton.
DEATH - April 3, at the Village, Chittlehampton, MARY, widow of the late JAMES CHAPPLE, aged 86.

Thursday 18 April 1907
MR J. SNOW of Chittlehampton, was driving home from Market on Friday, when his horse, while ascending Newport-road, staggered and fell dead. A shaft of the cart was broken, but the occupants escaped uninjured.

Thursday 16 May 1907
An interesting wedding took place in the Wesleyan Chapel on Thursday last, the contracting parties being Mr Charlie Brewer, of Morchard Bishop, and MISS E. BLACKMORE, daughter of MR and MRS BLACKMORE, of Pitt, Chittlehampton. There were eight bridesmaids. The Rev. J. Thomas, of Southmolton, officiated.

Thursday 30 May 1907
St. David’s Church, Exeter, was the scene of a pretty wedding on Thursday last, the contracting parties being MR J. H. MANATON, of Chittlehampton, and Miss Kate Chapman, of Exeter, until recently assistant mistress of the St. David’s Infant Schools. The bride was neatly attired in a cream bolero and skirt, and a satin waistcoat, her head dress being a crinoline straw trimmed with chiffon and cream feathers. The two bridesmaids were the Misses L. and M. Chapman, sisters of the bride, and they were attired in blouses of silk with green skirts and green hats trimmed with pink roses. Both the bride and bridegroom have been the recipients of numerous presents. The Rev. F. W. Gegg, Rector of St. Johns and Allhallows (a former Curate of Chittlehampton) officiated. Peals were rung on the bells here in honour of the interesting event.
DEATH - May 26th, at Stowford House, Chittlehampton, ANNIE, the dearly loved wife of T. M. CARDUS, aged 78 years.

Thursday 4 July 1907
MR J. B. BURGESS of Bratton Farm, sustained a nasty accident on Tuesday. Whilst engaged in sowing swedes he by some means caught his right hand in the gear of the drill, and badly crushed it.

Thursday 11 July 1907
On Friday last MR J. BUCKINGHAM, of Furze Barn, had a rather serious seizure whilst attending Barnstaple Market. MR BUCKINGHAM was sitting in the Market chatting with his wife and a nephew when the attack took place. Dr. Lemarchand was speedily in attendance, and the patient was conveyed home, where he is making satisfactory progress. A second case of a similar but more serious nature occurred to MR WILLIAM CONGRAM Myrtle Cottage, who is one of our oldest inhabitants, on Saturday. The patient suffered a second attack on Monday, and he is now lying in an unconscious condition, little hope being entertained of his recovery.

Thursday 18 July 1907
The remains of a very remarkable personage, MR WILLIAM CONGRAM, who passed away in the early part of last week, were laid to rest in the Parish Churchyard on Saturday. The deceased, who was eighty-nine years of age succumbed to a paralytic stroke (as recorded in last weeks’ Journal), but prior to the attack he was hale and hearty, walking with a brisk step and upright gait. The deceased enjoyed the unique distinction of having attended the fair at Barnstaple on Fair Friday for eighty years in succession. His children can only remember his having to seek medical aid once, and has never been known to take a pill of any kind. The funeral on Saturday was attended among others by his four sons – SAM, WILL, HARRY, AND FRED. The Rev. C. W. Bate officiated.

Thursday 8 August 1907
On Monday Chittlehampton Parish Church was the scene of a pretty wedding, the contracting parties being MISS BESSIE ISAAC, third daughter of MR W. ISAAC of Buildings, and Mr John Redwood Moles, of Taunton. The bride, who was given away by her father, was attired in crème voile, the bodice trimmed with rucked chiffon, and valuable lace. Her head-dress was a crinoline hat trimmed with soft ribbon. She carried a shower bouquet, the gift of the bridegroom. The two bridesmaids were MISS MARIA ISAAC, sister of the bride, and Miss Rhoda Moles, sister of the bridegroom, and they were dressed in pale blue muslin, trimmed with lace, and wore muslin hats to match, the strings of which were fastened with gold brooches, the gift of the bridegroom. Mr Lionel Moles was best man. The wedding breakfast was laid at the bride’s home, a large number being present The happy couple left later in the day for Lynmouth, where the honeymoon is being spent.
MARRIAGE - August 5, at the Parish Church, Chittlehampton, John Redwood Moles, of Taunton, to BESSIE, third daughter of W. ISAAC of Buildings, Chittlehampton.
DEATH - August 1, at Embercombe, Filleigh, MARY, widow of the late THOMAS GALLIFORD of Chittlehampton, aged 88.

Thursday 15 August 1907
GEORGE GALSWORTHY, labourer of Chittlehampton, was on Saturday brought before the Tiverton County Bench charged with sleeping out. On promising to leave the town, defendant was discharged.

Thursday 22 August 1907
On Monday the interment took place of MRS SARAH FREELAND OGILVIE, widow of the late MR ROBERT OGILVIE, formerly of Pitt House, in this parish. The deceased passed away at Leamington Spa on Thursday, the 15th inst., after an illness lasting only three hours, at the age of seventy-seven years, and the body was laid in the grave of her deceased husband, whose remains were placed there thirty-two years since. Although the deceased left Pitt House something like a quarter of a century ago, she is still held in remembrance as a genially disposed, benevolent lady. The funeral was attended by her son, Mr Charles Ogilvie, and son-in-law, Mr Hector, from Scotland. The only other child is Mr Eric Ogilvie, now in America. The Bishop of Crediton telegraphed sympathy and expression of regret at his inability to attend the funeral. The floral tributes were very beautiful and were sent by the following: - In loving memory of a beloved Mother and a very dear Grannie from Alick and Nellie, and Ogilvie and Kathleen; a token of deep regret from Charlie and Kate; with deepest sympathy, from Mrs [?]ssinder and family; in loving memory from her two sorrowing friends, Mary and Aggie; deepest sympathy, from Mrs Dotteril; in loving remembrance, Mrs Patricia Ogilvie; in loving remembrance of a very dear friend, Lucy. Messrs Symons, of Barnstaple, had charge of the funeral arrangements. It may be mentioned that Mr Robert Ogilvie was one of the engineers for the railway from Exeter to Torrington.

Thursday 19 September 1907
FRED TUCKER, a baker, in the employ of MR J. COLE at the West End Bakery, had an awkward experience with a reptile on Friday. TUCKER had been on his usual round to Bishopstawton on the previous day, and when returning, saw what he thought to be as harmless specie of snake, which he secured and brought home. In the night, with several other lads, TUCKER had all manner of pranks with the creature, and finally put it in a tin box and left it in the stoke hole. On Friday morning TUCKER, in obeying Mr Cole’s wishes, went to the box with a view to kill it. No sooner had he opened the tin when the brute sprung at him, biting him in the middle finger of the right hand. TUCKER immediately made his way to Southmolton to a doctor, and with assistance got there in a fainting condition. Under Dr Wigham he is making satisfactory progress, but his whole arm is twice its normal size and a mass of discolouration.

Thursday 10 October 1907
DEATH - October 1, at Eastacott, Chittlehampton, GEORGE COURTENAY, aged 48.

Thursday 17 October 1907
At Southmolton on Tuesday WM BOUCHER, landlord of the Bell Inn, Chittlehampton, was fined £1 and expenses on a charge of having permitted drunkenness on his licensed premises on July 15th.

Thursday 7 November 1907
Much sympathy is felt for MR and MRS W. E. SEAGE by the death of their second son “BERT”, which took place at Cheltenham on Monday at the early age of 23 years. The deceased was seized with phthisis about a year since, and has gone down gradually, but the end came very suddenly. MR and MRS SEAGE had only removed to Cheltenham from here about a month ago, and they have not quite settled in their new home. Thus the bereavement is the more sad.

Thursday 14 November 1907
There passed away at North Bradbury on Wednesday last one of Chittlehampton’s eldest inhabitants in the person of MRS JAMES SKINNER. Deceased, whose age was 85, had been ailing for many months. The interment took place at Southmolton on Tuesday.

Thursday 21 November 1907
MR W. NEWCOMBE, late of the Rolle Estate Office, Chittlehampton, has been appointed Clerk of Works on Sir William Ferguson Davie's Estate, Creedy Park, Crediton.

Thursday 28 November 1907
On Sunday morning a valuable cob, the property of MR W. S. GARDNER Surveyor, was discovered by ALBERT PICKARD in a field on the Downs shoulder deep in a stiff bog. Assistance was secured as speedily as possible, and the horse taken from its perilous predicament. Whilst assisting in the operation of extricating the animal, MATTHEW HANCOCK sen., received a bad blow on the calf of his right leg, necessitating his laying up, but he is making satisfactory progress.

Thursday 5 December 1907
On Saturday last MR and MRS CHAPPLE of the Village, celebrated their silver wedding, and they were the recipients of many presents and congratulatory messages.
At 4.30 on Tuesday, MR LOCK, father of MR JOHN LOCK, of Victoria House, was discovered at the foot of Deptford Hill dead. The old gentleman, who was upwards of seventy years of age, had been to Umberleigh to see his daughter, and was on his way back when the call came to him. Although he had not been laid up, it had been known both to the deceased and to his children that he was suffering from a malignant disease.
BIRTH - November 28, at Symons Cottage, Chittlehampton, the wife of WILLIAM WATT, of a daughter.

Thursday 12 December 1907
Fifty years of wedded life, fifty years’ tenancy of one and the same cottage, and thirty-six years of service with one employer, is a remarkable and probably unique record. This, however, is the achievement of MR and MRS EDWIN HOLLAND of Buildings, Chittlehampton, who celebrated their golden wedding on Friday last. They were married at the Parish Church by the Rev. Chichester on December 6th, 1857, and they took up their residence in the home which they still occupy. MR HOLLAND has for the past thirty-six years been in the employ of the Rolle Estate. Curiously enough, there also lives in one of the cottages at the Buildings, MRS HOLLAND'S brother, MR JOHN SANDERS, and his wife, whose matrimonial alliance extends to close upon sixty-years. This old couple were also married by Rev. Chichester on Lady-day in 1848, fifty-nine years on Lady-day next, whilst at the Ambow, only a stone’s throws from these two couples, there resides MR and MRS HENRY SIMMONS, whose golden wedding was recorded in the columns of the Journal some four years since.
BIRTH - December 8, at Brimley, Chittlehampton, the wife of W. MOORE of a daughter.

Thursday 2 January 1908
DEATH - December 27, at East-street, Chittlehampton, ANN, widow of the late WILLIAM MANATON, aged 69.

Thursday 16 January 1908
At a meeting of the School Managers, MRS LETHBRIDGE was appointed caretaker of the National Schoolroom in succession to MRS ANN MANATON, (deceased).

Thursday 20 February 1908
FREDERICK AUGUSTUS HOOPER, of Chittlehampton, was sued by Messrs. Blackford and Son, auctioneers, of Southmolton, for the sum of £4 11s. 4d., for which judgment was given in the December Court, 1907, for payment of £1 down and £1 monthly afterwards. Mr J. Blackford stated that the debt was in respect of a sale of property by auction for defendant. Although they had written the defendant on several occasions they never received an answer. Defendant was in a position to pay. After hearing a statement by defendant, an order for 10s. a month was made.

Thursday 26 March 1908
Barnstaple - At the Golden Fleece Hotel (the headquarters of the local lodge of Buffaloes) on Monday evening MR FRED VICARY, son of the proprietress on the occasion of his marriage was presented with a handsomely carved side-board, with mirrored back, from the Raleigh Cabinet Works, subscribed for by members of the local Buffalo Lodge, and other friends. The presentation was made by Mr B. Marshall, who presided, with Mr F. W. Raymond in the vice-chair, and MR and MRS VICARY were wished every happiness and success in their new venture at Chittlehampton. The health of the bride and bridegroom was drunk; and MR VICKERY suitably acknowledged the gift and the kind expressions. Messrs. Thomas and R. Ridge (who collected subscriptions) and others who had assisted in the presentation were duly thanked. A very pleasant musical programme was gone through.
Mr R. E. C Balsdon, of Barnstaple, applied at the Chulmleigh Petty Sessions, on Tuesday, for the transfer of the license of the Bell Inn, Chittlehampton, from MR W. BOUCHER to MR F. G. VICARY of Barnstaple. The application was granted.

Thursday 9 April 1908
DEATH - March 31, at Buller-road, Barnstaple, MARY ANN WALDRON, wife of SAMUEL WALDRON, late of Chittlehampton, aged 71.
DEATH - On the 4th inst. (suddenly) at Waveney, Ditton Hill, Surrey, R. C. F. OGILVIE, A.M. INST. C.E., elder son of the late ROBERT OGILVIE, A.I.C.E., of Pitt House, Chittlehampton. - Deeply mourned.

Thursday 21 May 1908
MRS ELIZABETH BASSETT, aged 78, wife of a labourer, was found dead in bed at Chittlehampton, on Wednesday. At the inquest held by Mr G. W. F. Brown (County Coroner) on Friday, MR GEORGE BASSETT, deceased’s husband stated that his wife had been unwell for some little time. Dr P. H. Seal, of Southmolton, attributed death to heart failure, following inflammation of the lungs. A verdict was returned accordingly.
Two largely attended funerals took place in the Parish Churchyard on Sunday, the Rev. C. W. Bate officiating. The remains of the late MRS BASSETT were laid to rest at 2.30. The surplice choir attended and sang the hymn “Now the labourer’s task is o’er”. The deceased retired to rest in her usual health on Tuesday night, but early on Wednesday morning she complained of feeling unwell, and remained in bed, although nothing serious was for a moment apprehended. At about six p.m., a neighbour, who had been visiting the patient, left to get her some oatmeal porridge, and on going to the room at 6.30, found that life had become extinct. The Coroner was made acquainted of the death, and a post-mortem was made by his order, which revealed that death was due to heart failure, consequent upon inflammation of the lungs. The deceased was seventy-eight years of age. Much sympathy is felt for the deceased’s husband who has thus suddenly lost a devoted partner of fifty-four years of wedded life. The second interment was that of WILLIAM COCKS of Myrtle Cottage, who had been in failing health for some time. The deceased was a very respected old parishioner, and his funeral was very largely attended.

Thursday 2 July 1908
Chittlehamholt. - MR SAMUEL JACKMAN, an old and much respected inhabitant of this parish, passed away at Chalwells on Sunday in last week, after a long illness, patiently borne. The interment took place in the Chapel burial ground on Wednesday in the presence of a large circle of friends. There were numerous floral tributes. The coffin was of polished oak and bore the inscription:- "S. JACKMAN, died June 21st, 1908, aged 70 years." Messrs. T. Heard and Sons were the undertakers.
Chittlehamholt. - A Pretty Wedding was witnessed by a large number of people in the Brethren Chapel on Wednesday, when MR W. H. FRIENDSHIP, of Bideford, was married to MISS MARIA BEER, third daughter of MR JAMES BEER, of Devon, Warkleigh. The bride, who was given away by her father and carried a magnificent bouquet of white roses, sweet peas, carnations and maidenhair fern, the gift of the bridegroom, was attired in a pale blue dress of eclienne, trimmed with Valenciennes lace and medallions of true lovers' knots. She wore a crinoline hat to match, trimmed with a wreathe of heather, ostrich feathers and orange blossoms. She was attended by her sisters, the Misses Mary and Annie Beer, whose dressed were of art green voile, trimmed with white satin and guipure lace and wore cream crinoline hats trimmed with chiffon and cluster roses. Mr H. J. Browstone acted as best man. The Rev. Frank Durbin, Baptist Minister of Bideford, officiated and Miss Winnie Copp presided at the harmonium. The photograph was afterwards taken by Mr Paul Haskins of Bideford. The bride's travelling costume was of light grey crowburst, trimmed with cream corded silk and dark green braid. There were numerous presents. The carriages were supplied by Mr R. Blackmore, of Bideford.

Thursday 9 July 1908
Congratulations to MISS ETHEL WOOLAWAY, eldest daughter of MR and MRS WOOLAWAY, of Combe Farm, on her appointment to the schoolmistresship of Travellers’ Rest School. MISS WOOLAWAY, who commenced her school-days at the National School here, has just completed her studies at Whiteland College, London.

Thursday 16 July 1908
Chittlehamholt. - MISS FLORENCE PESTER has been successful in the examination held at Barnstaple for candidates for admission as pupil teachers.

Thursday 23 July 1908
Whilst helping one of his men to take a steam roller through a gateway, MR CHERITON, of Bradbury Barton, slipped and fell, breaking the small bone of one of his legs. MR CHERITON is somewhat advanced in years, and his medical adviser states that some months must elapse before he will be well enough to again be about.
A nasty accident befell BOB, eldest son of MR ROBERT ELLICOTT of Blakewell Chapel, on his return to his employer’s residence after attending a meeting. The lad, who lives at Southbray, was cycling down the hill towards Destford, and when nearing the bottom he came suddenly on another bike, and in altering his course to pass it his machine mounted the hedge. ELLICOTT was thrown violently into the roadway, alighting on the side of his head and shoulder, this rendering him partially unconscious. Removed to his home medical aid was summoned, when it was found that no bones were broken, but that the lad had had a very bad shaking which will necessitate his keeping in bed for some days.

Thursday 30 July 1908
Among the special prize winners at the "prize day" in connection with the Devon County School appears the name of CHARLIE, son of FRED LEWIS, of this village. The lad was awarded the Cambridge local certificate, the Michael Snell English prize, and the Chope General Knowledge prize. The County Council has also awarded to him a special scholarship tenable at the Devon County School for the year ending August 1909.

Thursday 20 August 1908
MARRIAGE - August 18, at the Wesleyan Church, Chittlehampton, by the Rev. T. Pinfield, J. W. GARDNER (assistant-overseer), to MISS ANNIE E. VICKERY, only daughter of MR R. H. VICKERY, both of Chittlehampton.

Thursday 3 September 1908
In the Journal of August 20th it was stated that MR SELDON had won five firsts and two seconds at the Taunton Horticultural Show for honey. It should have read seven firsts and two seconds. MR SELDON'S successes included a first and certificate for the finest collection of honey staged in the most attractive form on a space three feet square and not over four feet high (open competition.)
After a painful illness extending over seven days, MR ROBERT BUCKINGHAM of Whey Farm, passed away on Monday evening, the cause of death being haemorrhage of the liver. MR BUCKINGHAM succeeded MR PHILLIPS at Whey many years since, and has been a most successful farmer. His illness was not generally known, and his death came as a shock to most of the parishioners. Much sympathy is extended to MRS BUCKINGHAM in her bereavement.

Thursday 24 September 1908
MARRIAGE - At the Parish Church, Chittlehamholt, JOHN SMOLDON, eldest son of MR W. SMOLDON, of Fullabrook, Chittlehampton, to MISS EDITH MAY TOWNSEND, youngest daughter of MRS TOWNSEND of the School House, Chittlehamholt.
Chittlehamholt. A very pretty wedding has been solemnised at the Parish Church in the presence of a crowded congregation, the contracting parties being MISS EDITH MAY TOWNSEND, the youngest daughter of MRS TOWNSEND, of the School House, and MR JOHN SMOLDON, the eldest son of MR W. SMOLDON, of Fullabrook, Chittlehampton. The bride was charmingly attired in an Empire gown of white silk striped voile, trimmed with ivory insertion and merve ribbon, and wore a wreath of orange blossoms, and embroidered bridal veil, and carried a lovely shower bouquet, the gift of the bridegroom. As she entered the church, leaning on the arm of her brother, MR R. TOWNSEND, the hymn, "The voice that breathed o'er Eden," was sung by the choir and schoolchildren, and "How welcome was the call," at the end of the ceremony. The Vicar (the Rev. G. Montague May) officiated, and delivered an address. Mendelssohn's Wedding March was played by Miss Elston, who presided at the organ, as the bridal party left the church, amidst showers of rice and confetti. The bridesmaids were Miss E. Townsend, sister of the bride and Miss G. Smoldon, sister of the bridegroom, and each wore gold charms, the gift of the bridegroom. They were dressed in cream costumes with black picture hats, and carried bouquets of pink roses, also the gift of the bridegroom. Mr William Smoldon the bridegroom's brother, was best man. A reception of a large number of guests was afterwards held at the School House, and in the evening a dance took place in the schoolroom. The honeymoon is being spent at Torquay. The bride's travelling dress was a tight-fitting tailor made costume of dark blue cloth, with a silk hat to match. Miss Townsend has been a teacher in the school for the last six years, and by her loving work amongst the children has won the esteem and respect of them all, a token of which was a handsome silver-plated coffee-pot, presented to her by the scholars and a sugar basin to match by the school managers. The bride and bridegroom are both the recipients of many good wishes for their future happiness from all who know them, as well as a very large number of handsome and useful wedding presents.

Thursday 8 October 1908
MISS ETHEL WOOLAWAY, eldest daughter of MR and MRS WOOLAWAY, of Combe Farm, has received intimation that she has passed her first examination for certificated schoolmistresses with distinction, MISS WOOLAWAY graduated at Whiteland College, Chelsea, and she was recently appointed mistress to the Traveller's Rest School.

Thursday 22 October 1908
Death of MR H. F. GIFFARD, F.S.A. Funeral At Chittlehampton. - The funeral took place at Chittlehampton on Thursday of MR HARDINGE FRANK GIFFARD, M.A., F.S.A., barrister-at-law, Commissioner in Lunacy, who died at Buxton, at the age of 48, on Sunday. The deceased gentleman, the younger son of the late Judge GIFFARD, of Exeter County Court, and of MRS GIFFARD, of Budleigh Salterton, was the representative of a family associated with North Devon for many generations. Brightley, Chittlehampton, was for seven centuries the property of the GIFFARDS of Halsbury, but now belongs to Lord Clinton. During the whole of their long connection with the parish the GIFFARD family rendered much help and support to the parish church of St. Hieritha, and although no longer resident in Chittlehampton, still take a keen interest in its welfare. The late MR HARDINGE GIFFARD was a honorary member of its institute, and only a short time ago forwarded a handsome donation to the Church Tower Restoration Fund. The church contains in the north transept an altar tomb with effigies, and kneeling figures, male and female, the inscription being to JOHN GIFFARD, of Brightley, and HONOR, his wife, and their children, the monument, which is of the most handsome description, having been erected in 16215 by JOHN GIFFARD, his grandson. Other monuments to members of his family include one to SIR AMBROSE GIFFARD, Kt., Chief Justice of Ceylon who died in 1827. MR GIFFARD was an enthusiastic antiquary, and his researches have thrown much light on the early history of the Devonshire GIFFARDS. The result of these researches has been incorporated in the "History of the GIFFARDS," which was published by Magensial Wrottesley in 1902. The body of the late MR HARDINGE GIFFARD was brought from Buxton on Wednesday, and taken into the baptistery of Chittlehampton Church, where the coffin remained all night. On the arrival a short service was conducted by Rev. C. W. Bate (Vicar), the choir and numerous visitors being present. The service included the Psalm De Profundis, with portions of the litany and burial service, and collects, concluding with hymn "Lord in this Thy mercy's day," sung kneeling, and the Benediction. At the funeral the officiating ministers were the Vicar, and Rev. A. B. Littlewood (Vicar of Farleigh, Kent), and Rev. E. Holbrook (Nottingham). The family mourners were MRS HARDINGE GIFFARD (widow), Mrs Littlewood and Miss Giffard (sisters), Lord Tiverton (cousin), Mr and Mrs Chambers and Miss Chambers, Mr B. F. Chambers and Mr and Mrs Brind. The coffin, covered with beautiful wreaths, bore the inscription:- "HARDINGE FRANK GIFFARD, born 18th July, 1860, died 11th October 1908". At the graveside were Rev. W. W. Arthur (Atherington), Mr C. Hamlyn Chichester (Bradiford, Barnstaple), the Misses Thorold, and many villagers. Wreaths were from the widow, deceased's sorrowing mother, his children, Ingaret and Roger Giffard, his only brother, Stanley Giffard, the Earl and Countess of Halsbury, his Honour Judge and Mrs Beresford, of Weare Giffard Hall; General and Mrs Lorn Campbell and family, Cheam; Dr Cecil Reddie, Derbyshire; Mrs Chichester, of Hall; Winnie and Eldon, Edward and Jennie Reddie, Halifax; S. Chambers, Theo and Ernest, Miss Newman, and Miss Maud Newman, Russell-square, W.C.; Bertram, Olive and Violet Chambers, Evelyn and Edward, Mrs Irwin and Miss Elliot, Clara and all at Huntley Manor, Sarah Wells, Mrs Chantrey, Inchbald, Cheam; Mr and Mrs Charles, R. West and Miss Maud West, Mr and Mrs C. Hamlyn Chichester, Bradiford House, Barnstaple; Mr and Mrs Chambers, Alice Long, Rev. and Mrs A. G. Littlewood, Mr and Mrs G. A. W. Thorold, Hudscott, &c.

Thursday 29 October 1908
MISS MAUDE CHAPPLE, who has for a long time past efficiently carried out the duties of organist at both the Clapworthy and Umberleigh Mission Churches, has resigned both offices.

Thursday 19 November 1908
The Devon County Council has appointed MR J. COLE, The West End Stores, to be school manager, to fill the vacancy caused by the resignation of MR H. CHERITON. The term of office expires in April, 1911.

Thursday 26 November 1908
The news of the death of MISS BESSIE MOORE, of Tyspane, was received in Braunton with every manifestation of regret. MISS MOORE, who had been a great sufferer, died at Southsea. The funeral will take place at Chittlehamholt, the interment being made in the family vault. The deceased lady's sister is now resident at Tyspane, and the greatest sympathy is expressed towards her. MISS MOORE was one of the most respected inhabitants of Braunton and her death will cause a feeling of loss in the locality. The deceased lady was of a singularly kind and benevolent disposition, and was always willing to help every good object and cause. MR MOORE, M.A., the well known preacher, is a brother of the deceased lady.

Thursday 3 December 1908
Quite a large concourse of relatives and friends followed the remains of the late MRS GOODING, of Nethercleave, to their last resting place on Saturday. The funeral took place in the parish churchyard, the Rev. C. W. Bate officiating. About thirty beautiful floral tributes were lain upon the grave. The deceased, who passed away at the age of forty-eight, leaves a husband and thirteen sorrowing children, nine of whom are little ones still at home. The deepest sympathy is felt for them in this their irreparable loss.

Thursday 17 December 1908
Much sympathy is extended to MR J. SMITH, of Hill Head, who has lost one of his eyes as the result of an accident whilst repairing a fence for MR BUCKINGHAM, of Whey. SMITH at once went to the Exeter Eye Infirmary, and was detained as an in-patient some four weeks, and hopes were entertained of ultimate recovery of the sight, but on visiting the institution on Friday last he was advised that the eye was perishing at the back, and that its removal was necessary.

Thursday 31 December 1908
North Devon in 1908. A retrospect. - MRS CHICHESTER, widow of the REV. R. H. CHICHESTER, a former Vicar of Chittlehampton, died at Bideford in May aged 84.

Thursday 28 January 1909
The marriage of MRS COURTNEY, of Eastacott Farm, with MR E. J. ARSCOTT, of Bridgwater, took place at the Parish Church on Monday, the Rev. T. A. B. Cardus (in the absence of the Vicar through illness) officiating. The bride was attended by her sister (MISS HILDA JONES), and Mr Tucker, of Georgeham, acted as best man.
Chittlehampton - The hamlets of Stowford and Travellers' Rest have lost two of their oldest and respected inhabitants during the past week in the personages of MR RICHARD HULLAND and MR GEORGE DAVEY. The former passed away after having been ailing for some months at the age of seventy-six. The deceased, who was a carpenter, worked for a great many years on the Hall estate. He was an Old Age Pensioner, but had only taken up two weeks' pay. The interment took place at Swymbridge on Thursday. The immediate mourners were MRS HULLAND (widow), Mrs S. Buckingham (daughter), Mr J. Hulland, Mr C. Hulland, Mr G. B. Hulland, and Mr Walter Hulland (sons). MR GEORGE DAVEY, who was a well-known figure at Travellers' Rest, where he had resided nearly all his life, succumbed to a seizure after a brief illness of a couple of days at the age of eighty. The remains were interred at Swymbridge on Saturday.
MARRIAGE - January 25, at the Parish Church, Chittlehampton, by the Rev. T. A. B. Cardus, MR E. J. ARSCOTT, of Bridgwater, to MRS COURTNEY, of Eastacott Farm, Chittlehampton.
DEATH - At Travellers' Rest, Chittlehampton, GEORGE DAVEY, aged 80.
DEATH - At Stowford, Chittlehampton, RICHARD HULLAND, aged 76.

Thursday 11 February 1909
Much interest was evinced in the wedding on Tuesday last of MR A. H. ALLEN, second son of MR H. ALLEN, of Filleigh, and MISS ANNIE E. SMOLDON, fourth daughter of MR SMOLDON, of Biddacott. The ceremony took place in the Parish Church, in the presence of a large number of friends and relatives, the Rev. C. W. Bate officiating. The bride was prettily attired in silver grey eolienne, trimmed with piece lace and silver tassels, with hat to match, trimmed with ostrich tips, sequins and orange blossom. The bridesmaids were dressed in cream French merino dresses trimmed with insertion and tucked net, with hats to match. Mr Percy Allen was the best man. The presents which were both handsome and costly, included a gold locket and diamond centre, the present of the bride to the bridegroom, and gold brooches set with stars, the present of the bridegroom to the bridesmaids. After the ceremony a reception was held at Biddacott, a dance following. Yesterday the tenantry were entertained, and there were general expressions of cordial good wishes to the happy couple.

Thursday 18 February 1909
MARRIAGE - February 8, at Morchard Bishop, ARTHUR TRICKEY, to EMILY LOUISA, eldest daughter of the late JOHN MANNING, of Head Barton, Chittlehamholt.

Thursday 11 March 1909
CHITTLEHAMPTON - Farmer's Sudden Death At Chittlehampton. - MR WILLIAM SMOLDON, the well-known occupier of Furzeball Farm, Chittlehampton, died suddenly on Friday. The Inquest was held on Monday, before Mr G. W.F. Brown, County Coroner for North Devon. WILLIAM SMOLDON, junr., stated that on the previous Friday his father and himself went out rabbiting, deceased being in excellent health and spirits. They returned home about quarter to five. His father took a seat by the fireside, but in a few minutes fell off his chair and suddenly expired. MRS SMOLDON, the widow, having given supporting evidence. Dr Seal, of Southmolton, who had made a post mortem examination, stated that there was considerable disease of the heart. In his opinion death was due to heart failure. Probably the extreme cold weather had something to do with the sudden collapse. A verdict of "Natural Causes" was returned. The deceased was of a most affable disposition and generally respected. He leaves a widow and a grown-up family of six children, of whom three are married, to mourn his loss, and the greatest sympathy is extended to them. The funeral took place at the Parish Church yesterday (Wednesday) and was very largely attended.

Thursday 25 March 1909
Harold Daniel Seage, of no fixed abode, was at the Southmolton County Police Court, on Saturday morning, charged with stealing a coat and contents at Chittlehampton on March 16th. The Magistrates present were Messrs. R. S. Bryan (in the chair) and W. Moor. - FRED TAPSCOTT, of Cleave Farm, Chittlehampton, stated that on the 16th inst. prisoner came to the farm, and asked for work. Shortly after he left he found his coat and contents, which he valued at 4s., missing. Being unable to find it he communicated with the police. P.C. Yeabsley proved arresting prisoner, and finding on prisoner a mouth organ and other articles which had been in the coat. Superintendent Chammings stated the prisoner had had every opportunity to get on. Until recently his parents had been residing at Chittlehampton. Prisoner had always been of a wandering disposition. The Chairman said it was a bad case when a respectable young man such as prisoner was started tramping the country and sentenced him to one month's imprisonment, with hard labour.

Thursday 1 April 1909
The sad intelligence of the death of MR J. M. TUCKER, Master of the School at Weare Giffard was received here on Monday with much sorrow. The deceased, who was the only son of MR RICHARD TUCKER, of this village, was born in the parish, and had his early training for life of school work in the village school. Death was due to heart failure, following upon an attack of pneumonia. He leaves a widow and five children, for whom the utmost sympathy is felt in their great bereavement.
Alleged False Pretences At Chittlehampton. "Off To Canada." - At the County Police Court, Southmolton, on Saturday, Archibald Carter, a young labourer employed at Herniman's Farm, and formerly of Barnstaple, was charged with having obtained, by false pretences, on March 17th, a dark bay mare, value £20, and saddle and bridle, £110s., the property of WILLIAM HEYWOOD, of Caveyland, Chittlehampton. WILLIAM HEYWOOD stated that whilst he was feeding his horses in one of his fields on the date named, prisoner came towards him, and, pointing to a little mare in foal, said if he was going to sell it he would buy it. Accused added that he had sixty acres of land with several colts running on it, and gave the name of the farm as Pickwell Barton. He also said Mr A. F. Seldon, of Barnstaple, was his uncle, and he was trust for him, his father being dead. He further said he was learning farming at Herniman's Farm, and Mr Seldon was paying for him and let him have whatever he wanted when he wrote. Carter asked if he would sell the mare, and witness replied in the affirmative, valuing the animal at £20. Prisoner then said if he would let his uncle see the mare he would buy it, and witness promised to let him take the animal to Barnstaple on the Friday. On Wednesday, 17th March, as witness was returning to the farm, he saw prisoner riding the mare away, with bridle and saddle on. Carter said, "I am come earlier than anticipated, you see. I must go when I can." Accused asked, "Won't you sell it for £19?" but witness refused. Moving away, Carter said, "If I am not home until late on Friday evening I will return the mare first thing Saturday morning." Prisoner gave the name of Downing and said Mr Downing of Brightley Barton, was one of his other uncles. He (witness) should not have parted with the animal had not Mr Seldon's name been mentioned. Finding that nothing had been heard by Mr Elworthy at Herniman's Farm, of prisoner up to Sunday morning, he communicated with the police, who subsequently returned the animal to him. Mr A. F. Seldon, solicitor, of Barnstaple, deposed that he was not a trustee for prisoner, and had not been paying for his keep. He had not seen accused previous to that morning. Mr G. A. Wickett, veterinary surgeon, of Bideford, stated that on the 22nd inst. accused brought the horse to him, saying he had been sent by a client, and it was for sale. He arranged to see him on the Quay, but did not purchase the animal. Accused first offered him the horse for £5. ELIZABETH HEYWOOD, sister of prosecutor, spoke to accused visiting the farm for the horse, giving the name of Downing. P.S. Rees (Southmolton) who received accused from Bideford police, stated that he made no reply to the charge. On the journey from Bideford, accused said, "If you had been a little later you would have missed me. I intended to sell the mare for £17; and a man named Smale was going to sell a bicycle for £5, and with the £22 we were going to train to Southampton and there ship to Canada. We made this arrangement at the circus on the 8th March, when I first met Smale." Prisoner, who had nothing to say in answer to the charge, was committed to take his trial at the Devon Quarter Sessions in April.

Thursday 15 April 1909
The painful intelligence of the sudden death of MRS J. WEBBER, at Loosemore Farm, near Bampton, has come as a shock to this parish. The deceased, who was a native of the parish, was seized with sudden illness on Friday last and succumbed in the small hours of Saturday morning. Only forty-two years of age, the deceased has left a widower and eleven children to mourn her loss.

Thursday 22 April 1909
MR FRED LETHBRIDGE, eldest son of MR and MRS CHRIS LETHBRIDGE, was married to EDITH, third daughter of MR and MRS W. CROCKER, at South Kensington, on Saturday last. The bride was given away by her father, whilst her two sisters were bridesmaids. The happy couple went to Brighton, and will sail for Canada, to take up their home there, on the 22nd (today).

Thursday 10 June 1909
High Bickington. - Considerable interest was taken on Tuesday in the wedding of MISS ELEANOR HARRIS, eldest daughter of MR ELI HARRIS, of Weirmarsh, and MR GEORGE HARRIS, son of the late MR THOMAS HARRIS, of Pressbury, Chittlehamholt. The bride's father has been a Churchwarden of the parish of High Bickington for many years. A large congregation of relatives and friends witnessed the ceremony, which was performed by the Rector, the Rev. C. V. Wansbrough. The bride was given away by her father. She wore a dress of brown silk eolienne, with trimmed insertion creme silk net vest and rucked sleeves. Her brown crinoline hat had shaded roses to match. The bride's little nieces, the Misses Gladys and Winnie Harris, were the bridesmaids. They wore liberty dresses of white silk robe muslin, trimmed with vallenciennes lace, and picture hats of silk muslin and lace with broad ribbon strings. The bride carried a shower bouquet of cream roses, lilies and springeri. Each bridesmaid carried a small basket of bream roses and maidenhair. Mr James Harris, brother of the bride, acted as best man. The bridegroom's present to the bride was a sapphire and diamond ring, and the bride gave the bridegroom a gold chain. The bridegroom gave each of the bridesmaids a pearl swallow broach. Suitable music was played upon the organ before and after the ceremony, and peals were rung upon the bells throughout the day. The honeymoon is being spent at Ilfracombe. The bride travelled in a tailor-made navy cloth costume, with hat to match. Mr and Mrs Harris will reside at Whey Farm, in the parish of Chittlehampton.

Thursday 17 June 1909
MARRIAGE - At Chittlehamholt, W. BURGESS, youngest son of MR and MRS J. B. BURGESS of Bratton, Chittlehampton, to MISS L. TOWNSEND, daughter of the late MR R. TOWNSEND, of Haynetown, Chittlehamholt.
Wedding At Chittlehamholt. - Considerable interest was evinced in a wedding which took place at Chittlehamholt between MISS L. TOWNSEND (daughter of the late MR R. TOWNSEND, of Haynetown, and at present head-mistress of the local school) and MR W. BURGESS (youngest son of MR and MRS J. B. BURGESS, of Bratton, Chittlehampton). The service, which was choral, was conducted by the Vicar (the Rev. A. May), assisted by the Rev. C. W. Bate (Vicar of Chittlehampton), who gave an address to a crowded congregation. The bride was attired in a dress of cream silk, with wreath and veil, and carried a bouquet, the gift of the bridegroom. She also wore a gold jewelled watch, the bridegroom's wedding gift. She was attended by MISS BURGESS and MISS G. BURGESS as bridesmaids; they were attired in dresses of grey silk colienne, trimmed with cream silk insertion, with black picture hats. They carried bouquets of banksia roses, and wore silver belts, all of which were the gifts of the bridegroom. The bride was also attended by two pages - MISS MABEL BURGESS, niece of the bridegroom) and Master Lionel Martin (nephew of the bride.) The young lady page was prettily attired in a white silk dress, with a Victoria silk bonnet to match, and carried a basket of sweet peas. She also wore a gold neckchain and pendant, the gift of the bridegroom. Master Martin was attired in a plush suit of Lincoln green, and wore a silver watch-guard, the gift of the bridegroom. The bride was given away by her brother, Mr R. Townsend, of Haynetown, while the bridegroom was attended by Mr G. B. Hulland, of Merton, as best man. The breakfast was laid in the school, at which about 50 sat down. The usual toasts were given. A reception was held in the afternoon and evening in the school, which had been tastefully decorated for the occasion. The presents included a pair of solid silver candlesticks, with suitable inscriptions from the Managers of the school, and a handsome embossed silver spirit lamp and kettle from the children of the day school. The bride's wedding gift to the bridegroom was a handsome dressing case. During the afternoon MR and MRS BURGESS left for Bournemouth on the honeymoon.

Thursday 24 June 1909
CHITTLEHAMHOLT - Inquest at Chittlehamholt. An Inquest was held on Monday at Head Post Cottage, Chittlehamholt, by the County Coroner (Mr G. W. F. Brown), on the body of JOSEPH SKINNER, a labourer, aged 75. The body was identified by WILLIAM SKINNER, deceased's son. He said his father had always enjoyed fairly good health. On Friday the deceased was at work cracking stones, and afterwards went to bed, looking as usual. The next morning he was found dead in bed. Dr Seale, of Southmolton, said deceased had been dead for six or seven hours when he saw him on Saturday morning. A post mortem examination revealed the fact that death was due to heart failure. The Jury, of which Mr Baldwin was Foreman, returned a verdict of "Death from Natural Causes," and gave their fees to the widow.

Thursday 8 July 1909
The results of needlework competitions instituted by the Editor of the Teachers' Aid are to hand, and, as far as the children of this school are concerned, the successes are most gratifying. The efforts were open to scholars in all England, and of a practical nature, embodying stitching, darning, patching, making garments, and knitting.. Age was a consideration in making the awards and the list reflects great credit upon the children and on Miss Dinnicombe, their teacher. Doubtless, parents and managers also will be very pleased. Prize winners. - KATE HALL, GLADYS TAYLOR, and PHYLLIS TAYLOR. Certificates of honour. - KATE BREAYLEY, MARGARET BOSSON, MINNIE SNOW, ELSIE BOUCHER, and MINNIE COCKS. Honourable mention - NORAH VICKERY, MINNIE WALDRON, EMILY MAY, GLADYS MURCH, EVELYN HOOPER, LILIAN JONES and DOROTHY GILL.

Thursday 15 July 1909
Whilst playing in a hay field on Monday, HAROLD HOWARD fell and dislocated his right elbow. He was conveyed to the North Devon Infirmary, where the limb was set.
MR WALTER BROKENSHIRE, who has been organist at the Parish Church for several years, has tendered his resignation, it being understood that he has secured a similar position at Salisbury.
Children from the day school have made their annual appeal on behalf of Dr Barnardo's Saturday fund, 25s. being the amount realised, as compared with 15s. last year. Collectors: - NOEL TRIGGER, 4s. 9d.; HAROLD HOWARD, 4s. 2d.; HARRY GAYDON, 2s. 9d.; LIONEL HOWARD, 2s. 6d.; ERNEST BOUCHER, 2s. 2d.; MICHAEL STEPHENS, 2s.; ARTHUR GIBSON, ALBERT GAYDON, HARRY SHUTE, and SUSIE WATTS less than one shilling each.

Thursday 19 August 1909
Weddings at Barnstaple. A pretty wedding was solemnised at the Barnstaple Parish Church on Monday morning, when MISS ELIZA J. A. JOY, only daughter of MR and MRS N. JOY, of Bridge Buildings, Barnstaple, was married to MR WALTER A. BROOME, of Chittlehamholt, son of MR GEORGE BROOME, of Horsham, Sussex. A large number of friends witnessed the ceremony, which was performed by the Rev. R. F. H. Trevaldwyn, curate at the Barnstaple Parish Church. The bride, who was given away by her father, was charmingly attired in a cream coat and skirt, trimmed with silk embroidery, and she wore a large Leghorn hat, trimmed with mauve flowers. She carried a silver prayer book, the gift of the bridegroom. There were two bridesmaids, Miss Winifred Broom (sister of the bridegroom) and Miss Huxtable (cousin of the bride), who wore pretty dresses of white muslin, trimmed with pale blue, and wore white hats to match. The bridesmaids wore handsome gold lockets and chains, the gifts of the bridegroom. The best man was Mr Finch (Stationmaster at Instow). The honeymoon is being spent at Bournemouth. The bride's gift to the bridegroom was a handsome gold albert chain, the bridegroom's gift to the bride taking the form of a toilet set. The employees at Messrs. W. Richards and Co's, where the bride worked, presented her with a silver sugar basin and milk jug and the bride was also the recipient of a pair of pictures from the employees at the Misses Jervis's, whilst the bridegroom received a handsome marble clock and silver-mounted cigarette case from his employer (Mr Lewis, of Chittlehamholt). There were many other handsome presents.
North Devon Fifty Years Ago. Compiled From Files of the North Devon Journal, August, 1859. - Death - At Langaton, Chittlehampton, MR CHARLES MORRIS, aged 32.

Thursday 26 August 1909
The friends of MR and MRS F. LEWIS will be pleased to hear that their son, CHARLIE, was successful in gaining honours in the July examination of the Oxford Senior Locals.
A wedding was solemnised at the Parish Church on Monday, the Rev. C. W. Bate officiating. The contracting parties were MISS ELLEN MARY TRIGGER (NELLIE), daughter of MR W. TRIGGER, of Mile House, and MR G. H. ALLINGTON, of Fitzhead, Taunton. The bride, who was given away by her father, and attended by her sister "MAY", wore a cream coat and skirt turned out with green and hat to match. MR R. TRIGGER was best man. The presents to both the bride and bridegroom were many in number and of a very useful order. It may be mentioned that the bride's father, MR W. TRIGGER, is well-known throughout a large district, he having been instructor in sheep-shearing for the technical classes in connection with the Devon County Council. MR TRIGGER has also won nearly one hundred prizes in sheep-shearing competitions.
Marriage - August 23, at the Parish Church, Chittlehampton, by the Rv. C. W. Bate, G. H. Allington, of Fitzhead, Taunton, to ELLEN MARY (NELLIE) TRIGGER, daughter of MR W. TRIGGER, of Mill House, Chittlehampton.

Thursday 2 September 1909
EDGAR, second son of MR and MRS JOHN LOCK, of Victoria House, has been successful in winning a day scholarship, tenable for two years at the Devon County School. He will enter upon his studies there with the Michaelmas term.
It has given great pleasure to the Headmaster, Mr Reeve, and to the children of the Castle Hill School to know that SAMUEL CHERITON, son of MR CHERITON, of Bradbury Farm, Chittlehampton, has been successful in gaining one of the day boy scholarships at the Devon County School.

