


Name Index


Pat Slade: Bideford in Old Photographs

Sutton Publishing Limited (1996)

prepared by

Dick Glover <dick.glover[at]virgin[dot]net>

Abbott, Miss: founder of private school later known as Westbank, 23
Abell, Anne: Westbank Prep School photo 1954, 101
Ackland, Jean: presentation of coronation mugs, Geneva school 1937, 105
Adams, Dot: Bridgeland House Parents Educational Union School 1928, 102
Adams, Gerald: Church Lads Brigade 1947/8, 103
Adams, Peter: Bideford Grammar School photo 1947/8, 103; Church Lads Brigade 1947/8, 103
Alford, Robert James: died 8 April 1912 aged 17, 84
Andrew, Christine: Westbank Prep School photo 1954, 101
Ashplant, unknown: Bridgeland House Parents Educational Union School 1928, 102
Ashworth, Edward: architect of St Mary's around 1860, 43
Backway, Mrs Ann: Publican at Torridge Inn, 40
Backway, R J: 1938, 76
Backway, unknown: Southern National Riverside Works 1929 (Bus Company), 115
Backway, William: Publican at Torridge Inn, 40
Baker, Douglas: 1935, School picture, 51
Baker, Fred: Southern National Riverside Works 1929 (Bus Company), 115
Baker, unknown: Geneva School photo 1925, 106
Banbury, Bill: Southern National Riverside Works 1929 (Bus Company), 115
Banham, Joanne: Westbank Prep School photo 1954, 101
Barron, Hilary: Westbank Prep School photo 1954, 101
Bartlett, unknown: Bideford Grammar School photo 1947/8, 103
Bazeley, H R: Mayor 1909, 61
Beer, Audrey: East the Water Radio Dance 1936/7, 119
Beer, B: 1935 or 1937 East-the-Water Coronation or Jubilee Committee, 117; Bideford Grammar School 1st XI 1947/8, 109; Torridge Street 1935 or 1937, 120
Beer, Billy: school playground East the Water 1935, 123
Beer, Kenny: Bideford Grammar School Colts, 1946/7, 108
Beer, Mr: East the Water Radio Dance 1936/7, 119; school playground East the Water 1935, 123
Beer, Mrs: East the Water Radio Dance 1936/7, 119; school playground East the Water 1935, 123; Torrington Street, East the Water, either 1935 or 1937, 118
Beer, Mrs B: East the Water Radio Dance 1936/7, 119
Beer, Rodney: Bideford Grammar School Colts, 1946/7, 108; Church Lads Brigade 1947/8, 103
Bennett, Desmond: Bideford Grammar School Colts, 1946/7, 108; Bideford Grammar School photo 1947/8, 103
Berry, James: 1870, 116
Berry, Mrs James, 116
Bidgway, Derek: Church Lads Brigade 1947/8, 103
Bierbaum, Jane: Westbank Prep School photo 1954, 101
Bird, 'Oiseaux': Bideford Grammar School 1st XI 1947/8, 109; Bideford Grammar School photo 1947/8, 103
Bird, Freda: Jubilee Party East the Water 1935, 122; school playground East the Water 1935, 123
Bird, Jill: East the Water Radio Dance 1936/7, 119; Jubilee party at Torrington Street 1935, 121; Jubilee Party East the Water 1935, 122
Bird, M: Bideford Grammar School 1st XI 1947/8, 109
Bird, Mrs F: East the Water Radio Dance 1936/7, 119; Jubilee party at Torrington Street 1935, 121
Bird, Mrs Freda: Torrington Street, East the Water, either 1935 or 1937, 118
Bird, R: Bideford Grammar School 1st XI 1947/8, 109
Bissett, Freda: presentation of coronation mugs, Geneva school 1937, 105
Blackmore, Bill: Bideford Amateur Rowing Club, winners of Orr Ewing Challenge Cup 1905, 107
Blackmore, Claudine: Jubilee Party East the Water 1935, 122
Blackmore, J: Bideford Amateur Rowing Club, winners of Orr Ewing Challenge Cup 1905, 107
Blackmore, Michael: Jubilee Party East the Water 1935, 122
Blackmore, Mrs: Torrington Street, East the Water, either 1935 or 1937, 118
Bloyce, Basil, 125
Bond, Neil: Employees of Elliott's Garage 1907, 113
Bond, unknown: Geneva School photo 1925, 106
Bonetta, Jean: East the Water Radio Dance 1936/7, 119; Jubilee party at Torrington Street 1935, 121; Jubilee Party East the Water 1935, 122
