On the twenty third day of September 1886, Letters of Administration of the personal Estate of Harriet Challice late of Chawleigh in the County of Devon, Widow, deceased, who died on the first day of September 1886, at Chawleigh aforesaid a Widow without child or parent and intestate were granted by Her Majesty's High Court of Justice in the District Registry attached to the Probate Division thereof at Exeter to Charlotte Edworthy of Salisbury in the County of Wilts, Spinster, the natural and lawful Sister and one of the next of kin of the said deceased, she having been first sworn duly to administer. Sureties | Eliza Anstey of St Saviuors College Camilton Road West Norwood in the County of Surrey, Widow, and John Cannaford of Chulmleigh in the County of Devon Auctioneer. |
Gross personal Estate £1047.9.8 Net £989.16.9 | Resworn November 1886 £1117.5.0 gross |
Extracted by Henry W Gould Solicitor, Exeter |