Thursday 30 September 1909
A football match took place on Saturday, when two local teams were pitted against each other. REG HOWARD captained "probables" whilst CYRIL HOLLAND had charge of "possibles". The probables won by 5 goals to nil.

Thursday 14 October 1909
MR HUXHAM, of Whitstone Barton, has had the misfortune to lose two valuable bulls during the past fortnight.

Thursday 4 November 1909
DEATH - October 30, in London, WILLIAM CROCKER, a native of Chittlehampton, aged 63.
DEATH - November 1, at Chittlehampton, MRS START, of Heywood Farm, aged 80.
P.C. YEABSLEY, who has been stationed here for the past six and a half years, has been appointed to the parish of Branscombe, on the south coast, where he takes up his work this week.
CHARLIE LEWIS, who sat recently for the Oxford local examinations, in which he passed with honours, has now been advised that he is also exempted from the Matric Examination and he has been entered as a member of the London Matriculation Society.
MISS ANNIE LEWIS, who has been connected with the Infant School for some years, relinquished her duties here on Friday to take up an appointment in the school at Honiton Clyst. Before the school broke up on Friday, Mr Brockman, on behalf of the staff and scholars, presented her with a handsome Gladstone travelling bag as a token of the esteem in which she is held.
Parishioners will regret to learn of the death of MR WILLIAM CROCKER, which took place at his home in London on Saturday. The deceased was of a most genial disposition, and was one of those whom it was ever a pleasure to come into contact with. He was devotedly attached to Chittlehampton, and he spent all the spare time at his command here with his sister. He was sixty-three years of age. He leaves a widow and a grown-up family to mourn their loss.
The parish lost on Monday one of its oldest inhabitants by the death of MRS START, of Heywood Farm, who passed away after a brief illness at the age of eighty. The deceased had a remarkable constitution, and until about a year since she had scarcely experienced a day's personal sickness. Since then however, she has not been well. Serious symptoms set in last week, and although the old lady would persist in coming downstairs on Sunday, she passed away, as already stated, early Monday morning.
Tragic Death In A Mine. - The sad intelligence of the death of ROBERT BARROW under tragic circumstances reached here on Tuesday. The deceased was a native of this parish, and went, something like fifteen or sixteen years ago to South Wales, where he secured employment in the coal pits. On Saturday, at Penrhiwaeiber, a fire occurred in the pit in which the deceased was working, and in trying to make a short cut to escape he was over-powered with the dense smoke and died before he could be got out. The deceased was about sixty years of age, and a widower. He leaves a son and daughter, for whom much sympathy is felt.

Thursday 18 November 1909
A gloom was cast over the village on Tuesday morning when it became known that MR GEORGE BUCHAN, son of MR and MRS BUCHAN, of Lyndhurst, had passed away during the night, at the early age of twenty-six years. The deceased had not been in robust health for some three years, but he had been in and out among the young people, mingling in their pleasures, while last season he was an indefatigable Secretary of the Cricket Club. He contracted a slight cold in the early part of last week, but, apparently took no notice of it, and it was not until Friday that he complained of slight pains in his chest. Medical aid was summoned, and on Sunday Dr Harper pronounced pneumonia in one lung. This rapidly developed to both lungs, and on Monday his case became hopeless, and he passed away as already stated. He was of an exemplary character, and was ever ready to proffer what help he could, and his cheery face will be much missed. The deepest sympathy is felt for MR and MRS BUCKAN and family in their great and sudden bereavement.

Thursday 25 November 1909
The funeral of MR GEORGE F. BUCHAN, whose death we recorded last week, took place on SAturday, the interment being made in the family vault at Plymouth. There were general signs of mourning in the village when the cortege left the residence of deceased's parents for the railway station at 9.15. The immediate mourners who journeyed to Plymouth with the coffin were Mr R. P. Buchan (father), Mr Stanley Buchan (brother), and Mr Landray. Messrs. H. Landray, R. Barfoot, R. Laver, C. Lewis, F. Vicary, W. Woolaway, G. Woolaway, and C. Clarke (members of the Cricket and Football Clubs) acted as pall bearers. There were a large number of beautiful wreaths, including one sent by the Chittlehampton Cricket and Football Clubs. At 3 p.m., the hour of the interment at Plymouth, a memorial service was held in the Parish Church, the Vicar (Rev. C. W. Bate) delivering a touching address. There was a large attendance. The mourners present included Mrs Rodgers, of London, and Miss Lily Buchan (sisters) and Miss Nickell of Plymouth, to whom the deceased gentleman was engaged. At the close of the service, which was choral, the organist (Mr Williams) played "O rest in the Lord". Muffled peals were rung on the church bells before and after the impressive memorial service.
A pretty wedding was solemnised at the Chittlehamholt Brethren Chapel, yesterday, when MR S. I. KNILL, second son of MR S. I. KNILL, of Bicton House, Barnstaple, was married to MISS WINNIFRED ANNIE COPP, youngest daughter of MR ELON COPP, of Chittlehamholt. The ceremony was performed by the Rev. Albert Lloyd of Barnstaple. The bride wore a handsome rose pink tailor-made costume, with a plush hat to match. The bridesmaid was MISS ADA COPP, sister of the bride, who was prettily dressed in blue with hat to match. The bride and bridesmaid carried handsome bouquets of choice flowers. The bride was given away by her father, whilst Mr Bruce Oliver, of Barnstaple, acted as best man. Both the bride and the bridegroom were the recipients of numerous valuable presents.

Thursday 9 December 1909
MISS CARRIE WATTS, youngest daughter of MR H. C. WATTS, formerly of the brewery and seed stores here, was married at Cannon City, Colorado, last month.
Sincere sympathy is felt for MR JOHN MANNING, of Little Highfield, Tiverton, in the loss of his wife, who died last week of pneumonia after two days' illness. MR and MRS MANNING until a few years since resided in this parish.

Thursday 13 January 1910
North Devon Fifty Years Ago. Compiled From Files Of The North Devon Journal. January, 1860. - The deaths of the month included; on the 27th at Chittlehampton, MRS LOCK, aged 75. On the 28th at Lerwill, Chittlehampton, the widow of MR JOHN MORRIS, aged 77.

Thursday 27 January 1910
The news of the passing away of "KATIE" only child of MR and MRS HALL, of Shilstone Cottages, was received here with much sadness on Monday. The deceased had been an in-patient at the North Devon Infirmary for several months, she having undergone a serious operation there. Up to Thursday last slow progress towards recovery was being made, but in the evening of that day haemorrhage developed, and despite all efforts, continued for many hours. Exhaustion followed, and she passed away on Sunday at the early age of fourteen. The deceased was a general favourite among the schoolchildren here. The deepest sympathy is felt for the grief-stricken parents.

Thursday 3 February 1910
One of the oldest inhabitants passed away on Saturday, in the person of MR GEORGE PARKIN, at the age of seventy-nine years. The deceased was of a happy disposition and was much respected. He was formerly employed on the Rolle estate, on which he worked for upwards of 40 years.
The funeral of KATIE HALL took place in the Parish Churchyard on Saturday amidst general manifestations of sorrow, and was largely attended. The immediate mourners were the bereaved father and mother - MR and MRS HALL. The Rev. C. W. Bate officiated, and the service was choral, the deceased having been a member of the choir. The hymn, "Through all the changing scenes of life," was sung in church, and at the graveside "On the resurrection morning" was feelingly rendered. Floral tributes were sent as follows:- In loving memory of our darling, from her sorrowing father and mother; in affectionate remembrance, from the Vicar, lay-reader, and members of the choir; all friends at Hudscott; aunt Polly and aunt Lizzie; Mr and Mrs Thorold; G. A. and B. Dinnicombe; uncle George and aunt Nellie; Mr and Mrs Somerville and family; Mr and Mrs Chudley; Mr and Mrs J. Cole; Mr and Mrs Hulland and family; Mrs Head; Emmie and Charlie; Lizzie and Katie; Miss Prideaux and Mr Johnson; Vanetta and Verna Knowles. A beautiful artificial wreath bore the following:- "In loving memory of our dear Katie from the scholars and teachers of the Chittlehampton school. The world sees few like her." The bearers were Messrs. W. Hulland, E. Huxtable, J. Lethbridge, H. Hayward, T. Spear, and H. G. Johnson.
DEATH - January 29, at Chittlehampton, GEORGE PARKIN, aged 79.

Thursday 17 February 1910
Southmolton County Petty Sessions. - JOHN B. BURGESS, of Bratton Farm, Chittlehampton, was charged with keeping a dangerous dog not under control. The superintendent stated that the dog had been since shot. He did not ask for a conviction. The Bench ordered the defendant to pay the costs of the Court.
JAMES LOCK, of Langaton Farm, Chittlehampton, was fined 6d., and costs for allowing a horse to stray at Chittlehampton on the 10th February. The case was stated by P.C. Hutchings.

Thursday 24 February 1910
DEATH - February 18, at the Village, Chittlehampton, CATHERINE HOOPER, widow of P.C. HENRY HOOPER, aged 78.

Thursday 31 March 1910
MESSRS. W. H. HUXHAM and W. WOOLAWAY were on Tuesday re-appointed churchwardens.
A wedding in which much interest was manifested took place at the Parish Church on Easter Monday. The bridegroom was MR J. BAMENT, of Barnstaple, who was attended by his brother, Mr W. Bament, as best man. The bride was MISS ETHEL JONES, fourth daughter of MR E. S. P. JONES, of Newland Park, Landkey, and of Winson, Chittlehampton. She was given away by her father and was prettily attired in a dress of fancy silk striped voile, and wore a cream crinoline hat decorated with a wreath of orange blossom. There were three bridesmaids, the senior being Miss Bament, sister of the groom, and she wore creme serge costume and was the recipient of a gold brooch, the gift of the bridegroom. The other two maids were the little MISSES JONES, of Langaton (nieces of the bride), and they looked charming in creme crepoline princess dresses, their head dress being wreaths of forget-me-nots. The groom's present to these was lockets and chains. There was a large attendance at the church. Mr Williams (organist) played a wedding march as the party left the church. The Rev. C. W. Bate officiated, and he also attended the wedding breakfast, which was laid at Langaton. The happy couple left in the afternoon for Torquay, where the honeymoon is being spent.
MARRIAGE - March 28, at the Parish Church, Chittlehampton, by the Rev. C. W. Bate, JOHN BAMENT, of Barnstaple, to ETHEL, fourth daughter of MR E. S. P. JONES, of Newlands Park, Landkey, and of Winson, Chittlehampton.
MR and MRS THOMAS REED, of 6 Trinity Almshouses, Barnstaple, celebrated their golden wedding on Easter Sunday. They were married at the parish church of Chittlehampton in the year 1860 by the Rev. Robert Chichester. MR REED still holds his parish apprenticeship indentures to the boot and shoe trade at Burrington in the year 18142, but he spent the major portion of his life in the service of the G.W.R. Co., which he served for 30 years.

Thursday 19 May 1910
MR WILLIAM MORTIMER, M.D., son of the late MR JOHN MORTIMER, for many years at Brightley Barton, has secured the practice of the late Dr Smyth at Southmolton.
An annual collection by the school children on behalf of Dr Barnardo's Homes has resulted as follows: - Collectors - ERNEST CARTER, 5s. 3d.; HAROLD HOWARD, 4s.; ARNOLD BIRD, 3s. 6d.; LIONEL HOWARD, 3s. 3d.; LILY JONES, 3s. 2d.; DOROTHY GILL, 2s. 9d.; ETHEL CANN, 2s. 2d.; GERTIE TAPSCOTT, 2s.; WALTER COX, 1s. 6d.; MICHAEL STEPHENS, 1s. 6d.; MARY HUXTABLE, 1s. 4d.; WILLIE HARRIS, 7d. The total was £1 12s. 4d.

Thursday 26 May 1910
A very pleasant function has taken place here in the form of a presentation to MR R. P. BUCHAN by a number of friends, on his leaving to take up his residence at Bournemouth. The present consisted of a handsome pipe heavily mounted with silver, and a tin of tobacco. The presentation was made by MR J. B. BURGESS, of Bratton, who spoke of the loss all would sustain by the departure of MR BUCHAN and family. MR BUCHAN, suitably responding, said their kindness was most unexpected. The six years he had spent at Stowford and Lyndhurst were amongst the happiest in his life and he would at any time be only too pleased to assist in an appeal for any good cause there. During the time MR BUCHAN has lived in Chittlehampton he has been generous to a degree, and he will be sadly missed.

Thursday 23 June 1910
MISS ANNIE LEWIS has been appointed assistant mistress at the West Buckland School, and she will take up her duties there a fortnight hence.
On behalf of Dr Barnardo's Homes, children attending the Travellers' Rest School have collected the sum of twenty-one shillings and sixpence. EDWIN GREENSLADE heads the list with 8s.; MINNIE BUCKINGHAM and JOHN WARREN, 4s. each; FRANK HARRIS, 3s. 4d.; LETTIE HARRIS, 2s. 2d.
The remains of MRS HARRIS, wife of MR JOHN HARRIS, of Bray Lodge, were laid to rest in the Parish Churchyard on Monday. The immediate mourners were MR HARRIS (husband), Mrs Lukyn and Mrs Shields (daughters), Mr J. Burgess and Mr R. Burgess (brothers), and many nephews and nieces. The floral tributes sent by the following were most exquisite: - In loving memory, from the bereaved family, in loving memory, from Mr and Mrs Lukyn, Rhyle and Dakota, U.S.A.; in loving memory, from Mr and Mrs Shields, Bristol; in loving remembrance, from Robert Burgess, Wenoa, U.S.A.
BIRTH - June 21, at Cobbaton, Chittlehampton, to MR and MRS S. CHAPPLE, a son.
DEATH - June 13, at Mount Pleasant, Cobbaton, Chittlehampton, SARAH, wife of WILLIAM CHAPPLE, aged 86.
Cobbaton. - Greatly beloved by all who knew her, MRS SARAH CHAPPLE, the wife of an old and respected yeoman, has passed away at the age of 86. The funeral took place at Chittlehampton on Saturday last, and was very largely attended. The interment was made in the parish churchyard, the Rector (Rev. C. W. Bate) officiating. The mourners included MR WM. CHAPPLE (husband), Mr Wm. Rendle (brother), Mr W. F. Rendle, Gosport, (nephew), Mr J. Rendle, Barnstaple (nephew), Mr R. Warren, Swymbridge (nephew), Mrs Westacott (niece), Mrs Coles (niece), Mrs Geen (niece) and Mrs Cann (niece). There were many beautiful wreaths, among the contributors being Mr Wm. Rendle; "Emily and Jack"; Bill and Louisa," Gosport; "Fred and Alice," Portsmouth; "Jack and Kate," Barnstaple; "Richard and Annie"; "George and Laura"; Mr and Mrs J. Huxtable, Overton; Mr and Mrs Lock and family.
MR CHAPPLE Desires to Thank all his Friends for their Kindness and Sympathy during his Sad Bereavement. Mount Pleasant, Cobbaton, Chittlehampton, June 21st, 1910.
MR WILLIAM TRIGGER, of Chittlehampton, probably holds the record for sheep-shearing, having won no fewer than 107 prizes in open and other competitions. TRIGGER'S latest success was scored at Tawstock, where he headed the list in the "All England" class.

Thursday 30 June 1910
The result of the needlework competitions instituted by the Editor of the Teachers' Aid, open to schools in all England, has come to hand, and the following fourteen scholars have secured substantial recognition, which reflects considerable credit on MISS DINNICOMBE, their instructress:- Prizes. - Work basket, GLADYS TAYLOR; fitted vanity bag, BRENDA MURCH; courier purse, PHYLLIS TAYLOR; book, FANNY SANDERS. Certificates of honour. - BESSIE LEWORTHY, VANETTA KNOWLES, GLADYS MURCH, HETTY MATHEWS, HILDA HOWARD. Honourable mention. - VERNA KNOWLES, LIZZIE COX, ETHEL CANN and KATE BREAYLEY.

Thursday 7 July 1910
Chittlehampton Charities. - Mr George H. Phillimore, of His Majesty's Charity Commissioners, held an inquiry into the local charities in the Reading Room on Tuesday. The first subject dealt with was land and a cottage and garden. The land is a small farm of twenty acres situated in the parish of Alverdiscott, and the cottage and garden are in Chittlehampton. The income of the farm is devoted to the maintenance of the church and tower. A second charity is the KELLAND SAUNDER, a bequest of £32, the interest of which is given to the poor of the parish by the Vicar and churchwardens, as Trustees. A third sum is known as the HUXTABLE Charity, and amounts to £10 and was given by one EDMUND HUXTABLE, formerly carrying on a clockmaking business here. this was given originally to be devoted to the giving of a loaf of bread to deserving old people on Good Friday each year. The donor during his lifetime stopped this for some years and eventually he left the £10 to the Vicar for the time being, the interest to be devoted as he might think proper. In connection with the Wesleyan Chapel the sum of £25 was left by the late MR J. T. HUNT, the interest of which is to be devoted to the upkeep of the Chapel property.

Thursday 21 July 1910
At the Borough Police Court yesterday morning, before the Mayor, Mr James Sanders, C.C., and Mr R. S. Bryan, JAMES LOCK, a farmer of Langaton Farm, Chittlehampton, was charged with being drunk whilst in charge of a horse and trap the previous evening. The case was stated by P.S. Rees, who said that he saw the defendant driving by the Police Station in a horse and trap. He was reeling about and driving carelessly. Corroborative evidence was given by P.C. Murrin. Defendant pleaded not guilty, and said he was quite quite capable of driving a horse and trap. A fine of 5s. and costs 10s. was inflicted.
What might have proved a serious accident has befallen MR W. CHAPPLE, sexton. MR CHAPPLE, who is also a carpenter on the Rolle estate, was working on the roof at a farm near Torrington, when, in attempting to cross a perling, he was seen by one of the farm hands to overbalance and fall into the building, a distance of fifteen feet. The fall was, fortunately, broken by a scaffold plank which was near the floor. CHAPPLE struck this plank with the back of his neck, smashing the plank in two pieces. He was picked up by his fellow workers in an unconscious condition, and all that was possible done for him. Later he was removed to his home and under the care of Dr Good, satisfactory progress is being made.

Thursday 28 July 1910
Much sympathy is being felt for MR GEORGE NORMAN in the loss he has sustained by the death, at the age of 41, of his only son GEORGE, who passed away at Swansea, where he has resided for many years. A telegram on Tuesday in last week brought the intelligence that the deceased was very ill. He had taken to his bed on the previous Sunday suffering from diabetes, and he passed away on Friday.

Thursday 11 August 1910
The Rev. A. R. Fuller officiated at a pretty wedding in the Parish Church on Monday. The contracting parties were MISS ANNIE MAYNE, second daughter of MR and MRS R. MAYNE, and MR J. PARKHOUSE, of Burrington. The bride, given away by her father, was prettily attired in a biscuit-coloured dress of silk eoline, with hat to match. The bridesmaids were MISS EMMA MAYNE and MISS ANNIE PARKHOUSE, sisters of the bride and bridegroom, and they were dressed in mauve lawn, trimmed with white insertion, and wore white crinoline hats decorated with roses. MR F. MAYNE was best man.

Thursday 18 August 1910
Southmolton Police Court.
J. W. MANNING, for riding a cycle without a light at Chittlehamholt on the 11th, was, on the evidence of P.C. Quick, fined 6d. and costs.

Thursday 25 August 1910
MR JAMES SEAGE, son of the late MR W. SEAGE, is now on a visit to the parish. MR SEAGE left here twenty-two years ago for Australia, and it is gratifying to note that he has been very successful. On the outbreak of the South African War, MR SEAGE volunteered for service, and among other medals, he has the South African medal with four bars. He has been in England since April, and hopes to return to Australia next month.

Thursday 8 September 1910
MR and MRS JAMES BUCKINGHAM, of Furze Barn, celebrated their golden wedding on September 1st. They were the recipients of several telegrams of congratulations during the day. It is interesting to note the fact that MR BUCKINGHAM'S brother and sister-in-law, MR and MRS BUCKINGHAM of Shelston, Bishopstawton, celebrated their golden wedding some three weeks since.
ERNEST TURNER, of Chittlehamholt, a lad of about seven years, while staying at Bratton Fleming, broke one of his elbows on Saturday, through falling. He was taken to the North Devon Infirmary.

Thursday 29 September 1910
The news of the sudden death of MRS BRAZIER, wife of MR BRAZIER, stationmaster at Umberleigh, came with a painful shock on Friday evening. The deceased, who was forty years of age, succumbed to heart failure. She was of a most gentle and kindly disposition, and a devoted wife and mother, and the deepest sympathy is extended to the sorrowing husband and three sons in the irreparable loss they have sustained.

Thursday 6 October 1910
Amidst general manifestations of sorrowing sympathy, the remains of the late MRS S. E. BRAZIER, of Umberleigh, were laid to rest in the Parish Churchyard on Wednesday. The first portion of the service was conducted by the Rev. G. Bolderston, in the Wesleyan Church. The hymns "Peace perfect peace" and "Now the labourer's task is o'er," as well as Hodge's Funeral Anthem were feelingly rendered. The immediate mourners were MR F. H. BRAZIER (husband), Masters JOHN, CYRIL, and RONALD (sons), Mr and Mrs Beck, of Steventon, Hants (father and mother), Mrs Powell, Andover (sister-in-law), Mr C. H. Brazier, Weybridge and Mr Herbert Brazier, Basingstoke (brothers-in-law). At the conclusion of the service, at the graveside, the large number assembled joined in singing the beautiful hymn "Lead, kindly light." Among the many beautiful floral tributes were the following:- In tender and loving memory of my beloved wife and our dear mother, from her sorrowing husband and children; In ever loving memory of our dear child SALLIE, from her broken-hearted father and mother; With deepest sympathy and love, from mother, brothers and sisters; With deepest sympathy, from the members and friends of Chittlehampton Wesleyan Church; With deep sympathy, from the traffic and engineers staff at Umberleigh; From J. and Maude Gooding; General and Miss Gaye; Geo. and Hetta Thorne; J. and E. Pooley; Mr and Mrs Elston; Mr and Mrs Champion; Mr and Mrs Blackmore; All at Millwood.
BIRTH - October 3, at Buildings, Chittlehampton, the wife of GEORGE BOUCHER, of a daughter.
DEATH - October 4, at Lerwill Farm, Chittlehampton, ANNIE GRIMSHIRE, wife of WILLIAM GRIMSHIRE, aged 63.
MR FRED CONGRAM, of Little Deptford, has grown some huge common turnips. Two of them weighed forty-two pounds, and measured thirty-five and thirty-three inches in circumference.
Congratulations to CHARLIE, the youngest son of MR FRED LEWIS, who sat last week at Oxford, for Greek responsion, and has received a telegram informing him that he has passed. He commences his studies at Oxford on Monday next.
MRS GRIMSHIRE, the wife of MR GRIMSHIRE, of Lerwill Farm, passed away on Tuesday at the age of 63 after a long, patiently-borne illness. Much sympathy is expressed for MR GRIMSHIRE and family in the loss they have sustained.

Thursday 13 October 1910
The funeral of the late MRS GRIMSHIRE, of Lerwill Farm, took place on Saturday, and was largely attended. The immediate mourners were MR W. GRIMSHIRE (husband), and the deceased's two daughters and four sons. The Rev. C. W. Bate took the service. Among the large number of beautiful floral tributes were the following:- From her sorrowing husband: sympathy and love, from Phillip and Willie; a token of love from William and Mary; from her loving children; deepest sympathy from her sister Ellen; deepest sorrow, from her sister Emma; in loving memory of our dear auntie, from Gertie and Robert; in memory, from loving friends; in loving memory of a dear friend, from F. Robbins; with love and deep regret, from E. Grimshire, Barnstaple; from E. Ashelford; Mr and Mrs Greenslade; Mr and L. Thorne, Uppacott.

Thursday 27 October 1910
Cruelty To A Sheep. Prosecution At Barnstaple. - At Barnstaple Petty Sessions on Thursday, before the Mayor (Mr F. W. Hunt), and Messrs. A. J. Reavell, H. Barrett, W. F. Gardiner, and A. Bradford, RICHARD KNOWLES, labourer, of Chittlehampton, was charged with cruelty to a sheep and defendant pleaded guilty to driving the animal while it was lame. Inspector Hopkins, of the R.S.P.C.A., said the defendant drove 43 sheep from Chittlehampton to Barnstaple, one of the sheep being found at Barnstaple to be so lame that at every step it took the foot knuckled over, so that the fetlock touched the ground. This caused a wound, which touched the ground at every step. He did not press for a severe penalty, but there had been complaints of sheep being driven when lame, and he wanted it to be known that cruelty to sheep in this way was equally punishable with cruelty to horses. P.C. S. Hill bore out the Inspector's statement, and said the defendant told him he had driven the sheep from Chittlehampton. He asked defendant why he had not brought a cart in which to place any sheep that fell lame, and KNOWLES, in answer to another question, said he could not carry the sheep on his horse. Defendant knew the sheep in question was lame, as he was pushing it along at times. The defendant said the sheep was all right when he left Chittlehampton, and it only fell lame at the entrance to Barnstaple. If there had been a gateway available he would have put the animal into a field. The man at the slaughter house told him the sheep was double-jointed. The Mayor said that having regard to the remarks of the Inspector, the Bench would mitigate the penalty to 5s. and costs. He hoped the case would act as a warning to those who were accustomed to drive sheep.

Thursday 10 November 1910
A pretty wedding was solemnised at St. Marks Church, Wood Green, London, on October 29th, by the Rev. Dr Newton (late vicar of Barnstaple), the contracting parties being MISS ELIZABETH GOSS, eldest daughter of MR and MRS HENRY GOSS, of Chittlehampton, and Mr Frederick James Copp, second son of Mr and Mrs John Copp, of 8 Richard-street, Barnstaple. The bride, who was given away by her brother, MR JAMES GOSS, of Cardiff, was prettily attired in a dress of cream bengaline silk, trimmed with cream lace, and a white felt hat, trimmed with white wings and velvet. She carried a shower bouquet of choice white flowers. She was attended by one bridesmaid, Miss N. Summers, of Barnstaple, who was dressed in pale green, and carried a shower bouquet. The best man was Mr Arthur Copp (brother of the bridegroom). A reception was afterwards held at the residence of Mr and Mrs W. I. King, Wood Green (late of Barnstaple). Among the numerous and handsome presents was a copper kettle, a spirit lamp from the Staff of the North Western Press, Kilburn, and a handsome dinner service, cruet and table cutlery, from Dr and Mrs Newton.
The many friends of MR and MRS WILLIAM WATTS, of this parish, will be interested to know that on Thursday last, at St. Michael's Church, Highgate, the marriage took place of their eldest daughter (EMILY) to Mr Herbert Dering Haslewood, solicitor, of Queen Anne's Mansions, Westminster. The Rev. C. F. B. Haslewood, M.A., Vicar of Pelton, Durham, cousin of the bridegroom, assisted by the Rev. W. R. Ogle, M.A., Vicar of the parish, officiated. The bride entered the church leaning on the arm of her cousin, Mr R. E. Dummett, barrister, who, in the unavoidable absence of her father, gave her away. She was charmingly attired in a grey dress and grey hat to match, and carried a lovely bouquet of white carnations, lilies, and heather, the gift of the bridegroom. The chancel was tastefully decorated for the occasion with white flowers and palms, the aisles leading to the altar being laid with crimson cloth. A very large number of friends of both the bride and bridegroom were present to witness the ceremony. After the ceremony the happy couple returned to Sarnsfield, the residence of Mr E. Sells, where a reception was held, and an opportunity given to their many friends to view the lovely presents. Mr Dummett proposed the healths of the bride and bridegroom, the latter responding. The bride's travelling costume was a pink (rose de barre) coat and skirt, with hat to match. The honeymoon is being spent at Brighton.
BIRTH - November 7, at the West End, Chittlehampton, to MR and MRS HARRY RAWLE, a daughter.
MARRIAGE - October 29, at St. Mark's Church, Wood Green, London, by the Rev. Dr Newton, Frederick James Copp, of Paddington, second son of Mr and Mrs John Copp, of Richmond-street, Barnstaple, to ELIZABETH GOSS, of Hampstead, eldest daughter of MR and MRS HENRY GOSS, of Chittlehampton.
MARRIAGE - On the 3rd November, 1910, at St Michael's Church, Highgate, by the Rev. C. F. B. Haslewood, M.A., Vicar of Pelton, Durham, assisted by the Rev. W. R. Ogle, M.A., Vicar of the parish, Herbert Dering, second son of the late Francis Haslewood, F.S.A., Rector of St Matthew's, Ipswich, to EMILY, eldest daughter of WILLIAM WATTS, Esq., of Chittlehampton, Umberleigh, North Devon.
North Devon Fifty Years Ago. Compiled From Files Of The North Devon Journal. November, 1860. - Death, On the 13th, at Upton Hellions, the wife of MR H. BROWN, the last surviving daughter of MR JOHN NICHOLLS, late of Brightley Barton, Chittlehampton.

Thursday 8 December 1910
BIRTH - December 4, at the Post Office, Chittlehampton, to MR and MRS LEWIS, twins - son and daughter.

Thursday 15 December 1910
DEATH - December 8th, at 22 William-street, Morice Town, Devonport, THOMAS, the loved husband of MARY GREENSLADE, late of Collacott Barton, Chittlehampton, North Devon, aged 59 years.

Thursday 5 January 1911
CHITTLEHAMHOLT - Inquest At Chittlehamholt. Found Drowned. - The North Devon Coroner (Mr G. W. F. Brown) conducted an Inquest on Monday at the Chittlehamholt Schoolroom on the body of EMMA HEARD, a single woman, who lived alone at Chittlehamholt, which was recovered from the river Mole on Saturday last. Evidence of identification was given by THOMAS HEARD, a cousin of the deceased, who said deceased was 45 years of age. He had not seen her for about two months. Deceased was eccentric, and had been an inmate of an asylum about three years ago. Mrs Elizabeth Gully, of Chittlehamholt, said she last saw the deceased on Christmas Day, between 1 p.m. and 1.30 p.m. She was then dressed in her best. Mrs Lucy Clarke, who lived opposite to deceased, said she had not seen her since the 20th ult. Deceased would go out and lock her door with a padlock and visit friends, so that there was nothing unusual in her being away. Thomas Nott stated he was working on Saturday last near the river Mole when a boy called his attention to a body which he had found on an island in the middle of the river. P.S. Norman said the body must have been on the island some days, as the water must have been very high to have carried it there. They carried it to the home, where they found a padlock on the door, but it was not locked. There were bills in the house, but money enough to meet them, and some food. There was nothing to be found which would account for deceased meeting her death. P.C. Quick gave similar evidence. Dr Tucker (Chulmleigh) stated that he had twice certified the woman for a Lunatic Asylum. The body must have been in the water some time. Death was due to drowning. The Coroner pointed out that there was no evidence to show how deceased got into the water, and the Jury, of which Mr Baldwin was Foreman, returned a verdict of "Found Drowned.".
Mrs Clarke, of Stowford, on Saturday, whilst in the act of feeding poultry, slipped and fell, fracturing her right ankle. After being attended by Dr Cooper, she was removed to the North Devon Infirmary.

Thursday 12 January 1911
North Devon Fifty Years Ago. Compiled From Files Of The North Devon Journal. - January 1861. Death, on the 10th, at Hallswell Farm, Chittlehampton, MR WILLIAM MILDON, aged 71. Death on the 27th, at Southmolton, MR WILLIAM GRIMSHIRE, for many years farm bailiff, of the late Honourable Miss Rolle, of Hudscott, aged 85.

Thursday 19 January 1911
The remains of the late MR J. G. S. SLAPE, who passed away at South Newton after a long illness at the age of fifty-three years, were laid to rest in the Churchyard on Saturday. The immediate mourners were MRS SLAPE (widow), Misses Elsie, Primrose, Annie and Hilda (daughters), Messrs. Robert and Southey (sons). Mr J. Slape (brother). The Rev. C. W. Bate officiated and the body was borne to the grave by Mr Shapland (Greendown), Mr Shapland (Shortridge); Mr Balman (Shilstone); Mr Balman (Cleave), Mr Tallamy (Bloden Hill), and Mr Tucker (Pugsley).
DEATH - December 24, at Birmingham, Alabama, U.S. A. (of fever), JOHN ANDREW, son of the late JOHN ANDREW, of Wooland, Chittlehampton, North Devon, aged 33.

Thursday 30 March 1911
MRS GRACE BOUCHER, one of the oldest parishioners, has passed away at the age of 82, after a brief illness. The deceased was the widow of MR THOMAS BOUCHER, formerly landlord of the Rolle Arms Inn, at the time when there were five licensed houses in the village. When the existing "Bell" was re-built the license of the Rolle Arms lapsed, and MR and MRS BOUCHER took the Two Mile Oak Inn, near Newton Abbot, where MR BOUCHER died. A few years since MRS BOUCHER returned to this parish with her son, who became landlord of the "Bell." This he gave up three years ago, his mother then going into retirement.

Thursday 13 April 1911
The census which has been taken by MESSRS. H. MANATON, W. J. GARDNER and J. R. HOWARD, shows that the population of the parish is seriously on the down grade. In 1901 the figures were 996 and in 10911, that is the present year, the total is (it is understood) about 910. Twenty years ago the population was 1,100 and in 1851 the inhabitants numbered 1,826 more than twice the present population.

Thursday 27 April 1911
What might have proved a very serious accident has befallen MR DUDDRIDGE, butler to MR THOROLD, Hudscott. MR DUDDRIDGE was cycling down Newton Hill on his way to Southmolton, and when nearing the foot of the hill he encountered two straying dogs, one of which he managed to evade but collided with the other, with the result that he was badly thrown from his machine. Fortunately a workman named Speed was working close by, and hearing someone shouting to the dogs and finally the yelp of a dog, he got on a fence to see what had happened. Speed found the cycle in the centre of the road and MR DUDDRIDGE lying unconscious and profusely bleeding. With the help of Mr C. Webber, who chanced to be passing, the sufferer was taken back to Newton Farm, and afterwards removed to Hudscott. Medical aid was at once summoned, and the patient is doing as well as may be expected. The injury comprised a badly bruised shoulder and side, and deep wounds on the side of the head, forehead and nose.

Thursday 4 May 1911
A Devonian's Wedding. MR G. W. HOWARD and Miss M. B. Waddington. - The wedding was solemnised at Holy Trinity Church, Heworth, on Wednesday in last week, between Miss Mabel Beatrice Waddington, only child of Mr and Mrs Waddington, of Rosebery House, Heworth, York, and grand-daughter of the late Mr David Jennings, of Sowerby Hall, Yorkshire, and MR GEORGE WILLIAM HOWARD, of Vogwell, Manaton Devon, eldest son of MR and MRS STEPHEN HOWARD, late of Coombe, Chittlehampton. The ceremony was performed by the Rev. R. G. Pyne, M.A., Vicar of St. Cuthbert's. Owing to illness in the family, the ceremony was of the quietest description, only the immediate relatives being present. The bride, who was given away by her father, wore a pale grey travelling costume of Cheviot cloth, and a large blue hat with flowers to match. She was attended by her cousin, Miss Elsie Barrow, who acted as "best girl," and to whom the bridegroom presented a pearl and peridot pendant and gold chain,. The bridegroom was supported by Mr Fred A. Barrow, cousin of both bride and bridegroom. After the ceremony a small family gathering was held at the home of the bride's parents, and later in the day MR and MRS GEORGE W. HOWARD left for the Lake District, where the honeymoon is being spent. The presents were numerous and costly, and included amongst others: Bridegroom to bride, riding outfit; bride to bridegroom, bearskin driving rug; the bride's father, household furniture and Schiedmayer pianola player; the bride's mother, governess car; bridegroom's father, cheque; the bridegroom's mother, pictures and dairy outfit.

Thursday 11 May 1911
Much sympathy is extended to MR and MRS C. BEADLE, of South Bray, in the accident that has befallen their little four year old and only son, HAROLD. The little fellow was watching his father planting a tree, and as he was taking two or three steps in a backward direction fell over a mallet, fracturing his thigh midway between the knee and hip. The little sufferer is making satisfactory progress.

Thursday 25 May 1911
At a meeting of the ringers held on Saturday, MR W. H. ISAAC tendered his resignation as Captain, and this was accepted with regret. MR ISAAC has captained the team for four or five years, and during that time there has been a marked improvement in the ringing. MR J. SNOW FURZE was appointed to the vacant position.
The clashing of the church bells on Wednesday morning told everyone within hearing that a fire had broken out somewhere. Inquiries elicited the fact that it was taking place at Winson, whither the Fire Brigade, under the captaincy of MR R. H. VICARY, had gone. It is supposed that a spark from the chimney had fallen between the thatch and the chimney on the outside. There was a stiff breeze blowing, and, if it had not been for the prompt arrival of the fire engine, the house and buildings adjoining would have been destroyed. The fire engine, which was given to the parish by the late Lord Rolle, is nearly 100 years old. It still works splendidly. It surprised everyone to see with what force it threw water on the burning building.

Thursday 1 June 1911
The following six children have made full attendances at the National School, and have been presented with certificates by the Devon County Council:- NELLIE POTTER, BERT WALDRON, JANE GAYTTEN, LILLIAN JONES, VANETTA KNOWLES, LIONEL HOWARD. Thirty others made 98 per cent of attendances.

Thursday 15 June 1911
A very pretty wedding was solemnised at the Parish Church last week, the contracting parties being LOUISA, eldest daughter of MR and MRS J. SNOW, of Furze, and William T. H. Gay, only son of Mr and Mrs Gay, of Northwood, Morchard Bishop. The bride, who was led to the altar by her father, was attired in a dress of Paris shade silk eoline silk, made en-pricesse style. The skirt had a deep hem of glace silk, the waist band and sash being of the same material. The bodice was trimmed with silk passenenterie, the yoke and undersleeves being of drawn silk. She wore a white Tegal hat, with a wreath of white lilac and satin bow, and carried a shower bouquet of white sweet peas and maidenhair fern, the gift of the bridegroom. The bridesmaids were MISS T. SNOW, sister o the bride and Misses Hannah and Lettie Gay, sisters of the bridegroom. The former wore a dress of pale pink flowered voile, trimmed with fancy coloured silk insertion, and a black Tegal hat, with a wreath of shaded flowers. The Misses Gay wore dresses of natural Shantung silk, trimmed with teeched net. They wore black picture hats trimmed with net and lace. All three carried shower bouquets, and wore gold brooches, the gift of the bridegroom. MR J. SNOW, brother of the bride, acted as best man. Both parties have been the recipients of many valuable and useful presents. The bells sent forth merry peals throughout the day.
The sad intelligence has reached here of the death of MRS ANNIE H. SAMPSON, the devoted wife of MR ERNEST W. SAMPSON, which took place at Moorepark, Manitoba, on May 21st, after a brief illness of three days. The deceased had an attack of haemorrhage, followed by bronchial asthma, to which latter she succumbed. MRS SAMPSON, who was 27 years of age, was the eldest daughter of MR and MRS W. MAYNE BATER of this village, to whom much sympathy is extended in their bereavement. MR and MRS SAMPSON with their little son paid a visit to their old home a couple of years ago, and it was only a few months since that they were joined in Canada by the deceased'[s two brothers, CHARLIE and JACK.
BIRTH - June 8 at The Square, Chittlehampton, to MR and MRS J. GARDNER, a daughter.
MARRIAGE - June 8, at the Parish Church, Chittlehampton, WILLIAM only son of Mr and Mrs W. H. Gay, of Northwood, Morchard Bishop, to LOUISA, eldest daughter of MR and MRS J. SNOW, of Furze, Chittlehampton.
DEATH - May 21, at Moorepark, Manitoba, ANNIE H., wife of HERNEST W. SAMPSON, and eldest daughter of MR and MRS MAYNE BAKER, of The Square, Chittlehampton, aged 27.

Thursday 22 June 1911
MR GEORGE CROCKER, of Eastacott, will be one of the members representing the Royal North Devon Hussars at the Coronation. Mr Percy Cole (son of Mr J. Cole), who now resides at Exeter, will be one of the representatives of the 1st Devon Territorials.

Thursday 6 July 1911
Landkey - JOHN BATER, on tramp, but said to be a native of Chittlehampton, was charged at the County Police Court, Barnstaple, on Monday, with being drunk at Landkey. P.C. Watts stated the case, and BATER was fined 2s. 6d. and costs (altogether 5s. 6d). He had 4s. 10d. in his possession, and was allowed until Saturday to pay the balance of 6d.
Congratulations to MR J. T. WALDON on his promotion to the rank of sergeant and on his success in winning for the third time one of the cups offered to the G Company Territorials for shooting. Congratulations also to MR W. E. BROCKMAN, who, up to a few months ago, was headmaster of the schools, on his promotion to Art Master at the Southwark schools.

Thursday 13 July 1911
MRS SLAPE, of South Newton, has lost a valuable horse under somewhat peculiar circumstances. The animal, which was six years old, was put out on Saturday night, and it appears that it by some means stabbed its neck and gradually bled to death, being found dead on Sunday morning. Blood can be traced for a considerable distance about the field, proving that some time must have elapsed after the injury was inflicted before the animal died, but a diligent search has failed to discover anything likely to have caused the wound.

Thursday 27 July 1911
CHITTLEHAMPTON - Death of MR W. RENDLE, of Chittlehampton. - The death occurred on Thursday at the age of 54 of MR W. RENDLE, of Narracott Farm, Chittlehampton. Two days' previously, deceased fell out of his cart on returning from Umberleigh, and he informed his wife that he believed he was paralysed as the result. Dr Wigham was summoned, but skilful medical attention proved to be unavailing. MR RENDLE was the last representative locally of an old and esteemed Chittlehampton family, his brothers being in America. General sympathy is expressed for MRS RENDLE in her bereavement.
At the Inquest before Mr G. W. F. Brown, County Coroner, on Friday, MRS RENDLE stated that on the previous Thursday her husband took a machine to Umberleigh for repair. On returning home about five o'clock, deceased said he thought he had a seizure, as his limbs were paralysed. He added that "it was no one's fault." James Pickard deposed that after calling at the Rising Sun Inn, MR RENDLE went to Mr Crocker's for a pig. When about half a mile from home, MR RENDLE, who was sitting on a hamper, asked witness to take the reins. He did so, whereupon deceased, who was quite sober at the time, fell out of the back of the cart. Witness assisted him into the cart, and took him home. Dr Wigham, of Southmolton, who was called the same evening, informed the Jury that MR RENDLE told him he had fallen out of the cart. Witness attended him until death occurred on Thursday. The cause of death was acute inflammation on the spine, or natural causes. The Jury returned a verdict accordingly.
The funeral took place on Thursday, being largely attended. The mourners were MRS RENDLE (wIdow), Mrs Brown, Mrs Westacott, and Mrs Whiting (sisters), Mr Smoldon (brother-in-law), the Rev. C. W. Bate officiated and the bearers were Messrs. R. Balman, W. Tallamy, J. Crocker, H. Tucker, A. E. Arscott and W. White. There were many beautiful floral tokens.
The mortal remains of MRS BURGESS, late of Moor Farm, who died at Deptford, the residence of her daughter, on Wednesday in last week at the age of 68, were laid to rest on Monday. The first part of the service took place at the Wesleyan Chapel, the Rev. Hart, of Southmolton, conducting. the hymns, "Rock of Ages" and "Now the labourer's task if o'er," were sung. The cortege was met at the lynch gate by the Vicar (the Rev. C. W. Bate) who conducted the service at the graveside. MR BURGESS, the deceased's husband, being under medical treatment, was unable to attend. The mourners were Mr and Mrs Harris (daughter and son-in-law), Mr and Mrs F. Burgess, Mr and Mrs W. Burgess (sons and daughters-in-law), Mr and Mrs Jas. Buckingham, Mr and Mrs W. Buckingham, Mr and Mrs S. Buckingham, Mr and Mrs John Buckingham (brothers and sisters-in-law), Mr and Mrs J. Houle, Mr and Mrs J. Thomas (sisters and brothers-in-law). The bearers were Messrs J. R. Howard, F. Lewis, R. Ellicott, J. Blackmore, R. Vickery and W. Smoldon. there were a number of choice wreaths.

Thursday 10 August 1911
One morning last week MR SHAPLAND, of Shortridge, reported to the police constable that during the night he had lost twelve ducks, the police making investigations without avail. The following morning MR SHAPLAND reported that six more ducks were gone, and the second day's search provided no trace of them. While the constables were in consultation with MR SHAPLAND the noise of a duck in distress was heard, and on making for the yard the party were just in time to see an old sow polishing off the remains of the twenty-first duck! Up to this time not even a feather had been found to afford the searchers a clue. The ducklings were fit for the market.

Thursday 17 August 1911
In the elementary schools class at Taunton Flower Show, HAROLD HOWARD, of Chittlehampton, won first prize.
Congratulations are extended to MR and MRS ALFRED HOLLAND, of the village, who celebrated their silver wedding on Wednesday.
In the honey section at the Taunton Flower Show held last week, MR J. SELDON was awarded two firsts, a third and a highly commended.

