



From White's Devonshire Directory of 1850

Transcribed by Neil Stanton

BRENT-TOR or Brentor is a parish of scattered houses, from 4 to 5 miles N. of Tavistock, containing 169 souls, and 2180 acres of land, rising in bold hills on the western confines of Dartmoor. The Duke of Bedford is lord of the manor, which formerly belonged to Tavistock Abbey, but part of the soil belongs to the Carpenter, Hoblin, Brandreth, Weeks, and other families. A fair was formerly held near the church , under a grant obtained in 1231. The Church (St. Michael,) is a very small and ancient structure, standing on the summit of the conical tor, or rocky hill, which rises abruptly on an elevated down. It has a tower and three bells, and has recently been re-pewed. The interior measures only 37 feet by 14 and a half, and on a tablet inside the door is inscribed "Upon this rock will I build my church". Tradition says it was built by a merchant, who, being overtaken by a storm at sea, vowed, if he landed safely in Plymouth Sound, he would erect a church on the first point of land he saw. In ancient records it is called St. Michael de Rupe It stands near the edge of the perpendicular cliff and its small grave yard is saturated with moisture though on the summit of a rock supposed to be an extinct volcano, as implied by the name; Brent or Burnt Tor. The beneface is a perpetual curacy, worth only £66 per year. The Duke of Bedford is patron, and the Rev. E.A. Bray, of Tavistock, is the incumbent, and has yearly about £15 from tithes, £9 15s from Queen Anne's Bounty, and £40 10s from a farm at Whitechurch.

Arthur John, vict. Herring's Arms
Cudlip John M. mason
Down Jno. smith and vict. Stag's Head
Prout James. mine manager

FARMERS (*are owners)
*Batton Wm. Brimsey Batch
*Bickle Thos. Kinsman, Holyeat
Bickle Wm || Doidge Grace
*Glanville Joseph, Broad Park
Glanville Thomas || Mason Jas.
Maunder Wm || Pengelly
Petter Thomas || Walter Thomas
Tucker Elias Rowe, Woodlark
Westlake John. East Liddaton

Brian Randell, 29 May 2003