Bonetta, Marion: East the Water Radio Dance 1936/7, 119
Bonetta, Michael: Bideford Grammar School 1st XI 1947/8, 109; Bideford Grammar School Colts, 1946/7, 108; Bideford Grammar School photo 1947/8, 103; Church Lads Brigade 1947/8, 103; East the Water Radio Dance 1936/7, 119
Bonetta, T: Bideford Grammar School 1st XI 1947/8, 109
Bonetta, Tom: Bideford Grammar School Colts, 1946/7, 108
Borwick, G J: candidate for Barnstaple election 1910, 82
Bowden, J: crew of BACC skiff 1951, 88
Bowden, Mrs: 1935 or 1937 East-the-Water Coronation or Jubilee Committee, 117; Jubilee party at Torrington Street 1935, 121; Torrington Street, East the Water, either 1935 or 1937, 118
Bowden, Mrs M: 1968, 83
Bowden, S: prize winner at Bideford Amateur Athletics Club marathon April 1909, 107
Boys, David: Publican at Torridge Inn, 40
Braddick, Carole: Westbank Prep School photo 1954, 101, 102
Branch, 'Bronco': Southern National Riverside Works 1929 (Bus Company), 115
Branch, Bernard, 84
Braund, B V: 1938, 76
Braund, Cyril: Bideford hockey team 1930/1, 108
Braund, Ken: Bideford hockey team 1930/1, 108
Braund, Mrs, 93
Braunton, Beryl: Jubilee party at Torrington Street 1935, 121
Braunton, Cyril: Torridge Street 1935 or 1937, 120
Braunton, Doris: Torrington Street, East the Water, either 1935 or 1937, 118
Braunton, Muriel: Torridge Street 1935 or 1937, 120
Braunton, unknown: Torridge Street 1935 or 1937, 120
Bright, Percy: Southern National Riverside Works 1929 (Bus Company), 115
Broad, Police Constable: 1924, 81
Brogden, Mrs V: 1968, 83
Bromell, Mrs: Torrington Street, East the Water, either 1935 or 1937, 118
Broomhall, unknown: 1922, 111
Brown, Donald Milner: Westbank Prep School photo 1954, 101
Brown, John: Torridge Street 1935 or 1937, 120
Brunt, Sidney: Publican at Torridge Inn, 40
Budd, Alf: Southern National Riverside Works 1929 (Bus Company), 115
Burrow, H H: Radio Engineer, Bideford 1929, 27
Butler, Richard: Publican at Torridge Inn, 40
Causey, Mrs: 1935 or 1937 East-the-Water Coronation or Jubilee Committee, 117
Causey, Roy: Torridge Street 1935 or 1937, 120
Cawsey, G: crew of BACC skiff 1951, 88
Challis, Cyril: Geneva School photo 1925, 106
Clarke, 'Nobby': Bideford Grammar School photo 1947/8, 103
Cleverdon, Gwen: Bridgeland House Parents Educational Union School 1928, 102
Cloke, Charles: drove lorry over side of bridge in 1924, 80, 81
Cloutman, Gerald: Church Lads Brigade 1947/8, 103
Cluett, Bobby: Church Lads Brigade 1947/8, 103
Cole, Cyril: Geneva School photo 1925, 106
Cole, W, 84
Cole. Sid: Geneva School photo 1925, 106
Colwill, Bob: Bideford Grammar School 1st XI 1947/8, 109
Colwill, Jack: Bideford Grammar School photo 1947/8, 103
Colwill, Peter: Bideford Grammar School photo 1947/8, 103
Comer, Ernie: Geneva School photo 1925, 106
Copp, Christine: presentation of coronation mugs, Geneva school 1937, 105
Copp, Douglas: presentation of coronation mugs, Geneva school 1937, 104, 105
Cork, Lionel: Bideford Grammar School 1st XI 1947/8, 109; Bideford Grammar School photo 1947/8, 103
Cornelius, Richard: Bideford Grammar School photo 1947/8, 103
Cornish, Mavis: presentation of coronation mugs, Geneva school 1937, 105
Cosson, A E J: 1937, 90
Coster, unknown: Bideford Grammar School photo 1947/8, 103
Courtice, William: original pastor of Bible Christian Chapel 1844, 48
Cowie, Jack: Bideford hockey team 1930/1, 108
Cox, Mrs: 1952, 125
Daniel, Barbara: presentation of coronation mugs, Geneva school 1937, 105
Dark, Joan: presentation of coronation mugs, Geneva school 1937, 105
Davies, C: Bideford Grammar School 1st XI 1947/8, 109
Davies, John: Wealthy Bideford Merchant 1658, 33
Davies, The Rev Derwent: Church Lads Brigade 1947/8, 103
