


Name Index


The Worthies of Devon

The Devonian Year Book, London: The Devonian Association, (1910) illus. pp. 39-90.


R. Pearse Chope

Prepared by Michael Steer

National pride in the industrial might of Britain and its growing Empire during the Victorian and Edwardian eras generated an increased public awareness of regional identity. Devon literature of that period became no longer just of interest to antiquarians or tourists. There was a growing market for it among Devonians, including those expatriates who formed Devonian associations in London and elsewhere. The London Devonian Association published a yearbook for many years. This article by the yearbook's editor attempts to provide an index of all the 'Worthies of Devon' whose names have been considered sufficiently important to be noticed in the Dictionary of National Biography. When making the index, the author attempted a separate list of the 40 most distinguished names, and these he designated The Forty Immortals, In the present index these 40 'immortal names' are indicated by an asterisk (see Acland, Sir Henry Wentworth below as an example). An original (print) copy of the year book is held at the University of Toronto Library and was produced from a digital copy that can be downloaded from: Google Books with a search by either author or title, and also from the Internet Archive. Google has sponsored the digitisation of books from several libraries. These books, on which copyright has expired, are available for free educational and research use, both as individual books and as full collections to aid researchers.


Acland, Arthur Palmer40
Acland, Lady Elizabeth40
*Acland, Sir Henry Wentworth, KCB, FRS40
Acland, John40
Acland, Sir John, MP40
Acland, John Dyke, MP40
Acland, Sir Thomas40
Acland, Sir Thomas Dyke, MP, DCL40
Acland, Sir Wroth Palmer, KCB40
Adams, Elizabeth Mary40
Adams, Samuel40
Adams, William Henry Davenport40
Ælfryth (also Elfrida)40
Æthelred II40
Æthelwold, ealdorman40
Ainsworth, Captain John41
Ainsworth, William Francis FRGS, FSA41
Anne, Queen83
Anthony, Dorcas84
Anthony, John84
Arscott, Arthur71
Arscott, Honora71
*Arthur, Sir George Bt DCL41
Arthur, John41
Ashwood, Bartholomew41
Ashwood, John41
Avery, John41
*Babbage, Charles FRS41
Badcock, John41
Badcock, Samuel41
Baker, Sir George, MD, FRS41
Baker, Philip DD41
Baker, Thomas41
Baker, Sir Thomas Durand KCB41
Baldwin, Archbishop42, 66
Ball, Peter FRCP, FRS (also Balle)42
Ball, William FRS (also Balle)42
Bampfield, Sir Coplestone MP42
Bampfield, Francis42
Bampfield, John42
Bampfield, Sir John Bt42
Bampfield, Thomas MP42
Bampfylde, Coplestone Warre42
Bampfylde, John MP42
Bampfylde, John Codrington42
Bampfylde, Sir Richard Warwick42
Bampton, John DD42
Baring, Alexander, Baron Ashburton42
Baring, Brothers & Co42
Baring, Charles75
Baring, Sir Francis MP42
Baring, Jaquetta75
Barkham, John (or Barcham)42
Barley, Elizabeth87
Barley, John87
Baskerville, Sir Simon MD, FRCP42
Bastard, John Pollexfen MP42
Bath, Anne90
Bath, Edward Earl of90
Bathe, Henry de (also Bathonia)42
Bathurst, Allen, Earl53
Bathurst, Catherine53
Battie, William MD, FRCP43
Beal, Samuel DCL43
Beeke, Henry DD43
Bellew, William73
Bennet, William (also Bennett)43
