


Name Index


The Bovey Cookbook

By Veronica Kennedy

The Bovey Tracey Heritage Trust (2005)

Index prepared by Michael Steer

This useful, entertaining and lavishly illustrated book has been produced as a fund-raiser by the Heritage Trust, primarily as a means of fostering the sense of community that is a feature of this ancient town. As well as presenting a biography of those who contributed the recipes, it includes the names as well as information about many of those omitted from the Trust's 2004, The Bovey Book.

Adams, Mr.   70
Arberry, Sean   74
Arnold, Bob   5
Arnold, Bridget   6-7
Arnolds Hardware   4-5
Arnold, Pauline   5
Atkinson, Barbara   8
Atkinson (Stafford), Eileen   9
Atkinson, Ted   9
Barclay, George   10-12
Barclay, Laura   10-12
Barker, Rosemary   12
Bath, Alice   20-1
Bath, Helen (Mann)   21
Bath, Leslie   20-1
Bean, Robin   21
Berry, Pat   13
Billington, Anita   14-15
Billington, Travers   14-15
Birtles, Norman   16
Birtles, Tina   15-16
Black, Doreen   16-17
Black Les   17
Bond, Frank   57
Bond, Ken   57
Bowden, E. & Sons   27
Bowman, Michael   56
Bradbeer, Mr.   64
Bradbeer family   64
Brealey family (photograph with names)   18
Brealey, Francis   19
Brealey, Patsy   17-18
Brealey, Val   17-18
Brealey, William (Tubby)   18
Brett, Brian   19-20
Brett family   19
Brimblecombe, Mary   87
Broom, Anne   22
Broom, Guy   22
Broom, Kirstyn   22
Broom, Norman   22
Buckley, Jack   43-4
Burford, Tony   23
Clements, Alan   24-5
Coles, D.O.H.   87
Coombes and Sons   98
Courtenay, Canon   78-9
Cowell, Brian   85
Cowell, Helen   85
Cristy, Mrs.   20
Cummings, Ironmongers   4
Daniels, Ken   27
Diana, Princess   47
Dickens, Charles   22
Dunce, Kathy   30-1
Dunce, Tim   30-1
Eastmans Limited   2
Elliott, Jean   32-3
Elliott, Jimmy   33
Elliott, Rachell   32-3
Ellis, C.J.   87
Elmhirsts (Dartington)   39
Elphick, Ronnie   20
Evans, Nick   26
Farnes (Tregoning), Florentia   87-8, 90
Farnes, Kate   64
Fouracre, Flossie   75
Gale, Christine (née Harris)   34-5
Gfeller, Monika   36-7, 51
Godbeer, Phyllis   37-8, 66
Godbeer, Victor   38
'Goodie'   9
Graham, Dr. Brian   83
Grapelli, Stephan   39
Gregory, Liz   39
Gregory, Stuart   39
Grey, Joe   81
Griesiell, Alan   41
Griesiell, Helen   41
Griesiell, Linda   41, 63
Griesiell, Mark   41
Griffiths, John   51
Haines, Susanne   42-3
Hale, Dr. Alan   83
Hall, Judith   43-4
Hamilton, Dr. Frank   83
Hamlin, Alfred   93
Hamlin, Emanuel   93
Hamlin, Frank   93
Hamlin family   19
Hannam, Joan   44-5
Hannah Rogers Hospital   50
Hargreaves, Armitage   63
Harris, Alder   34-5
Harris, John   35
Harris, Kenneth   35 Harte, Sheridan   32
Hawkins, David   26
Haydon, Dr.   64
Hayman-Bruce, Kelly   46
Healey, Sherryl   47-8, 100
Healey, Simon   47-8
Higgin, Graham   74
Higgins, Terry   48-9
Hill, Robert   52
Hodge, Mr.   75
Holding, Guy   64
Hole, Robert   26, 73
Hooper, Marjorie   36-7, 50-1
Huxtable, Brian   53
Huxtable, Jenny   3, 53, 73
Iley, David   54
Iley, Sheila   54
Joll, John   28
Joynt, Susan   32
