


Stray Chittlehampton Baptisms 1623-1872

Compiled by Lindsey Withers

[Though all the entries have been double-checked, there might, of course, still be errors, so users are advised to also check the originals in the record office.]

30 March 1623SatterleighElizabethdaughter ofMathew[?]erof Chittlehampton  
22 November 1664West BucklandJohn Buryson ofJohnBURYof Chittlehampton  
25 October 1665West BucklandRobertson ofThomas and GracePITTSof Chittlehampton  
7 May 1667West BucklandThomasson ofRichardMILTONof Chittlehampton  
[?] October 1667West BucklandEmmadaughter ofHeneryUPHAMof Chittlehampton  
8 October 1667West BucklandGartrudedaughter ofJohnDEANof Chittlehampton  
21 April 1668West BucklandThomasson ofJohn and JohanBANof Chittlehampton  
12 July 1668West BucklandWilliamson ofThomas and GracePI[?]of Chittlehampton  
28 September 1671West BucklandThomasson ofThomasHARTNOLLof Chittlehampton  
18 April 1677West BucklandJohnson ofThomasHARTNOLLof Chittlehampton  
5 April 1680West BucklandJohnson ofJohnPARKEMANof Chittlehampton  
8 August 1680West BucklandElizabethdaughter ofJohnBRIGHTof Chittlehampton  
[?] February 1681West BucklandSamuellson ofJohnBRIGHTof Chittlehampton  
6 March 1683West BucklandJohnson ofHenry and EmlinHUXTABLEof Chittlehampton  
11 March 1683West BucklandAnndaughter ofCharlesTHORNEof Chittlehampton  
25 November 1684West BucklandJohnson ofJohnPARKINof Chittlehampton  
4 December 1684West BucklandHenryson ofThomasHARTNOLLof Chittlehampton  
16 September 1686West BucklandAlicedaughter ofCharlesTHORNEof Chittlehampton  
23 December 1686West BucklandWilliamson ofHenryHUXTABLEof Chittlehampton  
4 January 1686West BucklandMarydaughter ofNehemiahTHOMASof Chittlehampton  
14 December 1687West BucklandHughson ofHughGOLDof Chittlehampton  
27 March 1688West BucklandEdwardson ofJasperTUCKERof Chittlehampton  
12 August 1689West BucklandRobertson ofJohnBRIGHTof Chittlehampton  
30 February 1689West BucklandJohnson ofHughGOULDof Chittlehampton  
17 June 1690West BucklandAlicedaughter ofNehemiahTHOMASof Chittlehampton  
3 March 1690West BucklandThomasson ofRichardMORRICEof Chittlehampton  
9 February 1691West BucklandBeatondaughter ofHughGOULDof Chittlehampton  
17 July 1692West BucklandHumphreyson ofHenry and EmlinHUXSTABELLof Chittlehampton  
20 December 1692West BucklandJanedaughter ofHugh and ElizabethBEAREof Chittlehampton  
28 March 1700West BucklandHenryson ofHenryHUXTABLEof Chittlehampton  
30 October 1707West BucklandJohnson ofThomasLEWESof Chittlehampton  
5 September 1708West BucklandGeorgeson ofRobertGRATERof Chittlehampton  
12 September 1708West BucklandJoanedaughter ofJohnVESYEof Chittlehampton  
29 November 1709West BucklandCharitydaughter ofChristopher and CharityBUCKINGHAMof Chittlehampton  
5 June 1711West BucklandMargaretdaughter ofChristopher and CharityBUCKINGHAMof Chittlehampton  
27 August 1711West BucklandMargaretdaughter ofDaniel and MaryEDGARof Chittlehampton  
29 October 1711West BucklandAbrahamson ofThomas and MaryLEWESof Chittlehampton  
25 May 1712West BucklandJanedaughter ofJohn and MaryVESYof Chittlehampton  
[?] January 1712West Buckland[?]son ofRobertGRATERof Chittlehampton  
3 March 1712West BucklandJohnson ofThomasEASTMONof Chittlehampton  
16 August 1713West BucklandPeterson ofThomas and MaryLEWESof Chittlehampton  
23 March 1713West BucklandCharitydaughter ofChristopher and CharityBUCKINGHAMof Chittlehampton  
27 March 1714West BucklandElizabethdaughter ofJohn and MaryVESYEof Chittlehampton  
21 August 1715West BucklandCatherinedaughter ofArthur and AgnisSAUNDERof Chittlehampton  
19 March 1716West BucklandWilliamson ofThomas and MaryLEWESof Chittlehampton  
9 April 1717West BucklandElizabethdaughter ofJohn and AnnKENNINGof Chittlehampton  
8 May 1717West BucklandThomasson ofThomas and ElizabethEASTMONof Chittlehampton  
21 July 1718West BucklandRobertson ofJohnBRIGHTof Chittlehampton  
26 May 1719West BucklandElizabethdaughter ofJohn and MaryBUSHTONof Chittlehampton  
16 October 1719West BucklandJohnson ofJohnKENNINGof Chittlehampton  
16 October 1719West BucklandMarydaughter ofJohnKENNINGof Chittlehampton  
