Charles Baptisms 1750-1850
Transcribed by Lindsey Withers
Date | First Name | Relationship | Parents | Occupation of Father | Residence | Comments |
1755 | ||||||
11 March 1755 | William | son of | Henry and Elizabeth LEWORTHY | |||
1 April 1755 | Rachel | daughter of | Phillip and Julian HOILE | |||
13 April 1755 | George | son of | William and Mary HUTCHINGS | |||
21 August 1755 | Christien | daughter of | Thomas and Christien KINGDON | |||
11 November 1755 | Agnis | daughter of | Richard and Susanna HUTCHINGS | |||
1756 | ||||||
26 January 1756 | Thomasin | daughter of | George and Joan THORNE | of High Bray | ||
20 April 1756 | John | son of | Robert and Margaret GAMMON | |||
22 June 1756 | Mary | daughter of | Revd. Mr George and Joan LEWORTHY | |||
27 July 1756 | Joan | daughter of | George and Pitternal GOULD | |||
2 December 1756 | Willmott | daughter of | John and Elizabeth HILL | |||
1757 | ||||||
9 January 1757 | Hugh | son of | William and Mary COMER | |||
3 November 1757 | John | son of | John and Jane PUGSLEY | |||
1758 | ||||||
26 February 1758 | Thomas | son of | George and Joan THORNE | |||
29 March 1758 | Ann | daughter of | Revd. Mr George and Joan LEWORTHY | |||
11 July 1758 | Hannah | daughter of | William and Joan TOSSEL | |||
16 August 1758 | William | son of | Grace WINTER | Single woman | ||
21 August 1758 | Jane | daughter of | John and Grace SLADER | |||
20 September 1758 | George | son of | John and Mary RADLEY | |||
1759 | ||||||
14 January 1759 | Ann | daughter of | Richard and Susanna HUTCHINS | |||
16 April 1759 | William | son of | John and Mary JEWELL | |||
6 August 1759 | Hester | daughter of | George and Petternel GOULD | |||
8 August 1759 | George | son of | John and Jane PUGSLEY | |||
23 October 1759 | Edward Hammon | son of | Rev. Mr George and Joan LEWORTHY | |||
26 October 1759 | Jane | daughter of | John and Grace SLADER | |||
1760 | ||||||
29 May 1760 | Mary | daughter of | John and Joan PASMORE | |||
19 August 1760 | Mary | daughter of | John and Mary RADLEY | |||
30 September 1760 | Honor | daughter of | John and Prudence EMLIN | |||
21 [?] 1760 | Ann | daughter of | John and Elizabeth HELE | |||
1761 | ||||||
1 [?] 1761 | Mary | daughter of | Phillip and [?] HOILE | |||
3 April 1761 | John | son of | Grace BENNETT | |||
2 June 1761 | Mary | daughter of | John and Jane PUGSLEY | |||
26 July 1761 | Mary | daughter of | George and Joen THORNE | |||
22 [?] 1761 | John | son of | John and Sarah CRIDGE | |||
1762 | ||||||
17 January 1762 | William | son of | Thomas and Elizabeth PAUL | |||
17 March 1762 | Elizabeth | daughter of | Edward and Elizabeth WIDLAKE | |||
7 April 1762 | John | son of | William and Joan TOSSEL | |||
1 October 1762 | John | son of | John and Grace SLADER | |||
3 October 1762 | Susanna | daughter of | Rev. Mr George and Joan LEWORTHY | |||
7 December 1762 | John | son of | John and Mary RADLEY | |||
1763 | ||||||
28 October 1763 | Sarah | daughter of | John and Sarah CRIDGE | |||
1764 | ||||||
22 January 1764 | Edward | son of | John and Grace WIDLAKE | |||
5 February 1764 | Mary | daughter of | William and Joan RASHLEY | |||
29 June 1764 | Agnis | daughter of | Samuel and Rebecca LEWORTHY | |||
20 July 1764 | Elizabeth | daughter of | Jacob and Elinor RUD | |||
9 September 1764 | Thomasin | daughter of | Edward and Elizabeth WIDLAKE | |||
1765 | ||||||
2 January 1765 | George | son of | George and Grace GOULD | |||
18 June 1765 | William | son of | William and Joan TOSSEL | |||
21 October 1765 | Joan | daughter of | Joan LOCK | |||
21 November 1765 | Elizabeth | daughter of | John and Mary RADLEY | |||
1766 | ||||||
7 April 1766 | Elizabeth | daughter of | William and Joan RASHLY | |||
8 June 1766 | Joan | daughter of | George and Grace GOULD | |||
13 July 1766 | Mary | daughter of | John and Grace WIDLAKE | |||
19 August 1766 | John | son of | Thos. and Margaret RADFORD | |||
13 November 1766 | Mary | daughter of | John and Joan STEVENS | |||
1767 | ||||||
18 January 1767 | Elizabeth | daughter of | George and Grace GOULD | |||
27 October 1767 | Betty | daughter of | George and Grace GOULD | |||
29 November 1767 | Elizabeth | daughter of | William and Elizabeth HUTCHINGS | |||
6 December 1767 | William | son of | Phillip and Elizabeth PARKING | |||
28 December 1767 | Susanna | daughter of | John and Elizabeth BENNET | |||
1768 | ||||||
30 January 1768 | Susanna | daughter of | William and Joan RASHLEY | |||
17 February 1768 | William | son of | John and Mary RADLEY | |||
20 March 1768 | Richard | son of | Jacob and Ellinor RUD | |||
20 June 1768 | George | son of | George and Grace GOULD | of Mockham | ||
18 September 1768 | William | son of | John and Jane PUGSLEY | |||
1 December 1768 | John | son of | John and Joan STEVINS | |||
1769 | ||||||
2 February 1769 | Elizabeth | daughter of | William and Elizabeth HUTCHINGS | |||
19 February 1769 | Elizabeth | daughter of | John and Grace WIDLAKE | |||
4 December 1769 | Mary | daughter of | William and Phillippy LEWORTHY | |||
13 December 1769 | Joan | daughter of | George and Grace GOULD | of Mockham | ||
20 December 1769 | Christian | daughter of | William and Susanna MOLE | |||
1770 | ||||||
7 January 1770 | Elizabeth | daughter of | Thomas and Margaret LEWORTHY | |||
4 June 1770 | Thomas | son of | Thomas and Susannah HOLWAY | |||
24 June 1770 | Margaret | daughter of | John and Mary ROL[?] | |||
18 July 1770 | Elizabeth | daughter of | Richard and Joan HUTCHINGS | |||
4 November 1770 | William | son of | John and Elizabeth BENNETT | |||
4 November 1770 | Thomas | son of | John and Ellinor HOWARD | |||
5 November 1770 | William | son of | William and Joan RASHLY | |||
5 November 1770 | Jane | daughter of | Jane BENDLE | |||
18 December 1770 | Ann | daughter of | Revd. Mr and Rebecca FLEXMAN | |||
1771 | ||||||
5 January 1771 | Joan | daughter of | John and Joan STEVENS | |||
4 August 1771 | William | son of | John and Grace WIDLAKE | |||
4 December 1771 | George | son of | Thomas and Margaret LEWORTHY | |||
1772 | ||||||
1 January 1772 | Mary | daughter of | John and Mary LANCY | |||
19 February 1772 | James | son of | Revd. James and Rebeckah FLEXMAN | |||
1 March 1772 | Elizabeth | daughter of | William and Susanna MOLE | |||
12 March 1772 | Phillip | son of | Phillip and Elizabeth PERKING | |||
28 June 1772 | Rebeccah | daughter of | Joshua and Joanna KINGDON | |||
24 August 1772 | Wilmot | daughter of | John and Grace KINGDON | |||
11 October 1772 | Phillipy | daughter of | William and Phillipy LEWORTHY | |||
15 December 1772 | Grace | daughter of | John and Joan STEVENS | |||
1773 | ||||||
19 February 1773 | John | son of | James and Rebeccah LEWORTHY | |||
24 February 1773 | Elizabeth | daughter of | John and Elizabeth BENNET | |||
7 March 1773 | Ann | daughter of | Johna nd Eleonar HOWARD | |||
11 March 1773 | George | son of | John and Mary RADLY | |||
8 June 1773 | Edward | son of | John and Mary LANCY | |||
13 July 1773 | Richard | son of | Richard and Joan HUTCHINS | |||
25 December 1773 | Susanna | daughter of | Thomas and Margaret LEWORTHY | |||
1774 | ||||||
6 March 1774 | Grace | daughter of | John and Grace WIDLAKE | |||
21 March 1774 | John | son of | William and Philipy LEWORTHY | |||
5 June 1774 | Susanna | daughter of | William and Susanna MOLE | |||
1775 | ||||||
10 January 1775 | Elizabeth | daughter of | John and Joan STEVENS | |||
26 March 1775 | Jane | daughter of | John and Elenor HOWARD | |||
26 March 1775 | Joseph | son of | Joseph and Joanna KINGDON | |||
