


Personal Name Index to

The Book of Brixham: Portrait of a Harbour Town


Frank Pearce

Halsgrove Press, Tiverton (2000)

Index provided by Graham Parnell


Abbot, Jane 98
Adams, Harold 51
Adams, Tom 33
Alberici, John 103
Alberici, Paul 103
Alberici, Sally 103
Andrews, Brian 51
Andrews, Maurice 51
Ansell, Carl 107
Ansell, R 33
Archer, Clive 107
Ash, H 108
Ashford, C M 80, 85, 86
Ashford, Ernest 107, 108
Bailey, Eve 93
Bailey, W 93
Baker, Rose 77
Baker, Sonny 38
Banberry 108
Bardsley, Graham 50
Baring, Sir Godfrey 45
Barker, Derrick 109
Barker, Isobel 86, 109
Barnes, Phineas 107
Barrett, Alice 102
Barrington, Ron 107
Barrow, Lorna 97
Bartlett, Phylis 97
Bartlett, Ralph 109
Bawden, Richard 78
Beaumont, Albert 108
Beddington, Lt. Col. Claude 91
Beer, Ann 113
Beer, John 109, 113
Bell, Anderson 55
Bevin, Ted 113
Bickford, Joan 102
Billsborough, T 52
Binham 108
Binham, Anne 98
Blackam, Mary 97
Blackler, Bill 51, 52
Blenkin, Frank 109
Blood, Dot 107
Blood, Roy 107
Bond 108
Bond, Jessie 102
Bond, Mary 77, 78
Bond, Phil 51
Bonsey, Rev 77, 78
Boone, Charlie 91
Boulton, Ellis 107
Bovey 109
Bovey, Nora 109
Bower, Colin 99
Bower, Stephen 99
Bowes, David 50
Bowes, T 68
Bowles, Frank 109
Boyce, L J 65
Bradden, W 49
Braddick, John 51
Braddock, R 85
Bradfield, Irene 103
Bradford, Ron 48
Bradshaw, G G 108
Braziere, Audrey 97
Brennan, Dick 55
Brewer, Patricia 99
Breyley, G 52
Bridgeman, Gerald 37
Bright, Geoff 51
Brookes-Daw, 52
Broth, J 108
Brown, David 107
Brown, Richard 99
Buckler, Jack 55
Buley, A E 49
Buley, Edna 56
Buley, Fred 56
Buley, R F 108
Burgoyne 86
Burke, Tony 113
Burley 60
Burley, Doreen 97
Burley, Frank 107
Burrell, Dave 48
Burrington, Cynthia 107
Bywater 108
Calley, Dr 31
Campbell, Donald 91
Campbell, Sir Malcom 91
Campion, Christine 98
Campion, R 49
Caper 60
Carlo 77
Carpenter, Rev. S C 24
Caunter, Bert 51
Caunter, Elsie 91
Caunter, Judy 98
Cauvin, D 55
Charles, John 48, 50
Charles, Shane 50
Charlick, Fred 51
Charlton, Warwick 53, 55, 56
Chavasse, H 52
Chivers, 108
Christie, Dame Agatha 26
Church, C 55
Churston, Lord 45, 47
Clark, Dick 37
Clark, Janet 103
Clark, S 49
Clarke 108
Clements, Daphne 97
Cliffe, Richard 15
Clyburn, Nick 50
Cold 48
Cole, Bruce 50
Cole, Coleen 99
Cole, George 99
Cole, Tom 49
Collier, Lorraine 100
Collin, F 52
Connabier, F 93
Connabier, Rose 93
Cook, Debbie 100
Cooksley, Joan 97
Coram, Ken 48
Couchman, Harry 107
Coupman 48
Coysh 60
Coysh, Wilf 51
Crang, Arthur 52
Creese, John 49, 102
Criddle, Linda 103
Crockett, Dennis 107
Croed, Susanna 21
Crook, Ken 48
Cumming 60
Dale, Sammy 49
Dalley 60
Dalley, Bert 108
Dalton, Joyce 97
Damerel 77
Dart, Bob 51
