


Table of Contents


Devonshire Celebrities


T.S. Pridham

Exeter: Henry S. Eland, High Street, London: Bell & Daldy, York Street, Covent Garden (1869) 270pp.

Prepared by Michael Steer

This entertaining and informative book results from an address given in 1865 by its author to the British Medical Association for the West of England. It focuses on some of the memorable deeds of remarkable Devon men from the time of the Norman Conquest, to those who lived in the eventful reign of Queen Elizabeth I. The book, held at the University of Toronto Library was produced from a digital copy that can be downloaded from https://archive.org/details/devonshirecelebr00priduoft Microsoft (MSN) has sponsored the digitisation of books from several libraries. These books, on which copyright has expired, are available for free educational and research use, both as individual books and as full collections to aid researchers.

Acland, Sir John, Knt.,1
Aclulphus, Bishop of Crediton3
Alfric, 8th Bishop of Crediton3
Alfuoldus, 6th Bishop of Crediton3
Alwolfrus, 7th Bishop of Crediton3
Babbage, Charles, Astronomer4
Babington, Bishop of Exeter4
Baldwin, Abp. of Canterbury6
Bampfield, Sir Coplestone, Knt.6
Basset, Colonel Arthur11
Bath, Judge12
Barry, John14
Beaufort, Margaret, Countess of Richmond17
Berry, SirJohn.Governor of Deal Castle18
Blackall, Bishop of Exeter21
Blondy, Bishop of Exeter21
Blundell, Peter, Benefactor22
Bodley, Sir Thos.24
Bowring, Sir John, Knt.26
Brentingham, Thomas28
Brewer. Bishop of Exeter29
Brice, Andrew, Historian31
Brouuscombe, Bishop of Exeter32
Bruce, Sir T. Knight, Judge33
Burchard. Bishop of Wurtzburgh in Germany35
Capern. Edward, Poet35
Carew, Sir Nicholas38
Carew, Sir Thomas40
Carey, Bishop of Exeter50
Champernown, Sir Arthur51
Channel, Baron, Judge52
Chaunter, Bishop of Exeter53
Chichester, Bishop of Exeter53
Chichester, Sir Arthur54
Churchill, John, Duke of Marlborough55
Clifford, Baron57
Cocke, Captain58
Coffin, Sir Wm., Knt.60
Coleridge, Rt. Hon. Sir John Taylor62
Copleston, The Great63
Courtenay, Lord Hugh65
Courtenay, Archbishop of Canterbury65
Courtenay, Sir Peter66
Courtenay, Richd., Bishop of Norwich67
Courtenay, Peter, Bishop of Winchester67
Courtenay, Lord Edward69
Crediton, Bishop of Utrecht71
Crewys, Sir Robert, Knt.72
Davies, John73
Devonius, Confessor to King John74
Dodderidge, Sir John, Judge74
Drake, Sir Bernard76
Drake, Sir Francis78
Drake, Robert83
Drew, Edward, Recorder of London83
Eastlake, Sir Charles, Painter84
Elgarus, 5th Bishop of Crediton86
Ethelgarus, 4th Bishop of Crediton.86
Eudolph, Bishop of Devon86
Fitz, Ralph, Primate of Ireland87
Foliot, Bishop of London89
Follett, Sir William, Attorney General90
Fortescue, Lord Chief Justice92
Froude, James Anthony94
Fulford, Sir Wm.. Knt.95
Gay, John, Poet97
Gibbs, Sir Vicary99
Giffard, Colonel100
Gifford, Lord Chief Justice101
Gilbert, Sir HumphreyI02
Grenvill, Sir Theobald105
Grenvil, Sir Richard108
Grenvil, Sir Bevil108
Granville, Hon. Bernard110
Hankford, Lord Chief Justice112
Harding, Thos., D.D114
Harris, Sir William Snow119
Hawkins, Admiral Sir John120
Henrietta, Princess121
Hody, Lord Chief Justice of England122
Holland, John, Duke of Exeter123
Hooker, Richard, Master of the Temple125
Hopkins, Bishop of Raphoe128
Hughes, Arthur129
Iscanus, Bishop of Exeter130
Jewell, Bishop of Salisbury131
Keats, Admiral Sir Richard136
Kebie, Bishop of Anglesea149
Kelland, Philip, Senior Wrangler150
Kempthorn, Lord High Commissioner152
King, Peter, Lord Chancellor of England155
Kingsley, Rev. Charles, Professor of Modern History155
Kitto, John, D.D.156
Langton, Archbishop of Canterbury158
Leofricus, 1st Bishop of Exeter159
Lovelace, Jacob160
Monk, George, Duke of Albemarle162
Morice, Sir Wm., Secretary of State172
Morris, Colonel174
Mowbray, Rt. Hon. John Robert175
Northcote, James, Painter176
Northcote, Rt. Hon. Sir Stafford H.177
Odon, Earl of Devon177
Orgar, Duke of Devon179
Palk, Sir Robert, Bart.182
Palk, Sir Lawrence, Bart.183
Patch, Thos., Engraver183
Petre, Sir Wm , Secretary of State in four Reigns184
Pollard, Sir Lewis, Judge of Common Pleas187
Pomerai, Sir Ralph, Lord of Berry189
Poole, Sir William190
Portsmouth, Earl of194
Prideaux, Bishop of Worcester194
Puta, Bishop of Tawton198
Raleigh, Sir Walter198
Reynolds, Sir Joshua204
Richmond, Margaret, Countess of17
Risdon, Tristram205
Risdon, Thomas, Recorder206
Robsart. Amy207
Rolle, Dennis207
Russell, Lord John210
Russell, Rev. J.212
Smith, Sir Montague, Judge221
Speke, John Hanning221
Stapledon, Bishop of Exeter224
Tracey, Sir William227
Turner, J. M. W., Painter228
Wadham, Sir John230
Westamus, First Bishop of Tawton231
Winfred, Bishop Boniface232
Acland, Sir Thomas Dyke, from his Statue. 
Carew, Sir Nicholas. 
Churchill, John, Duke bf Marlborough. 
Courtenay, Lord Edward. 
Drake, Sir Francis. 
Fortescue, Earl, from his Statue. 
Grenvill, Sir Bevil. 
Jewel, Bishop. 
Keats, Admiral Sir Richard. 
Monk, George, Duke of Albemarle. 
Raleigh, Sir Walter. 
Russell, Rev. John.