3 August 1775 | Rebecca | daughter of | John and Mary LANCEY | |||
17 September 1775 | Richard | son of | William and Elizabeth HUTCHINS | |||
7 December 1775 | Ann | daughter of | John and Elizabeth DAVY | of North Molton | ||
20 December 1775 | Margaret | daughter of | Thomas and Margaret LEWORTHY | |||
1776 | ||||||
15 February 1776 | George | son of | George and Mary SLADER | |||
25 March 1776 | Mary | daughter of | John and Elizabeth GOULD | |||
1 July 1776 | William | son of | William and Phillipy LEWORTHY | |||
7 July 1776 | Thomas | son of | John and Grace WIDLAKE | |||
1 September 1776 | William | son of | Richard and Joan HUTCHINGS | |||
20 December 1776 | Joshua | son of | Joshua and Elizabeth GOULD | |||
1777 | ||||||
23 March 1777 | Ephraim | son of | John and Elenor HOWARD | |||
1 April 1777 | Mary | daughter of | William and Winnefred GOULD | |||
30 April 1777 | John | son of | John and Mary LANCEY | |||
17 September 1777 | John | son of | John and Joan HOLLAWAY | of East Buckland | ||
5 October 1777 | Elizabeth | daughter of | James and Thomasin PARKIN | |||
1778 | ||||||
4 February 1778 | Michael | son of | George and Mary SLADER | |||
8 February 1778 | Michael | son of | John STEPHENS | |||
10 March 1778 | John | son of | William and Elizabeth HUTCHINGS | |||
2 June 1778 | John | son of | Joseph and Joanna KINGDON | |||
28 October 1778 | John | son of | Joshua and Elizabeth GOULD | |||
5 November 1778 | Agnes | daughter of | William and Winefred GOULD | |||
1779 | ||||||
7 February 1779 | Thomas | son of | Thomas and Margaret LEWORTHY | |||
9 February 1779 | John | son of | John and Elizabeth GOULD | |||
26 July 1779 | Philip | son of | Richard and Joan HUTCHINS | |||
29 August 1779 | Thomas | son of | John and Mary LANCY | |||
12 September 1779 | Elizabeth | daughter of | Henry and Mary PASMORE | |||
3 October 1779 | Philip | son of | Sarah HOYLE | a single woman | ||
24 October 1779 | Ann | daughter of | Rachel HOYLE | a single woman | ||
2 November 1779 | George | son of | Richard and Thomasin HOYLE | |||
1780 | ||||||
9 January 1780 | Elizabeth | daughter of | John and Elizabeth HUXTABLE | |||
15 February 1780 | Elizabeth | daughter of | Joshua and Elizabeth GOULD | |||
29 February 1780 | Joan | daughter of | William and Winifred GOULD | |||
8 March 1780 | Elizabeth | daughter of | John and Mary PERRYN | |||
16 March 1780 | James | son of | James and Thomzin PARKIN | |||
27 March 1780 | William | son of | Joseph and Joanna KINDON | |||
28 May 1780 | William | son of | John and Joan STEVENS | |||
22 October 1780 | John | son of | John and Eleanor HOWARD | |||
5 November 1780 | Mary | daughter of | William and Elizabeth HUTCHINS | |||
13 December 1780 | John | son of | John and Joan HOLLAWAY | |||
1781 | ||||||
25 February 1781 | John | son of | John and Alice HEAL | |||
25 April 1781 | Susanna | daughter of | George and Mary SLADE | |||
26 June 1781 | Phebe | daughter of | John and Elizabeth GOULD | |||
27 June 1781 | William | son of | William and Winifred GOULD | |||
17 December 1781 | Elizabeth | daughter of | William and Philippy LEWORTHY | |||
1782 | ||||||
5 February 1782 | Edeth | daughter of | Joshua and Elizabeth GOULD | |||
17 March 1782 | John | son of | Ritchard and Thomzin HOILE | |||
26 May 1782 | Thomas | son of | Joseph and Joanna KINDON | |||
17 July 1782 | Benjamin | son of | John and Grace ASH | |||
4 August 1782 | George | son of | Ritchard and Joan HUTCHINGS | |||
6 August 1782 | Elizabeth | daughter of | Elizabeth HEAL | a single woman | ||
5 November 1782 | Mary | daughter of | John and Mary PERING | |||
1783 | ||||||
23 February 1783 | Susanna | daughter of | John and Joan STEVENS | |||
2 March 1783 | John | son of | Sammuel and Ann HEALL | |||
23 March 1783 | George | son of | William and Winifret GOULD | |||
8 April 1783 | Robert | son of | John and Alice HEALE | |||
6 May 1783 | William | son of | George and Mary SLADER | |||
4 June 1783 | Sarah | daughter of | Jams and Thomzin PARKING | |||
15 June 1783 | Winifret | daughter of | William and Winifret BENNETT | |||
24 August 1783 | Susanna | daughter of | William and Elizabth HUTCHINGS | |||
1784 | ||||||
21 January 1784 | Elizabeth | daughter of | John and Elizabeth GOULD | |||
25 January 1784 | William | son of | Hugh and Mary COOMER | |||
15 June 1784 | Mary | daughter of | Philip and Susanna NECKELS | |||
22 June 1784 | Mary | daughter of | John and Alice HEAL | |||
10 October 1784 | John | son of | William and Winifret BENNETT | |||
5 November 1784 | Edeth | daughter of | William and Winifret GOULD | |||
1785 | ||||||
13 February 1785 | Thomas | son of | George and Elizabeth GOULD | |||
23 February 1785 | Mary | daughter of | Thomas and Margaret LEWORTHY | |||
3 April 1785 | Joanna | daughter of | Joseph and Joanna KINDON | |||
1 May 1785 | Susana | daughter of | Philip and Susanna NECKELS | |||
24 May 1785 | Peter | son of | George and Mary SLADER | |||
12 June 1785 | Philip | son of | Jams and Thomzin PARKIN | |||
10 July 1785 | John | son of | John and Marry PERING | |||
20 July 1785 | Thomas | son of | John and Joan HOLOWAY | |||
1786 | ||||||
10 January 1786 | John | son of | George and Mary BOWEN | |||
5 February 1786 | Joan | daughter of | Richard and Joan HUTCHINGS | |||
19 June 1786 | Rebeka | daughter of | Thomas and Elizabeth LANCY | |||
12 November 1786 | Richard | son of | Richard and Thomzin HOILE | |||
20 November 1786 | Mary | daughter of | Abraham and Elizabeth MOGERIDGE | |||
26 November 1786 | Richard | son of | Joan PASMORE | a singlewoman | ||
17 December 1786 | Elizabeth | daughter of | James and Sarah WEBER | |||
26 December 1786 | John | son of | John and Alice HEAL | |||
1787 | ||||||
8 April 1787 | Thomas | son of | William and Winifret BENNETT | |||
22 April 1787 | Jane | daughter of | George and Mary BOWEN | |||
28 May 1787 | Thomas | son of | Thomas and Elizabeth HERD | |||
1 July 1787 | Agness | daughter of | William and Elizabeth HUTCHINS | |||
5 August 1787 | John | son of | William and Winifret GOULD | |||
12 August 1787 | Elizabeth | daughter of | Joseph and Joanna KINDON | |||
18 November 1787 | Robert | son of | John and Mary PERRING | |||
9 December 1787 | Mary | daughter of | George and Elizabeth GOULD | |||
1788 | ||||||
30 January 1788 | Susannah | daughter of | John and Mary BURGESS | |||
12 February 1788 | William | son of | Philp and Susanna NICHELS | |||
9 April 1788 | Sarah | daughter of | James and Sarah WEBER | |||
26 May 1788 | Mary | daughter of | Philip and Elizabeth CARTER | |||
26 May 1788 | John | son of | Philip and Elizabeth CARTER | |||
23 November 1788 | Mary | daughter of | Nickles and Sarah PUGSLEY | |||
21 December 1788 | Matthew | son of | Thomas and Prewdence KINDON | |||
28 December 1788 | John | son of | Fanney KINDON | a singlewoman | ||
1789 | ||||||
29 January 1789 | Mary | daughter of | Thomas and Elizabeth HERD | |||
17 February 1789 | Elizabeth | daughter of | Abraham and Elizabeth MOGERIDGE | |||
8 March 1789 | Alice | daughter of | Richard and Joan HUTCHINGS | |||
8 March 1789 | Mary | daughter of | Richard and Joan HUTCHINGS | |||
15 March 1789 | George | son of | George and Mary BOWEN | |||
12 July 1789 | Mary | daughter of | John and Elizabeth LAKE | |||
2 August 1789 | Winnyfred | daughter of | William and Winnyfred BENNETT | |||
13 September 1789 | Edward | son of | John and Thomzin HOULE | |||
13 September 1789 | George | son of | John and Jane HOLLWAY | |||
4 October 1789 | Mary | daughter of | Hugh and Mary COMER | |||
18 October 1789 | Christian | daughter of | Josep and Joanna KINDON | |||
