


Name Index


Prominent Living Devonians

The Devonian Year Book, London: The Devonian Association, (1911) illus. pp. 42-61.


R. Pearse Chope

Prepared by Michael Steer

National pride in the industrial might of Britain and its growing Empire during the Victorian and Edwardian eras generated an increased public awareness of regional identity. Devon literature of that period became no longer just of interest to antiquarians or tourists. There was a growing market for it among Devonians, including those expatriates who formed Devonian associations in London and elsewhere. The London Devonian Association published a yearbook for many years. This article by the yearbook's editor provides an index of prominent living Devonians and was compiled from the pages of 'Who's Who'. The article is intended to supplement Chope's earlier article 'The Worthies of Devon' that appeared in the Association's 1910 yearbook. An original (print) copy of the year book is held at the University of Toronto Library and was produced from a digital copy that can be downloaded from: https://books.google.co.uk/books with a search by either author or title, and also from the Internet Archive. Google has sponsored the digitisation of books from several libraries. These books, on which copyright has expired, are available for free educational and research use, both as individual books and as full collections to aid researchers.


Abbott, Lt Col. Frederick William DSO42
Abell, Westcott Style M Inst N A42
Ackland, Mabel Frederica42
Ackland, William Alfred42
Acland, Rt Hon Arthur Herbert Dyke, PC, MA, LLD42
Acland, Sir Charles Thomas Dyke, MA, JP, DL42
Acland, Francis Dyke42
Acland, Gertrude42
Acland, Sir Henry W, Bt43
Acland, Reginald B D, KC43
Acland, Theodore Dyke MA, MD, FRCP43
Acland, Rt Hon Thomas Dyke Bt42
Acland, Sir William Alison Dyke Bt CVO, JP43
Addington, Hon Gerald Anthony Pellew Bagnell43
Addington, William Wells DL, JP58
Amory, Anne51
Amory, Samuel51
Anderson, Rt Rev Ernest Augustus DD43, 57
Angel, Capt T Lumbard DSO43
Applin, Captain Reginald V K, DSO43
Applin, Captain Vincent Jessop43
Baird, Mrs Edith Elena Helen43
Baker, Andrew Clement (Arthur Clements)43
Baldry, Alfred43
Baldry, Alfred Lys43
Balfour, George Edmond43-4
Balfour, Georgiana Mary44
Balfour, Col. John Edmond Heugh DSO, JP43
Balfour, Major Kenneth Robert JP43
Bampfylde, Coplestone Richard George Warwick, DL, JP56
Bampfylde, Hon George Wentworth Warwick43
Bardens, Emily Kate55
Bardens, J55
Baring, Hon Cecil43
Baring, Lt Col. The Hon Everard CVO43
Baring, Hon Hugo43
Baring, John PC57
Baring, Louisa Emily43
Baring, Hon Maurice43
Baring-Gould, Edward43
Baring-Gould, Rev Sabine MA, JP43
Barnes, Irene60
Barnes, Preb. R H44
Barnes, Major Reginald Walter DSO44
Barnes, Rev R H60
Barry, John Arthur44
Bartlett, G T44
Bartlett, Sir Herbert Fogelstrom Kt ISO44
Barttleot, Georgiana Mary44