Davis, Charlie: Bideford Grammar School photo 1947/8, 103
Dawe, Hilary: Westbank Prep School photo 1954, 101
Day, Bobby, 84
Day, Mr sr, 84
Dinacombe, Sammy: Southern National Riverside Works 1929 (Bus Company), 115
Dingle (family): Grocers, 22
Dingle, Donald: son of Harry, now (1996) director of Dingle's Department Store in Plymouth, 22
Dingle, Harry: Grocer circa 1930, 22
Dipstale, C: prize winner at Bideford Amateur Athletics Club marathon April 1909, 107
Doherty, unknown: Bideford Grammar School 1st XI 1947/8, 109
Down, Tony: Bideford Grammar School photo 1947/8, 103
Eagles, Ken: Geneva School photo 1925, 106
Easterbrook, Sid: Southern National Riverside Works 1929 (Bus Company), 115
Ebsworthy, Cyril: presentation of coronation mugs, Geneva school 1937, 104, 105
Edwards, Gordon: Geneva School photo 1925, 106
Elliott: H W, 114
Elliott, Bert: aged 15, 113
Elliott, Mis W O, 114
Elliott, Mrs S, 94
Elliott, R S: Employees of Elliott's Garage 1907, 113
Elliott, Stan: aged 14, 113
Elliott, W H: Employees of Elliott's Garage 1907, 113
Elliott, WH: proprietor of Elliotts Garage circa 1904, 112
Elliott, William: Employees of Elliott's Garage 1907, 113
Ellis, Councillor: Mayor, Jubilee party at Torrington Street 1935, 121; school playground East the Water 1935, 123
Ellis, Lewis, 125
Ellis, Miss A: Lacemaker 1900, 100
Ellis, Mr: East the Water Radio Dance 1936/7, 119
Ellis, Mrs: East the Water Radio Dance 1936/7, 119; Mayoress, Jubilee party at Torrington Street 1935, 121; school playground East the Water 1935, 123
Ellis, Roy: Bideford hockey team 1930/1, 108
Ellis, W E: Mayor 1935, 89
Elston, Enid: presentation of coronation mugs, Geneva school 1937, 105
England, Esme: presentation of coronation mugs, Geneva school 1937, 105
England, Malcolm: Southern National Riverside Works 1929 (Bus Company), 115
England, unknown: Southern National Riverside Works 1929 (Bus Company), 115
Evans, Bobby: East the Water Radio Dance 1936/7, 119; Jubilee Party East the Water 1935, 122
Evans, Dolly: Jubilee party at Torrington Street 1935, 121; Jubilee Party East the Water 1935, 122; school playground East the Water 1935, 123
Evans, Graham: Jubilee Party East the Water 1935, 122
Evans, Mrs: East the Water Radio Dance 1936/7, 119; Torrington Street, East the Water, either 1935 or 1937, 118
Evans, Philip: Jubilee Party East the Water 1935, 122
Farleigh, J S: Grocer, Bideford 1900s, 30
Fluck, G W: Bookseller, Bideford 1900s, 28
Fogaty, Mr: Tobacconist in Bideford 1920s to 1940s, 24
Frayne, Jack: Southern National Riverside Works 1929 (Bus Company), 115
French, Eileen: presentation of coronation mugs, Geneva school 1937, 105
Frith, Jill: Westbank Prep School photo 1954, 101
Fulford, H W: Mayor 1944, 41
Fulford, Philip: Bideford Grammar School 1st XI 1947/8, 109
Fulford, Winsome: Bridgeland House Parents Educational Union School 1928, 102
Fursey, Anita: Westbank Prep School photo 1954, 101
Garnsey, Bill: Southern National Riverside Works 1929 (Bus Company), 115
Geary, Mrs: Torridge Street 1935 or 1937, 120
Geary. Mrs: Torridge Street 1935 or 1937, 120
Giddy, E: Bideford Grammar School 1st XI 1947/8, 109; crew of BACC skiff 1951, 88
Giddy, Eric: Bideford Grammar School 1st XI 1947/8, 109; Bideford Grammar School Colts, 1946/7, 108; Bideford Grammar School photo 1947/8, 103; Church Lads Brigade 1947/8, 103
Giddy, George: mace bearer 1906, 111
Giddy, Tommy: presentation of coronation mugs, Geneva school 1937, 104
Glover, Anita: Jubilee party at Torrington Street 1935, 121
Glover, Bill: Employees of Elliott's Garage 1907, 113
Glover, Joe: Bideford hockey team 1930/1, 108
Glover, Norman: Jubilee party at Torrington Street 1935, 121