29 December 1789 | Thomzin | daughter of | Richard and Thomzin HOILE | |||
1790 | ||||||
23 March 1790 | Mary | daughter of | James and Sarah WEBBER | |||
28 March 1790 | Elizabeth | daughter of | John and Alice HEAL | |||
9 May 1790 | Agness | daughter of | John and Mary PERRING | |||
31 May 1790 | Ann | daughter of | John and Elizabeth GOULD | |||
27 July 1790 | Philip | son of | John and Mary BURGESS | |||
1791 | ||||||
11 January 1791 | Thomas | son of | Thomas and Mary HOLLWAY | |||
30 January 1791 | John | son of | John and Elizabeth LAKE | |||
27 February 1791 | John | son of | Isaac and Mary CHAPPLE | This child was baptised in Brayford | ||
1 March 1791 | Betty | daughter of | Philip and Susanna NICHOLLS | |||
13 March 1791 | Sarah | daughter of | James and Sarah WEBBER | |||
24 March 1791 | Abraham | son of | Abraham and Elizabeth MOGRIDGE | |||
26 April 1791 | Elias | son of | Richard and Thomazin HOYLE | |||
22 May 1791 | Joan | daughter of | Thomas and Elizabeth HEARD | |||
5 June 1791 | Eleanor | daughter of | Philip and Betty CARTER | |||
12 August 1791 | John | son of | John and Richord CRIDGE | |||
4 September 1791 | James | natural son of | Elizabeth BRAY | |||
1792 | ||||||
April 1792 | John | son of | Richard and Joan HUTCHINS | Born 24 March 1792 and baptised in the month of April following but omitted to be registered in its proper place | ||
1 April 1792 | Elizabeth | daughter of | James and Sarah WEBBER | |||
23 June 1792 | Elizabeth | daughter of | Edward and Ann HAMMOND | |||
1 July 1792 | William | son of | George and Mary BOWEN | |||
8 July 1792 | William | son of | John and Mary PERRYN | |||
8 July 1792 | Susanna | daughter of | Thomas and Prudence KINGDON | |||
7 August 1792 | George | son of | William and Winifred BENNETT | |||
15 October 1792 | William | son of | Richard and Thomsin HOYLE | |||
1793 | ||||||
10 February 1793 | James | son of | Hugh and Mary COMER | |||
15 February 1793 | John | son of | John and Richord CRIDGE | |||
1 April 1793 | William | son of | William and Mary SMITH | |||
9 June 1793 | Mary | daughter of | Joseph and Joanna KINGDON | |||
11 August 1793 | Philip | son of | Philip and Elizabeth CARTER | |||
4 December 1793 | John | son of | William and Grace BENNETT | |||
1794 | ||||||
2 February 1794 | Nicholas | son of | Nicholas and Sarah PUGSLEY | |||
23 February 1794 | Harriott | daughter of | Edward and Ann HAMMOND | |||
16 March 1794 | Robert | son of | George and Mary BOWEN | |||
20 April 1794 | John | son of | Philip and Susanna NICHOLLS | |||
16 June 1794 | William | son of | John and Mary JONES | |||
1 September 1794 | Elizabeth | daughter of | John and Elizabeth LAKE | |||
30 November 1794 | George | son of | George and Elizabeth LEWORTHY | |||
1795 | ||||||
8 February 1795 | Mary | daughter of | Roger and Ann CROCKER | |||
15 February 1795 | Mary | daughter of | Richard and Joan HUTCHINGS | |||
8 March 1795 | Mary | daughter of | William and Mary SMYTH | |||
22 March 1795 | James | son of | James and Sarah WEBBER | |||
3 May 1795 | George | son of | John and Mary PERRYN | |||
12 July 1795 | Richard | son of | John and Mary SLADER | Officer in the Excise | late of North Molton | |
9 August 1795 | Arthur | son of | Thomas and Mary HOLLOWAY | |||
5 September 1795 | Jane | daughter of | Richard and Jane INCLEDON, Esq | Captain in the Royal Navy | ||
18 October 1795 | Charlotte | daughter of | Edward and Ann HAMMOND | |||
1796 | ||||||
13 January 1796 | Richard | son of | John and Richord CRIDGE | |||
14 January 1796 | Joan | daughter of | William and Winifred BENNETT | |||
26 January 1796 | William | son of | William and Grace BENNETT | |||
21 February 1796 | James | son of | George and Mary BOWEN | |||
16 March 1796 | George | son of | William and Betty PUGSLEY | |||
1 May 1796 | Grace | daughter of | Hugh and Mary COMER | |||
4 July 1796 | Thomas Parminter | son of | John and Elizabeth LAKE | |||
13 November 1796 | John | son of | John and Mary SMYTH | |||
15 November 1796 | Sally | daughter of | John and Mary JONES | |||
1797 | ||||||
19 February 1797 | William | son of | Nicholas and Sarah PUGSLEY | |||
26 February 1797 | Ann | daughter of | Roger and Ann CROCKER | |||
19 March 1797 | William | son of | William and Mary FAIRCHILD | of West Buckland | Admitted into this church; Baptised privately in West Buckland | |
28 June 1797 | Andrew Cobly | son of | Edward and Ann HAMMOND | |||
9 July 1797 | John | son of | Thomas and Mary HOLLAWAY | |||
17 September 1797 | James | son of | Richard and Joan HUTCHINS | |||
24 December 1797 | William | son of | William and Betty PUGSLEY | |||
1798 | ||||||
14 January 1798 | Sarah | daughter of | James and Sarah WEBBER | |||
21 January 1798 | John | son of | George and Mary BOWEN | |||
20 May 1798 | Joshua | son of | Thomas and Prudence KINGDON | |||
12 August 1798 | Phoebe | daughter of | John and Mary PERRYN | |||
6 November 1798 | Agnes | daughter of | John and Mary JONES | |||
12 November 1798 | Mary Ann | daughter of | John and Mary SMYTH | |||
30 December 1798 | Tammy | daughter of | Thomas and Mary HOLLAWAY | |||
1799 | ||||||
6 January 1799 | Richard | son of | John and Martha Philippy LEWORTHY | Private in the North Devon Militia | Admitted into this Church;' child born and privately baptised in the Parish of Charles, Plymouth | |
24 June 1799 | Joan | daughter of | George and Elizabeth GOULD | |||
20 October 1799 | Agnes | daughter of | George and Grace LEWORTHY | |||
17 November 1799 | William | son of | James and Sarah WEBBER | |||
6 December 1799 | Sybella | daughter of | Edward and Ann HAMMOND | |||
15 December 1799 | John | bastard son of | Alice PARKIN | |||
1800 | ||||||
5 January 1800 | Tammy | daughter of | Richard and Thomazin HOYLE | |||
11 April 1800 | Phoebe | daughter of | Edward and Elizabeth WEDLAKE | |||
13 April 1800 | Henry | son of | George and Mary BOWEN | |||
8 June 1800 | William | son of | William and Mary COCKERAM | |||
29 June 1800 | John | son of | William and Betty PUGSLEY | |||
28 September 1800 | Mary Ann | daughter of | Henry and Mary DAVY | |||
1801 | ||||||
11 February 1801 | James | son of | John and Mary SMITH | |||
15 February 1801 | William | son of | Richard and Grace HUTCHINS | |||
29 March 1801 | Richard | son of | James and Sarah WEBBER | |||
26 April 1801 | John | son of | William and Elizabeth RADLEY | |||
6 September 1801 | Thomas | son of | Richard and Thomasin HOYLE | |||
4 October 1801 | Ann | daughter of | George and Sarah CHAMPION | |||
1802 | ||||||
21 February 1802 | Thomas | bastard son of | Elizabeth PERRYN | |||
16 March 1802 | William | son of | John and Alice MUXWORTHY | |||
4 April 1802 | Mary Ann | daughter of | William and Mary COCKERAM | |||
19 May 1802 | John | son of | Thomas and Eleanor COCKINGS | |||
25 May 1802 | George | son of | George and Grace LEWORTHY | |||
8 September 1802 | Mary | daughter of | Richard, junr, and Joan HUTCHINS | |||
1803 | ||||||
3 January 1803 | John | son of | Richard and Grace HUTCHINS | |||
16 January 1803 | George | son of | William and Elizabeth RADLEY | |||
30 January 1803 | William | son of | William and Susanna DUNN | |||
20 March 1803 | Tammy | daughter of | John and Mary NORMAN | |||
14 April 1803 | Joshua | son of | William and Betty PUGSLEY | |||
21 August 1803 | Rebecca | daughter of | John and Margaret LEWORTHY | |||
13 September 1803 | John | son of | William and Mary SMYTH | |||
6 October 1803 | Richard | son of | John and Mary SMYTH | |||
1804 | ||||||
8 May 1804 | Elizabeth | daughter of | George and Grace LEWORTHY | |||