Thursday 31 August 1911
A nasty accident has befallen MR R. BALMAN, of Shilston Farm. MR BALMAN was preparing a paring hook, and in endeavouring to fit on the leather protector his hand, for some unaccountable reason, slipped and passed over the upturned edge of the hook, resulting in the splitting of one finger and the laying open of the whole hand from side to side. Drs. Wigham and Steal succeeded in tying up the tendons, afterwards stitching up the hand. The sufferer is making satisfactory progress.

Thursday 7 September 1911
MR FRED VICARY, of the Bell Hotel, has lifted from his garden a single stalk of potatoes which turned the scales at 8lbs. 4 ozs.
The three year old boy of MR GEORGE SANDERS, of Brightley, fell and sustained a fracture of one of his arms. The little sufferer was treated at the North Devon Infirmary.

Thursday 14 September 1911
DEATH - August 24, at Redhill, Surrey, WILLIAM SKINNER GODBEER, son of JOHN GODBEER, formerly of Nethercleave Farm, Chittlehampton, North Devon.

Thursday 21 September 1911
ALFRED DRANE, in the service of MR DYER, of Treedown Farm, has sustained a bad accident. MR DYER had a thatcher working on his building, and during the time this man was partaking of his lunch, DRANE, with the thatcher's hook attempted to make some spars. In the course of this he cut his hand between the thumb and wrist so badly that the cords were severed. He was taken to the North Devon Infirmary and detained.
An accident took place at the scene of the recent fire at Marsh Farm, Northmolton, on Thursday morning. WILLIAM LUGG, an elderly man, of Chittlehampton, was removing an old chimney stack when a portion of it fell upon him. He was conveyed to the Southmolton Workhouse by Mr S. A. Fishleigh, the owner. He was attended by Dr W. H. Wigham, and was subsequently conveyed to the North Devon Infirmary. The injuries sustained included a dislocated thigh.

Thursday 5 October 1911
DEATH - October 1, at Taunton, THOMAS BENTLEY GREGORY, eldest son of the late MR GREGORY, of Brightley Mills, Chittlehampton, aged 67.

Thursday 26 October 1911
MRS WOOLAWAY, of Coombe, has sustained a nasty cut to the left hand. She was engaged in trussing a fowl when the knife slipped, cutting her hand at the back between the fourth and fifth fingers. The wound was stitched by Dr Wigham.

Thursday 23 November 1911
At Southmolton County Petty Sessions on Tuesday HENRY CROOK, labourer, late of Chittlehampton, was charged with trespassing in pursuit of Game at Chittlehampton. Defendant, who pleaded guilty, was fined £1 and costs. Mr A. F. Seldon appeared for the prosecution.
For using bad language at Chittlehampton, WM. JOHN PARKER, labourer, was fined 1s. and costs.

Thursday 21 December 1911
When cycling home from his work at Hudscott on Thursday, NED MURCH collided with a retriever dog and was thrown heavily to the ground, sustaining a fractured collar bone.

Thursday 28 December 1911
North Devon Fifty Years Ago. Compiled From Files Of The North Devon Journal. December 1861. - Death, on the 4th, at Chittlehampton, MRS ELIZABETH CAWSEY, aged 86.

Thursday 11 January 1912
MR W. H. HUXHAM, of Whitestone, met with a nasty accident on Friday. Together with one of his daughters, MR HUXHAM was proceeding to Barnstaple, when on reaching the foot of Collacott Hill one of the straps of the harness snapped. The horse became restive, and finally cleared from the trap, resulting in MR HUXHAM being thrown heavily to the ground, and his daughter into the middle of the hedge. MR HUXHAM sustained a few scratches on the face, bruises on the body, and severe shaking, and is under the care of Dr Jonas. MISS HUXHAM fortunately escaped without injury.
Girl Charged With Robbing Her Grandfather. Chittlehampton Case. Committed For Trial. - At a special sitting of the Southmolton County Magistrates on Monday, FLORENCE COCKS, 19, a domestic servant, of Chittlehampton, was charged before Mr D. J. C. Bush (in the chair), and Messrs. W. Mountjoy and R. S. Bryan, with breaking and entering the dwelling house of HENRY ISAAC, of Blakewell Cottage, Chittlehampton, and stealing the sum of £49 10s. in money. Mr J. Furse Sanders defended. The facts were briefly stated by Superintendent Chammings, who said the prisoner was the grand-daughter of the man from whom she was alleged to have stolen the money on the 5th October. HENRY ISAAC, a labourer, was first called, but it was impossible to explain anything to him; he was stone deaf, and unable to read, and Superintendent Chammings passed on to the next witness. MARY ANN COCKS, mother of the prisoner, and daughter of the previous witness, stated that she resided at Blakewell Cottage, Chittlehampton, and the cottage adjoining belonging to her father was under the same roof. On the 5th October her daughter (the prisoner) was at home with her, having been there for three weeks. She left home in company with her daughter, who was proceeding to her situation about three o'clock, and drove her in a donkey cart. Soon after they had started her daughter left her, saying she was going to run back after her nightdress, which she had left behind. Accused told her to drive on and she would cut across the fields and meet her at Deptford. She was only away about a quarter of an hour, and she said she had hurried as fast as she could. Later on she told her that she saw a rabbit skin man knocking at their door. Witness asked her if it was any of the usual hawkers, naming them, but accused stated it was not; it was a man with a black moustache. She took her daughter as far as Bray Bridge, and returned, reaching home at 6 o'clock. She then saw her father and her son, and her father made a statement to her. Later her father called her into his house and up into the bedroom. She knew her father kept money in the box produced, which he kept in his bedroom. She afterwards gave information to the constable. The box was broken open. She cleaned her father's house for him and had seen the box some hundreds of times, but it had always been locked. Her daughter left her situation at Southmolton and went into the service of Mrs Mortimer, at Morchard Bishop, on December 5th, and she returned home for a holiday on the Wednesday after Christmas and stayed till the next morning, when she returned by the first train. Previous to returning she asked her (witness) for sixpence towards the railway fare. She returned on the following week about 7 p.m., and asked to see her grandfather. She admitted having had her grandfather's money, and said EDIE (her cousin), who was in service with her, had found it. She was arrested the same evening. On the 5th of October witness's father went out digging potatoes from 9 a.m. in the morning and returned about six. He left the key of his house on her cupboard, which he was accustomed to do when he went out, and her daughter knew this. The key of her door would also unlock that of her father's. Her key was kept in the ditch in front of her door when she was away, and her daughter saw her put it there on the 5th of October. Her father had told her some time back that he had between £30 and £40. EDITH COCKS, housemaid in the service of MRS MORTIMER, of Aish House, Morchard Bishop, said that on Wednesday, the 3rd of January, she went to the bedroom which FLORENCE COCKS and she shared. She examined prisoner's box, and in the corner of it saw a little round tin which contained a quantity of money in gold. She immediately informed her mistress, who visited the room with her, and they counted the money, which amounted to £36 10s. in gold. Her mistress called the prisoner, but she refused to come, so they went to her in the kitchen. Later she went to her bedroom with accused and said: "When did you take the money?" She replied "I did not take it when I went back, but I cut the box with a tin opener." Afterwards she went to Chittlehampton by the instructions of her mistress, in company with the prisoner, and she handed over £36 10s. to Constable Hutchings. Mrs Mortimer, wife of Mr Charles Mortimer, corroborated. P.S. Rees stated that on the 5th of October he saw the prisoner at 10.30 .m., and asked her if she knew anything about her grandfather's cottage having been broken into and money stolen, and she replied "No." She admitted leaving the cottage at 3 o'clock the same day and returning after they had proceeded some way on the road, to get her nightdress, and said she saw a man coming down the hill from Blakewell Chapel and that he turned into her mother's cottage. On her arrival he was standing at the door and asked her if her mother had any rabbit skins; she replied in the negative, and he went away, after which she took the key from the ditch and got her nightdress and replaced the key. She said, in reply to a question, that the man might have seen her re-place the key. On the following day he visited Blakewell Cottage and examined the box which contained the money and from which the fastener had been cut. Investigating, he found that nothing had been disturbed save the box. They were unable to find any trace of a stranger having been seen in the locality the previous day. He again visited the prisoner, and she offered him to search the box, which he saw turned out, but there was no trace of the missing money. Evidence was also given by P.C. Hutchings, who corroborated the evidence of the previous witness. On being arrested prisoner said: "I came home for the day and took the money that I hid away on October 4th. That was when I took it." She added that she took out all the gold from the purse, wrapped it in a rag, and put it in a rabbit's hole a little way down the road. The silver she put in the purse, and when she was returning to her situation near Deptford Cross Copse, she dropped the purse containing the silver in the road and also the tin opener, with which she said she opened the box. She said her reason for taking the money was through mixing up with bad company at Southmolton. She handed him 5s. 9d. from her purse, which was the remainder of half a sovereign. That, she said, was all the money she had spent. She also said that if there was any more money it must be in the rabbit's hole, as she carelessly wrapped it up, and it broke as she pulled it out from the hole. The hedge had been investigated at the spot where the money was hidden, but nothing further was found. Prisoner stated that she took the money, but could not say what made her do it. She only spent 4s. 3d. and the remainder she handed over. The silver she threw away at the copse at Lower Deptford. Prisoner was committed for trial to the next Assizes, bail being granted.

Thursday 18 January 1912
Whilst working on his father's farm at Bratton on Monday, MR W. BURGESS slipped, putting his knee out of joint. MR BURGESS suffered a similar misfortune some three years since whilst mounting his horse during the Yeomanry training.

Thursday 25 January 1912
MARRIAGE - January 10, at St. Alban's Church, Liscard, Cheshire, by the Rev. Canon Walsh, Mr Stephenson, of Egremont, Cheshire, to MARY SUSAN WATTS, of Chittlehampton.

Thursday 1 February 1912
By the passing away on Friday last of MRS H. HOWARD a link with the past has been removed from the parish. The deceased was 78 years of age, and one of the earliest Wesleyans in the village. She was the widow of MR J. J. R. HOWARD, who carried on a grocery business and had a private school. MR HOWARD, it may be mentioned, died just thirty-one years ago. The funeral will take place today (Thursday) at 3.15.

Thursday 8 February 1912
Chittlehampton Man Acquitted. - A case of local interest was hard at Monmouthshire Assizes on Saturday, before Mr Justice Horridge, when SAMUEL JOHN BUCKINGHAM, a native of Chittlehampton, surrendered to his bail to answer three charges of embezzlement. In his opening address Mr Cranstoun said BUCKINGHAM was appointed secretary and manager in 1902, and in 1907 was appointed managing director, of Newport Dairy Company. Dr Walter Basset, an original shareholder and director, proved the appointment of BUCKINGHAM. - Cross-examined by Mr Matthews: BUCKINGHAM (witness believed) came from Devonshire and was a farmer's son. Witness believed he was represented as competent to keep books. Defendant was first employed as a foreman at 32s. a week. Subsequently he was raised to the position of manager at the salary of £2 10s. per week. It was ascertained that BUCKINGHAM at one time was carrying on a milk business with his nephew at Chepstow, and the Newport Dairy Company took it over, handing over to BUCKINGHAM a debenture for £1,000. He could not say whether the company had carried on the wholesale business with the St. Julian's Dairy Company. Several other witnesses having given evidence, the defendant, on oath, said he was 24 years of age when he left Devonshire, where he had worked on his father's farm. He was employed by the Dairy Company for two years at 32s. a week, which post involved a certain amount of book-keeping. The St. Julian's business was the company's at the time Wheeler sold it to King, for whom witness paid a deposit. Witness afterwards carried on the business jointly with King. Wheeler knew of witness's interest in it, as also did the late Alderman Bear and Mr Whiting. the Chepstow business was carried on by witness, and was taken over by the Company in 1910. The Judge: What business had you to put in the books of the company that Abbott and Jewell owed the company money, when they did not owe them anything? - They did sir. - Mr Matthews: Being, as you say, the real person liable for Abbott's debt, and as you were unable to apply to him for payment, because he was a man of straw, and as you had a prospect of selling Jewell's round, your own property, your idea was to take £46 out of the purchase money of that round and give it to the company in part payment of the Abbott balance? - Yes. - In the course of further examination witness said that for a fortnight or three weeks during the extreme drought the wholesale customers were charged 1ds. a gallon for milk. The invoices were for that amount, but they were debited in the ledgers at 11d. When it was found that they would pay they were debited in the ledger at 1s. He had never had any intention of defrauding the company, and there was no truth in the statement that the entries were made in order that he might put a few pounds in his own pocket. The Jury first found that the defendant had been guilty of deceit in three instances, but were told by the Judge that their verdict, if guilty, must be of fraud. The Jury again retired, and then returned a verdict of not guilty, and the prisoner was discharged.
The remains of the late MRS HOWARD were laid to rest in the graveyard attached to the Wesleyan Church on Thursday. The mourners were MRS LEWIS (daughter), Messrs. J. R., Earnest and Edward (sons), Mesdames J. R. and E. Howard (daughters-in-law), Mr Lewis (son-in-law), Mrs Thomas, Bishopstawton (sister), besides a number of other relatives and friends. The service was conducted by the Rev. E. R. Gibbens (Superintendent Minister). The service was very impressive, the hymn, "Peace perfect peace," was sung in the Chapel and "Rock of Ages" at the graveside. The coffin was born to the grave by Messrs. W. S. Gardner, R. A. Vickery, J. Lock, F. Lewis, G. H. Dinnacombe, and J. Cole. A number of beautiful floral tributes were placed on the grave, and each of the deceased's grandchildren dropped bunches of snowdrops on to the coffin.
Theft From A Grandfather. Chittlehampton Case. - At the Devon Assizes on Thursday, FLORENCE COCKS, 19, domestic, pleaded guilty to breaking and entering the dwelling house of HENRY ISAAC, and stealing £49 10s. at Chittlehampton between the 3rd and 6th October, 1911. Mr Beresford, who appeared for the prosecution, said ISAAC, who was the girl's grandfather, kept the money in a tin box. Prisoner knew it was there, and during the time she was home with her mother, who lived next door to the grandfather, got hold of the money and made off with it. The majority of the money was found later, in prisoner's box, when in service in the neighbourhood of Morchard Bishop. Mr W. T. Lawrance, for the defence, said prisoner took the money, hid it in a hedge, and let it remain there. He suggested the girl acted under some foolish impulse. She had no occasion to do it. Having regard also to the affection the grandfather had for her, and that she had for her grandfather, it was difficult to explain why she did it at all. There was nothing known against her. Prisoner's father and Mrs Mortimer, a former mistress, spoke on accused's behalf. The learned Judge, in passing sentence of six months' hard labour, said prisoner had acted in an extremely cunning manner. She had tried to put them on the track of a rabbit-skin seller, when inquiries were being made for the money. Prisoner was removed below in a hysterical condition.

Thursday 22 February 1912
DEATH - February 16, at New Buildings, Chittlehampton, J. C. BRADFORD, formerly carpenter and cooper, aged 75.

Thursday 29 February 1912
BIRTH - February 26, at Whey Farm, Chittlehampton, to MR and MRS GEORGE HARRIS, a son.

Thursday 14 March 1912
MR CHARLES KINGDON succumbed on March 3rd to an attack of pneumonia after an illness of two or three days. The deceased, who was of a strong constitution, attended the Wesleyan Chapel twice on the Sunday previous to his death. On the following day he was unwell, and it was only on the Friday that medical aid was deemed necessary. He was 57 years of age.
On Saturday afternoon, at the ripe age of 80 years, MR J. B. MANATON, of Watergate, passed to his rest. The deceased was a man of remarkably fine build, and possessed a wonderful constitution. Up to Christmas he was in his usual health and was frequently seen in the village upright and sprightly. In the early part of the year he contracted bronchitis, and although he got somewhat better and was able to get outside the house as recently as ten days before his death, he never really made much progress, gradually sinking till the end came. The deceased leaves a grown up family to mourn his loss. A son is Councillor A. J. Manaton, Barry Dock. The deceased, who was a Wesleyan, was born at Watergate, and had resided there all his life. By his death the parish has lost one of its oldest and most esteemed inhabitants.
On Thursday last a gloom was cast over the parish when it became known that MRS T. HARRIS, of Deptford, had passed away very suddenly that morning. Although the deceased was not in good health and had for many months been under medical care, nothing serious was anticipated, and on Wednesday she was about as usual, retiring at ten o'clock. Between one and two, however, MR HARRIS was awakened and discovered that there was something seriously amiss. Dr Lemarchand was at once summoned, but on his arrival the deceased was unconscious and soon afterwards passed away at the age of 44. The deceased was the only daughter of MR JOHN and the late MRS BURGESS, of Moor Farm. She was a member of the United Methodist cause at Blakewell Chapel, where she had been an earnest worker. Of a retiring nature, she was much beloved, and sincere sympathy is extended to MR HARRIS in his bereavement.
Amidst general manifestations of sorrow, the remains of the late MRS T. HARRIS, of Deptford (whose death is recorded in page six), were interred in the Parish Churchyard on Tuesday. The first portion of the service was conducted at the Wesleyan Chapel, the Rev. J. Hart officiating. The hymns "Days and moments quickly flying" and "Rock of Ages" were feelingly sung. The chief mourners were: - MR T. HARRIS (husband), Mr J. Burgess (father), Mr Frank and Mr W. Burgess (brothers), Mr F. and W. Burgess (sisters-in-law), Mr and Mrs Houle (Bishopstawton), Mr and Mrs J. Buckingham (Furze Barn), Mrs Buckingham (Langley), Mrs Buckingham (Shilstone), Mr and Mrs J. Thomas (Ambow, uncle and aunt). There were also a number of cousins present. Among the general sympathisers were Mrs and Miss Huxtable (Overton), Mr., Mrs and Miss Huxtable (Chuggaton), Mr., Mrs. and Miss Cook (Headon), Mr and Mrs Harris (Southmolton), Mr and Mrs F. Harris (Ambow), Mr A. Thomas (Leary), Mrs Ashford, Mr and Mrs Blackmore and the Misses Blackmore, Messrs. W. Woolaway, S. Crocker, W. T. Facey, F. G. Vicary, R. A. Vickery, W. S. Gardner, G. Mules, R. and J. Ellicott, J. Seldon and H. Tucker. A number of beautiful floral tokens were placed upon the grave, including wreaths from her sorrowing husband; Uncle John and Aunt Clara; John, Clara and May: Mr Lacy, Miss White and Mrs Dibble; all at Langley; William, Anna and children; Frank and Clara; Bessie Lugg; everlasting wreath; In loving memory, from the sorrowing friends at the United Methodist Chapel, Blakewell. The bearers were Messrs. F. Alford, J. and W. Cook, J. Cole, G. Harris, and J. R. Howard.

Thursday 21 March 1912
The mortal remains of the late MR J. B. MANATON were laid to rest on Wednesday. The coffin was of polished oak, and bore the inscription:- "JOHN BURGESS MANATON, died March 9th, 1912, aged 80 years," and was borne to the grave by Messrs. W. S. Gardner, R. H. Vicary, J. B. Burgess, W. Watts, J. Cole and J. Lock. The Rev. C. W. Bate officiated. The chief mourners were Mrs Markins (daughter), Messrs, Arnell, Herbert and Lacy (sons), Miss Elsie Markins (grand daughter), Mr and Mrs James Manaton (brother and sister-in-law), Mr J. Bird and Mrs Spear (nephew and niece). A large number attended, among whom were Messrs. H. Waldron, W. H. Huxham, J. Smoldon, J. Huxtable, J. Lewis, C. H. Thompson, W. Woolaway, J. Gardner, W. Manaton, Corney, E. Sanders, C. Webber, B. Buckingham, J. Waldron, Mr and Mrs J. Buckingham. Very beautiful wreaths were placed upon the coffin by Herbert, Polly and children, and Ardell, Edith, Lucy and Elsie.
Southmolton. At the County Petty Sessions on Tuesday ELAN COPP, hawker, of Chittlehamholt, was fined £1 and costs for hawking and selling tobacco without a license on November 30th at Burrington.

Thursday 28 March 1912
Alleged Assault On A Wife At Chittlehampton. Husband Committed For Trial. - At Southmolton yesterday, WM. JOHN PARKER, labourer, of Chittlehampton, was brought up in custody charged with inflicting grievous bodily harm on his wife on March 24th. The evidence for the prosecution was to the effect that on Sunday afternoon prisoner returned to his home somewhat under the influence of drink. In the course of a quarrel with his wife he struck her with a tea cup on the temple, a large wound being inflicted. The wife declared that the prisoner banged her about the forehead with the cup, she holding a baby at the time. The child was covered with blood, which came from the wound inflicted by the cup in her head. Two neighbours gave evidence, and Dr Nicholl said the wound was a large triangular one. The prisoner, who declined to make a statement, was committed for trial. Bail was fixed in two sureties of £200 and prisoner in £250.

Thursday 11 April 1912
At the Vestry on Tuesday, MR W. H. HUXHAM was re-appointed Vicar's warden, and MR W. WOOLWAY was re-elected people's warden. MESSRS. H. E. JONES, W. GREENSLADE, J. SMOLDON, J. HALL, W. FRIENDSHIP and J. H. MANATON were appointed sidesmen.

Thursday 16 May 1912
A Youth named WALDRON, in the employ of MR COLE, baker and confectioner, was delivering parcels in the village on Saturday, when, on nearing the top of the hill, the horse he was driving took fright and dashed down the hill. The wheel of the cart struck the pavement and WALDRON was thrown violently into the roadway. He was unconscious when picked up, but he escaped with shock and nervous strain. WALDRON has sufficiently recovered to be able to proceed to his home at Warkleigh.
The funeral of MISS PRIDEAUX, whose death occurred on Friday after an illness of six days, took place on Monday, a large number attending to pay a last tribute of respect. The deceased was the daughter of MR W. PRIDEAUX, who for many years was pointsman at Umberleigh. She was an ardent Church worker, and will be much missed. The cortege was met at the lynch gate by the Vicar and surpliced choir, the service being fully choral. Mr Williams, a former organist, presiding at the organ. The chief mourners were MR CHARLES PRIDEAUX, (Stalbridge), Mr George Prideaux (Motcombe), brothers; Mr Base (Exeter), brother-in-law. The many floral tributes were very beautiful, and were from the following:- Charles and Verond; George and Kissie; Lionel, Stella, H. Johnson, C. Williams, and Mr and Mrs Bevan; district visitors and Church decorators; Rev. C. W. Bate, Mabel, Dora, Ethel and Harry; Mr and Mrs Hall, F. E. Hancock and S. Cox.

Thursday 30 May 1912
MARRIAGE - At the Parish Church, Kingsnympton, JAMES S. THOMAS, of Snydles, Chittlehamholt, to FLORENCE ANNIE CHERITON, eldest daughter of Mr Thomas L. Cheriton, of Lanton Farm, Kingsnympton.
DEATH - May 26 at Wooland, Chittlehampton, MARY ANDREW, widow of the late JOHN ANDREW, aged 72.

Thursday 13 June 1912
ALBERT GAYDON, 15, of Chittlehampton, has been admitted to the North Devon Infirmary with a badly cut hand, caused by a scythe.
Whilst cycling home from his work Mr G. WESTLAKE, thatcher, sustained a nasty accident. His machine skidding. WESTLAKE was thrown heavily into the road, and was badly cut over the eye.
Two sheep belonging to MR J. MURCH, of Hoe Farm, Chittlehampton, were killed by lightning on Monday. At the time, the sheep were practically underneath an ash tree, which was also struck by the lightning. The whole of the bark and a lot of the foliage of the tree were ripped off, the exposed white trunk of the tree now presenting an extraordinary appearance. Two workmen who were hoeing potatoes near by were nearly knocked down by the lightning, one of the workmen's tools being at the same time dashed from his hands. The men had very narrow escapes.

Thursday 20 June 1912
News has reached MR and MRS W. COCKS that their son, ERNEST, who left here for Stonewall, Manitoba, last Spring, had sustained a fracture of the small bone of one of his legs through the slipping of a chain whilst being lowered to a lime kiln on which he was working.
MR R. W. FANNING, youngest son of MR and MRS J. FANNING, was married at St. John's Church, Ottawa, last month to Miss Phyllis A. Allan, of Scotland. MR R. W. FANNING left England some years since, and on reaching Canada soon entered the service of Earl Grey, and on his lordship's return to England, he secured the appointment of Messenger to the Speaker in the House of Representatives at Ottawa, which position he still holds.

Thursday 4 July 1912
The funeral of the late MR JOHN HOOPER, of Toit Cottages, took place in the parish Churchyard on Monday, and was largely attended. The deceased, who was seventy-eight years of age, was formerly water-bailiff on the river Taw, which position he occupied for forty-seven years. The mourners were Mrs Yeo and Mrs Rodd (daughters). Mr Richard Hooper (son), and Mr Rodd, Mr Yeo and Mr A. Cole (sons-in-law).
A pretty wedding was solemnised at the Parish Church on Wednesday, the contracting parties were MR F. A. GRATTON and MISS MAUDE SOUTHCOMBE, both, until recently, of Landkey Newland. The Rev. C. W. Bate officiated. The bride, who was neatly attired in a dress of blue material, trimmed with silk and lace, and wearing a hat to match, was led to the altar by her cousin (Mr E. Southcombe), of Swymbridge, who gave her away. The four bridesmaids were Miss L. Gratton (sister of the bride), Miss Olive Southcombe (niece of the groom), and the Misses Joyce Greenslade and Miss Cissie Lethbridge. All wore cream dresses, with hats to match, and carried bouquets of sweetpeas and hyacinth. The best man was Mr A. Gaydon.
MARRIAGE - June 26 at the Parish Church, Chittlehampton, by the Rev. C. W. Bate, F. A. GRATTON to MAUDE SOUTHCOMBE, both late of Landkey Newland.
DEATH - At Toit's Cottages, Chittlehampton, JOHN HOOPER, water bailiff for 47 years, aged 78.

Thursday 11 July 1912
The almost sudden death of MRS BUCKINGHAM, of Furze Barn Farm, which took place last week, came as a painful surprise to the parishioners generally. She had been in indifferent health for some time, and had been under the doctor's care, but no one expected the end was so near. MRS BUCKINGHAM was in the village the night previous to her death. She was in the act of having her tea, when she was seen to throw up her hands, and almost immediately expired. The deceased lady, who was 77 years of age, was beloved by a large circle of friends, and much sympathy has been extended to the sorrowing husband and family. The funeral took place on Tuesday afternoon, the first part of the service being taken in the Wesleyan Chapel. The Rev. E. R. Gibben officiated. The immediate mourners were MR JAMES BUCKINGHAM, (husband), Mrs Luxton (daughter), Messrs. Jim, Sidney, Sam, and Byron (sons), Mesdames Buckingham, 3 (daughters-in-law), Mr Luxton (son-in-law), Mr and Mrs Buckingham (Bishopstawton), Mr and Mrs Houle (Bishopstawton), Mr and Mrs Thomas, &c., &c., The bearers were Messrs. R. H. Vickery, W. Watts, J. Cole, J. R. Howard, F. Lewis and J. Tucker. Some lovely floral tributes were sent by the sorrowing husband; All at Newport; All at Broadgate; Brother William and Carrie and family; Sidney and Maggie; Brother John and Sister Ellen; All at Uppacott; Mrs Blackmore and Daughter; James and Lucy; Alice and Alfy; Brothers John, Willie and family; Mrs Cocks.

Thursday 1 August 1912
MR W. H. HUXHAM of Whitstone Barton, passed away on Monday morning at the age of 72. About six months ago, whilst driving to Barnstaple with his daughter, the deceased sustained a bad shaking as the result of a trap accident from which however, he had almost recovered. Whilst in the act of descending from a loft he slipped and fell heavily to the floor a short time ago. Although at times able to come down stairs he never really made much progress, and gradually sank. He was Vicar's warden for several years and a zealous Church worker. The deceased leaves a grown up family, for whom much sympathy is expressed.

Thursday 8 August 1912
At the Taunton Deane Flower Show HAROLD HOWARD secured second prize for wild flowers in a class for elementary school children open to Devon and Somerset.
Sincere sympathy is being expressed for MR BEAUMONT in the sad bereavement he has sustained by the sudden death of his brother, who succumbed to a heart attack whilst bathing at Westward Ho on Saturday.
The funeral of the late MR W. H. HUXHAM (whose death was recorded in last week's Journal) took place on Thursday in the presence of a large number of sympathisers. The cortege was met at the lynch gate by the Vicar (the Rev. C. W. Bate) and the surpliced choir. The service was choral, the hymns "Now the labourer's task is o'er" and "Through all the changing scenes of life" being sung. Mr C. Williams was the organist and he gave a felling rendering of "O rest in the Lord" as the body was being removed from the Church. The immediate mourners were:- Miss Florence, Miss Hetty and Miss Mabel Huxham (daughters), Messrs. Herbert, John, and Archie (sons), Mrs Leonard (cousin), Mrs Rew (niece), and Mrs Bradick (Bideford). Among those present were:- The Rev. R. Seymour, Messrs. J. Barrie, Snow (2), Champion, H. E. Jones, Woolaway, Congram, Squire, Breayley, Corney, Manaton (4), Grimshire, Down, Facey, Thompson, Vicary, Nott, Friendship, Vickery (2), Howard, Stephens, Balman, Crocker, Warren, Harris, Ward, Burgess (2), Johnson, Waldron, Chudley, Pickard, Westlake, Buckingham, Watts, Macey, Rawle, &c. Floral tributes were sent by the following:- In loving memory of dear father, from his sorrowing family; From Stephen, Gertie, and Sophie (Bideford); F. M. Rew and family; Mr and Mrs C. A. Thompson; Fred and Rose Vicary; Mr and Mrs R. Howard; Mr and Mrs J. W. Hall; Mrs Gill; Mr and Mrs Chudley. The body was borne to its resting place by Messrs. R. H. Vickery, W. Grimshire, W. Woolaway, S. Crocker, R. Balman, and J. Smoldon.

Thursday 5 September 1912
MR W. D. WOOLAWAY has been appointed foundation Manager of the National School in succession to MR W. H. HUXHAM, deceased.
The death on Saturday last, at 1 North-road, Southmolton, of MR JOHN WESTACOTT, at the age of 81 years, has removed a link with an old form of industry. The deceased was a "pit sawyer" and was well known in a large district in the course of his business life. Many years ago he left Chittlehampton to reside with his father at Loughborough, where he only stayed a short time, returning to Southmolton, where he has lived to the time of his passing.

Thursday 26 September 1912
The funeral of the late MR GEORGE CORNEY took place on Saturday, and was attended by a large number of sympathising friends. The interment was made in the family vault at the Wesleyan Chapel. The Rev. E. R. Gibbens, assisted by the Rev. E. E. Hall, officiated. Before leaving the deceased's residence, the hymn, "Now the labourer's task is o'er", was sung, and at the Chapel the hymn, "Lord it belongs not to my care whether I die or live," was feelingly rendered. The immediate mourners were Mrs W. Watts and Miss Morris (step-daughters), Mr Charles Morris (step son), Mrs W. and Miss A. Watts, the Rev. Frank Morris, Brixham, Mr and Mrs Peters, Barnstaple (cousins). Among the large concourse of people present were representatives from various parts of the Circuit as follows:- Messrs. Shapcott, Buckingham (3), Trigger, Dyer, Dallyn, Rice, Kingdon, Burgess, Lyddon, Cheriton, Harris, Beaumont, and Embery (Bideford), Manaton (2), Mayne, Mayne-Bater, Sanders, Gardner (3), Howard (2), Towell, Down &c. The bearers were Messrs. R. H. Vickery, W. S. Gardner, J. Cole, G. Mules, G. Norman, and F. Lewis. Preaching at the Wesleyan Church, the Rev. E. R. Gibbens made feeling reference to the deceased, choosing for his discourse Gen 25 verse 8 "Then Abraham gave up the ghost and died in a good old age, an old man and [?] of years, and was gathered to his people." Special hymns were rendered.

Thursday 17 October 1912
Much sympathy is expressed for MR and MRS BREALEY in the bereavement they have suffered through the death of their daughter, who had resided at Clyst Honiton. The deceased, who was only twenty years of age, was taken ill on Saturday, and passed away on Sunday. The doctor was present when she suddenly fainted, and despite all efforts she expired. The doctor kindly motored to Chittlehampton to carry the sad news at once to the parents.

Thursday 24 October 1912
The funeral of LIZZIE, the second daughter of MR and MRS BREAYLEY, whose sudden death was recorded last week, took place at the Parish Churchyard on Thursday amidst general manifestations of sorrow. The Rev. C. W. Bate officiated. The immediate mourners were Mr and Mrs Breayley (father and mother), Willie, Annie, and Katie (brother and sisters), Mr J. R., Misses Emma and Susan Breayley (uncle and aunts), Misses Smoldon and Misses Thorne (cousins). There was a large concourse of sympathising friends. At the Church the hymn "On resurrection morning" was feelingly sung, and the organist, Mrs Bevan, gave a rendering of the voluntary "O Rest in the Lord" as the body was removed from the Church. Simultaneously with the service here, a service was held at the Parish Church at Clyst Hydon, where the deceased had lived for upwards of three years. The breastplate bore the inscription:- "ELIZABETH EMMA BREAYLEY, died October 13th, 1912, aged 20 years." The bearers were Messrs. W. Smoldon, A. Thorne, C. Cole, S. Rendle, C. Chapple and S. Gardiner. Choice floral tributes were sent by the following:- In loving memory of our LIZZIE, from father, mother, Willie and Kate; In loving memory of my dear sister, from Annie; In loving memory of our dear niece, from Emma, Susan and J. R. Breayley; In loving memory and deepest sympathy from Uncle Percy and Aunt Kezia; With deepest sympathy from Mr. and Mrs Francis Fitz-Herbert (her master and mistress); With deepest sympathy, from Miss Rhodes Fitz Herbert; Her fellow servant; Mr and Mrs Woodley; Mr and Mrs Pook and family; Willie and James; Mrs and Lucille Fanning; Mr and Mrs W. Cocks; Messrs. F. and E. Watts; Mr and Mrs Chudley; Mr and Mrs W. Chapple and family; Mr and Mrs Lethbridge; Annie Skinner; Her cousins at Uppacott; Mr and Mrs Thompson; Messrs. E. H. and J. Lewis; G. H. B. and N. Dinnicombe; A. Buckingham; Mr and Mrs Greenslade and family; Mrs J. Vickery; Mrs and Miss J. H. Waldron. Preaching on Sunday morning the Vicar made reference to the sad event and the ringers gave a muffled peal on the bells prior to the service.

Thursday 31 October 1912
By the death of MR JOHN MAYNE, which took place on Monday evening, the village has lost another of its old residents. The deceased had been in failing health for the past two or three years, but he was about on Thursday last. On Friday medical advice was sought, and on Monday he appeared to be somewhat better, but in the afternoon he suddenly collapsed, passing away in the evening. He had been the caretaker of the Wesleyan Chapel for a number of years; he was most zealous in his duties and will be much missed. General sympathy is extended to the widow and two grown up sons in their bereavement.

Thursday 7 November 1912
A large number attended the funeral of the late MR JOHN MAYNE on Saturday. The interment, which took place in the parish churchyard, was preceded by a service in the Wesleyan Chapel, the Rev. E. R. Gibbens officiating. The immediate mourners were MRS MAYNE (widow), Messrs. Jack and Alf Mayne (sons), Mrs T. Holland (sister), Mr R. Mayne (brother), other relatives including Mrs Alf. Mayne, Mr T. Holland, Mr J Davey, Mr and Mrs Jack Chapple, Mr and Mrs M. Hancock, senr. and junr., Mr and Mrs J. Cox, Mr and Mrs H. Isaac, Miss E. Isaac, Messrs. George and Wm. Mayne, Mrs Thorne and daughter. Mrs Smale, &c. The service was most impressive. The Rev. Gibbens briefly addressed those present, and the hymn "Peace, perfect peace" was feelingly sung. Floral tributes were sent by MRS MAYNE (widow), and family, Mrs Holland, Mrs Cox, Mrs Smale, Mrs Mayne Bater, Mr and Mrs Thompson, Miss Norman, Mr and Misses Dinnicombe, Mrs Ford, Mrs Howard, and E. and J. Lewis.

Thursday 14 November 1912
HAROLD, second son of MR and MRS TAYLOR, The Cot, formed one of the crew of the "Royal George", which went on the rocks near Mexico. Young TAYLOR was one of the bakers on board. A telegram from the owners to MRS TAYLOR on Monday announced that the crew were all safe, and that there need be no anxiety.

Thursday 21 November 1912
North Devon Fifty Years Ago. Compiled from Files Of The North Devon Journal. November 1862. - Death, at Southmolton, MR VATER, late of Southbray Farm, Chittlehampton, 73.

Thursday 28 November 1912
The sad news has reached here from Cardiff of the death after a brief illness of WILLIAM CHAPPLE, eldest son of the late MR JAMES CHAPPLE, who for a number of years carried on a wheelwright's business in East-street.
DEATH - At Cardiff, WILLIAM, eldest son of the late MR JAMES CHAPPLE, wheelwright, of Chittlehampton.
DEATH - November 16, in London, MARGARET GODBEER, daughter of the late JOHN GODBEER, of Chittlehampton, aged 80.

Thursday 12 December 1912
BIRTH - December 5, at Furze, Chittlehampton, the wife of MR W. H. ASHELFORD, of a son.

Thursday 19 December 1912
At the Southmolton County Sessions on Tuesday, ERNEST ASCOTT, a farmer of Eastacombe, Chittlehampton, charged a former employee, ERNEST JOHN PARKHOUSE, with assault on the 9th inst. Defendant pleaded not guilty. The complainant stated that on the 7th inst. he told the defendant that he would not be requiring his services during the coming week, and if he could get another job, he should do so. Defendant went on with his work; then, about an hour later, he returned and picked up his tools. Complainant asked him what he was doing. Defendant said he was going to pick up and finish. The complainant told him there was no need for him to go at once. Defendant said he would not make any hedges, and the complainant said, "Very well, if that is the case, you must bring me your Insurance card for me to stamp up to date." Defendant said he would do so the following morning. Later, about 5.30 p.m., the defendant came into the yard, complainant being in the cowshed, milking. Defendant came to the door, and handed his Insurance card to the complainant, saying, "You stamp this and I will stamp you." Defendant then struck him a violent blow in the face. They came out of the house, and defendant commenced kicking him. Defendant struck him a violent blow in the chest. Mr Huxtable arrived and defendant had a struggle with him, both falling to the ground. Defendant got up, took off his coat, and wanted to fight anyone on Eastacott. He made use of disgraceful language, and complainant sent for a policeman, but defendant left before he came. John Huxtable and John White corroborated. The defendant said he was not given proper notice, and that made him behave as he did. The Bench fined him £1 and costs. (£2 4s. 9d.).
[NOTE: No newspapers are in the archive for 1913]

Thursday 8 January 1914
The marriage of MISS FANNY CROSSMAN and MR JAMES TOWELL, both of Chittlehampton has taken place at the Wesleyan Church, Tiverton. The Rev. E. E. Gibbens (Superintendent Minister of Southmolton) officiated. The honeymoon is being spent in South Devon.
Death of MRS J. JONES, of Chittlehampton. - The sad intelligence reached here last Saturday night of the death of MRS JONES, of Winson, which took place at the residence of her parents, MR and MRS HARDING, of 44 Rolle Street, Barnstaple, where she has been under medical treatment for some weeks. The deceased was of a most gentle and kindly temperament, and she was held in the highest esteem by all who knew her. Sincere sympathy is extended to MR JONES and the aged parents in their great loss. The funeral took place at Pilton Churchyard, Barnstaple, yesterday, the Rev. C. W. Bate (Rector of Chittlehampton) officiating. The chief mourners were MR J. P. JONES (husband), Mrs Bament (sister), Mr R. Harding (father), Mrs Stacey (sister), E. S. P. Jones (father in law), Mrs Bradley, Miss Stacey, Mrs Symons, Miss Bament, Misses L. and V. Harding, Mrs C. Jones (nieces), Mrs J. Bament, junr., Mrs J. Harding, Mrs W. Harding, Mrs T. Harding (sisters-in-law), Mr and Mrs P. B. Jones, Mr and Mrs L. Rew, Mr and Mrs E. J. Verney (sisters and brothers-in-law), Mr T. Harding, Mr W. Harding, Mr J. Harding (brothers), Mr J. Bament, senr. (brother-in-law), Mr T. H. Allen, Mr S. Allen, and Mr J. Allen (cousins). Among a large attendance of general mourners were Messrs. A. Abbott, J. Gubb, R. Cutcliffe, Inspector Tucker, Messrs. R. Priscott, J. C. Webber, H. Ridge, B. Silwood, Palmer, W. Tucke, J. Fry, E. Bament, F. Palmer, H. Harding, W. Lee, F. Cornish, H. Stevens, W. Gould, Mesdames Stowell, Stone, Stacey, Silwood, Clifford, Symons, Gratton, Sanders, Holloway, Hoyles, Featherstone, Whale, W. Nancarrow, Tubbs, Down, Rudall, Misses Bowden, Daniels, Harding, Mrs and Miss Cann, Mr and Mrs E. Bushen, Mr and Mrs W. Wadham, Mr and Mrs H. Alexander, Mr and Mrs C. Thorne, Mr and Mrs J. Cox, Mr and Mrs W. Cox, Miss L. Tucker and Messrs. W. Cox (Winson), R. Vickery, W. Thompson, Mrs Chudley, Miss Alford (Chittlehampton). The bearers were Messrs. S. Bradley, W. Bament, C. Jones, J. Bament, junr., R. Hill and L. Hill (nephews of the deceased). The coffin, which was of polished elm with brass mountings bore the inscription:- "HELEN JONES, died January 3rd 1914, aged 40". Floral tributes were sent:- Everlasting, in affectionate remembrance of my dear wife; everlasting, in loving memory, from father and mother, brothers and sisters, nephews and nieces; everlasting, in loving memory of dear NELL, from her brothers-in-law and sisters-in-law;, everlasting, Mrs Bray and family (Bristol); everlasting, neighbours and friends; Mrs Trute, Landkey; Mr and Mrs George, A. W. Thorold; In loving memory, from all at Water Town; Ern and Mary; Mrs Gill; With deepest sympathy, from friends at Hudscott; Mr and Mrs J. Beer and Miss Beer; Mr and Mrs Chudley; Mr and Mrs Smith and daughters; Mr and Mrs H. E. Jones; In kind remembrance of a loving mistress, from Louie and Walter; Miss Parr, Exeter; In loving memory of our dear mistress, from Mrs John Cox; Annie and Blanche Bament, Torquay.

Thursday 22 January 1914
The death of MR J. BUCKINGHAM, of Furzebarn, has removed one of the most familiar, and at the same time, one of the eldest parishioners. The deceased who was within one week of completing 81 years, had been in failing health for many months. He was, however, in the village on the Saturday previous to his death, and he was downstairs as late as Monday. During Monday night he became somewhat unwell, and on Tuesday morning medical aid was sought. Nothing serious was anticipated, but at about 9 p.m. on Tuesday, the 18th, he suddenly collapsed, and passed away. The funeral took place on Saturday, and was largely attended. The first portion of the service was conducted in the Wesleyan Chapel, the Revs. E. R. Gibbens and Leigh Chaplin officiating. The immediate mourners were Mrs Luxon (daughter), Messrs. James, Sidney, Byron and Sam (sons), Mrs S. Buckingham, and Mrs Alice Buckingham (daughters-in-law), Mrs and Mr Houle and Mrs and Mr J Thomas (sisters and brothers-in-law), Mr W. Buckingham (brother), Mr W. Burgess, Mr F. Burgess, Mr T. Harris, Mr J. Thorne, Exeter; Mr Thomas, Filleigh and Mr Thomas, Bishopstawton (nephews), Several tributes were placed upon the grave. The bearers were Messrs. J. R. Howard, F. Lewis, R. Elliott, T. Somerfield, J. Cole and R. H. Vickery.

Thursday 29 January 1914
The oldest male parishioner, MR RICHARD TUCKER, celebrated his eighty-first birthday on Tuesday.
MR H. CHAPPLE, of Folkestone, who has been appointed Treasurer of the newly formed West County Association for Folkestone and district, is a native of Chittlehampton. He is the proprietor of two flourishing hair-dressing saloons at Folkestone, and it was at one of his saloons that the meeting at which the Association was started was held. MR ALBERT VICKERY, son of MR and MRS S. VICKERY, of Chittlehampton, has just become the proprietor of a hair-dressing business at Rhyl, North Wales.
During the past few days death has removed two of our most respected parishioners. MR EDWIN HOLLAND, who died on Wednesday at the age of 75 years, was until a few years since one of the woodmen on the Rolle Estate, where he worked for upwards of thirty-six years. The interment took place at the Parish Churchyard on Sunday, the Rev. C. W. Bate officiating. The immediate mourners were Mrs Dick Mayne (daughter), Messrs. James, George and Edwin (sons).
On Monday, MRS SANDERS, the wife of MR EDWIN SANDERS, of Hillhead, passed away with painful suddenness. The deceased, who was 69 years of age, although unwell was downstairs as lately as Friday last. The deceased, who was of a quiet, unobtrusive disposition, was a devoted member of the Wesleyan body. Much sympathy is extended to MR SANDERS in his sudden bereavement.