Bennett, William Mineard43
Bentham, George FRS, FLS43
Bentham, Sir Samuel43
Berry, Sir John43
Bidder, George Parker43
Bidgood, John MD, FRCP43
Bidlake, John DD43
Bidwill, John Carne43
Billington, Thomas43
Bishenden, Mrs C J39
Blackall, John FRCP43
Blackall, Samuel43
Blackaller, Nicholas90
*Blackmore, Richard Doddridge43
Blount, Gertrude53
Blount, Lord William53
Blundell, Peter44
Bodley, John44
Bodley, Sir Josias44
Bodley, Lawrence DD44
*Bodley, Sir Thomas44, 85
Bogan, William44
Bogan, Zachary44
Bohun, Earl Humphrey de54
Bohun, Margaret de54
*Boniface, Saint44
Borough, Christopher44
Borough, Stephen44
Bowen, James44
Bowring, Charles44
*Bowring, Sir John MP, LLD, FRS44
Boyd, Archibald DD44
Bracton, Henry de (also Bratton or Breton)45
Brancker, Thomas (also Branker)45
Brantingham, Thomas de45
Bray, Anna Eliza (née Kempe)45
Bray, Rev Edward Atkyns45
Bretland, Joseph45
Brewer, Baron William (also Briwere; Bruer)45
Brice, Andrew45
Bridgeman, Elizabeth45
Bridgeman, Henry DD45
Bridgeman, John DD45
Bridgeman, Sir Orlando45
Bridgeman, Thomas45
Brock, William DD45
Brockedon, William FRS46
Brooke, Charles46
Brooke, Charles, FRCS, FRS, FRMS46
Brooke, Henry James FRS, FGS, FLS46
*Browne, William46
Bruce, Margaret46
Bruce, William46
Bryant, Jacob46
Buckland, Rev Charles46
Buckland, Elizabeth46
Buckland, Francis Trevelyan46
Buckland, William DD, FRS, FGS46
Bucknill, Sir John Charles FRCP, FRS46
Budd, George, MD, FRCP, FRS47
Budd, William, MD, FRS47
Budge, Edward47
Budge, John47
Budgell, Eustace47
Budgell, Gilbert DD47
Buller, Sir Francis47
Buller, Sir Redvers39
Bulteel, Henry Bellenden47
Bulteel, Thomas47
Burgess, John47
Burt, Joseph47
Burt, William47
Burthagge, William47
Burton, John DD47
Bury, Arthur47
Bury, Rev John47
Butter, John MD47
Calvert, Edward47
Cann, Abraham47
Capern, Edward47
Cardmaker alias Taylor, John48
Carew, Bamfylde Moore48
Carew, Sir Edmund48
Carew, George48
Carew, Baron George48
Carew, Joane48
Carew, Sir John48
Carew, Sir Nicholas48
Carew, Sir Peter48
Carew, Sir William48
Carey, Mary48
Carey, Thomas48
Carey, William DD48
Carlile, Richard48
Carminow, Margaret53
Carminow, Thomas53
Carpenter, John48
Carpenter, Lant LLD48-9
Carpenter, Mary48
Carpenter, Nathaniel48
Carpenter, William Benjamin49
Carr, Sir John49
Carr, William Holwell49
Carrington, Frederick George49
Carrington, Noel Thomas49
Cartwright, Joseph49
Cary, Elizabeth49
Cary, George49
Cary, Sir George (also Carey)48
Cary, John49
Cary, Sir John49
Cary, Robert DCL49
Caunter, John Hobart49
Champernowne, Katherine61
Champernowne, Sir Philip61
Channell, Sir William Fry49
Chappington, John (also Chapington)49
Chapple, Samuel49
Chapple, William49
Chard, Colonel John Rouse Merriott VC49
Chardon, John DD (also Charldon; Charlton)49
Charles I42, 64, 66
Charles II69, 71-2, 78
Charles, Andrew Paton50
Charles, Mrs Elizabeth50
Chesney, Captain Charles Cornwallis50
Chesney, General Sir George Tomkyns50
Chichele, Archbishop56
Chichester, Lady Anne50
*Chichester, Baron Arthur50
Chichester, Earl Arthur50
Chichester, Lieutenant Colonel Sir Charles50
Chichester, Charles Joseph50
Chichester, Edward Viscount50
Chichester, Lady Gertrude50
Chichester, Sir John50
Chichester, Robert50
Chilcott, Joseph78
Chilcott, Susannah78
