


Bovey Tracey Apprenticeship indentures - Steer Family

Prepared by Michael Steer

From 1597, a series of Poor Law Acts gave Overseers of the Poor and Churchwardens of each parish the power to set poor children to work, and a large number were made apprentices by the appointed parish officers. The parish paid the apprenticeship fee, and apprenticeship contracts took the form of an indenture. Two copies of the indenture were made - one copy was kept in the parish chest, the other by the designated master or mistress of the apprentice until the apprenticeship terminated, when the copy was presented to the apprentice. Overseers of the Poor were directed under an Act of 1801- 2 to keep an Apprenticeship Register for their parish. Those which survive are generally found among the parish records. Compulsory apprenticeship was abolished in 1844. Apprenticeship Indentures have a standard format, sometimes including the names of the apprentice's parents. Pauper children in such rural parishes as Bovey Tracey were generally apprenticed to learn husbandry or housewifery on farms, or in private houses and shops. Many apprentices were simply used as unpaid servants in the homes of their masters. An apprentice was generally treated like a member of the master's family, and was fed, clothed and housed at his or her expense. Many parish apprentices were often badly treated. However, there are no records of such abuse among the Bovey Tracey apprentices.

There are 22 Apprenticeship Indentures made between 1774 and 1834, eight with binding orders, related to the STEER family of Bovey Tracey in the National Archives collection. The originals are held at the Devon Record Office and the complete list can be retrieved via the search engine at https://discovery.nationalarchives.gov.uk/ using STEER as the keyword.

Transcripts of the following seven Indentures were made from photocopies taken in 1979 of the original documents at the Devon Record Office, then located at Southernhay, Exeter. All surnames have been capitalized as an aid to genealogical research. Handwritten entries in the Indenture forms appear as bold italics.

1 -1784Elizabeth STEER apprenticed to William LAMBLE,
  National Archives Catalogue 2160 A/PO 158
2 -1789Josias STEER apprenticed to Robert HOLE,
  National Archives Catalogue 2160 A/PO 203
3 -1791Thomas STEER apprenticed to John JEWELL,
  National Archives Catalogue 2160 A/PO 232
4 -1826Eliza EVANS apprenticed to Joseph STEER,
  National Archives Catalogue 2160 A/PO 516
5 -1827Mary STEER apprenticed to Joseph DOMMETT
  National Archives Catalogue 2160 A/PO 538
6 -1833Thomas STEER apprenticed to William BASTOW
  National Archives Catalogue 2160 A/PO 627
7 -1834William STEER apprenticed to William HARRIS
  National Archives Catalogue 2160 A/PO 650



Elizabeth STEER apprenticed to William LAMBLE, 1784
National Archives Catalogue 2160 A/PO 158

(© Crown Copyright)

This Indenture, made the eighteenth Day of December in the twenty fourth Year of the Reign of our Sovereign Lord George the third- by the Grace of God, of Great Britain, France and Ireland, King, Defender of the Faith, and so forth, and in the Year of our Lord One thousand seven Hundred and eighty four. Witnesseth That Robert HOLE and Thomas STEER Church-Wardens of the Parish of Bovey Tracey in the County of Devon And John ELLIS, John WILLS, George WILLS and John POTTER- Overseers of the Poor for the said Parish, by and with the consent of his Majesty's Justices of the Peace for the said County- whose names are hereunto subscribed, have put and placed and by these Presents do put and place Elizabeth STEER - a poor Child of the said Parish, Apprentice to William LAMBLE of the same Parish for his abilities - with him to dwell and serve from the Day of the Date of these Presents until the said Apprentice shall accomplish her full Age of Twenty one years - according to the Statute in that Case made and provided. During all which Term the said Apprentice her said Master faithfully shall serve in all lawful Business, according to her Power, Wit and Ability; and honestly, orderly, and obediently, in all things demean and behave her self towards her said Master and all his during the said Term. And the said William LAMBLE - for himself, his Executors, and Administrators, doth Covenant and Grant, to and with the said Church-Wardens and Overseers, and every of them, their and every of their Executors and Administrators, and their and every of their Successors, for the Time being, by these Presents, That the said William LAMBLE the said Apprentice in Housekeeping Work shall and will teach and instruct or Cause to be taught or Instructed And shall and will during all the term aforesaid, find, provide and allow, unto the said Apprentice, meet, competent and sufficient Meat, Drink and Apparel, Lodging, Washing and all other Things, necessary and fit for an Apprentice. And also shall and will to provide for the said Apprentice, that he be not any way a Charge to the said Parish of parishioners of the same; but of and from all Charge shall and will save the said Parish and Parishioners harmless and indemnified during the said Term. In witness whereof the Parties above said to these present indentures, interchangeably have put their Hands and Seals, the Day and Year above written.

