


Name Index


The Antient Sepulchral Effigies and Monumental and Memorial Sculpture of Devon


W.H. Hamilton Rogers, FSA

Printed for the author by William Pollard. Exeter, 1877, 392 pp.

Prepared by Michael Steer

Rogers was a prolific author and lecturer on a wide range of antiquarian and genealogical topics. His book, written at Colyton, covers monumental memorials in both North and South Devon. It results from two Papers read, before the Exeter Diocesan Architectural Society, on "The Sepulchral Effigies in the Parish Churches of Devon, together with Notices of other Monumental and Memorial Sculpture found in the County," the first on 6th December, 1866, the other 23rd July, 1874, and afterwards printed in their Transactions. The pedigrees of feudal Devon's rich and famous are necessarily convoluted since for dynastic reasons the powerful land-owning families were highly interrelated. A very complete Appendix (pages 371- 392) provides a large number of family trees as well as line drawing of the monuments and effigies cited in the main text of the volume. This book is a reproduction of an original held at the University of Toronto Library. It was digitised in 2007 and can be downloaded via the search engine at: https://archive.org/details/ancientsepulchra00rogeuoft
MSN, in partnership with a number of public libraries has sought to make more widely accessible, old, hard-to-get books on which copyright has expired.


Abbot, Prudence200
Abbot, William200
Acland, Arthur245
Ackland, Alice301
Ackland, Baldwin301
Ackland family (Acland)301, 357
Ackland, Joan301
Acres, Princess Joan of360
Adeston family293, 296-7
Albrincis, Hawise de102
Alston, Elizabeth320
Alston family320
Alston, William320
Alured, Joel son of251
Andrew family30
Andrew, Mayor261
Andrews family22
Anne, Queen124, 360
Anne (Queen of James I)212
Antage family204
Appleton family269
Apulia, Bishop Simon de44, 49
Arc, Joan of357
Arcedeckne, Cecily (Erchedeckne)227
Arcedeckne, Eleanor (Erchedeckne)227
Arcedeckne, Elizabeth (Erchedeckne)227
Arcedeckne, L' family (Erchedeckne)210
Arcedeckne, John (Erchedeckne)227
Arcedeckne, Margery (Erchedeckne)227
Arcedeckne, Martin (Ercedeckne)228
Arcedeckne, Phillippa (Erchedeckne)63, 72, 192, 227, 341, 364
Arcedeckne, Sir Thomas (Erchedeckne)227
Arcedeckne, Sir Warin (Erchedeckne)192, 227, 341
Arches de, family63, 86, 150, 332
Arches, Jane63, 332
Arches, Sir Richard63, 86
Arragon, Queen Catherine of168, 208, 260
Arscott, Arthur337
Arscot, Eulalia306
Arscot family130, 136, 337
Arscott, John336
Arscot, Tristram Esq306
Arthur, King342
Arundel, Arondella32-3
Arundel, Dorothy150-1
Arundel, Elizabeth239
Arundel family33, 149, 157, 286, 359
Arundel, Joan32
Arundel, Sir John32-3, 68, 149-53
Arundel, Katherine63, 149
Arundel, Sir Matthew150
Arundel, Margaret359
Arundel, Margery227-8
Arundel, Nicholas32
Arundel, Philippa228
Arundel, Roger32
Arundel, Sir Thomas63, 149-50, 227, 239, 359
Ashe family (de Esse)204
Ashley family230
Audleigh, Joan224
Audleigh, Nicholas224
Audley, Lord James94, 334
Aumale family151
Aumale, Sir William32
Avery, Richard42
Avery, Mary42
Ayshforde, Arthur124
Ayshford, Elizabeth124
Ayshford family123-5
Ayshforde, Henry124
Ayshford, Isabella123
Ayshford, Nicholas123
Ayshford, Roger124
Babington family222
Bach, Nicholas134
Bacon, Elizabeth155
Bacon, Sir Nicholas155
Bamfield, Agnes236
Bamfield, Edward236
Bamfield, Elizabeth230, 236
Bamfield family235-7
Bamfield, Gertrude (Bampfyld)237, 312
Bamfield, Jane147, 236
Bamfield, John236-7
Bamfield, Joice230
Bamfield, Margaret236
Bamfield, Richard236
Bamfield, Thomas236
Bamfield, Walter230
Bamfield, William236
Banham, Abbot Richard248
Barber, Elizabeth324
Barber, Robert324
Barry family134, 209, 316
Barry, Hugh247
Barry, Isabella91
Barry, Johan316
Barry, Sir John91
Barry, Michael316
Barry, Thomazine316
Bartholomew, Bishop43, 49, 219
Barton, Andrew210
Barton, Thomas331
Bassett, Colonel Arthur243
Bassett, Elizabeth242-3, 245
Bassett family242, 244, 349
Bassett, Frances318
Bassett, Gilbert Lord109, 349
Bassett, Honor242
Bassett, Isabel109, 349
Bassett, Joan242
Bassett, Sir John242, 244-5, 318
Bassett, Sir Robert242-3
Basset, Thomas145
Bassett, William243
Batten, Elizabeth300
Batten family299, 300-1, 336
Batten, Johanna301
Batten, John301
Batten, William301
Beauchamp, Alice148
Beauchamp, Elizabeth229
Beauchamp family27, 151, 325, 335, 361
Beauchamp, Jane27, 148
Beauchamp. Sir John148
Beauchamp, Sir Richard229
Beaufort, Cardinal227
Beaufort family140, 164, 226-7, 259
Beaufort, John55, 227
Beaufort, Margaret227, 271
Beaufort, Thomas (Bewford)226-7
Beaumont, Alice364
Beaumont family (Bellomonte)61, 165, 192, 242, 299, 335, 364
Beaumont, Joan242, 364
Beaumont, Sir John192, 199, 339, 364
Beaumont, Katherine199
Beaumont, Margaret192
Beaumont, Maud339, 341, 364
Beaumont, Richard364
Beaumont, Mrs Tamsyn247
Beaumont, Sir Thomas61, 242
Beaupel family357
Beaupel, Margaret357
Becket, Archbishop Thomas125
Beckington, Bishop16
Bedford, Francis Earl of121
Bedford, Duke of362
Bedford, Rev W.K.R.181
Bellew family314
Bello Campo, Sir Robert de325
Belvoir family151
Belworthy, John167, 336
Bennet family301
Bennet, Precenter16
Berners, Sir John94
Berry family (Berrie)294, 336
Berrie, Grace319
Berry, Henry34
Berrie, John319
Berrie, Richard319
Beville family151, 156-7
Bevyle, Joan156
Bevyle, John156-7
Bickford, Arscott336
Bickford family299, 336-7
Bickford, Grace336
Bickford, John336
Bickford, William336
Bigbury family239-40, 302, 370
Bigbury, Sir William369
Billett, Alice204
Billett, Christian204
Billett family203, 207
Billett, John204
Bittlesgate family70
Bittlesgate, Thomas70
Bitton family303
Blackmore family218
Blackmore, Henry218
Blagdon, Sarah187
Blewet family317
Blount family101-2
Blount, Gertrude101
Blount, William101
Bohun, Edward de104
Bohun, Eleanor91, 104, 111, 131, 252
Bohun, Elizabeth de38, 103, 252
Bohun family38, 58, 67, 83, 96, 103-5, 141, 161, 252-3, 357, 362
Bohun, Humphrey de38, 45, 91, 103-4, 252, 364
Bohun, Joan de104
Bohun, John de104
Bohun, Margaret de38, 45, 60, 82, 96, 100, 103, 140, 145, 198, 330, 357, 362, 364
Bohun, Oliver de253
Bohun, William de104, 252
Boniface VIII, Pope354
Bonville, Alice190
Bonville, Anne138
Bonville, Cecily67, 68-70, 101, 129, 150, 217, 272, 275
Bonville family40, 65-6, 69-71, 82, 153, 190, 210, 260, 271, 344
Bonville, John66-7, 138, 217
Bonville, Lord68, 272
Bonville, Margaret66, 84, 131, 139, 199, 210, 234, 314
Bonville, Nicholas de65, 190
Bonville, Thomas66-7
Bonville, Sir William65-8, 190, 210, 217, 246
Boson family175
Boteler, Eleanor205
Boteler, Elizabeth205
Boteler family203, 306-7, 319
Boteler, John Lord205
Bothe, Bishop John (Boothe)320-1
Botour, Elizabeth216
Botour family216
Botour, Henry217
Botour, Jane217
Botour, John216
Bottreaux family363
Bottreaux, John185
Bottreaux, Margaret185, 362
Bottreaux, Philip185
Bottreaux, William Lord185, 362
Bourchier, Anne143
Bourchier, Blanche87, 226, 364
Bourchier, Dorothy86
Bourchier, Edward143
Bourchier, Eleanor143
Bourchier, Elizabeth63, 86-7
Bourchier family (Earls of Bath)84-91, 93-4, 103, 133, 143, 170, 260-1, 325
Bourchier, Fulk63, 85-6, 143
Bourchier, Henry87-8, 91, 143
Bourchier, Sir Humphrey93-4
Bourchier, Archbishop143
Bourchier, Archdeacon John89
Bourchier, Sir John85-7, 91, 143
Bourchier, Rachel87
Bourchier, Archbishop Thomas88-9
Bourchier, Thomas91, 93
Bourchier, Thomazine86, 105, 225
Bourchier, Sir William85-8, 91, 104-5, 143, 225-6, 252-3, 364
Bousquyer, William256
Bowringsleigh, Gilbert of200
Bozome, Elizabeth175
Bozome, John175
Bradeston, Walter de33
Brandon, Frances272
Brandon, Charles69, 71, 272
Brandon, Mary69, 272
Brantyngham, Bishop32, 62, 70, 96, 206, 219, 257-9, 331
Bremelcombe family317
Brerewood family167
Brerewood, Canon Thomas DD167-9, 178, 260
Bret, Alexander263