Chudleigh, Countess Elizabeth50
Chudleigh, Sir George50
Chudleigh, Sir George MP50
Chudleigh, Major General James50
Chudleigh, John50
Chudleigh, Lady Mary50
Chudleigh, Thomas50
Chudleigh, Colonel Sir Thomas50
Churchill, General Charles50
Churchill, Admiral George MP50
*Churchill, John Duke of Marlborough51
Churchill, Sir Winston MP50-1
Citeaux, Roger of81
Clarges, Ann72
*Clifford, Baron Thomas51
Clifford, William Kingdon FRS51
Cockburn, Agnes Mary75
Cockburn, Thomas75
Coffin alias Hatton, Edward51
Coffin, Sir Edward Pine51
Coffin, Major General John Pine51
Cole, John65
Coleridge, Derwent51
Coleridge, Frances Duke77
Coleridge, Hartley51
Coleridge, Henry James DD51
Coleridge, Henry Nelson51-2
Coleridge, Herbert51
Coleridge, James51
Coleridge, James Duke DCL51
Coleridge, John51-2
Coleridge, Sir John Duke FRS, DCL51
Coleridge, Sir John Taylor51-2
Coleridge, Luke Herman52
*Coleridge, Samuel Taylor51-2
Coleridge, Sara52
Coleridge, William Hart DD52
Collier, John52
Collier, Robert Porrett MP52
Collins, Arthur52
Collins, David52
Collins, Mortimer52
Conant, John DD52
Condy, Nicholas (also Cundy)52
Condy, Nicholas Matthews52
Conybeare, John DD52
Cook, Samuel52
Cookworthy, William52
Copleston, Edward52
Copplestone, Anne50
Copplestone, John50
Corey, John53
Cornish, Robert Stribling73
Cory, William Johnson53
Coryton, Peter53
Coryton, William53
Cosway, Richard RA53
Cotton, John53
Cotton, Bishop William53
Courtenay, Anne53
Courtenay, Catherine53
Courtenay, Princess Catherine53
Courtenay, Earl Edward53-4
Courtenay, Lady Elizabeth53-4
Courtenay, Gertrude50, 53
Courtenay, Lady Harriet54
Courtenay, Marquis Henry53
Courtenay, Henry Reginald53
Courtenay, Henry Reginald MP53
Courtenay, Sir Hugh53-4
Courtenay, Joane48
Courtenay, Margaret53-4
Courtenay, Bishop Peter53
Courtenay, Sir Philip53-4
Courtenay, Bishop Richard53
Courtenay, Thomas Peregrine MP53
*Courtenay, Archbishop William54
Courtenay, Sir William KB48, 50, 53-4
Courtenay, Earl William Reginald PC, DCL54
Cousins, Samuel RA54
Cowell, John LLD54
Cowell, Joseph Leathley54
Cowell, Samuel Houghton54
Cowley, Hannah54
Cox, Edward William54
Cox, Harriet54
Cox, William Charles54
Cranch, John54
Crane, Thomas54
Crealock, Henry Hope54
Crealock, William Betton54
Cross, John55
Crosse, Richard55
Crouch, Emma Elizabeth77
Cuming, Hugh55
Cunningham, Jane82
Cunningham, John82
Cussans, John Edwin55
Cutcliffe, John (also Rochetaillade; De Rupescissa)55
Davy, Edward55
Davy, John55
Davy, Robert55
Davy, William55
*Davys, John55
Delabare, Antony57
Delabare, Joan57
Dennis, Sir Thomas (also Denys)55
Dickens, Charles89
Dickson, Sir James Robert KMCG, DCL55
Doddridge, Sir John (also Doderidge)55
Donn, Benjamin (also Donne)56
Donne family56
Donne, Gabriel (also Dunne)56
Donne, John64, 85
Doone, Lorna43
Down, Margery64
Down, Richard64
Downe, John56
Downman, Hugh56
Downman, John ARA56
Dowriche, Anne56
Dowriche, Hugh56
Drake, Amy56
Drake, Sir Bernard56
Drake, George58
Drake, John56
*Drake, Sir Francis56
Drake, John Poad56
Drake, Katherine58
Drew, Edward MP56
Drew, Eleanor56
Drew, Thomas56
Drewitt, Jane Elizabeth63
Drewitt, Stephen63
Duck, Sir Arthur LLD, MP56
Duck, Nicholas56
Duck, Richard56
Dunn, Samuel56
Dunning, Agnes57
Dunning, John57