27 March 1720West BucklandRichardson ofArthur and AgnisSAUNDERof Chittlehampton  
29 May 1720West BucklandGracedaughter ofThomasEASTMONof Chittlehampton  
24 January 1720West BucklandMarydaughter ofJohnBRIGHTof Chittlehampton  
28 December 1721West BucklandAlicedaughter ofAbrahamVATERof Chittlehampton  
30 January 1721WarkleighSarahdaughter ofJohn and MaryNICHOLSof Chittlehampton  
6 January 1722WarkleighAnndaughter ofRobert and MaryDAVYof Chittlehampton  
10 March 1722WarkleighRobertson ofHenry and SalomyRICARDof Chittlehampton  
26 September 1722West BucklandSarahdaughter ofThomasHUXTABLEof Chittlehampton  
3 July 1723West BucklandHenryson ofThomasEASTMONof Chittlehampton  
August 1723WarkleighMarydaughter ofJohn and MaryHILLof Chittlehampton  
8 September 1723West BucklandWilliamson ofArthurSAUNDERSof Chittlehampton  
3 October 1723WarkleighElizabethdaughter ofWilliam and AnnSLOCOMEof Chittlehampton  
3 December 1723West BucklandDanielbase child BUSSALLof Chittlehampton  
26 April 1724SatterleighElizabethdaughter ofAlexander and CharitySKINNERof Chittlehampton  
6 June 1725WarkleighSusannadaughter ofRichard and SusannaLIMBEREof Chittlehampton  
7 September 1725WarkleighGeorgeson ofJohn and EleanorBEERof Chittlehampton  
19 September 1725WarkleighRobertson ofRobert and MaryDAVY, als. HELIERof Chittlehampton  
24 September 1725West BucklandMarydaughter ofThomasROYLEYof Chittlehampton  
27 October 1725West BucklandGeorgeson ofJohnMORISof Chittlehampton  
29 December 1725West BucklandMarydaughter ofPeterFURZEof Chittlehampton  
17 April 1726WarkleighJohnson ofJohn and GraceBAKERof Chittlehamholt  
8 August 1726WarkleighMarydaughter ofRichardDRAKEof Chittenholt [Chittlehamholt]  
13 September 1726WarkleighJohnson ofJohnNICHOLSof Chittlehamholt  
11 April 1731SatterleighArgentumson ofGeorge and JoanTUCKERof Chittlehamton  
15 May 1731West BucklandJanedaughter ofJohn and PhillisFAULKNERof Chittlehampton  
24 August 1731West BucklandMargaretdaughter ofAbraham and JaneVOUTERof Chittlehampton  
5 February 1733West BucklandThomasson ofJohn and PhillisFAULKNERof Chittlehampton  
11 February 1733West BucklandWilliamson ofRichard and JaneFISHof Chittlehampton  
4 June 1734West BucklandJohnson ofHenery and MargaretHUXSTABLEof Chittlehampton  
6 January 1735West BucklandWilliamson ofEmanuel and MaryCHAPPELLof Chittlehampton  
23 March 1735West BucklandElizabethdaughter ofHenery and MargaretHUXSTABLEof Chittlehampton  
6 January 1735West BucklandWilliamson ofEmanuel and MaryCHAPPELLof Chittlehampton  
23 March 1735West BucklandElizabethdaughter ofHenery and MargaretHUXSTABLEof Chittlehampton  
8 June 1736West BucklandMichaellson ofRichard and JaneFISHof Chittlehampton  
23 August 1736West BucklandSarahdaughter ofJohn and PhillisFAULKNERof Chittlehampton  
13 June 1737West BucklandJohnson ofElberry and MarySAGEof Chittlehampton  
19 June 1738West BucklandEmlindaughter ofHenery and MargaretHUXSTABLEof Chittlehampton  
13 July 1738West BucklandJohnson ofJames and JaneDODDof Chittlehampton  
29 December 1739West BucklandIsaacson ofJames and JaneDODDof Chittlehampton  
13 March 1739West BucklandWilliamson ofHenery and MargaretHUXSTABLEof Chittlehampton  
30 April 1741West BucklandMarydaughter ofSamuell and ElizabethBRIGHTof Chittlehampton  
23 August 1741West BucklandJanedaughter ofRichard and JaneFISHERof Chittlehampton  
8 August 1742West BucklandMarydaughter ofHenery and MargaretHUXSTABLEof Chittlehampton  
9 September 1742West BucklandCharlesa base child KIFFof Chittlehampton  
13 March 1742West BucklandMarydaughter ofJames and JaneDODDof Chittlehampton  
16 January 1744West BucklandJoandaughter ofHenery and MargaretHUXSTABLEof Chittlehampton  
14 February 1744West BucklandEdmundson ofEdmund and ElizabethSAGEof Chittlehampton  
19 October 1745West BucklandNicholasson ofNicholas and MarySNOWof Chittlehampton  
12 January 1745West BucklandThomasson ofElberry and MarySAGEof Chittlehampton  
3 August 1746West BucklandJamesson ofJohn and AlliceSHAPLANDof Chittlehampton  
29 April 1747West BucklandCharlesson ofNicholas and MarySNOWof Chittlehampton  
28 June 1747West BucklandThomasson ofHenery and MargaretHUXSTABLEof Chittlehampton  