24 June 1804 | Thomas | son of | Richard and Elizabeth HUTCHINS | |||
5 August 1804 | Phoebe | daughter of | John and Mary PERRYN | |||
19 August 1804 | Daniel | son of | John and Alice MUXWORTHY | |||
9 December 1804 | Richard | son of | Richard and Grace HUTCHINS | |||
30 December 1804 | Samuel | son of | George and Elizabeth PARKIN | |||
1805 | ||||||
6 January 1805 | John | son of | David and Sarah TUCKER | of North Molton | ||
6 January 1805 | William | son of | William and Elizabeth RADLEY | |||
3 February 1805 | George | son of | William and Elizabeth COMER | |||
17 February 1805 | Jenny | daughter of | Philip and Jane CUTLAND | |||
17 February 1805 | Thomas | son of | Thomas and Eleanor COCKINGS | |||
8 July 1805 | Grace | daughter of | John and Mary COCK | |||
15 September 1805 | John | son of | John and Frances KINGDON | |||
27 October 1805 | Betty | daughter of | John and Mary NORMAN | |||
29 December 1805 | George | son of | James and Sarah WEBBER | |||
1806 | ||||||
19 January 1806 | Susanna | daughter of | John and Margaret LEWORTHY | |||
2 February 1806 | Grace | daughter of | Christopher and Grace SMALLDON | |||
13 February 1806 | Phoebe Gould | daughter of | Mr John RIDD | of Bratton Fleming | Widower | |
5 June 1806 | Sarah | daughter of | Nicholas and Sarah PUGSLEY | |||
24 June 1806 | Margaret | daughter of | George and Grace LEWORTHY | |||
3 August 1806 | John | son of | Roger and Ann CROCKER | |||
23 September 1806 | William | son of | John and Mary SMYTH | |||
22 November 1806 | Ann | daughter of | William and Elizabeth RADLEY | |||
30 November 1806 | Edith | bastard daughter of | Mary GOULD | |||
1807 | ||||||
5 April 1807 | John | son of | William and Elizabeth GEEN | |||
19 April 1807 | Edward | son of | Richard and Grace HUTCHINS | |||
19 April 1807 | Catharine | daughter of | Philip and Jane CUTLAND | |||
2 August 1807 | Grace | daughter of | John and Mary NORMAN | |||
23 August 1807 | Ann | daughter of | William and Mary SMYTH | |||
27 September 1807 | William | son of | William and Agnes GOULD | |||
20 December 1807 | Elizabeth | bastard daughter of | Elizabeth TAMLYN | |||
1808 | ||||||
2 February 1808 | Betsey | daughter of | John and Alice MUXWORTHY | |||
24 April 1808 | William | son of | John and Margaret LEWORTHY | |||
26 April 1808 | Betty | daughter of | Richard and Elizabeth HUTCHINS | |||
8 May 1808 | John | son of | James and Sarah WEBBER | |||
10 May 1808 | Betty | daughter of | Roger and Ann CROCKER | |||
4 October 1808 | Susanna | daughter of | Thomas and Elizabeth HOLLOWAY | |||
1809 | ||||||
26 January 1809 | George | son of | William and Agnes GOULD | |||
9 March 1809 | Mary | daughter of | George and Grace LEWORTHY | |||
19 March 1809 | Elizabeth | daughter of | Christopher and Grace SMALLDON | |||
9 April 1809 | Elizabeth | daughter of | Richard and Grace HUTCHINS | |||
21 May 1809 | Susanna | daughter of | Richard and Eleanor FRY | |||
27 June 1809 | William | son of | Dennis and Elizabeth BUCKINGHAM | of South Molton | Admitted into this Church; Privately baptised in South Molton | |
20 August 1809 | James | son of | John and Mary NORMAN | |||
1 November 1809 | Henry | son of | John and Mary SMYTH | |||
5 November 1809 | Elizabeth | daughter of | Philip and Jane CUTLAND | |||
17 December 1809 | Margaret | daughter of | Thomas and Margaret PROUT | |||
1810 | ||||||
25 March 1810 | Ann | daughter of | Walter and Elizabeth FRY | |||
24 July 1810 | Elizabeth | daughter of | Michael and Elizabeth PASMORE | |||
7 August 1810 | Mary | twin daughter of | John and Alice MUXWORTHY | |||
7 August 1810 | Grace | twin daughter of | John and Alice MUXWORTHY | |||
14 October 1810 | Elizabeth | daughter of | John and Ann BENNETT | |||
2 December 1810 | John | son of | John and Margaret LEWORTHY | |||
1811 | ||||||
29 January 1811 | Prudence | daughter of | William and Mary FAIRCHILD | |||
26 February 1811 | Ann | daughter of | William and Agnes GOULD | |||
5 May 1811 | George Gould Mogridge | bastard son of | Elizabeth AYRE | Admitted into this church; Born and privately baptised in the parish of Rose Ash | ||
2 June 1811 | Henry | bastard son of | Rebecca PALMER | |||
25 June 1811 | Ann | daughter of | Christopher and Grace SMALLDON | |||
22 December 1811 | John Shapland | son of | William Shapland and Elizabeth SLADER | |||
1812 | ||||||
26 January 1812 | George Gould | son of | George Gould and Elizabeth MOGRIDGE | |||
26 April 1812 | John | son of | Michael and Elizabeth PASMORE | |||
1 November 1812 | Ann | daughter of | John and Ann HOYLE | |||
29 December 1812 | Mary Ann | daughter of | Thomas and Elizabeth HOLLOWAY | |||
1813 | ||||||
24 January 1813 | George | son of | Richard and Grace HUTCHINS | Carpenter | of Charles | |
4 March 1813 | George | son of | John and Mary SMYTH | Yeoman | of Charles | |
25 April 1813 | John | son of | William and Agnes GOULD | Shoemaker | of Charles | |
9 May 1813 | Ann | daughter of | John and Mary NORMAN | Labourer | of Charles | |
25 May 1813 | Ann | daughter of | George and Grace LEWORTHY | Farmer | of Charles | |
30 June 1813 | Ann | daughter of | John and Alice MUXWORTHY | Farmer | of Charles | |
1 August 1813 | Elizabeth | daughter of | Abraham and Jane MOGRIDGE | Butcher | of Charles | |
1 August 1813 | Samuel | son of | John and Margaret LEWORTHY | Mason | of Charles | |
31 October 1813 | William | son of | George Gould and Elizabeth MOGRIDGE | Yeoman | of Charles | |
14 November 1813 | Grace | daughter of | John and Grace CRIDGE | Schoolmaster | of Charles | |
2 December 1813 | William | son of | William Shapland and Elizabeth SLADER | Yeoman | of Charles | |
1814 | ||||||
1 May 1814 | Mary | daughter of | John and Joanna KINGDON | Tailor | of Charles | |
22 September 1814 | John | son of | Thomas and Elizabeth HOLLOWAY | Farmer | of Charles | |
20 November 1814 | George | son of | George and Elizabeth COMER | Labourer | of Charles | |
1815 | ||||||
19 February 1815 | Grace | daughter of | William and Elizabeth GOULD | Labourer | of Charles | |
26 March 1815 | George | son of | John and Ann HOYLE | Labourer | of Charles | |
2 April 1815 | William | son of | Richard and Grace HUTCHINS | Carpenter | of Charles | |
20 May 1815 | Ann | daughter of | William and Mary FAIRCHILD | Husbandman | of Charles | |
5 June 1815 | Mary | daughter of | Richard and Eleanor FRY | Labourer | of Charles | |
28 June 1815 | Abraham | son of | Abraham and Jane MOGRIDGE | Butcher | of Charles | |
8 July 1815 | Mary | daughter of | Michael and Elizabeth PASMORE | Labourer | of Charles | |
29 October 1815 | Hugh | son of | John and Alice MUXWORTHY | Farmer | of Charles | |
17 December 1815 | Mary | daughter of | John and Margaret LEWORTHY | Mason | of Charles | |
1816 | ||||||
4 January 1816 | Abraham | son of | George Gould and Elizabeth MOGRIDGE | Farmer | of Charles | |
4 February 1816 | Thomas | son of | William and Mary LEWORTHY | Parish Clerk | of Charles | |
15 February 1816 | John | son of | Thomas and Elizabeth HOLLOWAY | Farmer | of Charles | |
1 April 1816 | George | son of | George and Catharine HUTCHINS | Carpenter | of Charles | |
2 April 1816 | Thomas | son of | John and Sarah HOLLOWAY | Thatcher | of Charles | |
12 June 1816 | Elizabeth | bastard daughter of | Rebecca PALMER | Singlewoman | of Charles | |
23 June 1816 | Nicholas | son of | William and Agnes GOULD | Shoemaker | of Charles | |
24 June 1816 | Ann | daughter of | George and Ann BENNETT | Labourer | of Charles | |
28 July 1816 | Mary | bastard daughter of | Elizabeth TAMLYN | Singlewoman | of Charles | |