Judd, Florence (Brealey)   18
Kennedy, Veronica   4, 104
Kightly, Tony   55-6
Klinkenberg, Anna   56-7
Lang, Eli   70
Lang, Mike   3
Lashkor, Shahar   82
Latham, Eva   57-8
Latham, Ralph   58
Leach, Bernard   59
Leach, David   59
Leach, Jeremy   59
Leaker, Mr.   66
Lee, Annie   81
Lewis, David   3, 29, 60, 79, 95
Litster, Angus   39
Litster, Kathleen   39
Loveys, Thomas   26
Mahmood, Shahim   82
Male, Carol   32
Mann & Son   5, 61
Mann, Arthur   20, 61
Mann, Helen   60-1
Mann, James   61
Mason, Becky   62
Mason, James F.   61-2
Mason, Jane   62
Mason, Jennifer   62
Mason, Marcus   62
Mason, Pamela   62
Mason, Peter   62
Matthews, Allan   3
McCaffry, Ann   62-3
McKenney, Dorothy   98
Midgley, Jane   63-4
Midgley, John   64
Mitchell, Arthur   70
Moir, May   37, 65-6
Moir, Reggie   66
Morgan, Richard   67
Morgan, Sally   66-7
Morris, John   68-9
Oliver, Geraldine   37
Oliver, Jaimie   9
Oliver, James (Jimmy)   37
Paddon, Cecil   18
Parnell, Mr.   70
Payne, Jim   5
Pedrick, Christine   69-70
Pedrick, Claire   70
Pedrick, David   70
Pedrick, Guy   70
Pettit (Tregoning), Joyce   87
Phillips, Debbie   32
Phillips, Robert   28-9
Pickford, Gordon   73
Pickford, Harry   73
Pickford, Lilian   73
Pickford, Linda   72-3, 100
Pickford, Raymond   73
Pickford, Robert (Bob)   73
Pickford, Rodney   73
Porter, Anthony   75-6
Porter, Charlie   75
Porter, Janet   77
Porter, John   3
Raisey, Alan   76-7
Raisey, Gladys   77
Raisey, Henry   77
Raisey, Sid   77
Rampal, Jean-Pierre   44
Rendell, Geraldine   38
Richardson, Tina   78
Richmond, L.L.   34
Riddick, Mark   21
Rothery family   93
Rowcroft Convalescent Home   50
Rowcroft, Ella   50
Rumford, Kay   80
Rumford, Muriel   79-80
Scott, Dennis   37
Scott, Stephen   37
Shearing, George   39
Simpson, Penny   42
Small, Cyril   81
Small, Joshua Reuben   81
Small (née Roberts), Olive   81
Small, Rebecca   81
Stanley, Angela   83-4
Stanley, Camilla   84
Stanley, David   83
Stanley, Dr. Peter   37, 83
Stanley, Jennifer   84
Stapleton (née Cowell), Shirley   84-5
Steer, Arthur   57-8
Steer, Claude   86-7
Steer (née Brimblecombe), Margaret   85-7
Stone, Roger   62
Tedd, F.G.   5
Thomas, William   66
Thomas, W.R. & Sons Ltd.   29, 37, 66
Thompson (Harris), Marjorie   35
Tregoning, Lance   48, 87
Tregoning, Minola   48
Tregoning, Pat   3, 87-8
Tregoning, W.H.   87-8
Tucker, Cyril   62
Tucker, George 'Uncle'   62
Tucker, Miss   62
Tucker's Wheelwrights   62
Turner and Daymonds   66
Turner, Cilla   90-1
Turner, Undertakers   93
Walling, Alison   92
Walling, Bill   92
Walling, Janet   92
Walling, Michael   92
Wattam, Geoff   59
Wattam, Joyce   59
Wedden, Andrew   93
Wedden, David   3, 93
Wedden (née Hamlin), Elizabeth    3, 93-4
Westwood, Liz   96
Westwood, Terry   94-6
White, Debbie   96-7
Wills, Geoff   98
Wills, Ian   98
Wills, John   98
Wills (née McKenney), Stephanie   98
Wills, Roy   98
Wilson, Rev. Charles   55
Winckles, Sheila   99-100
Wright, Lawrence   100
Wright, Margaret   100-1
Wright, Peter   68
Wyatt, A.J. (Miller)   20
Wyatt & Bruce   86