


Deed of Sir Richard Grenville (1542-1591)

Written 16th March, 27 Eliz I (1585)

Provided by David Carter


The celebrated Sir Richard Grenville of Bideford (1542-1591) is not known to have left a Will.
However, before he left Bideford on his 1585 voyage to establish the first colony in America, he made the following indenture giving details of his lands, and what was to happen to them in the event of his death. Trustees were appointed to manage Grenville'' lands and property for the benefit of his wife Mary, in the event of his death. These trustees included some of the most prominent names in Devon & Cornwall.

In 2012, a transcript of this document was extracted by David Carter from the 1895 book on the Grenville Family by the Rev'd Roger Granville, and made available online because the original document did not appear to have survived.
However, in 2015 this document was discovered to be in existence in private ownership, possibly having been passed down an associated family line since the time of the Grenvilles in the 16th century. This original document was examined, and the following verbatim version of the full text has now been produced.

There are a number of (mostly insignificant) differences between the 1895 published version and the 2015 transcript, and many repetitive phrases were omitted, nevertheless it does suggest that different copies of this document were being examined. The location of the document examined in 1895 is therefore still unknown.

The document lacks punctuation, and the line-spaces and paragraphs shown in the text have been inserted by the transcriber to enable clearer reading..


This indenture, made tripartite the syxtenthe daye of March, in the seven and twentieth yere of the Raigne of our Sovraigne Ladie Elizabeth, by the grace of God, of England, France, and Irland, Queene, defender of the Faithe, etc.

Between Sir Richard GREYNEVILE of Stowe, in the countie of Cornwall, Knight, of the one parte, and Sir Walter RAWLY knight, Sir Arthur BASSETT, Sir Francis GODOLPHIN, Knights, Henry KILLIGREW, Richard BELLOW, John HEALE, Christopher HARRYS, esquires; Thomas DOCTON and John FACIE, Gents, of the other parte. Witnesseth that the said Sir Richard GREYNEVILE for diverse good causes and considerations hem (sic) espicialle moveing.

Hath given graunted and enfeoffed by these presents for hym and his heirs, doth give, grant, and enfeoffe unto the saide Sir Walter RAWLEY, Sir Arthur BASSETT, Sir Francis GODOLFIN, Henry GILLIGREW, Richard BELLEW, John HEALE, and Christopher HARRYS, Thomas DOCTON and John FACIE and their heires. All that his mansion howse and demayne landes of Stowe, lyinge and beynge within the parishe of Kilkehampton in the countie aforesaid. And all that the mannor of Kilkehampton, together with all the landes tenements and hereditaments rents reversions and service lyynge or beynge within the parish of Kilkehampton aforesaid. And also all that his mannors of Stratton in the Countie aforesaid together with all his landes, tenements, and hereditaments rents reversions and service lyynge or beynge in the parish of Stratton in the Countie aforesaid. And all that his mannors of Woodeforde in the countie aforesaid, together with one tenement called Berrage, and all other his landes, tenements, and hereditaments, rents, reversions, and service, lyynge or beynge within the parish of Morewenstowe in the Countie aforesaid.

And all those his two manners of Wolston and Wydemouth in the countie aforesaid. Togeather with all his landes, tenements, and hereditaments, rents, reversions, and service, lyynge or beynge within the parish of Ponnstocke in the Countie aforesaid and all that his part or portion of one bargayne or tenement commonlie called or knowen by the name of Treskerbyke in the parish of Gwynape in the countie aforesaid.
And all that his mannor of Swanacott and Wykeborough. Togeather with all his landes tenements and hereditaments lyynge or beynge within the parish of Saint Marie Weke, orelles where within the county aforesaide.
And also all that his mannor of Bediforde, and all his landes, tenements, and hereditaments rents reversions and service called Upcott lyynge or beynge within the parish of Bediforde in the countie of Devon.
And all that his mannor of Lytelham togeather with all his landes tenements and hereditaments, rents, reversions and service whatsoever, lyynge or beynge within the parish of Lytelham in the countie of Devon aforesaid.
And all that his manor of Lanchas als Lanchras, Togeather with all his lands, tenements and hereditaments rents reversions and service lyynge or beynge within the parish of Lanchas als Lanchras, orelles where within the countie of Devon aforesaid.
And also all that his mannor, territory or Iland commonlie called or knowen by the name of the Ile of Lundye within the precincte or libertie of the Countie of Devon aforesaid, and all other his lands tenements and hereditaments within the Realme of England.

