


Index to


A Town Apart


Iain Rice

Halsgrove Press, 2002

Index prepared by Frances Radford

Acre, 29
Adley Lane, 71
Adley, 46
Aggett, James, 113
Aggett, John, 76, 113
Aggett, William, 72, 114
Ainsley, Mary, 77
Allen, George, 109, 110, 148
Amery, Charles, 107, 108
Amery, Mr., 132
Amery, Thomas, 124
Angler's Rest, 138
Arden, Major W., 130
Armstrong, Robin, 153
Arscott's, 139
Bailey's Hey, 106
Baker's Arms, The, 28, 113, 116
Ball, Mr. J., 128, 132
Ball, Thomas, 113, 124
Batworthy in the Moor, 46, 62, 70
Batworthy Mill, 40
Batworthy, 33, 40, 46, 113, 153
Bayley's Hey, 145
Beard, Tony, 146
Beechlands, 46
Beere, Richard, 65
Beetor Bridge, 38
Beetor Farm, 46
Bellacouch, 46, 127, 149
Bennet's Cross, 57, 93
Bennett, George, 125
Bennett, Tim, 77
Bennett, William, Alfred, 87
Bennie, Lawrence, 77
Berry Mill, 41
Berry, Freddy, 155
Berry, John, 28, 79
Berry, Mr., 41, 42, 68, 79, 111, 126, 141, 143
Beverley, 16, 136
Bint, Ruth, 77
Birch Tor Mine, 64, 67, 68
Bishop's House & Orchard, 46
Bishop's House, 20, 29
Blackaton Brook, 43
Blacksmith's Cottage, 71
Blanchford, Mr., 128
Bolt & Co., 41
Bond, Mr., 83
Border, Reg, 109
Bowden's Forge, 126
Bowden's Shop, 4, 20, 43, 71, 104, 117
Bowden's Vulcan Ironworks, 112
Bowden, James, 114, 124
Bowers Park, 133
Bowles, Will, 77
Bray, PC William, 131
Brely, John, 113
Brentor, 153
Brewer, Thomas, 114
Briarfield, 116
Brimblecombe Family, 71
Brimblecombe, Councillor, 132
Brimblecombe, Jim, 77
Brimblecombe, William, 113
Brimstone Down Farm, 46, 89
British Legion Hall, 83
Broadhalls, 46
Brock, Elizabeth, 113
Bromell, Mr. A. W., 61
Broomhill, 131
Broomhil Lane, 71
Buda, 30, 46 48
Buffalo's Hall & Cottages, 21
Buller's Arms, The, 28, 113, 116
Buller, Sir Redvers, 28, 116
Burgess, Victor, 116
Burrows, George, 109
Burrows, William, 113, 114, 116
Butt, Ray, 110
Callard, John, 27, 113
Cann, Bob, 128, 132
Cann, Mr., 18
Cann, William, 111
Cannon House, 25
Castle Drogo, 136, 146, 151
Central Private Hotel, 114, 141
Chagford Bridge, 28, 36, 37, 40, 41, 66, 68, 90, 143
Chagford Commons, 33, 57, 67
Chagford Farm, 45
Chagford Galleries, 116
Chagford Gasworks, 69
Chagford House 13, 78, 79, 147
Chagford Infants School, 8, 80, 81
Chagford Newtake, 33
Chagford Parochial School, 80
Chagford Primary School, 86, 87
Chagford Rectory, 78
Chagford Secondary School, 84
Chagford Square, 4, 7, 18, 19, 20, 21, 25, 43, 71, 78, 98, 100, 103, 105, 106, 117, 134, 143, 146
Chapples, 112
Chard Family, 116
Chard, Bill, 155
Chudleigh George, 113
Church House, 24, 78
Church Stile Cottage, 24
Claremont, 28
Cleake, John, 65
Coe & Amery, 106, 107, 108, 116, 146
Coe, Arthur, 106, 107
Coleridge, John, 155
Collihole, 46
Collin's Store, 114, 117, 155
Collins' Butcher Shop, 19
Collins' Fine New Shop, 18
Collins' Grocery Store, 19, 27
Collins' Penny Library, 115
Collins, George 114
