




Notes Genealogical and Historical, Being a Second Essay Towards a History of Bideford

Trans. Devon Assoc. vol. 16 (1884), pp. 670-702.


C. Worthy

Prepared by Michael Steer

The paper, presented at the Association's July 1884 Newton Abbot meeting provides an account of the origin, rise and progress of Bideford as an ancient municipal borough and port town. Some of the content is based on Watkins (1792) An Essay towards the History of Bideford. A particular focus of Worthy's paper is the at times, tortuous relationship between the Grenville family and the people of Bideford. There is as well, an entertaining passage (pp. 696-8) describing an assault on the Mayor by the Vicar of Bideford during an evening service in the Church. The author, who was eldest son of the Vicar of Ashburton was born in 1840 and has been nominated a Devonshire Poet. Google with the Archive Organization has sponsored the digitisation of books from several libraries. The Internet Archive makes available, in its Community Texts Collection (originally known as Open Source Books), books that have been digitised by Google from a number of libraries. These are books on which copyright has expired, and are available free for educational and research use. This rare book was produced from a copy held by the University of Michigan Library, and is available from the Internet Archive.


Albemarle, Duke of692, 694
Albert the Elector, Archbishop673
Allen, George677
Allen, Mary677
Almescombe, John685
Almescombe, Philippa685
Anne, Queen694
Anstis, John685
Aps, John676
Aquitaine, Duke of678
Aquitaine, Giselle678
Arscott, Thomas698
Arscott, Tristram Esq674
Arundell, Alexander armig.677
Arundell, Rev Alexander673, 677
Arundell, Bishop673
Arundell, John685
Arundell, John the younger685
Arundell, Margaret685
Arundell, Mary677
Arundell, Roger Earl of680
Arundell, Thomas677
Asherigge, Richard685
Audeley, Hugh de672
Bampfield, Sir Amias Knt674
Banbury, Samuel698
Bartlett, John698
Basset, Lady Honor687
Basset, Sir John687
Bath, John Earl of692-4
Bath, William Henry, Earl of695
Batin, Jane686
Bayen, Berenger Earl of678
Bayen, Popeia de678
Beaumond, Roger672
Beaumont, Joyce684
Beaumont, Sir Thomas684
Bevil, Elizabeth689
Bevil, John688
Bevil, Maud688
Bevil, Philip689
Bishop, John685
Blinch, Richard698
Bluet, Ralph682
Bonville, Philippa685
Bonville, William Lord685
Bothe, Bishop677
Bottercomb, Augustine de672
Bratton, Henry de683
Bray, Mrs691-3
Braybroke, Nicholas672
Braybroke, Robert672
Brittany, Amice, Countess of679
Brittany, Earl of679
Broke, Sir Robert Willoughby de, Knt686
Bronescombe, Bishop682
Brushfield, T N, MD687
Buck, Mr George696-8
Buck, Mr William697-8
Buck, Mrs700
Buckingham, Earl of (also Duke of)680-1, 691
Burgeys, Henry677
Burghers, Sir John Knt685
Burghers, Margaret685
Canute, King678
Capet, Hugh678
Carboil, Earl of693
Carrek, John699
Carteret, Barons696
Carteret, George jnr695
Carteret, Lord George693, 695
Carteret, Lady Grace695
Carteret, Baron Henry696
Carteret, Jemima695
Carteret, John695
Carteret, Lady Louisa696
Carteret, Philip695
Charles the Simple (France)678
Charles I689, 691, 693
Charles II691-3
Child, Sir Josias694
Child, Rebecca694
Cholwill, Thomas689
Chuddeleigh, James Esq685
Chuddeleigh, William Esq685
Clare family (Earls of Gloucester)671, 678
Clare, Gilbert de683
Clarendon, Lord690
Cleveland, John696
Cleveland, John jnr696
Cnoll, Walter677
Cobham, Lady Hester681
Cobham, Viscount681
Coffin, Sir Richard681
Cole, Henry698
Cole, John685
Cole, Thomas688
Cole, Thomasine685, 688
Consul, Robert the679
Copleston, John685
