Will of Isaac Byers, of Bideford
Proved 25 February 1801
© Crown Copyright
PROB 11/1353, Records of the Prerogative Court of Canterbury, Abercrombie Quire Numbers: 60 - 113
Transcribed by Ros Dunning
In the Name of God Amen I Isaac Byers of Bideford in the County of Devon do make and ordain this to be my last Will and Testament in manner and form following first after all my just Debts are Paid I give and bequeath to my Wife Ann Byers the sum of six hundred pounds Sterling not including the sum of two hundred pounds received by me from the Executors of her Brother Richard Hoare which is also hers and belonging to her so that in this w.... she will receive the sum of Eight hundred pounds And also all my Household ffurniture except such as may hereafter be specified to be given to the children Secondly I give and bequeath to my Brother John Byers of London the sum of sixty pounds Sterling thirdly I desire and it is my Will that the rest and residue of my Property may be equally divided by my Children James Broff Byers to whom I also give a Silver Tankard known by the name of James' Tankard John Sparks Byers to whom I also give a large Silver Waiter and to Mary Ann Byers to whom I also give a Silver Tea Pot and stand and to Richard Hoare Byers to whom I desire he may have the two large Silver Spoons given him by his Uncle and Godfather Richard Hoare and Robert Walter Byers a large Silver soop Ladle to be by them kept as a Token of Respect to a ffather now it is my Will and desire that after the sum of eight hundred pounds is paid to my Wife Ann Byers And the Sum of sixty pounds is paid to my Brother John Byers that the rest and residue may be equally divided amongst my five children James Broff Byers John Sparks Byers Mary Ann Byers Richard Hoare Byers and Robert Walter Byers and in the event of the death of either the above named Children that the portion of such Child or Children may be divided by the Surviving Children And I Appoint my Wife Ann Byers Sparks Hoare Esq her Brother my Brother John Byers and Robert Broff Esq now Governor of ffort Malbro in the East Indies to be Guardians and Trustees to the said five children And I do hereby nominate constitute and appoint my Wife Ann Byers Sparks Hoare Esq Mr John Byers and Robert Broff Esq to be Executors of this my last Will and Testament declaring this to be my only Will and Testament and written by my own hand this Twentieth day of ffebruary in the Year of our Lord One thousand seven hundred and ninety seven Isaac Byers
(Attestation Clause)
Jno Chelvand(?)
Proved at London 25 February 1801