


Name Index


First Report of the Committee on Devonshire Celebrities.

Trans. Devon Assoc., vol 9 (1877), pp. 103-119.


Rev. Treasurer Hawker

Prepared by Michael Steer

The Committee's initial report, presented at the Association's July 1877 Kingsbridge meeting provides a foundation catalogue of celebrity names, with some additional information intended as the beginning of a "skeleton biography of the county". The Committee's aim was ostensibly to collect memoirs of deceased Devonshire celebrities, and as well, verify the accuracy of the information, thereby "smoothing the path of future enquirers". Google with the Archive Organization has sponsored the digitisation of books from several libraries. The Internet Archive makes available, in its Community Texts Collection (originally known as Open Source Books), books that have been digitised by Google from a number of libraries. These are books on which copyright has expired, and are available free for educational and research use. This rare book was produced from a copy held by the University of Michigan Library, and is available from the Internet Archive.


Acland, Baldwin104
Acland, Sir John103
Acland, Sir Thomas Dyke104
Adams, William104
Ælfwold II104
Alley, William104
Ash, Simon104
Astley, Herbert104
Atwell, Hugh104
Audley, Lord James104
Avant, Philip104
Avery, John104
Babbage, Charles104
Babbington, Gervaise104
Badcock, Samuel104
Baker, Sir George104
Baldwin, Archbishop104
Ball, Sir Peter104
Bampfylde, Sir Copleston104
Bampton, Sir John DD104
Barclay, Alexander104
Baring, Lord Alexander105
Baring-Gould, Sabine112
Barkham, John105
Barry, Robert105
Baskerville, Sir Simon105
Basset, Colonel Arthur105
Bathe, Sir Henry105
Bawceyn, Sir Stephen105
Beal, William105
Beaumont, Richard105
Becket, Thomas à110
Bellamy, J C105
Berry, Sir John105
Bidgood, John105
Bidlake, John DD105
Blackall, John105
Blondy, Bishop Richard105
Bluet, Colonel Francis105
Blundell, Peter105
Bodley, Sir Josias105
Bodley, Laurence105
Bodley, Sir Thomas105
Bogan, Zachary105
Bolyn, Queen Anne108
Bonvill, Lord William105
Bowring, Sir John105, 111, 113
Bracton, Henry106
Brantyngham, Bishop Thomas106
Brewer, Bishop William106
Brewer, Lord William106
Brian, Lord Guy106
Brice, Andrew106
Bridgman, Bishop John106
Britte, Walter106
Brockedon, William106
Bronscombe, Bishop Walter106
Browne, William106
Bruce, Sir J106
Bryant, Jacob106
Buckland, William106
Budockshed, Roger106
Budgell, Eustace106
Burchard, Bishop106
Burleigh, Captain John106
Burton, John106
Burton, Richard109
Bury, John106
Butter, John, MD, FRS, FLS106
Carew, Bampfylde Moore107
Carew, Sir George107
Carew, Sir John107
Carew, Sir Thomas107
Carew, Sir Thomas 2107
Cardmaker, alias Taylor, John106
Carpenter, John107
Carpenter, Nathaniel107
Carrington, Thomas Toms107
Cary, George107
Cary, Sir George107
Cary, Bishop John107
Cary, Sir John107
Cary, Robert DD107
Cary, Sir Robert107
Cawley, John115
Champernowne, Sir Arthur107
Chanter, Bishop John le107
Chanter, J Rthroughout
Chard, Abbot Thomas DD107
Chard, Bishop Thomas107
Chardon, Bishop John107
Charles I106, 112, 115, 117-8
Charles II110, 112, 115
Cheare, Abraham107
Chichester, Sir Arthur107
Chichester, Bishop Robert107
Chillcott, Robert107
Chudleigh, Sir George108
Chudleigh, Colonel James108
Chudleigh, Lady Mary108
Churchill, Duke John108
Cistercian, Roger the108