Glover, T H: (of Abbotsham), builder of St Peter's 1880s, 44
Goaman, Mayor: school playground East the Water 1935, 123
Goaman, Mr, 84; Mayor 1937, 90
Goaman, Mrs: school playground East the Water 1935, 123
Goaman, W T: Councillor 1912, 67
Goodenough, W, 66
Gorrell, Nancy: Westbank Prep School 1951, 102; Westbank Prep School photo 1954, 101
Gorwyn, Mary Lambert: Westbank Prep School photo 1954, 101
Goss, Michael: Bideford Grammar School Colts, 1946/7, 108
Grant, Donald: presentation of coronation mugs, Geneva school 1937, 104, 105
Grant, John Henry: Publican at Torridge Inn, 40
Grant, Robert: Publican at Torridge Inn, 40
Granville, The Rev R, 46
Green, George: 1887, 116
Green, Lionel: Bideford Grammar School 1st XI 1947/8, 109; Bideford Grammar School photo 1947/8, 103
Green, unknown: Southern National Riverside Works 1929 (Bus Company), 115
Griffiths, Dolly: presentation of coronation mugs, Geneva school 1937, 105
Griffiths, M: crew of BACC skiff 1951, 88
Grimes, Mr: Clockmaker, Bideford 1886, 29
Gubb, Trevor: presentation of coronation mugs, Geneva school 1937, 104, 105
Gullick, Cyril: presentation of coronation mugs, Geneva school 1937, 104, 105
Harding, Arnold: Employees of Elliott's Garage 1907, 113
Harding, Barbara: presentation of coronation mugs, Geneva school 1937, 105
Harding, C S F: 1935, 89
Harding, Dennis: Bideford Grammar School Colts, 1946/7, 108
Harding, Doreen: Jubilee Party East the Water 1935, 122; school playground East the Water 1935, 123
Harding, Lilian: Jubilee Party East the Water 1935, 122; school playground East the Water 1935, 123
Harding, unknown: Bideford Grammar School photo 1947/8, 103
Harris, A: Southern National Riverside Works 1929 (Bus Company), 115
Harris, Connie: presentation of coronation mugs, Geneva school 1937, 105
Harris, J: crew of BACC skiff 1951, 88
Harris, John: 1935, School picture, 51
Harris, Mr F, 94
Harris, Mr W, 94
Hart, Mrs: Torrington Street, East the Water, either 1935 or 1937, 118
Hart, Oliver: Southern National Riverside Works 1929 (Bus Company), 115
Hartnoll, Jane: Westbank Prep School photo 1954, 101
Harvey, John: Bideford Grammar School photo 1947/8, 103
Harvey, Ken: Geneva School photo 1925, 106
Hatswell, Ted: Bideford Grammar School photo 1947/8, 103
Heal, Mr, 84
Heard, Harry: Employees of Elliott's Garage 1907, 113
Heard, Joe: Geneva School photo 1925, 106
Heard, Stanley: 1880s, Bideford, 33
Heard, Susan: Westbank Prep School photo 1954, 101
Hearn, Bob: staff of Elliott's Garage circa 1924, 114
Hearn, Emma: East the Water Radio Dance 1936/7, 119; Jubilee Party East the Water 1935, 122
Hearn, Mrs: East the Water Radio Dance 1936/7, 119; school playground East the Water 1935, 123; Torrington Street, East the Water, either 1935 or 1937, 118
Hearn, Rona: East the Water Radio Dance 1936/7, 119
Hearn, Valerie: Jubilee Party East the Water 1935, 122
Heath, Peter: Bideford Grammar School 1st XI 1947/8, 109
Helps, Miss Mary, 94
Herniman, G: prize winner at Bideford Amateur Athletics Club marathon April 1909, 107
Hewlett, Mr: Bideford Grammar School Colts, 1946/7, 108
Heywood, Sammy: Bideford hockey team 1930/1, 108
Hill, Gordon: Bideford hockey team 1930/1, 108
Hill, Miss: head teacher of Edgehill College for Girls 1945, 58
Hill, Miss E Cuthbertson: Headmistress at Edgehill College 1943, 99
Hoare, A: Bideford Grammar School 1st XI 1947/8, 109
Hockaday, Bob: 1935, School picture, 51
Hocking, Mr: East the Water Radio Dance 1936/7, 119; school playground East the Water 1935, 123
Hocking, Silas: novelist and Methodist, 1899, 47
Hogg (family): chemists in Bideford circa 1810 to 1903, 16
Holland, Gillian: Westbank Prep School photo 1954, 101
Holloway, Jack: presentation of coronation mugs, Geneva school 1937, 104, 105