15 September 1816 | William | son of | Philip and Jane CUTLAND | Blacksmith | of Charles | |
15 September 1816 | William | son of | William and Elizabeth COMER | Labourer | of Charles | |
3 November 1816 | Grace | daughter of | Gregory and Elizabeth GARDENER | Labourer | of North Molton | |
28 November 1816 | Aaron | son of | John and Mary SMYTH | Yeoman | of Charles | |
1817 | ||||||
23 March 1817 | Sarah | daughter of | Thomas and Elizabeth HOLLOWAY | Farmer | of Charles | |
8 June 1817 | George | son of | George and Catharine HUTCHINS | Carpenter | of Charles | |
10 August 1817 | Agnes | daughter of | James and Mary TAMLYN | Husbandman | of Charles | |
2 November 1817 | Mary Ann | daughter of | Abraham and Jane MOGRIDGE | Butcher | of Charles | |
1818 | ||||||
12 April 1818 | John | son of | John and Ann SEAGE | Labourer | of Charles | |
1 June 1818 | Elizabeth | daughter of | George Gould and Elizabeth MOGRIDGE | Farmer | of Charles | |
5 July 1818 | Francis | son of | Thomas and Jane SKINNER | Farmer | of Charles | |
27 August 1818 | Michael | son of | Michael and Elizabeth PASMORE | Farmer | of Charles | |
1 November 1818 | George | son of | Thomas and Ann KINGDON | Mason | of Charles | |
1819 | ||||||
24 January 1819 | Mary | daughter of | Christopher and Grace SMALLDON | Miller | of Charles | |
31 January 1819 | Charles | son of | William and Agnes GOULD | Shoemaker | of Charles | |
31 January 1819 | Ann | bastard daughter of | Mary CROCKER | Singlewoman | of North Molton | |
28 February 1819 | Mary | daughter of | Philip and Jane CUTLAND | Blacksmith | of Charles | |
14 March 1819 | Catharine | daughter of | John and Margaret LEWORTHY | Mason | of Charles | |
6 April 1819 | Mary Ann | daughter of | William and Mary JONES | Farmer | of Charles | |
11 July 1819 | Winifred | daughter of | George and Ann BENNETT | Labourer | of Charles | |
11 July 1819 | Sarah | bastard daughter of | Elizabeth RIDD | Singlewoman | of Charles | |
22 August 1819 | Jane | daughter of | John and Alice MUXWORTHY | Farmer | of Charles | |
10 October 1819 | Susanna | daughter of | George and Grace LEWORTHY | Farmer | of Charles | |
22 October 1819 | Maria | daughter of | John and Elizabeth HOLLAWAY | Thatcher | of Charles | |
1820 | ||||||
27 February 1820 | Ann | daughter of | John and Ann SEAGE | Labourer | of Charles | |
29 February 1820 | William | son of | John and Elizabeth WATTS | Farmer | of Down, Parish of Bratton Fleming | Admitted into this church, having been privately baptised at Down |
19 March 1820 | Charles | son of | William and Agnes GOULD | Shoemaker | of Charles | |
28 March 1820 | Sarah Thomas | daughter of | John and Joanna KINGDON | Tailor | of Charles | |
31 March 1820 | William | son of | Philip and Jane BOWEY | Labourer | of Charles | |
6 May 1820 | George | son of | John and Hannah LEWIS | Farmer | of Charles | |
19 June 1820 | Mary | daughter of | James and Mary HUXTABLE | Labourer | of Charles | |
13 August 1820 | John | son of | Abraham and Jane MOGRIDGE | Butcher | of Charles | |
17 September 1820 | William | son of | William and Tammy COCKERAM | Labourer | of Charles | |
1821 | ||||||
4 February 1821 | Mary | daughter of | Thomas and Ann KINGDON | Labourer | of Charles | |
9 February 1821 | John | son of | John and Elizabeth HOLLOWAY | Thatcher | of Charles | |
24 June 1821 | Jane | daughter of | Richard and Mary HOYLE | Labourer | of Charles | |
3 July 1821 | Samuel | son of | Abraham and Mary PEARCE | Mason | of Charles | |
4 July 1821 | Joseph | son of | John and Elizabeth WATTS | Farmer | of Down, Parish of Bratton Fleming | Admitted into this church, having been privately baptised at Down |
29 July 18121 | John | son of | John and Winifred COMER | Labourer | of Charles | |
11 November 1821 | George | son of | Michael and Elizabeth PASMORE | Farmer | of Charles | |
2 December 1821 | James | son of | Philip and Jane CUTLAND | Blacksmith | of Charles | |
1822 | ||||||
3 March 1822 | Harriot | daughter of | George and Ann BENNETT | Labourer | of Charles | |
26 May 1822 | William | son of | John and Hannah LEWIS | Farmer | of Charles | |
30 June 1822 | Edith | daughter of | William and Agnes GOULD | Shoemaker | of Charles | |
14 July 1822 | Philip | son of | John and Elizabeth WATTS | Farmer | of Down, Parish of Bratton Fleming | |
3 October 1822 | Ann | daughter of | James and Mary HUXTABLE | Labourer | of Charles | |
3 November 1822 | Jane | daughter of | John and Ann SEAGE | Labourer | of Charles | |
17 November 1822 | James | son of | John and Alice MUXWORTHY | Farmer | of Charles | |
1823 | ||||||
9 March 1823 | George | son of | Richard and Mary HOYLE | Labourer | of Charles | |
9 March 1823 | John | son of | George Gould and Elizabeth MOGRIDGE | Farmer | of Charles | |
9 March 1823 | Ann | daughter of | George Gould and Elizabeth MOGRIDGE | Farmer | of Charles | |
27 April 1823 | Mary Ann | daughter of | Richard and Grace JARMAN | Labourer | of Charles | |
15 June 1823 | William | son of | Michael and Elizabeth PASMORE | Farmer | of Charles | |
18 July 1823 | William Nicholls | son of | William and Susanna BUCKINGHAM | Labourer | of Charles | |
30 November 1823 | Maria | daughter of | John and Elizabeth HOLLOWAY | Thatcher | of Charles | |
1824 | ||||||
18 January 1824 | James | son of | Thomas and Ann KINGDON | Mason | of Charles | |
4 February 1824 | James | son of | James and Elizabeth HUTCHINS | Carpenter | of Charles | |
15 February 1824 | John | son of | James and Mary HUXTABLE | Labourer | of Charles | |
13 June 1824 | Mary | daughter of | John and Hannah LEWIS | Labourer | of Charles | |
20 June 1824 | Edwin | son of | William and Agnes GOULD | Shoemaker | of Charles | |
20 June 1824 | Mary | daughter of | Richard and Mary HOYLE | Labourer | of Charles | |
27 June 1824 | Jane | bastard daughter of | Sarah SEAGE | Singlewoman | Born at Nackershole, Parish of Stoke Rivers | |
12 September 1824 | Mary | daughter of | William and Grace SKINNER | Labourer | of Charles | |
24 October 1824 | John | bastard son of | Elizabeth SAUNDERS | Singlewoman | of Charles | |
24 October 1824 | James | bastard son of | Mary NORTHAM | Singlewoman | of North Molton | |
31 October 1824 | Richard | son of | Philip and Jane CUTLAND | Blacksmith | of Charles | |
19 December 1824 | William | son of | Richard and Elizabeth PASMORE | Farmer | of Charles | |
28 December 1824 | William | son of | James and Sarah BOWEN | Labourer | of Charles | |
1825 | ||||||
9 January 1825 | James | son of | John and Ann SEAGE | Labourer | of Charles | |
24 July 1825 | William | son of | Richard and Grace JARMAN | Labourer | of Charles | |
18 September 1825 | John | son of | James and Elizabeth HUTCHINS | Carpenter | of Charles | |
1826 | ||||||
1 January 1826 | John | son of | James and Agnes WEBBER | Labourer | of Charles | |
27 March 1826 | John | son of | Matthew and Rebecca KINGDON | Tailor | of Houstone | |
14 May 1826 | Jane | daughter of | William and Grace SKINNER | Labourer | of Charles | |
19 June 1826 | William | son of | William and Eleanor JONES | Farmer | of Blakewell | |
7 September 1826 | John | son of | John and Maria HULLAND | Labourer | of Brayford | |
5 November 1826 | Eliza | daughter of | George and Elizabeth LEWORTHY | Labourer | of Popham, North Molton | |
26 November 1826 | William | son of | John and Winifred COMER | Labourer | of Charles | |
1827 | ||||||
21 January 1827 | James | son of | John and Elizabeth HOLLOWAY | Thatcher | of Charles | |