Dunning, Baron John57
D'Urfey, Thomas57
Dyke, Elizabeth40
Dyke, Thomas40
Eastcott, Richard57
*Eastlake, Sir Charles Lock PRA, FRS, DCL57
Eastlake, George57
Edgcumbe, Anne56
Edgcumbe, Peter56
Edgcumbe, Sir Piers57
Edgcumbe, Sir Richard MP (also Edgecombe)57
Edgar, King40
Edge, John70
Edge, Lydia70
Edmondes, Joan57
Edmondes, Thomas57
Edmondes, Sir Thomas MP57
Edward the Confessor68
Edward IV53
Effingham, Thomas Earl of53
Egerton, Daniel57
Egerton, Sarah (née Fisher)57
Elford, Grace57
Elford, Rev Lancelot57
Elford, Sir William MP, FRS57
Elizabeth I64, 81, 87
Ellacombe, Henry Thomas (also Ellicombe)58
Ellicombe, Sir Charles Green KCB58
Ellis, Mr Havelock39
Enty, John58
Exeter, Walter of58
Exeter, William of58
Exeter, William of DD58
Fishacre, Richard de (also Fissakre; Fishakle; Fizacre)58
Floyer, Katherine86
Floyer, William86
Follett, Sir William MP58
Foote, Countess Maria58
Foote, Samuel T58
Ford, Sir Francis Clare GCB, GCMG58
Ford, Henry58
Ford, Sir Henry FRS58
Ford, John58
Ford, Katherine58
Ford, Richard58
Ford, Roger of81
Ford, Simon59
Ford, Thomas59
Forster, Elizabeth59
Forster, Nathaniel DD, FRS59
Forster, Robert59
Fortescue, Anne59
Fortescue, Sir Edmund59
Fortescue, Sir Faithful59
Fortescue, James DD59
Fortescue, John59
*Fortescue, Sir John59
Fortescue, Sara59
Fortescue, William59
Foster, James DD59
Fowler, Henry59
Fox, Mary73
Fresne, Simon du (also Fraxinetus; Ash)84
*Froude, James Anthony LLD59
Froude, Richard Hurrell59
Froude, Robert Hurrell59
Froude, William FRS59
Furneaux, Philip DD60
Furse, Archdeacon53
Gale, Theophilus DD60
Gandy, Henry60
Gandy, James60
Gandy, John60
Gandy, William60
Garland, John60
Gates, Sir Thomas60
Gay, Elizabeth60
Gay, James60
*Gay, John60
Geare, Allan60
Gee, John60
George II59, 65
George III55, 72
George IV67
Gervays, Bishop John (also John of Exeter)66
Gibbes, Elizabeth84
Gibbes, John84
Gibbs, Anne60
Gibbs, George Abraham60
Gibbs, Sir Vicary60
Gifford, Anthony60
Gifford, Humphrey60
Gifford, Robert60
Gifford, Baron, Robert60
*Gifford, William61
*Gilbert, Sir Humphrey61
Gilbert, Katherine61
Gilbert, Otho61
Gilling, Isaac61
Glanvill, Joseph FRS61
Glanville, Sir John the elder MP61
Glanville, Sir John the younger MP, DCL61
Gorham, George Cornelius61
Gosse, Philip Henry FRS61
Grenville, Amy56
Grenville, Sir Bevil61
Grenville, Denis DD61
Grenville, Grace61
Grenville, Earl John61
Grenville, Philippa87
Grenville, Sir Richard MP (also Greynvile)62
Grenville, Roger87
Grenville, Sir Roger56
Gustun, Roger of (also Gustum)81
Hakewill, George DD62
Hakewill, William MP62
Hallett, Joseph (also Hallet, I-III)62
Handel, Georg Frideric65
Hankeford, Sir William KB62
Hanmer, John62
Hanmer, Jonathan62
Hanton, Wilmot85
Harding, Thomas62
Harding, Robert62
Harding, William FGS62
Harris, John DD62
Harris, Sir William Snow FRS63
Hart, Solomon Alexander RA63
Hawker, Jacob Stephen63
Hawker, Jane Elizabeth63
Hawker, Robert DD63
Hawker, Robert Stephen63
*Hawkins, Sir John (also Hawkyns)63
Hawkins, Sir Richard (also Hawkyns)63
Hawkins, William MP (also Hawkyns)63
*Haydon, Benjamin Robert63
Hayman, Francis RA63
Heard, Sir Isaac64
Heard, John64
Hearder, Jonathan64
Heath, Benjamin DCL64
Heath, John64
Heathcoat, John MP64
Hele, Sir John MP64