Collins, James, 71, 113, 114
Collins, John, 77, 113
Collins, R. G. (Dick), 71
Collins, the butcher, 117
Collins, William & Co Supply Stores, 71
Collins, William, 116
Coniam Family, 62
Coniam, T. T., 124
Coombe, 33, 153
Coombe, East, 45, 46, 48, 50, 55, 56, 62, 154
Coombe, West, 46, 54, 61, 62, 154
Cooper, Henry, 114
Corndon, 46, 55, 89
Corndon, Higher, 48
Courtyard Café & Shop, 72
Cousins Claude (Ginger), 125
Cranbrook, 153
Cranley Gardens, 21
Cranley House, 42
Crannafords, 107
Crockern Tor, 65
Cross Park, 127
Cross Tree, 98, 127
Crosse Park, 66, 96, 155
Crossing, William, 136
Crossways, 91
Crown Iron Works, 71, 72, 111, 116
Curzon, William, 113
Cut Hill, 33
Dartmoor Lodge, 25, 26, 101, 116, 153
Daymond, Nick, 149
de Chagford, Henry, 119
de Wibberi Family, 119
de Wibberi, Simon, 119
Denham, William H., 101
Denham, William, 116
Dennis Park, 7, 30, 127, 129, 131, 132
Densham, Mr., 25, 153
Denshams, 136
des Clayes, June, 153
Dial House, 71
Dicker, J. & W., 113
Doggamarsh, 36, 41, 46, 65, 90, 146, 151
Down Park, 46
Downes, 46, 89
Drewe Arms, 13
Drewe, Julius, 13
Drewsteignton, 13
Drewsteignton Coombe, 153
Drewston Cross, 91
Druid's Arms, 13
Druid's Well, 13
Duchy of Cornwall, 62
Duke of Cornwall, 60
Dunks, J.C., 87
Dyke, John, 131
Dymond, Mary, 87
Eaglehurst, 129, 143
Early, W., 114
Eastholme, 91
Easton, 90, 111, 119
Easton Cross, 91, 96, 107, 113
Ebeneezer Gospel Hall, 21, 79
Egan, Suzanne, 87
Ellis Family, 62, 67, 118, 144
Ellis, Henry, 114
Ellis, Mrs., 132, 133
Ellis, Samuel, 113
Ellis, W. H., 71
Ellis, William, 60, 80, 124
Endacott Family, 122
Endacott House, 80, 83, 106
Endacott, Jago, 77
Endacott, Julia, 76
Endicott, John, 86
Endicott, William Crowninshield, 86
Eveleigh, Master Nicholas, 65
Factory, 40, 41, 42, 111
Factory, Blanket, 42, 69, 83
Factory Bridge, 36
Factory Cross, 41, 42, 50, 69
Factory, Higher, 69
Factory, Lower, 42, 68, 69, 96, 97, 128, 139
Faulkener, Ralph, 83, 86, 87
Featherbed Lane, 89, 138
Ferndale, 16, 136
Fernleigh, 16, 127
Fernworthy Stone Circle, 10
Fernworthy, 12, 33, 153
Fernworthy Bridge, 33, 35
Fernworthy Dam, 34, 36
Fernworthy Down 34
Fernworthy Farm, 36, 46
Fernworthy Forest, 10, 33
Fernworthy Lake, 35
Fernworthy Newgate, 36
Fernworthy Reservoir, 34
Fernworthy Sacred Circle, 10
Fingle, 138
Fingle Bridge, 138, 139, 143
Fishleigh, Sam, 92
Fitzpatrick, Wilf, 103
Flood, Hilda, 77
Flood, Mr., 129
Flood, William, 113
Footaway, 67
Ford Park, 92, 136
Frenchbeer Farm, 33, 46, 62, 89
Froud, Brian, 153
Froud, Wendy, 153
Furlong, 41, 91, 136
Gaillard-Bunde, Michael, 78
Gale's Shop, 23
Gale, Joseph, 113
Garrett, Tim, 108
Garrish, Mr., 133
Garrish, W. & J., 114
George, David, 79
Gibbons, William, 113
Gidleigh, 139
Gidleigh Park Hotel, 145
Gidleigh Park, 40, 136, 142
Gidleigh Steps, 36
Gidleigh Woods, 36
Gidley, Bartholomew, 113
Gilbert, William, 113
Glendarah, 127