Brett, Eleanor284
Brett family186, 284
Brett, Joan187
Brett, John187, 284
Breuer, Bishop William (Brewer)257, 265-6
Brewer family127
Brian, Elizabeth225, 362
Brian family269, 322, 362
Brian, Sir Francis78
Brian, Sir Guy de61, 225, 362
Brian, Joan de61
Brian, de Matilda225
Briant, Thomas40, 250
Bridgewater, John, alias Stone162
Brightleigh family240
Brightleigh, Isabel327
Brightleigh, Thomas327
Brionis de, Family102, 160
Briscoe, Elizabeth205
Briscoe, Sir John205-6
Briwere, Alice de108, 119
Briwere, Lord9, 24
Briwere, Lord William de108, 126
Bronescombe family44
Bronescombe, Bishop Walter44-5, 94-5, 283
Brook(e) family26, 245
Brook, Lady Jane245
Brook(e), Lady Joan76, 245-6
Brook, Michael245
Brook(e), Sir Thomas15, 76, 245-6
Brooke, Sir Willoughby de, KG26
Brune, C.G. Prideaux Esq298
Buckingham, Earl if144
Buckland, Eleanor279
Buckland, Hugh279
Bukley family151
Bullen, Queen Anne (Boleyn)308
Bullen, Godfrey308
Bullen, Margaret308
Bullen, Thomas308
Bullen, Sir William308
Burghersh, Bartholomew347
Burghersh family344
Burghersh, Johane347
Burghwash, Bartholomew de111
Burgwash, Joan de111, 348-9, 367
Burley family (Burleigh)231-2
Burnell family134, 307
Burnell, Joan134
Burnell, John134
Burnell, Katherine134
Burton family239-40
Burton, Robert239
Bury, Elizabeth314
Bury family314
Bury, Jane314
Bury, John314
Bury, Richard314
Bury, Thomazine314
Bussel, Elisote (Bushell)197
Bussel, William (Bushell)197
Butler, Lady Anne225, 306
Butler family226, 302-4, 307
Butler, Margaret306, 308
Butler, Thomas225, 306, 308
Button, Ann233
Button, Dorothy205
Button family233
Button, Sir William205, 233
Byron, Lord165
Cadhay, Joan221
Cadiho family299, 336
Cadwodeleigh family95
Calmady family234, 300
Calmady, Josias234
Calmady, Margaret234
Calmady, Sir Shilston234
Calwodleigh, Elizabeth334
Calwodleigh, Thomas334
Camden58, 334
Camois, Lord59
Camois, Lord Edward59
Camois, Lord Hugh59
Camois, Matilda59
Camvill family125
Canarcke, John263
Cancellis, Sir Giles de190-1
Cardinham, Andrew de370
Cardinham, Isolda de64, 370
Cardinham, Robert de64
Carew, Alexander228
Carew, Amisia39, 214
Carew, Cecily209-10, 288
Carew, Sir Edmond78, 210, 212-3
Carew, Elinor72, 214
Carew, Lady Elizabeth74-5, 78, 130, 211
Carew family75-8, 110, 209, 211-3, 216, 228, 278, 286, 339, 341
Carew, Sir Francis78
Carew, Sir Gawen78-9, 210, 213-4, 278
Carew, Sir George209-10, 212-4
Carew, Gertrude322
Carew, Lady Guildford278
Carew, Henry211
Carew, Sir Hugh341
Carew, Humphrey211
Carew, Jane241, 269
Carew Joan209-10, 228, 341
Carew, Sir John21, 39, 72, 74-5, 110, 130-1, 210-11, 214
Carew, Joice212
Carew, Katherine210
Carew, Dame Malyn77-8
Carew, Margaret210
Carew, Maria74
Carew, Mary212-4
Carew, Matthew212
Carew, Sir Nicholas de39, 63, 72-9, 156, 210, 214, 228, 241, 269, 341, 354
Carew, Sir Peter8, 209-14, 288
Carew, Sir Philip210
Carew, Sir Richard76-9, 228, 322
Carew, Sir Thomas63, 72-5, 130, 210, 341
Carew, Sir William209-10, 212, 214, 288
Carminow family51, 84, 119, 121, 150, 192, 210, 230, 331, 339-42
Carminow, Isolda370
Carminow, Joan63, 72, 330, 341, 370
Carminow, Margaret83, 118, 192, 272, 339, 341
Carminow, Matilda370
Carminow, Sir Oliver370
Carminow, Sir Roger330, 370
Carminow, Thomas339, 341-2
Carnel, Amy166
Carwithen, Mrs Dorothy247
Cary, Agnes241, 322
Cary, Anne323-4
Cary, Christain300, 322
Cary, Dorothy322
Cary, Elizabeth322-3
Cary family241, 269, 300, 321-3, 336
Cary, Baron George269, 322-3, 336
Cary, Gertrude322
Cary, Jane241, 269, 300
Cary, John336
Cary, Margaret241, 322
Cary, Mary310, 319
Cary, Philip (male)300
Cary, Phillip (female)324
Cary, Master Robert241, 269, 300, 310, 322-4
Cary, Sir William241, 322-4, 336
Cary, Mrs Wilmote268-9, 335
Castel family (Kestell)293-4, 334-5
Castel, John Gent.293, 295, 335
Castel, Mary293, 295, 335
Castile & Leone, Isabel de111
Castile & Leone, Peter, King of111
Cervington, Agnes242
Cervington, John242
Chafe family301
Champeaux, Abbot Robert (Campell)248
Champernowne, Alexander26, 346, 370
Champernowne, Blanche26, 228, 346
Champernowne family25, 50, 189, 228, 242, 318, 331, 343, 346
Champernowne, Sir Henry36
Champernowne, Joan342-4, 346, 370
Champernowne, Sir John26, 36, 228, 346
Champernowne, Sir Jordan343
Champernowne, Mabel343
Champernowne, Sir Richard36, 370
Champernowne, Robert346
Champernowne, Roger26, 189, 228, 331
Champernowne, William de344
Chard, Abbot Thomas (Dr)58, 157-60, 162-4, 167, 169-70, 178, 221
Charles I, King143, 189, 212, 322-3
Charles II, King179, 270, 293, 323
Chedder, Jane245
Chedder, Robert245
Cheeke, Anne247
Cheeke, Robert247
Cheney, Anne345
Cheney, Cicely131
Cheney, Sir Edmund150, 345
Cheney family26, 33, 51, 228
Cheney, Sir John131
Chichester, Bridget296
Chichester, Edward86-7
Chichester, Lady Elizabeth86-7, 241
Chichester family29, 188, 334, 339, 364
Chichester, John188, 296, 334
Chichester, Richard263
Chichester, Thomazine334
Chideock, Eleanor152
Chideock family149-50, 152
Chideock, Sir John144, 148-50, 152
Chideock, Katherine149-50
Chideock, Margaret149
Chideock, Sir Symon152
Chideock, Sir Thomas149
Chidley, Sir Christopher211
Chidley, Elizabeth211
Chiselden family151, 170-1, 173-4
Chiselden, John171
Chiselden, Margaret171, 174
Chiverston family130-1, 201
Chiverston, Lady Joan131
Chiverston, Sir John131, 201
Chiverston, Thomas131
Chiverston, Walter131
Chudleigh, Anne217, 269
Chudleigh, Christia269
Chudleigh, Christopher269, 322
Chudleigh, Dorothy118-9, 148
Chudleigh, Elizabeth269
Chudleigh family27, 31, 118-20, 147-8, 188, 211, 217, 269, 309-10, 313, 364
Chudleigh, Sir James27, 120, 147-8
Chudleigh, Jane147
Chudleigh, Joan147, 364
Chudleigh, John27, 118, 120, 147-8, 188, 217, 269, 364
Chudleigh, John Strachleigh269
Chudleigh, Mary269
Chudleigh, Syr Richard176, 269, 309
Chudleigh, Robert269
Chudleigh, Wilmote176
Churchill, Agnes290
Churchill family122, 290, 293, 296-7, 319
Churchill, Joan295
Churchill, John122, 205, 295
Churchill, Sir Winston205
Cifrewast family151
Clare, de family113, 119, 164
Clare, Joan de360
Clare, Gilbert de360
Clarence, Duke of356
Clarence, Lionel Duke of59
Clarke, Ann294
Clarke family295
Clarke, Sir Francis294
Cleveland27, 58-61, 82-3, 90, 93, 101-2, 145, 161, 198, 225, 234, 248, 272, 339-41, 364
Cleaves, Queen Anne of250
Clifford, Anne75, 234
Clifford, Anthony234
Clifford family233-4
Clifford, Thomas234
Clifton, Constantine de305
Clifton family305
Clivedon, Elizabeth216
Clivedon family216, 277
Clivedon, John216
Clopton, Joice212
Clopton, William, Esq212
Cobethorn, John133
Cobham, Elizabeth de113
Cobham family100, 344
Cobham, Sir John de100
Cobham, Lady Margaret330
Cobham, Reginald Lord113
Coblegh, Alicia240
Coblegh family240, 326, 328
Cobleigh, Isabel327
Coblegh, John240, 326-7
Coblegh, Henry240
Coblegh, Isabell240
Coblegh, Johanna240
Coblegh, Margaret240, 326-8
Cockeram family218
Cockram, George218
Cockworthy family126, 309, 311, 313
Cockworthy, John126
Coffin, Alice314
Coffin, Anne176, 309, 312
Coffin, Bridget176, 312
Coffin, Elizabeth309-11, 313
Coffin family175-6, 306, 308-14
Coffin, George319
Coffin, Giles319
Coffin, Grace318-9
Coffin, Mr Humphry319
Coffin, Katherine176, 312
Coffyn, James305-6, 308-9, 311, 314
Coffin, Jane313-4
Coffin, John (Coffyn)176, 309, 311-13, 318-9
Coffin, Richard176, 309-11, 314, 319
Coffin, William176, 309
Coffin, Wilmote176, 309-10
Cogan family87
Coham family299, 336
Cole, Elizabeth218
Cole family204
Cole, Joan298
Cole, John218, 298
Cole, Margaret204
Coleman, Johan281
Coleman, John281
Colin family174
Colin, George174
Colin, Joan174
Colman, George287
Colman, Mary287
Colworthe, John266
Conyers, Sir John90
Cook, Robert270
Coombe, Precenter John de (de Combe)257
Copleston, Amias237
Coplestone, Elizabeth239
Coplestone family40, 132, 137-8
Copleston, Gertrude237
Copleston, John40, 137-8, 193, 237, 239
Coplestone, Philip138