Barttelot, Sir Walter Balfour Bt44
Bastard, Caroline44
Bastard, Edmund Pollexfen MP44
Bastard, Rev William Pollexfen44
Batson, Colonel Herbert CB44
Baulkwill, Rev William Robert Kellaway44
Belfield, Henry Conway CMG44
Belfield, John44
Bellamy, Sir Joseph Arthur Kt JP44
Bellamy, Susan44
Beresford, Hon Cecil Hugh W44
Besley, Rev Walter Philip MA44
Bickford, Admiral Andrew Kennedy CMG44
Bickford, W44
Blakeney, Capt. Robert Byron Drury DSO44
Blakeney, William RN44
Body, Rev George DD44
Boles, Florence Lucy44
Boles, Rev James Thomas44
Boles, Rev Richard Henry44
Bond, John44
Bond, Rt Hon Sir Robert PC, KCMG, LLD44
Bone, Allan Belfield44
Bone, Rev Frederic James MA44
Bone, Jane Anne44
Borwick, George45
Borwick, Sir Robert H, Kt JP45
Bosworth, Col William John45
Boucicault, Dion60
Boucicault, Irene60
Bourchier, Arthur60
Bourchier, Violet60
Bovey, Henry Taylor FRS, DCL, LLD45
Bowring, Edgar Alfred CB45
Bowring, Sir John45
Bowring, Lewin Bentham CSL, JP45
Boyce, Rev Canon Francis Bertie45
Boyle, Rev William Skinner45
Bradford, Elizabeth Baker47
Bradford, Rev Robert47
Bradford, Sarah Mary46
Bradford, William46
Brown, Frederick, ISO45
Brown, Joseph45
Buck, Lewis William53
Buck, Louisa53
Bucknill, Sir J C, FRS45
Bucknill, Hon Thomas Townsend45
Buller, Louisa56
Bulteel, John43, 57
Bulteel, Louisa Emily43, 57
Buzacott, Charles Hardie45
Buzacott, James45
Carpenter, John45
Carpenter-Garnier, John MA, DL, JP45
Carpenter, Mary Louisa45
Cator, Albemarle45
Cator, John JP45
Cator, Mary Molesworth Cordelia45
Cave, Sir Charles Daniel Bt, DL, JP45
Cave, Daniel45
Chanter, Elizabeth45
Chanter, John45
Chanter, Hon John Moore MHR, JP45
Charlewood, Admiral Edward Phillipps44
Charlewood, Florence Lucy44
Chichester, Lt Col Arlington Augustus DSO45
Chichester, Sir Edward George Bt45
Chichester, Major Gen J O45
Churchward, Robert61
Churchward, Susan Annie61
Churston, Bertha54
Churston, Lord54
Clark, Caroline Maud60
Clark, W J DL, JP60
Clarke, Rev J S Childs45
Clarke, Rev S Childs45
Clayden, Arthur William MA45-6
Clifford, Ethel (Mrs Fisher Wentworth Dilke)46
Clifford, Baron Lewis Henry Hugh BA, DL46
Clifford, W K, FRS46
Clifford, Hon William Hugh46
Clinton, Baron Charles John Robert 
Hepburn- Stuart- Forbes-Trefusis DL, JP45-6, 60-1
Clinton, Mary Louisa45
Colborne, Elizabeth Beatrice58
Colborne, John Reginald Upton, DL, JP58
Coleridge, Baron Bernard John Seymour Coleridge46
Coleridge, Christobel Rose46
Coleridge, Rev Derwent46
Coleridge, Ernest Hartley MA46
Coleridge, Rev F J46
Coleridge, Hon Geoffrey Duke46
Coleridge, Hon Gilbert James Duke MA46
Coleridge, Lord Chief Justice46
Coleridge, Lt Col Hugh Fortescue DSO46
Coleridge, Sarah Mary46
Coleridge, Hon Stephen MA46
Collier, John46
Collier, Hon John46
Collier, John Francis46
Collings, Rt Hon Jesse PC, MP46
Collings, Thomas46
Collins, Caroline Matilda60
Collins, Lt Arthur Luce Trelawny, RA60
Cook, Theodore Andrea MA, FSA46