Thursday 5 February 1914
MR RICHARD TUCKER celebrated his 88th birthday on January 27th, not his 81st as stated last week.
The funeral of MRS SANDERS, whose death was recorded last week, took place on Friday. The first portion of the service was held in the Wesleyan Chapel. The Rev. E. R. Gibbens officiated. The interment was made in the Churchyard. The immediate mourners were:- MR E. SANDERS (husband), Mrs and Mr Harding (Exeter, sister and brother-in-law), Mrs and Miss Bray (Crediton, sister-in-law and niece), Mr Pengelly (Devonport, nephew), Mr R. H. Vickery, Mr and Mrs J. W. Gardner, and Mr J. Watts. The remains were borne to their resting place by Messrs. J. Towell, W. Mayne Bater, W. S. Gardner, J. R. Howard, J. Cole and F. Lewis.

Thursday 26 February 1914
"The Akaroa Mail," New Zealand, gives an interesting account of a social held at New River, when the guest of the evening was MR AMOS BREAYLEY, second son of MR and MRS W. BREAYLEY, saddler, of this village. MR BREAYLEY went to New Zealand three years ago, and he has during that time been in the employ of a large firm of butchers, but is now starting in business on his own. Occasion was taken to present him with a gentleman's companion, subscribed for by the inhabitants generally, and the Local Lodge of Oddfellows presented him with a Past Master's Certificate.

Thursday 19 March 1914
MRS FANNY WATTS celebrated her 98th birthday on Monday. Although bed-ridden, the venerable lady is in excellent health. She was the recipient of many messages of congratulation.
A wedding was solemnised at the Parish Church on Wednesday, the contracting parties being LAURA ELLEN, daughter of MR W. MITCHELL, of the West end, and MR J. H. SMERDON, of Shiphay, Torquay. The bride, who was given away by her father, was daintily attired in a navy blue poplin dress with cream lace decoration, and wore a tagel hat to match, trimmed with ribbon and a white lancer plume. The bridesmaid was MISS LILY M. MITCHELL, (sister of the bride) who was dressed in a navy coat and skirt with hat to match. Mr Fred Smerdon was groomsman. The happy couple left later for their future home at Torquay.

Thursday 9 April 1914
Whilst working at a fence on the Rolle Estate on Friday last MR J. PARKER sustained a bad cut on his left hand, a large artery being severed. First aid was rendered by P.C. Hannaford and Mr J. Lewis, and the patient was sent to the North Devon Infirmary, where he was detained.

Thursday 16 April 1914
Wedding at Chittlehampton. SMOLDON - MURCH. A wedding of considerable local interest was solemnised at the Chittlehampton Parish Church yesterday, the contracting parties being MR WILLIAM SMOLDON, younger son of the late MR WILLIAM SMOLDON and MRS SMOLDON, of Chittlehampton, and MISS ADA ANNIE MURCH, eldest daughter of MR THOMAS MURCH (of the firm of MURCH Bros., Umberleigh) and MRS MURCH. The ceremony was performed by the Rev. C. W. Bate (Vicar), the organist being Mr Courtney Williams, of Barnstaple. The hymns sung were "Lead us, Heavenly father, lead us," and "The voice that breathed o'er Eden," and the wedding march was played as the happy couple left the Church. The bride was attired in a smart dress of ivory satin, trimmed with orange blossom and wore a wreath of orange blossom and veil. The bridesmaids were MISS NELLIE MURCH (sister of the bride), MISS PHYLLIS MURCH (niece of the bride) and MISS MARJORIE ANSTEY (niece of the bridegroom). MISS N. MURCH was attired in a saxe blue crepe-de-chine dress, whilst the other bridesmaids wore dresses of blue ninon, trimmed with blue ribbon, and wore white shoes and stockings, carrying baskets of daffodils. The bride was given away by her father, whilst MR GEORGE SMOLDON undertook the duties of "best man." After the ceremony the guests (about 60) proceeded to the residence of the bride's parents, where a reception was held in a marquee at the front of the house. Breakfast was provided for the postmen and the employees of MURCH Bros. The happy couple left by the 4.18 train for South Devon, where they are spending their honeymoon, the bride travelling in a tailor-made costume, with blue hat. The bridegroom's gift to the bride was an amethyst and pearl pendant, whilst the bride's gift to the bridegroom was a gold Albert. The bridegroom presented gold brooches to the two younger bridesmaids, whilst to MISS NELLIE MURCH he gave a gold bracelet,. The bride and bridegroom were the recipients of a large number of handsome presents, a list of which is appended:- Bride's mother, household linen. Brides's father, marble clock. Bridegroom's mother, dinner service. Mr and Mrs Anstey, Silver salad bowl and spoons. Mr and Mrs J. Hancock, table spoons. Mr Anstey and Miss Murch, silver water jug. Mr and Mrs James Murch, drawing room lamp. Mr and Mrs W. H. Murch, purse and gold. Mr and Mrs W. T. Murch, silver vases. Master Billy and Miss Phyllis Murch, glass dishes. Mr T. Elworthy and Miss Gertie Smoldon, silver cake stand. Miss B. Smoldon, half-dozen dessert spoons. Miss Marjorie Anstey, silver salt cellars. Master Arthur and Miss Beatrice Hancock, silver mounted mustard pot. Mr and Mrs G. Stuckey, inlaid trinket box and table cloth. Mr and Mrs J. Smoldon, table cloth. Mr and Mrs J. Smoldon, jun., silver sugar basin and tongs. Mr and Mrs J. Hancock, set of carvers. The employees of Murch Bros., salad bowl and servers. Mr Albert Murch, afternoon tea cloth. Mrs S. Dymond, table centre. Mr Archie Dymond, silver butter dish and knife. Mrs M. Bow, table cloth. Miss Bow, eiderdown quilt. Miss J. Bow, serviettes. Mr and Mrs J. Bow, Barum ware candlesticks. Mr and Mrs W. Hancock, silver jam dish. Mr Bow and Miss Lucas, table cloth. Mr E. and A. Bow, trinket set and china flower pot. Mr and Mrs Naylor, a cheque. Mr and Mrs G. Downing, table lamp. Miss E. Guard, hand-worked table centre. Mr and Mrs F. Waldon, junket set. Mr and Mrs G. Guard, biscuit barrel and d'oyleys. Miss M. W. Yeth, egg stand. Mr and Mrs C. V. A. Peel, blankets. Miss Crocker, sheets. Miss Shapland, silk. Mrs Tovesend, afternoon tea cloth. Miss Tovesend, handkerchiefs and black cat. Mr C. Webber, silver tea pot. Mr J. Pickard, silver milk jug. Miss C. Guard, gold wristled watch. Mrs Strawbridge, silver salt cellars. Miss C. Guard, handworked side-board cloth. Mr and Mrs Shapland, silver pickle fork and butter knife. Mr and Mrs King, biscuit barrel. Mr T. Squire, silk lamp shade. Misses Harris, silver butter dish and knife. Miss Skinner, jam spoon. Miss Wheeler, pickle fork. Mrs Down, silver butter dish and knife. Mr and Mrs P. Howard, silver inkstand. Mr and Mrs Manaton, copper fire screen. Miss Woolaway, tea pot cosey and chair back. Mr and Mrs Pooley, silver butter dish and knife. Mr T. Dunn, sugar basin. Mr F. Beer, pair pictures. Mr R. J. Baker, half-dozen knives and forks. Mrs Geen, jam spoon. Mr J. Short, pegs. Mr and Mrs J. Stevens, pair vases. Miss Harper, coloured table cloth, Miss M. Godding, sugar basin and spoon. Mrs Hugh Fraser, fruit dish. Mr and Mrs Knight, cream dish. Mr and Mrs J. Cole, silver photo frame. Mr and Mrs W. J. Burgess, Barum ware vases. Mr and Mrs G. Harris, silver jam spoon. Mr and Mrs Cheriton, china clock and vase. Mr Hammon, jam spoon. Rev. T. A. B. Cardus, writing case. Umberleigh Postal Staff, silver sugar basin. Mr and Mrs W. H. Ford, vases. Mr and Mrs F. Harris, breakfast cruet. Mr and Mrs G. Thorne, silver salt stands. Miss Burgess, tray cloth.
North Devon Fifty Years Ago. Compiled From Files Of The North Devon Journal. April 1864. - The marriages recorded during the month included the following:- April 5th, at Soho, E. E. CROCKER, Pimlico, to E. BUCKINGHAM, Soho, both from Chittlehampton.

Thursday 23 April 1914
MRS FACEY, of Gambuston Farm, has sustained a heavy loss through an accident to a team of three horses, one animal being killed whilst a second sustained serious injuries. A workman had completed the harrowing of a field of oats and had commenced to let them out, when the middle horse mischievously bit one of the other animals, causing it to kick out and throw its leg over the chain; this caused the horses to kick violently and a second animal started to kick also. The team became unmanageable and bolted for the open gateway. Here they collided with the gate post and overturned the harrows. One of the horses broke away and escaped without injury, but the other two got back upon the newly pointed apparatus, resulting in one being disembowelled and dying soon after, while the other was seriously injured. Both animals were valued at from £40 to £50 (£48 was refused for one a week ago), and every sympathy is expressed for MRS FACEY in her loss. The animals were not insured.
A wedding has been solemnised at the Southmolton Wesleyan Chapel between MISS EMILY MAYNE BATER (youngest daughter of MR and MRS MAYNE BATER, of this village) and MR ERNEST N. SAMPSON (of Moore Park, Canada, only son of MRS W. GARDNER, of Rack Mead, by her first husband). The Rev. E. R. Gibben officiated. The bride, given away by her father, was attired in a blue whipcord costume, with cream lace collar, and white silk blouse. Miss Elsie Cole, (cousin) acted as attendant, and was attired in a dress of crushed strawberry, with white hate. The bride wore a tagel hat trimmed with white ostrich feathers, and a gold locket and chain, the gifts of the bridegroom. His present to the bridesmaid was a gold brooch. Mr S. Gardner acted as best man. The honeymoon is being spent at Okehampton. The happy couple leave for their new home in Canada on May 1st with the good wishes of many friends.

Thursday 30 April 1914
MARRIAGE - April 29, at Chittlehampton Parish Church, C. W. STONE, eldest son of MR and MRS J. STONE, of the Home Farm, Filleigh, to ALICE G. SMOLDON, fifth daughter of MR and MRS J. SMOLDON, of Biddacott Farm, Chittlehampton.
Wedding At Chittlehampton. - Widespread interest was taken in a wedding solemnised in Chittlehampton Parish Church yesterday, the contracting parties being MR C. W. STONE, eldest son of MR and MRS J. STONE, of the Home Farm, Filleigh, and MISS ALICE G. SMOLDON, fifth daughter of MR and MRS J. SMOLDON, of Biddacott Farm, Chittlehampton. MR SMOLDON is the esteemed Churchwarden, and the bride, who has been a teacher in the Sunday School and a member of the Church choir, is very popular. The service was choral, there being a full congregation. The Vicar (Rev. C. W. Bate) officiated. The hymns were "The voice that breathed o'er Eden" and "Thine for ever," and the organist played the wedding music from "Lohengrin" and "Mendelssohn"s Wedding March." The bride, who was given away by her father, was attired in a charming dress of pearl grey silk crepe, trimmed with grey embroidered net, and her grey tagel hat was trimmed with lancer plume, passementerie, and cluster of roses. She carried a bouquet of lilies of the valley. The bridesmaids were Miss Mabel Burgess, and Miss Doris Nott (nieces of the bride), who wore dresses of pale pink silk, with trimmed flouce and insertions of cream lace; their hats were trimmed with pink roses, with pink satin strings. They carried baskets of lilies and narcissi. Mr T. Stone (brother of the bridegroom) acted as best man. After the ceremony a largely attended reception was held at Biddacott. The handsome presents numbered about one hundred. The bride gave the bridegroom a silver-mounted walking-stick, and the bridegroom gave the bride a gold pendant. The bridegroom's gift to each of the bridesmaids was a gold brooch. The bride's going away dress was of brown cloth, with hat to match. The honeymoon will be spent at East Budleigh. The bride's bouquet was supplied by Mr W. Furse, Cross-street, Barnstaple.

Thursday 7 May 1914
An interesting presentation took place in the Reading Room on Saturday, when MR MANATON, the indefatigable caretaker, was the recipient of a purse of gold and an illuminated address. The President (Mr Thorold) wrote expressing his inability to be present through absence from home, and he eulogised the good work done by MR MANATON for the room. The Rev. C. W. Bate presided and made the presentation. In doing so he expressed the best thanks of the subscribers to the room and of the members for the good work done and of the careful thought exercised at all times for the proper conducting of the room, and he asked MR MANATON'S acceptance of the gifts as a token of goodwill. The address was as follows:- "We, the President, honorary members, friends and members present the accompanying purse of gold and address to MR J. H. MANATON as a token of recognition of his 25 years' service (1889 - 1914) as Secretary and caretaker of the Chittlehampton Workingmen's Club." MR MANATON suitably acknowledged.

Thursday 21 May 1914
DEATH - At Plymouth, W. HANCOCK, painter and decorator, a native of Chittlehampton, aged 45.

Thursday 25 June 1914
Private ARCHIE TAPSCOTT has succeeded in winning out-right a silver cup presented by the Mayor of Southmolton to encourage recruits in shooting. The Rifleman for June has the following paragraph:- "A member of the Chittlehampton M.R.C., A. TAPSCOTT, who is not yet 17 years of age, recently put on 27 bulls consecutively, one nine and then four more bulls, without rising from the firing point - 31 out of 32 shots at 15 yards, five bull target This is a very fine performance."

Thursday 2 July 1914
Prayers were offered on Sunday both at the Parish Church and at the Wesleyan Chapel for the recovery of MRS FRED LEWIS, who is lying seriously ill.
The funeral of MR JOHN DAVEY, who passed away at New Buildings on Wednesday at the age of 79 years, took place at the Parish Churchyard, and was largely attended. The deceased was formerly an employee on the Rolle estate, failing health causing him to give up his work some years ago. The immediate mourners were Mr J. Davey (son), Mrs Hancock, Mrs Skinner, Mrs Boucher and Mrs Holland (daughters), Mr Skinner, Mr Boucher, Mr Holland, Mr Hancock and Mrs Davey (sons-in-law and daughter-in-law), the deceased's son, GEORGE, was ill, and could not attend; Mr J. Davey (Braunton), Edith Skinner (Leary), Mr A. and Mr C. Perrin and Mr and Mrs Stoyle and Miss Stoyle (Barnstaple), Mr West (Bristol). Choice floral tributes were sent by the deceased's children and friends. The Rev. R. Seymour, Vicar of Otterton, who took the services at the Parish Church on Sunday, officiated at the funeral, and the body was borne to the grave by Mr W. Friendship, Mr C. Lethbridge, Mr W. and Mr H. Isaac, Mr W. Mayne Bater and Mr W. Greenslade.

Thursday 16 July 1914
MR HENRY JORDAN, who died at Cullompton last week, was for over 20 years postman between Southmolton and Chittlehampton. He was transferred to Cullompton 14 years ago, when the system of the mails arriving via Umberleigh was inaugurated.

Thursday 13 August 1914
By the passing away of LIZZIE, the wife of MR FRED LEWIS, the parish and neighbourhood have lost an esteemed and valued personage. The deceased, who was of a very kindly disposition, held a nursing certificate, and for a good number of years she had ministered in that capacity and had been a source of comfort to many a household. Laid aside for a period of eight weeks the deceased succumbed to internal trouble. Much sympathy is extended to MR LEWIS and family. The funeral took place on Tuesday and was largely attended. The immediate mourners were MR FRED LEWIS (husband), Misses Emily, Susie, and Annie (daughters), Messrs. Will. and Charley (sons), Mrs Jewell (sister), Mrs Buckingham and Mrs J. Lewis (sisters-in-law), Miss A. Norman (niece). The funeral service was conducted at the Wesleyan Chapel, the Rev. E. R. Gibbens officiating, the interment being made in the Churchyard. The body was borne by Messrs. R. Vickery, H. Potter, E. Howard, W. Cocks, P. Webber and J. Huxtable. A large number of beautiful floral tributes were sent, including husband and family, Will., May and Freddie (Barry), Alf., Alice, and family (Canada), Aunt Jewell (Barnstaple), Bert, Winnie and Florrie (Barnstaple), Aunt Laura and Uncle Chal. (Clevedon), Alice, Bob and Arthur (Clevedon), Aunt Alice and Alfie, all at the Post Office, Miss Annie Norman, Mrs Greenslade and family (Devonport), Mrs Taylor and family, Miss Taylor, Mrs cocks, Mrs Chudley, Bessie, Mrs Gill, Mrs Goss, Mr and Mrs Greenslade, Misses Breayley, Mr Dinnacombe, and family, Mr and Mrs Axford, Mr and Mrs Hall, Mrs Fairing and Lucel, Mr N. W. Fairing and all at West Buckland.

Thursday 3 September 1914
There was an interesting wedding at the Parish Church yesterday, the contracting parties being MR FRANK A. CROWDEN, of Cardiff, and MISS FANNY KATE GOSS, youngest daughter of MR and MRS GOSS, of North Furze, Chittlehampton. The ceremony was performed by the Rev. C. W. Bate, the bride being given away by Mr A. Tucker, of Barnstaple. The bride was attired in a tailor-made costume with hat of white felt and feather mount, and was attended as bridesmaid by her cousin, Miss Ashelford, of Swansea, who wore a dress of blue spotted goulard, with hat to match. Mr W. J. Cox, of Swansea, was best man. Later in the day MR and MRS CROWDEN left for Cardiff for their honeymoon. The motors used in connection with the wedding were supplied by the firm of Moore, of Southmolton, and the flowers by the firm of Furse, of Cross-street, Barnstaple. The general presents were numerous and costly. The bridegroom's gift to the bride took the form of a gold watch and chain, and to the bridesmaid a gold pendant and chain, while the bride gave the bridegroom a gold scarf pin set with diamonds.
Chittlehamholt - The funeral has taken place in the Churchyard, in the presence of a wide circle of friends and relatives, of an old, much-loved and respected inhabitant, in the person of MRS ANN HARRIS, widow of MR GEORGE HARRIS, of Pressbury Farm. The Rev. r. L. Allanson (Vicar), assisted by the Rev. M. D. Buckingham (Burrington), officiated. During the service the hymns, "Rock of Ages" and "Now the labourer's task if o'er" were sung, and as the cortege left the Church the Nunc Dimittis (Barnby) was played by the organist (Miss Florence Pester). At the graveside "Abide with me" was feelingly rendered. The polished coffin, with brass mountings, bore the following inscription:- "ANN HARRIS, died August 21st, 1914, aged 79 years.!" The chief mourners were: - Mary, Zillah, Sophia, Annie and Emily (daughters), Jack, Eli, Tom, Edwin, George and Williams (sons), Mesdames G. Harris and W. Harris (daughters-in-law), Messrs. E. Bater and J. Snell (sons-in-law), and J. Bater (brother-in-law), Mary and Sophy Bater, Addie Harris, Olive Harris and Florrie Taylor (grand daughters), William Bater and George Harris (grandsons), the Misses Harris (2), and Mrs Slade (nieces). The bearers were Messrs. J. Babbage, W. Congram, W. and T. Heard, J. Clarke and H. Cooper. The flowers from relatives and friends were numerous and beautiful.

Thursday 17 September 1914
During the past week ten recruits have offered themselves, seven of whom have been accepted. Those who have joined are JACK CANN, JOHN CORNALL, H. LEWORTHY, FRED FRIENDSHIP, CHARLIE LEWIS, ERNEST BIRD and SID KIFF.
A pretty wedding was solemnized at the Parish Church on Wednesday, the contracting parties being MR T. H. ELWORTHY, third son of the late MR W. ELWORTHY, of Honiton Barton, Southmolton, and MISS GERTRUDE SMOLDON, youngest daughter of MRS SMOLDON, of Fullabrook Farm. The bride, who was given away by her brother, MR W. SMOLDON, was handsomely gowned in a dress composed of brocade silk crepe de chine, her head dress being a wreath of orange blossom and veil. The bridesmaids were Miss Florence Elworthy, sister of the bridegroom, and Miss Beatrice Hancock, niece of the bride, and they wore pale pink crepe de chine dresses, with black picture hats decorated with pink roses. Mr J. Elworthy acted as best man. The groom's present to the bride was a gold bracelet and to the two bridesmaids pendants and chains. The bride's gift to the groom was a gold tie pin. A handsome bouquet carried by the bride was the gift of the groom. A reception was held at the bride's home, a large number attending. The happy couple left in the afternoon for Torquay, en route for London.

Thursday 1 October 1914
North Devon War Items.
MR SKINNER, of Brimley, Chittlehampton, has received notification from the War Office that his son, GEORGE, who is a 1st class reservist in the 1st Devons, has returned to Netley Hospital from the front, being wounded in the knee

Thursday 8 October 1914
MR T. SOMERFIELD, who has resided at Victoria House for about two years, has, to the regret of many, left to take up his residence at Braunton.
MR H. TUCKER, of Pugsley, has broken one of his legs in two places, just above the ankle. He was stepping over a board, which had been placed in his doorway to keep the children back, when one foot slipped and he fell over some stone steps.

Thursday 15 October 1914
North Devon War Items.
MR and MRS LETHBRIDGE, of Ash Cottage, Chittlehampton, are anxious about the fate of their son FRANK, who belonged to the Coldstreams. He was a servant to Lord Plymouth's son, who was killed at the battle of Mons. Correspondence which has been sent to him has been returned endorsed "Deceased." Inquiries have been made at the War Office, but there is no record of his death, so it may be he has been taken prisoner.

Thursday 29 October 1914
Much local interest has been evinced in a wedding which has taken place at the Parish Church between MISS ANNIE CROCKER, daughter of MR and MRS S. CROCKER, of Eastacott Farm, and MR JACK SPURWAY, of Barnstaple. The Rev. C. W. Bate officiated. The fact of the bride and her family being greatly respected throughout the parish drew a large number to witness the ceremony. Motor cars conveyed the wedding party to the church. The bride, who was very becomingly attired in a navy tailor-made costume, with hat to match, entered the sacred edifice leaning on the arm of her father, who gave her away. MISS MINNIE CROCKER (sister) acted as bridesmaid; she wore an electric blue Shantung dress, with hat to correspond. Both the bride and her maid carried ivory back Prayer-books, the gift of the bridegroom. Mr Clyde Jarrett, of Clevedon, was best man. The bride's brother, Corpl. CROKER, R.N.D., Hussars, was also present, having obtained leave to attend the ceremony. There was no ringing of the Church bells, as it was specially wished to have the wedding a quiet one, owing to the War. The presents exceeded one hundred. The wedding breakfast was held at Eastacott, only a few invited guests being present. The honeymoon is being spent at London and Southsea. The bride's travelling costume was a tailor-made tweed.

Thursday 5 November 1914
North Devon War items.
Lieut K. J. P. OLIPHANT, of the Wiltshire Regiment, reported as missing, is the only son of MR and MRS OLIPHANT, of Stowford House, Chittlehampton. The young officer went to the front in the early days of the War, and has been in the thick of the fighting up to the time of his being missed. It is hoped that he is somewhere safe.

Thursday 19 November 1914
North Devon War Items.
A son of MR HUXTABLE, of Umberleigh (TOM), serving in a Heavy Artillery Regiment with the Expeditionary Force, has been ill with enteric fever.

Thursday 3 December 1914
MR J. ELLICOTT, second son of MR R. ELLICOTT, of Blakewell Chapel, has been selected a constable for the Metropolitan Police Force. Young ELLICOTT joined the Devon force nearly two years ago, and he has for some time been stationed at Newton Abbot. He goes to London on Monday next.

Thursday 10 December 1914
About two years ago MR KENNETH TAYLOR, of the West End, left home for Canada, where he obtained a good situation as a motor engineer. On the outbreak of hostilities he volunteered for service in the Army, and is now with the Canadian Contingent on Salisbury Plain. He has spent a few days' furlough at Chittlehampton.

Thursday 17 December 1914
From a return compiled at the instance of Earl Fortescue, the Lord Lieutenant, we learn that North Devon parishes are represented in the Services as follows:- Chittlehamholt, 11; Chittlehampton, 39.

Thursday 22 December 1914
North Devon Fifty Years Ago. Compiled From Files Of The North Devon Journal. December 1864. - The marriages recorded during the month included the following:- December 15, at East Anstey, JOHN TROAKE, of Affeton Barton, West Worlington, to SUSANNA, youngest daughter of the late MR GEORGE SAUNDERS, of Brightley Barton, Chittlehampton.
North Devon War Items.
The following men have been sent on to Exeter from the Recruiting Office, Barnstaple, to join various units in the Regular Army:-
C. COX (Umberleigh, Devonshire Regiment)

Thursday 31 December 1914
The funeral has taken place at Warkleigh of MISS ANN GREENSLADE, eldest daughter of the late MR W. GREENSLADE, of Collacott Barton, in this parish. She was 74 years of age. The immediate mourners were Mr John Greenslade (brother), Mrs, Stone and Mrs Trick (sisters), Mrs Tom Greenslade (sister-in-law), and several nephews and nieces. The bearers were Messrs S. Crocker, E. Arscott, H. Huxham, W. Watts, R. H. Vickery, and F. Lewis, all from this parish. Deceased had for some years resided at Ilfracombe.
North Devon War Items.
The under-mentioned men have been sent to Exeter by the Recruiting Sergeant at Barnstaple during the past week, and if passed by the doctor there as fit, will be drafted on to different stations to join the various regiments they have chosen:-
P. COCKS, Umberleigh, Coldstream Guards.

Thursday 21 January 1915
By the passing away of MR HENRY SIMMONS at Ambow on Saturday at the age of 87 years, the parish has lost one of its oldest inhabitants. The deceased was for upwards of forty years woodman on the Rolle estate, and he had lived with his wife (who survives him) in his cottage at Ambow for considerably over fifty years, the sixtieth year of wedded life being celebrated some months ago. Although the deceased had become somewhat feeble, he was until quite recently still to be seen about his premises, which are noted for their ever spick and span appearance. The deceased's widow, who is also nearly ninety, sustained a nasty fall some fifteen months since, and although she has somewhat recovered she is confined to her bedroom.
North Devon War Items.
MR and MRS JOHN GOODING, of Chittlehampton, are awaiting with considerable anxiety further news as to the fate of their son, Pte. JAMES GOODING, of the 1st Devons. they have received an official communication from the War Office stating that he has been missing from the 18th December, and adding that the authorities were endeavouring to discover more definitely what had been his fate. He has been in the Army two years.

Thursday 28 January 1915
The oldest male parishioner, MR RICHARD TUCKER, attained his 89th birthday yesterday.

Thursday 4 February 1915
Private MATTHEW HANCOCK, of this parish, who is with the Territorials at Lahore, has been promoted to corporal. At the different camps he has attended he has acted as servant to Lieut. Smyth-Richards of Filleigh.
By the death of MRS FANNY WATTS, at the great age of 99 years, Chittlehampton has lost its oldest parishioner. The deceased, who passed away at the residence of her daughter, Mrs Ward, The Square, was ever of a cheery disposition, and many can testify respecting her ever kindly nature and ready help. She had resided with Mrs Ward for several years, and her daughter had given herself up to a loving devotion in attendance on her mother. Although bedridden for many months, the deceased retained her faculties to the last. Of eight children, four remain to mourn their loss, the eldest MR THOMAS WATTS, of Collytown, being 72 years of age.

Thursday 11 February 1915
CAPT. JOHN GASSON OLIPHANT, who served for some years in China, died at Stowford House, yesterday.
The funeral of the late MRS FANNY WATTS took place on Saturday, the interment being made in the Churchyard. The immediate mourners were Mrs Ward and Mrs Hooper (daughters), Mr Ward and Mr Hooper (sons-in-law), Miss F. Watts, and Miss E. Watts and Miss E. Hooper (nieces), Mr J. Watts, Messrs. W. and A. Hooper (nephews), Miss Watts, Miss Facey and Mr W. Watts (cousins). The Rev. C. W. Bate officiated, the bearers being Messrs R. H. Vickery, F. Lewis, W. J. Breayley, A. Holland, W. Greenslade and J. Towell. Several beautiful floral tributes were sent.

Thursday 18 February 1915
The funeral of CAPTAIN JOHN GASSON OLIPHANT, of Stowford House, took place at the Parish Churchyard on Monday. The immediate mourners were the widow, the Rev. Oliphant (Rector of Houghton-Huntingdon), Captain and Mrs Thorpe (Felixtowe) Miss Woolverton (Yarmouth), and Mr Perbruce. The service, which was choral, was conducted by the Vicar, the Rev. C. W. Bate. The grave had been treated with moss and flowers by Mrs Chapple, Miss Clarke and Mr Wilson. The deceased had been many years on service on the China Station, and retiring three years since he settled down at Stowford House. He leaves a widow and one son (who is now a prisoner of war in Germany). Very beautiful floral tributes were sent by his Wife, Son Jack, Charlie and Julia (brother and sister-in-law), Frank and Miss Perbruce, Sisters Florrie and Annie, Miss Woolverton, Rev. C. W. Bate, Mr and Mrs Thorold, Mr and Mrs Lendray, Mr and Mrs Hole, Laura and Eva. Messrs. Symons and Son, of Barnstaple, carried out the funeral arrangements.

Thursday 11 March 1915
North Devon War Items.
MR W. GREENSLADE, writing from Canada, informs his father, MR GREENSLADE, of Ashley Villas, Chittlehampton, that he has joined the 46th Sask Rifles, and that he is now at Regina Barracks undergoing training preparatory to coming across to help in the Old Country's battles. Young GREENSLADE was a Territorial previous to going to Canada some three years ago, and he worked on the Rolle estate.
The Redcliffe Review (Alberta) gives an interesting account of the wedding of FRANK, the eldest son of MR F. CONGRAM, Deptford, and Miss Brewer, of Kingsnympton, Devon. Both were members of the Redcliffe Church choir, and the service was fully choral, the event appearing to create much interest in the town. Both the bride and the bridegroom were formally in the employ of Mr Thorold at Hudscott.

Thursday 18 March 1915
MR FRED VICARY, who for seven years has conducted the Bell Hotel most successfully, is leaving to succeed his mother at the Golden Fleece Hotel, Barnstaple. MR and MRS VICARY are greatly liked throughout the district and their departure will be much regretted.

Thursday 25 March 1915
North Devon War Items.
P.C. Collings, of Chittlehampton, has secured no less than 12 recruits for the Army during the past week.
Pte. W. GAYDON, of the Devons, a native of Chittlehampton, reports having had a narrow escape while in the trenches. A shell exploded close by him; he and several others were buried, and had to be dug out, and a Devon soldier who had stood close to Pte. GAYDON was killed.
Parishioners are eagerly awaiting the opening of the Telephone Call Office. The necessary apparatus has been fixed at the Post Office.
Police Constable Collings has during the past week been exceptionally successful in securing recruits for the Army. The following have been sent by him to be medically examined and all have passed:- MESSRS. W. HARRIS, W. BOUCHER, E. BOUCHER, F. MEARS, W. COCKS, C. WESTAWAY, J. WHITE, F. DUNN, C. WESTACOTT, F. PHILLIPS, C. SHAPLAND and H. GAYDON. All have joined the County Regiment excepting F. PHILLIPS, who has joined one of the Guards Regiments.
North Devon Fifty Years Ago. Compiled from Files of the North Devon Journal. March 1865. Weddings included this month were: - March 23rd, at the Bible Christian Chapel, Barnstaple, JOHN BUCKINGHAM, yeoman, of Chittlehampton, to AMELIA BILLEN, of Fremington.

Thursday 1 April 1915
MR ROBERT GAYDON has been advised by the War Office that his son WILLIE, who is in the 1st Devons and has been at the Front throughout the War, has been wounded. The extent of the injury is not known, but it is hoped it is not serious.

Thursday 8 April 1915
MARRIAGE - April 5, at Chittlehampton Parish Church, W. G. EASTMOND, of Atherington, to MAUD GOODING, of Chittlehampton.
MARRIAGE - April 5, at Chittlehampton Parish Church, FRANCIS GEORGE SMITH, of Hemmett Farm, to HILDA PEEK SLAPE, youngest daughter of MRS SLAPE, of South Newton Farm, Chittlehampton.
MARRIAGE - April 6, at Chittlehampton Parish Church, ALFRED WILLIAM UPTON, to BESSIE HELENA LUGG.
At the Vestry meeting on Tuesday evening the Rev. C. W. Bate presiding, Messrs. SMOLDON and WOOLAWAY were re-elected Churchwardens. Messrs. HALL, GREENSLADE, FRIENDSHIP, JONES, DUDDRIDGE, MANATON and ARSCOTT were appointed sidesmen.
A pretty wedding took place at the Parish Church on Tuesday, the contracting parties being MR ALFRED WILLIAM UPTON and MISS BESSIE HELENA LUGG. The bride, who was given away by her brother (MR R. LUGG), looked very pretty in a silver grey whipped costume and biscuit coloured tagel straw hat with lancer plumes and pink flowers and she carried a choice shower bouquet of tulips, hyacinths, and asparagus fern. She was attended by four bridesmaids - Miss Mary Blackmore (friend), who was gowned in a cinnamon brown dress with hat to match, and three little girls - Misses Amelia Hooper and Esther Hooper (nieces of the bride), and Miss Alice Watts, who were prettily attired in white silk dresses, with headdresses of blue ribbon and forget me nots. They carried baskets of tulips, violets and maidenhair fern. Mr Fred Burnett, of Filleigh, attended as best man. The bridegroom's gift to the bride was a gold brooch set with diamonds, and the bride's to bridegroom a gold tie pin. The bridesmaids each received a Prayer Book from the bridegroom. The presents were numerous and useful.
Two weddings took place in the Parish Church on Monday, the Rev. C. W. Bate officiating, MISS HILDA PEEKE SLAPE, youngest daughter of MRS SLAPE, of South Newton Farm, was married to Mr Francis George Smith, of Hemmett Farm. The bride looked very smart in a cream satin delaine dress, prettily trimmed with Guipure lace; she wore a white tagel straw hat, with satin ribbon and a spray of orange blossom. The bride's sister (MISS PRIMROSE SLAPE ) attended as bridesmaid; she as attired in a blue crepe-de-chine dress, with Honiton lace, and wore a black tagel straw hat trimmed with pink marguerites and foliage. the bride was given away by her brother (MR ROBERT SLAPE). Mr T. J. Smith (brother of the bridegroom) was best man. The bridegroom gave the bride a gold wristlet watch, and the bride gave the bridegroom a gold tie pin. The honeymoon is being spent in Somerset. The bride's travelling dress was a Navy tailored costume, with hat to match. The many presents were handsome and costly.
At the other wedding, the bride was MISS MAUD GOODING, the bridegroom being Mr W. G. Eastmond, of Atherington. The bride looked very sweet in a handsome tailored Navy blue costume, with hat to match, trimmed with satin ribbon and a spray of flowers. She carried a very pretty bouquet of daffodils and fern. The bridesmaids were Miss Ada Gooding (sister of the bride) and Miss Florence Blackmore, who were attired in pale blue nuns-veiling dresses, with hats of white tagel, trimmed with blue ruches. The bride was given away by her father. The presents were many and useful.

Thursday 15 April 1915
A very pretty wedding was solemnised at the Parish Church yesterday (Wednesday), the contracting parties being MISS KATE A. LEACH and MR CHARLES SKINNER, second son of MR and MRS SKINNER, of Brimley. The bride, given away by her father (Mr W. W. Leach, of Crediton), was neatly attired in a grey whipcord dress turned out with silk, and wore a hate to match, decorated with osprey and ribbon velvet. The bridesmaids were Misses Annie Skinner (sister of the bridegroom) and L. Dobbs (a friend of the bride). The former's dress was a pale blue lustre with lace tunic, and she wore a black hat trimmed with corn and roses. Miss Dobbs wore a blue tunic, the dress being of Bedford cord, her hat being also black. MR ERNEST SKINNER (brother of the bridegroom) acted as best man. Both the bride and bridegroom were the recipients of a number of useful presents. It may be mentioned that MR SKINNER has just taken over from MR SMOLDON the wheelwright's business at Puddlepool, where the happy couple will take up their residence forthwith.
A pretty wedding was solemnised at the Church on Monday, the contracting parties being MR FRED WEBBER, second son of MRS F. WEBBER, of Romansleigh Barton, Southmolton, and MISS WILHELMINA COLE, youngest daughter of MR W. COLE, late of Meshaw Barton, who recently came into residence at "Bratton," in this parish. The wedding party were conveyed to and from Church in five motor-cars. The bride, who was given away by her father, was attired in a creme silk embroidered rolic and wore a veil, with a wreath of orange blossom. The bridesmaids were Miss Lily Nott (niece of the bride) and Miss Daisy Webber (sister of the bridegroom). They wore dresses of pink crepe-de-chine, with hats to match, and carried bouquets of pink and white tulips. They also wore gold bangles, the gift of the bridegroom. The bridegroom's brother, Mr Bert Webber) acted as best man. The Rev. C. W. Bate, M.A. (Vicar) officiated. The hymn "The Voice that breathed o'er Eden," was sung at the commencement of the service. The bride's brother-in-law (Mr T. C. Kingdon, of Rackenford School) presided at the organ, and played wedding music during the assembling of the large number of the relatives and friends of both families who attended. During the procession of the bridal party to the chancel steps the "Bridal March" from Lohengrin (Wagner) was played, and at the conclusion of the service Mendelssohn's Wedding March was played. A reception was subsequently held at the bride's home. The happy pair departed in the course of the afternoon by motor-car for Southmolton, the honeymoon being spent at Weston-super-Mare and Bristol. The bride's going away costume was of Navy-blue whipcord, with a tagel hat en suite. There was a large number of useful and valuable presents. MR and MRS F. WEBBER will take up their abode at Stowford Farm, in this neighbourhood, on their return.
Recruiting at Barnstaple. The following men have enlisted in the Regular forces at Barnstaple during the past week, and all are now at their various depots:- E. LOCK, Chittlehampton, Royal Flying Corps.
North Devon War Items.
J. BAMENT (Umberleigh) has joined the 3/6th Battalion Devon Regiment at Barnstaple during the past week.

Thursday 22 April 1915
MISS DORA BATE (Vicarage) and MISS JOYCE LEWIS, Post Office, both pupils of Mrs Bevan, who sat recently at the Barnstaple Centre, have passed the elementary examination of the Associated Boards of the Royal Academy of Music and the R.C.M.

Thursday 6 May 1915
Charged with an offence against MARY LOUISA ELLICOTT, a single woman, of Blakewell Cottage, Chittlehampton, on 22nd April, JOHN BENDLE COX, 26, farm bailiff, of Narracott, Chittlehampton, was at an adjourned hearing at Southmolton on Wednesday last, committed for trial at the next Quarter Sessions for the county. Bail was allowed - defendant in £20 and a surety of a like amount. Complainant was represented by Mr J. Furse Sanders, of Southmolton and defendant by Mr A. F. Seldon, of Barnstaple.
North Devon War Items.
MESSRS. F. MAYNE-BATER, and EDGAR LOCK of Chittlehampton, have joined the Army. The first-named is in the Ordnance Corps and has gone to Woolwich. MR LOCK has joined the Flying Corps and is now at Farnborough.

Thursday 13 May 1915
MR and MRS WILLIAM WATTS have received news that their second daughter, MARY SUSAN (MRS W. STEPHENSON), has died at Ecremont, Cheshire, where her husband is a chemist. She had been laid up since September, but her many friends thought that, with the advent of warmer weather, she might have rallied for a time. Her death came as a great shock to the parents, who, in the course of a few days, intended paying her a visit. MRS STEPHENSON was thirty-two years of age. Much sympathy is felt with the parents and sorrowing husband in their great loss. The funeral took place on Wednesday.
North Devon War Items.
Sergeant E. CRUWYS, of the Coldstream Guards, son of MRS CRUWYS, of the Village, Chittlehampton, has been promoted to Sergeant-Major. he is engaged at the regimental headquarters.
Sergt.-Major P. J. COLE, of the royal North Devon Hussars, who has been gazetted Lieutenant and transferred to the R.F.A., is the eldest son of MR and MRS COLE, of the Westend Stores, Chittlehampton.

Thursday 20 May 1915
North Devon War Items.
Private W. GAYDON, son of MR and MRS R. GAYDON, Chittlehampton, who was wounded in the fighting on Hill 60, is now under treatment in a Military Hospital at Birkenhead, and is making good progress toward recovery. He was one of the first to be sent to the front, and had previously been slightly disabled.

Thursday 27 May 1915
North Devon War Items.
Pte. J. CORNALL, a native of Umberleigh, has been wounded in both legs while fighting in France.
MR and MRS TAPSCOTT of Nethercleave, Chittlehampton, have learnt that their sons ERNEST and ARCHIE, who are with the Territorials in India, have been laid up with enteric fever, but are making a satisfactory recovery.
Two Natives Of Chittlehampton Killed In Action. - On Monday MR J. B. SKINNER, Brimley and MR J. GOODING, Cobbaton, received information that their sons (GEORGE SKINNER and JAMES GOODING) had been killed in action in France. Pt. G. SKINNER, belonged to the 2nd Devons, and had served six years with the Colours. At the time of the War breaking out, he was called up as a Reservist, and early went to the Front. Developing fluid n his knees, he was sent to England for treatment. He underwent an operation and recovered, again going to France. He had been a long time in the firing line. On Sunday, May 9th, in the fighting at Neuve Chapelle he was killed. Much sympathy is extended to MR and MRS SKINNER in their sad loss.
Pte. J. GOODING also belonged to the Devons, and was early at the Front and in the firing line. His father had not heard from him for a very long time, but some of the lad's comrades in France had reported that Pte. GOODING went out with his Company on the night of December 15th, and had not returned. MR GOODING had naturally hoped against hope that his son had survived, but Monday's message from the War Office confirmed the report stating that Pt. J. GOODING was killed on December 15th. Deepest sympathy is also extended to MR GOODING and family. It may be mentioned that MR GOODING has two other sons in the Services: they are with the Territorials in India.

Thursday 3 June 1915
North Devon War Items.
MR CHRIS. LETHBRIDGE, of Chittlehampton, has received a letter from his son, HARRY, who is in the 90th Canadian Rifles, stating that he was wounded in the fighting on April 22nd, and that he is a prisoner in Germany. Pte. LETHBRIDGE stated that he is at a convent, and although he had only arrived there on the day of writing (May 6th), it appeared to be a very good place, and those already prisoners there had told him they were very well cared for. He is wounded in the left leg and expresses the belief that he will be well again in a week or two.

Thursday 10 June 1915
North Devon War Items.
When the 3rd Devons, in their recruiting march, reached Chittlehampton, on Thursday, they were warmly greeted amongst others by four young women who have relatives serving in His Majesty's Forces. They were MISS ALICE PRESCOTT (who has a brother in the Dardanelles), MRS GREENSLADE (whose husband is in the 7th Devons), and the MISSES L. and K. WHITE (whose young brother, aged 16, has also enlisted). It having been suggested that the young women might help the Devons for recruiting purposes, all four accordingly set off with the soldiers from Chittlehampton, and they marched, altogether, fourteen miles before reaching Barnstaple in the evening. The lady "recruiters" rendered valued service on the way in appealing to many "eligibles" to join the services. At Barnstaple they were entertained at tea in the Albert Hall, and returning from Chittlehampton to Barnstaple on Friday morning they marched through the streets with the 3rd Devons, and, carrying rifles on their shoulders, were naturally very conspicuous figures. Mingling with the crowd in the Cattle Market meeting, the young women succeeded in getting two recruits, and generally their recruiting services were much appreciated.
MRS BURRIDGE, daughter of MR and MRS SPEAR, Little Ash, Chittlehampton, has been notified that her husband was killed on May 30th. Pte. BURRIDGE, who was a native of Northlew, belonged to the 1st Devons. On May 30th he had been about three weeks in the trenches and he was sent out by his superior officer for some outside duty, when he was struck in the stomach by a piece of shrapnel. An operation was performed, but he succumbed to the injuries the same night.

Thursday 17 June 1915
Southmolton - At the County Petty Sessions on Tuesday A temporary transfer of the license of the Bell Inn, Chittlehampton, was granted to A. B. CUMMINGS from FREDERICK GEORGE VICARY.
PTE. W. GAYDON, who is home on leave after having recovered from a shrapnel wound in the leg, has sustained a cycle accident. He was returning from Umberleigh on Monday, when in rounding the corner by Moor Farm he met a drove of cows. In endeavouring to avoid the animals his machine skidded under him. He got a bad shaking, and sustained a large cut on the head, necessitating medical treatment.