To have and to hold all and singular, the foresaid manors landes tenements and hereditaments and all other the presmisses, with the appurtenances unto the said Sir Walter RAWLEY, Sir Arthur BASSETT, Sir Francis GODOLFYN, Henry KILLIGREW, Richard BELLEW, John HEALE, and Christopher HARRYS, Thomas DOCTON and John FACIE and their heires, To the onlie use and behouf of the said Sir Walter RAWLEY, Sir Arthur BASSETT, Sir Franncis GODOLFYN, Henry KILLIGREW, Richard BELLEW, John HEALE, Christopher HARRYS, Thomas DOCTON and John FACIE and of their heires and of the survivor or survivors of them for and during the term of the natural life of the saide Sir Richard GREYNEVILE. And that after the death of the saide Sir Richard GREYNVILLE The saide Sir Walter RAWLEY, Sir Arthur BASSETT, Sir Franncis GODOLFYN, Henry KILLIGREW, Richard BELLEW, John HEALE, Christopher HARRYS, Thomas DOCTON and John FACIE and their heires and the survivor and survivors of them shall stande and be seased of the saide mansion Howse and demesne landes of Stowe in the Countie of Cornwall, and also of the saide severall mannors of Kilkehampton, Woolston, Wydmouth, and of all landes tenements and hereditaments rents reversions and service lying or beynge within the severall parishes of Kilkehampton and Poundstock with all and singler the appurtenances in the saide Countie of Cornwall to the use and behoof of Dame Marie GREYNEVILE now wife of the said Sir Richard for and during the terme of her naturall life, if she shall so longe shall live sole and unmarried, in full recompence of the jointer or dower that the saide Dame Marie shall or maie anye waye claime or demannde after the deathe of the saide Sir Richard, of anye lands tenements or hereditaments whereof the said Sir Richard is, hath byn, or shall be seased of anye estate of inheritance, whereof the saide Dame Marie is or maie be dowable.

And that after her decease or if she happen to marie, then the said Sir Walter RAWLEY, Sir Arthur BASSETT, Sir Franncis GODOLFYN, Henry KILLIGREW, Richard BELLEW, John HEALE, Chrystofer HARRYS, Thomas DOCTON and John FACIE and the survivor and survivors of them and their heires and anie of them shall stande and be seised for and during the terme of twentie years to be accomp'ed frome the tyme of the deathe of the saide Sir Richard GREYNEVILE of all and singular the foresaid premisses with the appurtenances, whereof the use is before lymyted to the said Dame Marie to the use and intente of and for the payment of the detts, marriage of the daughters, and perforrmans of the will of the said Sir Richard GREYNEVILE according to the last will and testament of the saide Sir Richard, and after that to the use and behoofe of Barnarde GREYNEVILE sonne and heire apparente of the saide Sir Richard GREYNEVILE and of the heires males of the body of the said Barnarde lawfullie begotten.
And for defaulte of such issue then to the use of John GREYNEVILE second sonne of the saide Sir Richard and of the heires males of his bodie lawfullie begotten.
And for defaulte of suche issue to the use and behofe of the heires males of the bodie of the saide Sir Richard GRENNEVILE lawfullie begotten.
And for defaulte of suche issue, to the use of George GREYNEVILE of Penhale in the Countie of Cornwall esquire and of the heires males of his bodie lawfullie begotten.
And for default of such issue, to the use of Willm GREYNEVILE brother of the saide George GREYNEVILE of Penhale aforesaid and of the heires males of his bodie lawfullie begotten.
And for defaulte of such issue to the use of Nicholas GREYNEVILE and of the heires males of his bodie lawfully begotten.
And for default of suche issue To the use of Hu(m)frie GREYNEVILE brother of the saide Nicholas GREYNEVILE and of the heires males of his bodie lawfullie begotten.
And for defaulte of such issue, To the use of Arthur GREYNEVILE one other brother of the saide Nicholas GREYNEVILE and of the heires males of his bodie lawfullie begotten.
And for defaulte of such issue to the use of George GREYNEVILE one other brother of the saide Nicholas and of the heires males of his bodie lawfully begotten.
And for defaulte of such issue to the use of Thomas GREYNEVILE one other brother of the saide Nicholas and of the heires males of his bodie lawfullie begotten.
And for defaulte of such issue to the use of Degorie GREYNEVILE one other brother of the said Nicholas and of the heires males of his bodie lawfullie begotten.
And for defaulte of such issue to the use of the ryght heires of the saide John GREYNEVILE second sonne of the saide Sir Richard for ever.