Hele, Margery64
Hele, Nicholas64
Helyar, Dr45
Helyar, Elizabeth45
Henry VIII53
Herle, Margaret de64
Herle, William de64
Herrick, Julian64
Herrick, Nicholas64
Herrick, Robert64
Hilliard, Nicholas64
Hilliard, Richard64
Hincks, Thomas FRS64
Hincks, William64
Hodgkinson, Elizabeth84
Hody, Sir John MP65
Hody, Thomas65
Hole, Richard65
Hole, William65
Holland, Duke John (of Exeter)65
Hone, Elizabeth77
Hone, Robert77
Hooker, alias Vowell, John65
*Hooker, Richard65
Hooker, Robert65
Hooker alias Vowell, Roger65
Hooper, Edmund65
Hooper, Elizabeth60
Hooper, Nicholas60
Hopkins, Charles65
Hopkins, Ezekiel DD65
Hopton, General84
Howard, Lady Elizabeth53
Howe, Admiral Lord44
Huckmore, Eleanor56
Huckmore, William56
Hudson, Thomas65-6
Humphry, Ozias RA65
Hungerford, Elizabeth53
Hungerford, Walter Lord53
Huxham, John FRS65
Incledon, Benjamin65
Ireland, John DD66
Iscanus, Josephus (Joseph of Exeter)66
Izacke, Richard66
Jackson, Abraham66
Jackson, William66
James I42, 45
James, John Haddy FRCS66
Jeffery, Thomas66
Jenkins, Thomas66
Jermin, Alexander66
Jermin, Michael DD (also German)66
*Jewel, John DD62, 66
Johns, Ambrose Bowden66
Johns, Charles Alexander66
Johnson, Charles53
Johnson, Dr Samuel62
Jones, John Pike66
Judsham, Agnes57
Judsham, Henry57
*Keats, John66
Kemp, Joseph66
Kemp, William (also Kempe)67
Kempthorne, Sir John67
Kendall, George DD67
Kennaway, Frances67
Kennaway, Sir John67
Kennaway, William67
Kennicott, Benjamin DD. FRS67
Kenrick, John67
Kerslake, Thomas67
Kidley, William67
King, John67
King, Mary Grace67
King, Baron Peter67
King, Richard67
King, Richard John67
*Kingsley, Charles67
Kitto, John DD67
Kington, Sir William Bt, MD67
Knight-Bruce, Caroline Margaret Eliza46
Knight-Bruce, George Wyndham Hamilton, DD46
Knight-Bruce, Sir James Lewis46
Knight-Bruce, Lewis Bruce46
Knight, John46
Knight, Margaret46
Knill, Richard67
Lacy, Bishop Edmund68
Lake, Edward DD68
Langdon, Richard68
Langton, Archbishop Stephen68
Larkham, Thomas68
Lathy, Thomas Pike68
Lavington, John68
Leach, William Elford MD, FRS68
Leakey, Caroline Woolmer68
Leakey, James68
Lee, Alfred Theophilus LLD, DCL68
Lee, Frederick Richard RA68
Lee, Sir J Theophilus68
Lee, Mary50
Lee, Richard50
Leofric, Bishop68
Leslie, Lady Harriet54
Lethbridge, John Watts68
Lethbridge, Walter Stephens68
Letheby, Henry68
Ley, Henry68
Ley, James, Earl of Marlborough68
Littleton, Sir Thomas KB69
Living, Bishop (also Lyfing)69
Lloyd, Ridgway Robert Syers Christian Codner69
Locke, Matthew69
Long, Thomas the elder69
Long, Thomas the younger69
Loosemore, George Mus Doc69
Loosemore, Henry69
Loosemore, John69
Lopes, Baron Henry Charles69
Lopes, Sir Ralph Bt69
Louis, Sir Thomas69
Luckombe, Philip69
Luny, Thomas69
Luscombe, Michael Henry Thornhill DCL69
Luxmoore, John DD69
Lye, Edward69
Lye, Thomas69
Macarthur, Sir Edward KCB (also McArthur)70
Macarthur, Elizabeth70
Macarthur, Hannibal Hawkins70
Macarthur, James70
Macarthur, John70
Macarthur, Sir William70
Macbride, John70
Macbride, John David70
Mallet, John70
Mallet, Robert FRS70
Manning, James70
Manning, Lydia70
Marler, Margaret84
Marriott, John70
Martin, Anne70
Martin, Matthew70
Martin, Richard MP70
Martin, William70
Martyn, Mary71
Martyn, Nicholas71
Martyn, William MP71
Maunder, Samuel71