Globe Hotel, 21, 24, 76, 106, 107, 113, 116, 126, 139, 140
Golden Dagger Mine, 68
Goodchild, Francis, 153
Gooding's Garage, 116
Gray's Shop, 25, 112, 115
Gray, Beatrice, 112
Gray, Henry, 112
Gray, Mr., 25
Great Tree, 46, 61, 62, 122
Great Weeke Consols, 67
Great Weeke Farm, 67
Great Weeke Mine, 67
Great Weeke, 73, 89, 90, 91, 119
Greatastones, 44, 46
Green, Mr., 42
Greenacres, 136
Gregory's Court & Forge, 20, 28, 112, 113
Gregory, Samuel, 113
Hallet's, 112, 115
Hames Family, 62
Hanson, Philip F., 114
Harding, Gerald, 116
Hardings, 112
Harvey, William, 113
Hatherleigh, George, 113
Haws, Edward, 77
Hayter Family, 62
Hayter-Hames Family, 78, 106, 118
Hayter-Hames, George, 126, 133
Hayter-Hames, Mrs., 76, 80
Hayter-Hames, Noel, 78
Hayter-Hames, Revd Colville, 78, 124
Hayter-Hames, Revd Hayter George, 43, 69, 76, 80, 94, 95, 124, 126, 129, 135, 136, 137
Hayter-Hames, Sir George, 18, 62
Haytor Granite Railway, 90
Headland Warren, 55
Headon & Holmes, Messrs, 116
Heard, Mary-Ane, 113
Heathe Cottage, Yeo, 87
Hext, Mark, 110
Highbury, 72
Hill's Bakery, 29
Hill, Frank, 72, 111, 116
Hill, Maurice, 45, 50, 51, 154
Hill, Mr., 127
Hill, Peter, 121
Hill, Samuel, 111
Hillhead, 60
Hillsborough, 107, 108
Hingsdon Down, 65
Hole, 46, 48
Holly, 60
Holmes, C. & Sons, 101
Holmes, Mary, 113
Holmes, Robert, 113
Holt, Pixie, 116
Holy Street, 32, 36, 37, 40, 41, 42, 46, 60, 68, 71, 72, 88, 89, 91, 92, 96, 113, 118, 138
Holy Street Manor, 70, 136, 139
Holy Street Mill, 32, 36, 39, 40
Hooper's, 116
Hooper Family, 62, 122
Hooper, John, 111, 113
Hore Hill, 127, 129, 132
Horselake, 46
Huchings, Fanny, 60
Hughes, Percy, 108
Huish, 126
Hunt, John, 122
Hunt, Miss C. M., 116
Hurston, 33, 46
Hurston Ridge, 51, 57, 89
Hutchings Family, 155
Hutchings, Doreen, 154
Hutchings, Fred, 51
Hutchings, Jack, 154
Infant School, 8
Ingledene, 16
James, David, 125
Jeffrey, A. W., 101
Jeffrey, Alf, 124
Jeffries, John, 113
Jewell, Ron, 84
Jordan, John, 146
Jurston, 46, 48, 89, 126
Kennon Hill, 32
Kester Down, 88
Kestor, 12, 89, 123, 138, 145
King's Arms Inn, The, 21, 113, 114, 136, 141
Kirtley, Arthur, 116
Knapman, James, 114
Knapman, Mary, 113
Knowle's House, 30
Knowles, 71
Ladysmith, 28
Lake, Ruth, 77, 155
Lakeland, 33
Lamb Park, 6
Lammacraft, Karen, 77
Langstone, The, 123
Lapford Mill, 72
Leach's Cottages, 113
Lee, Alan, 153
Leigh, 33, 36, 46, 89
Leigh Bridge, 32, 33, 36, 43, 89, 91, 138
Lester, Hannah, 77
Leter, Amy, 77
Lettaford, 38, 48, 89
Lewis' Dairy, 6
Lewis Family, 103
Lewis, George, 113, 114
Lewis, Henry 116
Lewtas, Stephen, 125
Ley, Revd G. H., 81
Lich Way, 90
Linden Spinney, 132
Lingcombe Farm, 46
Lloyd's Bank, 18, 71, 116, 117
Long Park, 127
Longman, W., 114
Luscombe, John, 113
Lyddon, Arthur, 116, 140
Lyddon, Edward, 113
Lyddon, George, 11r
Lyddon, John, 113
Lyddon, William, 114
Lydford, 62
Lydstone, 21, 113, 141