Holloway, Tom: Church Lads Brigade 1947/8, 103
Hookway, 'Farmer': Southern National Riverside Works 1929 (Bus Company), 115
Hookway, Fred: 1935 or 1937 East-the-Water Coronation or Jubilee Committee, 117
Hookway, Margaret: Jubilee party at Torrington Street 1935, 121
Hookway, R T: architect of St Peter's Church 1880s, 44
Hooper, Bobbie: presentation of coronation mugs, Geneva school 1937, 105
Hooper, Bobby: presentation of coronation mugs, Geneva school 1937, 104
Hopson, Joan: Bridgeland House Parents Educational Union School 1928, 102
Houston, J A: Publican at Torridge Inn, 40
Hutchins, Susan: Westbank Prep School photo 1954, 101
Huxtable, Joyce: presentation of coronation mugs, Geneva school 1937, 105
Jeffery, Bill: Geneva School photo 1925, 106
Jeffery, Fred: presentation of coronation mugs, Geneva school 1937, 105
Jeffrey, Fred: presentation of coronation mugs, Geneva school 1937, 104
Jeffrey, Mrs Annie, 97
Jeffries, Leonard: Southern National Riverside Works 1929 (Bus Company), 115
Jeffries, Sam: Bideford Grammar School photo 1947/8, 103
Jenkins, Jimmy: Employees of Elliott's Garage 1907, 113
Jewell, John: Bideford Grammar School photo 1947/8, 103
Jewell, unknown, 84; Geneva School photo 1925, 106
Johns, Mrs: 1935 or 1937 East-the-Water Coronation or Jubilee Committee, 117; Torridge Street 1935 or 1937, 120; Torrington Street, East the Water, either 1935 or 1937, 118
Johnston, unknown: Bideford Grammar School Colts, 1946/7, 108
Jones, R: Bideford Grammar School 1st XI 1947/8, 109
Jordan, Mr W, 94
Keen, Albert, 125
Kelly, Arthur: staff of Elliott's Garage circa 1924, 114
Kelly, Bob: Church Lads Brigade 1947/8, 103
Kelly, unknown: Geneva School photo 1925, 106
King, Gordon: Geneva School photo 1925, 106
King, Sara: Westbank Prep School photo 1954, 101
Kingsley, Charles, 36, 38; author of Westward Ho!, 5
Kivell, F: 1935 or 1937 East-the-Water Coronation or Jubilee Committee, 117
Kivell, Mrs: East the Water Radio Dance 1936/7, 119; school playground East the Water 1935, 123
Kivell, Stan: Torridge Street 1935 or 1937, 120
Knight, Joyce: Jubilee Party East the Water 1935, 122; Torridge Street 1935 or 1937, 120
Knight, Mrs: East the Water Radio Dance 1936/7, 119; school playground East the Water 1935, 123
Labbett, Philip: Southern National Riverside Works 1929 (Bus Company), 115
Lake, A: Bideford Amateur Rowing Club, winners of Orr Ewing Challenge Cup 1905, 107
Lake, B: Bideford Amateur Rowing Club, winners of Orr Ewing Challenge Cup 1905, 107
Lambert, George: radical politician 1910, 21
Lamey, Cyril: Jubilee party at Torrington Street 1935, 121
Lamey, Mrs: Jubilee party at Torrington Street 1935, 121; Torrington Street, East the Water, either 1935 or 1937, 118
Lamey. Cyril: Torridge Street 1935 or 1937, 120
Lee, Arthur: Bideford Grammar School 1st XI 1947/8, 109
Lee, Geraldine: Westbank Prep School photo 1954, 101
Lee, John: East the Water Radio Dance 1936/7, 119; Geneva School photo 1925, 106
Lee, Rodney: Bideford Grammar School photo 1947/8, 103
Lee, unknown: Bideford Grammar School photo 1947/8, 103
Leeke, The Rev T Newton: Rector St Mary's 1911, 65
Lesslie, B: Bideford Grammar School 1st XI 1947/8, 109
Lester, Marie: East the Water Radio Dance 1936/7, 119; Jubilee Party East the Water 1935, 122
Lewis, J M: of Cardiff, co-sponsor of the Miles-Lewis Challenge Cup, 61
Lewis, Sam: Southern National Riverside Works 1929 (Bus Company), 115
Lile, J H: musician 1899, 47
Little (family), 124
Little, J: Bideford Grammar School 1st XI 1947/8, 109
Little, Jim: Geneva School photo 1925, 106
Little, Mr: school playground East the Water 1935, 123
Little, unknown: Southern National Riverside Works 1929 (Bus Company), 115
