


Index of Names - Places, People, Wares


Bovey Tracey Potteries: Guide and Marks

Brian Adams

House of Marbles, Pottery Road, Bovey Tracey, Devon, 2005 - ISBN: 0-9549744-0-9

Original index, provided by Michael Steer (with the permission of Brian Adams)

fAdams, Miss Mary 11
Addams, Ann 10
Allward, John 9
Arnold, Andrew 10
Ash, Eliz h 11
Ashburton 10, 20, 31
Ashburton pop, 10
Australia 34
Badged Ware. 27
Bailey, Eric 40
Barnstaple 22
Barrett 11
Beach and Barnicott 21
Beer and Cyder Mugs 22
Bickle, D. 12
Blake, Charles Davey 24
Blue of Devon 41
Blue Waters 28, 36
Blyth Porcelain Company. 34
Bond, William and Frank 42
Bovey 13, 20
Bovey Heathfield 5, 15
Bovey Pottery Company Ltd. 24
Bovey Tracey 13, 20
Bovey Tracey Art Pottery 41, 43
Bovey Tracey Pottery Company 17
Bovey Tracey Pottery Museum 46
Breley, Frances 11
Bridport, 21
Bristol 24, 26, 38
Britannia Pottery Company 34
British Pottery Manufacturers Federation 26
Brownhills Pottery Co. 34
Browning, Sarah 10
Buckland-in-the-Moor 13
Buller, Divett & Co. 17
Buller, Thomas Wentworth 17,18
Buller, Wentworth William 18
Bullers Limited, 18
Byron, B.M. 33, 36
Candy & Company Ltd. 41, 44
Candy Tile Works 5
Candy, Frank 44
Carder, Polly 11
Cardiff 23
Carlsberg 28
Carpenter, T. 12
Chagford 13
Chase, Mrs. Mary 11
Chudleigh 44
Chudleigh Ware, 44
Chudleigh, Liberal Club 27
Churchill, Winston 32
Clark, E 38
Clay, Mr. 18
Clotted Cream Jars 21
Coall, Mary 9
Cockerman, Rich d. 13
Cockington 35
Colridge, Ann 12
Commemoratives 31
Cook, Ann 10
Cook, James 11
Cookworthy, William 7-8
Cornwall 5
Courtenay, Lord William 5, 15
Crane, John 14f
Creamware 9-11, 16
Crediton 11, 12
Crisp, Nicholas 7, 9
Czechoslovakia 39
Darges, Mary 11
Dartmoor Ware 29, 34, 45
Devon County 22
Devon Tors Art Pottery, 40, 42
Devon, Earl of 5, 17
Devonmoor Art Pottery 41
Devonshire Potteries Ltd. 43
Divett, John 17, 18
Dobell, D. 10
Doulton and Company 44
Downing, W.P. 13
Drab ware 18
Edward VIII 31
Ellis, Joanna 10
Ellis, William 8, 13
Elton Pottery 40
English Ceramic Circle. 46
Exeter 11, 19
Exeter City 22
Exon 22
Exon Art Pottery 39
Fife Pottery 37
Findlay, Frank 25
Findlay, Wallace and Frank 38
Folly Pottery 15
Fore Street Pottery 5-6
Fruit ware 29, 34
Gale, J & S. 12
Galliford, Edgar 12
Gater, A. E., Exeter 19
Germany 29
Glasgow 27, 35
Goode, T. and Co. 35
Great Western Potteries, 44
Grills, Elizabeth 11
Halistay, Elizh 11
Hall, Sarah 12
Halse, R. Jun. 10
Hancock, James & E. 11
Hanley 18
Harding, Saml. 12
Hardy, G. and Co. Ltd. 43
Harris, clotted cream 21
Harris, T. M. 12
Haytor Granite Company 16
Heard, Ann 9
Hele Cross, 41
Henman, Grace 10
Hill and Teasdel, New Zealand 23
Hitler 33
