


Name Index to


On Broadhembury Parish


Mr Charles Tucker

The Gentleman's Magazine and Historical Review, Vol 2, Series 19, July-December,
London: John Henry and James Parker (1865), illus, 835. pp.

Paper read at the May 18 Meeting of the Exeter Diocesan Architectual Society, pp 71-73.

A second (short) paper was read by Mr Hayward, the Diocesan Society's Architect:
The Parish Church of Broadhembury, p. 73

A name index for this paper follows the first index

Prepared by Michael Steer

BROADHEMBURY takes its name from Hembury Fort on a spur of the Blackdown Hills. The name means "the high burh." It is one of the most attractive cob-and-thatch villages in Devon. The church (St. Andrew) is late 14th to early 15th century, with a fine tower, good window tracery, and pleasant Beer stone arcades. The south chancel aisle was the chapel of the Drewes of Grange. The Victorian interior of the church might have been beautiful had its restorers been content to leave things alone. The Rev. Augustus Toplady, famous as the author of the hymn Rock of Ages, was vicar, 1768-78. The paper was read by Mr Charles Tucker, then Secretary of the British Archaeological Institute. This rare book was produced from a digital copy held by the Stanford University Library that can be downloaded from Google Books. Google has sponsored the digitisation of books from several libraries. Those on which copyright has expired are available for free educational and research use, both as individual books and as full collections to aid researchers.

Acland family 71
Baldwin, Viscount 71
Bath, John Earl of 71
Bluett, Buckland Nutcombe 72
Bluett, Hannah 72
Brewer, Bishop William 71
Brewer, William Lord 71
Charles I 72
Drewe, Edward Esq 71
Drewe, Serjeant Edward 71
Drewe family 72
Drewe, Sir Thomas 71-2
Drewe, Thomas Rose Esq 72
Dullton, Abbot Thomas 71
Edward I 71
Edward III 72
Elizabeth I 71-2
Etteridge, John Esq 72
Fursdon, George 72
Fursdon, George Sydenham 72
Fursdon, Grace 72
Gent, Thomas 71
Hellings, Mr 72
Henry VIII 71-2
Hill, Catherine 72
Hill, Grace 72
Hill, Hannah 72
Hill, Mary 72
Hill, Richard 72
Hill, Edward 72
Hill, Thomas Esq 72
James I 71-2
Lancaster, Henry Duke of 71
Leland 72
Ley, Abbot John 71
Nicholas, Pope 72
Nutcombe, Hannah 72
Nutcombe, Richard 72
Peverell, Matilda 72
Pratt, John 72
Richard III 71
Rowsmell, Sir Henry 72
Rowsmell, William 72
Russel, Lord John 71
Sydenham, Grace 72
Sydenham, Humphry 72
Torrington family 71
Torrington, Baron William 71
William IV 72
Wriothesley, Thomas 71

The Parish Church of Broadhembury, Paper read by Mr Hayward

Edward IV 73
Hardman & Co 73
Hayward, Mr 73
Henry VI 73
Oliver, Dr 73