Clark, S109
Clements, H G J117
Clifford, A108
Clifford, Lord Thomas108
Cocke, Captain William108
Coffin, Sir William108
Coleridge, Sir John Taylor108
Coleridge, Samuel Taylor108
Collins, Mortimer108
Conant, John DD108
Cookworthy, William108
Copleston, Bishop E108
Copleston, John108
Cory, John108
Cottle, J108
Cotton, Edmund DD108
Courtenay, Lord Edward108
Courtenay, Lord Hugh108
Courtenay, Bishop Peter108
Courtenay, Sir Peter108
Courtenay, Bishop Richard108
Courtenay, Archbishop William108
Cowell, John DCL108
Cowley, Hannah108
Crediton, Bishop Frederick de109
Crewys, Sir Robert109
Crocker, Sir John109
Cutcliffe, John109
Davenport, W A111, 116
Davie, Edmund MD109
Davis, Captain John109
Davils, Henry109
Denham, Sir John109
Dennis, Sir Thomas109
Desmond, John109
Devon, Richard of109
Devonius, alias de Forda, Abbot John109
Dodderidge, Sir John109
Downe, John109
Drake, Sir Bernard109
Drake, Sir F (nephew)109
Drake, Sir Francis109, 116
Drake, Robert109
Drew, Edward109
Duck, Arthur109
Duck, Nicholas109
Dundalk, Richard of110
D'Urfey, Thomas109
Dunning, Lord John109
Dymond, Mr Robert103, 107, 109-10
Eadulph, Bishop109
Eastlake, Sir Charles Lock110
Edgcumbe, Sir Richard110
Edmonds, Sir Thomas110
Edward, Black Prince104
Edward III106-8, 110, 113
Edward IV109, 113
Edward VI116
Elizabeth I107, 110-1, 113, 116-9
Elizabeth, Princess108
Essex, Earl of107
Ethelgar, Bishop110
Exeter, Duke of113
Exeter, Walter of110
Exeter, William110
Fishacre, Richard110
Fitz, John110
Fitz, John of Fitzford110
FitzRalph, Archbishop Richard110
Flay, Thomas110
Fletcher, F109
Floyer, William110
Foliot, Bishop Gilbert110
Foliot, Bishop Robert110
Follett, Sir William110
Ford, Sir Henry110
Ford, John110
Ford, Simon110
Ford, Thomas110
Ford, Thomas (Martyr)110
Forde, Maurice de110
Forster, Dr James110
Fortescue, Lord Hugh110
Fortescue, Sir John110
Fowler, Hugh111
Fowler, Thomas111
Fulford, Sir William111
Furneaux, Dr Philip111
Gale, Theophilus111
Gamble, T115
Gandy, John DD111
Garland, John111
Gates, Sir Thomas111
Gay, John111
Gee, John111
Gervais, Walter111
Gibbs, Sir Vicary111
Gifford, Humphry111
Gifford, Colonel John111
Gifford, Lord Robert111
Gifford, William111
Gilbert, Sir Adrian111
Gilbert, Sir Humphry111
Giles, Sir Edward111
Glanvil, Sir John111
Glanvil, Sir John (Serjeant)111
Glanvil, Joseph111
Gorges, Sir Ferdinando111
Gould, James111
Gould, William112
Greenway, John112
Grenville, Hon Bernard112
Grenville, Sir Bevil112
Grenville, Sir Richard112
Grenville, Sir Richard (2)112
Grenville, Sir Theobald112
Hakewill, George112
Hakewill, William112
Halse, John112
Halse, Bishop John112
Hankford, Sir William112
Harding, Thomas112
Harris, Sir Edward112
Harris, John112
Harris, Thomas112
Harris, Sir William Snow112
Hawker, Rev Treasurer J M, MA103, 110-1, 113-4, 116-7, 119
Hawker, Robert DD112
Hawker, Robert Stephen112
Hawkins, Sir John112
Hawkins, Sir Richard112
Hawkins, William112
Hawley, John112
Haydon, Benjamin Robert113
Haydon, John112
Hayman, Francis113
Hazlitt, W115
Heale, Sir John113
Hearder, Jonathan Nash113
Hearn, T105
Heath, Judge113
Hele, Elize113
Henrietta, Princess113
Henrietta Maria, Queen104
Henry II105
Henry IV113, 118
Henry V107, 113-4
Henry VI113-4, 119
Henry VII107, 113
Henry VIII109-10, 112, 114, 116, 118
Herle, Sir William113
Hieron, Samuel113
Hill, Sir John113
Hill, Sir Robert113
Hilliard, Nicholas113
