


Will of William Shobbrook (1837)

Transcribed by Adrian Parry

This is the last Will and Testament of me William Shobbrook of Chawleigh in the County of Devon Yeoman.

First I give and Bequeath unto my Brother Thomas Shobbrook the Sum of Fifty Pounds of Lawful Money of Great Britain - unto my Nephew and Niece William Shobbrook, Richard Shobbrook, Julia Shobbrook and James Shobbrook (the children of my deceased Brother Richard Shobbrook) as Tenants in Common the Sum of sixty Pounds of lawful money of Great Britain - unto my Brother Joseph Shobbrook the Sum of Forty Pounds of like lawful money and unto my Sister Susanna Spear the Sum of Fifty Pounds of lawful money aforesaid.

Also I Give and Bequeath the Sum of Fifty Pounds of lawful money as aforesaid unto my Brother James Shobbrook his Executors Administrators and Assigns Upon Trust nevertheless for such person or persons and in such parts and shares and proportions manner and form as my Sister Charity Reed shall at any time or times notwithstanding her Coverture and whether she shall be sole or married by any Note or Notes in writing under her hand or by her last Will and Testament any writing in the nature under her Hand or by her last Will and Testament Direct Limit or Appoint And for want or in Default of such Direction Limitation or Appointment and in the mean time and until such Direction Limitation or Appointment shall be made and also subject to any such Direction Limitation or Appointment where the same shall happen not to be a complete and entire Appointment of the whole of the said sum of Fifty Pounds and its Interest Upon Trust for my said Sister Charity Reed her Executors Administrators and Assigns to and for her and their own sole and separate use exclusive of her present and every future Husband whom are to have nothing to do or intermeddle therewith otherwise than as Executor or Administrator of the said Charity Reed or by virtue of her direction limitation or appointment Nor is the same or any part thereof to be subject or liable to their or either of their ordering or disposal Debts or Engagements.

And it is my Will that the Receipt or Receipts of the said Charity Reed

William Shobbrook

or of the person or persons to whom she may give dispost of direct limit or appoint the said Sum of Fifty Pounds or the Interest of the same or any part thereof shall (notwithstanding the Coverture of the said Charity Reed and whether she shall be sole or married) be a sufficient discharge to the said James Shobbrook his Executors Administrators and Assigns for the said Sum of Fifty pounds for so much thereof as in such receipt or receipts shall be expressed or acknowledged to be received.

And I hereby direct that the said several pecuniary Legacies shall become due and payable and be paid by my Executor hereinafter names at the end of six months next after my decease.

Also I Give and Bequeath unto my said Brother James Shobbrook his Executors Administrators and Assigns All my Goods Chattels and personal Estate whatsoever and wheresoever (Subject nevertheless to and chargeable with the payment of all my just Debts the expenses of my Funeral and of proving this my Will and the said pecuniary Leagacies) to hold the same (subject and charged as aforesaid) unto my said Brother James Shobbrook his Executors Administrators and Assigns and for his and their own absolute use benefit and disposal.

And I hereby nominate constitute and appoint my said Brother James Shobbrook sole Executor of this my last Will and Testament.

And I hereby revoke and make void all other Wills by me heretofore made.

In Witness whereof I the said William Shobbrook (the Testator) have to the first sheet of this my Will (the whole whereof is contained in two sheets of Paper) subscribed my hand and to this second and last Sheet subscribed and set my Hand and Seal this sixth day of May in the year of our Lord One thousand eight hundred and thirty seven.

Sealed Published and Declared by the aforesaid William Shobbrook (the Testator) as his last Will and Testament in the presence of us who at his request in his presence and in the presence of each other have hereunto set our hands as Witnesses thereto William Shobbrook
J G Pearse
W Bryan

Whereas I William Shobbrook of Chawleigh in the County of Devon Yeoman have this day duly made and executed my last Will and Testament in writing and have thereby given and bequeathed several pecuniary Legacies. Now I do hereby declare this present writing to be a Codicil to my said and to be taken as a part thereof.

And whereas some of the Legatees in my said Will married are or is indebted to me in one or more Sum or sums of money. Now I do hereby direct such of the said Legatees shall be indebted to me at the time of my decease to pay the amount of their said respective debts to my Executor so soon as possible after my death. And I do hereby ratify and confirm my said will In every respect whatsoever save and except so far as the same is or may be considered to be hereby altered.

In Witness whereof I the said William Shobbrook have to this Codicil set my hand this sixth day of May One thousand eight hundred and thirty seven.

Signed Sealed Published and Declared by the said William Shobbrook for a Codicil to be added to and to be considered as a part of his last Will and Testament in the presence of us who have hereunto subscribed our names in his presence William Shobbrook
J G Pearse
W Bryan