MacAdam, John, 91
Maddicott Family, 99, 139
Magna Hill, 32
Mais, S. P. B., 153
Mallett, Norman, 125
Manor House, 108
Manor of Chagford, 60
Manor of Lydford, 62
Mariner's Way, 36, 38, 89
Mariott, Diana, 77
Market Cross, 78
Market House, 17, 18, 19, 26, 105, 118, 121, 124, 148
Martin, Mary, 153
McIntyre, Helen, 77
Meacombe, 94
Meldon Common, 30, 132
Meldon Hall, 13, 114, 136
Meldon Hill House, 30, 136
Meldon Hill, 7, 13, 33, 48, 55, 71, 89, 126, 129, 139, 153
Meldon House, 126
Meredith, Avril, 31
Merrifield, Arthur, 116
Metherall, 34, 46, 89, 153
Metherall, Down, 34
Methodist Chapel, 6, 28, 79
Middlecott, 13, 45, 46, 48, 90, 102, 119
Middlecott, Higher, 46, 48, 154, 155
Middledown, 153
Middleton, John, 113
Middleweek, Mr., 18
Middlewick, Reginald, 116
Miles, Thomas, 113
Mill Bridge, 32
Mill End Hotel, 141
Mill Pond, 41
Millaton, 79
Miller's Bakery, 27
Millponds, 68
Monte Rosa, 6, 21, 71, 114, 129, 131, 136
Moor Park Hotel, 21, 114, 136
Moorgate, 38
Moorlands, 126, 136
Moorlands Hotel, 6, 28, 68, 69, 141
Moortown, 146
Morecambe, Mrs., 116
Morecombe, Mr., 126
Morgan, Arthur, 108
Morgan, Charles, 108
Morish, William, 113
Morrish, Wiliam S., 114
Morrish, William, 153
Mortimer, Ivan, 61
Mortimer, William, 61
Mortimore Family, 51, 155
Mortimore, Gordon, 53, 57
Mortimore, Ivan, 52, 54, 57, 146, 154
Mortimore, Joyce, 144, 154
Mortimore, Julie, 53
Mortimore, Mary, 146
Murch, George, 111, 113
Murch, Mr., 114
Murchington Farm, 36, 46
Murleigh, 116, 127
Narrow Bridge, 36, 94
Narrowbridge House, 128
National Provincial Bank, 116
Nattadon, 44, 46, 47, 48, 126, 132,
Nattadon Common, 126, 132
Nattadon Hill, 14, 20, 30, 33, 79, 127, 139, 153
Nattadon House, 79
New Rectory, 71
Newst, 84
Newtake Farm, 153
Nichols, 112
North Teign, 32, 33, 36, 142
Northcote, Richard, 113
Northfield Garage, 102, 116
Northill, 33, 45, 46, 62, 89
Northill Lane, 88, 89
Northway Family, 48, 155
Northway, Edith, 155
Northway, Ernest, 154, 155
Northway, Joan, 154
Northway, John, 102
Northway, Mrs., 155
Old Forge Café, 71, 111, 116
Old Walls, 126
Omerod's, 116
Orchard Farm, 21, 31, 131
Orchard Farmhouse, 21
Orchard Meadow, 21, 31, 131
Orchard Terrace, 21
Osborne, H. J. & Son, 108
Osborne, John, 114, 124, 125
Osborne, Messrs H.J., 97
Osborne, Mr., 98
Outer Down, 46, 71, 92, 136
Padley, 131, 151
Padley Brook, 41, 68, 69, 126, 131
Padley Common, 30, 44, 132, 139, 145
Palmer, James, 113
Pankhurst, Mrs., 81
Parely Hill, 133
Parish Almshouse, 84
Parish Assembly Rooms, 71
Parker, Bernard, 143
Parsons, Ernest, 116
Parsons, Mark, 116
Pearce, Alf, 124
Pearce, Thomas, 113
Pearse, Frank G., 27, 103, 116
Pearse, Thomas, 113
Penrose, Thomas, 113
Pepperdon Mine, 68
Perrot's, 117
Perrot & Sons, 114
Perrot, James, 19, 43, 113, 136
Perrot, William, 114
Perryman Family, 62
Perryman, John, 113
Perryman, Wallace, 42