And after the death of the saide Sir Richard GREYNEVILE, the saide Sir Walter RAWLEY, Sir Arthur BASSETT, Sir Franncis GODOLFYN, Henry KILLIGREW, Richard BELLEW, John HEALE, Christofer HARRIS, Thomas DOCTON and John FACIE and their heires and the survivor and survivors of them and their heires shall stande and be seized of the foresaide mannor of Lanchas alias Lanchras, in the County of Devon, and of all the other aforesaid landes rents and hereditaments, rents reversions and services, lyynge or beynge in the parish of Lancras als Lanchras aforesaid. And of all those landes, rents and hereditaments commonlie called or knowen by the name of Upcott lyynge or beynge within the parish of Byddeford aforesaid. And also of the saide mannor, territorys or Iland of Londye aforesaid, with all and singler the appurtenances for and during the term of twentie years, to the use and intente of and for the payment of the detts marriage of the daughters and performance of the will of the saide Sir Richard GREYNVILE, according to the last will and testament of the said Sir Richard, and after that to the use of the saide John GREYNEVILE second sonne of the saide Sir Richard, and of the heires, males of his bodie lawfullie begotten. And for defaulte, etc, to the use of the saide Barnarde GREYNEVILE eldest sonne of the said Sir Richard, and heires males of his bodie lawfullie begotten, The remayndre to the use of the heires males of the bodie of the saide Sir Richard GREYNEVILE lawfullie begotten.
And for defaulte of suche issue then to the use and behoof of the saide George GREYNEVILE of Penheale and of the heires males of his bodie lawfullie begotten.
And for defaulte of suche issue to the use of the saide Willm GREYNEVILE and of the heires males of his bodie lawfullie begotten.
And for defaulte of suche issue to the use of the saide Nicholas GREYNEVILE and of the heires males of his bodie lawfullie begotten.
And for defaulte of such issue then to the use of the said Hu(m)frie GREYNEVILE and of the heires males of his bodie lawfully begotten.
And for defaulte of such issue then to the use of the said Arthur GREYNEVILE and of the heires males of his bodie lawfullie begotten.
And for defaulte of such issue, To the use of the said George GREYNEVILE brother of the said Nicholas and of the heires males of his bodie lawfullie begotten.
And for defaulte of such issue, To the use of the saide Thomas GREYNEVILE and of the heires males of his bodie lawfullie begotten.
And for defaulte of such issue, to the use of the said Degorie GREYNEVILE and of the heires males of his bodie lawfullie begotten.
And for defaulte of such issue, to the use of the right heires of the saide John GREYNEVILE for ever.

And of all the residew of the foresaide mannors, lordshipps, lands, ten(emen)ts and hereditaments rents reversions, and service, and all other the premissses with the appurtenances lying or beynge within the said Countie of Cornwall, whereof there is no use before lymited to the saide Dame Marie, and also the saide mannor of Bediford and Littleham and all other the premisses before specified with the appurtenances lyynge or beynge within the saide Countie of Devon orelles where within the Realme of England, whereof there is use in taile before lymited the saide Sir Walter RAWLE, Sir Arthur BASSET, Sir Franncis GODOLFYN, Henry KILLIGREW, Richard BELLEW, John HEALE, Christofer HARRIS, Thomas DOCTON and John FACIE and their heires, and the survivor and survivors of them, and his and there heires shall stand and be seased of the same for and duringe the terme twentie yeres next after the death of the saide Sir Richard GREYNEVILE. To the use and intente of and for the payment of the detts marriage of the daughters and p(er)formans of the will of the saide Sir Richard GREYNEVILE, accordinge to the last will and testament of the saide Sir Richard.
And after that to the use and behoof of the saide Barnarde GREYNEVILE and of the heires males of his bodie lawfullie begotten.
And for the defaulte of suche issue then to the use of the saide John GREYNEVILE seconde sonne of the saide Sir Richard and of the heires males of his bodie lawfully begotten.
And for defaulte of suche issue, then to the use and behoof of the heires males of the bodie of the said Sir Richard GREYNEVILE lawfullie begotten.
And for defaulte of suche issue, to the use of the saide George GREYNEVILE of Penheale, and of the heires males of his bodie lawfullie begotten.
And for defaulte of suche issue to the use of the saide William GREYNEVILE and of the heires males of his bodie lawfully begotten.
And for defaulte of such issue to the use of the saide Nicholas GREYNEVILE, heires and of the heires males of his bodie lawfullie begotten.
And for defaulte to the use of the saide Hu(m)frie GREYNEVILE and of the heires males of his bodie lawfullie begotten.
And for defaulte of such issue, to the use of the saide Arthur and of the heires males of his bodie lawfully begotten.
And for defaulte of suche issue to the saide George GREYNEVILE brother of the saide Nicholas and of the heires males of his bodie lawfully begotten.
And for defaulte of suche issue to the use of the saide Thomas GREYNEVILE and of the heires males of his bodie lawfully begotten.
And for defaulte of suche issue to the use of the saide Degorie GREYNEVILE and of the heires males of his bodie lawfully begotten.
And for defaulte of suche issue to the use of the right heires of the saide John GREYNEVILE for ever.