Lock, Bill: Bideford RFC 1st VI 1950/1, 109
Lock, Miss M, 94
Loughlin, Peter: Bideford Grammar School 1st XI 1947/8, 109; Bideford Grammar School Colts, 1946/7, 108; Bideford Grammar School photo 1947/8, 103
Madge, Ned: Bideford Amateur Rowing Club, winners of Orr Ewing Challenge Cup 1905, 107
Major, Bill: Southern National Riverside Works 1929 (Bus Company), 115
Manley, John: Bideford Grammar School photo 1947/8, 103
Manning, Rev: 1937, 124
Manning, unknown: Southern National Riverside Works 1929 (Bus Company), 115
Marshall, Jack: Southern National Riverside Works 1929 (Bus Company), 115
Marshall, unknown: Bideford hockey team 1930/1, 108
Matthews, unknown: Southern National Riverside Works 1929 (Bus Company), 115
May, J Lewis: Bideford author, 39
Metherell, J M: Mayor 1907, 62
Miles, S A: of Chicago, co-sponsor of the Miles-Lewis Challenge Cup, 61
Mill, Charles: Bideford Grammar School 1st XI 1947/8, 109
Mills, Bill: Geneva School photo 1925, 106
Mills, C: Bideford Grammar School 1st XI 1947/8, 109
Mills, Margaret: Torridge Street 1935 or 1937, 120
Mitchell, Eric: Bridgeland House Parents Educational Union School 1928, 102
Mitchell, Jack: presentation of coronation mugs, Geneva school 1937, 104
Mitchell, Jackie: presentation of coronation mugs, Geneva school 1937, 105
Montague, Dave: Bideford Grammar School 1st XI 1947/8, 109
Montague, David: Bideford Grammar School photo 1947/8, 103
Moore, Harry: Geneva School photo 1925, 106
Morgan, unknown: Southern National Riverside Works 1929 (Bus Company), 115
Morris, Charlie, 66
Morris, Mrs: East the Water Radio Dance 1936/7, 119
Morris, Mrs Margaret, 94
Morrish, Barbara: East the Water Radio Dance 1936/7, 119; Jubilee Party East the Water 1935, 122
Morrish, Mrs: school playground East the Water 1935, 123
Mounce, Derek: Bideford Grammar School photo 1947/8, 103
Mounce, Fred: Geneva School photo 1925, 106
Mules, S, 93
Nancekivell, Mr: Tobacconist in Bideford 1940s -?, 24
Nicholls, Bobby, 125
Nicholls, Jimmy, 125
Norman, Gerald 'Duke': Bideford Grammar School 1st XI 1947/8, 109
Norris, Bill: Southern National Riverside Works 1929 (Bus Company), 115
Northcote, Charles Henry: 1924, 81
Northcote, Fred: 1924, 81
Palmer, unknown: Geneva School photo 1925, 106
Parker, Ron: Southern National Riverside Works 1929 (Bus Company), 115
Parkhouse, S, 66
Peard, George Oliver: 1912, 67
Peto, Sir Basil: presented the Silver Ship to Bideford in about 1750, 42
Pickard, Joyce: Bridgeland House Parents Educational Union School 1928, 102
Pickard, unknown: Bridgeland House Parents Educational Union School 1928, 102
Pidgeon, Basil: presentation of coronation mugs, Geneva school 1937, 104, 105
Pierson, E: prize winner at Bideford Amateur Athletics Club marathon April 1909, 107
Piper, Charlie: Southern National Riverside Works 1929 (Bus Company), 115
Pope, Charles: Publican at Torridge Inn, 40
Pope, Mr: Church Lads Brigade 1947/8, 103
Pope, Mrs Ann: Publican at Torridge Inn, 40
Pope, Paul: Church Lads Brigade 1947/8, 103
Prance, R, 66
Prance, W: prize winner at Bideford Amateur Athletics Club marathon April 1909, 107
Preece, Mrs, 94
Priscott, S, 66
Prosser, unknown: Bideford Grammar School Colts, 1946/7, 108
Prouse, Harry: Southern National Riverside Works 1929 (Bus Company), 115
Prouse, Jack: presentation of coronation mugs, Geneva school 1937, 104, 105
Prouse, Mrs: Torridge Street 1935 or 1937, 120
Prust, Edna: presentation of coronation mugs, Geneva school 1937, 105
Prust, John: Geneva School photo 1925, 106
Puddicombe, W: prize winner at Bideford Amateur Athletics Club marathon April 1909, 107
Punchard, Philip: Publican at Torridge Inn, 40
Pyke, Mrs, 99