Dart, Kevin 103
Davies, Joyce 102
Davis, Sylvia 97
Decent, Beryl 109
Dewdney, Harold 37
Dibley, Brian 41
Dickenson, H 108
Dickers, Mary 102
Disney, John 48
Diton, Sue 100
Dobbins, Thomas 13
Doble, Mabel 97
Dodgson, Jean 98
Drew, S 110
Duker, V 93
Duncan, Nancy 109
Dunn 48
Dunn, Geoff 49
Dutton, Barbara 107
Dutton, Harold 107
Dyer, Bill 51
Ecclestone, N 108
Edey, M 55
Edmonds, Sid 51
Edwards, C 65
Edwards, D 49
Edwards, Marjorie 107
Edwards, Oscar 107
Edwards, P 55
Edwards, W 49
Elliot, Richard Couch 85
Ellis 41
Endicott, Ian 98
Endicott, Janet 98
Evans, Freda 100, 102
Evans, Wayne 50
Ewing, Michelle 100
Farrant, Jill 113
Faulkner, Hugh 59
Featherstone, Tom 108
Fellowes, Graham 100, 102
Ferrers, Sir Hugh 25
Findieson 99
Foot, Bill 51
Foot, Simon 50
Forn, M 55
Foster 33
Foster, Bertha 97
Fowler, Nettie 109
Fox, Jim 77
Fradd 48, 60
Franklin, A 52
Franklyn, Norma 107
Fraser, Mary E 27
Freed, M 52
Friend 108
Gagg, Doris 78
Gagg, Mary 77, 78
Gagg, Norman 77
Ganicott, Karen 100
Gardiner, T 49
Geddes, Alec 102
Gibbs, F 49
Gibbs, William 59
Gibson, S C 49
Gibson, S G 49
Gilbert, Sir Humphrey 25
Gill, J 62
Goddard, J 55
Goddard, W 55
Godfrey, D 85
Goodier, Joan 107
Goodier, Peter 107
Goodson, Hugh 77
Goodson, Sir Alfred 62
Gowman, Harry 37
Graham, R 52
Green, F 49
Green, John 107
Green, Olive 107
Greenaway, D 52
Gregory 60, 108
Gregory, Marion 107
Gregory, Stan 107
Griffiths, Taff 51
Grontenrath, John 51
Guy 60
Guy, Austin 107
Hall, S H 70
Hamer, Cliff 107
Hamilton, Hugh 107
Hannaby, Bill 107
Hannaby, Marie 107
Hannaford, Joan 97
Harding 60
Harper, Terry 52
Harrington, Mike 48
Harris, Colin 98
Harris, E 68
Harris, Elsie 102
Hartland, Frank 107
Harvey, N 52
Hatherley, E G 49
Hatherley, F 33
Hatherley, George 49
Hatherley, H 33
Hayman, George 96
Hayman, Gladys 96
Hay-Matthey 69, 95, 97
Hazel 108
Hazlewood, Sam 108
Heard, Andrew 103
Hellier, Susan 98
Helly, Russell 49
Heron, A 85
Higgins, Betty 93, 113
Hill, Derek 107
Hingston 108
Hingston, Brian 48
Hodge, Joan 107
Hodge, Stan 107
Hogg, Miss A M 23, 62
Hogg, Rev. John Roughton 23
Holding, John 50
Hollingworth, D 52
Holloway 60
Hook, Stafford 70
Horrocks, J 55
Hoskins 60
Hoskins, Cyril 110
How, R 52
Howells, Geoff 107
Hoyle, Albert 49, 51, 100, 102
Hughes 108
Hughes, Bob 107
Hutcheon, Alex 107
Hutcheon, Barbara 107
Israel, L 55
Ivey, Bill 50
Ivey, Steven 50
Jackman, T 33
Jackson, Walter 51
Jago, A 52
Jago, Audrey 107
Jago, Ray 107
Jake, Thelma 97
James, Betty 102
James, Joan 102
Janes 102
Jarrowson, Andrew 52
Jenkins, Maldwyn 51
Johns, C 65
Johnson 60
Jones 60, 108
Jones, A Ken 108
Jones, Ralph 113
Jordain 60
Jordain, Bill 109
Jordain, Malcolm 113