Copplestone, Thomas jnr698
Corbeil, Hamon Earl of (Dentatus)679
Corbeil, Mauger Earl of679-80
Cornwall, Robert686
Cotton, Bishop William674
Courtenay, Sir Hugh684
Courtenay, Dame Margaret684
Cromwell, Oliver699, 701
Darcy, Mary691
Davie, William674
D'Avoye, Elizabeth de679
Despencer, Hugh le684
Devon, Hugh Earl of684
Disraeli, Mr Isaac693
Docton, Thomas Esq674
Don Juan of Austria689
Drake, Amy688
Drake, John688
Edgcomb, Sir Richard, Knt686
Edward I683
Edward II683-4
Edward III672, 684
Edward IV676
Elizabeth I674, 689
Emma, Queen678
Erisey, Christian688
Erisey, James688
Ethelred, King678
Eureux, Robert Earl of679
Ferdinand, Emperor689
Fitz, Mary691
FitzHamon, Amis679
FitzHamon, Avis679
FitzHamon, Cicely679
FitzHamon, Mabel (Mabilla)679, 682
FitzHamon, Richard678-9
FitzHamon, Robert678-80, 682, 693
FitzHamon, Sibill679-80
FitzNigel, William681
France, Emma of678
France, Gisela of678
Friendship, Mr & Mrs700-2
Geare, Mr Nicholas698
George I695
Gibbons, Grinling701
Giffard Isabel680
Giffard, Walter680
Gilbert Isabella686
Gilbert, Sir Otes686
Gilbert, Richard687
Gloucester, Duke of686
Gloucester, Gilbert Earl of683
Gloucester, Mable Countess of680
Gloucester, Robert Earl of682
Gloucester, William Earl of680
Gordon, Samuel677
Gorges, Elizabeth686
Gorges, Theobald686
Gornard family (or Gurney)672
Gornard, Sir Richard671
Gower, Lady Jane695
Gower, Lord John696
Gower, Sir William Levison695
Grand, Elizabeth le679
Grand, Hugh le679
Grandisson, Bishop672
Grantham, Lord695
Granville, Sir Bernard682
Granville family696
Granville, Frances695
Granville, Grace Countess696
Granville, Lady Jane696
Granville, Baron John694
Granville, Lord693, 695
Granville, Ralph de680
Granville, Richard de679-81
Granville, Lady Sophia695
Graynfeld, Margaret686
Graynfeld, Roger de686
Greering, Richard698
Greneville, Sir Eustace de680-1
Grenville, Adeline682
Grenville, Dame Amy683-4, 688
Grenville, Anne685
Grenville arms683-4, 687-8, 701
Grenville, Bartholomew de683-4
Grenville, Sir Bernard Knt689, 691-2
Grenville, Bevil694
Grenville, Sir Bevil690-3
Grenville, Bridget692
Grenville, Sir Charles688, 694
Grenville, Christian688
Grenville, Constance de680
Grenville, Dennis692
Grenville, Digory688-9
Grenvile family671, 678, 681, 683, 688, 699
Grenville, Elizabeth685-6, 692
Grenville, Elizabeth jnr686
Grenville, Erneberche681
Grenville, George688
Grenville, Gerard de (Greinvile)680-1
Grenville, Gertrude689
Grenville, Grace691
Grenville, Gundrea682
Grenville, Lady Henrietta Maria694
Grenville, Henry684
Grenville, Hester681
Grenville, Honor687
Grenville, Isabel680, 693, 686
Grenville, Jane693, 686-7, 692, 694
Grenville, John672, 684, 687-9, 694
Grenville, Sir John684-5, 688, 692-3
Grenville, Joyce684
Grenville, Margaret684-5
Grenville, Mary689, 691
Grenville, Maud688
Grenville, Nichola (Greinvile)681
Grenville, Philippa685, 688
Grenville, Rebecca694
Grenville, Richard680, 682-3, 686, 688-9, 692-3
Grenville, Sir Richard683, 688-91, 694, 701-2
Grenville, Robert de680-1
Grenville, Robert jnr (Greinvile)681
Grenville, Roger689
Grenville, Sir Roger688
Grenville, Theobald jnr684, 702
Grenville, Sir Theobald671-2, 684, 701
Grenville, Thomas686
Grenville, Sir Thomas Knt699
Grenville, Thomasine685, 688
Grenville, William (Greinvile)680-1, 684-5
Greynfelde, Roger (Grenville)687-8
Greynfield, Thomas Esq686
Halls, William698
Hamon (Dapifer)679
Hampden family681
Hampden, Nichola681
Hampden, Sir Reginald681
Hankford, Sir William685
Harbert, John696
Harbin, George682
Harris, Christopher689
Harris, Gertrude689
Henry I679, 682, 693
Henry III682
Henry IV684