Pyke, The Rev R: School Bursar at Edgehill College 1943, 99
Pym, Hettie: school playground East the Water 1935, 123
Pym, Hetty: Bideford 1928, 13; East the Water Radio Dance 1936/7, 119; Jubilee Party East the Water 1935, 122
Pym, Mrs: East the Water Radio Dance 1936/7, 119; Jubilee party at Torrington Street 1935, 121; Jubilee Party East the Water 1935, 122; school playground East the Water 1935, 123; Torrington Street, East the Water, either 1935 or 1937, 118
Pym, Patsy: East the Water Radio Dance 1936/7, 119; Jubilee Party East the Water 1935, 122
Randall, Len: Geneva School photo 1925, 106
Reed, Reg: Bideford Grammar School photo 1947/8, 103
Reed, Rev W B, 110
Reed, The Rev Mr: politician 1910, 21
Renshawe, Ernie: staff of Elliott's Garage circa 1924, 114
Richards, unknown: Geneva School photo 1925, 106
Richardson, unknown: Geneva School photo 1925, 106
Roberts, Jean: presentation of coronation mugs, Geneva school 1937, 105
Robertson, Miss L, 93
Rogers, Brian: Bideford Grammar School 1st XI 1947/8, 109; Bideford Grammar School photo 1947/8, 103; Church Lads Brigade 1947/8, 103
Rogers, Claire: Geneva School photo 1925, 106
Salisbury, David: presentation of coronation mugs, Geneva school 1937, 104, 105
Sanders, Frank: Geneva School photo 1925, 106
Sawtell, Ray: Bideford Grammar School 1st XI 1947/8, 109; presentation of coronation mugs, Geneva school 1937, 104, 105
Sawtell, T: Bideford Grammar School 1st XI 1947/8, 109
Schillers, Joyce: Torrington Street, East the Water, either 1935 or 1937, 118
Schillers, Mrs: Jubilee party at Torrington Street 1935, 121; Torrington Street, East the Water, either 1935 or 1937, 118
Scoines, unknown: Geneva School photo 1925, 106
Sellick, Harold: Southern National Riverside Works 1929 (Bus Company), 115
Sherborne, unknown: Geneva School photo 1925, 106
Short, Stan: Geneva School photo 1925, 106
Shortridge, Derek: Jubilee party at Torrington Street 1935, 121; Torridge Street 1935 or 1937, 120
Shortridge, Jesse, 113
Shortridge, Katy: Torrington Street, East the Water, either 1935 or 1937, 118
Shortridge, Mrs: East the Water Radio Dance 1936/7, 119; Jubilee Party East the Water 1935, 122; school playground East the Water 1935, 123
Shortridge, Mrs Pam: Torrington Street, East the Water, either 1935 or 1937, 118
Shortridge, Pam: East the Water Radio Dance 1936/7, 119; Jubilee Party East the Water 1935, 122
Shute, A: prize winner at Bideford Amateur Athletics Club marathon April 1909, 107
Shute, Studley: presentation of coronation mugs, Geneva school 1937, 104, 105
Shute, Tommy: Southern National Riverside Works 1929 (Bus Company), 115
Slade, E: Bideford Grammar School 1st XI 1947/8, 109
Slade, Pat, 1
Slade, Trevor: Bridgeland House Parents Educational Union School 1928, 102
Smale, unknown: Bideford hockey team 1930/1, 108
Smith, unknown: Southern National Riverside Works 1929 (Bus Company), 115
Soares, E J, MP, 110
Spearman, Donald: Jubilee Party East the Water 1935, 122
Spearman, Gladys: Torridge Street 1935 or 1937, 120
Squire, Mr: Torridge Street 1935 or 1937, 120
Squires, Bert: Geneva School photo 1925, 106
Squires, Bill: Employees of Elliott's Garage 1907, 113
Stapleton, Len, 111; staff of Elliott's Garage circa 1924, 114
Stapleton, unknown: Bideford Grammar School photo 1947/8, 103
Stapleton, Wilf, 111; Bideford hockey team 1930/1, 108; Geneva School photo 1925, 106
Stedeford, Rev J B: 1910, 110
Stephens, Fred: Bideford Amateur Rowing Club, winners of Orr Ewing Challenge Cup 1905, 107
Stoneman, Ernie: Bideford Grammar School 1st XI 1947/8, 109; Bideford Grammar School photo 1947/8, 103
Stoneman, unknown: Bideford Grammar School Colts, 1946/7, 108
Strudwick, Winnie: Bridgeland House Parents Educational Union School 1928, 102