And delivered in the Presence of
(signature missing)

                                            We whose names are subscribed, Justices of
                                            the Peace for the (remainder missing)

In the margin: Signature and seal of William LAMBLE



Josias STEER apprenticed to Robert HOLE, 1789
National Archives Catalogue 2160 A/PO 203

(© Crown Copyright)

This Indenture, made the Fifth Day of October in the twenty ninth Year of the Reign of our Sovereign Lord George the Third- by the Grace of God, of Great Britain, France and Ireland, King, Defender of the Faith, and so forth, and in the Year of our Lord One thousand seven Hundred and eighty nine. Witnesseth That Robert HOLE and Thomas STEER Church-Wardens of the Parish of Bovey Tracey in the County of Devon And Robert HOLE, John HARRIS, Thomas TAPLEY and George FURSE- Overseers of the Poor for the said Parish, by and with the consent of his Majesty's Justices of the Peace for the said County- whose names are hereunto subscribed, have put and placed and by these Presents do put and place Josias STEER - a poor Child of the said Parish, Apprentice to Robert HOLE of the same Parish - with him to dwell and serve from the Day of the Date of these Presents until the said Apprentice shall accomplish her full Age of Twenty one years - according to the Statute in that Case made and provided. During all which Term the said Apprentice his said Master faithfully shall serve in all lawful Business, according to his Power, Wit and Ability; and honestly, orderly, and obediently, in all things demean and behave him self towards his said Master and all his during the said Term. And the said Robert HOLE- for himself, his Executors, and Administrators, doth Covenant and Grant, to and with the said Church-Wardens and Overseers, and every of them, their and every of their Executors and Administrators, and their and every of their Successors, for the Time being, by these Presents, That the said Robert HOLE the said Apprentice in Husbandry Work shall and will teach and instruct or Cause to be taught or Instructed And shall and will during all the term aforesaid, find, provide and allow, unto the said Apprentice, meet, competent and sufficient Meat, Drink and Apparel, Lodging, Washing and all other Things, necessary and fit for an Apprentice. And also shall and will to provide for the said Apprentice, that he be not any way a Charge to the said Parish of parishioners of the same; but of and from all Charge shall and will save the said Parish and Parishioners harmless and indemnified during the said Term. In witness whereof the Parties above said to these present indentures, interchangeably have put their Hands and Seals, the Day and Year above written.

Sealed and delivered in the Presence of
John Tolcher

                                            We whose names are subscribed, Justices of
                                            the Peace for the County aforesaid (one
                                            being of the Quorum
), do consent to the
                                            putting forth of the abovesaid Josias
, Apprentice, according to the intent
                                            and Meaning of the above indenture

                                             Thos BAKER
                                             Tho LANE

In the margin: Signature and seal of Robt HOLE

And F C[?] PIKE



Thomas STEER apprenticed to John JEWELL, 1791
National Archives Catalogue 2160 A/PO 232

(© Crown Copyright)