Cornew family (le Cornu)289, 301-2, 328
Cornu, Margaret le289
Cornu, Roger le289
Cornu, William302
Cornwall, Elizabeth225
Cornwall family225
Cornwall, Sir John225
Corp, Elyenore237
Corp, John237
Coryton, Anne293, 327
Coryton, John327
Coryton, William293
Cottel, Sir Elias38
Courtenay, Agnes de102
Courtenay, Alianora de28
Courtenay, Alice de28, 314-5
Courtenay, Anne233-4, 347
Courtenay, Carew233
Courtenay, Catherine83, 101, 226
Courtenay, Dorothy233
Courtenay, Edmund357
Courtenay, Edward de31, 58-9, 81-3, 92, 101, 116, 118, 146, 192-3, 198, 233-4, 272, 314-5, 322, 329, 341, 347, 364-5
Courtenay, Eleanor357
Courtenay, Elizabeth37, 59, 130, 139, 157, 193, 198, 210, 225, 232-3, 314-4, 330, 362
Courtenay, Lady Emmaline365
Courtenay family12, 22, 36, 38, 45-6, 50-1, 57-8, 65, 67-81, 83, 92, 95-6, 98, 100, 102-3, 118-9, 121, 129-30, 135-7, 139-40, 145, 156, 158, 161-2, 164, 170, 175, 183-4, 192, 195, 199, 201, 210-11, 226, 232-5, 257, 259, 271-3, 314, 340-1, 343-4, 357, 360, 363-4
Courtenay, Florence329
Courtenay, Sir George226, 306
Courtenay, Gertrude101
Courtenay, Henry78, 81, 90-2, 99, 101, 121, 146, 272-3
Courtenay, Bishop Hugh de31, 105, 184, 260
Courtenay, Sir Hugh de28, 31, 38-9, 45, 60-1, 63, 72, 82-3, 96, 100, 103, 118, 131, 140, 145, 160, 184, 192-3, 198, 225, 227-8, 272, 330, 339-41, 353, 357, 362, 364-5
Courtenay, Humphrey130, 210, 315
Courtenay, Isabella95, 116, 118, 300
Courtenay, James233
Courtenay, Jane37
Courtenay, Joan63, 72, 209-10, 228, 233, 288
Courtenay, John de28, 90, 95, 102, 185, 272
Courtenay, Katherine27, 60-1, 71, 80-1, 84, 98, 158, 164, 233, 315
Courtenay, Margaret27-8, 36, 38-9, 45, 100, 103, 184, 192, 198, 233-4, 271, 306, 314-5, 330, 339, 341, 347, 362, 364
Courtenay, Mary58, 160-1, 247, 315
Courtenay, Maud339, 364
Courtenay, Muriel39, 61-2
Courtenay, Bishop Peter37, 82-3, 139-41, 195
Courtenay, Sir Peter, (KG) (Piers)82, 96-7, 100, 233-4, 315
Courtenay, Sir Philip36-8, 66, 82, 99, 130, 139, 140, 157, 175, 185, 193, 232, 314, 330
Courtenay, Philippa175, 227-8, 341, 353, 364
Courtenay, Reginald de102
Courtenay, Robert de28, 58, 95, 102, 160-1
Courtenay, Sir Thomas32, 39, 61, 184, 227, 272
Courtenay, Sir William27, 36-7, 61, 66, 71, 80-2, 84, 131, 139, 145, 158, 162, 164, 184, 199, 209-10, 226, 232-4, 247, 288, 314-5
Courtenay, Archbishop William82, 330
Cove, Jane153
Cove, Robert153
Coverdale, Bishop (Dr)180
Cowlinge family233
Cowper50, 65
Crabbe4, 112, 254
Cranfield, James143
Crispin family33
Crispin, Richard32-3
Crispin, Roger32
Crispin, William32
Crocke, Thomas218
Croker, Agnes242
Croker, Elizabeth242
Croker family (Crocker)137, 241-2
Croker, Sir John241-2, 287-8
Crocker, Mary287-8
Crocker, Sir Thomas270
Crucherne, Abbot Trystram156
Cruwys family137, 203-4
Dabernon, Elizabeth300
Dabernon family299, 300, 336
Dabernon, Isabella300
Dabernon, Sir John300
Dabernoun, Johannes299
Dabrigecourt, Sir Eustace105-6
Dabrigecourt, Sauchet106
Dabrigecourt, William105
Damerell, Alice66
Damerell, Sir William65
Damerell, Margaret65
D'Arcy, Sir Arthur78
D'Arcy, Lady Mary78
D'Arcy, Thomas, Lord78
Dart88, 347
Daubeny, Cicely78
Daubeny family86
Daubeny, Henry86
Dauney, Sir Edward271
Dauney, Emmaline82, 198, 271, 341, 364-5
Dauney family (Dawney) (De Alnito)290, 364-5
Dauney, Joan290
Dauney, Sir John290, 364-5
Dauney, St John82
Dawney, Sibella365
Davey, Venerable Bartholomew85
Davie, Frances295
Davie, Charles295
Davie, John223
Davie, Margaret223
Davidson, Mr9, 65, 69, 95, 109, 111, 156, 190, 203, 234, 246
Davie family28
Davnett, Fr Roger332
Dawney, Emmeline59, 271
Dawney family319
Dendis, Sir Robert le26
Dening, Anne247
Dening, Robert247
Dennis, Alice289
Dennys, Anne132
Dennys, Anthony320
Dennis, Eleanor289
Dennys, Elizabeth242, 319-20
Dennis family (Dennys)130, 132, 242, 250, 289, 300-2, 307, 314, 319-20
Dennys, Gertrude319-20
Dennys, John242, 289
Dennis, Margaret le139, 370
Dennys, Mary319-20
Dennis, Philippa207
Dennis, Richard307
Dennys, Sir Robert le132, 207, 250, 370
Dennis, Rowland307
Dennys, Sir Thomas132, 139, 250
Dennys, William319
Denzell, Elizabeth165, 350
Denzell family350-1, 366
Denzell, Joan350
Denzell, Richard165, 350
Derby, Thomas Earl of113
Dernford family302
Devereaux, Walter68
Devon, John Earl of340
Digby family200
Digby, Sir John200
Dinant, Oliver de (Dinham)61
Dinham, Elinor32
Dinham, Elizabeth63, 86, 332
Dinham, Emma366
Dinham family5, 22, 31-3, 61-2, 64, 150, 210, 219-20, 366
Dynham, Galfridus219
Dinham, Jona63
Dinham, Joceline de61
Dinham, John Lord32, 61-4, 86, 149, 219-20, 332
Dinham, Kathrine63, 149
Dinham, Margaret63, 210
Dinham, Matilda61
Dinham, Muriel de32, 39, 62, 219
Dinham, Oliver de (Dynham)64, 95, 102, 219
Dinham, Otho64
Dinham, Philippa de61
Dinham, Sir Robert366
Doble, John256
Docton family324
Docton, John324
Docton, Phillip324
Doddescombe, Emma353
Doddiscombe family232
Doddescombe, John353
Downe family186
Dowrich, Dorothy213
Dowrich, Elizabeth213
Dowrich family213
Dowrich, Katherine213
Dowrich, Mary212-3
Dowrich, Thomas213
Dowrich, Walter212-3
Drake, Agnes153
Drake, Amy204
Drake, Anne206
Drake, Sir Barnard204-5, 207-8, 351
Drake, Christian204
Drake, Dionisia205
Drake, Dorothy205
Drake, Eleanor205
Drake, Elizabeth203, 205-7, 296
Drake, Ellen205
Drake family203-4, 207, 231, 352
Drake, George208
Drake, Lady Gertrude204-5
Drake, Gilbert208
Drake, Hugh204
Drake, Jane203, 205
Drake, Joan203
Drake, Judith206
Drake, Katherine208
Drake, Sir John139, 153, 203-5, 208
Drake, Margaret202, 204
Drake, Mary205-6
Drake, Philip208
Drake, Philippa207
Drake, Richard204, 207
Drake, Robert204, 207-8, 296
Drake, Thomas202
Drake, Walter203, 205
Drake, William139, 205-7
Drewe, Penelope329
Drewe, William329
Drue, Joseph212
Dudley, John150
Dugdale68, 86
Duke family132
Duke, John328
Dunster, Lady347
Dunster, Lord111
D'Urban, W.S. Esq94
Dyell, George314
Dymmock, Francis135
Edgcombe, Catherine296
Edgcombe, Elizabeth302
Edgcumbe family291, 302
Edgcumbe, Jane290
Edgcombe, Margaret233
Edgcombe, Sir Piers296, 302
Edgcombe, Richard233, 290
Edward, King, the Confessor44, 257
Edward I, King10, 31, 36, 38-9, 91, 95, 103, 106, 111, 145, 188, 200, 214, 224, 252, 283, 300, 316, 333, 352, 354, 360, 364
Edward II, King32, 37, 72, 227, 259, 354
Edward III, King13, 25-6, 29, 36, 39-40, 61, 75, 91, 96, 104, 106, 111, 116, 119, 143, 145, 175, 188, 197-8, 227, 252, 285, 301, 344, 360-1, 364, 366-7
Edward IV, King15, 27, 34, 41, 67-8, 71, 80, 88, 90, 92-3, 98, 113, 158, 164, 166, 185, 187, 225-6, 241, 299, 306, 321, 340, 357
Edward VI, King180, 217, 230, 301
Eggerton, Sir Ralph70
Eleanor, Queen10
Elizabeth, Queen60, 189, 204, 212-3, 288, 308, 322, 334
Ellacombe, Rev H.T.157
Englishville de, family196
Eriseye, Elizabeth211
Eriseye family211-12
Erle, Dame Anne135
Erle, Dorothy154
Erle, Dorothy233
Erle family134-5, 233
Erle, General Thomas135, 233
Erle, Honora327
Erle, Sir Thomas134-5, 154
Erle, Walter134, 327
Ernsborough, Baldwin de299
Esse, Alan de290
Esse, de, family289-91, 293, 296-7, 319
Esse, Ingaret de290
Eveleigh family203
Eveleigh, Judith206
Eveleigh, William206
Exeter, Anne Duchess of226
Exeter, Abbot John of220
Exeter, John Duke of347
Exmestre, Richard, alias Were162
Eyston family359
Eyston, John359
Eyston, Margaret359
Eyston, Mary359
Eyston, Thomas359
Faber, Agnes236
Faber family236
Faber, John236
Fane, Frances327
Fane, Francis87
Fane, Hon Dr William327
Ferraris, Sir William de330
Ferrers family16, 25-6, 109, 113, 126-7, 170, 196-7, 228, 230, 260, 330-1
Ferrers, Isota de25, 370
Ferrers, Joan126, 228, 346, 370
Ferrers, Margaret de26, 139, 370
Ferrers, Margery330
Ferrers, Martyn de25-26, 228, 346, 370
Ferrers, Matilda330-1, 370
Ferrers, Reginald de25-6, 330, 370
Ferrers, Richard126
Ferrers, Sybil de109
Ferrers, Sir William de (Fereys)25, 109, 197, 229, 370
Filleigh, Elizabeth350
Filleigh family350-1, 366