18 February 1827 | Ann | daughter of | John and Sarah HUTCHINS | Shoemaker | of Charles | |
4 March 1827 | John | son of | James and Sarah BOWEN | Labourer | of Charles | |
9 March 1827 | Mary Ann | daughter of | James and Mary DYER | Labourer | of Charles | |
20 May 1827 | Charles | son of | Thomas and Ann KINGDON | Labourer | of Charles | |
1 July 1827 | John | son of | John and Mary TAMLYN | A Farmer's Son | of East Buckland | |
25 November 1827 | Susanna | daughter of | James and Elizabeth HUTCHINS | Carpenter | of Charles | |
11 December 1827 | Maria | daughter of | John and Grace BUCKINGHAM | Farmer | of Charles | |
1828 | ||||||
13 January 1828 | Maria | daughter of | Michael and Elizabeth PASMORE | Farmer | of Charles | |
19 May 1828 | Ann | daughter of | John and Elizabeth HUTCHINS | Carpenter | of Charles | |
25 May 1828 | William | son of | William and Grace SKINNER | Labourer | of Charles | |
12 June 1828 | James | son of | James and Mary DYER | Labourer | of Charles | |
29 June 1828 | Mary | daughter of | John and Mary TAMLYN | A Farmer's Son | of East Buckland | |
27 July 1828 | Grace | daughter of | James and Agnes WEBBER | Labourer | of Charles | |
14 September 1828 | Thomas | son of | John and Hannah LEWIS | Labourer | of Charles | |
26 October 1828 | Elizabeth Davy | daughter of | James and Elizabeth SMYTH | Yeoman | of Charles | Born 13 October 1828 |
30 November 1828 | John | son of | Amos and Susannah ABBOTT | Wool-comber | of North Molton | |
7 December 1828 | Jane | daughter of | James and Mary HUXTABLE | Labourer | of Charles | |
25 December 1828 | Samuel | son of | Matthew and Rebecca KINGDON | Tailor | of Charles | |
1829 | ||||||
22 April 1829 | Mary | daughter of | James and Elizabeth TOTTERDAL | Labourer | of Charles | |
22 June 1829 | John | son of | William and Eleanor JONES | Farmer | of Charles | |
21 July 1829 | Thomas | son of | George Gould and Elizabeth MOGRIDGE | Farmer | of Charles | |
21 July 1829 | Mary | daughter of | George Gould and Elizabeth MOGRIDGE | Farmer | of Charles | |
27 September 1829 | James | son of | John and Grace BUCKINGHAM | Farmer | of Charles | |
1 November 1829 | Elizabeth | daughter of | John and Ann SEAGE | Labourer | of Charles | |
6 December 1829 | James | son of | John and Mary TAMLYN | A Farmer's Son | of East Buckland | |
20 December 1829 | Mary Ann | daughter of | Gregory and Sarah GARDENER | Labourer | of Charles | |
1830 | ||||||
11 April 1830 | Richard | son of | James and Elizabeth HUTCHINS | Carpenter | of Charles | |
11 July 1830 | Henry | son of | Thomas and Ann KINGDON | Labourer | of Charles | |
29 August 1830 | Henry | son of | William and Grace SKINNER | Labourer | of Charles | |
24 October 1830 | Lydia | daughter of | John and Sarah HUTCHINS | Shoemaker | of Charles | |
31 October 1830 | Agnes | daughter of | John and Elizabeth HUTCHINS | Carpenter | of Charles | |
2 December 1830 | Jane | daughter of | James and Elizabeth SMYTH | Yeoman | of Charles | |
1831 | ||||||
13 February 1831 | William | son of | John and Mary TAMLYN | A Farmers Son | of Charles | |
13 March 1831 | James | son of | William and Maria BUCKINGHAM | Farmer | of Charles | |
3 April 1831 | John | son of | Henry and Elizabeth BURGESS | Labourer | of North Molton | |
29 May 1831 | Elizabeth | daughter of | James and Elizabeth TOTTERDAL | Labourer | of Charles | |
12 June 1831 | John | son of | John and Mary CROCKER | Mason | of Charles | |
10 October 1831 | Nicholas | son of | Michael and Elizabeth PASMORE | Farmer | of Charles | |
23 October 1831 | Mary | daughter of | Samuel and Ann BLAKE | Joiner | of Charles | |
6 November 1831 | John | son of | John and Grace BUCKINGHAM | Farmer | of Charles | |
1832 | ||||||
5 February 1832 | Eliza | daughter of | Gregory and Sarah GARDENER | Labourer | of Charles | |
12 February 1832 | Ann | daughter of | Robert and Elizabeth WALTERS | Labourer | of Charles | |
19 February 1832 | Elizabeth | daughter of | James and Elizabeth HUTCHINS | Carpenter | of Charles | |
26 February 1832 | Rebecca | daughter of | Matthew and Rebecca KINGDON | Tailor | of Charles | |
4 March 1832 | Hannah | daughter of | Thomas and Elizabeth LEY | Labourer | of Charles | |
19 August 1832 | Mary | daughter of | John and Ann SEAGE | Labourer | of Charles | |
6 December 1832 | Mary | daughter of | Mr James and Elizabeth SMYTH | Yeoman | of Charles | |
23 December 1832 | Ann | daughter of | Henry and Elizabeth BURGESS | Labourer | of Charles | |
1833 | ||||||
17 February 1833 | William | son of | William and Maria BUCKINGHAM | Farmer | of Charles | |
17 February 1833 | John | son of | John and Elizabeth HUTCHINS | Carpenter | of Charles | |
2 May 1833 | Betsey | daughter of | John and Mary TAMLYN | Farmer | of Tossell's Barton, East Buckland | Admitted into this Church, having been previously baptised at Tossell's Barton, East Buckland |
23 June 1833 | Elizabeth | daughter of | William and Grace SKINNER | Labourer | of Charles | |
24 June 1833 | William | son of | John and Grace CUTLAND | Blacksmith | of Charles | |
24 June 1833 | Christopher | son of | William and Eleanor JONES | Farmer | of Charles | |
11 August 1833 | James | son of | james and Elizabeth TOTTERDAL | Labourer | of Charles | |
12 August 1833 | William | son of | John and Grace BUCKINGHAM | Farmer | of Charles | |
18 August 1833 | Ann | daughter of | John and Hannah LEWIS | Labourer | of Charles | |
17 November 1833 | Agnes | daughter of | John and Sarah HUTCHINS | Shoemaker | of Charles | |
1834 | ||||||
7 May 1834 | Mary | daughter of | John and Mary CROCKER | Mason | of Charles | |
27 July 1834 | Mary | daughter of | James and Elizabeth HUTCHINS | Carpenter | of Charles | |
15 October 1834 | William | son of | James and Elizabeth SMYTH | Yeoman | of Brayford | |
2 November 1834 | John | son of | John and Mary SQUIRE | Labourer | of Charles | |
16 November 1834 | William | son of | Matthew and Rebecca KINGDON | Tailor | of Mount Whistle, Charles | |
1835 | ||||||
6 January 1835 | William | son of | John and Joan SMYTH | Yeoman | of Lane, Charles | |
25 January 1835 | Jane | daughter of | John and Grace CUTLAND | Blacksmith | of Charles | |
14 February 1835 | Mary Ann | daughter of | William and Elizabeth GOULD, jnr | Labourer | of Charles | |
12 April 1835 | William | son of | John and Betty RUDD | Farmer | of Charles | |
28 June 1835 | Mary Jane | daughter of | James and Martha LANGWORTHY | Labourer | of Newtown, Charles | |
19 July 1835 | Eliza | daughter of | John and Ann SEAGE | Labourer | of Charles | |
15 November 1835 | Eliza | daughter of | Robert and Elizabeth WALTERS | Labourer | of Brayford | |
13 December 1835 | William | son of | John and Elizabeth HUTCHINS | Carpenter | of Charles | |
1836 | ||||||
17 January 1836 | James | son of | George and Charity RADLEY | Labourer | of Higherland, Charles | |
24 February 1836 | Dennis | son of | John and Grace BUCKINGHAM | Farmer | of Wilcombe, Charles | |
3 July 1836 | George | son of | William and Susan HOLLOWAY | Thatcher | of Village, Charles | |
6 July 1836 | George | son of | William and Elizabeth GOULD, jnr | Labourer | of Village, Charles | |
2 October 1836 | Philip | son of | John and Mary SQUIRE | Labourer | of Charles | |
9 October 1836 | Betsey | daughter of | John and Betty RUDD | Farmer | of Charles | |
6 November 1836 | Maria | daughter of | John and Mary CROCKER | Mason | of Village, Charles | |
9 November 1836 | Maria | daughter of | George Gould and Elizabeth MOGRIDGE | Farmer | of Charles Barton | |
1837 | ||||||