28 February 1748West BucklandJohnson ofNicholas and MarySNOWof Chittlehampton  
30 Janaury 1749West BucklandKatherinedaughter ofEdmund and ElizabethSAGEof Chittlehampton  
5 June 1749SatterleighMarydaughter ofGeorge and MaryFORDof Chittlehamton  
28 March 1750West BucklandRichardson ofHenery and MargaretHUXSTABLEof Chittlehampton  
24 June 1750SatterleighGilbertson ofGilbert and ElizabethNEELof Chittlehampton  
27 December 1750West BucklandJohnson ofJohn and MaryPASMOREof Chittlehampton  
29 October 1751West BucklandMarydaughter ofNicholas and MarySNOWof Chittlehampton  
8 June 1752West BucklandGracedaughter ofHenery and MargaretHUXSTABLEof Chittlehampton  
27 Aujgust 1752West BucklandWilliamson ofJohn and MaryPASMOREof Chittlehampton  
1 September 1754SatterleighWilliamson ofWilliam and ElizabethCOWLERof Chittlehamholt  
17 April 1755West BucklandCharitydaughter ofJohn and ElizabethEDGERof Chittlehampton  
20 May 1755West BucklandJanedaughter ofJohn and NelleyFISHERof Chittlehampton  
1 February 1755West BucklandGeorgeson ofHenry and ElizabethROULof Chittlehampton  
17 March 1755West BucklandRobertson ofRobert and MaryHELEof Chittlehampton  
14 April 1756West BucklandElexanderson ofJohn and MaryLEWORTHYof Chittlehampton  
14 November 1756West BucklandJohnson ofHenry and MargaretHUXTABLEof Chittlehampton  
15 October 1758West BucklandJanedaughter ofJohn and AnnPETERSof Chittlehampton  
7 November 1758West BucklandSusannadaughter ofJohn and ElizabethEDGERof Chittlehampton  
23 January 1759West BucklandRichardson ofRichard and MaryHUXSTABLEof Chittlehampton  
24 November 1760West BucklandElizabethdaughter ofRichard and MaryHUXTABLEof Chittlehampton  
9 December 1760West BucklandJohnson ofJohn and AnnPETTERSof Chittlehampton  
18 April 1761West BucklandThomasson ofThomas and CatherineSUMERWILLof Chittlehampton  
20 October 1762West BucklandJennydaughter ofThomas and CatherineSUMERWILLof Chittlehampton  
20 October 1762West BucklandCatherinedaughter ofThomas and CatherineSUMERWILLof Chittlehampton  
15 February 1762West BucklandThomasson ofJohn and AnnPETTERSof Chittlehampton  
28 June 1762SatterleighElizabethdaughter ofGiles and MarySKINNERof Chittlehampton  
31 October 1762SatterleighAnndaughter ofHumphry and ElizabethWESTCOTTof Chittlehamholt  
3 June 1764SatterleighElizabethdaughter ofWilliam and ElizabethBAKERof Chittlehamholt  
12 August 1764SatterleighJohnson ofZacceus and MaryGUARDof Chittlehamholt private baptism 8 July 1764
16 January 1765West BucklandHenryson ofJohn and AnnBURGESSof Chittlehampton  
21 June 1767SatterleighEleanordaughter ofHumphry and ElizabethWESTACOTTof Chittlehamholt  
24 July 1769West BucklandAnndaughter ofWilliam and ElizabethVERNEYof Chittlehampton  
28 January 1770SatterleighAmybase child ofMaryBAKERof Chittlehamholt  
27 March 1770West BucklandWilliamson ofGeorge and AnnBURGESSof Chittlehampton  
2 May 1770West BucklandThomas Morishson ofThomas and AgnessCROOKof Chittlehampton  
3 December 1770West BucklandMarydaughter ofRichard and MaryHUXSTABLEof Chittlehampton  
13 March 1771West BucklandAgnessdaughter ofThomas and JaneHARRISof Chittlehampton  
13 March 1771West BucklandMarydaughter ofWilliam and PhilippeCURTISof Chittlehampton  
7 July 1772West BucklandElizabethdaughter ofWilliam and ElizabethVERNEYof Chittlehampton  
19 March 1775SatterleighChristopherson ofJohn and CharityPEARSEof Chittlehamholt  
1 October 1775West BucklandMarydaughter ofWilliam and ElizabethVERNEYof Chittlehampton  
3 December 1775West BucklandBettydaughter ofWilliam and PhilippeCURTISof Chittlehampton  
16 November 1789FilleighThomazindaughter ofWilliam and ThomasinSMALEof Chittlehampton  
22 March 1800WarkleighGracedaughter ofSamuel and AnneLAKEof Chittlehampton  
23 March 1800WarkleighAnnedaughter ofJohn and ElizabethELLIOTTof Chittlehampton  
8 June 1800WarkleighRebeccadaughter ofRichard and ElizabethSLEEof Chittlehampton  
17 November 1800SatterleighGracedaughter ofElizabethSNOWof Chittlehampton  
4 January 1801WarkleighGeorgeson ofMichael and JanePEARSEof Chittlehampton  
8 February 1801SatterleighJohnson ofJohn and MaryBAKERof Chittlehampton  
1 November 1801SatterleighRobertson ofSimon and JoanSNELLof Chittlehampton  