Filleigh, John350
Fishacre, Agnes186
Fishacre, Alice186
Fishacre, Martin186
Fitzalan, Eleanor104
Fitzalan, Richard104
Fitzhamon, Sir Robert344, 354
FitzHenry family66
FitzHenry, Alan66
FitzHenry, Elizabeth66
Fitz-John, Sir Matthew354, 360
Fitzlewis, Anne356
Fitzlewis, John356
Fitz-Martyn, Lord29
Fitz-ourse family175
Fitz-Piers, Beatrix39
Fitz-Robert family29
Fitz-Walter family51, 368
Fitzwalter, Girardus214
Fitz-Walter, Lord63, 111, 367
Fitz-Walter, Philippa367
Fitzwarren, Eleanor144
Fitzwarren, Elizabeth143, 192, 225, 332
Fitzwarren family (Fitzwarin)87, 143, 144, 152, 192, 240, 291, 296
Fitzwarren, Fulk86, 143, 144, 192, 225, 252, 332
Fitzwarren, Sir Ivo (Fitzwarin)144, 152
Fitzwarren, John, Lord87
Fitzwarren, Sir William144
Fitz-William family116-9
Fitz-William, Robert64, 116
Flavel family300
Fleming family (Flemynge)39, 109-10, 119, 210, 349
Fleming, Henry110
Fleming, Sir Richard110
Fleming, Sir Walter110
Floyer family336
Foliot family40
Foliot, Robert40
Ford family (Forde)130, 132, 204
Ford, George132-3
Ford, Joan201
Ford, John132-3, 201
Ford, Thomas132-3
Ford, William201
Fortescue, Adrian351
Fortescue, Bartholomew204
Fortescue, Edmond293
Fortescue, Elizabeth352
Fortescue family38, 50, 157, 232, 350-2, 366
Fortescue, Francis351
Fortescue, Gertrude204-5
Fortescue, Grace350
Fortescue, Henry231
Fortescue, Honour293
Fortescue, Hugh350
Fortescue, John293, 349-51
Fortescue, Martin165, 350
Fortescue, Mathew350
Fortescue, Nycholas352
Fortescue, Colonel Robert350-1
Fortescue, Richard351
Fortescue, Susannah350
Fortescue, Thomazine293
Fortescue, William349
Fortibus, Isabella de38
Fowell, Arthur296
Fowell family296
Fowell, Mary296
Fowell, Richard37
Fox, Bishop16, 159, 235
France, Duke of353
France, Mary (Marie), Dowager Queen of69, 71, 272
Fry, Agnes285
Fry, Alice284
Fry, Bernard285, 288
Fry, Bridget284
Fry, Elizabeth284-5
Fry family124, 224, 284, 286, 336
Fry, Frances285-6
Fry, Gilbert285
Fry, Henry284-5
Fry, Jane285
Fry, Joan285, 288
Frye, John170, 284-5
Fry, Margaret284-5
Fry, Mary284
Fry, Nicholas284
Fry, Robert285-6
Fry, William284
Fulford, Agnes322
Fulford, Baldwin175, 322
Fulford, Canon175
Fulford, Dorothy86
Fulford, Elizabeth175
Fulford family175, 322
Fulford, Henry175
Fulford, Sir John86
Fulford, Thomas175
Fulford, Wilhelmina175
Fulkeram family322
Fulkeram, Margaret241, 322
Fulkaram, William241, 322
Fuller, Dr132
Furneaux, John de289
Furneaux, Sarah de289
Fyfield, Elizabeth (Fyffede)369
Fyfield, John (Fyffede)369
Fytchett, Thomas342
Gambon, Alice314
Gambon, Anne309
Gambon, Elizabeth216
Gambon family216
Gambon, John309, 314
Gambon, Walter216
Gaunt, Elizabeth of224-5, 357
Gaunt, John of224, 226, 271, 285, 357
Gaye, Eliza313
Gaye, Elizabeth313
Gaye, William313
Gaynford, Sir John247
Germyn, Ralph265
Gibons, William181
Gidley, John Esq94, 167
Giffard, Agnes326-8
Giffard, Alice290, 317-8
Giffard, Sir Ambrose327
Giffard, Andrew290
Giffard, Andrea328
Giffard, Anne327
Giffard, Anthony135
Giffard, Arthur318, 326-7
Giffard, Bridgett318
Giffard, Caesar327
Giffard, Dorothy318
Giffard, Eleanor289
Giffard, Elizabeth317, 327
Giffard, Emma366
Giffard family134, 167, 240-1, 269, 290-1, 293, 297, 313-4, 316-8, 325-8, 366
Giffard, Frances327
Giffard, George328
Giffard, Grace327
Giffard, Henry328
Giffard, Honora326-7
Giffard, Joan290, 327
Giffard, Johanna301
Giffard, John240, 290, 301, 314, 317-8, 326-8
Giffard, Katherine318
Giffard, Margaret240, 318, 326-8
Giffard, Martha318
Giffard, Mary326-7
Giffard, Richoard328
Giffard, Roger240, 318, 326-8
Giffard, Stephen289-90
Giffard, Thomas317-8, 327
Giffard, Thomazine314
Giffard, Sir Walter366
Giffard, Wilmote317
Gilbert, Adrian35
Gilbert, Elizabeth216
Gilbert family34, 42, 51, 319, 344
Gilbert, Humphry35
Gilbert, Otto (Otho)34-5
Gilbert, John35
Gilbert, Otonis267
Gilbert, Raleigh34
Gilbert, Magister Richard267
Gilbert, Thomas34
Gilbert, William114, 216
Glanvelle, Dionisia232
Glanville family51, 207, 232
Glanville, Nicholas232
Gloucester, Humphry Duke of369
Glynn, Gertrude320
Glynn, Nicholas Esq320
Goderog, Johes166
Goderog, Mabel166
Godlington, Sir Edward (Courtenay)364
Godolphin family250
Godregge, Johes166
Godregge, Katherine166
Golde, Anne270
Gold family269
Golde, John270
Golde, Thomas270
Golofre, Elizabeth369
Golofre family51, 368-9
Golofre, Sir John111, 367-9
Golofre, Philippa367
Golofre, Sir Thomas369
Golson, Hannah181
Golson, Humphri181
Gondo, Alyn166
Gondo, Ricard166
Goode, Anne117-8
Goode family (also Coode)117-8
Goodridge family166
Goodwyn family136, 280
Goodwyn, Thomas69, 136
Gorge, Dorothy322
Gorge, Sir Edward322
Gorges, Elizabeth315
Gorges, Ellen de40
Gorges family22, 40, 138, 322
Gorges, Joan138
Gorges, John138
Gorges, Sir Ralph de40
Gorges, Thomas40
Gorges, Tristram315
Gorges, William40
Goss, Mr Nicholas93
Gould, Anne269
Gould, Christia269
Gould, John269
Grandison, Beatrice36
Grandison family343, 360, 362
Grandison, Bishop John de34, 36, 256-7, 259, 330-2, 360, 362
Grandison, Sir John36
Grandison, Katherine360-2
Grandison, Margaret360
Grandison, Sir Otto36, 360
Grandison, Sibella36
Grandisson, William360
Granville family242, 297
Graynfyld, Thomas344
Greene, Dorothy359
Greene, Gabriel359
Greenfield, Maria326
Greenfield, Richard326
Greenway family273-4
Greenway, Joan273-5, 277
Greenway, John, Merchant71, 80-1, 273-5, 279-80
Grenville, Anne42
Grenville, Sir Bernard320
Grenville, Sir Beville157, 297, 350
Grenville, Chamond42
Grenville, Elizabeth297
Grenville, Ellen335
Grenville family42, 131, 157, 203, 289, 320, 326, 335, 344, 350
Grenville, Gertrude42, 320
Grenville, Grace42, 350
Grenville, Honour42, 242
Grenville, Hugonis221
Grenville, James42
Grenvill, Jane131-2
Grenville, Joan221
Grenville, John297
Grenville, Mary42, 327
Grenville, Robert221
Grenville, Roger289
Grenville, Sir Richard42, 327, 344, 354
Grenville, Susannah42
Grenvill, Sir Thomas (Grenvyle)132, 242, 330
Grenville, William335
Grey, Dorothy69, 101, 229
Grey, Sir Edward230
Grey, Elizabeth68, 149
Grey family71, 230
Grey, Frances272
Grey, Henry69, 71
Grey, Lady Jane69, 272
Grey, Joice230
Grey, Sir John68, 81
Grey, Mary68
Grey, Thomas68, 71, 101, 149-50, 229, 272
Grindal, Agnes328
Grindal, John328
Grosvenor family30, 331, 342
Guderling, Master Joannes263
Guyldeforde, Sir Henry78, 213
Guyldford, Mary79, 213
Gyll, Abbot Richard192, 204
Haccombe, Cecily de31, 227
Haccombe, Elizabeth de353
Haccombe family31, 210
Haccombe, Sir Jordan de31, 227, 353
Haccombe, Margaret de9, 31
Haccombe, Sir Stephen de9, 31
Hach family132, 186
Hach, Jane187
Hach, Lewis187
Hake, Alice186
Hake family186
Hake, Walter186
Halgewell family (Halwell)201
Halgewell, Joan201
Halgewell, Sir John (Halwell)131
Halgewell, Richard201
Hallett, Richard285
Halse family137
Hamilton, James Duke of24, 121
Hamper, William190
Hampson, Mary320
Hampson, Thomas320
Hampton family203-4, 207
Hanape, Jane245
Hanape, Simon245
Hancock, William323
Hanfford family314
Hank, Robert251
Hankford, Anne306, 356
Hankford, Elizabeth143, 225, 252
Hankford family (Handford)142-3, 300, 302, 304, 306-7, 357, 363
Handford, Hugh300
Hankford, Jane300
Hankford, John363
Hankford, Sir Richard142-3, 225, 252, 304, 306, 356
Hankford, Thomazine143, 225, 304
Hankford, Judge William302-3, 363
Hankford, Sir William142, 300
Hankford, Thomazine85-6, 104-5, 252
Harding, Colonel59, 66, 125, 143, 281, 353
Harman family (see Veysey)181
Harman, John179
Harman, William181
Harrington, Elizabeth59, 68
Harrington family69, 260
Harrington, Lord John59
Harrington, William Lord68
Harvey, Anna212, 214
Harvey, Anthony Esq212, 214
Harryes, Magister Thomas267
Hartnell, Anne279
Hartnell, Valentine279
Hassard family177
Hastings family230, 236
Hastings, Henry136
Hatch, Edith334-5
Hatch, William334
Hawkes, Katherine318
Hawley, Elizabeth138, 239
Hawley, Emmeline239
Hawley family239
Hawley, Johna238
Hawley, Sir John138, 238