This Indenture, made the 13th Day of October in the 30th Year of the Reign of our Sovereign Lord George the Third- by the Grace of God, of Great Britain, France and Ireland, King, Defender of the Faith, and so forth, and in the Year of our Lord One thousand seven Hundred and Ninety one. Witnesseth That Robert HOLE and John HARRIS Church-Wardens of the Parish of Bovey Tracey in the County of Devon And the said John HARRIS, Moses SAVERY, Robert HOLE and Richd. LANGWORTHY- Overseers of the Poor for the said Parish, by and with the consent of his Majesty's Justices of the Peace for the said County- whose names are hereunto subscribed, have put and placed and by these Presents do put and place Thos STEER - a poor Child of the said Parish, Apprentice to John JEWELL of the same Parish for Middle Combe - Estate with him to dwell and serve from the Day of the Date of these Presents until the said Apprentice shall accomplish her full Age of twenty one years - according to the Statute in that Case made and provided. During all which Term the said Apprentice his said Master faithfully shall serve in all lawful Business, according to his Power, Wit and Ability; and honestly, orderly, and obediently, in all things demean and behave him self towards his said Master and all his during the said Term. And the said John JEWEL - for himself, his Executors, and Administrators, doth Covenant and Grant, to and with the said Church-Wardens and Overseers, and every of them, their and every of their Executors and Administrators, and their and every of their Successors, for the Time being, by these Presents, That the said John JEWELL the said Apprentice in Husbandry Work shall and will teach and instruct or Cause to be taught or Instructed And shall and will during all the term aforesaid, find, provide and allow, unto the said Apprentice, meet, competent and sufficient Meat, Drink and Apparel, Lodging, Washing and all other Things, necessary and fit for an Apprentice. And also shall and will to provide for the said Apprentice, that he be not any way a Charge to the said Parish of parishioners of the same; but of and from all Charge shall and will save the said Parish and Parishioners harmless and indemnified during the said Term. In witness whereof the Parties above said to these present indentures, interchangeably have put their Hands and Seals, the Day and Year above written.

Sealed and delivered in the Presence of
John Tolcher

We whose names are subscribed, Justices of
                                            the Peace for the County aforesaid (one
                                            being of the Quorum
), do consent to the
                                            putting forth of the abovesaid Thomas
, Apprentice, according to the intent
                                            and Meaning of the above indenture
                                             Thos Taylor
                                             Tho Lane

In the margin, signed and sealed
by John Jewell

[?] Blackler



Eliza EVANS apprenticed to Joseph STEER, 1826
National Archives Catalogue 2160 A/PO 516

(© Crown Copyright)

Side 1

DEVON To wit To the Churchwardens and Overseers of the Poor of the Parish of Bovey Tracey in the said County

Whereas by a certain Act of parliament, passed in the Fifty Sixth Year of his late Majesty, King George the Third, Chap. 139 intituled "an Act for the better regulating the binding out Parish Apprentices." It is enacted that from and after the First day of October 1816, all Poor Children before they are bound, shall be of the full Age of Nine Years, and an Order for such binding must be first obtained by the Church-wardens and Overseers of every Parish from Two Magistrates, acting in and for the County or District wherein such Parish shall be situated: And whereas the Church-wardens and Overseers of the Poor of the Parish of Bovey Tracey- have this day brought before us Gilbert BURRINGTON Clerk and Montagu Edmund PARKER Esquire-
Two of his Majesty's Justices of the Peace acting in and for the said County, a Poor Child hereunder named, of the said Parish to be bound out a Parish Apprentice; We therefore, the said Justices, after having fully examined into the circumstances and fitness of the Master and Age of the said Child do allow the same, and we do hereby order and direct you the said Churchwardens and Overseers of the Poor of the Parish of Bovey Tracey- forthwith to prepare one Pair of Indentures, and cause the same to be brought before us, the said Justices for the purpose of binding the said Child and Apprentice to the intended Master- thereof, according to the said Act.
Given under our hands and seals this fourth day of July- 1826
                                             J BURRINGTON
                                             M.E. PARKER