Perryman, William, 80, 124
Philpotts, Eden, 136, 153
Pidgeon, Ivor, 125
Pike, James, 113
Pleace, John, 71, 125
Police House, 29
Post Inn, 92
Post Office, 7, 8, 17, 24, 25, 26, 27, 92, 93, 108, 109, 110, 113, 116, 140
Postbridge, 65
Powning, Richard
Pratt, Eliza, 113
Pratt, Elizabeth, 7, 108
Prior, Miss, 154
Prouz Family, 78
Puggiestones, 136
Purves, Dr. John Archibald, 43
Quintatown, 126, 129
Rack Park, 40, 42, 68
Ramsley Mine, 68
Reed, George, 112
Reed, Mr. G. H., 42, 69
Reed, Mr. M 128
Reed, Mr., 124, 153
Reed, R., 6
Rendell & Sawdye, 97, 108, 116
Rendell, Arthur, 108
Rendells, Messrs, 107
Rex Cinema, 71, 126, 139
Reynolds, Graham, 87
Rhill, Fred, 108
Rhill, Harry, 108
Rice, Alan, 125
Rice, Charlie, 125
Rice, Hetty, 31, 153
Rice, Iain, 125
Rice, Jack, 77, 99, 110, 153
Rice, Les, 148
Rice, Percy, 76, 77
Ring O'Bells, The, 19, 105, 113, 114, 116
River Bovey, 33, 36, 38
River Teign, 7, 17, 33, 38, 40, 43, 62, 68, 131, 139
Rock House, 21, 29, 97, 98, 108, 116 146
Rolle Estate, 62
Rose Cottage, 6, 28
Rowe's Bakery, 27
Royal Oak Inn, 17, 19, 22, 23, 113, 114
Rudge, Lawson, 153
Rushford, 6, 7, 12, 33, 36, 40, 41, 43, 44, 46, 73 91, 94, 106, 111, 113, 119, 129, 137, 138, 145, 146, 151, 152
Rushford Barton, 91, 126, 153
Rushford Bridge, 36
Rushford Hill, 13
Rushford Mill, 6, 36, 39, 40, 41, 69, 91, 129, 153
Sampson, Robert, 121
Sandsgate, 90
Sandy Park, 41, 90, 91, 126
Sandy Park Mill, 41
Saunders, 71
Saunders & Rowe, 111, 112
Saunders, J., 113
Sawdye, John, 108
Scorhill, 33, 153
Scor Hill Sacred Circle, 10
Scorhill House, 139
Scott, John, 113, 114
Shambles, 17
Shapley, 6, 38, 45, 46, 52, 53, 55, 57, 58, 59, 63, 89, 119, 146, 155
Shapley, Higher, 9, 51, 55, 56, 58, 59, 144, 154
Shapley, Lower, 59
Sheridan, Michael, Mick, 109, 110
Shields, Matthew, 77
Shilley Pool, 145
Shilstone, 5, 6
Shilstone Barton, 5
Short, Caleb, 80, 81, 82, 87
Short, Eleanor, 80, 81
Short, William, 80, 86, 87
Shovel Down, 51
Sickert, Walter, 153
Sidcombe, 7
Sittaford, 33
Sittaford Tor, 34
Smardon, Councillor, 133
Smith, George, 81, 82 83, 86, 87
Smith, H. A., 85
South Teign, 32, 33, 36, 38, 40, 89
South Teign Valley, 48, 153
South Zeal, Mine, 68
Southcombe House, 29
Southill, 46, 62, 143
Spiller, Mr., 143
Spinsters Rock, 5, 11
Splatt's Dairy, 23
Sprague, George, 55
Square, Lower, 25, 26, 27, 28, 59, 93, 101, 112, 116, 148
Square, Upper, 17, 22
Squire, Ray, 77
St. John's, 136
St. Katherine's Hall, 8, 83, 84, 86, 106, 133
St. Michael's Church, 46, 67, 73 74, 75, 78, 119, 122
Stanbury, Dick, 77
Stanbury, Margaret, 103
Stanbury, Richard, 124
Stannery Close, 97
Steven's Garage, 116
Stiniel, 46, 48, 72, 130
Stiniel Bridge, 38
Stiniel Common, 46
Stiniel Down, 38
Stiniel Farm, 46
Stone's Factory, 29
Stone, Ann, 113
Stone, John, 113
Stone, Nathaniel, 101, 113
Stone, William, 114, 124
Stoneman, William, 111
Stones, 69, 70, 71, 110