Holt, Gwynneth 33
Honeychurch 15-17
Horner's Clotted Cream 21
Hortop, Betsy 16
House of Marbles 45, 46
Hutchings, M. 10
Ilsington 12
Indeo Pottery 7, 46
Iran 27
Johnston, T.B. 24.
Jones, John Pike 15, 16
JW Co 35
Kane, Marjorie 41
Kane, Vincent Arthur 41
Kimberton 11
Kingwell, Wm. 11
Lacey, George 11
Lamacrat, Ann 10
Lamble, Elizabeth 9
Lamble, Samuel 15
Lezant 13
Lifton, 16
Liverton 41
London 27
Louden, Ann 10
M.H. 1769 10
MacMillan, Harold 26
Manley, Les 16
Marten, Mary 10
McDowell's , Sydney 34
Mead, William 15
Medland, Mrs 10
Mess Ware 19
Milles, Jeremiah 5
Ministry of Works 25
Moore, Thos 10
Moreton, Dolphin Inn, 13
Moretonhampstead 11
Mortimore, Mary 13
Mussolini 33
N &G 35
National Society of Pottery Workers 26
Neck, Mary 12
Nekola, Joseph 37, 38
Newport 23
Newton Abbot 18
Nichols, Grace 10
Norris, Betty 12
Norrish, Samuel 13
Norrish, William 13
North Bovey 13, 15
Nursery Rhyme Series 30
Nursery Ware. 30, 36
Ointment pots 21
Our Gang 33, 36
Pearlware 12-13,16
Pearse, Prisilia 10
Pinsent, Laura Emily 20
Plichta, Jan 39
Plymouth 22
Podbury, Mary 12
Pond Garden Pottery 5
Poor Mans Friend 21
Porcelain 7, 9
Pountney & Company 24
Pountney Pottery 38
Presentation Mugs 20
Primavesi, F. and Sons, 23
Prince of Wales, H.R.H. 38, 46
Prouse, Tom 8, 9,14
Pugsle, Mary 9
Queen's Ware 47
Quint, G. 10
R.B. 12
Ralph, Sarah 12
Randell, Abraham 11
Randell, Alice 11
Roosevelt, President F.D. 4, 32
Royal Navy 10
Runnaford Pottery, 42
S.C. 1792 12
S.W. 1791 113
Saltglaze 9
Saltglazed ware 6,10
Sandford 12
Savery, Suzanna 10
Sayer, T & M 11
Saymore, Martha 10
Schweppes 28
Scratch blue 9, 10
Seman, Mary 12
Sheppard, Sarah 12
Shinner, Charlotte E. 20
Slip decoration 14
Smale , Jane 11
South Devon Railway 18
South Molton 22
Southcott, Mary 12
St. Dennis 31
St. Sidwell's 11
Staddon, Enoch 41
Stalin. 32
Steer, Elizabeth 10
Stoke-on-Trent 5, 40
Stonlake, Christopher 9
Stooke, M. 12
Stover Canal 18
Stretton, Norman F.S.A., 46
Strong, Thos. 13
Strongs of Romsey 28
Surcombe, Ann 10
Swansea 23
Swindon 19
Tap-house 11
Tapper, Thomas 13
Tavner, Joan 11
Taylor, Elizth 12
Teignbridge Canal 16
Teigngrace, 18
Teignmouth 18,19
Tiverton 11
Toper, Jane 9
Torquay 42
Torquay Pottery 41
Totnes 22
Tozer, William S. 13
Tranter, Bill 26
Treburley 13
Treleaven, John, 11
Trentham Art Ware 43
Tuffnell, Squire George 7
Villeroy and Boch 29
W.M. 13
Watcombe 42
Wedgwood, Josiah 8, 16,47
Wemyss Ware 4, 37, 46
Wescontree Art ware 44
Wesleyan Bazaar 20
White, Ann 11
Widecombe Pottery 42
Willcocks, Richard 13
Woloszczuk, Wanda 38
Woollacott, Florrie 38
Wotton, William 10
Wyatt and Bruce Limited 45
Wyness, Fenton 33
Yarner 17
Youlton, William 11
Young, Will 42