Name of Apprentice to be bound    Age    Name of Master or Mistress    Residence    Occupation
Eliz EVANS    11    Joseph STEER    Bovey Tracey    Potter
      For Wifford  

Side 2

This Indenture, made the Fourth Day of July in the Seventh Year of the Reign of our Sovereign Lord GEORGE the Fourth- by the Grace of God, of the United Kingdom of great Britain, and Ireland, King, Defender of the Faith, and in the Year of our Lord One Thousand Eight Hundred and twenty six-
WITNESSETH, That in Pursuance and in Execution of and Order under the Hands and seals of Gilbert BURRINGTON Clerk and Montagu Edmund PARKER Esquier - two of His Majesty's Justices of the Peace, acting in and for the Hundred of Teignbridge - within the County of Devon, bearing Date the Fourth Day of July instant- (made according to the Provisions of an Act passed in the Fifty-six Year of the Reign of His late Majesty King GEORGE III) intituled "An Act to regulate the binding of Parish Apprentices" George HARRIS and William JEWELL- Charchwardens of the Parish of Bovey Tracey- in the County of Devon, AND Joseph HARRIS, William HOLE, Samuel EDWARDS and Joseph STEER- Overseers of the Poor of the said Parish, have put and placed and by these Presents do put and place Eliza EVANS- aged Eleven Years and upwards, a poor Child of the said Parish, Apprentice to Joseph STEER for Wifford- with him to dwell and serve, from the Day of the Date of these Presents, until the said Apprentice shall accomplish her full age of Twenty-one Years or be married- according to the Statute in that case made and provided. DURING all of which Term the said Apprentice her said Master faithfully shall serve in all lawful Business according to her Power, Wit, and Ability; and honestly, orderly, and obediently, in all Things demean and behave herself towards her said Master and all his during the said Term. AND the said Joseph STEER - for himself, his Executors and Administrators, doth Covenant and Grant, and to the said Church-wardens and Overseers, and every of them, their and every of their Executors and Administrators, and their and every of their Successors, for the Time being, by these presents, That he the said Joseph STEER- the said Apprentice in Housewifery Work- shall and will teach and instruct, or cause to be taught and instructed in the best Way and Manner that he can during the said Term. And shall and will during the Term aforesaid, find, provide, and allow unto the said Apprentice, meet, competent and sufficient Meat, Drink and Apparel, Lodging, Washing, and all other Things necessary and fit for an Apprentice; PROVIDED ALWAYS, that the last mentioned Covenant on the part and behalf of the said Joseph STEER- his Executors and Administrators, to be done and performed shall continue and be in force for no longer Time than Three Calendar Months next after the death of the said Joseph STEER- in case the said Joseph STEER- shall happen to die during the continuance of such Apprenticeship according to the Provisions of an Act passed in the Thirty-second year of the Reign of His said Majesty King George the Third, intituled "An Act for the further regulation of Parish Apprentices." AND ALSO shall and will so provide for the said Apprentice, that she be not in any wise a Charge for the said Parish or Parishioners of the same; but of and from all Charge shall and will save the said Parish and Parishioners harmless and indemnified during the said Term. IN WITNESS whereof, the parties above-said, to this present Indenture, interchangeably have set their Hands and Seals the day and Year first above-written.

SEALED and DELIVERED in the presence of

Philip Windsor Joseph STEER
                                            We, whose names are hereunder written,
                                             Justices of the Peace, in and for the said
                                            County (whereof one is of the Quorum) do
                                            consent to and allow the putting forth of
                                             Eliza EVANS- an Apprentice, according to
                                            the intent and meaning of this Indenture.