Junker, Jan 55
Jury, Ken 78
Jury, Mary 77, 78
Kennar, G 49
Kent, C 49
King, Jonathon 50
King, Sandra 98
Kirk 108
Kitto, Nancy 102
Knapman, W 49
Lacey, J 55
Lane 33, 60
Lane, Brian 51
Lang, F 49
Lanyon, Janet 100
Leaman, Chris 50
Lear, Len 108
Lear, S 65
Leary, Mick 52
Lee 60
Lee, F 65
Lemin. D 85
Lever, Eric 37
Ley 77
Light, Nora 97
Lindsay, A 55
Longhurst, Joan 91
Longhurst, John 98
Loram, Mark 50
Lovegrove, 60
Lovegrove, David 108
Lovegrove, G 49
Lovell, Tom 62
Low, Molly 97
Lugrin, J 55
Lynham, Samantha 113
Lynn, Ivor 99
Lyte, Rev. Francis 9, 23
Macmasters, Harold 108
Maddick, David 98
Maddocks, Guy 50
Marsh, Ike 55
Martin, L 49
Mason, A W 91
Mathay 60
Maunder, Billy 78, 96
Maunder, Cynthia 96
Maunder, David 78
Maunder, Stella 78
McCarthy, Wendy 77, 78
McInally, Alan 98
Mead, Sonny 102
Meadows, W P 71
Meaker 108
Meany. J 55
Medland 38
Merchant, Jim 51
Meredith 100
Meredith, Carol 100
Milburn, Colin 51
Mildmay, Lord 45
Mills, D 52
Mills, George 70
Millsom 108
Milsom, Alec 107
Milton 60
Mitchell, R 85
Mitchell, Walter 110
Mitchelmore, Stan 107
Moore, Gordon 107
Moore, H 33
Moore, Jimmy 50
Morey, Henry 108
Morgan, Alfred 108
Morgan, Carolyn 107
Morris, John 107
Morris, Margaret 96
Morris, Nancy 113
Mosedale 48
Mosedale, John 48
Mosedale, John (Junior) 50
Moxey, Albert 108
Mugridge, E 55
Mugridge, William H H 45, 46
Mumery 60
Munday, Marjorie 102
Munnings, Rachael 103
Murley, Winifred 110
Murphy, Daphne 107
Murray, Jennifer 96
Murrell, Mary 93
Muscroft, Brian 48
Mutte, Eileen 97, 102
Myers 108
Nbinham 98
Nolan, Chris 48
Nolan, E 52
Norris, W G 49
Nowel, Faith 97
Nunn, G 55
O'Nions, Joan 109
Oram 60
Orchard, B 52
Owen, J 65
Packham, Richard 99
Packham, Ron 109, 113
Paddock, Paddy 107
Padfield, B 55
Pady, Fred 65
Palmer, Violet 102
Parker, Brindley 98
Parks 85, 86
Parks, Jim 51
Parsons 48
Parsons, W 69
Parton, Roy 49
Partridge, 108
Partridge, Bernard 107
Partridge, Howard 110
Partridge, Phylis 97
Passmore 60, 100
Pearce, F 93
Pearce, V 93
Pearson, Elizabeth 99
Pedrick, John 98
Penn 108
Penwill, L T 49
Pepper, J 52
Perrett, 60
Perrett, C 33
Petherick, Sharon 96
Phillips 108
Phillips, Eddie 107
Phillips, J 93
Phillips, Janet 100
Phillips, Jean 107
Phillips, Linda 100
Phillips, Peter 98
Phipps, Sir William 13
Picek, D W 49
Pike, Barry 107
Pillar 108
Pillar, David 50
Pillar, John 38
Pillar, William 9, 45, 46
Pine, Russel 108
Pitman, Len 108
Pitman, Margaret 107, 108
Pocock 108
Pocock, Bill 107
Polyblank, Connie 102
Pope, John 100, 102
Pope, Julie 103
Potter 102
Potter, Freda 102
Potter, Marion 102
Powell, J 55
Preston, Jean 77, 78
Preston, P 52
Price, Nancy 102
Price, Neil 107