Maurice, James Wilkes71
Maynard, Alexander71
Maynard, Honora71
*Maynard, Sir John MP71
Mayne, Cuthbert71
Mayne, Jasper DD71
Mayne, Zachary71
Mayo, Henry DD, LLD71
Merivale, Charles DCL71
Merivale, Herman CB, DCL71
Merivale, John Herman71
Merivale, Samuel71
Merrifield, Charles Watkins FRS72
Merrifield, John72
Milman, Sir Francis Bt MD, FRCP72
Milman, Henry Hart DD72
Milman, Robert DD72
Milman, Sir William George Bt72
Mitchell, Sir William72
Modyford, Sir James Bt72
Modyford, John72
Modyford, Sir Thomas Bt72
Moeles, Baldwin of41
Mogford, Thomas72
Monck, Ann72
Monck, Christopher, Duke of Albemarle72
Monck, Elizabeth72
Monck, George, Duke of Albemarle (also Monk)72-3
Monck, Nicholas DD (also Monk)73
Monck, Sir Thomas Kt72
Moore, George MD73
Moore, Henry73
Moore, John73
Moreman, John DD73
Morice, Dr Evan73
Morice, Sir William MP73
Morley, Earl of90
Mortimer, George Ferris Whidmore73
Morwen, John (also Moring, Morven)73
Mowbray, Sir John Robert Bt, MP (formerly Cornish)73
Mudge, John FRS73
Mudge, Mary73
Mudge, Richard Zachariah FRS73
Mudge, Thomas73-4
Mudge, William73
Mudge, William RN74
Mudge, Major General William74
Mudge, Zachariah73
Mudge, Zachary74
Musgrave, Richard74
Musgrave, Samuel MD, FRCP, FRS74
Newcomen, Elias74
*Newcomen, Thomas74, 83
Newcourt, Philip74
Newcourt, Richard the elder74
Newcourt, Richard the younger74
Newte, Caroline, Margaret Eliza46
Newte, John74
Newte, Richard74
Newte, Thomas46
Newton, George74
Nicholls, James Fawckner FSA75
Nicholls, Sir Nicholas Harris CCMG, FSA75
Nicholas, John Harris RN75
Nicholas, Matthias75
Norman, John75
Northbrooke, John75
Northcote, Agnes Mary75
Northcote, Henry Stafford75
*Northcote, James RA75
Northcote Jaquetta75
Northcote, John75
Northcote, Sir John Bt MP75
Northcote, Sarah82
*Northcote, Sir Stafford Henry75
Northcote, Susan75
Northleigh, John75
Northleigh, John MD, LLD75
Northmore, Thomas FSA75
Oak, Elizabeth46
Oak, John46
Ockley, Simon75
Odger, George75
Ogle, John75
Oliver, George DD75
Ordgar, ealdorman (also Orgar)40, 75
Orleans, Henrietta Anne Duchess of64
Oxenham, Elizabeth40
Oxenham, John75
Palk, Sir Robert Bt76
Palmer, Sir James Frederick76
Palmer, John76
Palmer, Mary (née Reynolds)76
Parker, Anne70
Parker, Edmund, Earl of Morley76
Parker, Henry Perlee76
Parker, Earl John, DCL, FRS76
Parker, Richard70, 76
Parsons, Eliza (nÉe Phelp)76
Parsons, Elizabeth (née Rooker)76
Parsons, Gertrude (née Hext)76
Parsons, James MD, FRS, FSA77
Parsons, Robert77
Patch, Richard77
Patch, Thomas77
Patteson, Frances Duke77
Patteson, John Coleridge77
Patteson, Sir John77
Payne, William77
Peacock, George77
Pearce, Samuel77
Peard, George77
Pearl, Cora (also Emma Elizabeth Crouch)77
Pearse, William77
Peirce. James77
Pengelly, Richard77
Pengelly, Sarah77
Pengelly, William FRS, FGS77
Pepys, Lady Harriet54
Pepys, Sir Lucas54
Peryam, Elizabeth77
Peryam, John77
Peryam, Sir William MP77
Petre, Dorothy88
Petre, Sir William DCL77
Phelps, Samuel78
Phillpotts, Bishop Henry78
Pierce, Adam78
Pierce, Samuel Eyles57, 78
Pierce, Susannah78
Pike, Richard (also Peake)78
Pim, Bedford Clapperton, Trevelyan78
Pine, Grace51
Pine, Rev John51
Pitts, Joseph78
Pole, Sir Charles Morice GCB78
Pole, Reginald78
Pole, Sir William78