Provided nevertheless that if it shall happen the saide Sir Richard to die living, (ie: leaving) the saide Dame Mary and she to take or marie a seconde husband as aforesaid by reason whereof her estate use and interest to her lymyted in the premisses as aforesaid shall cesse and determine determyn.
That then the intente and full meanynge of the saide Sir Richard GREYNEVILE and of all the parties to these presents is that the saide Sir Walter RAWLEY, Sir Arthur BASSETT, Sir Franncis GODOLFYN, Henry KILLIGREW, Richard BELLEW, John HEALE, Christofer HARRIS, Thomas DOCTON and John FACIE and their heires and the survivor and survivors of them and his and there heires shall stand and be seized of all and singlar the foresaid premisses with the appurtenances, to the use and intente that the saide Dame Marie shall have and preyve unto of the said premisses yeurlie during her life the some of two hundred poundes of lawful Inglishe monye frome the tyme of her marriage so accomplished, To be paide her att the fourre fowre moste usuall daies or Feasts in the yere by geven portions in lew and recompense of her joynter and dower as aforesaid.

Provided alwayse and itt is covenanted graunted condescended and fullie agreyd by and betwene all the saide parties to these presents that if the saide Sir Richard GREYNEVILE att anye tyme or tymes duringe his naturall life by himselfe in his owne p(ro)per p(er)sonne or by anye other p(er)sonne or personns by him speciallie warranted or authorised by wrytinge under his hand and seale of armes att or in the saide p(ar)ishe church of Kilkehampton in the Countie aforesaid aforesaid in or upon any Sundaie or holidaie shall or do by upon speche or publication to the knowledge and understanding of seven or eight householders or inhabitants of the same p(ar)ishe require or demande of the saide Sir Walter RAWLEY, Sir Arthur BASSETT, Sir Franncis GODOLFYN, Henry KILLIGREW, Richard BELLEW, John HEALE, Christofer HARRYS, Thomas DOCTON and John FACIE or of there heires or of the survivor and survivors of them or of his or there heires the some of fyftie thousand pounds of lawfull Inglishe money. The w'th some shall not be to him then and there fullie satisfied contented and paide accordinge to his requeste or demande in that behalfe to be made as aforesaid.

That then and from thenceforth all and singlar estates uses conditions lymitations and other things before in these presents lymyted declared or expressed shall ceasse determine and be utterlie voyde and that from thencefourth the saide Sir Walter RAWLEY, Sir Arthur BASSETT, Sir Franncis GODOLFYN, and their heires and the survivor or survivors of them and his or there heires shall stande and be seised of all and singlar the foresaid premisses with the appurtenances to the onlie use and behoof of the saide Sir Richard GREYNEVILE his heires and assigns for ever. And to no other use intente or p(ur)pose anye thinge in these presents contayned to the contrarie in any wise not withstanding.

In witness whereof bothe the saide parties to these present indentures have Interchangeablie sett their seales. Given the daie and yere firste above wreten.

Signed: [Richard GR]EYNEVILE (Seal wanting).


Sealed and delyvred the daye and yere within wryten in the presence of those whose names are subscribed.
Phyllpp COLE
Degorie HENDY
John CASKPELL(?) [he might be John CAVELL]

16 Mar 27 Eliz 1584 [ie: 1584/85]
Sir R GRENVILLE Deed of Issue(?)




This document was written and signed on 16th March 1584/85. Sir Richard Grenville departed Plymouth with Ralph Lane on 19th May 1585, thus indicating that this document was produced as part of his preparations before departing on this voyage. Grenville left Bideford to sail to Plymouth with two of his ships: the Tyger and the Roebuck, so must have left shortly after this document was produced.
Although this document mentions Grenville's "Last Will and Testament", he is not known to have made such a document otherwise it would have been probated, and/or mentioned in his Inquisition Post Mortem. This document is therefore the closest we can get to understanding Sir Richard's last wishes.