Thursday 24 June 1915
Amid every token of sorrow, the mortal remains of the late MR W. TAYLOR were interred in the Parish Churchyard on Sunday last, his death having taken place after a painful illness on the previous Thursday. He was 78 years of age. He was the landlord of the New Inn public-house for a number of years. His wife survives him. A large number of parishioners joined the cortege as a last mark of respect. The Rev. C. W. Bate (vicar) officiated. The immediate mourners were - Mrs Jordan, Mrs Johns and Mrs Boundy (daughters), Mr and Mrs W. Taylor (son and daughter-in-law), Miss Winnie Taylor (grand daughter), Miss May Johns (grand daughter), Masters A. Jordan, F. and W. Taylor (grandsons), Messrs. H. Jordan, W. Johns, and C. Mullins (sons-in-law). The bearers were Messrs. E. Howard, W. Isaac, A. Mayne, H. Dinnicombe, H. Potter, and F. Lewis.
Death - June 10, at Chittlehampton, W. TAYLOR, formerly landlord of the New Inn, aged 78.

Thursday 8 July 1915
North Devon War Items.
MR and MRS TUCKER, of Frogmore, Chittlehampton, have been notified that their son JACK, of the Australian contingent, has been wounded while fighting in the Dardanelles. PTE. TUCKER has himself sent a postcard, so it is assumed that the injuries are not serious. Prior to leaving England for Australia two years ago, he was gardener at Arlington Rectory. MR and MRS TUCKER have two sons (ERNEST, in the R.E., and LIONEL, in the Devons), as well as a son-in-law, in training.

Thursday 15 July 1915
A wedding interesting to parishioners took place at the Clifton Parish Church on Saturday, the contracting parties being MR CHARLES VICKERY, fourth son of MR and MRS VICKERY, of Rack Mead Cottages, and Miss Amy Pady, of Cheddar, Somerset. Mr F. Stucley acted as best man. The honeymoon is being spent in North Devon. There were numerous presents. The bridegroom has for a number of years been an esteemed employee of one of the largest warehouse firms in Bristol.
At Barnstaple Guildhall on Thursday, Mr A. F. Seldon applied for the transfer of the license of the Golden Fleece Hotel, Tuly-street, from MRS VICARY to her son FREDERICK GEORGE VICARY. MR VICARY had, he said, held the licence of the Bell Hotel, Chittlehampton, for seven years. He produced testimonials from the Vicar of Chittlehampton (Rev. C. W. Bate) and Mr G. W. Thorold, J.P. The application was granted.
North Devon War items.
MR FRED HOOPER, son of MR and MRS F. A. HOOPER, of Chittlehampton, has returned to England in order to join the Forces. Six years ago he went to Australia, and afterwards proceeded to South America, where he was assistant to a surgeon in a Hospital. He has now been attached to an Ambulance Corps.

Thursday 22 July 1915
North Devon War Items.
MR W. P. GREENSLADE, son of MR W. R. GREENSLADE, of Ash Cottages, Chittlehampton, arrived in England from Canada on Sunday. He has been in the dominion for some years, and volunteered for active service. He is attached to the 46th Saskatchewan Rifles, and will go through his training at the Shorncliffe Camp. Previous to leaving North Devon he was a member of the local Territorials.
Marriage - July 10, at the Parish Church, Georgenympton, FRED MAYNE, of Chittlehampton, to Mary Jane Luxton, of Georgenympton.

Thursday 29 July 1915
North Devon War Items.
MR JEFFERY, headmaster of the Council School at Umberleigh, has joined the Forces.
MARJORIE WEBBER (National School), and JESSIE HUXTABLE (Umberleigh Council School) have won scholarships, tenable respectively at Barnstaple Grammar School and Crediton High School.
ARTHUR FORD, aged 12, son of MR and MRS FORD, of Brightley, lost control of his cycle while descending Dennis's Hill on Saturday evening. At the corner of Simmons's Lane he was thrown into the roadway, sustaining a fracture of the upper right arm.

Thursday 5 August 1915
A vestry meeting was held in the Schoolroom on Monday evening for the purpose of securing a faculty to erect a brass tablet in the Church to the memory of GEORGE SKINNER, who has been killed in action. It was unanimously resolved to grant permission. The family with whom he lived are bearing the expense.
Chittlehamholt. The wedding of MISS ADA COPP, eldest daughter of MR ELON COPP, of Chittlehamholt, and MR ALBERT COURAGE, of Charlton Marshall, Blandford, was solemnized at Southmolton Congregational Church on Wednesday. The bride, who was given away by her father, was dressed in a grey tailor-made travelling costume with lace blouse and tagel hat. The bridesmaid, Miss Muriel Knill, the three year old niece of the bride, was dressed in a lace dress and lace hat, trimmed with blue silk. She carried a basket of Lady Godiva roses and wore a gold brooch, the gift of the bridegroom. The happy couple drove to Southmolton Road Station to catch the train for Blandford, where they will reside.

Thursday 19 August 1915
North Devon War Items.
PTE. W. GREENSLADE, of the Winipeg Rifles, who is in training at Shorncliffe, is now at Chittlehampton, on six days' leave. He went to Canada over three years ago, and joined the Rifles soon after the outbreak of War.

Thursday 26 August 1915
North Devon Fifty Years Ago. Compiled From Files Of The North Devon Journal. August 1865. - Deaths included: August 24, at Chittlehampton, LOUIS WILLIAM, second son of J. J. R. HOWARD, draper and grocer, aged two years.

Thursday 9 September 1915
North Devon War Items.
Parishioners generally at Chittlehampton have been glad to give a hearty welcome to MR BOB BRAYLEY, who for the past twelve months has been in the fighting line on the Western Front. He is a saddler in the 66th Battery R.F.A., and served in India some years. He has had some very narrow escapes. On one occasion a German shell burst quite close to him, cutting a hole clean through his haversack. Only about a fortnight ago the horse he was riding was shot through the neck. He had a week's leave.

Thursday 23 September 1915
DEATH - At Newcastle, America, as the result of an accident, SIDNEY BIRD, son of MR and MRS J. BIRD, of Shilston Cottages, Chittlehampton, aged 32.
DEATH - At Bramford Speke, THOMAS PROUT, son of the late MR RICHARD PROUT, of Chittlehampton, aged 65.
MR and MRS BIRD, of Shilston Cottages, have been notified of the death, by accident, of their son SIDNEY, which took place at Newcastle in America, where the deceased went twelve years ago. The information states that whilst he was being driven in a cab the horse took fright and bolted. The deceased was thrown out, and received such serious injuries that he succumbed two days later. He was 32 years of age. Much sympathy is extended to MR and MRS BIRD and family in their sorrow.
The Death has taken place at Bramford Speke of MR TOM PROUT, son of the late RICHARD and ANN PROUT, of this village. The deceased, who was 65 years of age, had been in ailing health for some time, but it was only for a few days previous to his passing away that the illness took a serious turn. He was of a very unassuming disposition, and a quiet though devout worker in the Nonconformist life of the village. He will be much missed. The interment took place on Saturday, when a large number attended to pay a last tribute of respect. Many choice floral designs were placed upon the grave, among them being:- From the sorrowing widow; the deceased's children, his sisters, Jane, Lizzie, and Sallie; and workers at the Chapel. At a memorial service on Sunday at Bramford Speke, Mr Nelson spoke in eulogistic terms of the deceased's life, and exhorted his hearers to emulate the example he had set them.

Thursday 30 September 1915
Whilst returning home one night last week on his motor cycle MR SAM. GARDNER, Surveyor, had a nasty spill. He was coming up the hill approaching Mill House, when a dog pounced at him from the front, MR GARDNER was thrown from the machine, and falling on his right shoulder he got a very bad shaking.

Thursday 14 October 1915
On Tuesday the death occurred at Southmolton of MRS SUSAN MACKINTOSH, of Great Portland-street, London. W., widow of the late MR JAMES MACKINTOSH. Deceased, who was 70 years of age, had been in ill-health for some time. She came to Southmolton about six weeks ago on a visit to her cousin. She leaves three daughters and a brother, MR WILLIAM CHAPPLE, who is well-known at Southmolton. MRS MACKINTOSH was a daughter of the late MR CHARLES CHAPPLE, a native of Chittlehampton, and her mother was formerly Miss Jane Thomas, a 'Molton lady.
North Devon War Items.
MR and MRS LETHBRIDGE, Chittlehampton, have received the welcome news that their son, HARRY, who has been a war prisoner in Germany since April, has arrived in England, being one of the exchanged wounded men who landed at Tilbury last Thursday. Private HARRY LETHBRIDGE belongs to the 90th Canadian Rifles, and he was engaged in the battle on April 19th, at the time when the Canadians suffered so heavily. It was known that he was severely wounded and made prisoner. He has been interned at Palerborn, Westfaler. It is only since his arrival in England, however, that the nature and extent of his injuries have become known. It transpires that he was wounded in the face, arm, groin, and left foot. His face and arm have got quite well, the groin is better, but his foot, which received three pieces of shrapnel, though improving, is still causing trouble. This, however, has been X-Rayed since his arrived in England, and it is hoped that something may be done for it. It is gratifying to know after the terrible ordeal through which he has gone that he is now comfortably installed among friends at a Military Hospital at Wandsworth, London, where he is receiving every care.

Thursday 28 October 1915
North Devon War Items.
MR and MRS TUCKER, of Frogmore, Chittlehampton, have been notified by the War Office that their son, LIONEL, has been killed in action in France. The deceased, who was 25 years of age, enlisted early this year in the 11th Devons, and he was later transferred to the 8th Devons. MR TUCKER has two other sons with the Forces - JACK, who has been twice wounded in the Dardanelles, and is now on his way to England, and ERNEST, who is with the Ordnance Corps in France. Much sympathy is extended to the family.
DEATH. - TUCKER - Killed in action, LIONEL TUCKER (8th Devons), son of MR and MRS TUCKER, of Frogmore, Chittlehampton, aged 25.
Sympathy is extended on every hand to MR and MRS BLIGHT, of Acland Cottages, in the anxiety they are experiencing respecting their son FRED, who was in the fighting in France over a month ago, since when nothing has been heard of him, and all efforts to get news of his safety have been fruitless. He is one of four sons serving their country in various places.
Residents learnt with deep regret of the death of MRS ELLEN DAVIES, who passed away on Saturday at the residence of her son, MR W. MANATON, Braunton. The deceased lady, who was 78 years of age, left Chittlehampton a fortnight ago to spend the winter with her sister (Mrs Burgess of Croyde), but before proceeding to Croyde stayed with her son at Braunton, where she was taken ill. She leaves a son and two daughters (Mrs Buckingham, of Newport, Mon., and Mrs Austin, of Horsham). The interment took place at Chittlehampton yesterday.

Thursday 4 November 1915
The sincere sympathy of all parishioners has this week been with MR and MRS W. JOHNS, of Whitstone Cottages, who have lost their youngest daughter, MAY, at the age of 15 years. She was in the village two days before her death. The funeral was largely attended. The Rev. C. W. Bate officiated. The mourners were the father and mother, brothers and sister, and other relatives. Messrs. C. Chapple, E. Skinner, G. Woolaway, S. Grimshire, F. Boyle and G. Grimshire, were the bearers. There were many wreaths.

Thursday 11 November 1915
North Devon War Items.
PTE. FRANK BATER (Chittlehampton) of the A.S.C. has been promoted to Lance Corporal.
MRS NOTT, of Collacott, Chittlehampton, has been notified that her son, who is with the Royal North Devon Hussars, in the Dardanelles, is dangerously ill, suffering from enteric.

Thursday 18 November 1915
North Devon War Items.
Second-Lieut. D. J. COLE, R.F.A., eldest son of MR and MRS COLE, of the Western Stores, Chittlehampton, has been gazetted Lieutenant.
FRANK LEWIS, eldest son of MR FRED LEWIS, of Chittlehampton, who has for several years been in Vancouver, has joined one of the Canadian Regiments.
PTE. W. F. MITCHELL, son of MR W. MITCHELL, of Chittlehampton, who has been with the 1st Devons in France for many months, is now home on a few days' leave.
Trooper NOTT, Royal North Devon Hussars (son of MR L. NOTT, of Collacott), who has been seriously ill from enteric at a Mediterranean station, is now officially reported to be out of danger.
Recruiting at Barnstaple. Enlisted - A. HOOPER, Chittlehampton.

Thursday 25 November 1915
Twenty-nine men have joined the 3/6th Devon Regiment at Barnstaple during the past week, including:- G. GOODING, Chittlehampton.

Thursday 16 December 1915
In Memoriam - WESTACOTT - In ever loving memory of my dear mother, KEZIA WESTACOTT, who passed peacefully away at Chuggaton, Chittlehampton on December 14th, 1914. Sadly missed by her youngest son, WILLIAM JAMES. One year has passed since that sad day When one I loved was called away. God took her home; it was his will: Forget her? No, I never will.

Thursday 22 December 1915
North Devon War Items.
MR and MRS FRIENDSHIP, of Chittlehampton, have learnt that their son, PHILIP, with the North Devon Yeomanry in the Mediterranean, is in hospital at Malta suffering from frost bite.
PTES, FRANK MAYNE BATER and JACK CANN, of Chittlehampton, have been promoted to Lance Corporals. The former is now in France with the Army Ordnance Corps and the latter at Exmouth with the 6th Devons.
KEEPER and MRS WHITE, of Chittlehampton, have been advised by the War Office that their son, JACK, at the Dardanelles with the Wiltshires, was wounded on November 25th. The nature or extent of his injuries is not known.
DEATH - December 18 at Barnstaple, MRS CAROLINE LOUISA BATER, widow, late of the Manor House, Chittlehamholt.
Another Tragedy At Barnstaple. Elderly Lady Shoots Herself Whilst Temporarily Insane. - The weekend at Barnstaple was marked by another sad tragedy - the second within five days. MISS CAROLINE LOUISA BATER, an elderly lady of independent means, was missed from her residence at No. 2, South Lane, Newport, at about 7.30 a.m. on Saturday, and about a quarter of an hour later her body was found in a field adjoining the Ladies' Mile, a short distance from the house. Clasped in deceased's right hand was a revolver containing three cartridges, one of which had apparently been discharged in the mouth. The body was removed to the North Devon Infirmary for the purposes of a post mortem examination and the Inquest. MRS BATER owned considerable property at Chittlehamholt and resided for many years at the Manor House in that parish. In her younger days she was very fond of sport, and has been described as "one of the finest horsewomen who ever rode to hounds." MR BATER died ten years ago, and for some time the deceased lady had resided with her only son at Park Lane, Barnstaple. Last May her son joined the Royal North Devon Hussars, and the fact of his having to leave Barnstaple with his Regiment seems to have greatly distressed her. MRS BATER was a lady of charming personality and most benevolent disposition and the news of her tragic death was received with profound regret in a wide district. The deceased was 71 years of age. The Inquest was held at the North Devon Infirmary on Monday evening. Mr T. A. R. Bencraft, Borough Coroner, first gave a resume of the evidence to be adduced. He mentioned that deceased's solicitor, Mr Pope, of Crediton (who regretted he could not stay over for the Inquest) had informed him that day that some little time ago MRS BATER wrote him that the War was distressing her a great deal, and it appeared to him that the War had got somewhat upon her nerves. There was, however, nothing to lead anyone to suppose that she would take her life. As there was no mark to show where the bullet, that proved fatal, had penetrated, he (the Coroner) had ordered a post mortem examination, the result of which would be stated to the Jury. Corpl. THOMAS HENRY BATER, deceased's son, Royal North Devon Hussars (stationed at Tidworth), stated that on the death of his father (the late MR THOMAS BATER) ten years ago his mother had a breakdown in health, being troubled with sleeplessness and on and off since she had similarly suffered. There was nothing of a pecuniary nature to worry her, and as recently as December 7th he received a letter from her signed "Your affectionate mother," asking what parcel he would like her to send him for Christmas. The coroner added that a cheque had been found in the house made out for December 21st. All this tended to show that the act committed by MRS BATER was a sudden impulse, and that there was no premeditation of any sort.
Corpl. BATER went on to say that he had never heard his mother threaten her life, and agreed that he should have thought her to be the last person who would have done anything of the sort. He believed the six-chambered revolver produced was the one which used to be kept at the Manor House, Chittlehamholt, which was quite an out-of-the-way place. Since coming home he had been told that his mother had not slept well lately, but all her letters had been of a cheerful character. P.C. Baker deposed that when at the bottom of Victoria-road at 3.40 a.m. on Saturday he heard a shot fired in the direction of Park-lane. Witness proceeded in that direction, but could not see anything. He had come to the conclusion this was the shot fired by the deceased, although he thought at the time it possibly a detonator fired at the Junction Station. P.C. A. Hill whilst on the Square heard the same shot, and both reported the matter at the Police Station. Mrs Baglow informed the Jury that she had been doing occasional work for MRS BATER, and stayed with her on Friday afternoon and evening whilst the servant girl was out. Witness left at 9.30, when the girl returned. She noticed nothing unusual about MRS BATER, but about three weeks previously she heard her complain that she did not sleep very much. She seemed upset about her son being away, and was always talking about it. Daisy Challacombe, servant to MRS BATER since February last, stated that her mistress had complained of sleeplessness. Deceased had had her teeth out, and witness had thought that the sleeplessness was due to this. When they retired to bed on Friday evening at 9.40, the deceased seemed quite all right. Witness rose about 7.30 on Saturday morning, and on going to the front door for the letters found that the door was unlocked and unbolted. She did not, however, attach any importance to this, as MRS BATER always used to get down early until the last week or so. A little later she took a cup of tea up to the bedroom, to find that the bed had apparently been slept in, but that her mistress was missing. She at once reported the matter to the police, the body being found a little later. Witness had no idea that MRS BATER intended to do anything. She always used to say that everyone had their trouble, and they must make the best of matters. Her mistress, however, undoubtedly worried about her son being away. Hy. Dear, a municipal workman, described how, on proceeding through the Ladies' Mile for the purpose of tending the geese in the Sports Ground, he saw the body in the field, about 7.45 on Saturday morning. MRS BATER was lying on her back, with a pistol in her hand. He saw no evidence of a struggle. The police were telephoned for. P.C. Newcombe (with the ambulance) and Dr Gibbs arriving the same time. P.C. Newcombe deposed that the body was leaning against a tree, deceased's right hand clasping the revolver, with the first finger on the trigger. Blood was issuing from the mouth, but there was no external wound. It was a six chambered revolver and contained two unused cartridges, and one which had been discharged. Deceased was practically fully dressed. Under the direction of the Chief constable and Dr Gibbs, witness removed the body to the North Devon Infirmary. Later in the day witness found some slips of paper at No. 2, Park-lane.
The Coroner read three notes, one of which stated where the keys of the safe and the wardrobe could be found, whilst the other asked that if she was ill "please telegraph to Mrs Bater, Chittlehamholt, near Chulmleigh." P.C. Newcombe further explained that the servant girl had stated the notes had been on the mantelpiece two or three weeks. MR BATER said his mother, remembering how she suffered on his father's death, had thought it safe to leave these notes. Being unable to sleep, she evidently feared that she was going to be ill. Dr J. Vermylen, House Surgeon at the North Devon Infirmary, stated that the post mortem examination revealed a wound in the mouth, and that the skull was fractured. On removing the splinters caused by the fracture, he found the bullet produced, which had passed through the brain, causing haemorrhage and concussion. He thought that possibly MRS BATER remained unconscious for some time after the occurrence. Dr S. R. Gibbs, who was present at the post mortem examination, gave supporting evidence. He expressed the opinion that MRS BATER must have lain down against the tree before pulling the trigger and that she had been dead about two hours when he arrived. He was further of opinion that deceased placed the revolver in her mouth before discharging it, there being no external injury. In connection with people who suffered from insomnia the border line between sanity and insanity was very thin; and sleeplessness was sometimes one of the causes of insanity. The Coroner: Do you think that if MRS BATER was suffering from insomnia her state of mind in that case would amount to temporary insanity? - Undoubtedly. After a brief summing up by the Coroner, the Jury returned a verdict of "Suicide whilst Temporarily Insane." They expressed their deep sympathy with the son and other relatives - an expression with which the Coroner associated himself, MR BATER returning his thanks.

Thursday 30 December 1915
To the memory of GEORGE SKINNER, Devon Regiment, son of MR J. B. SKINNER, of Brimley, who was killed in action in France, a brass tablet has been placed in the Parish Church by the Latimer Sanders family of Trevone, Cornwall, with whom the deceased was living when he joined the Forces on the outbreak of hostilities.

Thursday 6 January 1916
North Devon War Items.
PTE. J. WHITE, 5th Wiltshire Regiment, son of MR WHITE, of Chittlehampton, is suffering from typhoid, and is in hospital at Cairo.
PTE. PHILIP FRIENDSHIP, Royal North Devon Hussars, son of MR FRIENDSHIP, of Chittlehampton, is lying seriously ill in a hospital at Malta.
Serious Charge At Southmolton. - The Magistrates present at Southmolton Police court on Monday were the Mayor (Mr w. Sanders), Messrs. J. A. Kingdon, Albert E. Shapland, Charles Pearce, James Sanders, William Moor, and T. Chapple.
Frederick Crook, labourer, was charged with stealing about 10 cwt. of coal, valued at 15s., from Southmolton Railway Station on December 22nd, the property of MR J. W. GARDNER, coal dealer, of Chittlehampton. Crook pleaded guilty. Samuel Andrew Fishleigh, farmer, of Marsh, Northmolton, was charged with receiving the coal from Crook on the same date. He also pleaded guilty. Captain J. Furse Sanders, solicitor, Southmolton, who appeared for MR GARDNER, stated that when the Bench had heard his case they would see that the defendants' had done wisely in pleading guilty. MR GARDNER, who was a coal dealer at Chittlehampton, had a contract with the Edison Steam Roller Company to supply them with coal when they were rolling in that district, and had a coal depot at the Southmolton Railway Station. MR GARDNER sub-let the contract of carting the coal to the steam roller to Mr Benjamin Haskings, of Alswere. On December 22nd Crook, who was in the employ of Mr Haskings, was at Southmolton Station, when Fishleigh came to him and said, "I could do with a load of coal like that; if you will take a load to my place I will give you two shillings." Crook demurred for some time, but on being pressed by Fishleigh consented, and the coal was taken and tipped out at Fishleigh's farm. Fishleigh then gave Crook 1s. 6d., some bread and meat, and a pint of ale. Had it not been for Mr Down, a road contractor, the theft would probably not have been discovered. Mr Down saw Crook taking the coal up the lane towards Mr Fishleigh's farm, and his suspicions being aroused he gave information. Crook, on being questioned by the police, confessed, and told what had taken place between him and Fishleigh. On being confronted by the police, Fishleigh put forward the excuse that he told Crook to cart the coal to his farm, and he would take it to the roller. Now he (Mr Sanders) would, if necessary, call witnesses to prove that at that time the roller was not working anywhere in the Northmolton district but at Alswere, about four miles away, and also Mr Ernest Kingdon, one of the District Surveyors would state that Mr Fishleigh had no authority for carting any coal. He (Mr Sanders) had been instructed not to press the case against Crook, who was tempted by Fishleigh, so he would ask the Bench to deal leniently with Crook. But in the case of Fishleigh, who was a farmer and an ex-Police Constable, and therefore must have known what he was doing, he would ask them to deal with him as he deserved.
MR GARDNER was called to prove the ownership of the coal. Mr E. Kingdon, District Surveyor, stated that the only dates on which Fishleigh carted coal to the roller was on November 24th, 1915, and said the roller left the Northmolton district on December 15th, and went from there to Alswere. P.C. Hannaford gave evidence as to the finding of the coal on Fishleigh's premises. The Bench retired, and on their return the Mayor, addressing Crook, said that the Bench would take a lenient view of his office; he had, no doubt, been tempted. There would be a fine of £2, a month being granted for payment. To Fishleigh the Mayor said that he was the instigator of the trouble. "You offered Crook 2s. to take the coal to your place, knowing that the coal was neither his nor yours. You should have known better." The Bench inflicted a penalty of £12 19s. 4d., or in default three months' hard labour. Mr Down was complimented by the Mayor on discovering the theft.
North Devon in 1915. A Retrospect.
As the result of an accident, SIDNEY BIRD, son of MR J. BIRD, Chittlehampton, died at Newcastle, America.
Amongst the North Devon men who gave their lives for King and Country in the Great War during 1915 were:- May 30, PTE BURRIDGE, 1st Devons, son-in-law of MR and MRS SPEAR, of Little Ash, Chittlehampton.
September 25, LIONEL TUCKER, 8th Devons, son of MR and MRS TUCKER, of Frogmore, Chittlehampton.
The deaths of the year included the following: March 12, at Ohio, GEO RENDLE, fourth son of the late MR and MRS J. RENDLE, of Narracott, Chittlehampton, 56.
MISS GLADYS TAYLOR, who recently passed in advanced grade for pianoforte playing at the examination of the Associated Board of the R.A.M. and R.C.M., has undertaken duties of organist at Umberleigh Mission Church.

Thursday 13 January 1916
In the recent Diocesan Sunday School examination, CHRISTINE VICKERY, of this parish, in the Junior 1st Class was awarded the bronze medal of the Association for her clever paper, and also a book valued 2s. 6d. Certificates were won by PERCY GREENSLADE, JACK VICKERY, HORACE WALDRON, JAMES WEBBER, FRED WEBBER and PHYLLIS TAYLOR.

Thursday 20 January 1916
The death took place on Monday morning at Langaton Farm of MR ROBERT MUDGE at the age of 90. He had lived at Langaton for some two or three years with MR and MRS JONES, his son-in-law and daughter. he formerly carried on a considerable business as a wheelwright at Cornwood. He was very greatly respected by a large circle of friends and neighbours. At the time of his death he was the oldest parishioner. Up to a few months ago he was a regular attendant at the Parish Church.
BIRTH - January 12, at the Village, Chittlehampton, the wife of MR J. H. MANATON, of a daughter.
BIRTH - January 11, at Puddlepool, Chittlehampton, the wife of MR CHARLES SKINNER, of a daughter.
DEATH - January 17, at Langaton Farm, Chittlehampton (the residence of his daughter, MRS JONES), ROBERT MUDGE, late of Cornwood, aged 90.

Thursday 27 January 1916
North Devon War Items.
PTE. PHILIP FRIENDSHIP, Royal North Devon Hussars, son of MR and MRS FRIENDSHIP, of Clematis Cottage, Chittlehampton, who was frost-bitten on the Gallipoli Peninsula, has lost half of one of his feet and all the toes from the other foot. He is in hospital at Malta.
BIRTH - January 22, at the Village, Chittlehampton, the wife of MR W. MOORE, of a daughter.
DEATH - January 21, at the residence of her son-in-law (MR W. BREAYLEY), Chittlehampton, the widow of MR T. CRUWYS, aged 80.
DEATH - January 18, at Puddlepool, Chittlehampton, the infant daughter of MR and MRS SKINNER, aged 6 days.
On Friday last a very respected villager passed away in the person of MRS CRUWYS, at the age of 80 years. She had, since the death of her husband, MR T. CRUWYS, resided with her daughter and son-in-law, MR and MRS W. BREAYLEY. A son (MR NED CRUWYS) is Sergeant-Major in the coldstream Guards; he has been a very successful recruiter during the War. Another son, the late MR W. CRUWYS, was landlord of the Bell Hotel, Barnstaple.
The mortal remains of MR R. MUDGE, of Langaton, have been interred in the churchyard. The immediate mourners were his sons, daughters, son-in-law, grand-daughters, and other relatives. The Rev. C. W. Bate read the service. Wreaths were laid on the grave from members of the family; Ethel and Jack, and all friends at 47 Rolle-street, Barnstaple; Lew, Jennie and grandma Rew, Hammets, Landkey; J. P. Jones, Winson; Mrs Gill; C. and A. Jones and M and E. Petherick. The bearers were Messrs. T. S. Gardener, H. Huxham, W. Breayley, W. Woolaway, E. Petherick and R. H. Vickery.

Thursday 3 February 1916
MR RICHARD TUCKER, the oldest parishioner, has just celebrated his 90th birthday. He was the recipient of many good wishes, there being no resident more greatly respected than he is.
A Large number of parishioners and friends attended the funeral of the late MRS CRUWYS, the interment taking place in the Parish Churchyard. The Rev. C. W. Bate officiated. The immediate mourners were Mr and Mrs Breayley (son-in-law and daughter), Mr Edwin Cruwys (brother-in-law), Mr W. Breayley (grandson), Misses Annie and Katie Breayley (grand daughters), Mr and Mrs James Manaton, and Mrs Vickery (cousins). The bearers were Messrs. J. Smoldon, J. B. Burgess, S. Vickery, H. Huxham, R. H. Vickery, and F. Congram. The coffin was of polished oak, with brass mountings. Wreaths bearing the following inscriptions were laid on the grave: In loving memory of dear Mother, from Polly and Bill; In affectionate remembrance from her son and daughter, Ned and Betty; In loving memory, from Bessie and Jack; In loving memory of dear grandmother, from Will; In loving memory of dear grandmother, from Annie and Katie; In loving memory, from Kizzie; With deepest sympathy, from E. and S. Breayley, Ash. Feeling reference was made to deceased by the Vicar, at the Parish Church, on Sunday.

Thursday 10 February 1916
DEATH - Accidentally lost his life through the destruction by fire of the Canadian House of Commons, RANDOLPH FANNING (messenger to the Speaker), son of MRS FANNING, of Ferndale Cottage, Chittlehampton, North Devon, aged 29.
Chittlehampton Man's Death In Canada. Result Of The Great Fire. - Residents at Chittlehampton were very much grieved on Monday morning at news received by cable from Canada that a well-known parishioner, MR RANDOLPH FANNING, son of MRS FANNING, of Ferndale Cottage, was one of the victims of the fire which destroyed the Canadian House of Commons. He had for some years been Messenger to the Speaker. He had served under two Speakers, and was held in high esteem. His manner was most genial, and he soon made many friends. He leaves a wife and two children, the eldest being only three years of age. The greatest sympathy is felt for them in their irreparable loss. Previous to going to Canada, deceased lived with Lord Derwent as footman, and had a very narrow escape when his lordship's mansion, Hackness Hall, was destroyed by fire. From there he went to Canada, and was footman for Earl Grey at Government House during his tenure of office, and it was largely through his lordship's influence that he held the position he was filling at the time of his death. His wife was maid to Lord and Lady Grey's daughter. The deceased was only 29 years of age.

Thursday 17 February 1916
A member of one of Chittlehampton's oldest and most highly respected families died at Stonehouse, Plymouth, on Saturday last in the person of MR JOHN SANDERS, aged 80. Deceased, who was unmarried, went to the United States of America when quite a young man, and lived there for over 30 years. He had great experience in raising oil from the wells, and followed the occupation of tank builder. MR EDWIN SANDERS, a brother, and MRS WATTS, of Colly Town, sister, survive him.

Thursday 24 February 1916
News received by the Canadian mail on Monday morning give further particulars as to how MR RANDY FANNING met his death at the Ottawa House of Commons fire. His wife informs his mother that he was in the library of the house when the alarm was given. He at once rushed to the hose, and was in the act of throwing water on the flames, when the structure gave way and the falling debris buried him. His remains had not been found when the letter was despatched on the 7th inst.

Thursday 2 March 1916
During the past week two have been laid to rest in the Churchyard. The first was ETHEL GWENDOLINE, the only daughter of MR and MRS DOCKINGS, of Myrtle Cottage, aged 10 months. The other was MR CHARLES HARRIS, son of the late MR and MRS HARRIS, of Deptford, and brother of the present occupier. Death was due to Bright's disease and pleurisy; he was 48 years of age.
DEATH - At Chittlehampton, ETHEL GWENDOLINE, daughter of MR and MRS DOCKINGS, Myrtle Cottage, aged 10 months.
DEATH - At Chittlehampton, CHARLES HARRIS, son of the late MR and MRS HARRIS, of Deptford, aged 48.

Thursday 9 March 1916
DEATH - At Southmolton (suddenly), CHARLES HARRIS, late of Hill Head, Chittlehampton, aged 48.
The freehold cottage and garden, the property of the late MRS DAVIES, has been sold by private treaty. MR and MRS J. H. GARDNER, of Provident House, were the purchasers.
Southmolton Rural Tribunal.
HENRY BATER, of Farr's Farm, Chittlehamholt, 19, a horseman, was represented by EDWIN BATER, his father, who said that he "did not intend to do a lot more work." THOMAS EDWIN BATER, another son, had been exempted. - Mr Peters: Are these all the sons you have? - MR BATER: No. I've an invalid. - Mr Peters: Who helps you sometimes? - When he can. - Mr Peters: What about the other son? - Oh, he's a boy. - Refused.

Thursday 16 March 1916
The mortal remains of MR W. LUGG, of this village, were laid to rest in the Parish Churchyard on Friday last. The Rev. C. W. Bate very impressively read the burial service. The immediate mourners were Mr and Mrs George Stevens, Umberleigh (son-in-law and daughter), Mr and Mrs Hooper, Crediton (son-in-law and daughter), Miss Esther Lugg (daughter), Mr and Mrs Upton (son-in-law and daughter), Mr Richard Lugg (son), Mr and Mrs E. Howard (nephew and niece), Mrs Lewis and Miss Dennicombe (nieces), Miss L. Hooper (grand daughter). Mr J. R. Howard (nephew) was the undertaker. A number of villagers also joined in the cortege. There were several wreaths. The bearers were Messrs. W. S. Gardner, W. Friendship, M. Hancock, H. Ward, J. Towell, and G. Boucher. Deceased who was 71 years of age, was a native of Torrington. His wife resides at St. Teara's Well Cottage.
North Devon War Items.
PTE. T. RENDELL, R.E., son of MRS RENDELL, of New Buildings, Chittlehampton, has been wounded in the leg. He is at present in a hospital at Nottingham.

Thursday 23 March 1916
The greatest sympathy has been extended to MR and MRS FANNING, of Ferndale Cottage, who on Sunday last lost their only daughter, MISS LUCILLE FANNING, at the age of 37 years. Some few years ago she contracted disease of the spine, since which she had been a great invalid. Everything that medical skill could do has been tried for her, but with no avail. Although she was such a sufferer she was of the brightest disposition, and was never known to murmur at her lot. She greeted all her visitors with a smile. The parents have suffered a double loss within a short period, as only a few weeks ago their son lost his life in the House of Commons fire at Ottawa. Thus in a brief time they have lost two of their three children.
BIRTH - March 20, at Ford Cottage, Chittlehampton, to MR and MRS RENDLE, a son.
DEATH - March 19, at Ferndale Cottage, Chittlehampton, MISS LUCILLE MARY FANNING, aged 37.

Thursday 30 March 1916
A large number of villagers attended the funeral of MISS FANNING, deceased being held in much respect. The Rev. C. W. Bate took the service most impressively. The immediate mourners were deceased's father, mother and brother, Mrs Blackmore (aunt), Mr J. H. Manaton (cousin), Mr and Mrs James Manaton (cousins). The bearers were Messrs. F. Harris, F. Lewis, C. Webber, H. Potter, and Messrs. W. Braeyley and Son. Some beautiful floral tokens were laid on the grave, received from father and mother and brother, Uncle Sam and Aunt Clara and cousin Claud, Exmouth, Grandfather, Aunt Emily, Miss Blackmore, Miss Peters, Mr and Mrs G. Fisher, Exeter, Mr and Mrs Thorne and boys, Chard; All at the Cot, Mrs Thorpe, Misses Dinnacombe, Mrs Harris, Mrs Collings, Misses Lewis, and Misses Cole. In the course of his sermon at the Parish Church, on Sunday, the Vicar made very feeling allusion to deceased, who, he said, had by her suffering shown a noble example. During her long illness she had shown much patience and courage. Amidst all her suffering she had a smile for everyone. He was sure the sympathy of all would go forth to the parents, who by her death had sustained a double loss in the course of a few weeks. Deceased's favourite hymn, "There is a land of pure delight," was sung, and the organist (Mr Wood) played "O rest in the Lord." Mr C. H. Thompson alluded to deceased at the Umberleigh Mission Church.

Thursday 6 April 1916
Much sympathy has been extended to MR W. PICKARD, of Downs Cottages, who on Saturday , lost his wife, MRS M. A. PICKARD, at the age of 69 years. She had been ill only a few days. She was held in much respect by parishioners generally.
North Devon War Items.
Members of the 1st Royal Hussars who have returned home during the past week or so, after having seen service at the Dardanelles, include: Sergt. CROCKER (Umberleigh).

Thursday 13 April 1916
DEATH - At Levery Dale, Exeter, MRS PARR, formerly of Chittlehampton.
DEATH - April 7, at Southmolton, from the effects of accidental burns, MARGARET EMMA WHEATON, daughter of MR and MRS WHEATON, Mile-house Cottage, Chittlehampton, aged 4 years.
The death has taken place at Livery Dole, Exeter, of MRS PARR. The older parishioners will well remember her as house-keeper for the present Bishop of Crediton, when Vicar of Chittlehampton.
The funeral of MRS PICKARD was very largely attended, the cortege reaching from the Lych Gate to the bottom of the Square. The Rev. C. W. Bate officiated. The chief mourners were Mrs Ellicott (daughter), John and Albert (sons), Messrs. W. Short, W. Watts, and W. Ellicott (sons-in-law), Mr and Mrs H. Isaac (brother and sister-in-law), Mr and Mrs W. Isaac (brother and sister-in-law), Mr T. Isaac (brother), Mrs Trebble, Ilfracombe (sister), Mrs Pickard (daughter-in-law), Misses Trebble and Miss Pickard (2) (grand daughters), Mr and Mrs W. Isaac (nephew and niece). - Mr C. Skinner, of Puddeford, carried out the duties as undertaker. The bearers were Messrs. W. White, W. Watkins, W. Friendship, W. Mayne, Bater, R. H. Vickery and M. Hancock. Wreaths were laid on the grave from her loving husband and children; Will, Lizz and family; Harry and Carrie; Will and Catherine; all the grand-children; E. Isaac; S. Pickard; all at Little Folly; W. and E. Pyke; W. May and M. Coggins; Mrs F. Harris; Mrs Alford; Mrs Lugg; Esther, Bessie and Mrs Boucher; Mrs Watts; Mrs Friendship; Miss Mitchell; Mrs and Ivy Sowden, and a friend.
Fatal Burns At Chittlehampton. - A sad accident, which was followed by fatal results, happened at Mile-house Cottage, Chittlehampton, the residence of MR WHEATON, in the employ MR JONES, of Langaton Farm. MARGARET EMMA WHEATON, aged four, daughter of MR and MRS WHEATON, not being very well, was sitting near the fire playing with some postcards when one of the cards fell into the ashpan, and as she stooped to pick it up her apron caught on fire. The doctor ordered her removal on March 31st to Southmolton, where she succumbed to the burns on April 7th. Dr Ellis Pearson (Deputy Coroner for North Devon) conducted the Inquest at the Board-room of Southmolton Workhouse on Monday. The evidence of the parents was that they had a stove in the kitchen. They had no proper fireguard previous to the accident, but occasionally put some wire-netting in front of the stove. The stove could be closed up. On the day of the accident the mother went out to feed a pig, leaving deceased, who was not very well, sitting by the fire. While out she heard screams, and on running back to the house found her sister-in-law, who lived in the next cottage, with the child in her arms, wrapped in a bag. The child told her she did not touch the fire, but some cards fell down, and she stooped to pick them up, and a piece of coal fell on her pinafore. Dr Nicholls, Southmolton, said he found the child suffering from severe burns. The right arm was burnt from the hand to the shoulder, also the right side of the neck and face and the knee. Questioned by the Coroner, Dr Nicholls said that everything possible had been done for the child by the Union officials and the Matron deserved credit for the trouble and care she had given to the case. By a Juror: The parents had done the best they could before he (the doctor) arrived. A verdict of "Accidental Death" was returned.
North Devon War Items.
SERGT. GEORGE CROCKER, of the Royal North Devon Hussars, is home at Eastacott, Chittlehampton, the residence of his parents, for a month's leave. He served in the Dardanelles campaign, but escaped unscathed, and he has enjoyed excellent health. The time for which he joined has expired, but he has signed on again.
MR and MRS ELLICOTT, of Slade Farm, Chittlehampton, have received news from the War Office that their nephew, PTE. G. MANNING, has been killed. Some three or four years ago he went to Canada, and on the outbreak of War he joined one of the Canadian Contingents. He was about 23 years of age. Deceased was brought up by his uncle and aunt, his parents having died when he was a boy. He was held in much respect by a large circle of friends and his death is much regretted.

Thursday 20 April 1916
The MISSES DORA BATE and JOYCE LEWIS have passed the examination for pianoforte playing (Lower Division) held in connection with the Associated Board of the R.A.M. and R.C.M. They are pupils of Mrs Bevan.
Both before and after Matins on Sunday the ringers rang a muffled peal on the bells to the memory of the late PRIVATE G. MANNING, who was killed in France. Deceased, before leaving here, was a member of the church choir, and was also a ringer. The Rev. C. W. Bate made feeling reference to him during his sermon. The Commanding Officer of the regiment to which he belonged has written a nice letter to MR ELLICOTT, his uncle, eulogising his conduct as a soldier and saying he was one of the best men serving under him.

Thursday 27 April 1916
A Wedding was solemnised at the Parish Church on Easter Day, the contracting parties being MISS HETTY TUCKER, niece of MR and MRS CHERITON, of Bradbury, and MR FRANCIS MURCH, son of MR JAMES MURCH, of Hoe and Little Weir, Umberleigh. The Rev. C. W. Bate officiated. The bride, who was neatly attired in a grey travelling costume, was given away by her cousin, MR S. CHERITON. Mr J. Murch, brother of the bridegroom, carried out the duties of best man. The honeymoon is being spent at Ilfracombe.
Wounded Soldier's Welcome At Chittlehampton. - Chittlehampton welcomed home its first soldier hero on Wednesday, when PTE. HARRY LETHBRIDGE, 90th Canadian Rifles, son of MR CHRISTOPHER LETHBRIDGE, East-street, Chittlehampton, returned. PTE LETHBRIDGE was wounded in the first German gas attack at Ypres, after which he lay unconscious for six weeks. He received severe shrapnel wounds, and arrived home still on crutches. A number of friends assembled at the station to meet him. On the way to Chittlehampton, the horse was removed and the carriage drawn by inhabitants of the village. At the entrance to Chittlehampton he was welcomed by school teachers, Rev. C. R. Thompson, Curate, and others. In the Square, where flags were flying from nearly every house, PTE LETHBRIDGE was received by the Vicar (Rev. C. W. Bate), the inhabitants greeting the returned soldier with the greatest cordiality. PTE. LETHBRIDGE was one of the first batch of prisoners exchanged by the enemy. He has two brothers in the fighting. Since his release he had been in a Convalescent Home in London for the greater part of the time, but on Wednesday he came from Exeter Hospital.

Thursday 11 May 1916
MR W. ASHELFORD, sen., of Furze Farm, has met with an accident. He was wheeling a barrow of mangolds when his foot slipped, causing him to fracture his leg just above the ankle.
Parishioners generally were sorry to hear on Monday that a member of a very old Chittlehampton family had passed away in the person of MR JOHN GREENSLADE, of Newport, Barnstaple. He was the last of four brothers who formerly lived at Collacott Barton.

Thursday 18 May 1916
North Devon War Items.
PTE A. TAPSCOTT, son of MR and MRS TAPSCOTT, of Nethercleave Cottages, Chittlehampton, has been seriously wounded in action in Mesopotamia.

Thursday 25 May 1916
North Devon Fifty Years Ago. Compiled From Files of the North Devon Journal. May 1856.
Marriage - May 26 at Chittlehampton, John Jones, of Bableigh, to ELIZABETH ANN, eldest daughter of J. ASHTON, Shilstone Barton, Chittlehampton.
Death - April 28, at Charles, A. MOGRIDGE, youngest son of the late W. MOGRIDGE, of Leary, Chittlehampton.
North Devon Appeal Tribunal. Sitting at Barnstaple.
WM. GRIMSHIRE, a Chittlehampton farmer, applied for the exemption of his son, GEORGE P. GRIMSHIRE (28), a single man, employed as a cattleman and shepherd. There are only himself and two sons (one of whom was starred) to work the farm. A third son was serving. - Exemption to 1st October.

Thursday 1 June 1916
Women are helping in farm work here. A number have been seen weeding the corn, pulling plants, picking up loose stones from the meadows, while in some places they have followed the plough.
Some time ago an examination was held in the schoolroom open to members of the Church of England band of hope. The subject was "The great War." Printed forms of questions were given to each competitor. Mrs C. H. THOMPSON, of the Curatage, coached the little ones for the ordeal. The results to hand show that FRED WEBBER won the Deanery prize, JIM WEBBER 2nd, WILLIE LOCK 3rd, MONICA JOAN MANATON 4th, NELLIE GILL 5th.
At the house of his sister and brother-in-law, MRS and MR W. MAYNE BATER, the death took place on Friday of MR SAMUEL HAYMAN at the age of 59 years. Deceased was well known at Torrington, where for some time he was caretaker of the Liberal Club. A few weeks ago he had a nervous breakdown. It was thought a rest and change of air would have the desired effect and make him better. He was a native of High Bickington, a blacksmith by trade, but for some years his health has not allowed him to follow it. He leaves a widow and two children, for whom much sympathy is felt.
Barnstaple Rural Tribunal. Application for exemption was then considered. In regard to WALTER SCOTT (19) horseman, of Irishborough, Chittlehampton, MR COOKE, the employer, stated that his farm was 167 acres, 38 acres being under the plough. The remaining staff consisted of a workman who helped three days a week, a boy who tended cattle, and himself (MR COOKE). The military did not consider SCOTT was necessary to the farm, but conditional exemption was granted.
DEATH - May 26, at Chittlehampton, SAMUEL HAYMAN (a native of High Bickington), late caretaker of Torrington Liberal Club, aged 59 years.

