


Inquisition Post Mortem

Richard Greynfeld (1550)

4 Edward VI [1550]

National Archives ref: C 142/90/12

Inquisition held at Stratton, Cornwall, 1st July 1550 [4 Edward VI]

© Crown Copyright

Details included from Will written: 20th Sept 1546

Transcribed by David Carter


[In margin:] Cornub[ia] ie: Cornwall
Inquisicio indentat[a] Capt[a] apud Stratton' in Com[itatu] p[re]d[i]c[t]o primo die Julij Anno regni d[omi]ni Edwardi Sexti Dei gra[cia] Angl[ie] Franc[ie] & Hib[er]n[ie] Regis fidei defensoris et in t[er]ra eccl[es]ie Anglicane et Hib[er]nice sup[re]m[i] capitis quarto coram Hugone Trevanyon' milite Escaetore d[i]c[t]i d[omi]ni Regis Com[itatu] p[re]d[i]c[t]o virtute br[ev]is d[i]c[t]i d[omi]ni Regis de diem clausit ext[re]mu[m] post mortem Ric[ard]i Graynfild militis eidem Escaet[ori] direct[i] et huic inquisic[i]o[n]i consut[i] per Sacr[amentu]m Ph[ilipp]i Penkevell Armig[er]i Will[elm]i Penfoyn Armig[er]i Joh[ann]is Lyppyngcott Armig[er]i Joh[ann]is Kempthorn Armig[er]i Joh[ann]is Lavelys Armig[er]i Joh[ann]is Triplett Will[elm]i Facy Will[elm]i Langford Joh[ann]is Watt[es] Will[elm]i Hender Joh[ann]is Marten Thome Langdon Ric[ard]i Morycarn Hugonis Trefrewe Joh[ann]is Trebarffott Joh[ann]is Jule Joh[ann]is Ward Pascasij Wykett Joh[ann]is Myll' & Will[elm]i Wylkye Qui dicunt sup[er] Sacr[amentu]m suu[m] q[uo]d d[i]c[t]u[s] Ricard[us] Greynffild miles in dict[a] bre[ve] no[m]i[n]at[us] fuit sei[si]tus de et in man[er]io & burgo de Kylkehampton' cum p[er]tin[enciis] in Com[itatu] p[re]d[i]c[t]o Ac de Advocac[i]one eccl[es]ie de Kylkehampton eidem man[er]io spectant[e] Necnon de trib[us] messuagiis trescen[tis] acr[is] t[er]re arrabi[lis] quadraginta acr[is] prati Centum & Vigint[i] acr[is] bosci cum p[er]tin[enciis] in Stowe & Dynsmouthe que sunt de D[om]in[i]cis & p[ar]cell[e] de d[i]c[t]i man[er]ij Et de vno messuagio cum p[er]tin[enciis] in Tytism[ar]she infra parochiam de Kylkehampton in Com[itatu] p[re]d[i]c[t]o in d[om]in[i]co suo ut de feod[o] Et vlt[er]ius Jur[atores] p[re]d[i]c[t]i dicunt q[uo]d p[re]d[i]c[t]us Ric[ard]us Graynfild fuit sei[si]tus in d[om]in[i]co suo ut de feod[o] de et in man[er]io de Tenyell cum p[er]tin[enciis] in Com[itatu] p[re]d[i]c[t]o Ac de & in decem messuag[iis] Centum Acr[is] t[er]re Arrabi[lis] triginta acr[is] prati quadraginta acr[is] pastur[e] sexaginta acr[is] iampno[rum] & bruere cum p[er]tin[enciis] in Tenyell p[re]dict' Quod quidem man[er]iu[m] de Tenyell ac cet[er]a p[re]missa in Tenyell p[re]dict' cum p[er]tin[enciis] p[re]d[i]c[t]us Ric[ard]us Graynfild miles p[er]quisivit de excellentissimo Rege Henrico Octavo p[at]ri[s] d[i]c[t]i R[egis] p[er] lit[te]ras suas patentes Jurat[oribus] p[re]dict[is] sup[er] capc[i]onem huius inquicis[i]onis in evidenc[iis] ostent[as] gerent[es] dat[um] Vicesimo die Septembris Anno regni d[i]c[t]i d[omi]ni Regis Henrici octavi tricesimo octavo Et p[re]d[i]c[t]i Iur[atores] vlt[er]ius dicunt q[uo]d p[re]d[i]c[t]us Ric[ard]us Graynfild fuit sei[si]tus in d[om]in[i]co suo vt de feodo de et in viginti acr[is] t[er]re arrabil[is] quatuor acr[is] p[r]ati & vigint[i] acr[is] iampno[rum] & bruere cum p[er]tin[enciis] [iacentibus] & existen[tibus] in Fauston infra p[ar]ochiam de Warbestowe in Com[itatu] p[re]d[i]c[t]o Ac eciam de & in vno messuag[io] sex [acr[is] p[r]a]t[i] decem acr[is] t[er]re Arrabil[is] sex acr[is] pasture & triginta acr[is] iampno[rum] & bruere cum p[er]tin[enciis] iacen[tibus] & existen[tibus] in Cargarrowe infra parochiam de Seynt Julytt in Com[itatu] p[re]d[i]c[t]o Ac de & in vno messuagio vigint[i] acr[is] t[er]re arrabil[is] quatuor acr[is] pasture trib[us] acr[is] prat[i] & vigint[i] acr[is] iampno[rum] & bruere cum p[er]tin[enciis] iacen[tibus] & existen[tibus] in Dowland infra parochiam de Whytston in Com[itatu] p[re]d[i]c[t]o Ac de & in vna Annuitate sive Annual[e] redditu sexdecim den[ar]io[rum] Annuat[im] exeunt[ium] de duob[us] messuagiis cum p[er]tin[enciis] in Dowland p[re]d[i]c[t]o Ac de & in Vigint[i] acr[is] t[er]re arrabil[is] & triginta acr[is] iampno[rum] & bruere cum p[er]tin[enciis] iacen[tibus] & existen[tibus] in Corry in p[ar]och[ia]m de Boyton in Com[itatu] p[re]d[i]c[t]o Necnon de & in duob[us] messuagiis duob[us] gardinis duab[us] acr[is] prat[i] sex acr[is] pasture Vigint[i] acr[is] t[er]re Arrabil[is] duab[us] acr[is] bosci & Vigint[i] acr[is] iampno[rum] & bruere cum p[er]tin[enciis] iacen[tibus] & existen[tibus] in Polrewen iux[t]a Fawy in Com[itatu] p[re]d[i]c[t]o Dicunt eciam Jur[atores] p[re]d[i]c[t]i q[uo]d p[re]d[i]c[t]u[s] Ric[ard]us Greynfild diu ante obitum suu[m] fuit sei[si]t[us] de & in man[er]io de Woodeford cum p[er]tin[enciis] in Com[itatu] p[re]d[i]c[t]o de quo statu sive t[it]ulo Jur[atores] p[re]d[i]c[t]i penit[us] ignorant Et p[re]d[i]c[t]us Ric[ard]us Graynfild de om[n]ib[us] p[re]d[i]c[t]is man[er]iis & cet[er]is p[re]missis cum p[er]tin[enciis] sic sei[si]t[us] existens diu ante obitum suu[m] p[er] cartam suam Jurat[oribus] p[re]dict[is] in evidenc[iis] ostent[am] sup[er] script[ionem] huius inquisic[i]onis dedit & concessit om[n]ia & sing[u]la p[re]d[i]c[t]a man[er]ia & cet[er]a p[re]missa cum p[er]tin[enciis] [two words illegible] quibusdam Edmundo Speccott Rob[er]t[o] Yeo Joh[ann]i [Beau]chimp & Joh[ann]i Bevyll Armig[er]is h[ab]end[um] eis heredib[us] & assign[atis] suis imp[er]p[etuu]m ad vltimam voluntat[em] eiusdem Ric[ard]i p[er]implend[am] tenor cuius cart[e] sequitur in hec v[er]ba Sciant p[re]sent[es] [et futuri] q[uo]d Ego Ric[ard]us Graynfild miles dedi concessi et hac p[re]sent[i] carta mea confirmavi Ed[mund]o Specott [sic] Rob[er]to Yeo Joh[ann]i Beuchimp [sic] & Joh[ann]i Bevill Armig[er]is om[n]ia Man[er]ia & Burgagia mea voc[ata] Bedeford Kylkehampton & Woodford Necnon om[n]ia Alia man[er]ia messuagia terr[as] ten[ementa] reddit[us] rev[er]c[iones] & s[er]vic[ia] iacen[tes] & existen[tes] infra regnu[m] Anglie h[ab]end[um] & tenend[um] om[n]ia p[re]d[i]c[t]a man[er]ia & hereditament[a] sup[er]ius specificat[a] cum suis p[er]tinenc[iis] p[re]fat[is] Ed[mund]o Rob[er]to Joh[ann]i & Joh[ann]i heredib[us] & assign[atis] suis ad p[er]implend[um] vltim[am] voluntat[em] mei p[re]d[i]c[t]i Ric[ard]i Greynfild militis Tenend[um] de Capite d[om]in[o] feod[i] illius p[er] reddit[us] & s[er]vicia inde prius debit[a] & de iure consuet[a] Et Ego vere p[re]d[i]c[t]us Ric[ard]us Greynfild miles & hered[es] mei om[n]ia p[re]d[i]c[t]a man[er]ia burgagia & cet[er]a hereditamen[ta] cum p[er]tin[enciis] sup[er]ius specificat[a] fat[is] Ed[mund]o Rob[er]to Joh[ann]i & Joh[ann]i Bevyll heredib[us] & assign[atis] suis contra om[n]es gentes Warantizabim[us] & imp[er]p[etuu]m defendem[us] p[er] p[re]sent[es] Et ult[er]ius Sciatis me p[re]fat[um] Ric[ardu]m Attornasse deputasse & in loco meo posuisse dil[e]c[t]os michi in Xr[ist]o Joh[ann]em Docton & Will[elmu]m Sussan meos v[er]os & legiti[m]os Attornat[os] coniuncti[m] & divisi[m] ad intrand[um] vice & no[m]i[n]e meo in om[n]ia p[re]missa p[re]dicta cum p[er]tin[enciis] ac possessionem & seisinam vice & no[m]i[n]e meo capiend[um] & ad delib[er]and[um] p[re]fat[is] Ed[mund]o Rob[er]to Joh[ann]i & Joh[ann]i plenam pacificam possessionem & sei[si]nam de & in om[n]ib[us] p[re]missis sup[er]ius sepcificat[is] cum suis p[er]tinenc[iis] sec[undu]m vim formam & eff[e]c[tu]m huius p[re]sent[is] carte mee Rat[ificata] & g[r]at[uita] h[ab]e[a]nt[ur] [two words illegible] & quicquid d[i]c[t]i Attorn[ati] mei no[m]i[n]e meo fec[er]int seu eo[rum] alt[er] in p[re]missis fec[er]it p[er] p[re]sent[es] In cuius rei testimoniu[m] huic p[re]sent[i] script[o] sigillu[m] meu[m] apposui Dat[um] sexto die Marcij Anno regni Henric[i] octav[i] dei gra[cia] Anglie Franc[ie] & Hib[er]n[ie] Regis fidei defensor[is] & in t[er]ra eccl[es]ie Anglicane et Hib[er]nice sup[re]m[i] capitis tricesimo Septimo Et vlt[er]ius Jur[atores] p[re]d[i]c[t]i dicunt q[uo]d p[re]d[i]c[t]u[s] Ric[ard]us Greynfild post confecionem scripti p[re]d[i]c[t]i & diu ante obitum suu[m] declaravit ultimam [next word interlined] voluntatem suam in script[is] de & in [? octo and another illegible number] acr[is] pasture in Kylkehampton predict' vocat[is] Bechamclose Northp[ar]ke Colland Ryggeway P[ar]ke Sandway P[ar]ke Worth... [part of word or words illegible] West P[ar]ke Belle in Kylkehampton p[re]dict' in Com[itatu] p[re]d[i]c[t]o Ac de burgo de Kylkehampton & de mansione de Woodeford in eidem Com[itatu] cuius quidem voluntatis tenor sequitur in hec verba:

[Translation of the above]: Indented inquisition taken at Stratton in the aforesaid county on the first day of July in the fourth year of the reign of the Lord King Edward the Sixth by grace of God king of England, France and Ireland, defender of the faith, and on earth supreme head of the English and Irish Church, in the presence of Sir Hugh TREVANYON, eschaetor of the said King in the aforesaid county, by virtue of the writ from the said Lord King of 'diem clausit extremum' [literally 'he has closed his last day'] directed to the said eschaetor after the death of Sir Richard GRENVILLE, and sewn on to this inquisition. [This inquisition was taken] on the oath of Philip PENKEVELL esquire, William PENFOYN esquire, John LYPPYNGCOTT esquire, John KEMPTHORN esquire, John LAVELYS esquire, John TRIPLETT, William FACY, William LANGFORD, John WATTES William HENDER, John MARTEN, Thomas LANGDON, Richard MORYCARN, Hugh TREFREWE, John TREBARFFOTT, John JULE, John WARD, Pascasius WYKETT, John MYLL and William WYLLYE, Who say on their oath that the said Sir Richard GRENVILLE named in the said writ was possessed of and in the manor and burgh of Kilkhampton with appurtenances in the aforesaid county, and of the advowson of the church of Kilkhampton belonging to the said manor, as well as of three messuages, 300 acres of arable land, 40 acres of meadow, 120 acres of wood with appurtenances in Stowe and Dinsmouth which are in the demesne, and parcel of the said manor, and of a messuage with appurtenances in Tytismarsh within the parish of Kilkhampton in the aforesaid county, in his lordship and as of fee. And furthermore the jurors aforesaid say that the said Richard GRENVILLE was possessed in his lordship as of fee of and in the manor of Tenyell with appurtenances in the aforesaid county, and of and in ten messuages, 100 acres of arable land, 30 acres of meadow, 40 acres of pasture, and 60 acres of broom and heath with appurtenances in Tenyell aforesaid, which manor of Tenyell and other premises in Tenyell aforesaid, with appurtenances, the aforesaid Sir Richard GRENVILLE acquired from the most excellent King Henry the Eighth, father of the said King [Edward], by letters patent shown in evidence to the aforesaid jurors during the taking of this inquisition and bearing date the 20th day of September in the 38th year of the reign of the said Lord King Henry the Eighth [1546]. And the aforesaid jurors furthermore say that the aforesaid Richard GRENVILLE was possessed in lordship as of fee in 20 acres of arrable land, four acres of meadow, and 20 acres of broom and heath with appurtenances [lying] and being in Fauston within the parish of Warbestowe [Fonston in Warbstow] in the aforesaid county, and also of and in one messuage, six acres of meadow, ten acres of arable land, six acres of pasture, and 30 acres of broom and heath with appurtenances lying and being in Cargarrowe within the parish of Saint Julyett [Cargurra in St. Juliot] in the aforesaid county, and of and in one messuage, 20 acres of arable land, four acres of pasture, three acres of meadow, and 20 acres of broom and heath with appurtenances lying and being in Dowland within the parish of Whytston [Whitstone] in the aforesaid county, and of and in one annuity or annual rentcharge of 16 pence arising from two messuages with appurtenances in Dowland aforesaid, and of and in 20 acres of arable land and 30 acres of broom and heath in Corry within the parish of Boyton in the aforesaid county, as well as of and in two messuages, two gardens, two acres of meadow, six acres of pasture, 20 acres of arable land, two acres of wood, and 20 acres of broom and heath with appurtenances lying and being in Polrewen near Fawy [Polruan near Fowey] in the aforesaid county. The aforesaid jurors say also that the aforesaid Richard GRENVILLE for some time before his death was possessed of and in the manor of Woodford with appurtenances in the aforesaid county [but] by what authority or title the aforesaid jurors are completely unaware. And the aforesaid Richard GRENVILLE being possessed of the aforesaid manors and other premises with their appurtenances for some time before his death, gave and granted, by a deed shown in evidence to the aforesaid jurors before the writing up of this inquisition, all and singular the aforesaid manors and other premises with their appurtenances to [two words illegible] a certain Edmund SPECCOTT, Robert YEO, John B[EAU]CHIMP, and John BEVYLL, esquires, to have to them, their heirs and assigns for ever, to implement the last will of the said Richard, the tenor of which deed follows in these words:
Let all present [and future] men know that I, Sir Richard GRENVILLE, have given, granted and by this my present deed have confirmed to Edmond SPECOTT, Robert YEO, John BEUCHIMP and John BEVILL, esquires, all my manors and burghs called Bedeford [Bideford], Kylkehampton [Kilkhampton] and Woodford, as well as all other manors, messuages, lands, tenements, rents, reversions and services lying and being within the kingdom of England to have and to hold all the aforesaid manors and hereditaments mentioned above with their appurtenances to the said Edmund, Robert, John and John, their heirs and assigns, for the implementation of the last will of me the aforesaid Sir Richard GRENVILLE, to hold of the chief lord of the fee for the rents and services thereon formerly due and lawfully accustomed. And I indeed the aforesaid Sir Richard GRENVILLE and my heirs will by these presents warrant and permanently defend all the aforesaid manors, burghs and other hereditaments with their appurtenances mentioned above to the said Edmond, Robert, John and John against all people. And furthermore know that I the aforesaid Richard have appointed as attorneys and deputies in my place my well-beloved [friends] in Christ, John DOCTON and William SUSSAN, as my true and lawful representatives to enter jointly and individually in my stead and name into all the aforesaid premises and their appurtenances, and take possession and seisin, to deliver full and peaceful possession to the said Edmond, Robert, John and John of all the premises mentioned above with their appurtenances according to the force, form and effect of this my present deed. Anything my said attorneys, or either of them, do or does by these presents in my name is to be considered ratified and acceptable. In witness of which matter I have placed my seal on this present writing. Given on the sixth day of March in the 37th year of the reign of King Henry the Eighth by grace of God King of England, France and Ireland, defender of the faith, and on earth the supreme head of the English and Irish Church [1545/46]. And furthermore the jurors aforesaid say that the aforesaid Richard GRENVILLE after making the aforesaid writing, and some time before his death, declared his last will in writing concerning [? eight and another illegible number] acres of pasture in Kilkhampton aforesaid called Bechamclose Northp[ar]ke Colland Ryggeway P[ar]ke Sandway P[ar]ke Worth [part of word or words illegible] West P[ar]ke Belle in Kilkhampton aforesaid in the county aforesaid, and concerning the burgh of Kilkhampton and the mansion of Woodford in the same county. The tenor of which will, indeed, follows in these words:

[Continuing in English]: In the name of the blyssed Trynytie Father sonne and holy goost y Sir Rychard GREYNFILD knight beying in perfect mynd and memorie thanks be given to Almigtyie God my saviour and only redeemer percyving by faith and creation my naturall lyff to be transytorie holye myndyng repentance yn my most humble manner aske of Allmigtie God forgyvenes and also of all the wordell and under the protection of god make and declare this my last wyll and testament in this manner folowyng. Fyrst y bequethe my soule unto Almythie God my body to be buried in such holy place. Where hitt shall please Almytie god to provide.
Item y wyll that Dame Mawde my wyffe shall have all my meases [messuages] lands tenements rents revertions appurtenances and hereditaments called Buckland Graynfild otherwise called the demeane of Buckland in as ample ~[faded]~ manner as y have the same by the Kyngs letters patente bernyg date the xxvi day of May in the xxxiii yere [ie: 1541] of the kynge majesties most graceous and victorious reign that nowe ys to have and to hold to the said Dame Mawde and her said assignes duryng the time of thre score and ten yers yf she lyve so being in p[ar]tt of recompence of such title and interest of couveture as the said Dame Mawde my wyffe had in certain others my hereditaments And also in recompense of such lands as y ~[faded]~ sould of hers wherin she att my request by order of the kyngs lawes hath extinguishid her right for necessaries of my affairs to do the kyngs maiestie servyce provided that the said Dame Mawde may allways cut downe as many trees and as muche tymber as she list growing yn and apon the premisses to be employed in the performins of the buyldyng of the mansion place of Buckland aforesaid. Also shall have and p[er]ceyve during her lyffe wood and fewell sufficyent for her to burne in the said mansion house paying yerly for the same twentie pounds sterling unto John SERVYNGTON gentleman during the t[er]me of xiii yere next comyng att such days and place as ys agreed between hym and me and in recompence of his p[re]tensed [word missing] in the said demeans lately p[re]tendyd also by George POLLARD esquyer whose interest now y have att the wyll of the said John SERVYNGTON paying hym yerly £xx and discharging of the rent to me due which is £xxiii.3s.5d as more amply apereth in the seid letters patent.
Item y Wyll that after the decese of the sayd Dame Mawde my wyffe and the time aforesaid expired that all the said meases land and tenements rents revertions services and heriditaments with the appertenances in Buckland Greynfild aforesaid shalbe and holy remain unto Rychard GREYNFELD the sonne of Roger GREYNFILD my sonne and heire apparent deceased and to the heirs males of his body lawfully begotten yn as ample and large manner as y the said Sir Richard had the same by the kynge letters patente aforesaid paying yerly for the same unto the said John SERVYNGTON during the time aforesaid twentie pounds sterling as ys aforesaid.
And for default of such yssue of the bodye of the said Richard GREYNFILD begotten then y wyll that all the said meases lands tenements and heredytaments and other the premisses with the appertenance shalbe and holye remayne unto Dygorie GREYNFILD my brother ~[faded]~ and to the heirs males of hys body lawfully begotten yn as ample and large manner as the said Richard GRAYNFILD had the same. And for default of such yssue then y will that all the said heredyements and the premisses with the appertenance shalbe and holy remayne unto John GREYNFILD one other of my brothers esquyer and to the heirs males of his body lawfully begotten yn as large and ample manner as the said Digorie GREYNFILD had the same. And by default of such issue then y will that all the said heredyements and other the premysses shalbe and holie remayne unto the right heire of me the said Sir Richard GREYNFILD for ever.
Item: y will for as moche as the said demeane of Buckland ys no sufficyent and condygne recompense unto the same Dame Mawde my wyffe for her ioincture and dower of all my mannors and heredytaments that she shall also have ymmedyately after my death all my mannor of Bedyford my mansion place yn the towne of Bedyford Groever and Sharleshooke with the fyshing therof with the appertennce and all the residue of the towne of Bedyford and all other of my lands tenements and heredytaments called Abbettysham with all and singler thapptenances duryng the lyfe of the said Dame Mawde.
Item: y will that for lyke concyderation as ys before expressed the said Dame Mawde my wyffe shall have during her ~[faded]~ my mansion place of Stowe within the Countie of Cornewall togivher with all the gardeyns orchards and ponds there and the ground namyd Stowe parke whytebery and pasture of the woods for her horses when she shall happen [to] lye there to the intent that she shall with the yssues and profitts comyng and growing of the same well and sufficiently repaire and maynteyn my said house and ponds duryng the same aforesaid.
And also y will that the said Dame Mawde shall have the conyes there att such pryces as y was accustomed to have and yf hitt fortune that the said Dame Mawde do marie then y wyll that she shall have the greatest pownde in Stowe aforesaid together with the said lande next unto the same adioynying in the west parte To have and to hold all and singlar the said heredytaments yn manner and forme abovesaid unto the said Dame Mawde and her issyue duryng her natural lyffe yn recompense ~[faded]~ full satisfaction of all such title of ioncture and dower as the said lady Mawde meight by any manner of meane demand of any of my lands and heredytaments.
Also y wyll that such of my executors yn this my wyll ~[faded]~ to be namyd shall have all my closes pastures and fields called Bechem Close Northparke Colland Close Rydgeway parke and Sandway parke worthen the West Parke Belle the borough of Kylkehampton and the mansion of Woodford lying in Cornewall aforesaid and the borough of Bedyford in the Countie of Devonshire aforesaid and all reversions and rents goying out of the same to have to them and ther heirs to such uses and entenetes as herafter shalbe declared. first my said executor and their heirs shall with the yssues rents revenues and profits thereof pay him the kyngs maiestie all such duties as his maiestie shalbe intitlid to have by his highnes lawes as yvere pryiner ~?~fore or otherwyse for any mannors lands rents and heredytaments expressed in this my last will did after my said executours and the heires shall with the yssues rents revenues and profytts therof well and truly content a ~[faded]~ unto my daughter Marye att such tyme as she shall come to marrye or yn as convenient tyme as itt may be levied by the direction of my said executors thre hundred marks of laufull mony of England upon this condition that she be rulyd~[faded]~ g~~~(?) Mawde my wyffe and honestly kype herselffe unto such tyme as she be married and yf she otherwise doe then she to have for her advancement yn mariage butt a hundred pounds provided that yf my said daughters marie f~[faded]~ during the lyff of the said Dame Mawde then she shall have for her advancement in marriage fowre hundred marks upon such conditions as before is expressed.
Item y will that my said daughters shall have yerly of my executors provided always that yf hitt fortune my said daughters to be maried duryng my lyffe or that y devyse other advancement and preferment for my said daughter that thes as well the sum of thre hundred marks before expressed as the said fower hundred marks and all other things before mentioned for her preferment yn mariage to be utterly voyd any cause article or sentence heretofore expressed to the cont'rne notwithstandnyg.
Also y will that my said executors and their heires shall with the residue of the rents yssues revertions and profitts as itt may be levied and by ther discretion pay or cause to be paid all such detts as y nowe owe or hereafter may fortune to awe yf the same detts may so ~[faded]~ executors to be ~?~ [faded] ~?~ byll or obligation assigned with my lands and delivered as my dede or by any other declaration of wyll signed hereafter with my hand to such suits as y nowe have or hereafter shall have to d~[faded]~ majesties servyce under me in his maiesties warres or therwyse provide to be my true wyll and dett by the depositions of twoo credible persons.
Item y wyll that my executors shall well and truly covenent and paye of the yssue reversions and profitts of the said heredytaments to them assigned as is aforesaid to my son yn lawe Sir Richard LEGH knight and Dame Margaret his wyff one of my daughters one hundred marks aswell yn recompense of ~[faded]~ many as y gave unto them yn consyderation of the said mariage and yn recompense of the childes partt of any other of my goodds to be demanded by the said Dame Margaret in her right as also in full satisfaction of all other ~~all(?) de~~~(?) and due to be demanded by my said son yn lawe of me my heirs executors or administrators.
Item: y wyll that my son yn lawe Robert WHETTALL esquire and Jane his wyffe one other of my daughters shall have one hundred marks in full recompence and satisfaction of such mariage money as y gave unto them in concyderation of the said mariage and also in recompense of the childs partt of any other of my goods to be demandid by the said Jane as is her right.
Item: y wyll and remytt release and uterly discharge for me myne heires and executors the said Robt WHETTALL and Jane my daughter and their executors of all such duties as y can by any mannor of meane demand of them for ther bord and fyndyng of them with me.
Item: y wyll that my said executors pay unto my brother in lawe John DRAKE and Anne his wyffe my sister twentie marks sterlyng in recompense of all such sumes of mony as y promsed them in mariage.
Item: y wyll that my said executors shall yerely paye unto Nicholas GRAYNFILD my nephew of the rents revenues ussues and profitts of the said lands to them assignid five marks sterlyng to have and perceyve to hym durying his naturall lyff.
Item: y will that my said executors shall yerly pay unto Alice GRAYNFILD my Nyce of the rents revenues issues and proffits of the said lands to them assignid fourtie shillings sterling to have and perceyve unto her during her naturall lyffe.
And y wyll that my executors shall yerly paye unto Ebcott SPECOTT my Nyce of the rents issues and proffits of the said lands to them assigned £xx sterlyng to have and perceyve unto her during her natural lyff.
Item: y wyll that yf hitt fortune from hensforth that she said Dame Mawde my wife refuse to have in servyce one Thomas COOKE nowe my chaplyn and late chaplyn to my father by reson of age impotency or other disability then y wyll that my said executors shall yerly of the rents revenues yssues and profits of the said lands to them assigned pay unto my said chapleyn five pounds one shilling and eight pens sterlyng according to the last wyll of my said father and also to pemytt hym to dwell yn the house that he dwelleth ynne any thing conteyning in this wyll to the cont're notwithstanding.
Item I wyll that my said executors shall yerly ~[faded]~y ~?~ John ~?~ xxxii.s John HYRDE a xxvi.s viii.d John HICHCOOK xxvi.s viii.d Jamys CEYMAN xxvi.s viii.d Willm TREMIDE(?) xxvi.s viii.d John APRYSE xx.s and Richard CADY xv.s sterlyng of the rents revenues issues and profitts of the said lands to them assignd to have and perceyve to them and everie of them yn manner and forme aforesaid during ther naturall lyffes upon condition that they and every of them shall do the ~?~ ~[faded]~ ~?~ Mawde during her naturall lyffe and after her decesse to the said Richard GRAYNFILD and his heirs males of his body lawfully begotten yf itt be ther pleasure to have them in servyce yevyng(?) also ~?~ ~[faded]~ and ~?~ And yf itt be nott ther pleasure to have them in servyce with them then hitt shalbe lawfull to my said servaunts and evry of them to serve yn any other place att ther libertie and also to have ther wage paid provided always that upon one halff yere warnyng they shall retorne and serve again the sayd Dame Mawde and Richard GRAYNFILD as ys aforesaid orels [ie: or else] not to have ther said wage nor no parte therof ~[faded]~ them be ~~b or ~ayheyund or havyng any other impedyment and be nott able to serve then y wyll that they shall lye att the above houses or ther frendes houses and have ther wage notwithstanding.
Item: y wyll Thomas B~~~SETT shalbe kyper of my parke of Buckland aforesaid and receyvour of the rents there and shall have paid hym yerly for his ffee for doyng of the ~[faded]~ during his lyff fourtie shillings of ~[faded]~ said executor yn manner and forme afore mentioned.
Item: y wyll that Willm MERYHOLE shall have yerly paid hym during his lyffe by the hands of my said executors of the yssues and profitts aforesaid as befo~[faded]~ xiii.s iiii.d upon condition that he shall do lyke service to the said Dame Mawde and Richard GRAYNFILD as is aforesaid as he hath byn accustomyd to do to the said Sir Richard.
Item: y wyll that the residue of my mannors me[a]ses lands tenements fyshings parkes ponds warrens woods pastures mylls and all other hereditaments of what name or addition so ever they be of other then the said mannor of Buckland Graynfild otherwise called the demeans of Buckland and all the said manours meases lands and hereditaments with the appertenances and every parcell thereof before espressed and wyllid unto myne executors for the performans of this my wyll shall ymmedyately after my decesse be to the use of the said Richard GRENYFILD and to the heires males of his body lawfully begotten and for default of such yssue to remayne unto the said John GREYNFILD and to the heires males of his body lawfully begotten and for default of such yssue to remayne unto the said Digorie GRAYNFILD and to the heirs males of of his body lawfully begotten uppon this condition that yf the said John GRAYNFILD and the heirs males of his body lawfully begotten have and ~[faded]~ all the said mannors meases lands tenements and hereditaments to hym before willed by way of remaynder as is aforesaid do well and truly content and paye unto my said thre daughters and ther heires ?x score pounds of lawfull mony of England equally to be devydid between them payable att foure principall feasts of the yere that is to wyte att the feasts of the anunciation of our blessed lady natyvitie of seynt John the baptist seynt Mychell thearchangell and the natyvitie [of our] lord or within thre monethes yerely next after every of the said feasts so that itt be lawfully demanded of the said John and his heires males and also itt shalbe laufull unto all my said thre daughters and ther heirs to entre into all the said residue of my said manors lands tenements and hereditaments for default of payment of the said yerely rent att any of the said feasts and to distreyne for ther severall portions according to the tenour and true meaning of this my said will.
And over this y wyll that yf the said John GRAYNFILD fortune to dye without heires males of his body laufully begotten so that the said Digorie and the heires males of his body laufully begotten do have and enioye all the residue of the said manors meases lands tenements and hereditaments by force of the remaynder as ys aforesaid that then the said Digorie and his heires males shall upon like condition as the said John GREYFILD and his said heires males well and ~[faded]~ content and pay unto my said thre daughters and ther heirs all such yerely rents as ys before expressed att such days tymes and time as ys before lymytted.
Item: y wyll that after such tyme that my executors have fully executed performed and observed my wyll as ys aforesaid that then ymmediately after all the said manors meases lands tenements and hereditaments before lymytted and assigned unto the said executors shall holy be to the only use profits and behof of the said Richard GRAYNFILD and to the heires males of his body lawfully begotten and for default of such issue to remayne unto the said John GRAYNFILD and to the heirs males of his body lawfully begotten and for default of such issue to remayne unto the said Digorie GREYNFILD and to the heirs males of his body laufully begotten and for default of such issue to remayne to the right heirs of me the said Sir Richard GRAYNFILD provided always that if hitt fortune the said John GREYNFILD and his heirs males or any of them do any act or acts yn any of the kings courts wherby this my last wyll or any partt thereof shalbe interuptid adnichilated [ie: reduce to nothing] or made void that then y wyll that all the said mannors messuages lands tenements and heredytaments before e~~[blotted] assignid to the said Richard shall remayne unto the said Digorie GRAYNFILD and to the heires males of his body lawfully begotten so that the said Digorie and the heires males of his body lawfully begotten do well and truly observe perfyme and execute(?) this my last will accordying to the tenour and true meanings of the same.
Item y wyll that yf any of my said daughters or ther heires or any of them do any act or acts yn any of the kyngs courts wherby this my last wyll or ~[faded]~ therof shalbe interuptid adnichilated or made void that then y wyll that sych of my said daughters and ther heires that shall fortune to doe any such act or acts shall lose from thensforth his or ther proptions of the said ~[faded]~ before by me to them wyllid and all ther title and interest yn and to the same for evermore as though y had never declared wyllid ne assigned any such yerely rent unto them.
Item: y wyll that yf ~?~ appere? ~[faded]~ ?? said executors that my fathers detts whose soule Jju' [ie: Jesus] then pardon to be as yet nott contented and paid yn such due manner and fine as y before have declared of my awne detts that then y wyll the~~~~~ ~[faded]~ paid by my said executors of the issues and proffitts aforesaid.
Item y wyll and bequeath to the said Dame Mawde my wyffe all my plate lyniynnge and beddyng during her lyffe and widowhood and after that to be to the said Richard GREYNFILD for ever and if she fortune to marie then y wyll she shall have butt beddyng and other stuffe nowe att Buckland aforesaid.
Item y wyll ordeyn and make the said Dame Mawde my wyffe Edmond SPECCOTT my brother yn lawe John BEAUCHIMP one other of my brothers yn lawe John KYLLYGREWE and John BEVYLL esquires to be my executors and to see this my wyll performed provided that the said Edmond John BEAUCHIMP and John KYLLYGREWE and John BEVYLL shall nott have the admynistrations nor medlyng with no parte of my personall goods butt only my said wyffe and the said Edmond John John (sic) and John BEVYLL to have the hole and full power to have receyve and take all the said rents issues revenues and profitts of all the said lands before lymytted and assigned unto my executors and wherof y have enfeoffid them to do every partt of my said wyll performed according as y before have declared and expressed in this my wyll and that the said Edmond SPECCOTT John BEAUCHIMP John KYLLYGREW and John BEVYLL shall have yerely only of there xx.s sterlyng goying out of the premisses unto such tyme my wyll be performed and also shalbe allowed of the issues and profitts therof of the such expence and charge as they and every of them shall susteyne and bere in executing and performyng this my last wyll provided always that hitt shalbe laufully to him the said Sir Richard att any tymes herafter to adde or mynish [ie: diminish] this my wyll any thing therin conteyned to the contrarie nott withstanding.
Yeoven [ie: Given] the eight day of marche in the xxxvii yere of the reyn of our Sovraign lord Henry the eight by the grace of god kynge of England france and yrland defender of the faith and yn erth of the church of england and also of Irland the supreme hed.