Haydon, Agnes221
Haydon, Christian222
Haydon family221-2, 224
Haydon, George222
Haydon, Gideon223
Haydon, Jane221
Haydon, Joane221-2
Haydon, John221-3
Haydon, Margaret223
Haydon, Richard221
Haydon, Robert222-3, 334
Haydon, Sarah223
Haydon, Thomas222
Hayes family134, 246
Hayward, John Esq275
Heale family173
Hele, Sir John118
Hele, Philippa118
Helier, Richard266
Hengescot, Elizabeth299
Hengescot family251, 293, 296, 299
Hengescot, John251, 292, 299
Hengescot, Thomasyn292
Henry I, King21, 32, 38, 214, 321
Henry II, King25, 31-2, 38-9, 219, 240, 289, 299
Henry III, King25, 34, 40, 94, 108, 201, 214, 216, 229, 269, 300, 339, 341-2, 352, 366
Henry IV, King28, 32, 81, 104, 106, 112, 134, 157, 224, 242, 336, 361, 363, 369
Henry V, King198-9, 225, 245, 286, 301, 356, 369
Henry VI, King68, 81, 197, 199, 215, 245, 271, 321, 340, 349, 351, 356, 362, 368-9
Henry VII, King14, 26, 37, 63, 71, 76, 80-3, 86, 92, 112, 118, 131, 140, 159, 179, 192, 196, 200, 249, 259, 325, 346
Henry VIII, King15, 37, 69, 78-9, 86, 89, 101, 119, 121, 134, 147, 150, 158, 165-6, 168, 176-7, 179-81, 186, 196, 208, 210, 217, 221, 225-6, 229, 242, 248-51, 259-60, 272-3, 302, 308, 325-6, 359, 364
Henshaw, Magister Michael267
Herberd, Henry Lord28
Hern, Elizabeth320
Hern, Sir John320
Hext, Agnes194
Hext, Thomas194
Heyme, Mercia,76
Heyme, Stephen76
Heynault, Philippa of106
Heynault, William, Earl of106
Hidon, Elizabeth201
Hidon family136, 201
Hidon, Isabel201
Hidon, Sir John201
Hidon, Margaret61
Hidon, Sir Richard61
Hidon, Sir William201
Hill family74
Hill, Robert75
Hingeston, Elizabeth309
Hingeston, Philip309
Hockin, Katherine176
Hockin, William176
Hody, Alice290
Hody, Andrew134
Hody family134, 290-1, 293, 296-7
Hody, Sir William74, 134, 290
Holbeame family186, 202
Holbeame, John186, 202
Holbeame, William186
Holland, Anne225-6, 356, 358
Holland, Constance356
Holland, Eleanor357
Holland, Elizabeth224
Holland family224, 226, 302, 357
Holland, Henry225-6, 358
Holland, Joan224-5
Holland, John224-5, 356, 358
Holland, Matilda225
Holland, Thomas224-5, 357
Holloway family269, 322
Holway family336
Hooker, John44, 103
Hopton, Magister David266
Horsey, Elizabeth119
Horsey family119-20
Horsey, Sir John119
How, Elizabeth155
How, Roger155
Howard, Katherine150
Howard, Margaret150
Huckler, Mr George279
Huckmore, Gregory201
Huddesfeld family210
Huddesfeld, Katherine210
Huddesfield, Sir William84, 98-9, 210
Huddye, Agnes241, 322
Huddye, Lord Chief Baron241
Huddye, John322
Hugworthy, Alice290
Hugworthy family290, 293, 296-7
Hungerford, Elizabeth66, 99, 130, 139, 175, 184, 210, 314
Hungerford family37, 67, 83, 124, 140, 143, 183-4, 362-3
Hungerford, Lord130, 157, 210
Hungerford, Margaret362
Hungerford, Robert Lord185, 362
Hungerford, Walter Lord37, 48, 66, 99, 175, 184, 314, 362
Hurding, Elizabeth312
Hurding family312
Hurding, Gertrude312
Hurding, Henry Esq312
Hutchins32, 60, 62, 67, 92, 101, 149-52, 184
Huxham family236
Huxham, Joan236
Hyde family121-2
Hyde, Margaret121
Hyde, Stephen de121
Innocent IV, Pope108
Izaak (Izacke)183, 257
Jago, Rev W64
James I, King60, 102, 122, 212, 271, 322, 342, 351
James II, King298
Jenking, Elizabeth323
Jenkin family323
Jenking, Peter323
Jewe, Alice335
Jewe, le, family255, 334
Jewe, Joan335
Jewe, William335
Jewell, Joan167
Jewell, John167
John, King127, 183, 214
Jones, Mr Pitman28
Juliers, Elizabeth105-6
Juliers, Gerard, Earl of105-6
Juliers, Wills106
June, John217
Jurdain family123
Jurdain, John de122
Keleway family (Keloway)172, 203-4
Keleway, Joan171, 173
Keleway, John171-3
Kelland, Bridget176, 312
Kellan, Catherine294, 312
Kelland, Charles176, 312
Kelland family294
Kelland, John294, 312
Kelleway family298
Kempthorn family233
Keys, John257
Keys, Roger257
Killigrew, Mary118
Killigrew, Sir Robert118
Kingston, Sir Anthony247
Kirkham, Cecily288
Kirkham, Elizabeth139
Kirkham family14, 16-17, 36, 138-9, 264
Kirkham, George (Kyrkham)139
Kirkham, James (Kyrkham)37, 139
Kirkham, Jane (Kyrkham)139
Kirkham, Sir John14, 37, 126, 138
Kirkham, Margaret37
Kirkham, Nicholas36-7
Kirkham, Thomas139, 209, 288
Kirkham, Thomazine148, 209, 288
Kitson, Frances87
Kitson, Sir Thomas87
Knivett, Anne (Knyvett)226, 304, 306, 309
Knivett, Edmond226, 305-6
Knivett, Elizabeth305
Knivett family305-6
Knivett, John305-6
Knyvett, Margaret306
Kot, Johs279
Kot, Johana279
Kyng, Johannes276
Kyng, Johava276
Lacy family44, 196
Lacy, Bishop Edmond37, 130, 134, 167, 175, 187, 196, 200, 209, 235, 257, 259, 266, 330
Lancaster, John of81
Landon, L.E.216
Lane, Edward166
Lane, Johan (John)166, 256, 273, 275-6, 279
Lane, Thomazine275-6
Langdon, John175
Langdon, Wilhelmina175
Langley, Edmond of111, 119, 367
Langton family286
Langton, Frances285
Langton, Joseph285
Langton, William283-4
Larder, Edmund Esq41
Larder family22, 41
Larder, Humphry41
Larder, Margaret41
Larder, William41
Latimer family26, 51, 228
Leach, Katherine318
Leach, Sir Simon318
Legh, Hugh263
Legh, John262
Leigh, Agnes326-7
Leigh family326
Leigh, Thomas326-7
Leland94, 106-7, 127, 158, 167, 219, 369
Lercedekne, Cecily9
Lercedekne, Sir John9, 31
Letor, Alys166
Letor, Johes166
Leveson, John181
Limsey, Mary213
Limsey, William213
Lincoln, Henry Bishop of111
Lisle family151
Lloyd, Mr Sampson S. MP179
Loring, Margaret357
Loring, Sir Nigel357
Lovel, John, Lord61-2
Lovel, Elizabeth62
Loveys, Elizabeth310, 319
Loveys, Leonard310
Loveis, Elizabeth312
Loveis family311
Lovis, Leonard176, 311
Loveis, Richard312
Luttrell, Sir Andrew197-8, 200, 302
Luttrell, Elizabeth198-9, 314, 330
Luttrell, Frances199
Luttrell family112, 197-200, 314
Luttrell, G.F. Esq198
Luttrell, Sir Hugh197-9
Luttrell, Sir James199, 314, 330
Luttrell, Sir John197-8
Luttrell, Margaret302
Luttrell, Nicholas200
Luttrell, Prudence200
Luxembourg, Jacqueline of (Jaquetta)81
Luxembourg, John of81
Lysons13, 25, 43, 64, 75, 79, 121, 170, 176, 200, 212, 214-5, 218, 226-7, 234, 241, 256, 298, 336, 341-2, 346, 351, 364-5, 369
Lysons, Rev D.230
MacMurrough family119
Maddock, Catherine120
Maddock, Mr Samuel120
Madock family121
Mainwaring, Nicholas70
Mainwaring, Peter41
Mainwaring, Sir William153
Malherbe family16-17, 126, 170, 260, 264
Malherbe, Jane139
Malherbe, William126, 139
Mallack, Anne247
Mallack, Elizabeth247
Mallack family246-7
Mallack, Joan247
Mallack, John247
Mallack, Maud247
Mallack, Richard247
Mallett family196
Mallett, Baldwin196
Mallett, Joan70
Mallett, John70
Mallett, Michael196
Malmaynes, Nicholas36
March family368
Mare, de la family76
Mare, Isabella de la76
Mare, Peter de la32, 61
Margaret, Queen (of Henry VI)340
Marshall family109, 119
Marshall, Bishop Henry43, 49, 259
Marshall, Sybil109
Martyn, Alienora332
Martin family (Martyn)95, 125, 224, 334
Martyn, Joan224
Martyn, Sir William224, 332, 354
Marwood, Bridget189
Marwood, Elizabeth189
Marwood, family188-9, 202
Marwood, Frances189
Marwood, John189
Marwood, Thomas189
Mary, Queen69, 78, 101, 146, 179-80, 288
Matravers, Elizabeth32, 61-2
Matravers family32, 62
Matravers, John32, 61
Matravers, Matilda32
Maubank family119-20
Maude, Empress107
Mayrick, Sir Samuel94
Meoles family188
Merifield, Agnes221
Merriett, Sir John39, 110
Merriett, Mary110
Merton family120, 147, 269, 309
Merton, Sir James147
Mewbred, Saint & Martyr64
Michelstowe family241
Michelstowe, Hugo241
Middlesex, Lionel, Earl87
Middleton family232
Milles, Dr257
Milliton family233, 268, 322
Milliton, Margaret322
Mitchell family124
Mogridge, Magister John267
Mohun, Alice de9, 24, 35, 107-8, 127, 190, 348
Mohun, Anne329
Mohun, Baldwin de110
Mohun, Baron Charles24, 121
Mohun, Charles de111
Mohun, Christian122
Mohun, Dorothy148
Mohun, Elianor344
Mohun, Elinor39, 75
Mohun, Elizabeth de111, 116, 361
Mohun family21, 24, 39, 50-1, 106, 108, 110-4, 116-9, 122-3, 127, 129, 184, 190-1, 198, 209, 211, 328, 330, 344, 347, 361, 367-8
Mohun, Florence329