28 February 1837 | James | son of | James and Elizabeth SMYTH | Yeoman | of Molland, Parish of North Molton | |
20 April 1837 | Katharine | daughter of | John and Grace CUTLAND | Blacksmith | of Village, Charles | |
30 April 1837 | Henry | son of | Matthew and Rebecca KINGDON | Tailor | of Mount Whistle, Charles | |
22 October 1837 | Samuel | son of | John and Grace BUCKINGHAM | Farmer | of Wilcombe, Charles | |
12 November 1837 | Mary | daughter of | Henry and Betsy BURGESS | Labourer | of Walscott, North Molton | |
26 November 1837 | George | son of | John and Ann BLACKFORD | Labourer | of Walscott, North Molton | |
1838 | ||||||
14 February 1838 | Elizabeth | daughter of | James and Catherine Purchase PARTRIDGE | Yeoman | of Stoodley, West Buckland | |
15 March 1838 | William | son of | Robert and Ann MOGRIDGE | Labourer | of Thorne Park | |
18 March 1838 | Mary Jones | daughter of | Nicholas and Elizabeth GOULD | Carpenter | of Newtown, Charles | |
22 April 1838 | Mary | daughter of | William and Ann GARMAN | Labourer | of Hudley Mill | |
6 May 1838 | Sarah | daughter of | William and Mary HOLLOWAY | Thatcher | of Charles Village | |
3 June 1838 | Maria | daughter of | John and Sally HUTCHINS | Shoemaker | of Charles Village | |
25 June 1838 | Sarah Ann | daughter of | William and Susan HOLLOWAY | Thatcher | of Village, Charles | |
7 October 1838 | Sarah | daughter of | James and Sally BOWEN | Labourer | of Mount Whistle, Charles | |
25 December 1838 | George | son of | John and Elizabeth HUTCHINS | Carpenter | of Village, Charles | |
1839 | ||||||
14 February 1839 | Maria | daughter of | James and Martha LANGWORTHY | Labourer | of Newtown, Charles | |
24 February 1839 | John | son of | John and Mary LAVERCOMBE | Labourer | of Yarde Cottages, Stoke Rivers | |
26 May 1839 | William | son of | John and Ann SEAGE | Labourer | of Village, Charles | |
9 June 1839 | John | son of | John and Grace CUTLAND | Blacksmith | of Village, Charles | |
23 June 1839 | Mary | daughter of | Robert and Elizabeth WALTERS | Labourer | of Village, Charles | |
7 July 1839 | William | son of | William and Elizabeth GOULD | Labourer | of Village, Charles | |
30 August 1839 | Eliza | daughter of | Elizabeth and John LEWIS | Labourer | of Newtown, Charles | |
22 September 1839 | John | son of | John and Mary HASKINS | Farmer | of Lane, Charles | |
3 November 1839 | Agness | daughter of | John and Elizabeth BARROW | Farmer | of Lower Shutscombe | |
15 November 1839 | Faith | twin daughter of | James and Elizabeth HUTCHINGS | Carpenter | of Village, Charles | |
15 November 1839 | Charity | twin daughter of | James and Elizabeth HUTCHINGS | Carpenter | of Village, Charles | |
1840 | ||||||
4 April 1840 | Ann | daughter of | John and Ann BLACKFORD | Labourer | of Walscott, North Molton | |
19 April 1840 | Mary | daughter of | John and Phoebe MARSH | Labourer | of Higherland, Charles | |
14 June 1840 | William | son of | William and Ann GARMAN | Labourer | of Molland, Parish of North Molton | |
21 June 1840 | Mary | daughter of | William and Thomasin HUTCHINS | Wheelwright | of Village, Charles | |
5 July 1840 | George | son of | Henry and Elizabeth BURGESS | Labourer | of Walscott, North Molton | |
2 August 1840 | Mary Ann | daughter of | Thomas and Charlotte LEWORTHY | Farmer | of Village, Charles | |
25 October 1840 | Mary | daughter of | John and Mary HASKINS | Farmer | of Lane, Charles | |
8 November 1840 | Thomas | son of | John and Grace BUCKINGHAM | Farmer | of Village, Charles | |
15 November 1840 | James | son of | Henry and Ann RADLEY | Labourer | of Hobb's Tenement, Charles | |
15 November 1840 | James | son of | Matthew and Rebeccah KINGDON | Tailor | of Mount Whistle, Charles | |
1841 | ||||||
14 February 1841 | Charles Edwin | son of | Nicholas and Elizabeth GOULD | Carpenter | of Newtown, Charles | |
28 February 1841 | George | son of | Thomas and Jane ELWORTHY | Roadmaker | of Newtown, Charles | |
11 April 1841 | Charles | son of | James and Sally BOWEN | Labourer | of Mount Whistle, Charles | |
16 May 1841 | Joan | daughter of | John and Ann BLACKFORD | Labourer | of Walscott, North Molton | |
30 May 1841 | John | son of | Thomas and Sarah KINGDON | Labourer | of Hobb's Tenement, Charles | |
21 June 1841 | Susan | daughter of | William and Mary HOLLOWAY | Thatcher | of Village, Charles | |
21 July 1841 | John | son of | John and Elizabeth BARROW | Farmer | of Lower Shutscombe | |
8 August 1841 | William Stevens | son of | John and Elizabeth LEWIS | Labourer | of Village, Charles | |
29 August 1841 | Jane | daughter of | William and Thomasin HUTCHINS | Wheelwright | of Village, Charles | |
20 October 1841 | James | son of | John and Mary CROCKER | Mason | of Village, Charles | |
12 December 1841 | Henry | son of | William and Mary MOGRIDGE | Labourer | of Village, Charles | |
26 December 1841 | George | son of | James and Ann BURGESS | Roadmaker | of Newtown, Turnpike Gate | |
1842 | ||||||
6 February 1842 | Jane | daughter of | Robert and Elizabeth WALTERS | Labourer | of Village, Charles | |
14 February 1842 | Maryann | daughter of | William and Mary SMYTH | Farmer | of Blakewell | This child was privately baptised at Paracombe 21 April 1839 |
9 April 1842 | Rebeccah | twin daughter of | John and Sarah HARPER | Captain of the Marganese Mines | of Village, Charles | |
9 April 1842 | Hannah | twin daughter of | John and Sarah HARPER | Captain of the Marganese Mines | of Village, Charles | |
17 July 1842 | John | son of | John and Elizabeth BARROW | Farmer | of Lower Shutscombe | |
20 July 1842 | George | son of | John and Mary WILKIE | Labourer | of Beard's Tenement, Charles | |
4 September 1842 | George | son of | John and Sally HUTCHINS | Shoemaker | of Village, Charles | |
9 October 1842 | Ann | daughter of | George and Mary HOYLE | Labourer | of Walscott, North Molton | |
11 October 1842 | William | son of | Thomas and Charlotte LEWORTHY | Farmer | of Village, Charles | |
16 October 1842 | Jane | daughter of | John and Grace CUTLAND | Blacksmith | of Village, Charles | |
27 November 1842 | David | son of | Henry and Elizabeth BURGESS | Labourer | of Walscott, North Molton | |
1843 | ||||||
21 January 1843 | Mary Webber | daughter of | John and Mary GREENSLADE | Farmer | of Glebe Farm, Charles | |
13 March 1843 | Mary Ann | daughter of | Abraham and Ann MOGRIDGE | Schoolmaster | of Village, Charles | |
13 March 1843 | William | son of | Thomas and Jane ELWORTHY | Labourer | of Newtown, Charles | |
23 March 1843 | Sarah Ann | daughter of | William and Ann SEAGE | Labourer | of Hobb's Tenement, Charles | |
11 June 1843 | Harriott | daughter of | James and Ann BURGESS | Roadmaker | of Newtown, Turnpike House | |
18 June 1843 | George | son of | Henry and Ann RADLEY | Labourer | of Higherland, Charles | |
30 July 1843 | Henry | son of | James and Sally BOWEN | Labourer | of Mount Whistle, Charles | |
6 August 1843 | Elizabeth | daughter of | William and Ann GARMAN | Labourer | of Molland, Parish of North Molton | |
6 August 1843 | Elizabeth | daughter of | William and Thomasin HUTCHINS | Wheelwright | of Village, Charles | |
10 September 1843 | James | son of | William and Mary HOLLOWAY | Thatcher | of Village, Charles | |
19 November 1843 | John | son of | George and Elizabeth HUTCHINS | Carpenter | of Village, Charles | |
10 December 1843 | Hannah | daughter of | John and Elizabeth LEWIS | Labourer | of Village, Charles | |
31 December 1843 | Henry | son of | John and Ann BLACKFORD | Labourer | of Walscott, North Molton | |
1844 | ||||||
10 March 1844 | Thomas | son of | Richard and Grace GARMAN | Labourer | of Brayford | Born in May 1835 |
