The Bideford and Okehampton railway of 1831
Trans. Devon Assoc. vol. 34 (1902), pp. 168-200.
Sir R. Lethbridge
Prepared by Michael Steer
The paper chronicles a project proposed in 1831 by a number of energetic community leaders and speculators to link the seaport of Bideford, the Bristol Channel and the Welsh coalfields with the north Dartmoor town of Okehampton and from there eventually to Exeter and Plymouth. The project proposal provides an interesting example of an early form of cost-benefit analysis designed to attract subscribers. The project after a lengthy battle, was not approved and rail travel did not arrive in Okehampton until 1874, another 34 years after this very early attempt at developing Devon's transportation infrastructure. Google with the Archive Organization has sponsored the digitisation of books from several libraries. The Internet Archive makes available, in its Community Texts Collection (originally known as Open Source Books), books that have been digitised by Google from a number of libraries. These are books on which copyright has expired, and are available free for educational and research use. This rare book was produced from a copy held by the New York Public Library, and is available from the Internet Archive.
Page | |
A | |
Acland, Sir Thomas Dyke, Bt | 184 |
Arnold, Mr George | 184 |
Arnold, Mr John | 184 |
Arnold, Mr William | 184 |
Ash, Mr John | 185 |
Atwill, Mr Thomas | 192 |
Authors (sic), Grace | 171 |
B | |
Bayly, Mr John | 197 |
Bell, Mr T C | 197-8 |
Benson, John Esq | 192 |
Bidder, Mr | 194 |
Boller, Mr John | 192 |
Bragg, W N | 198 |
Bray, William | 199 |
Bridgman, Mr V | 198 |
Brock, John | 171, 199 |
Brook, Mr William | 192 |
Brunel, Mr Isambard | 197 |
Buck, Lewis William Esq MP | 192 |
Budd, C | 198 |
Budd, Mr John | 184 |
Budd, Samuel | 171 |
Budd, Mr William | 184 |
Burd, J Marsh | 198 |
Burd, Mr William | 169-70, 198-9 |
Burden, J D Esq | 184 |
Burnett, Mr Thomas | 192 |
Burton, Charles Esq | 184 |
C | |
Cann, Mr | 171 |
Carpenter, Mr J | 198 |
Chamings, Thomas | 199 |
Chandos, Marquis of | 169 |
Chapple, John | 171 |
Clinton, Rt Hon Lord | 184 |
Coffin, ___ Esq | 191 |
Colling, H R | 198 |
Cook, Mr George | 192 |
Cory, Mr | 171 |
Croote, E | 198 |
Croote, William | 171 |
Cross, Francis Esq | 171 |
Crotch, James | 198 |
Crotch, John | 198 |
D | |
Day, Mr Henry | 184 |
Devon, Earl of | 195 |
Downall, Archdeacon, Ven J | 170, 198-9 |
Drake, Richard | 171-2 |
Drew, H | 199 |
Durant, Thomas | 171 |
Durant, William | 171 |
Durant, W K | 171 |
E | |
Eastman, P W | 199 |
Elizabeth I | 168 |
F | |
Fellowes, Hon Newton | 171 |
Ford, Mr John | 192 |
Fortescue, Rt Hon Earl | 192 |
Fulford, Mr R | 172, 198 |
Furse, Mr J H | 184 |
G | |
Gibbings, Mr | 199 |
Gill, Mr Thomas | 197 |
Glynn, Admiral RN | 192 |
Gostwick, Prideaux | 171 |
Gower, J | 198 |
H | |
Hamlyn, Mr J Calmady | 170, 197 |
Hamlyn, Shilston Calmady | 198-9 |
Handcock, Mr Hugh | 192 |
Hanford, Mr Edward | 184 |
Hawkes, Henry Esq | 185, 198-9 |
Heale, John | 171, 199 |
Hewitt, Mr | 199 |