Price, Sam 102
Putt, Rita 99
Quirk 98
Raby 77
Raleigh, Sir Walter 25
Rees, Roger 118
Reeves, Joan 91, 97
Reynolds, Bruce 26
Richardson, Joan 97
Rickard 98
Risk, Myra 109
Roach, A 93
Roach, Chris 99
Roach, Joan 93
Roberts, Bill 93
Robertson 108
Robertson, Sam T 108
Robinson, P 52
Rockey 60
Rollings, Sylvia 102
Rounsell, Dick 90
Rundle 77
Sanders, Frederick 45
Sanders, W A 49, 62
Sarva, Sav 50
Saxton, Madeline 99
Saxton, W 93
Scarr, J 55
Scott, Andrew 50
Scott, Maurice 91
Seele, Jay 110
Sharp 108
Shaw, Audrey 96
Shears 60
Shears, W J 70
Shee, Sir George 45
Shepherd 48
Sherritt, Colin 98
Short, K 52
Silley, Dorothea 91
Silley, H 65
Silley, Rose 91
Silman, Frances 107
Silman, Roy 107
Simmons, Gerry 107
Sims, Brenda 96
Slade, H 62
Slater, R 52
Small, Adrian 55
Small, R 49
Small, R G 49
Smardon, Henry Maddock 45, 47, 62, 65, 85, 109
Smardon, Marjorie 109
Smardon, Reg 37
Smardon, W 65
Smith, Eileen 102
Smith, Joyce 97
Smith, Phyllis 102
Snell, Jack 51
Snell, Tom 108
Sowerby, H 55
Squires, Derek 49
Stanford, Jennifer 98
Stapleston, George 108
Stapleton 83
Stevens 60, 108
Stevens, W 108
Stevens. Dr. J 55
Stoyle, Dion 50
Stroud, Chris 50
Stubbs. 97
Taylor 60, 108
Taylor, Bill 48
Tenney, G 55
Thomas, Alison 100
Thomas, Eric 51, 52
Thomas, Jan 113
Thomas, Karen 103
Thomas, Margaret 97
Thomas, Sid 91
Thomas. Nicola 103
Thompson 60
Thompson, Don 107
Thompson, Dr R B 49
Thompson, Gary 50
Thompson, P 85
Thompson, Shirley 107
Thorpe, D 55
Ticehurst, Philip 50
Timblin, Sheila 96
Tomlin, Cecil 107
Tomlin, Janet 107
Tomlin, Vic 100
Trant, William E 108
Tribble, Adrian 50
Tribble, Henry 107
Tribble, Jean 107
Truman, Fred 51
Tucker, Betty 107
Tucker, Brian 107
Tucker, Gwenda 107
Tucker, Vernon 107
Tuckett 108
Tuckham, John 90
Turvey, Helen 97
Turvey, Joan 97
Upham, Martin 52
Upham, Stuart 55, 56
Urand, Liz 96
Usher, Stan 49
Varwell, Peter 13
Villiers, Alan 53, 56
Wade, J 52
Waiters, Michael 50
Wakeham, Billy 78
Wakeham, Maurice 77, 78
Walker, Derek 107
Walker, Pat 107
Wallis, Peter 98
Ward, F 49
Ward, Frederick 70
Warren 60
Watson, B 55
Watt, Betty 97
Way, Megan 109
Webber, G 33
Weekes 77
Weekes, A J 70
Weekes, W E 49
Whitehill, Fred 49
Wibrow, P 52
Wickson, Valerie 97
Widdicombe 60
Widdicombe, Alan 59
Widger, Betty 107
Widger, Ernie 107
William, Billy 50
Williams, Betty 97
Williams, Joyce 102
Williams, Kerry 100
Williams. 60
Wills, Richard 107
Winslow, Commander Kenelm 53
Winslow, Edward 53
Winslow, John 53, 55
Winsor, 77
Wolston, R W 31
Worth 60, 108
Worth, A 49
Worth, H 33
Wright, Simon 99
Yolland, John 107
Yolland, Joy 107
York 60
Youlden, John 108, 103
Young, Graham 50


Brian Randell, 13 Apr 2000