10 March 1844 | Richard | son of | Richard and Grace GARMAN | Labourer | of Brayford | Born in June 1837 |
10 March 1844 | Henry | son of | Richard and Grace GARMAN | Labourer | of Brayford | Born in November 1839 |
10 March 1844 | Sarah | daughter of | Richard and Grace GARMAN | Labourer | of Brayford | Born in May 1842 |
17 March 1844 | Ann | daughter of | John and Mary CROCKER | Mason | of Village, Charles | |
23 June 1844 | Mary | daughter of | Thomas and Mary HILL | Gamekeeper | of Hudley Mill | |
14 July 1844 | Elizabeth | daughter of | John and Sarah HARPER | Captain of the Marganese Mines | of Village, Charles | |
14 July 1844 | Ellen | daughter of | John and Sarah HARPER | Captain of the Marganese Mines | of Village, Charles | |
21 July 1844 | Grace | bastard daughter of | Susan LEWORTHY | Servant | of Village, Charles | |
11 August 1844 | Elizabeth | daughter of | John and Elizabeth BARROW | Farmer | of Lower Shutscombe | |
2 October 1844 | Susan | daughter of | Thomas and Charlotte LEWORTHY | Farmer | of Village, Charles | |
17 November 1844 | John | son of | John [lately deceased] and Sarah SEAGE, junior | Labourer | late of Gunn, in Swimbridge | |
21 November 1844 | John | son of | John and Mary GREENSLADE | Farmer | of Glebe Farm, Charles | |
15 December 1844 | Daniel | son of | Thomas and Jane ELWORTHY | Labourer | of Newtown | |
1845 | ||||||
12 January 1845 | Richard | son of | John and Elizabeth HUTCHINS | Carpenter | of Village, Charles | |
9 March 1845 | John | son of | John and Mary WILKEY | Labourer | of Mount Whistle, Charles | |
23 March 1845 | William | son of | John and Thomasin COMER | Servant | of Blackmore's Tenement, Charles | |
23 March 1845 | Richard | son of | George and Jane HUTCHINS | Carpenter | of Village, Charles | |
13 April 1845 | Edith | daughter of | Charles and Harriot GOULD | Shoemaker | of Hill Close, High Bray | |
25 May 1845 | Charles Blackmore | son of | James and Ann BURGESS | Roadmaker | of Newtown Turnpike Gate | |
1 June 1845 | Susan | daughter of | William and Mary LEWORTHY | Mason | of Eardley's Tenement, Charles | |
17 August 1845 | Thomas | son of | William and Tomasin HUTCHINS | Wheelwright | of Village, Charles | |
13 July 1845 | Sarah | daughter of | George and Mary HOILE | Labourer | of Village, Charles | |
5 September 1845 | Mary | daughter of | John and Mary BAKER | Farmer | of Lower Shutscombe | |
28 September 1845 | Eliza HUTCHINS | an adult | Wife of George HUTCHINS, junior | Carpenter | of Village, Charles | |
7 December 1845 | James | son of | Richard and Grace GARMAN | Labourer | of Brayford | |
7 December 1845 | Isaac | son of | John and Grace CUTLAND | Blacksmith | of Village, Charles | |
14 December 1845 | William | son of | Henry and Ann RADLEY | Labourer | of Higherland, Charles | |
1846 | ||||||
25 January 1846 | William | son of | Thomas and Mary HILL | Gamekeeper | of Hudley Mill | |
8 February 1846 | George | son of | Thomas and Charlotte LEWORTHY | Farmer | of Village, Charles | |
15 February 1846 | Edwin | son of | James and Sally BOWEN | Labourer | of Mount Whistle, Charles | |
30 April 1846 | William Henry | son of | William and Mary SMYTH | Farmer | of Blakewell | |
17 May 1846 | Emma | daughter of | James and Ann BURGESS | Roadmaker | of Newtown Turnpike Gate | |
31 May 1846 | Ann | daughter of | John and Ann BLACKFORD | Labourer | of Molland Cross, in North Molton | |
23 June 1846 | Elizabeth Widlake | daughter of | Ann MOGRIDGE | Servant | of Charles Village | |
13 September 1846 | Thomas | son of | William and Ann GARMAN | Farmer | of Molland Cross, in North Molton | |
20 September 1846 | George | son of | John and Sarah HARPER | Captain of the Marganese Mines | of Village, Charles | |
23 September 1846 | Ann | daughter of | John and Mary GREENSLADE | Farmer | of Glebe Farm, Charles | |
22 November 1846 | Susan | daughter of | George and Eliza HUTCHINS | Carpenter | of Village, Charles | |
6 December 1846 | Maryann | daughter of | William and Mary HOLLOWAY | Thatcher | of Village, Charles | |
13 December 1846 | Jane | daughter of | John and Eliza SUMMERS | Labourer | of Walscott, North Molton | |
1847 | ||||||
3 January 1847 | Grace | daughter of | William and Thomasin HUTCHINS | Wheelwright | of Village, Charles | |
10 January 1847 | Francis James | son of | Abraham and Ann MOGRIDGE | Labourer | of Village, Charles | |
24 January 1847 | George | son of | George and Jane HUTCHINS | Labourer | of Village, Charles | |
27 June 1847 | John | son of | John and Sally HUTCHINS | Shoemaker | of Village, Charles | |
19 September 1847 | James | son of | John and Mary WILKEY | Labourer | of Mount Whistle, Charles | |
7 November 1847 | Susan | daughter of | Robert and Elizabeth WALTERS | Labourer | of Village, Charles | |
14 November 1847 | Thomas | son of | Thomas and Mary HILL | Gamekeeper | of Hudley Mill | |
21 November 1847 | Susan | daughter of | John and Mary BAKER | Farmer | of Lower Shutscombe | |
1848 | ||||||
23 January 1848 | Samuel | son of | Richard and Grace GARMAN | Labourer | of Brayford | |
23 January 1848 | Jane | daughter of | James and Ann BURGESS | Roadmaker | of Newtown Turnpike Gate | |
7 May 1848 | John | son of | George and Mary HOILE | Labourer | of Newtown | |
12 July 1848 | George Edwin | son of | William and Mary SMYTH | Farmer | of Blakewill | |
30 July 1848 | Thomas | son of | John and Elizabeth HUTCHINS | Carpenter | of Village, Charles | |
6 August 1848 | Elizabeth | daughter of | Henry and Ann RADLEY | Farmer | of Higherland, Charles | |
9 August 1848 | Richard | son of | John and Mary GREENSLADE | Farmer | of Glebe Farm, Charles | |
20 August 1848 | William | son of | William and Mary LEWORTHY | Mason | of Eardley's Tenement, Charles | |
15 October 1848 | Joseph | son of | William and Thomasin HUTCHINS | Wheelwright | of Village, Charles | |
1849 | ||||||
11 February 1849 | John | son of | Richard and Betsy SMITH | Carpenter and Labourer | of Newtown Turnpike Gate | |
4 March 1849 | Betsy | daughter of | Thomas and Charlotte LEWORTHY | Labourer | of Village, Charles | |
8 April 1849 | John | son of | John and Mary BAKER | Farmer | of Lower Shutscombe | |
5 August 1849 | Eliza | daughter of | William and Mary HOLLOWAY | Thatcher | of Village, Charles | |
23 September 1849 | Priscilla | daughter of | John and Mary HARPER | Mining Captain | of Village, Charles | |
14 October 1849 | Mary Jane | daughter of | George and Eliza HUTCHINS | Carpenter | of Village, Charles | |
25 December 1849 | Eliza Hutchins | daughter of | Ann and John BLACKFORD | Labourer | of Village, Charles | |
1850 | ||||||
27 January 1850 | Maryann | daughter of | Michael and Elizabeth PASMORE | Labourer | of Village, Charles | |
3 February 1850 | Edwyn | son of | John and Grace CUTLAND | Blacksmith | of Village, Charles | |
3 February 1850 | Maryann | daughter of | John and Mary WILKEY | Labourer | of Mount Whistle, Charles | |
3 February 1850 | John Crocker | son of | William and Elizabeth MARTIN | Mason | of Village, Charles | |
1 August 1850 | Eleanor | daughter of | William and Mary SMYTH | Farmer | of Blakewill | |
5 August 1850 | Elizabeth | daughter of | John and Mary GREENSLADE | Farmer | of Glebe Farm, Charles | |
21 August 1850 | William Henry | son of | John and Maryann LOOSEMORE | Yeoman | of Higher Shutscombe | |
25 August 1850 | Ann | daughter of | George and Jane HUTCHINS | Labourer | of Village, Charles | |
13 October 1850 | James | son of | Richard and Betsy SMITH | Farmer | of Newtown |