                                             Gilbert BURRINGTON
                                             Montagu Edmund PARKER
In the left margin:
Signatures and seals of:

William JEWELL
William HOLE
Joseph STEER



Mary STEER apprenticed to Joseph DOMMETT, 1827
National Archives Catalogue 2160 A/PO 538

(© Crown Copyright)

Side 1

DEVON To wit To the Churchwardens and Overseers of the Poor of the Parish of Bovey Tracey in the said County

Whereas by a certain Act of parliament, passed in the Fifty Sixth Year of his late Majesty, King George the Third, Chap. 139 intituled "an Act for the better regulating the binding out Parish Apprentices." It is enacted that from and after the First day of October 1816, all Poor Children before they are bound, shall be of the full Age of Nine Years, and an Order for such binding must be first obtained by the Church-wardens and Overseers of every Parish from Two Magistrates, acting in and for the County or District wherein such Parish shall be situated: And whereas the Church-wardens and Overseers of the Poor of the Parish of Bovey Tracey- have this day brought before us Gilbert BURRINGTON Clerk and the Honourable Pownell Bastard PELLEW
Two of his Majesty's Justices of the Peace acting in and for the said County, a Poor Child hereunder named, of the said Parish to be bound out a Parish Apprentice; We therefore, the said Justices, after having fully examined into the circumstances and fitness of the Master and Age of the said Child do allow the same, and we do hereby order and direct you the said Churchwardens and Overseers of the Poor of the Parish of Bovey Tracey- forthwith to prepare one Pair of Indentures, and cause the same to be brought before us, the said Justices for the purpose of binding the said Child and Apprentice to the intended Master- thereof, according to the said Act.
Given under our Hands and Seals this fifth day of November - 1827
                                             J BURRINGTON
                                             P.M. PELLEW

Name of Apprentice to be bound    Age    Name of Master or Mistress    Residence    Occupation
Mary STEER    10    Revd Joseph    Bovey Tracey    Clerk
      For Little Bovey  

Side 2

This Indenture, made the Fifth Day of November in the Eighth Year of the Reign of our Sovereign Lord GEORGE the Fourth- by the Grace of God, of the United Kingdom of great Britain, and Ireland, King, Defender of the Faith, and in the Year of our Lord One Thousand Eight Hundred and twenty seven- WITNESSETH, That in Pursuance and in Execution of and Order under the Hands and seals of Gilbert BURRINGTON Clerk and the Honourable Pownell Bastard PELLEW- two of His Majesty's Justices of the Peace, acting in and for the Hundred of Teignbridge - within the County of Devon, bearing Date the Fifth Day of November instant- (made according to the Provisions of an Act passed in the Fifty-six Year of the Reign of His late Majesty King GEORGE III) intituled "An Act to regulate the binding of Parish Apprentices" William HOLE and John HARRIS the Younger - Churchwardens of the Parish of Bovey Tracey- in the County of Devon, AND William CHUDLEIGH, Thomas MANN, James SATTERLEY and Peter BRADRIDGE - Overseers of the Poor of the said Parish, have put and placed and by these Presents do put and place Mary STEER- aged 10 Years and upwards, a poor Child of the said Parish, Apprentice to Joseph DOMMETT of Bovey Tracey aforesaid, Clerk, - with him to dwell and serve, from the Day of the Date of these Presents, until the said Apprentice shall accomplish her full age of Twenty-one Years or be married- according to the Statute in that case made and provided. DURING all of which Term the said Apprentice her said Master faithfully shall serve in all lawful Business according to her Power, Wit, and Ability; and honestly, orderly, and obediently, in all Things demean and behave herself towards her said Master and all his during the said Term. AND the said Joseph DOMMETT - for himself, his Executors and Administrators, doth Covenant and Grant, and to the said Church-wardens and Overseers, and every of them, their and every of their Executors and Administrators, and their and every of their Successors, for the Time being, by these presents, That he the said Joseph DOMMETT- the said Apprentice in Housewifery Work- shall and will teach and instruct, or cause to be taught and instructed in the best Way and Manner that he can during the said Term. And shall and will during the Term aforesaid, find, provide, and allow unto the said Apprentice, meet, competent and sufficient Meat, Drink and Apparel, Lodging, Washing, and all other Things necessary and fit for an Apprentice; PROVIDED ALWAYS, that the last mentioned Covenant on the part and behalf of the said Joseph DOMMETT- his Executors and Administrators, to be done and performed shall continue and be in force for no longer Time than Three Calendar Months next after the death of the said Joseph DOMMETT- in case the said Joseph DOMMETT- shall happen to die during the continuance of such Apprenticeship according to the Provisions of an Act passed in the Thirty-second year of the Reign of His said Majesty King George the Third, intituled "An Act for the further regulation of Parish Apprentices." AND ALSO shall and will so provide for the said Apprentice, that she be not in any wise a Charge for the said Parish or Parishioners of the same; but of and from all Charge shall and will save the said Parish and Parishioners harmless and indemnified during the said Term. IN WITNESS whereof, the parties above-said, to this present Indenture, interchangeably have set their Hands and Seals the day and Year first above-written.