29 November 1801SatterleighElizabethdaughter ofWilliam and AnneSMITHof Chittlehampton  
21 February 1802WarkleighJohnson ofWilliam and ElizabethHILLof Chittlehampton  
6 June 1802Kings NymptonHughson ofHugh and ElizabethSELLEYof Chittlehampton  
24 February 1803AtheringtonHenryson ofPeter and ElizabethMILDONof Chittlehampton  
3 March 1805WarkleighAnnedaughter ofJohn and GraceSMYTHof Chittlehampton  
31 March 1805WarkleighSusannadaughter ofSamuel and AnneLAKEof Chittlehampton  
14 April 1805WarkleighRichardson ofWilliam and ElizabethCONGRAMof Chittlehampton  
10 November 1805WarkleighJohnson ofJohn and GraceGRIFFINof Chittlehampton  
9 November 1806SatterleighJamesson ofWilliam and GraceSNOWof Chittlehamton  
31 March 1811WarkleighAnnedaughter ofWilliam and ElizabethHILLof Chittlehamholt  
7 April 1811West BucklandRichardson ofJohn and ElizabethHUXTABLEof Chittlehampton  
9 April 1811West BucklandJames Verneyson ofGeorge and ElizabethSMALDONof Chittlehampton  
12 April 1811WarkleighJamesson ofJohn and ElizabethSUMMERSof Chittlehamholt  
20 May 1811WarkleighHenryson ofJohn and MaryBAKERof Chittlehamholt  
27 October 1811WarkleighGeorgeson ofGeorge and AliceALSCOTTof Chittlehamholt  
17 November 1811SatterleighAnnedaughter ofWilliam and GraceSNOWof Chittlehampton  
23 February 1812WarkleighWilliamson ofJohn and EmlinPODGERof Chittlehamholt  
28 June 1812WarkleighWilliamson ofJames and MaryWEBBERof Chittlehamholt  
18 October 1812WarkleighWilliamson ofThomas and MaryHILLof Chittlehamholt  
8 November 1812WarkleighAnnedaughter ofWilliam and JohannaRATTENBERRYof Chittlehamholt private baptism
29 November 1812WarkleighElizabethdaughter ofWilliam and SarahFORDof Chittlehamholt  
5 January 1813WarkleighAnnedaughter ofWilliam and JoannaRATTENBERRYof ChittlehamptonYeomanReceived into Church
31 January 1813AtheringtonMarydaughter ofWilliam and RachaelSHUTEof New Buildings, ChittlehamptonLabourer 
10 March 1813Kings NymptonSamuelson ofGeorge and MaryBULLEDof Snydles, ChittlehamptonYeoman 
16 April 1813WarkleighThomasson ofJohn and ElizabethSUMMERSof ChittlehamptonYeoman 
9 January 1814WarkleighGracedaughter ofJohn and AnneBOWDENof ChittlehamholtLabourer 
6 February 1814WarkleighJamesson ofJames and JaneSUMMERSof ChittlehamptonLabourer 
24 March 1814West BucklandSarahdaughter ofJohn and BetteyHUXTABLEof Lary, ChittlehamptonFarmer 
29 May 1814WarkleighThomasson ofWilliam and ElizabethHILLof ChittlehamholtYeomanPrivate baptism 2 May 1814
7 August 1814FilleighJohnson ofJohn and BarbaraNOTTof ChittlehamptonYeomanReceived into Church
8 August 1814West BucklandMariadaughter ofThomas and AnnNOTTof ChittlehamptonLabourer 
4 September 1814West BucklandAnndaughter ofWilliam and MarySMALDONof Lary, ChittlehamptonCarpenter 
13 September 1814SwimbridgeMary Anndaughter ofWilliam and MaryBOWDENof ChittlehamptonLabourer 
9 October 1814SatterleighAnnedaughter ofGeorge and AnneNOTTof ChittlehamptonLabourer 
27 November 1814WarkleighMargaretdaughter ofJohn and BettySUMMERSof ChittlehamholtLabourerReceived into Church
18 December 1814SatterleighJanedaughter ofGeorge and MaryTAPSCOTTof ChittlehamholtLabourer 
13 February 1815FilleighAnnedaughter ofJohn and MaryBUCKINGHAMof ChittlehamptonLabourer 
1 April 1815West BucklandWilliam Edwinson ofHugh and MaryGILLof ChittlehamptonYeoman 
4 June 1815FilleighWilliamson ofThomas and MaryHOLLAWAYof ChittlehamptonThatcher 
13 October 1816SatterleighWilliamson ofGeorge and AnnNOTTof ChittlehamptonHusbandman 
2 February 1817West BucklandMary Anndaughter ofThomas and AnnNOTTof Lary, ChittlehamptonLabourer 
27 April 1817West BucklandJamesson ofJames and MargaretBEERof Lary, ChittlehamptonLabourer 
26 October 1817West BucklandJamesson ofEdward and MaryFAIRCHILDof ChittlehamptonLabourer 
22 December 1817FilleighSarahdaughter ofJohn and MaryBUCKINGHAMof ChittlehamptonLabourer 
8 March 1818Kings NymptonRichardson ofPeter and AnnGOVIERof Head, ChittlehamptonLabourer 
23 March 1818Kings NymptonJamesson ofJohn and RachelMANNINGof Head Mill, ChittlehamptonMiller 
23 July 1818Kings NymptonBetsydaughter ofNicholas and AnneMOLEof ChittlehamptonLabourerpublically baptised. Private baptism in Chittlehampton parish