Cornish, Rev C J46
Cornish, C J, DL, JP46
Cornish, Rev Ebenezer Darrel46
Cornish, John Lawrence46
Cornish, Rt Rev John Rundle DD46, 58
Cornish, Vaughan DSc, FGS, FCS, FRGS46
Cornwall, Andrew47
Cornwall, Sir Edwin, Kt, MP, LCC, DL, JP47
Coryndon, Robert Thorne47
Coryndon, Selby47
Couchman, Rev Henry47
Couchman, Rev Reginald Henry MA47
Courtenay, Lord Charles Pepys48
Courtenay, Col Edward Reginald CB47
Courtenay, Rt Rev Frederick DD47
Courtenay, Major G H47
Courtenay, Hon Rev Henry Hugh47
Courtenay, Lord Henry Reginald47
Courtenay, Rev S47
Cowie, Captain Henry Edward Colvin DSO47
Cowie, H G47
Crabbe, Herbert Ernest47
Crabbe, William Glanville47
Crediton, Bishop of60
Croft, Sir Alfred Woodley KCIE, JP47
Croft, C W47
Cummings, William Hayman MusD, FSA, Hon RAM47
Cutcliffe, Edith48
Cutcliffe, George48
Dangar, Rev James George VD, DD47
D'Arcy, William Knox47
Davey, Henry MInstCE, FGS47
Davey, Jonathan47
David, Rev Albert Augustus MA47
David, Rev William47
Davie, Major Arthur Francis Ferguson CIE, DSO47
Davie, Fanny Julia61
Davie, Sir H Ferguson Bt47, 61
Davie, Sir William Augustus Ferguson, Bt. CB, MA47
Davies, Major Charles Henry DSO48
Davies, Maj-Gen F J48
Davy, Edith48
Davy, John Croote48
Davy, Richard FRCS, FRSE48
Derry, Capt Arthur DSO48
Derry, William48
Desborough, Henry48
Desborough, Maj-Gen John CB48
Deshon, Rev H C48, 60
Deshon, H F48
Deshon, Rosa60
Dobson, Henry Austin LLD, FRLS48
Douglas, Rev Philip W48
Douglas, Sir Robert Kennaway Kt48
Doveton, Captain48
Doveton, Frederick Bazett48
Dowell, Rev W48
Dowell, Admiral; Sir William Montague GCB, DL, JP48
Drake, Elizabeth Beatrice58
Drake, Sir Francis George Augustus, Fuller-Elliott Bt48, 58
Drummond, Sir James Hamlyn Williams Bt, CB48
Duke, Henry Edward KC48
Dunn, Albert Edward48
Dunn, William Henry JP48
Dunning, Sir Edward Harris Kt, JP48
Dunning, Richard48
Durston, Sir Albert John KCB48
Earle, Rt Rev Alfred DD48-9, 54
Earle, Henry FRCS54
Easterbrook, James MA49
Ebrington, Viscount Hugh William Fortescue49
Edgcumbe, Sir Edward Robert Pearce Kt, LLD, JP, DL49
Edmonds, Rev Walter John BD49
Edwards, Rev N W49
Edwards, Captain William Frederick Savery DSO49
Ellicombe, George49
Ellicombe, Mary Lilly Grace49
Ellis, Sir Herbert Mackay KCB, LLD, FRCS, JP49
Ellis, John49
Ellis, Mary Lilly Grace49
Elwes, Major Lincoln Edmund Cary DSO49
Elwes, R J C49
Eve, Beatrice Wright49
Eve, Hon Sir Harry Trelawney Kt49
Exmouth, Viscount49
Follett, Charles CB49
Follett, Sir Charles John Kt, CB, BCL, MA49
Follett, John49
Follett, Colonel Robert William Webb49
Follett, Captain Spencer49
Follett, Sir William Webb MP49
Foote, Captain John RN49
Foote, John Alderson KC49
Fortescue, Col Hon Charles Granville CMG, DSO49
Fortescue, Earl Hugh49
Fortescue, Hon John William MVO49
Fortescue, Captain Hon Seymour John RN, CMG, KCVO49
Foulerton, Captain Alexander50
Foulerton, Alexander Grant Russell FRCS50