Polglas, Margaret64
Polglas, William64
Pollard, Avice78
Pollard, Sir Hugh Bt MP75, 78
Pollard, Sir John MP78
Pollard, Sir Lewis78
Pollard, Richard78
Pollard, Robert78
Pollard, Susan75
Pollard, Walter78
Porter, Anne59
Porter, Walter59
Porter, Major-General Whitworth78
Potter, Theophila80
Praed, William Mackworth78
Praed, Winthrop Mackworth MP78
Preston, Rev John79
Preston, Richard MP79
Prideaux, Sir Edmund Bt59, 79
Prideaux, Frederick79
Prideaux, Brigadier General John79
Prideaux, John DD79
Prideaux, Sir John79
Prideaux, Sara59
Prince, Rev John39, 41, 55, 68, 79, 81, 84-5
Pring, Martin79
Prout, John Skinner79
Prout, Samuel79
Prout, Sarah77
Prowse, Rear Admiral William79
Prowse, William Jeffery79
Pullen, Robert79
Pulman, George Philip Rigney79
Quick, John79
Quivil, Helewisia79
Quivil, Bishop Peter de (also Quivel)79
Rainolds, John (also Reynolds)80
Rainolds, William80
Ralegh, Carew MP80
Ralegh, Sir Carew MP80
Ralegh, Walter DD (also Raleigh)80
*Ralegh, Sir Walter61-2, 80, 86
Raleigh, William de80
Randall, William80
Rede. Bishop William (also Reade)80
Redvers, Baldwin de41
Rendel, James Meadows FRS80
Rendle, John80
Rennell, James80
Reynardson, Sir Abraham80
Reynell, Edward80
Reynolds, John80
*Reynolds, Sir Joshua PRA, DCL65, 76
Reynolds, Rev Samuel80
Reynolds, Theophila80
Rhodes, Hugh81
Richard I42
Richards, Nathaniel81
Richards, Thomas81
Ridgeway, Thomas81
Ridgeway, Sir Thomas81
Rippon, John81
Rippon, Thomas81
Risdon, Tristram81
Rogers, Sir Edward MP81
Rogers, George81
Rogers, John81
Rogers, John MP81
Rogers, Philip Hutchings81
Rolle, Denys MP81
Rolle, Henry MP81
Rolle, John81
Rolle, Baron John81
Rolle, John MP81
Rolle, Robert81
Rothes, Jane Elizabeth, Countess of54
Rous, Sir Anthony81
Rous, Elizabeth81
Rous, Francis MP82
Rowe, Benjamin81
Rowe, Grace51
Rowe, James51
Rowe, John82
*Rowe, Nicholas82
Rowe, Samuel82
Rowe, William82
Rundle, Elizabeth50
Rundle, John MP50
Rundle, Thomas82
Rundle, Thomas DCL82
Russell, John82
Rygge, Robert DD (also Rigge; Rugge)82
Salter, James82
Salter, William82
Sanford, George82
Sanford, Joseph (also Sandford)82
Saunders, Jane82
Saunders, John82-3
Saunders, John Cunningham82
Saunders, Katherine (afterwards Mrs Cooper)83
Saunders, Sarah82
Savery, Christopher83
Savery, Richard83
Savery, Thomas74, 83
Savile, Albany MP83
Savile, Bourchier Wrey83
Savile, Eleanora Elizabeth83
Schönberg-Cotta family50
Scott, Gilbert86
Scott, Henry Young Darracott FRS83
Scott, Robert83
Scott, Sir Walter43
Seagar, John83
Searle, James83
Searle, Thomas83
Sedding, Edmund83
Sedding, John Dando FRIBA83
Sedding, Penninah83
Sedding, Richard83
Segar family83
Segar, Francis (also Seagar)83
Seller, Abednigo83
Seymour, Sir Edward, Bt, MP48, 83, 87
Seymour, Elizabeth48
Seymour, Mary87
Sharpham, Edward84
Sharpham, Richard84
Shebbeare, John84
Short, Elizabeth84
Short, Thomas Vowler DD84
Short, William84
Shortland, Edward84
Shortland, Elizabeth84
Shortland, Captain Thomas George84
Shortland, Peter Frederick84
Shortland, Willoughby84
Shower, Sir Bartholomew84
Shower, Dorcas84
Shower, John84
Shower, William84
Shute, John84
Shuttleworth, James84
Shuttleworth, Robert James PhD84
Sibthorpe, Elizabeth84
Sibthorpe, Humphrey84
Sibthorpe, John FRS84
Slade, William84
Slanning Gamaliel84