29 November 1818West BucklandWilliamson ofJames and MargaretBEERof Lary, ChittlehamptonLabourer 
21 February 1819Kings NymptonMarydaughter ofWilliam and AnneCLATWORTHYof Scams, ChittlehamptonLabourer 
21 March 1819Kings NymptonJohnson ofJohn and GraceVENNof Peasles, ChittlehamptonLabourer 
13 August 1820AtheringtonMarydaughter ofGeorge and MarySYMONSof Nethercleave, ChittlehamptonLabourer 
27 August 1820West BucklandElizabethdaughter ofJames and MargaretBEERof Lary, ChittlehamptonLabourer 
1 October 1820West BucklandHarrietnatural daughter ofAgnessMOCKof Lary, ChittlehamptonSingle woman 
8 October 1820West BucklandBetseydaughter ofThomas and AnnNOTTof Lary, ChittlehamptonCarpenter 
31 January 1821West BucklandMarydaughter ofThomas and MaryHOLLWAYof Lary, ChittlehamptonThatcher 
27 March 1821High BickingtonMary Normandaughter ofWilliam and JennyHYNAMof ChittlehamptonServant 
22 April 1821Kings NymptonWilliamson ofRichard and SusannaCLATWORTHYof ChittlehamptonLabourer 
6 May 1821West BucklandJohnson ofRichard and CatharineGOVYERof ChittlehamptonShoemaker 
8 May 1821West BucklandMariadaughter ofJohn and ElizabethNOTTof ChittlehamptonFarmer 
22 May 1821Kings NymptonElisabethdaughter ofJohn and ElisabethMANNINGof New Buildings, ChittlehamptonLabourer 
14 October 1821Kings NymptonJohnson ofWilliam and AliceCLATWORTHYof Scams, ChittlehamptonLabourer 
22 October 1821SatterleighGeorgeson ofWilliam and AnneMARKEYof ChittlehamptonYeoman 
28 October 1821High BickingtonThomasson ofRichard and AgnesGALLAFORDof ChittlehamptonHusbandman 
6 January 1822West BucklandWilliamnatural sonMarySMALDONof ChittlehamptonSingle woman 
6 January 1822West BucklandJamesson ofWilliam and BetseyJENKINSof ChittlehamptonCarpenter 
13 February 1822West BucklandBetseydaughter ofThomas and ElizabethJENKINSof ChittlehamptonCarpenter 
19 May 1822West BucklandElizabethdaughter ofWilliam and ElizabethJENKINSof ChittlehamptonCarpenter 
19 May 1822Kings NymptonElizabethdaughter ofJohn and GraceVENNof New Buildings, ChittlehamptonLabourer 
18 August 1822West BucklandJames Hollwayson ofWilliam and AnnBURDENof ChittlehamptonCarpenter 
15 September 1822West BucklandBetseydaughter ofHarry and ElizabethPECKERof ChittlehamptonLabourer 
20 October 1822West BucklandJohnson ofJames and MargaretBEERof ChittlehamptonLabourer 
6 January 1823West BucklandMarydaughter ofRichard and CatharineGOVYERof ChittlehamptonShoemaker 
17 March 1823Kings NymptonJane Loverndaughter ofThomas and MaryCHAPPLEof Hawkins, ChittlehamptonLabourer 
1 May 1823WinkleighElizabethdaughter ofJohn and MaryRODDof ChittlehamptonFarmer 
5 May 1823Kings NymptonBetseydaughter ofWilliam and AnnRICEof Beers, ChittlehamptonFarmer 
11 May 1823West BucklandElizabethdaughter ofWilliam and ElizabethRADLEYof ChittlehamptonLabourer 
6 July 1823West BucklandMarydaughter ofWilliam and ElizabethJENKINSof ChittlehamptonCarpenter 
9 July 1823West BucklandJulia Francesdaughter ofThomas and AnnNOTTof ChittlehamptonCarpenter 
3 August 1823Kings NymptonJames Lakenatural sonAnnTURNERof ChittlehamholtSpinster 
2 September 1823West BucklandJamesson ofThomas and MaryHOLLWAYof ChittlehamptonThatcher 
17 February 1824West BucklandWilliamson ofJohn and ElizabethNOTTof ChittlehamptonFarmer 
7 May 1824Kings NymptonHenryson ofJohn and RachelMANNINGof Head Mill, ChittlehamptonMiller 
4 July 1824SatterleighElizabethdaughter ofCharles and MaryCANNof ChittlehamptonMiller 
25 July 1824West BucklandJohnson ofJames and MargaretBEERof Lary, ChittlehamptonLabourer 
1 August 1824West BucklandIsaacson ofThomas and ElizabethJENKINSof ChittlehamptonCarpenter 
29 August 1824West BucklandJohnson ofRobert and MaryBARROWof ChittlehamptonFarmer 
11 January 1825West BucklandWilliamson ofRichard and CatherineGOVYERof Lary, ChittlehamptonShoemaker 
27 February 1825Kings NymptonLoveday Elizabethdaughter ofJames and MatildaSANDERSof Snidles, ChittlehamptonYeoman 
3 April 1825West BucklandHenryson ofHenry and ElizabethPICKARDof ChittlehamptonLabourer 
26 June 1825West BucklandJamesson ofJames and MaryHUXTABLEof ChittlehamptonLabourer 
3 July 1825WarkleighAnnedaughter ofJohn and ElizabethHOOPERof ChittlehamholtLabourer 