Identification of the trustees:

Walter RAWLEY [RALEIGH] Kt (1554-1618)
Cousin to Sir Richard Grenville. He was instrumental in the English colonisation of North America, and was granted a royal patent to explore Virginia. Whilst the colonisation voyages were undertaken by Sir Richard Grenville, they are largely accredited to Walter Raleigh because he was instrumental in planning and financing some of these expeditions.

Sir Arthur BASSETT Kt (1541-1586)
A contemporary and cousin of Sir Richard Grenville through Lady Lisle (Honor Grenville). MP and Sherriff of Devon. Financed the South Sea Expedition undertaken by Grenville. Although he was appointed as a Trustee by Grenville in 1585, Bassett died just 1 year later, so was never called on to undertake this role.

Sir Francis GODOLPHIN Kt (1540-1608)
MP and High Sherriff of Cornwall, and Vice-Warden of the Stannaries from 1584 to 1603.

Henry KILLIGREW esq (1528-1603)
Lived in Falmouth. Diplomat and ambassador. Employed by Elizabeth I in Scottish affairs. Member of Parliament for Newport & Launceston in 1553, Saltash in 1563, Truro in 1571-2.

Richard BELLEW esq (1546-????)
Richard Bellew married Margaret St Leger, sister to Mary St Leger (wife of Sir Richard Grenville), so he was therefore Sir Richard's brother-in-law. The Bellew family are known to be in Braunton around this time, but no specific further information has been found about this person.

John HEALE esq (1543-1608)
A contemporary of Sir Richard Grenville, who also attended the Inner Temple in London so probably knew Sir Richard from a young age. MP for Exeter. Employed as King's sergeant at the trial of Sir Walter Raleigh.

Christopher HARRIS, esq
Of Radford, Plymouth. Grenville sold Buckland Abbey to Christopher Harris & John Hele in 1580 for £3400. Harris & Hele then sold the property on to Sir Francis Drake, so are believed to have acted as intermediaries in this respect. Christopher is also probably the son of Francis Harris and Phillipa Grenville (daughter of Thomas Grenville).

Thomas DOCTON gent (1548-1618)
An inhabitant in Hartland near to Kilkhampton and not far from Grenville's house at Stow, so was a landowning neighbour across the Cornwall/Devon County border. He came from an armigerous family and corresponded with the Arundell family. He owned considerable other lands throughout North Devon. Later became Town Clerk at Bideford.

John FACIE gent
A John Facie is mentioned in Sir Richard's Inquisition Post Mortem dated 1592.
There are John Facie Wills recorded in 1596 (senior) and 1604, both mentioned in Devon and Cornwall.
Very little else has been discovered about this person.

Identifying the signatories:

Thomas ROSCARROCK (1532-1587)
Of Pentire in St. Minver and Roscarrock in St. Endellion. In 1585 he was Sherriff of Cornwall. Related to the Grenvilles through Agnes Roscarrock, daughter of Sir Thomas Grenville (buried St Mary's Bideford).

Degorie TREMAYNE (1526-1601)
Of Collacombe. Born 1526 at Lamerton. The son of Thomas Tremayne and Phillipa Grenville, so therefore a sister to Sir Richard's father Roger Grenville.

Phyllpp COLE (1538-1596)
Philip Cole was a contemporary of Sir Richard. He lived at Slade in the parish of Cornwood, near Plymouth, and was the nephew of Thomasine Cole who was Sir Richard Grenville's mother. He also owned manorial lands at Dawlish, Brownscombe and Sidbury.

Degorie HENDY
No positive identification of this person has been possible, but a John Hendy is mentioned in the Inquisition Post Mortem for Sir Richard Grenville in 1592.

A. ARUNDELL (1550-????)
After the death of Sir Richard's father Roger Grenville, his mother Thomasine Cole, remarried to Thomas Arundell in 1545. Alexander was their oldest son, so he was therefore Sir Richard's half-brother.

Of Penhale in Cornwall, he was a cousin through Richard's grandfather: Richard Senr.

The signature of this person is not clear, but be might be the John Cavell mentioned in Sir Richard's IPM dated 1592.

Geo: GREYNEVILL (c.1557-1595)
Lived at Penheale in Cornwall. Became MP for Camelford in 1572, Weymouth in 1584, and Launceston in 1593. He was present at the IPM 1592 Sir Richard Grenville.