Charles Kingsley
New York: Thomas Whittaker (1890), pp. ix, 103.
Rev. James J. Ellis
Prepared by Michael Steer
Kingsley was born in Holne, the elder of two sons of the Reverend Charles Kingsley and his wife Mary Lucas Kingsley. His brother, Henry Kingsley, also became a novelist. He spent his childhood in Clovelly, where his father was Curate 1826–1832 and Rector 1832–1836, at Barnack, Northamptonshire and was educated at Bristol Grammar School and Helston Grammar School before studying at King's College London, and the University of Cambridge. He was a broad church priest of the Church of England, a university professor, historian and novelist. He is particularly associated with the West Country and northeast Hampshire. He was a friend and correspondent with Charles Darwin. The Internet Archive makes available, in its Community Texts Collection (originally known as Open Source Books), books that have been digitised by Google from a number of libraries. These are books on which copyright has expired, and are available free for educational and research use. This rare book was produced from a copy held by the Princeton University Library, and is available from HathiTrust.
Page | |
A | |
Albert, Prince Consort | 63, 69-70 |
Arnold, Dr | 21 |
B | |
Beaconsfield, Lord | 6 |
Borrow, George | 83 |
Brooke, Rajah | 50 |
Bunyan, John | 54 |
Burke | 44 |
C | |
Campbell | 21 |
Carlyle, Jane Welsh | 2 |
Carlyle, Thomas | 35, 79 |
Casalis | 59 |
Cecil, Richard | 52 |
Chrysostom, St John | 23 |
Cobden | 23 |
Coleridge | 1, 33, 82 |
Constable | 5 |
Cooper, Thomas | 21, 24-30, 99 |
Cowper, Mr | 28 |
Cruden | 37 |
D | |
Dale, Dr | 55 |
Dante | 14, 82 |
Dowding | 72 |
E | |
Eliot, George | 36 |
Erskine, Judge | 43 |
Eyre | 79 |
F | |
Foster, John | 14, 33 |
Frank | 98 |
Frith | 86 |
G | |
George IV | 82 |
Gibbon | 75 |
Gladstone, Mr | 83 |
Goldsmith | 56 |
Gordon, Sir Arthur | 79, 82-3 |
Grant, General | 15 |
Grenfell, Fanny | 17 |
Grenville, Sir Richard | 63 |
H | |
Hannington | 53 |
Henry VIII | 23 |
Herbert, George | 56 |
Hooker | 90-1 |
Howard, John | iv |
J | |
Jaeger, Dr | 17 |
Jewsbury, Miss | 2 |
Johnson, Dr | 1, 12, 44, 57 |
K | |
Kingsley, Charles | throughout |
Kingsley, Charles snr | 4-6 |
L | |
Latimer, Hugh | iv, 23, 91 |
Lawrence, Lord | iv |
Lincoln, Abraham | iv |
Livesay, Joseph | 52 |
Livingstone, David | iv |
Longfellow | 14, 41, 48, 72 |
Luther, Martin | 65 |
M | |
Macdonald, George | 91 |
Manning, Cardinal | 96 |
Martin | 100 |
Mathews | 16 |
Maurice, F D | 18, 91 |
Monad | 86 |
Montgomery | 89 |
Motley | 65 |
N | |
Napier | 17 |
Napoleon | 79-80 |
Nelson | 53 |
Newman, Cardinal | 74-5 |
P | |
Palmerston, Lord | 65 |
Pollock | 10 |
Prǣtoria | 82 |
Pusey | 72 |
R | |
Rawson, George | 46 |
Robinson, John | 46 |
Ruskin | 9 |
S | |
Salterne | 98 |
Schiller | 103 |
Scott, Sir Walter | 33, 35 |
Selwyn, Bishop | 50 |
Shaftesbury, Lord | 61-2, 65 |
Shakespeare | 59 |
Spurgeon | 72 |
Stael, Madame de | 51 |
Stanley, Henry Morton | iv, 15, 86, 102 |
Stead, Mr | 96 |
Stowe, Mrs Beecher | 54 |
Strauss | 27, 36 |
T | |
Thackeray | 51 |
Thurnall, Thomas | 100 |
Trench | 21 |
Tupper | 67 |
Turner | 41, 93 |
Twiss, Horace | 23 |
Tyndale, William | iv |
V | |
Vavasour | 100 |
Victoria, Queen | 63, 70 |
W | |
Wales, Prince & Princess | 72, 85 |
Wellington | 75 |
Wesley | 101 |
Whewell, Dr | 77 |
Whittaker, Thomas | 52 |
Woolner | 103 |
Wordsworth | 59 |
Wylie, Sir James | 56, 94-5 |