Henry VI685
Henry VII686
Henry VIII686-8
Hertford, Earl of688
Higgons, Bridget692
Hill, Jane686
Hooper, John699
Hooper, Matilda699
Hopkins, James698
Horwood, Samuel698
Howard, Mary691
Hyde, Sir Edward690
Isacks, Elizabeth689
Isacks, Philip689
James I674, 691
John, King680-2
Jous, Jane686
Kenney, Thomas698
Keppel, Dr Frederick696-8
Lacy, Bishop Edmund672, 699
Lake, Mr697
Langdon, Agnes684
Langdon, John684
Langdon, Robert684
Lansdowne, Charles Lord687-8, 690
Lansdowne, George Lord692
Lansdowne, Lady Isabella695
Lansdowne, Lord John693-4
Lansdowne, Lady Martha695
Le Bon, Richard679
Le Grand, Emma678
Le Grand, Hugh678
Leigh, William677
Legh, Joan676
Lenhard, Elizabeth691
Lenhard, William691
Leo X673
Leycester, Roger de683
Lloyd, John698
Longue Epée, William678
Lorraine, Duke of694
Luther, Martin673
Matilda, Queen678
Middleton, Adeline682
Middleton, Nicholas682
Middleton, Thomas682
Monk, Elizabeth692
Monk, General691, 693
Monk, Sir Thomas692
Monte Tregunion, Isabel de683
Monte Tregunion, Joscelyn de683
Montfort, Adeline682
Montfort, Hugh682
Montgomery, Roger de679
Montgomery, Sibill de679
Nassau, Henry de695
Nassau, Isabella de695
Nevyll682, 685
Nicholl, John686
Normandy, Robert Duke of679, 693
Oliver Dr670, 676, 682, 685, 687, 696, 699-700
Orange, Thomas672
Osborne, Lady Martha695
Otho, Emperor679
Percy, Mary691
Peyton, Lady Catherine695
Peyton, Craven695
Pitty, J698
Plantagenet, Lord Arthur687
Plantagenet, Lady Honor687
Pole, Sir William Knt674, 687
Pollard, Lewis685
Pomfret, Lady Sophia695
Pomfret, Thomas Earl of695
Prideaux, Elizabeth692
Prince, John678, 680, 684
Radford, Rev William677
Raleigh arms687
Raleigh family687
Raleigh, Jane686-7
Raleigh, Sir Walter689
Raleigh, Wymond687
Redwyn, Thomas676
Reid, John698
Rice, John677
Richard II684
Richard III686
Risdon, Philip Esq674
Risdon, Tristram670-1, 678
Rogers, Charles698
Rollo, the Ganger678
Rouen, Robert Count of678
Rouen, Sprota de678
Saltren, John698
Sans Peur, Richard678
Shapley, John698
Smith, E698
Smith, Sir George692
Smith, Thomas698
Smith, William698
Spekcott, Sir Richard681
Stafford, Bishop672
Stapledon, Bishop683
St Aubyn, Christian688
St Aubyn, Peter688
Stephen, King680
St Leger, Sir John689
St Leger, Mary689
St Lis, Hubery Earl de678
St Lis, Sprota de678
Stowe, John de684
Stowe, Walter de684
Strange, John698
Strange, William698
Stucle, Hugh Esq685
Stucley, Sir George696
Styke, Thomas676
Sutherland, Duke of695
Symon, Richard687
Temple, Countess Hester681
Temple, Earl Richard681
Tewkesbury, Abbot of682-3
Thorigny, Lord of693
Thornhill, Jane692
Thynne, Lord George696
Thynne, Lord John696
Tremayne, Arthur689
Tremayne, Mary689
Tremayne, Mr692
Tremayne, Philippa688
Tremayne, Thomas688
Trerice, Nicholas677
Trevint, Jane de683
Trevint, William de683
Tyett, William698
Urban II673
Viell, Grace692
Viell, William692
Vyvyan, Amy684
Vyvyan arms684
Vyvyan, Sir Vyell684
Wales, Prince of, arms701
Wales, Arthur Prince of686
Walhopp. John685, 698
Wallace, Mr701
Walton, Hugh674
Watkins, John LLD670
Welshe, James gent677
Weymouth Lady Frances695
Weymouth, Lady Louisa696
Weymouth, Thomas Viscount695-6
White, Mr700
Whitfield, Mr John696-8
Whitlegh, Margaret686, 688
Whitlegh, Richard686
Whitleigh arms688
William I, Conqueror679, 693
William II Rufus678, 693
Worcester, Charles Marquess of693-4
Worcester, Rebecca Marchioness of694
Worsley, Lady Frances695
Worsley, Sir Robert695
Wren, E698
Wren, Josias698
Wren, Robert698
Wrey, Sir Bourchier694
Wyatt, Hugh674
Wych, Jane694
Wych, Sir Peter694
Yeo, Charles689
Yeo, Elizabeth686
Yeo, William686
Young, Henry698
York, William682