Foweraker, A Moulson BA, RBA50
Foweraker, Rev E T50
Fowler, Rev Hugh MA60
Francis, Augustus Lawrence MA50
Francis, Elizabeth Baker47
Francis, William47
Froude, Ashley Anthony CMG, BA, JP50
Froude, James Anthony50
Froude, Venerable R H54
Froude, Robert Edmund CE, FRS50
Froude, William CE, FRS50
Fuller, Capt Rose Henry RN48
Furlong, Lucy52
Furlong, Thomas52
Furneaux, Very Rev William Mordaunt DD50
Furneaux, Rev W D50
Furse, Charles Wellington50, 56
Furse, John Henry Monsell50
Furse, Rt Rev Michael Bolton MA50, 56
Furse, Lt Col. William Thomas DSO50
Garratt, Frances Lucy50
Garratt, Col. Francis Sudlow CB, DSO50
Garratt, Lt Col. John Arthur Thomas DL, JP50
Garratt, Rev Sudlow50
Garvice, Charles50
Garvice, Captain Chudleigh DSO50
Gerrans, Henry Tresawna MA, FRAS, FCS, FSA50
Gervis, F S, JP50
Gervis, Henry MD, FRCP, FSA, JP50
Giffard, Hardinge Goulburn59
Giffard, Hardinge Stanley FRS, MA, PC, JP51
Giffard, Stanley Lees LLD51
Gifford, Charles Edwin CB, RN50
Gill, Allen, FRAM50
Glanville, Ernest50
Godwin-Austen, Lt Col Henry Haversham FRS, FZS, FRGS, JP51
Godwin-Austen, Robert A C, FSA51
Gosse, Edmund LLD51
Gosse, P H, FRS51
Gould, Alec Carruthers RBA51
Gould, Edward Blencoe ISO51
Gould, Sir Francis Carruthers Kt51
Gould, Rev John Nutcombe51
Gould, R D51
Granville, Bernard51
Granville, Rev Sub-Dean Roger MA51
Gratwicke, Major George Frederick VD51
Gribble, Francis Henry51
Haggerston, Sir John de Marie, Bt51
Haggerston, Sarah51
Hale, Lt Col George Ernest DSO51
Hale, G W51
Halsbury, Earl of51, 59
Hammick, Sir St Vincent Alexander Bt51
Harris, Charles BA51
Harris, James Rendel MA, LittD, LLD51
Harris, John51
Harrison, Mary St Leger (Lucas Malet)51
Harrison, Rev William51
Head, Rev A T51
Head, Ernest51
Heath, Francis George51
Heathcote, Anne51
Heathcote, John51
Heathcote-Amory, Sir John Heathcote Bt, DL, JP51
Heaven, Rev Hudson Grosett MA52
Heaven, W H52
Heberden, Charles Buller MA52
Heberden Rev W52
Hebersen, William Buller CB, JP52
Hedgeland, Lucy52
Hedgeland, Rev Philip52
Hedgeland, Samuel L52
Hicks, Beatrice Jeanie61
Hicks, Dr Philip61
Hodge, Frederick Webb52
Holley, Major Gen Edmund Hunt JP52
Holley, J H52
Holt, Colonel William John CB52
Hooper, Major Richard Grenside DSO52
Hoskin, John LLD, KC, DCL52
Hounsell, Beatrice Wright49
Hounsell, H Strangwells MD49
Hunt, Henry Carew52
Hunt, Major Gen Robert Augustus Carew JP52
Iddesleigh, Earl of52, 55, 58
Ilbert, Sir Courtenay Peregrine KCB, KCSI, CIE52
Inglefield, Brigadier General Norman Bruce CB, DSO52
Inglefield, Rear Admiral V O52
Jackson, Frank Stather52
Jackson, J H52
Jackson, George FRCS, JP52
Jackson, Rev Percival MA52
Jane, Frederick T52
Jane, Rev John52
Johnston, Elizabeth52
Johnston, Rev George52
Johnston, Rev J O, MA52
Julian, Lieut Col Oliver, Richard Archer CMG53
Julian, Captain Thomas Archer53
Kane, W F de Vismes DL, JP, MRIA, FES53
Karslake, Rev W J, JP53
Karslake, Sir William Wollaston Kt, KC53