Mohun, Francis122
Mohun, Isabel de111, 116, 118, 120
Mohun, Jane120, 302
Mohun, Lady Joan de111-2, 122, 198, 348-9, 367
Mohun, Lady Johane347
Mohun, Sir John de111-2, 114-6, 118-9, 121-2, 190-1, 198, 329, 344, 347-9, 361, 367-8
Mohun, Margaret de121
Mohun, Mary39
Mohun, Matilda de111, 113, 118
Mohun, Maximillian122
Mohun, Penelope329
Mohun, Philippa56, 111, 119, 367-9
Mohun, Reginald de9, 24, 108-11, 115-6, 118-21, 148, 190, 211, 348
Mohun, Sir Reynold329
Mohun, Richard Esq120
Mohun, Robert de121-2
Mohun, Sibella329
Mohun, Sir Thomas115-6, 171
Mohun, Walter123
Mohun, Warwick Lord120
Mohun, Sir William de9, 24, 39, 72, 106-8, 110, 118-9, 121, 190, 302, 348
Mohun, William Esq121, 329
Monk, Elizabeth318
Monk, Frances318
Monk, General293, 318
Monk, Katherine318
Monk, Margaret318
Monk, Thomas318
Montacute, Alice362
Montacute, Anne225, 306, 356-7
Montacute, Eleanor357
Montacute, Elizabeth361
Montacute family51, 361-2
Montacute, John de225, 306, 356-7, 360-2
Montacute, Katherine360, 362
Montacute, Lord78
Montacute, Margaret360
Montacute, Thomas356-7, 362
Montacute, William Lord111, 360-2
Monthermer family51, 361
Monthermer, Joan360
Monthermer, Margaret360-1
Monthermer, Sir Ralph360
Monthermer, Thomas360-1
Montjoy, Anne229
Montjoy, James, Lord101
Montjoy, Lord Charles101-2, 229
Montjoy, William101
Moor, Thomas233
Mordaunt, Charles Esq121
More, Agnes217
More, Alice217
More, Cecily217-8
More, Dorothy217
More, Elizabeth216-7
More family42, 216, 218
More, George218
More, Gervais216
More, Humphry217-18
More, John216-8
More, Margaret217
More, Maurice217
More, Richard Gent218, 267
More, William217
Moreman, Dr180
Morgan family60
Morgan, Mary60
Morgan, Robert60
Morice, Anne293
Morice, Elizabeth293
Morice family293, 334-5
Morice, Dr Evan292-3, 295, 335
Morice, Gertrude293
Morice, Humphry293
Morice, John293
Morice, Laurence292-3
Morice, Nicholas293
Morice, Mary293, 335
Morice, Thomazine293
Morice, Sir William292-3
Morris, Joane221
Mortimer, Anne356
Mortimer, Edmund356-7
Mortimer, Elinor (Eleanor)59, 357
Mortimer family80, 357, 361
Mortimer, Roger de59, 357
Moyle, Anne293
Moyle, Bridgett293
Moyle, Robert293
Mules, Alice33-4
Mules, Anne301
Mules family184, 299, 300-1, 336
Mules, Isabel300
Mules, John de39, 61, 184, 299, 300-1
Mules, Muriel de39, 61, 184, 300
Mules, Sir Roger33, 300
Mules, Thomas301
Mychel, Bartholomew124
Mychel, Elizabeth`124
Napier, Mary284
Napier, Robert284
Navarre, Queen Joan de112
Neville, Anne357
Neville, Catherine68, 306
Neville, Sir Edward78
Neville family247, 362
Nevill, Bishop George133, 207, 247, 306
Neville, Sir Henry90
Neville, Ralph357, 362
Neville, Richard68, 362
Newburgh family151
Newchurch, Geoffery92
Newenham, Sir Reginald of114, 121
Nicholas V, Pope88
Northwode, Agnes de362
Northwode family362
Northwode, John de362
Norton family265
Norton, Richard265
Nonant, Alice de27, 148
Nonant family26, 120, 147, 269, 309
Nonant, Sir Roger de26-7, 148
Northampton, Earl of342
Northampton, John de110
Northcot, John188
Northcote, Susannah350
Northleigh, Remon de263
Offway family204
Oke family187
Oke, Sarah187
Okeston family35-6
Okeston, Sir Alexander de35
Oldham, Bishop Hugh45-6, 69, 158, 178, 235, 249-50, 258-60, 265
Oliver, Dr28, 30, 38, 64-5, 70, 85, 89, 92, 94, 96, 102, 116, 139, 148, 159, 167, 175, 200, 207-8, 219-21, 235, 248, 250, 257, 281, 286, 307, 321, 325-6, 331-4, 358
Oliver, Margaret77
Olyver, William286
Orchard family200, 269, 300
Orchard, Paul220
Orcharton, Isabella de370
Orcharton, John de370
Ormond family306-7
Ormond, Margaret306
Orwey family204
Oxenbridge family78
Oxenbridge, Malyn (Magdelin)78
Oxenbridge, Sir Robert78
Parker, Edmond Esq201
Parker family336
Parkhouse, Canon, Richard267
Parr, Queen Katherine177
Parrett, Elizabeth284
Parrett, Richard284
Parys, Magister Maior266
Passeburie family314
Paulet, Sir Amias162, 222
Paulet, Elizabeth162
Paulet family (Poulet)129, 162, 164, 203
Paulet, Sir Hugh162
Paulet, John162, 222
Paulet, Margaret223
Pauncefoot family277
Payne, Katherine174
Payne, William174
Paynel family87
Pederton, Agnes236
Pederton family236
Pederton, John236
Pembroke, Earl of90, 93
Penhelleck, Alexander268
Penhelleck, Cheston268
Penhelleck family268
Peniles family232, 233
Periam, John Esq201
Peryam, Elizabeth242
Periham family154-5
Periham John, Baron154-5
Periham, Mary154
Periham, Sir William (Peryam)154, 242
Peryn, John249
Petre family174
Petre, Lord286
Petre, Sir William173
Peverell, Amisia214
Peverell, Catherine184
Peverell family38-9, 83, 119, 140, 183-4
Peverell, Sir Hugh38
Peverell, Sir John38-9, 214
Peverell, Sir Richard38
Peverell, Sir Thomas38, 184
Peverell, Sir William38
Peyton, Dorothy213
Peyton, Thomas213
Philippa, Queen (of Edward III)13, 106, 119
Pidickswell, Sir Robert de352
Piers, Willelmo332
Plantagenet, Anne85, 88, 91, 143, 225, 252, 306
Plantagenet, Arthur318, 326
Plantagenet, Prince Edward340, 367
Plantagenet, Edward, the Black Prince96, 119, 224
Plantagenet, Elizabeth38, 91, 103, 252
Plantagenet, Frances318
Plantagenet family51, 105, 368
Plantagenet, Joan224-5
Plantagenet, John105, 225
Plantagenet, Katherine60, 164
Plantagenet, Richard225
Pointz, Sir Anthony199
Pointz family293, 296-7
Pointz, Sir Humphry290
Pointz, Katherine290, 292
Pointz, Roger292
Pole, Agnes153
Pole, Anne154, 187
Pole, Arthure153-4
Pole, Cardinal78
Pole, Dorothy154
Pole, Elioner154
Pole, Elizabeth154
Pole family153, 224
Pole, Frauncis154
Pole, Johan153
Pole, John de la154, 369
Pole, Katherine153-4
Pole, Mary154, 288
Pole, Periham William154
Pole, William Esq153
Pole, Sir William35-7, 41, 63, 86, 91, 109-10, 127, 131-4, 136-7, 146, 149, 153-4, 160, 166-7, 177, 184, 187, 196-7, 209, 216-7, 220, 225, 239, 242, 247, 251, 278, 286, 288-90, 304, 306, 309, 314, 320, 334, 339, 341, 343-4, 350, 352, 354, 357, 359, 363-4
Pollard Agnes194, 217
Pollard, Alyanora193
Pollard, Amias295
Pollard, Anthony194
Pollard, Arthur194, 354
Pollard, Elizabeth194, 242, 314
Pollard, Emma353
Pollard family193, 353-4
Pollard, George316
Pollard, Hugh314
Pollard, Joane354
Pollard, Johane194, 316
Pollard, John193, 353
Pollard, Judge Lewis194
Pollard, Lewis Esq162, 217, 242
Pollard, Philippa162
Pollard, Sarah194, 295
Pollard, Thomas295
Polwhele44, 103, 202, 214, 220, 232-3
Pomeroy, Sir Edward165
Pomeroy, Elizabeth165, 299
Pomeroy family165-6, 299
Pomeroy, Sir Henry165-6
Pomeroy, Jane168
Pomeroy, Joscelyn de170
Pomeroy, Sir Richard165-6
Pomeroy, Sir Thomas299
Poore, Bishop Richard21
Pope, Abbot Thomas220
Popham, Alexander153-4
Popham family151, 173
Popham, Sir John132
Popham, Katherine153-4
Potter, Dr John257
Poulett, Sir Anthony297
Poulett, Elizabeth229, 322
Poulett family322
Poulett, Sir John229, 297
Poulett, Susannah297
Poulett, William322
Powell, Elizabeth318
Prendergest, Lady363
Prestaller, Gervase de24
Prideaux, Anne176, 294
Prideaux, Edmond205
Prideaux, Elizabeth207
Prideaux, Alice289-90
Prideaux, Anne290, 293, 312
Prideaux, Bridget293, 296, 337
Prideaux, Cheston293
Prideaux, Edith334-5
Prideaux, Edmond293, 296-7, 312, 337
Prideaux, Sir Edmond Sanderson297
Prideaux, Elizabeth293, 370
Prideaux family176, 206-7, 289-91, 293-9, 334, 336, 369
Prideaux, Frances295
Prideaux, Fulke,289-90, 292
Prideaux, Geofry370
Prideaux, Honour293, 336
Prideaux, Humphrey207, 292-4, 296, 334-5
Prideaux, Isabella370
Prideaux, Jane289-90
Prideaux, Joan298
Prideaux, Sir John290, 292-4, 296, 336, 369-70
Prideaux, Jonathan294-5, 334
Prideaux, Katherine290, 294, 296
Prideaux, Mary206, 293, 296, 335
Prideaux, Nicholas292-3, 295-6, 299, 334-5
Prideaux, Sir Peter206, 294, 296-7
Prideaux, Richard294, 296
Prideaux, Roger292, 296, 370
Prideaux, Sarah295
Prideaux, Susannah297
Prideaux, Sir Thomas297-8
Prideaux, Thomazine292-3, 299, 370
Prideaux, William289-90
Prince63, 96, 131, 173, 176, 191, 194, 221, 225, 243, 250, 269, 274, 288, 296, 318, 323, 327-8, 349, 356, 367