7 August 1825Kings NymptonElizabethdaughter ofJohn and MaryLAKEof Friends, ChittlehamptonLabourer 
17 January 1826West BucklandLydia Sarahdaughter ofRichard and JoanHUXTABLEof ChittlehamptonFarmer 
17 January 1826West BucklandWilliam Henryson ofRichard and JoanHUXTABLEof ChittlehamptonFarmer 
17 January 1826West BucklandMary Janedaughter ofRichard and JoanHUXTABLEof ChittlehamptonFarmer 
17 January 1826West BucklandSophiadaughter ofRichard and JoanHUXTABLEof ChittlehamptonFarmer 
29 January 1826West BucklandWilliamson ofWilliam and ElizabethRADLEYof ChittlehamptonLabourer 
29 Janaury 1826WarkleighElizabethdaughter ofThomas and AnnSHADDICKof ChittlehamptonLabourer 
26 February 1826Kings NymptonRichardson ofJohn and GraceSLEEof Langwells, ChittlehamptonLabourer 
2 April 1826West BucklandGeorgeson ofThomas and MaryHOLLWAYof ChittlehamptonThatcher 
30 April 1826Kings NymptonAnndaughter ofJohn and GraceVENNof New Buildings, ChittlehamptonLabourer 
30 April 1826SatterleighWilliamson ofCharles and MaryCANNof ChittlehamptonMiller 
30 April 1826WarkleighRobertson ofWilliam and JoannaRATTENBERRYof ChittlehamptonLabourer 
21 May 1826WarkleighSarahdaughter ofWilliam and AnneRICEof ChittlehamptonYeoman 
29 May 1826WarkleighHenry Dowdleson ofJohn and SarahCLARKof ChittlehamptonYeoman 
18 June 1826SatterleighMarydaughter ofWilliam and CatherineHUXTABLEof ChittlehamptonLabourer 
18 July 1826West BucklandJulia Francesdaughter ofThomas and AnnNOTTof ChittlehamptonCarpenter 
19 November 1826WarkleighElizabeth Elliottdaughter ofJohn and MaryMANNINGof ChittlehamptonStonemason 
28 December 1826WarkleighWilliam Clarkson ofArthur and MaryBARNESof ChittlehamptonLabourer 
22 April 1827West BucklandHenryson ofJames and MargaretBEERof ChittlehamptonLabourer 
7 May 1827West BucklandMariadaughter ofRichard and CatherineGOVYERof ChittlehamptonShoemaker 
7 May 1827West BucklandMaria Janedaughter ofJames and JaneGOODEChittlehamptonServantAged 16 years
27 May 1827West BucklandAnndaughter ofEdward and IsabellaRUMBELOWof ChittlehamptonLabourer 
2 July 1827FilleighElizabeth Skinnerdaughter ofAbraham and MaryCHAPPLEof ChittlehamptonMason 
22 July 1827Kings NymptonAlicedaughter ofWilliam and AliceCLATWORTHYof New Buildings, ChittlehamptonLabourer 
26 August 1827Kings NymptonWilliamson ofWilliam and SusanCHAPPLEof Hawkins, ChittlehamptonLabourer 
30 December 1827Kings NymptonJohnson ofJohn and GraceSLEEof Langwells, ChittlehamptonLabourer 
15 January 1828West BucklandEdmundson ofJohn and ElizabethNOTTof ChittlehamptonFarmer 
3 February 1828Kings NymptonJane Trebledaughter ofPeter and AnnGOVIERof Fair Oak, ChittlehamptonFarmer 
7 April 1828WarkleighAnnedaughter ofWilliam and AnnRICEof ChittlehamptonYeoman 
10 April 1828WarkleighWilliam Plaiceson ofJohn and MaryLAKEof ChittlehamptonLabourer 
11 May 1828WarkleighJohnson ofJohn and MaryMANNINGof ChittlehamptonStonemason 
11 May 1828West BucklandJohnson ofWilliam and BettyRADLEYof ChittlehamptonLabourer 
16 May 1828WarkleighEphraim Bakerson ofJohn and SarahCLARKof ChittlehamptonYeoman 
20 July 1828FilleighWilliamson ofHenry and ElizabethPICKARDof High Down, ChittlehamptonLabourer 
8 September 1828WarkleighElias Downeson ofThomas and JaneDOWNEof ChittlehamptonShoemaker 
10 November 1828WarkleighJohn Adamsson ofJohn and ElizabethJENKINSof ChittlehamptonVictualler 
8 February 1829WarkleighJanedaughter ofWilliam and CatherineHUXTABLEof ChittlehamptonLabourer 
18 March 1829WarkleighJohnson ofHenry and AnneSKINNERof ChittlehamptonSawyer 
12 April 1829West BucklandArgeatdaughter ofThomas and AnnNOTTof ChittlehamptonCarpenter 
3 May 1829West BucklandThomasson ofThomas and MaryHOLLWAYof Leary, ChittlehamptonFarmer 
17 May 1829WarkleighKeziadaughter ofJohn and MarySNELLof ChittlehamptonYeoman 
17 May 1829FilleighGeorgeson ofJames and SarahHOBBSof ChittlehamptonUnder Coachman 
24 May 1829West BucklandMariadaughter ofJames and MaryYEOof ChittlehamptonLabourer 
24 May 1829West BucklandAnndaughter ofRichard and CatherineGOVYERof ChittlehamptonShoemaker 
24 May 1829WarkleighJohnson ofEdward and AnneMAIREof ChittlehamptonMason 
14 June 1829WarkleighWilliamson ofPhilip and MaryBEALEof ChittlehamptonCarpenter 