Kekewich, Sir George William KCB, DCL, JP53
Kekewich, Louisa53
Kekewich, Major General Robert George CB53
Kekewich, S C53
Kekewich, Trehawke53
Kekewich, Trehawke Herbert53
Kennaway, Rt Hon Sir John Henry Bt CB, PC53
Kenney, Colonel Arthur Herbert CMG, DSO53
Kenney, Captain E H, RN53
Kernahan, Coulson53
Kernahan, Dr James MA, FGS53
Kingsford, Charles Lethbridge MA, FSA, FRHistS53
Kingsford, Helen53
Kingsford, Rev Sampson53
Kingsley, Charles51
Kinloch, Maj-Gen Alexander, Angus, Airlie CB, DL, JP53
Kinloch, Colonel John Grant53
Kirkwood, Col. Carleton Hooper Morrison DSO53
Kirkwood, Captain John Heneley Morrison JP, MP53
Kirkwood, J N53
Kirkwood, J T53
Knight, Henry51
Knight, Sarah51
Knowling, Elizabeth53
Knowling, Hon George53
Knowling, Prebendary53
Knowling, Rev Richard John53
Lambert, George MP53
Lane-Jackson, Nichols53
Langley, Beatrice Cordelia Auchmuty (Mrs Basil Tozer)54, 59
Langley, Colonel W S54
Langman, Sir John Lawrence Bt54
Langman, Joseph54
Leslie, Georgina Frances58
Leslie, Martin Leslie58
Leslie, Norman Evelyn58
Lethbridge, Lt Col Sir Alfred Swaine KCSI, JP54
Lethbridge, Helen53
Lethbridge, John F42
Lethbridge, Mabel Frederica42
Lethbridge, Sir Roper KCIE, DL, JP54
Lethbridge, Susan54
Lethbridge, W F54
Lethbridge, William53
Lilly, William54
Lilly, William Samuel MA, JP54
Lindsay, Hon Colin54
Lindsay, Leonard Cecil Colin FSA54
Llewellyn, Col. Evan Henry DL, JP54
Llewellyn, L54
Lockyer, Edmund54
Lockyer, Nicholas Colston ISO54
Longmead, Sarah Anne59
Longmead, William59
Lopes, Bertha54
Lopes, Sir Henry Yarde Buller Bt, JP54
Lowe, George Shortland54
Lowe, Peter Stanley54
Lyte, Sir Henry Churchill Maxwell- KCB, MA, FSA54
Lyte, J W Maxwell-54
Mallet, Claude Coventry CMG54
Mallet, Hugh54
Mallock, W H54
Mallock, William54
Marker, Richard DL, JP54
Marker, Rev T J54
Martin, George Peter CB, RN, JP55
Martin, John RN55
Martyr, Lt Col. Cyril Godfrey DSO55
Martyr, Joseph55
May, Bessie57
May, William57
May, Colonel William Allen CB55
McKenzie, Captain Joseph54
McKenzie, Marian FRAM54
Medland, Sophia57
Mellor, Rt Hon John William PC, DL, KC55
Mellor, Rt Hon Sir John55
Michell, John55
Michell, Hon Sir Lewis Kt55
Mildmay, Francis Bingham MP, JP55
Mildmay, H B55
Miles, George55
Miles, Alfred Henry ISO55
Mohun,-Harris, C A45
Mohun-Harris, Mary Molesworth Cordelia45
Monkswell, Lord46
Moore, Elizabeth45
Morgan, Elizabeth52
Morgan, James Gordon MD52
Morley, Earl of55
Mowbray, Sir Robert Gray Cornish Bt, DL, JP55
Nation, William Hamilton Codrington55
Norcock, Vice Admiral Charles James55
Norcock, Commander John Henry RN55
Norris, Sir William55
Norris, William Edward55
Northcote, Baron Henry Stafford CCMG, GCIE, CB55
Northcote, Rev the Hon John Stafford55
Northcote, Lady Rosalind Lucy55
Northcote, Viscount Stafford Henry58
Northcote, Earl Walter Stafford52
Odgers, William Blake LLD, KC55
Odgers, Rev W J55
Oram, Emily Kate55