Et p[re]t[er]ea Jur[atores] p[re]d[i]c[t]i dicunt sup[er] sacr[amentum] suu[m] q[uo]d p[re]d[i]c[t]us Ric[ard]us Greynfild miles ante obitum suu[m] vlt[er]ius declaravit voluntatem suam in script[is] manu sua signat[am] in quibusd[am] codulis p[re]scipt[e] voluntat[e] Annex[is] & Jur[atoribus] p[re]d[i]c[t]is sup[er] capc[i]onem huius inquis[icionis] ostent[is] & tenor unius codile sequit[ur] in hec verba:

[Translation of the above]: And moreover the jurors aforesaid say on their oath that the aforesaid Sir Richard GRENVILLE before his death further declared his last will in writing signed with his hand in certain codicils annexed to the said will, and shown to the aforesaid jurors before the taking of this inquisition, and the tenor of one codicil follows in these words:

[Continuing in English]: Be hitt knowen to all men that wheras y Syr Richard GRAYNFILD knight have made my wyll and testament signed and sealed with my seale of armes beryng date the eight day of marche in the xxxvii yere of the reign of the late kyng of famous memorie kyng henry the eight as yn the said wyll plainly apereth whereunto this codule [ie: codicil] of this my ferder mynd and wyll y do ameynd fyrst that where in the said wyll y have wyllid and given that for default of the heirs males of the body of Rychard GRAYNFILD son of Roger GREYNFILD my late son and heire apparent that all the mansion place Barton and demean lands in Buckland Graynfild shold remayne to Dygorie GREYNFYLD my brother and to the heirs males of his body lawfully begotten and for default of heirs males of his body lawfully begotten all the premisses namyd Buckland Graynfild aforesaid holy shold remayne to John GREYNFILD my other brother and to the heirs males of his body lawfully begotten and for default of such issue male all the said premisses in Buckland Granyfild holy shold remayne to the heires generall of me the said Sir Richard GRAYNFILD for ever.
Nowe therin this my very wyll and mynd ys that all the said mannors with the demeanes of Buckland aforesaid shall holy remayne as ys therein before written to the said Buckland Graynfild myne heirs and to the heirs males of his body lawfully begotten and for default of such heires males of the body of the said Richard all the said mansion and the said hole demeanes of Buckland aforesaid shall holy remayne to my said brother Dygorie GREYNFILD and to the heirs males of his body lawfully begotten and for default of such issue male of the body of the said Dygorie all the said mansion of Buckland Graynfild aforesaid with the demeane lands therto belongyng shall holy remayne to the heires generall of me the said Sir Richard GRAYNFILD knight for ever.
And Wherof ferder yn the same wyll y have also given and declared by the said wyll that the Barton and Manner of Bedyford otherwise called Bydford and the Borough of Bedyford that the members and appertenance of the same and the mannor and burgh of Kylkehampton with the appertenance and certen others of myne inheritans should after my decease and Dame Maud my wyff remayne to the said Richard GRAYNFILD my heire and to the heirs of his body lawfully begotten and for default of such issue males of the body of the said Richard all the said Barton Mannor and Brygh of Bedyford and other the premisses shold remayne to my brother John GRAYNFILD and to the heirs males of his body lawfully begotten yeldying and paying therefore yerly for the same to myne heirs generall one annuytie as annuell rent of £xx stelyng and for default of such issue male of the body of the said John GREYNFILD all the premisses with the appertenances holy to remayne to Dygorie GRAYNFILD my other brother and to the heires males of his body lawfully begotten beryng the said yerely annuytie as yerely rent of £xx to myne heires generall.
Nowe my wyll ys also therin that as concernyng the said Barton and Manner of Bedyford and the Burgh of Bedyford with the appertenances and all other the premisses shall ymmediatly after the death of me and Dame Maude my wyffe holy remayne unto my said heire the aforesaid Richard GRAYNFILD and to the heirs males of his body laufully begotten and for default of such issue male y wyll that the only Barton and Manner of Bedyford and the Burgh of Bedyford with the appertenance shall holy remayne unto my brother John GRENYFILD and to the heires males of his body laufully begotten without paing of the said annuell rent of £xx expressed in the said former wyll or paying of any partt other of and for default of such issue male of the said John GRAYNFILD y wyll that all the said Barton Manner and Burgh of Bedyford with the appertenance holy shall remayne to the heirs generall of me the said Sir Richard GREYNFILD knight for ever and that all the said manner and burgh of Kylkehampton and other myne inheritance shall for default of issue male of the same Richard GRAYNFILD myne heire remayne holy and go for ever to myne heirs generall and that neither my brother John GREYNFILD nor Digorie GREYNFILD nor none of ther heirs shall clayme any therof otherwise then for default of issue of my heires generall Also ferder wherapon concyderation of mariage yn my said former partt of my wyll declared that Mary my daughter now the wyff of John GYFFORD esquier shold have had certain sumes of mony for her mariage which is sithens maried and according to certain covenants fully satisfied and paid of her matrimony except the sume of foure score marks of laufull mony of England which sume of foure score marks of laufull mony England.
Y wyll by this partt of my said wyll that my executors shall truly content and paye my said son yn lawe John GEFFORD and my said daughter ~[crease]~ or to ther assigns out of the issues and profitts of the lands apoynted for the payment of my detts and legacyes.
Also y wyll that my said executors shall yerely paye or cause to be paid to Thomas TRENOEWITH my servaunt during his lyffe twenty?? ~[faded]~ of laufull mony of England as yn my said former wyll ys mentyond for the payment of other of my servaunts.
Also y wyll and bequeathe to every of my servaunts nowe yn my servyce one hale yere wages to be paid to them ymmedyatly of my deth yf y do nott delyver itt then yn my lyff tyme provided always that all other things conteyned yn my said former wyll nott altered in this codule shall stand and be in full strenght and power.
And also provided that all such grants and gifts that the said Sir Richard GRAYNFILD knight have given or shall herafter happen to gyve before sufficient wyttnes or by bylls assyged with my hand shalbe effectuall to hym or them that have of me any such gift to enioy and have the same any thing yn my former wyll nottwithstandyng.
Also y do gyve to Dame Mawde my wyffe all my goods and cattells nott given nor bequeved as ys mentioned yn my former wyll except any gifts as y the said Sir Richard shall happen to gyve and delyver yn my lyff tyme with myne awne hand yn wyttnes whereof to this codule of my ferder wyll and mynd yn all things yn my former wyll and herin conteyned written att stowe in the Countie of Cornwall in the presens of John GRAYNFILD clerk, Thomas ARUNDELL esquyer, Willm HENDER, John KYMPTHORN, Water SKYNNER, and others y have subscribed some codule annexid to my said wyll with my awne hand and sealid hitt with my seale of armes the third day of January in the third yere of the reign of our Soverayn Lord Edward the Sixt by the grace of god of england france and yrland by defender of the faith and yn erth ymmediently under god the chief and supreme hed of the church of England and yrland.