Thursday 8 June 1916
North Devon War Items.
MESSRS. S. CONGRAM, S. RENDLE, J. PATT, and J. FACEY, of Chittlehampton, have joined the Army during the past week.
A very fine bunch of wild strawberries has been picked by MISS BLACKMORE, of Pitt Cottage. Several of the children on their way to school have also gathered some.
To shew their appreciation of her services the teachers and scholars of the National School have presented MISS GLADYS TAYLOR (who previous to leaving the parish was a member of the teaching staff) with a nice black leather writing case, beautifully fitted up. MR BEVAN, the headmaster forwarded it to her at her new home on Monday. MISS TAYLOR was a general favourite among the children here, and won their love through her gentleness of manner.
A large number attended the funeral of MR S. HAYMAN. A very impressive service was conducted in the Wesleyan Chapel, and also at the graveside in the Parish Churchyard, by the Rev. W. L. Bennett. The favourite hymn of deceased, "Rock of Ages," was feelingly sung by those present. Some beautiful wreaths and floral tributes were laid on the grave by friends as a last mark of love and esteem. The immediate mourners were the widow and two little daughters, Mr W. S. Gardner (brother-in-law), Mr and Mrs W. Mayne Bater (brother-in-law and sister), Mrs S. Gardner (niece), Messrs. J. S. Gardner, S. Gardner and A. Hayman (nephews), A. Squire, N. Bird and J. Dunn, High Bickington (cousins). The bearers all well-known members of the Wesleyan body were Messrs. J. Cole, J. Towell, R. H. Vickery, G. Mules, W. Down, and J. R. Howard. Mr J. Huxtable was the undertaker.

Thursday 15 June 1916
The death has taken place at Southmolton of MR JAMES RUDD, late a Sergeant of the Royal Marines. He was a native of Chittlehampton, and until recently occupied the old tollgate house at Clapworthy Mill. Death was due to cancer of the tongue. The interment took place in the churchyard here. The Rev. C. W. Bate officiated. The Misses Thorold, of Warkleigh House, sent a beautiful wreath. Deceased was 63 years of age.
MR PHILIP FREINDSHIP, of Yard Cottages, who until recently was a Private in the Royal North Devon Hussars, has received his discharge and has returned home. He was in the Dardanelles operations, and on November 26th during a severe blizzard was badly frostbitten, with the result that he lost all his toes on both feet, and the greater part of his left foot. He was operated on in the Malta Hospital, and was afterwards sent back to London. It was decided to give him a good welcome on his arrival at Chittlehampton, but a letter sent to his parents was delayed, and he came home unexpectedly. At Waterloo Station Mr Bartlett, of Barnstaple, entered the carriage with him. At Exeter Mr Bartlett had his motor waiting to take him by road to Barnstaple, and he kindly offered to take MR FRIENDSHIP direct to his home, an offer which was gladly accepted. A large number of residents were disappointed at being unable to give a public welcome, but the private greetings have been very cordial.
CORPL. FRED COCKS, of the Canadian Force, has recently been promoted to Sergeant. Last week he paid a brief visit to his parents at Chittlehampton

Thursday 22 June 1916
MISS MARJORY HUXTABLE has been appointed to succeed MISS G. TAYLOR as an assistant in the infants' department at the National School.
CHRISTINE VICKERY and JIM WEBBER, both pupils at the National School, have been advised that they were successful in the recent scholarship examination.

Thursday 29 June 1916
North Devon War Items.
The list of West-countrymen supposed to have been taken prisoners by the Turks at Kut include the following, of the Devon Regiment (attached to the Dorsets): W. GOODING, Chittlehampton.
News has been received from the War Office by MR and MRS GREENSLADE, of Hillhead, Chittlehampton, that their son, Private W. P. GREENSLADE, of the Canadian forces, has been wounded in the muscle of his left arm and is now in hospital.
Southmolton Rural Tribunal. Postponements were granted in the following cases: WILLIAM SMITH, village, Chittlehamholt, July 15.

Thursday 6 July 1916
North Devon War Items.
PTE. GOODING, who left Chittlehampton with the Territorials in August 1914, afterwards going to India, has been taken a prisoner by the Turks in Mesopotamia. One of his brother was killed in France.
MR W. T. GREENSLADE, formerly of Chittlehampton, has been wounded in the muscle of his left arm. He has been on the Western Front for about 12 months, having come from Canada with the Dominion Forces. He is now in hospital in England.

Thursday 13 July 1916
CHRISTINE VICKERY and JAMES WEBBER, of the National School, Chittlehampton, have both been awarded County Scholarships, as a result of passing their written and oral examinations at Barnstaple.
Southmolton Rural Tribunal.
Conditional exemptions were granted in the following cases: WILLIAM JOHN WOOLWAY, Townsend, Chittlehampton; SIDNEY COLE, Mollands Farm, Chittlehamholt.
Temporary exemptions were granted in the following instances:- H. WOOLWAY, Chittlehampton, Sept. 29.

Thursday 20 July 1916
North Devon War Items.
The War Office authorities have notified MR and MRS BREAYLEY, of Chittlehampton, that their son, CORPORAL BOB BREAYLEY, is lying ill in hospital at Bombay. He had been in Mesopotamia for some time.
Lance Corporal TOM RENDLE has paid a visit to his mother at Chittlehampton. He has been in hospital for some months, having been wounded in the leg. He is now better, and has had to report himself again.

Thursday 27 July 1916
North Devon War Items.
Residents at Chittlehampton were grieved to learn of the bereavement suffered by MR T. B. WESTACOTT (for many years an alderman of London County Council), a native of Chittlehampton, whose son, Lieut. E. G. WESTACOTT, London Rifle Brigade, has been killed in action in France. Lieut. WESTACOTT, who was a bombing officer, was killed while engaged in a rifle grenade fight with the Germans. In a letter to the widow, the Colonel pays a tribute to the deceased officer's devotion to duty, and says he "feels a personal loss and a personal sorrow by his death." Lieut WESTACOTT was very popular with his brother officers, and was idolised by the men. When the sad news reached England, MR T. B. WESTACOTT was undergoing a serious operation and he did not learn of the death of his son for some days. Although many years have elapsed since he left Chittlehampton, MR WESTACOTT continues to take a keen interest in the affairs of his native place.
The marriage has been celebrated at the Wesleyan Church, Barnstaple, of MR W. MAY to MISS MARY COGGINS, both of this parish. The bridegroom has just been called up for active service. The bride was prettily dressed in heliotrope colour, with white hat to match. Miss A. Coggins and Miss M. May were bridesmaids. Mr C. Scott acted as best man. The bride carried a nice bunch of lillies and asparagus ferns, the gift of the bridegroom. Her father gave her away. The bridegroom has for some years been in the employ of MR BURGESS, butcher, of Chittlehampton.
MR FRANK LEWIS, eldest son of MR FRED LEWIS, of this village, has been home for a few days' visit. He joined the colours in Canada, having for some years resided in British Columbia.
While scaring birds from the mazzards at Nethercleave Farm on Sunday, a lad named REGGIE MURCH, aged 14, received nasty gunshot wounds owing to the gun going off suddenly. The discharge blew off one of his fingers and badly lacerated his chest and neck. Dr Good soon attended to the injuries, afterwards taking the lad to the North Devon Infirmary, where he was detained.

Thursday 3 August 1916
It was with much regret that the villagers heard on Sunday morning that MR THOMAS WATTS, of Colly Town, had passed away at the age of 73 years. A member of a very old Chittlehampton family, he was held in the highest esteem by all who knew him. For a number of years he was a member of the Wesleyan choir, and at musical festivals he played the 'cello. Of late years he had attended the Parish Church. Previous to retiring, he carried on a successful builder's business and employed a good number of men. Leaving the village, he went with his wife and daughter to reside at Colly Town, where he passed his time in helping his son with farm work. A widow, son, and three daughters remain to mourn his loss. Death was due to a stroke, which he only survived about three hours. It was only about two years ago that his mother died at the great age of 99 years.
Chittlehampton Soldier Missing. - MR and MRS FRED HARRIS, of Ambow, Chittlehampton, have received a letter from the War Office in reply from one sent by them enquiring as to the whereabouts of their eldest son, PTE. W. J. HARRIS, of the Devons, of whom they have heard no news for some time. parcels and letters which they had sent to him have been returned, and the authorities now say he has been missing since July 1st. PTE. GEORGE ROBINS, a native of Chittlehampton, in a letter to his parents about a fortnight ago, stated that he and HARRIS were fighting side by side and that HARRIS was killed by a bursting shell, and he saw him fall. It is still hoped that better news will follow. HARRIS was a great favourite with his comrades, being of a most genial disposition. He joined up before he was 17 years old, and celebrated his eighteenth birthday the last week in June. On the same day he was reported as missing MRS HARRIS'S father died.

Thursday 10 August 1916
North Devon War Items.
MR and MRS GAYDON, of Whitehall, Chittlehampton, have been officially notified that their son ALBERT, Australian Force, has been wounded in the leg. Three other sons are in the Services, one of them having returned to the Front after recovering from wounds.
Parishioners have hard with much sorrow that NELLIE, the youngest daughter of the late MR STEPHEN FORD, has received news of her husband having been killed in the great advance. She is left with six young children to mourn their great loss. She now resides in Barnstaple.
The funeral of MR THOMAS WATTS, of Colly Town, has taken place in the churchyard. The Rev. C. W. Bate officiated. Mourners present were Mr I. T. Watts (son), Mrs Ennor, Teignmouth (daughter), Misses Watts (four nieces), Mr E. Sanders (brother-in-law), Miss Facey, Miss M. J. Watts and Mr R. H. Vickery (cousins), Messrs. J. Towell, J. Gardner, L. Manaton, J. Snow, J. H. Manaton &c. The bearers were Messrs. G. Mules, J. Bird, W. Down, J. Cole, H. Dinnicombe, and G. Boucher. The widow, owing to illness was unable to be present. There were no flowers. Messrs. Skinner Bros., of Brimley, were the undertakers.
The wedding was celebrated at the Parish Church on Sunday morning between MISS ELEANOR H. MURCH, youngest daughter of MR and MRS T. MURCH, of Umberleigh, and Mr James H. Dunn, engineer, second son of Mrs Dunn, of Lake, near Barnstaple. The bride, who was given away by her father, looked exceedingly pretty in a navy blue costume, with navy hat. There were no bridesmaids. Mr Bert Dunn (brother to the bridegroom) was best man. The Rev. C. W. Bate officiated. The wedding breakfast was laid at the house of the bride's parents, but only the immediate relatives of the bride and bridegroom were present, it being the wish that the wedding should be a quiet one. The bride, who has been most obliging in carrying out her duties at the Post Office, was the recipient of a lovely silver-mounted cut glass salad bowl and servers from the Post Office staff. There were numerous other presents. The honeymoon is being spent at Plymouth. The bride's travelling dress was a blue crepe-de-chine, with long fawn coat, and fawn hat trimmed with blue. The bridegroom is on war service at Weymouth.
Chittlehamholt. - Quite a gloom was cast over this parish when the sad news reached here of the death of MRS COLE, of Mollands. The deceased, who was well known, was of a very kindly disposition and much beloved by all who knew her. She was always willing to help anyone when called upon to do so. Deceased had a stroke a few days after her husband's death, only four months ago, but partially recovered and went to Exeter with her daughter for a complete change. Unfortunately, complications set in, and, in spite of having been attended by a specialist, she passed away at the residence of her daughter, Mrs Lewton, at Myrtle House, Exeter. The body was conveyed to its resting place by motor hearse en route to Portsmouth Arms, where it was met by mourners and bearers. Deceased leaves a son and four daughters, and with them the sympathy of the whole parish is extended. The funeral took place at Burrington churchyard.

Thursday 17 August 1916
Master GEORGE GILL, of Slade Cottage, picked some ripe blackberries during the weekend.
Miss ETHEL JONES, younger daughter of MR and MRS JONES, of Langaton, has been advised by the Education Committee that although she was not awarded a Scholarship, she did so well in her recent examination, that a post of Monitress at the National School was open for her acceptance.
Barnstaple Rural Tribunal.
"Nearly all the work I do is for farmers and landlords," stated CHARLES SKINNER, wheelwright and carpenter, of Puddlepool, Chittlehampton. He had only had the business about fifteen months, and had a large stock of timber and materials. It was recalled that this case had been adjourned for medical examination, and it transpired that applicant has been passed for labour abroad. Mr Davie agreed to an extension, and until January 1st next was allowed.
For his only son, ALFRED H. HUXTABLE (20, single), A. HUXTABLE, farmer, of Chuggaton, Chittlehampton, applied. The farm was 152 acres, about half being arable. There had been two other workmen, but one of these had gone. Mr Hopper, supporting, produced a medical certificate in respect of MR HUXTABLE, sen. Mr Gaydon suggested conditional exemption. "Badly as men are wanted for the Army, we are helping to win the War, agriculturally and otherwise." Mr Davie did not oppose, having regard to the medical certificate which had been produced. He suggested "until 1st January, with leave to apply again." Conditional exemption.
The agricultural representative suggested in the case of ERNEST GUARD (26, single) who was granted exemption by the local tribunal to September 15th, final - that the word "final" be removed. The father, MR JOHN GUARD, farms 53 acres at Chittlehamholt, and he lodged the appeal. Local tribunal's decision upheld.
BIRTH - August 11, at Court Cottage, Chittlehampton, the wife of Private JOHN PATT, of a daughter.

Thursday 24 August 1916
North Devon War Items.
Pte. W. PARKER, (Devons), of Chittlehampton, is in hospital in India, suffering from fever.
Chittlehampton Soldier Killed In Action. - On Tuesday morning MR and MRS FRED HARRIS, of Ambow, Chittlehampton, received the sad news that their son Pte. W. J. HARRIS (Devons), who had previously been reported as missing, was killed in action on July 1st. A comrade at the time wrote home saying he saw him killed, but the authorities gave the parents a little hope when they advised them he was missing. The sincere sympathy of their many friends will be with the sorrowing parents in their great loss. Deceased joined up before he was 17 years of age, and had celebrated his 18th birthday only a week before he was killed. |He was a great favourite with all who knew him, being of a pleasant disposition.
A good number attended the funeral on Saturday last of MISS HETTY WILLIS, daughter of MRS MATTHEWS, of Eastacott Cottage, whose death took place at Southmolton on the previous Wednesday from peritonitis. She was only 21 years of age. The immediate mourners were her mother, stepfather, and brothers and sisters. Some beautiful floral tributes were laid on the grave. The deceased had been a member of the United Methodist Chapel Choir at Blakewell.
A pretty wedding has taken place at the Parish Church, the contracting parties being MR ALBERT PICKFORD, of Down's Cottage, and Miss Alice Trebble, third daughter of Mr and Mrs Trebble, of Clarence-place, Ilfracombe. The Rev. C. W. Bate officiated. The bride, who was given away by MR W. WATTS, of Brightley, wore a fawn colour costume, with blue silk hat, trimmed with pink roses. there were two bridesmaids, nieces of the bridegroom. Miss Hilda Shore looked exceedingly pretty in a white embroidered dress, with a large pink silk sash, and a pale pink silk hat, trimmed with small silk flowers, and Miss A. Watts was prettily attired in a pink dress, trimmed with lace, and a white hat, trimmed with pink roses and blue forget-me-nots. Mr Phillip Friendship was best man. A large number of presents were received.
A wedding, by special license took place at the Parish Church on Saturday last, the contracting parties being Mr A. E. Balman, son of the late Mr Edmund Balman, of Ward Farm, St Giles, Torrington, and MISS EDITH BALMAN, youngest daughter of MR and MRS R. BALMAN, of Shilston Farm, in this parish. The Rev. C. W. Bate officiated. Owing to illness, the bride's father was unable to be present, and the bride was given away by her eldest brother, MR JOHN BALMAN, of Cleave Farm. She was attired in a navy blue costume, with blue hat to match. There were no bridesmaids or best man, it being the wish of all concerned that the wedding should be carried out as quietly as possible. The bride and her family are held in much respect throughout the parish. A shower of confetti and rice greeted the happy couple as they left the Church for their motor car.
MARRIAGE - August 19, at the Parish Church, Chittlehampton, by special license, A. E. Balman, of Ward, St. Giles, to EDITH BALMAN, of Shilston, Chittlehampton.
MARRIAGE - August 20, at the Parish Church, Chittlehampton, ALBERT PICKARD, to Alice Trebble, of Ilfracombe.
DEATH - Killed in action, Pte. W. J. HARRIS (Devons), son of MR and MRS F. HARRIS, of Ambow, Chittlehampton, aged 18.
DEATH - August 16, at Southmolton, HETTY WILLIS, daughter of MRS MATTHEWS, of Eastacott Cottage, Chittlehampton, aged 21.

Thursday 31 August 1916
North Devon War Items.
Private S. RENDLE, of Yard Cottage, Chittlehampton, is home for a few days' leave.
Lance-Corporal GAYDON, of the Australian Forces, who was wounded in the fighting at Pozieres, has been discharged from hospital, and is now at Chittlehampton on a fortnight's leave, visiting his parents.
Chittlehampton's roll of honour contains the names of 109 serving in the Forces. Seven from the parish have been killed, one has died, one is missing, and one is a prisoner. Several have been wounded. The eight who will not return are Privates FRANK LETHBRIDE, GEORGE SKINNER, JIM GOODING, LIONEL TUCKER, GEORGE MANNING, JACK BATER, WM. HARRIS and PERCY COCKS.
Southmolton Rural Council
An application by MR J. H. WALDRON, Chittlehampton, to be registered as a cow-keeper, was granted.
The funeral of MISS HETTY WILLIS, second daughter of MRS MATTHEWS, of Eastacott Cottage, Umberleigh, and granddaughter of MRS WILLIS, of Muddiford, took place on Saturday, August 19th, the service being conducted by the Vicar (Rev. C. W. Bate). The immediate mourners were Mrs Matthews (mother), Eveline, Sidney, Ethel, Mary and Freddie (sisters and brothers), Mrs Willis (grandmother), Auntie Emma, Auntie Grace, Uncle Alf, Cousins Gladys and Irene (Exeter). Six young men, school friends of the deceased, acted as bearers. Among the many beautiful floral tributes were the following:- To dear Hetty, from her sorrowing mother, brothers and sisters; From her sorrowing sister Evelin, "Peace, perfect peace"; With our united love, from our Aunt Emmie, Uncle Lewis, and cousins (Exeter); In loving memory of dear Hetty, from Aunt Grace, Uncle Alf, and cousins (Twisthead, Eastbourne); From all at Narracott; With sympathy, from all at Pitt.
Chittlehampton Soldier Killed In Action. - MR and MRS H. COCKS, of Little Blakewell Cottages, Chittlehampton, have this week received the sad news from the War Office Authorities that their son, Pte. PERCY COCKS of the Royal Field Artillery, has been killed in action. The officer of his unit has also written on his own and the colonel's behalf expressing their deepest sympathy with them in their great loss. He said deceased was a very smart and most well behaved soldier. The sorrowing parents and his brothers and sisters have the sympathy of all the parishioners in their loss. Pte. COCKS was a good son and was greatly respected by all. He was until joining up a member of the Umberleigh Mission Church Choir. At the service there on Sunday evening last, Mr C. H. Thompson (the lay reader) made feeling allusion to his death, and said they would all miss him from his usual place in the choir. He was a good lad and they all deplored his death, but he died fighting for his King and Country. A memorial service to deceased and Pte W. HARRIS, of the Devons, whose death was announced last week, will be held at the Parish Church, Chittlehampton, on Sunday afternoon
DEATH - COCKS, Killed in Action, Pte. PERCY COCKS, R.F.A., son of MR and MRS COCKS, of Little Blakewell Cottages, Chittlehampton.

Thursday 7 September 1916
The Parish Church was well filled on Sunday afternoon on the occasion of a memorial service to the two brave lads - Privates W. HARRIS, and T. COCKS - whose deaths have been recorded by the authorities during the past fortnight. The Rev. C. W. Bate conducted the service, a most impressive one - the families of both being largely represented. The Dead March in "Saul" was feelingly rendered at the close by Miss Godden (the organist). In a short address the Vicar paid touching tributes to the deceased soldiers. W. HARRIS was well-known to him personally; he was a gentle boy and very amiable - at the same time brave as a lion. He was a dutiful boy to his home and parents, and whenever possible he attended God's House. Although not quite so well-known to him, he could say the same of P. COCKS, who was for some years a member of the Umberleigh Mission Church. By their deaths they had given their all, and had died a noble death fighting for their King and Country.
By the death of MR THOMAS DYER, of Myrtle Cottage, a well-known and greatly respected parishioner has passed away at the age of 77 years. During the past two years he had been a great sufferer from an internal cancer. He and his devoted wife (who survives him) spent over fifty years of happy wedded life together. They were the occupiers of Treedown Farm for a great number of years, passing it over to their only son, MR W. DYER, on their retirement. Mrs John Lock, of West end, is the only daughter. With the widow and family general sympathy is expressed. The funeral took place on Tuesday in the Parish Churchyard. The immediate mourners with Mrs dyer (widow), Mr W. Dyer (son), Mrs John Lock (daughter), Mr Lock (son-in-law), Mr W. Dyer (brother, Chudleigh), Master H. Lock (grandson), Misses Frances and Beattie Lock (grand daughters). A great many friends joined in the cortege. The bearers were Messrs. M. Petherick, and H. E. Jones, "The Langatons," C. H. Bendle, "Southbray," T. Harris, "Diptford," and R. H. Vickary and J. Cole, the Village. Two wreaths bore the inscriptions:- In loving memory of dear Grandad; and In loving memory, from G. Skinner. The Rev. C. W. Bate took the service.
BIRTH - September 5, at Millvale House, Umberleigh, to MR and MRS R. A. RICKARD, a daughter.
DEATH - August 31, at Myrtle Cottage, Chittlehampton, THOMAS DYER, late of Treedown Farm, aged 77.

Thursday 14 September 1916
North Devon War Items.
Saturday's official list of casualties included the following:- Previously reported missing, now reported killed - W. J. HARRIS (Devon), of Chittlehampton.

Thursday 21 September 1916
North Devon Appeal Tribunal. Sitting at Barnstaple.
The military appealed in the case of SAMUEL HERNIMAN (31, married), employed as a horseman by his father, ROBT. HERNIMAN, farmer, of Chittlehamholt. In granting temporary exemption to November 1st, the Local Tribunal said their reason for so doing was that HERNIMAN, senr., had two sons in the Army and was himself nearly blind. - MR HERNIMAN: I have two soldiers to help about the harvest. - Lieut. Stirling: Are they any good? - MR HERNIMAN: They are a little help, but not like my own sons. - Mr Hopper appeared in the case. Local Tribunal's decision upheld.

Thursday 28 September 1916
Chittlehampton Officer Killed In Action. - News reached Chittlehampton on Tuesday that Lieutenant PERCY COLE, of the royal Field Artillery, eldest son of MR and MRS JAMES COLE, of the West End, had been killed as the result of a bursting shrapnel shell on Friday last. The parents heard on Sunday that he had been seriously wounded in the groin and side, his brother officers having communicated the sad news to his fiancée in Exeter. A telegram from the authorities announced his death, and the news cast a gloom over the village, where his sorrowing relatives are held in the greatest respect. Deceased, who was only twenty-four years of age, joined the North Devon Yeomanry as a private just after the out-break of war. His promotion was rapid, and on obtaining his commission he was transferred to the R.F.A. Three other officers were wounded by the same shell that killed him. Previous to joining the army he was a member of the firm of Oliver and Cole, of Exeter, Stock Exchange Brokers and Accountants. His partner, Mr Oliver, has also died since he joined up. Sincere sympathy is extended to the grieved parents in their irreparable loss.
In Memoriam
TUCKER. In ever loving memory of my dear LIONEL, who was killed in action at Loos, September 25, 1915.
I miss him most when all alone, his name I often call;
But there's nothing left to answer, but his photo on the wall;
He died for King and Country,
His bright young life he gave;
And far from those who loved him best,
He lies in a hero's grave.
-Sadly missed by his mother, Frogmore, Chittlehampton.
TUCKER - In loving memory of our dear brother LIONEL, killed in action at Loos, September 25, 1915.
Twelve months have passed dear brother,
Since your life you nobly gave;
But we never cease to think of thee,
Lying in an unknown grave.
- From his four soldier brothers, Fred, Ernest, Jack, and George.
TUCKER - In loving memory of our dear brother, LIONEL, killed in action at the battle of Loos, September 25, 1915.
Out on the field of battle
he calmly took his place;
He fought and died for Britain,
And the honour of his race.
He gave his all, his life,
At call of England's need.
- From his sisters, Nell and Gert.
DEATH - September 22, killed in action, Lieutenant PERCY COLE, R.F.A., eldest son of MR and MRS COLE, of the West End, Chittlehampton, aged 24.

Thursday 5 October 1916
North Devon and the War. Memorial Service to Lieut. P. COLE at Chittlehampton.
A memorial service to Lieut. P. COLE, recently killed in action, held at the Wesleyan Chapel, Chittlehampton, on Sunday morning, drew a very large congregation. Deceased, before leaving the parish, had been a member of the choir, and his parents are also devoted Wesleyans. MRS COLE is the recognised organist, and her husband is also a member of the choir. The service, which was a most impressive one, was conducted by the Rev. W. L. Bennett, of Southmolton, who based a touching address on the words, "Greater love lath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends." He dwelt chiefly on the present struggle, and the noble sacrifices made by so many of our young men, and also to the bravery displayed by deceased, to whose character and record he paid the highest tribute. Deceased's favourite hymn, "Lead, Kindly Light," was very feelingly sung, and the Dead March in "Saul" was most impressively played on the organ by Miss Bennett. Three floral tributes placed in the Chapel bore the following inscriptions:- In never dying memory of PERCY JAMES COLE, of Chittlehampton, Royal Field Artillery, who gave his life for his country on September 22nd, 1916, and was interred in France, aged 25 years. - "Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends"; In loving remembrance, from his Lil; In loving memory, from mother and Flo. Miss L. Oliver, of Exeter, the fiancée of deceased, and her mother and sister were present at the service.
In a lengthy letter to the parents the captain and adjutant of the Regiment to which deceased belonged said: "I can only tell you that although he had only been with us a little while, the Colonel, myself, and everybody were very fond of him and proud of him as an officer and a man. We, like you, have suffered an irreparable loss. Without boasting in the least our brigade has been paid many compliments, and the greatest I suppose is finding ourselves in the very heat of the worst battlefield the British have yet been in. So I hope it will afford you some consolation to know that he was carrying out so well such important work." In the last letter deceased wrote he gave an account of a perilous duty he had to perform. He carried out the duty safely, and was highly complimented by his commanding officer, being told his name had been mentioned in dispatches.
At the Parish Church on Sunday, the vicar feelingly referred to deceased, and said "We were that day mourning one who had nobly died fighting for his King and Country."
Barnstaple Rural Tribunal. - A Chittlehampton pupil teacher, MICHAEL R. STEVENS (18, last March), who is sitting for an examination in December, was allowed until January 1st next.
In Memoriam - TUCKER. - In ever loving memory of our dear brother LIONEL, killed in action at Loos, September 25, 1915.
We never more shall see his face,
Nor hear his welcome call;
On the battlefield he took his place,
And answered England's call.
- From his sisters, Louisa and Winnie, Winson, Chittlehampton.

Thursday 12 October 1916
News has been received that Pte. WALTER COCKS, of Chittlehampton, has been wounded and is now in hospital. MR and MRS W. ISAAC, of New Buildings, in the same parish have also heard that their eldest son, Driver W. ISAAC, is in a Birmingham hospital, having been brought from Salonica, where he contracted fever.
BIRTH - October 2, at the Shop, East-street, Chittlehampton, to MR and MRS JAMES TOWELL, a daughter.
DEATH - October 11, at Nethercleave Farm, Umberleigh, RICHARD HOWARD, aged 69.
DEATH - October 3, at Wellington, MRS SARAH SNOW, wife of MR JOHN SNOW, of Furze Farm, Chittlehampton, aged 56.

Thursday 19 October 1916
Farmer's Suicide At Umberleigh. - At Chittlehampton on Thursday, Dr Ellis Pearson, Deputy Coroner for North Devon, held the Inquest on the body of RICHARD HOWARD, farmer, of Nethercleave Farm, who was found dead the previous day with a double-barrelled gun by his side. Mr Vickery was foreman of the Jury. MARY ANN HOWARD, the widow, said her husband, 69 years of age, had been in poor health of late, suffering from chronic rheumatism, which necessitated his using crutches for walking. On Wednesday morning, about 10.5, deceased was sitting in his chair by the door in the kitchen, and asked her for his glasses and newspaper, which she handed to him. He was, seemingly, all right, and she left him. On her returning to the house a few minutes later he was not there, and she sent the farm boy to look for him. The boy called her attention to blood under the front door, and it was then discovered what had happened. As far as she knew, her husband had had nothing to worry about, and she never thought he was likely to take his own life. She mentioned that his affliction had caused him a lot of pain at times, and that several years ago he fractured the base of his skull as the result of an accident, and had suffered a good deal in his head ever since. ARTHUR HOWARD, deceased's nephew, spoke to being called in from the farm after the occurrence was discovered, and to finding one empty cartridge in the gun. Deceased appeared to be in his usual health the same morning. Dr Good, of High Bickington, said death was due to gunshot wound in the head, and expressed the opinion that deceased put the muzzle of the weapon to his mouth. He saw the deceased on July 30th and again on September 25th last, on account of his depression; he was worrying about trifles, without cause. Witness advised his being kept as cheerful as possible, and that an eye should be kept on him, but said there was nothing definite to certify. The Foreman said he had known the deceased all his life, and that he must have been temporarily insane at the time the act was committed. The Jury returned a verdict of "Suicide during Temporary Insanity," and expressed their deep sympathy with the widow and relatives.
The moral remains of MR RICHARD HOWARD, of Nethercleave, were laid to rest in the churchyard on Saturday. There was a very large assembly of relatives and other friends, deceased having been greatly respected. The cortege was the longest that had been seen at Chittlehampton for many years, and reached from the Lych Gate to the end of village. All the bearers were well-known yeoman - Messrs. T. Harris, H. Waldon, J. Crocker, W. Woolaway, H. Huxham and A. E. Arscott. The service was conducted by the Rev. C. W. Bate. The relatives present were Mrs Howard (widow), Mr A. Howard (nephew), Mr Ephraim Howard (brother), Mrs Mitchell (sister), Mrs W. Murch (sister), Mr Wm. Murch and Mr Alfred Eyres (brothers-in-law). There was a large concourse of the general public, among them being Mrs Dear (Cardiff), Mr and Mrs Stevens (Umberleigh), Mrs Woollaway (Coombe), Miss Hill, Mrs Cummings, Miss Alice Hill, Mr and Mrs Jas. Murch (Little Weir), G. Down (Little Hall), A. H. Murch (Dorridge), R. Ellacott, W. Friendship, L. Manaton (Watergate), J. H. Manaton, Miss Smale and Miss Squire, Mr and Mrs Harris (Whey), Mrs Rendle (Varracott), Mr R. Seage, T. Norman, the Misses Guard (Umberleigh), Messrs. F. and E. Hill, H. Cox, H. Isaac, W. Isaac, J. Picard, J. Coles (Bratton), R. H. Vickery, Wm. White, Mr and Mrs E. Howard, Mr and the Misses Dinnacombe, G. Tapscott Jones (Langaton), Jones (Winson), J. Lock, Miss Huxham, and Miss Barrow (Bristol), Mr and Mrs F. Congram, Mrs S. Murch, Mr and Mrs S. Congram, Mrs Jane Turner, and Mr F. Gooding. Wreaths were sent as follows:- In loving memory, from his sorrowing wife and nephew; From his loving brother and sister, Ephraim and Bessie, and his niece, Annie; In loving remembrance of a kind master, from George and Bert; In ever loving memory of dear uncle Richard, from Bessie and Ellen; Mr and Mrs Wallace Cook; Mr and Mrs G. Harris; Mr and Mrs Cocks; Mr and Mrs Woollaway; Mr and Mrs Sid. Murch; The Misses Huxham; From Will; From Willie and Lily Stevens; To our kind master, from the boys at Nethercleave; Mr and Mrs Tapscott; Mr and Mrs Spiller, Exeter; From all at 74 Boutport-street; From A. and R. White; From H. C. and W. Watts; Mr and Mrs Crocker, Nethercleave.
The coffin was of polished oak, supplied by Murch Bros., Umberleigh, and the funeral arrangements were carried out by Mr W. Manaton, of Braunton.
North Devon Appeal Tribunal. - Decisions in the cases of renewed and adjourned applications were:- GEORGE P. GRIMSHIRE (28, single), cattleman, on Verwell Farm, Chittlehampton, adjourned sine die.
North Devon War items.
Second-class Warrant Officer ALBERT CROSS, of the Canadian Rifles, has paid a brief visit to Chittlehampton, his native place.

Thursday 2 November 1916
Messrs. S. G. SLAPE, of South Newton, and G. WOOLAWAY, of Coombe, who some months since joined the Naval Air Service, and have been awaiting instructions to report themselves have now been advised that their services will not be required in that department. they have accordingly joined the Navy.

Thursday 23 November 1916
DEATH - November 21, at Rack Mead Cottage, Chittlehampton, W. ISAAC, aged 39.
Southmolton Rural Tribunal. - Conditional exemptions were granted to W. JOHNS (41), builder, Chittlehamholt; S. HERNIMAN (31), Holtgate, Chittlehamholt, horseman.
Conditional exemption was granted to H. G. SKINNER, assistant baker, working for MR JAMES COLE, Chittlehampton. The military gave notice of appeal.
The following case was adjourned for substitution:- HARRY TURNER, Head Barton, Chittlehamholt.
North Devon Fifty Years Ago (Compiled from files of the North Devon Journal). November, 1866.
Marriage - Nov. 15, at Chittlehampton, W. MORRISON, Esq., to ELIZABETH, second daughter of MR WM. GRADDON, of Brightley.
Quite a gloom was cast over the parish on Tuesday morning when the news was made known that MR W. ISAAC, of Rack Mead cottage, had passed away at the early age of 39 years. he had not been well for some time, and in the summer he went to Ilfracombe for a change. Since then he has been working, but had to give up again about three weeks ago. Deceased was one of the most respected parishioners, and was ever ready to do a kindly action for everyone. he worked as a carpenter on the Rolle Estate part of his time, the other part for himself. He was well known in North Devon as a ringer, and was for some years captain of the local ringers, and had also been a member of the Church Choir. He leaves a wife and two children, for whom the greatest sympathy is felt.

Thursday 30 November 1916
MR DICK HUXTABLE, of rock Cottage, has beautifully engraved and illuminated two rolls of honour, which have been hung in the Parish Church. they are in oak frames, and contain the names of 109 of "our boys" who are and have been on active service.
A very large number attended the funeral of MR W. ISAAC on Saturday last, the interment taking place in the Parish Churchyard. The Rev. C. W. Bate officiated, the service being a most impressive one. The immediate mourners were his sorrowing wife, son, daughter and parents, Mr and Mrs W. Isaac (uncle and aunt), Mrs Treble (aunt), Mr T. Isaac (uncle), Mr T. Holland (uncle), Mr and Mrs W. Watts, Mr and Mrs Ellicott, Mrs Short, Mr and Mrs W. Holland, Mr A. Holland, Mr and Mrs Sanders, Mr S. Isaac, Mr A. Pickard, Miss C. Holland and Miss Treble (cousins). Among the general public present were Messrs. H. Jones, E. J. Arscott, H. Huxham, F. Congram, J. Smoldon, A. ford, H. J. Ward, J. Snow, J. H. Manaton, W. J. Brealey, W. Mayne Bater, G. Norman, W. Chapple, J. Smoldon, junr., J. Cole, S. Vickery, W. S. Gardiner, &c., &c. The bearers were Messrs. J. R. Burgess, J. S. Gardiner, E. Howard, H. Potter, R. G. Bevan, and C. Clarke. The coffin, which was of polished oak with brass mountings, bore the inscription on breastplate:- "WILLIAM ISAAC, died November 21st, aged 39 years." There was a beautiful display of floral tributes from the following:- In affectionate memory of our dear dad, from his sorrowing wife and children; With sincere sympathy, from his loving father and mother; In loving memory of dear Will, from Sarah and Toby; In kind remembrance of a much loved comrade, from the members of the Chittlehampton Working Men's Club; With deepest sympathy, from his dear cousin at Chittlehampton; With deepest sympathy, from all at Hilltown; With deepest sympathy, from A. and E. Ford; With sincere sympathy and very kind regards, from E. H. and J. Lewis; With deepest sympathy, from Mr and Mrs Knowles and family; With deepest sympathy, from J. and E. Smoldon, Biddacott; With sympathy and regards, from G. H. B. and E. Dinnacombe; With deepest sympathy, from C. T. and A. Clarke; In loving remembrance and deepest sympathy, from Alf, Eliza, Lizzie; In loving memory, from S. and M. Vickery; In loving remembrance George and Annie; With sincere sympathy, from Mrs J. Mayne; In sincere sympathy, from Stowford; In kind remembrance and deepest sympathy, from Uncle Will and Aunt Catherine; With deepest sympathy, from G. Norman and Susie; From Kitty; With deepest sympathy, from Mrs Parkin; With truest sympathy, from J. and A. Waldron and family; In memory of our dear nephew, from his sorrowing aunt, uncle and cousins at Ilfracombe. Mr J. R. Howard was the undertaker. Much regret was expressed that a muffled peal on the bells could not be rung, the majority of the ringers being on active service.
North Devon War Items.
The authorities have advised the parents of MR WALTER COCKS, formerly in the employ of MR JONES, of Winson, Chittlehampton, that he is in hospital very dangerously ill suffering from pneumonia. He has seen much fighting on the Western Front, and has been once wounded.
BIRTH - November 19, at Provident House, Chittlehampton, to MR and MRS J. GARDNER, a son.

Thursday 14 December 1916
Much sympathy has been extended to MR TOM HOLLAND, of this Village, in the great loss he has sustained by the death of his wife at the age of 63 years. Deceased was very much respected by a very large circle of friends. All the children were present at the funeral on Monday afternoon. The bereaved husband was unable to be present owing to an attack of pleurisy. Among the mourners were Private Cyril Holland, Royal Garrison Artillery (son), Mrs Anderson, Mrs Smale, Mrs Bowden, Mrs Anker, Mrs Munford and the Misses Nellie and Kitty (daughters), Mr Smale (son-in-law), R. Mayne (brother), &c., &c. The bearers were Messrs. W. S. Gardner, W. Down, R. Gaydon, J. Gardner, G. Boucher and G. Gully. Wreaths deposited on the grave were from the following:- Her sorrowing husband and three children, Em, Nellie and Kitty; Lizzie, Syd and family; Susie, Maggie and Alf; Mary and Gertie; Sorrowing brother and family; Will and Lucy; Loving sister and brother; Lily and Charley; Dorothy, Harry and Carrie.
A well known parishioner, in the person of MR JOHN BURGESS, of Moor Farm, passed away on Wednesday at the age of 73. Death was due to a seizure. He was the owner and occupier of his farm for many years until he passed it over to his eldest son. The United Methodists of Blakewell Chapel by his death loses a great friend. The funeral took place on Monday and was very largely attended. A short service was held in the Wesleyan Chapel before the interment in the Churchyard. Mr Gilbert Isaac, of Southmolton, officiated. The immediate mourners were Mr and Mrs F. Burgess (son and daughter-in-law), Mr and Mrs W. Burgess (son and daughter-in-law), Mr T. Harris (son-in-law), Mr and Mrs Houle (Bishopstawton), Mrs Thomas, Mr S. Buckingham, Mr and Mrs Huxtable (Overton), Mr and Mrs Huxtable (Chuggaton), Messrs. N., W., N. and Miss cook (Heddon). Messrs. J. Carey, Hancock, Sing, Gardner (2), Mrs Blackmore. The bearers were Messrs. J. Lock, R. Ellicott, J. Cole, R. H. Vickery, J. Blackmore, and M. Hancock. Mr J. Huxtable was the undertaker. Floral tributes bore the following inscriptions:- With tokens of love, from William and Ann and the grandchildren at Wrimstone; In loving memory from Frank, Clara and his little grandchildren, Evelyn and Johnnie; With loving sympathy, from Mary, Fred and Mrs Blackmore; In affectionate remembrance, from T. Harris, Deptford.
Southmolton Rural Tribunal.
W. KINGDON, Wards, Chittlehamholt (32, married, class A) was exempted for six months from December 9th.

Thursday 28 December 1916
MRS FACEY, of Black Water Cottage - shoe husband formerly worked for MR JONES, of Winson, but is now on service with the Devons - died suddenly on Saturday morning, being found dead by the side of her bed. She had suffered severely from indigestion. Much sympathy is expressed for the husband and four little children.
The mortal remains of MR W. DOCKINGS, of Myrtle Cottage, were laid to rest in the Churchyard. The chief mourners were his sorrowing wife and little sons, brothers and sisters. Some very nice floral tributes were laid on the grave as a last mark of respect. The bearers were Messrs. W. Down, R. Gaydon, G. Gregory, A. Upton, W. Sloman and A. Wheaton.

Thursday 4 January 1917
DEATH - December 27, at the Naval Hospital, Plymouth, HAROLD GEORGE, younger son of MR and MRS W. WOOLAWAY, of Combe Farm, Chittlehampton, aged 26 years.
DEATH - December 28, at Shilston Farm, Chittlehampton, MR RICHARD BALMAN, aged 70 years.
MR and MRS WOOLAWAY and Family of Coombe, Chittlehampton, desire to express their warmest thanks to the many friends who sent floral tokens and so kindly sympathised with them in their recent unexpected and sad bereavement.
The funeral of MRS J. FACEY, whose sad death was announced last week, has taken place in the Churchyard. The mourners were: Her sorrowing husband (in the uniform of the Devons); the seven sisters of deceased; her mother and brothers; and other relatives. A good number of parishioners also attended. There were many wreaths. At the Parish Church on Sunday the Vicar made feeling reference to deceased.
The greatest sorrow was caused throughout the parish on Wednesday in last week when it became known that MR HAROLD GEORGE WOOLAWAY, youngest son of MR and MRS W. WOOLAWAY, of Coombe Farm, had that morning passed away at the Plymouth Naval Hospital. Deceased was home in his uniform only a fortnight previous. It appears that after he went back he contracted measles, but was almost convalescent on Tuesday, when he had a relapse. The authorities at once communicated with the parents saying he was dangerously ill. Unfortunately, owing to its being Bank Holiday, the news did not reach them until the morning he died. they went off by the first train, but he had succumbed before they reached there, his death taking place at 7 p.m. Deceased was of a most genial and cheerful disposition, and was loved by all. Some months ago he joined the Naval Air Service, but was afterwards told they would not be wanting his services in that branch; he then joined the Navy and had just completed his training. He was 26 years of age. The utmost sympathy has been extended to the bereaved parents and brothers and sisters. Not since the memorial service to Queen Victoria has such a large concourse of mourners attended the Parish church as on Saturday, when the interment took place. Representatives from all the adjoining parishes were present. A deputation from the Southmolton Football Club of which deceased had been a member, brought a beautiful wreath given by the committee. The deputation consisted of Messrs. S. Tall, J. Loosemoore, W. J. Taylor, W. Terranean, J. Westacott, A. Poole, and Coy. Sergt. Major E. Bowden. The members of the Chittlehampton Working Mens' Club also sent a floral tribute in the form of an anchor. The funeral was a most impressive one, and was conducted by the Rev. C. W. Bate. The service was choral, the surpliced choir being present. The coffin, on being taken from the hearse, was covered with the Union Jack. Mr Kingdon, who presided at the organ, played "I know that my Redeemer liveth" as the cortege entered the church. Hymns sung were "Let saints on earth in concert sing" and "On the resurrection morning". Psalm 39 was also sung, as was also the Junc Dimittis as the corpse was being taken to the grave. The bearers (all mounted) were Messrs. H. Potter, S. Grimshire, J. Snow, R. Slape, S. Cheriton and G. Grimshire. The immediate mourners were the bereaved parents, Mr W. Woolaway (brother), Misses E. and M. Woolaway (sisters), Mr and Miss Hooper (uncle and aunt), Mr Horwill (uncle), Mrs Leach (aunt), Mr and Mrs Moor (uncle and aunt), Mrs Coran (aunt), Mrs Snell and Miss Dart (cousins). Among the large assembly present were Mr and Mrs S. H. Stevens, Barnstaple; Messrs. Warren, Greenslade, Grimshire, Watts, Vickery, Chudley, Gardner, Smoldon (2), Howard (2), Waldon, Much Bros (4), Jones (2), Stevens, Geen, Down, Breayley (2), Alford, Waldron, Harris, Bevan, Downing, Congram, Tapscott, Ward, Cole (2), Manaton (2), Arscott, Crocker (2), Burgess (2), Thompson, Snow (3) &c., &c. Beautiful floral tributes were sent as follows:- To my darling son, from his sorrowing Father and Mother; In loving memory of dear George, from Willie and Gertie; In loving remembrance from Ethel and Millie; To dear George, from Aunt Alice, Uncle Harry and cousins; from all at Upexe Mill; To dear George, from Bertha; In affectionate and loving remembrance from Polly and Lotty; To my darling George; In affectionate remembrance from Rev. C. W. and Mrs Bate and Maurice; With deepest sympathy, from the Southmolton Football Committee; With deepest sympathy and in kind remembrance of one much beloved by the fellow members of the Chittlehampton Working Mens' Club; With deepest sympathy, from Mr and Mrs S. H. Stevens (Barnstaple); With sincere sympathy and with much love to dear George, from all at Higher Furze; In loving memory and deepest sympathy, from Mrs R. Howard and Arthur; With deepest sympathy, from all at Whitstone; With much sympathy, from all at Lerwill. - The Rev. C. W. Bate, in his sermon at the Parish Church on Sunday morning, feelingly referred to deceased. He said one of our dear lads had been called to give his life for his Country. His parents, he was sure, would see the loving sympathy which was with them in their great loss by the large concourse of sympathetic friends at the funeral. The dear lad's good name would be long remembered. At the close of the service the Dead March from Saul was played on the organ by Miss Godden.