Oram, Rear Admiral Sir Henry J, KCB55
Oram, J J55
Orpen, Rev E C57
Orpen, Emily Maud57
Owen, James George55
Palmer, Captain Arthur Percy DSO56
Palmer, Rev Canon49
Palmer, Clara Jane49
Palmer, J T56
Parker, Edmund Robert JP55
Parr, Robert John56
Parsons, Major-General Sir Charles KCMG, CB, FRGS56
Parsons, John56
Paterson, William56
Paterson, William Bromfield FRCS, LDS56
Pearce, Edward49
Pearce, Clara Jane49
Peek, Sir Wilfred Bt56
Pellew, Viscount Edward Addington Hargreaves49
Perring, Rev Sir Philip Bt56
Peters, Major William Henry Brooke JP56
Peters, W H56
Phillpotts, Captain Arthur Stephen, RN, JP56
Phillpotts, Eden56
Phillpotts, Bishop Henry56
Phillpotts, Captain Henry56
Phillpotts, James Surtees MA, BCL56
Phillpotts, Louisa56
Pilditch, Philip Edward LCC56
Pine-Coffin, Major John Edward DSO56
Pine-Coffin, J R56
Pinkham, William45
Pinkham, Rt Rev William Cyprian DD45, 56
Pitman, Charles Edward CIE, FRGS56
Pitman, Captain J C, RN56
Pole, Sir Edward Reginald Talbot de la, Bt56
Poltimore, Baron43, 56
Ponsonby, Captain Charles56
Ponsonby, Rev S G, MA56
Porter, Rev E J56
Porter, Brig. General Thomas Cole, CB, JP56
Portsmouth, Earl of56, 60
Praed, Susan61
Praed, William Mackworth61
Pretoria, Bishop of50, 56
Radcliffe, Emily Maud57
Radcliffe, Major Jasper Fitzgerald DSO57
Radcliffe, W C57
Radford, Bessie57
Radford, Sir Charles Horace Kt57
Radford, Daniel JP57
Radford, Edward ARWS57
Radford, Emma Louise57
Radford, George David57
Radford, George Heynes MP, JP57
Radford, William57
Ravenscroft, Edward William CSI, JP57
Ravenscroft, Laura57
Raymont, Thomas MA57
Read, Charles57
Read, Herbert James CMG, MA57
Reichel, Rev Oswald Joseph MA, BCL, FSA57
Reichel, Rev Samuel Rudolph57
Rendel, Sir Alexander Meadows KCIE57
Rendel, James Meadows FRS57
Rendel, Baron Stuart JP57
Rendell, Rev Arthur Medland MA57
Rendell, Commander John RN57
Rendell, Sophia57
Revelstoke, Baron43, 57
Revelstoke, Louisa Emily57
Rickards, Rev Marcus Samuel Cam FLS57
Rickards, R H JP57
Ripper, Professor W57
Riverina, Bishop of57
Rivers, Ven Arthur Richards MA57
Rogers, Henry RN57
Rogers, Leonard, MD, BS, FRCP, FRCS57
Ross, Caroline Matilda60
Ross, Rev William60
Rothes, Earl of58
Rundle, Lt Gen. Sir Henry Macleod Leslie, KCB, KCMG, DCO58
Rundle, Captain J S, RN58
Sanders, Laura Stanfell57
Sanders, T P57
Saunders, William CMG58
Savile, Albany58
Savile, Eleanor Elizabeth58
Savile, Colonel George Walter Wrey DSO58
Savile, Colonel Henry Bourchier Osbourne CB58
Savile, Colonel J W58
Scobell, Jane Anne44
Scobell, John44
Scoble, Rt Hon Andrew Richard KCSI, PC, KC58
Scoble, John58
Scott, Owen Stanley58
Scott, Captain Robert Falcon RN, CVO, FRGS58
Seaton, Baron58
Shelley, Sir John Bt DL, JP58
Sherlock, Frederick58
Sherlock, Thomas Bernard58
Sherwell, Arthur MP58
Sherwell, John Viney58
Sidmouth, Viscount43, 58
Simmons, Arthur Thomas BSc58
Simmons, Thomas58
Smith, Granville58
