




The Bideford and Okehampton railway of 1831

Trans. Devon Assoc. vol. 34 (1902), pp. 168-200.


Sir R. Lethbridge

Prepared by Michael Steer

The paper chronicles a project proposed in 1831 by a number of energetic community leaders and speculators to link the seaport of Bideford, the Bristol Channel and the Welsh coalfields with the north Dartmoor town of Okehampton and from there eventually to Exeter and Plymouth. The project proposal provides an interesting example of an early form of cost-benefit analysis designed to attract subscribers. The project after a lengthy battle, was not approved and rail travel did not arrive in Okehampton until 1874, another 34 years after this very early attempt at developing Devon's transportation infrastructure. Google with the Archive Organization has sponsored the digitisation of books from several libraries. The Internet Archive makes available, in its Community Texts Collection (originally known as Open Source Books), books that have been digitised by Google from a number of libraries. These are books on which copyright has expired, and are available free for educational and research use. This rare book was produced from a copy held by the New York Public Library, and is available from the Internet Archive.


Acland, Sir Thomas Dyke, Bt184
Arnold, Mr George184
Arnold, Mr John184
Arnold, Mr William184
Ash, Mr John185
Atwill, Mr Thomas192
Authors (sic), Grace171
Bayly, Mr John197
Bell, Mr T C197-8
Benson, John Esq192
Bidder, Mr194
Boller, Mr John192
Bragg, W N198
Bray, William199
Bridgman, Mr V198
Brock, John171, 199
Brook, Mr William192
Brunel, Mr Isambard197
Buck, Lewis William Esq MP192
Budd, C198
Budd, Mr John184
Budd, Samuel171
Budd, Mr William184
Burd, J Marsh198
Burd, Mr William169-70, 198-9
Burden, J D Esq184
Burnett, Mr Thomas192
Burton, Charles Esq184
Cann, Mr171
Carpenter, Mr J198
Chamings, Thomas199
Chandos, Marquis of169
Chapple, John171
Clinton, Rt Hon Lord184
Coffin, ___ Esq191
Colling, H R198
Cook, Mr George192
Cory, Mr171
Croote, E198
Croote, William171
Cross, Francis Esq171
Crotch, James198
Crotch, John198
Day, Mr Henry184
Devon, Earl of195
Downall, Archdeacon, Ven J170, 198-9
Drake, Richard171-2
Drew, H199
Durant, Thomas171
Durant, William171
Durant, W K171
Eastman, P W199
Elizabeth I168
Fellowes, Hon Newton171
Ford, Mr John192
Fortescue, Rt Hon Earl192
Fulford, Mr R172, 198
Furse, Mr J H184
Gibbings, Mr199
Gill, Mr Thomas197
Glynn, Admiral RN192
Gostwick, Prideaux171
Gower, J198
Hamlyn, Mr J Calmady170, 197
Hamlyn, Shilston Calmady198-9
Handcock, Mr Hugh192
Hanford, Mr Edward184
Hawkes, Henry Esq185, 198-9
Heale, John171, 199
Hewitt, Mr199
Hocking, William171
Hole, Mr171
Hole, Mrs171
Hole, Rev George171
Honeychurch, Samuel171
Hooper, Mr John184
Hooper, Rowland171
Hopkins, Mr Rice197-8
Hopkins, Mr Roger, MICE170-2, 184, 186, 191, 193-4, 197, 200
Huxtable, Mr John185
Johnson, J T Esq184
Lacey, George199
Langmead, Mr199
Leathern, John171
Lemon, Sir Charles195
Lethbridge, Sir Thomas171
Ley, James Smith Esq191-2
Lock(e), Charles171, 198
Lopes, Sir Massey197
Lopes, Sir Ralph197
Luxmoore, Mr170
Luxmoore, Charles Esq171, 185
Luxmoore, Rev John199
Luxmoore, Solon Esq185
Luxmoore, Mr Thomas Bridgman169, 171, 185
Mallet, Hugh Esq172, 184
Medland, Robert171
Millett, H C172, 198
Mitchell, W P198
Newcombe, E M199
Newcombe, John199
Newton, H199
Nicol, Isaac198
Northcote, Sir Stafford Bt184
Oldham, Joseph Esq184
Orchard, William171-2
Owen, Thomas Esq184
Paddon, W199
Palmer, Rev John171
Pearse, E198
Pearse, Mr John171, 198
Pedlar, William171
Pendarves, Edward W W, MP195
Penruddocke, H, MP195
Perry, Richard199
Philips, Alexander171
Pitts, John199
Price, Mr Evan198
Prickman, Mr J D170-1
Pyke, George Esq171, 191
Quick, John Esq171
Radcliffe, Mr Thomas Copleston Lopes197-8
Reddaway, J198
Rich, Mr Richard185
Rolle, Lord171-4, 178-80, 182, 184, 186-7, 189-92, 194
Rooker, Mr James198
Rotch, Thomas D195
Salter, John171-2
Sanders, Captain191
Savile, Mr Albany170, 172, 185, 199
Scawn, Mr199
Seaward, John171
Seymour, Charles199
Seymour, Henry195
Seymour, William199
Shilston, Mr172
Sibthorpe, Colonel168
Silifant, J199
Simmons, L199
Skinner, John171-2
Smale, Charles Esq192
Snell, Mr Anthony184
Snell, George171
Snell, Mr John184
Snell, Mr William184
Sparke, Mrs185
Sparkes, Joseph171
Stafford, Mr Thomas184
Stephenson, George168, 170, 194
Stevens, Thomas Moore Esq192
Stoneman George171-2
Sturt, H C Esq171
Sweet, Charles171
Tardew, William Esq191
Tattershall, J198
Templer, Mr George170
Terrell, Messrs198
Tickle, William171
Townshend, Mr199
Trelawney, Sir William Salusbury, MP195
Treliving, Mr199
Tucker, Mr Henry192
Vickery, Mr James (Vicary)192, 198
Weare, Richard171
Webber, Mr William171, 184
Wensleigh, Anthony171-2
Westcott, Joseph199
Western, Thomas171
Westlake, W C195
Wilcocks, Mrs Mary192
Wilcocks, Mrs T192
Wilkins, Anna171
Willett, ___ Esq191
Williams, Mr Frederick185
Williams, Mr William192
Wills, George U198
Woolcombe, Rev H199
Woollcombe, Captain John Morth169, 172, 184, 199-200
Woolcombe, Robert Esq177, 180
Wrey, John171
Wreyford, John171