Hocking, William | 171 |
Hole, Mr | 171 |
Hole, Mrs | 171 |
Hole, Rev George | 171 |
Honeychurch, Samuel | 171 |
Hooper, Mr John | 184 |
Hooper, Rowland | 171 |
Hopkins, Mr Rice | 197-8 |
Hopkins, Mr Roger, MICE | 170-2, 184, 186, 191, 193-4, 197, 200 |
Huxtable, Mr John | 185 |
J | |
Johnson, J T Esq | 184 |
L | |
Lacey, George | 199 |
Langmead, Mr | 199 |
Leathern, John | 171 |
Lemon, Sir Charles | 195 |
Lethbridge, Sir Thomas | 171 |
Ley, James Smith Esq | 191-2 |
Lock(e), Charles | 171, 198 |
Lopes, Sir Massey | 197 |
Lopes, Sir Ralph | 197 |
Luxmoore, Mr | 170 |
Luxmoore, Charles Esq | 171, 185 |
Luxmoore, Rev John | 199 |
Luxmoore, Solon Esq | 185 |
Luxmoore, Mr Thomas Bridgman | 169, 171, 185 |
M | |
Mallet, Hugh Esq | 172, 184 |
Medland, Robert | 171 |
Millett, H C | 172, 198 |
Mitchell, W P | 198 |
N | |
Newcombe, E M | 199 |
Newcombe, John | 199 |
Newton, H | 199 |
Nicol, Isaac | 198 |
Northcote, Sir Stafford Bt | 184 |
O | |
Oldham, Joseph Esq | 184 |
Orchard, William | 171-2 |
Owen, Thomas Esq | 184 |
P | |
Paddon, W | 199 |
Palmer, Rev John | 171 |
Pearse, E | 198 |
Pearse, Mr John | 171, 198 |
Pedlar, William | 171 |
Pendarves, Edward W W, MP | 195 |
Penruddocke, H, MP | 195 |
Perry, Richard | 199 |
Philips, Alexander | 171 |
Pitts, John | 199 |
Powsland | 171 |
Price, Mr Evan | 198 |
Prickman, Mr J D | 170-1 |
Pyke, George Esq | 171, 191 |
Q | |
Quick, John Esq | 171 |
R | |
Radcliffe, Mr Thomas Copleston Lopes | 197-8 |
Reddaway, J | 198 |
Rich, Mr Richard | 185 |
Rolle, Lord | 171-4, 178-80, 182, 184, 186-7, 189-92, 194 |
Rooker, Mr James | 198 |
Rotch, Thomas D | 195 |
S | |
Salter, John | 171-2 |
Sanders, Captain | 191 |
Savile, Mr Albany | 170, 172, 185, 199 |
Scawn, Mr | 199 |
Seaward, John | 171 |
Seymour, Charles | 199 |
Seymour, Henry | 195 |
Seymour, William | 199 |
Shilston, Mr | 172 |
Sibthorpe, Colonel | 168 |
Silifant, J | 199 |
Simmons, L | 199 |
Skinner, John | 171-2 |
Smale, Charles Esq | 192 |
Snell, Mr Anthony | 184 |
Snell, George | 171 |
Snell, Mr John | 184 |
Snell, Mr William | 184 |
Sparke, Mrs | 185 |
Sparkes, Joseph | 171 |
Stafford, Mr Thomas | 184 |
Stephenson, George | 168, 170, 194 |
Stevens, Thomas Moore Esq | 192 |
Stoneman George | 171-2 |
Sturt, H C Esq | 171 |
Sweet, Charles | 171 |
T | |
Tardew, William Esq | 191 |
Tattershall, J | 198 |
Templer, Mr George | 170 |
Terrell, Messrs | 198 |
Tickle, William | 171 |
Townshend, Mr | 199 |
Trelawney, Sir William Salusbury, MP | 195 |
Treliving, Mr | 199 |
Tucker, Mr Henry | 192 |
V | |
Vickery, Mr James (Vicary) | 192, 198 |
W | |
Weare, Richard | 171 |
Webber, Mr William | 171, 184 |
Wensleigh, Anthony | 171-2 |
Westcott, Joseph | 199 |
Western, Thomas | 171 |
Westlake, W C | 195 |
Wilcocks, Mrs Mary | 192 |
Wilcocks, Mrs T | 192 |
Wilkins, Anna | 171 |
Willett, ___ Esq | 191 |
Williams, Mr Frederick | 185 |
Williams, Mr William | 192 |
Wills, George U | 198 |
Woolcombe, Rev H | 199 |
Woollcombe, Captain John Morth | 169, 172, 184, 199-200 |
Woolcombe, Robert Esq | 177, 180 |
Wrey, John | 171 |
Wreyford, John | 171 |