Snow, Philip Chicheley Hyde CIE59
Snow, Thomas Maitland59
Soares, Ernest Joseph MA, LLD, MP59
Somerset, Duke of59
Soper, H Tapley FRHist S59
Spear, John Ward JP, MP59
Spicer, Robert Henry Scanes MD59
Spragge, Lt Col. Basil Edward DSO, JP59
Spragge, Colonel Charles Henry CB, JP59
Spragge, F H, JP59
Statham, Rev George Herbert59
St Cyres, Viscount58
Steer, Philip Wilson59
St Germans, Bishop of58
St Maur, Algernon59
Strong, Rev Edmond59
Strong, Herbert A, MA, LLD59
Strutt, William RBA, FZS59
Stucley, Sir William Lewis Bt59
Studdy, Georgina Frances58
Studdy, H58
Swaine, Robert54
Swaine, Susan54
Tarring, Sir Charles James Kt59
Tarring, John59
Temple, Archbishop59
Temple, William MA59
Tetley, James MD, FRCP59
Tetley, Ven James George DD59
Tetley, Sarah Anne59
Thomson, Robert61
Tiverton, Viscount59
Tozer, Captain Aaron RN59
Tozer, Basil John59
Tozer, Beatrice59
Tozer, Rev Henry Fanshawe MA, FRGS59
Tozer, John Hellyer59
Trefusis, Capt. Hon George Walpole Rolle, RN47
Trefusis, Hon John Schomberg CMG, DL, JP60
Trefusis, Hon Margaret Adela61
Trefusis, Rt Rev Robert Edward47, 60
Trelawny-Ross, Caroline Matilda60
Trelawny-Ross, Rev John Trelawny DD60
Triscott, Charles Prideaux CB, DSO60
Triscott, Joseph Blake60
Troyte, Colonel50
Troyte, Frances Lucy50
Tucker, Lt Gen Sir Charles GCVO, KCB60
Tucker, Robert60
Underdown, Emanual60
Underdown, Nathaniel Maguire KC60
Upcott, Rev Arthur William DD60
Upcott, J S60
Upcott, Sir Frederick Robert KCVO, CSI, MInstCE60
Upham, Elizabeth53
Vanbrugh, Irene60
Vanbrugh, Violet60
Victoria, Queen54
Vivian, Henry60
Vosper, Sydney Curnow ARWS60
Walcott, Col Edmund Scopoli CB, DL, JP60
Waleran, Baron60-1
Wallop, Newton DL, JP, FSA56
Walrond, Bethell60
Walrond, Caroline Maud60
Walrond, Gertrude42
Walrond, Col Henry JP60
Walrond, Sir John W42
Walrond, Hon Lionel Charles MP61
Walrond, Sir William Hood PC, DL, JP60
Walker, Ernest Octavius CIE, MIEE60
Walker, Rosa60
Waller, Mary Lemon60
Walling, Robert Alfred John60
Wallop, Hon John Fellowes60
Watts, Francis, CMG, DSc61
Watts, John61
Watts, J W H61
Whitby, Beatrice Jeanie61
White, Sir William Henry KCB, FRS, LLD, DSC61
White-Thomson, Fanny Julia61
White-Thompson, Major Hugh Davie DSO61
White Thomson, Rev Leonard Jauncey MA61
White-Thomson, Margaret Adela61
White-Thomson, Col Sir Robert Thomas KCB, DL, JP61
Willcock, John59
Williams, Sir James Hamlyn48
Williams, Marian54
Williams, Richard Smith54
Williamson, Charles Norris61
Williamson, Rev Stewart61
Wills, Susan44
Wills, William Saul44
Wodehouse, Colonel Philip61
Wodehouse, Rev Philip John MA61
Wood, T Winter43
Woollcombe, Admiral44
Woollcombe, Caroline44
Wreford, George61
Wreford, Susan Annie61
Wreford, William JP61
Wrey, Sir Bourchier Robert Sherard Bt DL, JP58, 61
Wrey, Eleanor Elizabeth58
Wright, William Henry Kearley61
Young, Sir George Bt, JP61
Young, Captain Sir George Bt, RN61
Young, Susan61
Young, Sir William Mackworth KCSI61