Dicunt eciam Jur[atores] p[re]d[i]c[t]i q[uo]d p[re]d[i]c[t]us Ric[ard]us Greynfild miles in ead[em] cedula declaravit vlt[r]a voluntatem suam in hec verba:

[Translation of the above]: The aforesaid jurors also say that the aforesaid Sir Richard GRENVILLE in the same codicil decared his further will in these words:

[Continuing in English]: Providid also that yff my brother John GREYNFILD or his heires do intermell or trobell with myne heires for any of the lands that y the said Sir Richard GREYNFILD had of hym att any tyme hereafter that then my wyll ys that he the same John GREYNFILD nor his heires shall have no benefytt of any thing conteyind yn my said wyll.
Not withstanding this proviso y the same Sir Richard GREYNFILD knight am contented and my wyll is that yf my said brother John GRENYNFILD or his heires do make to me myne heires or to such as y have or shall gyve the sold lands that y had of hym unto besides the manor of Woodford at this side the feast of Ester next comyng after this present date by fyne and recovery or by such other assurancis as the lawe can devise that then y am contented and my wyll ys that my said brother John GREYNFILD shall have the said manor of Woodfyd with the appertence to hym and his heires for ever.
Item: y do gyve unto Richard BENNETT and unto William BENNETT my servaunts durying their lyffes xxd a pece of them quarterly to be paid by my feoffees as other my servaunts be apoyntid to be paid for the good servyse to me don beyond the seay and also here that is to wete to every of them xx.s yerly.

Et Jur[atores] p[re]d[i]c[t]i dicunt q[uo]d p[re]d[i]c[t]us Ric[ard]us Greynfild miles declaravit vlt[r]a voluntatem suam p[er] manu[m] suam signat[am] & in dorsa [word illegible] cedule p[re]d[i]c[t]e indorsat[am] in forma sequent[i]:

[Translation of the above]: The aforesaid jurors also say that the aforesaid Sir Richard GRENVILLE in the same codicil decared his further will in these words:

[Continuing in English]: Providid also that yff my brother John GREYNFILD or his heires do intermell or trobell with myne heires for any of the lands that y the said Sir Richard GREYNFILD had of hym att any tyme hereafter that then my wyll ys that he the same John GREYNFILD nor his heires shall have no benefytt of any thing conteyind yn my said wyll.
Not withstanding this proviso y the same Sir Richard GREYNFILD knight am contented and my wyll is that yf my said brother John GRENYNFILD or his heires do make to me myne heires or to such as y have or shall gyve the sold lands that y had of hym unto besides the manor of Woodford at this side the feast of Ester next comyng after this present date by fyne and recovery or by such other assurancis as the lawe can devise that then y am contented and my wyll ys that my said brother John GREYNFILD shall have the said manor of Woodfyd with the appertence to hym and his heires for ever.
Item: y do gyve unto Richard BENNETT and unto William BENNETT my servaunts durying their lyffes xxd a pece of them quarterly to be paid by my feoffees as other my servaunts be apoyntid to be paid for the good servyse to me don beyond the seay and also here that is to wete to every of them xx.s yerly.

Et Jur[atores] p[re]d[i]c[t]i dicunt q[uo]d p[re]d[i]c[t]us Ric[ard]us Greynfild miles declaravit vlt[r]a voluntatem suam p[er] manu[m] suam signat[am] & in dorsa [word illegible] cedule p[re]d[i]c[t]e indorsat[am] in forma sequent[i]:

[Translation of the above]: And the jurors aforesaid say that the aforesaid Sir Richard GRENVILLE further declared his will by an endorsement in his own hand on the back of the aforesaid codicil in the following terms:

[Continuing in English]: Be hitt knowen to all men that it is the wyll of me Sir Richard GREYNFILD that Johan ESCOTT of Kilkhampton shalbe discharged of her rent of xiii.s iiii.d durying her lyffe. Memorandum that the xth day of March in the fourth yeare of the reign of our sovereign Lord Edward the syxt by the grace of god of England France and yreland King Defender of the faith and yn erth ymmediatly under god the chyef and supreme hed of the Church of England and yreland y Sir Richard GRENYFILD knight have given to myne Uncle John GREYNFILD parson of Kylkehmpton after my decesse as much of my Terme of the woode in Powehill [ie: Poughill] parish called Heywood which y had of the graunt of the house of Clive as long as the same John GRENYFILD parson of Kylkehampton shall live and so long he to have the woods ther growing to his awne use and the resydue of the said terme after his deth to myne heires.

Tenor Alt[er]ius cedule sequit[ur] in hec v[er]ba:

[Translation of the above]: The tenor of the other codicil follows in these words:

[Continuing in English]: All christen people to whom this present wrytyng shall come rede hir or understand knowe ye that y Sir Richard GREYNFILD of Kylkehamton in the countie of cornwall knight being of full mynd and good memorie this present xth day of Marche in the iiiith yeare of Kyng Edward the sixt by the grace of god of Ingland France and yreland Kyng defender of the faith and of the Church of England and also of yreland the supreme hed do wyll this codule written yn manner and form folowyng to be annexid unto my former wyll datid the viii day of marche in the xxxvii yeare of the reign of the late Kyng of famous memorie Kyng Henry the eight and to stand as parcell of my last wyll and testament where y have nominated yn my sayd former wyll Edmond SPECOTT, John BEAUCHAMP, John BEVYLL and John KYLLYGRAWE esquyers myne executors and have apoynted them to receive the proffitts of sertain lands mentyond yn my former wyll for the performins of the same and for payment of my debtts and other legacyes this my wyll and mynd farder that my said brother Edward SPECCOTT and other executors shall make evry yere a true accompt of all rents revenues and other profitts by my sayd executors to be received before my brother John GREYNFILD, Digorie GREYNFILD and Thomas ARUNDELL esquires by me apoynted of especiall trust and yerly upon the said accompt ~~de the proffitts by my said executors receyvid to be contented and payd ymmediately ~[faded]~ the term of my last wyll and testament the said yerly accompt to have contynuans unto the tyme that Richard GRAYNFILD the son of Roger GREYNFILD my late heir apparent be of the full age of xxi years. Furder my wyll is that all profitts received by my said executors in wyll and legacies performed shall go to the use of Richard GREYNFILD my heire and sett yn save kypynng to the most profitts of the said Richard GRAYNFILD.

Et tenor vlt[er]ius cedule sequit[ur] in hec v[er]ba:

[Translation of the above]: And the tenor of the further codicil follows in these words:

[Continuing in English]: Memorandum: that y Sir Richard GRAYNFILD of Kylkehampton in the countie of cornewall kniyght being of hole mynd this xv day of marche anno domini mcxlix thanks be unto the lyving lord myndyng to have myne wyll approvid accordnyg to the comyn good usage of this realme of yngland do wyll that yf Edmond SPECCOTT, John BEACHAMP, John BEVYLL and John KYLLYGREWE esquires appoyntid to be myne executors or any of ther refuse to prove my last wyll and testament then y wyll that Dame Mawde my wyffe prove the same my said last wyll and testament and yf Dame Mawde my wyffe refuse to prove the same my wyll and testament then y wyll my brother John GRAYNFILD and my brother Digorie GRENYFILD and Thomas ARUNDELL shalbe myne executors to prove my mynd wyll and said last testament and have for ther costs payne and charge as y apoynted to my brother Edmond SPECCOTT and others my executors provided always that who so on do prove my last wyll and testament that they shall yerely accompt for hitt as expressed and resitid in it scedule to my wyll annixid yn wytnes wherof y have signed this byll.