Thursday 18 January 1917
North Devon War Items.
Ptes. J. FACEY and J. PATT have spent short leave at Chittlehampton.
Lieut. MAURICE BATE has spent brief leave at his home at Chittlehampton.

Thursday 25 January 1917
MR and MRS BREAYLEY, of this village, have heard from their son, MR AMOS BREALEY, who has been carrying on a successful butcher's and purveyor's business in New Zealand, that he has given up the same to fight for King and Country. He joined up about six months ago, and is now a Sergeant-instructor.

Thursday 1 February 1917
MR and MRS TAYLOR and family, of the Cot, who are away on munition work, had a narrow escape during the recent great explosion near London. the walls of the house they were occupying were clean blown out.
The eldest parishioner, MR RICHARD TUCKER, celebrated his 91st birthday on Saturday. He bears his great age remarkably well. Many friends wrote congratulating him. Staying with him was his great-granddaughter, ANNIE LUCILLE FANNING, who attained her second birthday on the same day.

Thursday 8 February 1917
A very greatly respected nonagenarian in the person of MRS ELIZABETH SIMMOND, of Ambow, was laid to rest in the Churchyard on Monday, her death having taken place on the previous Thursday. The Rev. C. W. Bate officiated. Deceased, when able, was a frequent visitor at the Wesleyan Chapel, being a staunch Wesleyan. The immediate mourners were her daughter, Mrs Sanders, Mr H. Sanders (grandson), and Miss Ivy Sanders (granddaughter). The bearers were Messrs. W. Friendship, F. Lewis, H. Potter, F. Harris, W. White and W. Down. Some very nice floral tributes were laid on the grave by sorrowing relatives. she was in her 91st year.
Southmolton Rural Tribunal
Temporary exemptions, assented to be the recruiting officer, were given as follows:- CHARLES PARKER (28, single), Fullabrook, Chittlehampton, May 1st.

Thursday 22 February 1917
Parishioners heard with much regret on Thursday that MR JOHN B. SKINNER, of Brimley, had succumbed, after suffering for some days from an attack of pleurisy and pneumonia. He was 82 years of age. The deceased belonged to one of Chittlehampton's oldest and most respected families, he himself being much esteemed by a large number of friends. He was an ardent Liberal. A staunch Churchman, he for a number of years carried out the duties of sidesman. He leaves a widow and grown-up family to mourn his loss. One of his sons was killed on the Western Front during the present War, a brass tablet being erected to his memory in the Parish Church. Deceased, with his sons, had for years carried on a successful wheelwright's business. MRS SKINNER, the widow, at the time of her husband's death was suffering from a bad attack of bronchitis.

Thursday 1 March 1917
About sixty of "our boys" on the different Fronts will shortly receive a parcel of knitted socks and other warm articles, which have this week been despatched by ladies of the knitting class.
DICK HUXTABLE, TOM WESTERN, WILFRED HOWARD, and GEO. COTTELL, all lads of 18 years of age, have this week-end been called up for general service. W. BREAYLEY, who has two brothers serving, has also been called up in Class B. Reserve.
Much regret has been caused in the Umberleigh district by the news that MISS HEYWOOD, the Infants' Mistress at the Connell School, has been obliged to relinquish her duties owing to ill-health, after carrying them on for over three years. The managers, teachers and scholars have asked her acceptance of a lady's travelling toilet companion, as a small token of respect and appreciation.
The remains of the late MR JOHN B. SKINNER, of Brimley, have been laid to rest in the Parish Churchyard, amid every sign of respect. The mourners included Messrs. Jim, Charley and Harry Skinner (sons), Mrs Moor, Mrs Cross, Misses Eliza and Annie Skinner (daughters), Messrs. W. Moor and G. Cross (sons-in-law), Mr F. Cross (grandson), Mrs W. May, Mrs J. Smoldon, Mrs F. Skinner, Misses A., E. and M. Coggins, and Miss A. Skinner (nieces), Messrs. C. Coggins, T. and F. Skinner (nephews), Mrs Geen, Mr and Mrs Coggins, Mrs Brewer, Mr and Mrs J. Seldon (brothers and sisters-in-law), Miss S. Skinner, Mrs J. Davey, and Mr and Mrs Ford (cousins). The bearers were Messrs. H. Potter, W. Breayley, G. Boucher, E. Howard, W. Down, and J. Cole. The Rev. C. W. Bate officiated.

Thursday 8 March 1917
MR and MRS T. STONEMAN, of Ford Farm, Clappery Mill, have sustained a great loss by the death of their youngest daughter, LILIAN HONOUR, who was only 6 years of age. Much sympathy has been extended to the sorrowing parents, who are well-known Nonconformists. The funeral took place on Tuesday at Southmolton, a large number of relatives and friends being present. Mr J. Huxtable (a cousin of deceased) was the undertaker.

Thursday 15 March 1917
North Devon War Items.
Pte. A. MOORE, (Devons), of Umberleigh, was officially reported killed on Monday.
MRS PATT, of Court Cottage, Chittlehampton, has received information that her husband has been wounded, and is in hospital in France.

Thursday 22 March 1917
North Devon War Items.
Pte. S. CONGRAM, of New Buildings, Chittlehampton, has been ill in hospital, and is now in a rest camp in France.
Corpl. ARCHIE LETHBRIDGE (Canadian Force) has paid a brief visit to his parents at Ashley Villa, Chittlehampton. Before going to Canada, he served in the Territorial Force, and was a capital shot, winning many prizes.
There are several Lady-day changes in the parish. MR R. DOCKINGS, of Oldridge Farm, has taken Broadmoor; MR and MRS TRICK, whose departure from the latter farm will be much regretted, have gone near Crediton to live; MR T. STENNER, of Pitt, will be the new occupier of Oldridge; and MR GEORGE STEVENS of Umberleigh, will be the new tenant of Pitt. there are not many changes among cottagers, but there are several cottages vacant in the parish.

Thursday 29 March 1917
Chittlehamholt. - MISS PESTER, formerly a pupil teacher at the Church School, but latterly a member of the teaching staff of East Budleigh School, has been appointed to succeed Miss Bishop at the Church School here, and will take up her duties on Monday next.

Thursday 5 April 1917
Under The Seed Potatoes Prices Order. Vendors, Auctioneer, and Buyers Summoned at Barnstaple.
JAMES TUCKER, of Higher Cobbaton, Chittlehampton, was next charged on 23rd March, unlawfully sold a quantity of seed potatoes known as "British Queens." "Sharpe's Express," and "Up-to-Dates," at a price exceeding the maximum. Mr Wyatt also appeared for this defendant, who pleaded not guilty. The defendant, JAS TUCKER, declared he was not aware of the existence of the Seed Potatoes Order, and said he did not know that prices were limited in any way. He did not give any reserve price, and trusted Mr Sanders with the sale in the ordinary way. The Bench fined TUCKER £14 and costs, or the usual default.
MR and MRS STEPHENS, of Cobbaton, have received official news that their son MICHAEL is very dangerously ill, suffering from pneumonia, after an attack of measles. He recently joined the Navy, previous to which he was a pupil teacher at the National School.
The many friends of MR TOM FRIENDSHIP, son of MR and MRS W. FRIENDSHIP, of Clematis Cottage, will be interested to know that he was married at Milford Haven (where he is a member of the South Wales Police Force) to Miss Lily Greenslade, whose parents at one time resided in Devon. The bridegroom has three brothers in the Devon Constabulary.

Thursday 12 April 1917
A Chittlehampton N.C.O. Killed In France. - News has been received that Company Sergeant Major A. CROSS, of the Canadian Forces, a native of Chittlehampton, has been killed in France. Much sorrow has been caused by the news, deceased having been greatly respected in the district. For two or three years he had been carrying out a successful builders' business at Stonewall, Canada. He was greatly loved by all for his genial manner. The sad news was conveyed to his sister, Mrs Down, of Arlington, in a letter from the Commanding Officer, who states that the deceased was struck by an enemy shell, which exploded directly over him, causing his immediate death. The colonel adds:- "Though your brother had only been with us a very short time he had earned the respect and admiration of all of us. Personally I feel that I have lost a friend and an officer upon whom I could always depend. He was so conscientious in the discharge of his duties that he attracted universal attention and respect. But not only in a military way was he admired, for he had built up a host of friends amongst the men as a N.C.O. who was keen enough to take a deep interest in them and in their sports participating in them at every opportunity." Previous to leaving England deceased was a nurse attendant, and was with the late Lord Tweedmouth for many months before he died.
MR R. H. VICKERY, one of the most respected parishioners, has been laid up with pneumonia. Getting out too quickly he has had a relapse, and is in bed again. All hope he will soon recover.

Thursday 19 April 1917
A valuable horse belonging to MR BALMAN, of Cleave Farm, dropped down dead in the roadway last week.

Thursday 26 April 1917
In the recent examination, held in connection with the R.A.M., and R.C.M., MISS JOYCE LEWIS obtained honours in the higher division for pianoforte playing, receiving 130 out of 150 marks. MISS DORA BATE passed with 108, and MASTER ALFRED BUCKINGHAM for elementary work passed with 123 marks. They were pupils of Mrs Bevan.
The greatest sympathy of the parishioners has been extended to MR and MRS T. MURCH, of Little Blakewell Cottages, who on Sunday morning lost their son ERNEST at the age of 17 years. He was an unusually bright lad, and had a cheery word for everyone. Many will know him outside the parish as working on engines for Murch Bros.
The death took place on Wednesday in last week of MR JAMES THOMAS, of Ambow, and formerly of Little Deptford Farm, at the age of 77 years. He was much respected by a large circle of friends. He was an ardent Liberal and a staunch Nonconformist. For many years he was a keen worker and regular attendant at the United Methodist Chapel at Blakewell. He was responsible for the training of the choir, and was well known as a flautist and singer. His mortal remains were interred in the Parish Churchyard on Monday. A short service, held in the Wesleyan Chapel, was impressively conducted by Mr Gilbert Isaac. The chief mourners were the widow, Mr and Mrs Byron Buckingham, Mr Sid. Buckingham, Mr and Mrs Houle, Mr and Mrs F. Burgess, Mrs Huxtable, Messrs. Leonard and Alf Thomas, Mr and Mrs G. Thomas, and Mr T. Harris. A large number of sympathising friends were also present. The bearers were Messrs. J. Cole, W. S. Gardner, G. Mules, F. Ellicott, F. Lewis, and J. R. Howard.
DEATH - April 18, at Ambow, Chittlehampton, JAMES THOMAS, formerly of Little Deptford Farm, aged 77 years.

Thursday 3 May 1917
The Parents and Widow of MR W. BLIGHT, who was killed in France on April 2nd, Desire to Thank their Many Friends who have written Expressing Sympathy with them in their great Bereavement. Dated, Acland Barton, Chittlehampton, May 1st, 1917.
MRS GILL, of Slade Cottage, has been selling flags on behalf of the wounded soldiers at the North Devon Infirmary. As a result, she has sent the sum of £1 14s. 7d. to the Mayoress of Barnstaple. MRS GILL'S little girl also sent five shillings for the same object by selling daffodils and primroses.
The Solicitor to the late MR R. BOWDEN (recently deceased) has advised the Wesleyan Chapel Trustees that he had by his will left a legacy of £75, which must be invested, and the interest deriving therefrom to be used for the choir and musical portion of services at the chapel. The donor had for some years been living at Cobden-villa, Ilfracombe. His wife was MISS TOWELL, a native of this village, and when home as a young woman was a member of the choir.
Amid much sorrow the earthly remains of ERNEST MURCH have been laid to rest in the Parish Churchyard. the Rev. C. W. Bate most impressively read the service. The deceased's father, mother, two sisters, and two brothers were the immediate mourners. A number of relatives were also present as were also many friends from the Umberleigh district and the village. The bearers were six of the deceased's chums. Very choice floral tributes were laid on the grave as follow:- In ever loving and undying memory of our dear Ernie, from his sorrowing dad, mam, brothers and sisters; In loving memory of dear Ernie, from Gertie and Will; With deepest sympathy, from M. Crocker, Nethercleave; In loving memory, from Eveline and John; With deepest sympathy and sincere sorrow, from all at Little Folly; In loving memory, from all at Narracott; With sorrow and sympathy, from H. and M. cocks; With deepest sympathy, from Mrs Gill.

Thursday 10 May 1917
It was with feelings of deep regret that parishioners heard on Saturday that the death had taken place at Budleigh Salterton of MISS MARION PALMER, second daughter of MR W. PALMER, for many years Clerk of Works here for the Rolle Estate. Deceased was of the kindliest disposition and had a cheery word for everyone.
The many friends of MR HARRY LETHBRIDGE will be interested to know that since he returned to Canada he has taken unto himself a wife. The wedding took place at Winnipeg. The bride was Miss Farr, whose parents hailed from South Devon. The mother's maiden name was Lethbridge. The bridegroom's parents are MR and MRS C. LETHBRIDGE, of Ashley Villa. At the commencement of the War he was one of the first to volunteer, but in one of the big battles on the Western Front he was badly wounded and was taken prisoner by the Germans. After some months in Germany, he was one of those to be exchanged. The best man at the wedding had fought side by side with the bridegroom in France.

Thursday 17 May 1917
Mrs Thorold's prize for the best behaved chorister, and the most regular attendant at the services of the Parish Church, has this year been won by FRED WEBBER, of Hillhead.
In the recent examination of the C.E.T.S., MONICA JANE MANATON, aged nine, of this village, won the special prize given for the Barnstaple Archdeaconry. MISS NELLIE GILL, also of this village, won the Southmolton Deanery prize. Both had been prepared by Mrs Thompson, of the Curatage.
The sad news reached the village on Sunday that the wife of MR JAMES SMOLDEN, jun., of the Saw Mills, Filleigh, had passed away that morning at the age of 42 years. Death was due to pleurisy and pneumonia. Deceased was a member of one of the oldest and most respected of Chittlehampton's families, her maiden name being SKINNER. The husband, for whom the greatest sympathy is felt, is the eldest son of MR and MRS J. SMOLDON, of Biddacott. Previous to going to Filleigh, he carried on for many years a wheelwright's business at Puddlepool. He and four little children remain to mourn a devoted wife and mother.
Barnstaple Rural Tribunal.
Exemption to 1st September, and then substitute, was the decision in the case of HAROLD CARTER (18), who was applied for by MR WM. CARTER, of Stowford, Chittlehampton. MR CARTER stated that he had two sons serving - one in the Army and one in the Navy. The son in respect of whom the application was being made had taken over the horsework since the brother, the regular horseman, had joined the Army.

Thursday 24 May 1917
A well known resident in this and Warkleigh parish was laid to rest in the Parish Churchyard on Friday last, in the person of MR EPHRAIM SNOW, of Hurson Farm. Deceased, who was 73 years of age, was of a very quiet disposition, and was greatly respected by a large number of friends. The Rev. C. W. Bate and the Rev. J. M. Thompson officiated at the funeral. The immediate mourners were the wife, Arthur and Sidney (sons), Ellinor, Emily, Ervina, Lena and Mary (daughters), Mr John and Miss Snow (brother and niece, St. Giles), Mrs J. H. Waldron (sister-in-law), Mr R. Gaydon (brother-in-law), Miss M. Snow (niece), Messrs. J. Snow (2) and Bert Waldron (nephews). The bearers were Messrs. Tucker, Turner, Harris, Beer, Andrews, and another. Floral tributes were as follows:- In ever loving memory, from his loving wife; In loving memory, from his affectionate children; In loving memory of dear uncle, from Mr and Mrs J. Snow; From his affectionate brother and niece; From Miss Thorold, Miss Salome Thorold, and Miss Ellinor Thorold; From Minnie; From Mr and Miss Tucker (Deason), From jack, Lena and family; From C. S. Somerville; From Mrs and Miss Gully.
North Devon War Items.
Sergeant JAMES GAYDON, son of MR and MRS R. GAYDON, Whitehall Cottage, Chittlehampton, has been wounded for the second time - as has also Corporal THOMAS RENDLE, son of MRS RENDLE, New Buildings, Chittlehampton.

Thursday 7 June 1917
After having been in Queen Mary's Hospital, Roehampton, for three months to be fitted with artificial feet, MR PHILIP FRIENDSHIP, returned to his home at Yard Cottage on Saturday last. It will be remembered he was frost bitten while participating in the Gallipoli campaign.
A nasty accident befell MR JOHN WATTS, of Collytown, on Monday. He was in the act of repairing a chimney for Mr Thorold at the Parsonage Farm, Warkleigh, when, by some means, the ladder slipped, precipitating him to the ground. He was at once removed to a bed at the farm and a doctor sent for. No bones were broken, but he was badly bruised and shaken.
The death took place on Monday morning of an old and greatly respected parishioner, in the person of MISS SUSAN SKINNER, aged 77 years. Deceased for many years kept a grocer's shop; about two years ago she sold her business, and has since lived in retirement. She was of a kind and cheerful disposition, and had won many friends. The sincere sympathy of all will be with her sister, MISS SARAH SKINNER, in her great loss. Her death was not unexpected, as she had been a great sufferer for some time. She was a member of one of Chittlehampton's oldest and most respected families.
North Devon War Items.
MR JOHN GOODING, of Lower Cobbaton, Chittlehampton, has been officially notified that his son, Pte. WM. GOODING (Devons), died whilst a prisoner in the hands of the Turks thirteen months ago. He was with General Townshend's gallant force at Kut, and was about 27 years of age. Prior to joining up the deceased was employed on steam roller work by Mr J. P. Downing, of Horwood. This is the second son that MR GOODING has lost in the War, one (Pte. JAS. GOODING) having been previously killed at La Bassee. Two other sons - Pte. HARRY GOODING (Devons) and FRED GOODING - are at present serving. Deceased's sister, MRS BERRY, resides at Lower Maudlin-street, Barnstaple. Her husband and his two brothers are also serving in the Army.

Thursday 14 June 1917
The mortal remains of the late MISS SUSAN SKINNER were laid to rest in the Parish Churchyard, the Rev. C. W. Bate (Vicar) officiating. The immediate mourners were Miss Hosegood (Roseash, niece), Mrs Baker (Clovelly, cousin), Mrs Skinner (Puddlepool), Mrs Skinner (Brimley), Miss Facey and Miss A. Skinner (cousins). Miss Sarah Skinner (sister) was too unwell to be present. The bearers were Messrs. F. Lewis, E. Howard, H. Ward, W. Down, J. Towell, G. Boucher, A. Holland and H. Potter. Floral tributes bore the inscriptions:- In loving memory of my dear sister, from Sarah; To dear aunt, from his affectionate niece and brother-in-law.
Southmolton Rural Tribunal.
Conditional exemption, assented to by the Recruiting Officer, was granted to WILLIAM KINGDON, Wards, Chittlehamholt (34, married, B1).
F. GULLEY, Chittlehamholt, and CECIL CARNALL, Railway Cottages, Umberleigh, engine drivers, temporary exemption for substitution by men in lower categories.

Thursday 28 June 1917
North Devon War Items.
Lance-Corpl. ERNEST TUCKER, R.E., son of MR and MRS STEPHEN TUCKER, of Chittlehampton, has been the subject of the following order by his Army Commander:- "On the morning of the 28th May, 1917, while ---- was being bombarded, the teams of three G.S. waggons bolted. At great personal risk Lance-Corpl. E. TUCKER, R.E., succeeded in stopping them in succession. The town was full of traffic at the time, and the prompt and courageous act undoubtedly saved many lives. He was under heavy shell fire all the time. An entry of this action will be made in the conduct sheets of this N.C.O. in accordance with the King's Regulations." Lance-Corpl. TUCKER is 24. His brother, GEORGE has lately been wounded by gunshot in the back, and is now lying dangerously ill in hospital. Five of MRS TUCKER'S sons have been in the fighting line, one of whom has already made the great sacrifice. A sister of Lance-Corpl. TUCKER is MRS F. LORRIDGE, of Alma-terrace, Barnstaple.
A pretty wedding has been solemnized at the Parish Church by the Rev. C. W. Bate, the bridegroom being MR W. H. TANTON, of Upcott, and the bride, MISS FLORENCE MAUD BLACKMORE, youngest daughter of MR and MRS JOHN BLACKMORE, of Pitt Cottage. The bride, who was given away by her brother (MR JOHN WILLIAM BLACKMORE, of Chertsey, Surrey), was very daintily attired in a blue crepeline dress, with lace slip; she wore a hat to match, with lace veil, and she carried a beautiful shower bouquet. The bride was attended by four bridesmaids. Miss Rosie Blackmore and Miss Winnie Gooding (two little girls) - a niece and cousin, were charmingly dressed in pink dresses, with pink roses in their hair; they also carried baskets of pink roses and asparagus ferns. Miss Mary Blackmore (the bride's sister) was attired in a white poplin dress, trimmed with saxe blue, as was also Miss Florence Cocks in a mauve delaino dress; they each wore hats to match, and carried bouquets. Mr Fred Burnett, of Filleigh, acted as best man. The happy couple received quite a shower of confetti as they left the Church. The wedding breakfast was partaken of at Pitt, and a reception was afterwards held, a large number of guests being invited. The happy couple left later in the day for Week Cross, Burrington. The presents were numerous and handsome.
Barnstaple Rural Tribunal. - At the previous sitting of the Tribunal, MR W. H. LANDRAY, of Stowford, Chittlehampton, applied for CHARLES E. CLARKE, who cultivated a large vegetable garden and worked an electric plant for the private house and also for a neighbouring farm. MR LANDRAY stated that if he could keep this man he intended joining the Inns of Court Training Corps under the 50 Scheme. The case was therefore adjourned until Friday, when Mr A. E. Hopper reported that MR LANDRAY had joined the Reserve. Mr Woodcock was not exactly satisfied what MR LANDRAY had joined, and he asked for an adjournment of the case so that he might make inquiries. The Tribunal, stated the Chairman, believed that MR LANDRAY had joined up, but it would allow the case to be adjourned in accordance with the military representative's suggestion.
MARRIAGE - June 20, at Chittlehampton Parish Church, WILLIAM HENRY TANTON, of Upcott, to FLORENCE MAUD BLACKMORE, youngest daughter of MR and MRS BLACKMORE, of Pitt Cottage, Chittlehampton.
SILVER WEDDING - June 26, 1892, at the Parish Church, Chittlehampton, by the Rev. A. Spicer (formerly Curate of Chittlehampton), MR ALFRED JOHN MAY, of Southmolton, to MISS ELIZA J. GREENSLADE, of Chittlehampton.

Thursday 5 July 1917
A nasty accident befel MR SHAPLAND, of Greendown Farm, of Saturday last. He was driving across the Square at Southmolton Market, when by some means his horse slipped, and he was thrown violently into the roadway. He was cut about a good bit, the injuries being attended to by Dr Seal. MISS SHAPLAND, his daughter, was also thrown out, but escaped with a severe shaking. MR HARRIS, of Ambow, also had a narrow escape the same morning. His horse fell very near the same spot; he was pitched out, but fell on the horse, thus escaping injury.
Parishioners learnt with much sorrow on Monday that one of the most respected families in the parish had suffered bereavement, MRS WATTS, the wife of MR WM. WATTS, seed and manure merchant, having passed away at Barnstaple. She was taken suddenly ill on Friday, and an operation being found necessary on Sunday she was removed by motor to a nursing home at Barnstaple, where she succumbed to peritonitis and complications. With the bereaved husband, four sons, and three daughters, heartfelt sympathy is expressed. A devoted wife and mother, the deceased lady (who was the daughter of the late MR and MRS CHARLES MORRIS, of Langaton) was generally beloved for her happy disposition and for her activities in good works. She was a devoted member of the Wesleyan Church, of which her husband is a pillar of strength. Two sons are taking part in the War.
Wedding at Chittlehampton. - The bells of the Parish Church of St. Hieritha, Chittlehampton, pealed joyously on Tuesday at the marriage of MISS ELSA ADDAMS WILLIAMS, daughter of MAJOR-GENERAL G. WILLIAMS, C.B., Royal Engineers, and MRS WILLIAMS, of Stowford House, Chittlehampton, to Captain Cyril John Wheatcroft, Sherwood Foresters, son of Mr George Hanson Wheatcroft, J.P., and Mrs Wheatcroft, of Waltham House, Wirksworth, Derbyshire. The bridegroom is home, on short leave, from the Front. The ceremony was performed by Rev. H. Addams Williams, R.D. (uncle of the bride), Rector of Llangibby, Mon., assisted by Rev. C. W. Bate, Vicar of Chittlehampton. There was a large congregation, and the interesting ceremony was military in character and very pretty. The service was choral, the surpliced choir leading the singing of the hymns "O Perfect Love," and "O God our help in ages past" (for which special tunes were selected), and the Psalm, "God be merciful unto us and bless us," the latter being chanted to Wesley's beautiful setting. A verse of the National Anthem was also sung during the service. Miss Godden, of Barnstaple, presided at the organ, and played the Bridal March from Lohengrin as the bride entered the Church, and Mendelssohn's Wedding March at the close of the service. White flowers adorned the altar. The marriage ceremony was performed by the Rev. Addams Williams, and an excellent address was given by the Rev. C. W. Bate, who also pronounced the Blessing. The bride wore a simple gown of white Georgette over the palest shade of pink, with tulle veil, surmounted with orange blossoms. She carried a sheaf of harrisil lilies, white heather and asparagus fern, tied with satin ribbon to match. Major-General WILLIAMS, C.B., being on service abroad, the bride was given away by her mother, who was attired in Royal blue crepe de chine, with large black hat, adorned with ospreys. her bouquet was of crimson roses and fern. The bridegroom's mother wore a dress of black satin. Mauve sweet peas and fern comprised her bouquet. There were no bridesmaids. Capt. E. M. Brooke-Taylor, Sherwood Foresters, was best man, and Lieut. G. P. Brooke-Taylor, R.F.A., and Second-Lieut. W. D. Brooke-Taylor R.F.C., carried out the duties of groomsmen, all being in service uniform. As the bride and bridegroom left the Church they were greeted with showers of confetti and rose petals. A reception, to which about sixty guests were invited, was afterwards held at Stowford House, and later in the day CAPT. and MRS WHEATCROFT left for Clovelly, where the honeymoon is to be spent. The bride travelled in a bottle green gabardine costume, with Oriental turban hat en suite. Many beautiful presents were received. The wedding bouquets were supplied by Mrs Smallridge, of Barnstaple, and the motors by the Barnstaple Motor Company.
MARRIAGE - July 3, at Chittlehampton Parish Church, Capt. Cyril John Wheatcroft, Sherwood Foresters, son of Mr G. H. Wheatcroft, J.P., of Wallham House, Wirksworth, Derbyshire, to ELSA ADDAMS WILLIAMS, daughter of Major-General G. Williams, C.B., Royal Engineers, and Mrs Williams, of Stowford House, Chittlehampton.
DEATH - July 2, ELIZABETH, the wife of MR W. WATTS, of Chittlehampton, aged 61 years.

Thursday 12 July 1917
The mortal remains of MRS W. WATTS (whose death we recorded last week) were laid to rest in the Parish Churchyard on Friday last. The Rev. W. L. Bennett had previously conducted a most impressive service in the Wesleyan Chapel, where deceased had worshipped for many years. The choir were present, and with much feeling sang her favourite hymn, "Ten thousand times, ten thousand." The funeral anthem, "Blessed are the dead," was also rendered, and as the coffin containing the body was being removed from the Chapel, Mrs Cole, the organist, played "Peace, Perfect Peace." The cortege reached across the village to the Lych Gate. The immediate mourners were the sorrowing husband and children and other relatives. There were a large number of beautiful floral tributes, which included one from MR WATTS, and bore the inscription - "In ever loving memory of my darling wife"; and another, "To our darling mother, from her loving children." A memorial service to the memory of the deceased was held in the Wesleyan Chapel on Sunday, and was largely attended.
North Devon War Items.
Lieut. MAURICE BATE, eldest son of the REV. C. W. BATE (Vicar of Chittlehampton) and MRS BATE, is now on active service in France. He recently spent brief leave at home.
Pte. SYDNEY RENDLE, of Yard Cottage, Chittlehampton, who before the War was a carpenter on the Rolle Estate, is in hospital in France, suffering from an injury to the nose sustained while he was working at a saw bed.

Thursday 19 July 1917
The parishioners have during the past week been pleased to welcome in their midst, after several years' absence, Corpl. AMOS BREAYLEY, second son of MR and MRS W. BREAYLEY. He has carried on a successful butcher's business in New Zealand, but he has sold it in order to fight for his old country.
Much local interest was evinced in a pretty wedding which took place on July 11th at Swymbridge Parish Church. The bride was Miss Alice Ethel Gregory, youngest daughter of the late Mr John Gregory, of Cobbaton, and the bridegroom was MR W. J. BREAYLEY, eldest son of MR and MRS BREAYLEY, of this village. Both are very much respected by a large circle of friends, and many witnessed the interesting ceremony. The bride was very nicely attired in a grey costume, trimmed with black silk; she wore a hat to match. She was attended by two bridesmaids, Miss Bertha Gregory and Miss Annie Brayley, who looked exceedingly pretty in voile dresses, and hats to correspond; all three carried bouquets, the gifts of the bridegroom. The two bridesmaids also wore gold brooches, the gifts of the bridegroom. The bride was given away by her brother, Mr L. C. Gregory, of Exmouth, and Corpl. J. A. Breayley, the bridegroom's brother, who has just returned to England from New Zealand, carried out the duties of best man. As the happy couple left the Church they were pelted with flowers and confetti. The carriages which conveyed the many friends to the Church were supplied by Mr E. Cruwys, of Southmolton, the bridegroom's uncle. The wedding breakfast was laid at Cobbaton; only a few of the immediately friends of both families were invited, owing to the recent death of Mr Gregory, senr. Several congratulatory telegrams were received. There were many beautiful presents. Mr J. Lewis, on behalf of the Chittlehampton Postal Staff presented the bridegroom with a very nice set of carvers.

Thursday 26 July 1917
North Devon War Items.
C. LEWIS, of Chittlehampton, is in a Cadet School, training preparatory to receiving a commission.
Pte. G. TUCKER, Chittlehampton, of the Devons, was on Tuesday officially reported to have died of wounds received in action.
MR LEWIS STEWART, who prior to the War was a wheelwright in the employ of Messrs. Murch, of Umberleigh, has been granted a commission. At the time of the outbreak of hostilities, Lieut. STEWART was a Private in the Territorial Force, and was then in camp. He served his apprenticeship as a wheelwright with MR J. HUXTABLE, of Chittlehampton.

Thursday 2 August 1917
North Devon War Items.
Pte. JACK MAYNE BATER is home at Chittlehampton on leave. He was one of the valiant Canadians who stormed the Vimy Ridge. His right hand was then blown off by a shrapnel shell, which burst close to him. He is expecting to return to Canada as soon as he gets back to his quarters to get his discharge. His many friends at Chittlehampton have been glad to welcome the hero.
It was with much regret that parishioners heard that another Chittlehampton lad, in the person of Pte. ALFRED JOHN COX, had passed away at Basra Hospital, Mesopotamia. He was 20 years of age, and belonged to the Devons. Death was due to pneumonia. The greatest sympathy is expressed with the bereaved family, who now live at West Buckland. WALTER, another son, is in India; he was wounded while fighting on the Western front.

Thursday 9 August 1917
A very serious accident has befallen ARTHUR SCOINS, a lad in the employ of MR CHERITON, of Bradbury. Early in the morning of Friday last he went into a field to bring in the horses for their usual work. As he did not return for some time a search was made, and he was found stretched out on the ground with a nasty wound in his head and face, received it is supposed by a kick from one of the horses. Dr Mortimer was soon in attendance, and the sufferer was taken in the doctor's motor to the North Devon Infirmary, where he was at once operated on. The removal of one eye was found necessary. It was also found that his head and nose were badly injured.
MR and MRS J. B. BURGESS, of the West End, have during the past week celebrated their golden wedding, having been the first couple married by the Rev. R. E. Trefusis (now bishop of Crediton) when he came here as Vicar. They have received many congratulations on the auspicious event, none throughout the parish are held in more respect. MR BURGESS has been a member of the Parish Church choir for nearly 60 years, and he was Captain of the ringers for half a century. He was the first member in Devon to enrol in the National Deposit Friendly Society.
MR and MRS W. ISAAC, of New Buildings, have also this week celebrated their golden wedding. They were married at Northmolton Church. They, too, have lived in the parish ever since, and have earned the respect of a large circle of friends, who have conveyed to them their good wishes on the happy occasion.

Thursday 16 August 1917
Residents have learnt with deep regret of the serious illness of MR JAMES SMOLDON, of Biddacott, one of the Churchwardens, and all join in hoping that he will have a speedy recovery.

Thursday 23 August 1917
Son Of The Vicar Of Chittlehampton Killed In Action. - The REV. C. W. BATE, Vicar of Chittlehampton and MRS BATE, received the sad news on Friday last that their eldest son, Lieutenant MAURICE BATE, had been killed in Flanders. He belonged to the London Regiment, Queen Victoria's Rifles, and was 19 years of age. He left home, after having a few days' leave, on July 4th. He had only just gone into the trenches when he was killed. The greatest sympathy has been extended to the sorrowing parents from the parishioners and their many friends. MRS BATE was in Barnstaple, and the Vicar at Woolacombe, when the official telegram came.
The greatest sympathy of parishioners has been expressed with MR W. GAY during the past week, his wife having died in the Tiverton Infirmary from cancer. She was of a most amiable disposition, and as a result made many friends. MR GAY was gardener for the late Archdeacon Seymour during his incumbency here. The funeral of deceased took place at Cofton, her native village. MR W. GAY, junr., married the eldest daughter of MR JOHN SNOW, of Furze Farm.
It was a very sad service at the Parish Church on Sunday morning. The Rev. C. W. BATE (Vicar) who was the preacher, made feeling reference to his son MAURICE, who was recently killed in action, and he asked the congregation to offer their prayers for him and MRS BATE in their great loss. He also made reference to W. MAY, a lad he always liked to meet, for he had such a happy smile. He should also miss him as a ringer and a member of the C.E.M.S. After the evening hymn Miss Godden, the organist, played the "Dead March" from Saul.

Thursday 30 August 1917
MRS J. B. SKINNER, of Brimley, has met with an unfortunate accident, whereby she has broken her thigh. She was in the act of picking up some apples, and was putting her foot over some wire netting, when she over-balanced herself and fell heavily. She is progressing favourably.
The death has taken place at West Stowford, of MR JAMES CLARKE, market gardener, at the age of 74. Deceased and his wife (who survives him) have been held in great respect. They have been regular attendants at the Barnstaple and other North Devon markets for a number of years. The sympathy of all is with the widow and three sons in their great loss.

Thursday 6 September 1917
At the Llanrwst Poultry Show held on the 30th ult., MR JIM SKINNER, of Brimley, was awarded the special prize given for the best andalusian shown.
A beautiful brass tablet has been erected in the Wesleyan Chapel by MR and MRS COLE, of West End, to the memory of their son. The inscription reads as follows: "In never-dying memory of PERCY JAMES COLE, of Chittlehampton (Lieutenant, Royal Field Artillery), who gave his life for his country on September 22nd, 1916, and was interred in France, aged 25 years. - Greater love hath no man than this - that a man lay down his life for his friends."
A large number attended the funeral of MR J. CLARKE, of West Stowford. The Rev. C. W. Bate officiated. The immediate mourner relatives were the widow, Messrs. C. T. and A. Clarke (sons), Mrs C. Clarke, (daughter-in-law), Mrs Baker (sister), Mrs E. Bater (niece). The bearers were Messrs. W. Carder, J. Buckingham, T. and H. Harris, J. Facey, and J. Clarke. Floral tokens laid on the grave were from his loving wife; Tom and Albert; Charley and Polly; Mr and Mrs Thorne and family, and Mr and Mrs H. Harris and family.
This parish has sustained a great loss by the death of MR JAMES SMOLDON, of Higher Biddacott Farm, which took place on Wednesday in last week at the age of 71 years. He had not been in his usual health for some weeks, having had a seizure, which was the means of hastening the end. Deceased had for several years been Vicar's Warden at the Parish Church. The Rev. C. W. Bate (Vicar) referring to his death from the pulpit on Sunday morning, said he had lost a good Church Warden and a personal friend. The deceased was of an amiable disposition, upright in his dealings, a staunch churchman, and one ever ready to render assistance in any good cause. He (the Vicar) would greatly miss him. The funeral took place on Saturday, the cortege being a very long one. There were over sixty relatives present, excluding the immediate mourners, who were the widow, Mr and Mrs Houle, Mr and Mrs J. R. Burgess, Mr and Mrs W. Nott, Mr and Mrs Allen, Mrs Stone (daughters and sons-in-law), Mr J. Smoldon (son), Miss Frances Smoldon (daughter), Misses M. Burgess, D. Nott, Master Percy Smoldon, and Jack Burgess (grandchildren), Mr and Mrs R. Smoldon (brother and sister-in-law), Mr and Mrs Hancock (sister and brother-in-law), Mrs Huxtable (sister), Mrs Hancock (sister), Mrs Smoldon and Mrs Thorne (sisters-in-law). There was scarcely a farm in the parish that was not represented. The bearers (all nephews) were:- Messrs. A. Thorne, G. Balman, J. and F. Hancock, W. Smoldon and J. Warren. The Rev. C. W. Bate officiated. The service was choral, the surpliced choir singing the Nune Dimittis as the body was removed from the church. Major Chichester, of Hall, lent his hand bier to convey the body from Biddacott to the church. Floral tributes were as follow:- "In ever loving memory of a dear husband and father, from his sorrowing wife and children, Alice and Frances"; "In loving memory of dear father, from Jack, Polly, Mabel, and Jackie"; "In loving memory of dear Dada, from Will, Nellie and Children";' "In affectionate remembrance of dear Dady, from Bessie and Jack"; "In loving memory of dear father, from Jim and family"; "In loving memory of dear Dada, from Annie and Arthur"; "In loving memory of dear Uncle, from John, Lizzie, May and William"; "In affectionate remembrance of dear Uncle, from John and Bertha"; "In loving remembrance, from Frank, Lizzie, Laura, George and Bessie"; "In loving memory of our dear cousin, from E. and S. Brealey"; "In loving memory of dear Brother, from Sister Bessie."

Thursday 13 September 1917
In the early hours of Friday morning there passed away MRS ELLEN TAYLOR, widow of MR WILLIAM TAYLOR, of the New Inn. She was the eldest daughter of the late MR JOHN KINGDON, of the Home Farm, West Buckland. Of a kind and loving disposition, she was extremely popular. She was one to expect sympathy from, and no one ever heard her say an unkind word of any person. There are several sons and daughters to mourn her death. She was 75 years of age.

Thursday 20 September 1917
The mortal remains of MRS TAYLOR were interred in the Parish Churchyard. A large number attended to pay a last mark of respect. The immediate mourners were Mr N. Taylor (Barnstaple), Mr S. Taylor (Toyndee, S. Wales), (sons), Mrs Chambers, London, Mrs Johns, Cardiff, Mrs Boundy, Whimple, Mrs Jordan and Mrs Mullins, Barnstaple (daughters), Mrs Bole, Misses M. Turner, M. Johns and W. Taylor (granddaughters), Mr W. Taylor (grandson), Messrs. Johns, H. Jordan and C. Mullins (sons-in-law), Mrs S. Taylor (daughter-in-law), Mrs W. Taylor (daughter-in-law). The bearers were Messrs. H. Potter, E. Howard, R. Mayne, G. H. Dinnacombe, H. J. Ward, and R. Gaydon. Floral tributes included:- "In loving memory of dear mother, from her sorrowing daughter, and granddaughter, Lizzie and Maggie; In loving remembrance of our dear gran, from her sorrowing grandchildren, Bert and Lucy, Swindon; Mr and Mrs R. Mayne; Mrs tucker, Frogmoor; and G. H.; B and N. Dinnicombe.

Thursday 27 September 1917
Barnstaple Rural Tribunal. - CHARLES SKINNER (38, married, B2), agricultural wheelwright and carpenter, of Chittlehampton, made a renewed application. Applicant stated that he was engaged in agricultural work full time, and, being single-handed, he already had more work for farmers than he could do. The military did not assent to exemption being given. Mr Woodcock remarked that there was another wheelwright of about 70 years of age in the village, whilst a third wheelwright was less than a mile away. Mr W. T. Buckingham interposed that the man a mile away had at present more than he could do, and said the next man away from that was five miles. Mr Woodcock stated that the military pressed hard for this class of man. they were wanted for the flying corps. It was not their wish to inconvenience agricultural work too much, but it could not be expected that things could be allowed to stay as in pre-war days, and a certain amount of inconvenience must be caused. This man could take on the business when he came back, and in his absence a brother, who, when at home became acquainted with the trade, but who was now a poultry farmer, could assist. Wheelwrighting was of more importance than poultry farming "There are very few parishes so well-off as Chittlehampton," he concluded. - "You would not say that if you knew the parish," observed applicant. - Mr Woodcock further stated that B2 and C2 men were required for the Royal Engineers, Army Service Corps, Army Medical Corps, Army Veterinary Corps, and Royal Flying Corps. - The Chairman: He would work at his trade if he went? - Mr Woodcock replied in the affirmative. If applicant were C3, he would have to press for him. Even C3 men were urgently required in this class of trade. The military were prepared to meet the Tribunal when absolutely necessary, but where there were other men in the village such as there were in this case, the military desired the Tribunal to meet them. And he thought this man should serve. - 1st January, for further enquiries to be made.
In Memoriam.
TUCKER - In loving memory of our darling LIONEL, who was killed in action at Loos, September 25, 1915.
Two years have gone since that sad day,
When the boy we loved was called away;
Gone from our homes - oh! how we miss him-
Loving him dearly his memory will keep.
Never while life lasts shall we forget him,
Dear is the grave where our loved one sleeps;
Sleep on, dear boy, in your hero grave,
A grave I may never see,
But as long as life and memory lasts,
We will remember thee.
Sadly missed by his father, mother, brothers and sisters, Frogmore, Chittlehampton.
MR HENRY CHAPPLE, a leading tradesman at Folkestone, has paid a visit during the past week to Chittlehampton, his native place, receiving a warm welcome from old friends. MR CHAPPLE has always kept in close touch with North Devon, and he is the Hon. Secretary of the Devonian Society in the town of his adoption. A brother is MR J. CHAPPLE, of Braunton.

Thursday 4 October 1917
North Devon War Items.
Corpl. F. A. JAMES (Northumberland Fusiliers), of Umberleigh, was on Friday reported wounded.
Pte. SYDNEY CONGRAM, of New Buildings, Chittlehampton, who was recently wounded, has resumed duty. He is qualifying as machine gun instructor.
Pte. W. SPEAR, son of MR and MRS JOHN SPEAR, of Little Ash, Chittlehampton, who has spent some years in Australia, has spent a few days leave with his parents. He is a mechanic in the Air Service. Two brothers are taking part in the War.
MR HENRY SOWDEN, son of MRS SOWDEN, of Ambow Cottage, Chittlehampton, has been appointed temporary Second-Lieutenant in the Royal Engineers. he is serving with the Railway Operating Division. Three brothers are on service:- WILLIE in Egypt, HAROLD in India and REGGIE with the American Forces. A sister (MISS IVY SOWDEN) is a nurse in the V.A.D.
The funeral of the little daughter of MR and MRS BALMAN, of Cleave, was attended by the sorrowing parents and a number of relatives, in addition to many personal friends of the family. The Rev. C. W. Bate officiated. Several beautiful floral tributes were laid on the grave.

