Will of Mary Fortescue
Proved: 6 February 1629
© Crown Copyright
PROB 11/155, Records of the Prerogative Court of Canterbury,
Name of Register: Ridley Quire Numbers: 1 - 59
Transcribed by Adrian Parry
In the name of God Amen the thirteth daie of March in the fourth yeare of the reigne of our Sovereigne Lord Charles by the grace of god of England Holland Ffrance and Scotland Prince defender of the faith etc I Mary Ffortescue of Ffilley in the Countie of Devon the unprofitable servant of God being sick and weak in bodie but of good and perfect memory, thanks be given to allmightie god, doe make and ordaine my last will and testament in manner and formefollowing. Ffirst and principally I commend my sowle into the hands of my lord and saviour Jesus Christ, by ....... sole ...... and ....... I hope to ....... the same againe, not a vile mortall and ......tible bodie as it is now, but a glorious mortall and uncorruptible bodie like unto the bodie of my lord and Saviour Christ, and as for my bodie I commend it to the earth from where it roas taken to be buried , where I shall happen to die, And be... to the worldly thinges which god in his great mercie hath lent mee, were given me, that I should distribute part thereof towards the ........ of the poore, I give and bequeath to the poore of the parish of Ffilly ffive pounds Item I give to the poore of the parish of Weare ffiftie shillings, Item I give to the poore of the two parishes of Buckland fforty shillings to be equally distributed between the two parishes , And my intent, and desire, that the said severall sums given unto the poore of the said parishes , be paid and distributed By the advise of the parson and churchwardens of each parish the next Christmas after my death to such as shall have most need thereof Item I give and bequeath unto my deere and loving mother twenty pounds Item I give and bequeath unto my brother Robert Ffortescue ten pounds. Item I give unto my brother Richard Ffortescue ten pounds. Item I give unto my loving sister Elizabeth Langford twenty pounds and my great bible. Item I give unto my brother Roger Langford ffifty pounds. Item I give and bequeath unto my sister Dorothy Yeo my best gowne, my best muffe, quoite, Apron and one of each sort out of all my linings. Item I give unto my nephew John Yeo her forme fforty pounds. Item I give unto my neice Sara Yeo ffiftie pounds. I give unto Arthur Fortescue tenn pounds to be putt in a piece of plate for him. Item I give unto my sister Sara Wollacombe a piece of gold of two and twenty shillings and my bible with silver clasp. Item I give unto my sister Sara Wollacombe ffortie shillings, and to all the ..... of my brother Wollacombe ...... which he now hath, I give twenty shillings& poore. Item I give unto my sister Anna Ffortescue ffortie shillings, my safeguard, cabbnitt and my ... tablecloath. Item I give unto my neice Elizabeth Ffortescue ffive pounds, And my intent and meaning is, that my ....... hereafter nominated shall have two yeares for the payment of the bequests and legacies in this my last will given, except that which I have disposed to the poor aforesaid. Item I give unto my brother Martin ...... tenn pounds. Item I give unto my cosen Arthur Holland tenn pounds. Item I give to all the rest of the peasants in Ffilley, ...... at the time of my death five shillings a piece. Item I give unto Fferdinande Carn ffive pounds . I give unto Elizabeth Coquett and Margery Owen their five shillings a piece, a Gowne to each of them, and some other of my old clothes which I grant to the discretion of my Executor. Item I give unto George Spurley and his forme twentie shillings a piece. Item I give unto Elizabeth Sproule and her daughter five shillings a piece. Item I give unto M E...... twentie shillings. Item I give unto the preacher that shall preach at my funeral fourtie shillings and a cloake. All the residue of my goodes and debts, my debts owing to others and legacies hereby devised paiyd, I give and bequeath unto my loving sister Mrs Cirell Ffortescue whom I make and ordain whole and sole Executrix of this my last will and testament In witness thereof I have hereunto att my seale and subscribed my name the daie and year above written anno domini 1628: Mary Fortescue Sealed Signed Delivered and published to be the last will and testament of me Mary Ffortescue the daie and year abovewritten in the presence of E... Specott Mr. Lucas The Signe of Phillipp Salterne
Probatum 6 February 1629 Prerogative Court of Canterbury