30 August 1829WarkleighMariadaughter ofWilliam and AnneRICEof ChittlehamptonYeoman 
13 September 1829West BucklandSusannadaughter ofRichard and SarahBOWDENof ChittlehamptonLabourer 
4 October 1829Kings NymptonGracedaughter ofJohn and GraceSLEEof Langwells, ChittlehamptonLabourer 
11 October 1829WarkleighCharlesson ofJohn and MaryMANNINGof ChittlehamptonYeoman 
11 October 1829WarkleighHenryson ofThomas and MaryWESTACOTTof ChittlehamptonLabourer 
25 October 1829Kings NymptonJohnson ofRichard and SallyMAINof Hollamore, ChittlehamptonLabourer 
27 December 1829West BucklandMarydaughter ofWilliam and MariaSMALDONof ChittlehamptonCarpenter 
8 January 1830WarkleighGeorgeson ofThomas and MarySUMMERWELLof ChittlehamholtMason 
8 March 1830WarkleighWalterson ofJohn and MaryMANNINGof ChittlhamholtStonemason 
21 March 1830West BucklandRobertson ofJohn and MaryGOSSof ChittlehamptonBlacksmith 
4 April 1830WarkleighWilliamson ofJohn and ElizabethWEBBERof ChittlehamholtLabourer 
12 April 1830WarkleighJohnson ofJohn and JaneLEYof ChittlehamptonMiller 
9 May 1830FilleighJosephson ofWilliam and JaneDUNNof ChittlehamptonLabourer 
26 September 1830FilleighWilliamson ofWilliam and ElizabethSAUNDERSof Temple Cottage, ChittlehamptonCoachman to Viscount Ebrington 
10 January 1831West BucklandArgeatdaughter ofJohn and ElizabethNOTTof ChittlehamptonFarmer 
27 March 1831FilleighJohnson ofHenry and ElizabethPICKARDof Hydown, ChittlehamptonLabourer 
15 May 1831West BucklandThomasson ofThomas and MaryHOLLWAYof ChittlehamptonFarmer 
14 September 1831WinkleighHarriettdaughter ofJohn and MaryRODDof ChittlehamptonFarmer 
15 January 1832FilleighAnndaughter ofWilliam and ElizabethSANDERSof ChittlehamptonCoachman to Viscount Ebrington 
18 March 1832FilleighWilliamson ofWilliam and JaneDUNNof Lary, ChittlehamptonLabourer 
25 March 1832Kings NymptonWilliamson ofRichard and SallyMAINof Rowcliffe, ChittlehamptonLabourer 
1 July 1832SatterleighElizabethdaughter ofJohn and JaneLEYof ChittlehamptonMiller 
20 January 1833West BucklandElizabethdaughter ofHenry and AnnDUNNof Lary, ChittlehamptonFarmer 
27 February 1833WinkleighSarahdaughter ofJohn and MaryRODDof ChittlehamptonFarmer 
23 June 1833West BucklandMarianne Smaldondaughter ofAbraham and AnnBOWDENof ChittlehamptonCarpenter 
1 August 1833West BucklandJohnson ofJohn and GraceSARLESof ChittlehamptonFarmerprivate baptism
23 August 1833West BucklandMary Anndaughter ofJohn and MaryLAKEof ChittlehamptonFarmerprivate baptism
29 September 1833West BucklandJohnson ofHenry and MaryAVERYof ChittlehamptonFarmer 
1 January 1834West BucklandWilliamson ofJohn and MaryHUXTABLEof ChittlehamptonFarmer 
15 November 1834SatterleighJanedaughter ofJohn and JaneLEYof ChittlehamptonMiller 
12 April 1835West BucklandGeorgeson ofAbraham and AnnBOWDENof ChittlehamptonCarpenter 
18 May 1835West BucklandSusandaughter ofRichard and CatherineGOVYERof ChittlehamptonShoemaker 
31 May 1835SwimbridgeJohn Sellickson ofGeorge and MaryANDREWof ChittlehamptonMaltsterBorn 15 December 1834
15 July 1835WinkleighJohnson ofJohn and MaryRODDof ChittlehamptonFarmer 
29 August 1835West BucklandMariadaughter ofHenry and AnnDUNNof ChittlehamptonFarmer 
6 September 1835West BucklandMarydaughter ofThomas and MaryHOLLWAYof ChittlehamptonFarmer 
4 October 1835SatterleighMary Janedaughter ofHenry and AnneSKINNERof ChittlehamholtLabourer 
25 December 1835Kings NymptonSarahdaughter ofRobert and ElizabethMARTINof New Buildings, ChittlehamptonLabourer 
3 January 1836Kings NymptonLydiadaughter ofThomas Peak and SarahSHORTof Snidles, ChittlehamptonLabourer 
10 January 1836West BucklandMary Janedaughter ofHenry and MaryAVERYof ChittlehamptonFarmer 
9 March 1836West BucklandMarydaughter ofJames and ElizabethSMALDONof ChittlehamptonCarpenter 
1 May 1836West BucklandJohnson ofJames and MaryBUCKINGHAMof ChittlehamptonFarmer 
8 May 1836FilleighJohnson ofJohn and MaryDADDSof ChittlehamptonLabourer 
7 July 1836Bishops NymptonJohnson ofJames and ElizabethSUMMERSof ChittlehamptonBlacksmith 
10 July 1836FilleighThomasson ofJohn and MaryBRAYLEYof ChittlehamptonLabourer 
7 August 1836West BucklandHarriettdaughter ofThomas and AnnNOTTof ChittlehamptonCarpenter 