Pring, Dr158
Prouse, Alice279
Prouze, Constantia189
Prowse, Elizabeth329
Prouz family (Prouse)22, 27, 33, 120, 188, 307, 309
Prouze, Franciscus189
Prouze, Mrs Honor189
Prouze, Sir Hugh34, 41, 188
Prowse, James329
Prouz, John (Prouse)188, 279, 281, 328
Prouze, Sir Richard34, 41, 188
Prouz, Richaord328
Prouz, Thomazine188
Prouze, Sir William33-4, 41, 188
Prust family313
Prust, Hugh313
Prust, Jane313
Prust, Richard42
Pruteson family38
Pulman, Mr G.P.R.261
Putt, Reymundo285
Pyl, Rev Robert de31, 256
Pylton, William266
Pyne family41, 246
Pyne, Hercules246
Pyne, Joyce246
Pyne, Margery246
Pyne, Matilda65
Pyne, Sir Thomas65, 246
Quivil Family283
Quivil, Heloisa283
Quivil, Bishop Peter282-3
Radcliffe family40
Radford, Bridget231
Radford family231
Radford, Lawrence231
Raleigh, Alice166
Ralegh family45, 130-1, 165, 325, 334, 339
Raleigh, George202
Raleigh, Sir Henry332-4
Raleigh, Joan132
Ralegh, John256, 334, 339
Raleigh, Thomazine334, 339
Raleigh, Sir Walter79, 131-2, 166, 256
Raleigh, Wymond131-2
Rashleigh, Alice315
Rashleigh, Anne315
Rashleigh, Jonathan315
Rashleigh, Mary315
Rashleigh, Philip315
Ratcliffe, Elizabeth63
Ratcliffe, Henry63
Ratcliffe, Sir John63
Rede, Abbot Simon127
Rede, Prior William162, 164
Redvers, Baldwin de343
Redvers, de, family58, 80, 118-9, 160, 162, 341
Redvers, Hawis de343
Redvers, Mary de58, 160-1
Redvers, Richard de161
Redvers, William de58, 160-1
Reigney, Sir William188
Reskymer, Katherine315
Reskymer, William315
Reynell, Mary296
Reynell, Richard296
Richard I, King64, 127, 219
Richard II, King32, 37, 62, 114, 197, 220, 224, 257-9, 342, 347, 360-1
Richard III, King226
Richmond, Margaret Countess of249
Rigeley, Joyce181
Rigeley, William181
Rigge, John196
Risdon family316-7
Risdon, Giles316-7
Risdon, Grace316
Risdon, Johan316
Risdon, Katherine316
Risdon, Robert316
Risdon, Thomas317
Risdon, Tristram29, 33, 39, 58, 125, 142, 194, 202, 230, 251, 289, 299, 301, 303, 313, 316, 325, 343, 353, 363, 366
Risdon, William316
Risdon, Wilmote317
Rivers, Richard de24
Rochford family304
Rogers, Thomas99
Rogers, W.H.H. Esq1, 47
Rolle, Dennys132
Rolle, Sir Henry132
Rolle, Humphrey95
Rolle, John, Lord187
Roos, George Lord226
Rosewell, Sir Hugh205
Rosewell, Dame Mary205
Roskymer, Anne119
Roskymer, William119
Ross family151
Ross, Lord George151
Ross, J.W.L. Esq94
Rugeley, Joyce181
Rugeley, William181
Russell, Elizabeth87
Russell, Francis87
Ryse, John258
Sap, de, family160
Sapcots, Jane165
Sapcots, Sir John165
Saunder, John133
Savery, Christopher318
Say family209
Say, Sir William101
Saye & Sele, Lady Susanna135
Saye & Sele, Viscount William135
Scrope family (Scroop)30, 331, 342
Scroop, Richard342
Sellacke, Joan281
Selake, William280-1
Seymour family171
Seymour, Margaret171
Seymour, Sir John171
Seyntleg, Jacob225
Shapcott, Maria288
Shapcott, Thomas288
Shapton, Anne290
Shapton, John290
Shelson family122
Sherman, Agnes284
Sherman, Gideon70, 284
Sherman, Joan247
Sherman, John70
Sherman, Richard70
Sherman, Mr William70, 247
Shilston, Elizabeth233
Shilston family233, 309, 345
Shilston, Robert233
Shilston, William345
Silke, Sub-Chanter16
Skinner, James218
Slee family281
Slee, George281
Smyth, Alice317-8
Smyth, Elizabeth166
Smyth family (Smith) of Totnes166-7
Smyth, Nicholas167
Smyth, Oliver263
Smyth, Thomas250
Smyth, Walter167, 250, 317
Sneg, Cecily218
Sneg, George218
Snowe, Eliza312
Solaris, Hawis de (Soleigny)343
Solaris, Mabel de (Soleigny)343
Solaris, Philip de (Soleigny)343
Somaster, William235
Somerset, Charles28
Somerset, Edward Duke of285
Somerset, Henry de333
Somerset, Jane285
Somerset, Edmund Earl of340
Somerset, John Earl of271
Somervylle, Sir Richard156
Southcott, Cicely287
Southcott, Edward288
Southcott, Elizabeth287-8
Southcote family209, 232, 286-7, 336
Southcott, George285-8
Southcott, Humphry287
Southcott, James287
Southcott, Joan288
Southcott, John286-8
Southcott, Judge288
Southcott, Margaret287
Southcot, Mary232, 287-8
Southcott, Michael de288
Southcott, Nicholas288
Southcott, Sir Popham288
Southcott, Richard287
Southcott, Robert287
Southcot, Thomas of Bovey Tracey232, 287-8
Southcott, Thomazine287-8
Southcote, Walter208
Southcott, William288
Soy, John286
Specott, Edmond289, 302
Specott, Elizabeth302
Specott family289, 298, 301-2
Specott, Humphry302
Specott, Jane289
Specott, John302
Specott, Mrs Johan286
Specott, Margaret289
Specott, Nicholas286
Specott, Richard289
Specott, Sarah289
Specott, Walter289
Speke, Agnes le186
Speke, Elizabeth120
Speke family84, 120, 127, 157, 173, 235, 260
Speke, Sir George120, 235
Speke, Joan235
Speke, Sir John14, 46, 235
Speke, William le186
Spencer, Alice290
Spencer, Eleanor de102
Spencer family290-1, 293, 296-7
Spencer, Hugh de28, 102, 145
Spencer, Joan290
Spencer, John290
Spencer, Richard290
Stafford, Alice150, 346
Stafford, Anne356, 358
Stafford, Countess of88
Stafford, Bishop Edmund44-5, 49, 65, 283-4, 330
Stafford, Edmund91, 356
Stafford, Edward358
Stafford family26, 44, 51, 69-70, 90-3, 129, 150-2, 260, 283, 357
Stafford, Henry69-70
Stafford, Humphrey150
Stafford, Isabel91, 93
Stafford, Lord91
Stafford, Sir Humphrey62, 90, 92-3, 149, 346
Stafford, Thomas, Earl of91
Stafford, William92, 149
St Albyn, Elizabeth353
St Albyn family353
St Albyn, Sir Mauger352-3
St Albyn, Philippa353
St Albyn, Sir Warren353
Stapledon family44, 304
Stapledon, Sir Richard45, 304
Stapledon, Thomazine304
Stapledon, Bishop Walter27, 44-5, 248, 257
Staplehill, Cheston268
Staplehill family233, 268
Staplehill, Gilbert268
Staplehill, Walter268
Starr, Amy178
Starr, Dorothy178
Starre, Edmond177
Starre, Elizabeth177
Starre family (Starr)176-7, 260
Starr, Henry, Gent.178
Starr, Mr John, the Elder177
Starre, Mr John177-8
Starre, William177-8
St Aubyn family116
St Aubyn, Jone116
Stawell family217
St Clare, Gilbert130-1, 133, 210
St Clere family (Clare)130, 132, 136-7, 200-1, 210-11
St Clere, Gabriel132, 201-2
St Clere, Isabel201
St Clere, Joan202
St Clere, John202
St Clere, Richard201
Stephen, King107
Steynyngs, Alice284
Steynyngs, Philip284
St George family175
St George, John175
St George, Rosamond175
St John, Agnes de61, 82, 102, 184
St John family184
St John, Lord John82, 102
St Leger, Dame Anne225-6, 304-7
St Leger, Bartholomew87, 226, 364
St Leger, Blanche226, 364
St Leger, Catherine226
St Leger, Dudley306
St Leger, Eulalia306
St Leger family224-5, 302-3, 306-7, 310
St Leger, Sir George225-6, 304, 306
St Leg--, Jacobi303
St Leger, Sir James225, 306
St Leger, Sir John306
St Ledger, Lady Katherine306
St Leger, Sir Thomas225-6, 306-7
St Martin family151
St Maure family236
St Maure, John236
St Maure, Margaret236
Stock, Adrian Esq71
Stockman, Roger218
Stone, John163
Stothard, Charles A.57, 230
Stourton, Lord Charles152
Stourton, Lord Edward152
Stourton family120, 148-9, 152
Stourton, Lord John152
Stourton, Margaret120, 148
Stourton, Thomazine148
Stourton, William Lord120, 148-9, 152
Stowell family29
Stowford, Alice186
Stowford family186, 367
Stowford, Joan de186
Stowford, Sir John de186, 366
Stowford, Judge367
Stowford, William186
Strachleigh, Christian322
Strachleigh, William322
Stradling, Sir Edward149
Strange family184
Strange, George Lord113
Strange, Jaquetta113
Strange, John Lord113, 118
Strange, Lord111, 114
Strange, Richard Lord113
Strangeways, Dorothy150-1
Strangeways, Egidius151
Strangeways family149, 151
Strangeways, Sir Giles150-1
Strangeways, Henry150-1
Strangeways, Margaret151
Strangeways, Thomas150, 174
Strachleigh, Anne269
Stratchleigh family269
Strachleigh, William269
Stretch, Amicia207
Stretch family33, 207, 234
Streche, Sir John199, 207
Strode, Ann232, 234
Strode, Dionisia205, 231-2
Strode, Elizabeth232, 234, 242, 247
Strode family6, 20, 22, 189, 203, 231-3
Strode, John231
Strode, Margaret231
Strode, Mary231-2, 233
Strode, Sir Richard37, 205, 231, 233, 242, 247