Stucley, H N G: Bideford Amateur Rowing Club, winners of Orr Ewing Challenge Cup 1905, 107
Summers, Ken: Geneva School photo 1925, 106
Symes, Leslie: Southern National Riverside Works 1929 (Bus Company), 115
Taylor, Gladys: East the Water Radio Dance 1936/7, 119; Jubilee Party East the Water 1935, 122; school playground East the Water 1935, 123; Torridge Street 1935 or 1937, 120
Taylor, Marjorie: East the Water Radio Dance 1936/7, 119; Jubilee Party East the Water 1935, 122; school playground East the Water 1935, 123
Taylor, Pam: East the Water Radio Dance 1936/7, 119
Taylor, Tom: 1935 or 1937 East-the-Water Coronation or Jubilee Committee, 117; East the Water Radio Dance 1936/7, 119; Jubilee Party East the Water 1935, 122; Torridge Street 1935 or 1937, 120
Thornton, Kate: Westbank Prep School photo 1954, 101
Thrupp, Mrs: Hon Sec of Girls Club, 40
Titchecott, Lily: Torridge Street 1935 or 1937, 120
Tithecott, Doreen: East the Water Radio Dance 1936/7, 119; Jubilee Party East the Water 1935, 122
Tithecott, Fred: Geneva School photo 1925, 106
Tope, Joanna: Westbank Prep School photo 1954, 102
Tovey, Fred: presentation of coronation mugs, Geneva school 1937, 104, 105
Trick, Gerald: presentation of coronation mugs, Geneva school 1937, 104, 105
Trickey, N: Bideford Grammar School 1st XI 1947/8, 109
Truscott, Sir George Wyatt: Lord Mayor 1899, 47
Tucker, Andrew: Geneva School photo 1925, 106
Tucker, Bill: staff of Elliott's Garage circa 1924, 114
Tucker, Margaret: Torridge Street 1935 or 1937, 120
Tucker, Mrs: Torridge Street 1935 or 1937, 120; Torrington Street, East the Water, either 1935 or 1937, 118
Turner, Mr: East the Water Radio Dance 1936/7, 119; Jubilee Party East the Water 1935, 122; school playground East the Water 1935, 123
Turner, Mrs: East the Water Radio Dance 1936/7, 119; school playground East the Water 1935, 123
Tyreman, Major: Abbotsham 1930s, 79
Vipond, Jennifer: Westbank Prep School photo 1954, 101
Wadey, John: Bideford Grammar School photo 1947/8, 103
Wadey, Percy: Bideford hockey team 1930/1, 108
Wakeley, Ivor: presentation of coronation mugs, Geneva school 1937, 104, 105
Waldron, Louis: Southern National Riverside Works 1929 (Bus Company), 115
Waldron, unknown: Bideford Grammar School Colts, 1946/7, 108; Bideford Grammar School photo 1947/8, 103
Walters, Jane: Westbank Prep School photo 1954, 101
Ward, Bill: Southern National Riverside Works 1929 (Bus Company), 115
Watkinson, Eric: Geneva School photo 1925, 106
Watson, D: Tobacconist in Bideford in 1980s, 24
Watts, Bill: Geneva School photo 1925, 106
Way, unknown: Geneva School photo 1925, 106
Webber, Dina: Westbank Prep School photo 1954, 101
Webber, Norman: Southern National Riverside Works 1929 (Bus Company), 115
White, Alan: Bideford Grammar School 1st XI 1947/8, 109
White, Annie, 97
White, E M: builder of St Mary's around 1860, 43
Whitlock, T: prize winner at Bideford Amateur Athletics Club marathon April 1909, 107
Williams, Garfield: Geneva School photo 1925, 106
Wills, unknown: Southern National Riverside Works 1929 (Bus Company), 115
Wilmott, Julie: Westbank Prep School photo 1954, 101
Witton, unknown: Geneva School photo 1925, 106
Woodcock, Arthur: Employees of Elliott's Garage 1907, 113
Woodcock, Bruce, 113
Woodyatt, E, 66
Woolf, Gerald: Bideford Grammar School 1st XI 1947/8, 109
Woolf, M: Bideford Grammar School 1st XI 1947/8, 109
Wrey, unknown: Geneva School photo 1925, 106
Wrigley, Jack: Southern National Riverside Works 1929 (Bus Company), 115
Yelland, David: Bideford Grammar School photo 1947/8, 103
Yeo, Dick: Bideford hockey team 1930/1, 108
Young, Betty: presentation of coronation mugs, Geneva school 1937, 105