2 April 1837Kings NymptonJohnson ofRobert and ElizabethMARTINof Headposts, ChittlehamptonLabourer 
24 May 1837WinkleighWilliamson ofJohn and MaryRODDof ChittlehamptonFarmer 
4 February 1838FilleighSusandaughter ofLewis and MargaretDADDSof ChittlehamptonLabourer 
18 February 1838West BucklandLydiadaughter ofHenry and MaryAVERYof ChittlehamptonFarmer 
13 May 1838FilleighJohnson ofWilliam and MaryMOGRIDGEof ChittlehamptonLabourer 
1 July 1838West BucklandThomasson ofWilliam and AnnHOLLWAYof ChittlehamptonThatcher 
23 July 1838West BucklandMichaellson ofJames and ElizabethSMALDONof ChittlehamptonCarpenter 
21 October 1838FilleighMarydaughter ofJohn and MaryBRAYLEYof ChittlehamptonLabourer 
30 December 1838FilleighMarydaughter ofWilliam and JaneDUNNof ChittlehamptonLabourer 
27 January 1839FilleighMarydaughter ofJohn and MaryDADDSof ChittlehamptonLabourer 
16 June 1839West BucklandElizabethdaughter ofAbraham and AnneBOWDENof ChittlehamptonCarpenter 
20 October 1839FilleighGeorgeson ofWilliam and MaryMOGGRIDGEof ChittlehamptonLabourer 
8 September 1839West BucklandJamesson ofWilliam and AnneHOLLOWAYof ChittlehamptonThatcher 
20 November 1839West BucklandMary Annedaughter ofHenry and AnneDUNNof ChittlehamptonFarmer 
15 December 1839FilleighMartha Hannahbase child ofMarySHADDICKof ChittlehamptonServant 
31 May 1840West BucklandWilliam Henryson ofHenry and MaryAVERYof ChittlehamptonFarmer 
27 December 1840FilleighRichardson ofLewis and MargarettDADDSof ChittlehamptonLabourer 
7 February 1841FilleighHenryson ofJohn and MaryBRAYLEYof Leary, ChittlehamptonLabourer 
30 May 1841FilleighHenryson ofWilliam and JaneDUNNof ChittlehamptonLabourer 
2 January 1842FilleighAnndaughter ofAbraham and AnnBOWDENof ChittlehamptonCarpenter 
22 May 1842West BucklandAnnedaughter ofJohn and CharityBUCKINGHAMof ChittlehamptonLabourer 
24 July 1842West BucklandGeorgeson ofHenry and MaryAVERYof ChittlehamptonFarmer 
12 February 1843FilleighJohnson ofWilliam and AnneHEAMENof ChittlehamptonLabourer 
30 April 1843FilleighSophiadaughter ofJohn and SusanTURNERof ChittlehamptonLabourer 
18 February 1844FilleighSophiadaughter ofGeorge and AnnMILDONof ChittlehamptonLabourer 
28 April 1844FilleighJeremiahson ofWilliam and JaneDUNNof ChittlehamptonLabourer 
26 May 1844FilleighJamesson ofWilliam and ElizaMCMULLANof ChittlehamptonStone Cutter 
3 November 1844FilleighJamesson ofWilliam and AnnHEAMENof ChittlehamptonLabourer 
12 January 1845West BucklandElizadaughter ofJohn and BetseyBEERof ChittlehamptonCordwainer 
31 August 1845West BucklandJamesson ofGeorge and SusanWILKIEof ChittlehamptonLabourer 
14 June 1846FilleighJamesson ofJohn and AgnesFERRIARof ChittlehamptonLabourer 
6 December 1846FilleighThomasson ofLewis and MargaretDADDSof ChittlehamptonLabourer 
7 May 1847West BucklandWilliamson ofWilliam and Mary AnnSANSOMof ChittlehamptonLabourer 
16 January 1848West BucklandElizabeth Anndaughter ofGeorge and Elizabeth AnnHOLLOWAYof ChittlehamptonThatcher 
28 May 1848FilleighElizabethdaughter ofWilliam and MaryWINNACOTTof ChittlehamptonLabourer 
4 June 1848FilleighHarrietdaughter ofJames and ElizabethSMALDONof ChittlehamptonCarpenter 
6 August 1848FilleighJanedaughter ofThomas and AnnHEAMANof ChittlehamptonLabourer 
24 September 1848FilleighEllendaughter ofJohn and SusanTURNERof ChittlehamptonLabourer 
8 October 1848FilleighJamesson ofWilliam and JaneDUNNof ChittlehamptonLabourer 
6 May 1849FilleighElizabethdaughter ofHenry and AnnSMITHof ChittlehamptonCarpenter 
12 May 1850FilleighWilliam Henryson ofWilliam and MaryWINNACOTTof ChittlehamptonLabourer 
27 October 1850FilleighSarah Anndaughter ofThomas and AnnHEAMANof ChittlehamptonLabourer 
1 November 1850West BucklandAnna Mariadaughter ofRobert and BetsyGORDONof ChittlehamptonTailor 
11 May 1856West BucklandWilliamson ofWilliam and Mary AnnARNALLof ChittlehamptonLabourerBorn 21 April 1856
10 January 1864WarkleighWilliamson ofThomas and ElizabethPOWELLof ChittlehamholtLabourer 
13 February 1872AtheringtonElizabethdaughter ofElizabethWHITEFIELDof ChittlehamptonServant 
5 March 1872AtheringtonJanedaughter ofSamuel and JaneBENNETTof ChittlehamptonLabourer