Strode, Sir Robert233
Strode, Sydney232
Strode, Sir William37, 231-2, 233, 270
Stroud, Bridget (Strode)189
Stroud, John (Strode)189
Strowbridge, Dorothy247
Strowbridge family217, 247
Strowbridge, John (Strowbryg)247
Strowbridge, Tamsyn247
Strowbridge, Thomas248
Stucley, Andrea328
Stucley, Charles199
Stucley family194, 328
Stucley, Frances199
Stucley, Johan194
Stucley, Sir Lewis194, 328
Stukely, Catherine86, 213
Stukely, Elizabeth171
Stukely, Hugh171
Stukely, John213
Stukely, Katherine213
Sturgeon, Prior John325-6
Suffolk, Frances Duchess of71
Suffolk, Henry Duke of70
Sully family (Silly)29, 332
Sully, Sir John de29-30, 331, 354
Sully, Sir Raymond (Reynold)354
Swan, Alys166
Swan, Richardo166
Swinford, Catherine226
Sydenham family236
Sydnam, Prioress Eleanor127
Sylke, Precentor William46, 264
Symo, John240
Tailer, Barlei166
Tailer, Dionis166
Takell family195-6
Takell, John195-6
Takell, Jone195
Talbot, Anne357
Talbot, Elizabeth227
Talbot family210
Talbot, John227, 357
Talbot, Richard357
Talboys, Eleanor150
Talboys, Walter150
Taylor, Mr202
Tennyson338, 370
Thorne, Prior Robert251-2
Throckmorton, Sir Nicholas78
Thurston family328
Tidwell family130, 137
Tidwell, Joan130
Tilney, Elizabeth93
Tilney family94
Tilney, Sir Frederick93
Toclive, Bishop Richard219
Tour, Blanche de la13
Tracy family125, 159
Tracy, Isolde de370
Tracy, Joan367
Tracy, Oliver Lord125
Tracy, Thomas de64, 370
Tracy, Sir William de125
Treawin, Elizabeth350
Treawin family (Weare)350-1, 366
Treawin, Joan350
Treawin, William350
Tredurff, Margaret315
Tredurff, Thomas315
Treffry family120, 241
Trefusis, Sibella329
Trefusis, Thomas329
Tregarthin family172-3
Tregarthin, Joan151, 171, 173
Tregarthin, John171, 173
Tregonwell, Magister Robert266
Tremaine, Elizabeth317
Tremaine family (Tremayne)148, 233
Tremaine, Sir John148
Tremaine, Margaret148
Trembethow family117
Trenchard family122
Trenchard, Henry122
Trenchard, Sir Thomas122
Trevanion, Ann232
Trevanion family234
Trevanion, Sir Nicholas232
Trevelyan family170
Trevelyan, Sir George170
Trevelyan, John126
Trevelyan, Sir W.C.170
Treverbyn, Hugh de365
Treverbyn, Sibella de365
Trill family203
Tripconey, John316
Tripconey, Thomazine316
Trobridge, Elizabeth213
Trowbridge, George202, 213
Trowbridge, Joan (Jone)202
Trowbridge, John202
Trushut family151
Turges family119
Tyrell family222
Tytherleigh, Christian222
Tytherleigh, Edith153
Tytherleigh family222-4
Tytherleigh, Richard153
Tytherleigh, Robert222, 224
Ufflete, Alice186-7
Ufflete, John186-7
Upcott family309, 345
Valletort, Joan de36
Valletort, Sir Ralph de36
Valletort, Roger de36
Vener, John262
Vere, Aubrey de198
Vere, Hugh de95
Vere, John de198
Vere, Isabel de102
Veysey, Agnes181
Veysey, Amicia181
Veysey, Dorothy181
Veysey, Eleanor181
Veysey, Elizabeth181
Veysey family181
Veysey, Hugh181
Veysey, Joan181
Veysey, Joyce (alias Harman)181
Veysey, Bishop John (alias Herman)69-70, 158, 163, 168, 178-80, 182-3, 221, 307, 325
Veysey, Lord368
Veysey, Margaret181
Veysey, Philippa368
Veysey, Thomas174
Veysey, William (alias Herman)181
Violl, Cheston293
Violl family (Viell)293, 317, 319-20
Violl, William293
Wadham, Dorothie173
Wadham, Elizabeth171, 236
Wadham family151, 170-2, 174, 260, 300
Wadham, Jane300
Wadham, Lady Jone151
Wadham, John Esq151, 246
Wadham, Joyce246
Wadham, Sir John171-4
Wadham, Margaret171
Wadham, Nicholas173-4
Wadham, Richard236
Wadham, Sir William171, 174
Wake, John Lord224
Wake, Margaret224
Waldron family281-2
Waldron, John281-2
Waldron, Richoard283
Walleis, Alice200
Walleis family (Wallis)200
Walleis, Hugh200
Walpole, Sir Robert271
Walrond, Agnes278
Walrond, Anne187
Walrond, Courtenay187
Walrond, Edmond187
Walrond family70, 151, 157, 177, 185-7, 202, 217, 278, 294, 298, 328
Walrond, Henry186, 278
Walrond, Jane187
Walrond, Joan132, 177, 186-7, 201
Walrond, John186-7, 217
Walrond, Judith Maria187
Walrond, Sarah187
Walrond, Sir William132, 187, 201, 278, 298
Walter, Elizabeth302
Walter family302
Walter, John302
Walys, Isabella200
Walys, Thomas200
Warbeck, Perkin71
Warwick, Richard Earl of321
Watts, Mr93
Waty, John129
Wayt, Thomas de la366
Weare family (Trewin)366
Webber, Henry266
Webber, John218
Webster, Rev Montagu181
Well, John265
Were, Richard164
West, Jane36
Westcote29, 99, 110, 136, 142, 166, 188, 200, 226, 251, 258, 270, 281, 299, 301-3, 306, 317, 321, 336, 342, 345, 353-4, 363, 367
Westofer family139
Westofer, Margaret139
Westofer, William37, 139
Weston, John247
Weston, Maud247
Whalsheborowes family343
Whiddon, Edward (Whyddon),310
Whyddon family309-10, 325
Whyddon, Sir John310
White, Sir John le366
Whiting, Agnes186, 278
Whyting, Anne277
Whiting family (Whyting)276-8
Whiting, John186, 277
Whytyng, Nicholas277-8
Widworthy, Alice188
Widworthy, Emma de41, 366
Widworthy family12, 188, 366
Widworthy, Sir Hugh de41, 188, 366
Widworthy, William de188
Wilchelsey, Archbishop333
Wilkins, John168
William I, King (Conqueror)61, 251, 342
William II, King (Rufus)344
William III, King134, 298
Williams, Anne206
Williams, Thomas267-8
Williams, William Peer206
Willington, Elianor344
Willington family343
Willington, Joan342
Willington, Sir Ralph111, 342
Willoughby de Broke, Anne229, 345
Willoughby de Broke, Blanche228, 346
Willoughby de Broke, Dorothy101
Willoughby de Broke, Edward229
Willoughby de Broke, Elizabeth228-9
Willoughby de Broke family51, 261, 331, 345-7
Willoughby de Broke, Sir John345
Willoughby de Broke, Lord49, 101, 228-9, 346
Willoughby de Broke, Mary170, 228
Willoughby de Broke, Robert69, 101, 170, 345
Willoughby de Broke, William170
Willoughby, Anne101
Willoughby family26, 33, 170, 345-6
Willoughby, Henry170
Willoughby, John170
Willoughby, Richard170
Willoughby, Sir Robert345
Willoughby, William331
Wilmot family125
Wilmot, Charles Lord124
Windsor, William of13
Wise, Elizabeth320
Wise family319
Wise, Oliver148
Wise, Thomas320
Withie, Jane167
Withie, Joan167
Withie, John167
Wolsey, Cardinal179
Wonard, John157
Woodstock. Anne104
Woodstock, Edmond of106, 224
Woodstock, Thomas of85-6, 88, 91, 104-5, 143, 252
Woodville, Anthony Lord113
Woodville, Elizabeth, Queen68, 81, 113
Woodville, Jane113
Woodville, Jaquetta113
Woodville, Sir Richard81, 113
Worth, Bridget284
Worth, Henry284
Wortham, Agnes64
Wortham, William64
Wotton, Alice188, 314-5
Wotton family41, 170, 188, 234
Wotton, Henry188
Wotton, John314-5
Wotton, Mary78, 213
Wotton, Sir Robert78-9, 213
Wray family309
Wrey, Sir Chichester143
Wriottesly. Hugh de148
Wriottesly, Thomazine148
Wyatt21, 184, 363
Wyke, Alice247
Wyke, Elizabeth135, 311
Wyke family134-5, 222, 246, 289
Wyke, Frances311
Wyke, Jane289, 291
Wyke, Joan222
Wyke, John134, 311
Wyke, Mary134
Wyke, Rebecca311
Wyke, Richard134, 222, 289
Wyke, Roger134
Wyke, William134, 289
Wynard family155, 157, 235
Wynard, Isabella157
Wynyard, Joan235
Wynard, John157, 235
Wynard, William155-7
Wyndham, Sir Edward174
Wyndham family324, 326
Wyndham, Joan324, 327
Wyndham, John327
Wyndham, Sir William324
Wyrley, John180
Wysbeche, Abbot Nicholas246
Yarde, Bridget231
Yarde, Edward231
Yarde, Elisote197
Yarde, Elizabeth230
Yarde family196-7, 230, 260
Yarde, Gilbert197
Yarde, James197
Yarde, Jane197
Yarde, Joan197
Yarde, John197, 230-1
Yarde, Michall197
Yarde, Richard197, 230
Yarde, Roger197
Yarde, Thomas197
Yarde, Walter197
Yearty, Agnes285
Yearty family (Yartie)284-6
Yeo, Ellen335
Yeo family328, 334-5
Yeo, Joan335
Yeo, John335
Yeo, William334
Yeomans family301
Yonge, Elizabeth270
Yonge family (of Colyton)203, 270-1
Yonge, Sir George271
Yong, Jane203, 205
Yonge, Joan247
Yonge, John203, 205, 246-7, 270, 284
Yonge, Margery246
Yonge, Mary284
Yonge, Sir William271
Yeo, George167
York, Edward Duke of83, 111, 272, 368
York, Elizabeth of140
York, Philippa, Duchess of367-8
York, Richard Duke of59, 88, 272
Yule, Rev J.C.D.296
Zouch, Joan63
Zouch, Lord63