Stones Family, 79
Stoodley, Graham, 125
Stott, John, 113
Strand, The, 4, 7, 23
Tapper, PC Cyril, 131
Tarr, John, 113
Teign Gorge, 16, 138, 139, 153
Teign Marsh, 96
Teign Valley, 36, 56, 138
Teign View House, 94
Teign View, 128, 153
Teigncombe, 45, 46, 62, 73, 88, 119, 138
Teignever, 10, 33, 36, 145
Teignhead, 12, 33, 34
Teignhead Clapper, 36
Teignhead Farm, 32, 68
Teignhead Moorgate, 34
Teignhead Newstake, 36
Teignview, 6
Teignworthy, 33, 46, 62, 71, 92, 136
Telegraph Room, 26
Thomas', 139
Thomas, A. E., 99, 116
Thomas, Richard, 77
Thorn, 46, 48, 62, 90
Thorn's Saddlery, 24
Thorn Family, 102, 108, 139
Thorn Hilary, 137
Thorn, Anne, 54, 110, 139, 144
Thorn, Arthur, 110
Thorn, Betty, 110
Thorn, Douglas
Thorn, Douglas, 82, 110, 150, 152, 153
Thorn, Esther, 113
Thorn, John, 110, 113
Thorn, Lillian, 99, 110, 140
Thorn, R.H., 156
Thorn, Reginald, R., 110
Thorn, Robert Hole, 39, 110
Thorn, Robert, 124
Thorne, Betty, 154
Thorne, Reginal R., 154
Thornworthy, 33, 136
Thornworthy Tor, 35
Three Cannons Pub, The, 25, 116
Three Crowns Hotel, 4, 8, 20, 22, 23, 24, 46, 65, 74, 76, 105, 106, 113, 116, 134, 136, 141
Tolmen Stone, 33
Town Meadow, 131
Tregare, 28, 116
Trick, Jim, 114
Tunnaford, 46 89
Turnlake, 29, 127, 128
Tyke, Mr., 27
Underhill, Councillors, 132
Underhill, Richard Dunning, 124
Underhill, Thirza, 113
Underhill, William, 113, 114
Uppacott, 46
Upper Teign, 12
Vander Steen, Allen, 68
Vicary, Mr., 69
Viccary, Mr., 111
Vitifer Mine, 64, 67, 68
Vulcan Iron Works 71, 72, 114, 117
Walker, C. E. R., 61
Walla Brook Bridge, 10
Walla Brook, 153
Walter, John, 113
Warren House Inn, 57, 64, 67
Waye, 60, 132, 144
Waye Barton, 16, 46, 80, 118, 126
Waye Cross, 60
Waye Down, 46
Waye Hill, 48, 68, 69, 89
Webber's Field, 106
Webber's Shop, 4, 100, 104, 114, 117
Webber, Mike, 77
Weddicott, 46
Weddicott, Lower, 116
Week Down, 67, 89, 90
Weeke Common, 46
Weeke Farm, 44, 46
Weekes, Bert, 71
Weekes, Fred, 71
Weekes, John, 122
Weekes, Will, 71
Westcott House, 71
Westcott, 46
Whidden Down, 45, 92, 142, 146
Whiddon Family, 62
Whiddon House, 46
Whiddon Park, 153
Whipton, Revd A., 60
White, Will, 51, 55
Whiteabury, 44, 46, 113
Whyddon Family, 23, 76
Widgery, F. J., 153
Wilcocks, Sam, 109
Williams, Freda, 85
Williams, Pearl, 85
Williams, Phil, 78
Wills, 62
Withecombe, 7, 44, 46, 90, 114, 122, 146, 153
Wonnacott, 'Dar', 53
Wonnacott, Albert, 51, 52, 57, 155
Wonnacott, Alfred, 57, 63
Wonnacott, Arthur, 59, 60, 61
Wonnacott, Cyril, 51, 55
Wonnacott, Dorothy, 53
Wonnacott, Fanny, 57, 155
Wonnacott, Harold, 51, 63
Wonnacott, Joe, 51
Wonnacott, Mary, 51, 53, 57, 145
Wonnacott, Pearl, 57
Wonnacott, Vera, 53, 57
Wray Valley, 94
Wyke St. Mary, 73
Yardworthy, 33, 48, 60, 62, 89, 154
Yelfords Farm, 46
Yellam, 46
Yellands, 46
Yeo Bridge, 38
Yeo, 33, 36, 46, 47, 113
Yeo Mill, 38, 40, 42
Youds, 112
Youldon, 90