SEALED and DELIVERED in the presence of

Philip Winsor
                                            We, whose names are hereunder written,
                                             Justices of the Peace, in and for the said
                                            County (whereof one is of the Quorum) do
                                            consent to and allow the putting forth
                                            of Mary STEER- an Apprentice, according to
                                            the intent and meaning of this Indenture.

                                             Gilbert BURRINGTON
                                             Pownell Bastard PELLEW
In the left margin:
Signatures and seals of:

John HARRIS, Jun.
Thomas MANN



Thomas STEER apprenticed to William BASTOW, 1833
National Archives Catalogue 2160 A/PO 627

(© Crown Copyright)

Side 1

DEVON To wit, Whereas Thomas STEER- a poor child, aged nine- Years, belonging to the Parish of Bovey Tracey, in the said County of Devon, hath this day been brought before us, two of his Majesty's Justices of the Peace for the said County, by William CHUDLEIGH and Joseph STEER, Overseers of the Poor of the said Parish of Bovey Tracey pursuant to the Provisions of an Act, passed in the 56th year of the Reign of King George the Third, intituled, "An Act to regulate the binding of Parish Apprentices." To the intent that we might enquire into the Propriety of binding the said Thomas STEER- Apprentice to William BASTOW- of Bovey Tracey, in the said County of Devon, Yeoman
to whom it is proposed by the said Overseers to bind the said Thomas STEER- and it appearing to us the said Justices, upon due examination and inquiry, to be proper that the said Thomas STEER should be bound an Apprentice to the said William BASTOW, we the said Justices do hereby declare, that the said William BASTOW is a fit person to whom the said Thomas STEER may be properly bound as an Apprentice, and do hereupon order, that the said Overseers, shall be at liberty to bind the said Thomas STEER- accordingly.

Given under our Hands, and Seals this Third day of January, in the year of our Lord, One Thousand Eight Hundred and Thirty Three--

                                             P.M. PELLEW
                                             A. CHICHESTER

Side 2

This Indenture, made the Third Day of January in the third Year of the Reign of our Sovereign Lord William the Fourth- by the Grace of God, of the United Kingdom of Great Britain, and Ireland, King, Defender of the Faith, and in the Year of our Lord One Thousand Eight Hundred and Thirty Three -
WITNESSETH, That William HARRIS and William SEARLE, Churchwardens of the Parish of Bovey Tracey in the County of Devon, and William CHUDLEIGH and Joseph STEER, Overseers of the Poor of the said Parish, by and with the consent of two of His Majesty's Justices of the quorum and by virtue and pursuance of an order in writing made by and under the Hands and Seals of the Honble. Pownell Bastard PELLEW and Arthur CHICHESTER Esq. - Justices of the Peace, in and for the said County of Devon, in pursuance of the statute in that case made and provided and bearing date the Third day of January- One Thousand Eight Hundred and Thirty Three have put and placed and by these presents do put and place Thomas STEER- aged nine years or thereabouts, a poor Child of the said Parish of Bovey Tracey, apprentice to William BASTOW, of Bovey Tracey, Yeoman for Brimley- with him to dwell and serve, from the day of the date of these presents, until the said Apprentice shall accomplish his full age of twenty-one years according to the Statute in that case made and provided During all of which Term the said Apprentice his said Master faithfully shall serve in all lawful business according to his Power, Wit, and Ability; and honestly, orderly, and obediently, in all Things demean and behave himself towards his said Master and all his during the said Term. And the said William BASTOW- for himself, his Executors and Administrators, doth covenant and grant, to the said Church-wardens and Overseers, and every of them, their and every of their Executors and Administrators, and their and every of their Successors, for the time being, by these presents, that he the said Thomas STEER- the said Apprentice in the art, trade and mystery of Husbandry shall and will teach and instruct, or cause to be taught and instructed in the best way and manner that he can during the said Term.