Slanning, Margaret84
Slanning, Sir Nicholas MP84
Smith, Elizabeth72
Smith, Sir George61, 72
Smith, Grace61
Smith, Sir Montague Edward85
Smith, Thomas85
Snell, Elizabeth Mary40
Snelling, Joan87
Snelling, John87
Southcote, Alice85
Southcote, Elizabeth81
Southcote, John85
Southcote, Mary85
Southcote, Nicholas85
Southcote, Thomas81, 85
Southcote, William85
Southcott, Joanna85
Southcott, John48
Southcott, Mary48
Spratt, Commander James85
Spratt, Thomas Abel Brimage FRS85
Stafford, Bishop Edmund de85
Stanhope, Earl Charles58
Stanhope, Lady Maria58
Stapeldon, Bishop Walter de85
Stawford, John (also Stauford)85
Stephens, Edward Bowring ARA85
Stevens, Francis85
St Leger, Frances86
Stone, Julian64
Stone, Nicholas the elder85
Stone, Nicholas the younger85
Stothard, Charles Alfred45
Strode, Philip85
Strode, William85
Strode, William MP85
Strode, Sir William85
Strode, Wilmot85
Stucley, Frances86
Stucley, John86
Stucley, Sir Hugh (also Stukely) 
Stucley, Sir Lewis (also Stukely)86
Stucley, Thomas (also Stukely)86
Sutcliffe, Matthew LLD86
Sweet, Robert FLS86
Swete, John (also Tripe)86
Sydenham, Floyer86
Sydenham, Humphrey86
Sydenham, Katherine86
Tarring, John86
Tasker, William86
Taylor, Reynell George86
Taylor, Thomas William86
Temple, Archbishop39
Thomas, John Wesley86
Tindal, Elizabeth59
Tindal, Rev John59
Tindal, Matthew86
Tindal, Nicholas86
Tindal, William86
Tonkin, Elizabeth84
Tonkin, Peter84
Tooker, William DD (also Tucker)87
Towgood, Michaijah87
Tozer, Aaron67
Tozer, Frances67
Tozer, Henry87
Treby, Sir George MP87
Treby, Joan87
Treby, Peter87
Tregonnell, Alice85
Trelawny, Sir Jonathan87
Trelawny, Mary87
Tremayne, Edmund MP87
Tremayne, Philippa87
Tremayne, Richard DD87
Tremayne, Thomas87
Trosse, George87
*Turner, Joseph Mallord (also Mallad) William87
Tuttiett, Lawrence87
Tripe, Nicholas86
Upham, Charles87
Upham, Edward FSA87
Upcott, Harriet54
Upcott, William54
Upton, Elizabeth87
Upton, John87-8
Upton, Nicholas87
Upton, Sir Nicholas88
Veal, Elizabeth70
Veal, R70
Venn, Richard88
Venning, John88
Venning, Ralph88
Venning, Walter88
Vicary, Anne60
Vicary, Anthony60
Victoria, Queen39, 90
Vilvain, Peter88
Vilvain, Robert MD88
Vines, Richard88
Wadham, Dorothy88
Wadham, John88
Wadham, Nicholas88
Wake, Anne53
Wake, Sir Thomas53
*Wakley, Thomas MP88
Walker, Endymion88
Walker, John DD88
Waltham, George89
Waltham, Katherine89
Warelwast, Bishop Walter de88
Warbeck, Perkin48, 53
Watkins, John89
Westcote, Katherine89
Westcote, Philip89
Westcote, Thomas69, 89
Westcott, George Blagdon89
Weston, Stephen FRS, FSA89
Weston, Bishop Stephen89
Whiddon, Jacob89
Whiddon, Sir John89
Whitbourne, Sir Richard89
Wightwick, George89
Wills, Lt Col Alexander57
Wills, Grace57
Wills, William Henry89
Wills, William John89
*Wolcot, John MD (Peter Pindar)89
Windeatt, Mary Grace67
Witchett, Hawkins54
Wood, Sir Matthew Bt, MP90
Woodley, George90
Worth, Richard Nicholls90
Wrey, Anne90
Wrey, Sir Bourchier Bt83, 90
Wrey, Sir Chichester90
Wrey, Eleanora Elizabeth83
Yeo, Lennard71
Yeo, Mary71
Yolland, John90
Yolland, Lieutenant Colonel William FRS, FRAS90
Yonge, James FRS90
Yonge, John90
Yonge, Walter MP90
Yonge, Sir Walter MP90
Yonge, Sir William Bt, MP, KB, FRS, LLD90
York, Princess Catherine of53