Thursday 11 October 1917
MRS GULLEY, of this village, has received news that her uncle, MR PHILIP WALDRON, a native of Chittlehampton, has passed away at Peoria, Illinois, at the age of 73. He was the eldest son of the late MR and MRS WILLIAM WALDRON, of Hill Head. American papers speak highly of him. For a number of years he had carried out the duties of a railway engineer. He was a widower, having married three times, his first wife having been a resident of this village.
Parishioners heard with much regret on Monday morning that MR LEWIS NOTT, of Collacott Barton, had passed away at the age of 70. He had not been in his usual health for some time, but no one thought the end so near. He was a keen agriculturist, and his advice on farming matters was much sought after. Several sons and daughters remain to mourn his loss. The youngest son is in the R.N.D.H., and is at present in Egypt. The wife of deceased died some years ago. She was a daughter of the late MR RICHARDS, of Tossels Barton, West Buckland.
While carrying out blasting operations in a mine at Butle, Montana, Colorado, MR ALFRED BIRD, the third son of MR and MRS JOHN BIRD, of Shilstone Cottage, received injuries which proved fatal. He was 36 years of age. The greatest sympathy is extended to the sorrowing parents. About two years ago SIDNEY, another son, was killed, also in America; he was being driven in a buggy, when the driver lost control of the horse and he was precipitated against a lamp-post, and never regained conscience. The sad news of ALFRED'S death was received from GEORGE, a brother, who resides at Buttle.

Thursday 18 October 1917
North Devon War Items.
Corpl. AMOS BREAYLEY, of the New Zealand Force, son of MR and MRS W. BREAYLEY, of Chittlehampton, has been reported wounded. One bullet went through his lung, and another through the cap of his knee.
One of the smaller pinnacles of the majestic tower of the Parish Church was blown down during the gale last week. It just missed the roof of the church, and fell into the churchyard. A few years ago a pinnacle in falling crashed through the roof.
North Devon Appeal Tribunal.
In granting exemption to 1st January to CHARLES SKINNER (38, married, B2), of Chittlehampton, the local Tribunal was unanimously of the opinion that his work was absolutely necessary for the agriculturists of the neighbourhood. The military now appealed, but exemption to 1st March was granted.

Thursday 25 October 1917
Much sympathy has been extended to MR and MRS BOUCHER, of Eastacott Cottage, whose little boy died at the North Devon Infirmary on Sunday night. he was only admitted on the Friday, the cause of death being blood poisoning.
Death has removed a greatly respected parishioner in the person of MR W. MITCHELL, of Townsend, formerly a trusted employee of the London and South Western Railway Company at Umberleigh. He was 73 years of age. The interment took place in the Churchyard on Saturday. The immediate mourners were Mr J. Mitchell (son), Mrs J. S. Blackmore (daughter), Mr and Mrs J. S. Short (daughter and son-in-law), Misses Emily, Mary and Lilian Maud (daughters), Mr and Mrs J. Smerdon (daughter and son-in-law), Evelyn, Percy and Violet Short (grandchildren), Mr W. Andrews (brother-in-law), Pte F. W. Mitchell, the youngest son of deceased was unable to be present as he is in France. There was a large number of friends present. Included among them was Mr J. Somerfield, late Station-master at Barnstaple Junction. The bearers were Messrs. R. Ellicott, W. Isaac, G. Stevens, W. Smoldon, old railway friends, and Messrs. T. Isaac and R. H. Vickery. Wreaths were sent as follow:- In loving memory of dear father from all the children; From Jack, Flo and grandchildren; From Nance, Bob and grandchildren; Violet Short; Mrs Blackmore; Miss Prout; Emily and Beatrice Bailey, Instow; Mary Blackmore and Fred Burnell.
North Devon War Items.
Corpl. ERNEST TUCKER, R.E., son of MR and MRS TUCKER, of Frogmoor Cottages, Chittlehamholt, who was recently awarded the Military Medal, has been home for a few days' leave. he received many congratulations.

Thursday 1 November 1917
North Devon War Items.
Pte. W. GOODING (Devons, attached Royal West Kent), of Chittlehampton, was on Thursday officially reported to have died while a prisoner of War in Turkish hands.
Cadet CHARLES LEWIS, youngest son of MR FREDK. LEWIS, of East-street, Chittlehampton, has been gazetted Second-Lieut. He was with the Devons at Salonica nearly two years. An "old boy" of West Buckland School, he was assistant master at a large Grammar School when he joined up. His brother, Pte, FRANK LEWIS, of the Canadian Force, who has been in many fierce engagements, is home on brief leave from France.
The greatest sympathy is extended to MRS LEE, eldest daughter of MR and MRS WM. CLARKE, of Whitmore Lodge, Chittlehamholt, on the sad death of her husband, Pte. FRED WILLIAM LEE, who was killed in action on September 20th. His commanding officer, in a very kind letter of condolence to the widow and little boy, wrote in highest terms of appreciation of Pte. Lee's services, particularly noting that he was always amongst the first to render help to the wounded and to do all in his power to alleviate their pain. A memorial service at the Church was largely attended.
Southmolton Rural Council. MR THOS. HOLLAND, Chittlehampton, asked to be paid this year's prices for last year's work. MR MAYNE, Chittlehampton, wrote that he would have to give up his contract because of his inability to get anyone to haul stone for less than 12s a day. Both matters were referred to the members for Chittlehampton and the Surveyor to arrange terms.
News received here on Tuesday announced that MRS HARTNOLL, widow of MR J. M. HARTNOLL, of Lerwill, passed away in London on the 24th of October. Her death will be greatly deplored by a large number of parishioners, and especially by the aged poor., to whom she was a great friend. It had been her custom for many years to send the poor a Christmas present, which generally consisted of tea, sugar and money. She was also a warm supporter of the Working Men's club as an honorary member, and of the Village Lighting, her husband having erected the lamps on the occasion of the late Queen Victoria's Jubilee in 1887. No appeal for a good cause was ever made to her in vain.
DEATH - GOODING. - Died while a prisoner of War in Turkish hands, Pte. W. GOODING (Devons), of Chittlehampton.
DEATH - October 24, at 4 Brondesbury Park, N.W., MRS HARTNOLL, widow of the late MR J. M. HARTNOLL, of Lerwill, Chittlehampton.
DEATH - September 20, killed in action, Pte. FRED WM. LEE, Machine Gun Corps, of Chittlehamholt.

Thursday 8 November 1917
Southmolton Rural Tribunal.
Questions were raised by the military on form R. 17, as regards HENRY POTTER, of Hillhead, Chittlehampton, 38, married, a shoeing smith, who was given conditional exemption, his "mark" being removed.
North Devon War Items.
Corpl. SID CONGRAM, of New Buildings, Chittlehampton, is home for a few days' leave. He was wounded in the knee a short time since.
Trooper W. SMOLDON (R.N.D.H.), youngest son of MRS SMOLDON, of Biddacott, Chittlehampton, arrived home from Egypt on Monday. Leave was granted him by reason of the recent decease of his father.
MR and MRS VICKERY, of Rack Mead, Chittlehampton, have received news that their son, CHARLEY, who was a few weeks ago awarded the Military Medal, has fractured his wrist while helping to fix a big gun in position.
MR and MRS W. COCKS, of East-street, Chittlehampton, have received a visit from their son, Corpl. FRED COCKS, of the Cameron Highlanders. He joined up in Canada, and has been in the midst of some very hard fighting, having been wounded on one occasion. He is a keen athlete, and wears two silver medals he won at sports in his regiment.
Lance-Corporal C. GREENSLADE, their son-in-law, has also been home for a few days; he has been in France 15 months, and belongs to one of the Lewis Gun Sections.

Thursday 22 November 1917
North Devon War Items
Pte. E. CROOK, Chittlehampton, of the Devon Regiment, was yesterday officially reported wounded.

Thursday 13 December 1917
DEATH - From wounds received in action, the only son of MR ALBERT HOWARD, of Barry, and formerly of Chittlehampton.

Thursday 20 December 1917
Much local interest was taken in the wedding, which took place in the Wesleyan Church, Southmolton, by special license on Wednesday, between Corpl. FRANK MAYNE BATER, and MISS EMILY MITCHELL, both of this parish. The Rev. W. L. Bennett was the officiating minister. Mr T. Somerfield, of Barnstaple, a personal friend of the bride's late father, gave the bride away, her brother, who is on the Western Front, being unable to be present. The bride was very nicely attired in a grey cloth skirt and coat, white silk blouse, with grey hat trimmed with mauve and grey silk. There were no bridesmaids, as it was the wish of the both families that the event should be as quiet as possible, the bride's father having died only a few weeks ago. Mr Arthur Hayman (cousin of the bridegroom) was "best man". The happy couple are held in much esteem by a very large circle of friends, and are staunch Wesleyans. The bridegroom is a member of the Chapel choir.
MARRIAGE - December 12, at the Wesleyan Church, Southmolton, Corpl. F. MAYNE BATER, to EMILY MITCHELL, both of Chittlehampton.
In Memoriam. - In ever loving memory of ELIZABETH L. FACEY, dearly beloved daughter of Mr and Mrs McLeod, of Bustleigh, who passed away at Chittlehampton, December 22, 1916. From her sorrowing father and mother, brothers and sisters.
Some day, our eyes will see, The face we loved so well; Some day our hands will clasp, And never bid farewell.

Thursday 3 January 1918
MARRIAGE - December 26, at the Parish Church, Chittlehampton, H. H. BREWER, of Alderney-street, Victoria, London, to ANNIE SKINNER, youngest daughter of MRS J. B. SKINNER, of Brimley, Chittlehampton.
The Parish Church was well filled on the occasion of the wedding of MISS ANNIE SKINNER, the youngest daughter of MRS J. B. SKINNER, of Brimley, and Mr H. H. Brewer, of Alderney-street, Victoria, London, an engineer in connection with munitions. The wedding service was fully choral. The bride, is very popular throughout the parish, having for several years been a member of the Church choir. The Rev. C. W. Bate officiated. The bride entered the sacred edifice leaning on the arm of her brother (MR C. SKINNER), who gave her away. Her dress was made of ivory crepe-de-chine, mounted on silk foundation, made in Princess style, finished at the neck with collar of ivory georgette, having the corners embroidered in gold, and tiny folds of georgette relieving the front neck; the sleeves had tiny honeycombs at wrists, and little frills of georgette, finished at the waist with cord. Her head dress was a tulle veil, fastened with spray or orange blossom. She carried a lovely bouquet, the gift of the bridegroom. The two bridesmaids were the Misses Alice and Florrie Brewer (cousins of the bridegroom). They wore blue silk dresses, the corsage embroidered in a shade darker blue and champagne colour; the collar and chemisette were of champagne georgette. Their hats were black crepe-de-chine, underlined with blue georgette, with wreaths of pink and blue flowers. They carried bouquets of white and pink chrysanthemums. MR HARRY SKINNER (the bride's brother) carried out the duties of best man. The hymns, "Lead us, Heavenly Father, lead us", were sung by the choir. As the bridal party entered the Church, Mr Kingdom, who presided at the organ, played the bridal march from Lohengrin, and as they left Mendelssohn's Wedding March. A reception was held at Brimley, a large number of guests having been invited. The honeymoon was spent at Woolacombe. The bride's travelling dress was a grey whip-cord costume, with velvet hat. The bells rang merrily throughout the day in honour of the event.
North Devon Roll of Honour for 1917.
WOOLAWAY - December 27, at the Naval Hospital, Plymouth, HAROLD GEORGE, younger son of MR and MRS W. WOOLAWAY, of Combe Farm, Chittlehampton, 26.
MOORE - Killed in action, Pte. A. MOORE (Devons), of Umberleigh.
CROSS - Killed in action, Co-Sergt-Major A. CROSS (Canadian Force), a native of Chittlehampton.
BLIGHT - Killed in action, Lance-Corpl. WM. H., son of MR and MRS BLIGHT, of Barton Cottages, Chittlehampton.

Thursday 10 January 1918
North Devon Roll of Honour for 1917, Part 2
BLIGHT, July 18, at Basra, from dysentery, Pte. WALTER BLIGHT (Devons), son of MR and MRS BLIGHT, of Ackland Barton, Chittlehampton.
COX - July 20, at the Basra Hospital, Mesopotamia, from pneumonia, Pte, ALFRED JOHN COX, Devons, late of Black Mantle Cottage, Chittlehampton, 20.
MAY - Killed in action in France, Pte. WM. J. MAY (Gloucesters), late of Chittlehampton, husband of MRS MAY, of Southmolton, and eldest son of MR and MRS A. J. MAY, of 32 Cyprus-terrace, Newport, Barnstaple, 24.
BATE - Killed in action in Flanders, Lieut. MAURICE BATE, eldest son of the Vicar of Chittlehampton, aged 19.
By the death of MR RICHARD TUCKER, which took place on Thursday last, this parish has lost its "grand old man." He was 92 years of age. No one was more respected and loved than he; it was always a pleasure to be in his company - he had so many cheery anecdotes to tell of what had happened in his long life. He was a member of the Church choir for nearly half a century, and was scarcely ever absent from his place. He was also a well-known North Devon ringer. By profession a gardener, he was a noted pruner, and did much work for the late Mr c. H. Basset. The beautiful avenue leading to the Church here was trained by him. He was laid to rest in the Parish Churchyard on Saturday, amidst the trees he had watched and trained, and by the side of his wife, who pre-deceased him 25 years. The Rev. C. W. Bate conducted a most impressive service. The immediate mourners were Mrs Fanning (daughter), Mr J. Fanny (grandson), Mrs R. Fanning (granddaughter), Mr J. H. Manaton (nephew); his other daughter, Mrs Blackmore, of the Atlantic Hotel, Exmouth, was unable to be present, through illness. The bearers were Messrs. H. J. Ward, F. Lewis, R. H. Vicary, W. J. Breayley, H. Potter, and C. Webber. Floral tributes were laid on the grave: In loving memory from Alice and Clara, and from Phyllis (great-grandchildren).
North Devon Appeal Tribunal.
The local Tribunal gave exemption to 1st June on the condition that he worked five days a week to HERBERT GEORGE CLARKE (27, single, B1), farm labourer, of Chittlehampton. - The military appealed. It was stated that this man was looking after the smallholding of a brother on service, and also helped two other farms. Join up at once.
DEATH - January 3, at Chittlehampton, RICHARD TUCKER, gardener and pruner, aged 92 years.

Thursday 17 January 1918
Parishioners have learnt with deep regret that MR and MRS BEVAN are about to leave the parish. For eighteen years MR BEVAN has been the headmaster of the National School, winning golden opinions from all, and he and his wife have played a prominent part in parochial activities. MR BEVAN has been appointed headmaster of Hartland Council School.
North Devon Roll of Honour for 1917, Part 3.
LEE - September 20, killed in action, Pte. FRED WM. LEE, machine Gun Corps, of Chittlehamholt.
HOWARD - From wounds received in action, the only son of MR ALBERT HOWARD, of Barry, and late of Chittlehampton.

Thursday 24 January 1918
MR and MRS W. BREAYLEY, of this village, have received a visit from their second son, Pte. AMOS BREAYLEY, of the Canterbury Rifles, New Zealand. He has to walk with the aid of crutches. He was badly wounded at Passechendale, one bullet injuring his right knee, and another going through his right lung; in its passage the bullet made a hole right through his pocket book. He is returning to New Zealand at the end of his leave.

Thursday 7 February 1918
DEATH - January 30, at Hurson Farm, Warkleigh, JAMES WALDRON, of Chittlehampton, aged 76 years.
The death took place on January 30th at Hurson Farm, Warkleigh, where he had gone to reside with his daughter (MRS SNOW), of MR JAMES WALDRON, a greatly respected parishioner, at the age of 76 years. Deceased had been a most industrious man, acting as rabbit trapper and also being a small holder. The funeral took place at Chittlehampton on Sunday and was very largely attended. The Rev. C. Garland (Vicar of Chittlehamholt) officiated in the absence of the Rev. C. W. Bate. The immediate mourners were Mr and Mrs J. H. Waldron (son and daughter-in-law), Mrs Short (daughter), Seaman Bert Waldron, Pte, J. Short, Messrs. Sidney and Ervin Snow, S. and B. Short (grandsons), Misses Eleanor, Mary, and Selina Snow, Beatrice and Emily Short (grand daughters). The bearers were Messrs. H. Huxham, R. H. Vickery, R. Mayne, G. Gully, E. Howard, and H. Dinnicombe. Sergt. Major Jim Waldron (Devons), a son of deceased, is in India.

Thursday 21 February 1918
MARRIAGE - At Chittlehamholt Parish Church, Trooper W. C. SMOLDON, R.N.D.H., son of MR J. SMOLDON, of Biddacott, Chittlehampton, to S. E. MANNING, daughter of MRS J. MANNING, of Head Barton, Chittlehamholt.
A pretty wedding has been solemnised at the Chittlehamholt Parish Church, the contracting parties being Trooper W. C. SMOLDON, R.N.D.H., son of MRS J. SMOLDON, of Biddacott, and MISS S. E. MANNING, daughter of MRS J. MANNING, of Head Barton, Chittlehamholt. The Rev. C. H. Garland, assisted by the Rev. W. F. Connor, of Kingsnympton, officiated. Mr J. R. Burgess gave the bride away. Mr Percy Manning, the bride's brother, was best man. Miss Connor presided at the organ, and played the usual wedding marches. The bride and bridegroom are held in much esteem in their respective parishes. There were no festivities owing to a recent bereavement in the bridegroom's family. A number of relatives were present to witness the ceremony. The bridegroom has been serving in Egypt for nearly three years, but was allowed home on leave owing to his father's death.

Thursday 28 February 1918
A wedding, by license, has been solemnised at the Swymbridge Parish Church, the contracting parties being 1st Class Stoker TOM CLARKE, of West Stowford, second son of MRS J. CLARKE, and MISS FLORENCE CARTER, second daughter of MR and MRS W. CARTER, of Stowford Farm. The bride, who was very nicely attired, was given away by her father; her brother (Mr Harold Carter) was best man.

Thursday 7 March 1918
For driving without proper lights a fine of 6s. 6d. was imposed on THOMAS PAUL, of Furse Cottage, Chittlehampton, in regard to a motor lorry of which he was in charge on February 14.

Thursday 14 March 1918
The funeral took place on Monday afternoon at Chittlehampton of MR HERBERT EUSTACE GREENSLADE, third son of the late MR JOHN and MRS GREENSLADE, of Newport, Barnstaple, whose death we recorded last week. Deceased was only 31 years of age, and his sudden death created painful surprise to his many friends with whom he had been associated in the Journalistic world. The family mourners were the widow, the mother of deceased, Miss L. Greenslade (sister), Pte. J. M. Greenslade, Royal Fusiliers (brother), and Mrs N. Lockhart (sister-in-law). The only other surviving brother, Pte. M. B. GREENSLADE, was unable to arrive from France in time for the funeral. The service was conducted by Rev. C. W. Bate (Vicar of Chittlehampton,) and Rev. W. Richards (Vicar of Newport, Barnstaple). The bearers were Messrs. J. Watts, Grimshire, Jones, Huxham, Crocker and Balman.
The death took place on Sunday night of MRS ELIZA FACEY, of Gambuston Farm, at the age of 75 years. Death was due to bronchitis. She was a member of one of Chittlehampton's most respected families, being the eldest daughter of the late MR and MRS CARDER WATTS. Her death will be greatly deplored by a very large circle of friends. Her husband predeceased her by some years. The greatest sympathy is extended to the daughter and three sons in their bereavement.

Thursday 21 March 1918
The funeral of MRS FACEY, of Gambuston, has taken place in the Parish Churchyard. A large number followed the mortal remains to their last resting place. The Rev. C. W. Bate took the service. The immediate mourners were Miss Facey (daughter), Messrs. J. and T. Facey (sons), Miss B. Facey (granddaughter), Miss Watts (sister), Mr W. Watts (brother), Miss A. Watts (niece), Mrs Baker (sister-in-law), Mr Fisher, Mrs H. J. Ward, Misses Watts (2) (cousins). The bearers were Messrs. R. H. Vickery, H. Huxham, J. R. Burgess, F. Harris, J. G. Squire, and T. Harris. There were many floral tributes.
North Devon Appeal Tribunal. RONALD A. HOWARD (single, grade 3) working for his father on 14 acres at Chittlehampton, adjourned for a month. HOWARD in the meantime to be found whole-time employment on a farm, other than his father's, and so release a general service man.

Thursday 4 April 1918
DEATH - March 27, at Townsend, Chittlehampton, MARY ANN, the beloved wife of MR J. B. BURGESS, aged 74 years.
Much sorrow has been caused throughout the parish by the death of MRS M. A. BURGESS, wife of MR J. B. BURGESS, of Townsend, at the age of 74 years. Deceased was very greatly respected throughout the district. She had been ailing for some time, and had suffered much. The greatest sympathy is extended to the bereaved family. The funeral, which took place on Saturday, was attended by a large number of friends and parishioners. The immediate mourners were Mr J. B. Burgess (husband), Mr and Mrs J. R. Burgess (son and daughter-in-law), Mr and Mrs W. Burgess (son and daughter-in-law), Mr and Mrs W. Woolaway (son-in-law and daughter), Mr and Mrs Hulland (son-in-law and daughter), Mrs Setten (daughter), Mabel and Jack Burgess (grandchildren), Mrs Sanders (sister), Mrs Ashelford (niece), Mr S. Vickery (brother-in-law), Miss F. Vickery (niece). The Rev. C. W. Bate very impressively conducted the service. There were no flowers by request. Mr C. Skinner was the undertaker. The bearers were Messrs. J. Cole, R. N. Vickery, F. Webber, W. Breayley, L. Manaton and H. Dinnicombe.

Thursday 11 April 1918
MARRIAGE - April 2, at St. Giles Parish Church, Pte. Wm. James Gadd, of Newdigate, Surrey, to ANNIE MAY FLEW, of Chittlehampton.
DEATH - March 24, killed in action, Lance Corpl. WILFRED HOWARD (Hampshire Regt.) youngest son of MR and MRS J. R. HOWARD, of Hillside, Chittlehampton, aged 19 years.
Chittlehampton Soldier Killed In Action. - The sad news has reached MR and MRS J. R. HOWARD, of Hillside, Chittlehampton, that their youngest son, Lance-Corpl. WILFRID HOWARD, of the Hampshire Regiment, made the supreme sacrifice on march 24th (Palm Sunday). Three of his comrades have written to friends telling them of the death of Lance-Corpl. HOWARD, and they have communicated the news to the parents. The latter have also received a letter from deceased's Captain, who greatly deplores his loss and expresses sympathy with the bereaved parents. It appears that at dawn on the morning of his death he and four or five others were fixing some wire fencing when an explosive bullet, supposed to have been fired by a sniper, struck him, killing him instantly. Lance-Corpl. HOWARD had only just passed his 19th birthday, and was a perfect type of manhood. The greatest sympathy is extended to the parents. It was only a few weeks ago that a nephew of MR HOWARD was killed. MR HOWARD, senr., is a well known Wesleyan local preacher in North Devon.
North Devon War Items.
C. H. BROWNSCOMBE, R.N.V.R., and W. H. DUNN, Royal Marines, both of Umberleigh, were on Monday officially reported wounded.
MR FRED LEWIS, of East-street, Chittlehampton, has received an official telegram advising him that his son, Lieut. C. LEWIS, of the Manchester Regt., has been missing since the 21st March. The message says that he may be a prisoner or wounded in the enemy's hands. Lieut. LEWIS joined the Devons as a Private. He was at Salonica for over two years. He gained distinction as a scholar at the Devon County School, and afterwards at Oxford. Before joining up he was assistant master at the Wem Grammar School.

Thursday 18 April 1918
There was a very large congregation at the Wesleyan Chapel on Sunday morning, when a most impressive memorial service to the memory of the late Lance-Corpl. WILFRID HOWARD was conducted by the Rev. S. G. Corke, of Southmolton. Mourners present included his bereaved parents, brother and sister, and others near relatives. The hymns, "Lead Kindly Light" and "For all the Saints," were very feelingly sung by the choir. The preacher, who paid an eloquent tribute to deceased, took for his text - "Neither Death shall separate from the love of Christ." He expressed deep sympathy with parents and friends, and said by the death of Lance-Corpl. HOWARD life had been given for liberty and justice. A duet, "Looking this way," was sung by Mr J. Cole and Miss Ada Down. The front of the sacred edifice was nicely decorated with lilies and choice flowers, and a laurel wreath was fixed in a prominent place. A beautiful floral spray, placed on the Communion table, was given by the teachers and scholars of the Sunday School. It bore the inscription - "In loving memory of an old scholar, Lance-Corpl. WILFRID HOWARD, who gave his life for his country, 24th March 1918. Subscribed for by the teachers and scholars of the Wesleyan Sunday School, Chittlehampton".

Thursday 2 May 1918
Two Chittlehampton Soldiers Killed In Action.
MR and MRS EDWARD HOWARD, of the village, Chittlehampton, received the sad news on Thursday last that their eldest son, Pte. HAROLD HOWARD, of the Somerset Light Infantry, was killed on Sunday, the 14th of April. He had only been across about ten days. The greatest sympathy has been extended to the sorrowing parents in their loss. Deceased was of a most genial disposition and had made many friends. A chum sent the news in the first instance, but since then the following letter has been received from his Captain:- "It is with feelings of deep regret that I have to inform you of the death of your dear son, Pte. H. HOWARD, who was killed in action on April 14th, 1918. Your son was a very brave good soldier and well beloved by everyone in the Company, and his death is a great loss to the Battalion. Please accept my deepest sympathy in your bereavement." The Union Jack at the National School was hung at half-mast on receipt of the news. Previous to joining up deceased was a clerk in the employ of Messrs. Hibbert, of Exeter, wholesale grocers.
On Monday morning, MRS CONGRAM, of New Buildings, Chittlehampton, received a letter from her husband, announcing that Sergeant W. GAYDON, of the 1st Devons, and second son of MR and MRS GAYDON, of Whitehall Cottages had been killed in action on April 18th. Both Pte, CONGRAM and Sergt. GAYDON had been in Italy for some months and had only just returned to France. Deceased, who had been in the Army seven years, was a perfect type of manhood - he was sent to France in 1914 and had been through many fierce engagements. He had been wounded three times. He was only 23 years of age. There are two brothers in the fighting lines. The greatest sympathy is extended to the sorrowing parents.
DEATH - April 18, killed in action in France, Sergt. WM. GAYDON (Devons), second son of MR and MRS ROBERT GAYDON, of Whitehall Cottage, Chittlehampton, aged 23 years.
DEATH - April 14, killed in action in France, Pte. HAROLD HOWARD (Somerset Light Infantry), eldest son of MR and MRS EDWARD HOWARD, of the Village, Chittlehampton, aged 18 years.

Thursday 9 May 1918
In the recent C.E.T.S. examination, held in connection with the Band of Hope, two pupils from this parish came out with distinction. FRED WEBBER won the prize given by the Barnstaple Archdeaconry, and MONICA MANATON the one given by the Southmolton Rural Deanery. Last year the latter, when only 9 years old, won the Archdeaconry prize, but this year she had to compete among those much older than herself.

Thursday 16 May 1918
MR and MRS MAURICE PETHERICK, of Langaton Farm, on Saturday last lost their only child, IRENE ETHEL, at the age of fifteen months. Death was due to meningitis. Much sympathy has been extended to them in their bereavement.
MARRIAGE - On May 9, 1918, at Instow Parish Church, by the Rev. L. Jenkins, Harry Joseph Eayers, son of the late Mr P. J. Eayers, of Northampton, to BERTHA GREGORY, daughter of the late MR JOHN GREGORY, of Cobbaton, near Chittlehampton, North Devon.
MARRIAGE - May 11, at Southmolton, JNO. SNOW, sen., of Furze Farm, Chittlehampton, to Mrs Scoins, widow of Mr R. Scoins, of Swymbridge.
DEATH - May 11, IRENE ETHEL, only child of MR and MRS MAURICE PETHERICK, of Langaton Farm, Chittlehampton, aged 15 months.

Thursday 23 May 1918
North Devon War Items.
First class Air Mechanic WM. SPEAR, son of MR and MRS J. SPEAR, of Little Ash, Chittlehampton, has been promoted to Corporal. He recently came from Australia.
MR and MRS T. MURCH, of Little Blakewell, Chittlehampton, have received a communication from the War Office stating that their son, Pte. NED MURCH, is missing, believed to be a prisoner in the hands of the Germans.
Memorial Service At Chittlehampton. - A large and sorrowful congregation was present at the Wesleyan Chapel, Chittlehampton, on Sunday morning, when a memorial service to the memory of Private HAROLD HOWARD, Somerset Light Infantry, eldest son of MR and MRS E. HOWARD, was held. The service was conducted by the Rev. W. L. Bennett. The favourite hymn of deceased, "Every morning the red sun," was sung by the choir. Deceased had often sang one of the verses as a solo, both here and at the chapel he attended at Exeter. Letters were read from two of the Exeter ministers, in which they each spoke of his worth. A lovely wreath, subscribed for by the teachers and scholars of the Wesleyan Sunday School, Chittlehampton, bore the inscription:- "In loving memory of an old scholar, HAROLD HOWARD, who gave his life for his country, 14th April 1918." Another from the bereaved parents was inscribed:- "In loving memory of our dear HAROLD, who died April 14th, 1918. 'Greater love hath no man than this, that he lay down his life for his friends.'" The last chorus he was known to have assisted in at the chapel, "At the parting of the ways," was nicely rendered by the choir. Several floral tributes from sympathizing friends and relatives found a place by the rostrum.
At the same time a memorial service to the memory of Sergt. W. GAYDON was also held. A beautiful wreath, also subscribed for by the teachers and scholars as above, which bore a similar inscription excepting that he was killed on the 18th April. A wreath from his grieved parents was inscribed:- "From his sorrowing Mam and Dad. 'No one knows how much we loved him, none but aching hearts can tell; but on Britain's Roll of Honour, you will find our dear one's name."
Two laurel wreaths hung over the Communion Table. The hymn, "There is a land of pure delight," was feelingly sung. The Rev. W. L Bennett, who preached an eloquent sermon from the words, "Now the God of Hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing," sympathised with the parents of both in the great sorrow they had been passing through. He hoped God would be with them. He read a beautiful letter received from Sergt. GAYDON'S Lieut. Colonel, in which he referred to his loss as a personal one. Deceased was killed by a shell in a barn, where he was resting after having been in a severe battle.

Thursday 30 May 1918
A marble cross, to the memory of the Vicar's eldest son, has been put in the Churchyard. It bears the inscription, "To the dear memory of MAURICE CHARLES THORNTON BATE, 2nd Lieutenant, 1/9 Regt., who fell in action in Flanders, August 13th, 1917, aged 19. 'More than conquerors through Him that loved us.'" In the centre of the cross the crest of his regiment is beautifully carved. the work was carried out by Messrs. Youings and Son, of Barnstaple.

Thursday 6 June 1918
Over twenty "boys" from this parish have made the supreme sacrifice in the present War.
North Devon Appeal Tribunal. - Available 15th June was the decision in the case of ERNEST J. SQUIRE, (18) horseman, employed by JAMES D. SQUIRE, of Chittlehampton. The farm is 163 acres, 49 being in corn, and there is another son of 17 working there.
THOMAS TURNER, Chittlehamholt (18) only man on the farm of Mr Henry Bater, stated to have been passed Grade 2, was exempted for six months subject to his medical certificate being furnished in confirmation of the statement.
The 102 acre farm of Mrs Manning, of Chittlehamholt, on which HARRY TURNER (20) is employed, was stated to be very mountainous and rocky. - Mr Woodcock said the man was absolutely refused by the War Agricultural Committee, and by a mistake in the sending out of the papers he was given leave to apply. TURNER should be made available on a certain date; and it was up to the War Agricultural Committee to find a substitute. Mr Metherell urged that another man should be found, the case being adjourned until July 1st for a substitute to be provided.
RONALD HOWARD, of Chittlehampton, was given a fortnight to find employment with a farmer chosen by the Agricultural Committee.

Thursday 13 June 1918
Large congregations were present at the Wesleyan Church on Sunday, the preacher for the day being Private JOHN SKINNER, of the Australian Forces. His father is the eldest son of the late MR J. B. SKINNER, of Brimley, his mother being the second daughter of the late MR and MRS JAS. TOWELL, of this village. The parents went to Australia about thirty years ago, and have done well there; their home is at Maclean, near the Clarence River. Private SKINNER was anxious to visit the home of his parents on his arrival in England. Some of his uncles and aunts are still in residence here and at Southmolton. All who had the privilege of listening to him on Sunday were much struck with his thoughtful and scholarly addresses.

Thursday 20 June 1918
Chittlehampton Officer Killed In Action.
The greatest sympathy has been extended to MR FRED LEWIS, of Chittlehampton, who has received news to the effect that Lieut. C. LEWIS, his youngest son, was killed in action on March 21st. The deceased, who was previously reported missing, was in the Manchester Regiment. The captain of his regiment has written to the sister of deceased a letter, in which he said it was with the deepest regret he had to inform her that her brother was killed on the date stated. He and his brother officers who knew him asked her to accept their deepest sympathy in her bereavement. The colonel, two Captains and various other officers were killed, and the remainder were all wounded. He, himself (who is now in hospital) and two other officers were the only ones taken away by the ambulance; the others were taken to Germany. Lieut. LEWIS had a very promising career in front of him. At the local School he won a three years' scholarship at the Devon County School, at the expiration of which he was given another year. He gained distinction, and was sent to Oxford for two years. At the time of joining up at the commencement of the War, he was assistant master at the Wem Grammar School. He was soon offered a commission, but for some time refused it. After being at Salonica for two years he returned to England and accepted a commission. He was a splendid all round athlete, especially shining in cricket and football. At the Parish Church on Sunday, the Rev. C. W. Bate made feeling references to deceased, who, he said, was straight and upright in all his doings. He was a very smart young officer. The deceased showed great ability as a scholar, and he believed if he had been spared he had a great future before him. He was sure the greatest sympathy of all parishioners was with the relatives and friends in their bereavement and irreparable loss. The deceased was 26 years of age.
MR BRAZIER, who was for some years Station-master at Umberleigh, has been paying a weekend visit to friends here. He was the preacher at the Wesleyan Chapel on Sunday evening.

Thursday 27 June 1918
MR and MRS ROBERT GAYDON, whose son, Sergt. W. GAYDON, was recently killed in France, have during the past week been the recipients of some very sympathetic letters from his officers. Lieut. Colonel P. R. Worrall speaks of his loss as a personal one; he said he was in his platoon as a private in 1914; at the time of his death he was acting as Sergt. Major. Capt. J. L. Veitch and the Rev. Ernest Sandford (Chaplain) also write in a similar strain, and greatly deplore his loss; he was great favourite with all who knew him. The right Hon. G. Lambert, M.P., has also written condoling with the bereaved parents.
Death of Umberleigh Soldier - It was with general regret that residents of the district learnt of the death, from wounds received in action, of Pte, JAMES CARNALL, Coldstream Guards, youngest son of MR and MRS CHAS. CARNALL, of Umberleigh. The deceased passed away on June 18th, at tooting Hospital following an operation. He was a fine type of young manhood, just 22 years of age, and his genial personality made a host of friends for him, both in private life and among his soldier comrades. He had twice been to France. The bereaved parents, who have two other sons serving with the Devons, have the deep sympathy of the villagers and other friends in their great loss. the funeral took place on Friday at Eggesford, Rev. J. D. W. Worden (Wembworthy) officiating. A large number of sympathising friends were present and many beautiful floral tributes were sent, including one from the staff at Umberleigh railway station.

Thursday 4 July 1918
Gunner CYRIL HOLLAND, of Chittlehampton, who joined the royal Garrison Artillery, and has since been in Salonica, is now home for a month's leave, he having contracted malarial fever. At one of the London Churches last week he was married to Miss Amy Antell, of Southmolton, who has been engaged in munition work. Gunner HOLLAND is a very keen campanologist, and has visited most of the belfries in North Devon.

Thursday 11 July 1918
North Devon War Items.
MR R. ELLICOTT, of Blakewell Chapel Cottage, Chittlehampton, has been officially notified that his son JACK (formerly in the Metropolitan Police), is wounded and a prisoner of War in Germany.
Pte. SIDNEY CONGRAM of New Buildings, Chittlehampton, is in hospital suffering from wounds received in action. The injuries include the loss of the little finger of the left hand.
Kingsnympton. - The wedding took place in the Parish Church on Wednesday, June 26th, of Miss Emily E. Short, eldest daughter of Mr and Mrs J. Short, of North Close, Kingsnympton, and MR HARRY TURNER, son of MR and MRS TURNER, Chittlehamholt. Rev. W. F. Connor, Rector of Kingsnympton, officiated. The bride, given away by her brother, Mr Sydney Short, was attired in white silk with hat to match, trimmed with orange blossom, and carried a bouquet of lilies and asparagus. The bridesmaids, Miss Beatrice Short (sister of the bride), Miss Gwendoline Short (bride's little niece) and the Misses Turner (sisters of the bridegroom) were dressed in white, with hats to match and wore pale blue sashes. Mr T. Turner, (brother) acted as best man. The reception was held at the bride's home.

Thursday 25 July 1918
Southmolton Rural Tribunal.
W. TYER, Tredown, Chittlehampton, farmer, was given conditional exemption, but he was required to discontinue his cycle business.
The following applications were dismissed:- G. BOUCHER, smallholder, Chittlehampton.
There has been keen argument among a number of gardeners in the parish as to who has grown the largest shallots. MR R. SMOLDON, of Clappery Mill, seems to have won the honour, for he has pulled a number which measured eight inches in circumference.

Thursday 1 August 1918
MR ROBERT GAYDON, of Whitehall Cottage, has received the following letter:- "War Office, 22nd July, 1918 - Sir, - I have it in command from his Majesty the King to inform you, as next-of-kin of the late Sergt. WM. GAYDON, No. 9546, of the Devonshire Regiment, that this non-commissioned officer was mentioned in a despatch from General Sir Herbert Plumer, dated 18 April, 1918, and published in the third supplement to the 'London Gazette' of 28th, dated 30th May, 1918, for gallant and distinguished service in the field. I am to express to you the King's high appreciation of these services and to add that his Majesty trusts that their public acknowledgement may be some consolation in your bereavement."
Southmolton Rural Council. - An application by MR THOMAS HOLLAND, contractor, Chittlehampton, to be paid 4d. per yard extra for ripping stone was granted.

Thursday 8 August 1918
The Devon Education Committee have granted JOYCE LEWIS a special free scholarship at the Barnstaple Grammar School. She is the eldest daughter of MR and MRS J. LEWIS, of the Post Office. She was trained by Mr Bevan, as were also four other pupils from this parish, who obtained scholarships.
The Children of the late MRS LAURA GREENSLADE desire to sincerely Thank their Friends for the many kind Letters and Messages of Sympathy received during their recent sad Bereavement. Middle Cobbaton Farm, Chittlehampton, August 6th, 1918.

Thursday 12 September 1918
A wedding, in which much local interest was taken, was celebrated at the Parish Church, the contracting parties being MR ALBERT BLACKMORE and MISS ELSIE BOUCHER. The bridegroom is employed on the Rolle estate, and the bride is the eldest daughter of MR and MRS W. BOUCHER, of Blackmantle. The bride entered the Church leaning on the arm of her uncle, MR FRED BOUCHER, who, in the absence of her father (who is on active service in France), gave her away. She was becomingly attired in a brown Poplin dress, with white silk trimmings, and brown velour hat to match. Two bridesmaids were in attendance; Miss Nellie Boucher (sister) wore a cream colour Poplin dress, embroidered with blue silk, with white hat to match, and Miss Eva Gaydon (cousin of the bridegroom) wore a white muslin dress, trimmed with lace and insertion, with white hat to correspond. Mr P. Friendship was "best man." There were numerous presents.

Thursday 26 September 1918
In Memoriam.
TUCKER. - In ever loving memory of our dear son and brother, LIONEL TUCKER, who was killed in action at Loos, September 25, 1915. Can loving parents ever forget, The son they loved so dear? Ah! no, the voice that now is stilled, Keeps ringing in our ear. In the still quiet hours of night, When sleep forsakes our eyes; Our thoughts are far away in France, Where our dear Lionel lies. - From his loving, father, mother, sisters and brothers, Frogmore, Chittlehampton.

Thursday 3 October 1918
North Devon War Items.
Corpl. FRED FRIENDSHIP (Devons), who has been in Salonica for three years, is on a visit to his parents at Clematis Cottage, Chittlehampton.
MR and MRS JOHN BIRD, of Shilston Cottages, Chittlehampton, have been notified that their son, ARNOLD, is a prisoner in Germany. Another son (ERNEST) is also a prisoner.

Thursday 24 October 1918
Very great sorrow has been caused throughout the parish at the great loss sustained by MR F. WEBBER, of Stowford, by the loss of his wife, at the early age of 25 years. Deceased leave a daughter three years of age, was of an exceptionally bright disposition, and was loved by a very large circle of friends. She was the youngest daughter of MR W. COLE, of Bratton Farm. The greatest sympathy has been extended to the bereaved husband and father in their great sorrow. The funeral took place at Romansleigh on Tuesday, and was largely attended.

Thursday 7 November 1918
The death has taken place at Little Blakewell of MR HARRY ISAAC, market gardener, and a well-known parishioner, at the age of 80. Deceased was of a happy disposition. He leaves a daughter, MRS HARRY COCKS, and a son, MR W. ISAAC, of Chapelton.
A very greatly respected parishioner has passed away during the past week, in the person of MRS ANN WEBBER, wife of MR NED WEBBER, at the age of 77 years. Both deceased and her husband had been bedridden for some time. When in good health, it was always her one aim to render assistance to any who might require it. She was laid to rest in the Churchyard on Saturday, a large number of relatives and friends being present to pay a last tribute of respect. The Rev. C. W. Bate officiated.

Thursday 14 November 1918
The village was much beflagged on Monday, and there was a general spirit of rejoicing at the end of hostilities.
The mortal remains of MR N. ISAAC, of Blakewell, have been laid to rest in the Churchyard. The Rev. C. W. Bate officiated. Immediate mourners were Mr and Mrs H. Cocks (son-in-law and daughter), Mr and Mrs W. Isaac (son and daughter-in-law), Frank and Florry Cocks, May, Lena and Harold Isaac (grandchildren). Mr and Mrs Jones, and Mr Jones, junr. (West Buckland), cousins. The bearers were Messrs. A. E. Arscott, F. Congram, T. Murch, H. Matthews, F. Boucher, and J. Blackmore. There were many floral tributes.

Thursday 28 November 1918
The death took place at the Post Office on Thursday, of MISS ETHEL STONE, elder daughter of MR and MRS J. STONE, of Middlehill Farm, West Buckland, at the age of 21 years. Her death caused quite a gloom throughout the parish. She came to give assistance to MR LEWIS when his own little girl died a month ago, she having had previous knowledge of Post Office work at the Filleigh Office. She had only been on duty a few days when she was taken with influenza, double pneumonia followed, and despite everything that medical skill and careful nursing could do, she passed away. The greatest sympathy is felt for her bereaved parents in the great loss they have sustained. The funeral took place on Monday in the Churchyard here, where a number of her ancestors are buried. The choral service was conducted by the Rev. C. W. Bate. The hymn "On the Resurrection Morning" was sung. the immediate mourners were Mr and Mrs J. Stone (father and mother), Mr and Mrs W. Congram (uncle and aunt). A large number from Filleigh and West Buckland were also present to pay a last mark of respect to one who was greatly loved. The bearers were Messrs. J. Cole, J. H. Waldron, J. Towell, J. R. Burgess, E. Howard, and W. Down. Some beautiful floral tributes were sent from her sorrowing parents; Ern and Doll; Flossie; Uncle and aunt, and cousins at Butlers; S. Norman; E. H. and J. Lewis; J. R. Burgess and family; E. and A. Howard; E. Willen; Mr and Mrs Ridd; Sarah Bath and Mabs; Uncle Charlie, aunt Louie and boys; Mr and Mrs Taylor; Brother Charlie; Alice and Billy; May and Dora; Wm; Tom, and Ern; Rev. C. W. and Mrs Bate; Mr and Mrs Harris; Mrs H. Allen; Mrs A. J. Allen.

Thursday 19 December 1918
A greatly respected parishioner passed away on Friday in the person of MR JAMES MANATON. Until retiring he carried on a tailoring and out-fitting business at Hatherleigh. he returned to his native place to spend his declining years. He had not been well for some time. On Wednesday he expressed a wish to record his vote on Saturday, but he had a relapse on Thursday and the end soon came. His wife, who survives him, has the sympathy of all in her bereavement.

Thursday 24 December 1918
The funeral of MR JAMES MANATON took place in the Churchyard. The Rev. C. W. Bate officiated. The chief mourners were the widow, Mr and Mrs L. Manaton (nephew and niece), Mrs John Spear (niece), Mr J. Bird (nephew), Mr J. H. Manaton (cousin). The bearers were Messrs. R. H. Vickery, F. Lewis, J. R. Burgess, H. J. Ward, W. Mayne Bater, and W. J. Breyley.
It was with much sorrow that parishioners heard on Friday evening that MRS GRACE SKINNER, widow of MR J. B. SKINNER, of Brimley, had passed away. Deceased, who was 71 years of age, had not recovered from an accident she met with when she broke her thigh. She was very much respected. For many years she was a well-known figure in Southmolton, whither she travelled weekly with garden produce. One of her sons was killed early in the War and a brass tablet is erected to his memory in the Parish Church. Four sons and three daughters remain to mourn her loss.