And shall and will during all the Term aforesaid, find, provide, and allow unto the said Apprentice, meet, competent and sufficient meat, drink, apparel, lodging, washing, and all other things necessary and fit for an Apprentice; (Provided always, that the said last mentioned covenant on the part of the said William BASTOW- his Executors and Administrators, to be done and performed shall continue and be in force for no longer time than three calendar months next after the death of the said William BASTOW- in case he the said William BASTOW- shall happen to die during the continuance of such Apprenticeship according to the provisions of an Act passed in the thirty-second year of the reign of King George the Third, intituled "An Act for the further regulation of Parish Apprentices," and also of another Act passed during the fifty-sixth year of the reign of King George the Third, intituled, "An Act to regulate the binding of Parish Apprentices". And also shall and will so provide for the said Apprentice, that he be not any way a charge to the said Parish of Bovey Tracey or Parishioners of the same; but of and from all charge shall and will save the said Parish and Parishioners harmless and indemnified during the said Term.
IN WITNESS whereof, the parties above-said, to these present Indentures, interchangeably have set their Hands and Seals the Day and Year first above-written.

SEALED and Delivered in the presence of

Philip Winsor
                                            We, whose names are hereunder written,
                                             Justices of the Peace, acting in and for the
                                             County of Devon aforesaid (whereof one is
                                            of the quorum) do consent to and allow the
                                            putting forth of Thomas STEER- an
                                            Apprentice, according to the intent and
                                            meaning of this Indenture, and do Sign and
                                            Seal this our allowance of such indenture of
                                            Apprenticeship, before the same hath been
                                            executed by any other parties thereto, in
                                            pursuance of the statute in such case made and provided.
                                            Given under our Hands and Seals, this Third
                                            day of January- in the year of our Lord,
                                            One Thousand Eight Hundred and Thirty Three

                                             P. B. PELLEW
                                             A. CHICHESTER In the left margin:
Signatures and seals of:

Joseph STEER
William BASTOW



William STEER apprenticed to William HARRIS, 1834
National Archives Catalogue 2160 A/PO 650

(© Crown Copyright)

Side 1

DEVON To wit, Whereas William STEER- a poor child, aged Eleven- Years, belonging to the Parish of Bovey Tracey, in the said County of Devon, hath this day been brought before us, two of his Majesty's Justices of the Peace for the said County, by the Overseers of the Poor of the said Parish of Bovey Tracey pursuant to the Provisions of an Act, passed in the 56th year of the Reign of King George the Third, intituled, "An Act to regulate the binding of Parish Apprentices." To the intent that we might enquire into the Propriety of binding the said William STEER an Apprentice to William HARRIS- of Bovey Tracey aforesaid Gentleman to whom it is proposed by the said Overseers to bind the said William STEER- and it appearing to us the said Justices, upon due examination and inquiry, to be proper that the said William STEER should be bound an Apprentice to the said William HARRIS, we the said Justices do hereby declare, that the said William HARRIS is a fit person to whom the said William STEER may be properly bound as an Apprentice, and do hereupon order, that the said Overseers, shall be at liberty to bind the said William STEER- accordingly.

