Will of William Challice, Leaches Farm, Chawleigh (1885)
© Crown Copyright
Her Majesty's Court Services, York Probate Sub Registry
Transcribed by Paul Challice
This is the last Will and Testament of me William Challice in the parish of Chawleigh in the County of Devon. I direct that all my just debts funeral and testamentary expenses be paid and satisfied by my Executrix hereinafter named as soon as conveniently may be after my decease. I give devise and bequeath all unto my dearly beloved Wife Harriet Challice, all and every my household furniture linen and wearing apparel books plate pictures china and also all my every sum and sums of money which may be found in my house or be about my person or due to me at the time of my decease. And also all my stocks funds and securities for money book debts money on bonds bills notes or other securities and all and every other my estate and effects whatsoever and wheresoever both real and personal whether in possession or reversion remaining or expectancy unto my said wife Harriet Challice, to and for her own use and benefit absolutely. And I nominate constitute and appoint my said Wife Harriet Challice to be whole and sole Executrix of this my Will. And hereby revoking all former or other Wills and Testaments by me at any time heretofore made. I declare this to be my last Will and Testament. In Witness whereof I the said William Challice have to this my last Will and Testament set my hand the second day of November in the year of our Lord One Thousand Eight Hundredand sixty five.
Signed by the said William Challice the testator as and for his last Will and testament in the presence of us who at his request in his presence and in the presence of each other all being present at the same time have hereunto subscribed our names as Witnesses
James Gilling
John Nott
William Challice
Proved at Exeter the twenty first day of October 1885 by the Oath of Harriet Challice, Widow, the Relict, the sole Executrix, to whom Administration was granted
The Testator William Challice was late of Chawleigh in the County of Devon, Farmer, and died on the sixteenth day of July 1885, at Leaches Farm in Chawleigh aforesaid.
Gross value £704.16.0 Net £512
(Extracted by the Executrix in person)
On the twenty first day of October 1885, the Will of William Challice late of Chawleigh in the County of Devon, Farmer, deceased, who died on the sixteenth day of July 1885, at Leaches Farm in Chawleigh aforesaid was proved in Her Majesty's High Court of Justice in the District Registry attached to the Probate Division thereof at Exeter by the Oath of Harriet Challice of Leaches Farm, Chawleigh aforesaid, Widow, the Relict of the deceased, the sole executrix named (in the said Will) she having been first sworn duly to administer
Personal Estate £704.16.0
Net £512
Extracted by the Executrix