Et vlt[er]ius Jur[atores] p[re]d[i]c[t]i dicunt q[uo]d p[re]d[i]c[t]u[s] Ric[ard]us Greynfild miles post p[re]d[i]c[t]am voluntat[em] in script[am] fact[am] & ante obitum suu[m] Nuncupativi[m] & non in script[is] coram Thoma Arundell de lee Armig[er]o Walt[er]o Skynner & Ric[ard]o Bennett nobis sup[er] capc[i]onem huius Inquisic[i]ionis sup[er] sacra ev[a]ng[e]lia iurat[is] & p[er] nos d[ict]os Iurat[ores] diligent[er] exa[m]i[n]at[is] declaravit ultra voluntat[em] suam de c[er]tis t[er]ris & ten[ementis] in Woodford p[re]dict' in Com[itatu] Cornub[ie] modo & forma sequent[i] Videl[ice]t q[uo]d Cum lis & Discordia ante hec temp[or]a orta fuit int[er] ip[su]m Ric[ardu]m Graynfild militem ex vna p[ar]te & p[re]d[ictu]m Joh[ann]em Graynfild fr[atr]em suu[m] ex alt[er]a p[ar]te de & sup[er] iure tit[u]lo & possessione & heretagio div[er]so[rum] t[er]a[rum] & ten[ementorum] [cum p[er]tinc' crossed out] cum suis p[er]tin[enciis] in Newton Fauston Cargurra Dolland Corry Porruyn & Woodford in eodem Com[itatu] Cornub[ie] idem Ric[ard]us Graynfild miles declaravit voluit & dedit om[n]ia & sing[u]la p[re]d[i]c[t]a messuagia t[er]r[as] & ten[ementa] cum suis p[er]tin[enciis] in Woodford p[re]dict' p[re]fat[o] Joh[ann]i Greynfild h[ab]end[um] sibi hered[ibus] & Assignat[is] suis Imp[er]p[etuum] Sub hac tamen condic[i]one q[uo]d si p[re]d[i]c[t]us Joh[ann]es Graynfild fac[er]e voluit ante festum Pasche tunc p[ro]x[ime] sequen[tum] sufficient[tem] statum in lege de om[n]ib[us] p[re]d[i]c[t]is p[re]missis in Newton Fauston Cargurra Dolland Corry & Porruyn p[re]fat[o] Ric[ard]o Graynfild milit[i] & hered[ibus] suis ut in prima cedula voluntat[is] ip[s]ius Ric[ard]i Greynfild militis continetur Aut si p[re]d[i]c[t]us Joh[ann]es Graynfild vel hered[es] sui aliquo temp[or]e extunc sequen[te] & deinceps tam ante p[re]d[ictu]m festum pasche quam postea voluit se obligari p[er] scriptum suu[m] sufficien[tem] in lege Degorio Greynfild fr[atr]i suo & Thome Arundell de lee Armig[er]o & hered[ibus] suis ad faciend[um] sufficient[em] statum & Assuranc[iam] de p[re]d[i]c[t]is t[er]ris & ten[ementis] in Newton Fauston Cargurra Dolland Corry & Porruyn p[re]fat[is] Degorio Greynfild & Thome Arundell h[ab]end[um] eis & hered[ibus] suis ad vsum Ric[ard]i Greynfild consanguinei & hered[ium] p[re]d[i]c[t]i Ric[ard]i Greynfild militis & hered[ium] suo[rum] q[uo]d tunc ista voluntas d[i]c[t]i Ric[ard]i Greynfild militis de p[re]d[i]c[t]is t[er]ris & ten[ementis] in Woodford p[re]fat' Joh[ann]i Greynfild & hered[ibus] suis voluntat[is] sue robur obtineat & in plena sua eff[e]c[t]u p[er]maneat Aliquid in priore voluntat[e] sua incont[r]ariu[m] non obstan[tum] Et Jur[atores] p[re]d[i]c[t]i dicunt ult[r]a q[uo]d p[re]d[i]c[t]u[s] Ric[ard]us Greynfild miles ante confec[i]onem Assurancie p[re]d[i]c[t]e & ante p[re]d[i]c[t]um festum pasche obijt Et dicunt eciam q[uo]d p[re]d[i]c[t]us Joh[ann]es Graynfild obligat[us] est p[er] script[um] suu[m] sufficien[tem] in lege p[re]dic[to] Digorio Greynfild & Thome Arundell ad faciendu[m] sufficien[tem] Assuranc[iam] de om[n]ib[us] p[re]d[i]c[t]is p[re]missis in Newton Fauston Cargurra Dolland Corry & Porruyn s[e]c[un]d[u]m formam condic[i]onis p[re]d[i]c[t]e Et Jur[atores] p[re]dict[i] dicunt ult[r]a q[uo]d p[re]d[i]c[t]us Ric[ard]us Graynfild miles ante obitum suu[m] nuncupativi[m] in forma p[re]scripta legavit & dedit p[re]fat[o] Joh[ann]i Graynfild fr[atr]i suo triginta libras legalis monete Anglie & in considerac[i]one & plena solut[a] p[ro] p[re]d[i]c[t]is t[er]ris & ten[ementis] in Newton Fauston Cargurra Dolland Corry & Porruyn Solvend[as] eidem Joh[ann]i execut[oribus] seu Assign[atis] suis post Assuranc[iam] de eisdem ten[ementis] in Newton Fauston Cargurra Dolland Corry & Porruyn s[e]c[un]d[u]m voluntat[em] ip[s]ius Ric[ard]i Greynfild militis fact[am] & p[er]implet[am] Et vlt[er]ius Jur[atores] p[re]d[i]c[t]i dicunt q[uo]d p[re]d[i]c[t]u[s] Ric[ard]us Greynfild miles p[er] cart[am] suam gerent[em] dat[um] vicesimo die marcij Anno regni regis henrici octavi tricesimo septimo de & in considerac[i]one boni & acceptabil[is] s[er]vic[ii] p[re]fat[o] Ric[ard]o Graynfild p[er] Walt[er]um Skynner p[re]antea h[ab]it[i] dedit & concessit p[re]fat[o] Walt[er]o Skynner vnam Annuitatem sive Annualem reddit[um] quadraginta solid[orum] exeunt[ium] de man[er]io de Kylkehampton p[re]dict' cum p[er]tinenc[iis] Necnon de om[n]ib[us] messuag[iis] t[er]r[is] ten[ementis] ac cet[er]is hereditamen[tis] cum p[er]tinenc[iis] in Kylkehampton p[re]dict' & Stowe h[ab]end[um] levand[um] & Annuat[im] p[er]cipiend[um] dict[am] Annuitatem sive Annualem reddit[um] quadraginta solid[orum] p[re]fat[o] Walt[er]o Skynner ad t[er]m[um] vite sue ut p[er] eandem cartam Jurat[oribus] p[re]d[i]c[t]is sup[er] capc[i]o[n]em huius inquisic[i]onis in evidenc[iis] ostent[am] magis plenius liquet & Apparet Et p[re]d[i]c[t]us Ric[ard]us Graynfild p[er] alt[er]am cartam suam gerent[em] dat[um] decimo die marcij nup[er] elaps[o] dedit & concessit p[re]d[i]c[t]o Walt[er]o Skynner p[ro] suo bono s[er]vic[io] impens[am] quandem Annuitatem sive Ann[u]al[em] reddit[um] xxvi s[olidos] viij d[enarios] exeunt[am] de man[er]io de Tenyell p[re]dict' h[ab]end[um] levand[um] & Annuat[im] p[er]cipiend[um] dict[am] annuitatem p[re]fat[o] Walt[er]o p[ro] t[er]m[o] vite sue ut p[er] eand[em] cart[am] si[mi]lit[er] p[re]d[i]c[t]is Jurat[oribus] in evidenc[iis] ostent[am] plenius Apparet Et vlt[er]ius Jur[atores] p[re]d[i]c[t]i dicunt q[uo]d p[re]d[i]c[t]u[s] Ric[ard]us Greynfild miles p[er] aliam cartam suam Jurat[oribus] p[re]d[i]c[t]is in evidenc[iis] ostent[am] cuius dat[um] est Vicesimo die Novembr[is] Anno regni d[omi]ni Regis nunc Edwardi sexti Tercio p[ro] divers[is] considerac[ionibus] sibi in hac p[ar]te moven[tibus] dedit & concessit quibusdam Ric[ard]o Lucas & Digorio Lucas vnam Annuitatem sive Annual[em] reddit[um] sex libra[rum] tresdecim solid[orum] & quatuor den[ar]io[rum] exeunt[ium] de om[n]ib[us] messuag[iis] t[er]r[is] & ten[ementis] suis in p[ar]ochia de Kylkehampton in d[i]c[t]o Com[itatu] Cornub[ie] h[ab]end[um] levand[um] & Annuat[im] p[er]cipiend[um] dict[am] Annuitat[em] sive Annual[em] reddit[um] sex libra[rum] tresdecim [next word interlined] so[lidorum] & quatuor den[ar]io[rum] p[re]fat[is] Ric[ard]o Lucas & Digorio Lucas ad t[erm[um] vite suo[rum] & eor[um] alt[er]ius diucius viven[di] vt p[er] eandem cart[am plenius apparet Ac vltra Jur[atores] p[re]d[i]c[t]i dicunt q[uo]d p[re]d[i]c[t]u[s] Ric[ard]us Greynfild miles per aliam cartam suam si[mi]lit[er] [next four words interlined] Jur[atoribus] p[re]dict[is] in evidenc[iis] ostent[am] gerentem datum decimo die octobris Anno regni Regis Henrici octavi tricesimo primo in considerac[i]one boni & acceptabil[is] s[er]vic[ii] p[re]fat[o] Ric[ard]o p[er] Joh[ann]em Aprise p[re]antea h[ab]it[i] impens[i] & impost[er]um impendend[i] dedit & concessit p[re]fat[o] Joh[ann]i Aprise vnam Annuitatem sive Annual[em] reddit[um] viginti solid[orum] exeunt[em] de & in una tenura cum p[er]tinenc[iis] in Houndepytt iacen[te] infra man[er]iu[m] de Kylkehampton in d[i]c[t]o Com[itatu] Cornub[ie] h[ab]end[um] levand[um] & Annuat[im] p[er]cipiend[um] d[i]c[t]am Annuitat[em] sive Annual[em] reddit[um] viginti solid[orum] p[re]fat[o] Joh[ann]i Apryse p[ro] t[er]mo vite sue ut p[er] cart[am] ill[am] plenius apparet Et p[re]d[i]c[t]us Ric[ard]us Graynfild p[er] Aliam cart[am] suam p[re]dict[is] Jurat[oribus] in evidenc[iis] ostent[am] gerent[em] dat[um] decimo die Marcij Anno regni d[omi]ni Regis nunc Edwardi sexti quarto ulti[m]o elaps[o] in considerac[i]one boni & fidelis s[er]vic[ii] p[re]fat[o] Ric[ard]o p[er] Thomam Nele s[er]vien[tem] suu[m] fact[i] & p[er]pet[ra]t[i] dedit & concessit eidem Thome Nele vnam Annuitatem sive Annual[em] reddit[um] decem solid[orum] exeunt[em] de om[n]ib[us] t[er]r[is] & ten[ementis] suis situat[is] q[ue] [sic] iacen[tibus] in Com[itatu] Cornub[ie] h[ab]end[um] levand[um] & Annuat[im] p[er]cipiend[um] dict[am] Annuitat[em] sive Annual[em] reddit[um] decem solid[orum] p[re]fat[o] Thome Nele p[ro] t[er]mo vite sue ut p[er] eandem cart[am] plenius apparet Et p[re]d[i]c[t]us Ric[ard]us Graynfild p[er] Aliam cart[am] suam Jur[atoribus] p[re]d[i]c[t]is sup[er] capc[i]onem huius Inquisic[i]ionis si[mi]lit[er] ostent[am] gerent[em] dat[um] duodecimo die Marcij ulti[m]o elapso Anno regni d[omi]ni Regis nunc Edwardi sexti quarto in considerac[i]one boni & fidelis s[er]vic[ii] p[re]fat[o] Ric[ard]o p[er] Joh[ann]em Bawman s[er[vien[tem] suu[m] p[re]antea h[ab]it[i] & imposterum impendend[i] dedit & concessit p[re]fato Joh[ann]i Bawman vnam Annuitat[em] sive Annual[em] reddit[um] vigint[i] solid[orum] exeun[tem] de man[er]io de Teynell cum p[er]tinenc[iis] in d[i]c[t]o Com[itatu] Cornub[ie] h[ab]end[um] levand[um] & Annuat[im] p[er]cipiend[um] d[i]c[t]am Annual[em] reddit[um] sive Annuitat[em] vigint[i] solid[orum] p[re]fat]o] Joh[ann]i Bawman p[ro] t[er]m[o] vite sue ad festa annu[n]ciac[i]onis b[eat]e Marie virginis & s[anc[ti Mich[ael]is Arch[angel]is Annuat[im] [in equalibus] porc[i]onib[us] vt p[er] eandem cartam plenius apparet Et vlt[er]ius Jur[atores] p[re]d[i]c[t]i dicunt q[uo]d quidem Rog[er]us Greynfild Armig[er] defunct[us] pat[er] p[re]d[i]c[t]i Ric[ard]i Graynfild militis p[er] vlti[m]am voluntat[em] suam p[re]d[i]c[t]is Jurat[oribus] sup[er] capc[ionem] huius Inquis[icionis] in evidenc[iis] ostent[am] dedit & concessit [next word illegible in tear] Lodowico Lyppyngcott tunc s[er]vient[i] suo officiu[m] ballivat[is] man[er]ij de Kylkehampton p[re]dict' Vna cum xv s[olidos] annual[is] reddit[us] exeunt[is] de eod[em] man[er]io p[r]o officio p[re]d[i]c[t]o exercend[um] h[ab]end[um] & gardend[um] d[i]c[t]u[m] officium ac p[er]cipiend[um] p[re]d[i]c[t]u[m] Annuitat[em] sive Annual[em] reddit[um] p[re]fat[o] Lodowico ad t[er]m[um] vite [next word interlined] sue vt p[er] d[i]c[t]am voluntat[em] & p[er] inquis[icionem] si[mi]lit[er] post mortem p[re]d[i]c[ti] Rog[er]i nob[is] ostent[am] liquet & apparet Et Insuper q[uo]d [next word illegible] p[re]d[i]c[t]us [next word interlined] Ric[ard]us Graynfild miles in indorsament[o] predict' [next word illegible] cedule voluntat[is] dedit & concessit Joh[ann]i Graynfild dic[to] fr[atr]i suo totum t[er]mu[m] suu[m] in c[er]ta p[ar]cell[a] bosci iacen[tis] infra p[ar]ochiam de Powghyll p[er] nomen de Heywood qua idem Ric[ardus] nup[er] h[ab]uit de concessione Abb[at]is de Clyff vt in p[re]d[i]c[t]o indorsamen[to] continent[ur] [Et] dicunt Jur[atores] p[re]d[i]c[t]I q[uo]d boscum p[re]d[i]c[tu]m infra p[ar]ochiam de Powghyll p[re]dict' sic vocat[um] p[er] p[re]d[i]c[tu]m Ric[ard]um Graynfild p[er] nomen de Heywood boscum no[m]i[n]atur Merewood & non Heywood & est illud boscum quod idem Ric[ard]us Greynfild voluit [per cedulam suam] Joh[ann]i Graynfild fr[atr]i suo & [next two words interlined] idem Ric[ardus] nullum aliud boscum h[ab]uit infra p[re]d[i]c[t]am p[ar]ochiam de Powghyll Et vlt[er]ius Jur[atores] p[re]d[i]c[t]i dicunt q[uo]d p[re]dict[um] man[er]ium & burg[um] de Kylkehampton & t[er]r[a] D[om]in[i]cal[is] ac advocacio eccl[es]ie p[re]d[i]c[t]e tenent[ur] de D[o]m[in]o Rege p[er] s[er]viciu[m] militare ut de man[er]io suo de Wynkeley in Com[itatu] Devon[ie] in manu d[o]m[in]i Regis existen[te] r[ati]one q[uo]d Edwardus Rex Anglie tercius p[ro]genitor d[o]m[in]i Regis nunc Anno regni sui vicesimo septimo Acquisivit dict[um] man[er]ium de Wynkeley cum p[er]tinenc[iis] sibi & hered[ibus] Eius imp[er]p[etuum] de Jacobo Audeley tunc d[o]m[in]e de Heleyht Et q[uo]d dict[um] man[er]ium & burg[us] de Kylkehampton et t[er]r[a] d[om]in[i]cal[is] val[ent] p[er] Annu[m] in o[mn]ibus exit[ibus] ult[r]a repris[as] lxij li[bros] iij s[olidos] vj d[enarios] Et q[uo]d dict[um] messuagium cum p[er]tinenc[iis] in Tyttysm[ar]sshe p[re]dict' tenet[ur] de Joh[ann]e Copleston Armig[er]o vt de man[er]io suo de Northle set p[er] que s[er]vic[ia] Jur[atores] p[re]d[i]c[t]i penit[us] ignor[ant] Et val[et] p[er] Annu[m] in o[mn]ibus exit[ibus] ult[r]a repris[as] xiij s[olidos] iiij d[enarios] Et q[uo]d p[re]d[i]c[t]a advocac[i]o eccl[es]ie p[re]d[i]c[t]e cum p[er]tinenc[iis] nichil val[et] quia plena est Et q[uo]d p[re]dict[um] man[er]ium de Tenyell cum p[er]tinenc[iis] tenet[ur] de D[o]m[in]o Rege in Capite p[er] s[er]viciu[m] militare Et valet p[er] Annu[m] in o[mn]ibus exit[ibus] ult[r]a repris[as] viij li[bras] Et q[uo]d dict[e] viginti acr[e] t[er]re Arrabilis decem acr[e] pasture ac cet[er]a p[re]missa cum p[er]tinenc[iis] in Newton p[re]dict' tenent[ur] de Francisco Comite Huntyngdon ut de man[er]io suo de Trewaunt in socagio Et val[et] p[er] Annu[m] in o[mn]ibus exit[ibus] ult[r]a repris[as] xiij s[olidos] Et q[uo]d p[re]dict[e] decem acr[e] pasture decem acr[e] terr[e] ac cet[er]a p[re]missa in Fauston p[re]dict' tenent[ur] de Gawino Carue milit[e] ut de man[er]io suo de Trelight p[er] qua s[er]vicia Jur[atores] p[re]d[i]c[t]i penit[us] ignor[ant] Et val[et] p[er] Annu[m] in o[mn]ibus exit[ibus] ult[r]a repris[as] xx s[olidos] Et q[uo]d dict[um] messuagiu[m] sex acr[e] p[ra]ti decem acr[e] terr[e] ac cet[er]a p[re]missa cum p[er]tinenc[iis] in Cargarrow p[re]dict' tene[n]t[ur] de [next three words interlined] Will[elm]o Reape Armig[er]o de man[er]io de Tresparret set p[er] que s[er]vici[a] Jur[atores[ p[re]d[i]c[t]i penitus ignorant Et val[et] p[er] Annu[m] in o[mn]ibus exit[ibus] ult[r]a repris[as] v s[olidos] Et q[uo]d dict[um] messuag[ium] viginti acr[e] t[er]re Arrabil[is] ac cet[er]a p[re]missa cum p[er]tin[enciis] et p[re]d[ictus] Annual[is] reddit[us] in Dowland et Corry p[re]dict' tenent[ur] de Henr[ico] Marq[uis]ione Dors[et]' set p[er] que s[er]vic[ia] Jur[atores] p[re]d[i]c[t]i penit[us] ignorant Et valent per annu[m] in om[n]ib[us] exit[ibus] ult[ra] rep[risas] xx s[olidos]. Et q[uo]d p[re]dict[a] messuag[ia] duo gardina ac cet[era] [premissa] cum suis p[er]tin[enciis] in Polruan p[re]d[ict]' tenet[ur] de Thome Hastynges Armig[er]o ut de man[er]io suo de Pengelly [sed] p[er] que s[er]vicia Jur[atores] p[re]d[i]c[t]i penit[us] ignor[ant] Et valent p[er] Annu[m] in omnibus exit[ibus] ult[ra] repris[as] x s[olidos] Et q[uo]d p[re]d[i]c[tu]m man[er]ium de Woodford cum p[er]tin[enciis] tenet[ur] de Joh[ann]e Copleston' Armig[er]o ut de man[er]io suo de Northle Et valet p[er] Annu[m] in om[n]ib[us] exit[ibus] ult[ra] repris[as] liij s[olidos] vij d[enarios] Set p[er] que s[er]vic[ia] tenet[ur] Jur[atores] p[re]d[i]c[t]i penit[us] ignorant. Et Jur[atores] p[re]d[i]c[t]i vlterius dicunt q[uo]d p[re]d[i]c[t]us Ric[ard]us Graynfild mil[es] nulla alia sive plura man[er]ia gran[gi]e ten[ementa] terr[as] [tenuit] de D[o]m[in]o Rege vel de aliquo alio in d[omi]nico rev[er]c[i]one sive in s[er]vic[io] die quo obijt in [next two words interlined] Com[itatu] p[re]dict[o] Et q[uo]d d[i]c[tu]s Ric[ardus] Graynfild miles obijt decimo octavo die marcij ultimo p[re]terito Et q[uo]d p[re]d[i]c[t]us Ric[ard]us Greynfild est eius consanguineus & heres p[ro]pinquior vi[delicet] fil[ius] Rog[er]i Greynfild defunct[i] [word or words illegible] heres p[re]d[i]c[t]i Ric[ard]i Greynfild milit[is] Et xv [icesim]o die Junij ult[i]m[e] p[re]t[er]iti idem Ric[ard]us Greynfild fuit etatis octo Annor[um] & non Amplius In cuius rei testimonium t[a]m p[re]d[i]c[t]us Escaet[or] q[ua]m Jur[atores] p[re]d[i]c[t]i p[re]sent[ibus] sigilla sua apposuerunt Dat[um] die Anno & loco primo p[re]script[is]:

[Translation of the above]: And furthermore the aforesaid jurors say that the aforesaid Sir Richard GRENVILLE, after the aforesaid will was made in writing and before his death, declared his further will orally, and not in writing, in the presence of Thomas ARUNDELL of Lee, esquire, and Walter SKYNNER and Richard BENNETT (who made oath to us on the sacred gospels at the taking of this inquisition, and were carefully examined by us the said jurors), [and this will] concerned certain lands and tenements in Woodford aforesaid in the county of Cornwall, in manner and form following, that is to say: that as litigation and strife had broken out before these times between the same Sir Richard GRENVILLE on the one side and the aforesaid John GRENVILLE his brother on the other, about and concerning the legal title to and possession of various lands and tenements with their appurtenances in Newton, Fauston, Cargurra, Dolland, Corry, Porruyn [Polruan] & Woodford in the same county of Cornwall, the same Sir Richard GRENVILLE declared, willed and gave all and singular the aforesaid messuages, lands and tenements with their appurtenances in Woodford aforesaid to the aforesaid John GRENVILLE, to hold to him, his heirs and assigns for ever, but on condition that if the aforesaid John GRENVILLE wished to make a satisfactory legal title before the feast of Easter then next following in respect of all the aforesaid premises in Newton Fauston Cargurra Dolland Corry & Polruan, in favour of the aforesaid Sir Richard GRENVILLE and his heirs, as is mentioned in the first codicil to the will of Sir Richard GRENVILLE himself, or if the aforesaid John GRENVILLE or his heirs at some other time then to come and successively - either before the said feast of Easter or after it - wished to bind themselves legally and in writing to Degory his brother and Thomas ARUNDELL of Lee, esquire, and their heirs, that they will make a satifactory title and guarantee concerning the aforesaid lands and tenements in Newton Fauston Cargurra Dolland Corry & Polruan to the aforesaid Degory GRENVILLE and Thomas ARUNDELL, to hold to themselves and their heirs to the use of Richard GRENVILLE their kinsman and the heirs of the aforesaid Sir Richard GRENVILLE and his heirs - then that will of the said Sir Richard GRENVILLE about the aforesaid lands and tenements in Woodford aforesaid [being given] to the aforesaid John GRENVILLE and his heirs should receive its force and remain in full effect, notwithstanding anything to the contrary in the first will. And the jurors aforesaid say further that the aforesaid Sir Richard GRENVILLE died before the making of the aforesaid guarantee and before the aforesaid feast of Easter. And they say also that the aforesaid John GRENVILLE is bound to the said Degory GRENVILLE and Thomas ARUNDELL by a satisfactory legal instrument, to make a competent guarantee concerning all the aforesaid premises in Newton Fauston Cargurra Dolland Corry and Polruan according to the substance of the aforesaid condition. And the jurors aforesaid say further that the aforesaid Sir Richard GRENVILLE before his death bequeathed and gave orally in the prescribed manner, to the aforesaid John GRENVILLE his brother, 30 pounds of legal English money in consideration and full settlement for the aforesaid lands and tenements in Newton Fauston Cargurra Dolland Corry and Polruan, to be paid to the same John, his executors or assigns, after the guarantee concerning the same tenements in Newton Fauston Cargurra Dolland Corry and Polruan, according to the will, as made and implemented, of the same Sir Richard GRENVILLE. And furthermore the jurors aforesaid say that the aforesaid Sir Richard GRENVILLE, by his deed bearing date the 20th March in the 37th year of the reign of King Henry the Eighth [1545/46], for and in consideration of the good and acceptable service to the aforesaid Richard GRENVILLE performed by Walter SKYNNER in times past, gave and granted to the aforesaid Walter SKYNNER an annuity or annual rent-charge of 40 shillings issuing from the manor of Kilkhampton aforesaid with appurtenances, as well as from all messuages, lands, tenements and other hereditaments with their appurtenances in Kilkhampton aforesaid and Stowe, to have, raise and receive annually the said annuity or annual rent-charge of 40 shillings to the said Walter SKYNNER for the term of his life, as more fully appears and is confirmed in the same deed shown to the said jurors in evidence before the taking of this inquisition. And the aforesaid Richard GRENVILLE by another deed bearing date the 10th day of March recently past, gave and granted to the aforesaid Walter SKYNNER, for his good service rendered, an annuity or annual rent-charge of 26 shillings and eight pence issuing from the manor of Tenyell aforesaid, to have, raise and receive annually the said annuity or annual rent-charge of 40 shillings to the said Walter SKYNNER for the term of his life, as appears more fully in the same deed similarly shown in evidence to the aforesaid jurors. And furthermore the jurors aforesaid say that the aforesaid Sir Richard GRENVILLE by another deed shown in evidence to the aforesaid jurors, dated 20 November in the third year of the reign of the present Lord King Edward the Sixth [1549], motivated by several considerations, gave and granted to a certain Richard LUCAS and Degory LUCAS one annuity or annual rent-charge of six pounds thirteen shillings and four pence issuing from all his messuages, lands and tenements in the parish of Kilkhampton in the said county of Cornwall, to have, raise and receive annually the said annuity or annual rent-charge of six pounds thirteen shillings and four pence to the said Richard LUCAS and Degory LUCAS for the term of their lives or the life of the longest liver, as by the same deed more plainly appears. And further the jurors aforesaid say that the aforesaid Sir Richard GRENVILLE by another deed similarly shown in evidence to the aforesaid jurors, bearing date the 10th day of October in the 31st year of the reign of King Henry the Eighth [1539], in consideration of the good and acceptable service to the aforesaid Richard performed by John APRISE in times past, and to be rendered later, gave and granted to the said John APRISE an annuity or annual rent-charge of 20 shillings issuing from a holding with appurtenances in Houndepytt, lying and being within the manor of Kilkhampton in the said county of Cornwall, to have, raise and receive annually the said annuity or annual rent-charge of twenty shillings to the said John APRYSE for the term of his life, as more plainly appears in that deed. And the aforesaid Richard GRENVILLE, by another deed shown to the aforesaid jurors in evidence, bearing date the 10th day of March in the fourth year just elapsed of the reign of our present King Edward the Sixth [1549/50], in consideration of the good and loyal service to the aforesaid Richard performed and carried out by Thomas NELE his servant, gave and granted to the same Thomas NELE one annuity or annual rent-charge of ten shillings issuing from all his lands and tenements situated and lying in the county of Cornwall, to have, raise and receive annually the said annuity or annual rent-charge of ten shillings to the aforesaid Thomas NELE for the term of his life as more fully appears by the same deed. And the aforesaid Richard GRENVILLE, by another deed similarly shown to the aforesaid jurors on the taking of this inquisition, bearing date the 12th day of March just passed in the fourth year of the reign of the present Lord King Edward the Sixth [1549/50], in consideration of the good and loyal service to the aforesaid Richard performed in the past and to be rendered later by his servant John BAWMAN, gave and granted to the aforesaid John BAWMAN one annuity or yearly rent-charge of 20 shillings issuing from the manor of Teynell with appurtenances in the said county of Cornwall to have, raise and receive annually the said annuity or annual rent-charge of twenty shillings to the aforesaid John BAWMAN for the term of his life, at the festivals of the Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary and St. Michael the Archangel in equal instalments, as by the same deed more plainly appears. And furthermore the jurors aforesaid say indeed that Roger GRENVILLE esquire, deceased, father of the aforesaid Sir Richard GRENVILLE, by his last will shown in evidence to the aforesaid jurors on the taking of this inquisition, gave and granted [next word illegible in tear] to Lewis LYPPYNGCOTT, then his servant, the office of bailiff of the manor of Kilkhampton aforesaid, together with fifteen shillings of annual rent-charge issuing from the same manor, for exercising, holding and keeping the said office, and for the aforesaid Lewis to receive the said annuity or annual rent-charge for the term of his life, as appears and is evident from the said will and by the inquisition after the death of the said Roger, [both] shown to us. And furthermore [they say] that [next word illegible] the aforesaid Sir Richard GRENVILLE in the aforesaid endorsement [next word illegible] of the codicil to his will gave and granted to John GRENVILLE his brother, all his interest in certain parcels of wood lying within the parish of Powghyll [Poughill] by the name of Heywood, which the same Richard had by a grant from the Abbot of Clyff, as is mentioned in the said endorsement. [And] the jurors aforesaid say that the aforesaid wood within the parish of Poughill aforesaid, so referred to by the aforesaid Richard GRENVILLE by the name of Heywood wood, is called Merewood and not Heywood, and is that wood which the same Richard GRENVILLE willed [by his codicil] to John GRENVILLE, his brother, and the said Richard held no other wood within the aforesaid parish of Poughill. And further the jurors aforesaid say that the aforesaid manor and burgh of Kilkhampton, and the demesne lands, and the advowson of the aforesaid church, are held of the Lord King by knight's service, as of his manor of Wynkeley [Winkleigh] in the county of Devon, in the Lord King's hands by reason of the acquisition from James AUDELEY, then Lord of Heleyht [Heighley or Heleigh Castle] of the said manor of Winkleigh with appurtenances by King Edward the Third, ancestor of the present Lord King, in the 27th year of his reign, to hold to himself and his heirs for ever. And the aforesaid manor and burgh of Kilkhampton, and demesne land, are worth annually in all profits after outgoings 62 pounds, three shillings, and six pence, And [the jurors say] that the said messuage with appurtenances in Tyttysmarsshe aforesaid is held of John COPLESTON esquire, as of his manor of Northlee, but by what services the aforesaid jurors are completely unaware, and are worth annually in all profits after outgoings thirteen shillings and four pence. And [they say] that the aforesaid advowson of the church aforesaid is worth nothing because it [i.e. the living] is occupied. And [the jurors say] that the aforesaid manor of Tenyell with appurtenances is held of the Lord King in chief by knight's fee and is worth annually in all profits after outgoings eight pounds. And [the jurors say] that the said twenty acres of arable land and ten acres of pasture and other premises with appurtenances in Newton aforesaid are held of Francis, Earl of HUNTINGDON, as of his manor of Trewaunt, in socage, and are worth annually in all profits after outgoings, thirteen shillings. And [the jurors say] that the said ten acres of pasture, ten acres of land, and other premises in Fauston aforesaid are held of Sir Gavin CARUE as of his manor of Trelight [but] by what services the aforesaid jurors are completely unaware, and are worth annually in all profits after outgoings, twenty shillings. And [the jurors say] that the said messuage, six acres of meadow, ten acres of land and other premises with appurtenances in Cargarrow [Cargurra] aforesaid are held of William REAPE esquire as of the manor of Tresparret [in St. Juliot] but by what services the aforesaid jurors are completely unaware, and are worth annually in all profits after outgoings five shillings. And [the jurors say] that the said messuage, 20 acres of arable land and other premises with appurtenances, and the aforesaid annual rent in Dowland and Corry aforesaid are held of Henry, Marquis of DORSET, but by what services the aforesaid jurors are completely unaware, and are worth annually in all profits after outgoings, twenty shillings. And [the jurors say] that the aforesaid messuages, two gardens and other premises with their appurtenances in Polruan aforesaid are held of Thomas HASTYNGES esquire as of his manor of Pengelly but by what services the aforesaid jurors are completely unaware, and are worth annually in all profits after outgoings ten shillings. And [the jurors say] that the aforesaid manor of Woodford [in Morwenstow] with appurtenances is held of John COPLESTON esquire as of his manor of Northle [Northlee in Morwenstow] and is worth annually in all profits after outgoings fifty-four shillings and seven pence, but by what services the aforesaid jurors are completely unaware. And the jurors aforesaid furthermore say that the aforesaid Sir Bernard GRENVILLE held no other or more manors, granges, lands and tenements of the Lord King or of anybody else in lordship, reversion or in service in the aforesaid county on the day when he died. And [the jurors say] that the aforesaid Sir Richard GRENVILLE died on the eighteenth of March last past, and that the aforesaid Richard GRENVILLE is his kinsman and closest heir, namely the son of Roger GRENVILLE deceased [word or words illegible] heir of the said Sir Richard GRENVILLE. And [the jurors say] that on the fifteenth of June last past the same Richard GRENVILLE was aged eight and no more. In witness of which matter both the aforesaid Escheator as well as the aforesaid jurors have applied their seals to these presents. Given on the day, year and place in these documents first above-written.
