Will of Grace Webber, Widow of Chawleigh, Devon (20 July 1655)
© Crown Copyright
PROB 11/244, Records of the Prerogative Court of Canterbury, Aylett Quire Numbers: 51 - 106
Transcribed by Gail Everett, and provided by Elsie Person
In the name of God: Amen
I Grace Webber of Chanleigh in the County of Devon Widdow beinge sicke of body but of perfect memorie (thankes be to Almightie God) I doe revoke all former Wills and Testaments, and revoking all former Wills and Testaments doe make this my Last Will and Testament in manner and forme following First I bequeath my Soule to Almightie God my maker And my bodie to Christian buriall
Item I give to Thomas Webber my Sonne Twoe Shillings to be paid him within six monethes after my decease
Item I give to Abigall Battin wife of William Battin my daughter Twoe Shillings to be paid her within six monethes after my decease
Item I give to Henry Webber and Robert Webber my grandchildren one bushell of Rye apeece to be delivered them within sixe monethes after my decease
Item I give to William Webber my grandchild Tenne Poundes to be paid him within sixe monethes after my decease the said William Webber allowing out of the Tenne Poundes to my Executor what is due to him from me
Item I give more to William Webber my grandchild the best Crocke and the bigge pann that was Thomas Davies, one dust bedd a newe feather peale, a paire of blanketts a Coverlett a fine Bedstead, the little table board and a Coffer to be delivered within three days after my decease
Item I give to Roger Battin my grandchild one three year old heifer to be delivered within three days after my decease
Item I give to Elizabeth Battin, William Battin, Mary Battin, Abigall Battin, Prudence Battin, Lewes Battin and Benjamin Battin my grandchildren Tenne Shillinges apeece To be paid it to William Battin their father whoe is to employe it for the childrens use till they shall come to age, and to be delivered to the foresaid William Battin within sixe monethes after my decease
Item I give to Phillip Webber my grandchild the table board, the seetinge, the harrowes the Corne hutch to be delivered him within three Dayes after my decease
Item I give to Sarah Webber, George Webber, John Webber and Agnes Webber my grandchildren and children of John Webber my Sonne Eight Shillings apeece the money to remain in the fathers hands untill they shall accomplishe the age of one and twenty yeares
Item I give to Grace Webber daughter of Roger Webber Deceased the Summe of Fower Poundes with the increase of her Sheepe to be paid her within sixe monethes after my decease
Item I give to Henry Webber and Margary Webber children of the foresaid Roger Webber deceased Tenne Shillinges apeece To be paid them within sixe monethes after my decease
Item I give to John Webber Sonne of Henry Webber deceased all the wood that shalbe lefte after my funerall about the Towne place
Item I give to Agnes Bury my servant three shillinges To be paid her within sixe monethes after my decease
Item I give to John Webber Sonne of John Webber the Sonne of Henry Webber deceased one little crocke, the middle brasse Panne And if the foresaid John Webber dye till he be the age of one and twentie yeares, the foresaid Crocke and Pann is to remain to Grace Webber his sister, and to be delivered to John Webber his Father for the childrens use within three dayes after my decease
All the rest of my goodes and chattells of what nature quallity soever they be of I doe wholie give and bequeath unto John Battin my grandchild the Sonne of William Battin whome I make my whole and sole Executor to see my legacies paid and my Will in every particular performed
And I doe ordaine and appoint Andrewe Edworthy and William Battin my sonns in lawe to be Rulers in Trust for my Executor till he shall accomplishe the age of one and twentie yeares allowinge them for their paines five shillings apeece
In wittnes whereof I have hereunto sett my hand and seale the fifteenth day of August in yeare of our Lord God one thousand six hundred fiftie and fower 1654
The signe of Grace Webber Sealed Signed and delivered in the presence of we to John Battin foresaid
Testigns Edward Webber William Nott
This will was proved at London before the Judges for Probate of Wills and grantinge admons the twentieth day of July in the yeare of our Lord God one thousand sixe hundred fiftye five by the oath of John Battin the sole Executor named in the Last Will and Testament of the said deceased To whom administration was remitted he being first sworne by Commission Surelie & faithfullie to administer.