Given under our Hands, and Seals this fifth day of June, in the year of our Lord, One Thousand Eight Hundred and Thirty four--

                                            A. CHICHESTER
                                             Wilmot H. PALK

Side 2

This Indenture, made the Fifth day of June in the fourth Year of the Reign of our Sovereign Lord William the fourth- by the Grace of God, of the United Kingdom of Great Britain, and Ireland, King, Defender of the Faith, and in the Year of our Lord One Thousand Eight Hundred and Thirty four -
Witnesseth, That William HARRIS and James COX, Churchwardens of the Parish of Bovey Tracey in the County of Devon, and Thomas HONEYCHURCH and George HARRIS, Overseers of the Poor of the said Parish, by and with the consent of two of His Majesty's Justices of the Peace for the said County, whose names are hereunto subscribed, one of them to wit Arthur CHICHESTER Esquire being of the quorum and by virtue and pursuance of an order in writing made by and under the Hands and Seals of the said Arthur CHICHESTER and Wilmot Henry PALK Clerk - Justices of the Peace, in and for the said County of Devon, in pursuance of the statute in that case made and provided and bearing date the fifth day of June- One Thousand Eight Hundred and Thirty four - have put and placed and by these presents do put and place William STEER- aged Eleven years or thereabouts, a poor Child of the said Parish of Bovey Tracey, apprentice to William HARRIS, of Bovey Tracey, aforesaid Gentleman- with him to dwell and serve, from the day of the date of these presents, until the said Apprentice shall accomplish his full age of twenty-one years according to the statutes in that case made and provided During all which Term the said Apprentice his said Master faithfully shall serve in all lawful business according to his Power, Wit, and Ability; and honestly, orderly, and obediently, in all Things demean and behave himself towards his said Master and all his during the said Term. And the said William HARRIS- for himself, his Executors and Administrators, doth covenant and grant, to and with the said Church-wardens and Overseers, and every of them, their and every of their Executors and Administrators, and their and every of their Successors, for the time being, by these presents, that he the said William HARRIS- the said Apprentice in the art, trade and mystery of Husbandry work shall and will teach and instruct, or cause to be taught and instructed in the best way and manner that he can during the said Term.

And shall and will during all the Term aforesaid, find, provide, and allow unto the said Apprentice, meet, competent and sufficient meat, drink, apparel, lodging, washing, and all other things necessary and fit for an Apprentice; (Provided always, that the said last mentioned covenant on the part of the said William HARRIS- his Executors and Administrators, to be done and performed shall continue and be in force for no longer time than three calendar months next after the death of the said William HARRIS- in case he the said William HARRIS - shall happen to die during the continuance of such Apprenticeship according to the provisions of an Act passed in the thirty-second year of the reign of King George the Third, intituled "An Act for the further regulation of Parish Apprentices," and also of another Act passed during the fifty-sixth year of the reign of King George the Third, intituled, "An Act to regulate the binding of Parish Apprentices". And also shall and will so provide for the said Apprentice, that he be not any way a charge to the said Parish of Bovey Tracey or Parishioners of the same; but of and from all charge shall and will save the said Parish and Parishioners harmless and indemnified during the said Term.
IN WITNESS whereof, the parties above-said, to these present Indentures, interchangeably have set their Hands and Seals the Day and Year first above written.

SEALED and Delivered in the presence of

                                            We, whose names are hereunder written,
                                             Justices of the Peace, acting in and for the
                                             County of Devon aforesaid (whereof one is
                                            of the quorum) do consent to and allow the
                                            putting forth of William STEER- an
                                            Apprentice, according to the intent and
                                            meaning of this Indenture, and do Sign and
                                            Seal this our allowance of such indenture of
                                            Apprenticeship, before the same hath been
                                            executed by any other parties thereto, in
                                            pursuance of the statute in such case made
                                            and provided.
                                            Given under our Hands and Seals, this fifth
                                            day of June- in the year of our Lord, One
                                            Thousand Eight Hundred and Thirty four

                                            A CHICHESTER
                                             Wilmot H. PALK
In the left margin:
Signatures and seals of:

James COX