Hody, Sir John113
Hody, Sir William113
Holland, Duke John113
Hook, Dr113-4
Hooker, alias Vowell, John113
Hooker, Richard113
Hopkins, Charles113
Hopkins, Bishop Ezekiel113
Howard, Nathaniel113
Huddesfield, Sir William113
Hudson, Thomas113
Humphry, Ozias, FSA, RA113
Huxham, Samuel MD113
Iscanus, Bishop Bartholomew113
Iscanus, Joseph113
Ireland, William114
Jackson, William114
James I110, 117, 119
Jewell, Bishop John112, 114
John, King116
Johns, Ambrose Bowden114
Johnson, Dr115
Karkeek, Mr Peter Q103
Keats, Sir Richard114
Kebie, also St Corinæus114
Kempthorn, Sir John114
Kennicott, Benjamin114
Kerswill, Sir William114
King, Peter114
King, Mr R J103
Kingsley, Charles114
Kirkham, Sir John114
Kitto, John DD114
Langton, Archbishop Stephen114
Laud, Archbishop115
Lavington, Bishop George114
Leach, William Elford114
Lee, Dr112
Leofric, Bishop114
Lethbridge, Christopher114
Ley, Lord Chief Justice114
Lovelace, Jacob114
Lye, Sir Edmund114
Lye, Edward114
Lyfing, Bishop114
Lyde, George114
Marlborough, Duke of108
Martin, Richard115
Martin, William115
Mary, Queen116
Maynard, Sir John115
Mayne, Cuthbert115
Mayne, Jasper115
Molle, John115
Monk, Duke George115
Monk, Hon Mary115
Moore, Edward MD115
Moreman, John DD115
Morwen, John (or Moorin)115
Morice, Sir William115
Mudge, John115
Mudge, Thomas115
Mudge, William FRS115
Mudge, Zachary115
Musgrave, Samuel115
Neckham, Alexander115
Newcomin, Thomas115, 117
Newte, Richard115
Nichols, Philip109
Northcote, James RA115, 117
Ockley, Simon116
Oliver, Dr108
Ordulph, Earl116
Orgar, Earl116
Oxenham, John116
Peele, George116
Peryam, Sir William116
Petre, Sir William116, 118
Pindar, Peter103, 119
Pole, Sir William116
Pollard, Sir Lewis116
Pollexfen, Sir Henry116
Pomeroy, Sir Henry116
Praed, William Mackworth116
Prideaux, Edmund116
Prideaux, Sir Edmund116
Prideaux, Bishop John103, 116
Prideaux, John108, 116
Pridham, Thomas Lawrence116
Prince, Rev John103, 116, 119
Prout, Ebenezer116
Prout, Samuel116
Pullein, Robert116
Quick, John116
Raleigh, Carew117
Raleigh, Sir Walter111, 117
Raleigh, Bishop William117
Rendel, James Meadows117
Reynell, Edward117
Reynell, Richard117
Reynolds, John DD117
Reynolds, Sir Joshua FRA113, 117
Reynell, Thomas117
Richard I106, 116
Richard II111
Ridgway, Sir Thomas117
Risdon, Thomas117, 119
Risdon, Tristram117
Robsart, Amy117
Rolle, Dennis117
Row, John117
Rowe, Nicholas117
Rowe, Samuel117
Savery, Thomas115, 117
Scots, William King of105
Shebbeare, John MD117
Shore, Lord John117
Skinner, T115
Slanning, Sir Nicholas117
Smith, James118
Southcot, John118
Southcott, Johanna118
Speke, John Hanning118
Spratt, Bishop Thomas118
Stanberry, Bishop118
Stapledon, Bishop Walter118
Stowford, Sir John118
Strafford, Earl of115
Strode, William118
Strode, William DD118
Tasker, William118
Thomson, Mrs117
Tozar, Henry118
Traies, William118
Tremain, Thomas118
Tucker, William118
Turner, Robert118
Upton, Nicholas118
Wadham, Dorothy118
Wadham, Sir John118
Wadham, Nicholas118
Walcot, John119
Warwick, Guy of110
Watt, James115
Westcott, John118
Westcott, Thomas118
Wey, William118
Whyddon, Sir John118
Wilford, William119
William II Rufus110
Wills, William119
Winfred (St Boniface)119
Woollcombe, Henry FSA119
Woollcombe, Robert119
Woollcombe, William119
Worth, Mr R N103, 108, 119
Wortley, Hon J S115
Yaldon, Thomas119
Yarde, Richard119
Yeo, William119
Yonge, John FRS119